The second higher military education after civil. Second higher military education

Military universities traditionally stand apart among higher educational institutions: special conditions for admission, strict discipline and subordination, a specific regime ...

The vast majority of civilian universities in Russia are subordinate to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, while the military ones are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense, which establishes and regulates rules and procedures for them. Additionally, all military universities are divided by branches of service: universities missile troops, ground forces, air force, etc.

If you decide to enter a military university, be prepared for the fact that at all stages of the journey, from submitting documents to receiving the coveted "crust", you have to communicate with people in uniform. Therefore, when collecting information about a military university, one should not be guided by general civil rules and guidelines. For example, the rules for admission to military universities practically do not take into account innovations recent years: while the majority of applicants "in civilian life" take entrance exams in the form of tests, applicants for military universities write dictations and tests in the old fashioned way. The same can be said about the Unified State Examination: being outside the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, military leaders have the right to consider the Regulations on the conduct of a unified state exam as information for reflection, but not as a direct guide to action.

Universities with a broad profile

The set of specialties in which modern military universities are trained is quite extensive. The specialization of the university mainly depends on the profile, or rather, on the type of troops to which the educational institution belongs. At the same time, many military universities duplicate civilian areas of training, and more and more often in their "assortment" there are familiar economic and legal specialties. Thus, the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation trains sociologists, lawyers, managers of social and cultural activities, translators and social work specialists.

Some of the specialties offered by the universities of the Ministry of Defense are multifunctional - graduates are equally in demand both in "military field conditions" and "in civilian life." First of all, this concerns the engineering and technical direction. For example, from the walls of the Military Technical University of the Federal Service for Special Construction of the Russian Federation, engineers of lifting and transport, road, construction machines and equipment, specialists in industrial and civil construction, in the design of roads, airfields, transport tunnels, etc.

Finally, a certain part of the military professions lies in a highly specific field of application, which has no analogues in civilian life. For example, after graduating from the Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, one can become a specialist in mathematical support for research on weapons, equipment and the use of civil protection forces.

Autograph for the military commissar

To apply to a military university, the applicant will have to go to the military registration and enlistment office (at the place of residence).

You must have with you:

  • passport;
  • a copy of the document on secondary education (secondary students provide a certificate of current performance);
  • three photographs (without headgear, size 4.5x6 cm);
  • characteristics from the place of study or work;
  • autobiography.

In the military registration and enlistment office, the applicant writes an application with a request for admission to the selected university. All this must be done before April 20 of this year.

After the primary documents have been submitted, it remains to pass a medical examination, and yesterday's student becomes a candidate for study at a military university. Applications are considered by the admission committee of the university, and the final decision on admission to exams (or refusal to do so) is communicated to candidates through the military enlistment office by June 20.

The procedure for submitting documents is somewhat different for those who are currently serving in the Armed Forces: in this case, the applicant submits a report addressed to his immediate commander by April 1 of the current year, and he, having provided the petition with all the necessary papers, passes it on to the authority .

Another feature of entering military universities is that there are quite strict age restrictions. Young people who have not served in the army can become cadets from 16 to 22 years old, having "experience" of army service - up to 24 (age is determined at the time of application).

Fell - wrung out

Entrance tests to military universities are held from July 1 to July 20, and they also differ somewhat from "civilian" ones. To pass the competitive selection, knowledge of the Pythagorean theorem and the gimlet rule will not be enough.

The first stage is a psychological and psychophysical examination of candidates. Then - a test of physical fitness: pull-ups on the crossbar (11 times - "excellent", 9 - "good", 7 - "satisfactory"), hundred meters, 3 km run. And, finally, the actual exams in general education disciplines. They, as a rule, consist of mathematics (major subject) and dictation in the Russian language. The third exam (physics, chemistry, history) depends on the profile of the chosen educational institution.

The average competition for military universities is 2.5-3 people per place. However, these figures (not too high for Moscow) speak, rather, not about the ease of admission, but about its specifics. On the one hand, those wishing to receive military education really not much, on the other hand, not every civilian with average training is able to go through all the "military tricks" associated with admission (questionnaire - checking the psycho-emotional state - physical fitness - general education base).

The system of benefits provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation for applicants to higher educational institutions also applies to military universities: orphans, medalists, winners of olympiads, etc. have various privileges. understandable reasons are disabled.

I would go to field marshals ...
Graduates leave the walls of the alma mater with the rank of lieutenant. All newly-made commanders are waiting for distribution: at least five years after graduation from a military university, yesterday's cadet must devote to the Fatherland. The further fate of the graduate will depend both on the type of troops and the place of service, as well as on personal qualities and ambitions. It is enough to look at the political and administrative elite of our country to understand that graduates of military universities can make a brilliant career and achieve impressive success. For officers who want to achieve a high position, there are universities that provide a second military education, postgraduate courses, specialized advanced training institutes, etc.

Cadet or student?

When all the tests are passed, the candidate turns into a cadet. This status corresponds to the status of a student of a civil university, however, there are more differences between a cadet and a student than common features. If with the beginning of the student life, young people have the most fun and carefree time, then with the beginning of their studies at a military university, this very time ends. Routine, schedule and subordination become a fundamental element in the life of all future officers.

Cadets are removed from military registration (they are not subject to general conscription) and put on a special account - they are enrolled in active military service. For the first two years they (regardless of the need for government housing) live in the barracks and, in addition to training sessions perform duties traditionally included in the concept military service. From the third year, you can move to a hostel or live at home.

All types of allowances are issued for the cadet, he is given uniforms. Holidays last two weeks in winter and a month in summer. In fact, studying at a military university is equivalent to military service.

Sergei Litvinov, a graduate of a military university:

The lack of hazing is more than compensated for by tough discipline, exhausting physical exertion, and in the first and second years - also by a variety of chores. Get ready to learn how to hold a jackhammer in your hands, lay asphalt, do all kinds of repairs of premises and furniture, in the fall - harvesting in the fields near Moscow, in winter - endless clearing of roads from snow and many other useful things.

You will be taught how to shoot, operate military equipment, perform drills and carefully take care of military uniform. In parallel, it will be necessary to learn military regulations and, of course, all disciplines of the specialty. You will have to study at full strength, often at night, as very serious disciplinary sanctions are imposed for poor progress.

Until recently, such a tight schedule was indispensable for anyone who dreamed of studying at a military university. Today, along with the harsh tradition, there is also a softer regime - for those who enter on a paid basis. (The first experiment on the recruitment of "payers" was held at the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in 2003). Such cadets are relieved of the need to bear the hardships and hardships of military service: their life differs little from the life of ordinary civilian students.

The right to education is one of the fundamental rights of Russian citizens (Article 43 of the Constitution Russian Federation). Features of the implementation of this constitutional right by such a specific category of citizens as military personnel are defined in Art. 19 of the Federal Law "On the Status of Military Personnel" dated May 27, 1998 N 76-FZ, which provides for the following ways for them to receive education:
a) training in military professional educational organizations, military educational organizations higher education, other organizations under the jurisdiction of the federal executive authorities, in which the federal law provides for military service;
b) preparation and defense in the prescribed manner of dissertations for competition degree(this right is available only to military personnel undergoing military service under a contract);
c) training in civil professional educational organizations or civil educational organizations of higher education and at the preparatory departments of such educational organizations of higher education with the development educational programs full-time, part-time or part-time education (this right is available only to military personnel undergoing military service under a contract);

d) undergoing professional retraining in one of the civilian specialties without charging them tuition fees (this right is given to military personnel who are doing military service under a contract, the total duration of military service of which is five years or more (not counting the time of training in military vocational educational institutions); organizations and military educational organizations of higher education) in the year of dismissal from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, expiration of the term of military service, health status or in connection with organizational and staff measures).
As follows from the content of paragraph 2 of Art. 19 of the Federal Law "On the Status of Military Personnel", according to the content and scope of rights in the field of education in civilian educational organizations, military personnel undergoing military service under the contract are divided into two large groups: 1) officers; 2) all other servicemen who are doing military service under the contract (soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, warrant officers, midshipmen).
According to paragraph 2 of Art. 19 of the Federal Law "On the Status of Military Personnel", the legislator delegated to the Government of the Russian Federation the authority to establish the procedure for training military personnel undergoing military service under a contract in civilian educational organizations. In order to exercise these powers, the Government of the Russian Federation issued two important regulatory legal acts that came into force on November 15, 2014:
- Rules for the implementation of the right of those undergoing military service under a contract to study in civilian professional educational organizations or civilian educational organizations of higher education and in the preparatory departments of such educational organizations of higher education with the development of educational programs for part-time or part-time education, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 3, 2014 N 1156;
- Rules for the implementation of the right of military personnel undergoing military service under a contract (with the exception of), the continuous duration of military service under a contract of at least 3 years, to study in state-accredited educational programs of secondary vocational education and higher education, as well as in preparatory departments of federal state educational organizations of higher education at the expense of the federal budget with the development of educational programs for part-time or part-time education, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 3, 2014 N 1155.
This publication is devoted to the consideration of these acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.

According to the Rules approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 3, 2014 N 1156, a document confirming the right to study holidays and other social guarantees for passing entrance examinations upon admission to training and during the period of training in educational organizations, there is a certificate-call giving the right to provide guarantees and compensations to employees who combine work with education. The form of such a certificate was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 19, 2013 N 1368.
The most significant type of guarantees for the exercise by military personnel of the right to receive education in civilian educational organizations are study holidays, the duration of which is differentiated depending on the type of educational organization and the course in which the military personnel is studying (see the appendix to this article).
In addition to vacations, servicemen who combine military service with training in civilian educational organizations are provided with the following guarantees:
a) for monetary allowance * (1):
- when on study leave granted for passing entrance examinations or for passing the final certification at the end of the preparatory departments of educational organizations, the monetary allowance is not paid to the serviceman;
- when on study leave granted during the period of study at a civilian educational organization for passing intermediate and final certification, the serviceman is paid an average monthly allowance;
b) to preserve the right to study in case of impossibility to arrive at an educational organization due to employment in the service:
- if it is impossible for a serviceman to arrive on time to undergo an intermediate or final certification in connection with his participation in exercises, ship cruises and other events, the list of which is determined by the heads of federal executive bodies in which military service is provided for by federal law, the educational organization is obliged to provide this serviceman with the opportunity passing certification at another time;
- in the case of sending a serviceman studying in an educational organization on a business trip lasting more than three months, including for participation in peacekeeping and counter-terrorism operations, he is granted academic leave in accordance with the established procedure on the basis of a personal application and a certificate issued by the commander of the military unit, in in which the soldier is serving in the military.
A very important norm is contained in paragraph 3 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 3, 2014 N 1156: study holidays and other social guarantees are provided to officers when they receive education at the appropriate level for the first time, as well as to officers sent for training by the federal executive body in which military service is provided for by federal law.
In order to correctly apply the act of the Government of the Russian Federation under consideration, it should be clear what the concept of "level of education" is, and also how to determine the level of education available to an officer who wants to receive another education in a civilian educational organization.
According to Art. 2 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ, the level of education is understood as a completed cycle of education, characterized by a certain single set of requirements. In accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 10 of the said legislative act in the Russian Federation establishes the following levels of vocational education:
1) secondary vocational education;
2) higher education - bachelor's degree;
3) higher education - specialty, magistracy;
4) higher education - training of highly qualified personnel in postgraduate and postgraduate studies.
Due to the fact that the vast majority of those currently serving in the military already have higher education, received in most cases in military educational organizations before the establishment of the current structure of vocational education * (2), while exercising their right to receive education in civilian educational institutions organizations can face serious problems in practice. Situations are not uncommon when commanders (chiefs) refuse to provide guarantees (in particular, study holidays) related to training in civilian educational organizations to their subordinate officers, referring to the fact that they receive higher education not for the first time.
In order to prevent such conflict situations, one should be guided by the provisions of Art. 108 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", which determines how the educational levels (educational qualifications) that were in force in the Russian Federation before the day this Federal Law came into force are equated to the levels of education that are currently in force (see Table 1 ).

Table 1

Correspondence table of educational levels (educational qualifications) in force before September 1, 2013, with the levels of education in force since September 1, 2013

Secondary (complete) general education

Secondary general education

Initial vocational education

Secondary vocational education under the training programs for skilled workers (employees)

Secondary vocational education

Secondary vocational education for training programs for mid-level specialists

Higher professional education - bachelor's degree

Higher education - bachelor's degree

Higher professional education - specialist training or master's degree

Higher education - specialty or master's degree

Postgraduate professional education in postgraduate study (adjuncture)

Higher education - training of highly qualified personnel in the programs of training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (adjuncture)

Postgraduate professional education in residency

Higher education - training of highly qualified personnel for residency programs

Postgraduate professional education in the form of an assistantship-internship

Higher Education - Training of Highly Qualified Personnel under Assistant-Internship Programs

It should also be borne in mind that the above rules for the implementation of the right to study in civil educational organizations should be applied in a systemic unity with the norm provided for in par. 5 p. 5 art. 19 of the Federal Law "On the status of military personnel", which is formulated as follows: "Training of citizens who have graduated from military professional educational organizations and military educational organizations of higher education and do not have civilian secondary vocational education or higher education, in civilian professional educational organizations or educational organizations of higher education is not considered as a second or further secondary vocational education or higher education.
Based on the foregoing, the right to study in civil educational organizations and to receive appropriate guarantees associated with such education, for the sake of clarity, can be represented as follows (see table 2):

Duration of study holidays provided to military personnel studying in civilian educational organizations*

Purpose of the study leave

Type of educational organization in which the soldier enters or studies

educational organizations of secondary education

educational organizations of higher education

Passing entrance examinations

10 calendar days

15 calendar days

Passing the final certification at the preparatory departments

15 calendar days

Passing the intermediate certification:
- in the first and second courses;
- on each subsequent course

30 calendar days 40 calendar days

40 calendar days each*(3) 50 calendar days each

Passing the state final certification

up to 2 months

up to 4 months

*(1) According to 157 of the Procedure for Providing Monetary Allowance to the Military Personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2011 N 2700, when providing military personnel with training holidays, monetary allowance for periods of these holidays of a specified duration, increased by the time of travel to the location of the specified organizations and vice versa, is paid in the manner prescribed by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation for employees who combine work with education (this procedure is established by Articles 173, 174 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

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Among higher educational institutions, military universities have a special position. The exceptional status is manifested in everything: starting with the conditions for admission to them, which are regulated by order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 185, and ending with the fact that cadets and students serve in them, and not just study like students of civilian universities, academies and institutes.

Features of admission

A second higher military education is a difficult but achievable goal. Education in the universities of the Ministry of Defense is financed from the budget, that is, it is free for citizens, therefore it can either be the first, or is considered as an increase in the level of education previously received by officers.

For those who already have a diploma from any civilian university or institute, the only way to enter a military university is to stay after military service on a contract and apply for competitive selection for admission to the chosen institution - academy or military school.

Lists of candidates for training are submitted by the military registration and enlistment offices and the army command. The age of applicants is considered on August 1 of the year of admission. Most graduates of civilian universities are already 22-23 years old by the time they receive their diplomas, so even with a great desire to help enroll, military commissariat employees will not be able to do anything.

The rules for admission to all military universities can be found in the "Education" section of the official website of the Ministry of Defense.

Specialties of higher military education

The number and types of specialties in the university depend on the kind and type of troops for which educational institution prepares officers:

  1. Strategic Rocket Forces.
  2. Ground troops.
  3. Engineering Troops.
  4. Space troops.

For example, in the Mikhailovskaya Military Artillery Academy, among the specialties are electronic systems, automated control systems and information processing. But in the scientific center of the Navy VMA them. Admiral N. G. Kuznetsov, you can master the management of the navigation service of the Navy or the development, operation and nuclear safety of nuclear power facilities of the Navy and other narrow-profile specializations.

In the largest military university of the Russian Federation - the Military University - at 11 faculties with 53 departments they train in 13 areas: from humanitarian and philological to financial and economic, conductor and command profiles. In total, more than 2000 disciplines are taught, including 22 foreign languages.

Content of master's and bachelor's degree programs

The educational programs of military universities are not only unique in each individual educational institution, but for the most part they are classified or at least not publicly available. But the main objectives of each of these programs are:

  1. To carry out training of sergeants with secondary vocational education, officers with higher education and scientific and pedagogical employees for the needs of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and executive authorities of federal significance.
  2. Satisfy the needs of students in the moral, intellectual and cultural development by giving them the full extent of all necessary knowledge and skills by levels of secondary, higher, postgraduate education.

Graduates of military universities, in addition to higher military special education, receive state diplomas and civilian specialties corresponding to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education.

Top 5 universities

Each of the 27 military universities of the Russian Federation deserves to take a place in the list of the best.

Among higher educational institutions that are not subordinate to the military department, the following are popular:

  1. MPI FSB RF (former MVI FPS RF) - Moscow Border Institute of the FSB RF.
  2. AFSB RF - FSB Academy (Moscow).

The conditions for admission to them basically do not differ from the regulations for admission to military universities, except that candidates are selected even more strictly.

Forms of study

You can study at military universities only full-time. The cadets are in the barracks position and obey the army charter. In a sense, studying at a higher educational institution of the Ministry of Defense or another law enforcement agency is, so to speak, a light version of military service. Upon graduation, graduates are awarded the officer rank of lieutenant.

Citizens of the Russian Federation with a complete secondary education can enter to receive the first higher education. The terms of study depend on the specialty and range from 5 to 6 years. For trainee officers who improve their qualifications or educational level - 2 years.

The quality of military education in Russia

The Russian army is one of the most combat-ready in the world. This is not surprising, because many regular officers of the Russian armed forces participated in various military conflicts. Experts say that the defense complex is the largest expenditure item of the state budget, and the training of command personnel, army officers and specialists is qualitatively superior to the training of students in other sectors educational system RF.

The Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in 2012 received the title of the best educational institution in Europe.

  1. If the reason for dismissal was age, health or organizational events, then:
    • A person is provided with housing in any locality of his choice.
    • A citizen is obliged to give out of turn land for the purpose of building his own house.
    • If housing is not given, then the storekeeper remains in line until his right is exercised.
  2. A military pensioner is provided with funds or a certificate from the federal budget for the purchase of an apartment when moving.

Important: a serviceman who was not provided with an apartment is prohibited from being fired from the armed forces without his consent.

Benefits for contract servicemen: how the state helps the military

  1. Payment of monetary compensation for service on weekends in the preparation of any events or as otherwise necessary. In this case, the military is paid money in exchange for additional free days.
  2. Increasing the length of vacation in accordance with the length of service. Every 5 years, 5 days are added, and when serving in the Far North, 15 days are added.
  3. The right to receive free medical care in special departmental health care institutions.
  4. The payment of lifting allowances upon arrival at a new duty station, the money is paid to the military personnel themselves and their families. In addition, the officer himself and his family members are guaranteed payment for travel to the place of service or to the place of vacation.
  5. The military, three years after entering the service under the contract, is given the right to receive free higher and secondary special education, you can study at any state university or technical school. As a rule, officers who wish to master a specialty useful for service are sent for training.
  6. Shortened retirement. When serving under a contract, it is only 20 years. If a soldier retires after 20 years of service or more, he receives a severance pay of 7 salaries. If the term is less than 20 years, then the severance pay is 2 salaries.

Benefits for military pensioners and their families

In connection with the changes since 2012, monetary compensation in the amount of 600 rubles for the serviceman himself and in the amount of 300 rubles for the wife of a military pensioner and each of his minor children has been canceled. The payment of monetary compensation to pay for the cost of vouchers for children aged 6.5 to 15 inclusive in sanatorium and resort institutions has also been canceled.

What are the tax benefits for military pensioners

Benefits for military pensioners to pay for housing and communal services, unfortunately, are not provided, at least at the country level. But regional authorities often provide former military personnel with some preferences in this area. For example, in the capital, military veterans who have reached the general retirement age pay utility bills at a 50% discount. Such a guarantee is established by the law of the city of Moscow "On measures of social support for certain categories of residents of Moscow" No. 70 of 03.11.2004.

Benefits for military pensioners in 2020 - a list of required material assistance and the amount of subsidies

Travel by urban and suburban passenger transport is constantly becoming more expensive, so for many categories of beneficiaries, the purchase of tickets becomes a tangible expense item. Regional and federal authorities are trying to do everything possible so that vulnerable citizens can, if not completely free of charge, use public transport, then pay a minimum fare. In Moscow, all citizens who receive a military pension and live in the capital or the Moscow region enjoy the right to free travel. The only exception is a taxi.

On the right of military personnel to receive education in civilian educational organizations

Due to the fact that the vast majority of officers currently serving in the military already have higher education, received in most cases in military educational organizations before the establishment of the current structure of vocational education * (2), while exercising their right to receive education in civilian educational organizations in practice can face serious problems. Situations are not uncommon when commanders (chiefs) refuse to provide guarantees (in particular, study holidays) related to training in civilian educational organizations to their subordinate officers, referring to the fact that they receive higher education not for the first time.

What are the benefits for military pensioners in 2020

Upon entering the service in any department, a soldier is attached to a medical institution that serves him. Having retired due to seniority or for another reason, he has the right to receive the necessary consultations and medical care in full there. And it also has the opportunity to:

Benefits, rights and privileges for military pensioners and members of their families in 2020-2020: social and material assistance to military retirees

  1. For a ticket to a sanatorium free of charge (once a year).
  2. Family members can also take advantage of this benefit. But for them you will have to pay half the ticket to a sanatorium or a children's camp of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
  3. Tickets without payment to the location of the health facility (also once a year).
  4. Services in institutions of military medicine. The preference applies to all family members of pensioners and other dependents.
  5. In addition, they are entitled to reimbursement of taxes on property and land.

Benefits for military pensioners

What travel benefits do military pensioners have in 2020? A question that worries many. Indeed, the right to travel (free of charge) to military pensioners in public transport urban type available. It is only necessary to present the certificate to the driver of the vehicle before boarding.

Dismissal from military service: grounds, lump sum allowance, provision of military pensioners

The main tax benefits that a reserve officer is entitled to claim are compensation by the state for land and property taxes. Both types of payments to the budget can be calculated in a significant amount. In particular, the property tax is now determined on the basis of its cadastral value, which, as a rule, is much higher than the inventory value, according to which this payment was calculated earlier. Therefore, this amount of state assistance can be very appropriate for the family budget of a reserve military man.

List and procedure for granting benefits to military personnel and their families

  1. Payment for utilities is made taking into account 30%, scheduled in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, which apply to: water, sewerage, electricity and gas. If the house is not equipped with centralized heating, then this benefit can also be used when purchasing fuel.
  2. Free medicines for children under 6 years of age.
  3. Free travel on any form of public transport.
  4. Free meals for children in any educational organization.
  5. Free school and sports uniform.
  6. Free admission to a museum, exhibition or park of culture, but not more than once a month.

How to become a soldier

Social package. Tuition and living expenses, government benefits, military mortgages and many other benefits are available to military personnel. The state fully provides the military from the moment of admission to an educational institution. The financial allowance of a university student is much higher than a student's scholarship at a civilian university.

Who pays for the second higher education for military pensioners

The answer to this question lies in the comments to the law, which states that: “officers who have received higher education in military universities of the RF Ministry of Defense but do not have civilian secondary or higher specialized education are considered from the point of view of training in civilian universities as receiving the appropriate education for the first time” ( paragraph 6 item 5 article 19 of the Law "On the status of military personnel".

Benefits for military pensioners - payment of housing and communal services, sanatorium treatment and others

Retired military personnel can take advantage of a number of benefits when paying for the services of management companies. Benefits for payment of housing and communal services for military pensioners provide for the provision of discounts or compensation. Its size varies within 30-50% of the cost of these services and is set at the regional level.

Conditions for granting a second pension to military personnel

  • up to 10 years for participation in the elimination of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • up to 10 years for service in hot spots or at facilities located underground;
  • up to 5 years for service in the conditions of the Far North and in territories equated to it;
  • up to 5 years for service in radiation hazardous places.

In order to enter a military educational institution, you must be liable for military service. Service in the army will have a very good effect on admission. You can enroll in a military educational institution while directly in the service. Military higher education in absentia is prestigious and affordable. subdivided into:

1. Universities EMERCOM of Russia.

2. Universities of the FSB of Russia.

3. Universities of the border troops of Russia.

4. Universities of the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

5. Universities of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.

6. Universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

7. Universities of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

8 Suvorov, Nakhimov, Cadet schools and corps.

Military higher education has always been highly valued.. Entering a military higher education institution is not easy. In addition to knowledge and intelligence, it is necessary to have truly good health. But you can get a higher military education in absentia. When entering the correspondence department of a higher military educational institution, it is a little easier, and the quality of education remains consistently high.

Ranking of military universities in Russia 2014

The first place in the list of higher military educational institutions where you can get correspondence education is the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. This university has 2 training profiles at the faculties of distance learning: engineering and command. The Academy is rich in its historical heritage. It trains the best officer cadres of our country. Among the students who graduated from it are many famous and prominent personalities.

On the third place military Academy aerospace defense, located in the city of Tver. The name of the university speaks for itself. There are 2 faculties of correspondence education: command and engineering.

Next in the ranking is the military academy of logistics. Hall of Fame for this educational institution constantly replenished with new excellent students, who subsequently become pride armed forces Russia.

The Air Force Academy also trains commanders at the correspondence department.

The Naval Academy in St. Petersburg is also among the top ten higher military institutions. There are 2 profiles at the correspondence faculty: command and engineering.

All these higher military institutions have an excellent material base. The teaching staff consists of well-trained generals and officers. Advanced technologies are involved in the learning process, as well as the possibility of learning via the Internet.