Helen Doron English — Studio in FMR. This amazing franchise Current language courses at this school

Language course program for children Helen Doron Early English was developed by British linguist Helen Doron in 1985 (last week the company celebrated its 25th anniversary in Prague with pomp). Today, there are more than 500 franchise centers in 32 countries of the world, where about a million children study. A network of this magnitude and responsibility to future generations does not give Helen a chance to retire. Even after a quarter of a century, Ms. Doron continues to actively work on her methodology, regularly introducing new teaching methods.

Four years ago, Helen Doron language courses began to appear in Ukraine: first in Odessa, and then in Kyiv, where there are already three of them. One of these centers became the object of my close study.

The interior of the Helen Doron Center makes it very easy to understand who is the main consumer of its services. Colorful walls, joyful ceramic animals and lots and lots of toys everywhere you can.

There is no doubt that children order music here.

It is impossible to enter the classroom in outerwear and shoes - all the floors there are covered with soft carpet, which is best to jump on in slippers or barefoot.

In general, using the example of the last photo, it is easy to demonstrate the basic principle of teaching children English, which is used in Helen Doron. The teacher needs not only to pronounce a new word several times, but also to show its embodiment (live or in a picture), and also give the child this word “try”: touch if it is an object, play if it is a toy, drink if it is a drink, or directly execute if it is some kind of verb. Let's say a few seconds ago we learned the word "jumping", but now we remember "seating":

Well, and of course, "sleeping", where without it:

“Children are like sponges, they absorb everything very quickly. But for this they need a lot of visual material. In this regard, adults, of course, are easier to teach, ”they say. Natalya Piets and Olga Pogrebitskaya, master franchisee of Helen Doron Early English in Kyiv and Kiev region.

In order for children to remember a word for sure, they need vivid emotions that will be associated with this word. “At one lesson in the program, it was necessary to show some kind of trick,” Olga recalls. - During the lesson, the teacher placed a picture of a rabbit on the table, covered it with a blanket, said the standard "abracadabra", and after she tore off the cape, there was already a live rabbit on the table! Of course, it goes without saying that having received such vivid impressions, children will remember the word “rabbit” for the rest of their lives.”

In one lesson (45 minutes), a group of five-year-old polyglots learns an average of 10 new words, and by the end of the course they will have accumulated about 800. In addition, children will be able to correctly build simple sentences, ask and answer questions. The course lasts 10 months, from September to June, two lessons per week.

“Of course, in one year, children will not learn English perfectly, but they will have a serious base,” says Natalya. “And, for example, by going abroad with their parents, they can easily communicate with local children.”

The age of the students at Helen Doron plays a very important role. Groups are formed only from children of the same age and with the same level of training. During the shooting, I got into a group consisting of 5-year-old children. Some of them will go to school this year, and by the time the first English lessons begin there, they will already be able to skip them with a clear conscience. Well, or, at least, do "homework" for classmates for sweets.

But you experience a real shock when you find out the minimum age of students in Helen Doron schools. The program provides for learning English as early as the 4th month of life (a group of six-month-old babies started working in Kyiv last year). Of course, the teaching methods here are completely different, and are more focused on the development of fine and gross motor skills.

“Children at this age, of course, do not speak yet, but they remember everything perfectly and can, to the best of their ability, “show” the learned words,” says Natalia. If after the lesson you ask the crumbs “show me a chair”, then he will start to crawl to the chair or simply point to it, if you say “deer”, then he will show deer antlers with his handles, “snail” - he will start wriggling with his hand, imitating the movement of a snail. By the end of the course, the child will be able to “reproduce” up to 300 English words and will know what is being sung in 18 songs. Classes in such groups are very musical.

Another important feature of the methodology is that they speak only English with children: always, from the first lesson, without translation. For all attempts to communicate or ask a question in their native language, the teacher politely asks: “Please speak English”.

Children are not graded here, but if someone did a good job (in this case, she spelled the name correctly), then the teacher can draw an approving smiley next to it.

At the end of the lesson, each child receives a small reward - a sticker, which they immediately paste into their notebook. A great incentive for the child to wait until the end of classes, and for parents to continue to take their children to them. However, a month of training here is, by Kiev standards, quite cheap - 600 UAH.

The training program is scheduled for each lesson - for all courses and age groups. Teachers must strictly follow it, but this does not mean that they are limited only to the prescriptions of a British linguist. The head of the center expects from teachers, first of all, a creative approach to the program. And the case described above, the case with a live rabbit, is the best confirmation of this. In the methodology, it was only about the fact that the child needs to be shown a trick, but what kind, and how to present it, the teacher already thinks.

Serious requirements are imposed on teachers at Helen Doron: this, of course, is a very high level of English proficiency, creativity, and love for children. Only those who have passed the certification and received a diploma with personal autograph Helen Doron. Diplomas are issued for individual courses and age groups, because, as we have seen, their working principles are very different. They are proud of their company certificates and hang them on the wall next to the reception.

There are also internal incentive awards in Helen Doron. For example, Svetlana, whose group I filmed, received the title of the best teacher in 2009-2010.

The children, in turn, also noted the achievements of their beloved Aunt Sveta:

The principle of operation of Helen Doron is the same in all countries: the company finds a master franchisee who develops a project in a particular region or throughout the country. The first Ukrainian master appeared in Odessa four years ago. The southern region was followed by Kyiv, where Natalia Pyets is the master franchisee, and Kharkiv. According to Natalia, it is possible to sell a maximum of one or two more master licenses in our country: for the western and, possibly, the eastern region. But single centers can be opened for every 100 thousand of the population.

The cost of a regular license starts at 5,000 euros. Investments in the object itself will amount to the same amount (although, depending on the condition of the premises, they may be higher).

The center requires a room with an area of ​​at least 70 square meters. m. For classrooms, you need to allocate 2-3 rooms. It is also necessary to organize a waiting area for parents, an administrator's desk and, if possible, a playroom where children can relax after classes, or, say, do some creative work:

The requirements for potential franchisees are, in general, quite logical. This is a desire to work with children, and, of course, fluency in English (all franchisees regularly communicate with their foreign colleagues, attend corporate trainings and conferences). Also, a potential franchise buyer must have a higher economic Education and experience in commercial projects. After all, teaching children is not only a pleasant and rewarding job, but also a business.

More about franchise Helen Doron Early English can be found in our catalogue.

- Roman Kirilovich, franch.biz

Company Helen Doron English known on the market since 1985. For the past 29 years, children have been learning English using the Helen Doron English method in 34 countries around the world, in more than 700 learning centers.

We invite your children - toddlers from 3 months old and teenagers up to 19 years old - to the international school Helen Doron English! A unique technique, the result from the very first lessons. Children learn by playing and speak English because it is interesting and fun.

The first lesson is free. See for yourself how easily your child will learn the language, with what pleasure he will attend lessons. No problems at school, because in addition we will help with homework. English at Helen Doron School - exciting now, useful in the future.

Where are we:

Current language courses at this school:

English camp for children 7-14 years old enroll

Do you already know what your child is going to do? summer holidays? 😊 We offer useful and exciting leisure!@helendoron_krd opens the sixth season of English city camps in Krasnodar!
💥💥💥 And on March 30 you will be able to PASS A FREE DEMO LESSON on the camp in each of the 6 Helen Doron centers!!!
📅 5 shifts from June 3 to August 23.
👧 For whom?
For children from 7 to 14 years old.
🇦🇺 Format? - intensive English courses in game form; - a summer camp for half a day or a whole day with field trips and master classes. .
📖 What will happen?
5 different programs have been developed for any level of English knowledge, you just have to choose the right one. .
💥 What is special?
All communication in the camp and classes only in English! This is a great opportunity to improve the spoken language for the child and improve their knowledge of English.

👀 Will there be outings for sure?
Necessarily! We value our reputation and 100% fulfill our promises. Soap making, glass blowing master class, drawing on ebru water, trampoline center, quest in the park, rope park, archery - this is only a part of the program of entertainment and master classes! .

English for the little ones from 3 months to 2 years enroll

Courses in English for a child according to the method
Helen Doronare based on the principle: kids perceive foreign speech as their own. This is possible if they are just beginning to explore the world and master their native language.

English language courses for children combine music, play, creativity in order to make language learning enjoyable and easy! From the very first lessons, the child will please you not only by knowing foreign words. He will correlate them with the outside world. The English language will "stand" for him on the same level as his native language - and this will happen in such a way that he will not even notice it!

English for teenagers from 12 to 19 years old enroll

Helen Doron - a flexible course of spoken and written English for students who continue to study English. Teen English brings the principles of the Helen Doron system - small groups and a positive Feedback at the high school level.

Students learn in a fun and creative atmosphere. Small group classes allow students to receive individual feedback and interact with peers while communicating exclusively in English.

Helen Doron Teen English programs are designed for students with different levels training (designations are given according to the European classification of levels of foreign language proficiency):

  • Teen Talent - corresponds to level A2
  • Teen Choices - Level B1
  • Teen Express - Level B1+
  • Teen Success - corresponds to level B2

The curriculum is designed in such a way that teenagers are actively involved in the lesson throughout the learning process. Each course is based on one story from the life of English teenagers, which combines 4 study sets of each level into one. The musical content of the courses is modern songs written by young composers and performers Benaia Doron and Ella Doron.

English for children from 7 to 12 years old enroll

English courses for children - discoveries and magical adventures in the world of English words, sentences, songs and holidays. Learning English with our school is a pleasant thing, and besides, it is not at all burdensome and not scary for a child. Each lesson in an English course for a child is a holiday and an exciting action in which everyone wants to take part directly.

For the students of our school, we additionally FOR FREE help with homework! Don't overpay for a tutor! Give your child a solid knowledge of English, and he will soon be able to figure out the school curriculum on his own! In the beginning, we will help him to do it!

English for kids from 2 to 7 years old enroll

Friendly creative atmosphere - it is easy to get carried away with a foreign language here, because it is so important for little fidgets to change the type of activity in time, switch from a calm activity to an outdoor game! At the same time, everything that we offer young course participants is aimed at developing thinking and mastering real English.

Holding birthdays in English

Helen Doron's Early English is a unique, easy and natural way to learn English regardless of the child's first language. This award-winning, proven English language teaching methodology was developed by a professional linguist.

During the course children:
- Learn over 800 words
- Familiarize yourself with the basic structure of an English sentence
- English rhymes will be sung in a playful way
- Learn 32 songs in English
- Play outdoor games in English
- Familiarize yourself with different musical styles
- Play games to develop cognitive skills
- Learn to speak with appropriate pronunciation
- Love to learn English.

The First English for All Children curriculum is divided into four lessons. Music and poetry will make the course not only exciting, but also as effective as possible for both the little listeners themselves and for parents who will learn how to organize the kids' leisure time even better!

The training package (First English for All Children) contains:
- 4 CDs with 4 lessons - there are 1, 2, 4 in w4a format; 3rd in mp3
- 4 workbooks with stickers - available, in print format (paginated) and just scanned pages
- history book - yes, scanned pages
- Information booklets for parents - no.

"English for all children" for children from 6 to 9 years old
This course is suitable for both beginners and advanced students. Spoken English is taught through poems, songs and stories, as well as fun games and activities.
As part of the English for All Children course, children learn more than 950 words and 22 songs in various musical styles.
Full training kit English for All Children contains:
4 CDs
4 workbooks.
In this file - the first workbook from the kit.
The page numbering is arranged in such a way that when printing a document with two-sided printing, you get a book ready for binding.

At Helen Doron English we focus on providing a wide variety of sensory experiences that provide a natural environment in which young children absorb an English accent, practice their first words and accumulate vocabulary. This is done by having fun through music, movement, games, and a lot of nurturing.

English For Infants and Baby's Best Start- A person's intellectual capability is shaped not just from their genetic makeup, but from extremely early brain stimulation that leads to the creation of neural pathways. Introducing a second language to children as early as possible is the best way to add these neural pathways and increase their capacity for intellectual development. When comparing bilingual and monolingual children, bilingual children often outperform their monolingual peers.
Baby’s Best Start lays the foundation with spoken English learned through developmental activities, songs and rhymes for infants ages 3 months to 2 years.
Courses are conducted in small groups of parent-child pairs twice a week. The perfect opportunity to bond with your infant!

First English for All Children is for children aged 4 – 6 years. This course consists of four activities book+Mp3+four stories, 2007. In this learning set, children learn over 800 words, the basics of English sentence structure and 32 songs in English, through actions, rhymes and playing games in English. Different musical styles and activities for developing cognitive skills encourage speaking and a love of learning English. Through repetition, example and experience, children will learn how to use their new English vocabulary and how to speak with a good accent.

Download - Download:

Modern children are completely different from us in childhood - this is a fact. Those teaching methods that were used earlier simply do not work with children of the new generation.

Education and learning should be a joy, the child learns, learns new things, learns the world - playing, and does not even realize that they are trying to teach him something.

Importance in modern world obvious. Many parents prefer English and start looking for a school that suits their child.

Many have heard about international English courses for children Helen Doron, but not many understand what kind of education system it is and why it is important to give preference to this particular method of teaching the language.

The famous British linguist and teacher Helen Doron managed to create a unique technique based on the melody of the word, mathematics, music, dance and the whole branch of science about. 30 years ago, she revolutionized the teaching of English as a foreign language to young children by developing a method that mimics the way a mother tongue is learned.

My husband and I studied English with Mirra at home. But there came a moment when our knowledge turned out to be too complicated for her, and we had no idea how to explain the English system to a child in a simple way. Then we started looking for courses for Mirra. So we ended up at Helen Doron in Pechersk. One trial lesson was enough to understand that this is exactly what you need.

Children are not seated at their desks, they are not forced to learn words, they are not pulled and tortured with the correct pronunciation. They simply play with children, accompanying any action with explanations exclusively in English.

Main features of learning English according to the method of Helen Doron are:

Reusable background listening to songs, stories and dialogues

Positive feedback from qualified teachers who have been trained in teaching according to the methodology of Helen Doron

Principles that are followed in the courses help kids quickly learn and understand foreign language and do not treat him as a stranger:

Classes are held in groups of no more than 8 people, which allows the teacher to devote time to each student.

Motivation for learning through fun and pleasure, active games, rhythm, music, singing, dancing stimulate kids to perceive new language with pleasure.

Confidence, thanks to the support of the teacher, gives a quick result, stimulating the children to learn new things.

Effortless learning by listening to audio content at home. Original materials available online ensure successful language learning.

There are 5 stages of language learning according to the Helen Doron method

0-3 is the best start for babies, baby dragon

3-6 fun with Flup, even more fun with Flup, read and write with Polly

6-12 jump with joey, jump with joey more, play english, robot bottie, world of paul ward, paul ward and treasure

12-18 English Helen Doron for Teens: Talented Teens, Teen Choices, Express Teens, Successful Teens

Vacation Courses: Fun with Flup, Jump with Joey, I'm the World, English Through Acting, Paul Ward on Vacation, Go! catch up.

All levels are thematic courses designed for different age categories, which allows parents to choose the best option for their child.

Each course is not only classes with teachers, audio materials and home repetition. Each student of the Helen Doron courses receives a backpack depending on the chosen course. A backpack is the key to complete immersion in the Helen Doron method. After all, your child receives not only a training set, he gets access to all the author's files on a special website for even better learning and understanding of the English language.

Unique educational materials, programs that are regularly updated and supplemented, are used modern technologies. There are already 3D tutorials, magical Alphabet cards and more.

Children immerse themselves in the atmosphere of English in the classroom and at home, regularly listening to audio material, songs, watching educational cartoons created specifically for each course.

Mirra and I go on a course called "More Fun with Flup" - the main character is the boy Paul and his magical book, which he goes to every time the cute creature Flup appears on its pages. In the book, they meet with Granny Fix and solve the problems that arise in the way of all the heroes.

Our school in Pechersk is the world of English for children. The atmosphere encourages children to play and to fully learn the language, starting from the threshold! Here everyone speaks only English to the children. We arrive early, Mirra loves in the play area before classes start.

The lesson itself takes place in a classroom where there are no desks, a blackboard and a strict teacher, there is a carpet, smiling pillows, a magic box with games and tasks, and a fairy teacher with whom kids love to play. The lesson is always noisy, fun and very active. At the end of each lesson, children watch a 5-minute cartoon on the topic covered. And get a sticker in the diary as a reward for excellent work in class.

Mirra loves to spend time in the center, we always stay after the lesson for the game.

I can definitely say one thing, the Helen Doron method of learning English suited us, because it is fun and educational, because children are spoken fluently in English, stimulating them to understand and interact. It's so funny to watch when the kids understand the teacher and answer her in English. Having studied for only a month and a half, I know for sure that Mirra distinguishes and understands the language, because now, when my husband and I switch to English, our daughter copies us and wants to match. And she also began to invent games in English and gives instructions to her toys in a new, but already understandable language.

When to start learning English? The sooner the better. But it's never too late !

Recent studies show that the earlier children start learning English, the easier it is for them. The child's brain is programmed to "absorb" language, so the acquisition of a second (third) language at an early age provides an almost complete absence of an accent. From birth, children learn their native language by repeatedly hearing words, sentences, songs and stories around them. Children can learn English in the same natural way.

What is the difference between the Helen Doron method and other methods of teaching children English?

Experience. Studying English according to the method of Helen Doron, the child receives:

  • exclusive, best-in-class, interesting and effective classes;
  • is engaged in small educational groups (from 4 to 8 children);
  • it is taught by experienced, specially trained teachers who create and maintain a dynamic learning environment, instill in children a love for learning English;
  • almost 30 years of experience: about 2 million children around the world speak English thanks to the fact that they have been trained in English learning centers by Helen Doron

Why the Helen Doron Method?

Because she is effective. All Helen Doron English curriculums, regardless of the age for which they are designed, are based on four main principles that contribute to the unconditional success of the methodology.


  • Repeated listening in the background at home
  • Unobtrusive pinning
  • Educational process in the form of a game
  • Successful moving forward
  • Original songs in various musical styles

Multiple Listening

A key element of the Helen Doron methodology is background listening to educational materials at home, optimally at least twice a day for 15-20 minutes. Such listening ensures the maximum stay of the child in the English-speaking environment, which is so important at an early age. Songs in English and stories written especially for curricula English Helen Doron, is an integral part of the educational process.

Unobtrusive pinning

When your child says the first word, you show joy. Your positive assessment motivates the child to continue to pronounce this word and learn to say new ones. Learning according to the Helen Doron method, children learn a foreign language in the same way as their native language - through constant, unobtrusive consolidation. The teachers of Helen Doron's English learning centers create this positive motivation and instill in children a love of language learning.

Small group training

The Helen Doron method involves teaching in small groups of 4 to 8 students. This is positive in every way. Students benefit from group learning as opposed to individual learning. And small groups make it possible to pay attention to each child and perform all tasks in the lesson with high quality.

Playful learning

AT educational process Helen Doron's methodology takes into account the unique abilities of children to learn languages, therefore, games, active exercises, music, etc. are included in the curriculum. During the lesson, a relaxed atmosphere is created that motivates children to learn as much as possible. Children easily and happily learn English. Regardless of age (be it 3 months old, 3 years old or 17 years old) children enjoy coming to Helen Doron's English classes, the classes are clearly structured and at the same time interesting and dynamic.

Classes in Helen Doron's English training centers develop self-confidence in children, a desire to learn new things, and instill a love of learning. All these qualities taken together prepare the child for life.


The Helen Doron English Learning Center Network is proud of its highly qualified, dedicated teachers. All teachers are trained by Helen Doron certified tutors. During the training, teachers are trained in the methodology, proper use of educational and teaching materials.

Upon completion of the training course, they become faithful adherents of the methodology and wholeheartedly try to make sure that the children receive maximum knowledge in each lesson. Their enthusiasm is transferred to the children, who look forward to each next lesson!

All curricula, from the Best Start for Babies course to the Helen Doron English for Teens series, are developed by the Educational Group under. by Helen Doron herself.

The development team includes leading experts in the field of linguistics, experts in the field of teaching English as a foreign language, as well as specialists in the field of child development. Study materials are filled interesting stories, original songs and animated music videos, as well as games.

The unique content and structure of the curriculum make classes varied and interesting for children of all ages. Hundreds of captivating stories, cartoons, lyrics and music created especially for Helen Doron English. All exercises and games in each program are designed to increase vocabulary and development of oral speech of each age group of children.

Educational Group Helen Doron is a leader in the development of educational materials and innovations leading to excellent learning outcomes. About 30 years of successful experience around the world testify that Helen Doron's methodology is effective.