Graduation script at the art school of the arts. Scenario for the graduation party - graduation party at the school of arts

Scenario - Graduation ball at the school of arts

first graders
This scenario can be used at a celebration dedicated to the end of the art school, graduates of three departments: music, choreography and art. Usually in such schools they don’t arrange the last bell and the graduation ball separately, so in our version, school graduation certificates are awarded in one evening, it sounds last call and the prom itself begins. The holiday takes place in concert hall, one of the teachers leads the program.
Good evening, dear guests!
Our door is open to all friends!
Discard your sad thoughts.
Let us part, but now
A great feeling binds us
Forever, wherever we have to live,
Good and eternal art
It also stuck in our hearts.
Years dedicated to the three muses
They give life a new flavor.
After us cherish these shoots
There will be both a school and a university ...
Everything that became dear to you at school,
It will always be just as expensive:
A pure field will surprise you with expanse,
Ringing - spring water.
In life you will definitely find
So many colors to count.
And, to great joy, you will understand:
There is a triumph of harmonies in the world!
Accept our congratulations,
Graduates and Graduates!
You all deserve respect
For hard work.
Everybody wants to see us change
Of course, they are better to see.
Rise up on stage!
In a place of honor you sit!

To the music and applause, the graduates rise to the stage and stand in a row (or sit on chairs prepared in advance, as you wish).

To you home school
Don't accidentally forget
Come on, everyone to the questions
Answer without hesitation!

The host asks the graduates questions - one by one. Questions can be very different, but in general they are divided into three groups: "sincere" (who is your favorite teacher), comic (who from the class encouraged to skip) and "dead end" (how many seats are in the hall).
Sample questions:
Who is your favorite teacher?
Which office has the most out of tune piano?
How many times a day does the bell ring at school?
Why do you love solfeggio?
Who in your class encouraged the others to skip classes?
How many seats are in the concert hall?
What is missing in our school?
What inscriptions did you make on the desks during the training?
What color are the curtains in the dance hall?
What advice would you give to the principal of the school when you leave?
What class does your apartment key fit into?
How much does the button accordion weigh?
Who in your class will you correspond with?
Where did you hide cheat sheets in exams?
How many lessons per day does your teacher teach?
Which exhibition do you remember the most?
Does a left-hander have the right to hold the bow in his left hand?
What were you asked about when you entered 1st grade?
Why did you need this education?
Did the neighbors often knock on the radiator when you played scales?
Who in our school washes the curtains and takes care of the flowers?
Did your parents occasionally have to convince you to continue attending our school?
Does your mom use your makeup brushes?
How many times have you forgotten your change of shoes?
Do you use the skills learned in choreography lessons at the disco?
Will art be your profession?
What words do latecomers usually hear from the director?
Have you ever painted a self-portrait?
What is heavier to wear: textbooks or sheet music?
How many concerts have you taken part in over the years?

After this fun questioning, the presenter continues the program.
Remember the first day of September?
How far is this date from us!
This is the end of our long lesson.
There was no bell only from the lesson.
Remember, school is the beginning of all things,
Here many rivers have a miraculous source.
The time has come to ring for you
The very last, farewell call!

The last call sounds. At your discretion, it can be an ordinary electric bell, or a bell in the hands of a first-grader girl, who is carried to the stage by a graduate. Then the principal of the school takes the floor. He congratulates the graduates and their parents and presents them with certificates of graduation from the art school, possibly along with gifts.

At the end of the director's speech, the graduates go to the auditorium. Next, the floor is given to graduates. Of course, they will take care of their performance in advance: they will prepare words of gratitude to the teachers, ditties about school life, skits, etc. Perhaps in this place you will arrange a small concert. For example, here are a few ditties.
How did we get to this school?
We were only seven years old.
Immediately became like ministers, -
There is not a minute to spare!
After school essays
So brainwashed.
Here, whether you like it or not,
What's left - strain!

We go to school - from everywhere
Strings and keys chime.
Well, if you didn't go -
Only the metallophone would know!
Chess players came
Everywhere music and dance.
All the queens have been lost -
That's how much fun we have!
I have two bayans
Two is required.
When I break one
The other will remain!
Past our sweet school
I won't go without a joke.
Then I'll erase a deuce in the magazine,
I'll bring the dog.
We wrote a control -
All knowledge is zero.
Handed over clean notebooks -
Only faces in the fields.
For home rehearsals
We really need space.
Few furniture left
From doors to curtains.
We are always ready to dance
Even wake me up at night.
After all, we usually have ballet
The whole planet ahead!
Previously no education
We fished in the river.
And now with education
Let's shoot the most fashionable clip!
I still can't understand
Surprise is not melting:
Who graduated from this school -
Is it mom or me?
You better not forget
What to play at a concert.
When all hands are busy
You can't get a cheat sheet.
There were tea parties
Well, the miracle was kissel!
What did our mothers buy us?
You haven't eaten yet!
I'll bring my sister
To you to study in September.
So that life does not seem to her
Marmalade in sugar.
We know that today
We're pretty damn good.
Clap your hands louder
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!

With words of congratulations
And parting words in a good hour
First class came today

We will follow you

Somehow don't forget
You then congratulate us.
Wait, wait!
I don't want to wait seven years!
For a year I learned the notes -
Am I a musician or not?
I can play the piano
Play Gedike's play
And the evidence is
Should get it too!
What are you, what are you! Is it possible to
Become a musician in a year?!
What else is there to learn?
I know all seven notes!
There are no more of them
I found out on purpose!
Well, now you'll see
What a release you are small!
Seventh graders can
Play thirds scales,
We've only just learned
To distinguish them by signs!
They are capable of making investments,
Three-part and two.
Well, for now we have "Spikins",
Yes, and then with the account aloud!

They press on the pedals.
And we also have legs.
They don't reach the ground!
And our artists
Learned to draw!
We try our best
Keep up with the big ones.
We are growing in skill
Well, laziness is on the wane.
Here, look: these are blacks
Coal is being loaded on a dark night.

We go to school - from everywhere
Strings and keys chime.
Well, if you didn't go -
Only the metallophone would know!
Chess players came
Everywhere music and dance.
All the queens have been lost -
That's how much fun we have!
I have two bayans
Two is required.
When I break one
The other will remain!
Past our sweet school
I won't go without a joke.
Then I'll erase a deuce in the magazine,
I'll bring the dog.
We wrote a control -
All knowledge is zero.
Handed over clean notebooks -
Only faces in the fields.
For home rehearsals
We really need space.
Few furniture left
From doors to curtains.
We are always ready to dance
Even wake me up at night.
After all, we usually have ballet
The whole planet ahead!
Previously no education
We fished in the river.
And now with education
Let's shoot the most fashionable clip!
I still can't understand
Surprise is not melting:
Who graduated from this school -
Is it mom or me?
You better not forget
What to play at a concert.
When all hands are busy
You can't get a cheat sheet.
There were tea parties
Well, the miracle was kissel!
What did our mothers buy us?
You haven't eaten yet!
I'll bring my sister
To you to study in September.
So that life does not seem to her
Marmalade in sugar.
We know that today
We're pretty damn good.
Clap your hands louder
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!

After this short concert, the floor is given to parents and graduates. They will thank the teachers for their hard work. In their speech, you can use a poem dedicated to the headmaster.
And now the first-graders come on stage to congratulate the graduates. One of them is in the Dunno costume.
Recall what this costume looks like at N. Nosov: "This Dunno wore a bright blue hat, yellow canary trousers and an orange shirt with a green tie. He generally loved bright colors." 5-10 first-graders can be involved in the speech, they read one quatrain one after another.

With words of congratulations
And parting words in a good hour
First class came today
Congratulations on the occasion!
We will follow you
All seven years for the class class.
Somehow don't forget
You then congratulate us.
Wait, wait!
I don't want to wait seven years!
For a year I learned the notes -
Am I a musician or not?
I can play the piano
Play Gedike's play
And the evidence is
Should get it too!
What are you, what are you! Is it possible to
Become a musician in a year?!
What else is there to learn?
I know all seven notes!
There are no more of them
I found out on purpose!
Well, now you'll see
What a release you are small!
Seventh graders can
Play thirds scales,
We've only just learned
To distinguish them by signs!
They are capable of making investments,
Three-part and two.
Well, for now we have "Spikins",
Yes, and then with the account aloud!
Like on the gas, then on the brake,
They press on the pedals.
And we also have legs.
They don't reach the ground!
And our artists
Learned to draw!
We try our best
Keep up with the big ones.
We are growing in skill
Well, laziness is on the wane.
Here, look: these are blacks
Coal is being loaded on a dark night.


first graders



This scenario can be used at a celebration dedicated to the end of the art school, graduates of three departments: music, choreography and art. Usually in such schools they do not arrange the last bell and the graduation ball separately, so in our version certificates of graduation are handed in one evening, the last bell sounds and the graduation ball itself begins. The holiday takes place in the concert hall, one of the teachers leads the program.

Good evening, dear guests!

Our door is open to all friends!

Discard your sad thoughts.

Let us part, but now

A great feeling binds us

Forever, wherever we have to live,

Good and eternal art

It also stuck in our hearts.

Years dedicated to the three muses

They give life a new flavor.

After us cherish these shoots

There will be both a school and a university ...

Everything that became dear to you at school,

It will always be just as expensive:

A pure field will surprise you with expanse,

Ringing - spring water.

In life you will definitely find

So many colors to count.

And, to great joy, you will understand:

There is a triumph of harmonies in the world!

Accept our congratulations,

Graduates and Graduates!

You all deserve respect

For hard work.

Everybody wants to see us change

Of course, they are better to see.

Rise up on stage!

In a place of honor you sit!

To the music and applause, the graduates rise to the stage and stand in a row (or sit on chairs prepared in advance, as you wish).

To you home school

Don't accidentally forget

Come on, everyone to the questions

Answer without hesitation!

The host asks the graduates questions - one by one. Questions can be very different, but in general they are divided into three groups: "sincere" (who is your favorite teacher), comic (who from the class encouraged to skip) and "dead end" (how many seats are in the hall).

Sample questions:

Who is your favorite teacher?

Which office has the most out of tune piano?

How many times a day does the bell ring at school?

Why do you love solfeggio?

Who in your class encouraged the others to skip classes?

How many seats are in the concert hall?

What is missing in our school?

What inscriptions did you make on the desks during the training?

What color are the curtains in the dance hall?

What advice would you give to the principal of the school when you leave?

What class does your apartment key fit into?

How much does the button accordion weigh?

Who in your class will you correspond with?

Where did you hide cheat sheets in exams?

How many lessons per day does your teacher teach?

Which exhibition do you remember the most?

Does a left-hander have the right to hold the bow in his left hand?

What were you asked about when you entered 1st grade?

Why did you need this education?

Did the neighbors often knock on the radiator when you played scales?

Who in our school washes the curtains and takes care of the flowers?

Have your parents ever had to convince you to continue attending our school?

Does your mom use your makeup brushes?

How many times have you forgotten your change of shoes?

Do you use the skills learned in choreography lessons at the disco?

Will art be your profession?

What words do latecomers usually hear from the director?

Have you ever painted a self-portrait?

What is heavier to wear: textbooks or sheet music?

How many concerts have you taken part in over the years?

After this fun questioning, the presenter continues the program.

Remember the first day of September?

How far is this date from us!

This is the end of our long lesson.

There was no bell only from the lesson.

Remember, school is the beginning of all things,

Here many rivers have a miraculous source.

The time has come to ring for you

The very last, farewell call!

The last call sounds. At your discretion, it can be an ordinary electric bell, or a bell in the hands of a first-grader girl, who is carried to the stage by a graduate. Then the principal of the school takes the floor. He congratulates the graduates and their parents and presents them with certificates of graduation from the art school, possibly along with gifts.

At the end of the director's speech, the graduates go to the auditorium. Next, the floor is given to graduates. Of course, they will take care of their performance in advance: they will prepare words of gratitude to teachers, ditties about school life, sketches, etc. Perhaps in this place you will arrange a small concert. For example, here are a few ditties.


How did we get to this school?

We were only seven years old.

Immediately became like ministers, -

There is not a minute to spare!

After school essays

So brainwashed.

Here, whether you like it or not,

What's left - strain!

We go to school - from everywhere

Strings and keys chime.

Well, if you didn't go -

Only the metallophone would know!

Chess players came

Everywhere music and dance.

All the queens have been lost -

That's how much fun we have!

I have two bayans

Two is required.

When I break one

The other will remain!

Past our sweet school

I won't go without a joke.

Then I'll erase a deuce in the magazine,

I'll bring the dog.

We wrote a control -

All knowledge is zero.

Handed over clean notebooks -

Only faces in the fields.

For home rehearsals

We really need space.

Few furniture left

From doors to curtains.

We are always ready to dance

Even wake me up at night.

After all, we usually have ballet

The whole planet ahead!

Previously no education

We fished in the river.

And now with education

Let's shoot the most fashionable clip!

I still can't understand

Surprise is not melting:

Who graduated from this school -

Is it mom or me?

You better not forget

What to play at a concert.

When all hands are busy

You can't get a cheat sheet.

There were tea parties

Well, the miracle was kissel!

What did our mothers buy us?

You haven't eaten yet!

I'll bring my sister

To you to study in September.

So that life does not seem to her

Marmalade in sugar.

We know that today

We're pretty damn good.

Clap your hands louder

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!

After this short concert, the floor is given to parents and graduates. They will thank the teachers for their hard work. In their speech, you can use a poem dedicated to the headmaster.

And now the first-graders come on stage to congratulate the graduates. One of them is in the Dunno costume.

Recall what this costume looks like at N. Nosov: "This Dunno wore a bright blue hat, yellow canary trousers and an orange shirt with a green tie. He generally loved bright colors." 5-10 first-graders can be involved in the speech, they read one quatrain one after another.

With words of congratulations

And parting words in a good hour

First class came today

Congratulations on the occasion!

We will follow you

All seven years for the class class.

Somehow don't forget

You then congratulate us.


Wait, wait!

I don't want to wait seven years!

For a year I learned the notes -

Am I a musician or not?

I can play the piano

Play Gedike's play

And the evidence is

Should get it too!

What are you, what are you! Is it possible to

Become a musician in a year?!


What else is there to learn?

I know all seven notes!

There are no more of them

I found out on purpose!

Well, now you'll see

What a release you are small!

Seventh graders can

Play thirds scales,

We've only just learned

To distinguish them by signs!

Well, for now we have "Spikins",

Yes, and then with the account aloud!

Like on the gas, then on the brake,

They press on the pedals.

And we also have legs.

They don't reach the ground!

And our artists

Learned to draw!

We try our best

Keep up with the big ones.

We are growing in skill

Well, laziness is on the wane.

Here, look: these are blacks

Coal is being loaded on a dark night.

First-graders show the picture they have drawn: a completely black piece of paper.

And the dancers are definitely

Learned to dance.

Moms new pointe shoes

Tired of buying!

If we risk them

grand batmans repeat,

Then, perhaps, we need pointe shoes

There will be nothing to wear!

Dunno examines the legs of little dancers, a picture.


Yes, well ... Perhaps, to be released

It's too early for you, friends.

I'm staying for now.

For your problems

We've gone off topic

Turned down for comparison

And they forgot what they came with.

And we came to congratulate you,

Wish you live happily

And our native school

Never forget!

After this congratulations, you can arrange a small concert by the first graders: one number from each department. Then a quiet soulful melody sounds (the best song is about farewell to the school, for example, "When we leave the schoolyard").


Our school welcomes us all as friends,

But seven years and seven winters have already flown by...

And today we sadly say goodbye to her,

And thank you for everything from the bottom of our hearts.

The music gets louder, the graduates get up from their seats and go to their teachers with bouquets of flowers.

The first part of the holiday is over, and before inviting guests to the dance hall, give them some time for children, teachers and parents to congratulate each other, communicate, take pictures.

Scenarios »


At the school, the graduation party is prepared by the organizing committee, which includes representatives of the administration, the teaching staff, the academic committee, eleventh grades, the parent committee, and the boss enterprise. Attracting schoolchildren, they develop a scenario for the holiday, prepare amateur performances, musical arrangements for the evening, a wall newspaper and a radio newspaper dedicated to graduates, souvenirs for them, contests, games, etc. The school holds a poetry competition, wishes for graduates. The best of them will be performed at the evening. The hall where the graduation party takes place is festively decorated. On the walls there are posters with parting words to graduates, for example: Good luck, dear graduates!, Enterprises of your native village are waiting for your young and strong hands!, You will do a lot of good and useful things for people. Happiness and good luck to you!. The hall is decorated with exhibitions of the best essays, drawings, handicrafts of tenth graders, a photo newspaper From the first to the last call. School photographers shoot the main stages of the prom. The guys make an album from photos. This hour will never happen again.

And now the solemn moment comes - the graduation party of schoolchildren begins. A brass band is playing. First-graders form a living corridor in the hall, along which graduates pass to their seats in the front rows. Those present standing up to greet the guys who give flowers to graduates.

The principal of the school introduces the members of the presidium and opens the solemn part of the evening.

Dear graduates! Congratulations on a great and joyful event in your life - receiving a graduation certificate high school. Behind the fun, unforgettable school years. Ahead is a life-long road. The responsible time has come when you must decide your future fate, determine your life path. Now you are responsible not only for yourself and for your actions, but you also have to think about other people. Love your country and your people. Remember that without this you will not be able to live a full life. Don't forget to stock up on a bright dream. Strong will, patience, courage will help you to carry it out, to bring it to life. Learn to overcome obstacles, find the strength in yourself to fight meanness, sycophancy, bureaucracy, if they get in your way. Only the strong in spirit are able to withstand obstacles, failures. Respect every work. Choose a profession to your liking and work honestly, conscientiously, persistently, bring as much benefit as possible to our state, our people. Arm yourself with kindness. People need her so much! Do not skimp on affection, tenderness, kindness towards them. Look around to see if there is a person next to you who is weaker than you and needs your help. Help him, support him. Remember, whoever you become, you are responsible for the future of our country, your parents, teachers, all our people are vigilantly watching you. Remember that your successes, your joy are both our successes and our joy. Do not forget your native school, write and tell us about yourself, inform your younger comrades about what makes you happy, what they need to learn so as not to repeat your mistakes. We, teachers, your faithful friends, fervently believe that no matter who you become: workers, engineers, scientists, soldiers, you will not lose the honor of your school, your village, our Motherland. Multiply the power and wealth of our country with your deeds! Good luck, dear graduates!

The waltz of D. Kabalevsky Sounds in the recording School years. Together with the certificates, the director of the school presents the graduates with commendable letters, documents on the working profession, vouchers for study and work. After the presentation of certificates, the children are congratulated by the class teacher of the graduating class, parents, honored guests.

One of the graduates makes a response:

Dear teachers! That exciting moment came when we graduated from high school. We rejoice and at the same time we are sad, saying goodbye to you, to native school. You, our teachers, will forever be remembered. With a feeling of deep gratitude, we will remember our native school, you, our spiritual mentors. You taught us not only the basics of science, but also kindness, justice, honesty, taught us to be people. On behalf of all graduates, I say: Thank you very much, dear teachers, for your wonderful, noble work!

Another student enters the stage. He says:

you every day and every hour

Dedicated to hard work,

One thought of us

Live with one concern

So that the Earth is famous for us

And so that we grow up honest.

Thank you teachers

As mothers, thank you for everything!

It's brighter next to you to live,

And we know - sooner or later

Other things you can forget

But we can't forget about you.

The choir performs the song Teacher (lyrics by L. Oshanin, music by A. Dolukhanyan).

You taught us to be persistent in the fight.

Taught to work, sparing no effort.

Our teacher, earthly bow to you

For everything you taught us.

For honest work, which is akin to a feat,

For your life, which is alien to peace,

For apprenticeship, the happiest days,

Our teacher, accept the bow of the earth!

The choir sings Thank You Teachers! (lyrics by K. Ibryaev, music by Yu. Chichkov).

One of the graduates says:

Graduates of the school, line up to take the oath!

The guys stand in one line. The student reads the Oath of school graduates: The song Our school country sounds in the recording (lyrics by K. Ibryaev, music by Yu. Chichkov). To the sound of a march, a group of first-graders enter the hall. They came to greet the graduates.

First grader.

You go ahead

We are your shift

We will never let you down

Wait for us in the fields and by the open-hearths,

Wait for us, we will definitely come.

We will study well

Really be friends

Strive to be the first in everything

And cherish the honor of the school.

First grader.

Walk you long ways,

Don't back down from anything.

And everything you planned

Let it be done by five.


It's time to say goodbye to the school desk,

Blackboard, textbook and expensive class.

We confess to you that we are a little hurt

Leave the house that has become dear to us.


School years are wonderful -

With a book, friendship, a song.

How fast they fly

You can't bring them back.

Will they fly by without a trace?

Not! Nobody will ever forget

School years!

Graduate. Our dear teachers, we wish you further success in your hard work as a teacher. Thank you for your lessons, advice, for your patience.


Yes, we grow up every day

And all your lessons

We will take with us on the road,

Entering the wide world.

Graduate. And now let me give you, dear teachers, memorable addresses with a photo of our class and memorable souvenirs.

Our feelings unspent bowl,

And the living breath of spring

We address the director.

Together with us a little excited,

As happens in moments of separation,

He is the head of our school family,

Our wise adviser and friend...

Graduate. We give the director an envelope with our questionnaires in which we answer the question of who we want to be. Please open this envelope in 5 years, at our meeting at school.

Graduate. From here began our path to the land of knowledge, to which the first teachers led us.

Here we are kids

With pencil cases and books

They walked and sat in rows.

Here ten classes are passed

And here we are the word Motherland

For the first time I read it by syllables.

(On the screen - graduates with a class teacher.)


Good people teach us the mind,

After the class, we finish the class.

Thank you very much, thank you

Who spared no effort for us

(On the screen is the last school line.)


We no longer sit at a narrow desk,

So we are a little sad.

The last call in us remained music,

Like those last, farewell words.

We still remember the first exams,

Everything that you dreamed about will come true,

Only childhood we can not return again,

Like the first waltz, it will not be forgotten.


And in the class the lines of the classics are cherished

Now tell other students

We must the theorem of eternal life

Prove your own destiny.

Graduates rise to the stage and become a semicircle. They are holding posters School, goodbye!, waving flowers.

Together. Goodbye, goodbye, our school!

(The bell rings. A first-grader rises to the stage.)

First grader. Dear graduates! Let me give you invitation cards to our graduation party, which will take place in 10 years.

(Gives invitation cards to all eleventh graders.)

Teacher. Good luck and happiness, dear graduates!

The song Farewell Waltz sounds (lyrics by A. Didurov, music by A. Flyarkovsky). Boys invite girls to dance. Then the members of the propaganda team rise to the stage. After her performance, the host invites everyone to dance. In between dances, contests, games, attractions are held, graduates read their poems and poems of their favorite poets, sing songs, act out skits. And in the morning they meet the dawn. So that fate does not repay a hundred troubles ...

space cruise

prom script

Space music sounds in the hall.

Leading. Attention! Dear graduates, dear teachers and parents! We invite you to take a space cruise on the space liner "Mechta". Ticket registration for flight 19-88 is announced at counter 19-99.

Stewardess. Dear passengers! Flight 19-88 of the spaceliner "Mechta" is dedicated to the graduates of school N ___ of the year _____. Today we will take a space cruise, the duration of which is 10 stellar years of school life.

Leading. We ask you to leave your congratulations and wishes at the registration desk in a commemorative ticket.

Stewardess. We ask you to clarify your seats in the first cabin of our space liner. The flight attendants will show you your seats.

Fanfare sounds.

1 stewardess. Dear graduates!

2 stewardess. Dear teachers!

1 stewardess. Dear parents!

2 stewardess. We are glad to welcome you on board the Mechta space liner.

1 stewardess. The duration of the flight will be 10 sidereal years. The temperature outside is 25-27 degrees above zero, on board 35-37 degrees above zero.

2 stewardess. Please loosen your belts and belts and sit comfortably.

1 stewardess. During the flight it is prohibited:

eject from the spaceliner before its landing at 5.00 o'clock space time;

to pronounce words forbidden to school graduates: “I don’t know how”, “I don’t want”, “I don’t know”;

refuse the opportunity to spin, spin, swing in the whirlwind of dance;

say anything to others, except for amenities, compliments and praises.

2 stewardess. During the flight it is allowed:

conduct a tasting of all dishes and cocktails of star cuisine;

congratulate each other on successful graduation from school;

take an active part in space training, while using all the muscles of the face and body;

give gifts to all passengers of the space liner "Mechta";

spread the good mood virus to others;

confess your love to the school, teachers, parents and each other.

1 stewardess. Dear passengers! Our spaceliner is heading for the constellation Nostalgia. Please tune in to the wave of memories.

Two graduates leave.

1 graduate.

Oh school! My cradle!

Has anyone loved you like me!

Your trampled flower beds

In the midst of the turmoil,

broken branches of trees,

Your dried flowers

Your scribbled desks

Your broken door

Your torn cards!

How will we be without them now?

written on the corners,

Throw papers and notes

Or leave them here in the tables.

Oh school, school!

I will not forget the rubbish that without shaking at the entrance,

Bring to class my friends!

1 graduate.

And that window with a huge hole,

And two birches by the river.

Oh school! often remembered

You are your students.

1 stewardess.

Time, unfortunately, is fleeting,

Year after year, 10 years have passed.

Childhood has gone from us forever,

Leaving a good mark in my memory.

The song "Colored Dreams" sounds.

There is a slideshow.

1 stewardess.

Yes, the story of childhood is coming to a close,

Chapters written, dreams revised.

No longer relying on someone's clues,

We must solve all problems ourselves.

2 stewardess.

Not every path will be smooth

Not all trials will be easy

And life lies before us like a notebook,

In which there is not a single line yet ...

Leading. Dear passengers of the space liner "Mechta"! Please fill your glasses with a star cocktail. The floor is given to the director of the school ______________. (The director congratulates the graduates on graduating from school, the graduates are presented with photographs as a keepsake; the director makes the first toast - for the school.)

Space music sounds. The stewardesses come out.

1 stewardess. Dear passengers! Our spaceliner is approaching one of the most unusual constellations in our Galaxy - the constellation of Surprises.

2 stewardess. There is a good tradition here - the inhabitants of the constellation give each other gifts, fulfilling their most cherished desires.

1 stewardess. Let's follow this good old tradition.

Two graduates leave.

1 graduate. We would like to confess our love today best school in the world - school number __.

2 graduate. And present this curtain as a gift. Let him now decorate the stage of our beloved school, where the best years of our childhood passed.

1 graduate. May this curtain bring good luck to all who will ever stand on this stage.

Two graduates come out with flowers.

3 graduate.

Our feelings unspent cup

And the living breath of spring

And our love and gratitude

We address the director.

4 graduate.

Together with us a little excited

As happens in moments of separation,

She is the head of our school family,

Our wise adviser and friend.

(They give flowers to the director.)

Waltz sounds.

3 graduate. This waltz sounds for you, dear (oh) _________. (Invites the director to waltz.)

There are two groups of graduates from each class.

1 graduate. We want to dedicate our last music lesson to our class teachers. We ask you to name all the notes in turn. So, the first... That's it. Before!

2 graduate. Dear ___________ and _________!

1 graduate. Next note! All. Re!

3 graduate. Resolutely and irrevocably devoted themselves to their beloved work.

1 graduate. Next note! All. Mi!

4 graduate. Lovely, charming, beloved!

5 graduate. In fact, everyone knows about everything.

1 graduate. Next note! All. Salt!

6 graduate. Salt on wounds pouring in exceptional cases.

7 graduate. La-la-la we sing today to our teachers for the last time.

8 graduate. Deeply loving their students.

1 graduate. Last note! All. Before!

9 graduate. Goodbye! - we say today to you ______ and _______. All. We love you!

(They give flowers and sing a song.)

Student 11 "A" class:

Valentina Alexandrovna likes potatoes,

Let him pamper his family and himself a little,

Accept a fryer as a gift,

Look forward to seeing you all soon!

Student 11 "B" class:

To you, Lyudmila, the light of Michalna,

We provide a coffee maker

every year for tea or coffee

Our class should be called.

(Give gifts.)

The phonogram of the pioneer march sounds.

Leading. What do we hear? Familiar to every mother and father, the sounds of the pioneer horn and drum. (Congratulations from parents: a comic line, the commander of the combined detachment of parents submits a report to the principal of the school.)

Leading. The word is given to graduates. (Graduates thank the teachers, give the school an album, sing a song about the school.)

Leading. I propose a toast to the teachers of the school ___.

Space music sounds.

1 stewardess. We are in the field of attraction of the constellation Recognition.

2 stewardess. Today we will witness an amazing event. In the constellation Recognition, new stars will light up today.

1 stewardess. We all can't wait to know the names of the lucky ones.

Fanfare. There are two people on stage.

1. Nomination "Clever and clever"!

How wonderful that there are guys in the school,

Whose mind and knowledge bring glory to her,

After all, it is about them that they will once say:

You are the pride and hope of our days!

1. The right to announce the winners of the nomination "Clever and clever" is provided by _______.

The winners are: __________________.

1. Nomination "Miss Charm".

In your life, no less than knowledge,

The charm will come in handy.

1. The right to announce the winners of the nomination "Miss Charm" is provided by ___________.

The winners of the nomination are: ______________.

(Medals are presented, applause.) Fanfare.

1. Nomination "Soul of the class".

Becoming a class leader is not easy,

Everyone needs to be interesting

It is unlikely that the stars will help you here,

It is important to know and love people.

1. The right to announce the winner of the "Soul of the Class" nomination is provided by _________.

Nomination winner: ___________.

(A medal is presented.) Fanfare.

1. Nomination "Real gentleman".

Gentleman is not just a title,

What is given to you by God

Being a gentleman is a calling

Take it and try it yourself!

1. The right to announce the winners of the "Real Gentleman" nomination is provided by _________.

The winners of the nomination are: ______.

(Medals are awarded.) Fanfare.

1. Nomination "Photo model".

If everything is fine in a person:

Face and thoughts and clothes

Then maybe not in vain

Hope to become a model.

1. The right to announce the winners of the nomination "Photo Model" is granted to __________.

(Medals are awarded.) Fanfare.

1. Nomination "Miss and Mr. Charm".

If someone smiled at you

And suddenly a radiance spread around -

Fortune suddenly returned to you,

That's what charm did.

1. The right to announce the winners of the nomination "Miss and Mr. Charm" is provided by ________.

The winners of the nomination were: _________.

(Medals are awarded.) Fanfare.

1. Nomination "Miss Kindness".

Among all human qualities

It is valued for a reason:

Life can't go any other way

As long as there is kindness in the world.

1. The right to announce the winners of the "Miss Kindness" nomination is provided by ________.

The winners of the nomination are: _______.

(Medals are awarded.) Fanfare.

1. Nomination "Irreplaceable".

Everything you need, they have:

Pens, books and notebooks

There is a briefcase for two,

Next to them - everything is in order.

1. The right to announce the winners of the "Irreplaceable" nomination is provided by _______.

(Medals are awarded.) Fanfare.

1. Nomination "Sun of class".

No matter what the weather is today

Even if it's raining outside

In the soul and in the heart it is easy in bad weather,

When the sun lives next to you.

1. The right to announce the winners of the "Class Sun" nomination is provided by _______.

The winners of the nomination were: _____________.

(Medals are awarded.) Fanfare.

1. Nomination "Dream of girls".

Girls dream of princes since childhood,

And Grey, sailing scarlet, is waiting,

Not noticing that with them together

Nearby their dreams go through life.

1. The right to announce the winners of the "Girls' Dream" nomination is provided by _______.

The winners of the nomination were: _____________.

(Medals are awarded.) Fanfare.

1. Nomination "Miss Artistry".

If you are given the talent to shine,

You don't have to bury it in the ground.

1. The right to announce the winner of the "Miss Artistry" nomination is provided by _______.

The winner of the nomination was: _____________.

(A medal is presented.) Fanfare.

1. Nomination "Mr. Independence".

How rare in our life

The person is completely independent.

1. The right to announce the winner of the "Mr. Independence" nomination is provided by _______.

(A medal is presented.) Fanfare.

1. Nomination "Mr. Veselchak".

From the blues and all misfortunes

Laughter is the main medicine!

1. The right to announce the winner of the "Mr. Cheerful" nomination is provided by _______.

The winner of the nomination was: _____________.

(A medal is presented.) Fanfare.

1. Nomination "Mr. Hope and Support".

Life won't seem complicated

When you can lean on a friend

And despite all the changes

Reliability was valued at all times.

1. The right to announce the winner of the nomination "Mr. Hope and Support" is provided by _______.

The winner of the nomination was: _____________.

(A medal is presented.) Fanfare.

1. Nomination "True Friends".

We are with you - you and me

10 years already friends.

Such a devoted friendship

Anyone will envy.

1. The right to announce the winners of the "True Friends" nomination is provided by _______.

The winners of the nomination were: _____________.

(Medals are awarded.)

Leading. I propose a toast to our dear graduates! Space music sounds.

1 stewardess. We are in the field of attraction of the constellation of Talents.

2 stewardess. We ask you to prepare your hands, as the inhabitants of this constellation understand only one language - the language of applause.

1 stewardess. Let's greet everyone who came today to congratulate the passengers of the Mechta space liner!

2 stewardess. Meet Natasha Koroleva!

It turns out "Natasha Koroleva".

"Natasha Koroleva": Most recently, like you, I was a resident of the amazing country of Childhood. And believe me, there is nothing more beautiful in our Galaxy. Therefore, today I dedicate my song to the best school - a small country that gave you 10 unforgettable stellar years.

"Natasha Koroleva" performs the song "Little Country".

1 stewardess. The favorite of Russian women Philip Kirkorov!

"Philip Kirkorov": The best, beloved and only for you, dear Galina Georgievna! I propose to raise a glass to the wisest woman in your amazing country. To her health! (Sings the song "I Raise My Glass")

2 stewardess. Supergroup "Balagan Limited"! Meet!

"Balagan Limited": Dear graduates! You are tomorrow's applicants, and today you are solving the most important question of your life: who to be? And in order to get an answer to it, you definitely need to know today "what do you need." And do not hope that they will give you, "whatever you like," for beautiful eyes. Hold on and get it! (They perform the song "What do you need").

1 stewardess. Meet! Arkady Ukupnik!

"Arkady Ukupnik": I wish you all that this year of the Tiger will bring only good and good things. And so that in your fate there are much more light stripes than dark ones. Good luck! (Sings the song "Destiny")

2 stewardess. Murat Nasyrov and Alena Apina!

"Murat Nasyrov": Hello, girls!

"Alena Apina": Hello, boys! Don't be offended that we call you that. After all, this is the last time.

"Murat Nasyrov": Now you will be adults, and your life will change dramatically. But always remember how great it was when you were young!

"Alena Apina": Let school friendship and moonlit nights of first love stay with you forever! Don't rush to grow up. (Performs the song "Moonlight Nights")

1 stewardess. Meet! Living legend - Alla Pugacheva!

"Alla Pugacheva": My dear, dear, close people! At this finest hour of your life, the star itself came to congratulate you. Forgive my indiscretion, but only stars can talk to the stars. Good luck in everything, and may the Milky Way of your life be strewn with stars! And if it is difficult, remember that your parents and teachers are always next to you, who will come to you "through evil nights." (Performs the song "Call me with you")


Concert program

The hall is festively decorated, instrumental music sounds.

Every childhood has its own address.

Having parted with him, we will become adults.

And wander our childhood will remain

Within the walls of his school.

School years cannot be returned, not forgotten.

And we want a little today

To grieve with you about the past.

A song is performed by a vocal group or soloist.


Sl. M. Plyatskovsky, music. E. Winged

(from the movie "Honest, smart, unmarried")

We dreamed as children

Cursing your age

Let's just become adults.

They dream about the same again.

Chorus: Careless childhood, golden time,

You can't get back your minutes.

The boy is different and the girl is different.

Like us, it's too late, too late to understand.

Keeping a beautiful secret in my soul,

Hiding her from the guys

The boy is different and the girl is different

They are sitting at our desk.

Helping each other in everything,

Desperately love their class

The boy is different and the girl is different,

Something similar to us.

First love comes

When you're only fifteen

First love comes

When you can't fall in love.

It is impossible - according to strict mothers -

But you ask the teachers' council:

"At what age did you go crazy,

At what age did you go crazy

Romeo young Juliet?!

A vocal group or soloist performs a song.


Sl. N. Prostovoy, music. E. Krylatova

Eyelashes sadly lowering,

You look at your school notebook.

Funny girl with pigtail

Made you suffer.

And you're sitting in the back

Not understanding what's what...

All the seas on the map mixed up,

And in the summer it snowed in the Crimea!

You are silent, thinking about something,

And your teacher won't understand

What's with the white bow girl

He does not love you and does not wait.

Maple branches knock on the window,

And the sound of rain is drumming.

Do you remember the phone number

But don't call me for a date.

Laughing girl, not knowing

Who puts flowers in her briefcase,

But this devotion is holy

You will get bored and pass.

Another love will find you

Big adult love.

And yet, remembering childhood,

Remember that girl again!

Poplar fluff is spinning,

The school waltz will not be repeated.

Like spring drops

The years at school flew by.

I recently out of habit

Pulled on your pigtails.

You are in a white dress today -

I approach you timidly.

Dance duet to the song vocal group performs a waltz with a soloist.


Sl. I. Dorizo, muses N. Bogoslovsky

You put on a festive dress,

In it now you are quite an adult.

Just yesterday you were a classmate

And today who will you become to me?

We want to leave school as soon as possible,

We don't think about it with you

That this minute will not return.

The hour will not repeat graduation!

From childhood, we were in a hurry to be adults,

Rushed school years...

In order for us to cherish childhood,

We must break up with him forever!

To the rhythms of new dances

The pulse of the era is beating

At a fast pace -

Thirst to look into TOMORROW.

A dream from the heart

Passionately fortunately torn,

Beckons behind him -

In search, on the way!

The dance group performs the dance "In modern rhythms".

Moderator: The floor is given to graduates of the school. To the applause, the graduates of the school rise to the stage.

Graduation night tonight

We look fake

Do not hide your excitement with a funny joke ...

We go up the same stairs

All the same windows, the same house,

Which for ten years we called the school.

Well, it is necessary, it is necessary:

We are seventeen years old already,

And everyone can not believe that they have become adults.

Like it was only yesterday

Mom took us to school

And here we are at the big crossroads.

Let's not forget this day

Lilac blossoms outside the windows,

In the very spring, happiness is prophesied to us!

The earth is still spinning

The teachers are all around

And we say (chorus) "Thank you!"

All of you want.

Graduates sing a song.


Sl. M. Plyatskovsky, music. Ya Dubravina

You loved us all the same

Share your love equally with everyone.

For the fact that you sculpted people from us,

Thank you teachers!

And it was not kinder and stricter than you,

When we opened the world from scratch.

For the fact that we are a little like you,

Thank you teachers!

We worried all of you little by little,

Sometimes angry, sometimes funny.

For taking us on the road

Thank you teachers!

For the eternal multiplication table,

For the fact that we were given the Earth,

For the fact that we are all your continuation,

Thank you teachers!

Presenter: School teachers are invited to the stage.

Host: Applause!

The song is sung by teachers.


Sl. E. Chernykh, music. V. Figotina

Man gets tired of the roads

And so again and again

He comes to a good threshold

Native houses.

Chorus: Home is a lot of different concepts:

Home is weekdays, home is a holiday,

Home is your joy and mine,

Home is you and me!

Let everyone have their own home!

So that he knows in a moment of bad weather -

They are waiting for him in that house

Loyalty and happiness.

Teacher: With this song we wanted to tell you: "Don't forget school. School is your second home, where you are loved and expected."

We will never forget

Light school story ...

Rushing along the rails through the years

Morning train.

Childhood will remain with us forever

early dawn,

A quiet smile, a haze of a fire,

Song of the poet.

To the song of the vocal group, graduates invite teachers and parents to waltz.


Sl. D. Sedykh, music. P. Aedonitsky

Sorry avenues,

Sorry, boulevards

Allow this night

Break the peace.

And on your asphalt

Spin to the guitar

Waltz in white shoes

White waltz graduation.

Goodbye childhood

Hello youth,

Let's go to life tomorrow!

Excuse us moms

Excuse us dads

We probably today

We'll be back in the morning.

Somewhere waiting for us platforms

Or gangways and ladders,

Your farewell handkerchief

Will be sad in the wind.

Sorry avenues,

Sorry, boulevards, -

This is childhood and youth

Raise bridges.

belated passerby,

Get down to the guitar

Wish it come true

Definitely dreams.

Chorus: He is both sad and cheerful,

This waltz on the pavement at night.

Goodbye childhood

11th grade prom script

1999-2000 academic year.

On the first fine September day

Timidly I entered under the school vaults.

First teacher and first lesson

this is how the school years begin.

School years are wonderful

With a book, with friendship, with a song.

How fast they fly

Do not bring them back.

Will they fly by without a trace?

No, no one will ever forget

School years.

On September 1st, 1989, a little boy in a blue suit and a tiny girl with big white bows painstakingly cut the ribbon, opening the way to the newly built 191 School. It was raining, the sun came out from behind the clouds and it was a little scary and fun for the funny smart first graders to follow the famous boy and girl into this mysterious land of knowledge right through the puddles. Who then, 10 years ago, could seriously imagine today's day?

But to everyone who believed, hoped and calculated that six months before the end of the old and the beginning of the new century, on the 25th day, the 6th month, the year 2000, 103 young, beautiful, full of strength and hope, boys and girls will receive certificates of maturity, that is, confirmation that they have become adults, to everyone who convincingly predicted this event, today we can say with joy: "HAPPENED." In spite of all doubts, temptations and obstacles - it happened.

And now, in this hall, you - graduates and your teachers, parents, friends will become witnesses of the most significant school event. Today is your holiday.

Let happy smiles and kind words be its decoration. Let nothing cloud it.

And it will be - a real big holiday. And now those same famous little boy and tiny girl who cut the ribbon at the school door on the 1st of 1989 will open it now. ANISOV Sergey and LYUBICH Alena.

A.S. and L.A.: We declare the holiday open!

("Children" performance.)

This difficult path of our graduates to today's event lasted for 10 long years. And today .... Look how beautiful children have grown - your hope, your support, your future.

Today, from noon until evening, birds sang in a special way. The sun was calm, peaceful, slowly descending over a blue and somehow surprisingly wide sky. This memorable quiet summer evening seems to prophesy to you, who enter into life, a clear and calm fate. As you wish. for it to come true. Good luck to you., happiness, love

And here it is, the most iconic moment of our holiday.

(Soundtrack, Grieg "A Minor").

A word to the director of our school Golyash G.O.

(Word of the director, order).

Word to the Deputy Director Stetsko S.A.

The first certificate has been awarded, (name) please come up to the stage

To them, the most persistent, patient, purposeful, our applause.


And now we want not only to look at you, but also to listen to you, to be proud of you. You have a word.

Thanks to our medal winners.


11A, 11B, 11C, 11D.

What do these numbers and letters mean to you sitting here? I'm sure a lot. Because the school class is not just a student group, it is a spiritual brotherhood of people who have become family, for whom someone's misfortune is common, but also joy is one for everyone. So amazing, life is arranged, today they are still nearby - our graduates, they are classmates, tomorrow their paths will diverge. But today's joy, which is one for all, will be remembered for a long time.

And now we are ready to rejoice for you, the unique 11 "A".

But first, you need to tell us a little about yourself. And you do it with applause. I will name epithets, and you, if they correspond to the characteristics of your class, will clap. For example, I say - 11 "A" are cheerful, if so, you clap together and cheerfully, if you think it's the other way around, then don't clap.

So, 11 "A":







Worthy of the highest praise


Well, you are a great class. And now is your solemn hour.

The floor is given to the Deputy Director of our school Stetsko S.A.

(Speech of the Deputy Director, Certificates).

Raise your certificates up, and let's congratulate them again.


And now you have the floor.

(Song. Dedicated to all graduates).

(Performance 11 "B" class). Thank you ex 11A! And now the finest hour is coming 11B class

But please, and you, not much about yourself. And also with applause. So, 11B




Worthy of the most flattering compliments

And very humble

GREAT! 11B great class! And now the floor is given to the Deputy Director of the School, Stetsko S.A.

(order, presentation of certificates (bell ringing)).

Presenter 1: And here we have 23 more happy certificate holders. Raise them up please. And we will once again congratulate you (applause) Grade 11B. please take the stage. The children dedicate their performance to the teachers of our school.

performance 11B.

Flowers for teachers.

Thank you former 11 "B" class.

The solemn hour of the 11th "B" class is coming.

A little bit about yourself. Get ready to applaud:

So, 11 "B" class:

The friendliest

The most ordinary

The greatest (I mean big)

Most disorganized

The most unpredictable

Worthy of all praise

The most humble

So, another wonderful class worthy of its certificates. And we congratulate them.

Stetsko S.A. now you have the floor.

(Word, presentation of certificates, Bells).

Dear graduates of the 11th "B" class, raise your certificates higher.

And we congratulate you.


Word 11 "B" class.

(Song dedicated to the school).

Thank you class 11.

And now the finest hour of the 11th class has struck. What do we know about him? Let him say about himself 11G class .:

The most ordinary, but friendly,


Not hardworking

Capable of great things

Not humble? (very modest?)

Well, this class is amazing. And he deserves our applause too.

Thank you 11 "G" class.

What good children grew up

They have amazingly clear faces!

It must be easier for them to live in the world,

It is easier for them to break through, it is easier for them to achieve.

Suppose they say that these competitions are more difficult.

Perhaps it is true. They, the children, know better

But very good children grew up!

A low bow to moms and dads, who, fulfilling their parental duty, did everything to make their children happy today. The floor is given to the Deputy Director of our school Stetsko S.A.

(Word, Order).

Dear mothers and fathers, today you have gathered for the last Parent meeting dedicated to the release of your children. A word to Maria Voitovich's parents (Grade 11A).

(Word. Song).

So, 103 matriculation certificates are in the hands of their owners. May they bring success, good luck and happiness to dear graduates.

The day is leaving. Full of joyful excitement, happy moments. Passing away on June 25, 2000, Your graduates have a significant day.

On the threshold of June 26, 2000, the day from which your adult, independent and free life begins. Let her be happy.

And now - an amazing unique festive night - your prom

Word to the director


There is very little time left until the day when the faces of high school students become a little sad, when the time comes to say goodbye to school, lyceum, gymnasium - graduation party. You can find recommendations for this holiday in previous editions of the collection. And now we will tell you something new.

Let the graduates gather before the start of the holiday on the school porch. Prepare 7-10 doves in advance, which will need to be released into the sky at a certain point in the beginning of the holiday. Music sounds, the guys in groups wait for the appointed time. A fanfare is sounded and the presenter or presenters appear in the center of the school porch. Who it will be - parents, or tenth-graders, or a professional presenter - is up to you.

How excited everyone is at this meeting...

Joy, embarrassment - on every face ...

It has come - our farewell evening,

We gathered on the school porch.

On steps painfully familiar

Recalculated by us more than once.

And thanks to the school

They ripen in our thoughts and souls.

So let's make a promise

Do not forget this moment, this hour.

Our school at the time of parting

Let's say everyone: "Thank you!" - now.

For all meetings, for friendship, for knowledge -

We couldn't live without it.

Our school! goodbye to you

We say today: "Thank you!"

Graduates chant: "Thank you!" - and doves soared into the sky to the music. They circle over the school to the applause of the guys, the leader says the words:

Like a flock of white doves

Upward childhood will be carried away.

But let it be in the stream of days

Will return to you in thoughts.

And let all troubles take away

Our dove is white-winged.

We continue our flight!

And he will be happy!

The host invites everyone to the school:

Dear graduates!

The holiday begins for you!

You are at the beginning of a long journey.

And invite everyone now

Go to the banquet hall.

The song "Wonderful School Years" sounds, graduates enter the school, where from the threshold to the venue of the holiday they are met by their parents, lined up in a "corridor" and applauding the children.

And in the hall of the celebration for the last time the teachers run everything. They invite the guys to the festive tables, and then go to the microphones or to the center of the hall and sing ... ditties about students graduating from school today, or hand out certificates of honor to those who were "the most-most" - "smart" in their lessons , "mobile", "quick-witted", "talkative", "unpredictable" or give gifts to classes: "Book of reviews and wishes", symbolic items that will be useful to them in adulthood, maybe they will perform the "Cry of parting with graduates", taking glasses with gas water, teachers - in the manner of ritual lamentation - each line sing:

Our hearts will never forget you...

My heart will now yearn for you...

There will be no more such students here...

And tears flow, there are not enough words ...

We will now wait for a new meeting ...

Worrying about you...

We will all cry for you every day ...

But lessons are coming soon... Let's drink some water!

Teachers go around all the students at the tables, congratulate the guys, greet them with kind words.

The program of the holiday may include - especially in its first part - awarding diplomas, gifts from teachers, parents and students. Perhaps, in the first toast, the graduates will utter the words of the oath, oaths, at least in chorus, at least one by one, putting their hands on the Charter of the school or on school magazines, on fidelity to the traditions of the school, promising to honor them, fulfill them in adulthood and never forget teachers and school days. Or maybe all the graduates, putting their hand where their heart beats, will utter the words of a solemn promise: "I, a graduate of school No. ..., swear (or solemnly promise) to continue my education, to be honest and fair, not to tarnish the title of graduate year If I break this oath (or solemn promise), then let:

My favorite jeans are torn

The batteries in my player will run out,

The laces in my sneakers get tangled

The wheels of my roller skates will fall off,

Spill Pepsi on my favorite suit

My favorite TV series will suddenly end

I'll never get lucky in lotteries!

Let there be time and place at your holiday to congratulate the class teachers with the children (this can be an impromptu competition of compliments to the teacher, and a pre-prepared performance, or a creative gift from the children). Let there be time and place to congratulate veteran teachers who have worked at the school for the anniversary number of years.

Calendars with a photo of a teacher, badges, medals, pens with the symbols of the year or class can be given as a gift. And, perhaps, parents, congratulating the graduates, will give them medallions-amulets. It is not necessary that they are all the same. When preparing a holiday, ask parents to prepare symbolic medallions for their children. And at each table at a certain moment, let the parents put them on for graduates, or maybe the curator of the class will do this on behalf of the parents.

Special greetings to the director of the school. You can, after listening to his parting words to graduates, leave him a symbolic souvenir as a gift from the guys. Maybe it will be a garland of postcards that the guys will prepare, writing words of gratitude on each postcard; maybe - a stick and a carrot; maybe - a book of orders made by the guys, and a bunch of keys to the offices; maybe a barometer; or maybe a compass, so that the school and its leader keep the right course, and not go with the flow.

And, perhaps, in one of the episodes of the holiday you will include such a moment. A bunch of keys from the offices where the guys worked and received the most valuable, most necessary knowledge, with cards on them, on which the names of the classrooms are written, will be launched across the tables, and each former student will hold the key, warm him with his warmth, remember something that he remembers about the lessons, about the subject, and pass it on to another.

In a series of entertainment and ritual moments of the evening, find a few minutes for game fortune-telling. Record in advance the cuckoo cuckoo in the soundtrack and ask questions, the answer to which will be this "cuckoo". Questions can be very different, as your fantasy tells you. Or maybe you will write these questions on cards, and the guys, taking them one by one, will say out loud:

1. Cuckoo, cuckoo, when will I go to college? ("cuckoo")

2. Cuckoo, cuckoo, how many exams do I have to pass when entering a university? ("cuckoo" - 4 or 5 times)

3. Cuckoo, cuckoo, how many years will I have to study? ("ku-ku" - as much as you want)

4. Cuckoo, cuckoo, in how many years will I start a family? ("cuckoo", ...)

5. Cuckoo, cuckoo, how many children will I have? ("cuckoo", ...)

6. Cuckoo, cuckoo, how many rubles of scholarship will I receive? ("ku")

7. Cuckoo, cuckoo, in how many years will we all meet? ("cuckoo", ...)

Maybe you will ask the guys to bring alarm clocks for the evening, which woke them up in the morning with their call, and arrange a "hymn to the alarm clock that did not make it possible to oversleep." Get them on for a certain time and at one of the moments proclaim a toast to a sonorous, hectic life.

Perhaps you will arrange fireworks in honor of the graduates, and the guys together will blow up firecrackers or firecrackers, or confetti balloons during the first dance.

Arrange a waltz during which the boys will invite the ladies-teachers, and the girls the gentlemen-teachers. Or it will be a gratitude dance during which the children will invite their parents.

Maybe you will light the "Fire of Knowledge" in a special bowl, and small lights - candles will be lit on the tables of the graduates. Maybe at this moment the guys will take part in the competition of life mottos - slogans, poems, lines from songs will be heard.

Perhaps, in order for the guys to get an education while continuing their studies, they need the "Elixir of Luck". Any sweet drink or, conversely, salty, drips from a pipette onto the tongue of each graduate.

And in order not to relax and enter tomorrow with renewed vigor, let the guys take part in the ritual "Clearing the head from bad thoughts." To do this, you need to scratch your head with both hands, and then "drop" what is "stuck" to your hands to the ground. And so three times.

And they will also need the Balm of Diligence. Give the children a piece of ordinary chalk, one for the whole class. Let them simply run each one over the palm of their hand, and then rub the adhered chalk on the palm of their hand. Whoever rubs it more thoroughly will become a scientist, academician, successful businessman, diligent housewife, etc. the fastest.

Of course, you can organize an evening of farewell to the school and as a series of modern TV shows, the participants of which will be the graduates themselves. Give awards in various nominations, alternating them with creative, concert numbers of the graduates themselves, including screensavers of familiar programs, starting a new episode of the holiday - "The Masked Man", "Full House", "Song of the Year", "Blue Light", "Lampshade", "Smak", "In the animal world", "Parliamentary hour", "Time", "Through the mouth of a baby", "Good night, kids!"

On the last evening at school, on the evening of farewell, it will probably be important for each class to find out: with what parameters a class is produced, a parallel. And therefore, those who are ahead, let special memorable prizes be awarded. And who it will be, what class, you will find out after determining the physical parameters of the class - height (general) of the class, weight, lung volume, biceps thickness, step width, nose length, waist circumference, head volume, etc. All these measurements with the help of the class teacher can be carried out during the dance break, and the pause between the dances will be filled with the awarding of the leading class. Moreover, given the complexity of the financial situation, prepare prizes not for each participant in the "measurement", but a general, cool gift - fruit, a bottle of champagne or gas water, sandwiches, just chanting "Hurrah!" all those present who won in one of the nominations. And then - a general summing up: "You can step on ...", "You can breathe on ...", etc.

Maybe the graduates will leave an anonymous testimonial to the school as a keepsake, which they will write right at the evening, each inscribing their own quality, which they consider important and most striking in themselves: “We say goodbye to school. handsome, etc."

At one of the moments of the holiday, invite the guys to go around the offices, picking up the keys and trying in the dark to find the “cabinet” there - the talisman of that office - like a Brownie, where they spent more time during their years of study. Let the class teachers prepare them in advance. Or maybe they will be prepared by those who also consider this class to be their "home", or by elementary school students at labor lessons they will make them with their own hands from fur, cardboard, foam plastic, plasticine, etc. If it really will be elementary school students, find an opportunity for those whose talismans are found to announce this at the beginning of the festive evening with wishes of happiness and good luck to the graduates.

When the guys get a little tired of the "rituals", of the hustle and bustle, in a separate room, arrange to watch videos from past years. Let a beautiful, slow melody sound, and the years of their schooling, the familiar faces of classmates, the familiar faces of teachers and parents will flash before the children again.

Well, before parting ... Ask the graduates again to go to the school porch, where it all began ... And let the music not sound loudly in the dawn silence, and the leader will say the words:

Behind the year of your studies...

And the first rise, and the first fall ...

And tonight we wanted to

Do you remember every moment...

While you are together, in class, still nearby ...

And ahead is a long, difficult path.

But there is an opportunity with a kind, gentle look

Ask for forgiveness - for something!

Let this evening with you again

The first meeting flies by.

And the first friend, and the first love -

Everything was remembered on this farewell evening.

We wish you strength, inspiration,

Fewer failures and tears.

And in our difficult age - more patience!

And the fulfillment of everyone's dreams, and dreams!

So that you find a job to your liking!

To meet true love!

Forward, graduates, step boldly,

We wish you happiness and success again!

And for graduates to be really lucky, you need:

1. Break glass for happiness - break it.

2. Meet transport with a lucky number - attach such a number to a tricycle and show this bike to graduates.

3. To see a star fall and make a wish before it falls - let the graduates make a wish, and now release the "stars" with a rocket launcher.

You can end the evening of farewell to the school with such a moment. Prepare balloons, inflate them, hide in them a card with the wishes of good luck to the graduate of 2000 and find an opportunity at this moment of the end of the celebration to throw the balloons off the roof of the school. The leader says:

Well, guys, here comes the dawn...

Everyone is a little tired.

We have no other traditions -

Let's get on the track.

The graduates are located on the steps of the school porch, the music does not sound loud.

And in a moment of farewell, but beautiful

Ready for another surprise.

Catch your ball happy

As a sign of achievement and good luck!

Multi-colored balloons fall from the roof to the music, the guys catch them.

Engineers, pilots, poets,

Teachers, turners, doctors...

Scatter around the world,

Select the keys to the professions.

Good luck guys, fly away!

A big life is ahead of you!

Just don't forget school

And those who prepared you for the flight!

Good luck to you, peace, kindness and happiness,

Dear graduates!

Wait, 11th grade

Scenario "Last call"

Design: posters - "Graduate of the XX century";

"Take some warmth with you..."

(Balloons, bells, school paraphernalia).

Musical arrangement:

"Little Country", "Is it really me?"

Presenter: Graduates of school N 5 are invited to the solemn line dedicated to the "Last Call": 11th "A", 11th "B",

11th "L", 11th "M".

Host: Dear guests, parents, teachers, children! We have gathered here to say good parting words to our graduates, wish them to successfully pass their exams, and choose a profession to their liking.

(Music sounds: the song "Is it really me" performed by a school graduate).

1st host:

Ten years went by faster

You are a graduate and look back

did not have time,

And there is no teacher's pointer in the hands,

And there is no friend in the ears


And erased to the last crumb

2nd host: Graduates! Today is a special holiday: the last issue of the 20th century. Let's remember this day - May 25th. Let's remember this hour. We say goodbye to our school. We heard more than 20 thousand school calls during the years of study in it. The first call invited us to the very first lesson, and the last one will inform us that we are entering a new life.

1st presenter: The floor is given to the director of the school ...

2nd presenter: The floor for reading the order for admission to state exams is given to the deputy director for academic work ...

1st host:

Let the years rush desperately and

Like the waters of fast rivers

But the harbor of childhood

But the harbor of childhood

The school will remain forever.

2nd presenter: Time goes inexorably ... It seems that it was a very long time ago, when we timidly and uncertainly entered the first class. Then everything was ahead of us: the first teacher, the first call, the first word read, the first school joys and sorrows ...

Leader 1: Do you remember? Of course, you all remember

Like mothers holding your hand to school

We walked excitedly

And they couldn't learn anything.

The word is given to the first teachers.

2nd presenter: Dear graduates! Our young friends came to visit us. Look at them and remember yourself what we were in primary school and tenth graders with them. Look at them too.

(Music sounds; first graders and tenth graders come out).

1. Life in the eleventh grade

We are escorting now

And we give you goodbye

Our first order.

2. Will beckon you with coolness

The greenery of the forest, the smooth surface of the river.

Give in to temptations

You are now graduates.

3. We understand perfectly

Your difficulties now:

Outside the window, spring is in full swing,

But you have exams.

4. In these walls you had time

A lot to know

We would like to answer you

All exams on "5".

5. I have for you, friends,

Very few words:

Knowledge is better than money

Take with you on the road.

6. And take it with you

Your strong friendship

Because a friend will help

Both in training and in combat.

7. You took care of the school,

They did a lot for us

But the masters of the school

We will be no worse than you.

8. Let you not notice us

From two meters high

And we got clicks

And we flew into the bushes.

9. I'm not offended by you,

Even though I'm small now

I will grow up and I will

called "graduate".

10. You were an example for us,

Maybe even a lighthouse

Personally, I will be proud

The one who knew you.

(Song performed by kids).

Performance of 10th grades:

Our dear senior friends, today you have a solemn event that we can expect for another whole year. But it is today that the last call will announce to you that your childhood is over and will never return. Let there be a lot of time for love, smiles, happiness. And quite a bit for tears, disappointments. After all, it doesn't happen without them. May each of you find yourself in a good and necessary business, so that you can fearlessly look into the future.

(The song "The Sea Worries" sounds performed by tenth graders; at the loss in the song, ribbons are tied to the 11th grade).

Tenth grader:

Last call for class

Remember you forever

May you go many roads

Let time measure the years.

But this last call

From childhood to youth step

It rings to you like a pledge of happiness,

About great and wonderful things.

Childhood is gone. What is there to be surprised?

It gets away from everyone at some point.

And I want to cry and laugh

And I don't want to be separated from anyone.

11th grade! Wait! 11th grade!

2nd presenter: For those who will study in the 21st century, a new presidential decree has been issued. To announce the decree is given to the graduate of the 99th year ...

Parting words of the 11th grade.

Guys! You are lucky, you will be learning in the 21st century. It is for you that the presidential decree on school reform came out. From now on, school attendance will be voluntary, if you don't want to study, stay at home. Unmarked, canceled homework, will do away with the shameful relic of the old school - to call the student to the blackboard. Now this is prohibited.

Of the compulsory subjects will be only singing and physical education. Instead of the Russian language, mathematics and physics, children will be shown cartoons, action films, and tell jokes. Those teachers for whom the students vote will work at the school.

The state should provide children with free ice cream and chewing gum. In the future, we plan to pay out a stipend, albeit a small one, but every month and in hard currency.

1st presenter: But seriously... Dear little residents of our school, first-graders! So quickly flew around the leaves of the calendar, connecting autumn and spring. And you are no longer helpless jackdaws, whom we saw off to school on September 1, you already look at the world consciously and confidently.

Good luck, success! Grow strong, smart, kind. Happy journey, dear girls and boys! Merry calls and school discoveries! Thank you for all the kind words addressed to us.

2nd presenter: Dear tenth graders! Today we say goodbye to school. You remain in it, its present and future. Therefore, we pass on all school traditions to you. May the happiness of knowledge, the joy of communication, the atmosphere of love and creativity, constant search, unity of the student and teacher always live in our school. We promise that throughout our lives we will carry the trills of school bells, the uniqueness of the first school lesson, the bright sadness of the graduation ball, the spirit of school camaraderie, heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to our teachers.

(Presenting gifts to the first classes and souvenirs to the 10th).

1st presenter: One wise man was asked: "Tell me, what is happiness?"

He replied: "This is when I am young at heart, when my beloved is next to me, when my parents are alive and well."

2nd presenter: A poem about parents.

He is near Minsk in the forests


He drove three SS men into a coffin,

And today my son has an exam,

And the father gets chills.

He eyes, so as not to give out, squints,

Nervously pulling the side of the jacket,

He smokes everything, smokes everything, smokes everything

Remembering himself as a boy.

Hostel, purpu with lentils,

Uncomfortable student life.

It used to be easier for us to learn

He justifies himself.

We can't keep up with them now.

How many new disciplines do they have,

What an abundance of information.

The competition is huge

And the son is convinced that he is a student

de facto.

Kids are much more sober these days.

Old people get heart attacks

At the exams of the sons.

1st presenter: The floor is given to parents.

1st presenter: Class teachers, according to the good old tradition, it's your turn to speak.

1st and 2nd hosts:

1. First time with a primer

and a bouquet

We've passed that school threshold.

And ring the bell about it

He proclaimed loudly

as much as you could.

2. The day has come to say goodbye

with school

Graduation is over for our year.

And from here the merry path

Forever our childhood will be gone.

1. When leaving, take with you

The most cherished dream

About relatives mental anxiety,

Warmth, care, kindness.

2. We believe in your roots,

In the love of life of your strength.

You will soon take

into your own hands

This world, this land of people.

1. And even if the time is not easy,

Don't lose your head

And don't let your soul rest

Happiness, glory - all life

2nd presenter: The response of the graduates.

Teacher enters: Hello guys! Thank you for coming...

Why are there so few of you today? (Opens journal, begins roll call.)

Arkhipov?.. Here... Frolov?.. - Still sleeping. He came yesterday!


What are you, Alevtina Ivanovna! Only the second lesson! He comes to the third!

Oh! Yes Yes...


Glukhov studies at the institute on Tuesdays, in commercial, in the third year ...

Barefoot?.. Olechka! Are you here?

I'm leaving after this lesson. We are flying to Cyprus today.

Good good...


He can't come, his car broke down.

But he lives next door, doesn't he?

He's stressed... He's worried...

Mamin has an exemption from exams. Why does he need to go to school?


Nazartsev's leg hurt, and Salavatov, Khartov, Khokhlov, Shlykova went to the doctor to see him off...

Well, it turns out they all have good reasons.

Let's write the topic of the lesson ...

(The bell rings, the students run out of the classroom). Teacher in the hall:

Something I didn't do well today...

(After the skit, a group of 11th grade students sing songs. At the final song, sparklers are lit).

1st presenter: Well, the time has come for another tradition. So, the waltz relay.

2nd presenter: How tremulous he is, this ageless school waltz!

(Waltz relay, grades 3,6,11)

1st host:

1. Sparkles with bright lights

Such a familiar, alas,

not a school hall.

And childhood parted with us -

Today is our farewell party.

Smiles, sparkle of happy eyes,

And here are the last words

Last time.

2. Unknown distances are calling ...

Hearts full of romance

Now even more expensive

Days of this memorable spring.

The cherished hour has come, friends,

And life is big for the first time

Calling us all to go forward.

So, friends, have a good trip!

1st presenter: There are different calls in the world. Now the most important thing will ring out for us ...

(Two first graders, a boy and a girl, run into the hall, the bell rings).

2nd presenter: Our last bell rang. We stand on the threshold of independent life. Let's take with us good luck, aspirations, dreams, good memories of school, friends, our northern village.

(The song "Little Country" performed by a graduate sounds. 11th grades make a lap of honor and go to the last lesson).

Graduation party script at the music school "School, my school, goodbye!"

Goleshchihina Marina Alexandrovna Bayan teacher, MBOU DOD "Taseevskaya Children's Music School"

Work description: The school years are wonderful. It seems that school years are the best years in the life of every person. How many warm memories are associated with school times: the first fives and twos, the first declarations of love, the first steps into adulthood. But, everything ends sometime. Years pass imperceptibly, and now, a farewell graduation ball. When organizing a graduation ball at a music school, you always want to make this evening special, unforgettable and original, unlike any other. The author's script, using some fragments from the Internet. The words of graduates are poems of their own composition.

Purpose: The prom script will be of interest to teachers-organizers of music schools, art schools, and parents.

Target: creating a positive emotional atmosphere for graduates.

Activate the acquired knowledge, skills and ability to apply them in practice;
Develop the ability to perform on stage in front of an audience;
Enrich the spiritual world of children through musical plays.
To develop the creative abilities of students and graduates;
To cultivate love for music as an art that has the greatest power of emotional impact on a person;
To cultivate respect for teachers, students, parents.

The hall is festively decorated, music sounds, presenters come on stage
Presenter 1: Ringing so timidly, so unsteadily
That voice of the first chord.
Lives and gains strength
Already fluttering on the keys,
She laughs, she cries,
He dances and sings.
A string stretched like a bow
So tender is her music!
Already heard in the aching sound
And the light of the soul, and pain, and torment,
Suddenly shuddered,
Tossed up proudly
Strengthened, juicy chord sound!
And shone ... And the verse ... And now -
The school year has ended.

Host 2: Hello dear children, dear parents, teachers, guests!

Presenter 1: Today in our hall it is warm from your smiles, light from your happy eyes, and joyful that another academic year has ended.

Host 2: The academic year is behind us.
A wonderful summer holiday ahead.
Everyone in our school is happy.
There will be no dictations or tests.

Presenter 1: For a whole year we have been
Walking the path of study.
We have all exhausted our strength.
It's time to rest.

Host 2: Today we will present to your attention a creative report called "Difficult working days at our favorite music school, or what we have learned in a year."

Presenter 1: And, of course, today we will honor our dear graduates.

Host 2: Allow our festive evening to be considered open.

Presenter 1: And we are the first to invite the youngest students of our school to this stage.

Musical numbers of students in grades 1-2

Host 2: Yes, our graduates once came to the music school as small children..

Presenter 1: For them, everything was interesting, unfamiliar, and so they wanted to learn how to play an instrument, sing, and become great artists.

Host 2: The years have flown by. There was everything: both joys and failures, victories in competitions, and unlearned scales and etudes, deuces and fives. Sometimes I just wanted to throw notes into the far corner, slam the piano lid and say, “That's it, I've had enough. I'm leaving the music school."

Presenter 1: But some inner voice did not allow turning off the path, sometimes difficult and thorny, filled with a sea of ​​sounds pouring from the instruments.

Host 2: And here they are, beautiful, charming graduates sitting in front of us.

Elementary students come out and introduce graduates

Student 1:
Today at school the release is small,
two graduates in total - brother and sister.
Like a thread with a needle everywhere they are together,
At the desk, at concerts they sing, play plays.

Student 2:
Sasha is our activist, clever, beautiful,
No matter what she takes on, she succeeds.
Performs on stage - defends the honor of the school,
Homework is done strictly.
Barely touches the keys - the soul, already, freezes.
Sasha plays the piano so well.
And the sonorous voice drove everyone crazy in the area,
All her friends tell her about it.
Talented, diligent, beautiful and successful.
Sasha, dear, we congratulate you.
To a loud standing ovation, we invite you to the stage.

Student 3:
We will say this about Dima - a joker and a merry fellow.
A charming boy, a hooligan and a rascal.
Very smart, and capable, only lazy at times.
Scales, pieces will be remembered in spring, summer and winter.
He will remember lessons in solfeggio, music. lit.,
Which so often came as a blank slate.
He forgot notes, a book, a pen, a pencil, a notebook,
Everyone was worried about him - and he passed the subject with a "five".
He often performed on stage, sang in a duet and alone,
Let's face it, Dima is cool, he is the only one with us.
We heartily congratulate everyone, to loud applause
welcome to the stage.

Host 2:
Each family has a head who decides everything,
Protects the family from adversity and failure.
The music school is also a family,
All friends have become relatives here.

Presenter 1:
And who is the head of the school? We all know about it
Our favorite director, we respect her.
Monitors discipline, solves all cases,
It's time to invite her to the stage.

A student runs in, frightened says
Guard, trouble, trouble.
The director disappeared without a trace.
All that is left of him ... (shows the director's notebook)
Oh, trouble, trouble.

Host 2:
Wait, don't rush
With feeling, really tell.
What did you see, how did you know
That our director is gone?

I mean, I go to school.
Graduation has begun.
Everyone in the hall, and everyone on the stage,
And the director is at the porch.
I asked her softly:
“Are you going to perform soon?”
And she answers me:
“I went out to breathe air.”

Leading together: Well, what about you?

Student: I went to class, sat down at the piano,
I remembered the play I was playing.
Something hurt my heart
My soul suddenly fell ill.
I walked through the school and looked around.
The director is missing... Oh, trouble.

(Runs away. Graduates are confused)

What to do, tell me
Where to look for a director?
Graduation certificates
She must give us

Learned a lot here
How many plays were played, gamma.
And now the time has come
To be issued urgently to us.

But how do we get out of school?
We need certificates!

Maybe one more year
Let's spend here me and you?
Let's play scales again
Let's remember Bach, Mozart.

No, no, no, dear
I want to finish school.

Music sounds, the Music Fairy enters

Music Fairy:
I am a fairy of Music, I live in this school.
And every day I meet guys
Cheerful and perky, affectionate and kind,
Everyone here speaks a special language.
Today is a holiday at school - the school year is over,
Today the school releases two children.
But only Chernomor, he is cruel and vicious,
Director kidnapped, does not want to return.
I left you a message, please read it.
All hope is on you, save the director.

Gives a message, graduates read

Your director is hidden in a safe place,
It won't be easy for you to find it.
You prove to everyone that you did not study in vain.
That you are worthy of the title of graduates!

Well, it's time to go, dear friend,
Hurry, forward, we will win.

From the captivity of the evil Chernomor
Let's release Tatyana Nikolaevna.

The graduates and the Music Fairy leave.
Presenter 1: In the meantime, our graduates are looking for Tatyana Nikolaevna, we bring to your attention the best performances of our guys.
Musical numbers:

Graduates enter
Where can we look for it
Can you really wait?
A year, another, maybe three?
Sasha, Sashenka look.

(points to the side where the first graders are sitting)

What quieted the kids
How did you feel here?

First grader 1:
Chernomor gave us a task,
Wait for you here in the forest.
Prepared tests.
I'll bring them now.
Brings notes on which assignments for graduates are written:
Graduates draw notes

First grader 2:
Let's start testing, here's the first task for you
To you native school,
Don't accidentally forget
Come on, everyone for questions,
Answer without hesitation!

1. Who is your favorite teacher?
2. Why do you love solfeggio?
3. How many seats are in the concert hall?
4. What is missing in our school?
5. What inscriptions did you make on the desks during the training?
6. What advice would you give to the director of the school when you leave?
7. Why did you need this education?
8. Did the neighbors often knock on the radiator when you played scales?
9.Did your parents have to convince you from time to time to continue attending our school?
10. How many concerts have you taken part in over the years?
11. How many directors have changed during the training?

First grader 3:
Every day from year to year
You went to school.
And now we want to know
What have you been taught?

Graduates pull notes with riddles

1. I stand on three legs,
Legs in black boots.
White teeth, pedal.
What is my name? ...

2. What does a piano look like
On a running car?
They have one detail

3. Chaliapin sang to the envy of everyone,
He had great talent
All because I studied
Art that is called...

4. Sleep and rest forgotten:
The song is written...

5. Five ropes hang,
A hundred birds are singing from them. (musical staff and notes).

First grader 4:
We ask for parents and everyone sitting in the hall,
Perform your ensemble with soul and love.

Graduates perform the ensemble, at the end of the play, the director enters the stage

Presenter 1: So you saved the director,
You are real graduates.
The word is given to the principal of the school.
Word of the director, presentation of certificates, diplomas

Host 2: And now it's time to give the floor to those who have been by your side all these years, who have led the world of beautiful art, rejoiced at creative victories with you, and were upset when something did not work out.

Presenter 1: We invite teachers of the music school to the stage.
Presentation by teachers.
Lead 2: Graduates have a response word for their favorite teachers.

I enter school so timidly
Every corner here is familiar.
How quickly time has flown by
No need to rush to class.
Everything is behind. It's time for unrest.
Exam time is over
But only a feeling of regret
We are parting forever.

I enter school so timidly.
I meet dear friends.
Favorite teachers, which is skillful
They helped us all become stronger.
Thank you our family
For your hard but honorable work.
For always being there,
We were not allowed to turn off the path.

For the fact that you are sick with a soul
For each of us, always
Taught us, sparing no effort,
We were given everything in full.

Thank you! We are indebted to you
And low bow to you for the warmth of the soul.
We so want you to be proud of us,
We will justify your hopes and dreams.

The song of graduates for teachers sounds.

Presenter 1: These concert numbers sound for our graduates and spectators.

Musical numbers:

Host 2: We invite to the stage those people who know best of all what the years of study at a music school were worth. After all, it was in front of their eyes that their children turned from little inexperienced musicians into real artists. Only they know how much effort was invested in order to go through this path to the end.

Presenter 1: Together with the graduates, their parents rejoice and grieve. Dear parents, you have the floor.

Congratulations and awards from parents
Lead 2 Graduates, you have the answer.

There is nothing more precious in the world
Walk around the earth a thousand times.
There is nothing more precious in the world
Maternal, paternal love.

Their love always warms
In the heat and cold keeps us from troubles.
Their love helps us to live,
And deal with the difficulty
When there is no more power.

The love of mom and dad is holy,
And nothing compares to it.

For us, the most precious
Nothing can replace her.

Together: Thank you for being there and walking this path with us.

Graduates sing a song dedicated to parents.

Presenter 1:
Well, graduate, freeze for a moment!
That day has come, that hour.
The school escorts you with excitement
School childhood is gone now!

Musical numbers of graduates:

We were all gathered for a farewell ball.
On such a beautiful, wonderful evening,
Our hall is warmed with smiles,
Love, friendship. Forever
Connected the music of the heart
Native school has become a home,
And we will never forget
Love, care of teachers.

Everything was here: ups and downs,
Sometimes tears in my eyes.
We went to the dream, towards the stars,
And now it's time to say goodbye.
Farewell hour. A little sad.
Everything is behind, in the hands of a diploma.
And my heart is sad, empty,
And you ask: "And then what?"

Farewell hour. And like birds
We're flying out of the nest
To return one day
Music made you friends forever.

The final song of the graduates sounds.
Presenter 1:
Your finest hour has come - Graduation ball, farewell
For the last time on this stage you
And at this moment happy and sad
We just want to say a couple of lines.

Host 2:
May a bright star shine in your life,
And music always sounds in the heart.
The school lets you out, but remember for you
The music door is always open.

Presenter 1: And let us consider our festive evening closed.
Host 2: We wish you guys, parents, a good rest in the summer, and gain new strength to conquer new heights in school life.

On May 21, the long-awaited and wonderful holiday of spring - graduation - took place at Zvezdny Children's Art School. 40 young, creative, art-enthusiastic students of the Children's School of Art received their first document on education - school graduation certificates.

For many at the Children's Art School ZATO Zvezdny, a special, exciting, trembling, joyful and a little sad day has come: for teachers who have come to the end of another academic year, for parents, because another comma can be put in the life of their children, and, of course, for graduates - the heroes of the evening. In DSHI ZATO Star Graduation!

Someone studied at school for three, four, someone for five and seven years. It seems that only yesterday they came to school - small children passionate about art, and today they are already quite adult people who have known beauty and work, discovered talent in themselves and felt the sweet taste of inspiration.

The director of the Children's Art School Zvezdny G.V. congratulated the graduates on their graduation from the school. Mokhov.

Galina Mokhova, director of the Children's Art School Zvezdny: “Dear graduates! You are great fellows! Not every child can graduate from a children's art school. Thanks to your work, you have achieved great success ... Do not forget the children's art school. Remember that you are always welcome guests here ... We wish you a bright journey. May everything in your life be smooth, may everything always work out, and be sure to always have music in your soul.

All graduates have come a long and difficult path of conquest musical instruments, the ability to express their feelings with sounds, colors, got acquainted with the treasures of musical and artistic culture. Graduates of the piano department, graduates of the synthesizer class, the department of folk instruments and the violin class, graduates of the choir department and the art department received certificates of graduation from the school. A total of 40 people, 8 of them received certificates with honors.

A creative gift - a funny scene - was presented to the graduates by the teachers of the Children's School of Art Zvezdny: T.N. Goltsova, T.V. Fedorova, O.V. Martyanova and V.V. Bimakova.

The graduates also delighted with their performances.

Gratitude was expressed by the parents of the graduates.

At the end of the holiday, the teachers sang M. Kim's song "Such a job."

Each school is proud of its success, but most of all it is proud of its graduates. The school is proud of its graduates of 2018: so different, but capable and talented. Graduates who will definitely keep in themselves the love for beauty, which the teachers of the art school have always instilled in them.


The song "Good Road" sounds, fanfare

1st presenter: A warm wind is knocking on the window,
And plays with flowers in bouquets,
The aroma floats above the earth,
Gentle sadness slightly evokes.

2nd presenter: Now the exams are all over,
Gone are your fears, worries,
What lies ahead now?
What fate command?!

1st host:
Good evening, dear graduates, teachers, parents and guests! We are glad to welcome you in our hall at the graduation party of the Children's Art School - the most long-awaited and wonderful holiday. And so another school year has ended.

2nd leader:
Why does this happen: in September it seemed that the school year would last forever, but May came - and you understand that it was some kind of moment?

1st host:
Yes, because we had no time to be bored! There were so many interesting things at school!

2nd leader:
Exhibitions, competitions, concerts, festivals!

1st host:
Laureates and diplomats! We have something to be proud of.

2nd leader:
And also interesting trips and creative meetings.

1st host:
That's why the school year flew by so quickly. Yes, the holidays that everyone dreams about are coming soon.

2nd presenter: Would live to see the holidays,
The student dreams
Throw away,
With grades diary!

1st presenter: Would live to see the holidays,
The teacher dreams
After all, what the teacher could not
Well… only God can!

2nd host (dreamy):
And then new students will come to school and ... ..
1st host:
And everything will start over. You know, in my opinion, those who wish have already come.
Pupils of the early Estonian group perform. development Tchaikovsky "Neapolitan song" and the song "Cunning kangaroo"
2nd presenter: The years filled with inspiration and a series of new discoveries quickly flew by. And today 27 alumni We sincerely congratulate the school on this honorary title! Graduates! We invite you to the stage!

Vedas. one Word to the principal of the school (congratulations and presentation of certificates)

Vesniak "Prelude" Kristina Kartechina

Leshgorn "Etude" Aida Mikhailova

Dear graduates, 1st graders came to congratulate you today.
1. You have become very big:
Uncles, aunts - that's it!
And I am glad to congratulate you now
First grader squad.

2. I wish all graduates
Start your morning with a charge.
And do not upset either dads or moms,
And health was so good!

3. I wish you not to lose gaiety,
Not discouraged in any trouble,
And then life will put you "five",
Opening a rainbow above you.

4. I want to wish you more
Creative impulses are fruitful.
With a heart to go not to the doctor,
Instead of drops - love poems for you.

5. Each of us has a dream -
Make the world even brighter
Carry through the spring years
Songs of his sonorous youth.

6. It is necessary to comprehend and understand everything,
Light to see wondrous stars,
We must strive, believe, wait,
Even if the path to a dream is not easy.

7. I don’t want to say bad things about anyone:
Everyone chooses his own path.
Some ahead, others - crawling,
And the third - burn and burn.

8. Some survive, others live,
Inaudible sparks of smoldering,
And the third ones will drive themselves to the root,
Not regretting it at all.

9. And the world holds on, and it does not fall,
Well, sometimes it gets shaky...
The law of equilibrium is a strict law:
One to the top, the other to the slope,
And the third - immortality is given!

10. Finishing our speech,
We wish you to cross the mountains,
Soar into the clouds, sail all the oceans,
Chorus: Until we meet again, happy travels!

Chorus "This is Music"

Griboyedov "Waltz" (Unkeeva Dina - Grebneva M.S.)

Burgmuller "Thunderstorm" Alexey Belousov

Stolz "Continuous Movement" (A. Ignatieva - Potapova K.S.)

Vedas. one Dear graduates! The final chord of our school symphony was the exams, in which you showed your best side.

Host 2:

Accept our congratulations,

Graduates and Graduates!

You all deserve respect

For hard work.

Let us part, but now

A great feeling binds us

Good and eternal art!

Hanok "You make noise, birches" (Kislitsyn Kirill - Nochevnaya G.P.)

Smirnova "A play in the Spanish style" (Sorokin Victor - Narmania I.V.)

Presenter 1:

Today there are words of farewell,
And everyone around you wishes you well.
Graduates, in the moments of parting
The teacher will tell you parting words.

1. Like a moment, all the years have flown by,
Now we must strive for a new goal.
And I want to tell you:
In your further let fate
Everything will be just fine:
In work, study, personal life!

2. Remember the exciting moment,
Because the lessons are in the past
Luck in life, GRADUATE,
Teachers want you!

3. We see off the school threshold
For love and good travels!
We wish you great roads
In time, in life, in space!

4. So let youth be happy,
Saturated, bright, inquisitive!
Colored with the colors of childhood
What's next to you, next door!

5. Let youth be pleasant
Cheerful, active, entertaining!
On a fine day and in bad weather
Filled with music of happiness!

6. Portraits and landscapes are familiar to you,
And not only pencils are erased!
Today with the end of art

We congratulate our children from the bottom of our hearts!

7. And as parting words, we will punish you
Pick up brushes as often as possible!
Perhaps your opening days are waiting for your creations!
And we want to wish you this!

8. They became relatives, musician!
Who are you going to leave it all to?
Steps of scales, murmur of sonatas,
Graphic drawing of hard keys
And bridges hanging legat?

9. Everything that became dear to you at school,
It will always be just as expensive:
A pure field will surprise you with expanse,
Ringing - spring water.

10. In life, children, you will definitely find
So many colors to count.
And, to great joy, you will understand:
There is a triumph of harmonies in the world!

Millau "Brazilliera" (Listratenko-Grebneva)

Glinka "Melodic Waltz" by Alexander Ignatiev

Ensemble of Folk Instruments Bakanov "Village Suffering"

Presenter 1:

If the son is first everywhere,
the stars from the sky are easily enough -
It's all parenting
the heavens are moving towards him!

Host 2:

If a daughter grows up to be the envy of others -
clever, artist, actress, -
So, it was my mother who tried -
She was both a mentor and a close friend!

Presenter 1:

Word to those who gave us the heroes of today's celebration, who patiently walked with their children all these years, passing all academic concerts, exams and screenings with them, experiencing all their ups and downs, worrying and rejoicing for each of their assessments. Host 2:

Word to you, dear parents of our graduates!

Word to parents

Tariverdiev "Tenderness" performed by Victoria Kulak

Glinka "Recognition" Alexey Belousov

Gurilev "Joy-darling" Aida Mikhailova

Alumni response

1. Today is a special day for us
Last day at my favorite school
We have studied here for many years.
And here we come to the final.

2. We are grateful to you for everything
And these are not words at all!
How good it is in this school
Fate brought us together!

3. Now the study is over,
Maybe for someone - torment,
We won't reveal the secret
We have something to say to you.

4. Thank you very much sincerely
We say to all teachers.
Be young and happy
Peace, many years, health to you!

5. Thank you, our dear ones,
For your hard but honorable work.
For always being there,
We were not allowed to turn off the path.

6. For the fact that you are sick with a soul
For each of us, always
Taught us, sparing no effort,
We were given everything in full.

7. Everything was here: falls, ups,
Sometimes tears in my eyes.
We went to the dream, towards the stars,
And now it's time to say goodbye.

8. Thank you for everything we sang,
For all that we have learned,
For the moment has come
When the hands became skillful,
And the sounds became music
And the instrument became obedient.

9. Farewell, scales and studies,
What sounded from everywhere here,
It's time for us to part with you.
You will hardly forget us
Although we have been bad.
Farewell, our masters!

10. Let another generation
Without indifference and laziness
It always breaks in here.
Among their troubles and everyday life

All: We will never forget you!
Farewell, our masters!

Mordasov "A long time ago" Trio "Sempre"

Host 2:

The years have flown by,
a lot has passed since then
Children go further in life to study,
taking with you cosmic enthusiasm!

Choir "Holidays"

Ved.1. Warmer for a person on difficult roads

In a harsh land because somewhere in the world

There is a nice school, there is a good school for him.

Ved.2. And you always come to this school,

And the memory will return you to childhood.

And know that your favorite teacher is here

Remembers you, loves and waits.

Ved.1. This concludes the solemn part of our event.