The oceans are the cradle of life since. The world ocean is the cradle of life outline of a lesson in physics (grade 7) on the topic

Ancient Greece at the dawn of its formation knew seven wise men .. And the most famous of them was Thales from Miletus (VI century BC). He was the first of the sages of antiquity to make an attempt to comprehend the fundamental principle of all things. “The most remarkable thing is water!” Thales exclaimed. “Only it can be found simultaneously in three states: solid, liquid and gaseous. Water is the fundamental principle of all things. Things are born from water at the very beginning and turn into it upon final destruction, and the fundamental principle stays the same, only its states change.

Thales of Miletus was not far from the truth, becoming two and a half millennia ago, according to F. Engels, one of the first representatives of "spontaneous materialism." Life originated in the water. The oceans are the cradle of life. Without water, the existence of organic matter is unthinkable. Our blood is 90% water, our muscles are 75%; even the most "dry" in us - the bones, and they contain 28% water. In general, our body in adulthood consists of 65% water.

Every year we pass through ourselves an amount of water equal to more than five times the weight of our body, and during a lifetime each of us absorbs about 25 tons of water. To deprive a person of water means to deprive a person of life.

The value of water for a person becomes especially clear when he is deprived of it. Without food, a person can exist for 40 days, and without water, he dies on the eighth day. When a living organism loses 10% of water, self-poisoning occurs, and at 21% - death. Without air, life is possible. There are bacteria that do without oxygen (the so-called anaerobes). But without water, no form of life is known yet. To deprive nature of water means to turn it into a dead cold stone.



The boundless number of published hypotheses of the origin and evolution of life on Earth was replenished with a new hypothesis that is radically different from all previous ones, presented by the famous geochemist A.A. Drozdovskaya. Back in the late eighties of the last century, she published her version of the cause of the first global manifestation of unicellular organisms in the history of the Earth in sedimentary rocks overlying the Early Proterozoic jaspilite formation of the Kryvyi Rih type (RPKT), whose age is estimated by the interval of isotopic dates of 2.4-2.2 billion years. The version was based on the one created by A.A. Drozdov computer physico-chemical model of the genesis of the DPCT, according to which this formation is a chemogenic-sedimentary product of marine redox-barrier sedimentogenesis, formed during the transition of the outer shells of the Earth from reducing development conditions to oxidizing ones. Taking the upper age of this formation as a starting point, A.A. Drozdovskaya then suggested that the global formation of unicellular organisms at the turn of geological time 2.2 billion years ago was provoked by the thermodynamically stable oxygen that first appeared in the atmosphere and the World Ocean at that time.

And now, almost twenty years later, A.A. Drozdovskaya presented in her new book a very thoroughly substantiated hypothesis of the history of terrestrial life, called geoenergetic. A.A. Drozdovskaya argues that the formation of life on Earth and all the spasmodic rearrangements of the species composition of organisms in the biosphere that took place at the perestroika frontiers of biological evolution were carried out under the influence of explosive geodynamic cataclysms that periodically arose in the time-varying energy interactions of the Earth with the Cosmos. She believes that such cataclysms generated tectonic faults in the earth's crust, through which powerful flows of geogenic energies escaped from the depths to the surface, and they somehow transformed the material world of the earth's exosphere.

The first global geoenergetic formation of primary forms of living matter in the history of the Earth A.A. Drozdovskaya links it with the most powerful explosive geodynamic cataclysm in the history of the Earth, which arose, according to the hypothesis, at the turn of 2.4 billion years ago. She believes that such a cataclysm caused a kind of "split" earth's crust and the formation of many faults, in which the sediments of the jaspilite formation began to be deposited. And all subsequent rearrangements of the species composition of the biosphere, which periodically occurred in the subsequent time of biological evolution, A.A. Drozdovskaya links it with explosive geodynamic cataclysms of lesser power, which, in her opinion, carried out a geoenergetic complication of the organization of living matter.

* A.A. Drozdovskaya. Life: origin and evolution in the energy interactions of the Earth with the Cosmos. - Kyiv: Symbol-T, 2009. - 334 p.

Confidence of substantiations of the hypothesis A.A. Drozdovskaya is based on the complex nature of her research, which she carried out, as it is now customary to say, "at the junction" of several sciences, using the methods of both traditional geological and physical and chemical sciences, and two new sciences - geoecology and eniology. The decisive role in the formation of the hypothesis was played by the use of the latest computer technologies, which made it possible to drastically expand the range of geographic parameters taken into account in the study. chemical evolution, which were supposed to thermodynamically limit the course of development of the chemical evolution of the World Ocean and the atmosphere as in all time geological history, and during the time of formation of the DFT in the interval of boundaries 2.4-2.2 billion years ago.

At the same time, it must be admitted that a very significant role in the formation of the hypothesis was played by geoecological and eniological technologies for studying the influence of the processes of energy exchange between the Earth and Space on ecology. In the book of A.A. Drozdovskaya is given almost a third of its volume to describe them.

It is clear that this part of the book will not be accepted by all its readers, since many geoecological, and, in particular, eniological, in particular dowsing, research methods have not yet been officially classified as scientific methods. However, the widespread use of these methods in geological practice makes us regard the results obtained with their help as very promising.

The book describes in detail many created by A.A. Drozdovskaya original dowsing technologies that allow determining changes in the energy states of biosphere organisms under the influence of radiation from physical fields environment. Special attention the reader should be attracted by the created A.A. Drozdovskaya's three-dipole model of a biofield, which reveals boundless possibilities in determining the specifics of the impact of physical fields of the environment on a person. Of undoubted interest will also be the author's ideas described in the book about the future fate of mankind in the impact of the energy exchange of the Earth with the Cosmos and the role of religious beliefs in shaping the worldview about the nature and mechanisms of such impacts on the organisms of the biosphere.

In conclusion, it should be said that the established A.A. Drozdovskaya, the genetic connection between the history of the global formation of the primary forms of living terrestrial matter and the beginning of the formation of the DFT in marine sedimentogenesis undeniably indicates that the World Ocean was the cradle of terrestrial life.

On the whole, the work done by A.A. Drozdovskaya's work seems to be the birth of a new scientific direction in complex studies of geological problems.

E.A. Kulish, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences

Lesson type: lesson - travel.

The purpose of the lesson: to generalize and systematize knowledge from the field of biology of physics, to establish interdisciplinary connections; show the connection between theory and practice; show the importance of the World Ocean and the main problems associated with its study and development.



Lesson topic : The world ocean is the cradle of life.

Lesson type : lesson - travel.

The purpose of the lesson: to generalize and systematize knowledge from the field of biology of physics, to establish interdisciplinary connections; show the connection between theory and practice; show the importance of the World Ocean and the main problems associated with its study and development.

Equipment e: presentation "World Ocean", tables, map, video.


  1. Statement of the educational problem.

Greetings to all those present on board the Krym cruise liner: dear friends, today we will make an unforgettable journey across the World Ocean, we will descend into its depths on a bathyscaphe and get to know its inhabitants. Today we will be accompanied by experts who will provide us with the necessary assistance when we need it.

  1. Generalization and systematization of knowledge.

The first word is given to an expert geographer, who introduces the basic data on the World Ocean: surface area, average depth, salinity, mineral deposits, biosphere.

A video film is shown, which shows the inhabitants of the underwater kingdom, deep-sea vehicles - bathyscaphe, bathysphere, scuba divers studying the underwater world.

During the demonstration of the video, we make pauses, during which short messages from students are heard and what they see is discussed. From the physical point of view, the following questions are proposed.

● Why is special equipment needed to explore underwater depths?

● How does the oxygen that fish need to breathe get into the water?

● Why do fish need a swim bladder?

● How is the diving depth of fish regulated with it?

● Why are the stems of underwater plants soft and flexible?

● How to measure the depth of water under a ship?

● Why are fish, sharks, dolphins streamlined?

● Why is oil pollution of water dangerous?

Expert biologists characterize the animals that students see on the screen.

◄ Expert - biologist.

More than 160 thousand species of animals and about 10 thousand species of algae live in the world's oceans. Algae play a significant role in providing oxygen to the inhabitants of the waters; a person consumes them for food, uses them as fertilizers, and iodine, alcohol, and acetic acid are obtained from them. 85 million tons of fish are caught annually in the World Ocean. This is not only 1% of world food production, but also 15% of animal proteins consumed by mankind. The ocean shelf contains the greatest reserves of oil and gas, iron-magnesium ores and other minerals.


Sharks - from a number of lamellar-gill fish. Body length from 0.2 m (black shark) to 20 m (giant shark). About 250 species are known. Widespread mainly in tropical seas. Object of fishing (meat is eaten, fish oil is obtained from the liver, glue is obtained from the skeleton) Large sharks (Whale, blue) are dangerous to humans.


An electric ray can generate a voltage of 650 V. An interesting recipe for electrotherapy with an electric ray was described by an ancient Roman physician in the 1st century AD: “Headache disappears if a live black ray is placed on a painful point and held until the pain disappears.” The ancient Greeks believed that electric stingrays could "bewitch" the victim, and called them "narke" - i.e. one that causes numbness, hence the name "drug".


The span of manta fins reaches 8 m. Weight is about 3 tons. He has small horns on his head, with which he drives small fish into his mouth. For these "horns" they were nicknamed "sea devils"

◄ Geneticist

The moray eel has a snake-like body 3 m long. There are sharp teeth on the jaws, which were previously mistakenly considered poisoned. Skin without scales. Moray eels usually hide in the crevices of underwater reefs and rocks, waiting for their prey - fish, crabs, cuttlefish. The moray eel itself does not attack a person, only if it is disturbed. The meat of some species of moray eel causes severe poisoning if it is eaten.

◄ Biophysicist

The specific gravity of cartilaginous fish is greater than the specific gravity of water, so they must constantly move their tail so as not to fall to the bottom. In addition, underwater currents help them move in the water.


Every year 5-10 million tons of oil enters the World Ocean. To understand how much this is, we can give the following example: 1 liter of spilled oil blocks the access of oxygen to 40 thousand liters of sea water. We know that the density of oil is less than the density of water, so it spreads over the surface of the water and creates a thin film on its surface. According to American scientists, 1/3 of the ocean is covered with oil. Not only that, without access to oxygen, fish that breathe it can die, but this is a real misfortune for waterfowl. How do you figure out why?


The oil slick does not let the sun's rays through, as a result of which plankton, the basis of food for marine life, ceases to multiply. Liquid and solid household waste (feces, synthetic films and containers, plastic nets) enter the seas and oceans. These materials are lighter than water, and therefore float on the surface for a long time. In fish that have survived in such conditions, mollusks and crustaceans have a reduced growth rate. Often the species composition of organisms also changes.

  1. Summing up the lesson

The teacher sums up the lesson, once again focuses on environmental issues of the oceans associated with human life. Thank you all for your hard work.


Life in the oceans originated over a thousand million years ago, but what mysterious forces forced living organisms to develop and multiply remains a mystery to this day.

Four main theories try to explain the origin of life on earth. The first asserts that the universe exists forever, and living cells have always existed in it. As soon as a red-hot star cools down to a temperature at which the existence of life is possible, it is populated tiny living particles "cosmozoans", which are carried by cosmic rays from other celestial bodies. This simple and peculiar hypothesis corresponds to the theory of the continuity of matter, which has recently appeared in the scientific world. The hypothesis is constructed so artificially that it can neither be refuted nor confirmed.

The second hypothesis is based on a mystical beginning, considering the origin of life on earth as a result of supernatural interventions. The hypothesis is primitive, but all the religions of the world are based on it, and even today many people endowed with great intelligence tend to this point of view. To accept this hypothesis means to throw humanity into the abyss of ignorance and superstition and completely deny the greatness of modern science.

The third hypothesis is that life started by accident as a result of interaction
chemical elements, which was facilitated by favorable conditions. When a sufficient variety of chemical elements accumulated, the number of their chaotic compounds increased significantly, one of which gave rise to living cells. Mathematics proves that if you continuously throw twenty dice, then after numerous attempts, twenty sixes or twenty ones can fall out at once. It can also be shown mathematically that chemical elements, continuously interacting with each other under conditions of a certain temperature and pressure, can form a living cell. Many supporters of this hypothesis believe that changes in nature occur by chance, just as the evolution of matter itself is random.

The fourth hypothesis states what Live nature appeared as a result of an inevitable and natural process: amphibians developed from vertebrates and invertebrates that lived in ancient seas, reptiles - from amphibians, mammals - from reptiles. There was no gap between animate and inanimate nature in a single evolution. One of the main stages of evolution - the development of a living being from an inanimate one - took place on the border between land and the primary ocean.

In nature, there are amazing organisms - filter viruses, which are located on the border between living and non-living matter. Some of these viruses, taken in isolation, are tiny solid bodies, but as soon as these viruses combine with living tissue, they immediately “come to life”. An example would be tobacco mosaic virus. In isolation, this virus is an inanimate substance, unable to reproduce, but introduced into the tobacco leaf tissue, it multiplies rapidly and infects the plant.

All modern hypotheses are recognized as sea ​​water leading role in the origin and development of life. The ocean not only gave birth to life, but continues to support it with its life-giving moisture. The fluid contained in the body of all living organisms, from the simplest invertebrate to man, is close in composition to sea ​​water, and very little differs from it in the composition of salts, and in some animals (for example, in a dog) it completely coincides. This may serve as the main evidence that life arose in the ocean, which is the progenitor of all life.

But the ocean not only gave rise to life, it continues to support it in all biological forms. All terrestrial animals carefully store their moisture, protecting themselves with waterproof skin, and plants with their roots suck life-giving moisture from the earth. In extreme conditions, one of the main dangers to humans is often dehydration. The maximum survival without water at normal temperatures is no more than 14 days, at high temperatures in tropical latitudes this period is much less. In the absence of food, the survival limit reaches 60-70 days. Marine animals do not have to struggle to retain moisture while they are in their native element, but thrown ashore by the tide or storm, they become helpless and quickly die. Hence the famous saying: "Like a fish thrown out of the water".

Life in the ocean has its own characteristics: water salinity, illumination, high pressure, low oxygen content and low temperatures at great depths. Marine organisms are able to live in high salt concentrations, but salinity has a marked effect on species distribution. In relatively shallow places where the sun's rays penetrate in sufficient quantities, the fish are better illuminated from the back than from the sides, and therefore shallow water fish have an appropriate protective color - the dark color of the back gradually turns into a light color of the belly. The deeper the sun's rays penetrate into the water column, the weaker they become, darkness reigns at great depths, and deep sea animals acquired luminous organs, allowing them to navigate in the dark.

With increasing depth, the pressure increases and when diving to 1000 meters it reaches 100 atmospheres. Under such pressure, a piece of a wooden block or cork is halved in volume, and at a depth of 5000 meters, the phenomenon of “explosions” is observed, under the influence of which glass products enclosed in thick-walled metal boxes break into pieces. Deep-sea animals feel comfortable at any depth, since the pressure of the liquid of internal tissues is equal to the pressure of water, but if it is outside the deep environment, it will immediately be thrown to the surface and torn to pieces - the animal will die, "crashed when falling up".

The ocean contains a strictly limited amount of oxygen, which is only enough for the chemical processes that ensure the growth of marine animals and their movement in search of food. The physical activity of any animal depends on the amount of oxygen, and since its concentration in the ocean environment is low, the pace of life in the oceans is slower than on land. Most of all oxygen is in the surface layer of the seas, which in the process of photosynthesis saturates microscopic plankton with oxygen. Marine life does not suffer from a lack of oxygen, since they spend much less energy on their movement, overcoming the forces of gravity. The density of the bodies of marine animals and plants is very close to the density of ocean water, so the environment supports them - they can easily float up, sink to a depth, or just stop in thought, watching the world around them. This is how a good swimmer feels in the water.

At great depths reigns not only eternal darkness, but also eternal cold. Swimming in tropical latitudes under the streams of sunlight warming the upper layers of the ocean, it is difficult to imagine that below, at a depth of 600 meters, the temperature is only 4 ° above the freezing point. In the high southern latitudes, the influence of eternal ice, and the bottom water temperature in Antarctica drops to 0.5°C. Thus, the deep animals live in an almost unchanged world, where eternal night reigns and eternal winter reigns.

The ocean is one of the great natural regions of the Earth, providing conditions for a variety of life forms.