Exemplary performance of home front workers at events. Scenario of a meeting with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers

Fatimet Takaho
Scenario of a meeting with veterans and home front workers

Goals: To instill a sense of pride in our ancestors who fought in the Second World War.

Cultivate a sense of patriotism for our Motherland. To expand children's ideas about military professions about the army about people who fulfill their duty to their native country, protecting its peace

Material: Museum exhibits, an exhibition of children's crafts, a folder folder

on the theme "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten."

preliminary work: Examination of illustrations about the Second World War, a conversation on the topic "how

the Second World War began", drawing on the theme "we do not need war", hearing

front-line songs, learning songs and poems about the war. Event progress.

Pre-arrange museum exhibits, crafts, children's drawings,

illustrations about the Second World War.

Vedas. "Back then, we weren't there. light" M. Vladimov

Back then we weren't there light

When fireworks rumbled from end to end.

Soldiers, you gave the planet

Great May, victorious May!

Back then we weren't there light,

When in a military storm of fire,

Deciding the fate of future centuries

You fought a holy battle!

Back then we weren't there light,

When you come home with a victory.

Soldiers of May, glory to you forever

From all the earth, from all the earth!

Thank you soldiers

For life, for childhood and spring,

For silence, for a peaceful home,

For the world we live in!

Guys, today guests from the Museum of Military Glory came to us. They brought

many interesting exhibits that were collected throughout our region.

Our guests will tell how it was and what exhibits are presented here.

Museum staff talk about the war, about the items that they brought with them.

Children are given the opportunity to look at the objects presented on the

exhibition, try on a military uniform.

Vedas. The victory was hard for him, many ordinary residents and soldiers died then.

1 child Congratulations veterans

Thank you for your deed and courage

Because you ended the war

For the fact that for the sake of us, the children managed

Reclaim a free country!

Vedas. Not everyone made it to victory. Let's observe a moment of silence for those who

died in this war.

(metronome sound)

Vedas. Dear guests, our children have prepared poems and songs for you.

2r. Only brave heroes

The joy of victory is given.

The brave strives for victory,

Bold way forward.

A bold bullet is afraid

Does not take a bold bayonet.

3r. Thanks to everyone who gave their lives

For native Russia, for freedom,

Who forgot fear and fought,

Serving the people you love.

Vedas. Our guys are also preparing to become defenders of the fatherland.

And now they will show you a military warm-up.

Children Our wars go one, two

The drums beat loudly tra-ta-ta

At sea, our ships are here today, there tomorrow

Proudly they swim on the seas, on the waves

Missiles are allowed to take off

Our tanks go tr-forward, tr-back

Our guns accurately hit boom, boom

Our army salute Hooray!

4r. We dedicate this song

Our fathers, our grandfathers.

Our beloved Motherland

Glory, glory on Victory Day.

Vedas. Our children are so eager to go to serve that they are already marching.

Song "Aty-baty"

5r. Glory to our generals

And ordinary soldiers.

Glory to the fallen and the living,

I thank them from the bottom of my heart!

Let's not forget those heroes

What lie in the damp earth

Giving life on the battlefield

For the people, for you and me!

Vedas. We are glad that honored guests came to us today.

It is time for us to say goodbye to them, but we promise never to forget the great feat that our great-grandfathers and grandfathers accomplished.

All children. Eternal glory to them!

Scenario of a meeting with WWII veterans, home front workers "Victory Holiday"

Vedas. 1 Good afternoon, dear friends! We were visited by people who endured all the hardships of a terrible war on their shoulders, went through a huge life path with joys and successes, losses and hardships. To you, our dear ones, we dedicate this meeting.

Vedas. 2 Veterans of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers: Let's greet them with applause!!!

First class performance

Vedas. 1 To you, our dear veterans of labor and war, we give praise today, we owe our lives to you.

Vedas. 2 From the first day to the last, Soviet people performed feats in the name of victory over the Nazis - the enemies of all mankind.

For some, the war has become a distant memory, for others it is history.

Remember! This is Soviet army defeated Nazi Germany, it was the Soviet people who crushed fascism!

The just liberation struggle was completed in 1945.

Second class performance

The song "Victory Day!"

Vedas. 1 Less and less of those who fought for their homeland remain alive.

The more precious for us is the presence of honored guests at the celebration.

Vedas. 2 Before the Motherland, we will be considered glory

All those who are related to her by their own blood

There was a great war, there was a bloody war for 1418 days.

Vedas. 1 The war marked us with a special mark

There is no life, and there was nothing more difficult,

Metina special, the highest breakdown of 1418 days

Vedas. 2 She rewarded us with a front-line community

There was no community stronger and dearer,

Under fire, under bullets tempered courage for 1418 days.

Vedas. 1 One minute each will repeat

Our spring day

And instantly the memory will light up

The flames of burning villages

Vedas. 2 And through the years, memory, like a boss

Will lead us again

Walking through the dark nights

Dark unknown time

Vedas. 1 The word for congratulations is provided to students in grade 4

Vedas. 2 The war ended with victory,

Those years behind

Burning medals of the Order

many on the chest

I give you the floor dear participants of the Great Patriotic War.


How old were you when the war started?

How long did you think the war would last?

How did you get to the front?

What episodes of the war do you remember most often?

In what branches of the military did you have to serve?

What battles did you participate in?

How are you different from us at our age?

“My years, my wealth” - what do these words mean to you?

Tell us about your awards. What is the most expensive?

Where did you meet Victory?

Where and by whom did you work after the war?

You have experienced the horrors of war. You went through the nightmare of war, what would you like to wish us, your grandchildren?

Vedas. 1 A woman comes into the world to light a candle

A woman comes into the world to protect the hearth

A woman comes into the world to be loved

A woman comes into the world to give birth to a child

A woman comes into the world to bloom flowers

A woman comes into the world to save the world

Vedas. 2 Mothers, wives, sisters, brides - everyone who is not at the front - this is the rear. The rear must work for the front: after all, victory was forged not only at the front, but also in the rear.

Vedas. 1 The Great Patriotic War left a fiery trail not only on the battlefields. Considerable difficulties and hardships fell on the lot of those who were in the rear, where the weapons of Victory were forged. It was also a front, only labor, hard, exhausting. His fighters forged victory at the machines, in the fields.

Vedas. 2 Dedicated to home front workers

War. There is nothing more terrible in the world

Everything for the front! - the motto of the country is

Everyone worked: both adults and children

In the fields and at the open-hearths, at the machines.

Vedas. 1 They gave everything to the front for victory,

The rear left only crumbs for itself,

endured hardships and misfortunes,

To quickly defeat the enemy in the fight.

Fourth grade performance

Vedas. 2 Probably, the time will never come when it will be possible to say enough is enough, everything has already been said about the Great Patriotic War. It will never be possible to say everything, because there is no measure for the tragedy of war, there is no measure for the heroism of people manifested in it.

Vedas. 1 Today we, the children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren of WWII veterans, bow low to you for your courage and steadfastness, patience and mercy, for your boundless love for the Fatherland and ardent faith in Victory.

Vedas. 2 Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War! Home front workers! We express to you our deepest respect and great gratitude for everything that you have done throughout your life - for the Motherland, the village and us - your fellow countrymen.

Together Thank you for everything.

Author information

Kunaeva Aliya Zhumagalievna Ilyushchenkova Lyubov Viktorovna

Place of work, position:

RDDiYu r.p. Stepnoe, teacher additional education

Saratov region

Resource characteristics

Levels of education:

All levels of education


All classes


extracurricular work

The target audience:

Classroom teacher

The target audience:

Teacher of additional education

The target audience:

Teacher (teacher)

Resource type:

Event scenario

Brief description of the resource:

The script includes thematic poems, brief facts from military history.

Scenario of a meeting with WWII veterans, home front workers.

Vedas. one Good afternoon dear friends! Today in our hall it is warm from the friendly atmosphere and crowded from the closeness of epochs and generations. We were visited by people who endured all the hardships of a terrible war on their shoulders, traveled a long life path with joys and successes, losses and hardships. To you, dear veterans, we dedicate our meeting.

Ved.2 So, today our guests are veterans of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers:

Bazyuk Georgy Mikhailovich

Zageev Nikolay Mikhailovich

Morshchakov Ivan Korneevich

Kinash Fedor Ivanovich

Vilderman Lipa Volfovich

Tikhonov Nikolai Petrovich

The floor for greeting is given to the director of the RDDiU V.V. Liventsova

Do you remember, soldier, many springs ago

Was the sky blazing with sunsets?

You walked through the pain and repeated like a password

Like a sacred oath: "Victory"

Do you remember, soldier, the burnt Reichstag,

A scarlet banner that lit up half the sky?

Do you remember friends?

to them for a few days

The victory was late in Berlin.

The world remembers, soldier, many springs ago

Your firm word: "Victory!"

1st reader: War ... From Brest to Moscow - 1000 kilometers, from Moscow to Berlin - 1600. Total 2600 kilometers.

1st reader: War... This is the fearlessness of the defenders of Brest, this is 900 days of besieged Leningrad, this is the oath of the Panfilovites: "Not a step back, Moscow is behind us!"

2nd reader: This is the victory at Stalingrad won by fire and blood, this is the feat of the heroes of the Kursk Bulge, this is the storming of Berlin, this is the memory of the heart of the whole people.

1st reader: To forget the past means to betray the memory of the people who died for the happiness of the Motherland.

2nd reader: No, neither we nor our children should forget about it.

1st reader: If a moment of silence were declared for every person who died in World War II, the world would be silent for fifty years.

2nd reader: In a carved box for many years

An invaluable reward lies -

A medal that has no equal

"For the Defense of Stalingrad".

Today, at our meeting there is a participant Battle of Stalingrad Zageev Nikolay Mikhailovich. Nikolai Mikhailovich, how do you remember Stalingrad? ...

Questions for a Veteran

1st reader:

And again the world hears with delight the salute of the Russian roll. Oh, this is the liberated Leningrad breathing with full breasts! (Lecture "Unconquered Leningrad") The floor is given to the participant in the defense of Leningrad Morshchakov Ivan Korneevich Questions to the veteran 1st reader: Probably, the time will never come when it will be possible to say enough is enough, everything has already been said about the Great Patriotic War. It will never be possible to say everything, because there is no measure for the tragedy of war, there is no measure for the heroism of people shown in it. Dear guests, accept a poem of your own composition as a gift from the museum room activists. __________________________________________________________________

2nd reader: The Great Patriotic War left a fiery trail not only on the battlefields. Considerable difficulties and hardships fell on the lot of those who were in the rear, where the weapons of Victory were forged. It was also a front, only labor, hard, exhausting. His fighters forged victory at the machines, in the fields.

1st reader: Dedicated to home front workers

War. There is nothing more terrible in the world

Everything for the front! - the motto of the country is,

Everyone worked: both adults and children

In the fields and at the open-hearths, at the machines.

Front secure! - there is no more important task,

Everyone in the rear worked for victory,

Fighters in battles can not stand otherwise,

Labor for victory deserves praise.

They gave everything to the front for victory,

The rear left only crumbs for itself,

endured hardships and misfortunes,

To quickly defeat the enemy in the fight.

The rear provided the army reliably,

Weapons are the foundation of all foundations,

Although it was incredibly difficult,

But the armies marched boldly against the enemy.

Honor and glory to front-line soldiers on May Day!

Orders sparkle on their chests,

But the rear put a lot of effort into the victory.

Labor Front! It was the whole country!

2nd reader: Today at our meeting there are home front workers:

Kinash Fedor Ivanovich

Vilderman Lipa Volfovich

Tikhonov Nikolai Petrovich

Word to workers

1st reader: On June 24, 1945, the Victory Parade took place on Red Square in Moscow. Ten fronts sent their best soldiers to the parade. Marshal commanded the parade Soviet Union Rokossovsky, hosted the parade Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov. Our countrymen Bazyuk Georgy Mikhailovich, Radchenko Antonina Prokofievna, Dementiev Ivan Lavrentievich also took part in the parade.

Bazyuk Georgy Mikhailovich is present at our meeting. The floor to you is Georgy Mikhailovich.

Questions for a Veteran

2nd reader: Today we - the children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren of WWII veterans - bow low to you for courage and steadfastness, patience and mercy, for boundless love for the Fatherland and ardent faith in Victory

1st reader: Dear WWII veterans! Home front workers! We express to you our deepest respect and great gratitude for everything that you have done throughout your life - for the Motherland, your native region and us - your fellow countrymen.

Thank you for everything, fathers and grandfathers!

To those who took the enemy with a bayonet and a bullet!

And those who, approaching Victory Day,

Didn't leave the shop for weeks.

Thanks to the women who worked in the fields

Orphaned villages and villages.

Thank you for our happy holiday,

For this difficult and beautiful day


For happiness and life in the world,

For the sake of the soldiers who fell then,

Let there be no war on the planet

Never! Never! Never!


You draw a bright sun

I'll paint blue skies

He will draw ears of bread,

We'll draw autumn leaves

School, friends, restless stream.

And cross out with our common brush

Shots, explosions, fire and wars.


2nd reader: Dear WWII veterans, home front workers, Ilya Gridasov sings for you "_________________"

1st reader: Thank you, our dear defenders, for coming to us. We bow before your labor and combat exploits. We wish you good health and long life! (giving postcards)

How old were you when the war started?

How long did you think the war would last?

How did you get to the front?

How are you different from us at our age?

“My years, my wealth” - what do these words mean to you?

Tell us about your combat awards. What is the most expensive?

You have experienced the horrors of war. You went through the nightmare of war, what would you like to wish us, your grandchildren?

Where did you meet Victory?

What battles did you participate in?

Where and by whom did you work after the war?

In what branches of the military did you have to serve?

What episodes of the war do you remember most often?

Scenario of the gala concert "Glory to the home front workers!" Dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War

Congratulations on Victory Day 2020 - also useful for celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Second World War.

It is a holiday today -
Victory Day!
Happy, bright
Spring day!
All the streets are dressed in flowers
And ringing songs are heard.

(Song "Victory Day")

HOST 1: Good afternoon, dear guests!

HOST 2: Hello!

HOST 1: On May 9, 2020, our country celebrates the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

HOST 2: We welcome all the guests sitting in this hall - you, our dear, respected home front workers. On this stage, children will perform for you, for the sake of which you defended the Motherland more than 75 years ago.

HOST 1: The word for greetings and congratulations is provided ... ..

HOST 2: On June 22, 1941, our Motherland was attacked by an evil and strong enemy - fascist Germany. The entire Soviet people stood up to defend their country.

HOST 1: The Great Patriotic War went on for four long years, a gigantic battle with German fascism continued for 141 days and nights. There was a mortal battle not for the sake of glory, but for the sake of life on earth.

HOST 2: Today bouquets of tulips
In the hands of the heroes are burning
Again this day veterans
Talking about the last war...

(Dance "Cranes")

HOST 1: Russia, how much, how much
You didn't sleep at night
In the fields, in the shops, in the faces,
At blast furnaces
At your call
Worked for both young and old
You sowed and stinged
And melted the metal;
Forests fell to the ground,
Moved mountains from their places, -
Rough and dignified
She carried her heavy cross ...

(Song "Clouds")

HOST 2: There is a wonderful poem that tells about women who did not fight on the battlefield, but carried an overwhelming burden on their fragile shoulders in the rear.

HOST 1: Can you tell me about it -
What years did you live in!
What an immeasurable heaviness
On women's shoulders lay down!
You walked, hiding your grief,
Severe through labor.
The whole front, from sea to sea,
You fed with your bread.
In cold winters, in a blizzard,
At that, at the distant line
The soldiers warmed their greatcoats,
What you sewed with care.
For everything you took without fear,
And, as the saying goes,
You were both spinning and weaving,
Skilled with a needle and a saw.

(Song "Orenburg Shawl")

HOST 2: The war is over. The soldier returned home. He walked through his native land, and behind him was a country - the most huge and great!

(Song "Young Soldier")

LEADER 1: The birch forest is turning greener and darker,
Lily of the valley bells bloom in the forest thicket,
At dawn in the valleys it blows warm and bird cherry,
Nightingales sing until dawn in spring.

(Dance "Nightingale")

(Song "On a visit goes")

HOST 2: Honors the great Victory Day
The whole great country!
On Victory Day, our grandfathers
They put on orders.

LEADER 1: The years of the great war died down,
But we don't forget anything.
The immeasurable feat of our people
It rises like a triumph of the highest truth.

LEADER 2: In all parts, bloom, earth, gardens,
Let the fruit ripen
The blue is clearing over us,
Let our flag shine in the peaceful sky!

LEADER 1: Go, country, towards clear dawns,
Your fields rustle with the green sea,
And every day your step is more confident!

(Song "Stork on the Roof")

At the last verse, all the child artists take the stage.

HOST 2: Low bow to all of you, home front workers. Please accept our sincere congratulations on Victory Day!

HOST 1: Good health to you, family well-being! Peaceful sky above your head!

HOST 2: Goodbye.

HOST 1: See you soon!

Currently, there is a decline in moral values, the process of destruction of ties between generations continues. Under these conditions, the role of civil-patriotic education of the younger generation is growing. The feeling of patriotism is laid from childhood, grows with the person.



Title of work: Meeting with participants of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers

Currently, there is a decline in moral values, the process of destruction of ties between generations continues. Under these conditions, the role of civil-patriotic education of the younger generation is growing. The feeling of patriotism is laid from childhood, grows with the person. The answers of modern schoolchildren to questions about the Great Patriotic War are striking not only by their naivety, but also by their complete ignorance of the most important facts: when the war began, who fought with whom, our main victories. All this causes excruciating pain.Therefore, this event is in the nature of a meeting of several generations:

Generation - WWII veterans and home front workers


Patriotic education of the younger generation, education of respect

To the heroic past of our country, respect for veterans;

Education of historical memory among students on the basis of respectful

Relations to the history of the state and the memory of the defenders of our Motherland


Development of creative abilities, taking into account individual and age

Features of students;

Improving the forms of cooperation and interaction of all participants

educational process.


To create conditions for the education of citizenship and patriotic feelings among schoolchildren through interaction with veterans of the Second World War and home front workers.

To cultivate an attentive attitude towards veteran soldiers, a desire to take care of them.

To introduce schoolchildren to the cultural heritage of Russia.

This material can be presented in the form class hour, lesson - courage, conversation, oral journal, meeting. It can become the basis of a scenario for holding various patriotic events.

During the meeting and in preparation, students will gain additional knowledge about fellow countrymen, participants in the Great Patriotic War and home front workers, develop the skills of monologue speech and expressive reading, and gain experience independent work with additional literature and research skills.

Forms and methods of implementation:

Joint activities of the teacher and students in the preparation extracurricular activities: work with literature and museum materials, script development, rehearsals;

Independent work of students in preparing speeches;

holding the event.

Age group students 5 - 11 cells.

Expected results:

- the formation of civil-patriotic consciousness, the development of a sense of belonging to the fate of the Fatherland, the formation of a moral position;

Scenario of a meeting with WWII veterans, home front workers.

Vidio film "Victory Day"

Vedas. one Good afternoon dear friends! We were visited by people who endured all the hardships of a terrible war on their shoulders, traveled a long life path with joys and successes, losses and hardships. To you, dear veterans, we dedicate our meeting.

Vedas. 2 Today we are visiting veterans of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers: F.I.O.

1 led. Violating peaceful life, suddenly, without declaring war, fascist Germany attacked our country on June 22, 1941.

1 dude. Sad willows leaned towards the pond,

The moon floats over the river

There, at the border, he stood at his post

At night, a young fighter.

Black shadows grew in the mist

A cloud in the sky is dark

The first shell exploded in the distance -

Thus the war began.

2 led. Everyone had one desire: only to the front!

1 led. Everyone had their own way to the front, but the goal was the same - to defend the Motherland.

The backing track of the song “Oh, roads” sounds against the background of the word

1 Vedas: Native land can do everything! It can feed you delicious and warm bread, give you spring water to drink, and surprise you with its beauty. And she can't defend herself...

Therefore, the protection of the Fatherland and native land is the duty of those who eat its bread, drink its water, admire its beauty!

2 Vedas: This is for you, our dear veterans of labor and war, we give praise today, we owe our lives to you.

1 Vedas: And from the first day to the last, Soviet people performed feats in the name of victory over the Nazis - the enemies of all mankind.

For some, the war has become a distant memory, for others it is history.

Remember! It was the Soviet Army that defeated Nazi Germany, it was the Soviet people who crushed fascism!

The just liberation struggle was completed in 1945.

2 Vedas: Less and less of those who fought for their homeland remain alive.

The more precious for us is the presence of honored guests at the celebration.

Struchkova Lydia Ivanovna.

1. Many of our countrymen went to the front as volunteers in the first days of the war and died defending Moscow: these are the teacher of our school Safronov Ivan Efimovich, Sergeant Ivkin Ivan Sergeevich, sapper Sinitsyn Matvey Yakovlevich, junior political instructor Frolov Nikolai Makarovich and others.

Have you heard the front-line soldiers talking about the past

They go under the bombs and with hostility for a year in a row ...

In any houses, in any ranks, we meet soldiers,

For them, the war was yesterday, not many years ago.

The song sounds Holy war". Against the background of the song, the words:

1. Before the Motherland, we will be considered glory

All those who are related to her by their own blood

There was a great war, there was a bloody war for 1418 days.

2. The war marked us with a mark

There is no life, and there was nothing more difficult,

Metina special, the highest breakdown of 1418 days

3. She rewarded us with a front-line community

There was no community stronger and dearer,

Under fire, under bullets tempered courage for 1418 days.

4. One minute each will repeat

Our spring day

And instantly the memory will light up

The flames of burning villages

5. And through the years, memory, like a boss

Will lead us again

Walking through the dark nights

Dark unknown time

Vedas: The war ended with victory,

Those years behind

Burning medals of the Order

many on the chest

Word to you dear participants of the Second World War:Lomovtseva Maria Fedorovna, Sinitsyna Polina Andreevna, Struchkova Lidia Ivanovna.


How old were you when the war started?

How long did you think the war would last?

How did you get to the front?

What episodes of the war do you remember most often?

In what branches of the military did you have to serve?

What battles did you participate in?

Part 2: Woman and war...

Both of these words are feminine, but how incompatible they are ...

1ved .: A woman comes into the world to light a candle

A woman comes into the world to protect the hearth

A woman comes into the world to be loved

A woman comes into the world to give birth to a child

A woman comes into the world to bloom flowers

A woman comes into the world to save the world

Mothers, wives, sisters, brides - everyone who is not at the front - this is the rear. The rear must work for the front: after all, victory was forged not only at the front, but also in the rear.

These words are for you and about you, our dear women warriors:Lomovtseva Maria Fedorovna, Sinitsyna Polina Andreevna,

2 Vedas: You worked without sparing and sparing yourself, without taking anything in return. But only by giving. How you missed everything!

A song is being performed for you:

"Secret to the whole world..."

The word of Struchkova Lydia Ivanovna.


How are you different from us at our age?

“My years, my wealth” - what do these words mean to you?

Tell us about your awards. What is the most expensive?

2nd reader : The Great Patriotic War left a fiery trail not only on the battlefields. Considerable difficulties and hardships fell on the lot of those who were in the rear, where the weapons of Victory were forged. It was also a front, only labor, hard, exhausting. His fighters forged victory at the machines, in the fields.

1st reader : Dedicated to home front workers

War. There is nothing more terrible in the world

Everything for the front! - the motto of the country is

Everyone worked: both adults and children

In the fields and at the open-hearths, at the machines.

Front secure! - there is no more important task,

Everyone in the rear worked for victory,

Fighters in battles can not stand otherwise,

Labor for victory deserves praise.

They gave everything to the front for victory,

The rear left only crumbs for itself,

endured hardships and misfortunes,

To quickly defeat the enemy in the fight.

The rear provided the army reliably,

Weapons are the basis of all foundations,

Although it was incredibly difficult,

But the armies marched boldly against the enemy.

Honor and glory to front-line soldiers on May Day!

Orders sparkle on their chests,

But the rear put a lot of effort into the victory.

Labor Front! It was the whole country!

Dear guests:

Where did you meet Victory?

Where and by whom did you work after the war?

You have experienced the horrors of war. You went through the nightmare of war, what would you like to wish us, your grandchildren?

1st reader : Probably, the time will never come when it will be possible to say enough is enough, everything has already been said about the Great Patriotic War. It will never be possible to say everything, because there is no measure for the tragedy of war, there is no measure for the heroism of people manifested in it.

Dear guests, please accept as a gift a poem of your own composition.

2nd reader: Today we, the children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren of WWII veterans, bow low to you for your courage and steadfastness, patience and mercy, for your boundless love for the Motherland and ardent faith in Victory.

1. I will draw a blue sky,

He will draw ears of bread,

We'll draw autumn leaves

School, friends, restless stream.

And cross out with our common brush

Shots, explosions, fire and wars.

1st reader : Dear WWII veterans! Home front workers! We express to you our deepest respect and great gratitude for everything that you have done throughout your life - for the Motherland, the village and us - your fellow countrymen.

Thank you for everything, fathers and grandfathers!

To those who took the enemy with a bayonet and a bullet!

And those who, approaching Victory Day,

Didn't leave the shop for weeks.

Thanks to the women who worked in the fields

Orphaned villages and villages.

Thank you for our happy holiday,

For this difficult and wonderful day.

1 led. Our dear veterans, home front workers.

You have done a lot to leave a worthy mark on the earth.

We wish you health, happiness and many more years to come.

We are proud of you! Live long and happily!

Let there be a peaceful sky, rich fields, full-flowing rivers!

May ours live and prosper Motherland!

Happy Holidays to all and see you soon

Video for you"Victory Day"

1st reader : Thank you, our dear defenders, for coming to us. We bow before your labor and combat exploits. We wish you good health and long life! (delivery of flowers and cards)

Used Books:

  1. Collections of poems and songs of the war years