oldovy value. old man

The history of the term

It was originally used among hippies as an anglicism replacing the word "old" and was not a direct synonym for the word "famous" and "cool", as it is now with role players, but implied that the "old hippie" has long been in the System, and enjoys some authority, as old-timer There is an opinion that for the first time this characteristic was used in 1994 (anonymous heard this term in the role-playing environment back in 1993) by new participants in the RD in relation to the players of XI -90, who used the phrase “But in our time .. ."

Components of old age

Contrary to popular belief, old age does not primarily depend on the time during which you play role-playing games: you can occasionally visit games at least from the beginning of the nineties, but at the same time be an unknown dude, for example, if you ride with one team every time ( with his club) and play the fifth spearman in the third row.

Meanwhile, the main components of Oldovianism are, first of all, fame (the vast majority of roleplayers in his region should at least hear about the Oldovian). Secondly (but not least) is the respect of these role players, which is based on the recognition of his sensitivity in general and achievements, such as, for example, taking the team out, holding role play, a well-played role, etc.

At the same time, all of the above means that oldness is a variable value in at least two coordinates - in time and depending on the party in which a specific candidate for oldness is known or not known.

How to become old and why is it necessary?

For the sake of sweet oldness, the average roleplayer is capable of anything, but the path from no one's friend to oldovian is long and thorny. You have to spend a lot of time, money and effort on this, constantly going somewhere, fitting into various games and events. There is no easy way here: fame can be gained by anything, even stuffing an umbrella up your ass, but this has nothing to do with old age.

Is the game worth the candle? On the one hand, yes, since the Oldovian has the opportunity to assemble a team more easily than an ordinary roleplayer, get the Oldovian role of a leader (king, abbot, tough magician), again, when recruiting players for RI, the Oldovian masters play a significant role. On the other hand, if the bearers of this burden are to be believed, there is another side to the coin: everyone knows the playing style of the Oldovian, and it is difficult for him to be unpredictable, and it is almost impossible not to arouse suspicion in general. Well, who will believe, for example, Volorin, that his character is actually kind like Jesus, and not at all a hidden evil bastard?

Also, if the society is even more or less loyal to young role players, then the old character runs the risk of meeting acute misunderstanding among the civilians in the form of both just sidelong glances and attempts to turn him into a fool or cops (since a cynical human society raises suspicions of insanity, drug addiction or pedophilia, and not in the subtle structure of the soul). Also, a really old dude can live to see the sad moment when his former comrades-in-arms and witnesses of past victories are removed from the games in family life, other hobbies, parenting, business, or even alcoholism, Valhalla, or a mental hospital. Sometimes it's funny and sad, friends.

Related Expressions

suck the oldness- gain fame through a relationship with some Oldovian, that is, turn from no one's friend into a girlfriend or ex-girlfriend (boyfriend / wife / husband) of a certain famous role player. In fact, it is not necessary to have sexual relations in order to suck the oldness. It is enough to go to some game with an Oldovian his assistant / secretary / entourage, or to be such in life. In general, in any way suck on to the oldman, so that part of his oldness will pass to you. A certain Trinity is considered to be the master of this business, regularly changing suppliers of oldness.

get carried away- to perform certain actions, intentionally or accidentally leading to an increase in oldness. You can also get old at someone's expense.

Override- win the dispute due to the superior mass of oldness. Almost equivalent to the phrase "crush with authority." Another meaning is to go too far in an effort to get carried away, and through this porosity. " It's better to underdo it than overdo it» .

Oldovo!- a phrase of approval and recognition of the oldness of someone or something.

Old age rent- almost like the right of the first night. If you are an Oldovets, then you will automatically all at least a little, but they must. Masters - cool roles. Young thrusts - respect. Young pushers - with their young meat (if you have not lost your presentation over the years of zealous alcoholism, injuries and spitting on hygiene). Remember, dear reader! Collecting old age rent is rather shameful... But for some it is very pleasant.

Notable Oldovians

Push, remember: mention in this article gives +5 to Oldow!

Oldovy 1.

Old, worn, long-appeared, wiser by experience.

Are you still wearing those old sneakers?

Youth slang


1. A person who is older than he should be. A person who has grown a certain "olda", it prevents him from living, being young, having fun and existing.

2. A person who did not understand the joke, most likely because of his "oldie".

3. An item that does not perform its functions, either performs, but poorly (Oldow), or performs in such a way that infuriates the user.

*Someone told a joke, everyone laughed except for one person*

- I didn't understand.

- Uh. Oldovy.

Did you buy headphones? What about those?

- They are old. They have one ear playing louder than the other...

Youth slang

Dictionary modern vocabulary, jargon and slang. 2014 .


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Jarg. they say Respect. Senior in the youth group, who is an ideological consultant. Maksimov, 289. /i> Oldovy- from English. old.

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