Learning English duolingo. DUOLINGO - online language learning program

is a simple free service for learning foreign languages ​​in a playful way. With it, you can learn basic vocabulary on topics such as "Family", "Home" and so on, as well as learn how to build simple grammatical structures. The service has exercises for listening and pronunciation, but it is designed primarily for mastering the basics of grammar and vocabulary.

If you have already read my book, you know that Duolingo is a handy language learning aid, but it (like any other program) will not replace the reading, writing, and communication practice necessary for full language proficiency.

Linear plot - good or bad?

Some programs offer several courses to choose from right from the start. On the one hand, there is plenty to choose from, and on the other hand, the user's eyes widen, he does not know what to do. In Duolingo, this is easier: there is only one course (for each language), its “plot” is straightforward, you can’t deviate from it, except to jump ahead by passing the external test.

After registering and choosing the language to be studied (English, German, French, Spanish and Swedish are still available for Russian-speaking users), you are led by the hand through the chain of tasks, occasionally allowing you to take small steps to the left / right. Is it good or not?

It depends on you. If you want a simple and understandable course, compiled by competent teachers and not requiring too much independence from you, then fine. I note that such a lesson course is also very well implemented in the “Teacher Method” (on the service) - unlike Duolingo, you can only learn English there, but the course is very detailed and is designed for a Russian-speaking audience.

What does Duolingo teach?

Duolingo is aimed at beginners, it has 55 "skills" (groups of 2-10 lessons with common theme), starting with articles, ending with topics such as business vocabulary. Some tasks are more designed for replenishment vocabulary, and some for practicing grammar constructions, but I would say that grammar in Duolingo is given in a very unobtrusive and entertaining way. You are required to be able to build phrases, and not memorize the wording of the rule.

Please note that Duolingo does not provide practice in reading, listening, writing or oral speech. There is only the most basic, elementary practice in the form of reading and listening to individual phrases. You should not expect that the program will help to significantly improve the skills of reading, listening comprehension and even more so speaking - it has a completely different goal. The main content of Duolingo is basic vocabulary and grammar, plus the development of initial listening comprehension skills.

Playful learning

Learning in Duolingo is done in a playful way. Here, as in the usual ones, you need to follow the storyline, complete tasks with increasing difficulty. For the most part, the assignments are based on translation, but the course also helps to develop the initial skills of listening comprehension, writing (spelling, not the ability to write, say, an essay in English) and even.

Most assignments are for translation

Typical tasks:

  • guess the meaning of the word (choose the right picture);
  • translate the sentence;
  • write a sentence by ear;
  • read the sentence into the microphone (the program evaluates the quality of pronunciation) - if you wish, you can skip these exercises, for example, if it is not convenient for you to speak at the moment.

Repetition is the mother of learning

Repetition is the mother of learning

The material covered can be repeated in the “Training” mode (“Strengthen Skills”). On the picture of each completed lesson there is a scale of knowledge hardness. Looking at it, you can find out which lesson you should retake.

In addition, in the right column there is a button “Strengthen Skills”, which starts the repetition of forgotten materials. I recommend starting each lesson with a repetition of the past.

How Owl Duo rewards diligent students

The program does its best to motivate you to practice regularly, and preferably daily. So, for each successfully completed lesson, you are given virtual lingota gems. If you exercise daily, then Duo Owl will give you bonus lingots for regular classes.

You can use the jewelry you earn in the Lingot Shop to buy various useful (and useless) things, for example, an extended language test, or a new costume for Duo the Owl.

I will only add that no lingots motivate to learn a language like real success in English. When you suddenly realize that you know what is being sung about in the one that is written on the cover of this book, when, communicating with a foreigner, you understand that you find mutual language, then you realize how great it is to speak a foreign language - this insight puts you on the tongue better than any lingots.

"Discuss the offer"

A big plus of Duolingo is the discussion of tasks on the forum. Under any question of the lesson there is a button “Discuss the offer”. By clicking on it, you go to the forum where you can discuss the issue with other users, as well as teachers who created the Rus - Eng version of Duolingo.

Individual approach to each student

According to the developers, Duolingo calculates which words, tasks, lessons are easier for you, and which are more difficult. Based on these statistics, the program gives tasks designed specifically for you. This is especially noticeable in the repetition mode (Strenghten Skills) - the program really gives those words, phrases that you have not repeated for a long time.

Mobile app

Duolingo mobile (running on IOS, Windows and Android) won Apple's App of the Year and Google Play's Best of the Best. Usually, as, for example, in the case of, mobile applications of training programs are their stripped-down versions.

Duolingo for smartphones and tablets is slightly inferior to the web version, there are some minor differences. For example, in the large version, the translation of phrases must be done by manually typing the text. In the mobile version, you need to put together the translation of words, like a puzzle. Apparently, this is done because it is not very convenient to type on the phone.

Another difference is that in the large version, before some lessons, a grammatical reference is given, the rules are explained. Unfortunately, this is not available on the mobile app.

How do you know if you need a Duolingo course or not?

Very simple. As I said, at Duolingo you can take the test externally. Scroll through the skill tree to the last test (after which there are several more lessons), complete the tasks and if you did well, then Duolingo will definitely not be useful to you.

How effective is the Duolingo program?

Commissioned by the owners of the service, scientists from the City College of New York and the University of South Carolina conducted a study to determine how effective the program is. They recruited 156 volunteers (carriers in English) and invited them to take a 22-hour Spanish course with the help of Duolingo. As a result, the statistics say that 88 people who reached the finish line (many were confused along the way) moved at such a fast pace that the experiment lasted not 22 to 34 hours, they would have learned the material of the whole semester (130 hours). It was this finding that led the company to claim that Duolingo trumps university-level language learning.

True, there are some "buts"

The study authors themselves Veselnikov and Grego noted that the study involved English-speaking volunteers learning Spanish. Whether the numbers will be the same with another language pair is impossible to say.

If you have studied Spanish, you probably know that there is much more in common between Spanish and English than between Russian and English, and this somewhat changes the conditions of the problem.

I myself studied Spanish on Duolingo (in the direction of English - Spanish, since Russian - Spanish is not there) and I can say that this language pair has a huge advantage that those who learn Russian - English do not have.

On the Russian-language Duolingo forum, everyone communicates in Russian, there are no native English speakers (although the course developers actively help). There are a lot of native Spanish speakers on the Spanish-speaking forum, as they actively use Duolingo to learn English. This, again, greatly changes the conditions of the problem.

Moreover, as Professor Stephen Krashen(University of California) in "Is Duolingo Superior to the University Course?" (“Does Duolingo “Trump” University-Level Language Learning?”) comparing adult volunteers who are motivated to learn a language and students who often learn under duress is not entirely correct.

And let's not forget that out of 156 subjects, 66 mysteriously disappeared somewhere along the way. Why did they abandon the program, some in less than 2 hours? Science does not know this.

What not to expect from Duolingo?

In my opinion, Duolingo is well suited for diversifying classes, developing initial listening comprehension skills, helping with spelling, memorizing words, composing simple phrases. A big plus is a mobile application that almost completely repeats the functionality of the large version.

However, you should not expect that, after completing the program, you will learn to read non-adapted literature, understand films, and speak English. Vocabulary, grammar (which is given at a very modest level in Duolingo) and simple listening exercises are not enough to master the language. Practice is important - in reading and listening (not individual phrases, but at least adapted texts), writing and speaking. Duolingo doesn't provide that.

It is worth noting that specialized programs cope with each individual function better than Duolingo: it is more suitable for developing listening comprehension, for memorizing words there is, for writing practice -.

Don't expect rapid progress from Duolingo either. If you are learning only According to Duolingo, language learning will take a long time. One of the users of the service posted the following screenshot on VKontakte:

It can be seen that the student studied 200 days contract to complete the course. 200 days is more than half a year. I am sure that in six months, even if you study without a teacher, you can gain a basic vocabulary, study grammar from cover to cover of a textbook (I'm not talking about knowledge of the rules, but about the ability to build sentences), develop solid listening, oral and writing, learn to read rather complex unadapted texts.

Duolingo is primarily an educational game, useful to complement and diversify the main activities, whether it be lessons with a tutor, in courses or independent work by textbooks. It is also a good option for those who have just started (or want to start) studying English, but do not yet know what to do better. Duolingo does not overload with unnecessary information, but simply leads you by the hand, helping you learn the basics of the language.

Why Duolingo is Free

is not only a learning service, but also a platform for collective translations. Various organizations (for example, CNN and BuzzFeed) commission text translations from Duolingo, students are encouraged to translate them on a voluntary basis as a language practice, and Duolingo receives money for this. In the end, everyone is happy.

What do you think of Duolingo?

Friends! I don't do tutoring right now, but if you need a teacher, I recommend this wonderful site- there are native (and non-native) teachers there 👅 for all occasions and for every pocket 🙂 I myself went through more than 80 lessons with teachers that I found there! I advise you to try it too!

We recommend downloading Duolingo to your computer for those who want to get their hands on an excellent program for learning foreign languages. You can quickly and easily learn English in just a few minutes a day. The program is absolutely free. So you don't have to worry about extra expenses.

By the way, more than 150 million people have already decided to download Duolingo to their computer. And this number is increasing every day. This is how you can judge how functional and popular this program is, and whether it is worth downloading.

Application functionality

The Dowlingo program on the PC will allow you to improve your knowledge of the English language. And not only, because there are other foreign of this group. Practice will include reading, speaking, comprehension and writing. All this will take place in the form of a game. Interesting tasks will increase your vocabulary and improve knowledge grammatical speech. You can hear, see, write and repeat whatever you see fit.

After downloading the application, you will start learning with the simplest verbs. Further, phrases and sentences will open to your attention, which will develop into texts. And you will learn new words every day.

You only have to spend 34 hours to start speaking English well. In terms of efficiency, this time can be compared with a semester at the university. This program will be an excellent addition to the course taught in schools and universities. Therefore, you can get excellent knowledge without leaving your computer.

The program is completely free. It can be called the most accessible way to study foreign language. But, at the same time, you will not listen to boring lectures and answer awkward questions from the teacher. The game form of learning will be really effective and interesting. The effectiveness of the program lies in the fact that it is enough to perform simple interesting tasks to consolidate the acquired knowledge.

By the way, you can learn not only English, but also Spanish, German, French and many other foreign languages. Soon you will be able to speak fluently in the language of your choice.

Application pros and cons

By downloading Duolingo in Russian for your computer, you will receive an excellent program with many advantages. For example:

  • interesting colorful design. He is not overburdened and unpretentious. Therefore, it is very convenient;
  • complete absence of any financial expenses;
  • fast way to learn. With just a few minutes a day, you can improve your skills in a matter of months;
  • many language options;
  • fast work of the application;
  • constant repetition of lessons that work to strengthen memory.

The program can be called quite interesting and effective. But, there are still some drawbacks in it:

  • slow response of moderators to requests and questions;
  • several errors in spelling of words and construction of sentences;
  • not quite correct work in voice recognition.

How to run Duolingo on PC

The Duolingo app works on Android and iOS mobile devices. But, few people know that you can also download it to your computer.

On our site you have such an opportunity. The main thing is to learn how to use the emulator. There is nothing difficult in this. Download it from our site, install it following the instructions and register in Google mail. It won't take you long. And if you already have an active account, it will be easy at all.

Then you have two options - download the application from our website or from the Google store. But, the first option will be more effective and also free. You download the archive and install it in BlueStacks. That's it, Duolingo is on your computer.

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Those who decide to download Duolingo to their computer will immediately open the functional world of a foreign language. It can be not only English, but also many others. You can combine them if you wish. The program is absolutely free. Therefore, you do not have to worry about being billed for additional expenses.

You will be able to increase your vocabulary in a matter of hours. Especially if you only have basic training or none at all. We recommend that you start learning several languages ​​of the same group at once. This way you can become bilingual in a few months.

After learning the words, you can move on to composing easy phrases. Then you will be asked to start studying sentence structure. Be sure to memorize the forms irregular verbs. This will help you speak beautifully and correctly in the future. Well, and, if word order is not so important for our language, it is symbolic for foreign ones.

We really recommend you to download this application. It is active and interesting.

Knowledge of at least one foreign language has long been desirable. A specialist who additionally speaks one or more languages ​​is always given preference when applying for a job, not to mention the fact that such people feel easily and confidently abroad, they can read books in the original language ... The list is endless. Progress does not stand still, and tutorials can be replaced by a great application called Duolingo. User reviews are unequivocal - this is one of the best educational applications.

What is Duolingo?

Learn languages ​​for free! You need to install the program on the computer from the official website, and you can start classes. Scientists have long found out that a person perceives information very well if it is presented in a free game form - it seems that this has been with us since childhood. And if there is an alternative to just memorizing or hiring a teacher, then why not use it? In addition, no financial investment is required.

The Duolingo app is suitable even for those who are completely new to English. By the way, in addition to it, there are also courses in German, Spanish and French.

How is the training

Simplicity combined with powerful functionality is what the user gets in Duolingo. Registration takes just a few minutes. After confirming the email, the virtual student gets access to tasks that can be performed both on the site and in the application installed on the computer.

The difficulty of tasks increases as a person develops his skills. Each big topic is divided into many small tasks, so a person does not need to absorb tons of information, he can choose what to learn today. Each topic ends with a special mini-lesson to consolidate knowledge.


Someone will say that it is not necessary to go for such tricks, because you can learn English from a textbook. However, most people learn the language not because they "should", but because they "should", therefore there is not enough will and perseverance: poring over a book quickly gets boring. Duolingo, on the other hand, works like a teacher, issuing portions of assignments and grading them.

Vocabulary is also of great importance when working with a foreign language. Even if a person knows the rules perfectly, he will not be able to build a sentence if he does not know any of the necessary words. Yes, you can often use synonyms, but, you see, it is quite difficult to use them for such a word as, for example, fork. It's much easier to use word sets, which Duolingo allows you to do.

Levels already passed by the user are not postponed to the far corner - this is also a huge plus. Periodically, the program offers to repeat the material covered. So, by repeated repetition, it is easy to remember a large number of words that, in turn, are used in other tasks (for example, when you need to compose a phrase).

Practice and more practice

"Daily low" is what else helps users in Duolingo. Feedback on the project often mentions how hard it can be to force yourself to open a textbook after a hard day at work. The application, on the other hand, offers a small number of tasks every day, and the volume can be increased or decreased depending on your own employment, in addition, they can be completed one at a time during the day, when there are a few free minutes, or on the way to work.

Practice shows that daily classes of 20-30 minutes are more effective than one many-hour lecture once a week. This rule applies to Duolingo as well: do a few tasks daily.

In the application, you can set the so-called "goal" - this is the minimum tasks that must be completed during the day in Duolingo. The levels are: Easy, Medium, Serious and Insane. It takes only a few minutes a day to complete "easy target" tasks, but if you have time, you can work overtime. The system automatically calculates how many days you have been exercising in a row, and here it is important not to skip days. This is great motivation.

In addition to learning words and rules, the application has tasks for constructing phrases. Here, the developers did their best: in addition to simple colloquial sentences, sometimes there are quotes from books, idioms, aphorisms, and just funny speech turns. This diversifies the learning process.

The site has technical support, whose specialists are ready to help the user in case of difficulties, they can report bugs. An important part is the forum where you can communicate with colleagues, look for interlocutors and even arrange competitions.

Duolingo can easily oust such time wasters as social networks and learning from a person's life is easy and interesting, it does not tire, but it allows you to get distracted or unload your head after hard mental work. All this is supported by positive emotions from the fact that time is not wasted, something useful is being done.

By level

If the user is no longer new to the language, the system will quickly determine his level, and you will not have to monotonously perform many too simple tasks. If, for example, a person reads and writes well, but is not good enough at listening, then this problem is also easily solved. Lessons that the user already knows can be taken ahead of schedule.

The main thing in learning a language is to learn how to speak it as quickly as possible, to overcome the "audio barrier". To do this, the app features listening tasks, but to make your workouts as intense as possible, you can use voice input. Thus, if the answer to the question needs to be written (printed), the user simply pronounces it. The system may recognize words incorrectly, but this will be an incentive to practice pronunciation.


To fundamentally study the base of the language, use two courses, for example, Russian-English and English-Russian at the same time. The peculiarity is that there are many more materials for English speakers, and by choosing the reverse course, the user gets access to them.

For Russian-speaking users, only four languages ​​​​are available for learning, but for the English-speaking audience, the list is much larger. Therefore, as soon as English is brought to an intermediate level, you can take, for example, an Anglo-Spanish course, and improve two languages ​​at the same time. In addition, this will open access to new interesting materials.

For kids

An indispensable tool in teaching children a foreign language is Duolingo. German, French or English - it doesn't matter, because not only an adult, but also a child will be interested in learning and monitoring their "leveling" in the profile, receiving lingot bonuses, which are the so-called game currency, and buying various additions to the functionality for them , for example, the ability to complete a task on time.

However, do not forget that this is an educational game, and the child should be unobtrusively reminded of it.


Despite many positive qualities, Duolingo also has disadvantages. User reviews allow you to compile some statistics: the application does not cause any complaints only among beginners. For those who are fluent in the language and, for example, want to deepen their knowledge or prepare for an exam (IELTS, TOEFL), the application will not help much. However, here we can mention a wonderful alternative - the LinguaLeo project. Its significant drawback is its narrow specialization: only English, but there are significantly more materials than in Duolingo.

English with the help of this service can also be learned from scratch. True, some functions will be available only when purchasing a premium, however, you can easily do without it, knowing a few tricks. For example, the use of a mobile application along with the functionality of the site itself will expand the number of available workouts (for some reason, there is a significant difference in tasks on these platforms). In addition, many interesting and motivating videos with English subtitles are available without any premium. For beginners, such materials may seem complicated, but for those who are more advanced in the language, the videos will be very useful.

Tasks where you need to speak the answer can become a real problem if the Internet connection is unstable or not at all. The same goes for listening.

There is one more small minus in Duolingo. Reviews about the program are periodically updated with reports of bugs in some courses, but they are not critical and are quickly eliminated by the site's programmers.

Instead of a conclusion

No, Duolingo is not a program that will install a foreign language into a human "operating system". Without effort, there will be no effect. But for those who really want to learn a language, this app will really help. However, you need to learn in a complex way, Duolingo alone is not enough. "Learn languages ​​for free" is the slogan of many speaking clubs.

Some of them are really free, and some of them do not take money only from those who already have a good command of the language. In any case, this will be not only a great addition to the main tasks, but also an opportunity to make interesting acquaintances. Often, native speakers also come to the evenings of conversational clubs, and this is also an opportunity to get to know the culture of another country better.

Without leaving home, you can use various chat services, where people from all over the world are looking for interlocutors to talk in the language they are learning. There are many self-learning tools, and best of all, many of them are free (or almost free), you just need to know how to use them correctly.

Click "Home" to get to your skill tree. In the skill tree, you will be doing most of your training. It is divided into separate sections, and each block contains several lessons. The more you advance in learning the language, the more units will be available to you.

Pass ahead of time what you already know (optional). If you already have the basic knowledge, you can take part of the skill tree ahead of time. Click on the golden keyhole at the end of each section to take the quiz. You will have three attempts.

Click on the first skill block. It will probably be called "Basics 1"

  • Click on a lesson. Within each block of skills there are several lessons. Click on the first one to get started. You start with four hearts (which will later turn into three as you progress in the language). Every time you answer a question incorrectly, you will lose a heart. The goal is to get through the lesson with hearts saved. Here Various types Questions that may come up in class:

    • Vocabulary: You will be shown a picture of an item and asked to name it.
    • Translation: You will be prompted to translate a word or phrase from your language to the target language, or vice versa.
    • Listen: You will hear an audio playback of the word or phrase and be asked to type it in (Please note that these questions are not expected to be translated - for example, if you hear a phrase in Spanish, enter it in Spanish, not English.) For slower playback clip, click the smaller turtle icon under the big speaker button.
    • Speech (optional): You will be asked to repeat or translate sentences using the microphone on your computer or mobile device.
      • If you don't want to do spoken questions, click the dropdown in the top right corner, select "Settings" and turn off the microphone option.
  • swipe over words for help. If you are unsure of the meaning of a word, hover over it. Duolingo will provide the translation or give you some options.

    • Please note that as your sentences become more complex as you progress in your studies, this tool will not be as useful. Beware!
    • Duolingo will note that you were peeping. However, you will not lose any points from this.
  • Use keyboard commands. Navigating Duolingo lessons with the keyboard is much faster and easier than using the mouse (this also comes in handy when you're doing a timed test) Here's what to do:

    • Enter: enters the answer
    • 1, 2, or 3: Choice of answers to a multiple choice question
    • Up and Down Arrows: Scroll through options in a drop-down menu
    • Ctrl + Space: Replay audio
    • Ctrl + Space + Shift: Replay the audio recording more slowly.
    • Click the dropdown in the top right corner and select "Keyboard Shortcuts" to see a visual table of keyboard commands.
  • Train! The key to learning a new language is to repeat what you have learned. After every few lessons, stop and do a few practice rounds. Or if you only have 5 minutes to work on the language today, spend it testing yourself. Duolingo offers several different ways to test your skills:

    • Practice knowledge in general: go to the skill tree and click the blue "Practice all skills" button on the right. You will be randomly asked questions about the topics you have studied up to this point.
    • Practice Individual Skills: To upgrade a block of skills, click on the blue “Practice Skill” menu on the right side of the page below the lessons. This will help practice what you have learned in that particular unit.
    • Practice weak words: click "Vocabulary" in the navigation bar at the top. Then click the blue "Practice Weak Words" menu on the right. Duolingo runs you through words you've learned recently or seen less frequently.
  • Knowledge of at least one foreign language is a big plus for establishing a successful career, and in any field of activity. Undoubtedly, the most effective way language learning is communication with its native speakers: discussion of films and books, discussions, expression of one's point of view, etc. But, alas, not everyone has such an opportunity. But almost everyone has access to the World Wide Web, where you can choose suitable online services for yourself, available for both mobile phones and computers.

    One such service is Duolingo, a relatively new online project launched in June 2012 dedicated to independent study languages. The idea of ​​its development belongs to the young American professor Louis von Ahn. The earlier successful Capture and Recupture projects are known to most Internet users. This platform for language learning and crowdsourced translations is completely free. The service is designed in such a way that users, as they progress through the lessons, simultaneously help to translate articles, various documents and websites.

    The effectiveness of Duolingo's approach, which is based in part on the analysis of statistics, was verified by a third-party study commissioned by the company. A study conducted by professors from the City University of New York and the University of South Carolina found that 34 hours of Duolingo training provided the same reading and writing skills as taking an initial semester course at an American higher education institution. educational institution, lasting about 130 hours.

    What is the essence of the project?

    Duolingo is not only a learning service, but also a platform for collective translations. Many users have to face the problem of the lack of this or that material in their native language, since almost 70% of all information on the Internet is now in English. In addition, text translations are also required by various organizations (for example, CNN and BuzzFeed), which have become regular customers of Duolingo. By inviting students to translate texts on a voluntary basis as a language practice, the creators of Duolingo, little by little, solve the above problem.

    What and how does the program teach?

    Designed for beginners, Duolingo includes 55 "skills" ranging from articles to modal verbs, tenses (Future Perfect), business vocabulary. There are tasks that are more designed for expanding vocabulary, while others are for practicing grammatical structures. As for the grammatical material, in Duolingo it is presented very unobtrusively, in an entertaining way. The user is required to be able to build phrases, and memorize the wording of the rule.

    Learning English involves daily exercises, taking into account the time allotted for practice. For successful lessons, the user is rewarded with a special currency called lingots. The applicant initially chooses the amount of time that he plans to spend each day on assignments. Based on this, lingots will be awarded to him. The program also includes a period of practice, for which a separate promotion awaits him.

    Duolingo mobile app

    Among the most popular Android apps by number of requests and downloads, according to the rating provided by Google, the Duolingo service is the best. The mobile version of the program received the Apple "App of the Year" award and the "Best of the Best" award in Google Play.

    The installation process is simple, everything goes quickly and smoothly. To start the installation, you just need to visit the official page of the project on Google Play.

    The Duolingo app, designed for smartphones and tablets, is somewhat inferior to the web version. So, for example, in the large version, when translating phrases, the text must be typed manually. In the mobile version, the translation is made up of words, like a puzzle. Apparently, the creators have foreseen the fact that typing on the phone is not very convenient.

    In the large version, before the start of some lessons, a grammatical reference is offered, an explanation of the rules is given. There is no theory in the mobile application. And without explanation about the construction English sentence or it will be difficult to understand the system of times. Duolingo will be useful if you use the program as a simulator to consolidate existing knowledge obtained from other sources.

    What not to expect from Duolingo?

    For those who want to diversify their activities, develop initial listening comprehension skills, improve spelling, learn how to write simple phrases, Duolingo is a great helper. A big plus is the presence of a mobile application that almost completely repeats the functionality of the large version.

    But you should not hope that after completing the program you will be able to read non-adapted literature, speak English fluently, understand films. To master the language of that vocabulary, grammar and simple listening exercises provided by Duolingo, it is not enough. Practice in writing and speaking, reading and listening (at least adapted texts) is important, which Duolingo does not provide.

    Duolingo can be characterized more as an educational game that complements the main classes, making them diverse, whether it be lessons with a tutor, in courses, or independent work with textbooks. This option is also suitable for those who have just started (or want to start) learning English, but have not yet decided on the source. Duolingo helps you learn the basics of a language without overloading you with unnecessary information.