Lexical theme "house". Plan-summary of the lesson (middle group) on the topic: Summary of the lesson "My home" Didactic game "House on the mountain"

Target: to consolidate children's ideas about the features of the structure, appearance of various buildings; contribute to the systematization of knowledge about a variety of buildings; develop cognitive activity, observation.

Material: pictures with color images of different houses, cards prepared in advance by the teacher with the corresponding silhouettes of these houses.

Game rules: choose the right silhouette and color image of buildings.

Game actions: search for cards with a color or silhouette image, competition.

Game progress

At the beginning of the game, the teacher explains the meaning of the word "silhouette".

Option 1. The teacher shows cards with color images of buildings and asks to name them. Then he shows a silhouette card. The players must determine which house this silhouette fits.

Option 2. Silhouette cards are distributed to children. The host takes any card with a color image of the building and offers it to the players, asking: “Who has the silhouette of this house?”

Option 3. Each of the playing children has 3-4 silhouette cards, and all the colored cards are on the table. The players must find a pair. The winner is the one who quickly found all the pairs.

Game "What first, what next?"

Target: to acquaint children with temporal and causal relationships; help to assimilate the stages of the labor process of construction, the creation of various objects of the man-made world and to realize the presence of factors that determine the methods of action with this object; to promote the development in children of such mental qualities as memory, attention, imagination, speech and such mental operations as analysis, synthesis, comparison; stimulate the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Didactic material: cards for building a logical chain of several links.

Game rules: the winner is the one who first picks up the cards, folds them and explains the logic of building this chain.

Game actions: build a logical chain of several links.

Game progress

Lay out the history of the creation of the house in a row: what was what? What has become?

1) A brick house (was what?) - a tray of bricks (were what?) - a hill of clay.

2) A hill of clay (became what?) - a tray of bricks (became what?) - a house (building).

3) Window (was what?) - frame and glass (was what?) - wood and sand.

4) Wallpaper (were what?) - paper and paints (were what?) - wood and water with dye.

5) Plumbing (was what?) - pipes and insulating materials (was what?) - metal, plastic, rubber.

Option 1. "And then what?"

The teacher gives the child the first card (for example, with the image of a brick) and offers to remember what can be made from this item. The child must find the second card with the image of the wall, put it on the first one and remember where the walls are used (residential building).

Option 2. "What happened before?"

The teacher gives the child a third card (for example, with a picture of a house) and offers to remember what such a house is made of (the first card). And what do people use to build a house? Child
looks for a second card with a picture of building materials or tools.

Option 3. “What was before and what will be after?”

The teacher gives the child a second card (for example, with the image of window glass) and offers to remember what it was before - sand (the first card). And then he asks what the builders will make of this glass later - a window in the house (third card).

After the children have mastered the game well, you can offer to collect logical chains for speed. Whoever completes the chain first wins.

Lesson "How will you decorate the room?"

Target: bring children to the understanding that a person creates objects to decorate his life; encourage finding things that perform aesthetic functions.

Material: doll rooms (kitchen, living room, bedroom) drawn on cardboard; toy furniture; pictures with images of objects (paintings, nesting dolls, sculptures, compositions of flowers, painted dishes, boards, towels, potholders, an old samovar, a vase, etc.)

Lesson progress

The teacher tells the children that people have long sought to decorate their home. They made tables, chairs, cabinets, etc., and if they bought furniture, they did a lot to make the house always cozy.

Then he changes the arrangement of objects, trying, if possible, to create funny, incredible situations. Children turn away at this time. After the teacher has finished, they turn around, notice an unusual combination of objects. They must remember how it was before, tell about it, and only then restore the previous order.

Game "Inference"

Target: exercise children in establishing cause-and-effect relationships; develop coherent speech of children when explaining their answers.

Task "Finish the sentence."

A person needs a house in order to ...

The house needs to be insulated because ...

The house needs windows in order to…

The front door needs a peephole in order to…

An intercom is needed to…

We changed the windows in the house because…

Our house was renovated because…

This house is considered ancient because…

This building is called an architectural monument because …

Houses are supplied with electricity to…

Houses are supplied with gas to…

The whole house became dark because...

Lesson "Construction of phrases"

Target: develop the skills of creative construction of fantasy images with the corrective (critical) function of thinking; activate prepositions in speech; exercise in matching words and building simple sentences from given words.

Exercise: connect two words with a preposition or case in a sentence.

Words for work: builders - scaffolding, roof - house, new settlers - house, mailbox - entrance, dog - elevator, ball - stairs, railing - stairs, balcony - flowers ... etc.

Orientate around the house.
Know and name the location of its main parts.
Be able to tell who lives on which floor.
To know who and for whom builds houses, that it is very difficult to build them, it takes a long time.
Know what houses are like.

CHILDREN SHOULD KNOW THE NOUNS: floor, entrance, balcony, loggia, panel, block, log, window, frame, window, stairs, railings, stairwell, doors, elevator, bell, roof, pipe, antenna, attic, basement, steps, castle, threshold, dugout, hut;

ADJECTIVES: stone, wooden, white, gray, yellow, beautiful, one-story, two-story, multi-story, high - low, new - old, modern, light, comfortable, elegant, large, strong, durable, blocky, brick, panel, log, straw;

VERBS: build, paint, open, close, knock, rise, call, go out, nail, lay, live.

HOUSES ARE (for children from 5 years old):
For people, it's a home.
For cars - garage.
For dogs - kennel, booth.
For horses there is a stable.
For pigs - a pigsty.
For cows - barn.
For birds - a birdhouse, a nest.
For chickens - chicken coop, etc.

Window - window, window.
Frame - frame, frame.
Room, room, room.
Wall - wall, wall.
Door - door, door.
Balcony - balcony.
A log is a log.
Staircase - stairs.
A call is a call.
Roof - lid, lid.
Threshold - threshold.

Floor - floors - many floors.
Frame - frames - many frames.
Room - rooms - many rooms.
Wall - walls - walls.
Floor - floors - many floors (multi-storey).
Entrance - entrances - many entrances.
Balcony - balconies - balconies.
Logs - logs - logs.
Window - windows - many windows.
Window - vents - vents.
Stairs - stairs - many stairs.
Door - doors - doors.
Call - calls - calls.
Roof - roofs - many roofs.
Pipe - pipes - many pipes.
Antenna - antennas - many antennas.
Basement - basements - basements.
Castle - castles - castles.

One room - two rooms - five rooms.
One big room - two big rooms - five big rooms.
One house - two houses - five houses.
One multi-storey building - two multi-storey buildings - five multi-storey buildings.
One window - two windows - five windows, etc.

IF THE HOUSE HAS TWO FLOORS (children from 6 years old):
If the house has one floor, we say that the house is one-story.
If the house has so many floors that it is difficult to count, we say that the house is multi-storey.
Two floors - a house ... (two-story).
Three floors - a house ... (three-story).
Five floors - a house ... (five-story).
Ten floors - a house ... (ten-story).

NAME WHAT (children from 5 years old) ?
A straw house is a straw house.
A brick house is brick.
House made of stone - stone.
A house made of wood is wooden.
A log house is a log house.
The roof is made of iron.
Glass windows are glass.
Cement foundation - cement.
Brick pipe - brick.
The wooden floor is wooden.

For example. The house is multi-storey, it has an entrance, a staircase, an elevator, doors, walls, steps, railings, windows, etc. The house has many apartments, rooms, corridor, kitchen, bathroom, toilet. The rooms have furniture, balconies, windows, etc. I live on the fifth floor.


Don't let your parents get angry
That the builders will be smeared
Because the one who builds
That one is worth something!
And no matter what for now
This house is made of sand.
B. Zakhoder

New house.
At the highest altitude
Above the roof, on a pole,
I built a new house
With round door and porch.
My house, although small,
But it was empty for a short time:
Residents settled in it -
Vociferous starlings.
G. Ladonshchikov

Little builders.
Somehow the children decided to build a house for the dolls.
Above the silvery river, on the steep bank.
The foundation was laid with pebbles from the river,
Children's heels rammed the ground.
Our whole yard was busy with sand and bricks.
Sifted lime, prepared a solution.
Then they planed the boards with a planer all day.
They folded the walls tightly, wove a thick wattle fence.
Covered with tiles - and stood up for dolls house
Above the silvery river, on the steep bank.
K. Gogiashvili

Doesn't bark, doesn't bite
But he won't let me into the house. (Lock.)
Meets everyone with one hand,
The other handle accompanies. (Door.)

No driver, no wheels
And he brought me home.
Ride me almost
to the door of the apartment.
Managed it on the way
the passengers themselves. (Elevator.)

Summary of classes in the middle group of kindergarten for children 4-5 years old

Spiridonova Natalia Gennadievna, teacher of MDOU No. 226,

G. Saratov

Synopsis of GCD "My home"

Theme: My home

Age : Middle preschool group (4-5 years old)

Direction : Cognitive-speech

Main educational area:"Knowledge"

Integrated educational areas:"Socialization", "Communication", "Reading fiction", Music"

Target : To consolidate children's knowledge about the concept of "home".


Educational : Cultivate love, a sense of affection for home, city.

Educational : Develop coherent speech through complete answers to questions.

Develop creative thinking and memory. Develop attention, imagination, creativity.

Educational: Continue to acquaint children with the history of housing, with types of houses in other countries. To expand the knowledge of children about their "small homeland", streets, residential buildings, public buildings, their purpose. Strengthen the ability to call your address. Repeat animal dwellings.

Planned result: To form in children knowledge about the types of houses, about the history of their occurrence; consolidate the ability to call your home address.

Methods and techniques:

visual : showing, viewing.

verbal : explanation, questions, consideration, conversation, comparison, artistic word, indication.

Practical : dramatization of an excerpt from the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut", the game "Whose house"

Visual learning aids: demonstration material “What are the houses”, didactic game “Whose house”, house, fox and hare costumes.

Individual work:dramatization of the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut", memorization of a poem.

Vocabulary work:residential, public; yurt, wigwam, tent, igloo.

Preliminary work:conversations, looking at illustrations, reading fiction, memorizing proverbs and sayings, learning the song “Hello, my Motherland!”, a tour of our microdistrict, an exhibition of drawings on the theme “My home”, making a didactic game “Whose house”.


I. Dramatization of an excerpt from the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut"

II. Game "Whose House"

III. Conversation "My home"

1. Why do we need a house, the history of occurrence

2. Types of houses

3. The poem "Houses are different"

4. What is an address

5. Why is the street called that?

6. Song "Hello, my Motherland"

IV. Outcome


Educator: Guys, look what a beautiful house. I wonder whose is he? Who lives here? It seems I know! And you will guess if you guess my riddle.

What is this forest animal

I stood up like a post under a pine tree,

And stands among the grass

Ears bigger than head?

Educator: That's right, it's a rabbit. Let's knock and say hello to him. (Knocking) Bunny, come out soon.

The fox comes out of the house.

A fox: Hello, hello! There is no rabbit here! I live here. This is my house!

He goes back to the house.

caregiver : Guys, what happened? Why does a fox live in a bunny's house? And where is the bunny?

The hare comes out and cries

caregiver : Hello, bunny. Why are you crying?

Hare Q: How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut, she asked to spend the night, and she kicked me out! I was left without a house.

Educator: Guys, did the fox do the right thing by kicking the bunny out of his own house?

The children answer.

caregiver : Certainly. After all, this is his house, and no one has the right to expel him from his own house. What do we do? Let's call the fox.

Children knock on the house.

A fox: Now, as soon as I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will go along the back streets!

caregiver : Little fox, please come out. We want to talk to you.

Fox comes out.

Educator: You did bad. You have no right to kick a hare out of his house.

A fox : And what about me? Where can I live? Has my hut melted?

caregiver : The guys and I will help you. Now we will find a suitable house for you.

Game "Whose House"

One group of children is given pictures of animals, and the other group is given animal dwellings, each finds a mate.

caregiver : Here, fox, we found your house, your mink. Are you happy?

A fox: Thanks guys.

Educator: Stay in our lesson, our guys will tell you a lot more interesting and instructive.

The heroes sit down.

caregiver : Guys, from which fairy tale did the fox and the hare come to us? (answer)

You know where the animals live, what their houses are called. Where do people live? (answer)

caregiver : Why do people need houses? Did you know that in ancient times people lived in caves. Only with time did they learn to build houses. At first it was dugouts, then wooden huts, stone houses. Now these are large multi-storey brick, panel houses. Every country has different houses. They correspond to the peculiar way of life of people. What houses do you know? (answer)

Educator: Why do you think high-rise buildings are being built in the city? (answer)

caregiver : What are the names of the houses in which people live? What public houses (buildings) do you know?

The poem "Houses are different"

(child reads)

Houses are different:

High and low

Green and red

Far and near.

Panel, brick…

It seems to be ordinary.

Useful, wonderful

Houses are different.

Educator: Each house has its own number. Each house is located on a street, each street has its own name. Why do people need an address?


Educator: Guys, do you know your home address? Maybe the fox and the bunny will want to come to visit you. (They call)

caregiver : You named the streets where you live. Do you know why they are called that? For example, Gagarin street? (Answer)


Goodies! Guys, home is the house we live in, this is our yard, our street, our hometown Nizhnekamsk! Our home is our great Motherland-Russia!

The song "Hello, my Motherland!"

In the morning the sun rises

Calls everyone to the street

I leave the house,

Hello my street!

I sing and in the sky

Birds sing to me

Herbs whisper to me on the way:

"Hurry, my friend, grow up!"

I answer the herbs

I answer the winds

I answer the sun

"Hello, my Motherland!"

Educator: Did you like the fox and the bunny in our lesson? What about you guys? What was interesting? (answer)

Educator: Let's say goodbye to our guests, it's time for them to return home. As they say: “Away is good, but home is better!

Application with children 3-4 years old. Summaries of classes Koldina Darya Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is "My Home"

The theme of the week is "My Home"

Lesson 22

Software content. Cultivate compassion and kindness. Teach children to make a whole out of several parts; apply glue to the part and stick it.

Demo material. Toys - heroes of the fairy tale "Hare hut" (hare, fox, bull, dogs, bear and rooster), two houses.

Handout. Half of the landscape sheet, cut out of colored paper square (wall of the house), triangle (roof), small rectangle (door), small circle (window); glue, glue brush, rag, oilcloth-lining.

Lesson progress

Read Russian to the children in advance folk tale"Hare hut".

At the lesson, remember this fairy tale, based on the illustrations in the book, or act it out for the children. Tell the children: “At the end of the story, the bunny and the rooster decided to live together. Let's make a new house for them - big and strong."

Put in front of each child a half of an album sheet, a square (house wall), a triangle (roof), a small rectangle (door) and a circle (window) cut out of colored paper. Invite the children to make a house out of a triangle and a square and place a door and a window on it, and then stick on all the details.

Show the finished houses to the bunny and rooster.

From the book Modeling and application with children 6-7 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “My Home” Lesson 21. Building a house (Modeling from plasticine) Program content. To form in children the ability to sculpt a house from rolled up columns, laying them on top of each other and firmly connecting them. Strengthen the ability to use the stack. Develop

From the book Drawing with children 4-5 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “My house” Lesson 21. Houses for nesting dolls (Drawing with colored pencils) Program content. To teach children to draw small and large objects, consisting of a square and a triangle. Continue to learn how to compose a plot composition. Cultivate Responsiveness

From the book Modeling with children 3-4 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “My Home” Lesson 22. A house for a bunny and a rooster (Modeling from plasticine) Program content. To consolidate the ability of children to bring the product to the desired image with the help of plasticine. Learn to retell fairy tales based on illustrations. Demonstration material. Heroes

From the book Drawing with children 5-6 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “In the kitchen” Lesson 17. Gzhel cup (Gouache painting) Program content. Introduce children to Gzhel. Learn to highlight the characteristic features of Gzhel painting, decorate the cup border with simple painting elements (straight and wavy lines of various

From the book Application with children 3-4 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “In the room” Lesson 19. Carpet (Decorative drawing with felt-tip pens) Program content. Learn to draw patterns on the carpet in the form of long non-contiguous lines. develop in children aesthetic perception, fantasy and imagination. Cultivate love for Russians

From the book Drawing with children 3-4 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

The theme of the week is “My wardrobe” Lesson 21. Hat and mittens (Decorative gouache painting) Program content. Learn to draw clothes. Continue to teach yourself to invent patterns and decorate clothes in the same style and color. Build a sense of composition and

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “Professions” Lesson 23. Color spectrum (Guache painting) Program content. To form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow you can get orange, green, purple and brown. Learn to mix basic paints and get new colors. Actively

From the author's book

Topic of the week “Zoo” Lesson 25. Elephant (Palm drawing) Program content. Continue to introduce the palm printing technique: dip the entire palm into gouache and make an imprint. Develop imagination, teach to see a new image in a familiar subject. Pin skill

From the author's book

The theme of the week is "Theater" Lesson 27. Three bears (Drawing with sanguine) Program content. Continue to introduce children to sanguine. Learn to draw sanguines with chalk, shade lines. Continue to exercise in the graphic representation of animals standing on their hind legs. fasten

From the author's book

The theme of the week is "New Year" Lesson 31. Snow Maiden (Drawing in gouache) Program content. Continue to acquaint children with the concept of "cold colors". Teaching children to draw fairy tale character keeping the proportions of the body. To achieve expressiveness of the image. Pin skill

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “My home” Lesson 41. Ice hut (Drawing with pastel crayons) Program content. Continue to acquaint children with cold tones. Learn to convey the characteristic features of objects using cold colors. Get to know the possibilities

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “My city” Lesson 43. On my street (Drawing with a charcoal pencil) Program content. Introduce children to their history hometown. Show children the features of drawing with charcoal pencils. Learn to draw contours with a charcoal pencil

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “My House” Lesson 22. A house for a bunny and a rooster (Colored paper. Application from prepared parts of the subject) Program content. Cultivate compassion and kindness. Teach children to make a whole out of several parts; apply glue to the part and stick

From the author's book

Topic of the week “Vegetables” Lesson 2. Potatoes and beets (Brush painting. Gouache) Purpose. To develop the ability of children to draw and paint over rounded shapes; to consolidate the ability to pick up paint on a brush. Develop speech and thinking. Demonstration material. Cut into two pieces

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “Fruits” Lesson 3. Orange and tangerine (Brush painting. Gouache) Purpose. To teach children to draw and paint over with a brush rounded shapes of large and small sizes; learn to hold the brush correctly, pick up paint on the pile, rinse the brush thoroughly. develop speech and

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “My home” Lesson 22. Fence near the house (Brush painting. Gouache) Purpose. Continue to teach children to draw various objects consisting of combinations of lines. Learn to retell fairy tales based on the illustrations in the book. Develop speech, thinking. Demonstration

Anna Fokina
Theme: "My home". Open lesson in the middle group

Age: 45 years

Target: clarify the characteristic features of children's homes, be able to talk about your home



1. Cultivate love for one's home, respect for personal and public property

2. Cultivate love for your family members.


1. Development of figurative memory

2. Develop the ability to build a statement based on a ready-made plan;

3. Continue to introduce children to rights: for housing.


1. Know your home address, features of the appearance of the house and yard.

2. teach children to write a story based on personal experience.

3. contribute to the formation of a detailed coherent statement.

Equipment. Doll, a set of doll furniture, photos of houses, rooms.

Course progress.


My family lives in it

I can't live a day without her.

I strive for it always and everywhere,

I will not forget the way to it.

I can hardly breathe without him

My shelter, dear, warm. (House)

Today on lesson Let's talk about the houses you live in. But first, let's remember the name of our city. (children's answers)

Why are there so many houses in the city? (children's answers)

What is the name of the street and what is the number of the house where you live? There are houses in the city various: 4, 5, 9-storey; with and without shops or other establishments below; brick and panel. (Looking at the picture).

Remember how many floors are in your house? What floor do you live on?

What color is your house?

What is it built from?

What is beautiful about your home?

What is in the courtyard of the house? (Play equipment, green spaces).

How do you take care of your home? Yard? Do you love your home? For what?

The game is being played:

A game "Say the opposite" (with a ball)

My house is high and my house (short).

My house is bright and my house (dark).

My house is one-story, and my house (multi-storey).

My house is big and my house (little).

My house is old and my house (new).

My house is on the left side of the road, and my house is (on right) from the road.

My house is on a wide street, and my house is on (narrow) street.

In order to build a house, many people worked hard.

They tried to build a house that people would like. To keep the house clean, cleaners and residents work. You - the owners of your house and yard - must take care of their cleanliness and beauty. Each person loves his home, yearns if he is not at home for a long time.


Three of the painters came

Updated an old house:

Was shabby, boring, naked -

He became smart and cheerful.


Each house has many apartments, and they are all different. How many rooms are in your apartment?

What are these rooms. (What is each one for) Who keeps the apartment clean?

Who helps adults with this?

How do you keep things in the apartment?

Guys, I have Natasha's doll room on my table. She wants to tell you about her room: “I love the children's room. It's clean and beautiful. On the left near the wall in this room is a closet, on the right is a bed, table in the middle of the room. Here I play, draw, look at books. I always clean all the toys myself.

Everyone has their own home, where it is warm and cozy and we are always welcome. This is the house we are going to talk about today.

Take photos of your houses and tell about them:


What street is your house on?

Describe your home in a way that others can imagine people: how many floors does it have, what floor do you live on, what material is your house built from, what kind of apartment do you have?

What is located near your house? (shop, park, lake, etc.)

Why is the return home for every person a joy?

Who are you glad to see at home?

Outcome lessons.

Do you think we could live without a home?

Why does everyone need their own home?

Look guys, how much we came up with beautiful words. Let's play a game with you "My favorite house". In this game, you need to come up with as many beautiful words as possible to describe the house you live in.

for example:

I love my house, because it is a five-story, panel ...