Work plan for the prevention of offenses among students of a vocational educational institution. Measures for the prevention of offenses, crime, alcohol, anti-drug education of students - document Proposals to the prevention plan


work on the prevention of neglect and delinquency

among juveniles in Ivanishchevskaya secondary school NMR

in the 2019-2020 academic year


  1. Creation of an effective system of social support for children and adolescents at risk, aimed at solving the problems of child and adolescent neglect and crime;
  2. Organization of preventive work to prevent delinquency of schoolchildren;
  3. Improving the legal culture and socio-pedagogical competence of the parents of students;
  4. Cooperation with social services (KDN, PDN, guardianship and guardianship of NMR) interested in solving the problems of neglect and delinquency in children and adolescents
  5. Implementation of measures to provide comprehensive psychological and pedagogical, medical and social, social and legal, career guidance and legal support, ensuring leisure and recreation for children and adolescents who are in a socially dangerous situation.

6. creation of conditions for successful social adaptation of minors, disclosure of their creative potential and life self-determination;




Deputy Director for VR


Tip profilak

Organizational events

Drawing up a social passport of a class, school


Drawing up characteristics for children of the "risk group"


Accounting and control of minors who do not attend or systematically miss classes at school for disrespectful reasons


Compilation of registration cards of families, students in a socially dangerous situation registered at school, in the KDN, social protection (data update)

September October

Organization of leisure extracurricular and circle activities

During a year

Drawing up administrative letters, petitions and other documents, sending documentation to the ODN, KDN

During the year in fact

Interaction of the school with ODN, KDN and other social services

During the year, according to the plan of joint work with PDN, the plan of the Prevention Council

Organization of recreation for teenagers in the summer

June July August

Provision of socio-psychological assistance to minors with developmental or behavioral deviations, or gaps in learning

During a year

Involvement of students of the "risk group" in school-wide affairs and events.

During a year

Visiting students at home in order to study the living conditions of their lives, raids by the Prevention Council.


Acquaintance of students and parents with the Charter of the educational institution, with the rules of conduct for students.


Maintaining a "Journal of Individual Work with Families and Children in a Socially Dangerous Situation"

During a year

Interaction with the ODN inspector, FAP of the village of Ivanishchevo, preschool groups for the timely identification of disadvantaged children.

During a year

Timely informing parents, school administration, guardianship authorities, law enforcement agencies about emerging problems

During a year

Compilation of IPR for families in a socially dangerous situation


Preventive work with students who are in a socially dangerous situation.





Tip profilak

Implementation of a clear control over the attendance of classes by children at risk who are on intra-school control


Finding out the reason for the absence of students in school


Systematic visits to the families of students who miss classes without good reason

During a year

Monitoring current progress

During a year

Involving students in circles and sections, in extracurricular activities

During a year

Interviews with a psychologist, conducting a survey.

During a year

Assistance in employment.

Carrying out career guidance work with students at risk

April, May, summer period

Analysis of conflict situations

During a year

Conducting preventive conversations by the inspector of the ODN, deputy director for VR, class teachers

fact, plan

Invitation to the Prevention Council in case of violations

In fact, the plan of the Council

Conducting class hours, promotions, competitions, games "Prevention of a healthy lifestyle", "Health is in our hands", etc.

According to the plan of class teachers, the plan of educational work of the school

Working with parents of students at risk





Tip profilak

Visiting the families of “at risk” students at home, talking with their parents, establishing the causes of deviant behavior, conducting raids

During a year

Preventive conversations with parents avoiding the upbringing of adolescents, familiarization with the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the AC of the Russian Federation

During a year

As needed

Conducting joint raids on families located in the SOP of students (with representatives of the ODN, KDN, paramedic FAP Buylova E.N.)

As required according to the work plan

Inviting parents and children at risk for advice on prevention

Organization of a cycle of conversations: on the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children, the prevention of substance abuse, delinquency

During the year (according to the plans of class teachers, the Prevention Council)

Carrying out preventive medical and social examinations of children from dysfunctional families

Organization of consultations on social and legal issues

According to the plan of the Council

Working with the teaching staff

Organization of the exchange of information between subject teachers about children of the "risk group"

During a year

Reports of class teachers on work with "difficult" students and their families, providing information on the progress and attendance of students at risk


Conducting round tables, seminars - workshops with the invitation of various social structures for class teachers.

November, March

Analysis of the work of class teachers with "difficult" students registered in the classroom and at school

Once every six months

The work of class teachers with children who miss classes without a good reason. Experience exchange

At the end of each quarter

Meetings of the Prevention Council

Discussion and approval of the work plan of the Prevention Council for the 2019-2020 academic year. Updating and updating the "data bank" of families and children who are members of the HSC, PDN, KDN. Analysis of the results of the registration of children from 0-18 years old living in our microdistrict conducted by the school. Registration or deregistration of dysfunctional families and children.

Information about identified students and families of the "risk group"; registration for various types of accounting. Raid results. Employment of students registered outside of school hours. Analysis of the social passport of the school. Invitation of parents if necessary.

Prevention of delinquency among minors. preventive talks about the dangers of drug addiction and HIV infection. Invitation of parents if necessary. Conducting interviews with students by the inspector of the PDN Chikova I.A.

Work with students who have passes for disrespectful reasons and violate discipline at school. Reports of class teachers on work with "difficult" students and their families. Speeches by subject teachers and class teachers on the progress of students at the HSC. Raid report. Conversations with students who fail at the end of the 1st half of the year. Invitation of parents, students who miss classes without a good reason, parents who do not have control over the child, parents of dysfunctional families. (of necessity)

Work with students who violate discipline at school, underachievers, a report on the work of class teachers with children (in fact). Results of checking the living conditions of children under guardianship. Presentation by a psychologist. Invitation of parents if necessary.

Extracurricular employment of adolescents as a way to prevent the commission of offenses. Cool hand report. on the employment of students outside school hours, who are members of the HSC. Invitation of parents who missed classes without a good reason, parents who do not have control over the child, parents of dysfunctional families. (of necessity)

The role of the family in crime prevention. The tasks of the family in the formation of the moral qualities of the individual. Strengthening parental control over the progress, development and upbringing of the child. The work of class teachers on this issue. Invitation of parents if necessary.

Prevention of delinquency among minors. Dealing with students who violate school rules. absent classes for unjustified reasons and having unsatisfactory grades. Invitation of parents if necessary. Analysis of the results of the registration of children from 0-18 years old living in our microdistrict conducted by the school.

Organization of recreation and recreation for students of the "risk group" in the summer. Registration or deregistration of dysfunctional families and children who are members of the HSC. Analysis of the work of the Crime Prevention Council for the 2019-2020 academic year. Drawing up a plan, schedule of the Council for the 2020-2021 academic year.

Deputy Director for VR Dubicheva S.M.

Action plan

on the prevention of delinquency, drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism and smoking among students

for the 2019/2020 academic year

at the State Educational Institution

"Secondary school No. 1 in Chashniki"

Information and analytical work:

2. Organization of the study of the interests and motives of the behavior of adolescents who are not covered by sufficient parental attention to ensure their useful employment

3. Systematic replenishment of library collections with literature on legal education, prevention of drug addiction, alcoholism

Preventive work:

1. Organization of preventive visits to families of registered adolescents (regularly, according to plan)

2. Conducting Legal Knowledge Weeks

3. Conducting poster competitions on the problems of combating offenses and crime, exhibitions of drawings on anti-alcohol and anti-drug topics "Sad Vernissage", quizzes "Law and You" (1 time per quarter)

4. Conducting legal seminars for teachers (1 time in half a year)

5. Organization of the work of the Council for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency (monthly)

6. Organization of joint work with JDN (permanently)

Organization of socially useful activities of students:

1. Preservation and development of a network of hobby classes and sports sections (September)

2. Organization of leisure youth events (according to the plan of ideological and educational work for the 2019/2020 academic year.)

3. Creation of repair teams from among students with the involvement of adolescents (May).

4. Assistance in finding employment and employment during the holidays (May)

Name of events



Organizational measures to counter the use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs

Conducting regular monitoring of alcohol, drug and smoking use among students

During a year

Social teacher

Regular activities to identify dysfunctional families in order to establish control over them, organize individual work

During a year

Social teacher

Diagnosis of the school district in order to identify micro-areas that adversely affect children.

September October

SPPS specialists

Carrying out diagnostics:

* Identification of children in need of social and pedagogical assistance,

*study of value orientations students

* study of intra-family relationships

According to the plan of the teacher-psychologist

SPPS specialists

Conducting meetings of the Crime Prevention Council.


Deputy director for educational work

Individual conversations with students who are registered with JIT, with students whose families are in a socially dangerous situation

During the school year

SPPS specialists

Inspector JDN

Meetings of students with a juvenile inspector: "Administrative and criminal responsibility."

During the school year

Deputy director for educational work, inspector of the IDN

Lectures by health professionals on the harmful effects of drug, alcohol and tobacco use

United days of prevention

Deputy Director for BP

Placing information about the existing "hot lines", "helplines" in order to ensure the legal protection of students

During the school year

Deputy Director for BP

Organization of a complex of measures for the prevention of alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse, tobacco smoking among minors

Attracting students to associations of interest, sections


Classroom teachers

Conducting class hours and parent-teacher meetings with the involvement of narrow specialists in the problems of drug addiction, tobacco smoking, alcoholism, substance abuse

During the school year

Deputy Director for BP

Individual conversations with students on preventive records, with students whose families are in a socially dangerous situation

During the school year

SPPS specialists,

class teachers

Control of summer employment of students from SOP families

June August

Conducting a series of conversations on healthy lifestyles, prevention of bad habits

During the school year

SPPS specialists, class teachers


Design of exhibitions of methodological and popular science literature on healthy lifestyles, addiction prevention

During the school year


Organization of preventive and educational actions:

World Day Against Drug Addiction.

- "The new generation chooses a healthy lifestyle."

World AIDS Day "Red Tulips of Hope".

- "Sobriety and health for children and society."

Campaign "Be healthy".

World no smoking day.

During the school year

Deputy Director for VR,

SPPS specialists

Organization of thematic competitions, drawings, presentations, essays on the prevention of healthy lifestyles

1 time per academic year

Deputy Director for BP

Preparation of information stands on anti-alcohol and anti-drug topics, as well as handout

During the school year

April 2020

Deputy Director for BP, SPPS specialists,

Organization and holding of the "Week of Sports and Health

1 quarter

Deputy Director for BP, SPPS specialists

Participation in district events for the formation of a healthy lifestyle

During the school year

Deputy Director for BP

Lecture and educational work with students

Release of newspapers dedicated to the Day of the fight against smoking.

Class teachers 5-11 cells.

"Offences and responsibility", (grades 5-7),
"Criminal liability of minors" (grades 8-11).

November, April

Class teachers 5-11 cells.

Round table "Abyss to look into" (Grade 9)

Classroom teachers

Conversations with boys and girls on the formation of gender culture (grades 8-11).

1 time per Thursday

Classroom teachers

Watching videos "For a healthy lifestyle", (5-11 grades).

On schedule

Classroom teachers

Conversations about the dangers of smoking.

1 time per Thursday

Classroom teachers

Conversations about the prevention of HIV infection.

Classroom teachers

Sports and recreational activities

Days of Health, Sports and Tourism

Every second Saturday of the month

teachers physical culture

Sports competitions as part of the school sports day

according to schedule

Physical education teachers

Sports competitions "Dad, mom, I am a sports family"

Physical education teachers

Working with parents

Class parent meetings Conducting parent education on the topic:
“A child learns what he sees in his home”;

- "Health and bad habits";

- Is passive smoking dangerous?

- "Prevention of smoking";

- "Why do teenagers smoke?";

- "You can help your child";

- "Step from cigarettes to drugs";

- "The consequences are irreversible";

- “Smoking legislation”;

- "Image, lifestyle and ... CIGARETTE"

According to the plan for holding classroom parent-teacher meetings

Classroom teachers

Counseling parents on the prevention of alcoholism, drug addiction and treatment of their consequences.

During a year
(as needed)

SPPS specialists

during a year

Working with class teachers

Meeting of the MO class teachers on the topic "The role of the school and the family in introducing children and adolescents to a healthy lifestyle."

Deputy Director for BP

During a year

Deputy Director for BP

Deputy director for educational work A.N. Latygolets

Sections: School administration

Target: improving the system of crime prevention among students of professional educational institution.


  • formation of a system of values ​​in adolescents and youth, focused on leading a lifestyle that meets the norms of society;
  • development of professional educational institution to improve the system of crime prevention and patriotic education of students;
  • increasing the capacity of the family in the prevention of crime and drug addiction;
  • ensuring maximum employment and vigorous activity of students in the youth law enforcement movement;
  • improving intra-college discipline and student achievement;
  • providing information and propaganda activities to create the attractiveness of the youth law enforcement movement and a healthy lifestyle system.

No. p / p

Name of the event

Period of execution


Preventive and organizational work

1 Drawing up lists of students registered with the PDN. 1-5.09.2009 Deputy for OIA
2 Release of the student newspaper "".
Issue of thematic booklets.
monthly Press Center
3 Creation of the "Outpost" detachment. 1-5.09.2009 Deputy for OIA
4 – Enrollment in circles: “Theatrical – ART-IST”, “Local history”, “Karting”, “Beading”, “Computer IRBIS”, “Sports – Fizkult-Ura”, “Tourist”.
– Enrollment of students in the library of the educational institution.
1-10.2009 Deputy for UVR, masters of p / o
5 Meeting with the doctor of the narcological service, medical examination. 09/10/2009 Deputy for OIA
6 Meeting with the PDN inspector. 2 times a month Deputy for OIA
7 Meeting of the Council for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency and the Inspector of the PDN. monthly Inspector of PDN, deputy. for water resources management
8 Psychological and pedagogical assistance to students (consultations of a psychologist). 2 times a month Deputy for OIA
9 Cool clock on the topic:
– “Criminal liability of minors”.
“The charter of an educational institution is the law.”
“What is decency?”
- A world without drugs.
Scheduled Group Masters
10 Carrying out rulers with students with the invitation of a PDN inspector. in tech. of the year Inspector of PDN, deputy. for water resources management
11 Conversation about the rules of safe traffic. 1-5.09.2009 Deputy for UVR, traffic police inspector

Organization of students' leisure

1 Competition of autumn compositions and bouquets. September 2009 Deputy for water resources management
2 "Autumn Marathon" - competition between groups in athletics. September 2009 Physical education teacher
3 Events dedicated to the Day of the elderly. October 2009 Deputy for water resources management, masters of groups
4 Competition of congratulations on Teacher's Day. 01-05.10.2009 Deputy on WRM, an asset of students.
5 Festive concert dedicated to Teacher's Day. 05.10.2009 Student asset.
6 Day of Self-Government. 05.10.2009 student asset,
Squad "Outpost"
9 Initiation of first-year students into students "We have chosen the road tomorrow." 02.10.2009 Deputy by OIA,
group masters,
student asset.
10 Group corner competition. October 23, 2009 Group Masters
11 Participation in the village KVN. November 2009
April 2010
Deputy by OIA,
student asset.
12 Mother's Day Activities: November 2009 Deputy by OIA,
group masters,
student asset.
13 Republican competition of literary creativity "Art of the word". until 20.11.2009 Deputy by OIA,
group masters
14 Themed class hours (choice of topic):
1) “I serve Russia!”: pre-conscription training, terms of service, military branches, requirements for conscripts, problems of service, military traditions, personal significance of service (with the invitation of reserve soldiers);
2) "I am a citizen of Russia."
3) "Our grandfathers forged the Victory."
4) "These days the glory will not cease."
5) "Tatarstan during the Great Patriotic War".
November 2009

December 2009

Group Masters
15 Quiz on the history of the Olympic Games. 03.11.2009 Deputy for water resources management
16 Action "Mercy", dedicated to the Day of the Disabled. 01-10.11.2009 Student asset
17 Competition of wall newspapers dedicated to the New Year. December 2009 Deputy by OIA,
group masters
18 Office design competition for the New Year. December 2009 Deputy by OIA,
group masters
19 New Year's disco. December 28, 2009 Deputy by OIA,
Squad "Outpost"
20 Campaign "We are for a healthy lifestyle!"
- A series of conversations on the topics: "The truth about alcohol", "On the dangers of smoking."
- Participation in basketball competitions.
- A cycle of class hours on the topic: "From A to Z about sports."
– Competition “The healthiest group”. Summing up the results of the first half of the year.
December 2009 Deputy by OIA,
physical education teacher
21 "Health Day" - skiing competitions. January 2010 Physical education teacher
22 Valentine's Day.
  • postal organization in college,
  • publication of wall newspapers,
  • extracurricular activities in groups.
12.02. 2010 Deputy by OIA,
Squad "Outpost"
student asset.
23 Essay competition on the theme "My family in the service of the Fatherland" (within the framework of the lessons of the Russian language and literature). February 2010 Teacher of Russian language and literature
24 Review of the formation and songs. February 2010 Physical education teacher
25 Military sports game "Zarnitsa". February 2010 Physical education teacher
26 "Lesson of Courage" - a meeting with Afghan soldiers, participants in hostilities. February 2010 Group Masters
Squad "Outpost"
27 Competition of wall newspapers dedicated to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland. February 2010 Student asset
28 Participation in the republican competition of fine arts and arts and crafts among students of the NGO "My native land ..." 04.04.2010 Deputy by OIA,
student asset.
29 Competition of congratulations dedicated to March 8. March 2010 Deputy by OIA,
group masters
30 "Ah, come on, girls." March 2010 Deputy by OIA,
group masters
31 Participation in local lore Olympiad. March 2010 Deputy for UVR, head of the circle
32 Participation in the republican competition for the best event on the formation of a healthy lifestyle. 04/19/2010 Deputy for water resources management
33 Participation in the republican competition "Health Theatre". April 2010 Deputy for water resources management
34 Competition of wall newspapers by profession. April 2010 Group masters.
35 Meeting with Afghan soldiers, combatants in Chechnya. April 2010 Group Masters
36 Participation in the village event "Conscript's Day". November 2009
April 2010
Deputy by OIA,
group masters
37 Career guidance work:
  • holding class hours on vocational guidance in the secondary school of the village and nearby villages,
  • updating stands about professions,
  • holding an open day.
May 2010
masters of groups, asset of students
38 Participation in events dedicated to Victory Day:
  • cool hours with an invitation to WWII veterans,
  • cleaning in the apartments of WWII veterans,
  • l / a relay race dedicated to Victory Day,
  • l / a cross dedicated to the Victory Day.
May 2010 Deputy by OIA,
group masters,
student asset,
Squad "Outpost"
39 Holiday "Sabantuy" May 2010 physical education teacher,
Squad "Outpost"
40 Prom. June 2010 Administration,
Squad "Outpost"
41 Participation in the village holiday "Sabantuy 2010". June 2010 Administration,
Squad "Outpost"
42 Participation in the village holiday "City Day". August 2010 Administration,
Squad "Outpost"

Working with parents

1 – Choice of the Crime Prevention Council.
- Identification of families that avoid raising children, dysfunctional families.
09/10/2009 Deputy by OIA,
PDN inspector
2 Patronage of dysfunctional families at home. On schedule Deputy for water resources management
3 Parent meeting for 1st year students:
- "Features of the organization of the period of adaptation in groups of the first year of study."
- "Informing about the results of psychological testing of students."
- "Progress and attendance of classes by students."
September 2009 Deputy in UVR, masters of groups of the 1st course
4 Individual meetings and consultations with parents of students. in tech. of the year Deputy for water resources management, masters of groups
5 General parent meeting.
- "The structure of the educational institution."
– “Results of the 2008-2009 academic year, tasks for 2009-2010”.
– “Criminal and administrative offences”.
- "Terms of exams, practical training: requirements, control."
“Adolescence Phenomenon.”
October 2009 Branch manager
deputy on RDR
PDN inspector
head master
deputy for water resources management
6 Organization and holding of a family art fair. November 2009 deputy by OIA,
group masters
7 Lecture hall for parents of students registered in the IDN "Prevention of offenses in the family". November 2009 Deputy by OIA,
inspector IDN
8 parent meetings in groups. December 2009 Group Masters
9 Organization of assistance in organizing duty at the New Year's disco. December 2009 Group parent committees
10 General parent meeting.
- Exhibition - a fair of family creativity.
- "Results of the 1st half of the year, results of the Olympiads, internship at work, undergraduate practice."
- "Report on educational work for the 1st half of the year."
- "Education without violence" - report.
January 2010 group asset,
deputy on RDR
deputy for water resources management
deputy for water resources management
11 Individual consultations for parents. February 2010 Group Masters
12 Patronage of families of "difficult teenagers". March 2010 branch administration,
group masters
13 General parent meeting.
- Exhibition-fair of family art.
- "Organization of the working day in preparation for the defense of the final qualification work."
- "The results of the special. exams."
– « Internship, traffic rules exams.
- "Organization of the prom."
April 2010 Group asset
Deputy for water resources management
Deputy on RDR

Head master

Deputy for water resources management

Legal general education

1 Cool clock on the topic:
- United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child,
– “Youth and the problem of crime”,
– “Memo for cell phone owners”,
- Man and material goods.
Scheduled Group Masters
2 Meeting with a lawyer, conversation on the topic: "Rights of a teenager." 1 time per quarter Deputy for water resources management

Working with students of deviant behavior

1 Compilation of a data bank. 10.09.2009 Deputy for water resources management
2 Surveys of living conditions of students from the "risk group". September 2009 deputy for water resources management, masters of groups
3 Conducting individual preventive conversations with students prone to delinquency, absenteeism. in tech. of the year PDN Inspector,
deputy for water resources management, masters of groups
4 Conversation with students on the topic: "Rules of behavior for adolescents in public places."
"Conflicts, how to avoid them?"
November 2009
February 2010
PDN Inspector
5 Training: "Prevention of drug addiction, smoking, alcohol." May 2010 Psychologist
6 Organization of assistance to "difficult teenagers" - in employment through the Employment Center. June 2010 PDN Inspector


Director of MBOU MSOSH:

____________ / Bovaldinov S. A. /

Order No. _____ of "___" __________ 2015

Action Plan MBOU MSOS

on the prevention of neglect, delinquency, crimes among minors for the 2015-2016 academic year.

Name of the event



Organizational matters

Identification of dysfunctional, incomplete, low-income families, children under guardianship

September October

Classroom teachers

Carrying out the operation "Employment of minors" (involvement in circles, clubs, sections)


Deputy Director for VR, class teachers

Lecture and educational work with students


- "From pranks to offenses" (grades 1-4),

- "Offences and responsibility for them" (grades 5-6)

- "Criminal liability of minors"

(grades 7-8)

- "Law and responsibility" (grades 9-11)







PDN inspector, social studies teachers

"For a healthy lifestyle"

watching videos (grades 5-11)

February March

Classroom teachers

Conversations about the dangers of smoking "Man, prolong your life", "For the sake of the future, live a healthy present"

During a year

HIV prevention talks

During a year

Ruk. OBZH, class teachers

Issue of wall newspapers, booklets dedicated to the Day of the fight against smoking



Release of leaflets and booklets about the dangers of drugs and alcohol.

During a year

School student self-government

Conversation "Truth and lies about alcohol" (grades 8-11)


Classroom teachers

A series of conversations about the dangers of drugs

- "You're in trouble"

- "Dangerous addiction" (about drug addiction, substance abuse, the dangers of smoking and alcohol)"

- "Healthy children are the future of the nation"

During a year

Class teachers, med. employee

Educational work with students

Conducting thematic classes:

    "Day against smoking";

    "Health is life";

    "Personality and alcohol";

    "The Bitter Fruits of the 'Sweet Life', or the Serious Social Consequences of Drug Use"

during a year

(according to class schedule)

Classroom teachers

Competition of drawings and posters "Youth against drugs".

1-7 cells "We are for a healthy lifestyle"

8-11 cells. "World Without Drugs"




Deputy School Principal for VR

Campaign "No to tobacco smoke!"


School student self-government

Sports and recreational activities

Campaign "Sport - an alternative to bad habits"


Physical education teacher

health day

September, April

Physical education teacher

Work sports clubs and sections

During a year

Physical education teacher

Participation in regional and republican competitions

During a year

Physical education teacher

Working with parents.

parent meetings:

- "Teenager and drugs";

- "To smoke or not to smoke?"

"Organization of schoolchildren's classes to promote health and promote a healthy lifestyle" (with the invitation of specialists)

According to the work plans of class teachers

Classroom teachers

Lecture for parents:

Grade 1 "Adaptation of a first grader."

2-3 classes "Psychology of communication".

Grade 5 "Psychophysical development, adaptation of students of transitional age."

Grade 6 "Socio-psychological characteristics of the student's personality."

Grade 7 "Age features of adolescence."

Grade 8 "Teenager and parents."

Grade 9 "Search for understanding in communication."

Grade 10 "It's time for early youth."

11 classes "Naughty child."

According to the work plan of the lecture hall

Deputy director of educational resources management, class teachers, teacher-psychologist

Parent meetings on the topics:

- "The warmth of the parent's heart - best protection from drug addiction"

- "Factors contributing to the development of delinquency - prevention at an early age"

- "Fathers and Sons" (the role of a personal example of parents in the education of schoolchildren)

During a year

Class teachers, inspector PDN