Teaching preschool children speech development. Seminar "Sections of work on the development of speech of preschoolers

Ekaterina Mikhailovna Pashkina

Chief Physician of the Central Clinical Hospital of Omsk

Reading time: 4 minutes


Article last updated: 05/16/2019

Children begin to learn this world from the moment they are born. They study everything that surrounds them, develop physically and mentally at a rapid pace. By the age of 3, most children are already fluent. After 3 years, active social integration begins, in which speech plays a crucial role. Therefore, it is so important to develop coherent speech in children. preschool age.

Stages of speech development of preschoolers

Speech is not an innate, but an acquired skill. That is why it is necessary to engage in its development from an early age. Parents should know the norms and features of the development of speech of preschool children in order to notice deviations in time, consult a doctor and solve problems at an early stage of their appearance. To do this, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the main stages of the development of colloquial speech:

Stage 1. Preparatory (from birth to 12 months). The first months of life, the newborn only screams and cries. He does not understand words, only intonation. At about 3 months, the baby begins to make other sounds - babbling. It does not carry a semantic load, but requires mandatory encouragement, as it stimulates the speech apparatus.

After 5 months, the child tries to remember and repeat the sounds heard from adults. At about 8 months, he begins to understand that they are talking to him.

Stage 2. Pre-preschool (from 1 to 3 years). After 12 months, most already say a few words (from 5 to 10). Up to 3 years vocabulary actively growing, but the kids still understand more words than they can pronounce.

Stage 3. Preschool (from 3 to 7 years). During this period, colloquial speech is actively developing. Children become inquisitive. They ask adults a lot of questions, each of which must be answered so as not to discourage the child from the desire for self-development. Children who are 3 years old can characterize various objects and even build short stories. Their speech is fuzzy, many sounds are pronounced incorrectly: usually it is [Ш], [Ш], [Ч], [Ж], which are replaced by [С] and [З]. The sound [R] is especially difficult. It is either replaced by the sound [L], or skipped altogether. Even at the age of 5, not everyone obeys this sound.

By the age of 5, children can speak in a way that is understandable not only to parents, but to everyone else. They already know how to pronounce phrases, compose stories from pictures, and answer questions in detail.

By the age of 6, most children pronounce all sounds correctly. With babies who distort some sounds, it is imperative to conduct correction classes. Otherwise mispronunciation it will be difficult to take root and retrain the child.

The main reasons that have a negative impact on the development of speech in preschool age:

  1. Unfavorable home environment. A tense atmosphere in the family, daily quarrels and screams of parents.
  2. Incorrect speech of others, with errors.
  3. Inattentive attitude of parents to the speech of the child. Perhaps they simply do not pay attention to the fact that their child pronounces some sounds incorrectly.
  4. Defects of the speech apparatus (for example, a short frenulum of the tongue).

Many preschoolers have disturbances in the emotional-sensory sphere, which has negative influence on speech development in preschool age. Usually the reason for this lies in the relationship with the parents. This happens if mom and dad allocate little time to communicate with the baby, do not engage in its development or are engaged, but only in narrow areas. Parents are able to bring beauty and goodness into the life of a child, motivating him for creative impulses, creating conditions for a constant desire to explore the environment.

It should be noted that screen media (watching TV, playing computer games), which occupy most of the leisure time, slow down the formation of coherent speech and communication skills.

In order to stimulate the speech development of preschoolers, classes with them should be carried out not only in the nursery preschool with a caregiver, but also at home with their parents. Moms and dads should often communicate with their children in everyday life, stimulating the development of oral monologue and dialogic speech, and demonstrate personal examples of intonational expressiveness.

The development of the child's monologue speech

Monologue speech is the speech of one person. A child with well-developed monologue speech is able to freely express his thoughts in an expanded form, convey them to the listener, and evaluate the events that have occurred. The development of monologue speech stimulates logical thinking. An important point is the presence of motivation, that is, the desire to tell something to someone.

Monologue speech has several functions:

  • Informational. With the help of a monologue, specific information is conveyed. This function is the most basic for children 3-7 years old.
  • Emotionally appraisal.
  • Influenced. A monologue is able to convince or even convince of something, to stimulate action.

The development of monologue speech is aimed at teaching the child the ability to clearly, clearly and consistently voice their thoughts. This is necessary not only for preparing for school, but also for the development of the child as a full-fledged personality.

For the development of monologue speech, it is necessary to constantly enrich the child's vocabulary, to arouse the need to express one's thoughts, and to help formulate the meaning of one's words grammatically correctly.

Development of dialogic speech

To establish communication with other people, dialogic speech is used - a form of linguistic communication, consisting of the exchange of statements. Through dialogue, contact is established and social relations develop.

Dialogic speech is more difficult than monologue. The child needs to be able to listen to the interlocutor, understand the idea that they want to convey to him, think over his remarks, formulate them correctly.

For the development of dialogic speech, two methods are used:

  1. Conversation is the most accessible form of communication. It is necessary to talk with children constantly and on any topic: what they see, what they read about, what they learned, etc.
  2. Conversation. During the conversation, questions are asked, answers are given, riddles are guessed, logical problems are solved. The child learns to intuitively feel when a question needs to be answered in monosyllables, and when - deployed.

One of the types of conversation is secular conversation, which involves a dialogue on a free topic (bright impressions, funny cases heard stories). At the same time, an adult person communicates with a child as an equal interlocutor.

The best way to improve dialogic speech is a theatrical performance. Everyone tries on someone else's role, moves away from his egocentric point of view.

Development of intonational expressiveness of speech

At the age of 5, most children already have intonation expressiveness due to regular communication with adults. But some children continue to read poems monotonously and inexpressively, voice their role at festive performances, theatrical performances. Often they do not understand what an important role is assigned to intonation in conveying the meaning of what was said and reflecting their feelings.

The development of intonation expressiveness occurs in 2 stages:

  1. Formation of the ability to perceive intonation.
  2. Learning how to use it in your own monologues.

The most obvious way to demonstrate to preschool children the importance of intonation is to read the same text, first monotonously, and then with expression.

The development of intonational expressiveness includes learning:

  1. The pace of speech(slowly, moderately, quickly). Various phrases are used for this. At first they speak slowly, and then the speed increases.

The game "Carousel": the kids stand in a circle, hold hands and slowly dance . The teacher says: “The carousel slowly spun, and now it’s faster!” Children speed up, and after a few laps, they slow down. The gradual slowdown and stop is accompanied by the words: “Hush, do not rush! Stop the carousel! One, two, and the game is over! At the next game, the children pronounce the words together with the adult and, simultaneously with the pace of the round dance, change the speed of the spoken phrases.

  1. Timbre of speech(high and low). For such classes of intonational expressiveness, reading the fairy tale "Teremok" is suitable. In it, the mouse speaks in a high voice, and the bear, on the contrary, in a low voice.
  2. The rhythm of speech. In the classes of intonational expressiveness, voice phrases are accompanied by movements and gestures. Have the children stamp their feet and clap their hands to the rhythm of the words. When learning, you can use the famous children's song "Tra-ta-ta, we are taking a cat with us" and other similar rhythmic pieces of music.
  3. The power of the voice. All children are divided into two groups and stand opposite each other. One group loudly pronounces combinations of vowels "ay", "ow", "ai", "io" and others. The second - repeats after them, but much quieter. Then the groups change roles: the second one speaks loudly, and the first one quietly.
  4. Melodike- voice change in interrogative, exclamatory and affirmative sentences. The lessons explain that the human voice can rise and fall (rise and fall). Up and down arrows are clearly drawn on the cards. The teacher calmly narrates (“There was a fluffy Christmas tree in the forest”), exclaims (“How beautifully the ice glistens in the sun in winter!”) And asks (“Where is Marya Petrovna?”).

Thus, the development of coherent speech of preschoolers is an important process that should be given maximum attention. It includes the development of monologue, dialogic speech and intonational expressiveness. Children need to be properly motivated to learn, interested in this process, choosing the most entertaining game tasks and exercises.

Modern research shows that many traditional methods are not working effectively enough.

More and more scientists working in the field of pedagogy and psychology are proposing to use new non-traditional methods of working with children who have difficulties in. Among domestic researchers working in this field, one can single out Chistyakova M.I., Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D. and others.

These researchers argue in favor of the introduction of new non-traditional methods in the work of speech correction, in combination with effective traditional ones.

Modern innovative methods, which have already proven themselves well, are fairy tale therapy, psycho-gymnastics and relaxation. Work on these methods allows you to overcome various speech and psychophysical disorders of preschool age, conducting individual and group classes.

Any classes should be based on an integrated approach that combines the use of a variety of methods and techniques. As a rule, it is the combination of several standard techniques with non-traditional ones that gives the most striking result.

Let's consider some of the most effective non-traditional methods that allow you to adjust and.

Visual modeling method

This method has shown its effectiveness in the work on the correction of speech in children of preschool age. Thanks to this technique, the child begins to imagine visually such abstract phenomena as text, words and sounds. This makes it easier to understand the process of working with these language elements.

essence visual modeling consists in demonstrating the properties of the phenomenon under study, creating a prototype of the object under study and working with this prototype.
Let's take a couple of illustrative examples. Suppose a speech therapist is working to correct violations of the syllabic structure with preschool children.

To do this, he can use the game "Pyramid". The essence of the game is that preschoolers lay out pictures in the desired rings of the pyramid. For example, the bottom ring should contain single-syllable words, the middle ring should contain two-syllable words, and the top ring should contain three-syllable words.

For the teacher, he can arrange several pictures in a certain order and ask the children to compose a sequential story, and build the plot of this story in the same order as the displayed pictures.

The teacher actively helps the children in this work and makes sure that the story really has a coherent plot.

Developmental speech therapy massage

Massage is usually associated in people with a deep healing effect on the human body. But it is interesting that massage has a direct effect on the functioning of the brain. It tones the central nervous system and strengthens the nerve connections of the brain with muscles and blood vessels.

Auglin F.R. developed such massage techniques that have a positive effect on memory, human thinking, the analytical abilities of the brain, and the development of speech. An experiment was carried out. For eight months, preschool children came for a special massage procedure.

Already at the end of the third week of the experiment, increased brain activity was noticed in the vast majority of the participants in the experiment. This was manifested in the way they study at school and what they are interested in. The experiment revealed that a regular massage complex, developed by a scientist, can increase the mental abilities of a child by as much as 75 percent!

Massage pass in 6 stages. Each step must be repeated 10 times. It's easy and only takes 10 minutes.

At the same time, over time, the child can learn to do such a massage on his own.

  1. Pull the earlobes down. Then pull the tops of the ears up. Then pull the middle of the ears forward, back and to the sides.
  2. Draw circles on the cheeks with two fingers of each hand at the same time with both hands.
  3. With two fingers in different directions, draw outlines around the forehead and chin.
  4. With two fingers, draw an outline around the eyes at the same time around each eye.
  5. With index fingers, press in turn on the four points of the nose (on the bridge of the nose, in the middle, at the edge, at the He-lyao point).
  6. With the mouth open, move the jaw left and right.

In order to enhance the effect of this massage, you can also add articular massage and hand massage.

Pencil massage

Scientists have long noticed that the work of the brain is actively influenced by the movement of human hands.

The experiments carried out showed that even the simplest exercise with the hands, expressed in clenching and unclenching the fists, contributes to a faster one. The good old massage with the use of nursery rhymes about the white-sided magpie received a scientific explanation.

Children of all ages love to draw. You can offer the child each time before starting to draw, to do self-massage of hands with a pencil.

Thanks to the edges on the pencil, the child can massage his wrist, palms, fingers, areas between the fingers, the back of the palms. This is not only, but also has a positive effect on the development of speech.

Game techniques in automating sounds

Traditional audio automation classes tend to be very boring and tedious. Children usually do not like them, which adversely affects the success of the technique itself. However, if you include an element of the game in these classes, then everything becomes much more interesting.

Here are just some of the tricks that can help.

  • a speech therapist, using a metronome, sets a certain rhythm in which the child must pronounce the given syllable sequences or words.
  • the child pronounces the necessary words or sounds until the sand in the hourglass runs out.
  • the child pronounces the given words, and if he makes a mistake in pronouncing any sound, he hears a bell signal.

Paradoxical gymnastics

Strelnikova A.N. has developed non-traditional, but very effective methods of doing gymnastics for a specific childhood. Thanks to a set of exercises, an increase in the volume of inhaled air is achieved. For example, when making movements that compress the chest, you need to inhale.

Gymnastics is subject to rhythm. Each exercise must be performed eight times, after which a break is made for 5 seconds and a transition is made to the next paragraph.

As a result, the lesson lasts about 7 minutes.

  1. You need to clench your fists hard enough and at the same time take an intense breath. Then exhale for a long time, unclenching and relaxing the hands.
  2. During a quick, intense breath, the fists are pushed to the floor with the nose, as if something unpleasant is being thrown from the hands. The fists open and the fingers spread out.
  3. Leaning over, round your back and take an intense breath at the lowest bend point. Bending your back to make a smooth exhalation.
  4. While crouching, take an intense breath and spread your arms to the side, as if you want to catch someone.
  5. Taking an intense breath, wrap your arms around your shoulders.
  6. Bend over and place your hands on your knees. At the same time, take a strong breath. Then lean back, leaning slightly in the opposite direction, wrap your arms around your shoulders and take another breath. Exhalation takes place between these phases.
  7. Turning your head to the right, then to the left, take intense breaths in extreme positions. In the intervals between them, a slow exhalation.
  8. Tilt your head to the left and right shoulder, take intense breaths in extreme positions and in between them make a smooth exhalation.
  9. Look down and take a deep breath. Tilt your head back - again an intense breath.
  10. Put your right foot forward and transfer all the weight of the body to it. Squat on this leg and at this moment take a deep breath. Then straighten up, exhaling. Do the same with the left leg
  11. Raise the right leg, as if marching, slightly bend the left leg and take a deep breath. Exhalation is performed during the return to the starting position. Repeat the same for the left leg.

The main task of educators kindergarten is the development of active in pupils of a certain age.

It is important that children not only understand well the speech of the surrounding adults, but also know how to clearly express their thoughts, pronouncing the sounds correctly.

In the methodology, it is customary to allocate the following means speech development children:

communication between adults and children;

Cultural language environment, teacher's speech;

Teaching native speech and language in the classroom;

· fiction;

different types of art (fine arts, music, theatre).

Let us briefly consider the role of each tool.

The most important means of speech development is communication. Communication is the interaction of two (or more) people, aimed at coordinating and combining their efforts in order to establish relations and achieve a common result (M. I. Lisina). Communication is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon of human life, acting simultaneously as: the process of interaction between people; information process (exchange of information, activity, its results, experience); a means and condition for the transfer and assimilation of social experience; the attitude of people towards each other; the process of mutual influence of people on each other; empathy and mutual understanding of people (B. F. Parygin, V. N. Panferov, B. F. Bodalev, A. A. Leontiev, etc.).

In domestic psychology, communication is considered as a side of some other activity and as an independent communicative activity. The works of Russian psychologists convincingly show the role of communication with adults in the overall mental development and development of the child's verbal function.

Speech, being a means of communication, occurs at a certain stage in the development of communication. The formation of speech activity is a complex process of interaction between a child and other people, carried out with the help of material and linguistic means. Speech does not arise from the very nature of the child, but is formed in the process of his existence in the social environment. Its emergence and development are caused by the needs of communication, the needs of the child's life. The contradictions that arise in communication lead to the emergence and development of the child's language ability, to the mastery of new means of communication, forms of speech. This is due to the cooperation of the child with an adult, which is built taking into account the age characteristics and capabilities of the baby.

Distinguishing an adult from environment, attempts to "cooperate" with him begin very early in the child. The German psychologist, an authoritative researcher of children's speech, W. Stern, wrote back in the last century that “the beginning of speech is usually considered the moment when the child first pronounces sounds associated with the awareness of their meaning and the intention of the message. But this moment has a preliminary history, which in essence begins from the first day. This hypothesis has been supported by research and parenting experience. It turns out that a child distinguishes a human voice immediately after birth. It separates the speech of an adult from the ticking of a clock and other sounds and reacts with movements in unison with it. This interest and attention to the adult is the initial component of the prehistory of communication.

An analysis of children's behavior shows that the presence of an adult stimulates the use of speech; they begin to speak only in a situation of communication and only at the request of an adult. Therefore, in the methodology it is recommended to talk with children as much and as often as possible.

In preschool childhood, several forms of communication between children and adults consistently arise and are replaced: situational-personal (directly emotional), situational-business (subject-effective), extra-situational-cognitive and extra-situational-personal (M. I. Lisina).

First, directly-emotional communication, and then business cooperation determine the appearance of the child's need for communication. Arising in communication, speech first appears as an activity shared between an adult and a child. Later, as a result of the mental development of the child, it becomes a form of his behavior. The development of speech is associated with the qualitative side of communication.

In studies conducted under the guidance of M. I. Lisina, it was found that the nature of communication determines the content and level of speech development of children.

The features of children's speech are related to the form of communication they have achieved. The transition to more complex forms of communication is associated with: a) an increase in the proportion of out-of-situation statements; b) with an increase in general speech activity; c) with an increase in the share of social statements. In a study by A. E. Reinstein, it was revealed that with a situational-business form of communication, 16.4% of all communicative acts are carried out using non-speech means, and with an extra-situational-cognitive form - only 3.8%. With the transition to non-situational forms of communication, the vocabulary of speech, its grammatical structure are enriched, and the “attachment” of speech to a specific situation decreases. The speech of children of different ages, but who are at the same level of communication, is approximately the same in complexity, grammatical structure, and length of sentences. This indicates a connection between the development of speech and the development of communicative activity. It is important to conclude that for the development of speech it is not enough to offer the child a variety of speech material - it is necessary to set him new communication tasks that require new means of communication. It is necessary that interaction with others enrich the content of the child's need for communication (See Communication and speech development of speech in children in communication with adults / Edited by M I Lisina - M., 1985)

Therefore, the organization of meaningful, productive communication between the teacher and children is of paramount importance.

Speech communication at preschool age is carried out in different types of activities: in the game, work, household, educational activities and acts as one of the sides of each type. Therefore, it is very important to be able to use any activity for the development of speech. First of all, the development of speech occurs in the context of leading activity. With regard to young children, the leading activity is the subject activity. Therefore, the focus of teachers should be the organization of communication with children in the process of working with objects.

At preschool age, play is of great importance in the speech development of children. Its character determines speech functions, content and means of communication. For speech development, all types of game activities are used.

In creative role play, communicative in nature, there is a differentiation of functions and forms of speech. Dialogic speech is improved in it, there is a need for coherent monologue speech. The role-playing game contributes to the formation and development of the regulatory and planning functions of speech. New needs for communication and leading gaming activities inevitably lead to intensive mastery of the language, its vocabulary and grammatical structure, as a result of which speech becomes more coherent (D. B. Elkonin).

But not every game has a positive effect on children's speech. First of all, it should be a meaningful game. However, the role-playing game, although it activates speech, does not always contribute to mastering the meaning of the word and improving the grammatical form of speech. And in cases of relearning, it reinforces incorrect word usage, creates conditions for a return to old irregular forms. This happens because the game reflects life situations familiar to children, in which incorrect speech stereotypes were formed earlier. The behavior of children in the game, the analysis of their statements allow us to draw important methodological conclusions: children's speech improves only under the influence of an adult; in those cases where “relearning” is underway, one must first develop a solid habit of using the correct designation and only then create conditions for including the word in the children’s independent play.

The teacher's participation in children's games, discussion of the idea and course of the game, drawing their attention to the word, a sample of concise and accurate speech, conversations about past and future games have a positive effect on children's speech.

Outdoor games have an impact on the enrichment of the vocabulary, education sound culture. Dramatization games contribute to the development of speech activity, taste and interest in the artistic word, expressiveness of speech, artistic and speech activity.

Didactic and board-printed games are used to solve all the problems of speech development. They consolidate and refine the dictionary, the skills of quickly choosing the most appropriate word, changing and forming words, exercise in making coherent statements, and develop explanatory speech.

Communication in everyday life helps children learn the everyday vocabulary necessary for their life, develops dialogic speech, and educates the culture of speech behavior.

Communication in the process of labor (household, in nature, manual) helps to enrich the content of children's ideas and speech, replenishes the dictionary with the names of tools and objects of labor, labor actions, qualities, and results of labor.

Communication with peers has a great influence on the speech of children, especially starting from the age of 4–5. In communicating with peers, children use speech skills more actively. A greater variety of communicative tasks that arise in children's business contacts creates a need for more diverse speech means. In joint activities, children talk about their plan of action, offer and ask for help, involve each other in interaction, and then coordinate it.

Useful communication of children different ages. Combining with older children puts kids in favorable conditions for the perception of speech and its activation: they actively imitate actions and speech, learn new words, master role-playing speech in games, the simplest types of stories from pictures, about toys. The participation of older children in games with younger ones, telling fairy tales to kids, showing dramatization, telling from their experience, inventing stories, playing scenes with the help of toys contribute to the development of content, coherence, expressiveness of their speech, creative speech abilities. It should, however, be emphasized that the positive influence of such an association of children of different ages on the development of speech is achieved only under the guidance of an adult. As the observations of L. A. Penevskaya showed, if you let it go by itself, the elders sometimes become too active, suppress the kids, begin to speak hastily, carelessly, imitate their imperfect speech.

Thus, communication is the leading means of speech development. Its content and forms determine the content and level of children's speech.

However, an analysis of practice shows that not all educators are able to organize and use communication in the interests of the development of children's speech. The authoritarian style of communication is widespread, in which the instructions and orders of the teacher predominate. Such communication is formal, devoid of personal meaning. More than 50% of the teacher's statements do not cause a response from children, there are not enough situations that contribute to the development of explanatory speech, proof speech, and reasoning. Mastering the culture, the democratic style of communication, the ability to provide the so-called subject-subject communication, in which the interlocutors interact as equal partners, is the professional duty of the kindergarten teacher.

The means of speech development in a broad sense is the cultural language environment. Imitation of adult speech is one of the mechanisms for mastering the native language. The internal mechanisms of speech are formed in a child only under the influence of the systematically organized speech of adults (N. I. Zhinkin). It should be borne in mind that, imitating others, children adopt not only all the subtleties of pronunciation, word usage, construction of phrases, but also those imperfections and errors that occur in their speech. Therefore, high demands are made on the speech of the teacher: richness and at the same time accuracy, logic; compliance with the age of children; lexical, phonetic, grammatical, orthoepic correctness; imagery; expressiveness, emotional saturation, richness of intonations, slowness, sufficient volume; knowledge and observance of the rules of speech etiquette; correspondence of the words of the educator to his deeds.

In the process of verbal communication with children, the teacher also uses non-verbal means (gestures, facial expressions, pantomime movements). They perform important functions: they help to emotionally explain and remember the meaning of words. An appropriate accurate gesture helps to assimilate the meanings of words (round, large.) Associated with specific visual representations. Facial expressions and phonation help clarify the meaning of words (cheerful, sad, angry, affectionate.) Associated with emotional perception; contribute to the deepening of emotional experiences, memorization of material (audible and visible); help bring the learning environment in the classroom closer to the environment of natural communication; are models of behavior for children; perform, along with linguistic means, an important social, educational role (IN Gorelov).

One of the main means of speech development is training. This is a purposeful, systematic and systematic process in which, under the guidance of an educator, children master a certain range of speech skills and abilities. The role of teaching in mastering a child's native language was emphasized by K. D. Ushinsky, E. I. Tikheeva, A. P. Usova, E. A. Flerina and others. E. I. Tikheeva, the first of the followers of K. D. Ushinsky, used the term “teaching the native language” in relation to preschool children. She believed that "systematic learning and methodological development speech and language should underlie the entire system of education in kindergarten.

From the very beginning of the formation of the methodology, teaching the native language is widely considered: as a pedagogical impact on the speech of children in Everyday life and in the classroom (E. I. Tikheeva, E. A. Flerina, later O. I. Solovieva, A. P. Usova, L. A. Penevskaya, M. M. Konina). As for everyday life, here we have in mind the assistance to the speech development of the child in the joint activities of the educator with the children and in their independent activities.

The most important form of organizing the teaching of speech and language in the methodology is considered to be special classes in which they set and purposefully solve certain tasks of the speech development of children.

The need for this form of training is determined by a number of circumstances.

Without special training sessions, it is impossible to ensure the speech development of children at the proper level. Learning in the classroom allows you to complete the tasks of all sections of the program. There is not a single section of the program where there is no need to organize the entire group. The teacher purposefully selects the material in which children have difficulty mastering, develops those skills and abilities that are difficult to form in other activities. A. P. Usova believed that the learning process introduces into the speech development of children such qualities that develop poorly under normal conditions. First of all, these are phonetic and lexico-grammatical generalizations, which form the core of a child’s language abilities and play a paramount role in language acquisition, sound and word pronunciation, the construction of coherent statements, etc. Not all children spontaneously, without the purposeful guidance of an adult, develop language generalizations, and this leads to a lag in their speech development. Some children master only elementary forms of colloquial speech, find it difficult to answer questions, and do not know how to tell. On the contrary, in the process of learning they acquire the ability to ask questions, to tell. “Everything that previously belonged to the qualities of a “creative” personality, was attributed to special giftedness, becomes the property of all children during training” (A.P. Usova). Classes help to overcome spontaneity, solve the problems of speech development systematically, in a certain system and sequence.

Classes help to realize the possibilities of speech development in preschool childhood, the most favorable period for mastering the language.

In the classroom, the child's attention is purposefully fixed on certain linguistic phenomena, which gradually become the subject of his awareness. In everyday life, speech correction does not give the desired result. Children who are carried away by some other activity do not pay attention to speech patterns and do not follow them,

In kindergarten, in comparison with the family, there is a deficit of verbal communication with each child, which can lead to delays in the speech development of children. Classes, with their methodologically correct organization, to a certain extent help to compensate for this deficit.

In the classroom, in addition to the influence of the teacher on the speech of children, there is a mutual influence of the speech of children on each other.

Team learning improves general level their development.

The peculiarity of classes in the native language. Classes for the development of speech and teaching the native language differ from others in that their main activity is speech. Speech activity is connected with mental activity, with mental activity. Children listen, think, answer questions, ask them themselves, compare, draw conclusions, generalizations. The child expresses his thoughts in words. The complexity of the classes lies in the fact that children are simultaneously engaged in different types mental and speech activity: perception of speech and independent operation of speech. They think over the answer, select from their vocabulary the right word that is most suitable in this situation, grammatically arrange it, use it in a sentence and a coherent statement.

The peculiarity of many lessons in the native language is the internal activity of children: one child tells, others listen, outwardly they are passive, internally active (follow the sequence of the story, empathize with the hero, ready to supplement, ask, etc.). Such activity is difficult for preschool children, since it requires voluntary attention and inhibition of the desire to speak out.

The effectiveness of classes in the native language is determined by how fully all the program tasks set by the teacher are implemented and the acquisition of knowledge by children, the development of speech skills and abilities are ensured.

Types of classes in the native language.

Classes in the native language can be classified as follows: depending on the leading task, the main program content of the lesson:

Classes on the formation of a dictionary (inspection of the premises, familiarization with the properties and qualities of objects);

classes on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech ( didactic game"Guess what's gone" - the formation of nouns plural. gender numbers. case);

Classes on the education of the sound culture of speech (teaching the correct sound pronunciation);

Classes for teaching coherent speech (conversations, all types of storytelling),

classes on the formation of the ability to analyze speech (preparation for teaching literacy),

Classes to familiarize with fiction.

Depending on the use of visual material:

classes in which objects of real life are used, observations of the phenomena of reality (examination of objects, observations of animals and plants, excursions);

Classes with the use of pictorial clarity: with toys (examination, storytelling on toys), paintings (conversations, storytelling, didactic games);

verbal classes, without relying on visualization (generalizing conversations, artistic reading and storytelling, retelling, word games).

Depending on the stage of training, i.e. depending on whether the speech skill (ability) is formed for the first time or is fixed and automated. The choice of teaching methods and techniques depends on this (at the initial stage of teaching storytelling, a joint storytelling of the educator with the children, a sample story is used, at later stages - the plan of the story, its discussion, etc.).

The classification according to didactic goals (by the type of school lessons) proposed by A. M. Borodich is close to this:

Classes on the communication of new material;

Classes to consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities;

Classes on the generalization and systematization of knowledge;

final, or accounting and verification, classes;

Combined classes (mixed, combined).

(FOOTNOTE: See: Borodin A.M. Methods for the development of children's speech. - M., 1981. - C 31).

Comprehensive classes have become widespread. An integrated approach to solving speech problems, an organic combination of different tasks for the development of speech and thinking in one lesson are an important factor in improving the effectiveness of training. Comprehensive classes take into account the peculiarities of children's mastery of the language as a single system of heterogeneous language units. Only the interconnection, the interaction of different tasks lead to the correct speech education, to the child's awareness of some aspects of the language. Research carried out under the guidance of F. A. Sokhin and O. S. Ushakova led to a rethinking of their essence and role. This does not mean a simple combination of individual tasks, but their interconnection, interaction, mutual penetration on a single content. The principle of uniform content is leading. “The importance of this principle lies in the fact that the attention of children is not distracted by new characters and manuals, but grammatical, lexical, phonetic exercises are carried out on already familiar words and concepts; hence the transition to the construction of a coherent statement becomes natural and easy for the child ”(Ushakova O. S. Development of coherent speech / / Psychological and pedagogical issues of speech development in kindergarten / Edited by F. A. Sokhin and O. S. Ushakova. - M., 1987. S.23-24.)

Such types of work are integrated, which are ultimately aimed at the development of coherent monologue speech. The central place in the lesson is given to the development of monologue speech. Vocabulary, grammar exercises, work on the education of the sound culture of speech are associated with the performance of tasks for the construction of monologues of various types. Combining tasks in a complex lesson can be carried out in different ways: coherent speech, vocabulary work, sound culture of speech; coherent speech, vocabulary work, grammatical structure of speech; coherent speech, sound culture of speech, grammatically correct speech.

An example of a lesson in senior group: 1) coherent speech - inventing a fairy tale "The Adventure of a Hare" according to the plan proposed by the teacher; 2) vocabulary work and grammar - selection of definitions for the word hare, activation of adjectives and verbs, exercises for agreeing adjectives and nouns in gender; 3) sound culture of speech - the development of a clear pronunciation of sounds and words, the selection of words that are similar in sound and rhythm.

A comprehensive solution of speech problems leads to significant changes in the speech development of children. The methodology used in such classes provides a high and average level of speech development for the majority of students, regardless of their individual abilities. The child develops search activity in the field of language and speech, a linguistic attitude to speech is formed. Education stimulates language games, self-development of language ability, manifested in the speech and verbal creativity of children (See: Arushanova A. G., Yurtaikina T. M. Forms of organized teaching of the native language and the development of speech of preschoolers / / Problems of speech development of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren / Under the editorship of A. M. Shakhnarovich. - M., 1993.)

Classes devoted to solving one problem can also be built in a complex, on the same content, but using different teaching methods.

For example, a lesson on teaching the correct pronunciation of the sound sh may include: a) showing and explaining articulation, b) an exercise in pronouncing an isolated sound, c) an exercise in connected speech - retelling a text with a frequently occurring sound sh, d) repeating a nursery rhyme - an exercise for working out diction.

In practice, integrative classes based on the principle of combining several types of children's activities and various means of speech development received a positive assessment. As a rule, they use different types of art, independent speech activity of the child and integrate them according to the thematic principle. For example: 1) reading a story about birds, 2) collective drawing of birds, and 3) telling children from drawings.

By the number of participants, it is possible to distinguish frontal classes, with the whole group (subgroup) and individual ones. The smaller the children, the more space should be given to individual and subgroup activities. Frontal classes with their commitment, programming, regulation are not adequate to the tasks of forming speech communication as a subject-subject interaction. At the initial stages of education, it is necessary to use other forms of work that provide conditions for the involuntary motor and speech activity of children (See: Arushanova A. G., Yurtaikina T. M. Forms of organized teaching of the native language and the development of speech of preschoolers // Problems of speech development of preschoolers and junior schoolchildren / Under the editorship of A. M. Shakhnarovich. - M., 1993. - P. 27.)

Classes for the development of speech and teaching the native language must meet didactic requirements, justified in general didactics and applied to classes in other sections of the kindergarten program. Consider these requirements:

1. Thorough pre-training.

First of all, it is important to determine its tasks, content and place in the system of other classes, connection with other activities, teaching methods and techniques. You should also consider the structure and course of the lesson, prepare appropriate visual and literary material.

Correspondence of the material of the lesson to the age-related possibilities of the mental and speech development of children. Educational speech activity of children should be organized at a sufficient level of difficulty. Training should be developmental. Sometimes it is difficult to determine the children's perception of the intended material. Children's behavior tells the teacher how to change the pre-planned plan, taking into account their behavior and reactions.

The educational nature of the lesson (the principle of nurturing education). In the classroom, a complex of tasks of mental, moral, aesthetic education is solved.

The educational influence on children is provided by the content of the material, the nature of the organization of training and the interaction of the educator with the children.

The emotional nature of the lessons. The ability to assimilate knowledge, master skills and abilities cannot be developed in young children by coercion.

Of great importance is their interest in classes, which is supported and developed through entertainment, games and game techniques, imagery and colorfulness of the material. The emotional mood in the classroom is also provided by a trusting relationship between the teacher and the children, the psychological comfort of children in kindergarten.

The structure of the lesson should be clear. It is usually divided into three parts - introductory, main and final. In the introductory part, links are established with past experience, the purpose of the lesson is reported, appropriate motives for the upcoming activity are created, taking into account age. In the main part, the main tasks of the lesson are solved, various teaching methods are used, conditions are created for the active speech activity of children. The final part should be short and emotional. Its purpose is to consolidate and generalize the knowledge gained in the lesson. It uses the artistic word, listening to music, singing songs, round dance and outdoor games, etc.

A common mistake in practice is mandatory and not always appropriate, often formal assessments of children's activities and behavior.

The optimal combination of the collective nature of learning with an individual approach to children. An individual approach is especially needed for children who have poorly developed speech, as well as uncommunicative, silent or, conversely, overly active, unrestrained.

2. Proper organization of classes.

The organization of the lesson must meet all the hygienic and aesthetic requirements for other classes (lighting, air purity, furniture for height, location of demonstration and handout visual material; aesthetics of the room, manuals). It is important to ensure silence so that the children can correctly hear the teacher's speech patterns and each other's speech.

Relaxed forms of organization of children are recommended, which contribute to the creation of a trusting atmosphere of communication, in which children see each other's faces, are at a close distance from the teacher (in psychology, the importance of these factors for the effectiveness of verbal communication is noted).

Taking into account the results of the lesson helps to control the progress of learning, the assimilation of the kindergarten program by children, provides feedback, allows you to outline ways for further work with children both in subsequent classes and in other activities.

The connection of the lesson with subsequent work on the development of speech. To develop strong skills and abilities, it is necessary to consolidate and repeat the material in other classes, in games, work, and communication in everyday life.

Classes in different age groups have their own characteristics.

In the younger groups, children still do not know how to work in a team, they do not include speech addressed to the whole group. They do not know how to listen to their comrades; a strong irritant that can attract the attention of children is the speech of the teacher. In these groups, a wide use of visualization, emotional teaching methods, mainly game, surprise moments is required. The children are not given an educational task (it is not reported that we will study, and the teacher offers to play, look at the picture, listen to a fairy tale). Classes are subgroup and individual. The lesson structure is simple. At first, they do not require individual answers from the children, those who want to answer the questions of the educator, all together.

In the middle group, the nature of learning activity changes somewhat. Children begin to become aware of the features of their speech, for example, the features of sound pronunciation. The content becomes more difficult. In the classroom, it becomes possible to set a learning task (“We will learn to pronounce the sound “z” correctly). The requirements for the culture of verbal communication are increasing (speak in turn, one at a time, and not in chorus, if possible in phrases). There are new types of activities: excursions, teaching storytelling, memorizing poetry. The duration of classes is increased to 20 minutes.

In the senior and preparatory groups for school, the role of compulsory frontal classes of a complex nature is increasing. The nature of work is changing. More classes of a verbal nature are conducted: various types of storytelling, analysis of the sound structure of a word, the composition of sentences, special grammatical and lexical exercises, word games. The use of visualization takes on other forms: more and more paintings are used - wall and desktop, small, handouts. The role of the educator is also changing. He still leads the lesson, but contributes to greater independence of children's speech, less often uses a speech pattern. The speech activity of children becomes more complicated: collective stories are used, retelling with restructuring of the text, reading in faces, etc. In the preparatory group for school, classes are closer to school-type lessons. The duration of the lessons is 30-35 minutes. At the same time, we should not forget that these are children of preschool age, so dryness and didacticism should be avoided.

Conducting classes in a mixed age group is more difficult, since different educational tasks are solved simultaneously. There are the following types of classes: a) classes that are held separately for each age subgroup and are characterized by content, methods and teaching methods typical for a particular age; b) classes with partial participation of all children. In this case, younger pupils are invited to the lesson later or leave it earlier. For example, in a lesson with a picture, all children participate in its examination and conversation. The elders answer the most difficult questions. Then the kids leave the lesson, and the elders talk about the picture; c) classes with the participation of all the children of the group at the same time. Such classes are conducted on interesting, emotional material. It can be dramatization, reading and storytelling with visual material, filmstrips. In addition, classes are possible with the simultaneous participation of all pupils on the same content, but with different educational tasks based on the consideration of the speech skills and abilities of children. For example, in a lesson on a painting with a simple plot: the younger ones are active in examining, the middle ones make up a description of the picture, the older ones come up with a story.

The educator of a group of different ages must have accurate data on the age composition of children, be well aware of the level of their speech development in order to correctly identify subgroups and outline tasks, content, methods and teaching methods for each (For examples of classes in groups of different ages, see: Gerbova V.V. Classes on the development of speech with children 4-6 years old. - M., 1987; Gerbova V.V. Classes on the development of speech with children 2-4 years old. - M., 1993.)

In the early 90s. a discussion unfolded, during which classes as a form of organized education for preschoolers were sharply criticized. The following shortcomings of classes were noted: learning in the classroom is the main object of attention of the educator to the detriment of other activities; training sessions are not related to independent children's activities; the regulation of classes leads to the formal communication of the teacher with the children, the reduction and suppression of children's activity; the relations of the educator with the children are built on an educational and disciplinary basis, the child for the teacher is an object of influence, and not an equal partner of communication; frontal classes do not ensure the activity of all children in the group; they use the school uniform of the organization; learning the native language is not very focused on the development of communicative activity; in many classes there is no motivation for speech; reproductive methods of teaching prevail (based on imitation of a model).

Some authors believe that special classes on the development of speech should be abandoned, leaving them only in the senior and preparatory groups for school as classes in preparation for teaching literacy. The tasks of speech development must be solved in other classes, in the process of live communication between the teacher and the children (and the joint activities of the children themselves), telling the child to an interested listener, and not in special classes for retelling the given text, describing objects, etc. (Mikhailenko N. Ya., Korotkova N. A. Landmarks and requirements for updating the content of preschool education. - M., 1991.)

One cannot agree with this point of view, it contradicts scientific data on the role and nature of teaching native speech. Without detracting from the importance of communication between a teacher and children, we emphasize once again that a number of speech skills and abilities that form the basis of language ability are formed only in conditions of special education: the development of the semantic side of a word, the assimilation of antonymic, synonymous and polysemic relations between words, mastering the skills of a coherent monologue speech, etc. In addition, the analysis of the shortcomings of the organization and methods of classes does not speak of their inappropriateness, but of the need to improve them, to increase the level of professional training of the educator. The kindergarten teacher must master the methodology of conducting classes, corresponding to general didactic and methodological principles, the ability to interact with children, taking into account their characteristic form of communication.

The development of speech is also carried out in the classroom for other sections of the kindergarten program. This is due to the very nature of speech activity. The native language is a means of teaching natural history, mathematics, music, fine arts, and physical culture.

Fiction is the most important source and means of developing all aspects of children's speech and a unique means of education. It helps to feel the beauty of the native language, develops the figurativeness of speech. The development of speech in the process of familiarization with fiction occupies a large place in common system work with children. On the other hand, the impact fiction on a child is determined not only by the content and form of the work, but also by the level of his speech development.

Visual arts, music, theater are also used in the interests of the speech development of children. The emotional impact of works of art stimulates the assimilation of the language, causes a desire to share impressions. Methodological studies show the possibilities of the influence of music, fine arts on the development of speech. The importance of verbal interpretation of works, verbal explanations to children for the development of imagery and expressiveness of children's speech is emphasized.

Thus, a variety of means are used to develop speech. The effectiveness of the impact on children's speech depends on the correct choice of means of speech development and their relationship. At the same time, the determining role is played by the level of formation of children's speech skills and abilities, as well as the nature of the language material, its content and the degree of closeness to children's experience.

To assimilate different material, a combination of different means is required. For example, when mastering lexical material that is close to children and related to everyday life, direct communication between children and adults in everyday activities comes to the fore. In the course of this communication, adults direct the process of mastering the vocabulary by children. The skills of the correct use of words are refined and consolidated in a few classes that simultaneously perform the functions of verification and control.

When mastering material that is more distant from children or more complex, the leading one is educational activity in the classroom, appropriately combined with other activities.

Pure and correct speech is an important component for the formation of a full-fledged personality. After all, a person with a remarkably developed speech is not afraid of communication, and also expresses his own thoughts and desires understandably for the people around him. Fuzzy speech is often the reason for the development of a large number of complexes in a person, complicates the process of communication and its self-realization.

It should be noted that correct speech of a preschooler is an main indicator his readiness for learning at school. If a child has certain speech defects, then in the future this can lead to academic failure, problems in communicating with peers and the formation of self-doubt. Thus, modern parents should start off take care of speech development your child from a very young age. Speech therapists and defectologists warn parents that speech disorders in a baby will not disappear spontaneously as it grows and develops. If you have identified a delay in speech development or a speech defect in a child, you should immediately seek help from specialists. Indeed, over time, these speech problems can worsen and turn into persistent violations.

Of particular importance for the development of speech in a child is communication with parents and joint systematic exercises with them. In order for classes for the development of speech to be effective, parents must know the main stages in the development of a child's speech.

Stages of speech development of a preschooler

Experts note the following stages in the development of speech in preschool children:

  1. 3-4 years. In this age range, the baby names the shape, color, size and quality of the object. Uses general words: furniture, clothes, tools, vegetables, etc. In the process of looking at a picture or an object, he answers the questions of an adult in monosyllables. Can make 3-4 descriptive sentences with parents according to the illustration. The kid actively retells his favorite fairy tales.
  2. 4-5 years. The kid uses adjectives in the process of communication, which denote the properties of objects, verbs that characterize labor actions, as well as nouns. Easily navigates the location of objects, time of day, and also perfectly describes the mood of people. The kid during this period improves communication skills through dialogue, and also actively asks questions and answers them. The child already knows how to retell short stories and make short stories according to the plot picture.
  3. 5-6 years. Children in this age range use all parts of speech in the correct form and precisely in meaning. In addition, the child coherently and consistently retells literary works of small volumes, and also makes up short stories on his own. Can easily communicate with an adult, asking questions on the topic and answering them correctly.
  4. 6-7 years old. This age period is characterized by a rich vocabulary, as well as the use of antonyms and synonyms in the process of communication. The child develops a culture of speech communication. He can independently and expressively convey the content of the heard work. In addition, the child easily composes a coherent story of a creative nature from a picture or a series of pictures.

It should be noted that these steps speech development are conditional and do not take into account the individual characteristics of each child.

If you have fixed certain problems in the formation of speech in a child, then systematic exercises will help correct the situation.

Classes for the development of speech of preschoolers: a game

Everyone parent should Be sure to find time for your child and in light game form conduct short classes for the development of speech. Teachers recommend that the following goals be pursued during the lesson:

  • to form and replenish the child's vocabulary, develop his logical thinking;
  • help to master the skills of coherent speech and teach how to build sentences;
  • correct the sound side of speech in close relationship with the development of the sound analysis of words and the formation of phonemic hearing.

With a child, it is best to carry out classes in a playful way.

We offer options for games with the baby, which will help to actively develop the child's speech:

Games with different words

This selection of entertaining games will help the child develop speech, teach to compare and analyze, and will also contribute to the development of attention and memory. In addition, the baby will be able in the future to independently describe and characterize various objects by external signs.

"Choose adjectives"

This game is very popular among children, regardless of age category. The essence of the game is that parents show the baby a toy or a picture, and he must name maximum amount features that characterize this object. For example, "fox" - red, cunning, fast, beautiful, etc. The game is recommended to complicate over time. The child must match the original adjective with actual nouns. For example: "red" - tomato, poppy, rose, apple, etc.

"Who's doing what"

This game helps to enrich vocabulary with verbs. For the lesson, you need to prepare thematic cards. Next, the parent shows the child a card and asks the question: “What can I do with it?” or “Why is this necessary?”. It is recommended to complicate the game over time by adding facial expressions and gestures to it. For example. Children must name the type of activity for certain actions of an adult.

"Object and its actions"

The game contributes to the intensive development of the child's speech. Its meaning lies in the fact that the baby is invited to identify objects that perform certain actions. For example: “What and who flies?” - bird, plane, fly, snowflake, fluff, etc.

Games on the topic: "What it looks like"

This category of games is effective method development of speech in children of any age category. At the initial stage, certain game material will be required for the lesson: dummies of vegetables, a shell, a pine cone, a piece of cloth, a piece of fur, etc. In the future, only words can be used for the game. The rules of the game are that the child answers the questions, arguing his own answer. For example: “What does a dry leaf or a piece of fur look like?”. Further, parents ask additional questions: “Why?”, “What?”. Variations of this game a large number of. Consider the most popular of them.

"Letters and Numbers"

This game is great for language development. creative thinking, imagination and the ability to focus on the necessary object. For the lesson, you will need images of letters and numbers, which are on separate large sheets. The child is invited to first consider one letter or number, and then name the objects, phenomena that these images are similar to. In addition, the kid can draw his own associations or come up with a story about the object he saw. Further, the number of children's associations per object should gradually increase.

"Draw a picture"

The meaning of this game is as follows: the child is offered to consider some unfinished drawing drawn on the album sheet. geometric figure and ask, at their own discretion, to finish the necessary elements to the figure. In the next lesson, you can increase the number of shapes or lines in the drawing.


This game is used in the classroom for the development of speech with preschoolers aged 5-7 years. For the lesson, subject cards of a variety of topics will be required. This game is best played with a small group of children. The facilitator selects one subject card and, without showing it to anyone, examines the image. Next, the child asks the participants of the game a series of questions: “What does it look like?”, “What color is it?” etc. Each child must offer their own answer. After that, the facilitator opens the reversed image and invites the players to "defend" their versions with the help of arguments.

This game remarkably develops speech, and also forms the ability to correctly build sentences, draw conclusions and teaches the skills to prove one's own point of view with the help of specific facts.

Game on the theme: "Who is from where"

This game effectively develops the child's speech skills, teaches to determine the relationship and general patterns between objects. To do this, you need to prepare thematic cards and familiarize the child with them. For example, if you show your baby images of animals, then pay attention to their external characteristics, habitat and ability to adapt to it. Birds use wings, fish use fins, and so on.

A lesson for the development of speech is carried out as follows: the child is shown images of the sea and the forest, for these habitats you need to select and distribute pictures with various animals, arguing your own actions. Next, show the child a part of an animal: tail, paws, ears, and invite him to identify this animal and its habitat. After the arguments, the child is shown a complete picture of this animal, and he formulates a conclusion about the correctness of his own arguments.

Game on the theme "Avalanche of words"

"I put in the basket..."

The adult begins the game with the following phrase: "I put a pear in the basket." The kid repeats this sentence and adds his own version: “I put a pear and a peach in the basket.” The next player adds their own version by repeating the previous phrase.

For older children, it is recommended to add words starting with one letter: “I put pineapple, apricot, avocado in the basket ...”. In addition, you can play by keeping the sequence of letters in the alphabet: "I put an orange, an eggplant, a grape in the basket ...". For clarity, a poster with images of the letters of the alphabet should be in front of the child.

"Endless story"

This game is not only for memorization of words and their sequence, but and keeping the meaning of the sentence. Any word is chosen for the game and other words are added to it, which form a short story. New words can be placed in any part of the sentence. For example: choose the word - flower. One child comes up with the beginning of the story - a flower has grown. Another child continues - a flower has grown in the clearing. The third baby - a beautiful flower grew in the clearing, etc.

All classes for the development of speech, which are held in a playful way, are diverse and creative.

Thanks to games, a child’s speech culture is formed, speech activity and communication skills are stimulated.

The kid also learns to correctly pronounce words and clearly put stress on them.

In order for classes for the development of the speech of preschoolers to be effective and bring maximum benefit, parents should monitor the mood of the child, not suppress his emotions and take into account his speech capabilities. Adults should not think that after a few games the baby will begin to use the correct forms of the word in the process of communication at the morphological, syntactic and grammatical level. This process is gradual and takes time.

Classes for the development of speech of preschoolers: tongue twisters, nursery rhymes, riddles

For development, activation of the speech apparatus child and getting rid of "porridge in the mouth" is recommended in the classroom pronounce tongue twisters. Parents should initially read the tongue twister to the baby slowly and pronouncing each sound clearly. Next, offer to say it with you, and then ask to tell the tongue twister yourself. Do not scold the child if he does not succeed. Turn your activity into exciting game so that the child wants to repeat the tongue twister many times. Stop your choice on simple, short and easy-to-pronounce tongue twisters.

For example: Our bear has big bumps in the bag or the gray cat is sitting on the window. After a while, you can learn tongue twisters that are more complicated in pronunciation.

In addition, for the development of speech, read children's poems and riddles to your child more often, which broaden his horizons, help develop thinking, attention, and memory.

Classes for the development of speech of preschoolers: breathing, articulation, finger gymnastics

One of the main conditions beautiful and correct speech in a person is a relaxed articulation with a smooth, long exhalation. In children with various speech defects, breathing is arrhythmic and superficial. Speech therapists recommend parents fulfill with the child systematically simple breathing exercises, which will contribute to the formation of a long exhalation and, as a result, the correct development of speech.

For example, you can do exercise "Snowfall". To do this, you need to roll small lumps of cotton wool and put them on the child's palm. Next, invite the baby to blow off the cotton wool from the palm, like a snowflake. Then place a ball of cotton under the child's nose and ask him to blow up.

Great for developing proper breathing exercise "Storm in a teacup". For its implementation, prepare a glass of water and a tube for cocktails. The child should place one end of the tube in the center of the wide part of the tongue, and the other end in a glass of water. Then the baby begins to blow through the tube, making a real storm. Parents should control this process so that the child's cheeks do not puff out, and the lips are in a motionless state.

It should be noted that the author of breathing exercises is the famous teacher and vocalist A.N. Strelnikov. Her author's technique not only restores breathing, but also has a positive effect on the functioning of all body systems.

For the development of speech of preschoolers is also popular articulatory gymnastics aimed at main muscle organ of speech - tongue. Gymnastics for the tongue is simply necessary, since promotes formation correct pronunciation. After all, defects in sound pronunciation violate emotional and mental the balance of the child, as well as negatively affect the full communication with peers.

Articulation gymnastics performed in front of a mirror so that the child can see the movements of his own tongue. The duration of the lesson should not be more 10 minutes a day. At the same time, do not offer the child to immediately perform a large number of exercises. Good for one lesson 2-3 exercises. Do not be discouraged if the child did not succeed in repeating the exercise after you. Be calm, consistent and patient with the baby and he will definitely succeed. Do articulation exercises in a playful way. Positive emotions from the lesson will help the child quickly learn new exercises.

Speech therapists and teachers for the development of speech in preschoolers use finger gymnastics that promotes active development of fine motor skills of the hands and, respectively, speeches The child has. The essence of this gymnastics is that a child with parents pronounces small verses, accompanying their certain finger movements. These exercises are important for the child, as they improve the coordinated work of the speech centers, contribute to the development of attention, memory and imagination, and also increase the flexibility of the fingers.

Thus, modern speech therapy and pedagogy offer parents a wide variety of activities for the development of speech preschoolers. Systematically play with your child, do not criticize him for wrong answers and be sure to support him on an emotional level.

Means of speech development for preschoolers

An important means of speech development is the language environment. The speech that children constantly hear, everything that is read and told to them, as well as drawing their attention to language material, provides the formation of the so-called "sense of language", which, in turn, contributes to the assimilation of the culture of speech.

Therefore, it is very important that the speech of adults be meaningful, competent, expressive, varied, accurate.

But, unfortunately, in practice one has to deal with shortcomings in the speech of teachers and adults in the child's family. Among which:

    verbosity. Some teachers explain the task to the children for a long time. Unable to simply and clearly express their thoughts, others repeat everything that the children say, immoderately praise everyone, unnecessarily repeat their question several times - in this stream of words the main, essential is lost;

    excessive dryness of speech, when children hear only brief orders, remarks and nothing more. From such an educator the children will have nothing to learn in regard to the richness of the language;

    careless pronunciation of sounds, words;

    monotony of speech, which tires children and reduces interest in the content of the text. listening to such a speech. Children begin to get distracted, look around, and then completely stop listening;

    poverty of the language;

    abuse of superfluous words (“so to speak”, “means”), the use of words with characteristic features of local dialects, with the wrong stress in words.

The teacher should be self-critical about his own speech and, if there are shortcomings in it, strive to eliminate them.

The most important means of speech development is fiction. It is used to form the sound culture of speech, the assimilation of morphological patterns and syntactic constructions. Nursery rhymes, chants, sentences, jokes, turnarounds, etc., which have come down from the depths of centuries, in the best way open and explain to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. Fiction develops the thinking and imagination of the child, enriches his emotions.

The value of reading fiction is that with its help an adult easily establishes emotional contact with a child.

When choosing the content of fiction, I try to take into account the individual characteristics of children and their development, as well as the life experience of preschoolers. It is known that a child shows interest in a particular book, if it is interesting to him.

For the purpose of speech development of children, artistic means are used.

Drawing has a significant impact on the formation of speech. Drawing is one of the greatest pleasures for a child. It brings a lot of joy to the baby. In drawing, the child acts, on the one hand, as being led by adults and, through various means and forms, is included in the development of artistic experience; on the other hand, he tries himself as a researcher of drawing techniques. Drawing, the child reflects not only what he sees around, but also shows his own imagination. Activities with paints are not only sensory-motor exercises. It reflects and deepens children's ideas about the environment, contributes to the manifestation of mental and speech activity. Children get the opportunity to practice creating beauty, learn to correlate speech with action. Creating an image stimulates the development of the imagination: the child mentally

"finishes" a static, sometimes shapeless image, gives it dynamism by means of speech, real actions and games.

All stages of visual activity are accompanied by speech.

It has been established that preschool children almost never draw silently: some whisper something, others speak loudly. The word allows you to comprehend the process of the image, makes the movements of the child more targeted. Thoughtful. Helps to use a variety of materials, different drawing techniques.

Thus, drawing and speech are two interrelated and mutually enriching means by which the child expresses his attitude to the environment.

Theatrical performances cause incomparable joy in children. Which affect young viewers with a whole range of means: artistic images. Bright design, precise wording, music.

Preschoolers are very impressionable, they are especially amenable to emotional influence. Due to the figurative-concrete thinking of kids, staging works of art helps to perceive their content more clearly and correctly. However, they are interested not only in watching a performance in a real theater, but also in actively participating in their own performances (learning roles, working out the intonational expressiveness of speech). What is seen and experienced in a real theater and in amateur theatrical performances broadens the horizons of children, causes the need to talk about the performance to comrades and parents. All this undoubtedly contributes to the development of speech, the ability to conduct a dialogue and convey one's impressions in a monologue.

One of the means of speech development is visual aids for the development of speech, which arouse interest in children, the work of thought and speech activity.

However, the availability of benefits in itself does not solve the problems of speech development of children. They will not have a noticeable effect on the development of the speech of preschoolers and will only be a means of entertainment if their use is not accompanied by the word of the educator, which will guide the perception of children, explain and name what is shown.

Thus, for the development of speech, a variety of means and methods are used, the choice of which depends on the level of formation of children's speech skills and abilities; from the life experience of children4 from the nature of the language material and its content.


    I.V. Gureeva. The development of speech and imagination. - VOLGOGRAD: CORIPHEUS, 2010