Funny case from life. Modern time in brief What is the main content of the history of the early modern

Grade 7. History of the new time. Questions: 1. Why do you think the history of European society from the 16th century. began to be called the new time? 2. What events marked the beginning of the New Age? 3. Why from the 16th-18th centuries. scientists consider early NEW TIME? 4/WHAT IS THE MAIN CONTENT OF EARLY MODERN HISTORY? CGC)))


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1. In the XVI century there is a change of eras. Renaissance, reformation, the appearance of the first scattered manufactories, the Great geographical discoveries- signs of the beginning of the destruction of medieval feudal civilization and the emergence of a new (the term was introduced by Italian humanists) system, essentially a capitalist civilization, which, however, finally takes shape by the time of the industrial revolution, that is, approximately by the 18th century.

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Periodization issues

New time, in short, is a long period in the history of civilization and mankind, which has a certain time frame. It is located between the Middle Ages and modern times. As in the case of the periodization of the Middle Ages, in different countries the beginning of a new time is defined in different ways.
If we take the Soviet time, then the date of the English bourgeois revolution of the 17th century was taken as the beginning. European countries considered the discovery of America by Columbus, the capture of Constantinople by the Turks, the Reformation, the French Revolution as the starting point of the new time.
Even more incomprehensible is the situation with the definition of the end of the period of the new time. For a long time it was considered the revolution in Russia in 1917. Later, the majority of historians decided to take the First world war.
The concept of new time, in short, appeared in the 15th century, in the era of the Renaissance (Renaissance). Then the humanists proposed an approximate division of history into three periods: ancient, Middle Ages and modern times. Thus, they wanted to demarcate and simplify the study of human civilization.
The new time, in short, is still a rather conditional concept, since all countries entered it at different times. Disputes about the time frame of this historical period continue in modern historiography (the science that studies history) to this day.

The history of modern times is sometimes divided into two large periods:
1. XVII - XVIII centuries;
2. XX century

New time - meaning and influence

New time was a stage of great changes in all spheres of life: economic, social, political. It occupies a shorter period when compared with the Middle Ages, and even more so with the ancient world, but in history this period is extremely important. The famous geographical discoveries, the book of Nicolaus Copernicus changed the old ideas of people about the Earth, expanded human knowledge about the world.
The Reformation, which passed through all the countries of Europe, abolished the power of the popes over the minds of people, and led to the emergence of the Protestant movement. The humanists of the Renaissance achieved the emergence of many universities and led to a complete revolution in the mind of man, explaining his place in the world around him.
In the era of modern times, in short, humanity has realized that it actually lives in a small space. Geographical discoveries led to the convergence of countries and peoples. In the Middle Ages, things were different. The slow speed of movement, the inability to cross the ocean led to the fact that even about neighboring countries there was no reliable information.
Western Europe has carried out expansion in modern times, establishing its dominance over most countries in Asia and Africa. For the peoples of these countries, the new time has become a period of brutal colonization by European invaders.
How did the small countries of Western Europe manage to subjugate vast territories in Africa and Asia in a short time? There were several reasons for this. European countries are far ahead in their development. In the East, the life of subjects, their lands and property belonged to the ruler. Most of all, it was not the personal qualities of a person that were valued, but the interests of the community. The basis of the economy was agriculture. In the West, things were different. Above all were human rights, his personal qualities, the desire for profit and prosperity. The cities that arose in the Middle Ages led to the emergence of a variety of crafts and a breakthrough in the development of technology. In this respect, the countries of the European countries have gone far ahead of the eastern ones.

Rise of industrial society

The new time, in short, has led to a change in the political system in many countries. The rapid development of trade, especially during the period of famous geographical discoveries, the emergence of banking, the emergence of manufactories began to increasingly contradict the traditional economy and political system. Appeared new class, the bourgeoisie, is gradually beginning to play a significant role in the state.
In the 18th century the power of the bourgeoisie increased manifold. In many countries, the contradictions between the capitalist mode of production and the feudal system, which had reached their limit, led to bourgeois revolutions. This happened in England and France. Capitalism is finally victorious in Europe. The industrial revolution begins, and the obsolete manufactory is replaced by the factory.
Majority European countries in modern times, they are experiencing a difficult time of changing forms of power, a crisis of absolute monarchy. As a result of changes in the political system, parliamentary democracy is emerging in the most progressive countries. During the same period, it begins to take shape modern system international relations.

Change in thinking

Modern times, in short, is a period of a kind of second Renaissance. Reality showed how much an ordinary person can actually do and change. Gradually, a thought is formed in the human mind - a person can actually do anything. There is a conviction that he can subdue nature and change his future.
Philosophy is developing a lot. There is a literal rebirth. Philosophy has managed to retain its dominant position among the sciences. Modern philosophers sincerely believed that society needed their ideas. A completely new philosophy is being formed, the problems of which remain important today.

Technique and production

New time - a period of rapid development of technology. One of the important inventions of that time, which played a huge role in the development of culture, is printing. The advent of the printing press accelerated the speed of book creation many times over. Previously, books were copied by hand, or created using stamps, and this process took a huge amount of time. Now everything is much simpler.
In the XVIII century in England, where there was a large raw material base, the first spinning, weaving and sewing machines were created. The development of navigation, the growth of armies, the emergence of light industry lead to an increase in the role of machine building and the metallurgical industry. At the beginning of the 18th century, Europeans learned how to smelt cheap cast iron and discovered the secret of steel. At the same time, the Marten brothers invented a furnace that made it possible to restore steel from cast iron. In their honor, it received the name of the open-hearth furnace. In the 19th century, the problem of transportation was solved a large number raw materials and products - the steam locomotive and the steamboat were invented.

Culture in modern times

The heyday of European culture occurs in the XVII - XVIII centuries. Thanks to the works of Galileo and Copernicus, a new picture of the world is being created - heliocentric. In science, it is not the authority of the scientist that comes first, but personal experience and experiments.
happening Big changes in art. New styles appear - baroque and classicism.
In the XVIII century, as in its time, in the Renaissance, there is a great need for enlighteners. A brilliant constellation of minds is emerging in almost every field of art and science. These are Voltaire, Lomonosov, Locke, Kant, Diderot, Rousseau. Their common unifying feature was a great faith in science and progress.

The main feature of the Modern Age in Europe was the emergence of absolutism during the period of the decay of traditional society at the end of the 15th-16th centuries. with the achievement of its heyday in the XVII century.

Absolutism is a form of government in which supreme power is unlimitedly vested in one person - the monarch.

Under absolutism, the attempts of the old feudal nobility to preserve their independence are suppressed. England and France are the first states in Europe where absolute monarchies were formed at the beginning of the Modern Age. In Germany, feudal fragmentation persisted long time. The formation of a single national state in Italy also proceeded gradually throughout the entire period of the New Age due to the presence of many independent city-republics.

In Sweden, Spain and Portugal, the process of formation of absolutist states in the initial period of the New Age was more successful than in other states of Europe.

Features of the Modern Age period in Asia

In Asia, the most powerful states in the Modern Age were the Ottoman Empire (in Asia Minor), the Mughal Empire in India, the Qing Empire in China (formed by the Manchu Qing dynasty, which ruled until 1911), the Tokugawa shogunate in Japan, which established itself at the end XVI - early XVII centuries. after the victory of Ielsu Tokugawa, the shogun, over the specific princes of Japan.

In the first half of the XVII century. The government of Shogun Iemitsu Tokugawa took a series of measures to isolate Japan from the outside world. Decrees were issued on the expulsion of Europeans from the country and the prohibition of Christianity. The policy of "closing" the country was caused by the desire of the authorities to prevent the invasion of Japan by Europeans and the desire to preserve the old traditions and feudal orders.

A similar policy was pursued by the Qing emperors in China, when in 1757 by a special decree all ports except Guangzhou were declared closed to foreign trade. The reason for the "closure" of China was the fear of the authorities that the contacts of Chinese merchants with foreigners could undermine the traditional foundations of society. But the isolation of China did not save from the invasion of Europeans in the future and dependence on Western countries.

The most active at the beginning of the modern period was the penetration of Europeans into India, its southern part where it wasn't united state, and dominated by small principalities ruled by rajas. The Portuguese were the first to capture the coastal cities of India (Diu, Goa, Bombay), then the British and the Dutch followed them.

Features of the Modern Age in Africa and America

In Africa, by the beginning of the Modern Age, there were no such strong and large states as in Europe, so the Europeans relatively easily captured those lands where there were deposits of silver, gold, and others. natural resources. The most active Europeans penetrated into North Africa, which was closer to Europe. Here, after the collapse of the Arab Caliphate, several small states were formed.

In America, before its discovery by Columbus, there were several states - Maya, Incas, Aztecs, which were conquered in the 16th century. the Spaniards and the Portuguese. Ancient traditional societies existed in these states, various crafts and even non-ferrous metallurgy were developed.

Farming was primitive, with the use of hoeing.

The colonization of America, during which the ancient culture of the Indians was destroyed, continued until the middle of the 17th century. A to late XVIII- the beginning of the XIX century. the majority of the Indian population of America turned out to be feudally dependent on European colonizers Spaniards, Portuguese, French, etc.


Significance of the New Age period for development human society generally very large. In the period of modern times, strong absolutist states were formed in Europe, having national borders, one dominant religion (the religion of the monarch), and one indigenous nationality. At the same time, within the boundaries of its state, absolutism could restrain the destructive wars of "all against all." At the same time, under the influence of changes in economic life, the composition of society also changed: it grew in number and strengthened its influence on political life states of the bourgeoisie, the decline of the landed aristocracy began, the weakening of the peasantry.

With the growth of the bourgeoisie, there was an increase in entrepreneurship, traditional methods of managing the economy began to give way to the capitalist way of life, and capitalism began to develop. The main content of the Modern Age period was the gradual destruction of the traditional society and the emergence of the features of a new, industrial society, which is characterized by the growth of industrial production.

The significance of the New Age period is also great thanks to the Great geographical discoveries made by the Spaniards, the Portuguese, the British, and others. Great geographical discoveries became possible in European countries. They were dictated by both economic and scientific goals in the knowledge of the Earth. The discovery of the New World (America) and the first trips around the world influenced the economic development of European countries. The influx into Europe of a large amount of precious metals and various goods contributed to the development of manufactories and trade, and then to the destruction of traditional methods of farming and the development of capitalism. As a result of the industrial revolution in Europe, a rapid growth in factory production began with an increase in the number of workers and owners of these industries - manufacturers, breeders.

Church reform

The development of the new European society led to the realization of the need for church reform. For many believers, the secularization of consciousness and awareness of their dignity has led to a denial of the role of the church and priests as mediators between God and man. Believers began to speak out for the reform of the church, for the right to communicate with God themselves, to pray and read the Bible in their native language. At the same time, a movement of Protestants arose. As a result, Europe was split by religious wars, and then the position of theology weakened, it gradually gave way to the dominant place in the sciences of nature and man. In the XVIII century. started in Europe scientific revolution, which led European society to the realization that reason and experiment are the decisive means of assessing the truth of knowledge. The educated people of Europe began to consider the world as a machine operating without the constant intervention of God or evil spirits, they learned to look for an explanation of the causes and patterns of phenomena and processes with the help of mathematics and the laws of mechanics.

The New Age period has a very great importance as a period with frequent revolutions in Europe and America, which prepared the foundation for future legal states, where individual rights were regulated not by tradition, but by law. The reasons for the revolutions were different: the discrepancy between the interests of different segments of the population, the clash of different worldviews, the desire for national and state independence. So it was in the Netherlands, England, the English colonies in North America and in France. Revolutions started when governments were late with reforms.

It has its roots not so much in the ancient era, but in the Middle Ages, when the prerequisites for the New European era gradually matured. civilization and formed the main features that determined its originality. Transfer from Middle Ages by the New Age it was not sudden, it was a rather lengthy process. In the course of the interaction of elements of the old and emerging societies their synthesis took place. In terms of content, the New Age is much richer antiquity or the Middle Ages, since in one form or another it preserves the legacy of all previous eras.

The turning point in the historical destinies of Europe was clearly outlined at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries. This time was characterized by the unfolding of the most important historical processes that completely changed the course of the world stories. Great geographical discoveries pushed the boundaries of the world known to Europeans to global scale all planets. There was a grand rise of a new, Renaissance culture. Italian Renaissance and profound changes in culture other countries became the first signs of a new era in Europe. Religion was also of great importance. Reformation, the consequence of which, along with the Renaissance, was the formation of a new spiritual culture and worldview, fundamentally different from medieval worldviews. The establishment of a new faith was accompanied by violent religious wars that stretched out for almost a century.

The new time thus began when, as a result of active creative activity Europeans dramatically expanded their geographical, intellectual and spiritual horizons, as well as material opportunities. The formation of the world market and the worldwide expansion of European civilization created the preconditions for the next globalization phenomena and processes occurring on the globe. Since that time, the history of any country has been not only the history of its internal development, but also the history of its entry into the emerging global economic, political and cultural space.

In the last third of the 19th - early 20th century. the prerequisites for that confrontation were formed, which resulted in World War I, as well as in the spiritual origins of the culture of modern times. material from the site

industrial revolution that took place in the 19th century. in the countries of European civilization, gave them unprecedented economic, technical and military advantage, allowed to establish its dominance over most of the territory the globe. The formation of a single world market began. In the 19th century the characteristic features and main problems of industrial society were revealed. Among them, the formation of constitutional government, the establishment of democracy, growth nationalism, development socialist movement and others. Much from the XIX century. left as a legacy to the twentieth century, which is characterized as the time of the masses, in the historical arena for the first time the masses, previously not organized in the party, declared themselves.