Complex syntactic constructions. Moscow State University of Printing Arts Scheme of Syntactic Construction

In Russian there is a large number of syntactic constructions, but the scope of their application is the same - the transfer of written or oral speech. They sound in ordinary colloquial, and in business, and in scientific language, they are used in poetry and prose. It can be both simple and complex syntactic constructions, the main purpose of which is to correctly convey the thought and meaning of what was said.

The concept of complex structures

Many writers prefer to present the narrative in their works with simple and short sentences. These include Chekhov (“brevity is the sister of talent”), Babel, O. Henry and others. But there are authors who use sentences with a complex syntactic construction in order not only to more fully convey the description, but also the emotions that it evokes. They were most widely used by such authors as Hugo, Leo Tolstoy, Nabokov and others.

A complex syntactic construction is a sentence in which there are different types of syntactic links. They can combine:

  • Coordinating and non-union connections: "Large snowflakes first slowly sank onto the sidewalk, and then fell faster - a snowstorm began."
  • Non-allied with subordinates: "In the evening the weather deteriorated sharply, no one wanted to go for a walk when I finished my business."
  • Mixed type: "All the guests went into the hall in silence, took their places, and only after that they began to talk in a whisper, until the one who invited them here appeared at the door."
  • Coordinating and subordinating connections: "The big beautiful fell at my feet, and I decided to pick it up to put it in a vase at home."

In order to correctly compose complex syntactic constructions, one should know exactly how their parts are interconnected. It also depends on the placement of punctuation marks.

Coordinating connection type

In Russian, a complex syntactic construction can consist of parts united by one of the 3 types of connections - coordinating, subordinating and unionless, or all at the same time. Syntactic structures with a coordinative type of connection combine two or more equal sentences connected by a coordinating union.

Between them it would be possible to put an end to or swap them, since each of them is independent, but together in meaning they form a single whole, for example:

  • Read this book and you will discover a whole new vision of reality. (You can put a period between two sentences, and the content remains the same).
  • A thunderstorm was approaching, and dark clouds appeared in the sky, and the air was filled with moisture, and the first gust of wind stirred the treetops. (Parts can be swapped, while the meaning of the sentence will be the same).

It can be one of the connecting components in complex sentences. Examples of its combination with an allied bond are known.

Combining with intonation

A complex syntactic construction often combines a coordinative connection with a non-union one. This is the name of the parts of which are interconnected exclusively by intonation, for example:

"The girl accelerated her pace (1): the train, puffing, drove up to the station (2), and the whistle of the locomotive confirmed this (3)".

Between the 1st and 2nd parts of the construction there is an asyndetic connection, and the second and third sentences are united by a coordinating connection, they are completely equal, and a full stop can be put between them.

In this example, there is a combination of coordinating and non-union connections, united by a single lexical meaning.

Constructions with coordinating and subordinating connection

Sentences in which one part is main and the other is dependent are called complex. At the same time, from the first to the second, you can always pose a question, regardless of where it is located, for example:

  • I don't like (when what?) being interrupted. (The main part is at the beginning of the sentence).
  • When they interrupt me, I don't like it (when?). (The sentence starts with a subordinate clause).
  • Natasha decided (for how long?) that she would leave for a long time (for what reason?), because what happened had a strong impact on her. (The first part of the sentence is the main in relation to the second, while the second - in relation to the third).

Combined into one whole, the coordinating and subordinating connections form complex syntactic constructions. Below are examples of proposals.

"I realized (1) that new challenges await me (2), and this realization gave me strength (3)".

The first part is the main one in relation to the second, since they are connected by a subordinate relationship. The third is attached to them by a coordinative connection with the help of the union and.

"The boy was about to cry (1) and tears filled his eyes (2) when the door opened (3) so that he could follow his mother (4)".

The first and second sentences are connected by a coordinative link with the help of the union "and". The second, third and fourth parts of the construction are connected by subordination.

In complex syntactic constructions, the sentences of which they are composed can be complicated. Consider an example.

"The wind picked up, growing stronger with every gust (1), and people hid their faces in their collars (2) when a new squall overtook them (3)."

The first part is complicated by adverbial turnover.

Types of unionless and subordinating constructions

In Russian, you can often find non-union sentences combined with a subordinating type of connection. In such constructions, there can be 3 or more parts, some of which are main for some and dependent for others. Parts without unions are attached to them with the help of intonation. This is the so-called complex syntactic construction (examples below) with a subordinating-union-free relationship:

"In moments of extreme fatigue, I had a strange feeling (1) - I'm doing something (2) to which I have absolutely no soul (3)."

In this example, the 1st and 2nd parts are interconnected by a common meaning and intonation, while the 2nd (main) and 3rd (dependent) are a complex sentence.

"When it snowed outside (1), my mother wrapped me in numerous scarves (2), because of this I could not move normally (3), which made it extremely difficult to play snowballs with other guys (4)".

In this sentence, the 2nd part is the main one in relation to the 1st, but at the same time it is connected with the 3rd intonation. In turn, the third sentence is the main one in relation to the fourth and is a complex structure.

In one complex syntactic structure, some parts can be connected without a union, but at the same time be part of a complex subordinating sentence.

Design with all types of communication

A complex syntactic construction in which everything is used at the same time is rare. Similar proposals apply to literary texts when the author wants to convey events and actions as accurately as possible in one phrase, for example:

"The whole sea was covered with waves (1), which, when approaching the shore, became larger (2), they crashed with noise against a solid barrier (3), and with a displeased hiss, the water receded (4) to return and strike with new force ( 5)".

In this example, the 1st and 2nd parts are connected by a subordinate relationship. The second and third are unionless, between the 3rd and 4th is a coordinating connection, and the fourth and fifth are again subordinating. Such complicated syntactic constructions can be divided into several sentences, but as a whole, they carry an additional emotional coloring.

Separation of offers with different types of communication

In complex syntactic constructions, they are placed on the same basis as in complex, complex and unionless proposals, For example:

  • As the sky began to gray in the east, a rooster crowed. (subordinating relationship).
  • A light haze lay in the valley, and the air trembled over the grasses. (compound sentence).
  • When the disk of the sun rose above the horizon, as if the whole world was filled with sounds - birds, insects and animals greeted the new day. (A comma stands between the main and dependent parts of a complex sentence, and a dash separates it from the non-union).

If you combine these sentences into one, you get a complex syntactic construction (grade 9, syntax):

"When the sky in the east began to grow gray, a rooster crowed (1), a light haze lay in the valley, and the air trembled over the grasses (2), when the disk of the sun rose above the horizon, as if the whole world was filled with sounds - birds, insects and animals welcomed the new day (3)".

Parsing complex syntactic constructions

To conduct with different types of communication, you must:

  • determine its type - narrative, imperative or interrogative;
  • find out how many simple sentences it consists of, and find their boundaries;
  • determine the types of links between the parts of the syntactic construction;
  • characterize each block by structure (complex or simple sentence);
  • sketch it out.

So you can disassemble the structure with any number of links and blocks.

Applying sentences with different types of links

Similar constructions are used in colloquial speech, as well as in journalism and fiction. They convey the feelings and emotions of the author to a greater extent than written separately. A great master who used complex syntactic constructions was Leo Tolstoy.

; rarely - one word form), which is a syntactic unit - a phrase, a sentence, and also in general any relatively complete statement.

S. to. - the broadest concept of syntax, covering syntactic constructions that are heterogeneous in their characteristics. Among S. to. constructions are distinguished, minimal in structure, that is, containing the minimum components necessary for the construction of a given unit (for example, “coniferous forest”, “Children are sleeping”, “He is an engineer”, “No strength”, “drizzle”); structures that are more or less common, that is, resulting from the expansion of minimal structures in accordance with their inherent capabilities - complex phrases (for example, “coniferous forests of Russia”), common sentences (simple sentences, which include secondary sentence members, explaining, clarifying the subject and / or predicate or the sentence as a whole; for example, “My brother has been working as an engineer for three years”, “I have no strength”, “It is drizzling all day”); combined constructions - the result of combining several simpler constructions, for example, combined phrases (“quickly complete the task received”), sentences with isolated turns [“... Rising slowly uphill / Horse, bringing sickness into h" (N. A. Nekrasov)], complex sentences[“I’m sad because I love you” (M. Yu. Lermontov)], constructions of direct speech [“Where is my friend? - said Oleg, - Tell me, where is my zealous horse th?” (A. S. Pushkin)]. S. k. is characterized by paradigmatic modifications (see Paradigmatics) - systems of forms determined by modifications of the dominant component (for example, "coniferous forest" - "coniferous forest" - "in a coniferous forest"; "He is an engineer" - "He will be an engineer" “If only he were an engineer!”).

There are two possible uses of the term "S. to. ": in relation to the abstract language model and in relation to the specific linguistic unit built on this model (cf. Grammatical units).

The signs by which S. to. are opposed to each other are different. For example, according to signs of a more general nature, predicative and non-predicative are contrasted (see. Predicativity) S. to., minimal constructions and constructions of a complicated type, free and not free (lexically limited, phraseologized) S. to. Differ S. to. ” and “The spelling dictionary was published by an authoritative scientist”), infinitive S. to. (“It is forbidden to swim”), S. to. with an appeal (“-Son, where are you?”), Negative S. to. should not"); as part of the sentence - participial construction ("Sailboat, moored in our port y, delivered tourists to the shore"), adverbial turnover (" Having redone everything Ah, we finally sat down to drink tea”), etc.

The term "S. to. ”, as a rule, does not apply to constructions and their parts, which are units smaller than a phrase and a sentence, for example, to some intonationally separate parts of a sentence ( syntagmas) that are not phrases, to separate word forms that do not form sentences. But it is possible to apply this term to prepositional-case combinations (“near the coast”, “behind the forest”), to compounds homogeneous members sentences ("in dictionaries and encyclopedias").

S.'s set to. is historically changeable. For example, during historical development of the Russian language, Old Russian disappeared (see. Old Russian language) constructions with the so-called dative independent (“When he enters the gates of the city, and sir his metropolitan” “When he entered the gates of the city, he was met by the metropolitan”), with the so-called. second indirect cases [with the second accusative (“I will put a prince on them” “I will make a young man their prince”), the second dative (“be a Christian for him” “be a Christian for him”)].

C false syntactic constructions (SSC)- combining parts with different types of syntactic connection. Such constructions are very widespread in speech, and are equally often used in works of different functional styles. These are combined types of sentences, they are diverse in terms of possible combinations of parts in them, however, for all their diversity, they lend themselves to a fairly clear and definite classification.

Depending on various combinations of types of connection between parts, the following types of complex syntactic constructions are possible:

  • with composition and submission: Lopatin began to feel sleepy, and he was delighted when the driver appeared at the door and announced that the car was ready.
  • with essay and unionless connection: My direction is to another unit, but I lagged behind the train: let me, I think, I’ll look at my platoon and at my lieutenant.
  • with subordination and unionless communication: On a walk in the forest, sometimes, while thinking about my work, I am seized by a philosophical delight: it seems as if you are deciding the conceivable fate of all mankind.
  • with composition, subordination and unionless communication: But the river majestically carries its water, and what does it care about these bindweeds: spinning, they swim along with the water, as ice floes recently floated.

An example of parsing CCK:

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, with different types of communication: unionless, coordinating and subordinating, consists of three parts connected asyndically (parts I and II) and by a coordinating connecting union and (parts II and III); Part I is a simple sentence, Part II is a simple sentence, Part III is a complex sentence with two subordinate clauses (goal and attributive) with parallel subordination. The clause of purpose depends on the whole main clause, answers the question for what purpose?, joins union to. The relative attributive depends on the noun path, answers the question what?, joins with an allied word which.

Syntactic constructions

Parameter name Meaning
Article subject: Syntactic constructions
Rubric (thematic category) Finance

Polynomial sentences

Return of property due to each participant in accordance with the terms of the simple partnership agreement

Monetary or other property contributions of the parties to the contract reflect

on the debit of the accounts of the corresponding values ​​(10 ʼʼMaterialsʼʼ, 50 ʼʼCashierʼʼ, etc.)

· credit of account 80 ʼʼAuthorized capitalʼʼ, subaccount ʼʼContributions under a simple partnership agreementʼʼ.

Distribution of profits, losses and other results joint activities between the participants in a simple partnership agreement are reflected in accounting in the following order:

- reported profit:

Debit account 84 ʼʼ Retained earnings (uncovered loss) ʼʼ

· Credit of account 75 "Settlements with founders";

- the amounts due under the agreement were transferred to the participants:

· Account credit 50 ʼʼCashierʼʼ, subaccount 1 ʼʼCashier organizationʼʼ;

- reflected loss:

Debit account 75ʼʼSettlements with foundersʼʼ, sub-account 2 ʼʼCalculations for the payment of incomeʼʼ

· Credit of account 84 ʼʼ Retained earnings (uncovered loss) ʼʼ;

- the participants repaid the resulting loss:

Account debit 50 ʼʼCashierʼʼ, subaccount 1 ʼʼCashier organizationʼʼ

Account credit 75ʼʼSettlements with foundersʼʼ, sub-account 2 ʼʼSettlements for the payment of incomeʼʼ.

At the end of the term of the simple partnership agreement, the remaining property and funds are distributed in accordance with the terms of the agreement between the participants.

Refund of funds contributed by participants as initial and additional contributions,

debit of account 80 ʼʼAuthorized capitalʼʼ, subaccount ʼʼContributions under a simple partnership agreementʼʼ

· credit accounts for accounting for cash (50.51, etc.).

o Debit of account 80 ʼʼAuthorized capitalʼʼ, subaccount ʼʼContributions under a simple partnership agreementʼʼ

o Credit of property accounts (01, 04, 10, 40, 41).

Analytical accounting for account 80 ʼʼAuthorized capitalʼʼ, subaccount ʼʼContributions under a simple partnership agreementʼʼ is carried out for each simple partnership agreement and each participant in the agreement.

(complicated type) and complex


I. Polynomial compound sentences:

1) with a composing connection;

2) with a subordinate relationship;

3) with an allied bond.

II. Complex syntactic constructions:

1) with composing subordination;

2) with non-union and allied connection.


1. Russian language in 2 parts (under the editorship of L.Yu. Maksimov). - M., 1989, part II. Syntax. Punctuation. pp.279-282.

2. Modern Russian language in 3 books. Book III. Syntax. M., 1981, §§ 95. 104/

3. Modern Russian language. Analysis of language units. In 3 parts. Part III. M., 1995, pp. 186-202.

Such sentences are called polynomial, which consist of three or more predicative units, interconnected by the same type of connection. Such formations are divided into:

1. polynomial BSC;

2. polynomial SPP;

3.Polynomial BP.

In polynomial BSCs, the main means of connecting parts are coordinating unions, for example:

The process of creating control systems is very complicated, it is a necessary process, we must treat it with attention. -

(From newspapers).

us SSP, consisting of 3 parts connected by adversarial and connecting unions.

Parts 1 and 2 form a sentence of AP, the relations are adversative-connective, since this is the pronoun following the union but organically absorbs the content of the 1st part.

Parts 2 and 3 make up the proposal of the AP relationship of cause and effect, because after union and you can insert a lexical element - the concretizer - as a result of this.


Often, inside the polynomial itself, the parts form semantic and structural complexes - the components of the polynomial, for example:

In the morning it was foggy 1 , but by breakfast the weather cleared up 2 and the sun shone on the newly blossomed foliage, and on the young virgin grass, and on

shoots of grain, and on the ripples of a fast river 3.

(L. Tolstoy)

The SSP consists of three parts connected by adversative and connecting unions.

Parts 2 and 3 are in closer semantic relations with each other, and from here the structure is divided into two structural complexes (section on the union but:

At the first logical-syntactic level of articulation, the sentence is an AP, the relationship between I and II components is adversative-concessive, because sentence can be modified: although fog howled in the morning, but..., ᴛ.ᴇ. the actions of the second complex exist contrary to what was said in the first part.

At the second level of division, the second complex is an SSP of the AP, allowing the 2nd the allied element is a concretizer, as a result, the relationship is effective.

In polynomial NGN sentences, the main means of communication are subordinating conjunctions and allied tins. A feature of such structures is that they consist of one main and several accessory parts. Given the dependence on the nature of the relationship of these parts to each other and with the main part, SNPs are distinguished with serial and parallel subordination. In turn, subordination is divided into 2 types:

a) parallel homogeneous (subordination);

b) parallel inhomogeneous.

The main part is indicated.

If the subordinate part (parts) refer to one word (undivided structure), then a dot is put in the main one, and the specific word is written in brackets, for example:

I am the one that you listened to in the midnight silence 2.

(M.Yu. Lermontov)

to whom

If the subordinate clause refers to dissected structures, then it departs from the framework of the main part in the diagram:

Terrible fatigue seized Grigory 1 , 2 as soon as he went out into the street.

(M. Sholokhov)

with barely (when)

If the subordinate part is located in interposition with respect to the main or previous subordinate clause, a break sign is put, for example:

The mountain we climbed 2 , 1 was called Lobasta.

(D. Mamin-Sibiryak)

Let us consider in more detail the NGN sentences of a complicated type.

With sequential subordination, the subordinate parts of a complex sentence are arranged in a chain.

The subordinate parts differ in degrees - the subordinate part related directly to the main one - the subordinate part of the 1st degree; to the subordinate part - the subordinate part of the 2nd degree; to the 2nd subordinate part - the subordinate part of the 3rd degree, etc.

The subordinate clause of the lower degree defines any member of the subordinate clause of the higher degree or its entirety, or a contact word, in this regard, the subordinate clause of the highest degree has the same properties as the main clause.

Collegiate assessor Kovalev woke up quite early and made "brr" with his lips 1, which he always did 2 when he woke up 3, although he himself could not explain 4 for what reason 5 .

The subordinate clauses of the lower degree may not necessarily be located in postposition to the subordinate clause of the highest degree, but also in preposition and interposition. In cases where the subordinate clause of the lowest degree is in relation to subordinate part of the highest degree in interposition, then the connection between the subordinate parts is very close. In this case, we can talk about a complex subordinate part.

And the silver rep watch-flyer sparkles over this night, like a slowly flying bird 1, because at such a height 2, where its path lies 3, the sun is already shining 2 . (D.G.)


What would Sonya do 1, if she did not have a joyful consciousness Togo 2 , that at first she did not undress for three nights in order 3 to be ready, to follow exactly all the doctor's instructions and 4 that she now does not sleep at night 5 in order not to miss clock 6 , in which medicines should be given 7 .


In general, this is a polynomial NGN with serial (see parts 1, 2, 3.4 and 1,2,5,6,7) and parallel (3.5) subordination of parts.

In subordination, subordinate parts refer to one contact word in the main part and defines the main part in a semantic sense in the same way.

The relationship between the subordinate clauses themselves can be equated to the relationship in a sentence with coordinating unions. Each of the subordinate subordinate parts can have its own subordinating union, and most often these unions turn out to be the same , for example-

Where it's hard to breathe 1, where grief is heard 2, be the first there 3.

Such subordinating clauses can be interconnected by connecting, adversative, dividing and coordinating unions, for example:

There are such sunny days 1, when there is too much brilliance2 and when the ground is as if showered with fragments of broken glass 3 .

Very often in such sentences, the subordinating union or word does not exist for all subordinating parts. Sometimes even one subordinating conjunction must be used, and other subordinate parts are joined by intonation . For example:

Rosehip flowering coincided with scarlet short nights 1, when nightingales ring 2, a greenish dawn does not leave the horizon, and in the deadest time of the night it is light 3.K.P.)

Relatively rarely, with homogeneous subordinate parts, different unions or allied tins are used.

Princess Mary did not understand 1 what he wanted from her 2 and why he asked to be fired 3 .

With heterogeneous parallel subordination of subordinate parts, subordinate parts or belong to different contact words, or some of them refer to the contact word, while others refer to the entire main sentence, or characterize the main part in a different sense. Each of the subordinate parts is directly connected by a union or allied word with the main part. Between themselves, they are not connected by coordinating unions, and not a single subordinating union should be omitted. Example:

Asking how long ago the misfortune happened 2 , he lifted the major by the chin and gave him a thumb in the very place 1 where the nose 3 used to be, so that the major was forced to throw his head back and hit the back of his head against the wall. (N.G.)

In polynomial (complicated) BP, the main means of communication is often intonation. Different semantic relationships can be established between parts of such structures, for example:

It turned out 1: teams have already been sent 2 , the detachment was ordered to go along with the guns directly to the station 3.(A.T.)

In this sentence, parts 2 and 3 represent a complex from a logical-syntactic point of view, hence the block diagram is as follows:


At the first logical-syntactic level, between the I and II components of the relation of the motivating explanation. At the second logical-syntactic level between the 2nd and 3rd parts of the relationship of interdependence.

The situation is more complicated in complex syntactic constructions (CSC) Complex syntactic constructions will be called polynomial complex sentences about different types of connection:

a) coordinating and subordinating;

b) writing and unionless;

c) submissive and non-union;

d) coordinating, subordinating and unionless.

Structures of this kind have:

1) diversity of types of communication;

2) the presence of at least two levels of division;

3) by combining two or more semantic components in their composition.

A widespread type of construction is one that combines a coordinating and subordinating connection in constructions.

Composition - a more general syntactic connection, subordination - a more specific syntactic connection ʼʼ therefore, in such complex constructions, SPP act as components of the composition . In such structures, the levels of the logical-syntactic division of the sentence are distinguished. First, the coordinative connection is characterized:

I. Ivan Ivanovich 1 , with a crooked eye 2 , pushed Ivan Nikiforovich quite successfully and to that place 1 where Ivan Ivanovich stood 3, II. but the mayor made the direction with an ingot towards 4, so that Ivan Nikiforovich fell on a lady in a red dress 5, which, out of curiosity, poked its way into the very middle of 6. (N.G.)

This is an SSK with a coordinating and subordinating connection of parts. At the first logical-syntactic level, divisions are divided into 2 components of the composition. Relations between the components are adversative (opposite-restrictive), parts are connected by a union but.

At the second logical-syntactic level of division, the 1st component of the composition is a complex sentence with 2 subordinate clauses of parallel subordination.

At the second logical-syntactic level of articulation, the 2nd component of the composition represents the NGN with 2 subordinate clauses of sequential subordination.

In some cases, the components of an essay may have one common clause, for example:

It was So well and So the flowers in the freshly watered flowerbed smelled like they didn't want to leave.

Here, the general subordinate part plays the role of a common member, in connection with this, punctuation marks are placed as in the SSP with common member.

This is SSK with composition and submission. The components of the essay have a common subordinate part. Each of the components of the essay makes up an undivided structure with this subordinate part of the SPP; pronominal-correlative allied type with a clause of phraseological type. The relationship between the components of the essay is connecting.

An even more complex type is the SSC with an allied and allied connection of parts.

In such SSCs, an allied and allied coordinative connection is a more general type of connection, subordination is a particular type of connection. In accordance with this, several varieties of SSC with allied and non-union communication are distinguished.

A. SCCs are divided into 2 or more components connected by an unionless connection , each of which is either an SPP or an SSK with several subordinate parts.

It was difficult to decide what exactly was in the heap 1 , because the dust on it was so abundant 3 that the hands of anyone who touched it became like gloves 4 ; more noticeable than anything else protruded from there was a piece of a wooden shovel and an old boot sole 5.(N.G.)

SSK with allied and allied subordination.

At the first level of division, they are divided into 2 components of non-union , connection relationships.

The 1st component of non-union represents an NGN with parallel heterogeneous and sequential 2-degree subordination;

The 2nd component of non-union is built according to the scheme of a simple sentence.

The SSK combines unionless and allied coordinating communication. In this case, non-union may turn out to be a more general type, then SSCs are divided into components of non-union in the first place; if general view communication is an essay, then the SSC are divided into components of the essay.

This SSC is divided into 2 components of non-union: the 1st component is built according to the simple sentence scheme, the 2nd according to the SSP scheme.

There were clouds ahead 1 , and I gained altitude and entered them 2: it is better to go blindly 3 than over this endless dull background 4 .(c)

This SSC is divided into 2 components of the composition: the 1st component is built according to the scheme of a simple sentence; 2nd according to the scheme of non-union proposal.

B. SSK can include an allied and allied coordinating connection , but also allied subordination.

Someone regretted aloud 1 , that there is no music 2 , and it appeared as ordered 3 : Mokhov was already taking out a magnificent button accordion from the case 4 .

SSCs are divided into 2 components of the composition: the 1st component is built according to the SPP scheme, and the 2nd - according to the scheme of an allied proposal.

Syntactic constructions - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Syntactic constructions" 2017, 2018.

Complex syntactic constructions are combinations of parts with heterogeneous syntactic links. Such constructions are very widespread in speech, and are equally often used in works of different functional styles. These are combined types of sentences, they are diverse in terms of possible combinations of parts in them, however, for all their diversity, they lend themselves to a fairly clear and definite classification.

Depending on various combinations of types of connection between parts, the following types of complex syntactic constructions are possible:

    1) with composition and submission: Lopatin began to feel sleepy, and he was delighted when the driver appeared at the door and reported that the car was ready.(Sim.);

    2) with an essay and an allied connection: My direction is to another unit, but I lagged behind the train: let me, I think, I’ll look at my platoon and at my lieutenant(Cossack.);

    3) with subordination and unionless communication: In the woods, on a walk, sometimes, while thinking about my work, I am seized by a philosophical delight: it seems as if you are deciding the conceivable fate of all mankind.(Shv.);

    4) with composition, subordination and non-union connection: But the river majestically carries its water, and what does it care about these bindweeds: spinning, they swim along with the water, as ice floes recently floated(Prishv.).

Sentences with heterogeneous syntactic connections usually consist of two (at least) logically and structurally distinguishable components or several, among which, in turn, there may be complex sentences. However, as a rule, the main components have the same type of connection - coordinative or non-union. For example, in a sentence The swordsman did not look back and did not hear the chase, but he knew that they were chasing him, and when three shots rang out one after another and a volley rang out, it seemed to him that they were shooting at him, and he ran even faster(Fad.) four components: 1) The sword did not look back and did not hear the chase; 2) but he knew they were after him; 3) and when three shots rang out one after another and a volley rang out, it seemed to him that they were shooting at him; 4) and he ran even faster. All these parts are connected by compositional relations, but within the parts there is subordination (see the second and third parts).

More often, in such combined sentences, there is a division into two components, and one of them or both can be complex sentences. The connection between the components can be of only two types - coordinating or non-union. Subordination is always internal.

    1) The greatest pictorial power lies in the sunlight, and all the dullness of Russian nature is good only because it is the same sunlight, but muffled, passing through the layers. humid air and a thin veil of clouds(Paust.);

    2) There was one strange circumstance in the Stavraka case: no one could understand why he lived until his arrest under his real name, why he did not change it immediately after the revolution(Paust.);

    3) One circumstance always surprises me: we walk through life and do not know at all and cannot even imagine how many greatest tragedies, wonderful human deeds, how much grief, heroism, meanness and despair have happened and are happening on any piece of land where we live.(Paust.).

Such syntactic constructions are subject to two levels of articulation: the first articulation - logical-syntactic, second - structural-syntactic. At the first level of division, larger logical parts of the construction, or components, are distinguished, at the second - parts equal to individual predicative units, i.e. the simplest "building elements" of a complex sentence. If we convey these two levels of articulation of complex syntactic constructions graphically, then the schemes of the given sentences can be represented as follows:

Thus, for more high level articulation - logical-syntactic - complex syntactic constructions can only have coordinating and non-union connections, as the connections are the most free, as for the subordinating connection (closer connection), it is possible only as an internal connection between parts of the components, i.e. is found only at the second level of articulation of a complex syntactic construction.

This is especially clearly revealed when two complex sentences are combined into a complex syntactic construction. For example: Tatyana Afanasyevna signaled to her brother that the patient wanted to sleep, and everyone quietly left the room, except for the maid, who again sat down at the spinning wheel.(P.); That was the time when the poems of Polonsky, Maykov and Apukhtin were known better than simple Pushkin melodies, and Levitan did not even know that the words of this romance belonged to Pushkin(Paust.).

Complex syntactic constructions can have extremely common components: Cincinnatus did not ask anything, but when Rodion left and time dragged on with its usual jogging, he realized that he had been deceived again, that he had strained his soul so much in vain and that everything remained as vague, viscous and meaningless as it was(Nab.).