Finist clear falcon. Audio fairy tale Finist - a clear falcon Fairy tale Finist a clear falcon audio

Wonderful and unusual folk tale about a magical groom for a wise girl. Russian antiquity, full of wonderful rituals, sorcery, gives a charming plot. Finist is a wonderful wondrous werewolf who can turn into a falcon, become a weightless bird feather. The youngest of the daughters begged the father to buy such a feather. The merchant paid dearly for a rare product, but he could not refuse his favorite. The older sisters somehow heard an extraneous male voice from the room, learned the secret, and became jealous. Insidious staged a trap of sharp knives to ward off. Finist beat a bird in the window of his chosen one, as usual, but could not break through, he was injured by sharp blades. And flew away forever. And she had to look for her betrothed far away, to demolish a single pair of iron shoes, to visit the perspicacious Baba Yaga. With the help of her magical gifts, to lure from his new wife the opportunity to look at his beloved. Will the spell be removed from the hero, will his devoted bride return him? To find out the intricacies of the plot, the denouement, you will have to listen to the fairy tale Finist - the clear falcon to the end.

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Audio fairy tale Finist the clear falcon is an oral work of folk art. The story can be listened to online or downloaded. Audiobook "Finist clear falcon" is presented in mp3 format.

Audio fairy tale Finist the clear falcon, content:

Audio fairy tale Finist the clear falcon about a widower who lived with three daughters. The youngest daughter, Marya, ran the household, while the two older ones were idle.

One day my father went to the market and asked his heirs what gifts to bring them. The elders wished for new clothes, and Marya wanted a feather from the clear Finist the Falcon. Father did not find a feather! And on the second trip to the market, the same story happened. The next time, the father met an old man who gave him the coveted feather.

In the dead of night, when everyone was sleeping, the youngest daughter threw the pen on the floor and called Finist, her fiance. By morning he flew away like a clear falcon to the blue sky.

This went on for three days, and on the fourth, the treacherous sisters noticed what was happening and stuck sharp knives into the window frame. Finist was wounded all over, but he could not get into the bedroom of his beloved. And he flew away, leaving a trail of blood.

Marya went in search of him, met a Baba Yaga, who said how to proceed further. The girl listened to her and met another Baba Yaga - the sister of the first. And she also helped Marya by giving her a magic hoop with a golden needle. Then the third Baba Yaga appeared on the way, gave the traveler a golden spindle, and a silver bottom. Marya galloped on a gray wolf - meadows, rivers, forests rush past her!

They got to the palace, where Finist, enchanted by the cunning queen, was.

Maryushka rescued him and this online audio tale ended with a wedding and a feast for the whole world!

based on Russian folk tales


In ancient times, a simple plowman lived in Rus', his name was Finist. He was friends with a falcon. Finist's falcon warned about all the enemies who sought to capture Rus'. Finist defended Rus', drove away foreign invaders.

Enemies are dissatisfied with the appearance in Rus' of a hero-defender. Their head, the sorcerer Kartaus-Red Mustache, sends his werewolf henchman Kastryuk to lime the hero. He tricks Finist into a dungeon, where he enchants and turns him into a monster.

At the Russian outpost, the voivode and his retinue are preparing to repel enemy raids. To do this, the clerk Yashka is sent to the city in search of Finist. On the way, Yashka meets Finist's fiancee Alyonushka. Setting off together on a journey to find Finist, they meet the peasant Agathon and his wife Anfisa, who at that moment were going to the fair, but, frightened by the roar of the monster, were forced to stop in the forest. Unexpectedly, the old woman Nenila appears, who reports that on that night, using a fern, you can make only one wish and it will come true. The old woman also reports that the monster is an enchanted person, and the curse will pass if the red maiden loves him in the guise of a monster. In disputes about what kind of wish to make, Anfisa "failed through the ground" Agathon. Blaming Yashka for this, the next day she returns him to the outpost demanding the return of Agathon, and Alyonushka follows them.

In the meantime, Kartaus sends Kastriuk to the outpost so that he, under the guise of a merchant, gets inside and opens the gates to the enemies of the governor. But Kastryuk is exposed by the old merry women, and he is put in a closet, and the grumpy Anfisa is also sent there. Yashka manages to avoid arrest.

An embassy from Carthus, led by Fingal, arrives at the outpost. They demand to surrender and offer Kartaus one hundred barrels of gold. But the governor asks them to snatch the rope from the hands of the hero - otherwise Kartaus will not receive anything. Yashka manages to defeat the enemies, and the embassy leaves with nothing.

Soon Kartaus sends his servants to seize the outpost. But at this time, a monster enters the outpost through the breach. Alyonushka, guessing that this monster is Finist, covers him with a red cloak that she wanted to give him. The curse comes off, and Finist becomes a man again. Together with the squad, he drives away the enemies.

Sitting in a closet, Kastryuk persuades Anfisa to help him fulfill his insidious plans, giving her a magic comb to put the hero to sleep. Anfisa untied Kastryuk's hands and stuck the comb into Finist's hair. Kastryuk takes Anfisa and the sleeping Finist to Kartaus' lair, where Kartaus invites Finist to come over to his side. Finist refuses. Anfisa, realizing that she was deceived, arranges a pogrom.

And again Alyonushka goes to the rescue of the hero. To protect the girl, the governor assigned Yashka to her. With the help of old merry women who miraculously found themselves in Kartaus's lair, Alyonushka and Yashka free Finist. Finist sends them home, and he deals with Kartaus. Agathon returns to earth to Anfisa.