The work program and ktp on tourism within the framework of extracurricular activities of the Federal State Educational Commission calendar and thematic planning (grade 5) on the topic. The work program and KTP of the circle of extracurricular activities "Sports tourism The program of extracurricular work on tourism

This program is comprehensive and allows students to make a number of conscious choices that can later help determine life principles and interest in knowing the world around them. Creating conditions for self-realization, social adaptation, health improvement, motivational creative development and professional self-determination of the individual.

A variety of forms and methods make it possible to involve a wide range of students and teachers in the process of implementing the program. This allows you to create a unique and favorable atmosphere for communication, education, communication ties and relationships. The program is designed for students in grades 6-9.



SOGBOU "Pochinkovskaya boarding school"


extracurricular activities

"Tourism and local history"

for students in grades 6 - 9

The implementation period is 4 years.

Program developer:


Konopelkina Ludmila Petrovna


Explanatory note

School tourism is based on fundamental, timeless principles of education and upbringing: humane-democratic, conceptual-methodological, system-holistic, creatively developing, personality-oriented, creative-activity. In the structure of any educational program, tourism can be used as an effective form of education.

Tourism and local history are one of the priority areas in educational work. This business is not new, but the novelty lies in the fact that it has a broader pedagogical idea in terms of educating spirituality, physical endurance, respect and love for the nature of one's Motherland.

None of the tourists would go on a hike a second time if they hadn’t made sure from personal experience that everything seen, experienced, heard, passed, sung by the night fire leaves such an impression and makes our life so richer that compared to this, all the hardships and the inconveniences of tourism seem to be unimportant trifles.

The success of any trip or excursion largely depends on how well the traveler will be able to determine where he is and in what direction he should go further, i.e. from the ability to navigate the terrain.

The ability to navigate the terrain is acquired in constant communication with nature, thanks to the development of observation and the habit of quickly noticing and remembering the characteristic details of the terrain.

Tourism is not only a means of physical and applied education. The role of tourism in the ideological-political and military-patriotic education of students is great. It instills in the younger generation a sense of patriotism, respect for the natural and cultural heritage of the native land, and improvement of the moral and physical education of the individual.

School tourism allows the teacher to carry out almost all types of professional activities: educational and educational, scientific and methodological, social and pedagogical, cultural and educational, etc.

Hiking and orienteering in unfamiliar terrain allow schoolchildren to study the processes and results of the interaction between nature and society.

Wide accessibility, the beauty of the nature of the region, contribute to the popularity of both school tourism and orienteering. Classes in the circle contribute to mental and physical development, health promotion, help to learn and understand nature, participate in orienteering competitions, environmental actions and promote environmental culture among the local population.

Particular attention is paid to forecasting the prospects for landscape development and developing recommendations for its further most rational economic use.

In addition, in our difficult time, when the danger of natural and man-made disasters, terrorist acts has increased many times over, it is necessary to use the possibilities of tourism to form collectivism, mutual assistance and other social skills.

It should not be underestimated that childhood and especially adolescence is characterized by a desire for novelty, unusualness, adventure and romance. Tourism is an excellent means that naturally satisfies children's needs, which are not always taken into account by adults. It must also be remembered that in the campaign the guys reveal themselves from a completely different side than at school. In this regard, the hike is especially valuable for the teacher, as it allows a deeper understanding of the nature of each of the children and find their own approach to it. The contacts that are established between adults and children on a hike, as a rule, are much deeper and more emotional than at school. They contribute to true understanding and the establishment of a relationship of cooperation, which is then transferred to the school.

A variety of forms and methods make it possible to involve a wide range of students and teachers in the implementation of the program. This allows you to create a unique and favorable atmosphere of communication, education, communication links and relationships.

This program is comprehensive and enables students to make a number of conscious choices that can later help determine life principles and interest in learning about the world around them.

Purpose of the program.

Formation of a comprehensively developed personality by means of tourism, local history and elements of orienteering in the area.

Creation of conditions for self-realization, social adaptation, health improvement, motivational creative development and professional self-determination of the individual.


1. In the field of education:

Expansion and deepening of students' knowledge, supplementing the school curriculum in geography, history, biology, life safety, mathematics, literature and physical training;

Acquisition of skills and abilities in working with a map, compass;

Acquisition of special knowledge on tourism and orientation, first aid;

Ensuring survival in extreme conditions, familiarity with the problems of ecology and nature protection.

2. In the field of education:

Promoting the harmonious development of the individual, improving spiritual and physical needs;

Formation of independence and volitional qualities in any situation;

Humane attitude to the environment;

The ability to behave in a team, the development of organizational skills if necessary.

3. In the field of physical training:

Physical improvement of adolescents (development of strength, endurance, coordination of movements in accordance with their age and physical capabilities);

During the academic year, participation in tourist rallies, competitions and hikes.

The comprehensive program fully complies with the regulatory requirements for the recruitment of associations (study groups) of a sports profile, the level of students' achievements by the end of each academic year.

To control the quality of mastering the program, there is a developed control system, which is given in this program. Taking into account the age periodization, students from the 6th to the 9th grades are enrolled for classes. You can start at any age of the proposed classes. All applicants who do not have medical contraindications are enrolled

Working methods.

1. Search and research method (independent work of circle members with the implementation of various tasks, the choice of an independent topic for designing a project, a report on the work done on hikes and excursions).

2. The method of self-realization, self-government through various creative activities, participation in competitions, hikes, tourist rallies and excursions

3. Method of control: medical, self-control, control of progress and quality of assimilation of a comprehensive program, growth in the dynamics of sports indicators

4. The method of an integrated approach to education and upbringing, which implies the unity of moral, physical, aesthetic and other forms of education.

Work forms.

1. Holding competitions in orienteering.

2. Participation in tourist gatherings.

3. Participation in the military sports games Oh.

4. Conducting quizzes, sports relay races for nature protection

Predicted results and criteria for their evaluation.

Direct criteria for assessing learning outcomes are successful assimilation a comprehensive program, an increase in sports achievements, participation in competitions, hikes, tourist rallies, environmental events.

Indirect criteria are: the creation of a stable team of the circle, the interest of participants in the chosen type of activity, the development of a sense of responsibility and camaraderie, the education of physically healthy adolescents.

Upon completion of the training, the circle members should


The order of organization and rules of conduct in campaigns and competitions;

Issues of tourism and ecology;

Fundamentals of topography and orientation;

Ability to navigate by local signs and stars;

Dangerous and poisonous plants of the region, have an idea about self-control and first aid;

The main sections of the passed program;

The procedure for organizing, preparing and conducting excursions and trips;

Ways to overcome various natural obstacles;

Ways of organizing and conducting search and rescue operations;

Basic historical and geographical information about the native land;

Various ways to navigate the terrain.

Be able to:

Travel on roads and trails as part of a group

Overcome natural obstacles along the way;

Navigate using a compass and a map during a hike and at an orienteering competition;

Organize camp life and provide basic medical care;

Move on roads, trails and rough terrain as part of a group;

Own techniques of self-insurance, overcome various natural or artificial obstacles;

Know how to properly use tourist knots;

Conduct search and rescue operations;

Be able to navigate using a map and compass, as well as local signs and participate in tourist rallies, orienteering competitions and hikes;

Prepare a report and tasks performed on trips and excursions;

Organize camping life and distribute products for the entire trip or rally;

Provide first aid and properly transport the victim.

Stages and terms of implementation.

1. Preparatory and organizational - September.

2. Main (theoretical and practical) - September - May.

3. Final (final tourist rally, summer trips) - June.

Thematic planning

No. p / p

Module name

Fundamentals of tourism and local history

Total number of hours

Classroom hours

Hours of extracurricular activities

Introductory lesson

Organization and preparation of the trip

Tourist equipment

Tourist hygiene

Tourist bivouac

Plan and map

Determining distances in the simplest way

local history

Physical training

Documentation of the competition and trip

Environmental actions

1. Introductory lesson.

Acquaintance with the program, goals and objectives of the circle. The value of tourism and orienteering in promoting an active and healthy lifestyle.

2. Organization and preparation of the campaign.

Packing in a backpack of personal equipment. The composition of the repair kit and first aid kit. Meals during the hike (norms for bookmarking products per person). Distribution of responsibilities for building, moving, creating a bivouac and cooking. Possible dangers when driving, crossing roads, unpredictable weather conditions, poisonous insects, reptiles and plants. Comfortable clothes and shoes for the hike. Campfire regulations and cooking equipment. Ecological culture on the way and at the parking lot. Mutual assistance and support of a comrade on the campaign. Meaning, mode and features of catering for tourists in a complex sports trip. Monetary rations for tourists. Weight and calorie norms of the daily diet. A list of the most commonly used products and dishes in hiking trips, their calorie content, cost, weight. Scheduling meals in the field, in canteens and during long journeys. Replacing lunches with snacks. Preparation of the menu and calculation of the required amount of products for each meal. The use of canned food, concentrates, crackers, sublimates, dried fruits, seasonings. Purchasing, packaging and packaging of food products. Rules for the layout of products in backpacks. Storage, saving and accounting for the consumption of products on the road. Replenishment of food on the way, the use of berries, mushrooms, fresh fish, various herbs and plants for cooking. Technology of food preparation. Responsibilities of a Food Supervisor. Responsibilities of kitchen attendants. Safety measures and hygiene requirements when cooking on a fire.

3. Tourist equipment.

Group, personal and special equipment for tourists. The main requirements for items of equipment: lightness, strength, ease of use and carrying. List of basic items of personal and group equipment of a tourist, requirements for each item.

Personal equipment. Clothes and shoes for a tourist on a long trip, types of backpacks, backpack equipment (adjustment of straps, felt pads on the straps, making a waterproof liner). Clothing and footwear for winter trips (fur jacket, hood, mask, trousers, shoe covers, mittens, sweater, removable shoes, underwear, socks). Types of skis, which skis and bindings are suitable for hiking, installation and adjustment of bindings, tarring and lubrication of skis; camp bed items (sleeping bag, rug or air mattress, insert, “pillow”, cover for a sleeping bag). Alpenstock, its design, manufacture, rules of use. Other items of personal equipment: notebook, pencils, pen, envelopes, cord, toiletries, utensils, glasses, watches, bags for packing equipment, a tablet for a map, mosquito nets, spare insoles, pieces of ribbon, cord, etc. How to prepare personal equipment for the trip.

Group equipment. Equipment features for multi-day hikes in sparsely populated areas. Types of tents, how to prepare a tent for a hike (rack construction, pegs, ropes, shock absorbers, awnings, canopy, bedding, gluing the seams). Packing and carrying tents. Drying and airing tents on the way. Duties of the warden in the tent. Household equipment for those on duty in the kitchen (household kit): taganka, hooks, chains, mittens, dry fuel, kindling, emergency supplies of matches, various knives, oilcloth, plywood, ladle, washcloths, dry soap and mustard, rope, stick for hanging, salt. Outdoor cooking utensils, covers for utensils, storage and carrying of utensils. Axes, saws. How to sharpen and open a saw. The composition and purpose of the repair kit, the duties of the remmasterado and during the trip. Features of equipment for a winter hike. Special equipment of the group for the production of local history works. Documents, tools, main and auxiliary ropes, cameras, fishing accessories, flashlights. Responsibilities of the equipment manager of the group.

4. Tourist hygiene.

Traveler's personal hygiene. Hiking shoes, foot and shoe care during the hike. Hygienic requirements for clothes, bedding, utensils for tourists. Bathing on a hike. Prevention of chills and frostbite in winter hikes, colds in summer hikes. The contents of the first-aid kit and first aid to the victim. Travel loads. Medical control. Self-control in the campaign and on excursions. Signs of disease and injury. Knowledge of edible plants and mushrooms, the ability to use medicinal plants in practice. Knowledge and ability to distinguish in the herbarium, in the drawings, on a hike and on an excursion, medicinal and poisonous plants of the native land. The use of plants in everyday life and medicine. Knowledge and ability to distinguish edible mushrooms from poisonous ones. Ability to help with skin injuries, muscle strain, joint dislocation. Artificial respiration. First aid for thermal and sunburns, plant burns and insect bites, frostbite, headaches, stomach, colds. Ability to apply a simple bandage on the arm and leg. Ability to organize the transportation of the victim. Drinking regime on a hike. Tourist's individual medical package.

5. Tourist bivouac.

What is a halt and bivouac on a hike. Basic requirements for the place of halt and bivouac.

Halts and bivouacs. Requirements for the bivouac site: the presence of drinking water, firewood, isolation from strangers, safety in case of worsening weather conditions (rising water in the river, falling trees in the wind, fog in the lowlands, etc.). Aesthetic requirements for a bivouac site. Hygienic requirements for the bivouac site.

Planning and reconnaissance of the bivouac site, forced stop for the night. Tourist bivouac in the cold season, in bad weather, in the absence of good-quality water. Organization of bivouac work. Typical layout of the bivouac territory, elements of comfort at the tourist bivouac. Accounting for wind, solar exposure, the presence of harmful vegetation, insects, soil dampness. How to handle a backpack on a bivouac.

Place for setting up tents. Techniques for setting up a tent in various conditions. The use of polyethylene films, foam rubber. How to eliminate mosquitoes in a tent. Camp bed equipment. Rules of conduct for tourists in a tent. Place for clothes and shoes. Choosing a place for a fire. Where it is forbidden to make a fire. Types of fires and their purpose. Equipment, stock for a fire and cooking. Structures for hanging dishes over a flame. Cover fire. Fuel for a fire, methods of preparing kindling and fuel. Use of a camping primus. Storing firewood, sheltering firewood from rain, drying; place for cutting firewood. How to work with a saw and an ax; safety measures for campfires. Building a fire in wind, rain, fog; "oxygen starvation" of the fire, methods of regulating the flame of the fire. The behavior of tourists at the fire, drying clothes and shoes, setting up a special fire for drying things and equipment. The physical meaning of the drying process, drying rules. A place for an ax, mittens and other equipment, a place for buckets with hot food. Distribution of food. Eating. Waste pit. Organization and methods of washing dishes on a hike (in the field and indoors). Washing and bathing. Bathing safety rules. Garbage removal, extinguishing the fire, folding the bivouac. Features of organizing overnight stays in settlements. Basic rules for competitions in the skills of camping tourist life.

6. Plan and map.

Types and properties of maps. Kilometer grid, map copying. Map scale (numerical, named and linear). The ability to determine the distance on the map. Knowledge of the symbols of a sports card and the ability to read a card using them. Orientation with a map and compass. Acquaintance with a topographic map and topographic signs. Scale, types of scales, scales of topographic and geographical maps. Use of linear and numerical scales. Odometer. Converting a numeric scale to a natural scale. Measurement of rectilinear and curvilinear distances on the map. Measurement of directions (azimuths) on the map. Protractor. Definition of the term "orientation". What determines the accuracy of movement in azimuth. Types of orienteering at tourist competitions: open, marked, marked and azimuth routes, orienteering according to the legend, determination of the standing point (reference).

Sketching new topographic signs and characteristics of local objects. Finding typical landforms on a map, determining the steepness of slopes on a scale of elevations, compiling characteristics of terrain from maps. Calculation of magnetic azimuths of lines from initial data. Determination of magnetic azimuths of given lines (route according to the map). Compilation of legends set on route maps. Comparison and evaluation of results. Tasks for calculating the distance traveled in terms of time and speed of movement in different parts of the terrain (on the map). Translation of the obtained result into the scale of the map. Reverse problem. Comparison and evaluation of results. Analysis of cases of successful and unsuccessful actions of guides on routes (from the practice of trips of circle members).

7. Determination of distances in the simplest ways.

Approximate measurements on the ground. Hiking standards: average step length, sizes of improvised means (shovels, hatchets, matchboxes, pencils and fountain pens). Eye gauge. Visible horizon. Hiking rangefinders (distance between telegraph poles, height of a telegraph pole, average forest height, etc.). Determination of the sides of the horizon by the sun. Moon Orientation. Two bears. Position of the North Star. Orientation by local signs in the forest and steppe. Orientation without a compass and a map. Topography and orientation. Compass and its device. Working with compass and map. Compass azimuth determination. movement in azimuth. Topography and orientation. topographic signs. Topographic survey of the area. Map reading. Map orientation techniques. Work on the school playground with a compass and a map. Finding checkpoints on the map and on the ground for a while. Orientation in time and space (camera processing).

Workshops. Determining the sides of the horizon using a compass, according to celestial bodies, local signs. Determination of directions by given azimuths (straight resections) and azimuths to given landmarks (reverse resection). Compass map orientation. The movement of the group along the given azimuths at the given distances. Eye estimation of distances to objects.

8. Local history.

History of the Pochinkovsky district. The village of Prudki and its environs. The most interesting places for hiking and excursions. Geographic features of the Pochinkovsky district. Protection of Nature. Local history work on a hike. Local history observations, using the data of modern space technologies, collection and design of local history material. Keeping a field diary. Geographical position, relief and climate of the Pochinkovsky region. History of settlement and development of the territory. Cultural heritage in the form of monuments of history, architecture and architecture. Practical work with maps of the atlas of the Smolensk region. Protection of Nature. Preservation of natural unity in recreation and tourism areas.

9. Physical training.

Tourist equipment and orienteering. Rules for the complex of tourist competitions. Features of technical preparation for various types of competitions. Control - tourist route, team and individual equipment. Nodes and their purpose. Knotting. Chest harness and safety system. Rope handling techniques. Ascent and descent in a sporty way. Various types of crossings and their guidance. Insurance and self-insurance. Games on the ground.

10. Documentation of the competition and trip.

Familiarization of participants with the regulations on holding an orienteering competition and a tourist rally. Submission of an application for participation in competitions. Collection of information about the health status of team members. Acquaintance with the rules for organizing and conducting a campaign of participants and their parents against signature with the provision of health certificates. Making a travel plan. Preparation of travel documents and estimates.

No. p / p

Topic of the lesson

the date

Organization and staffing of the group.

Introduction to the educational program.

History of tourism and orienteering as a sport.

Organization of the trip.

Meals on the trip. Compiling a diet.

Packaging and storage of products. Cooking food.

Equipment. Personal equipment.

Group equipment.

First aid.


Burns and frostbite.

Help a drowning man.

bivouac device.

Tent work.

Tent work.

Collapse of the camp.

Bonfire, its types.

Building and maintaining a fire.

Fire farm. Precautionary measures.

Topographic maps.

Compass. Building and working with it.

Methods for orienting a map using a compass.

Determining distances and working with a compass

Local history. History of the Pochinkovsky district, its cultural heritage.

d.Prudki and its environs.

Fulfillment of local history tasks.

Conditional signs.

Distress signals.

Consolidation of the skill of reading conventional signs.

Terrain relief.

Geographic features of the Smolensk region and the Pochinkovsky region.

(v. Mokryadino).

Map reading.

Consolidation of the practical skill of reading relief.

Developing the skill of fluent map reading.

Training competitions.

Methods for determining distances on the ground.

Ways to determine the standing point.

movement in azimuth. The territory of the economy of the village of Prudki


Tactical and technical methods of choosing the path of movement.

Map orientation techniques.


School tourism with elements of orienteering allows students to achieve success not only in mastering the program of this course, but also to develop their mental, intellectual and physical potential. Classes in the circle provide an opportunity to feel love for their small homeland, take care of nature, promote ecological culture and lead an active lifestyle, learning the world. There is full practical contact and unity of purpose between tourism and local history, under which, in the conditions of their native land, tourists often become local historians, and local historians become tourists. Tourism to a large extent contributes to cognitive research local history, and local history refers to tourism as one of the most popular and pedagogically valuable forms. The successes achieved in the competitions will help the children to quickly decide on the choice of their future profession, and joint trips and excursions will teach them communication skills and humanity. The work of the circle confirms in practice that the goals and objectives are fulfilled by students with interest, this is evidenced by prizes and certificates received at competitions in tourism and orienteering in both team and individual tests.

1. Regulatory:

1.1. Rules for the organization and conduct of tourist competitions for students of the Russian Federation. - M .: TsTSYuTur MO RF, 1995.

1.2.V.I.Tykul "Orienteering" (a manual for leaders of circles and out-of-school institutions). - M .: "Enlightenment", 1990.

1.3. K.V. Bardin ABC of tourism. M., Education, 1973.

2. Tourism:

2.1.G.I.Dolzhenko "History of tourism in pre-revolutionary Russia and the USSR." - Rostov: Publishing House Rostov University, 1988

2.2. School tourism. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1983.

2.3. Preparing and conducting a tourist trip with students. - Omsk: UNOOO, 1989

2.4. Yu.S. Konstantinov "Tourist game library". - M.: Vlados, 2000.

3. Topography and orientation. Tourist equipment:

3.1.Organization and holding of rallies and competitions in hiking: Guidelines. - M .: TsRIB "Tourist", 1983.

3.2.B.I. Ogorodnikov "Tourism and orienteering in the GTO complex." - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1983.

3.3. A.M. Kuprin "Know how to navigate the terrain." - M.: DOSAAF, 1969.

3.4. N.V. Andreev "Fundamentals of topography and cartography." - M.: Enlightenment, 1972.

4. Preparation and conduct of the trip:

4.1. Organization and conduct of a sports tourist trip. - M .: Tourist, 1986.

4.2.A.Yu.Ostapets "Tourists-pathfinders on the route." M .: "Enlightenment", 1987.

4.3. A. Yevtushenko "Organization, preparation and conduct of weekend hikes." Methodical development, - Stavropol, 2004

5. Local history:

5.1.I.A. Yunev "Local history and tourism". Moscow: Knowledge, 1974

5.2. The work of a circle of young tourists at school: Methodological recommendations. - M .: Tourist, 1989.

5.3 Geographic local history. Regional component. 6th grade. TOIPCRO, 2006

6. Green Pharmacy:

6.1.Yu.Shalkov "Tourist's health". - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1987.

6.2. Treatment with medicinal plants in folk medicine. - Maykop: Adyghe book publishing house, 1992.

6.3.P.E.Vavrish, L.F. Gorovoy Mushrooms in the forest and on the table. - Kyiv: Harvest, 1993.

7. Medicine:

7.1. First aid at home and on the street. Ed. Professor V.A. Popov. - Leningrad, 1991.

Explanatory note.

The program of the club "Meridian" has a tourist and local lore orientation and is adapted in its development using the standard program Young Tourist-Traveler. In contrast to the existing ones, this program pays great attention to the practical activities of schoolchildren and the study of the nature of their native land, which contributes to the development of tourist and local history activities (TKD) of students.

The most important task of primary school is the comprehensive development of the younger generation. TKD of students is one of the effective means of complex influence on the formation of personality. TKD has great potential, allowing in a complex to solve educational, developing, educational, health-improving tasks. Weekend hikes give the children a charge of vivacity and energy, properly organized physical education contributes to the development of logical thinking, memory, and initiative in children. Good physical fitness is the basis for tourist training. This program is designed for younger children.of school age, involved in the elementary group "Meridian".The program includes sections: local history, the world of nature, tourism, physical. preparation, orientation, the ABC of safety.

Target: education in children of love for their native land, using the means of tourist and local history activities

Pedagogical tasks:


    Lay the foundation for tourism, local history and environmental knowledge.

    Education of respect for nature.

    Improvement and physical development of children, enrichment of their spiritual world.

    Harmonious development of intellectual and creative abilities of children.

    Familiarize yourself with the basic safety rules.

    Organization of life during the expedition


    Educate students responsible for their actions and possessing the skills of competent behavior

    Educate students with their own opinion and independent outlook on life

    Create conditions for communication and cooperation in the team.


    Develop students' observation and attention

    To develop in students the physical qualities necessary in everyday life

    To develop the cognitive qualities of the individual curiosity, erudition, inquisitiveness, insight

The structure and content are compiled taking into account the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students. The age of students participating in the program is 7-10 years old.

Considering age and psychological features younger schoolchildren, theoretical and practical classes should be conducted with the involvement of visual materials, using a variety of forms of work, including games. Practical classes are held during tourist and sports events, excursions, as well as on the ground, indoors (in the classroom, gym).

Class mode

The program provides for 1 year of study, a total of 34 hours per year. Theoretical and practical classes are held once a week.

Basic methods and forms

The study of sources on the history of the native land, ecology, nature

Conducting classes in the form of games, competitions, creative works, quizzes, competitive - game programs.

Organization of excursions, trips, in order to study the native land

Participation in tourism lessons

Predicted result

By the end of the year, children should have a minimum of tourist knowledgeand skills, to be in good physical condition. Evaluation criteria: Children must be able and know

    Know safety rules and follow them

    be able to travel

    behave correctly and competently in nature

Set up a bivouac, set up a tent, light a fire

Navigate the terrain, work with a map and literature

Be in good physical shape


For 1 year of study

1 .

1.1 .

The value of tourism (walks and excursions) and local history for the improvement of the human body, knowledge of the world and oneself. The benefits of clean air in parks, forests and fields for the human body. Strengthening the musculoskeletal system, heart, lungs and other human organs during active movement on walks and excursions.

1.2. Educational role of tourism.

Acquaintance with the code of honor of a young tourist. The mottos of young tourists are: “A healthy mind in a healthy body”, “Cleanliness is a guarantee of health”. Young tourists are good comrades and collectivists.

1.3. Personal and group equipment.

Personal equipment of a young tourist for a tourist walk, excursion: a backpack, shoes, clothes (underwear, tracksuit, jacket, trousers, windbreaker, hat, etc.); personal utensils; personal hygiene products. Requirements for food packaging. Packing a backpack, compliance with hygiene requirements. Selection of personal equipment in accordance with seasonal and weather conditions. Care of personal equipment.

The game "Collect a backpack for a tourist walk." Group gathering and walkin the off-season to test the skills to prepare for tourist events.

Requirements for group equipment and rules for caring for it. Tents and awnings, their types and purpose. Setting up tents and maintaining them. Racks and pegs for tents.

Equipment for observing nature and performing the simplest local history tasks. Route documents and schemes (maps) for a tourist walk(tours).

Between participants of group equipment for a tourist walk. Mastering the skills of using group equipment and using it during a tourist walk. The composition of the repair kit (needles, threads, pins, a set of buttons, a set of patches, spare laces, glue, etc.). The purpose of the repair kit items and the rules for using them. Responsibilities of the repairman of the group. Repair of personal and group equipment.

1.4. Organization of tourist life. Bivouacs.

Bivouac on a tourist walk. Nature protection in the organization of halts and bivouacs. Requirements for bivouacs (availability of firewood and a source of drinking water, safety, aesthetics). Arrangement and equipment of a bivouac (places for setting up tents, cooking and eating, resting, washing, taking water and washing dishes, toilets).

Choosing a place on the site (clearing) for setting up a tent. Requirements for a place to set up a tent in a clearing (bivouac). Setting up a tent, tent awning or awning for group recreation.

1.5. Meals on a camping trip.

Kitchen and campfire equipment: kettles (cans), taganok, sapper shovel, mittens, kitchen oilcloth, ladles, knives, food packaging.

1.6. Preparing for a hike, travel.

Preparation for tourist walks, excursions; to sports and health competitions, games and competitions.Preparation, organization and execution of the task assigned to the association (link,

group) tasks during the excursion or tourist walk.

1.7. Tourist positions in the group.

The caretaker of a tourist group and his duties on a tourist walk. The commander of the tourist group, his rights and obligations, relations with participants in tourist competitions. Assigning responsibilities to everyone in the group.

1.8. Travel rules.

Rules of conduct in the classroom, gym, training ground, in park (forest). The order of storage of equipment, equipment, inventory and materials.

Rules of conduct for young tourists on excursions and tourist walks.Rules of conduct for participants in sports and tourism competitions, competitions and games. Rights and obligations of participants in sports and tourism competitions, competitions and games.

History and traditions of performing socially useful deeds by young tourists. Watching video fragments about the implementation of socially useful deeds: nature protection, caring for birds and animals, etc. Protection of the natural environment (green zone) around the school, at home and on the street and in your village.

Building a tourist group. Guide, closing in the tourist group. Organization of halts during a walk (excursion). Rhythm and pace of movement of the tourist group during a walk (excursion). Rules for crossing roads, streets. Mutual assistance in a tourist group. Halts intermediate, lunch. The daily routine of a young tourist during an excursion and a walk. Conservation of nature on a tourist walk or during an excursion.

1.9. Safety precautions during the tour. trips and activities.

Rules of conduct and observance of silence during a tourist walk, excursion to the park (forest). Rules of conduct for young tourists during various natural phenomena (snowfall, ice, thunderstorms, heavy rain, fog, etc.). Rules of conduct in the park (forest) upon detection of smoke or a fire.Safety rules when meeting in the natural (urban) environment with representatives of the animal world (including domestic animals).The need to fulfill the requirements of the head of the tourist (excursion) group. Mutual assistance in a tourist group.

1.10. Summing up the trip.

Making an impression of walking under the guidance of a teacher (parents) in drawings, crafts, etc.

1.11. Tourist trips and walks.

A walk in the park (in the forest) in order to consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature and develop observational skills. Walk around the school district.

2. Topography and orientation.

2.1. The concept of the map.

History of the development of image methods earth's surface and their significance for humanity.

Drawing and the simplest plan of the area (school yard, yard of your house or yourstreets). The image of the area (school yard) in a drawing, photograph, diagram or plan.

2.2. Conditional signs.

Ways of depiction in drawings, diagrams and plans of water bodies, usingartificial structures, vegetation, etc. The simplest conventional signs.

Acquaintance with the image of the area, the school yard (the nearest park, forest).The role of the topographer in the tourist group. Tourist route legend.Workshops

Symbol drawing. Crosswords on conventional signs. Drawing with conventional signs of a meadow, a camp of a group on a tourist walk, an excursion.

Mastering the skills of reading the legend of the route during a tourist walk. Drawing up a legend of the movement of the group with conventional signs.

2.3. Horizon orientation. Azimuth.

Horizon. sides of the horizon. Horizon orientation. Determination of the sides of the horizon by objects of flora and fauna, according to local characteristics.

Development of skills for determining the sides of the horizon by the sun, objects of flora and fauna, according to local features in a park (forest) or school area.


Acquaintance with the basics of the rules of tourist orienteering competitions. Kindstourist orientation and their features. Rights and obligations of participantscompetitions. Participant number and its fastening. Packageand preservationmaps (schemes). Basic rules, techniques and conditions of competitiontourist orientation on the marked route. Distance marking methods.

Marked route on the map, terrain plan. The need for increased attention of the participants of the competition on the designated route. Basic rules, techniques and conditions for orienteering competitions on a designated route.

Choice of orientation routes. Basic rules, techniques and conditionsorienteering competitions of choice. Conditions for determining the winners at distances of choice. The choice of the optimal route of movement (route planning) and the number of checkpoints (CP).

KP equipment: prism, composter, pencil. Ways of marking on the CP are composter and pencil.

2.5. Orientation to local subjects.

Orientation in the forest, by the river, in the field. Ways of orientation on the ground. Linear landmarks (paths, trails, power lines, etc.), point landmarks and objects. Relief.

Orientation by the starry sky, the sun. Measurement of distances on the ground: movement time, pairs of steps, etc. Orientation by description (legend). Scout of a tourist group, his duties and actions on a tourist walk (excursion).

3. Fundamentals of hygiene and first aid.

3.1. Traveler's personal hygiene.

Rules for observing personal hygiene on tourist walks, when organizing snacks. Personal hygiene of a young tourist during physical exercises and health and educational tourism. Charger. Morning and evening toilet. Hardening of the body, the need to take a shower after exercise. Compliance with the hygiene requirements of personal equipment. Responsibilities of a medical orderly of a tourist group.

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene at a halt, when organizing a snack. Work orderly tourist group. Discussion of the rules of personal hygiene with the organization of tea drinking.

3.2. Camping first aid kit.

The composition of the first-aid kit (individual and group) for a tourist walk.

Prescription of medicines, their packagingand storage requirements, determination of the term

suitability for use. Responsibilities of a Group Nurse.

3.3. Basic methods of providing first aid.

Rules and methods of treatment of wounds, abrasions. dressing rules,
wound care and dressing materials. Prevention of diseases and injuries.

Cuts, abrasions, bruises, blisters. Causes, characteristics of injuries. Requiredhelp, Processing methods.Prevention and protection of eyes from ingress of foreign objects, chemical liquids, gases. Needed help. Causes of burns and frostbite. Prevention of frostbite and protection of the body from frost. Signs and types of burns and frostbite. Prevention of food poisoning. Signs of poisoning. First aidwith nausea, vomiting.

Causes of heat and sunstroke. Signs of the disease. Needed help.

3.4. Methods for transporting the victim.

Organization of transportation of the victim with minor injuries. The simplest means for transporting the victim in the conditions of a tourist walk (hike, excursion). Ways to transport the victim on the hands. Mutual assistance in the tourist group during the transportation of the victim.

Production of vehicles from jackets, windbreakers. Transportation of a conditionally injured person on a slightly rugged terrain on hands, the simplest vehicles.


4.1. Brief information about the structure of the human body.

Brief information about the structure of the human body. Knowledge of the human skeleton, muscle tissue.

4.2. Medical control, self-control. Injury prevention in training.

Organization of self-control over the observance of the daily routine, keeping (together with the parents of pupils) a diary of observations of the parameters of the physical development of the organism of those involved.

Conducting control tests in a game (competitive) form in order to ascertain the dynamics of the general physical and functional development of pupils over the year.

4.3. General physical preparation.

Influence of physical exercises on strengthening of health, increase of working capacity. Complex of morning physical exercises. Hygiene during exercise.

Mastering the basics of running technique. Running in a column one by one over rough terrain, running up stairs, running "serpentine", running with obstacles.

Long jump and high jump.

Exercises for the development of speed, speed-strength qualities, strength, endurance, flexibility and coordination abilities. Gymnastic exercises.

Sports (including folk) games.

4.4. Special physical training.

Identification of the psychological and pedagogical portrait of the environment of students. Daily routine, physical development and readiness, self-control of students.

Conducting tests to identify temperament, imagination, memory type, etc.

Carrying out tests in a game (competitive) form in order to determine (reveal) the general physical and functional level of development of pupils.

5. ABC of sports and health tourism

5.1 Hiking obstacle course (autumn, spring)

Natural and artificial obstacles. Competition distance, distance stage. Marking and marking of the distance. Start and finish. Ways to overcome obstacles. Rules for safely overcoming obstacles. Individual and team passage of the distance of the obstacle course. Interaction and mutual assistance of members of the sports tourist team. Rights and obligations of a young athlete-tourist in a team at competitions.

Competitions to overcome the obstacle course.

Crossing over the swamp over bumps; crossing along the gati, along the induced treasures (poles); crossing the log to balance; overcoming blockage; "mousetrap";setting up and taking down the tent; descents and ascents, including on sandy slopes.


    Aleshin V. M., Serebrenikov A. V. Tourist topography, M., 1985.

    Military topography, M, 1986.

    Balabanov I.V. "Knots" - M., 2007. - 80 p.

    Balenko S.V. "School of Survival". Appendix to the journal "Foreign military review" part 1. Moscow. 1992

    Bubnov V.G., Bubnova N.V. “Fundamentals of medical knowledge: Educational and practical. allowance". - M., AST Publishing House LLC: Astrel Publishing House LLC, 2004. - 252 p.

    Volovich V.G. Survival Academy. - M., Tolk, 1995. - 368 p.

    Vorobyov Yu.L., Loktionov N.I., Faleev M.I., Shakhramanyan M.A., Shoigu S.K., Sholokh V.P. "Disasters and Man". - M., AST-LTD, 1997. - 256 p.

    Gamezo M.V., Domashenko I.A. "Atlas of Psychology" - M .: Education, 1986. - 272 p.

    “Mushrooms of our forests”, edited by E. Karklin, Minsk, Harvest, 1970.

    Drogov I.A. “Training of instructors for youth tourism. Teaching aid". - M., FTsDYUTiK, 2004. - 132 p.

    Davis B. "Encyclopedia of Survival and Rescue", trans. from English. - M., Veche, 1997. - 448 p.

    Zharikov E.S., Krushelnitsky E.L. "For you and about you." - M .. Enlightenment, 1991.

    Ilyin A.A. " Big Encyclopedia urban survival. - M., Eksmo Publishing House, 2003. - 576 p.

    Ilyin A.A. "Encyclopedia of Survival in Extreme Situations". - M., Publishing house EKSMO-Press, 2002. - 384 p.

    Kaloshina N.V. Sports tourism., M., Soviet sport, 1998.

    Konstantinov Yu.S. “Tourist rallies and student competitions. Educational and methodological manual "- M., Publishing house TsDYuTiK MO RF, 2000.

    Purses S.A. Ensuring safety during tourist rallies and student competitions. - M., TsDYuTur MO RF, 1997.

    "Red Book of the Moscow Region", ed. V.A.Zubakin, V.N.Tikhomirov. - M.: Argus: Rus.un-t, 1998. - 560 p.

Educational - thematic plan













Fundamentals of tourist preparation.

Tourist travel. History of tourism development.

Educational role of tourism.

Personal and group equipment.

Organization of tourist life. Bivouacs.

Meals on a camping trip.

Preparing for a hike, travel.

Tourist positions in the group.

Travel rules.

Safety precautions during the tour. trips and activities.

Summing up the trip.

Tourist trips and walks.






Topography and orientation.

The concept of the map.

Conditional signs.

Horizon orientation. Azimuth.

Types of tourist orientation

Orientation to local subjects.





Fundamentals of hygiene and first aid.

Traveler's personal hygiene.

Camping first aid kit.

Basic methods of providing first aid.

Methods for transporting the victim.





General and special physical training.

Brief information about the structure of the human body.

Medical control, self-control. Injury prevention in training.

General physical preparation.

Special physical training.


ABCsports- healthtourism

Hiking obstacle course

TOTAL: 3 5 hours

MKOU Nizhnekarachanskaya secondary school

Gribanovsky municipal district of the Voronezh region


Deputy Director for BP

__________ Belikova N.M.

"_____"______2012 G


Director of MKOU Nizhnekarachanskaya secondary school

__________ Bykhanova V.I.

Order No. _____ dated "____" _______ 2012 G


Extracurricular activities"Tourist"

Program implementation period 1 year

Age of students 10-16 years old

Program developer:

Bykhanov A.V.

2012 - 2013 academic year year

The program and KTP for tourism developed by me contributes to the non-forced introduction of sports tourism to the masses, through its popularization. the material is easily digestible and interesting, the topics in each region vary according to geographical and climatic location. in addition to theoretical classes, the program includes a course of practical classes, which ends with a mini-hike. children who have studied under this program in most cases do not stop being engaged in tourism, they enroll in circles of tourist and local history orientation.



No. uro


Section, topic




Dates and groups

Lesson equipment

Main types of educational activities (UUD)



Introductory lesson. TB in tourism classes

They study the history of tourism and memorize the names of outstanding domestic and foreign athletes.

Types of tourism activities

multimedia presentation

They describe the content of the tourist’s personal and group equipment, describe the ways of packing the backpack and pack the backpack on their own, identify and eliminate typical errors in the process of mastering the material.

The concept of personal and group equipment

Multimedia presentation, backpack, sleeping bag, mat, tents, awning, katla, campfire accessories

Group and personal equipment, requirements for it

Packing backpacks, preparing equipment

Varieties of tourist nodes, their classification

Rope (deametor 6 mm, length 3m)

They describe the technique of knitting knots, master it on their own, identify and eliminate typical errors in the process of mastering.

They use various nodes according to their purpose in tourist equipment, work in groups, correcting their mistakes and helping classmates with advice.

The use of tourist nodes in tourist equipment

Knitting knots for a while and with closed eyes

Determination of the purpose and area of ​​the campaign

Area map, compass

Various methods are used to determine the location for the trip. Explain the reason for their choice.

Distribution of responsibilities in the group. OFP

Crossbar, bench, Swedish wall

Apply learned exercises to develop endurance, strength and upper shoulder girdle.

Purchasing, packaging, packaging and cooking in the field.

Backpack, wheelchairs

They study the history of tourism and memorize the names of outstanding domestic athletes. Describe all possible options for food used in the field, their packaging and preparation.

Describe the variable implementation of packing the backpack with food. They describe how important the drinking regime is on a hike and what its failure to do can lead to.

Interact with peers in the process of joint development of the material, observe safety rules.

Drawing up a menu for 1 day in the field. OFP

Gymnastic sticks

Drinking regime on a hike. OFP

medicine balls

Organization of work on the deployment and collapse of the camp

Tent, awning, campfire accessories.

Campfire accessories

They describe the technique for performing all actions when setting up a camp (setting up a tent and its location, pulling up an awning, making a fire; determining the location of all stations in relation to each other). They give a logical explanation, the scheme and sequence of setting up the camp, determine the desired time for the deployment and collapse of the camp. Eliminate common bugs.

Starting a Campfire, Basic Precautions

Types of compasses, structure of compasses


Describe the types of compasses, structure and principle of operation. Describe how to determine the location and how to determine the goal to be achieved. Independently perform orientation on the terrain. Demonstrate communication skills in communication and classmates. They are working on the bugs.

Working with compasses, determining the azimuth

Orientation on the ground

Compass, map of the area

Movement in azimuth

Determining the location

The study of topographic signs

Sports terrain map, compass

They describe all types of known maps and scales, determine the steepness of the slope, relief, microrelief, and determine the azimuth. They describe existing topographical signs, try to find them on the ground. They move in azimuth, determine their location on the map on their own.

Work on bugs and fix them

Topographic maps and their varieties

Route planning

Determination of slope steepness

The main directions on the sides of the horizon

Determining the azimuth, its difference from a simple angle

Tourism and excursions as sports and recreation

multimedia presentation

The geographical position of the city of Sochi

The relief of the territory of the city of Sochi

Climate and microclimate, coastal and mountainous areas

Types of obstacles in tourism

Gymnastic mats, gymnastic benches, rope (diameter 10 mm, length 50 m)

They study the types of obstacles in tourism, describe possible options for overcoming these obstacles. They overcome obstacles on their own, with insurance and with the help of a teacher. Describe errors and fix them.

Ways to overcome various obstacles

Vegetation cover. Altitudinal zoning

multimedia presentation

They study the history of the city of Sochi, relief, geographical location. Climatic conditions, vegetation cover, rocks, etc. describe the flora and fauna of the city of Sochi, climatic and geographical position. Draw conclusions about the pros and cons of living in the city of Sochi

Mini hike around the school

Backpack, sleeping bag, rug, tents, awning, kettles, campfire accessories.

Perform all the actions that need to be taken on a hiking trip when setting up camp, and folding it, with an impromptu kitchen. Perform individual elements of setting up the camp together, then change stations.


1. Explanatory note

Amateur hiking is a labor-intensive, but very interesting and useful way of organizing students' leisure. Such tourism has a huge educational potential. He teaches schoolchildren to endure domestic disorder, various difficulties, to take responsibility for a common cause; teaches respect for native nature and cultural monuments, rational use of his time. Forces, property; forms self-service labor skills; promotes student independence.

By instilling independence in younger students, the teacher helps to solve the problems that will confront them in adolescence. After all, later the student will need to feel like an adult, and dependence on others will become more and more burdensome for him. The teenager will seek to free himself from the status of a dependent baby and assert himself as an adult. With the experienced experience of independence behind him, it will be easier for him to solve new problems, it will be easier to live through the transitional age.

A teenager’s assertion of himself as an “adult” personality is inextricably linked with the realization of his own needs:

In self-knowledge (showing interest in one's views, attitudes, actions);

In self-realization (in revealing one's capabilities and personal qualities, as well as presenting them to others);

In self-identification (determining one's belonging to certain social groups).

It is important for teachers to create for students a space of personal self-affirmation that would meet their urgent age-related needs and, at the same time, would be favorable for their moral development.

To the greatest extent, the above conditions correspond to all sorts of forms of organizing the life of schoolchildren in a natural, natural, "uncivilized", unsettled environment, including amateur tourist trips. Here, students are provided with additional niches where they can realize their natural properties and current aspirations. In such conditions, schoolchildren to a greater extent feel their own independence from adults. Getting into a new environment, students have more opportunities to get acquainted with other human relationships. With increased physical exertion, strong emotional experiences, inclusion in group work, they have a fundamental opportunity to test themselves, show themselves, prove something to themselves and others. In physically and mentally difficult living conditions with the support of a teacher, schoolchildren can learn to sacrifice their own interests, conveniences, well-being for the sake of others.

Tourist and local history activities allow solving both the age-related tasks that confront the student of primary school and adolescence, and the actual pedagogical tasks associated with the education of students. This feature of tourism and local history activities is the basis of this educational program.

Any student of the 5th grade who has passed a medical examination and is admitted by a doctor to classes can study in a circle.

Sports facilities for practicing the circle can be as follows: a sports hall for physical training, technical improvement and field conditions for honing tourist equipment on the ground.

Sports equipment for a circle can be as follows: ropes (diameter 10 mm), rope (6 mm), safety systems, carabiners, tent backpacks, a compass, bowlers, etc.

Regardless of the program of classes of the circle, groups can consist of both boys and girls, and it is also possible to have mixed groups.

The teacher conducting the classes should study his future pupils. Initial study is carried out when enrolling in a group, during a conversation with a child, with his parents; during a medical examination and conversation with a doctor; in the process of pedagogical observations in the course of classes; according to the results of control exercises.

The program of extracurricular tourist and local history activities of students (total volume 175 hours) is focused on children of two age categories: grades 5-6 and grades 7-9. Accordingly, the program has two modules.

2. General characteristics of the course.

Tourism is one of the basic sports of the working programs of physical education of students in grades 5-9. It has a comprehensive effect on the student's body; the functional activity of the body is improved, proper physical development is ensured, and physical abilities are developed. Given the popularity of tourism in connection with the geographical location of the city of Sochi among children and adolescents, it must be included in the extracurricular activities of students.

In addition, tourism is included in extracurricular activities for physical education: physical culture and sports holidays, intra-school sports and out-of-school competitions, classes in circles.

The content of the training process includes:
1st module - "the beginning of tourism and local history" (volume 70 hours). Designed for 2 years, based on 1 hour per week. The module is aimed at students in grades 5-6 and is aimed at teaching children basic tourist skills, the general physical development of schoolchildren in grades 5-6 and educating their independence.

2nd module - "basics of tourism and local history" (volume 105 hours). Designed for 3 years, based on 1 hour per week. The module is aimed at students in grades 7-9 and involves mastering the basic tourism knowledge and skills for children, strengthening their health and developing will and endurance, forming an adequate self-esteem of schoolchildren, instilling in them a sense of responsibility and belonging to their small and large homeland.

3. Description of the place of the course in the curriculum

The level of education



kind of extracurricular


The acquisition of new social knowledge by the student

Development of a positive attitude of the student to basic social values

Accumulation by the student of the experience of independent social action

sports and recreation activities

Conversations about healthy lifestyle; health procedures; physical culture and sports activities; sports and health promotions (competitions, tournaments, demonstration performances, master classes, health days, etc.) organized by the teacher.

Sports and recreational events (competitions, tournaments, demonstration performances, master classes, health days, etc.), jointly organized by schoolchildren and a teacher in the form of collective creative activities - KTD

Sports and recreational events (competitions, tournaments, demonstrations, master classes, health days, etc.), jointly organized by schoolchildren and a teacher for kids, peers, teachers, parents; sports and health events (competitions, tournaments, demonstration performances, master classes, health days, etc.), jointly organized by schoolchildren and a teacher in the society surrounding the school

Tourist and local history activities

Circle, optional, sectional, club and other classes for the development of special skills; local history excursions; tourist trips

Weekend hikes; tourist multi-day trips; sports hiking trips

Tourist and local history expeditions; search and local history expeditions; nature conservation and restoration expeditions

4. Personal, metasubject and subject results of mastering the course.

In accordance with the requirements for the results of the development of the course "tourism", the general Federal state educational standard for grades 5-9 is aimed at achieving by students personal meta-subject and subject results.
Personal results:

  • Education of Russian civil identity: patriotism, love and respect for the Fatherland, a sense of pride in their homeland;
  • Knowledge of the history of the physical culture of your people, your region as part of the heritage of the peoples of Russia and mankind;
  • Raising a sense of responsibility and duty to the Motherland;
  • Participation in school self-government and public life within the limits of age competence, taking into account regional cultural, social and economic characteristics;
  • Formation of the value of a healthy and safe lifestyle: mastering the rules of individual and collective safe behavior in emergency situations threatening the life and health of people, rules of conduct in transport and on the roads;
  • Personal results are reflected in the readiness of students for self-development in the process of mastering the course;
  • Possession of knowledge about the individual characteristics of physical development and physical fitness, about their compliance with age-gender standards;
  • Possession of knowledge about the characteristics of individual health and the functional capabilities of the body, methods of preventing diseases, injuries and providing first aid;
  • The ability to manage one's emotions, to master the culture of communication and interaction during physical exercises, during games and competitions;

In the area of ​​work culture:

  • Ability to plan the daily routine, provide the optimal combination of mental, physical activity and rest;
  • The ability to maintain correct posture for a long time during static postures and in the process of various types of motor activity;
  • In sports games: play one of the sports games (according to simplified rules);
  • Own the ways sports activities: participate in mini-football competitions;
  • Own the rules of conduct during the competition, observe the norms of behavior in the team, safety rules, occupational hygiene and personal hygiene, support comrades who have insufficient physical fitness;

Metasubject Results:

  • The ability to independently determine the goals of one's learning, set and formulate new tasks for oneself in study and cognitive activity, develop the motives and interests of one's cognitive activity;
  • Ability to independently plan ways to achieve goals, including alternative ones;
  • The ability to correlate their actions with the planned results, to control their activities in the process of achieving the result;
  • Possession of the basics of self-control, self-assessment, decision-making and the implementation of a conscious choice of educational and cognitive activities;

In the field of cognitive culture:

  • Mastering information about the role and importance of physical culture in the formation holistic personality a person, in the development of his consciousness and thinking, physical, psychological and moral qualities;
  • Understanding of physical culture as a means of organizing and actively maintaining a healthy lifestyle, preventing bad habits and deviant behavior;

In the field of moral culture:

  • Taking care of your own health and the health of others;
  • Show respect for others, teammates and opponents;

In the area of ​​work culture:

  • Conscientious fulfillment of educational tasks, a conscious desire to master new knowledge and skills;
  • Acquiring the ability to plan, control and evaluate learning activities organize the place of employment and their safety;

In the field of aesthetic culture:

  • Knowledge of factors potentially hazardous to health and their dangerous consequences;
  • Understanding the culture of human movement, understanding the meaning of mastering vital motor skills and abilities;
  • Possession of a culture of speech, conducting dialogues in a benevolent and open form, showing attention to the interlocutor, interest and respect;
  • Possession of the ability to logically correctly state, argue and justify one's own point of view;

In the field of physical culture:

  • Possession of ways of organizing and conducting various forms of physical exercises, their planning and content filling;
  • Possession of the skills to perform motor actions and physical exercises of basic sports and health-improving physical culture;

Subject Results:

  • Understanding the role and importance of physical culture in the formation of personal qualities, in active involvement in a healthy lifestyle, strengthening and maintaining individual health;
  • Mastering the system of knowledge about the physical improvement of a person, mastering the ability to select physical exercises and regulate physical activity;
  • Gaining experience in organizing independent systematic physical education classes in compliance with safety regulations;
  • Formation of skills to perform complexes of general developmental, health-improving and corrective exercises, taking into account individual abilities;

In the field of cognitive culture:

  • Knowledge of the history of the development of sports and the Olympic movement;
  • Knowledge of the main directions of development of physical culture in society, their goals, objectives and forms of organization;
  • Knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, its relationship with health promotion and prevention of bad habits;

In the field of moral culture:

  • The ability to show initiative and independence in organizing joint physical exercises;
  • Ability to interact with classmates and peers, assist them in mastering new motor actions;

In the area of ​​work culture:

  • The ability to overcome difficulties, conscientiously fulfill training tasks in technical and physical training;
  • Ability to organize independent physical exercises;
  • Ability to organize and conduct independent classes on the basic types of the school curriculum;

In the field of aesthetic culture:

  • The ability to organize self-study using physical exercises for the formation, physique and correct posture;
  • The ability to organize independent classes on the formation of a culture of movements when performing exercises of various directions;

In the field of communicative culture:

  • The ability to present knowledge about physical culture in an interesting and accessible way;
  • Ability to referee futsal competitions;

In the field of physical culture:

  • The ability to select physical exercises, natural forces of nature, hygienic factors in accordance with their functional orientation;
  • The ability to draw up lesson plans using physical exercises of various pedagogical orientations;
  • The ability to conduct independent classes on the development and consolidation of new motor actions mastered in the lesson and the development of basic physical abilities;

Sections of the curriculum:

  1. local history;
  2. Topography;
  3. Sports tourism;
  4. Orienteering;

1.Local history- this section will study the relief and climatic features native land. Animal and plant world of the native land. History of the native land.

2. Topography- topographic maps and topographic signs. Map scale and legend. Toposign drawing. The image of the height of the terrain using contour lines. Determining the steepness of the slope and its height. Measuring the distance to inaccessible objects. Topographic survey of the area.

3. Sports tourism-sports tourist equipment, insurance, self-insurance. Overcoming obstacles. Slope traverse with alpenstock, knot tying. Rope crossing with railings. Climbing and descending the slope along the railing, in a sporty way. Overhead crossing. Crossing with homing and removal of railings.

4. Orienteering-rules for orienteering competitions. Sport equipment. Actions of the participant before the start, at the start, at the distance, at the checkpoint, in the finish corridor, after the finish. Sports compass. Determining the sides of the horizon with a compass. movement in azimuth. Determination and control of directions using a compass and a map, according to terrain objects.

Practical classes are allocated for extracurricular active hours of classes. Classes are held on the territory of the school park and in the Kudepsta forest belt.

  1. Thematic planning
  2. 1st module - "the beginning of tourism and local history" (for students in grades 5-6)

No. p / p

Module name

Total number of hours

classroom hours

Hours of extracurricular activities

Introductory lesson

Hike - acquaintance

The safety of the young tourist

Life of a young tourist

Young traveler's kitchen

Orientation on the ground


Tourist nodes and their destinations

Overcoming obstacles

Weekend hikes


local history


Tourist knots


Weekend hikes


  1. Description of Logistics educational process.

Sports equipment required for the implementation of the course:

  1. Personal equipment: backpack, sleeping bag, camping mat;
  2. Group equipment: tent, awning, campfire accessories, bowlers, axe, repair kit, compass;
  3. Special equipment: rope (10 mm.), rope (6 mm.), belay system, carabiners, descenders, jumars.

Printed aids:

  1. Gavrilyuk E.N., Sochivedenie, Department of Education and Science of the Administration of the City of Sochi, MOU DOD Center for Children and Youth Tourism and Excursions of the City of Sochi, 2012
  2. Linchevsky E.E., "Psychological climate of the tourist group", 3rd ed., corrected. and additional - St. Petersburg, 2012
  3. Pospelov E.M., “A tourist about geographical names”, Moscow, “Profizdat”, 1988

Digital and electronic educational resources:

  1. Multimedia presentation "Composition"
  1. Planned course outcomes.

The results of extracurricular activities of the circle "tourism" are distributed over two levels.

  1. The results of the first level (the acquisition of social knowledge by the student, understanding of social reality and everyday life): the acquisition by the student of knowledge about the rules for maintaining a healthy lifestyle; about the rules of human behavior in the forest, near water bodies, in the swamp, in the mountains; about the rules of movement on the roads; about the rules for handling fire; about the rules for handling dangerous tools; about the rules for dealing with strangers; on basic hygiene standards; about ways of orienteering in the area and elementary rules of survival in nature; on the norms of attitude towards nature, historical and cultural monuments accepted in society; about the risks and threats of violation of these norms; on effective ways to protect nature; about the history and culture of the native land; about gender norms of behavior of boys and girls; on the basics of organizing a collective creative activity.
  2. The results of the second level (the formation of a positive attitude of the student to the basic values ​​of our society and to social reality in general, the acquisition by the student of independent action): the acquisition by the student of the experience of self-service, self-organization and organization joint activities with other students; experience of managing other people and taking responsibility for other people, experience of volunteering. The development of the student's value development towards his own health and the health of the people around him, towards sports and physical education, towards nature, its history and people, towards work, towards other people.

1. Explanatory note.
The program of extracurricular activities of the sports and recreation direction "Sports tourism" was developed on the basis of the program of extracurricular activities. “Tourist and local history activities. Sports and recreation activities / P. V. Stepanov, S. V. Sizyaev, T. N. Safronov. - M.: Enlightenment, 2011. (We work according to new standards) ”for students in grades 1-4
The purpose of extracurricular activities is the development of cognitive, motor and communicative activity of students, strengthening their physical and psycho-emotional health. In this case, the following tasks are supposed to be solved:
mastering the basic social norms necessary for safe life in the social environment and the natural environment;
studying the basics of tourist and local lore skills;
development of natural inclinations and skills of children, contributing to their personal self-expression in tourism and local history;
motivation to improve the health of children in tourism and local history classes both in the premises of an educational institution and in natural conditions; mastering the technology of a healthy lifestyle; mastering the norms of preservation and maintenance of physical, mental and social health;
development of cognitive and creative activity of students;
involvement of students in creative, search and research and local history activities: conducting observations, experiments, etc.;
education and development of communicative and personal qualities of students in the process of forming a team of like-minded people - a tourist hiking group;
development of reflection - the ability to recognize and evaluate one's thoughts and actions from the outside, to correlate the result of one's activity and the activity of comrades with the goal set.
The circle "Sports tourism" is a component of the curriculum of extracurricular activities, designed for 135 hours for children 7-11 years old.
Value orientations of the content of the program
Tourist and local history activities allow solving both age-related tasks that confront a student of primary school and adolescence, and the actual pedagogical tasks associated with the upbringing of students. This feature of tourism and local history activities is the basis of this educational program.
Amateur hiking is a labor-intensive, but very interesting and useful way of organizing students' leisure. Such tourism has a huge educational potential. He teaches children to endure domestic disorder, various difficulties, to take responsibility for a common cause; teaches respect for native nature and cultural monuments, rational use of one's time, effort, property; forms self-service labor skills; promotes student independence.
The timing of the program.
Grade 1 1 hour per week - 33 hours, Grade 2 1 hour per week - 34 hours, Grade 3 1 hour per week - 34 hours, Grade 4 1 hour per week - 34 hours. Total 135 hours.
Forms of organization of extracurricular activities.
observations of natural phenomena and the social environment in the student's immediate environment (native land: school, microdistrict, city). In the process of mastering this practice-oriented activity, a holistic and systematic vision of the world in its most important relationships, an awareness of the place and role of a person in it are provided;
general developmental motor activity in the process of tourism. In the process of this activity, health is strengthened, physical and moral-volitional qualities are improved, certain motor actions are mastered, thinking, creativity and independence are actively developed. Value attitude to health and healthy lifestyle is provided;
- ways of organizing safe human life in the natural and social environment, presented in the system of social norms, beliefs, values ​​that ensure the physical and psycho-emotional health of a younger student, as well as the preservation of the surrounding world;
-study of the natural and cultural-historical heritage of Russia. The study of this course provides spiritual and moral development
students, the formation of citizenship, the education of moral feelings and diligence, the development of creative abilities and the formation of the foundations of socially responsible behavior in society and in the family.
Methodological basis the content should be the unity of the educational space and time of a consistent change in the states of development of the student's personality, as well as his self-expression, self-determination and self-realization in active forms of activity. Important in this case is the relatively free choice of content, forms and methods of activity (amateur activity) on the basis of personality-oriented, developing education and the principles of activity development.
When organizing extracurricular activities, which are a continuation of the educational process of formal (primary) education, its distinctive psychological and pedagogical position should be clearly defined: the main organizational form should be a role-playing game. After all, the game is an interesting and exciting process in which each participant, a junior schoolchild, has to react to how the game situations develop. In the process of playing in extracurricular activities (on a tourist walk, on a hike or on an excursion), individual characteristics of the child's behavior in various role-playing situations are revealed, personal qualities are revealed, certain moral values ​​and cultural traditions are developed and comprehended.
At the same time, the teacher has the opportunity to influence the results of extracurricular activities of younger students simultaneously in several areas:
organization of social action through a change in the structure of students' amateur performance;
inclusion of new types of activities (for example, registration of the results of the game in special products of their own activities created by students: crafts, presentations, photographs, wall newspapers, videos, collections, dramatizations, etc.); generation of new centers of culture in the form of communities of like-minded people passionate about the same idea (purpose): young travelers, researchers, local historians; creation of a tourist club, etc.;
the acquisition of social experience through the implementation of socio-professional roles in the system of job-role tourism and local history self-government.
The implementation of the content of the proposed program is designed for a year of classes. The content of the program involves conducting classes both on the basis of a stationary classroom, and on the basis of a sports hall, school yard, park or forest.
The design of an elective must be based on the following principles: natural conformity, cultural conformity, taking into account the age characteristics of children, collectivity, patriotic orientation, dialogue, self-development and self-determination of the individual.
The program of extracurricular tourist and local history activities of students (total volume - 408 hours) is focused on children of two age categories: younger students and adolescents. Accordingly, the program has two modules.
1st module - "The beginnings of tourism and local history" (volume - 204 hours). Designed for 2 years, based on 3 hours per week. The module is aimed at students in grades 1-4 and is aimed at teaching children the basic tourist skills, the general physical development of younger students and educating their independence.
2. Thematic plan of the program:
№ Name of sections, topics Total hours Number of hours students
1kl 2kl 3kl 4kl Classroom Extracurricular Extracurricular Extracurricular Extracurricular Extracurricular Extracurricular Extracurricular 1 Module "Beginnings of tourism and local history" (for students in grades 1-4) acquisition of social knowledge by younger students, understanding of social reality in everyday life): acquiring knowledge about the rules of maintaining a healthy lifestyle , about the basic norms of hygiene, safety precautions when doing physical exercises and tourism, methods and means of movement on the ground on foot and skiing, ways of orienting on the ground and on the elementary rules of survival in nature, on the attitude towards nature accepted in society, towards historical monuments and culture, Russian traditions in memory of the heroes of the Patriotic Wars, Russian folk games, about the rules of constructive group activities on a tourist walk and excursion, about the basics of organizing collective activities in tourism and local history, about ways to organize leisure, about ways of independent search, finding and information processing.
1.1 Introductory lesson 2 2 - - - - - - - 1.2 Hiking-acquaintance 4 1 - 1 2 - - - - 1.3 Safety of a young tourist 2 1 - 1 - - - - - 1.4 Life of a young tourist 4 - - - - 1 - 1 2 1.5 Cuisine of a young tourist 6 1 - 1 - 1 1 - 2 1.6 Songs of a young tourist 4 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1.7 Legends and legends of the native land 9 1 2 - 2 1 1 1 1 1.8 Orientation on the ground 15 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 1.9 Topography 5 - - - 2 1 1 1 - 1.10 Tourist nodes and their purpose 6 1 - - 1 1 1 1 1 1.11 Overcoming obstacles 20 1 2 1 4 1 5 1 5 1.12 Tourist games 8 1 3 1 3 - - - - 1.13 Tourist wall newspaper 2 - - - - 1 - 1 - 1.14 Environmental campaigns 9 1 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 1.15 Weekend hikes 19 1 5 - 4 1 3 1 4 1.16 Multi-day hikes 20 1 3 1 3 1 5 1 5 Total 135 13 20 8 26 11 23 10 24 Activity content
Module 1. Beginnings of tourism and local history (204 hours)
1.1. Introductory lesson (2 hours). What is tourism and what is its significance in the physical and spiritual development of the student. Announcement of future classes, forms and directions of activity. Norms of behavior in the tourist team and rules of personal safety. Comic competitions of initial tourist skills: packing a backpack “blindly”, running in sleeping bags, crossing the “swamp” over “bumps”, etc. Tourist songs with a guitar. , hygiene rules, group and personal equipment, goals and route of the study trip. The choice of those responsible for the collection and preparation of group equipment, food, a first-aid kit, for checking the personal equipment of tourists and the condition of backpacks, setting up a bivouac, making a fire and preparing firewood, preparing dinner, maintaining cleanliness at halts and parking places, for a photo report on the trip, etc. P.; preliminary work with them. Gathering and checking readiness for the first trip. Hiking one-day hike of the group along a pre-planned route and teaching schoolchildren in the natural conditions of the hike basic tourist skills: proper movement on roads and rough terrain, setting up tents, preparing firewood, making a fire, cooking on a fire, taking care of your own clothes and shoes, etc. n. Analysis in the group of the study trip that took place: the well-being of tourists, the impressions they received, the work they did, etc. Photo report on the trip “Our first adventure”.
Safety of a young tourist (2 hours). Rules of conduct in the forest, near water bodies, in the swamp, in the mountains; road rules; rules for handling fire; rules for handling dangerous tools and special equipment; rules of communication with local residents; tourist hygiene rules.
Life of a young tourist (2 hours). Tourist equipment: group and personal. The distribution of group equipment on a hike between boys and girls. Tourist clothing and footwear. Backpack. Stowing backpacks of various types. Tent, setting up tents of various types. Hiking camp. Place for a fire. Fuel, storage rules. Tourist work ethic. Timurov work on the route. Attitude to monuments of history and culture. Attitude towards nature.
Kitchen of the young tourist (6 hours). Products on the go. Calorie content. Travel menu. Packing and transportation of products. sublimated products. Drying vegetables, fruits, bread at home. Tourist utensils. Care of boilers and kanami. Cooking write on the fire. Group outing for picnics to practice cooking skills.
Songs of a young tourist (20 hours). Bard song, tourist song. Songs by Y. Vizbor, V. Vysotsky, V. Lanzberg, O. Mityaev, V. Egorov about a person, destiny, profession. It is held as an open lesson, which parents of schoolchildren can attend. Listening to songs performed by a teacher with a guitar, listening to a song performed by the author (recorded). Songwriter. Song history. Discussing the song: what you liked, what the song is about, etc. Learning and performing your favorite song.
Legends and were native land (14 hours). Interesting pages in the history of the native land: the native land in antiquity, in the Middle Ages, in modern times, during the years of the Great Patriotic War etc. Local legends and myths. Heroes and bright personalities of the native land. Excursion to the museum of local lore: a preparatory conversation (where we are going, why we are going, how we behave, what we look at, what we discuss after the tour), visiting the museum and talking with the guide, returning and the final conversation about the tour (what was remembered, what we liked, what we didn’t I liked where and how you can organize the next tour). Excursions or weekend trips to places of interesting historical events.
Orientation on the ground (20 hours). What to do if you get lost in the forest, and what you need to know in order not to get lost. North South West East. Compass and its purpose. Finding the cardinal directions without a compass. Landmarks on the ground. Cards. Scale. Map legend. Reading cards. Compass and map handling. Azimuth. Azimuth move. Orienteering: training and training.
Topography (6 hours). Topographic map. topographic signs. topographic games. Topographic crossword. Topographic dictation.
Tourist nodes and their purpose (6 hours). Knots, their purpose and application in the campaign. Knots: straight, conductor, double conductor, figure eight, stirrup, prusik, noose, bowline, weaving, academic, grasping, grapevine, etc. Practicing the skills of tying tourist knots. Competition "The knot will be tied - the knot will be untied."
Overcoming obstacles (20 hours). Types of obstacles. Forest blockages, ravines, steep slopes, burnt areas, swamps, streams and rivers, mountain passes, etc. Insurance and self-insurance. Safety harnesses. Rules for overcoming forest blockages. Crossing over bumps and gats. Descent from a steep slope with the help of an alpenstock. Descent from a steep slope with a rope. Climbing a steep slope with a rope. Log crossing. Crossing on parallel ropes. Crossing with a vertical pendulum. Crossing with a horizontal pendulum. Overhead crossing. Crossing backpacks. Practicing skills to overcome obstacles.
Tourist games (8 hours). Joint preparation, holding and analysis of sports and tourism games and local history quizzes.
Tourist wall newspaper (10 hours). Joint preparation, production and presentation of wall newspapers dedicated to excursions and trips made by tourists, as well as significant dates of the tourist calendar (for example, World Tourism Day, Earth Day, etc.).
Environmental actions (12 hours). Joint preparation, implementation and subsequent analysis of environmental actions: garbage collection in nearby forest parks and squares; clearing nearby springs; hanging bird feeders and birdhouses; fencing anthills, etc.
/. 75. Weekend hikes (32 hours). Joint preparation, implementation and subsequent analysis of a trip to the autumn forest in order to contemplate the beauties of autumn nature, collect herbarium and sketches of native nature. Joint preparation, implementation and subsequent analysis of a ski trip in the winter forest in order to study animal tracks. Joint preparation, implementation and subsequent analysis of a hike in the spring forest in order to observe how nature wakes up. Joint preparation, implementation and subsequent analysis of a hike along a small forest river in order to develop skills to overcome obstacles.
1.16. Multi-day trips (36 hours). Preliminary gathering of schoolchildren going on a multi-day trip and their parents: informing about the goals and conditions of a multi-day trip. Determination of the composition of the group going on a hike. Route development. Preparation of documentation required for a multi-day trip. Preparing for a multi-day trip: safety precautions; hygiene rules; group and personal equipment; goals and itinerary. The study of maps and local history material related to the route of the upcoming trip. Distribution of responsibilities for the period of preparation of a multi-day trip. Determination of the system of shift positions for the period of the trip. Gathering and checking the readiness of participants for the first trip. Hiking a multi-day group trip along a pre-planned route. The final group analysis of the trip that took place. Photo report of the trip.
4. Estimated results of the program implementation.
The educational results of extracurricular tourist and local history activities of schoolchildren are distributed over three levels.
The results of the first level (the acquisition of social knowledge by the student, understanding of social reality and everyday life): the acquisition by the student of knowledge about the rules for maintaining a healthy lifestyle; about the rules of human behavior in the forest, near water bodies, in the swamp, in the mountains; about the rules of movement on the roads; about the rules for handling fire; about the rules for handling dangerous tools; about the rules of communication with strangers; on basic hygiene standards; about ways of orienteering in the area and elementary rules of survival in nature; on the norms of attitude towards nature, historical and cultural monuments accepted in society; about the risks and threats of violation of these norms; on effective ways to protect nature; about the history and culture of the native land; about gender norms of behavior of boys and girls; on the basics of organizing collective creative activity.
The results of the second level (the formation of a positive attitude of the student to the basic values ​​of our society and to social reality in general): development value attitude a schoolchild to his health and the health of the people around him, to sports and physical education, to nature, to his native Fatherland, its history and people, to work, to other people.
The results of the third level (acquisition by the student of the experience of independent social action): the acquisition by the student of the experience of self-service, self-organization and organization of joint activities with other students;
5. Forms of control.
- quizzes;
- contests;
-practical work;
- hiking;
6. Description of the logistics of the program:
No. p / p Name of objects and means of material and technical support. Quantity.
1. Library fund. 1. A set of textbooks "Physical culture" for students primary school educational institutions / A.P. Matveev. - M.: Education, 2011. 2. A set of textbooks "Physical Education" for students in grades 1-2 and 3-4 of educational institutions / V.Ya. Baryshnikov and A.I. Belousov, ed. M.Ya. Vilensky. - M.: Russian word, 2010. 3 Ostapets A.A. Pedagogy and psychology of tourist and local history activities of students. - M.: RMAT, 4 Collection of legal acts on tourist and local history work, organization of recreation for children and youth / comp. Yu.S. Konstantinov, S.V. Uskov. - M.: FTSDYUTiK, 5 Andersen H.K. " The Snow Queen» and other fairy tales:)