Ways to work with emotions. Development of emotions in joint activities with the teacher

The emotional development of preschool children is one of the most important areas of professional activity of a teacher. Emotions are the "central link" in the mental life of a person, and above all a child (L. Vygotsky).


  • perform regulatory and protective functions (for example, prevent the implementation of any activity out of fear or disgust);
  • contribute to the disclosure of potential creative abilities;
  • encourage certain actions, color behavior in general;
  • help to adapt to the situation;
  • accompany communication (choice of a partner, affection, etc.) and all types of activities;
  • are an indicator of the general condition of the child, his physical and mental well-being.

AT last years there are more and more children with disorders of psycho-emotional development, which include emotional instability, hostility, aggressiveness, anxiety, which leads to difficulties in relationships with others. Moreover, against the background of such violations, so-called secondary deviations arise, which manifest themselves, for example, in persistently negative behavior, etc. Appropriately organized work (classes, joint activities, independent activities) on the emotional development of children can not only enrich the emotional experience of the child, but also mitigate and even completely eliminate the problems noted above.

Opportunities joint activities for the development of the emotional sphere of children, they are not bound by strict time frames, they are more relaxed in communication, they are free to choose whether or not to participate in this event, game, etc. Joint activities, as a rule, take place in a relaxed atmosphere free from rigid regulations. Setting on the game, entertaining forms of communication create a favorable background for contacts, management of emotional expression, productive creative self-realization.

It is important to build pedagogical work taking into account the following provisions:

1. The systemic organization of the child's psyche, from which it follows that the development of the emotional sphere is possible by influencing other mental processes (sensations, thinking, imagination, etc.) and their regulation. So, in the early and younger preschool age there is a close connection between the emotional and sensory spheres. The development of visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile, gustatory, vestibular analyzers contributes to the emotional manifestations of the baby. This is convincingly shown in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets and others. In the older preschool age, emotions are associated with imagination, which helps children build their own unique picture of the world, significantly expand the means of external design of emotions.

  1. Reliance on age opportunities and sensitive periods preschool childhood. The practical implementation of this principle is facilitated by taking into account the interests of children, determined by their age (fairy tales, games, entertaining tasks, expressive self-expression).
  2. The stages of pedagogical work. While recognizing the important role of each activity, I would like to emphasize the importance of the game. It is known that it naturally fits into the life of children and, as a leading activity (D.B. Elkonin), is able to carry out positive changes in the sensory, emotional, volitional and other spheres of the personality, to form new forms of behavior. The game creates a favorable environment for emotional manifestations, creative self-realization. In the process of role-playing transformations, performing game tasks, the child involuntarily enriches himself with ways of expressing emotions, adequately designing expressive actions.

An important place belongs to sensory games, which, in addition to fulfilling their main task, activate the mechanisms of emotional response, indirectly activate the emotional sphere as a whole. These games do not require much preliminary preparation and are very attractive for children of early and younger preschool age.

It should also be noted games for the development of emotional expression, or emotionally expressive games. They are aimed at the development of facial, pantomimic, speech motor skills, gestural expressiveness - in other words, the "language" of emotions; create a favorable background for the manifestation of individuality, the development of emotional sensitivity, etc. They are used in joint activities, starting from middle group; By the age of four, children develop a certain emotional and sensory experience, and they are able to act from a certain person, focus on the attitudes of an adult, etc.

In working with children, it is desirable to use the works of children's writers and poets, folklore. They are a special form of understanding the surrounding reality, the formation of an emotional attitude to the world. Fairy tales, stories, nursery rhymes, etc. enrich the vocabulary of emotional vocabulary, develop a figurative worldview, responsiveness, serve great occasion for a meaningful dialogue between the teacher and the children.

We will reveal the tasks and options for practical activities for each age group.

Second junior group

The main tasks at this age stage are:

  • encouraging children to emotional response through the targeted supply of sensory information through the channels of visual, auditory, vestibular, olfactory, tactile and taste analyzers;
  • maintenance of expressive manifestations of babies (facial, gestural, speech) in the process of interaction with sensory stimuli, different in modality, intensity, duration.


The teacher offers to walk barefoot on different surfaces (soft, smooth, ribbed, etc.),

water games

  • Launch boats.
  • Bathe toys.

Fill plastic containers, rubber toys (pears) with water and pour it out.

  • Immerse plastic balls, toys to the bottom.
  • "It's raining" (pour water from a watering can into basins).
  • “Who will hold the water longer” (they draw water in their palms, trying to keep it as long as possible).
  • “The sea is worried” (hands depict sea waves).

Note. Water games are best organized in the summer on

walk or in the washroom. Water can be colored.


The teacher holds a sultan in his hand, to which light ribbons are attached, and pronounces the following words:

Wind, blow harder

Break the ribbons quickly.

Wei, wei, breeze,

Get him, buddy!

Then he begins to move quickly, waving the sultan. Children try to catch the "breeze".

The plot basis of such games can be the works of children's writers, poets, folklore.


The teacher reads P. Voronko's poems, inviting the children to move.

The bear cubs lived in the thicket, twisting their heads. Like this! (Step from foot to foot, shake head)

The cubs were looking for honey, they shook the bush together. Like this! (Imitate the swinging of the bushes)

Waddled around and drank water from the river. Like this! (Walking, awkwardly, then bending down, "drinking water")

And then they danced, raised their paws higher. (Dance with knees high)

In the second younger group, it is also necessary to introduce children to vocabulary that reflects the most vivid, visually easily determined emotional states: joy (joyful, joyful), fun (cheerful, fun, etc.), sadness (sad, sad, etc.). ), sadness (sad, sad, etc.), fear (to be frightened, frightened), anger (angry, angry), etc.

Literature and folklore play the main role in solving this problem. Reading fairy tales, stories, etc., the teacher focuses the attention of children on words that characterize certain emotional states. At the same time, you can demonstrate the manifestation of emotions in facial expressions, gestures, intonation, encourage children to determine emotional states using the questions: “Why did the bear run away when he heard the song of the fox?”, “Do you think the goat has always been cheerful? What else was she? etc.

Children of this age must also learn to see and reproduce the characteristic features of the design of emotional states (joy, sadness, fear, anger). For this, it is appropriate to use illustrative material, theatrical activities, etc. For example, using a series of plot pictures and sets of cards depicting the main character in different emotional states, the teacher invites the children to select a card for each plot picture that matches the mood of the hero

middle group

At this age stage, it is necessary to solve much more tasks related to emotional development children. First of all, this is the expansion of the experience of emotional response through the introduction of various sensory stimuli, often of a complex nature (visual-vestibular, visual-auditory-tactile, etc.). To do this, we can recommend the following games.

"Who lives in the house"

The teacher prepares several cardboard boxes with holes. Puts objects of various qualities into them: hard, soft, smooth, prickly (such as a massage brush), etc. Children, feeling an object (toy), express (by facial expressions, movements) their impressions of “visiting” one or another house.


The teacher offers to close your eyes and express your taste sensations with facial expressions. Gives you a taste of pieces of various vegetables and fruits: banana, lemon, apple, carrot, potato, pickle, radish, beet, etc.

"So many smells around"

The teacher offers to close your eyes and show with facial expressions whether the children inhaled a pleasant or unpleasant smell. Then he gives a sniff of perfume, orange peel, fragrant geranium leaf, garlic clove, etc.

For the development of emotional expression, its mechanisms: non-verbal (facial, pantomime, gesticulation) and verbal (words, sounds, phrases), as well as the formation of the foundations for the expressiveness of external emotional manifestations, it is advisable to use emotionally expressive games (the embodiment of various situations from the life of animals, their habits by children). ; transmission of emotional states fairytale heroes by personification, etc.). Given the age characteristics of children, the emotional-playing context is specific, prompting and guiding.

"Cat and Kittens"

The essence of the game is the repetition by the "kittens" of various actions shown by the "cat". For example, a “cat” teaches “kittens” to meow, hunt (quietly sneak up, stretch out their paws), run away and hide from various dangers, etc.

"Pass with movements"

In middle preschool age, it is also important to replenish the “emotional” dictionary with words denoting various moods, states (surprised, surprised, scary, scared, angry, angry, grief, grieve, cowardly, offended, dreary, mischievous, etc.);

phrases that reflect shades of mood (not very angry, not at all scary, very sad, etc.); learn to select synonyms (joyful - cheerful, sad - sad, dreary); find words specifying emotional states: angry (unpleasant, rude, angry); cheerful (pleased, laughing), etc.; understand

emotional characteristics presented in the form of phraseological units: Masha the confused girl, picky girl, kind doctor Aibolit, etc.

To make it easier for children to master the emotional vocabulary, to develop the ability to analyze emotions with the help of words, one should first of all turn to fiction. It is also desirable to use visual models - a series of paintings reflecting episodes of fairy tales and stories. Showing this or that image, the educator offers to remember the mood of the hero, to give him a generalized emotional description.

You can make a cardboard circle with a moving arrow and with the image of animals, people in different emotional states. Pointing to one of them, the teacher asks the children to name this mood, pick up synonyms (sad hare, what else?).

Introducing phraseological units, it is good to use riddles (author Yu. Kireeva):

The fastidious girl was looking for Brother.

Rechenka offended:

Milk did not drink.

bulk apple

I didn't eat from the apple tree.

I didn't want a rye pie from the oven.

Who is the heroine of this story?

Guess without a clue.

(Girl picky)

This girl was going to the garden,

I tried to find my things.

It is difficult for a girl to look for things.

In the evening, everything was scattered again.

Who is that girl? Who is confused?

Do you know her? Her name is ... (Masha).

Heals young children

Heals birds and animals.

Looking through his glasses

Good doctor... (Aibolit).

An appeal to other types of activity will allow continuing a meaningful dialogue with children: visual (the teacher, together with the children, draw Masha the confused, the good doctor Aibolit, etc.), musical (select musical accompaniment to fairy tales), etc.

It is advisable to teach children to identify and differentiate emotional states (joy, sadness, fear, surprise, anger) by external signs, to notice changes (transitions) in mood, and also to reveal to children the meaning of such forms of behavior as offended, surprised, frightened, caring, benevolent etc., to develop emotional identification.

To solve these problems, you can conduct conversations using pictograms, games, such as "Confusion".

The teacher puts a large sheet of thick paper in front of the children, on which people, animals, various objects, natural phenomena, etc. are drawn, connected to each other by winding lines of different colors. Offers to figure out who (or what) the puppy, mouse, bird, etc. are afraid of; who (or what) upset the girl; who (or what) cheered up the boy, etc. Then he offers his own options for correcting negative experiences. For example, how to calm a puppy, how to help a girl overcome sadness, etc.

It is advisable to introduce children to the "Book of Moods". It is created by the teacher. To do this, you need to bend in half five or six landscape

sheets and fasten them in the middle. Even pages are symbolic images of various moods (pictograms), and odd pages reflect life situations, episodes of fairy tales, cartoons, objects, phenomena that can cause a particular emotional state. When considering the “Book of Moods”, it is advisable to encourage children to supplement its content with their own life experiences (name what (who) gives you joy; what can lead a person to a state of sadness, which means to be offended, etc.).

You can complete tasks in the "Rainbow of Moods" albums that require the transfer of emotions in color. For example.

  • The teacher depicts the faces of girls in a state of joy and sadness, asks to draw a dress, bows, shoes that fit each of them.
  • The teacher draws pictograms and a few circles around them. Invites children to depict objects, events, etc. in circles that can cause a particular mood.
  • Depicts episodes from fairy tales (merry and sad animals around Aibolit, guests at the birthday party of the White-sided Magpie, etc.), offering to color each character according to his emotional state.

senior preschool age

The tasks of this age group include the following:

  • to improve the experience of the external design of emotions, to encourage the transfer of subtle shades of mood, demonstrating a variety of components of emotional expression: mimic, pantomime, gesticulation, speech;
  • stimulate the manifestation of an individually unique style of play behavior, the originality of emotional response.

"Signal interpreters"

The teacher offers to tell fairy tales to people who do not hear anything, but they understand sign language, facial expressions and pantomimics well. Emphasizes that when translating, it is important to monitor the expressiveness of movements. It is advisable to start with simple fairy tales: “Ryaba Hen”, “Gingerbread Man”, “Mitten”, etc. You can use poems, songs, riddles.

"Live Pictures"

To conduct this game, it is desirable to arrange a curtain and an elevation such as a theater stage. The teacher suggests preparing for the display of "live pictures", namely, to think over the plot, postures, gestures, facial expressions, clothes, jewelry, etc. Provides assistance as needed. During the game, children sit on chairs. The curtain opens only when the child is completely ready for the show. Spectators, considering the "living pictures", try to determine their name.

Note. Children can bring clothes and jewelry from home. "Little people" The content of the game is a poem by D. Kharms. The educator suggests considering what emotional state they will demonstrate. Then he reads the text, the children alternately depict small sketches that reflect certain moods.

T ra-ta-ta-tra-ta-ta,

The gates opened

And from there, from the gate,

The little people came out.

One uncle - like this,

Another uncle - like this,

The third uncle is like this,

And the fourth is like this.

One aunt - like this,

And the second one is like this

The third aunt is like this,

And the fourth one is...

Note. The text can be supplemented with “One boy is like this ...”, “One girl is like this ...”, etc.

Older children continue to be taught to understand, differentiate the emotional state by external signs (facial expressions, gestures, postures, voice intonations), determine the causes of a particular mood by analyzing circumstances, events, etc.; develop their ability to respond to the emotional state of another person, to show sympathy, rejoicing, assistance.

In the implementation of these tasks, great help is provided by fiction, especially landscape poetry, where various moods are conveyed, connections between human experiences and the state of nature. An important place is given to conversations, games.

"Let's talk about mood"

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that very different facial expressions can be seen in the store, bus, park, etc. Asks to name emotional states known to them. Then he shows pictures of people cut out of magazines. Children choose the appropriate pictogram for each picture. Offers tasks such as "Collect little men: cheerful, offended, evil." In conclusion, he proposes to work in the albums "Rainbow of Moods": create two or three drawings on the topics: "Happy mood", "I'm sad", "What surprises me", etc."One, two, three, find the right place"

The teacher sets pictograms in different places. Reading short excerpts from works of art, invites the children to take a place near the symbol that, in their opinion, corresponds to the described mood.

As homework You can invite children to create their own books. To do this, they are given pre-prepared manuals - books,

the pages of which have a slot in the form of a square (circle). A disc with pictograms (five to seven symbolic images) is attached to the back. Each pictogram must be clearly visible in the slots. Children are offered to give the name of the book and fill all the pages with plot drawings that convey the various emotional states of the characters. By exchanging such books, preschoolers learn to select pictograms (by rotating the disk) that correspond to the plot of a particular page.

Using problem situations, visual material, one can dwell on such points as the causes that cause certain emotional experiences, ways to change negative experiences.

In the future, it is recommended to bring the children to the thought: the mood of a person largely depends on his view of the world, relations between people, etc. For this purpose, it is recommended to use the following works: V. Danko (“Dangerous Glasses”), E. Moshkovskaya (“Sour Poems”), etc.

Let's talk about this in more detail using the example of M. Shchelovanov's poem "Morning".

What is this morning?

Today is a bad morning

This is a boring morning

And it looks like it's going to rain.

Why bad morning!

Today is a good morning!

Today is a fun morning

And the clouds go away.

Will there be no sun today?

Today there will be no sun

Today will be gloomy

Gray cloudy day.

Why won't there be sun?

There will probably be sun

There will definitely be sun

And a cool, blue shadow.

When re-reading the poem, the teacher invites the children to look at reproductions (landscapes) through multi-colored pieces of glass. When reading the first and third quatrains, children use glasses of dark, dull tones, while reading the second and fourth - bright, light glasses.

The teacher emphasizes: a gloomy mood often does everything

the environment (nature, objects, etc.) is bleak, dull, uninteresting. And vice versa, a benevolent bright mood makes it possible to see the beautiful, surprising, pleasant around.

In the course of joint activities, work continues to enrich the vocabulary of emotional vocabulary (indifferent, miserable, greedy, capricious,

lazy, offended, ashamed, boring, tired, etc.), while it is important to encourage children not only to name emotional states, but also to select synonyms, highlight shades of moods, and trace associative links with color. Reading excerpts from works of art, the educator suggests characterizing the features of the external expression of a particular state (for example, what does tired mean); reproduce this state with movements, choose the color that matches it.

In communication, it is important to pay attention to the figurativeness of the stylistic forms of children's speech.

Children are also taught to understand emotional characteristics in the form of phraseological units, to use them adequately (Princess-Nesmeyana, Vovka-kind soul, Ugly duckling, etc.). To do this, it is necessary to introduce children to works containing such collective images: A. Barto (“Vovka-kind soul”, “Girl-revushka”), G.Kh. Andersen ("The Ugly Duckling", "Thumbelina"), The Brothers Grimm ("Cinderella"), S. Marshak ("That's how absent-minded"), Y. Akim ("Numeyka"), S. Mikhalkov ("Thomas"), fairy tale "Tiny-Havroshechka", etc.

You can create an album “They live among us” (each drawing is thoroughly thought out together with the children: background, pose, facial expression, surrounding objects, etc.).

It is recommended to hold conversations, entertainment evenings, for example, "Journey to the Land of Familiar Heroes." The teacher prepares in advance the silhouette images of the Princess-Nesmeyana, the Ugly Duckling, the Scattered from Basseynaya Street, etc. Offers to go to an amazing country where they will meet interesting characters.

Shows the image of the Princess-Nesmeyana, accompanying the show with a comic poem.

Oh trouble, oh trouble

Swan in the garden.

I Princess Nesmeyana,

I won't stop crying.

I won't laugh at anything

I'll just tear up more.

He asks the children to answer why the princess was called that, is it possible to call someone else by that name, etc. Offers to pick up words that characterize people similar to the Princess-Nesmeyana. In case of difficulty, he calls them himself (wailing, capricious, sad). You can organize the game "Laugh Nesmeyana": children show comic sketches, trying to make her laugh.

Then the Ugly Duckling appears. The teacher offers to remember what fairy tale he is from, to name the characters of other fairy tales, who were also outwardly unattractive at first (Cinderella, Tiny-Havroshechka, etc.); pick up words that characterize them (modest, inconspicuous, etc.).

Demonstrates the transformation of the Ugly Duckling into a beautiful swan (turns over the card).

Then he shows the children the image of the Scattered from Basseynaya Street, reading excerpts from S. Marshak's poem "That's how absent-minded." Playing the role of this hero, the educator can say goodbye to the children instead of saying hello, etc. Then he offers to characterize a person who can be called "Scattered from Basseinaya Street."

In conclusion, he encourages children to reproduce the characteristic features of the characters with movements: the boys portray the Absent-minded Man from Basseinaya Street, and the girls - the Princess-Nesmeyana.

Have there been situations in your life when you could not cope with emotions? Or could not even understand what feelings you are experiencing, why do you react this way? Maybe you do not always understand the feelings of others and it is difficult for you to build harmonious relationships?

Meanwhile, the ability to understand and manage your emotions is a key reference point on the path to success, career, popularity, and even a happy family life.

Scientists have proven that anyone can learn to manage emotions. A matter of practice. And it's not difficult at all. The most important thing - as in sports - training!

The success of a person does not always depend on his IQ. Every day we see situations where smart and bright people can't build a career. While those with clearly lower intelligence thrive without much effort. The answer to the question of why this happens is often related to EQ - emotional intelligence.

Having a diploma and certificates does not guarantee a successful career and happy life. The ability to manage oneself is much more important than regalia and achievements.

This relatively new concept was founded in 1995 by Harvard Ph.D. science journalist Daniel Goleman. His book "Emotional Intelligence", one might say, shocked his contemporaries. Goleman gave many examples and proved that it is through the ability to recognize and control their emotions, as well as the emotions of others, that people achieve what they want in life.

Unfortunately, it is very rare for children to be taught how to manage anger or resolve conflict constructively. And growing up, a person does not automatically get a high EQ factor. But we are able to correct this situation. Unlike IQ, indicators of emotional intelligence can (and should!) be trained and developed.

There are four basic EQ skills that go into concepts intrapersonal and interpersonal competencies.

Intrapersonal Competence It is the ability to understand your emotions and manage your behavior. This includes emotional self-perception: how we are aware of our emotions and reactions at any given moment. This is a fundamental skill: if its level is high, then it is much easier to use all other EQ skills.

It follows logically self-management. This skill is manifested when a person acts or refrains from acting. It is the ability to use the knowledge of one's emotions to effectively manage one's behavior and emotional responses to people and events.

Simply put, self-perception says, “I feel angry!” Self-management helps contain this anger. Or vice versa, if the level of this competence is low, a person will think something like this: “I feel angry, but I can’t do anything about it!”.

Warren Buffett believes that his success does not depend on high level IQ, but from the ability to manage your emotions during a transaction. One has only to succumb to an emotional impulse for a moment - and you can lose millions of dollars. .

Interpersonal Competence- is the ability to understand and capture the mood, behavior and motives of other people in order to improve the quality of relationships. Here you can talk about empathy- the ability to accurately capture the emotions of others and understand what is actually happening to them now.

And the final chord - relationship management: This skill includes the previous three. A person who scores high in this competence is able to perceive emotions (both his own and the emotions of other people) in order to build effective interaction.

In order to convey your message to a person and be correctly understood, it is necessary to develop all four skills. Relationship management improves the quality of interaction with people in all areas of life.

EQ boost strategy

  1. You need to start with emotional self-perception. This is the foundation for improving all other indicators.
  2. The human mind is only able to focus on one EQ skill at a time. Therefore, after improving the first skill, move on to the second one in “order of turn”, acting from intrapersonal competencies to interpersonal ones.
  3. Choose a strategy to improve one skill and keep working on it for 21 days (that's how long it takes your brain to adjust to a new habit).
  4. After 21 days, move on to the next skill.

At first, training will be unusual and, perhaps, difficult for someone ... After all, we have never “rocked” emotions. But the further, the more results you will see. Most importantly, keep going no matter what!

How to improve intrapersonal competencies

There are several techniques that will help you reach a new level of emotional intelligence.

Freewriting, or "morning pages"

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Kindergarten No. 48 "Goldfish" of Norilsk is a sanatorium-type preschool institution for children with primary tuberculosis intoxication. The efforts of all employees of the preschool educational institution are primarily aimed at carrying out therapeutic and preventive measures, the purpose of which is to prevent the development of local tuberculosis. Children go there for three to six months. Therefore, first of all, they strive to create a favorable emotional and psychological climate so that each child is surrounded by an atmosphere of kindness, attention, care and understanding. And given that mostly children who do not have experience in public or even family education are enrolled, it is very important to help them adapt to a new environment without any problems.

The material below presents the experience of the educator of the 2nd category. The short stay of children in a sanatorium kindergarten poses many problems for the teaching staff, first of all, how and what to teach in these six months, especially if the child comes from a family where parents are not too worried about his development.

In recent years, and this has to be said with regret, the development emotional sphere re-benka is not always given enough attention, unlike his intellectual development. However, as rightly pointed out by L.S. Vygotsky and A.V. For-porozhets, only the coordinated functioning of these two systems, their unity can ensure the successful implementation of any form of activity.

Working with children for more than one year, communicating with them every day, the teacher came to the conclusion: the formation of "smart" emotions and the correction of shortcomings in the emotional sphere must be considered as one of the most important, we can say - priority tasks of education. It is known that in the process of development, changes also occur in the emotional sphere of the child: his views on the world and relations with others change, and the ability to recognize and control his emotions increases. But the emotional sphere itself does not qualitatively change. It needs to be developed.

Closing themselves on TV, computer, children began to communicate less with adults and peers, and it is communication that enriches the sensual sphere. As a result, children have practically forgotten how to feel the emotional state and mood of another person and respond to them. Therefore, work aimed at the development of the emotional sphere seems to us very relevant.

Who, if not teachers, understands: throughout childhood, literally from the cradle, one must strive to ensure that support in a child a joyful mood, to cultivate the ability to find joy and allow the child to surrender to it with all the childish immediacy. It is not easy to create such a joyful mood, especially during the period of children getting used to kindergarten. In Preschool No. 48, this is one of the pressing problems: almost every week some children come to us, others, after undergoing treatment, people leave. Therefore, educators try, first of all, to relieve tension, to create such an environment in the group so that everyone feels that they are waiting for him and welcome him with joy. Feeling needed, the child is easier to experience a change in his life. From the first days, they try to establish emotionally positive relationships with each child individually, and with all children in general.

Having studied the literature on the emotional education of preschoolers by authors such as AD. Kosheleva, N.L. Kryazheva, V.M. Minaeva, N.V. Klyueva, Yu.V. Kasatka-on, and starting from the program "Isto-ki", the educator determined for herself principles which form the basis of her communication with children.

I'm not a know-it-all. Therefore, I will not try to be him.

I want to be loved. Therefore, I will be open to loving children.

I know so little about the complex labyrinths of childhood. That's why I let my kids teach me.

I learn best from knowledge gained through my own efforts. Therefore, I will combine my efforts with the efforts of the child.

I am the only one who can live my life. Therefore, I will not seek to manage the life of a child.

I draw hope and the will to live within myself. Therefore, I will acknowledge and affirm the child's sense of self.

I cannot make a child's fear, pain, frustration, and stress disappear. So I will try to soften the blows.

I feel fear when I am defenseless. Therefore, I will touch the inner world of a defenseless child with kindness, affection and tenderness.

In order for the work with children to be purposeful, systematic, we decided to determine what to take as a basis, what emotions to rely on. One of the most convenient classifications for practical purposes is the classification of K. Izard. It is based on fundamental emotions: interest in joy, surprise, grief, anger, contempt, fear, shame, guilt. Other emotions are considered by him as derivatives. The educator began to adhere to this classification in her work.

First, he conducts diagnostics with children, developed by L.P. Rifle highlighting the following options:

* adequate response to various phenomena of the surrounding reality;

* differentiation and adequate interpretation of the emotional states of other people;

* the breadth of the range of understood and experienced emotions, the intensity and depth of experience, the level of transmission of the emotional state in speech terms, the terminological equipment of the language;

* adequate manifestation of the emotional state in the communicative sphere.

Work with children is planned on the basis of the results of diagnostics, which contribute to the upbringing of emotions, the development of expressiveness of movements, self-relaxation skills. Children willingly play the games “Cook”, “Touch to ...”, “What does the mood look like?” (in them they learn to empathize, feel others), as well as in the games “Tell your fear”, “Fishermen and the fish” (aimed at removing fears and increasing self-confidence). To reduce the level of aggressiveness in children who use every opportunity to push, pinch another, they try in games in which you can fight (we combined them into "Fun with Pillows"). Children also love games with cards depicting various emotions (“How do you feel?”, “Classification of feelings”, “Meeting of emotions”, “What are your mom, dad?”). So that the games were always at hand, a card file was created.

In an effort to develop a sense of freedom and creative activity in children, we organize monthly games “Draw Music”, “Funny Drawing”, “Drawing by Dots”, “Family Album”, “Draw Mom from Flowers”. Later we arrange exhibitions from the drawings.

For the development of the emotional sphere, in addition to the game workers of preschool educational institution No. 48, cognitive classes are held, during which children experience different emotional states, verbalize their experiences, get acquainted with the experience of their peers, as well as with how and what literary heroes experienced, picturesque, musical works.

The value of such activities lies in the following.

* The range of emotions understood by children is expanding.

* Children begin to better understand themselves and others.

* They are more likely to show empathy towards others.

So, in the classroom for children, by facial expressions, I determine the mood of a person, form the ability to express sympathy for those who need it. It turned out that many children do not know how to improve the mood of another, what to say, do.

As a result of the work on the emotional upbringing of children, certain traditions have developed in the group.

Started "Mood Diary". In the morning, having come to the group, the children draw their mood in it, and if it changes during the day, then they make several sketches.

The diary focuses the attention of children on their emotions, mood, allows them to realize their emotional state and learn how to express it in words.

It is known that nature "discharges tension", reduces stress, helping recovery. Therefore, we try to come to the Green Room more often. Children watch with pleasure and interest, take care of plants, birds, rabbits, admire their beauty. And with what pleasure they grow grass for their pets! This contributes to the upbringing of good emotions, helps to relax.

Sweet evenings, children's birthdays are fun and sincere. It is becoming a tradition to drink tea with different "goodies" made by the hands of parents and children. Using this opportunity, we teach children to give pleasure to their peers, to share his joy. Such evenings relieve psycho-emotional stress.

Entertainment is organized monthly, on which children's knowledge of emotions is consolidated, the ability to feel mood, empathy develops. After observation and re-diagnosis, positive results are revealed: children show openness, trust in adults and in each other. One of the most important moments effective learning is an emotional background. Result? Children begin to feel more free, are not afraid to speak out, enter into a dialogue with the teacher and peers. By maintaining a joyful mood in a child, his mental and physical health is strengthened.

Educators of preschool educational institution No. 48 sincerely hope that work in this direction will help make the emotional world of children bright and saturated, that each of them will be able to proudly say: “May I always be!”.

A person cannot turn off emotions at the click of a button when he crosses the threshold of the office at 9 am, and turn it on when leaving the office at 6 pm. Self-improvement begins with the acceptance of the fact that emotions are inseparable from us. They work faster than logic, and man hasn't been able to do anything about it in the last 50,000 generations.

We spend most of the day at work and side by side. We don't like all of them. We can be offended, upset, angry. Work situations themselves - deadlines, multitasking, responsibility, etc. - loosen nervous system. In order not to provoke your own nervous breakdown, you need to somehow manage your emotions.

Under attack - leaders

Most often, "leader" and are synonyms. A workaholic is even more prone to stress. The “work-home-work” route is familiar to him, daily overtime, going to work even on weekends, he does not have time or energy to meet friends and arrange his personal life.

Live in the cloud negative emotions it is practically impossible to create, to think big, to soberly evaluate one's own actions.

In addition, at work, the leader is responsible not only for his own actions, but also for the actions of his subordinates. And where there is a big responsibility - there. And you also need to constantly communicate with a huge number of people.

The Big Mistake Is Suppressing Emotions

The only emotion management mechanism that most of us use on a day-to-day basis is suppression. We do not just keep ourselves in hand, we keep ourselves in a tight grip. You can't scream - we live in a civilized society. You can’t cry - they will consider you dead. You can’t hit the table with your fist - they will say you are aggressive. As a result, we harbor emotions.

What price are we paying for this?

Headache. Irritability and willingness to throw at everyone. Constant fatigue. And psychosomatics, where without it? “Suddenly” we begin to catch a cold more often or chronic diseases worsen (weak points that almost everyone has).

All this is connected not with the amount of work and workload, but with our attitude towards it, with emotions in the process of work.

Everything in the house: the negative does not disappear

Suppressed emotions don't go away. The "exhaust" just lingers. All the time that we suppress emotions, forces are expended, the level of emotional stress only increases.

Charged with negativity at work, we carry it home and pour it out on loved ones. “You put dirty shoes past the rug!”, “You didn’t salt the soup!”, “Brought a three from school again!” - familiar?

A situation that would not hurt us if we were in a good mood suddenly provokes hysteria and leads to discord in the family.

And it would be a mistake to think that by throwing out the negative on other people, we got rid of it. Screaming, we realize: we were wrong, and instead of relief, on the contrary, a feeling of guilt comes.

Circulation of emotions-2: from home to work

The reverse situation is when a person carries negativity from home to work. A conflict in the family, problems with housing, an unpaid loan - anything can cause immersion in non-work thoughts at work.

If a person cannot abstract from personal experiences, he cannot. He spends time thinking about the problem, looking for solutions. Work is stalled.

What to do?

To live and work in a team, you need to be able to:

  • recognize your emotions
  • understand what supports us and what hinders us.

Otherwise, close to a nervous breakdown and emotional exhaustion.
Another aspect of emotion management is the ability to reproduce emotional states that lead to success.

Learn to control yourself

There is a popular saying: “Thanks to IQ, you get a job, and thanks to EQ, you make a career.”

What is IQ, everyone knows - this is the level of intelligence. What is EQ? This is emotional intelligence. It, like mental abilities, can and should be developed.

The concept of emotional intelligence was introduced by Peter Steyer and Jack Meyer in 1990. David Goleman in his book interpreted it as "the ability to be aware of emotions, to reach and generate them in such a way as to promote thinking, understanding emotions and what they mean and, accordingly, manage them in such a way as to promote one's emotional and intellectual growth."

Principles of EQ

  • Empathy

Manifested in the recognition of others and their own emotions, sensitivity, understanding.

  • Awareness

To feel happy, you need to understand your own feelings. To do this, you need to be able to distinguish their shades.

  • Equilibrium

People with high emotional intelligence are able to master emotional outbursts.

  • Responsibility

A person should not harm himself or others, should be able to control his thoughts, regulate emotions, take responsibility for the possibility of happiness and not blame others.

Disgruntled employees - negative income

The emotions of a single employee affect the work of the company. Firstly, if an employee does not have the energy to work, he is not able to do much, despite the fact that he can be a real pro. Secondly, he can infect his colleagues with whom he communicates with his emotional mood.

It is especially important for a leader to maintain emotional. An employee who is not involved in work, feeling abandoned, can easily agree to an offer from another company. Moreover, without showing the employee his importance, without encouraging him, in the event of a brewing conflict, the manager thereby pushes him to quit.

There are times in life when we are more emotional. Disagreements with a spouse, difficulties with children, illness of parents, and just a personal life crisis. During such periods, we can be especially vulnerable and vulnerable.

In our culture, it is customary to either hide emotions or “dump” them on others. On the one hand, emotions at work are not appropriate, on the other hand, all emotions must be expressed.

Neither is useful. The constant suppression of emotions affects a person’s health, uncontrolled manifestation destroys relationships, which means the environment that nourishes a person.

How to be?

Listen to yourself, your emotions and experiences. Be aware of the reaction to what situation they are, to whom they are directed. Only then can you choose what to express, to whom, to what extent and in what form. This can and should be learned.

When it's really bad

Do not ignore your condition, realize and accept your special vulnerability during this period. If possible, do not plan any special “breakthroughs” at work during this time. Leaving personal problems at work is not a very healthy idea, it threatens with severe overheating.

It would be nice if you had someone to discuss your problems with, get support - a friend, a colleague who sincerely cares about you, a psychologist.
Recognize and express emotions at the address. Then a colleague or subordinate who has made a mistake will not be the “last straw” for you.

If you "broke down", shouted at a colleague or subordinate, burst into tears in their presence - do not blame yourself. Just apologize to a colleague or manager, explain that it is difficult for you now.

If you are a leader and have noticed a difficult period in the personal life of your employee, take care of him. Sincere care cannot be spoiled.

Talk, show that you have noticed his difficulties and sympathize. Agree with him how much time he has to solve his personal problems. Give a person time to solve his problems - do not give important and urgent tasks within a specified period, redistribute the load in favor of more stable employees.

At the same time, it is important to remember that real concern is not connivance, you should not overprotect such an employee and completely turn a blind eye to his work.

Informal communication and interpersonal connections

In many companies, managers are of the opinion that informal meetings of employees save them from negative experiences. Meetings like these serve as a shield for employees against emergencies and countless day-to-day problems. They do not feel alone, they are involved in the activities of the company and feel supported. In informal communication, it is easier to resolve the conflict and say what is tormenting.

Personal efforts

To overcome stress and deal with negativity, put in a little effort.

  • Hobby

Take up swimming, yoga, painting, knitting—anything that feels good and calms you. After work, it’s nice not to do household chores, but to devote time to yourself.

  • Pause

Do you feel emotions running high at work? Go outside, get some air. Drink tea, chat with a friend or colleague.

  • Relax in the office

Some employers install massage chairs and relaxation rooms in their offices. Enjoy!

  • Think about loved ones

Remember those who love you, who are always for you. These thoughts warm and save in any situation.

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Emotions(in translation - I excite, I shake) is a psychological process of subjective reflection of the most general attitude of a person to objects and phenomena of reality, to other people, to himself regarding the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of his needs, goals and intentions.

Emotions are one of the forms of reflection by consciousness real world. However, emotions reflect objects and phenomena not by themselves, but in their relation to the subject, their significance. Emotions are conditioned, on the one hand, by internal needs and motives, and, on the other hand, by the peculiarities of the external situation.

Properties of emotions

      The subjective nature of emotions (the same event in different people evokes different emotions.

      Polarity of emotions (emotions have positive and negative signs: satisfaction - dissatisfaction, sadness - fun ...).

      The phases of the emotional nature of emotions in their dynamics from the quantitative side. Within the same emotional state (of the same modality), fluctuations in its intensity are clearly detected according to the type of tension - discharge and excitation - sedation.

Classification of emotions

In the emotional sphere, there are 5 groups emotional experience: affects, actual emotions, feelings, mood, stress.

Affect- a strong, violent, but relatively short-term emotional reaction to an external stimulus that completely captures the human psyche (rage, anger, horror, etc.).

Emotions- this is a direct, temporary emotional experience of a person's attitude to various external or internal events.

Emotion arises as a reaction to a situation, unlike affect, it is longer and less intense, it is emotional excitement. Emotion as a reaction arises not only to real events, but also to probable or remembered ones. Emotions are more biased towards the beginning of the action and anticipate its outcome. All emotions can be classified according to modality, that is, the quality of experience.

Feelings(higher emotions) - special psychol. states that are manifested by socially conditioned experiences that express a person’s long-term and stable emotional attitude to real and imaginary objects. They are often called secondary emotions, as they were formed as a kind of generalization of the corresponding simple emotions. Feelings are always subjective. Therefore, they are often classified depending on the subject area:

      Moral (moral and ethical).

      Intelligent, practical.

Psychological theories of emotion

In the XVIII - XIX centuries. there was no single point of view on the origin of emotions, but the most common was the intellectualistic position: “bodily” manifestations of emotions are the result of mental phenomena (Gebart)

      "Peripheral" theory of emotions by James-Lange. The emergence of emotions is due to external influences that lead to physiological changes in the body. Physiological and bodily peripheral changes, which are considered as a consequence of emotions, have become their cause. Each emotion has its own set of physiological manifestations.

      "Thalamic" Cannon-Bard's Theory of Emotions. Emotions and their corresponding activation signals of autonomic functions arise in the thalamus. Psych. experience and physiological reactions occur simultaneously.

      The Papes Circle and Activation Theories. Emotion is not the function of individual centers, but the result of the activity of a complex network of the brain, called the “Circle of Papes”.

Cognitive theories of emotion. They discover the nature of emotions through the mechanisms of thought.

The theory of cognitive dissonance L. Festinger. Cognitive-psychological factors play an important role in emotions. Positive emotions arise when a person's expectations are confirmed, that is, when the real results of the Activity are consistent with the planned plan.

Information theory of emotions P.V. Simonov. In a symbolic form, a set of functions that affect the emergence and nature of emotions is presented:

Emotion \u003d P x (Ying - Is). P - actual need. (In - Is) - probability estimate.

There are different schools, which determines the difference in definitions and classifications.

      James Lange. Psychoorganic concept of the essence and origin of emotions. He put physiological states at the basis of emotional manifestations. They are primary, and emotions accompany them. Under the influence of external stimuli, the body changes, emotions arise through the system feedback. “We are upset because we cry, not weep because we are upset.” This is the central theory for all psychology until today.

      Psychoanalysis. Reactions are associated with drives. The reason for the occurrence is the mismatch of the desired situation with the actual one.

      Behaviorism. concomitant response to a particular stimulus. Ideas about emotions are depleted in that the central link is not considered, but reinforcements are considered. They can be positive and negative, respectively, emotions are also both positive and negative. They are not perceived as internal experiences (grief from longing is no different).

      cognitive psychology– there is a normal experimental base.

    Schechter. 2 factor theory of emotions (development of the James-Lange theory). Emotions arise as a cognitive evaluation of a physiological shift. Two factors influence: cognitive, psychol.

    Lazarus. 3-component theory. The following components influence: cognitive, psychological, behavioral. Not only the physiological shift is evaluated, but also the possibility of behavior in a given situation, the ability to interpret: emotions arise if we perceive everything as really happening. If you subject everything to rational analysis, there are no emotions.

Rubinstein. Emotion is something associated with a certain excitation of certain areas in the subcortical structures - a reaction to a stimulus, feelings - before the stimulus, something that can be verbalized, or already verbalized, once verbalized, then conscious. Emotions and needs. Emotions are a mental reflection of the current state of human needs. Emotions are a specific form of the existence of a need, as a result, there is a desire for something that will lead to the satisfaction of the need (object), but then the object delivers or does not deliver satisfaction, and we have a feeling in relation to it. Emotions differ in polarity - "+" or "-".

Leontiev. The theory of emotions is built on Activity. It states that behavior, general activity is motivated and directed by a motive. An activity consists of a series of certain actions that correspond to a goal. The goal is always conscious, such a unit of activity as an action occurs only in a person, the goal is that which represents the result of the action. A motive is an object of need. Emotion arises as an assessment of the discrepancy between goal and motive. Emotion allows you to evaluate the approach to the subject of need with the help of a certain action.

Psychophysiological mechanisms

In the process of evolution of the animal world, a special form of manifestation of the reflective function of the brain appeared - emotions (from Latin I excite, excite). They reflect the personal significance of external and internal stimuli, situations, events for a person, that is, what worries him, and is expressed in the form of experiences. In psychology, emotions are defined as a person's experience at the moment of his attitude to something. In addition to this narrow understanding, the concept of "emotion" is also used in a broad sense, when it means a holistic emotional reaction of the Personality, including not only the psychological component - experience, but also specific physiological changes in the body that accompany this experience. In this case, we can talk about the emotional state of a person.

The worldly understanding of the word “feelings” is so broad that it loses its specific content. This is a designation of sensations (pain), the return of consciousness after a faint ("come to life"), etc. Emotions are often referred to as feelings. In fact, the strictly scientific use of this term is limited only to cases where a person expresses his positive or negative, i.e. evaluative attitude to any objects. At the same time, unlike emotions that reflect short-term experiences, feelings are long-term and can sometimes remain for life.

Feelings are expressed through certain emotions, depending on the situation in which the object appears, in relation to which this person shows feeling. For example, a mother, loving her child, will experience different emotions during his examination session, depending on what the result of the exams will be. When the child goes to the exam, the mother will have anxiety, when he reports that he has successfully passed the exam - joy, and if he fails - disappointment, annoyance, anger. This and similar examples show that emotions and feelings are not the same thing.

Thus, there is no direct correspondence between feelings and emotions: the same emotion can express different feelings, and the same feeling can be expressed in different emotions. Evidence of their non-identity is the later appearance of feelings in ontogeny compared to emotions.

Both of them can be positive and negative.

Emotions- a special class of mental phenomena, manifested in the form of a direct, biased experience by the subject of the life meaning of these phenomena, objects and situations to satisfy their needs. (dictionary)

1. Ch. Darwin(1872 Expression of emotions in animals and man). He proved that the evolutionary approach is applicable not only to the biophysical, but also to the psychological and behavioral development of the living, that there is no impassable abyss between the behavior of an animal and a person. Darwin showed that in the outward expression of different emotional states, in expressive bodily movements, there is much in common between anthropoids and newborns. These observations formed the basis of the theory of emotions, which is called evolutionary. Emotions appeared in the process of evolution of living beings as vital adaptive mechanisms that contribute to the adaptation of the organism to the conditions and situations of its life. The bodily changes that accompany various emotional states are nothing but the vestiges of the organism's adaptive reactions.

2. W. James K. Lame. James believed that certain physical states are characteristic of developed emotions - curiosity, delight, fear, anger and excitement. Corresponding bodily changes were called organic manifestations of emotions. According to the James-Lame theory, it is the organic changes that are the root causes of emotions. Being reflected in a person's head through a feedback system, they generate an emotional experience of the corresponding modality. First, under the influence of external stimuli, changes characteristic of emotions occur, the emotion itself arises.

3. W. Kennon. noted that the bodily changes observed during the occurrence of various emotional states are very similar to each other and lack in variety .... in order to explain the quality of difference in higher emotional experiences. The internal organs are rather insensitive structures that very slowly come into a state of excitation. Emotions arise and develop quickly enough.

P. Bard showed that in fact both bodily changes and emotional experiences - one hell of a... associated with them occur almost simultaneously.

4. Lindsay-Hubb activation theory– Bubba . Emotional states are determined by the influence reticular formation lower part of the brain stem. Key points: The EEG picture of the cerebral cortex that occurs during emotions is an expression of the so-called "activation complex" associated with the action of the reticular formation. Pointless but beautiful... The work of the reticular formation determines many dynamic parameters of emotional states - their strength, duration, variability.

5. L. Festinger's theory of conitive dissonance. positive emotional experiences arise in a person when his expectations are confirmed, and cognitive ideas are realized, that is, when the real results of the activity correspond to the intended ones, are consistent with them. Negative emotions arise and intensify in those cases when there is a significant difference, discrepancy, dissonance between the expected and the actual. Subjectively, the state of cognitive dissonance is experienced by a person as discomfort - he seeks to get rid of it - a double way out: to change cognitive expectations so that they correspond to the result. Or try to get a new result that would still match the expectations.

6. S.Shekhter - cognitive-physiological theory. In addition to the perceived stimuli and the bodily changes generated by them, the emergence of emotional states is influenced by a person's past experience and assessment of the situation from the point of view of interests and concepts that are relevant to him.

Feelings are the highest form of emotional attitude of a person. to the subject and phenomena of reality, excellent. relative stability, generalization, compliance with the needs and values ​​formed in personal development.

Feelings differ from emotions in depth, stability, constancy. Emotions usually follow the actualization of the motive and up to a rational assessment of the adequacy of the subject's activity to it. They are direct reflection, the experience of reflection. Feelings, on the other hand, are of an objective nature, they are associated with a representation or idea about some object. Another feature of feelings is that they improve, develop, form a number of levels from direct feelings to higher feelings related to spiritual values ​​and ideals. Feelings are a product of the cultural and historical development of man. They are associated with certain objects, activities and people. Feelings play a motivating role in the life and activities of a person, in individual development a socializing role. Common between emotions and feelings is a regulative function that orients a person, supports activity. They support the process aimed at meeting the needs, have an ideological character and are, as it were, at the beginning of it. They are perceived by a person as his inner experiences, transmitted to other people, empathize. Emotions and feelings are personal formations, they characterize a person socially and psychologically.

Definition, classification and function of emotions

Emotions - a form of adaptation to reality so that one can act in it. Internal regulation of activity.

Connection of emotions with needs (Rubinstein)

Emotion is a mental representation, a reflection of the current state needs. The needs of the body are directly expressed in emotions. Personal needs - indirectly.

The globality of emotions in relation to the world, knowledge is secondary. The unity of the affective and the intellectual.

Properties of emotions :

  1. expresses the state of sat and its relation to the object

    polarity (related to antiquity)


    participation in stimulating activity

Connection of emotion with activity (Leontiev)

Emotion is a mental representation or reflection meanings, generated by the motive. Emotions are the way to the knowledge of motives:

    natural meanings (useful / harmful)


    personal - formed by the leading motive (true / false for personality development at this stage)