Parent meeting in the preparatory group "your child is a future first grader." Parent meeting in the preparatory group: “Farewell, kindergarten! Parent meeting in the preparatory group results of the year

Target: Creation of conditions for effective cooperation of kindergarten, family and school in the education of older children preschool age preparing them for schooling.


- active involvement of the family in the educational process, which ensures the improvement of the emotional well-being of children and the enrichment of the educational experience of parents;

- increasing the pedagogical competence of parents in preparing preschoolers for schooling.

Round table participants : kindergarten teachers, parents of children in the preparatory group.

Materials and equipment :

Laptop, screen, multimedia projector

Video of children interviewing “Do I want to go to school?”

On the multimedia screen, the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky "I am firmly convinced that the family is

that fabulous sea foam from which beauty is born, and if there are no mysterious forces that give birth to this human beauty, the function of a teacher will always be reduced to re-education.

Meeting plan:
1. Introductory part.
2. Congratulations to parents on the beginning of the school year

3. Test for parents "Are you ready to send your child to school"

4. Exercise "Box"

5. Video recording of interviews with children "Do I want to go to school?

6. Practical task for parents "To school with pleasure." 7 . Presentation by psychologist Yarochkin O.A.
8. The choice of the parent committee.
9. Results of the meeting


1.Educator:- Good evening, dear parents!I am very glad to see you in our cozy group! I am very glad that you took the time to talk about our children.

2.Educator:I would like to start with something pleasant and thank all the parents who took part in the organization and participation in competitions and in the life of the group.
Our meeting will take place in the form of a quest. What is a quest? (English "guest" - search). This is a kind of game in which the hero goes through a planned plot, trying to complete some task.

So today we are gradually moving from level to level, we will try to answer the main question: "How to help a child become a student?"

First grade is a serious test for both children and parents. Here the foundation is laid for future success throughout the school path. The preschooler becomes a schoolboy, and his parents are now the parents of the student. Today we have gathered to talk about preparing children for school.

Your child's entry into school is an exciting time for both you and your child. And now you are concerned about the questions: Is my child ready for school? How will it be

to study? How to help him if he meets the first school difficulties? How will he develop relationships in the team? I suggest you take the test:

3. Test for parents "Are you ready to send your child to school"

If you agree with the statement, put a cross after the slash, if you disagree, leave the cell empty.

Now calculate how many crosses were in each column and what is the total amount. If the overall indicator takes the value

up to 4 points - this means that you have every reason to optimistically wait for the first of September - at least you yourself are quite ready for your child's school life;

5-10 points - it is better to prepare for possible difficulties in advance;

10 points or more - it would be nice to consult a child psychologist.

And now let's pay attention to the columns in which 2 and 3 crosses were obtained.

1 - it is necessary to do more games and tasks that develop memory, attention, fine motor skills.

2 - you need to pay attention to whether your child knows how to communicate with other children.

3 - Difficulties associated with the health of the child are foreseen, but there is time to do hardening and general strengthening exercises.

4 - there are fears that the child will not find contact with the teacher, it is necessary to pay attention to story games.

5 - the child is too attached to the mother, maybe it is worth giving him to a small class or even postponing school for a year. In any case, it is useful to play school.

(Parents discuss test results)

Educator:Now we will play first grader. I ask three participants to participate if they wish.

4. Exercise "Box"

Three participants are invited (optional)

One puts his feet in the box (the right foot is in one box, the left in the other), the participants on the side put one foot in the box to the player in the center.

In this position, they are invited to cross the room.

At the end there is a discussion.

Was it comfortable to move?

Which member has the most difficulty moving around?

In which case is it easier for the player in the center to move, more confidently - when each participant moves in his own direction?

Educator: In the position of the person standing in the center, there is a child. On the one hand, there is a school with its own methods of education, requirements, tasks, expectations, and on the other, a family, parents with their own means of education, views, and expectations. The child needs to meet the expectations of the school and family, meet the requirements of both parents and teachers. The success of the upbringing and education of the child depends on the mutual understanding and cooperation of parents and teachers.

5. Educator: And now I suggest watching a video of an interview with children "Do I want to go to school?" (Parents watch the video and discuss the answers of the children.)

Educator:Many parents have a persistent misconception that a child's readiness for school is determined by the formation of reading, numeracy and writing skills.

caregiver: Preparing for school is a multifaceted process. Psychologists distinguish different types school readiness. I would like to give the floor to the psychologist.

6. Speech by the psychologist Yarochkin O.A.

Practical task for parents "To school with pleasure":

The screen lists the factors of successful preparation and adaptation of the child to school, select three of them, in your opinion, the main ones, number them in order of importance and justify your choice.

Factors of successful preparation and adaptation of the child to school.

1. Physical health.

2. Developed intellect.

3. Ability to communicate with peers and adults.

4. Endurance and performance.

6. Accuracy and discipline.

7. Good memory and attention.

8. Initiative, will and ability to act independently.

(Parents complete the task and discuss it)

caregiver: Well, now the last task:

Now we are going to do an interesting exercise.

The main condition: do not look at anyone and listen to my instructions. There is a piece of paper on the table in front of you. All sheets are of the same shape, size, quality, color. Listen carefully and do the following:

1. Fold the sheet in half.

2. Tear off the top right corner.

3. Fold the sheet in half again.

4. Tear off the upper right corner again.

5. Fold the sheet in half.

6. Tear off the upper right corner

Continue this procedure for as long as possible. Now unfold your beautiful snowflake. Now I ask you to find among the rest of the snowflakes exactly the same as yours. Snowflakes should be exactly the same.

Found? Participants answer that they did not find it.

caregiver: And why? What do you think?

The options come in a variety of ways and gradually, as they come in, the audience comes to the conclusion: there are no identical people, so the snowflakes turned out to be different, although the instructions for all were exactly the same.

This conclusion is the beginning of a conversation about the fact that children are all different. Their abilities, opportunities and personal qualities are different. But all of them are similar in one thing - in the desire to study well. And in our hands is the opportunity to help them, not to discourage them from this desire.

8. Election of a new composition of the parent committee.

Dear parents, to help organize all our joint activities, we need to choose a parent group committee. (5 people)

The choice of the parent committee takes place by counting votes and announcing the results. There is a discussion of the personal composition of the parent committee of the group. The parent committee of the group is approved by direct voting.

Understanding, good relations, mutual assistance and mutual respect are very important in any team. The conditions for harmonious relations between children and parents, children and teachers, teachers and parents is the ability to yield to each other, mutual tolerance.

9. Summing up, I would like to know your opinion about today's meeting.

Purpose: to create conditions for the inclusion of parents of future first-graders in the process of preparing a child for school.
· Summarize the results of the outgoing academic year.
· Involve parents in the process of defining the concept of “child readiness for school”.
· Arm practical advice and advice on how to prepare your child for school.
Dear Parents! We are very glad to see you. Let's start our meeting. Everyone got acquainted with the name of the topic - "Family on the doorstep of the school." Soon our children will go to school. And each of you would like his child to be as well prepared as possible for this event. The arrival of a child in first grade is always a turning point in his life. The place of the child in the system of social relations is changing.
What does it mean for a child to be ready for school? Let's all together today try to understand what it is and how ready our children are for school.
To begin with, we suggest that you move a little and play the game that the guys and I play in mathematics, “Merry Company”. The rules are as follows: all players move around the hall in any direction (loose), at the signal of the leader, they need to gather in a group with a certain number of people. For example, the facilitator says: "Get together in threes", everyone should stand in groups of 3 people. Is the assignment clear? Then we start.
(At the end of the game, there should be 3 groups of players).
Look, we got three groups, three companies. These will be three teams for our further business game. Take your seats, please, with your teams. Each company has its own icon of a certain color. We have a red team, a yellow team, and a green team.
So, let's talk about the readiness of the child for school. It consists of several components. That's what psychologists tell us.
1. Consider one of them - this is personal readiness. It is expressed in the child's attitude to school, to learning activities, to teachers, to himself. Usually children want to go to school. It is useful for parents to know what attracts their child to school.
In psychology, there is such a concept - motivation - means an impulse to act, a process that controls human behavior, you can also call it the reason why a person acts this way and not otherwise.
Similarly, the future student has motives for which he wants to go to school. You have several cards in front of you. They show some motives. We suggest that you choose those that you think are correct, that is, the child has developed a positive motivation for going to school. One minute is given to complete the task. When the team completes the task, you need to raise your badge, which means that you are ready.
“I want to study to be like dad”, “I love to write”, “I will learn to read”, “I have a little brother, I will also read to him”, “I will solve problems at school”. “They will buy me a beautiful uniform”, “I will have a brand new satchel and a pencil case”, “Sasha studies at school, he is my friend…”, “I will know a lot, I will become smart”
So let's see what you have chosen.
And now we know the correct answer. Ready for schooling is a child whom the school attracts not by its external side (uniform, portfolio, textbooks, notebooks), but by the opportunity to acquire new knowledge, which means the development of cognitive interests.
We in our group also conducted a study to identify school motivation in our children. It turned out that only the respondents want to go to school … people, or … \%. School motivation has ... man, it is ... \%.
It is important that the school attracts the child with its main activity - teaching. Being a schoolboy for a child is a step up, to adulthood, and studying at school is perceived by him as a responsible matter. He has a circle of rights and obligations.
If a child is not ready for the social position of a student, it is difficult for him at school. Even worse, if the children do not want to go to school, they are especially alarming. “No, I don’t want to go to school, they put deuces there, they will scold at home”, “I want, but I’m afraid!”, “I don’t want to go to school - there the program is difficult and there will be no time to play.” The reason for such an attitude towards school, as a rule, is the result of mistakes in upbringing, intimidation of children by school, which is very dangerous, harmful, especially in relation to timid, insecure children (“You don’t know how to connect two words, how will you go to school? ”, “Here you go to school, they will show you there!”).
It is much more reasonable to immediately form a correct idea about the school, a positive attitude towards it, towards the teacher, and the book. In the presence of children, in no case should one criticize the school, teachers, or a difficult program. In general, it is important for children to cultivate a positive attitude towards life, an optimistic attitude towards everything, including schooling. (Do not complain in their presence about life, about fate. Let them grow up happy!)

2. And we move on to the next aspect - emotional-volitional readiness.

3. There is another component of the child's readiness for school - intellectual readiness. What is intelligence?

And again before you cards. They indicate the knowledge, skills and abilities that a future student should or may have. Consider them, pick them up and line up in order of the importance of the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for a future first grader. The most important are ahead, etc.
1. Ability to analyze
2. The ability to compose a story from a picture
4. Ability to read
1. Ability to establish causal relationships
2. Ability to draw conclusions

3.Big vocabulary

1. Ability to generalize

2. Ability to solve arithmetic problems

3. Development of fine hand movements

The intellectual component of readiness assumes that the child has an outlook, a stock of specific knowledge, but the most important are the ability to compare, analyze, generalize, draw independent conclusions, sufficiently developed cognitive processes: perception, attention, thinking, memory, imagination and speech.

Among other things, the child needs the ability to establish relationships with peers, with a teacher, the ability to communicate in a children's society, to act together with others, the ability to yield and defend themselves.

The physical development of children also has an impact on schooling. Therefore, physical activity, walks are always necessary for the child.

The child is going to school, this is a very serious and responsible moment, and one cannot do without your parental support and help. Love your children, give them due attention, communicate with them more, hug, talk, listen, answer questions, support them in everything, let them understand that you are their best friends.

We offer you booklets with tips for parents on how to prepare your child for school.

Goals : formation of an active pedagogical position of parents; arming parents with psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills on this issue; involvement of parents in the education of their children.

Implementation plan

  • Greeting "Roll Call".
  • Introductory speech of the psychologist (relevance of the problem).
  • Disclosure by a psychologist of the components of readiness for school.
  • Games with parents: "Forbidden movement", "Mirror"
  • Portrait of a child not ready for school
  • Self-diagnosis of children's drawings "How do I see myself as a student?"
  • Problem solving
  • "Open Letter to Parents".
  • Summing up the meeting. Decision-making.

Meeting progress:

Hello dear parents! We are pleased to see you, and we thank you for taking the opportunity to come to our event. Our today's meeting is devoted to discussing the problem of the transition of children from kindergarten to school. We, parents, are interested in the school success of our child, therefore, as soon as possible, we begin to prepare him for entering school. What needs to be done so that the child goes to school prepared and studies well, while receiving only positive emotions - the goal of today's conversation. But first let's greet each other.

Greeting parents "Roll call".

The teacher-psychologist, using information about the children, asks the parents: “Do we have the boy’s parents, .... Parents listen to the story about the child and guess who it is.

Exercise "Exam for parents."

Parents are invited to compare how the life of a preschooler will differ from the life of a first grader. To do this, they need to answer a series of questions, the answers to which are written on the "tickets".

Sample questions:

  • What classes are held in kindergarten? What subjects will my child study in 1st grade?
  • How many classes per day are held in kindergarten? How many lessons per day will there be in 1st grade?
  • The duration of the lesson in preparatory group in kindergarten? How long is the lesson at school?
  • How many teachers teach a child in kindergarten? How many teachers will teach a child in 1st grade?
  • intellectual readiness;
  • motivational readiness;
  • emotional and volitional readiness;
  • communication readiness.

Intellectual readiness involves the development of attention, memory, formed mental operations of analysis, synthesis, generalization, the establishment of patterns, spatial thinking, the ability to establish connections between phenomena and events, to make simple conclusions based on analogy. For example, carrots - a garden, mushrooms - ... a forest

By the age of 6-7 years, the child should know:

  • his address and the name of the city in which he lives;
  • the name of the country and its capital;
  • names and patronymics of their parents, information about their places of work;
  • seasons, their sequence and main features;
  • names of months, days of the week;
  • main types of trees and flowers.

He should be able to distinguish between domestic and wild animals, to understand that the grandmother is the mother of the father or mother.

Motivational readiness...

In other words, it must be oriented in time, space, and implies that the child has a desire to take on a new social role - the role of a schoolchild.

To this end, parents need to explain to their child that learning is work, children go to school to gain knowledge that is necessary for every person.

Only positive information about the school should be given to the child. Children should not be intimidated by the school, the upcoming difficulties, strict discipline, and the exactingness of the teacher. “When you go to school, they will take care of you, no one will feel sorry for you there. Remember that your grades are easily borrowed by children. The child should see that the parents calmly and confidently look at his forthcoming admission to school, at home they understand him, believe in his strength.

The reason for the reluctance to go to school may be that the child “has not played enough”. But at the age of 6–7 years, mental development is very plastic, and children who “have not played enough” will soon begin to enjoy the learning process when they come to class.

You do not have to develop a love for school before the start of the school year, because it is impossible to love something that you have not yet encountered. It is enough to make it clear to the child that learning is the duty of every person, and the attitude of many of the people around the child depends on how successful he is in learning.

Volitional readiness suggests that the child has:

  • ability to set goals
  • make a decision to start a business
  • draw up a plan of action
  • accomplish it with some effort
  • evaluate the results of your work
  • as well as the ability to perform a not very attractive job for a long time.

The development of volitional readiness for school is facilitated by visual activity and design, as they encourage long time focus on building or painting.

For the development of the will, board games are good, where it is necessary to follow the rules of the game, and mobile ones. For example, the game "Mirror", "Forbidden number", "Yes and no".

Do not scold the child for the mistake, but understand its cause.

The structure of the brain responsible for the arbitrariness of behavior is formed by the age of 7, so your requirements should be adequate to his age.

Do not distort the child's faith in himself as a future student, neither with fear, nor with the "pink" water of relieved expectations.

Treat the child like yourself, we value ourselves by what we can and are able to do, since it is impossible to know everything.

Communicative readiness.

It manifests itself in the child's ability to subordinate his behavior to the laws of children's groups and the norms of behavior established in the classroom.

It involves the ability to join the children's community, to act together with other children, if necessary, to yield or defend one's innocence, to obey or lead.

In order to develop communicative competence, you should maintain a friendly relationship with your son or daughter with others. A personal example of tolerance in relationships with friends, relatives, neighbors also plays a big role in shaping this type of readiness for school.

"Portrait" of a first grader who is not ready for school:

  • excessive playfulness;
  • lack of independence;
  • impulsiveness, uncontrolled behavior, hyperactivity;
  • inability to communicate with peers;
  • difficulty in contacts with unfamiliar adults (persistent unwillingness to contact) or, conversely, a lack of understanding of one's status;
  • inability to concentrate on the task, difficulty in perceiving verbal or other instructions;
  • low level of knowledge about the surrounding world, inability to generalize, classify, highlight similarities, differences;
  • poor development of finely coordinated hand movements, visual-motor coordination (inability to perform various graphic tasks, manipulate small objects);
  • insufficient development of arbitrary memory;
  • delay speech development(it could be mispronunciation, and poor vocabulary, and inability to express one's thoughts, etc.).

How can you help your child get ready for school?

It is especially important to prepare for school if:

  • pregnancy and childbirth proceeded with complications;
  • the child suffered a birth injury or was born prematurely;
  • the child suffers from gastrointestinal diseases, enuresis, is prone to frequent colds, there is a sleep disturbance;
  • the child hardly finds contact with peers, is emotionally unstable;
  • you notice motor retardation or hyperactivity.

What to pay attention to...

1. Choosing a school.
If a child was often sick in childhood, if it is difficult for him to keep his attention on one thing for a long time, if you see that he is not mentally ready to become a first grader, consult a psychologist about which class to choose for training, the load in the first year of study should be feasible for a child.

2. Independence.
The child must be able to take care of himself, undress and dress himself. It is very important to teach your child about hygiene.

Teach your child to clean up workplace take care of things.

In order for the child to be able to adapt faster at school, he must be quite independent. Try to patronize him less, give him the opportunity to make independent decisions and be responsible for them.

Entrust him with some household chores, he has learned to do his job without the help of adults. Older preschoolers can set the table, wash dishes, clean their clothes and shoes, look after younger children, feed fish, birds, a kitten, water flowers. Parents should not do what the children forgot or did not want to do. Practice shows that if children before entering school had duties at home that were feasible for them, they could more easily cope with educational activities.

So, our common task is to create conditions for successful preparation for the education of children in school. In order to understand what kind of help a child needs, it is important to know what difficulties he faces, what problems he has. Perhaps your children will reveal some of their little secrets to you in the letters they wrote for you, dear parents. And maybe it is this letter that will help you understand your child, delve into his difficulties and rejoice at his achievements.

"Open Letter to Parents".

Each parent receives an "open letter" from their child.

The letter begins like this:

  • What I love most about school is...
  • I don't like it if in class...
  • When I do my homework, my parents...
  • I really want my parents...
  • I think in 1st grade...

ATconclusion. Perhaps, after reading the letters of your children, you could take a different look at their difficulties, feel their problems. Actually, we already talked about them today. But the most important thing is that the child feels the support of parents and understanding.

Children's hostel rules

  • Don't take someone else's, but don't give all of yours either.
  • They asked - give, they try to take away - try to defend yourself
  • Don't fight without resentment
  • Don't be offended by nothing
  • Don't stick to anyone
  • Call to play go, do not call - ask. It's not shameful.
  • Don't tease, don't beg, don't beg for anything. Don't ask anyone twice for anything
  • Don't cry over grades. Be proud. Don't argue with your teacher about grades. And do not be offended by the teacher's grades. Do your homework, and what marks will be, such will be.
  • Don't sneak behind your comrades' backs
  • Do not be dirty, children do not like dirty, do not be clean, children do not like clean.
  • Say more often: let's be friends, let's play, let's hang out, let's go home together
  • And don't show up. You are not the best, you are not the worst, you are my favorite
  • Go to school and let it be your joy, and I will wait and think of you
  • Cross the road carefully, do not rush.

Answers on questions

What benefits are best for preparing for school?

Answer: we advise you to choose author's manuals, decorated with drawings, with large print, clearly stated tasks for the development of memory, attention, puzzles, fun tasks. Give the child a certain time to complete the task, teach him to control time with the help of an hourglass.

How much time should be spent preparing for school at home?

Answer: no more than 20-30 minutes. If you see that the child is tired, there is no mood to study further, switch the activity to play, let the child do it on his own.

If the child categorically refuses to study at home?

Answer: give the child a small amount of classes, no more than 5 minutes. Conduct all classes in game form. Answer questions in block letters

If the child constantly requires new tasks and is ready to study for a long time.

Answer: if the child does not feel tired, does not get upset that something does not work out. Perceives study as an attractive task - strict boundaries for classes should not be set.

Verbal (verbal) communication formulas that a child can master by the end of preschool age

Greetings. hello good afternoon good morning, good evening, good to see you or you, hello

Parting. Goodbye, good night, see you tomorrow, bon voyage, good night.

Apology. Excuse me, please; I'm sorry; I'm sorry.

Appeal. Tell me please; please, could you; won't bother you.

Acquaintance. Let's get acquainted, my name is .. get acquainted, this is ...

Adults, remember!

By imitating adults, children easily learn the rules of politeness.

The article is posted in the author's edition.

Tatyana Afanasyeva
The final parent meeting in the preparatory school group "On the doorstep of the school"

Subject: "On the school doorstep


involvement parents in the preparation process future first graders school.


Summing up results of the group's work for the year;

Rewarding parents for active participation in life groups and kindergarten;

Acquaintance parents with the criteria for children's readiness for school context GEF.

Agenda parent meeting

1. Greeting, viewing the presentation "From life groups» (teacher Afanaseva TI.).

2. Training for the graduation party (member parent council Kuznetsova IS)

3. Ready preschooler to school in the context of GEF(teacher Afanaseva TI.).

4. Our achievements, rewarding families for success in education (both teachers participate).

5. How to overcome the fear of school(tutor Dvoryak SM.).

6. Conducting safety briefings for children in the summer (teacher Dvoryak SM)

7. Look into the future.” (teacher Afanaseva TI.).

8. Tea drinking.


1. Greeting educators.

The school year is ending. Our children have grown up, learned a lot, learned a lot, our friendly family has grown stronger.

I want the breakup to be pleasant and memorable. Let's take a look back at this school year.

in our group(viewing a photo presentation from the life groups) .

2. To cover the second issue, the floor was given to a member of the Council parents of Kuznetsova IS that illuminated

main problematic issues that needed to be resolved collectively.

3. Afanasyeva spoke with the third question TI: "Many parents concerns about the transition of children from kindergarten to school. Parents are interested in school success of your child, so they start preparing him as early as possible

for admission to school. What needs to be done for the child to go to school prepared and studied well,

while receiving only positive emotions?

"Federal State educational standard preschool education", in short - GEF, entered into force

from January 1, 2014 Why did scientists suddenly take up the development of a standard preschool education? Because for the first time

in the history of our culture preschool childhood has become a special self-valuable level of education. Now preschool

age itself is valuable. The essence of the change concerns the model educational process. From it, it is completely necessary to eradicate the training model. children preschool age should not be taught, but developed. Development is at the forefront. It is necessary to develop through activities accessible to their age - games. The changes also concern the position of the adult. The adult interacts. adult interacts with children: sets goals together, acts together to achieve these goals and

together evaluates the product that turned out at the output. The task of the kindergarten is not to teach to read and write by the moment

receipts in school, but to develop the desire of the child to learn new things. The educator is not a teacher, all knowledge is a child

acquires by playing. Of course, the game is the leading activity in the garden, but not the only one. There is also experimentation, observation, conversations, looking at illustrations, modeling, appliqué, musical and labor activity and much more.

Psychological preparing children for school:

Intellectual readiness;

Motivational readiness;

Emotional-volitional readiness;

Communication readiness.

Intellectual readiness involves the development of attention, memory, formed mental operations of analysis, synthesis, generalization, the establishment of patterns, spatial thinking, the ability to establish connections between phenomena and events, to make simple conclusions based on analogy.

Motivational readiness. In other words, the child must navigate in time, space and

implies that he has a desire to take on a new social role - the role schoolboy.

To this end parents it is necessary to explain to your child that study is work, children go to study to obtain knowledge that is necessary for every person. Only positive information should be given to the child school.

Volitional readiness implies that the child has abilities:

Set a goal

Make a decision to start a business

Draw up a plan of action

Fulfill it with some effort

Evaluate the results of your activities

As well as the ability to perform a not very attractive job for a long time.

Communicative readiness is manifested in the child's ability to subordinate his behavior to the laws of children's groups and norms of behavior set in the class. It involves the ability to join the children's community, to act together with other children, if necessary, to yield or defend one's innocence, to obey or lead.

In order to develop communicative competence, you should maintain a friendly relationship with your son or daughter with others. A personal example of tolerance in relationships with friends, relatives, neighbors plays a big role.

role in the formation of this type of readiness for school.

Here is a portrait preschooler ready to be trained in school according to GEF:

Physically developed, having mastered the basic cultural and hygienic skills. The child has physical

quality and need for physical activity. Follows the basic rules of healthy lifestyle.

Curious. Interested in the new and the unknown. Asks questions to an adult, likes to experiment. Able to act independently in various types of children's activities.

Emotionally responsive. Empathizes with the characters of fairy tales, stories, stories. Emotionally reacts to works of fine art, music and works of art, natural world.

Mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers. The child uses verbal

and non-verbal means of communication, owns dialogic speech and constructive ways of interacting with children and adults.

Able to manage their behavior and plan their actions aimed at achieving a specific goal. The behavior of the child is mainly determined not by momentary desires and needs, but by the requirements of adults and the primary value ideas about "What is good and what is bad". The child is able to plan his actions aimed at achieving a specific goal.

Able to solve intellectual and personal problems (problems appropriate for age). The child can apply independently acquired knowledge and methods of activity to solve new problems set both by adults and by himself. The child is able to offer his own idea and translate it into a drawing, building, story.

Thus, the graduate's portrait reflects the qualities of the child's personality and the degree of their formation, and not knowledge.

skills and abilities as before.

But the most important thing - and this is spelled out in the law on education, which is the first and main thing in the upbringing and educational

process for children are you, parents, and we, educators, can provide assistance in education, and are always happy

when you contact us.

4. Both educator: “We were close, we were together.

We watched children grow up, helped each other, cooperated and made friends, learned from each other, celebrated holidays,

participated in competitions, rejoiced at the achievements of children and experienced failures together.

Every child in our group special Everyone has their own talents and abilities. Get to know the gallery "Our achievements" ("Our Portfolio", celebrate merit in sports, art, music, dance, etc. It is imperative to mark each child.)

The educator rewards parents thank you letters and certificates. It is important that every family receive an award

5. The next question was revealed by Dvoryak SM, who noted that the serious attitude of the family towards preparation of the child for school should be based, first of all, on the desire to form in the child a desire to learn a lot and learn a lot,

education in children of independence, interest in school, self-confidence, lack of fear to express their thoughts and ask questions, be active in communicating with teachers: “Very soon, the first bell will ring, and your children will go to first grade. You are excited and worried, because this day is getting closer and closer. How will the relationship of the child in the new team? How will the teacher meet him? What changes will occur in the usual routine of your family's life? All these

questions worry parents. There is no escape from solving these problems, but you will solve them as they become available. And you have great things ahead of you. sunny summer. Time for rest, health promotion, hardening, travel, interesting events.

Spend it last "free" summer with pleasure!

Form in the child more positive expectations from meeting with school, a positive attitude is the key to successful adaptation of the child to school. Use favorable natural factors - the sun, air and water - to strengthen the body of the future schoolboy. Summer lasts three months. Many parents think that they will have time to catch up during this time - to teach the child to read, count, etc. Do not repeat these mistakes. In summer, the child must rest. And it is much more interesting to consolidate the skills acquired in kindergarten using the example of the surrounding nature.

6. Look into the future.

When observing children, we noticed their tendency to a certain occupation, and we decided to find out what your children will become in the future.

(the teacher puts on the astrologer's hat, takes the scroll in his hands)

I am a great stargazer

I know fate ahead.

I will tell you now

The future that awaits you.

(Unrolls the scroll.)

David has become very important!

It even has its own supermarket.

Here fruits, toys and everything you want!

Don't believe? Take a look here yourself.

Emilia in Paris at a dance competition

Smitten with grace all foreigners!

Roman became the best architect.

His skyscrapers are reaching for the sky.

A sports complex and even a maternity hospital

He built it in a short time.

Very clever and beautiful

Will cut you all to wonder.

Super stylist Evelina!

Our Dasha became a famous artist,

Her masterpieces are already kept in the Hermitage!

Oh look our Kindergarten,

Julia takes the kids out for a walk.

She became the best teacher

The children love and listen to her.

Our Timothy, just think

Became a major figure, he is busy at a construction site!

Tall, slender as a spruce,

Our Dasha is a supermodel!

The Bolshoi Theater is coming to us on tour,

And prima Alena - in the title role!

Very brave, just a hero,

Dima joins the fight with fire!

He is the best firefighter, everyone knows about it!

And the President gives him an order!

Works at the bank Dima Dervoed,

Loans and deposits - under strict control.

He became the manager of a whole bank,

He sends his salary home on a tank!

An airplane flies into the distance

Dima Sofonov is driving.

Serezha Ilyin is an example at work.

He is a very talented engineer

Evening, the TV is on, and Eva

The news will tell us everything from the screen.

Very graceful, beautiful, elegant.

She became a popular speaker.

Max became a prominent scientist

Nobel Prize for one

Awarded for achievements in science

There are no smarter people on Earth.

AT school our Verusha is working,

She became the best teacher!

Became a predator tamer Ilya:

Tigers and lions are like mice,

Walking in circles, rolling dogs,

They listen to Ilyusha and do not growl.

Katya became a great sportswoman.

Made our country famous all over the world.

Gold and silver victories

Gives her the sports committee!

Time flies so imperceptibly

Will become big people your kids.

But all as one, when the years pass,

Bring your kids here.

Don't forget dear parents that childhood is an amazing time in the life of every person - it does not end with admission to school. Spend enough time for games, improve children's health, spend more time together. After all, right now your child needs your attention, love and care most of all.

accompanying you to school we don't talk to you: "Farewell!". We talking: "Goodbye, see you soon!" Perhaps in the near future we will be able to to tell: "Welcome!" when you bring your younger children to us. In the meantime, time does not stand still, we invite you to the first prom in your life!

(Parents receive beautifully designed graduation invitations.)

Solutions parent meeting:

Observe safety rules in the summer;

At home, create conditions for the study and rest of the child, observe the daily routine.

Prepare to school based on recommendations from teachers.

Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution No. 163 "Child Development Center - Kindergarten"
The final parent meeting in the group preparatory to school: "Goodbye, kindergarten!"
Conducted by: Dolgikh N.N.
Kemerovo, 2015
Preliminary work:
Decorate the group with photos of children different years, children's drawings.
Prepare thank-you notes and certificates for parents.
Target. Help parents understand the difficulties that their child experiences during the period of adaptation to schooling, analyze their attitude to this problem and find ways to resolve it.
Assembly progress.
Introduction to the topic of the meeting
Good evening dear parents! This eventful year is coming to an end - soon your children will finish the preparatory group and go to school. Today we want to talk with you about how to help our children adapt at school, find their place in it, without losing the baggage that they received in kindergarten.
Discussion of the issue of adaptation problems.
The first year of schooling is an extremely difficult, critical period in a child's life. His place in the system of social relations is changing, his whole way of life is changing, his psycho-emotional load is increasing. Carefree games are being replaced by daily training sessions. They require from the child intense mental work, increased attention, concentrated work in the classroom and a relatively immobile position of the body, maintaining the correct working posture. It is known that this so-called static load is very difficult for a child of six or seven years. Lessons at school, as well as the passion of many first-graders for television programs, sometimes music lessons, foreign language lead to the fact that the motor activity of the child becomes half as much as it was before entering school. The need for movement remains great.
A child who comes to school for the first time will be met by a new team of children and adults. He needs to establish contacts with peers and teachers, learn to fulfill the requirements of school discipline, new responsibilities associated with academic work. Experience shows that not all children are ready for this. Some first graders, even with high level intellectual development, can hardly endure the burden to which schooling obliges. Psychologists point out that for many first-graders, and especially six-year-olds, social adaptation is difficult, since a personality capable of obeying has not yet been formed. school regime, learn school norms of behavior, recognize school responsibilities. The child must survive all this, that is, adapt.
Adaptation is the adaptation of a child to a new system of social conditions, requirements, a new mode of life. During the period of adaptation of the child to school, the most significant changes occur in his behavior. Adaptation is a rather long and difficult process. And not only the first grader experiences difficulties, but also the parent and the teacher. And if we understand them, if we learn to feel each other, we will facilitate this process for everyone, especially for our children.
The essence of the adaptation process
Adaptation is the restructuring of the body to work in changing conditions. Adaptation to school has two sides: psychological and physiological. The body must get used to working in a new mode - this is physiological adaptation. There are several stages in the physiological adaptation to school. - The first 2-3 weeks are called "physiological storm" or "acute adaptation". This is the hardest time for a child. During this period, the child's body responds to all new influences with a significant strain on almost all of its systems, as a result, in September, many first-graders get sick.
- The next stage of adaptation is an unstable adaptation. The child's body finds acceptable, close to optimal options for reactions to new conditions. - After that, a period of relatively stable adaptation begins. The body responds to loads with less stress. Adaptation in general lasts from two to six months, depending on the individual characteristics of the first grader. How difficult is it for a child's body to adjust to school life? Very hard. Some children lose weight by the end of the first quarter, according to some studies, not even some, but 60% of children! Many have a drop in blood pressure (which is a sign of fatigue), and some have a significant increase (a sign of real overwork). Many first graders have headaches, fatigue, poor sleep, loss of appetite, doctors note the appearance of heart murmurs, neuropsychiatric disorders and other ailments. What does adaptation depend on? Of course, from the readiness of children for school. (Those who want to know the results of the diagnostics can come up individually after the meeting)
6. Solving pedagogical situations
But the success of adaptation depends not only on the child. A lot in this process determines the behavior of parents. Now each group will be offered pedagogical situation, discuss it and choose the correct type of parental behavior in this situation
Situation 1. In the morning rush, the child forgot to put a textbook, diary or plasticine in his briefcase. You say:
a) Will I really live to see the day when you yourself remember what you need to take to school.
b) What a waste! You would forget your head at home if it didn't sit on your shoulders!
c) Here is your textbook (diary, plasticine)
Situation 2. The child came from school. You ask:
a) What did you get today?
b) What was interesting at school today?
c) What did you learn today?
Situation 3. Your child is difficult to put to sleep. You:
a) Explain to him the importance of sleep for his health.
b) Let him do what he wants (when he lies down, then it's okay)
c) Always put to bed at the same time, even if with tears.
With kids. Our achievements.
You guys have become more mature, learned a lot, learned a lot, our friendly family has grown stronger. I want the breakup to be pleasant and memorable. We have worked hard this year. But there is an even more responsible time ahead - the first class. We have been close all these years. Watching you grow, help each other, cooperate and make friends, learn from each other, celebrate holidays, participate in competitions, rejoice in your achievements and learn to rejoice in the achievements of other children and experience failures together. Dear parents! We remember your children as very young and rejoice with you when we look at them, so grown up. Each child in our group is special, each has their own talents and abilities. Rewarding children. Presentation of folders with creative works. Speech by the educator
Do not forget, dear parents, that childhood is an amazing time in the life of every person - it does not end with entering school. Spend enough time for games, improve children's health, spend more time together. After all, right now your child needs your attention, love and care most of all.
When we walk you to school, we do not tell you: “Goodbye!”. We say: "Goodbye, see you soon!" Perhaps in the near future we will be able to say “Welcome!” to some of you when you bring your younger children to us. In the meantime, time does not stand still, we invite you to the first prom in your life!
Song "Giants"

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