Time management in simple terms. Task Priority

In this article, I will collect all the key information about how to prioritize. correct prioritization plays a very important role in the life of any person, it is important in all spheres of human life and in life in general. Properly set priorities allow in any business to realize all your dreams and dreams.

Prioritization is one of the most important - the art of time management. Very often people do not have time to do anything, do not do the right things, do not achieve their goals just because they do not know how to prioritize correctly. They rush to do all the things at the same time and as a result they cannot do any of them qualitatively, especially the most important and necessary things. Correct prioritization will greatly help to avoid this mistake. First, let's figure out what it is.

Prioritization is the sorting of all the tasks at hand in order of importance so that they are done in order of priority, and so that the most important, highest priority things are always done first and get done.

At first glance, nothing complicated. But in practice, everything is not so simple ... If you often do not have time to do something important, if you constantly put off important things for later, if you constantly grab onto several things at once - you should definitely think about how to prioritize correctly. And then I will offer you for this a whole range of tools of varying degrees of effectiveness, from which you can choose and use those that you like and suit you specifically.

Prioritization methods.

So, let's consider diverse methods of prioritization. I have already described some of them in more detail in other articles, so I will give links - follow them to read in more detail.

Eisenhower Matrix. very popular and effective method correctly prioritize, which is actively discussed in various literature, at seminars and. The essence of this method is to distribute all the necessary tasks according to two criteria: according to the degree of importance and urgency. Thus, a kind of matrix is ​​obtained - a table in which the priority of doing things decreases from the upper left corner to the lower right.

Using the Eisenhower matrix, you can almost completely eliminate the likelihood that some important and urgent business will not be completed, and this is already quite a lot.

Making to-do lists. Many people, when thinking about how to prioritize, use this method because it is very simple, understandable and affordable. The bottom line is to plan your time by making to-do lists and following that list. At the same time, the most important cases should be placed at the beginning of the list, and further, as the priority decreases.

Pareto rule. You can also prioritize correctly using the famous Pareto rule (or law). Its essence is that only 20% of the efforts bring 80% of the result and vice versa: 80% of the efforts bring only 20% of the result. The prioritization in this case is very simple: you need to select your top 20% of cases (based on the analysis of existing data) and focus your efforts on them. They will be the highest priority for you, and the rest 80% will be secondary.

You can read more about the operation of this law and its application in the article.

Descartes square. A rather complicated method of prioritization, requiring more time and mental costs, in comparison with the others, but also more accurate, more efficient. The best way to use this method is to set priorities in a global plan, for example, for a year, for several years, or even for a lifetime. For daily planning, it will be inconvenient.

How to use this method for planning? You need to consider each of your goals from four angles:

  • What will happen if I do this?
  • What happens if I don't?
  • What won't happen if I do this?
  • What won't happen if I don't?

Each of your answers can be given a certain weight, and based on the sum of these weights, prioritize your activities: from highest to lowest.

ABC method. A very simplified, and therefore affordable way to prioritize, which consists in distributing all your affairs into just 3 categories of importance:

  • A - very important;
  • B - not very important;
  • C - not important at all.

Accordingly, category A cases will have the highest priority for you, followed by category B cases, and lastly, category C cases. Despite its simplicity, the ABC method almost completely eliminates the possibility of “losing” and not completing an important task, so it can be used.

Olympic system. The prioritization according to this principle occurs through a sequential pairwise “competition” - a comparison of tasks in order to determine the finalist-winner.

Let's say you have 16 tasks (the number can be whatever you want). You hold a paired “tournament” between them - 1/8 finals, choosing a higher priority task from each pair. There are 8 cases left - you arrange the 1/4 finals in the same way, in which 4 semi-finalists are determined. Then 1/2 finals to determine 2 finalists. And finally, the finale, where the winning goal is determined. It will have the highest priority for you, the second semi-finalist will be the next in importance, the quarter-finalists will be the next, and so on.

Pairwise comparison method. This prioritization option is similar to the previous one, but a little more complicated, since here you need to compare tasks according to several criteria that are most important to you. It is convenient to give each of these criteria its own weight, for example, on a scale from 1 to 5.

Ask yourself, what do you really want in life? You can even write down your desires on a piece of paper, then analyze them. Desires may be different, but they have one thing in common - having achieved your goals, you will feel truly happy.

It is happiness that is the main goal of any person - even if he himself does not realize this. Therefore, the prioritization in life must necessarily take this moment into account. If what you are doing now is not bringing you closer to happiness, something needs to change in your life.

The mentioned point is very important. The road to happiness is hard and there is not much time. Therefore, every step should lead to your goal. Everything that takes you away from the chosen path, moves you away from the goal, must be discarded. Or at least relegated to the background.

Other people's interests

For many people, the most important priorities in their lives are the happiness, health and well-being of loved ones. At a minimum, many will say that they have everything the way it is. However, this is a mistake. Yes, people should take care of their parents, brothers and sisters, children. They must be ready, if necessary, to give their lives for them. At the same time, you need to understand that even the people closest to you cannot, have no right to deprive you of your dream - whatever it may be.

A person can live for others - if this is his way, his choice. If it makes him happy. But if, because of a sense of duty, responsibility, a person deprives himself of his dream, this is already wrong. People come into this world to be happy. To deprive yourself of happiness means to live life in vain.

That is why do not let anyone, including people close to you, manipulate you. You have your goals, your path. Help loved ones, take care of them. But don't let them deprive you of your dreams.


Some people have many items on their priority list. This is wrong - you can not embrace the immensity. If you've made such a list, cross off all but the top three items. Which items to leave is up to you. But there shouldn't be more than three. It is on these three priority goals that you focus all your attention.

Why only three points and not more? Because these are the realities - a person cannot effectively work on more than three tasks at the same time. If there are more of them, work efficiency drops sharply, as a result, it is not possible to achieve a good result anywhere. So something has to be sacrificed. Learn to discard the superfluous for the sake of the main thing.

Change of priorities

It is important to note that priorities may change over time. This is normal - a person grows up, his values ​​\u200b\u200bare changing. At the same time, a change of priorities, if it occurs, must be of an evolutionary nature and correspond to the spiritual growth of a person. And it is very bad when a person just rushes through life, not knowing what he really wants. In this case, you need to go back to the very beginning and ask yourself: what do I need to be happy?

Never forget happiness. You can acquire a huge fortune, and at the same time be a deeply unhappy person. Money provides opportunities, but cannot replace happiness. Therefore, consider them as a tool, nothing more. Do not chase prestige, career, fashion - look for your own path. The one on which you will feel inspired, full of strength and energy. If you are happy to meet every new day, if you clearly see the goal and go towards it, no matter what, then you have set your priorities correctly and are on the right track.

School of Yuri Okunev

Good day to all. I'm with you, Yuri Okunev.

Have you already decided on your life priorities? Have you decided what to put in first place, and what - in tenth? Not? Then I hasten to warn you - you run the risk of remaining in old age with a terrifying feeling that you have not lived your life as you dreamed.

I really hope that this will not happen to you, but I still strongly recommend that you figure out what priorities in life are and what they are for you. This will help you understand yourself, your aspirations and direct your life in the right direction. Until it's not too late.

Human life is like a puzzle that is made up of thousands of tiny pieces - our actions and decisions, natural events and unexpected accidents. Each piece is related to a particular area of ​​\u200b\u200blife:

  • Family.
  • work.
  • Friends.
  • Recreation and entertainment.
  • Learning and self-improvement.
  • Health, etc.

And depending on what pieces we connect together and what is their ratio in the puzzle, life path takes on certain traits.

Priority is your favorite color in the picture of life, area of ​​activity or principle that captures the maximum of your time and attention. What you do in the first place, for which you are ready to push everything else aside for a while.

The fates of people with different priorities add up to completely different pictures. Some are colorful and positive. It is a pleasure to look at such in old age. Others have unsightly greys, which inspire melancholy and a feeling of deep disappointment.

That is why the problem of determining one's priorities is so great and urgent. After all, it is almost impossible to do everything at once. So what should be put at the forefront, so that later you don’t regret the “uselessly lived years”? What values ​​should be emphasized? Is there a universal formula for drawing a deliberately happy picture?

Maslow's pyramid

When discussing the issue of life priorities, it is worth recalling the famous table of human needs compiled in 1943 by the American psychologist Abraham Maslow. If you make a list of natural human needs, it will look like this:

  1. Physiology (food, water, heat, the need for reproduction, etc.)
  2. Safety (protection from everything that poses a threat to health, life).
  3. Love.
  4. Respect (recognition by others of your value, importance).
  5. Cognition and creativity (as an indispensable component of self-development).
  6. Aesthetics (a person needs beauty and harmony).
  7. Self-realization.

Such a sequence corresponds to human nature, and therefore is quite natural and correct. No matter how you strive for beauty, the basic satisfaction of hunger and thirst will be a priority. After all, you will not be able to talk about high matters, being on the verge of starvation, at least for purely physiological reasons.

It turns out that, based on natural needs, the priorities may look like this:

  1. Work as a source of income and a way to get food, warmth and security.
  2. Relatives, loved ones, friends and all those whom you love/who loves you.
  3. The need to be recognized by society.
  4. Education, creativity, self-development.

However, even Maslow himself emphasized that positions in this hierarchy different people can move as they see fit. To interpret the components of the list, too, everyone will have their own way. So, for someone to satisfy the need for food is a bite to eat with a slice of lean bread and a glass of milk. And for someone - to dine in a luxurious restaurant with culinary delights with hard-to-pronounce foreign names.

In addition, there are other models for determining life priorities. Someone puts duty in the first place, someone God, someone enjoys the senses.

And all because each person is a unique system of worldview, a unique set of values, beliefs, principles, beliefs, knowledge, skills and expectations from life. Moreover, our aspirations are influenced by age, the current social and natural environment, life events, other people, current difficulties, etc.

As a result, it is simply impossible to talk about any single method that would be equally good for every single inhabitant of the planet. So how do you still prioritize so that the quality of life is at the height you need?

Time to make a choice!

If you have realized your dissatisfaction with life, then it's time to change something. In a cardinal way, but at the same time thoughtfully weighing all the pros and cons. You don't want to be left with nothing, do you?

Step 1 . Straight talk with paper

To do this, take a few sheets and answer the following questions in writing:

  • What do you consider the most important thing in life? Define no more than two or three positions, highlighting one as the dominant.
  • What do you actually spend the most time on? Make a list of activities that dominate your daily routine.
  • What do you want to achieve from life? Imagine yourself in 10, 20 years. What is your appearance? Where do you live? What do you earn? How are you resting? Who do you communicate with? Do you have a family, and in what composition? The image should be really close to you.
  • What does that require? Consider physiological abilities, character traits, knowledge and skills, the presence of certain acquaintances, documents and money, place of residence, etc.
  • What's stopping you from getting what you want? And now, point by point - everything that is missing to match the dream.
  • What is an indestructible value for you? Something you can't live without, something you can't give up. For example, “I will not quit my job”, “I will not go far from my parents”, “I will always take care of children”.
  • What are you willing to sacrifice? And here - on the contrary, what is less important.

To make the information visual, use lists, graphs, tables, charts. This will make it easier to study the data.

Step 2. Analyze it!

For example, it is a priority for you to realize yourself in the profession. You dream of becoming an illustrator. To do this, you need to create and improve the technique, communicate with other artists, participate in competitions, exhibit works for public criticism, etc.

In fact, you got married early, gave birth to a baby, and after leaving the decree, you earn extra money as an administrator of a nearby hairdresser. You sublimate your thirst for creativity into the creation of “homemade” comics for a child and congratulatory posters for colleagues. Everyone likes your drawings terribly, but you understand that you ardently desire more. So, it's time to urgently correct your life!

Already calling your boss to let you know you're fired? Very stupid! You wanted to change life for the better, not destroy it. And for this you need to act competently and consistently.

Step 3. Plan of action.

Having understood your true desires, set goals - long-term (for 5 years, 2 years, a year) and short-term (month, week, day). First take the problem in a global sense. Then break each task into several subtasks, and then break them down into even smaller goals that you can start achieving tomorrow. For example, to be an illustrator you need:

  1. Find an appropriate job (in-house or freelance).
  2. Create resume.
  3. Send resume to companies/potential customers.
  4. Create a vibrant portfolio.
  5. Select ready-made drawings.
  6. Draw new ones.
  7. Buy photoshop or paper and paints/pencils.

Step 4. Take action!

Start by solving the simplest urgent tasks, constantly checking the main course. Change the reality around you gradually, but with confidence.

Remember that in the future you can vary the list of tasks, goals, and even change priorities altogether. This is absolutely normal.

Step 5. Master the art of juggling

Few people are willing to give up everything for a single dream. Priority No. 1 is followed by points No. 2, 3, 4, etc. And they are important to you too. For example, a loving mother and wife will not be able to leave their family and go headlong into drawing.

Therefore, you will have to master the skill of juggling your own life priorities. You will constantly need to change among themselves such crystal balls “child”, “husband”, “creativity”, “health”, trying so that none of them fall and break.

As you can see, setting priorities, drawing up an effective life strategy and competently following it are not easy tasks. Not everyone manages to solve them correctly. Developed by me - this is your opportunity to decide on true desires, put everything in its place and take the first steps towards happiness, harmony and self-affirmation.

And if you still have questions, I invite you to an individual consultation. Details.

Allow me to bow out on this. Yuri Okunev was with you. Ahead - a lot of interesting and useful. Subscribe so you don't miss anything. See you soon!

Winston Churchill once said: “If you want a job done, make it very busy about my man." It is believed that busy people are better than others in controlling time. It seems that they can do as much in a day as others cannot do. And it is a busy person who will always find the opportunity to make the necessary adjustments to his schedule.

This is usually facilitated by:

Ability to distinguish between priority and secondary matters;

Serious attitude to the deadlines for the completion of work;

The habit of doing everything;

Responsibility for assigned work.

Define responsibilities

Each position has its own title and description, according to the scope. It defines the main functional duties for which the employee is personally responsible.

If you are aware of the scope of your duties, you can always compare them with the work that you actually do.

If you don't have a job description, make your own. Define your main responsibilities. Make a list of what is needed to get the job done effectively. Analyze the actual volume of requirements for the position and your contribution to the effective development of the business.

You may find that you are wasting time on non-essential functions. And even if this work is interesting and enjoyable, you still need to realize that you are not paid wages for this at all.

The first step to making good use of your time is to be clear about what you are directly responsible for. Once you realize this, it will undoubtedly become easier for you to set goals and prioritize.

We set tasks

Setting and achieving goals plays a major role in time management. If you don't know what you want to achieve, you won't know where to start.

By clearly defining the most important tasks and the deadlines for their implementation, you can easily control events. Thus, you will have a chance to reach best results. And you can do it in the time you have.

Don't forget also that setting goals is very helpful. It helps:

Focus on the work being done;

Make a plan for the execution of work for a certain period of time;

Keep others up to date so that they understand what role they are assigned.

Having goals prevents you from wasting your time. To clearly define the goal, you need:

Develop a clear idea of ​​what you plan to achieve;

Put your intentions on paper and stick to them strictly.

Setting priorities

Establishing a priority order will help you achieve your goals. But for this you need to determine the degree of your load and decide which of the accumulated cases need to be completed first. Tasks can be divided into four categories:

main tasks; their implementation serves as an indicator of how effectively you are coping with your duties;

tasks to be performed provided that you have already dealt with your primary affairs;

tasks you would do if there is time (as a rule, these are projects that are not destined to be realized).

low priority tasks, but at the same time simple and pleasant (usually we perform them first of all).

Divide all your work into these four groups. Look at the list and indicate the time required to complete the tasks. Highlight in different colors what needs to be done and what you would like to do. Do something nice from time to time. This way you will feel that although this is not the most important issue, you are allowing yourself to take it up as a reward for completing more difficult tasks.

Don't force yourself to be too strict with your priorities. You should always be ready to change if circumstances require it. Be flexible: the situation can change dramatically, and what was a priority will lose its significance. Sticking to the original plan in this case means wasting even more time.

However, if one of the priorities is unexpectedly removed from the agenda (for example, a meeting is canceled), be on the lookout so as not to waste the freed time in vain. Use the energy accumulated for solving a specific problem for the next task from your list.

urgent and important

Understanding the difference between urgent and important is of great importance in the allocation of time.

urgent tasks require immediate resolution, but may be minor (for example, settling a parking issue). Important they require careful preparation and, as a rule, additional time for reflection (for example, drawing up a business plan for the next quarter).

Urgent tasks often seem important because of the tight deadlines. They require immediate action, but usually do not take long. Usually we try to quickly get rid of urgent matters in order to attend to important ones.

There are also cases when it is permissible to be distracted at the moment by something more interesting, postponing serious matters for a while. But this can only be done if there are good reasons. If you are tempted to do something pleasant, think about how you can make up for the lost time, and calmly, without remorse or guilt, enjoy the pleasant moments.

Of course, there are things that are equally urgent and important. In such a situation, the matter requires full dedication, because it is impossible to determine which of them is more important. But in any case, do not forget about the danger of not meeting the deadlines.

Job types

Analyze your activity. Determine how much time you spend on the performance of managerial duties, and how much is spent on routine work that is characteristic of your line of work or profession.

The leadership position requires:

Think in advance whether everything is available for the effective and high-quality completion of the task;

Gather the right people and the right materials at the right time in the right place;

Inform performers about their tasks; explain to them the criteria for evaluating the work performed and, if necessary, give advice;

Ensure that the people involved are privy to the core of the problem and know how to control the process.

In other words, you must be able to plan, organize, direct and control the progress of work.

Take a look at the list of priority tasks. If you do not properly perform any of the listed items, think about what you are doing and whether it relates to your main duties.

You may well find that you allow others to pass on to you tasks that they think are difficult because you are better at them. It is also possible that you are delaying the completion of the task due to lack of a plan or lack of necessary equipment. There can be many reasons for non-fulfillment of basic responsibilities and non-compliance with deadlines. But most importantly, you may not even realize what a significant role your organizational skills play in time management.

Drawing conclusions

Once you define your responsibilities, set goals, prioritize tasks, and categorize them as urgent and important, you can easily create a plan for efficient use of your time.

If all this seems too burdensome and time-consuming to you, remember the story of one Chinese emperor. He desired that a cedar alley lead to his palace, and gave the order to fulfill this to the manager of the estate. To which the manager objected to him: "Three hundred years will pass before this idea comes to life." "In that case," said the emperor, "you have not a moment to lose."

Ask yourself

Think about how you plan your time and answer the following questions.

^ Are you clear about your responsibilities? Are you doing what others should be doing?

^ Are the goals of your work clear to you?

^ Do you know what results you should achieve today, provided that you focus on completing one task?

^ Do you see the difference between important and urgent?

^ Are you doing everything to make efficient use of your time?

Everything will work out if…

Define the main tasks;

Set goals;

Perform important work according to a predetermined schedule;

Be prepared to adjust your plans in the event of an unforeseen change in the situation;

Clearly distinguish between important and urgent tasks;

Apply, if necessary, management decisions. This will help you organize your time better;

Start planning your time immediately.

It is vitally important for each person to be able to correctly place accents both in work and in personal life. Priority goals and objectives are those things without which life becomes dull, gray and meaningless. Unfortunately, in the flow of everyday affairs, it is sometimes extremely difficult to place such accents. We simply run past our own desires, aspirations, goals, not noticing or not wanting to notice how our own subconscious screams in all ears: “Pay attention! Don't pass by! Wait, you!” And we are in a hurry, in a hurry to do what we promised someone, to do what we were forced from outside. Correct this situation will help correct prioritization.

Make time for yourself

There is one very simple and interesting exercise to get out of the routine and see life from a new angle. Every day for a week, whether you're at work or at home, give yourself one minute. Set a timer and think about what you can do in this minute that will change your internal and external state for the better? What action can bring some warmth and comfort into your life? Perhaps you will drink a glass of water, or perhaps open a window or go outside. These are the little things that we usually do not pay attention to: fresh air, drinking more fluids - it seems that all these prescriptions are for impressionable girls, and not for adults. However, it is health is one of the most important priorities in the life of every person.

Next week, try to increase this time, set the time for 5-10 minutes a day and pay attention to yourself. You will notice that you will try to spend this time on things that you previously did not have enough time for, which seemed unimportant, but now significantly improve your mental and physical condition.

Wash the car, read a fairy tale to your child at night, lie in the bathroom with pleasure, read your favorite book. If you summarize these activities, you will see that they revolve around several major areas in your life. Family, health, education, self-improvement, financial well-being, love, new experiences, friends - these are the "pieces of the pie" called "life".

In the stream of everyday affairs, worries and responsibilities at work and at home, we often forget about these priorities, being content with miserable crumbs of satisfaction from fulfilling parental or socially imposed prescriptions. And what is the result? And in the end, "excruciatingly painful for the aimlessly lived life." In order to avoid this, it is enough to start living proactively. Avoid the aimlessness of existence. If you are already “going with the flow of life”, then go with a specific goal, for example, like the Japanese samurai who chose the path of service.

Easy prioritization and harmony in the soul is determined by mental purity or the absence of mental garbage. What is mental trash? This is: negative emotions, psychological complexes, emotional trauma, limiting beliefs, negative attitudes, addictions and other rubbish. Freedom from this rubbish gives energy, determination and clarity of thought, which is critically needed both for setting priorities and in modern life in general. .

Priorities: 5 Ways to Better Emphasize Your Life

It may seem strange, but for each person, priorities are something peculiar only to him, unique. This is due to the different alignment of values ​​in each of us. For someone, the well-being of the family is important, someone puts their whole soul into friendship, and for someone, work comes first. But we can all balance our lives so that values, priorities and responsibilities are in harmony (by the way, it allows you to see how harmoniously you are moving through life). And you need to start with the balance of today, in which it is correct to place accents using the methods of prioritization.

The ancient Indian poet Kapidasa said that one of our days contains all the beauty of the world. And indeed it is. If you want to make your life more balanced, balance your day with these simple tools.

  • 1. The easiest way

Make a to-do list for the day and think about which one is the most important? Which task from this list, if completed, will give you the greatest sense of satisfaction? Next to this case, put the letter A. You may have more than one such case on your list, so rank them in order of importance, indicating them with numbers, for example: A1, A2, etc. Throughout the day, follow the received sequence of cases (without fanaticism, of course). Sum up in the evening. Try to use this prioritization method whenever you are feeling tired and frustrated.

  • 2. Role based approach to prioritization

Make a to-do list for the day. On another sheet of paper, write down all your significant, priority ones for you personally. social roles, for example: “I am a friend”, “I am a mother”, “I am a daughter”, etc. After that, divide your cases into the received segments and arrange them within each of them in order of importance. Throughout the day, consistently perform the most important tasks from each segment, gradually descending to lower and lower levels of importance.

You need to start, of course, with the most priority segment for you. As you complete tasks, pay attention to your inner state. You need to track how correctly you have prioritized. Perhaps, while performing some action, you will notice that at this moment your “soul hurts” for something else, or maybe, on the contrary, the day will pass like clockwork. Pay attention to such subtleties, draw conclusions and, when making a list of tasks for the next day, shift priorities in favor of those that turned out to be most important to you. Prioritization is a purely individual matter.

It happens that in the morning or during the day it is no longer possible to make a to-do list and rank it in order of importance. As life experience shows, the days when this happens cannot be called particularly successful. To get things back on track, you can use a tool like the Eisenhower square.

To do this, draw a square on any sheet of paper, which is divided into four equal parts by two vertical segments. Label the top two horizontal sections as "Important" and "Not Important", and label the two vertical sections as "Urgent" and "Not Urgent". Thus, you have four cells. If we mentally combine the vertical with the horizontal (as in chess), we get four categories of tasks: “Important and urgent”, “Important, but not urgent”, “Not important, but urgent”, “Not important and not urgent”. Whenever you take on a task, mark it in the appropriate box. The category “Important and urgent” is, as a rule, “burning” projects, tasks that had to be “performed yesterday”.

“Important but not urgent” are proactive tasks that are important for future well-being. “It doesn’t matter, but urgently” - all kinds of tasks that others are trying to “hang” on us. “It doesn’t matter and it’s not urgent” - an empty pastime, hanging out in social networks, smoking breaks, etc. Obviously, it would be good to completely exclude the last two categories from your life, and after clearing the rubble in the first category, pay maximum attention to the second segment.

This prioritization allows you to quickly put things in order during the day and not fall victim to a morning that did not work out.

  • 4. GTD system ("Getting Things Done" or "How to put things in order")

In principle, the GTD system is a wide range of actions aimed at optimizing all tasks associated with the life of a single person. But David Allen presented his own principle of prioritization in a very interesting way. Everything is very simple. First you need to "unload" all the cases and tasks from your head and write them down on paper. After this process is completed, you can start ranking. All cases are divided into four categories.

In order to correctly divide into segments, ask questions: “Can I do this business in one step? How long will it take? Maybe this is no longer needed? Can I delegate this matter to someone? etc. As a result, you will receive a clearly ordered list of tasks, half of which you can solve in the next fifteen minutes.

  • 5. Prioritize Based on Goals

Describe your ideal day. Mark every detail: what kind of family do you have, what kind of relationship do you have, how much do you earn, where do you live, what do you think about, where do you go, what do you live? Dream thoroughly, let it be a small school essay on the topic “When will it be good for me to live?” After that, imagine yourself in this day, think about what advice you would give yourself? What aspects of life would you be asked to pay attention to so that your life becomes the way it is there in the future? Starting from this image of the future, make a list of things that would bring you closer to materializing it. Order it and start gradually implementing it.

All these prioritization methods do not require a lot of time. They demand attention and respect for themselves, and this is the most difficult task for many.

However, all efforts will pay off if you one day make the decision to live consciously and proactively, making time for the highest priority tasks and finding your own method of prioritizing.