In what fairy tales are boots runners present. The Tale of the Lost Magic Wand The Tale of the Magic Wand

There lived a boy. His name was Vanya. He dreamed about something all the time. He went and told everyone about his desires. He wanted more than anything in the world to make all his dreams come true. But they never came true.

Once with his friends he was playing football, and suddenly the ball was blown away. Vanya climbed into the attic, where he saw the pump. He climbed, climbed up the attic, and suddenly… a ray of light flashed among some rubbish.

What could it be? - Vanya thought and pulled out ... a wand that shimmered with multi-colored lights.

Here it is happiness! Magic wand!!! Now all my dreams will come true.

He ran to the guys, shouting at the top of his lungs:

Look what I found! It's a magic wand!

The guys didn't believe it.

Come on, think about it, it glows, maybe it's just smeared with phosphorus! - said Petya, who always doubted everything.

Let's check it out," Sanya suggested.

I am the first! After all, I found the magic wand.

The guys agreed.

I want us all to have ice cream in our hands.

And, oh miracle! Each boy had his favorite ice cream in his hands.

Petya wanted a toy car, Sanya wanted a new ball, Vova wanted new jeans. Vanya waved his wand - and everything he wanted appeared.

Imagine, - Vanya was dreaming, - now you can not study at all, not work! Whatever you want, you will have it anyway - you just need to wave your wand. They began to make different wishes, more guys came, girls came running. And the wand helped everyone realize their dreams.

Then Vanya decided to show the wand to his parents and ran home.

Mom, dad, a miracle happened!

What happened? Mom asked.

I found a magic wand in the attic! She really makes wishes come true!

But for some reason, dad was not surprised:

Yes, I know about this wand, I threw it into the attic myself. A wizard once lived in our house, when he became very old, he gave the wand to me. True, she quickly deteriorated, and now, apparently, she has regained her magic power. Don't be too happy, it won't last long.

It is necessary to come up with some very important desire, important for everyone! - Mom said. - Otherwise, you will spend her strength on all sorts of nonsense, you want to think of something worthwhile, and her strength will run out.

But Vanya did not listen to his mother - and he thought, thought: a new phone, tablet, laptop, new clothes, new toys ...

When he went to bed, he put the wand on the table near the bed and forbade his parents to take it:

Tomorrow I will fulfill your wishes!

When he woke up in the morning, the wand was in its place.

So, it was not a dream! - Vanya shouted and grabbed his wand. “I want orange juice and a hot ruddy croissant!”

But no matter how much he waved his wand, nothing happened.

Mother, father! Vanya yelled. “The wand is broken!” Do something.

What are you going to do, said dad, - yesterday mom told you that you need to think of something important for everyone, and you spent magical power on little things. Now don't be offended.

He took the wand, broke it and threw it away.

You have to achieve everything on your own, - said dad, - otherwise you will grow up a fool, and no magic wand will help you.

Once upon a time there was a little wizard, and he had a magic wand covered with varnish already cracked from time. The magician inherited the wand from his grandfather. Every day she performed miracles and fulfilled good wishes. But one day, for his birthday, the little sorcerer was presented with a new magic wand. It was painted with bright paint and decorated with figures of different animals. Alas, the little wizard, in addition to being a wizard, was also a boy. And like all boys, having received a new toy, he immediately forgot about the old one. And for many days the wand had been sitting idle in the corner, covered with dust. And then they took her to the closet. An unfamiliar object was immediately surrounded by mice who lived here in a noisy and friendly family. Mouse Fenya decided to try it by mouth, and bit off the very edge. But because of the lacquer, the stick seemed to him bitter and not at all tasty.
- Oh, now a piece of cheese! he dreamed aloud. The magic wand thought and thought and ... fulfilled the desire of the crumbs. In the corner of the closet, a round head of cream cheese with many holes shone. The mice did not believe their eyes, but they perfectly believed their noses. The cheese exuded such an appetizing aroma that there was no doubt: it was the most delicious cheese in the world! They ate it in 5 minutes, and happy fell on the armfuls of straw to chat and take a nap after such an unexpectedly pleasant dinner.
- Fenya, where did the cheese come from? - Lucy the mouse asked her brother.
- I don't know myself. Just said how - bam! He showed up!
“Khe-khe,” the magic wand coughed delicately. - Sorry to interrupt you, but I am a magic wand, and it was I who fulfilled Fenya's wish.
- Blimey! - exclaimed the mouse family. They have their own magic wand! Such amazing events have never happened to them before. And mice-mothers and fathers, grandparents, not to mention mice-children, began to vied with each other to make wishes. And the closet was instantly filled with a variety of things. There were mountains of bagels and giant smoked sausage rings, boxes of marmalade, lots of mouse-sized shoes and clothes, and hundreds of cubes and balls for the kids. And someone even wished to receive a wheel from a car as a gift, and it, having occupied half of the pantry, stood right there. The wand easily fulfilled the amusing whims of its friends. She felt needed again. When the mice were fed up, and there was no free space left in the closet, a chain of mouse neighbors reached out to the stick. Boogers and spiders, worms and rodents from a neighboring house - everyone wanted to get what they had long dreamed of. True, their dreams were trifling compared to what a magic wand could accomplish. After all, once, together with a little wizard, they built cities, saved sinking ships and treated people. These were really important things!
- Lucy, have you noticed that our wand is depressed? Fenya once asked his sister. She stopped laughing and joking...
Lucy and Fenya sat down to the wand and began to question her about what had happened.
“I’m just really sad,” she replied. “It seems to me that I will never do something big and good again. For what I was created.
- Yes, you have very sad thoughts. But I think I know what needs to be done so that optimism and good mood return to you - Fenya said decisively. - Fulfill your own wish! Do you have it?
The magic wand never thought about wishing for something herself. And does she have a wish? She became thoughtful, and spent the whole day in seclusion. And no one bothered her. The mice knew that the magic wand was thinking about something very important. The next morning, Fenya and Lucy looked out into the yard to collect cool drops of dew for the shower in buckets. And they saw a mighty flowering tree. Before, some kind of stunted bush grew here, and now here ....! The mice ran into the closet and told about the miracle. And then Fenya noticed that the magic wand had disappeared - it was no more! She finally, after many hundreds of years, fulfilled her only wish, and became a cherry tree. A few weeks later, juicy sweet berries appeared on the branches. They were pecked with pleasure by birds, animals feasted on them. On hot days, people rested in the shade of a dense crown. And the little wizard came to the tree with his comrades to play. The children threw a strong rope over thick branches and made a swing. The cherry tree was strong and calm. And everyone who approached him immediately felt confidence and a desire to do something truly important.

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Fairy tale Magic wand short at night for children to read

It was a quiet, quiet, clear, clear night. Only the wind rustled with fluffy spruce paws. In the sky the stars whispered mysteriously and winked, and the yellow moon shone brightly.
The inhabitants of the forest had finished their good deeds and were already preparing to lie down in warm beds of herbs to watch berry dreams. They washed their faces and sat down to look at the sky and count the stars.
Suddenly there was a noise, and the breeze "Uuuh!" shook the stars from the sky. It became dark, as in a jar of blueberry jam.
Only the proud yellow moon remained in the sky. She looked around and was delighted: “At last I am alone in the whole sky! And everyone is looking only at me!”
But the moon was not happy for long. She soon became sad alone.
And the animals are upset. When they counted the stars before going to bed, they always fell asleep sweetly. And the moon could not be counted - she was alone.
How are we going to sleep now? Where have our stars gone? Who will help find them?
The little snail was upset, the hedgehogs were grumbling, and the owls were noisy: “Uh-huh!”.
The little animals sat in a row and were completely sad.
A mosquito flew past, heard the little animals sigh heavily, and said:
- I know who will help you! Sheep from the Sweet Dreams Company! They are kind and come to the aid of everyone who calls them!
The little animals decided to listen to the mosquito and call the lambs for help.
The Sweet Dreams Sheep were noisy, funny and always walked together. They had warm white curly fur coats, and beautiful little bells on their necks. They rang when the sheep rearranged their legs.
Each sheep had a special bell sound. So the sheep heard each other in the dark or when they walked alone in the green mountains or wide meadows. They took off their bells only when they played hide-and-seek.
The Chief Sheep commanded the Company. She was the smartest and calmest.
"Ding-ding" the bells rang - these were the sheep going to save the stars.
"Hee-hee" was heard from the pond. The sheep looked closely and saw that something glittered at its bottom.
- These are ancient gold coins lost by pirates! one sheep rejoiced.
- No, it's fireflies bathing! - answered the other.
- Coins can't laugh, but fireflies bathe in leaves! - the Main Sheep answered sternly. - It's probably the stars!
Sheep were delighted, rustled, rang bells.
They took out their fishing rods and sang their cheerful song. Curious stars heard the song and responded to the beautiful sounds.
All the stars fished the sheep out of the pond and hung them on a string to dry.
But the mischievous stars did not want to dry: they were wet, dull and did not want to shine at all. They just giggled, winked and dangled their legs. And one, the smallest, even showed her tongue to the Main Sheep.
The stars are sick! They don't burn! - the lambs got upset and stamped their feet.
The Main Sheep thought and decided to ask the wise Firefly for advice. He knows exactly how to shine!
The firefly lived on a nearby edge in the hollow of an old thick tree.
A lantern always burned brightly at the entrance to his house, so everyone around knew that Firefly lived here. Instead of a rug, he had maple leaves, and instead of a bed, he had a walnut shell.
- How do we get to the Firefly's house? - Sheep murmured. - There is no ladder here, and we do not know how to climb trees!
The sheep began to jump. "Ding-dong" - the bells rang. Sheep jumped, jumped, and still could not get into the house. Then the Main Sheep thought and thought and came up with a ladder of sheep. They stood on each other's backs and came to visit Firefly.
The firefly was delighted with the guests and lit up with joy. And when he heard that they had come for advice, he shone even more. He was kind and liked to give advice even when he was not asked. And when asked, he was in seventh heaven with happiness.
Firefly brewed delicious tea with raspberries, treated everyone.
The sheep told him their story. About how a mischievous breeze played and blew all the stars into the pond. And now all the forest dwellers are sad without stars and cannot sleep. Because they always count the stars before going to bed.
Firefly listened and gave the sheep a magic wand.
- Take it! I don't need it - I glow without it when I'm in a good mood. And you touch the stars with a wand, and they will become as good as new! But first, tell them how much you love them!
- Thank you, Firefly! - the sheep said, hugged him and the stars ran to heal.
Sheep sat on their clouds with motors and flew into the sky. They stroked each star with a magic wand. A kind word was whispered into each ear. The washed stars smiled and shone more than ever.
Sheep understood that kind words heal and are as strong as a magic wand.
Everyone rejoiced and laughed. The sheep began to dance a cheerful dance. "Ding-ding", "tili-dong" was heard in the forest.
And the Firefly went out to the edge, saw bright stars in the sky and lit up with happiness even more.
Everything in the forest fell into place. The animals returned to their houses and, as usual before going to bed, sat down on the porch to count the stars.
The stars burned brightly, like garlands on a Christmas tree.
Only the bully wind hid and rustled in the leaves of the trees.
- Where are you, mischievous boy? I'll show you how to blow the stars out of the sky! - I heard the gentle voice of the mother of the wind. Mom stroked her son, and pressed the breeze ears to the ground.
And it became quiet. The leaves froze, the bugs fell silent, the berries hid. Even the wind did not rustle.
The happy animals fell asleep.
And the sheep settled comfortably on fluffy white clouds and began to count the stars.
The Main Sheep covered everyone with warm blankets and relaxed. She yawned once, twice, and closed her eyes.
They fell asleep sweetly. And they dreamed of warm cotton candy ...
“One asterisk, two asterisks, three ...” - fall asleep and you, baby.

Magic wand

A boy lived in one estate. The manager once flogged him and drove the goat into the field to graze. The boy is standing and crying. An old man approaches him.
- Don't cry, son. Take this stick, stick it in the ground. The goat will stand at the stick, will not go anywhere.
The boy stuck a stick into the ground, and the goat stands by the stick and does not leave.
The boy went for a walk, took a stick, and the goat followed him. He walked and walked and came to the village. And the girls were walking around the village. One of them touched the goat, but she couldn't tear herself away. Another hurried to her rescue and also stuck. The boy took a walk and went home, and the goat follows him, the girls follow the goat. The boy returned home, the manager came out to meet him and asked:
Why are you taking girls?
- Yes, I don’t lead them at all, this goat leads them.
The manager got angry, decided to tear the girls away from the goat and stuck himself.
The master came out to meet them and asked the boy:
- Why are you leading the manager?
- Yes, I do not lead him at all. It's the girls who lead him.

The master got angry, rushed to rescue the manager, but as soon as he touched him, he stuck.
The boy with the goat went straight to the city and leads everyone along. And in the city there lived a king, and he had a daughter whom no one could make laugh. The king ordered to announce throughout the city: "Whoever makes my daughter laugh, he will get her as his wife and become king."
Many tried to make the princess laugh, but they tried in vain: she never even smiled. It happened that the boy walked past the royal palace. The princess looked out the window and sees: what a marvel! Behind the boy - a goat, behind the goat - girls, behind the girls - the manager, behind the manager - the master. The princess burst out laughing, and the king called the boy and said:
- Be my son-in-law! Tomorrow we will celebrate the wedding, and the day after tomorrow you will become king instead of me.
The boy began to prepare for the wedding. He hit the goat with a stick - the wand released the goat, hit the girls - the goat let them go, hit the manager - the girls let him go, hit the master - the manager let him go. They all dispersed to their homes. And the boy stayed in the palace and became king.

Latvian folk tale in retelling

An airplane, a magic wand - all these items are the main attribute of magic. With the help of magical objects, the heroes of fairy tales cope with difficulties that are insurmountable in the usual way.

Where did the idea of ​​fast travel come from?

Shoes, with which you can overcome considerable distances, are mentioned repeatedly in many European and Russian fairy tales. It is clear that there were no analogues of this kind of shoes in nature and still do not exist.

For the first time, shoes with which you could move around are mentioned in ancient Greek myths. The god of trade, Hermes, who was also obliged to carry the news, had special sandals with wings that allowed him to cover great distances in moments.

Walking boots in fairy tales

In Russian folk tales walking boots are mentioned repeatedly.

"Prophetic dream". The main thing actor- Ivan the merchant's son. In a not entirely honest way, he took possession of the three main fairy-tale attributes - an invisible hat, a flying carpet and walking boots, with the help of which he did good deeds.

"The Enchanted Princess" The protagonist is a retired soldier, by the will of fate marries the princess, who is temporarily in the form of a bear. To overcome obstacles, he fraudulently takes possession of a flying carpet, an invisibility cap and walking boots. When performing fabulous deeds, he did not use boots.

"Thumb Boy" - the author's fairy tale by Charles Perrault. The boy-with-a-finger steals seven-league boots (in some translations - walking boots) from the Cannibal. The kid got a job in the royal service as a messenger and, with the help of a fabulous attribute, earned a lot of money and helped the family get out of poverty.

What other fabulous shoes can you move in space

In Gauf's Little Mook, magic shoes move the wearer any distance, a property that Mook used to achieve his goals.

Andersen uses the image in the fairy tale "Galoshes of happiness", where magic shoes move the wearer in time. As an old pessimist, Andersen does not see the use of magic shoes, and the adviser, who has eaten magic galoshes, finds himself in an unpleasant situation, from which he gets out with big losses.

In F. Baum's fairy tale "The Wizard of Oz", magic shoes carry Dorothy home from a foreign land.