Home reading with elements of literary text analysis in English classes with undergraduate students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Home reading lessons in English (methodological developments) Stories for home reading in English

“Reading is nothing;

Meaningful reading is something;

Reading meaningful and heartfelt is perfection.

A.S. Pushkin

Today we will talk about reading. The topic of our speech"How to organize home reading in elementary, primary, high schools."

Reading original fiction in the target language contributes to the development of oral speech, enriches vocabulary, introduces the culture and literature of the country of the language being studied, develops analytical thinking. Therefore, home reading lessons are necessary in the educational process. These lessons are undeniably valuable: firstly, because the student comes into contact with a modern living language, and not a conventional educational one; secondly, there is an opportunity to express your opinion and evaluate the work, characters and situations. But in order for reading to be exciting and at the same time developing speech skills, it is necessary to work on the text, both before reading the passage and after, in order to help students understand the text and activate new language phenomena. How to make home reading lessons fun and educational for students?

But first I would like to dwell a little on the theory.

Speech competence reading is considered as a means of learning and as a type of speech activity. Reading as a means of learning involves the formation of the following skills: reading individual words, sentences; reading with intonation; expressive reading of familiar text. Reading as a type of speech activity involves reading with the extraction of information.

I would like to focus on varioustypes of reading (reading strategies) and their role in the process of real communication and teaching foreign languages. The nature of reading is determined by the goal that we pursue in each case. In the domestic methodology, four types of reading are distinguished:

Studying (provides for the most complete and accurate understanding of all the information contained in the text and its critical comprehension. The object of study is the information in the text, but not the language material);

Search (focused on reading newspapers and literature in the specialty. Its goal is to quickly find certain data in the text);

Introductory (is a cognitive reading, in which the entire speech work becomes the subject of the reader's attention without setting to receive certain information. This is reading for oneself).

In foreign methodology, there are several types or reading skills:

Skimming(introductory reading) (definition of the main theme / idea of ​​the text);

Scanning(search reading) (search for specific information in the text, reading diagonally for keywords);

Readingfordetail(learning reading) (detailed understanding of the text not only at the level of content, but also of meaning).

Thus, we can say that in the domestic and foreign methods there are no serious disagreements in understanding what types of reading you need to master in the process of learning a foreign language.

Home reading combines all types of reading, helps to develop and improve this skill.

For effective reading in a foreign language, it is necessary to formSkills mentioned above:

Ignore the unknown if it does not interfere with the task;

Isolate semantic information;

Work with a dictionary;

Use footnotes and comments offered in the text;

Interpret and transform text.

let's move onto the text selection criteria for home reading. Here the following features of students should be taken into account:

Their interests, determined by age, cultural level;

The degree of language proficiency.

The fundamental requirement for reading texts is their feasibility and accessibility for students.

So, taking into account all the above requirements, it can be noted that the teacher faces a responsible and serious task in choosing literature for home reading. Howeverpublishing house Macmillan greatly facilitates the tasks of the teacher, releasing a huge number of books adapted for students with different levels of language acquisition. Moreover, we have books of different genres, from classics to contemporary writers. Another advantage of the books is that various tasks have been developed for them, which we will discuss in more detail today.

publishing house Macmillan published several series of books for reading: Macmillan Readers, Macmillan Children s Readers , Macmillan English Explorers . Here are books on the interests of students, depending on the stage of study. Almost every book has audio accompaniment, which is important. Thus the lessonshome reading helps to develop all types of speech activity: listening, speaking, writing.

As mentioned above, learning to read at different stages is different. Therefore, we want to dwell on all stages of training in more detail.

Let's start with elementary school . Learning to read in English at the initial stage involves mastering this type of activity from the very beginning. A good basis for productive reading is an excellent knowledge of all letters with sounds, combinations of these sounds in various combinations. Learning to read in English is impossible without the accumulation of vocabulary in a passive vocabulary. At first, learning to read in English should take place only with a visual demonstration of the correct version of this process. It is necessary to pay attention to pronunciation, intonation, pauses, speech rhythm, as well as reading technique. Learning to read in English also involves understanding what the text is about. To overcome all these difficulties and instill in students a love of reading, as well as to develop and improve the ability to read in English, a series of books for elementary schoolMacmillan Children s reader and Macmillan English Explorers Reading Series . Bright, colorful books help us, teachers, easily introduce children to reading. The subject of the books is very extensive, it includes books of a linguistic and regional nature, which helps to broaden the horizons of students, learn interesting facts about the ancient world, space, and the country of the language being studied. They are divided into several levels (from the smallest to confident readers). These books help develop reading technique, pronunciation, intonation, thanks toCDdisks; expand vocabulary, develop various types of reading, thanks totasks in Comprehension and Vocabulary workbooks . Thus, the lexical material will receive its worthy improvement. BUTteacher's book contains all the necessary information on how to teach the basic types of reading, as well as developed lessons. It depends on how deeply and in detail the material is understood, whether the person who reads it can use it in other areas of his life. Thus, all types of speech activity are involved in home reading lessons.

The address of the site where you can find more detailed information There on the site you can find books of this series, example pages with tasks, audio material.

Let's move on now to learning to read onmiddle stage . At this stage, we are reading books in the seriesMacmillan Readers . It also presents literature of different genres and authors from modern to classics. The books in this series are divided into 6 levels from beginner to advanced (starteradvanced). It also includes additional tasks for working out lexical and grammatical material, there is information about the history and author of the book, questions to control the understanding of the text, a glossary, many books have an audio application. In addition, on the sitewww. macmillanreaders. com You can find additional resources: various assignments, tests, for some books there are audio materials for free download. We have brought to your attention several pages of assignments for books.The Wizard of Oz and Robinson Crusoe .

So, at the middle stage, we continue to develop and improve the reading skill, its various types, as well as develop and improve other types of speech activity (listening, speaking, writing).

Based on the interests of students, we have selected the following books for home reading. Withstudents 5 classeswereadTreasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, 6ClassRobinson Crusoe by Daniel DefoeClassThe Wizard of Oz by L.Frank Baum.

As we have already said, the value of home reading lessons lies in the fact that all types of speech activity develop, we would like to dwell in more detail on how we achieve our goals in home reading lessons.

The work on the book consists of several stages.The aim of the first stage is to provide students with preliminary information about the book: about the writer, the time and era in which the events described take place, about the main idea of ​​the book in order to arouse their interest in the book, help them quickly navigate its content and remove, if any, the difficulties caused by ignorance facts of a linguo-country character. At this stage, as a rule, we watch a short biography film about the author, after which a conversation takes place, questions are asked to check the correct understanding of the information received. Or you can ask a group of students to prepare an information project about the biography of the writer, having prepared comprehension tasks in advance. As a rule, this stage of work takes one lesson.

The goal of the second stage is a comprehensive . This is a control of reading comprehension and its deepening, a test of the ability to comprehend the content and give an assessment, on the one hand. On the other hand, the purpose of this stage is to teach utterance based on the text, to develop the ability to actively use this material not only when conveying this content, but also when expressing thoughts about what has been read and in general in any other communication situation. This stage of work on the book consists of a discussion of the chapter of the book and exercises aimed at consolidating the new language and speech material. At this stage, such types of work are used that provide both control and training in understanding and speaking.

Before proceeding to the discussion of the chapter, students perform various tasks on vocabulary, grammar, and translation. These exercises precede the discussion of the relevant chapters of the book.

Now I would like to dwell in more detail on the stages of work on each chapter of the book.

Goals of the pre-text stage of work:

Formulate a speech task for the first reading;

To maintain the necessary level of motivation among students, it has already been created, because the guys are interested to know what will happen to the characters next;

Then we work with the title of the chapter, students try to predict the course of events from the title and illustrations of the data for a particular chapter.

Remove language and speech difficulties;

We read questions or statements to control the understanding of the chapter, we try to answer the proposed questions before reading the text.

His goals:

To control the degree of formation of various language skills and speech skills.

As a rule, at this stage, students read and listen to the text at the same time. This type of work contributes to the development of visual and auditory perception of speech, the consolidation of intonation skills, pronunciation skills. The rhythm and pace of reading depends on the speaker (students will finish reading the chapter at the same time).

Exercises and tasks to control the understanding of the text:

Answer the questions; true/false statements. To the bookRobinsonCrusoeWe have developed tasks for each chapter.
At this stage, students were given
the following exercises.

Interesting tasks offered by the publisherMacmillanOnline.

At the same stage, work with vocabulary and grammar is underway. It is necessary for a detailed understanding of the text. We called this sectionWord Study and Grammar Study . We made different tasks for working out the active vocabulary and grammatical constructions of a particular chapter. Also included are translation assignments. Here are some examples of assignments.

Vocabulary in these tasks was selected taking into account its further use in oral speech.

The last stage of work on the chapterpost-text . It is designed to develop speaking skills (monologic and dialogical speech). In assignments we called himSpeech practice .

Here are examples of assignments.

Here is an example of tasks developed for chapters 8, 10

After discussing the book chapter by chapter, another one is needed,third stage of work. This stage is needed to review the vocabulary learned and control its assimilation, as well as to discuss the content of the entire book.For this purpose, wonderful exercises are provided at the end of each book to read. (3 slides Moby Dick , The Legend of sleepy Hollow ). It is planned that the third stage should prepare students for writing essays on the book they have read. Based on the bookRobinsonCrusoeThe students were asked to write a review of the book they read.

Of course, work on the book on this can be continued. You can watch a film in the language and discuss it, compare the film with the book, express your opinion about what you liked and what you didn't.

Also, in our school, readers' conferences are held on the book they have read, students are preparing a performance based on the book.

All this definitely motivates children to continue reading literature not only at home reading lessons, but also on their own.

Learning to read in English is impossible without independent work. Read as often as time permits. You can take any literature, as long as it is to your liking. The children in our school are happy to read additional literature and participate incompetitions Macmillan . (certificates, photos)

But we don't stop there.Our perspectives.

Creation of a creative laboratory:

1. Creating your own book (Activity book). This is an exercise book that is created by each child in the group, so it provides a large set of exercises. After making their own book, the students exchange books to complete the exercises. When creating a book, the student works with grammatical and lexical material, and when doing the exercises of other students, he exercises again. Each student is looking for information about the author of the book. He is faced with the task of arranging his Activity book in the form of a book. And this helps us develop the mental and creative potential of students, develop good taste, the ability to work with papers and use modern technologies.

2. Creation of projects.

The project is a web page about a favorite book, etc.

3. Creation of a book of wise thoughts.

Pupils write out “wise thoughts” from the work and arrange it in the form of a book. We discuss all “thoughts” and necessarily discuss and connect them with our lives. Students explain why he chose this "thought", why it is close to him. Such tasks contribute to the development of oral speech, the removal of psychological tension, the disclosure of the student.

4. Comparing the characters of the book with the characters of a previously read book.

5. Speaker competition.

6. Debate.

Either way, home reading lessons are priceless. students have the opportunity to get in touch with the modern living language, as well as get acquainted with the culture of the country of the language being studied. Doing this work regularly, we can say that our educational institution is a cultural field for the formation of a humanitarian environment and an intermediary between the family and the student.

A little about the concept

“English club” is a series of adapted books that is suitable for both home reading and for classes. In each edition you will find exercises that help you learn the material you read, explanations for the grammatical part. They are different levels complexity and help to work out vocabulary, acquire and develop reading, listening, speaking and writing skills.

The series is divided into 6 groups, from beginner to advanced. There is a dictionary on the last pages. In general, these books will be useful and indispensable for a wide audience.

Currently, most books come out with an application in the form, which allows you to train perception and pronunciation. The text is read by native speakers in slow motion with clear pronunciation. They are great for organizing the learning process.

You can buy them on such popular sites as ozone and labyrinth (I already talked about shopping in these online stores), or in any other bookstore. They are easily accessible, including the price.


  • The Snow Queen. Hans Christian Andersen.

One of my favorite fairy tales, which tells about the struggle between good and evil. She teaches us how important friendship, unconditional love, understanding and trust are. It is these feelings that can overcome anger and deceit.

  • Funny stories of kitten Reddy.

Reddy Kitten is a skilled storyteller who shares funny stories about himself, his brother and sister with us. Kittens are not similar to each other and have completely different characters, but very friendly. They are proactive and enterprising, they can find a way out of any situation, no matter what happens, and they always rush to help.

  • Thumbelina

Another fairy tale by the great Hans Christian Andersen, which is very much loved in Russia, and, in my opinion, not without reason. Both children and adults are ready to re-read it more than once. Therefore, for beginners, the English version will be interesting and useful. A small and kind girl is born from a flower, from a mother who loves her. She is surrounded by care and attention. But life has prepared tests for her, which she passes successfully and with dignity thanks to the qualities of her character.


  • The last of the Mohicans.

A novel by American writer James Fenimore Cooper. His works are known all over the world. This work captures you from the very beginning, it is both adventure and love. In general, everything you need for an exciting reading and a pleasant time behind the pages of the book. North America. Time of colonial wars. The extermination of Indian tribes is in full swing. In order to deliver the beautiful girls Cora and Alice to their father, who is in the British fort, a group of brave and courageous people have to go through many obstacles and overcome dangers. Chingachguk is the last of the Mohicans who lost his son on this difficult path.

  • The jungle book.

Joseph Rudyard Kipling is a wonderful English writer. His work and work is a legacy that is passed down from generation to generation. You will meet familiar characters and learn about the new adventures of Mowgli and his friends.


  • Pollyanna.

This book is a must read for both children and adults. Insanely positive, sincere and kind novel by American writer Eleanor Porter. This work will teach you to love people, to treat the world and life correctly. It shows how everything around is transformed depending on the inner world and mood of a person. The little girl remains an orphan, but continues to enjoy life and look for positive aspects in any situation, despite the circumstances. That's what her father taught her. This ability helps her adapt to new conditions, and at the same time change the lives of all the people around her for the better.

  • Stuart Little.

A funny fairy tale from the American writer Alvin Brooks White will not leave you indifferent. Brave little mouse Stuart Little, who lives in one of the American families, goes on an adventure. At the same time, he shows his gentlemanly qualities, goodwill and good manners. Although he is small, he is brave and fearless.

  • Headless horseman.

World of the wild west. Texas. Prairie Murder Mystery. Under suspicion is a young Mustanger Maurice Geral. To prove his innocence, hunter friend Zeb Stump is looking for the main witness to the crime...


  • Prince and the Pauper.

Based on the adaptation of Mark Twain's first novel, The Prince and the Pauper. The action takes place in London in the 16th century. The poor boy gets into the palace and takes the place of the prince, with whom they are very similar. The prince finds himself on the street and learns all the cruelty of that society. But everything ends happily, and the prince learns the necessary lessons, which he uses further in his reign.

  • The Adventures of Oliver Twist.

A book about social injustice and betrayal, nobility and mercy. English writer Charles Dickens is a master of his craft. He skillfully touches on those issues that awaken the deepest feelings of a person. These questions are still relevant today.

  • Romeo and Juliet.

A classic by William Shakespeare. A romantic love story of two young people who are separated by a huge abyss - the enmity of their families. The plot was based on an Italian folk legend, which Shakespeare masterfully transformed. The tragic fate of Romeo and Juliet touches everyone who gets acquainted with this work.


  • O.Henry. Stories.

The master of words, O. Henry, has created a collection of wonderful stories filled with humor, unexpected plot twists and unpredictable endings. It will be interesting for everyone.

  • One hundred and one Dalmatians.

Dodie Smith has written an excellent story about the devotion of animals and the immorality and cruelty of humans.


  • Oscar Wilde. Fairy tales.

You will find 9 fairy tales of the famous Oscar Wilde that touch the hearts of readers, make them think about important things.

  • Women in love. David Herbert Lawrence.

Here the relationship between the sisters Gadran and Ursula and their lovers unfolds. This takes place on the eve of the First World War. Subtle descriptions of the emotions of the characters will please even the most demanding reader.

This is what I think is an interesting list for today. Start reading right now, without delay, and improve your knowledge. Stay up to date with the news of my blog, be sure to subscribe to it below.

COLLECTION OF TEXTS FOR HOME READING Compiled by: SOLOVIEVA T.I. Students of TSE 222 groups: KSPU PETROZAVODSK 2002 The manual is intended for home reading of students of non-linguistic faculties. The manual includes stories by famous American and English writers. The purpose of this manual is to help students gain knowledge of the English language. In the most interesting and accessible form. After each story, there is a post-text dictionary with translation of words, preparatory exercises are given to activate vocabulary, speech conditions and speech exercises (question-answer discussion of stories, expressions of agreement or disagreement, retelling the content of stories on behalf of the characters), provides the development of reading and speaking skills. The manual uses stories of well-known American and English authors that are interesting in content and accessible in form. The exercises offered after the texts allow organizing consistent work on vocabulary, ensuring control over the understanding of the text and further development of speaking skills based on texts. The manual can be used for 1-2 courses of non-linguistic faculties. 2 dogs and three dollars (after Mark Twain). I have always believed that a man must be honest. “Never ask for money you haven’t earned”, I always said. Now I shall tell you a story which will show you how honest I have always been all my life. A few days ago at my friend's I met General Miles. General Miles was a nice man and we became great friends very quickly. “Did you live in Washington in 1867?”, the General asked me. “Yes, I did”, I answered. “How could so happen that we didn’t meet then?” said General Miles. “General”, said I, “we could meet then, you forget that you were a great general then, and I was a poor young writer whom nobody knew and whose books nobody read”. “You do not remember me”, I thought, “but we met in Washington at that time. I remember it very well. I was poor then and very often I did not have money even for my bread. I had a friend. He was a poor writer too. We lived together. We did everything together: worked, read books, went for walks together. And then we were hungry, we were both hungry. Once we were in need of three dollars. I don't remember why we needed these dollars so much, but I remember that we had to have three dollars by the evening. “We must get these three dollars”, said my friend, “I shall try to get the money, but you must also try”. I went out of the house, but I did not know where to go and how to get the three dollars. For one hour I was walking along the streets of Washington and was very tired. At last I came to a big hotel. “I shall go in and have a rest”, I thought. I went into the hall of the hotel and sat down on a sofa. I was sitting there when a beautiful small dog ran into the hall. It was looking for somebody. The dog was nice and I had nothing to do, so I called it and began to play with it. I was playing with the dog when a man came into the hall. He wore a beautiful uniform and I knew at once that he was General Miles. I knew him by the pictures in the newspapers. “What a beautiful dog,” he said. “Is it your dog?” I did not have time to answer him when he said: “Do you want to sell it?” When I heard these words I thought about my friend and the three dollars which I had to get. “Well, I… I think…” “Good,” said the General. “How much do you want for it?” “Three dollars” I answered at once. “Three dollars?” he asked. “But it is very little. I can give fifty dollars for it.” “No, no. I only want three dollars.” “Well, it's your dog. If you want three dollars for it, I shall be glad to by your dog.” General Miles paid me three dollars, took the dog, and went up to his room. Ten minutes later an old man came into the hall. He looked round the hall. I could see that he was looking for something. “Are you looking for a dog, sir?” I asked. “Oh yes. Have you seen it? Said the man. “Your dog was here a few minutes ago and I saw how it went away with a man”, I said. “If you want, I shall try to find it for you.” The man was very happy and asked me to help him. “I shall be glad to help you, but it will take some of my time and…” “I am ready to pay you for you time”, cried the man. “How much do you want for it?” “Three dollars.”, I answered. “Three dollars?”, said the man, “but it is a very good dog. I shall pay you ten dollars if you find it for me.” 3 “No, sir. I want three dollars and not a dollar more”, I said. Then I went to General Mile's room. The General was playing with his new book. “I came here to take the dog back”, said I. “But it is not your dog now. I have bought it. I have paid you three dollars for it,” said the General. “I shall give you back your three dollars, but I must take the dog.” “But you have sold it to me, it is my dog ​​now.” “I could not sell it to you, sir, because it was not my dog.” “Do you want to tell me that you took three dollars for a dog that was not yours,” cried the General. “I took the money, but I never said that it was my dog. You asked me how much I wanted for the dog, and I said that I wanted three dollars. But I never told you it was my dog.” General Miles was very angry now. “Give me back my three dollars and take the dog back”, he shouted. When I brought the dog back to his master, he was very happy and paid me three dollars with joy. I was happy too because I had the money, and I felt that I earned it. Now you can see why I say that honesty is the best policy and that a man must never take anything that a man must never take anything that he has not earned. Vocabulary honest honest poor poor enough enough together try try along along be tired be tired at last finally look round ready to bring (brought, brought) feel (felt, felt) feel honestly honesty policy Policy Exercises I.Find in text and write out the English equivalents of the following words and phrases: honest; ask; earn; all life; some days ago; make friends; happen; forget; meet once; have enough money; to need; try to get (money); relax; sit on the sofa; understand immediately; By photo; sell; buy; (pay; old man; to be ready; not a dollar more; pick up (take back); get angry; with joy; best policy. II. Complete the following sentences from the text: 1. I have always believed that… 2. Never ask for money… 3. General Miles was a nice man and we… 4. How could it happen that… 5. I went out of the house … 4 6. I was sitting where when… 7. When we were hungry… 8. I knew at once that… 9. If you want three dollars for it… 10. I could not sell it to you, because… 11. When I brought the dog back to its master… 12. I was happy too because… III. Translate the following sentences into English. Check the translated sentences with the text: 1. A few days ago, at my friend's house, I met General Miles. 2. General Miles was a pleasant person and we soon became great friends. 3. How could it happen that we did not meet then? 4. I was a poor young writer whom no one knew and whose books no one read. 5. We did everything together: worked, read books, walked together. 6. When we were hungry, we were both hungry. 7. I don't remember why we needed these dollars, but I remember that we had to get them by the evening. 8. I left the house, but I did not know where to go and how to get these three dollars. 9. I was playing with a dog when a man entered the hall. 10. “What a beautiful dog,” he said. 11. When I brought the dog to its owner, he was very happy and gladly paid me three dollars. IV.Reproduce parts of the text (situations) in which the following words and phrases are used as key ones. Go beyond these words: 1. a few days ago, a nice man, became grate friends, how could it happen, you forget, a great general, a poor young writer, we met once in Washington. 2. poor, did not have enough money, a friend, lived together, we were both hungry, in need of three dollars, I don’t remember, by the evening, you must also try, I did not know where to go. 3. for an hour, I came to a big hotel, A sofa, a beautiful small dog, I had nothing to do, I was paying, wore a beautiful uniform, by the pictures, is it your dog, I did not have tome , I heard these words, how much do you want, very little, fifty dollars, I shall be glad. 4. an old man, he looked round the hall, are you looking for a dog, a few minutes ago, it went away, to find it, happy, I shall be glad, some of my time, to pay you for you time , ten dollars, not a dollar more. 5. the General was playing, to take the dog back, not your dog, I have paid, I shall give you back, not my dog, I never told you, very angry, give me back, happy, he paid me, I was happy too. V. Please agree or disagree with the following statements. 1. General miles was a nice man. 5 2. General Miles and the author did not meet in Washington. 3. The author was a poor young writer whom nobody knew. 4. The author and his friends were in need of a large sum of money. 5. They knew there to get the money. 6. The dog was nice, and the author called it and began to play with it. 7. General Miles wore in beautiful uniform and the author knew him at once. 8. General Miles paid three dollars, took the dog and went, up to his room. 9. The author took the money, but he never told General Miles that it was his dog. 10. General Miles was not angry at all when the author came to take the dog back. 11. The author was happy because he had the money, and he felt that he had earned it. VI. Answer the questions. Try not to look at the text: 1. Did the author live in Washington in 1867? 2. Why did General Miles forget that they met in Washington? 3. Did the author meet General Miles in Washington/ 4. How did the author and his friend live in Washington? 5. How much money did they need? 6. Did the author know where and how to get the money? 7. Where did the author see the dog? 8. Why did the author know General Miles? 9. Why did General Miles want to buy the dog? 10. Did he pay fifty dollars for a dog? 11. Did he want to give the dog back? 12. Why was the author happy when he got the 3 dollars? VII. Retell the text: 1. on behalf of the author (using exercise III) 2. on behalf of General Miles; 3. on behalf of the owner of the dog. 6 Too well (after O'Henry) Miss Rouse Carrington was a famous actress. She began her life in a little village named Cranberry. But that was long ago. Now she was at the height of her fame, and in the coming season was to perform the leading part in a newly-written comedy. But was to perform the male character in the play? One day a capable young actor by the name of Highsmith called on Mr. Timothy Goldstein, the manager. Highsmith dreamed of being Miss Carrington's partner in the new play. “My boy”, said the Goldstein, “take the part if you con get it. Miss Carrington does not want to listen to any of my suggestions. She say's that all our best actors won't do. You know it is the part of a young farmer. She wants something genuine, a real imitation of county manners. If you want to play the part, you must convince Miss Carrington. I wish you luck, my boy.” Next day Highsmith took the train for Cranberry. He remained there for three days. He found Miss Carrington's family and collected many facts concerning life and people at Cranberry. Then he returned to the city. That same night a small party was sitting at a table in one of the restaurants where actors used to gather when performance was over. The star of that small party was Miss Carrington - gay, happy, at the height of her fame. At half past twelve a plain-dressed flaxen-haired youth entered the restaurant. He seemed very shy and awkward. The moment he entered he upset a chair, and sat awkwardly in another one. He looked shyly around, and then suddenly saw Miss Carrington. He rose and went to her table with a shining smile on his face. “How are you, Miss Rose?”, he said. “Don’t you remember me-Bill Summers-the Summers that lived near the blacksmith’s shop? I think I have grown a little since you left Cranberry. Eliza Perry told me I might see you in the city while I was here”, he went on, “You know, Eliza married Benny, and she says…” “You don’t say so!” interrupted Miss Carrington. Eliza Perry is married! “She married in June”, Grinned the young man, “and the youngest of the Walton girls ran away with a music teacher last arch. Matilda Hockins died from pricking her finger with a needle, and Tom is courting Sally.” “You don't say so!”, exclaimed by Miss Carrington. “Excuse me a while, gentlemen, this is an old friend of mine. Come here, Mr.… What is your name? Oh, yes, Mr. Summers-I shall call you Billy, may I? Come here Billy, and tell me some more.” She led him to an isolated table in a corner. She sat down in front of him and laid her chin upon her hands. “I don’t recollect any Bill Summers”, she said thoughtfully, gazing straight into the innocent blue eyes of the rustic young man. “Miss Rouse”, he said “I called on your family just two or three days ago”. “How is ma?” asked Miss Carrington. Highsmith understood that a bit of pathos was necessary. “She is older than she was, Miss Rose. When I saw her last she was sitting at the door and looking at the road. “Billy,” she said, “I’m waiting for Rosie. She went away down that road and something tells me that she will come back that way again.” When I was leaving”, the young man 7 went on, “I took this rose from a bush by the front door, I thought I might see you in the city and I knew that you would like to have something from Cranberry”. Miss Carrington took the rose with a smile, and got up. “Come to the hotel and see me before you leave the city”, she said. “I'm awfully glad to see you. Well, good night. I'm a little tired. It's tune to go to bed." When she had left the restaurant, Highsmith approached Goldstein, the manager. “It was a brilliant idea”, said the smiling actor, “I’m sure I shall get the part in that play. Miss Carrington will have to confess that my performance was genuine, and that I was a good actor.” “I didn’t hear your conversation,” said Goldstein, “but your make up and acting were O.K. Here's to your success! Call on Miss Carrington early tomorrow, tell her all, and I hope that she will agree to take you as her partner in the play.” Next morning Highsmith, handsome, dressed in the latest fashion, called on Miss Carrington at the hotel. “Is Miss Carrington at home?” he asked the maid. “Miss Carrington has left,” the maid answered, “and will not come back. She has cancelled all her engagements on the stage, and has returned to live in that-what do you call that village? Oh, yes, Cranberry.” Highsmith understood that he had acted too well. Vocabulary Village village at the height leading part main role male male character, role capable capable suggestion offer genuine sincere real real imitation country manners black smith's shop since marry grin grin needle needle court court isolated separate, isolated innocent innocent, naive brilliant brilliant maid maid cancel cancel engagement engagement stage scene 8 Exercises I. Find in the text and write down the English equivalents for these words and phrases: Famous actress; in the heyday of glory; upcoming season; the main role; male character; by the name; dreamed of becoming a partner; real imitation; rustic manners; usually met; simply dressed; he seemed shy and awkward; rustic; "can not be"; three days ago; leave the city. II.Check yourself if you remember the story correctly. Complete these sentences according to the text (in a group lesson - orally): 1. She began her life… 2. One day a capable young actor… 3. She wants something… 4. Next day Highsmith… 5. The same night a small party… 6. The moment he entered… 7. Eliza Perry told me… 8. She led him to an isolated table… 9. When I saw her last she… 10. When I was leaving, I… 11. Come to the hotel and… 12. It was a brilliant idea… III. Retell parts of the text using these words and phrases as key words: 1. a famous actress; to perform the leading part; dreamed of being Miss Carrington partner; must convince; collected many facts; returned to the city. 2. Used to gather; the star of that small party; a plain-dressed flaxen-hair youth; upset a chair; “how are you?”; I have grown a little; "you don't say so"; an old friend of mine; an isolated table. 3. Recollect’ I called on your family; ma; was sitting at the door; I am waiting for; I took this rose from a bush; a little tired; a brilliant idea; she will have to confess; she didn't guess; he called on Miss Carrington; she will agree; handsome; canceled all her engagements; Highsmith understood. IV. Express your agreement or disagreement with the following statements. Correct the incorrect options if necessary. Use expressions: I'm afraid that's wrong. I'm afraid this is not true. That's not quite true to the fact. This is not entirely true. That's (quite) right. Quite right. According to the story… According to the story… 1. Miss Carrington lived in a small town named Cranberry. 2. She was a good actress, and she wanted to play a leading part in a newly written comedy. 9 3. Highsmith, the young actor, was to perform the male character in the play. 4. Highsmith collected many facts concerning life and the people at the village where he lived. 5. At half past twelve a young handsome man entered the restaurant. 6. “I'm Mr. Highsmith,” the plain-dressed youth said to Miss Rosie. 7. “When I was leaving,” the young man went on, “your mother took tills rose from a bush by the front door.” 8. Next morning Highsmith called on Miss Carrington at her hotel. V. Answer the questions. Try not to look at the text: 1. What was Miss Carrington by profession? 2. Where did she begin her life? 3. Was she a good or a bad actress? 4. What part did she perform in the coming season? 5. Who called on Mr. Goldstein one day? 6. What did Mr. Highsmith dream of? 7. To whose suggestions didn't Miss Carrington want to listen? 8. What sort of part was it? 9. What did Miss Carrington want? 10. Where did Mr. Highsmith go next day? 11. How long did he remain at Cranberry? 12. What facts did he collect where? 13. Where was a small party of actors sitting when the performance was over? 14. Was Miss Carrington among them? 15. Who entered the restaurant at half past twelve? 16. What was the youth like? 17. What did he do as sat down in a chair? 18. Whom did he "suddenly" see? 19. By what name did he introduce himself? 20. Was Miss Carrington interested in the news from Cranberry? 21. Did she recollect Bill Summers? 22. Whom Miss Carrington asks about? 23. What did Mr. Highsmith understand at that moment? 24. What did he say about her mother? 25. Why did a young man take the rose? 26. Did Miss Carrington ask a young man to come and see her? 27. Whom did Highsmith approach when Miss Carrington had left the restaurant? 28. What did Mr. Goldstein say about his acting? 29. Was Miss Carrington at the hotel next morning? 30. Where had she gone? 31. What did Highsmith understand then? VI. Retell the text: 1. on behalf of the author; 2. on behalf of Highsmith; 3. on behalf of Rosie Carrington, actress. ten

English prose adapted for "beginners" and "advanced" from A2 to C1: books that will take you to the next level!

Many people find reading to be a slow and rather tedious process. Learning English from TV shows or songs is much more fun. But this is only at first glance! After all, if you delve deeper into the issue, you will notice the advantages of this approach to learning a foreign language; with these advantages we will begin our article.

Why is it important to read English books in the original for effective learning of English?

“The more that you read, the more that you'll know. The more that you know, the more places you'll go.” - Dr. Seuss

“The more you read, the more you learn. The more you learn, the more places you'll visit." - Dr. Seuss, American children's writer and cartoonist

Any English-speaking child will confirm: Dr. Seuss will not advise bad. If you love to read, but are afraid to start with a voluminous and full-bodied English novel, don't worry. There is a great variety of literature adapted specifically to your level of English proficiency. Yes, you will get a complete picture of the work of art a little later, but you can congratulate yourself on the first English book you read already starting from the Elementary level!

Reading is a great way to expand your vocabulary

Reading in a foreign language enriches vocabulary, even if we ourselves do not realize it. Of course, in order to learn new vocabulary more effectively, it is better to read a book, writing out unfamiliar words and memorizing their translation. When choosing books to read, be guided by your learning goals: if you need colloquial speech, pay attention to modern “light” prose, but if you want to master special vocabulary, the most obvious advice is to read literature from your professional interests.

Reading improves spelling

English spelling is full of mysteries and surprises. The spelling of many words defies logic: you just have to memorize. And the best way to do this is to read more English-language literature so that the images of words are stored in memory.

Reading expands your horizons

E-books and blogs, news sites and feeds social networks: reading in the twenty-first century has reached a new level. A single information space makes it possible to learn about what is happening in the most remote corners of the world, to join the world's cultural and scientific heritage.

The first book read in a foreign language is a powerful incentive to conquer new linguistic peaks

Listen to how you feel when you finish the last page of your first English novel: the sweetest feeling. "She reads Orwell in the original" - sounds proud! Any psychologist will tell you that motivation is important when performing any task. So do not miss the opportunity to praise yourself once again, this one is not at all superfluous! :)

How to choose a book to read

  • Choose literature adapted to your level (see the list of recommended books for levels A2-C1 later in the article).
  • Choose works according to your ability: start with short stories, gradually moving to larger literary forms.
  • The more exciting the learning, the more effective it is: try to find books that are interesting for you. Detectives, thrillers, mysticism - or any other subject that awakens your imagination and makes you read the book to the end will do.

Children's books

If you know only a few hundred words in English, pay attention to children's literature: many children's books are also interesting for adults. In addition, children's literature, as a rule, is generously provided with illustrations, which helps to understand the plot.

Interesting fact: the famous children's writer Dr. Seuss, who was discussed earlier in our article, wrote his best book. The Cat in the Hat("The Cat in the Hat"), using only 220 words. This list of the first children's words was compiled by the publisher, obliging the author to use them in his work: everything to earn the love of the target audience!

Free English-language children's books can be found at the following resources:


Like children's literature, comics are a great way to start reading in a new language. There are a great many genres of comics: there are comics for children, for adults, entertaining and educational.

Film scripts

One of the proven and effective methods of learning a new language, recommended by many polyglots, is to read books in the target language that are already familiar in translation. The same applies to film adaptations: it is useful to read the scripts of the films you have watched. Advantages: the context is known, the plot is clear, you can guess the meaning of new words in the course of the story.

Personal development books and professional literature

Reading books about personal development and professional specialized literature, you kill two birds with one stone: you study the vocabulary that is relevant to you in English and learn new things on an important topic for you. If you are keenly interested in something, why not read about it in English? Another advantage of such literature is that it is easier to read than fiction novels. The style is simpler, the vocabulary is limited to the topic under consideration.

3 "life hacks" for novice readers of English literature

What to do if you do not 100% understand what you read?

Relax, it's completely natural. It is not necessary to understand every word, because context is king(king - context). If you have grasped the main idea of ​​the story, that is enough. Moreover, if you understand everything you read, most likely you have taken a book of too low a level for yourself. Try to find such books where about 70% of the vocabulary will be familiar (the rest will have to be written out and learned).

Read aloud

It may seem strange, but reading has proven itself in the tasks of improving pronunciation and listening - if it is reading aloud. By reading aloud, you tune in to the sound range of the language being studied. However, it is important to work on pronunciation and in addition to reading, otherwise the incorrectly “guessed” pronunciation of a particular word may annoy you for years afterwards.

Listen to audiobooks while reading

When learning English, in which the same combination of letters can be pronounced in a dozen different ways, it is very important to pay attention to the correct pronunciation of new words. We have already written about the book + audiobook format: when reading an English-language book, you listen to its audio version, voiced by native English speakers. Very handy for learning pronunciation!

Books adapted for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels of English (A2-C1)

Level A2 - pre-threshold level (waystage level, elementary level)

The Hound of the Baskervilles - The Hound of the Baskervilles

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Level: initial (elementary)
Genre: detective
Volume: OK. 45000 characters
English variant: British

A well-known, dozens of times filmed story about how a pet can become a real curse of a noble family. It's time to read it in the original!

The Fisherman and His Soul - The Fisherman and His Soul

Oscar Wilde

Level: initial (elementary)
Genre: romantic fairy tale
Volume: OK. 30000 characters
English variant: British

A poignant romantic tale about the crazy love of a fisherman dolphin and a mermaid.

Dracula - Wikiwand Dracula

Bram Stoker

Level: initial (elementary)
Genre: mysticism, horror
Volume: OK. 50000 characters
English variant: British

A chilling story of eternal love and eternal damnation: this is where all the vampire sagas of our time came from.

Million Pound Bank Note - The Million Pound Bank Note

Mark Twain

Level: initial (elementary)
Genre: adventure, humor
Volume: OK. 25000 characters
English variant: American

A witty and instructive story about the adventures of a poor man with a million pound note in his pocket.

Mr Bean in the City - Mr. Bean Bean In Town

Level: initial (elementary)
Genre: humor
Volume: OK. 20000 characters
English variant: British

Mr. Bean will always find adventure for his wild little head! The eccentric eccentric continues to amaze and amuse the reader.

Level B1 - threshold or intermediate level (threshold or intermediate)

Fantastic Mr. Fox - FANTASTIC MR FOX

Roald Dahl

Level: medium (intermediate)
Genre: fairy tale, humor
Volume: OK. 45000 characters
English variant: American
Foxes and farmers are eternal enemies. Who will win this time?..

The Picture of Dorian Gray - The Picture of Dorian Gray

Oscar Wilde

Level: medium (intermediate)
Genre: fiction
Volume: OK. 80000 characters
English variant: British

What is more important, the beauty of the face or the beauty of the soul? An incredible story about a beautiful mask and the terrible essence of a person. Mr. Grey, are you not the prototype of the hero of Fifty Shades of Grey? ..

Appointment With Death - Appointment With Death

Level: medium (intermediate)
Genre: detective
Volume: OK. 125000 characters
English variant: British

Christie, Poirot, detective. A must read!

Forrest Gump - Wikiwand Forrest Gump

John Escott

Level: medium (intermediate)
Genre: drama
Volume: OK. 45000 characters
English variant: American

The book is about a man whose fate makes you believe in the impossible.

Three Men In A Boat - Three Men In A Boat

Jerome K. Jerome

Level: medium (intermediate)
Genre: humor
Volume: OK. 50000 characters
English variant: British

Three cheerful friends decided to go on a trip. What came of it - read in the original.

Intermediate level of English (intermediate, B1-B2)

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Level: medium (intermediate)
Genre: drama
Volume: OK. 45000 characters
English variant: American

A fantastic story about a man who "lived the other way around". But have you already seen the movie?

George Orwell

Level: medium (intermediate)
Genre: prose
Volume: OK. 150000 characters
English variant: British

A landmark work of English literature, which must be included in the reader's arsenal of every modern person. To not have to blush in a decent society.

2001: A Space Odyssey - 2001: A Space Odyssey

Arthur Clarke

Level: medium (intermediate)
Genre: science fiction
Volume: OK. 150000 characters
English variant: American

Spaceships, interplanetary travel, mysterious artifacts... Science fiction at its finest!

Gladiator - Wikiwand Gladiator

Dewey Gram

Level: medium (intermediate)
Genre: historical novel
Volume: OK. 100000 characters
English variant: American

This book will tell about the difficult fate of the Roman gladiator. Here's someone who had a really hard job!

Four Weddings and a Funeral - Four Weddings and a Funeral

Richard Curtis

Level: medium (intermediate)
Genre: romance, humor
Volume: OK. 100000 characters
English variant: British

The best way to get to know the culture of a people is to study the customs. A funny, touching, slightly frivolous book by Richard Curtis tells about the love between a British man and an American against the backdrop of four weddings and, alas, one funeral. Is there any hope for a happy ending? Read about it yourself.

B2 - medium-advanced level (vantage or upper intermediate)

Misery - Misery

Stephen King

Genre: novel, thriller
Volume: OK. 120000 characters
English variant: British

A novel about the relationship between a writer and an admirer of his talent, so eccentric that it even scares. The plot develops like in a fairy tale: the further, the worse. But that's why we love King.

Murder Is Announced - A Murder Is Announced

Agatha Christie (Agatha Christie)

Level: medium-advanced (upper-intermediate)
Genre: detective
Volume: OK. 140000 characters
English variant: British

And again the grandmother of the English detective with a novel about a mysterious newspaper ad that indicates the exact day and hour of the future murder. Will the fatal event be prevented? You will read the answer to this question in the purest English.

Airport - Airport

Arthur Hailey

Level: medium-advanced (upper-intermediate)
Genre: thriller
Volume: OK. 180000 characters
English variant: British/Canadian

A disaster novel based on real events, fascinating even after half a century.

The Bourne Identity - Wikiwand The Bourne Identity

Robert Ludlum

Level: medium-advanced (upper-intermediate)
Genre: thriller
Volume: OK. 100000 characters
English variant: American

Off the coast of the Mediterranean, fishermen caught a wounded man who had completely lost his memory. This is the beginning of an exciting romance that became the basis of one of the most successful film thrillers of our time.

The Talented Mr. Ripley - The Talented Mr. Ripley Ripley

Patricia Highsmith

Level: medium-advanced (upper-intermediate)
Genre: detective, drama
Volume: OK. 130000 characters
English variant: American

Tom Ripley is a 25-year-old young man who grew up without parents in an atmosphere of hatred and fear. Is it any wonder that his attitude to the world and people is not distinguished by special tenderness? ..

"Harry Potter" in English is read not only very easily, but much more interesting than in Russian. There is nothing to say about Alice in Wonderland: no matter how many talented translations there are, all puns can only be fully appreciated in the original. In general, reading in English is correct and useful. And we will help you choose a book for your level, so that it is also pleasant.

In contact with

The more that you know, the more places you'll go.

Dr. Seuss

Any English-speaking child will confirm: Dr. Seuss will not advise bad. If you love to read, but are afraid to start with a voluminous and full-bodied English novel, don't worry. Especially for educational purposes, publishing houses produce adapted books in English: for beginners, for the intermediate level, and so on. Yes, you will get a complete picture of the work of art a little later, but you can congratulate yourself on the first English book you read already starting from the Elementary level!

1. Reading in English increases vocabulary

Reading in a foreign language enriches vocabulary, even if we ourselves do not realize it. Of course, in order to learn new vocabulary more effectively, it is better to read a book, writing out unfamiliar words and memorizing their translation. When choosing books to read, be guided by your learning goals: if you need colloquial speech, pay attention to modern “light” prose, but if you want to master special vocabulary, the most obvious advice is to read literature from your professional interests.

2. Reading improves spelling

English spelling is full of mysteries and surprises. The spelling of many words defies logic: you just have to memorize. And the best way to do this is to read more English-language literature so that the images of words are stored in memory.

3. Reading expands your horizons

E-books and blogs, news sites and social media feeds: reading has reached a new level in the twenty-first century. A single information space makes it possible to learn about what is happening in the most remote corners of the world, to join the world's cultural and scientific heritage.

4. Reading in the original language boosts self-esteem

Listen to how you feel when you finish the last page of your first English novel: the sweetest feeling. “She reads Orwell in the original” sounds proud! Any psychologist will tell you that motivation is important when performing any task. So do not miss the opportunity to praise yourself once again, this one is not at all superfluous! :)

How to choose a book to read

  • Choose adapted books in English for your level (see the list of recommended books for levels A2-C1 later in the article).
  • Choose works according to your ability: start with short stories, gradually moving to larger literary forms.
  • The more exciting the learning, the more effective it is: try to find books that are interesting for you. Detectives, thrillers, mysticism are suitable - or any other topic that awakens your imagination and makes you read the book to the end.

Children's books in English

If you know only a few hundred words in English, pay attention to children's literature: many children's books are also interesting for adults. In addition, children's literature, as a rule, is generously provided with illustrations, which helps to understand the plot.

Interesting fact: the famous children's writer Dr. Seuss, who was discussed earlier in our article, wrote his best book. The Cat in the Hat("The Cat in the Hat"), using only 220 words. This list of the first children's words was compiled by the publisher, obliging the author to use them in his work: everything to earn the love of the target audience!

Free English-language children's books can be found on the Internet. For example, on the KidsWorldFun resource.

Comics in English

Like children's literature, comics are a great way to start reading in a new language. There are a great many genres of comics: there are comics for children, for adults, entertaining and educational.

Film scripts in English

One of the proven and effective methods of learning a new language, recommended by many polyglots, is to read books in the target language that are already familiar in translation. The same applies to film adaptations: it is useful to read the scripts of the films you have watched. Advantages: the context is known, the plot is clear, you can guess the meaning of new words in the course of the story.

Books in English about personal development and professional literature

By reading them, you kill two birds with one stone: you study the vocabulary that is relevant to you in English and learn new things on an important topic for you. If you are keenly interested in something, why not read about it in English? Another advantage of such literature is that it is easier to read than fiction novels. The style is simpler, the vocabulary is limited to the topic under consideration.

3 "life hacks" for novice readers of English literature

It is not necessary to understand every word

Context is king(context - king)! If you have grasped the main idea of ​​the story, that is enough. Moreover, if you understand everything you read, most likely you have taken a book of a too low level for yourself. Try to find such books where about 70% of the vocabulary will be familiar (the rest will have to be written out and learned).

Read English aloud

It may seem strange, but reading has proven itself to improve pronunciation and listening - if it is reading aloud. By reading aloud, you tune in to the sound range of the language being studied. However, it is important to work on pronunciation and in addition to reading, otherwise the incorrectly “guessed” pronunciation of a particular word may annoy you for years afterwards.

Listen to audiobooks while reading in English

When learning English, in which the same combination of letters can be pronounced in a dozen different ways, it is very important to pay attention to the correct pronunciation of new words. We have already written about the format. When reading an English-language book, you listen to its audio version, voiced by native English speakers. Very handy for learning pronunciation!

Books adapted for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels of English (A2-C1)

Level A2 - pre-threshold level (waystage level, elementary level)

The Fisherman and His Soul - The Fisherman and His Soul

Oscar Wilde

Level: initial (elementary)
Genre: romantic fairy tale
Volume: OK. 30000 characters
English variant: British

A poignant romantic tale about the crazy love of a fisherman dolphin and a mermaid.

Download audiobook: mp3 (8 files, 52 minutes, 48 ​​Mb)


Bram Stoker

Level: initial (elementary)
Genre: mysticism, horror
Volume: OK. 50000 characters
English variant: British

A chilling story of eternal love and eternal damnation: this is where all the vampire sagas of our time came from.

Million Pound Bank Note - The Million Pound Bank Note

Mark Twain

Level: initial (elementary)
Genre: adventure, humor
Volume: OK. 25000 characters
English variant: American

A witty and instructive story about the adventures of a poor man with a million pound note in his pocket.

Download audiobook: mp3 (8 files, 30 minutes, 28 Mb)

Mr Bean in the city Bean In Town

Level: initial (elementary)
Genre: humor
Volume: OK. 20000 characters
English variant: British

Mr. Bean will always find adventure for his wild little head! The eccentric eccentric continues to amaze and amuse the reader.

Download audiobook: mp3 (2 files, 31 minutes, 30 Mb)

Level B1 - threshold or intermediate level (threshold or intermediate)

The Picture of Dorian Gray

Oscar Wilde

Level: medium (intermediate)
Genre: fiction
Volume: OK. 80000 characters
English variant: British

What is more important, the beauty of the face or the beauty of the soul? An incredible story about a beautiful mask and the terrible essence of a person. Mr. Grey, are you not the prototype of the hero of "Fifty Shades of Grey"? ..

Appointment With Death

Agatha Christie (Agatha Christie)

Level: medium (intermediate)
Genre: detective
Volume: OK. 125000 characters
English variant: British

Christie, Poirot, detective. A must read!

Forrest Gump - Forrest Gump

John Escott

Level: medium (intermediate)
Genre: drama
Volume: OK. 45000 characters
English variant: American

The book is about a man whose fate makes you believe in the impossible.

Three Men in a Boat

Jerome K. Jerome

Level: medium (intermediate)
Genre: humor
Volume: OK. 50000 characters
English variant: British

Three cheerful friends decided to go on a trip. What came of it - read in the original.

Intermediate level of English (intermediate, B1-B2)

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Level: medium (intermediate)
Genre: drama
Volume: OK. 45000 characters
English variant: American

A fantastic story about a man who "lived the other way around". But have you already seen the movie?

George Orwell

Level: medium (intermediate)
Genre: prose
Volume: OK. 150000 characters
English variant: British

A landmark work of English literature, which must be included in the reader's arsenal of every modern person. To not have to blush in a decent society.

Gladiator - Gladiator

Dewey Gram

Level: medium (intermediate)
Genre: historical novel
Volume: OK. 100000 characters
English variant: American

This book will tell about the difficult fate of the Roman gladiator. Here's someone who had a really hard job!

Four Weddings and a Funeral - Four Weddings and a Funeral

Richard Curtis

Level: medium (intermediate)
Genre: romance, humor
Volume: OK. 100000 characters
English variant: British

The best way to get to know the culture of a people is to study their customs. A funny, touching, slightly frivolous book by Richard Curtis tells about the love between a British man and an American against the backdrop of four weddings and, alas, one funeral. Is there any hope for a happy ending? Read about it yourself.

Screen adaptation: