Family members methodical development in English (grade 6) on the topic. Plan-summary of the lesson in English on the topic "Family members" (grade 6) Type of lesson: mastering new knowledge

Plan - summary of the lesson in English

Sherina Irina Vladimirovna

UMK "Spotlight » (“English in focus”),Virginia Evans , Jenny Dooley , Olga Podolyako , Julia Vaulina

Class 6

Subjectlesson: “Family members”

Theme: "Family"

Target:activate previously learned thematic vocabulary.

Communication tasks: to teach how to make a coherent statement (narrative) about theme "Family"

Educational: (aimed at achieving subject results training):

To master in all types of speech activity new lexical units on the topic "I, my family";

To teach to get acquainted, to introduce people when meeting;

To master the formation of quantitative and ordinal numbers;

Master grammatical structures with verbs in connected speech to be,to have; question words; possessive case of nouns ( Possessive case); possessive pronouns of both forms ( Possessiveadjectives,Possessive pronouns);

Develop compensatory and sociocultural competences.

Developing (aimed at achieving metasubject results training) :

Develop skills in all types of speech activity when planning verbal and non-verbal behavior;

Develop skills to systematize new knowledge for their conscious assimilation ( graphic organizers);

Develop imagination when modeling a communication situation.

Educational (focused on achieving personal results training) :

To foster a sense of belonging to one's family, patriotism and respect for other cultures;

To promote awareness of the possibilities of self-realization by means of a foreign language;

To foster a sense of belonging and respect for one's family, tolerance and respect for family values ​​in other cultures.

Type of lesson: mastering new knowledge:

Equipment lesson: textbook Spotlight 6 (student`s book);

class CD for the tutorial.

cards with questions for pair work;

task cards for self-study

illustrations on the theme "Family"

Additional material: Students bring photos of family members.

Organizational stage

Good afternoon, boys and girls. I'm glad to see you. I hope everyone is ready to work. Are you in a good mood? Sit down, please. Look at your partner's place. Is he ready for the lesson? That's great. Let's start.

introductoryconversation(Before you start)

Task:to activate the previously studied thematic vocabulary, to motivate students for further work on the topic.

Ask students to look at a pre-prepared illustration (a tree and a separate photo of family members) and try to guess what the topic of the lesson will be. The students give their guesses and the teacher corrects them. To check the correctness of the answers, the teacher suggests opening the textbook on page 6 and reading the heading “ Family members»

UMC used:“English language grade 6, second year of study”, Afanaseva O.V., Mikheeva I.V.

Lesson type: generalization of knowledge on the topic "My family"

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, tape recorder

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

  • didactic: the formation of lexical skills on the topic “My Family”, the improvement of grammatical skills on the topic “The Present Simple Tense”, the formation of grammatical skills on the topic “The Possessive Case”; development of speaking skills;
  • educational: increase students' motivation to learn English; cultivate a love for the language being studied.

During the classes

Good afternoon boys and girls! I am glad to see you. I hope you are well and we can start our lesson.

Today we are going to study some words to the topic “My family”, grammar The Present Simple Tense, The Possessive Case.


Are you ready kids?
In English: " Are you ready?”
“Yes, we are ready. Yes. Yes!"
We answer: " Yes, we are”.

Let's sing our song “Hello, Hello!” ...

Thanks for your merry singing.

2. The main part of the lesson

Now look at the board. You can see some new words. Try to guess what they mean. /p>

Now let's repeat these words again.

Cousin in the corner
He is now punished.
Sister in English COUSIN.

Like diamonds
To my mom - MOTHER.

Went to base
My dad - FATHER.

My brother broke a vase today
My brother is a baby
My brother - BROTHER.

Called Mr. Ralph
Wife only in English - WIFE.

Mom is a rose
Papa is pepper
Together they are - PARENTS.

Likes sweets for tea
Boy Petya, he is CHILD,
If Mildran comes to Petya,
They will be together CHILDREN.

Do not be lazy, but repeat:
Family is different FAMILY.

Now open your books at page 33, the Possessive Case (Possessive)

In order to say who owns this or that thing, we use possessive pronouns (my, his, her, etc.) or name the person to whom this thing belongs, for example: Katya's pen/ Katya's pen; dad's car / dad's car. In this case, English uses possessive nouns: Kate's pen, my father's car. This icon ( ) is called an apostrophe.

Look at the ex.4, p.33 (performed verbally)

Let's do ex.5, p.34 (performed verbally)

Now ex. 6, p. 35. Do it as in example. (performed orally)

Now let's have a rest. Let's sing song “If you're happy…”

3. The last part of the lesson

Let's write some sentences on the blackboard:

  1. Mom's sister plays the piano. (My mother's sister plays the piano)
  2. Dad's brother cooks well. (My father's brother cooks well)
  3. Mr. Barker's children go to school. (Mr. Barker's children go to school)
  4. My brother's wife speaks English very well. (My brother's wife speaks English very good)
  5. My cousins ​​play tennis. (My cousins ​​play tennis

Now let's have a rest again! Stand up, please.

Hand up! Hand down!
Hands on hips! Sit down!
1, 2, 3 - hop!
1, 2, 3 - stop! (Once more)

thank you. Sit down, please.

OK. Now continue our lesson.

Look at the board, you can see pictures. You should make up a word from the first letter of each word./p>

Write down your homework for the next lesson: Student's Book, ex.9, p.36, ex.10, p.37. You must use The Possessive Case with new words. Your marks are good today. Thanks for your work! The lesson is over.

Abstract of an English lesson for grade 6

I bring to your attention the author's development of the first lesson for the 6th grade in UMK Spotlight 6 on the topic "Family". The lesson is developed on the basis of a functional-semantic table, which makes it easier to learn new vocabulary. Also during the lesson there are many communicative tasks.

Theme: Family.

Lesson Objectives:
- formation of lexical skills of speaking and reading (tasks: mastering new words in combination with those learned earlier);
– development of cognitive, communicative activity, development of the skill of search reading.
- nurturing a value relationship to the family.
Speech material: a) new lexical units and lexical units for repetition (see functional-semantic table), b) text for reading about the family.
Lesson equipment: Spotlight 6 textbook, functional and semantic table for each student, family photo of each student.

During the classes:

1.Speech training

(2 minutes).
Good morning children! Sit down, please! Open your books on page 6. Look at this picture! What can you see? (a family) Exactly, a family tree. How many people are there? (nine) Who are they? (Grandma, grandpa, mother, father, brothers and so on) Are they happy? (Yes, they are). I think you are happy too because you have got families. How many family members have you got? .

2. Goal setting

(3 min).
So, what will we talk about on this lesson? (About family). When can you talk about family in English in life? (When we write emails to our penfriends about our families or go abroad to visit the friend and talk to his relatives).Very good! So today we will learn new words about family, read an email to a penfriend and talk about your families.

3. Learning new vocabulary and repeating old

(12 min).
Look at the family tree! How old is…? (Children give their answers). Look at the lexical table (functional semantic table). There are questions about this family. Try to remember new words.
Student 1: Who is Janet for Bill?
All together: daughter? Mother? Aunt?
Student 2: aunt.
All together: aunt.
(And so on until ‘Who are Beth and Tom for Bill?’)
And now let's work in pairs! Ask each other the questions and answer them, please!

(12 min).
Look at ex.3. What's this? (It's a letter). For who? (for Miguel) From who? (From Bill).Now let's read the last question from the lexical table. (What does Sue look like?) Can you answer the question looking at the picture? (No). So, read the letter and find the answer! (Children read the text).
Student 1: She is tall with short fair hair.
Good! Read the letter one more time and mark the following sentences True or False in your notebooks.
1. Janet is Bill's mum.
2. Bill has got two brothers.
3. Tom and Beth have got two sons.
4. Johnny and Gill are Bill's cousins.
Let's check the answers.
Now I want to check how you understand the letter one more time. I say you a rephrased sentence and you find a similar one in the text.
Teacher: Mike is my uncle.
Student 2: Mike is my father's brother.
Teacher: Sue and Sam are my parents.
Student 3: My parent's names are Sue and Sam.
Teacher: Kim and Kate are eight years old.
Student 4: Their names are Kim and Kate and they're eight years old.

5. Speaking

(10 minutes).
Our last exercise! Take your family pictures and imagine that you are visiting your friend in England and you’re telling him about your family.
One student goes to the blackboard with a photo, and the teacher shows the task.
Teacher: Who are you for this woman?
Student: I'm her son.
Teacher: What's her name? And how old is she?
Student: Lena. She is 34.
Teacher: Who is she for this man?
Student: She is his wife.
Etc. The children then work in pairs.

6. Reflection

(2 minutes).
What new knowledge have you got now? (children give answers).

7. Grading a lesson

. (2 minutes).
Your marks for the lesson are...

8. Homework

(2 minutes).
WB ex. 1, p.5, SB ex. 3, p.6 read and translate, learn the new words.

Plan - lesson summary on the topic: “Familymembers

Class 6

Subjectlesson: “Family members”



To master in all types of speech activity new lexical units on the topic "I, my family";

To teach to get acquainted, to introduce people when meeting;

Master grammatical structures with verbs in connected speech to be, to have; question words; possessive case of nouns ( Possessive case); possessive pronouns of both forms ( Possessive adjectives, Possessive pronouns);

Develop compensatory and sociocultural competences.


Develop skills in all types of speech activity when planning verbal and non-verbal behavior;

Develop skills to systematize new knowledge for their conscious assimilation

Develop imagination when modeling a communication situation.


To foster a sense of belonging and respect for one's family, tolerance and respect for family values ​​in other cultures.

To promote awareness of the possibilities of self-realization by means of a foreign language;


Work out the "wide sound" "e"

Activate the previously studied thematic vocabulary and semantize the new one.

Improve the skills of monologue utterance on this topic.

Type of lesson: a lesson in mastering new knowledge

Equipmentlesson: Spotlight 6 textbook (student`s book); class CD for the tutorial. cards with questions for pair work; cards with tasks for independent work; illustrations on the theme "Family".

Additional material: Students bring photos of family members.

    Organizational stage

Good morning boys and girls. I'm glad to see you. I hope everyone is ready to work. Are you in a good mood? Sit down, please. Look at your partner's place. Is he ready for the lesson? That's great. Let's start.

introductoryconversation(Before you start)

Task:to activate the previously studied thematic vocabulary, to motivate students for further work on the topic.

Students look at a pre-prepared illustration (a tree and a separate photo of family members) and try to guess what the topic of the lesson will be. The students give their guesses and the teacher corrects them. To check the correctness of the answers, the teacher suggests opening the textbook on page 6 and reading the heading “Family members”

2) Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation learning activities students.

The teacher asks the students to review the tasks on page 6, after which the students need to determine the purpose and objectives of the lesson.

    Phonetic warm-up

A tongue twister is written on the board: A black cat sat on a mat and rapidly ate a fat rat. The students repeat it in chorus after the teacher, then the question follows: “What sound is the main one here”? (wide sound "e") Students name other words with this sound, for example: apple, sad, etc.)

4) Actualization of knowledge.

To summarize what has been said, students are invited to get acquainted with the new LE and exercise. 1a

Tasks:repetition of learned and the introduction of new words denoting family members.

Students who study English from the second grade are familiar with both the family tree and basic vocabulary. Therefore, it is easier for them to learn new vocabulary: uncle, aunt, cousin, wife, husband, in their late/mid/early thirties, middle aged, straight, fat, wavy. New to students can also be a way of presenting new vocabulary through definitions.

For example:

Who is Mike to Sam? - He is Sam's brother. So

Mike is Bill's father's brother, he is Bill's uncle.

The teacher asks the students to find Bill in the picture. Then, if necessary, he explains that this is his family tree. Asks questions to introduce new words.

T: Who is Bill's father?

T: That's right. Sam is Bill's father. He's his dad.

Who is his mother?

T: Correct. Sue is Bill's mother. She's his mum. Sue

is Sam's wife. Sam is Sue's husband.

4) Primary assimilation of new knowledge.

Using Bill's family tree as an example, the teacher asks the children to pair up and talk about their family by showing pictures.

5) Primary check of understanding.

Task:introduction and consolidation of active vocabulary in speech.

Before completing the task, it is necessary to familiarize students with the task, explain the meaning of unfamiliar words.

For example:

T: Look through the questions. What words are new to you?

S1: Twins.

T: Who can guess the meaning? What is the picture for twins?

Students name the appropriate Russian word- "twins" or point to the picture: Kim and Kate.

T: Are Johnny and Gill twins?

T: Why not?

S1: Johnny is 7 and Gill is 11

Students are given time to complete the task on their own. After that, the students are again divided into pairs and check the answers (aimed at developing reflection, self-reflection)

Fizkult. minute.

Students are divided into 2 (or 3, depending on the number of students) teams and perform the following task: each team needs to spell 3 received words. Each team should write them down on the board. The first team to complete the word puzzle and write it correctly on the board wins.

6) Primary fastening.

Exercise 3a page 6listening and reading

a) Before working with the text, students listen to the audio recording and only after that they start reading.

After reading the text, ask the students to answer the following questions. :

What is it? Who is it from? Does Bill Know Miguel?

b) Checking understanding of the given information.

The teacher reads the sentences with the students to make sure they understand everything. While listening to the text again, students mark the sentences as T (True) or F (false). After completing this task, students exchange notebooks and check the partner's answers. Then the students read the answers and explain the choice made.

For example: No. 1. False.Janet is Johnny and Gill's mum. Janet is married to Bill's uncle Mike.

She is Bill's aunt.

7) Information about homework instructions for its implementation

PageGR1, module 1 learn, learn new words, p. 6 ex. 3a expressive reading, ex. 3bin writing.

8) Reflection (summing up the lesson)

The teacher asks the students if all the goals set at the beginning of the lesson were achieved. .

Game "Ball Knows" (students pass the ball and name the new words that they remember)

Lesson plan in grade 6 " Family tree "according to the textbook Spotlight 6
Lesson topic:
Family tree
The purpose of the lesson: To systematize students' knowledge on the topic "Family"
Lesson objectives:

1. To train students in the ability to communicate in English in the proposed situations.
2. Activate lexical and grammatical skills (possessive case of nouns)
3. Update vocabulary on the topic.
4. Improve the skills of dialogic and monologue speech on the topic.
5. Cultivate a sense of love and respect for the closest and dearest people.
During the classes

I.Organizational moment

Good morning my friends! I am glad to see you today. Sit down, please.

Today some guests are present at our lesson, but I think that not disturb you to work good as usual.

Children ,let's do the best to show everything you know. ( song about family slide 1)

What is about this song?

I want to continue our lesson with a poem. Let's read it. Look at the screen(2slide)

II.Definition goals lesson….

Look at these picteres…What can you see on these picteres?( slide 3)

You are right.This is a family and that is a family.They are different families.So today we are going to talk about families.We can translate this word as family …. Do you know the English names for your family members?

Can you call each family member by the proper word in English?

And can you describe their relationship with each other?

Every family can have a different shape and size.

Some families are big, having many members while other families are small, comprising of three or four members .

Family is a special part of our life, who are always there with us be in a good time or bad . In this lesson we ‘ll learn about the English word for each family member.

3) Vocabulary ( Repetition of vocabulary on the topic "Family")

It's time to practice today's vocabulary ….( slide4,5,6,7,8)

Give the opposites:
A father - (a mother), a sister - (a brother), a dad - (a mum), a man - (a woman), an uncle - (an aunt),

a son - (a daughter), a granddad - (a grandma), a nickname - (a real name), many children - (an only child)

(slide 9)describe the ideal family

2. Speech warm-up

What is about this song?English people like their home very much. WhatEnglishproversabouthomedoyouknow?

(Students recall the English proverbs they learned earlier about the house.) (slide 10 )
3.Training the skills of monologue speech-description of the picture
(slide 11)

4. Physical education minute(slide 12)

4. checking homework.(slide 13,14)T-Whatisfamilytree?

(A family tree shows the family members and their connections)

T-Can you find a family tree in the garden? (No, we can't grow in, but we can draw.)You had to draw them as your homework, tobuild your family tree withMy Family tree.create a story about your families( slide14)

5. Anchoring Possessive case( slide 15,16,17,18,19) What is Possessive case? When can we use it in our lesson?

6. listening ( slide 20,21)

Lesson summary
Summing up the teacher, grading.

We have spoken, read about your families. I'm pleased with your work. thank you.

Your homework for the next lesson will be to write a composition about your families.