"ICT in the pedagogical activity of a kindergarten teacher". Using ICT in my work ICT in the work of a preschool teacher

Advice for educators.

Prepared by: Zakharova Yu.A.

Use of information and communication
technologies in the work of a teacher

The modern child lives in the world of electronic culture. Computers surround small children from birth: at home, in kindergartens, and at the doctor's. A powerful flow of new information, advertising, the use of computer technology on television and cinema, the distribution of game consoles, electronic toys have a great influence on the upbringing of a preschooler and his perception of the world around him. A 5-6-year-old kid already freely communicates with a personal computer. The nature of his favorite activity - the game - also changes significantly. Today's child assimilates only the information that interested him most of all, the closest, familiar to him, the one that evokes pleasant and comfortable feelings. Therefore, one of the means that has a unique opportunity to increase motivation and improve the education of a modern preschooler, develop his creative abilities and create a positive emotional background for educational activities is a computer. Pedagogical discussions about the introduction of ICT in the educational process have been going on for a long time. But in modern world it is difficult to stand still, therefore, whether we want it or not, but ICT is firmly included in the educational process of preschool institutions.
The computer has become a necessary and important attribute not only of the life of adults, but also a means of teaching children. Computer technology is a special direction in working with a child that can help his development. At present, it is not yet sufficiently developed in our country. If the school is actively moving forward, introducing more and more new technologies and methods of using computers, almost every school has computer classes and interactive whiteboards, then in preschool institutions this work is just beginning and, as a rule, at the level of the teacher's personal interest. I am a supporter of the use of ICT in the preparation and conduct of direct educational activities, because I believe that a teacher, in order to communicate with a child in the same language, must be armed with modern methods and new educational technologies. Even hyperactive children, whose attention is quite difficult to keep for a long time, receive with great interest the information presented on the big screen, and even accompanied by various games and music. Penetration of modern technologies in educational practice opens up new possibilities.

The goals of using information technologies in the direct educational activities of a teacher:

· make education modern (in terms of the use of technical means);

· bring educational activities closer to the worldview of a modern child, as he looks and listens more than reads and speaks; prefers to use information obtained with the help of technical means;

· establish a relationship of mutual understanding, mutual assistance between the teacher and the pupil;

· to help the teacher in the opportunity to emotionally and figuratively present the material.

· save time for both the teacher and the child, increase the density of educational activities, enrich it with new content.

· The use of ICT allows you to reproduce information simultaneously in the form of:


· graphic image;

· sound;


· video.

All this allows the teacher to create fundamentally new means of child development for children.

Practice has shown that when using ICT, children's interest in classes increases significantly, the level of cognitive abilities increases. The presentation helps to combine a huge amount of demonstration material, freeing from a large amount of paper visual aids, tables, reproductions, art albums, audio and video equipment. Thus, I concluded that for the education of children, a computer can serve as a “raw material”, on the basis of which I can form my own teaching aids, make my presentations, slide films, carry out my educational projects, thereby creating numerous options for working that will help diversify and improve educational activities.

From the abundance of programs, theories, technologies and methods, I selected those that could help me create an integrated system of work, taking into account my individual qualities and the characteristics of the children entrusted to me.
Here are some options for using ICT in the educational process.

Use of ICT in working with children:

· Multimedia equipment (creation and demonstration of presentations, slide films, video clips, elements and techniques of a graphic image)

Direct educational activity with multimedia support - the teacher uses the computer as an "electronic board". It uses ready-made electronic slides, video or multimedia presentations. The use of multimedia presentations is advisable at any stage of educational activities. The teacher can use subject collections (illustrations, photographs, reproductions of paintings by the studied artists, video tours, video clips, interactive models, projecting them on a large screen). Using the capabilities of the PowerPoint program, I developed presentations of some topics. This program allows you to fully collect all the necessary materials for classes, and then demonstrate them in the desired sequence on the screen. Multimedia presentations make it possible to present educational and developmental material as a system of vivid reference images filled with comprehensive structured information in an algorithmic manner. In this case, various channels of perception are involved, which makes it possible to store information not only in factographic, but also in associative form in the memory of children. Another aspect should also be touched upon. However GCD is designed, much depends on how the teacher prepares for it. It is necessary to think over the change of rhythm, diversify the forms of activity, think about how to withstand a pause if necessary, how to provide a positive emotional background.

After the theoretical part practical work children. In this part of the activity, options using ICT are also possible. For example, a teacher draws on a blackboard, partially blocking himself, the whole process of depiction and explanation, which negatively affects the quality of the presentation of the material, many questions arise. Also, when the teacher turns to the blackboard, he involuntarily loses contact with the children. I conclude that this method is not effective, a low result is obtained. When using computer technology, it is possible to visually and consistently show image techniques on a large screen. Visible and understandable to all.

In addition, several images can be compared on the screen at the same time, to identify their advantages and disadvantages.

· Interactive board (individual work of children, games, programs of creative workshops)

Direct educational activity using an interactive whiteboard allows you to turn the educational process into an exciting game. Children themselves become its participants. In this variant, there may be cases when students simultaneously work with the teacher, and at a certain stage they switch to individual work on the board according to the instructions of the teacher. Presentation of information on the screen game form arouses great interest in children, and movements, sound, animation attracts attention for a long time. The use of such programs increases the creativity of the child; the ability to operate with symbols on the monitor screen, helps to optimize the transition from visual-figurative to abstract thinking; the use of creative games creates additional motivation in the formation of educational activities; individual work with a computer increases the number of situations that a child can solve independently. Such games help diversify joint activities, make it more emotionally rich. For example, children are given a task: to depict an animal using geometric shapes using an interactive whiteboard. The children model the figures of animals, both realistic and from the fantasy world, thereby reinforcing knowledge about geometric shapes. Such classes are rare, but with what admiration they are perceived by the guys. And the teacher saves a lot of time, effort that would be spent on preparing handouts, tedious cutting out figures from cardboard.

· Internet resources (a selection of visual and demonstration material for the lesson, music, games, etc., lessons in the form of a virtual tour with access to the worldwide network).

Modern education is difficult to imagine without the resources of the Internet. Internet search engines provide teachers with the opportunity to find almost any material on development and learning and any photographs and illustrations for classes.

Also, with the help of the Internet, I select a musical composition corresponding to the topic of educational activities. It can be classic or contemporary works, songs from children's cartoons. With the help of video editing software, it's easy to create your own clip with slides changing to the music, matched to a specific topic.

Direct educational activity with access to the World Wide Web (they can be both with multimedia and computer support). If the office is connected to the Internet, you can offer to conduct a lesson in the form of a virtual tour, for example, to museums around the world.

Of course, I observe elementary sanitary standards regarding the time of work of preschool children at the computer. According to the requirements of SanPiN, direct educational activity using a computer involves 10 minutes for children 5 years old, 15 minutes for children 6-7 years old. When working, children are placed at a distance no closer than 2-3 m and no further than 5-5.5 m from the screen. Educational activities using a computer for children aged 5-7 years should be carried out no more than once a day and no more than three times a week. In addition, when preparing multimedia presentations, I use the recommendations of psychologists about the effect of color on cognitive activity children, about the combination of colors and their number. At the end of the class, I do gymnastics for the eyes.

Use of ICT in methodological work:

· Development, systematization and collection of methodological developments and documentation (long-term plans, notes, games, music selection, etc.)

· Diagnostics of the creative development of children (diagrams, graphs, tables)

· Internet resources (e-mail, search engines, electronic conferences)

· Exchange of experience, didactic materials and manuals with leading experts in the field of education around the world

It's no secret that recently, in addition to developments in direct educational activities, calendar and thematic plans, the educator is required a large number of paper reporting. To do this, in the operating system, you can create subject folders with the development of classes, which can be divided into topics. They allow you to save and quickly find a file with documents. With the help of organizer programs, you can keep an individual diary of a child, record various data about him, test results, build graphs, and generally track the dynamics of a child's development. This can be done manually, but the time costs are not comparable. An important aspect of using a computer is maintaining a database of books. Today, a very large number of books on the upbringing and development of children have appeared, many books reflect integrated approaches to education, others reflect the development of a certain quality, differentiating age categories, etc. It is difficult to navigate the literature without a database. E-mail, search engines, electronic conferences are also becoming integral part modern education. On the Internet you can find information on the problems of learning and development, innovative kindergartens, foreign institutions early development to establish contacts with leading experts in the field of education.

Use of ICT in work with teachers:

· Multimedia equipment (creation and demonstration of presentations for consultations and seminars for teachers)

Forms of work with parents:

· Creation of a page with photo lessons on the website of the institution;

· Communication with parents online through the institution's website;

· Internet resources (posting on the website of the institution and on the pedagogical websites of their notes, consultations, work experience, maintaining their own blog)

· Demonstration of presentations of the organization of work with children;

· Creating your own blog on the Internet;

· Organization of final exhibitions using slide shows of children's works

And these are just some of the opportunities you can take advantage of. It is hard to imagine how much more interesting things you can learn by starting to use ICT in your work.

The educator who creates or uses information technology is forced to pay great attention to the logic of the presentation of the material, which has a positive effect on the level of knowledge of pupils.

The use of information technology in a preschool educational institution makes it possible to overcome the intellectual passivity of children, makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the educational activities of a preschool teacher.

In conclusion, I want to note that the use of ICT leads to a number of positive effects:

1. Enriches the lesson with emotional coloring

2. Psychologically facilitates the process of assimilation

3. Excites a keen interest in the subject of knowledge

4. Expands the general outlook

5. Increasing use of visual aids in the classroom

6. Frees you from routine manual work;

7. Increases the productivity of the teacher and the child.

Nowadays, the most valuable resource is information, and the most irreplaceable is time, which a modern person is sorely lacking. Undoubtedly, the increased pace of life, the rapid pulse of time has a tremendous impact on the upbringing and education of the younger generation. A modern teacher needs to clearly understand that the children he is to teach were born and came to school already in the 21st century, which means they grew up and formed in a completely different information space than the generations of children of the 80s and 90s. It is clear that the favorite entertainment, an integral part of the life of a student, and sometimes, unfortunately, the best friend is a computer.

The age of computer technology is gaining momentum and, perhaps, there is not a single area of ​​human activity where they would not find their application. It is unthinkable for a modern teacher to lag behind his students, so he constantly has to study hard, keep up with the times, master new technologies, methods and forms of teaching. Pedagogical technologies did not stay away from general process computerization. Therefore, since 2005 I have been working on the problem of the integrated use of information and communication technologies in the teaching of the Russian language and literature.

The Strategy for the Modernization of Education emphasizes the need to change the methods and technologies of education at all levels, to increase the weight of those that form the practical skills of information analysis, self-learning, stimulate independent work students, form the experience of responsible choice and responsible activity. There was a need for a system built on the basis of modern information technologies that implements the principles of student-centered education.

This problem did not arise on its own. The condition for its occurrence was the low level of formation of information and communicative competence of schoolchildren, a huge flow of negative information that negatively affects the formation of the student's personality, as well as the inability to find, process and use the necessary, useful information. In this regard, I set a goal - the development of information and communicative competence of students in the lessons of the Russian language and literature.

The relevance of the goal is due to the widest demand for entire areas of professional activity based on the formation of basic ICT competencies. Of course, the responsibility for their formation lies with the modern school. This is one of the conditions for the successful socialization of our future graduates. But this gives rise to another problem - problem morality and humanity information, preservation of the identity of the human person. The lessons of the Russian language and literature are the best way to form the new thinking of schoolchildren, in which the problems of ethics, morality and law would not be overshadowed by a powerful stream of negative information.

The system of work of a modern teacher, in my opinion, should be conditioned by the requirements for the conditions of implementation educational programs in accordance with federal state educational standards.

According to "Strategies for the development of education in the Russian Federation until 2020" the main strategic goal of the development of education is to create conditions for the formation of a personality capable of providing a sustainable improvement in the quality of life by maintaining.

ICT in the modern educational process

The introduction of modern technologies in the educational process is an additional opportunity to improve the quality of student learning.
New information technologies and software tools can help the teacher to more effectively solve the following tasks:
  • stimulation of independence and efficiency of students, assistance to the development of their personality;
  • organization individual training schoolchildren;
  • the most complete satisfaction educational needs both capable and motivated students and those who are not well prepared.
aim such work is to achieve a systematic use of ICT tools, access to a full range of modern educational technologies and teaching aids intended for teaching the Russian language and literature in accordance with the federal component of state educational standards basic general and secondary (complete) general education.

What kind tasks to be solved in order to achieve the goal:

  • increasing the efficiency of the process of formation of independent acquisition and transfer of knowledge, cooperation and communication, problem solving and self-organization, reflection and value-semantic orientations;
  • formation and assessment of ICT competence of students;
  • improvement of ICT competence and methodological training of teachers;
  • improvement of technologies for the use of ICT in the educational process;
  • systematization of program and methodological materials of Internet resources and their synchronization with the school basic course of the Russian language;
  • creation of new computer software products;
  • the inclusion of the school in the all-Russian educational environment by summarizing and disseminating the experience of the school.
At this stage of work on the stated topic, I proceed from the material and technical equipment of our school. To date, GBOU SOSH 139 has fully equipped with the latest technical means with the ability to access the Internet in elementary school classes. The OS has one mobile class, one language laboratory, two computer science classrooms. Middle-level students have access from each classroom to the school local network, to the Internet. The existing potential has begun to be used in the educational process. Students learned the basics of computer literacy, received user skills. In elementary school, a circle of a computer user was introduced into the system of additional education. For this period, 98% of middle and high school students have an Internet connection from their home computer or other mobile devices. All this makes it possible to realize the set goals not only in the lessons of the Russian language and literature, but also in extracurricular activities vocabulary teacher.

In my classes, I use various . I will say that ICT has not been ousted from educational environment textbook. The textbook is the most familiar tool and assistant to the child and the teacher, which can be flipped through, felt, communicated with him as with a person, but ICT technologies are additional opportunities for learning. So ICT and textbook - one whole. With the help of ICT, information interaction between the subjects of information and communication is intensified. subject environment, the result is the formation of a more effective learning model. The use of ICT technologies in the classroom is necessary - this is the requirement of the time, which diversifies the lesson, allows you to increase its density, activate the work of students.

ICT in Russian Language and Literature Lessons

What ICT technologies available to a modern teacher of the Russian language and literature help to make the process of teaching and raising children more efficient?

First, this telecommunications technology- a set of techniques, methods, processing methods, information exchange, transportation, broadcasting of information presented in any form (symbolic, textual, graphic, audio-video information) using modern means of communication that provide information interaction between users. For example, students email files to the teacher for review. This is especially convenient at the project preparation stage, when you have to edit student work, give recommendations, etc. It is also possible to communicate with students-parents through the Skype service. This technology is related to remote control technology. For example, students take screenshots of online tests completed at home and send them to the teacher by email. Telecommunications technology has made it possible for the teacher to show his students at the All-Russian and international levels. So, in the first half of the 2012-2013 academic year, 30 of my students took part in four All-Russian essay competitions (“Our pride”, “Russia is famous for teachers”, “Already the sky was breathing in autumn”, “Three wishes”), as well as in the III All-Russian Internet Olympiad in the Russian language. The results of the event pleased: 18 diplomas of winners and certificates of participation for everyone else. This type work significantly increases interest in the subject, stimulates students, increases their motivation.

Secondly, this computer visualization technology educational information about the object under study. I can’t imagine literature lessons without visual accompaniment. A modern schoolchild, who is so far from Russian classical literature, simply needs to look at excerpts from talented adaptations of the works of A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol, M.Yu. Lermontov, I.S. Turgenev, L.N. Tolstoy, F.M. Dostoevsky and others. This allows you to feel the spirit of the era under study, see the costume, hear live speech, which contributes to the expansion of ideas and the education of the student's reading talent. It is no secret that the modern student often has no time to read or does not want to read at all. This is where modern technology comes to the rescue. I remember how, after an introductory lesson on the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" and watching key scenes from the film "A Few Days in the Life of I.I. Oblomov", 10th grade, fascinated by Oblomov performed by Oleg Tabakov, read the novel with rapture, although the book at first seemed boring to the guys. There are many such examples. The child not only sees and perceives, he experiences emotions. , wrote: "It is the emotional reactions that should form the basis of the educational process. Before communicating this or that knowledge, the teacher must evoke the corresponding emotion of the student and make sure that this emotion is associated with new knowledge. Only that knowledge can be inculcated that has passed through the feeling student." And visualization technology is indispensable here.

Thirdly, interactive dialogue technology. This is the interaction of the user with the software system, which is characterized (in contrast to the interactive one, which involves the exchange of text commands, requests and responses, invitations) by the implementation of more developed means of conducting a dialogue. At the same time, it is possible to choose options for the content of educational material, the mode of working with it. The interactive mode of user interaction with the software system is characterized by the fact that each of his requests causes a response from the system and, conversely, a replica of the latter requires the user's response. Work in a mobile computer class. Each computer has a training program installed. Students individually solve spelling problems on different rules. So, for example, the Phrase Russian language simulator is an indispensable assistant to a language teacher in developing spelling and punctuation skills. Interactivity, increased interest in spelling, instant assessment of all students, development of subject, ICT, communicative competencies, saving time - these are just some of the advantages of using this technology in a Russian language lesson.

Indispensable in the lessons of consolidation and control test pedagogical control technology. A huge number of electronic educational resources have appeared on the network, which are an extensive system of online tests for each topic studied. This ICT technology is an excellent tool for implementing multi-level learning technology. The teacher has the opportunity to help the weak, to pay attention to the strong, the desire of strong students to move faster and deeper in education is realized. Strong students are affirmed in their abilities, weak students get the opportunity to experience educational success, and the level of learning motivation increases. Weak students can be offered a traditional test. The material in it is presented less voluminous, structured, uniform. Strong students can navigate in multi-level tests, perform several types of work in a lesson, and get several marks. Of course, such lessons require additional technical equipment. So, we work in a mobile computer class with Internet access via school wi-fi. The undoubted advantages of this technology is the situation of success, when the volume and level of complexity of the material corresponds to the individual characteristics of each student, the accumulation of marks increases, and a student-centered approach is implemented.

To diversify the lessons of explaining new material or repetition allows hypertext technology. This is an information processing technology that has a method of organizing data, which is characterized by the following: sections of plain text (objects) with possible illustrations are placed in a hierarchical database; named links are established between objects, which are pointers; a section of text is placed on the computer screen, where the object corresponds to a visual mark, which can be words and windows specially highlighted in the text, containing all or part of the information about this object; this information, in turn, may contain text, which contains words related to certain objects, and pointers to other objects. Remarkable educational material is presented on the Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources portal, where hypertext definitions, interactive tables and diagrams are available for each topic. This technology allows you to fully implement the general didactic principles of clarity and consistency, as well as establish a close connection with the previous educational material and metasubject connections.

CSR technology (collective way of learning). This technology includes all four forms: collective, group, pair and individual. The advantage of CSR is its organization, in which learning is carried out through communication in dynamic pairs, when everyone teaches everyone. I like to use this technology not only in the lessons of explaining new material or consolidation, but also in the lessons of analysis control works, dictations, concise and detailed presentations, essays, when the class must quickly and efficiently perform work on mistakes, arrange entries in a notebook in accordance with uniform requirements. Students work not only frontally or individually with the teacher, but also in pairs. Technical training aids also help me organize successful work. An image of one or two works made by a document camera is displayed on the board using a projector. The teacher directly in the work demonstrates samples of the selection of orthograms and punctograms. The advantages of this technology are visualization, quality of work on errors, saving time. Usually, students work with great interest as editors of their test papers and the work of a partner, willingly submit their own notebook for general viewing and analysis. The document camera is becoming an indispensable tool to help organize collective forms of work in the Russian language class.

There is no doubt that technology project learning has long taken its place in the teaching system of many teachers and is not new. Nevertheless, its advantages are obvious: work on this method makes it possible to develop the individual creative abilities of students, to approach professional and social self-determination more consciously. I also use design technologies, but necessarily with ICT support. The output of any such project should be a digital educational resource that can then be used by any participant. educational process not only in St. Petersburg, but throughout Russia. Therefore, the results of their project activities we publish online. I will dwell in more detail on the latest successfully implemented projects.

In March 2012, our school hosted student conference "Etymology - the origin of words" dedicated to the Day of Science and Creativity. Grade 7 students prepared scientific presentations on etymology. An educational project for tenth graders was also successfully implemented. "Generic participle like..." which is posted on my website. Using the materials of this site, at the Russian language lessons on the topic "Gernal participle" you can organize diagnostics, explain new material in the key of problem-based learning technology, carry out intermediate and final control of knowledge, and develop and implement your own educational project based on this.

Interesting project "Petersburg of Dostoevsky: in the footsteps of the heroes of the novel "Crime and Punishment" we implemented with tenth graders in April 2012. We read the novel right on the streets of the central part of St. Petersburg, in the area of ​​Sennaya Square and the Griboedov Canal, traditionally called Dostoevsky's Petersburg, and tried to trace the paths that the main characters walked, counted the steps along the route from Raskolnikov's house to the place where he committed the murder of the old woman - pawnbrokers, went into well-yards, etc. The result was a large album of digital photographs, from which the guys made social network offsite tour. Under each photo appeared either an excerpt from the novel, or information about the place that is shown in the photo. Now everyone can walk around Dostoevsky's Petersburg. I know that my colleagues from other cities in the lessons on the novel "Crime and Punishment" actively used the material of this virtual photo tour.

In October-November 2012, two large-scale projects were implemented: "Summer garden" and "Tsarskoye Selo Imperial Lyceum in Literature and Culture". I will dwell on the second one in more detail. The purpose of the project: the formation and development of skills for independent search, selection, analysis and presentation of information by students within the framework of the project. At the preparatory stage, the teacher of the Russian language and literature Vokhin D.N. and teacher of history and culture of St. Petersburg Eroshenko O.L. held lessons in the 8th grade according to the calendar - thematic planning on the topic “A.S. Pushkin. Life and work "and" St. Petersburg - center Russian education at the beginning of the 19th century." At these lessons, goal-setting was built: the students themselves carried out the setting of the educational task, namely, the creation of a digital product that will become visual and demonstrative material for display in the lesson in the lower grades. Deadlines were set, the project evaluation system was reported, and thus the children were motivated to actively participate in the project.
Since the project is meta-subject, the students received marks in several subjects at once: literature, history and culture of St. Petersburg, history, Russian language, geography, computer science.

Teachers during the work on the project acted as facilitators, i.e. only helped the children to solve the problems assigned to them. It is interesting for the students themselves to ultimately prepare a lesson with the support of ICT.

At the same time, the central problem of the entire project was formulated: “What influence did the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum have on Russian culture?” The educational value of the project lies in the formation of a moral and ethical assessment of the content being assimilated: the education of patriotism, respect for the history of one's country, one's city, one's people.

Then we made a trip to the city of Pushkin in order to visit the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. During the tour, students recorded the necessary information, carried out photo and video shooting.

Upon returning from the tour, the collected material was processed, audio files were deciphered, a photo report was created (the best pictures were selected in a separate folder). Then the schoolchildren looked for additional information, as well as musical accompaniment, which would be necessary when creating their own virtual excursion to Tsarskoye Selo.

In parallel with this, I trained consultants (3 people) to work with the Windows Movie Maker program, and they, in turn, helped the rest of the guys to master this program.
The product of the search phase was video tours created by several creative groups of students. In these video tours in an accessible and interesting form presents the information collected during the work on the project.

Then, under the guidance of teachers, the eighth-graders prepared an integrated lesson for the exchange of experience on a given topic for the lower grades.

During the course of this project, the students learned:

1. To carry out the fixation of images and sounds during the excursion to Tsarskoye Selo.
2. Choose ICT technical means for capturing images and sounds in accordance with the goal.
3. Process digital photographs using the capabilities of special computer tools.
4. Filming and editing the footage.
5. Edit, format and structure text.
6. Create text based on transcription of audio recordings.
7. Form your own information space: create folder systems and place the necessary information sources in them.
8. Use various tricks search for information and analyze its results.
9. Create video presentations in Windows Movie Maker.

In December, on the Internet, on the YOUTUBE portal, a vote was held for the best video tour. Then, at the solemn line at the end of the 2nd quarter, the winners were awarded. Project materials can also be found on the school website.

Benefits of ICT

Before you, of course, is not the whole list of ICT technologies, but this is quite enough to realize how great their positive role is in modern education. Why are ICT technologies so good for teachers? They save time in the lesson, the depth of immersion in the material, increased motivation for learning, an integrative approach to learning, the possibility of simultaneous use of audio, video, multimedia materials; the possibility of forming the communicative competence of students, because students become active participants in the lesson not only at the stage of its implementation, but also in preparation, at the stage of forming the structure of the lesson or project; attracting various types of activities designed for the active position of students who have received a sufficient level of knowledge in the subject to independently think, argue, reason, who have learned to learn, independently obtain the necessary information.

Why are ICT technologies so useful for the student? They acquire the skills to purposefully find information and systematize it according to given criteria; to see the information as a whole, and not in fragments, to highlight the main thing in the information message. ICT makes classes interesting and develops motivation; provides more opportunities to participate in teamwork, develop personal and social skills; students begin to understand more complex material as a result of a clearer, more effective and dynamic presentation of the material; allows for a variety of learning styles, educators can access a variety of resources to suit specific needs. Students begin to work more creatively and become self-confident. Modern technologies contribute to an increase in cognitive interest in the subject, contribute to the growth of student achievement in the subject; allow students to express themselves new role; form the skills of independent productive activity; contribute to creating a situation of success for each student.

ICT works for a particular child. The student takes as much as he can learn, works at a pace and with those loads that are optimal for him. Undoubtedly ICT is an emerging technology and should be more widely integrated into the learning process.

All this helped to involve students in the work on the subject, to make learning interesting and productive. I know that the guys choose the Russian language and literature as their favorite subjects. In the 4th quarter of the 2011/2012 academic year, students in grades 5, 8, 9 and 10 were surveyed for satisfaction with the educational process and relationships with teachers. The students were given a questionnaire containing 10 statements. It was necessary to mark the statements with which they agree. The results of the survey were presented in the form of diagrams for each teacher.

Of course, such work requires additional preparation and does not end at school. A modern teacher has to cook a lot at home, independently master the new things that ICTs constantly bring to education, but the time spent is worth it. How nice it is to hear from the children after the bell that they did not notice how the time of the lesson flew by, which means that they were interested, which means that the lesson will be remembered for a long time, and everything that happened on it will be firmly deposited in memory. The main thing is the desire of the teacher, the inner need to improve their professional level. For me modern professional teacher- a person who is ready for independent development of various software tools and resources; able to create their own educational resources and projects, willingly spreading their teaching experience.

My pedagogical creed: "To teach is doubly to learn." Joseph Jaubert. I am constantly learning. My students are my faithful assistants. In this I was very lucky.

The use of information and communication technologies in kindergarten is an urgent problem of modern preschool education. Gradually, computer technology is included in the system of preschool education as one of the effective ways knowledge transfer. This modern method develops interest in learning, fosters independence, develops intellectual activity, allows you to develop in the spirit of modernity, makes it possible to qualitatively update the educational process in a preschool educational institution and increase its efficiency.

When using ICT in work, the experience of teachers and education is not important, but the desire and desire to master ICT is important.

The use of computer technology helps the teacher in the work:

  • attract passive listeners to active activities;
  • make educational activities more visual and intensive;
  • activate cognitive interest;
  • to implement personality-oriented and differentiated approaches to learning;
  • to discipline the educator himself, to form his interest in work;
  • activate thought processes (analysis, synthesis, comparison, etc.);
  • ICT will allow the educator to communicate more widely at various methodological events, such as video - master classes, webinars, etc.
  • work with paper media is significantly reduced, since almost all textual information is compiled and stored in electronic form, etc.

The use of information and communication technologies in preschool education allows you to expand the creative capabilities of the teacher and has a positive impact on various aspects mental development preschoolers. Developing classes with its use become much brighter and more dynamic. The use of computer technology makes it possible to make GCD attractive and truly modern, to solve cognitive and creative tasks based on visualization.

In the course of the game activity of a preschooler, using computer tools, he develops: theoretical thinking, developed imagination, the ability to predict the result of an action, design qualities of thinking, etc., which lead to a sharp increase in the creative abilities of children.

The range of ICT use in the educational process is quite wide. One of the most successful forms of preparing and presenting educational material for joint organized activities in kindergarten is the creation of multimedia presentations. It facilitates the process of perception and memorization of information with the help of vivid images, tk. combines dynamics, sound and image, i.e. those factors that hold the child's attention for the longest time. Simultaneous impact on the two most important organs of perception (hearing and vision) allow you to achieve a much greater effect. BUT English proverb reads: “I heard and forgot, I saw and remembered” .


Senior teacher Peryakina O.V.

The task of improving the quality of education based on the introduction of computer technologies and the creation of a unified educational information space, first set in the Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education until 2010, remains relevant today. This is stated in the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020.

According to S.D. Ilyenkova, the quality of education is determined, first of all, by the quality of the carrier of knowledge. The "bearer of knowledge" in a preschool institution is a teacher who works with children, who not only transfers knowledge, but also forms the personality of the child, his worldview and spirituality. Therefore, an important condition for improving the quality of preschool education is an effective system of methodological work. Methodological work is aimed at training and development of teaching staff, identifying, summarizing and disseminating the most valuable experience, as well as compiling and implementing the author's system of work, implementing innovative projects based on information and methodological support for teachers to ensure the educational process. Its goal is the constant development and identification of the potential capabilities of the teaching staff and, as a result, improving the quality of educational work in general.
It can be concluded that the methodological work is based on the process of collecting, storing, processing and disseminating information that allows you to analyze the staffing level, assess the educational level of teaching staff, the growth of professional skills, the effectiveness of work based on monitoring, etc.
Currently, methodological work, in most cases, is carried out using traditional forms and methods, information is collected and analyzed mechanically, which entails a lot of time and, as a result, belated decisions.

The computer is used to maintain all kinds of documentation and reporting, as a means of producing various visual materials, which is often due to the low level of skills of senior educators in the field of computer technology, underestimation of its capabilities.
Recently, program materials have been created for kindergarten, helping to unify the managerial activities of the head in the field of financial, economic, administrative activities. However, there are no programs that allow monitoring the quality of teachers' professional skills, monitoring the improvement of the educational level of personnel, and evaluating the effectiveness of a teacher's work.
Information and communication technologies (ICT), having such features as the ability to quickly collect and process data, transmit them over long distances, store large amounts of necessary information, significantly expand the possibilities of using resources in various fields of human activity, including preschool education.

ICT tools in the technical and technological aspect include:
local computer networks,
modern means of communication of all kinds, providing information interaction of users, both at the local and global levels,
input-output devices of all kinds,
means and devices for manipulating information and broadcasting it - textual, graphic, audiovisual,
means of archival storage of information,
computer graphics systems
systems for the presentation and use of audiovisual information
software systems and complexes,
systems artificial intelligence,
tools and applications and systems that implement multimedia technologies,
hypertext, telecommunications, virtual reality.

Their application in practice in the system of methodological work preschool contributes to an increase in information flows using the Internet, the implementation of fast feedback with colleagues (e-mail, electronic bulletin boards), obtaining an objective picture of the level of professional skills of teachers (computer tests, diagnostic complexes).
Along with this, it becomes possible to diversify and make the most interesting and effective forms of methodological work: for example, the use of demonstration-encyclopedic programs and presentation programs in the process of preparing and conducting advice from teachers, consultations, allows you to prepare a presentation on a visual basis using slides, create abstracts of reports and materials to distribute to students.

The rejection of the classroom system for conducting methodological events allows you to move on to teleconferences, on-line seminars for the exchange of experience, remote creative living rooms, collective educational projects, business games, virtual tours.
In order to study the best pedagogical experience and exchange opinions, as well as expand the geography of broadcasting the author's developments of teachers, wide opportunities open up when using thematic forums and Web sites where you can post your materials in the public domain, organize discussions on various issues, draw attention to the group development of projects, their placement and discussion on the Internet.
The implementation of the information and analytical function of methodological work, namely the collection and processing of information, will be most effective and take less time when using control programs and conducting testing, questioning using applied computer programs.

Fast and high-quality preparation of demonstration materials for organizing and holding events will be ensured by modern computers that allow you to combine texts, graphics, sound, animation, photographs, large volumes of video materials within one program.

The use of electronic catalogs and archives, where documents are systematized and structured, will significantly reduce the time for searching for scientific, methodological literature, as well as for processing information, which contributes to the standardization and unification of the processes of working with them.

An important task of introducing ICT into the practice of a preschool institution in general, and in particular into the practice of methodological work, is the formation of an information and educational environment and, as a result, the improvement of methodological activities, pedagogical creativity and information competence of both the senior educator and the teaching staff.

Its solution will not only contribute to the self-improvement of the teacher, but will also improve the quality of the educational process as a whole.
Analyzing all of the above, we can conclude that the use of information and communication technologies in methodological work allows you to organize and implement fast and efficient work with information flows, namely the collection, processing, storage, transmission and presentation of information, to reduce the time frame for holding events, to diversify the forms of organization of methodological work.

The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process is one of the newest problems in the national preschool pedagogy because science and technology do not stand still. And the educator can and should use new technologies in work in all areas of his activity, always be aware of pedagogical innovations.




"The use of ICT in the work of a kindergarten teacher"

Vozmishcheva Tatyana Sergeevna

Educator I quarter. to.

MBDOU "Kindergarten of combined type No. 52" AGO

The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process is one of the newest problems in domestic preschool pedagogy, since science and technology do not stand still. And the educator can and should use new technologies in work in all areas of his activity, always be aware of pedagogical innovations. In my work, I try to actively involve the possibilities of modern information and communication technologies (hereinafter, I will abbreviate ICT). Since the use of ICT allows multimedia, in the most accessible and attractive, playful way, to achieve a new quality of children's knowledge, parents' awareness, and professional skills of a teacher. The novelty of the innovative experience lies in the fact that the direction of the use of ICT is beginning to take root in preschool education. This is due to the fact that this requires a good material and technical base and a sufficient level of ICT competence of the teacher. Realizing the goal of improving the quality of the educational process through the use of ICT, I set myself the following tasks: 1. Improve professional skills through the use of information and communication technologies. 2. Introduce ICT into the joint activities of the teacher and children. 3.Use ICT in working with parents to increase competence in the upbringing of children. One of the most important factors influencing the professionalism of a teacher is self-education. The search for new techniques, methods and technologies is relevant especially in our time. Connecting to the Internet allowed me to share my own work experience, adopt the best practices of my colleagues in Russia and abroad. I also got the opportunity to create a library of electronic resources: multimedia presentations on various topics, teaching materials on educational activities (these are GCD scenarios, a selection of demonstration material on the development of speech and other educational areas). One of the areas of my work on the use of ICT is the preparation of basic documentation in electronic form. From my own experience, I was convinced that maintaining the main documentation in electronic format significantly reduces the time it takes to fill it out, makes it possible to quickly make changes and additions, and facilitates storage and access to information. These are documents such as: lists of children, information about parents, diagnostic cards, perspective and calendar plans in all areas of work in a group. The Internet gives me the opportunity to improve my teaching skills through participation in webinars, vibinars, Internet conferences. Innovation activity on the use of information technology had a positive impact on the level of my ICT competence. The next direction in my work was the use of ICT as a means to improve the development of the studied material by preschoolers. It is important for a teacher to remember that every child is an individual and his abilities develop in the activity in which he is engaged in of his own free will and with interest. Therefore, it is necessary to choose such technologies that would make it possible to implement this. I believe that ICT is such a tool, as it opens up unlimited opportunities for the educator for effective creative work.

This is exactly what helps me, the electronic library I created, which includes presentations on different topics, various physical education minutes, didactic, handouts for children, card files of games, observations, walks, plot pictures for compiling stories for the development of speech. This media library takes up very little space. To transfer information I use flash cards, disks. I would like to note that children really like the use of media technology in educational activities, but it is imperative to comply with the requirements of SanPiN when using it. Reasonable use of visual teaching aids in the educational process develops observation, attention, speech and thinking in children. Properly selected video materials demonstrated with the help of media technology make it possible to directly make educational activities more interesting and dynamic, help to “immerse” the child in the subject of study, create the illusion of co-presence, empathy with the object being studied, and contribute to the formation of voluminous and vivid ideas. All this helps to increase the motivation of children for educational activities, activates cognitive activity, improves the quality of assimilation of program material with children. One of the indicators of the success of a teacher and the quality of his educational activities are the achievements of his pupils. So my children are participants in Internet competitions: 1. Participation in the All-Russian competition children's creativity“Dear Mom”, “Talent from the Cradle”, “Step Forward”, “Talantokha”, etc. It is very interesting for parents to go online and see the name of their child among the participants in the competition and receive a participation certificate. An integral part of the teacher's work is working with parents. The use of ICT, in my opinion, has significantly reduced the time for preparing and holding parent-teacher meetings, helped to arrange parents for easy communication. Parents are given the opportunity to personally observe the development of children in preschool. This form of work has become a worthy alternative to oral reports, written reports at meetings. During the period of morning and evening meetings with parents, the teacher is often busy with children and cannot always pay due attention to parents. It is necessary to search for new productive forms of interaction with parents. For them, I designed a wonderful parental corner, the materials for which I found all on the same sites on the Internet. Such bright and colorful information always attracts attention and is concise and accessible to parents. In addition, parents have the opportunity to go to the website of the kindergarten, where they can get available information.

What benefits do parents get from a group site? Firstly, they have the opportunity to follow the life of the group, the kindergarten. Secondly, the site allows you to get to know kindergarten teachers and specialists better, they can get the necessary advice from them. And at home, together with the child, it is always interesting to look at the site of the kindergarten, look at new photos together, listen to the child's message about past events. Using ICT in working with parents, I realized that it provides great benefits: 1. E-mail to exchange opinions without wasting time; 2. Information is studied by parents at a convenient time for them; 3.Information flows are increasing; 4.Individual approach in presenting information. From all of the above, we can conclude that the use of ICT in my educational process: 1. Helped to improve my professional level as a teacher, activated me to search for new non-traditional forms and methods of teaching, gave an incentive to the manifestation of my creative abilities. 2. Increased children's interest in learning, intensified cognitive activity, improved the quality of assimilation of program material by children. 3. Raised the level of pedagogical competence of parents, their awareness of the life of the group and the results of each individual child, increased interest in events in the kindergarten.