Li Bo is a short biography of the poet. Fire Safety Inspection An Excursion into History

Battery production technologies do not stand still and gradually Ni-Cd (nickel-cadmium) and Ni-MH (nickel-metal hydride) batteries are being replaced on the market by batteries based on lithium technologies. Lithium-polymer (Li-Po) and lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are increasingly used in various electronic devices as a current source

Lithium- silver-white, soft and ductile metal, harder than sodium, but softer than lead. Lithium is the lightest metal in the world! Its density is 0.543 g/cm 3 . It can be processed by pressing and rolling. There are lithium deposits in Russia, Argentina, Mexico, Afghanistan, Chile, USA, Canada, Brazil, Spain, Sweden, China, Australia, Zimbabwe and Congo

Excursion into history

The first experiments on the creation of lithium batteries began in 1912, but only six decades later, in the early 70s, they were first introduced into household devices. And, I emphasize, it was just the batteries. Subsequent attempts to develop lithium batteries (rechargeable batteries) were unsuccessful due to problems associated with ensuring the safety of their operation. Lithium, the lightest of all metals, has the highest electrochemical potential and provides the highest energy density. Batteries using lithium metal electrodes are characterized by high voltage and excellent capacity. But as a result of numerous studies in the 80s, it was found that the cyclic operation (charge - discharge) of lithium batteries leads to changes in the lithium electrode, as a result of which thermal stability decreases and there is a threat of the thermal state getting out of control. When this happens, the temperature of the element quickly approaches the melting point of lithium - and a violent reaction begins, igniting the gases released. For example, a large number of lithium batteries for mobile phones shipped to Japan in 1991 were recalled after several flare-ups.

Due to the inherent instability of lithium, researchers have turned their attention towards non-metallic lithium batteries based on lithium ions. Having lost a little with energy density and taking some precautions when charging and discharging, they got safer so-called lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries.

The energy density of Li-ion batteries is usually several times higher than that of standard NiCd and NiMH batteries. Thanks to the use of new active materials, this superiority is increasing every year. In addition to the large capacity, the Li-ion battery behaves similarly to nickel batteries when discharging (the shape of their discharge characteristics is similar and differs only in voltage).

Today, there are many varieties of Li-ion batteries, and you can talk for a long time about the advantages and disadvantages of one type or another, but it is impossible to distinguish them in appearance. Therefore, we note only those advantages and disadvantages that are characteristic of all types of these devices, and consider the reasons that led to the birth of lithium-polymer (Li-Po) batteries.

Li-ion battery was good for everyone, but problems with ensuring the safety of its operation and the high cost led scientists to create a lithium-polymer battery (Li-pol or Li-po).

Their main difference from Li-ion is reflected in the name and lies in the type of electrolyte used. Initially, in the 70s, a dry solid polymer electrolyte was used, similar to a plastic film and not conducting an electric current, but allowing the exchange of ions (electrically charged atoms or groups of atoms). The polymer electrolyte actually replaces the traditional porous separator impregnated with electrolyte, due to which they have a flexible plastic shell, have less weight, high current output and can be used as power batteries for devices with powerful electric motors.

This design simplifies the manufacturing process, is more secure, and allows the production of thin, free-form batteries. The minimum thickness of the element is about one millimeter, so that equipment designers are free to choose the shape, shape and size, right up to incorporating it into clothing fragments.

Main advantages

  • Lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries with the same weight surpass nickel (NiCd and Ni-MH) batteries in energy intensity
  • Low self-discharge
  • High voltage of a single cell (3.6-3.7V versus 1.2V-1.4 for NiCd and NiMH), which simplifies the design - often the battery consists of only one cell. Many manufacturers use in various compact electronic devices (cell phones, communicators, navigators, etc.) just such a single-cell battery
  • Thickness of elements from 1 mm
  • Possibility to obtain very flexible forms


  • The battery is subject to aging even if it is not used and just sits on a shelf. For obvious reasons, manufacturers are silent about this problem. The clock starts ticking from the moment the batteries are produced at the factory, and the decrease in capacity is the result of an increase in internal resistance, which in turn is generated by the oxidation of the electrolyte. As a result, the internal resistance will reach a level where the battery will no longer be able to deliver the stored energy, although there will be enough of it in the battery. After two or three years, it often becomes unusable.
  • Higher cost than NiCd and Ni-MH batteries
  • When using lithium-polymer batteries, there is always a risk of their ignition, which can happen due to contact closure, improper charging, or mechanical damage to the battery. Since the burning temperature of lithium is very high (several thousand degrees), it can ignite nearby objects and cause a fire.

Main characteristics of Li-Po batteries

As mentioned above, lithium-polymer batteries with the same weight exceed NiCd and Ni-MH batteries by several times in terms of energy consumption. The service life of modern Li-Po batteries, as a rule, does not exceed 400-500 charge-discharge cycles. For comparison, the life of modern Ni-MH batteries with low self-discharge is 1000-1500 cycles.

Technologies for the production of lithium batteries do not stand still, and the above figures may lose their relevance at any time, because. battery manufacturers are increasing their characteristics every month through the introduction of new technological processes for their production.

Of the variety of commercially available lithium polymer batteries, two main groups can be distinguished - fast-discharge(Hi Discharge) and ordinary. They differ among themselves in the maximum discharge current - it is indicated either in amperes or in units of battery capacity, denoted by the letter "C".

Areas of application for Li-Po batteries

The use of Li-Po batteries allows you to solve two important problems - to increase the operating time of devices and reduce the weight of the battery

Ordinary Li-Po batteries are used as power sources in electronic devices with relatively low current consumption (mobile phones, communicators, laptops, etc.).

Fast Discharge Lithium polymer batteries are often referred to as " power"- such batteries are used to power devices with high current consumption. A striking example of the use of "power" Li-Po batteries are radio-controlled models with electric motors and modern hybrid cars. It is in this market segment that the main competitive struggle between various manufacturers of Li-Po batteries takes place.

The only area where so far lithium-polymer batteries are inferior to nickel ones is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsuperhigh (40-50C) discharge currents. In terms of price, in terms of capacity, lithium-polymer batteries cost about the same as NiMH. But competitors have already appeared in this market segment - (Li-Fe), the production technology of which is developing every day.

Charging Li-Po batteries

The charge of most Li-Po batteries is carried out according to a fairly simple algorithm - from a constant voltage source of 4.20V / cell with a current limit of 1C (some models of modern power Li-Po batteries allow charging them with a current of 5C). The charge is considered complete when the current drops to 0.1-0.2C. Before switching to voltage stabilization mode at a current of 1C, the battery gains approximately 70-80% of its capacity. It takes about 1-2 hours to fully charge. The charger is subject to rather stringent requirements for the accuracy of maintaining the voltage at the end of the charge - no worse than 0.01 V / bank.
Of the chargers on the market, two main types can be distinguished - simple, non-computer chargers in the $10-40 price range, designed only for lithium batteries, and universal chargers in the $80-400 price range, designed for maintenance various types batteries.

The former, as a rule, have only an LED charge indication, the number of cans and the current in them are set by jumpers or by connecting the battery to various connectors on the charger. The advantage of such chargers is their low price. The main drawback is that some of these devices are not able to correctly determine the end of the charge. They determine only the moment of transition from the current stabilization mode to the voltage stabilization mode, which is approximately 70-80% of the capacity.

The second group of chargers has much wider possibilities, as a rule, they all show the voltage, current, and capacity in mAh that the battery “accepted” during the charge, which allows you to more accurately determine how charged the battery is. When using the charger, the most important thing is to correctly set the required number of cans in the battery and the charge current, which is usually 1C, on the charger.

Li-Po battery handling and precautions

It is safe to say that lithium-polymer batteries are the most “gentle” of the existing ones, i.e. require the observance of a few simple rules. We list them in descending order of danger:

  1. Recharge battery - charge up to a voltage exceeding 4.20V per cell
  2. Battery short circuit
  3. Discharge with currents exceeding the load capacity or leading to heating of the Li-Po battery over 60 ° C
  4. Discharge below 3V per cell
  5. Battery heating above 60ºС
  6. Battery depressurization
  7. Storage in a discharged state

Failure to comply with the first three points leads to a fire, all the rest - to a complete or partial loss of capacity

From all that has been said, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • To avoid a fire, you must have a normal charger and correctly set the number of charged cans on it
  • It is also necessary to use connectors that exclude the possibility of a short circuit of the battery and control the current consumed by the device in which the Li-Po battery is installed.
  • You need to be sure that your electronic device in which the battery is installed does not overheat. At + 70ºС, a “chain reaction” begins in the battery, turning the energy stored by it into heat, the battery literally spreads, setting fire to everything that can burn
  • If you close an almost discharged battery, then there will be no fire, it will quietly and peacefully “die” due to overdischarge
  • Watch the voltage at the end of the battery discharge and be sure to turn it off after work
  • Depressurization is also the reason for the failure of lithium batteries. Air must not get inside the element. This can happen when the outer protective bag is damaged (the battery is sealed in a bag like a heat shrink tube) as a result of impact, or damage by a sharp object, or if the battery terminal is overheated during soldering. Conclusion - do not drop from a great height and solder carefully
  • According to the manufacturer's recommendations, batteries should be stored in a 50-70% charged state, preferably in a cool place, at a temperature not exceeding 30°C. Storage in a discharged state adversely affects the service life. Like all batteries, lithium polymer batteries have a small self-discharge.

Assembling Li-Po batteries

To obtain batteries with high current output or high capacity, batteries are connected in parallel. If you buy a ready-made battery, then by marking you can find out how many cans are in it and how they are connected. The letter P (parallel) after the number indicates the number of cans connected in parallel, and S (serial) - in series. For example, "Kokam 1500 3S2P" refers to a battery connected in series of three pairs of batteries, and each pair is formed by two 1500 mAh batteries connected in parallel, i.e. the battery capacity will be 3000 mAh (when connected in parallel, the capacity increases), and the voltage will be 3.7V x 3 = 11.1V.

If you buy batteries separately, then before connecting them to a battery, you need to equalize their potentials, especially for the parallel connection option, since in this case one bank will start charging another and the charging current may exceed 1C. It is advisable to discharge all purchased banks before connecting to 3V with a current of about 0.1-0.2C. The voltage must be controlled with a digital voltmeter with an accuracy of at least 0.5%. This will ensure reliable battery performance in the future.

It is also desirable to carry out potential equalization (balancing) even on already assembled branded batteries before their first charge, since many companies that assemble elements into a battery do not balance them before assembly.

Due to the drop in capacity as a result of operation, in no case should new banks be added sequentially to old ones - the battery will be unbalanced in this case.

Of course, it is also impossible to combine batteries of different, even similar capacities into a battery - for example, 1800 and 2000 mAh, and also use batteries from different manufacturers in one battery, since different internal resistance will lead to battery imbalance.

When soldering, be careful not to overheat the leads - this can break the seal and permanently "kill" the battery that has not yet worked. Some Li-Po batteries come with pieces of a textolite printed circuit board already soldered to the terminals for easy wiring. At the same time, extra weight is added - about 1 g per element, but it is possible to heat places for soldering wires much longer - fiberglass does not conduct heat well. Wires with connectors should be fixed to the battery case, at least with adhesive tape, so as not to accidentally tear them off when repeatedly connected to the charger

The nuances of using Li-Po batteries

I will give a few more useful examples arising from what was said earlier, but not obvious at first glance ...

During the long operation of the battery, its elements become unbalanced due to the initial small scatter of capacities - some banks “age” earlier than others and lose their capacity faster. With more cans in the battery, the process goes faster. This leads to the following rule: it is necessary to control the capacity of each battery cell.

If a battery is found in the assembly, the capacity of which differs from other cells by more than 15-20%, it is recommended to refuse to use the entire assembly, or solder the battery with a smaller number of cells from the remaining batteries.

Modern chargers have built-in balancers (balancer), which allow you to charge all the elements in the battery separately under strict control. If the charger is not equipped with a balancer, then it must be purchased separately and it is advisable to charge the batteries using it.

An external balancer is a small board connected to each bank containing load resistors, a control circuit and an LED indicating that the voltage on this bank has reached 4.17-4.19V. When the voltage on a separate element exceeds the threshold of 4.17V, the balancer closes part of the current “on itself”, preventing the voltage from exceeding the critical threshold.

It should be added that the balancer does not save from overdischarging some cans in an unbalanced battery, it only serves to protect against damage to the cells during charging and a means of identifying "bad" cells in the battery.

The above applies to batteries made up of three cells or more, for two-cell batteries, balancers, as a rule, are not used.

According to numerous reviews, the discharge of lithium batteries to a voltage of 2.7-2.8V has a more detrimental effect on capacity than, for example, overcharging to a voltage of 4.4V. It is especially harmful to store the battery in an over-discharged state.

There is an opinion that lithium-polymer batteries cannot be operated at low temperatures. Indeed, in technical specifications the batteries have an operating range of 0-50°C (at 0°C, 80% of the battery capacity is retained). But nevertheless, it is possible to use Li-Po batteries at low temperatures, about -10 ... -15 ° С. The fact is that you do not need to freeze the battery before use - put it in your pocket, where it is warm. And in the process of use, the internal heat generation in the battery is at the moment useful property without allowing the battery to freeze. Of course, the output of the battery will be somewhat lower than at normal temperatures.


Given the pace of technological progress in the field of electrochemistry, it can be assumed that the future belongs to lithium energy storage technologies if fuel cells do not catch up with them. Wait and see…

The article uses materials from articles by Sergei Potupchik and Vladimir Vasiliev

We pass the test fire safety- step-by-step instruction

Fire safety inspection is an integral part of any type of entrepreneurial activity, no matter if it is related to production or customer service. If you have premises used in business, then the fire inspector will definitely pay you a visit, and in some cases the very fact of carrying out your activities as an individual entrepreneur, LLC or OJSC will depend on his decision. Therefore, before starting registration, be sure to familiarize yourself with the current fire safety regulations and try to comply with them already at the stage of creating a production or organizing customer service.

Legislative support of fire safety inspections

Fire inspections are regulated by the adopted in 2004 No. 820-FZ "On State Fire Supervision". This normative act establishes the procedure for conducting inspections, the powers of inspectors, the rights and obligations of the person or organization being inspected, the frequency of inspections. According to this law, the fire inspectorate is obliged to

  • early notify the auditee of the fact of the upcoming audit,
  • and carry out the check no more than once every 2 years, with a duration of not more than 1 month (an increase in these terms is possible only in exceptional cases).

A more frequent visit of the inspector is allowed under the condition of monitoring the implementation of the instructions of the inspection for previously identified violations.

Based on another normative act- No. 294-FZ "On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the implementation of state. control…” public authorities, namely the General Prosecutor’s Office and the controlling organization itself, not only send a notice of inspections to the inspected person, but also publish a plan for their conduct, including a plan for fire inspections, in the public domain.

In particular, at there is a plan for inspections by regulatory organizations of jur. persons and individual entrepreneurs for 2018. Any entrepreneur can enter the name of his organization (or individual entrepreneur), TIN and, as a result, find out whether a fire safety inspection will be carried out in the coming year.

Moratorium on scheduled inspections for small businesses

For the period 01/01/2016 - 12/31/2018, a moratorium has been announced on scheduled inspections of small businesses.

This prohibition has its exceptions - it does not apply to some individual entrepreneurs who work in particularly significant areas, for example:

  • healthcare,
  • education,
  • social sphere,
  • power industry and others.

In these organizations, scheduled inspections are allowed to be carried out both two and three times in three years. The types of activities and the permissible frequency of inspections are determined by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Despite the moratorium, all organizations, without exception, must strictly comply with all fire safety rules, from the design and construction of buildings and equipment of premises to the availability of fire extinguishers in the proper quantity and refilled, tested for performance. Fire does not forgive negligence, laxity and simplification of everything and everyone! There are many tragic examples of this with mass casualties.

Step 1: Starting the Fire Check

So start fire safety checks- this is receiving a notification about the date of the visit of the inspectors, the timing and procedure for the inspection. On the date specified in the notice, a fire inspector will come to you and the first thing he must do is present you with a written order from the head of the fire department (or his deputy).

Without presenting this document, no fire safety inspection can be carried out.

This document must contain

  • information about the date of the inspection,
  • her form,
  • name of the audited organization (or individual entrepreneur)
  • and most importantly - about the full name. and the rank of inspector.

You need to check all this information very carefully and, if discrepancies are found, demand that the document be replaced with a reliable one (for example, another inspector came to you). In addition, the inspectors are not entitled to exceed the terms of the inspection stated in this order.

It would not be superfluous to make a photocopy of the fire safety inspection order so that you can always refer to its contents and control the actions of the inspector for violations.

Step 2: Checking documents

After the fire inspector confirms his authority, he will first of all ask you to present the documents that are necessary to comply with the fire safety regime of the controlled facility. The list of such documents may vary depending on the type of activity carried out, the danger of production, the size of the premises, the number of employees, and so on. However, this list will definitely include:

  • internal orders on fire-fighting measures (appointment of responsible persons, on briefings, indication and equipment of smoking areas);
  • an evacuation plan for employees in case of fire (at the next step in the fire safety check, the inspector will definitely compare the presented plan with the real plan of the building);
  • a log of fire safety briefings (it is necessary that the log reflects the facts of regular briefings for all employees);
  • agreements with organizations that install and maintain fire alarms and fire extinguishing systems (in most cases, you will also be asked for copies of the licenses of these organizations, which you must request before signing the relevant agreements);
  • acts of inspections of fire hydrants or water pipes (if, of course, they are in your building).

The need for fire alarm and fire extinguishing equipment in the premises depends on the area and specifics of the use of the building. You can clarify whether the building or room you are using falls under the current standards in the so-called NBP 110-03 “List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment to be protected by automatic fire extinguishing installations and automatic fire alarms”, and download it at the end of this article.

Step 3: Checking the fire safety of the premises

After checking the documents, the inspector will proceed to a direct inspection of the building (or premises), during which he will check:

  • compliance of the evacuation plan with the real configuration of the premises;
  • finishing materials for walls, floors and ceilings;
  • availability, correct location and condition of emergency exits;
  • the condition of the bars on the windows - they must be opened from the inside if all the windows in the room are barred;
  • availability, quantity, condition and correct location of fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment;
  • the general condition of the premises, passages and evacuation routes for clutter;
  • the presence of information plates about evacuation routes, fire exits, the designation of fire extinguishers and an indication of the telephone number in case of fire;
  • availability and condition of fire warning systems (for those premises where more than 10 people work);

Step 4: Drawing up a fire safety inspection report

Based on the results of the control measures carried out, the inspector must draw up an act on the fire safety inspection. Even in the process of inspecting the premises and checking documents, he may ask for explanations about any identified violations or shortcomings in the organization of fire safety. Taking into account these comments, as well as based on generally accepted practice, a Fire Inspection Report is drawn up. As a rule, its preparation takes 2-3 days, after which the fire inspector presents it to the head of the legal entity being checked. person or individual entrepreneur under the signature.

AT Fire inspection report contains:

  • information about the compiler (inspector) and the company being checked, the date of the check;
  • description of the current fire and technical condition of the checked premises;
  • a list of identified violations with an appeal to the current fire safety standards;
  • measures of influence on the violator, the responsibility assigned to him;
  • explanations of persons responsible for the identified violations;
  • notes on familiarization of the person being checked (or his representative) with the act, as well as on agreement or disagreement with its content and information about violations;
  • in case of detection of serious violations, protocols drawn up during the inspection of persons responsible for fire safety are attached to the act.

If you do not agree with the content of the Fire Inspection Act, your explanations are not recorded in it, you consider the violations or measures of influence to be unreasonable, then be sure to indicate “Disagree” in the form of the act and justify your position in detail.

From current practice it can be argued that fire safety inspection is a serious matter, but rarely leads to serious liability in the event of an initial discovery of non-serious violations. In most cases, the fire inspector is limited to a warning and draws up an appropriate prescription with recommendations for eliminating the violation, as well as indicating the timing of verification of compliance with these prescriptions. If you maliciously violate fire safety regulations, or do not comply with the instructions of fire inspectors, then you cannot avoid administrative responsibility, and in extreme cases - and initiation of a criminal case.

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To determine the list of necessary measures to comply with fire safety legislation, each room, structure, building or outdoor installation is assigned a category of fire safety object. This classification is necessary so that the level of protection actions taken corresponds to the potential danger of an emergency. There are three types of objects:

  • buildings or structures;
  • premises;
  • outdoor installations.

For more exact definition features of each of them and the categories assigned to them, it is advisable to consider objects separately by groups.

How to determine the category of a room for fire safety

All operated premises are divided into five types according to the degree of potential danger. They are determined by the gases, liquids or materials inside, as well as the technologies used in the case of industrial buildings. Below is a table of fire safety room categories with descriptions and some examples of each.

Room category Main characteristics and properties of gases, liquids and materials used or located in the considered room Room example
Category "A"- rooms with increased explosion and fire hazard Combustible gases and flammable liquids (flammable liquids) that ignite with a flash point of up to 28 degrees. This produces a hazardous mixture that explodes on ignition with an outlet pressure of more than 5 kPa.
  • Warehouses where fuels and lubricants, gasoline and similar substances are stored;
  • Stations where flammable liquids are stored or produced;
  • Stations that store or produce hydrogen or acetylene;
  • Stationary battery installations using alkali and acid
Category "B"- premises related to fire and explosion hazard Combustible fibers or dusts, flammable liquids with a flash point of more than 28 degrees, other flammable liquids that can form a dangerous mixture that explodes on ignition with an outlet pressure of more than 5 kPa
  • Workshops for the production of coal dust, wood flour and similar substances;
  • Premises where painting is carried out using paintwork materials (paints and varnishes), the flash point of which is more than 28 degrees;
  • Stations where diesel fuel is stored or produced;
  • Oil-fired power plants and boiler houses
Categories "B1-B4"- Premises related to fire hazard Slowly combustible and combustible liquids and solids, as well as materials (including fibers and dusts), ordinary substances and materials that, when mixed under natural conditions, only burn, provided that the room in question does not belong to the categories "A" or "B" described above »
  • Storages and warehouses of coal or peat;
  • Woodworking workshops, sawmills and carpentry workshops;
  • Auto repair shops, garages and service stations;
  • Plants for the production of bitumen, asphalt and bituminous materials;
  • Transformer substations;
  • Warehouses and storages of oil coatings
Category "G"- rooms of moderate fire hazard Various substances related to non-combustible, as well as those in a red-hot, hot or molten state, required by the conditions of the applied technological processes. At the same time, the processing or production of the final product is associated with the combustion or disposal of solids or liquids, as well as gases used as fuel.
  • Shops for hot rolling and stamping of various metals;
  • Production of bricks, cement and similar materials using firing technology;
  • Foundry, welding, forging and smelting industrial workshops;
  • Enterprises for the repair and restoration of engines and similar equipment
Category "D"- rooms of low fire risk Various substances and materials that are non-combustible and are in the process of processing or cold storage
  • Shops of cold rolled metal;
  • Various stations using pumping equipment (compressor, irrigation, blowers);
  • Food industry shops engaged in the processing of milk, meat or fish.

Determination of the category of premises for fire safety should be carried out by any business entity. Its result is reflected in the corresponding declaration, which is drawn up during the commissioning of the constructed or reconstructed facility.

Categories of buildings and structures, as well as outdoor installations

In addition to the most commonly used definition of the fire hazard level of premises, similar classifications are used for buildings and structures, as well as outdoor installations. This is necessary to ensure that the fire fighting measures taken correspond to the degree of potential threat.

Category Characteristics of a building without an automatic fire extinguishing system Characteristics of the building on which the automatic fire extinguishing system is installed
BUT The premises, which are assigned category "A", occupy an area of ​​200 sq.m. or their share is above 5% of the total building Premises that are assigned category "A" make up more than 25% of the total area of ​​the building or occupy from 1000 sq.m.
B The premises, which are assigned categories "A" and "B", occupy an area of ​​200 sq.m. or their share is above 5% of the entire building. However, it does not belong to the previous group. The premises, which are assigned categories "A" and "B", make up more than 25% of the total area of ​​the building or occupy from 1000 sq.m.
AT Premises that are assigned categories "A", "B" and "B1-B3" occupy an area of ​​more than 5% of the entire building. However, it does not belong to the two previous groups. The premises, which are assigned categories "A", "B", "B1-B3", make up more than 25% of the total building area or occupy from 3500 sq.m.
G Premises that are assigned categories "A", "B", "B1-B3" and "D" occupy more than 5% of the total area of ​​the building. However, it does not belong to the three previous groups. The premises, which are assigned categories "A", "B", "B1-B3" and "D", make up more than 25% of the total building area or occupy from 5000 sq.m.
D All other buildings and structures

All other buildings and structures

Similarly, the calculation of categories of outdoor premises for fire safety, often called installations, is carried out. It also subdivides all objects into five groups: from category "AN" - increased fire and explosion hazard to category "DN" - reduced fire hazard. The classifying features used in this case are almost identical to those used when grouping rooms.

Designation of the category of fire safety of premises, buildings and structures

As a result of the classification of objects of protection, signs of the fire safety category according to GOST are posted on each of them. Their parameters are clearly defined by the Technical Regulations and must fully comply with it. There are two types of signs that are allowed for use: a red rectangle or a yellow triangle. Their sizes, used colors and font of inscriptions must comply with those specified in the regulations.

When visiting any regulatory authority, the sign of the category of premises for fire safety (GOST r 12.4.026-2001) is one of the first to be checked, since its need is directly spelled out in all regulatory documents.

The company "TRIO" offers services for compiling fire declaration, training and certification of responsible employees of the enterprise, as well as carrying out design and installation work related to alarm and fire extinguishing systems. In addition, experienced and qualified specialists can perform any type of fire-retardant painting or impregnation of structures and materials.

Considered the greatest Chinese poet of all time, Li Po's life, in many ways typical of the scholar-poet of the Tang period, reveals the contradiction between Confucian duty and the Taoist ideal of renunciation of the world. The influence of Taoism pervades Li Bai's poetry. Taoism during the reign of the Chinese tang dynasty, had no less influence on poetry than Confucian morality. Poets drew inspiration from his teachings. Taoism rejected the world and its honors, arguing that the truth can be found only by seclusion among high mountains and wild forests, in the refuge of the immortals who have known the secret of longevity and gained the Tao. The influence of Taoism on painting and poetry is enormous, though Confucians didn't want to acknowledge it.

Although the poet Li Bai claimed descent from Li Gao himself, the 4th-century ruler of the Western Liang state and ancestor of the ruling imperial house, distant kinship—if the emperor recognized it—conferred no special privileges to the poet's family. Li Bai was born in Sichuan, most likely in 701, and his family was neither wealthy nor influential.

The great Chinese poet Li Bai

According to legend, Li Po was a developed child and commented on Chinese classics at an early age. Perhaps such an intensive study of Confucianism caused him dislike, for even in his youth he retired to Mount Minshan, where, together with a hermit, he studied Taoism. In addition, Li Bo never made an attempt to get a position, because, after leaving the mountain, he went not to the capital, but to travel around the country. In 724, while in Shandong, Li Bai founded the "Six Idlers of the Bamboo Grove" society, a clear allusion to the Jin "Seven Wise Men of the Bamboo Grove".

Traveling through Henan and Shanxi, he once happened to help one poor warrior, who later saved the poet's life. This warrior was none other than Guo Zi-yi, after An Lushan rebellion who became the commander-in-chief of the army, the first minister of the empire and the patron of the Nestorian church in China. In 738, in Shandong, Li Bai met his great contemporary Du Fu, a poet equal to, and, according to many Chinese scholars, superior to Li Bai. They became friends, and their relationship is sung in many of the verses of both.

It was not until 742 that Li Bo first arrived in the Tang capital, Chang'an, where he was introduced to the court by a Taoist scholar he had met while traveling in Zhejiang. At the court then the beautiful imperial concubine Yang Guifei ruled the ball. Li Bo, already famous poet, presented to the emperor as an "exiled immortal" - a divine genius in the guise of a mortal, and Xuanzong immediately gave him a sinecure, obliging him to write poetry in honor of the palace celebrations.

The only surviving calligraphic autograph of the poet Li Po

It didn't seem to be too much of a burden, as Li Bo had plenty of time to indulge in wine drinking and enjoy the company of like-minded friends. They called themselves the "Eight Immortals of the Wine Bowl" (or simply the "Eight Immortal Drunkards"). About these noble and educated people, another great Chinese poet, Du Fu, wrote his magnificent poem, which mentions the prominent friends of Li Bai. Of these, Li Shiji was the minister until he resigned to escape the slander of his rivals; Jin, Prince Ruyang, belonged to the ruling house; Zui Zongzhi, a close friend of Li Bai, was a historian, and Zhang Xu was a calligrapher; Su Jin professed Buddhism, which did not prevent him from enjoying wine; He Zhizhang is a friend of Li Po, who first drew the emperor's attention to him.

For three years, Li Bai enjoyed the company of friends and the favor of the emperor himself. Xuanzong until, as a result of palace intrigues, he was forced to leave Chang'an. Slander and hostility came from both envious people and the powerful chief eunuch Gao Lishi. It is said that once, during a feast, a drunken Li Bai forced a eunuch to take off his boots - such a humiliation Gao Lishi could not forgive. Li Bo wrote a poem in honor of the Spring Festival in the Peony Garden, and Gao Lishi whispered to Yang Guifei that Li Bo, supposedly singing her beauty, actually compared her to the "Flying Swallow" (Fei Yan), the beauty of the times Han Dynasty. That would have been an ambiguous compliment, for Fei Yan had deceived the emperor and been disgraced. Yang Guifei was outraged and demanded that the poet be expelled from the palace.

After leaving Chang'an, which was soon destined to know the fury of An Lushan's warriors, Li Bo went to Shandong, where he studied Taoism in the residence of the "tian shi" (Heavenly Master), the spiritual head of the religion. Then the poet again headed south and reached Nanjing, where he met an old friend Zui Zongzhi, also exiled into exile. An Lushan's rebellion found the poet in Luoyang, from which he fled before the rebels captured the city. Li Bo ended up in the south, where he joined the headquarters of Li Ling, Prince Yong, who organized the resistance to An Lushan in the Yangtze Valley. Li Ling, however, tried to take advantage of the confusion that reigned after Xuanzong's abdication and proclaim himself emperor. His plan failed, the prince was stripped of his title, and Li Bai was imprisoned as his accomplice. Death awaited the poet, but he was saved by the intervention of Guo Ziyi, the commander-in-chief of the imperial troops, who did not forget the service rendered to him by the poet thirty years earlier.

The verdict was postponed, but Li Bai was exiled to the Yelan border district (in present-day Guizhou province). Moving slowly towards the place of exile, he traveled up the Yangtze, staying with friends for long periods. For three years, Li Bo only reached Wushan in Sichuan province, and at that time a general amnesty was announced. The poet was already old, and the glory of Xuanzong's empire had faded. Li Bo sailed back to Taiping, Anhui Province, where his relative served as an official. There he died in 761. According to legend, Li Bai tried to hug the reflection of the moon in the waters of the Yangtze and drowned. At the place of his death, on the cliffs of Caishiji, 15 miles from Nanjing, a temple was erected.