Memories of school are beautiful touching. The most important words about the native school (compositions of students)

Word school- the concept is capacious, meaningful, holy. It is always closely connected with a person, with his activity.

We can say that the school is the beginning of man. The traditional: “Our child went to the first grade” means that this child has already left the childhood and went to school with the beginning of adolescence.

Lessons - changes, changes - lessons ... and everywhere the same thing. And how long. Oh, how long ago. Years, decades, maybe even centuries. Sooner or later, everyone (well, almost everyone) goes through this. Each of us remembers his school, his teachers with warmth and gratitude, and joyfully and reverently passes through the corridors that remember the ringing of voices and the stomp of feet of many generations! The school in Blagoveshchenka is located on the main street in the center of the village. All paths and paths converge here. Evergreen arborvitae and spruces symbolize the unfading beauty of youth, protect from wind and cold in winter, and cool on hot days.

There is a cozy stadium in the school yard. During summer holidays the football field managed to rest a bit, the overgrown grass was neatly mowed and the even lawn attracts with emerald greenery. Soon, the birds, accustomed to silence, will be disturbed by children's voices and, flying up to the pyramidal poplars, which, like guards, stand along the perimeter of the school territory, will watch the uncompromising struggle in school competitions from a height.

It's great to walk along the chestnut alley in September! Autumn, as a very demanding artist, mixes colors on chestnut leaves and, not satisfied with the result, plucks and throws them under people's feet. And schoolchildren make bouquets from leaves and decorate school classrooms with the gold of September.

Quiet on the floors. After the repair, there is a smell of something new, textbooks and notebooks in new covers smell like that! There are flowers on the walls, a new coating on the floor. The classrooms are in perfect order - declarations of love and drawings of hearts pierced by Cupid's arrows are mercilessly painted over. Everything is ready for the start of the new school year! Soon this silence will be broken by the flooding first call, and weeks, months, years, full of tireless work, discoveries and victories, achievements and temporary failures, will rapidly fly, replacing each other. Here, bit by bit, by common efforts, their own world, their own special atmosphere is created. First day of the first of September! Knowledge Day!

And then the lessons. Long and flying very fast. Interesting and not so interesting. Peaceful negotiations at the desks, notes, jokes, jokes, and above all this, from somewhere above, the voice of the teacher.

All our bright memories and good hopes are connected with this day. After all, it is on this day that the difficult road to the world of knowledge and new discoveries begins. And the duty of teaching staff is to do everything to ensure that the academic year is successful, effective, that our students receive high-quality, modern professional education, and after the end high school enrolled in higher educational establishments and become highly educated professionals.

The Annunciation school is traditionally strong with its teachers - caring people, ready for self-sacrifice for the most important thing in life - for the sake of children, for the sake of their vocation, for the sake of life on earth!

Children are required to study by law. And at least nine classes are completed by all law-abiding children, law-abiding citizens. And illegal ones too. And they study in thousands of schools across the country. And everyone (well, almost everyone) loves his own.
For what? Why do we all have such attachment to our schools. Probably because of the same reason why we love our parents, our village, our country… that is, for no particular reason. Just because we are learning here. Just because it's ours!

After the terrible events in our land - the death of schoolchildren in Beslan, the attack of militants on Nalchik, the genocide of the Ossetian people in South Ossetia, it is difficult to understand where and what people studied, who killed and humiliated their neighbors, their fellow tribesmen, who raised them?

Perhaps it would be quite appropriate to quote here the words of Plato about "real education". "Man is the most meek being - writes the philosopher - and divine, if he is tamed by a real education; if he is not educated or given a false education, then he will be the wildest animal of all that the earth produces."

In the Blagoveshchensk school, the problem of education is given Special attention and graduates of the school are people who are ready to help each other, who love their relatives, their country and are ready to glorify their small homeland!

The mission of the school is to effectively implement training that allows, based on the best examples of graduate training, to bring knowledge and experience into the world through the introduction of modern educational technologies, the high potential of teaching staff, the interaction of public administration.

The teachers of the Annunciation School remain true to their profession - one of the most humane in the world and are ready to continue their selfless work in the new academic year and will honestly fulfill their civic duty - the mission of educating people of the 21st century - educated, cultured, healthy

Gimelfarb A.M.


Happy child 03.02.2018

Dear readers, agree school years this is a special time. No one remembers them indifferently, everyone has both good and bright memories, and the memory of unpleasant moments associated with them. Similarly, for our children, the school is dear and loved in its own way and, of course, teaches them a lot. The first teacher, friends, classmates, joint trips and trips, long-awaited holidays, school love, successfully overcome difficulties - the school gives us such a great experience, so many impressions that it is not surprising that so many poems are composed about school and school years.

This collection is dedicated to poems about school. These are poems about different classes, about the first of September, about graduation, about meeting and saying goodbye to school, and, of course, there are funny poems among them, because at school, despite all the serious and responsible attitude towards it, there will always be a reason for laughter and fun.

Poems about school for elementary school children

For children transition from kindergarten school is a very important moment. Everything is unusual and interesting, the guys feel grown up, and a new stage in life awakens joy and excitement. In this section you will find poems about the first teachers, true friends, vacations and lessons.

Maximum and minimum

Counselor Lena at recess
She gave advice to the quiet Gene:
- To become an excellent student, Ivanov,
The maximum is necessary
night sleep,
notebook writing ...
- Is it possible to have a minimum? he mumbled to Lena.
– Minimum? Can. Least laziness!
Igor Shevchuk

New school

Dad, mom, grandmother
All I said:
As we walked to the music
From the great hall
How then are we in class
Well sat
Like Anna Pavlovna
The girls looked
As we Anna Pavlovna
They answered in chorus
How we are our desks
Confused at first
How the sticks were written
painted a vase
And poems about a bird
Learned right away.
Happy mom and grandma
My dad is happy
And I myself like
At our new school.
N. Naydenova

Just went to school

Just went to school
Yes, I sat at the desk,
Yes, I signed in a notebook,
Yes, I looked at the board
Made a noise during the break,
I listened to all my friends -
All of a sudden
For some reason
They hit me!
Ludmila Fadeeva

Kolya goes to first grade
Music school.
Covered double bass
Three times more Kolya.
Jump straight through the puddles
He rushes to school.
- Well, a little and a strong man! -
After the people laugh.
How so? The answer is simple:
The double bass inside is empty.
Oleg Grigoriev

I'm in the fourth grade,
I love my school.
As soon as I arrive, all at once "hello"
I will shout to the whole class.
I always learn lessons
And I still go to clubs.
Your school is very cute
I guys find it.
And I love to study here
And get fives
And after the holidays
Walk back to school again.
N. Safo

Beautiful and touching poems about school

School is true friends, kind teachers, favorite subjects, the first of September. There are many pleasant and good memories associated with the school. And even if there was something bad, it has long lost its sharpness, has been erased, forgotten ...


As if out of habit
like always,
jump off the train
and I will come here.
irrigation puddles,
glare mess.
I'll be surrounded again
old houses.
Poplar in the summer heat.
Fluff flies in the face.
painted fence,
school porch.
Our class is empty
the parties are out of work.
Under the foot with a crunch
chalk crumbled.
just now (you see
marks on the board?
just now (can you hear
screams in the distance?)
just from here
we left with you
crowded at noon
hot blue.
Signs on the doors
so familiar all of a sudden!
... But from the train
get out of trouble.
P. Serebryakov


The notebooks in the briefcase rustled,
What is more important in life, decide.
Lined notebook mutters:
- Grammar!
And in a cage, a notebook grumbles:
- Mathematics!
What reconciled notebook with notebook,
It is still a mystery to us.


In high school, every student
Studying the triangle.
Some three corners
And the work is for the ages.


Runs outside in winter
And in the summer it lies in the room.
But only autumn comes,
He takes me by the hand.
And again in the rain and in the blizzard
My briefcase is walking with me


I am an eraser. I am rubber
Dirty back.
But my conscience is clear:
I erased the blot from the sheet!


I am a smart bookmark.
I'm here for order.
Don't flip through the pages.
Where is the bookmark, read there!


Over paper over sheet
Waving brush tail.
And not just waving,
And smears paper
Paint in different colors.
Wow, what a beauty!

Beautiful poems about school from famous poets

The school leads children from the first lessons along the paths of knowledge and skills. It is not surprising that many poets have dedicated their poems to the school more than once. The school leaves indelible memories in our memory.


Volodya marks
I know without a diary.
If a brother comes with a triple -
There are three calls.

If suddenly in our apartment
The ringing begins -
So five or four
He received today.

If he comes with a deuce -
I hear from afar
Handed out two short
Indecisive call.

Well, what if the unit
He knocks softly on the door.
Agniya Barto

September holiday

Every year the call is cheerful
Brings us together.
Hello, autumn! Hello school!
Hello our favorite class.

Let us feel sorry for the summer a little -
We will not be sad in vain.
Hello, road to knowledge!
Hello September holiday!
Vladimir Stepanov

In class

The cold hands crumpled the apron,
All turned pale, the darling trembles.
Grandma will be sad: granddaughter
Suddenly - a unit!

The teacher looks, as if not believing
These tears in the lowered gaze.
Ah, one is a big loss!
First grief!

Tear after tear fell, sparkling,
A page floats in white circles...
Does the teacher know what
Is pain a unit?
Marina Tsvetaeva

If there were no teacher
That would not have been, probably
Neither a poet nor a thinker,
Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.
And still would probably
If there were no teacher
Undiscovered Americas
Remained unopened.
And we would not be Icarus,
We would never take to the sky
If in us his efforts
Wings were not grown.
Without him, a good heart
The world was not so amazing.
Because we are very expensive
The name of our teacher!
Veronika Tushnova

Funny poems with humorous scenes make us remember that school is not only learning and knowledge, lessons and homework, but also funny cases, interesting stories, incidental situations!


“Did you really decide everything yourself, Nina?”
- Itself ... Only, however, half.
- And who - on the other?
Mom made the decision.
True, her grandmother helped a little.
Only they did not agree on the answer -
Probably something messed up neighbor.
And the brother intervened - a wise man was found ...
Thanks, dad is back from work!
Igor Shevchuk


I told my dad and mom:
– You can
Check for yourself.
Lay upside down
My school notebook
Put a mirror nearby.
homework assignment,
And under it is a mark.
Make sure
It's five".
Roman Sef


Similar textbooks to bricks
Size, shape and weight.
To those who decide to get a certificate,
It is desirable to be Hercules.
I can pull myself up many times
I've been charging since morning.
But the school bag bends in an arc,
It's like I'm going on a hike.
I won't leave my bag, mind you!
This is out of the question.
I will become a scientist and find a way
How to make textbooks easier.
A. Starikov

Half marks

I was walking from school
Slowly slowly,
Everyone came up with excuses.
Carried a four
By nature,
And in Russian -
R. Aldonina

Loser Kukushkin

There are classics in the world
Lermontov and Pushkin.
Is in the fourth grade "A"
Double Kukushkin.
Everyone knows Lermontov,
Everyone knows Pushkin.
And who knows
Double Kukushkin?
A known doppelgänger
School number seven
And the doppelgänger is known
Oddly enough, those
What the double doesn't know
Nikolay Kukushkin,
What is Lermontov known for?
What is Pushkin known for?
M. Bertenev

I once accidentally
I dozed off during class.

I feel comfortable and pleasant
I'm sailing on a boat
And one thing I don't understand
What in a dream, what in reality.

Suddenly out of nowhere
Distributed in the distance:
- Shura Volkova,
to the blackboard!

And here a miracle happened:
I am sailing on a boat
And in a dream I tear water lilies
A lesson I without hesitation
I answer for real.

Got a triple plus
But I took a nap with taste.

Graduation school poems for grades 9-11

The school years go by in a blink of an eye. And now yesterday's first-graders are taking final exams, saying goodbye to teachers and good friends. They are waiting last call, prom and such an alluring, but difficult adult life.

The sun is pouring down on the school yard.
Fragrant lilacs in bouquets.
And a booming echo is heard everywhere
The call of the last shrill trill!
He will be remembered forever
And the school yard, and the sunny stream!
We congratulate you, friends, from the bottom of our hearts!
The bell will ring for the last time!

It's a happy holiday
And he is a little sad.
Together with the balloon in the sky
We let go of childhood.
Alumni Ribbons
We put on ourselves
But where is this sadness
Our bright day?
School lets us go
And calls us back
We think about the future
Easy and pleasant
But it's time to understand
We won't go back to school
Just in the end
Let's turn around.
You taught everything
Don't be afraid of problems
Responsible for yourself
And hold on to each other.
School, dear school,
But the time will come
Maybe one of us
Suddenly he becomes a teacher.
For the last call
We hurry smiling.
How many roads in life
So go without fear
Dear Graduate,
We all continue on our way
New life dawn
We meet today!

Here Bach's fugues reverberate,
Here the sun of life, the smells of the sea
Mozart's sonatas speak to me.
I am glad that the school has a teacher,
Whom I love the most.
For my music, born of the piano,
I thank him from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you for your kindness and kindness
For a bright moment of luck
And the cry of false notes,
Behind the contests is an exciting tale.
May the music lesson last forever!

The tablet of knowledge is a blackboard.
And for ten whole years on that tablet
Pictures, numbers and words fled,
And someone's hand erased them.
To the left, the windows are almost the entire wall,
To the right is a door, as if the entrance to the stage.
And behind? But you look ahead.
Don't you dare look back - it will!

The sun is above the desk, summer is at your feet.
How long does it last, the last call?
The universe does not fit in the windows,
The school looks, but itself decreases.
Views fly over the distant steering wheel,
With a sharp lancet, a mighty machine,
And over the country, as over the assembly hall,
The day is filled with blue and scarlet,
School farewell crystal bell...

Today is a holiday at school.
Merry, sad holiday,
A deep blue peeked through the windows.
So much noise everywhere
And so many different interpretations
It even made my head spin a little.
fancy girls,
dressy boys,
They will laugh loudly
Then they suddenly fall silent again.
And somehow unusual
Both happy and sad
In this elegant hall
We sit and stand.

Native school! Bright time!
A noisy crowd hurried here.
To plunge into joy here in the morning
And take this joy with you.
Sweet oasis!.. A spring of creativity...
We were all romantics, poets,
Everyone who has come to him at least once
Then over a clean Whatman sheet.
Living in my own special world
Then at Peter they bowed over the pen,
They were going to Yuri's apartment.
And let those school years go by
We can't get away from the past.
There is no memory stronger than the memory of the heart,
What stays with us forever.
Oasis is cute! Bright time...

We went to first class, we sat down at our desks,
And many do not remember their first lesson.
And every spring every time came closer
Our sad, sad, farewell call.

The school called us, we were attracted by science,
And we were bored playing in the yard.
Minute lessons have become habitual,
How many good things in school time.

Here we were taught and raised,
There were good teachers here.
We leave the school for new children,
Farewell and see you soon, my school.

Congratulations on graduation from school in verse

For each graduate of the school, doors open to another world, completely different from the one that was before. Children have matured, and everyone will go their own way and choose their own path.

Years flew by unnoticed -
Goodbye, school, forever!
Know this moment of parting
You can never forget!
Try to make your dream come true
And boldly go into a big life!
Believe in friendship, do not doubt yourself -
Waiting for success and happiness ahead!

Happy and easy assignments to you,
Wonderful finds and new victories!
Congratulations on your graduation from school
Great accomplishments and life without troubles!

Let the end of school
It will be just the first step!
May all roads lead
To a clearly defined goal!
Let success await
Immediately in all areas of life!
Let it beat in unison with yours
The heart of the mighty Fatherland!

Model the globe This
Not just a globe, but a planet.
Now, after graduating from school, you know:
Life is a ray of sunshine.
May much be possible
Amazing is waiting nearby!
Let happiness become an ocean
Success - a stormy waterfall!

You were older but still children
The whole world revolved around the school floors.
But as you grow up you need to move on
To the next floor of your destiny...

And the world is waiting for you - open and big,
He will be changeable and jealous,
But don't let the cool temper scare you:
Don't miss us, graduates!

Your last call is ringing
Eleventh grade,
But he does not call for a lesson -
He accompanies you.
He will be happy and victorious
Let it be a harbinger.
What awaits you ahead is a secret;
But what is more beautiful than secrets? ..
Let this mystery bloom
Will be fate
What will lead you to success
Rather follow yourself!

With victory, friends! The long-awaited moment of fate!
Blooming, elegant June sometimes
He came, pleasant, cheerful, desired,
Your joyful holiday, your day is graduation!
Bolder on the road! To your rainbow distances
Fly on wings good fortune,
Let you be bypassed by sadness
And a lot of good things are ahead!
I wish you happiness, success, health,
Smiles of welcoming relatives and friends,
May it be a wonderful, bright road
To the world of bright discoveries and bold ideas!

Poems to the director of the school and the head teacher from graduates


Teachers! Like a light on the way!
What kind of fiery heart do you need?
To bring light to people
So that his trace could never be erased!

Teachers! Your kindness is boundless...
All thoughts and deeds are full of spirituality.
We bow before you always
And we promise not to turn off the path of knowledge!

Thank you for your noble work
Teachers, seekers, poets at heart!
Neither years nor barriers will erase
Mentors words and wise advice.

May respect, pride and honor
Your path is not easy inspire,
And let the years be lost count
Russia, Motherland knows its heroes!

The last call, and summer has come,
It rang loudly throughout the neighborhood,
The news will rush through the wide world,
And everyone will say what they wanted.
It's so nice to congratulate the director
And I personally wish you success,
We wish you interesting students
More often in school practice to meet.
And we'll be back soon time will pass,
And we will bring our tribe to the threshold of the school.

Our head teacher at school is an irreplaceable person,
You are fair and strict at times,
But still, you are loved by the students,
In his work, just with his head!

The last bell sounds - very sad,
And we say goodbye to school forever,
Without us, our school will not be empty,
New kids are coming!

Let it be pleasant for you to work
Always control the learning process,
Let there be less stress and worries,
And be happy to come here!

Do not forget the way to your native school, remember best moments school life, leaf through the school album more often. Read poems to your children about school, about classmates, about strict but kind teachers. Touching poems about school will help your children love it even more, and you will remember again the wonderful days of school years.

This year marks 20 years since that spring when the last bell rang for our class. Of course, we noted :). We went to Suntar, trampled down the place where the building where we studied stood (it burned down immediately after our graduation), drank tea with teachers, went hiking. They released a shocking casual and colorful booklet with pages of classmates (Yulia and I fantasized about some of them there that, nvrn, few people recognized themselves in the descriptions, bhuh). I’ll tell you about the class, the meeting and other things, maybe. And now I want to place (so here too) a few kind words about my school years and teachers before neighing over alternative memories. I wrote this text 3 years ago for a book for the anniversary of the school, since then the memories have not changed and gratitude is still relevant. True, there is no longer an independent secondary school No. 2, but this is a different, sad, conversation ...


Much of human childhood and adolescence is spent in school. The school has a huge impact on the formation of the individual, an influence comparable only to that of family, family, parental. We all come from school, here the first bricks of fundamental knowledge are laid, and indeed knowledge about the structure of the world and life, the ability to work with brains, think and reason, the ability to interact with a society of our own kind, respect for elders is formed at school, discipline is instilled, moral values.

If you think for a moment, it turns out that during the school years a different person receives so much new information for himself, and not just passing news that can be forgotten the next day, but knowledge - the fruits of the development of all branches of science, how much later for the rest of his life will receive. At the university, a person studies the chosen specialty, and then deepens and expands knowledge in his profession all his life. Someone will go into science and dig in their own and related directions. And not everyone finds time to study things that are not related to the profession. So it turns out that a person’s horizons expand dramatically precisely at school, and then it’s a matter of the personality and circumstances itself. But the wider and stronger the foundation that the school provides, the more potentially! - more diverse, richer and more successful human life. When you think about it, you understand what a great responsibility lies on comprehensive schools. But you also understand why school is a great concept for most people. Because it is part of the core of their personalities.

I, as a person who can do this and know that, also come from school. I studied at three schools, but my main, native school is the Suntar Secondary School No. 2, where I studied from the fourth to the eleventh grades.

It was at school that I was taught to express my thoughts orally and in writing. And not only calling at the lessons to the blackboard or in written essays, but also in disputes and disputes after lessons with our class teacher Elena Egorovna, and in journalism classes with her.

Here I fell in love with literature. I remember how I "swallowed" literature textbooks immediately upon receipt in the fall. I still love to read and always find time for it. I remember the amazing Isabella Ilyinichna, emotional, charming - how she, sparkling with dazzling eyes and infecting with mood, taught lessons.

Here I was taught to write in calligraphic handwriting. It seems to be such an anachronism in the current age of computer technology - to write by hand. But sometimes it comes in handy and helps out. And people like to receive postcards written by hand. I remember how the Russian language teacher Liya Nikolaevna struggled to correct my handwriting, in which the letters did not want to connect with each other. Liya Nikolaevna was strict and fair, and seemed to me not an ordinary person, but someone higher. I was in awe of her, and until now the image of a respected teacher is inextricably linked with her image.

I often remember Natalya Matveevna, a teacher of the Yakut language and literature. She was motherly and patient, which we often took advantage of, and sometimes behaved rather ugly, making noise and playing “cities and rivers” in the lessons. I think that's how I earned my behavioral deduction. Nevertheless, I know that it was thanks to her lessons that some of our boys got involved in reading, began to read books in the Yakut language outside the program. The fact that we freely read the works of the Yakut classics, do not get lost in the archaisms and intricate turns of the richest Yakut language, is the merit of Natalia Matveevna. Now there are many people who only speak Yakut, but cannot read, because, unfortunately, they understand only part of the words.

Chemistry was my favorite subject. Chemistry - penetration deep into the structure of matter, surprising at first glance and so logical and beautiful with close acquaintance, reactions and transformations - seemed like magic, the secrets of which are revealed a little before you. Organic chemistry was a favorite subject immediately after biology, and all these subjects of natural science were taught by Lucia Pavlovna, fragile, kind and passionate about her work.

"How many languages ​​you know, so many times you are a person." This perfectly fair expression hung in the office foreign languages. Liliya Mitrofanovna taught us French. And for some time we studied with Evseeva Lyubov Yegorovna, staged a play with her on French"The little Prince". In addition, I studied English with her, preparing to enter the university, and it's absolutely amazing - how in just a month she was able to give a base in English a person who has never done it. I am very grateful to Lyubov Egorovna, I remember her among my brightest teachers.

The most difficult subject in school for me was physics. Either because our teachers often changed, or my consciousness by that time was not ready to adequately perceive physical laws universe. I will honestly say that school course I overcame physics exclusively with the help of cramming, for which I will forgive Galina Egorovna and Ruslan Nikolaevich. But then, as an adult already a specialist, I once bought textbooks for all classes and again went through the entire path of a student in physics. And now I continue to be interested in the achievements and news of science. And the books of the modern physicist Stephen Hawking are among the favorite, desktop books.

Mathematical subjects were taught to us by Alexey Nikolaevich, Tamara Dorzhievna and Alisa Izosimovna. Mathematics was not one of my favorite subjects, I studied automatically, probably, by that time I had not yet matured to study it either. I thought of becoming a biologist, chemist or historian-archaeologist. I remember the first enlightenment at the lesson of Alexei Nikolaevich - when it suddenly dawned on me that it was interesting to prove theorems! A wonderful teacher Ivanova Tamara Dorzhievna helped me to fall in love with mathematics and even choose a profession related to numbers.

I recall with gratitude the lessons of physical education and Afanasy Terentyevich. Although I never learned to run a hundred meters and throw a grenade at the prescribed distance, I never fell in love with skiing and still play basketball “dirty”, but thanks to school training, at the institute and in various sports sections, I never felt myself among the laggards .

With nostalgia I remember singing lessons and choir lessons. It was such a pity when Eduard Vasilyevich went to another school. It seems a little unrealistic times when she was a soloist in the choir with pleasure.

I still remember with pleasure my first experiences with a computer - it was also at school, in computer science classes. I wrote a simple program in BASIC - I “painted” a picture with a lake, reeds and swans, and I couldn’t tear myself away from it, I wanted to complicate it even more, make it even more beautiful.

I did not name all the subjects and not all the teachers, it turns out that memories are an endless process. In addition, I will say one thing. It's funny, but it turns out that it was at school that I learned to sew on a typewriter, connect current sources and wires into an electrical circuit, draw shadows on objects, sing in two voices, bandage wounds, use a compass and set up a tent correctly, and even do simple carpentry work . And all these skills later came in handy. But we also learned how to assemble and disassemble the assault rifle and properly put on a gas mask and camouflage kit! When I talk about this, about what they managed to teach us in our school, many are surprised, and some envy.

I want to talk about two teachers separately and separately.

A person learns all his life and, mainly, from people. But, as Goethe said, not everyone who teaches us deserves the name of Teacher. By and large, I have always been lucky to give knowledge - at school, at the university, in professional activities, in life. But the real, "perfect" teachers according to Leo Tolstoy, who combine love for work and love for students, are remembered especially. One of these people I consider my mathematics teacher Ivanova Tamara Dorzhievna. Ask any student in our class about their favorite teacher, I think the majority after the name of Elena Egorovna will name Tamara Dorzhievna. In some incredible way, she managed to instill a love for mathematics, show the beauty of mathematics, convince that this science is not terrible, that it can be comprehended by the human mind. Since then, the image of mathematics for me in a funny way is connected with the image of Tamara Dorzhievna - high, elegant, beautiful, mysterious and smiling ... science. I remember that she knew how not to offend, neither by an accidental word, nor by deed, and this is a great skill in working with vulnerable teenagers. It was easy and pleasant to listen and obey. Warmth and kindness emanated from her, but this is not weak, but strong kindness, her lessons were always rich and interesting, without relaxation, there was no need to get bored and shirk. And I also clearly felt how much she loves her job, how she likes both mathematics and her teaching. These people are drawn to. It was probably difficult, but she found her own approach to everyone. And what I especially liked about her - Tamara Dorzhievna taught understanding, taught to think and reflect, and with the help of reflection and logic to penetrate the essence of formulas.

Recently, Tamara Dorzhievna had an anniversary. I congratulate you, Tamara Dorzhievna, and wish that your patience never runs out, that your efforts are never in vain, that problems and tasks are solved, that answers are found. Be healthy, well-being to you. Let love surround you.

And one more person, about whom I will never stop telling friends and strangers, is our class teacher, the “second mother” for all the guys in our class - Fedorova Elena Egorovna. She was one of the best subject teachers in our school, taught history, geography, and economic geography. A tireless storyteller, she turned her lessons into mental journeys. She herself is a traveler, tester and researcher, and she taught us to this business. The further the school years, the more amazing it is to remember those trips and adventures that we visited with our Elena Egorovna. We went hiking with her with overnight stays, traveled long distances by bus, traveled around the natural attractions of the area, even went to Moscow. We learned her subjects in practice, crossing kilometers and latitudes. Now it is amazing to imagine such an extraordinary class teacher, and I love to talk about her, because she always causes admiration. Bold, courageous, cheerful, emotional, honest, demanding, always ready to act, always ready to support and help, very fair and not indifferent to the fate of her students. In our class, as in a family, everything happened, it happened, and we offended her, and she scolded us not weakly. Then they always forgave each other, because this is love. Taking this moment, I want to express my admiration for Elena Egorovna and respect for her.

This is how I remember my teachers and studies. But the school is not only new knowledge and people who give it. This is a big piece of life in general. This is our class: friendly, cheerful, laughable. The boys at school were fond of hunting and fishing, and we girls laughed at them, while we ourselves ran around the discos. The whole class went on hikes, and then the boys were in their element. Holidays at school, especially New Year's, how skits and numbers were staged. A whole layer of life is participation in amateur performances, I remember how Anya Egorova and Nadya Makarova danced, and we repeated after them; how they sang in the choir “Oh, roads”; how they read chabyr5akh from the stage and acted as an entertainer. I remember a cheerful pioneer life, Zarnitsa. Whatever happened, you can remember for a very long time, which we do periodically, meeting as a class. It is a pity that there is no that old school building, many and many memories are associated with it, both funny, and touching, and pretentious, and funny.

We graduated from high school in 1992. Since then, everyone has gone part of their way on their own. Some goals have been achieved, some dreams have been fulfilled. And some are not. Probably, our teachers once placed their hopes and aspirations on us, expecting certain accomplishments and achievements in adulthood. If we have not justified your hopes yet or already, do not worry, dear teachers. And in all our successes, there is your share.

I congratulate my school on its anniversary, and I want to say thank you to my teachers and all those who are now working in our school, to everyone who transfers their knowledge, gives a particle of their soul, their energy to students who put the kindness of their hearts into them. I congratulate you and wish you health, prosperity, good students, good working conditions, good sources of knowledge - so that there is something to teach, what to teach, and whom to teach. I wish you successful, beloved and grateful work. May our school always grow and develop!

School, the native cradle of knowledge for me and my friends, the source of knowledge of the world, the ocean of endless "Twos", "Fives", multiplication tables and the theory of relativity, happy holiday to you. May the winds of knowledge, kindness and better human relationships blow your sail for many more years.

Today all teachers and all students are equal! Everyone, as one, congratulates our beloved school on its anniversary! We solemnly promise to study diligently in your walls that have become family! And we wish to develop and grow, together with us - your students! You are more than just a school for us! You raised and brought into adulthood more than one generation! And we wish you, our beloved school, many more anniversaries, many good lessons and outstanding students! Happy anniversary!

School dear! You are the first step in the life of every person on the way to adulthood, the most wonderful, interesting, exciting and intriguing. You, like the goddess of wisdom, were created to open the mysterious world of science and knowledge. You always surprise and enchant with your magic. Thank you for being like a mother, you quietly and naturally introduced everyone by the hand into adulthood! Happy Anniversary!

My dear school! Happy Holidays to you and all teachers! I wish the teachers health and iron patience in your hard work! Let the creative spirit continue until the end of the school year! I wish you to get a lot of smiles and lush bouquets of flowers!

School years are for each of us the first meeting with a huge world of knowledge and discoveries. The first teacher, the first five, the first victory. The school will remain in our memory forever. We want to wish you a school of endless children's laughter, patience and wisdom!

School, the native cradle of knowledge for me and my friends, the source of knowledge of the world, the ocean of endless "Twos", "Fives", multiplication tables and the theory of relativity, happy holiday to you. May the winds of knowledge, kindness and better human relationships blow your sail for many more years.

School is our birthday!
Once upon a time, our second home was ...
You call us back to the old class -
30 years rushed off somewhere ...

30 years ago you gave life
Adult, serious tickets ...
For 30 years you have been waiting for us, children,
We are warmed by your knowledge.

Because today we imagine
We sincerely admit that
What is not in vain entrusted to you -
And we lead our children with flowers!

And today in our school
Anniversary, and in the protocol
Red date number.
Our school is lucky!

Anniversaries are not every year.
The school is celebrating and waiting
Congratulations and gifts.
This day is the brightest.
Congratulations, you are a school
From the heart, without protocol.

Knowledge - that's what for many years,
You present on a saucer to us, school.
We all know for a long time that teaching is light!
And we want to have our say.

May your doors be open forever
Stay as before, our second home!
And within these walls many dreams have come true,
Filled with love again and again.

Happy Anniversary, we are proud and will be proud!
Thank you for this wisdom.
In our hearts, we will always study here,
I want to congratulate you once again on your anniversary!

You have a lot to do with
From the youth of happy days,
Over the years, you have become more beautiful, -
And celebrate your anniversary again!

The warmth of teacher confessions,
And children's classes scent...
Keeper of valuable knowledge
You have grown a priceless garden.

You revived wisdom in the heart
And gave us a dream
Let me warm up at your walls,
Embracing knowledge height.

Beloved, native school!
Shine with the fire of happy eyes
The reward will be our solo
And the loyalty of each of us!

Happy Anniversary Dear School!
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
Thank you for wisdom and science
We can never forget you!
Here we have become wiser and more mature,
You have become our favorite school,
Today you are beautiful and smart
Like we did when we came to our first class!

Beautiful words subsided serenades
There is no longer a desire to sing songs with the soul,
And I don't need sweet compliments -
Love is the dream in my heart I have.

Among the beautiful, gentle and good,
With whom again shared the joy of the soul,
I dreamed of finding someone like me
To whom...

Labor Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Equality, unity, brotherhood - that's what society is based on happy people. These are the correct concepts that define beautiful word communism. The longest and most serious attempt to build a society of universal equality and a fair distribution of benefits was carried out in the USSR, when they demanded from everyone according to their abilities in the future ...

A Word About God to the Young (continued)

In case of failure of our earthly experience (refusal of it), our soul will have to repeat everything under the same initial conditions. words terrestrial schools: "you stayed for the second year." If the task is successfully completed, the return "to the senior class" occurs on more preferential ... energies for you, so read Cavedo, there is such an author. He talks well about what we are " beautiful”, if you look at yourself with eyes that are able to distinguish their own electrical picture. Turning on the imagination, imagine yourself the size of ...

The words

Beautiful words don't always come out on their own.
They are sometimes so lacking.
Walking through the fog
crawling, you find
And it's like you're going crazy.

A strange picture emerges:
Life seems to be just beginning
And you already know when you will pay off,