There are three parts in the UK. Four parts of Great Britain

brief information

Great Britain, which is surrounded on all sides by sea and ocean, still jealously guards its traditions and customs, which may seem eccentric to many foreigners. However, it is precisely this careful attitude to traditions that has made Great Britain one of the most famous and influential countries in the world, which also has amazing nature and even seaside resorts. At the same time, "Foggy Albion" is still a mystery to many of us...


The UK is located in the northwest of Europe in the British Isles. In the north, Great Britain borders on Ireland, in the southeast, the English Channel ("English Strait"), whose width is 35 km, separates this country from France. The total area of ​​Great Britain is 244,820 km. sq. The country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. The highest peak in the UK is Mount Ben Nevis in Scotland (its height is 1343 meters).

The capital of Great Britain

The capital of Great Britain is London, which now has a population of more than 8.2 million people. London was founded by the Romans in 43 AD.

Official language

The official language of the UK is English, which is spoken by over 95% of the population. The minority languages ​​are Scottish, Welsh, Irish, Gaelic and Cornish.


The state religion in Great Britain is the Anglican Christian Church, formed in 1534 under the influence of Protestantism. More than 10% of UK residents belong to the Roman Catholic Church. In addition, there are many Presbyterians and Muslims in the country.

Government of Great Britain

Great Britain has been a constitutional monarchy for many centuries. The country consists of four provinces - England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The head of state is the Queen, power is inherited. The head of government is the Prime Minister (he becomes the leader of the majority party in the House of Commons).

Legislative power belongs to the bicameral Parliament, which consists of the House of Lords (1200 seats) and the House of Commons (659 seats). The main political parties are the Conservative Party, the Labor Party and the Liberal Democrats.

Climate and weather

The climate in the UK is temperate maritime with high rainfall. The Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea and the Gulf Stream have a decisive influence on the climate of Great Britain. The average temperature in winter is 0C, and in summer - +25C. The warmest months are July and August, while the coldest is February.

Note that although July and August are considered the warmest months in the UK, however, they are also the wettest, with high rainfall.

Seas and oceans in the UK

Great Britain is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. The total coastline is 12,429 km. The English Crown Lands include the islands of Jersey and Guernsey in the English Channel, as well as the Isle of Man (located in the Irish Sea).

Rivers and lakes

The UK has over 20 large rivers and over 380 lakes (many of them artificial). The largest of the rivers are the Severn (354 km), the Thames (346 km), the Trent (297 km), the Great Ouse (230 km), the Wye (215 km) and the Tay (188 km).

Note that in the UK there is an extensive network of canals, most of which were built back in the Victorian era.

History of Great Britain

Archaeologists have found evidence that people lived in the territory of modern Great Britain as far back as the Neolithic era. Many historical artifacts dating back to the Bronze Age have also been found.

In 43 AD Britain, after the stubborn resistance of the local tribes, was captured by the Roman Empire, and became its province. Power ancient rome over Britain lasted until 410 AD, after which the island was alternately invaded by the tribes of the Angles and Saxons from Germany, and then the Vikings from Scandinavia. The spread of Christianity in the British Isles began at the end of the 6th century.

In 1066 took place famous battle under Hastings, which secured the victory of the Normans in the conquest of Britain. William of Normandy (better known as William the Conqueror) became King of England on December 25, 1066.

In the Middle Ages, on the territory of modern Britain, there were numerous wars between the British, Scots, Irish and Welsh. In 1337, the "Hundred Years War" of England against France began over the French provinces of Guyenne, Normandy and Anjou, which, in the end, ended with the victory of the French in 1453.

Immediately after this, in 1455, a bloody 30-year internecine war of the Scarlet and White Roses between the two branches of the royal seven (Yorks and Lancasters) began in England.

In 1534, King Henry III became head of the Church of England, which led to the English Reformation and the dissolution of many monasteries. The middle of the 17th century was marked by the overthrow of the monarchy, the reign of Oliver Cromwell, and then the restoration of monarchical power.

In 1707, England and Scotland signed an act of union, thus forming the Kingdom of Great Britain.

In the XVIII century, Great Britain became the largest colonial power with a huge fleet. Trade and banking developed rapidly in the country. At this time there were revolutionary changes in English industry and agriculture.

The development of Great Britain continued into the 19th century, during the so-called "Victorian era".

Great Britain played a big role during the world wars of the 20th century. In 1921, the Irish rebellion broke out, which led to the formation of an independent Ireland. As for Northern Ireland, it is still part of the UK. Now the UK is an active member of the NATO military bloc, and is also a member of the EU.


Since Great Britain consists of several "provinces" (England, Scotland, Wales and, of course, Northern Ireland), which used to be independent countries, it is clear that its culture is multi-ethnic.

The traditional English folk tales of the semi-mystical King Arthur and his knights, as well as the semi-historical tales of Robin Hood, are known all over the world. Many historians claim that such individuals did exist in Medieval England, but we only know about them from folk legends.

In general, it should be noted that traditions play a greater role in Great Britain than in many other countries of the world. The inhabitants of "Foggy Albion" are proud of their traditions, many of which seem strange and eccentric to us. For example, theaters have been closed on Sundays in the UK for more than 300 years.

Even one English tradition - in the Tower of London, according to the decree of King Charles II, 6 ravens must constantly live. The British are sure that as long as these birds live there, nothing threatens the royal power.

Some of you may know that in the House of Lords of the British Parliament, the chancellor sits on a woolsack. This custom has been going on since the time when sheep's wool made England a rich and powerful country.

Old English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish traditions may seem strange to modern Europeans, Asians or Americans, but the inhabitants of "Foggy Albion" adhere to them with enviable tenacity.

The Canterbury Tales by the English poet Geoffrey Chaucer, published in 1476, had a decisive influence on the development of literature in Great Britain. In the Middle Ages, England gave the world such talented poets, writers and playwrights as Christopher Marlowe, Thomas Wyatt, John Milton and, of course, William Shakespeare.

Later came Jane Austen, Mary Shelley, John Keats, William Blake, George Byron, Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde, Thomas Hardy, Virginia Woolf, Wodehouse, Eliot, Graham Greene, Iris Murdoch and Ian Banks.

However, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland can also boast of "loud" literary names. Perhaps the most famous of them are the Scottish poets William Dunbar and Robert Burns.

The most famous British artists are George Gower, Samuel Cooper, Joshua Reynolds, George Stubbs, John Constable, Joseph William Turner and David Hockney.

If we talk about music, then, of course, there were quite talented classical composers in Great Britain, however, this country, first of all, gave the world the legendary "Liverpool Four" - the rock group "The Beatles".

British cuisine

Each region of Great Britain (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) has its own traditional cuisine. In general, we can say that the food of the British is based on meat (beef, lamb, pork, chicken), fish, eggs and flour. Meat and fish are usually served with potatoes or some other vegetable.

English cuisine has traditionally been "mild-tasting", with no seasonings. However, after Great Britain captured numerous colonies (we are talking, of course, about India), various Indian seasonings began to be used more in English cuisine.

Traditional English dishes - Yorkshire pudding, Christmas pudding, roast beef, Cornish pasta, pudding and Battenberg cake.

Traditional Scottish dishes are haggis, oatmeal, pickled herring rollmops and Cranahan dessert.

Traditional Welsh dishes are bara brit yeast bread, sorrel soup, beef in beer and Welsh flatbread.

Traditional Irish dishes are Irish stew, coddle (made from sausages, bacon, potatoes and onions), yeast bread with barmbrack grapes and boxy potato pancakes.

We advise tourists in the UK to try the famous English cheeses. In general, more than 400 varieties of cheese are now produced in England. The most popular of these is cheddar (hard cheese with a strong nutty flavor). In addition, we note such varieties of English cheese as Stilton, Red Leicester and Cheshire.

Traditional British drinks are beer, cider, tea, gin and pimm (made on the basis of gin with the addition of lemonade, fruit and mint).

Landmarks of Great Britain

There are so many attractions in the UK that we will highlight only the 10 most interesting of them (in our opinion):

Stonehenge is a prehistoric stone circle built several thousand years ago. This monument is located in Salisbury Plain in the English county of Wiltshire. Historians do not know exactly for what purposes it was intended, although they are inclined to the version of a religious cult.

Tower Bridge in London
The Tower Bridge in London was built in 1894. It is considered one of the symbols of London.

Chatsworth House
This mansion was built in the English county of Devonshire in the middle of the 16th century. Considered one of the finest country houses in the UK. It was in it that the film Pride and Prejudice was filmed in 2005.

Lake Windermere
This lake is the largest in England. It is located in Cumbria. Beautiful landscapes attract thousands of tourists every year to Lake Windermere.

Village of Portmeirion
Located on the coast of North Wales. The construction of this amazing village began in 1925. Perhaps now Portmeirion is the most eccentric village in all of Britain.

Path of the Giants
The Giant's Trail is located in Northern Ireland, it consists of about 40 thousand basalt columns that appeared as a result of a volcanic eruption. According to legend, this Path was created in ancient times by the Giants who previously inhabited the Earth ...

The capital of Scotland, Edinburgh, is an ancient city that has preserved a huge number of historical and architectural monuments, among which the "star" is Edinburgh Castle.

Tresco Abbey Gardens
These gardens are located on the Isle of Scilly and were planted in the 19th century. Currently, Tresco Abbey Gardens grow flowers and trees from 80 countries, including, for example, Burma and New Zealand. Even in winter, more than 300 plants bloom here.

york cathedral
Construction of York Minster in York (Northern England) began in 1230 and continued until 1472. York Minster is considered one of the most majestic Gothic cathedrals in all of Western Europe.

Project "Eden"
The Eden Project is a modern botanical garden in the UK. It is located in Cornwall. Now in this botanical garden, more than 100 thousand flowers and trees from around the world grow under two huge transparent domes.

Cities and resorts

The largest cities in the UK are London (more than 8.2 million people), Birmingham (more than 1.1 million people), Glasgow (about 600 thousand people), Belfast (more than 600 thousand people), Manchester (more than 500 thousand . people), Edinburgh (more than 500 thousand people) and Liverpool (about 500 thousand people).

For most of us, Great Britain is associated with constant rain and fog. However, in this country, it turns out, there are excellent seaside resorts. Moreover, the UK even has the English Riviera (Torbay). The most famous seaside resorts of Foggy Albion are Newport, Eastbourne and Brighton. In total, there are about 760 beaches in the UK, which are annually tested for compliance with European standards.

United Kingdom located in northwestern Europe. Consists of the island of Great Britain, on which are located England, Scotland and Wales, and part of the island of Ireland, which occupies Northern Ireland. The Isle of Man and the Channel Islands are dominions of the United Kingdom, but are not part of it. It is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean in the west and north, the North Sea in the east. In the south it is separated from the mainland by the English Channel.

The name of the country comes from the English Great Britain. Britain - by the ethnonym of the Briton tribe.

Official name: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


The area of ​​the land: 244 thousand sq. km

Total population: 61.6 million people

Administrative division: It consists of four historical regions (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland), which are administratively divided into numerous counties.

England: 39 counties, 6 metropolitan counties and a special administrative unit - Greater London (administrative center - London).

Wales: 8 counties (administrative center - Cardiff).

Scotland: 12 regions and 186 islands (administrative center - Edinburgh).

Northern Ireland: 26 districts (administrative center - Belfast). The Isle of Man and the Channel Islands have a special status.

Form of government: A constitutional monarchy.

Head of State: The monarch is the supreme bearer of executive power, the head of the judiciary, the supreme commander in chief.

Composition of the population: 83.6% - English, 8.5% - Scots, 4.9% - Welsh, 2.9% - Irish, also live 0.7% - (Indians, Pakistanis, Chinese and from African countries)

Official language: English. Accordingly, in Scotland they use Scottish, and in Wales - Scottish Gaelic and Anglo-Scots (Scots).

Religion: 71.6% Christian, 15.5% Atheist, 0.3% Buddhism, 2.7% Islam, 1% Hinduism, 0.6% Sikhism, 0.5% Judaism.

Internet domain: .uk

Mains voltage: ~230 V, 50 Hz

Phone country code: +44

Country barcode: 50


The climate of the United Kingdom is very mild. Although extreme temperatures above 38°C or below -18°C have been recorded, temperatures very rarely rise above 29°C on summer days or fall below -7°C on winter nights. The mildness of the climate is mainly due to the influence of the North Atlantic Current (an extension of the Gulf Stream ), which brings warm waters to the western coast of Europe. At these latitudes, westerly winds prevail, and thus cool air comes from the Atlantic Ocean in summer and warm air in winter.

Although temperature differences are quite small, winters are warmer on the west coast of the United Kingdom than on the east. In the Isles of Scilly, the extreme southwest of Great Britain, and Holyhead in northwest Wales, the average January temperature is 7°C, in London it is only 5°C, and on most of the east coast it is below 4°C. Despite temperatures are similar, winters become less favorable as you move north along the east coast, where chilly, damp winds blow from the cold North Sea.

Frost and snow are not uncommon, especially at high altitudes, but in the lowlands in a typical winter, temperatures below 0 ° C stay below 0 ° C for only 30–60 days a year, and snow for only 10–15 days. In London, snow lies on the ground only about 5 days a year.

The highest summer temperatures are in the southeast. In London, the average July temperature is 17°C, in the Isles of Scilly 16°C, in Holyhead 15°C, and on the north coast of Scotland it is less than 13°C.

In normal years, all areas of Great Britain receive enough rainfall for agricultural work, and in some mountainous areas they are even excessive. Seasonal and annual fluctuations in precipitation are insignificant, droughts are rare.

The greatest amount of precipitation falls in the west of the United Kingdom, relatively little - in its eastern part. In London, the average annual rainfall is only 610 mm, in most of Low Britain - up to 760 mm, and in parts of High Britain - up to 1020 mm. Central Wales averages over 1525mm of precipitation per year, with parts of the Lake District and the western Highlands of Scotland (the wettest places in the interior of the United Kingdom) receiving over 2540mm.

Fairly overcast weather prevails, as most of the precipitation falls in the form of constant drizzle rather than showers, and the sun does not show on many days of the year.

At these latitudes, summer days are long and winter days are very short. In January, the south coast of the UK receives an average of two hours of sunshine per day, and north of Birmingham rarely more than an hour and a half. Even on the long July days, the southern coast gets only seven hours of sunshine on average, while the northern part of the country gets less than five hours a day. The lack of sunlight depends more on overcast than on fogs.

The famous London fogs of the past enveloped the city because of the thick smoke from burning coal for space heating, and not due to meteorological conditions. However, wet damp fog is still recorded in London on average 45 days a year, mainly in January and February, and in most ports there are from 15 to 30 foggy days each year, and fog can paralyze all traffic for a couple of days or more. .


Great Britain is an island nation in the northwest of Europe. It occupies the island of Great Britain, part of the island of Ireland and a number of smaller islands (Man, Wight, Channel Islands, Orkney, Hebrides, Shetland and others).

Great Britain consists of 4 historical and geographical regions: England, Scotland and Wales, located on the island of Great Britain, and Northern Ireland. The total area of ​​the country is 244.9 thousand square meters. km. UK has land border with only one country - Ireland. In the north and west, the country is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, and in the east and south - by the North Sea and the narrow straits of the English Channel and Pas de Calais. The entire coast is dotted with bays, bays, deltas and peninsulas, so most of the UK is located at a distance of no more than 120 km from the sea.

Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and Northern England are dominated by medium-altitude mountains and uplands with deeply incised river valleys. The highest point of the country is located in Scotland - it is Mount Ben Nevis with a height of 1343 m. The southeastern and central parts of Great Britain are occupied by elevated plains and wastelands. In these areas, only a few places reach 300 m above sea level.

Great Britain has a dense network of rivers. In England and Wales the main rivers are Tyne, Trent, Humber, Severn and Thames, in Scotland the Clyde, Fort and Tweed, in Northern Ireland the Bann and Logan. All of them are short, full-flowing and non-freezing in winter time. There are many lakes in the mountains, mostly of glacial origin. The largest of them are Loch Neagh, Loch Lomond and Loch Ness.

The nature protection of Great Britain is carried out by a system of national parks, national nature and forest reserves and reserves for the protection of waterfowl, occupying about 7% of the country's territory. The originality of British national parks is that these are not "deaf" areas, but quite close to big cities areas that look more like huge city parks or botanical gardens. The largest national parks are the Lake District or Lake District and Snowdonia, the Dartmoor and Brecon Beacons reserves.

Flora and fauna

Vegetable world

In prehistoric times, much of the United Kingdom was densely forested with oak, birch and other hardwoods, but now, after more than 20 centuries economic development The area is predominantly deforested. Nevertheless, despite the absence of large forest areas, agricultural areas appear wooded thanks to hedgerows, protective forest belts in fields, game animal sanctuaries, and small forest plantations near farms and homesteads.

Forest plots are usually confined to areas with highly rugged topography or sandy soils that are of little use for agriculture. Enormous old trees are preserved in the royal forests, i.e. in areas such as the New Forest, which were originally set aside for royal hunting, but some of them have never been heavily forested. After 1919, and especially after 1945, the government began to encourage the creation of both public and private border forest belts from fast-growing coniferous trees. According to a 1997 estimate, forest inventory was carried out in the country on an area of ​​approx. 2 million ha. However, Low Britain is not dominated by forests, but by fields and pastures.

The main plant formation in Great Britain is heathworts, which prevail in High Britain at altitudes above 215 m, but are also found in other areas. In general, they account for approximately 1/3 of the area of ​​Great Britain and most of Northern Ireland. In fact, four completely different types are combined here: heath proper, dominated by common heather (Calluna vulgaris), found on rather steep slopes and well-drained, usually sandy soils; grassy wastelands on well-drained soils with a predominance of bent grass (Agrostis sp.) and fescue (Festuca sp.), and in less drained areas - blue moth (Molinia coerulea) and white-beard protruding (Nardus stricta); sedge barrens, represented by cotton grass (Eriophorum vaginatum), reeds (Scirpus cespitosus) and rushes (Juncus sp.) in more humid lands, and sphagnum bogs in the dampest areas.

Animal world

Many large mammals, such as the bear, wild boar and Irish red deer, have long been extirpated in the British Isles as a result of intense hunting, and the wolf has been extirpated as a pest. Now there are only 56 species of mammals left. Red deer - the largest representative of mammals - lives in the uplands of Cornwall, in the Scottish Highlands. There are quite a few roe deer that are found north of Yorkshire and in the south of England.

Wild goats live in mountainous areas. Among small mammals there are hare, rabbit, marten, otter, wild cat, a large number of partridges and wild ducks. Of the small predators, the ermine and weasel are the most numerous, ferrets are found in Wales, and wild European cats and American martens are found in the mountains of Scotland.

There are a lot of salmon and trout in the rivers and lakes of Scotland. Cod, herring, haddock are caught in coastal waters. The fauna is practically the same as in England, with the exception of the black polecat, which is not found in England. Various types of fish are found in the waters off the British Isles: in the surface layers sea ​​waters- coal fish, herring, sprat feed in bays and estuaries of rivers, and sardines and mackerel appear off the coast of the Kirkwall Peninsula.

The most important commercial fish of far and near waters are cod, haddock and marlan. Some cod individuals weigh up to 20 kilograms. Also in rivers and lakes there are roach, chub, barbel. The famous monster of Loch Ness, which could supposedly be a relic aquatic dinosaur, is most likely a fiction invented to attract tourists and various types of business.

The gray seal is found off the islands and coastal cliffs of Cornwall and Wales, while the common seal prefers the coasts of Scotland, the eastern coasts of Northern Ireland and the islands adjacent to them.

More than 200 species of birds can be seen in England, of which more than half come from other countries. The British Isles are home to 130 species of birds, including many songbirds. Many species are able to adapt to changing conditions, and it is believed that there are more birds in suburban gardens than in any forest. The most common sparrows, finches, starlings, crows, kingfishers, robins, tits. The national symbol of England is the red-breasted robin. Millions of birds migrate along the coast of Great Britain from south to north and back.


The territory of Great Britain is full of natural contrasts - ancient and dull moors, moorlands and incredible blue lakes of Scotland in the north, picturesque coastal cliffs and crystal clear calm waters off the south and west coasts, hilly cultivated Central England with parks and lawns, majestic mountains and green valleys of Wales in the West. Each region of the country has a characteristic appearance, its own distinctive traditions, culture and customs.

  • Beaumaris
  • York Minster
  • canterbury cathedral
  • Tower
  • sherwood forest
  • Edinburgh castle
  • Westminster Abbey
  • Loch Ness lake

Banks and currency

The monetary unit of Great Britain is the pound sterling (GBP). There are 100 pence in one pound. In circulation there are banknotes in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, and 50 pounds and coins in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 pence and 1 pound. In the provinces, the names of old British coins are sometimes used - "guinea", "shilling", "penny" and others, but the real unit of payment is the pound.

In England, Scotland and Northern Ireland, banknotes are printed slightly different from each other. Although they are valid throughout the United Kingdom, it is best to leave them in the shops of the parts of the country where you received them. If you did not have time to do this, such banknotes can be exchanged at banks, and without commission.

Banks are open from 9.00 to 15.30 without a break on weekdays, large banks also work on Saturday.

You can change money at any bank branch (commission 0.5-1%), in the evening - at exchange offices of large department stores and in some travel agencies. Exchange offices at airports operate around the clock. A passport is required to exchange cash.

Credit cards Visa, Master Card, American Express, as well as traveler's checks are widely used. Street ATMs are widespread, but there are cases of mistaken blocking of credit cards, so it is better to use ATMs in institutions.

Useful information for tourists

Shops are usually open from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 17.30, although many of the department stores are open until 18.00, and on Wednesdays or Thursdays - until 19.00-20.00. Large stores can also receive customers on Sundays, but only during any six hours from 10.00 to 18.00. In smaller towns and villages, shops often close for half a day after lunch once a week, as well as for an hour-long lunch break.

Hotels in many cases have a special service charge, usually 10-12%. Where this fee is not included in the bill, the employees and maids serving you are usually given a tip of 10-15% of the bill.

Service is included in the bills of some restaurants. Where it is not taken into account, a tip of 10-15% of the bill is accepted.

Porters receive 50-75 pence per suitcase, taxi drivers - 10-15% of the fare.

One of the peculiarities of the UK that you may encounter is that, until now, in most hotels, the water taps above the washbasin are not equipped with a faucet. The English do not wash themselves with running water, but draw a full washbasin of water, use it, then lower it.

On the day of departure, you must vacate the room before 12.00. If there is a lot of time left before the departure of the plane, things can be left in the hotel's storage room.

In England, good manners are very important, the ability to stay at the table, so you need to follow the basic rules of the ritual of eating. Never put your hands on the table, keep them on your knees. Cutlery is not removed from the plates, as knife stands are not used in England. Do not shift cutlery from one hand to another, the knife should always be in the right hand, the fork in the left. Since various vegetables are served at the same time as meat dishes, you should proceed as follows: you put vegetables on a small piece of meat with a knife; learn to hold them there with the back of a fork without piercing them. If you dare to prick at least one pea on a fork, then you will be considered ill-mannered.

Don't kiss ladies' hands or say compliments in public like "What a dress you have on!" or “How delicious this cake is!” - they are regarded as a big indelicacy.

It is not allowed to have separate conversations at the table. Everyone should listen to whoever is speaking and, in turn, speak loudly enough to be heard by those present.

Remember that the British have their own lifestyle, and they, like no other nation, sacredly honor traditions and customs.

Going to Great Britain - the country of fogs - we advise you not to forget that the British weather is unpredictable! Winters are usually quite mild, with temperatures rarely reaching below zero. From March to May, the days can be both sunny and windy, with rain. In June-August the temperature can reach +30°C or more, but during the day, as a rule, it stays somewhere between +20-25°C. It rains 180 days a year in London, and the wettest cities are Liverpool and Manchester.

The UK is divided into four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. And in each of these parts you will find something unique and different from each other. Despite the fact that it's all one country, each part of the UK has its own history and interesting places to visit. What is each of these parts of Great Britain separately.

England. In the north it borders with Scotland, in the west with Wales and is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, in the south it is separated from the mainland by the English Channel, and in the east it is washed by the North Sea. England itself is divided into several areas where you can find a diverse landscape and attractions.

South East England. Known for its multiple gardens. For centuries, the best designers and gardeners came here, who were attracted by the fertile soil and temperate climate. If you want to enjoy the silence and please the eye with amazing beauty, this area is worth a visit.

South West England. Here, like nowhere else, you can enjoy seafood dishes. This region is immersed in sun, sea and colors of flowers and lush green fields. To fully enjoy the beauty of this region, you cannot do without a car. Hire a classic English car and drive along romantic roads from posh counties to fishing villages.

Central England. Heart and soul of the Kingdom. Here, as many centuries ago, you can find wooden houses, driving along country roads past flowering apple orchards and grazing cows. It's like time stops here. This region is famous for its restaurants, pubs and teahouses, and the list is huge. Also visit market towns where you can spend hours looking for antiques or enjoying works of art.

East Central England. The East Midlands are the names of the central counties of England. This part simply breathes history, monuments and solemn events that have been held here since the time of the Roman Empire, majestic castles and houses of English aristocrats - you will find everything here. Don't forget to visit the legendary Sherwood Forest, where the mighty oak that served as a refuge for Robin Hood still stands. Deciding where to start the list of visits to castles and houses in this part is very difficult ...

East England. This part of England is simply immersed in all mental and non-mental types of gardens, ranging from strict and majestic to the most romantic. All towns and villages are in full bloom with different colors. Many places have a direct connection with the Royal Family. Here you can go on a guided tour, or you can go on your own, go to an Elizabethan reception, listen to an open-air concert, or just stop and enjoy the scent of roses.

Northern England. This area will give you the freedom that only a road can give, the ability to choose your paths, to stop where you want and where you like. Discover all the wealth of Northern England, and she will reward you in full. There is no shortage of attractions that are worthy of your attention. Something grandiose and charming, something romantic, majestic and luxurious, and something even whimsical.

Scotland. Located in the north of the UK. This part will not leave anyone indifferent: high mountains and blue lakes, strong whiskey and plaid skirts, the sounds of bagpipes and the elusive "Nessie". Here you can enjoy traditional Scottish cuisine and try one of the most famous traditional haggis dishes - lamb tripe stuffed with oatmeal and offal with bacon and salad. As well as dessert - oatmeal fried with whiskey. Visit the most famous places in Scotland - Loch Ness, and, of course, numerous castles. In Scotland, you can enjoy wildlife and active hiking.

Wales. Located in the western part of the UK. Land of amazing landscapes and majestic castles. There are more castles for every kilometer than in the whole world. Want to plunge into the past and history from the time of King Edward I, who conquered Wales in the 13th century. The coast of Wales is made up of rocky coves and limestone cliffs, which are popular with climbers and water sports enthusiasts. It is no exaggeration to say that every town and every village in Wales is worthy of your visit.

Northern Ireland. Located in the northeastern part of the island of Ireland. One of the most picturesque corners of the UK, ideal for lovers of a quiet holiday among the old villages. In addition, you can learn English here, because this area is famous for its high language teaching and as a student center. In Northern Ireland, you can walk and enjoy beautiful views and national parks, while visiting the sights of this part of the UK.

The administrative-territorial division of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has a complex structure, due to the very constitution of the country, consisting of a whole range of documents of different historical eras. Conventionally, there are four main administrative and political parts, traditionally referred to as countries(country):

All countries that make up the United Kingdom have a different status. In particular, Wales has never been a single independent state within its current borders. Being captured by England, he remained a part of it in a special position until 1967, when the concept of England and Wales was introduced, and is still in many respects a single entity with England. The powers of the governments of individual countries are also determined on a case-by-case basis as part of the devolution process begun in 1997.

From 1801, when the union of Great Britain and Ireland took place, until 1922, when the Irish Independent State was founded, the country was officially called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. It is located on five thousand islands. The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man are not formally part of the United Kingdom, but they have a special relationship with it. The Channel Islands were part of the Duchy of Normandy in the 10th century and remained subject to the English crown after its final subjugation to France in the 15th century. The Isle of Man was under the nominal sovereignty of Norway until 1266, and came under the direct control of the British crown in 1765. Today, these territories have their own legislatures and systems of laws, and the Isle of Man also has its own system of taxation. The British government is only responsible for their representation in the international arena and external protection.

Historical development has led to the intrastate division of the United Kingdom. The territory of the large islands is divided into the following fairly large parts: Northern Ireland, Northern Scotland, Southern Scotland, North East, North West, Yorkshire and the Humber region, East Midlands, West Midlands, Wales, East Anglia, South East, South West and the Greater London area. There is also another division - into counties, there are 72 in total. The county (before indicating the city) must be indicated in the postal address in one or two letters - in abbreviated form. A list of these abbreviations is on any mail. Local authorities are responsible for housing, education, social security, police and fire service. They are financed by funds received from the collection of municipal taxes, local taxes and subsidies from the central government.

Place Name Administrative division Square,
people (2011)
1 England Regions of England 130 395 53 012 456 406,55