European part of the country on the map. What countries are included in Europe? Economy of the European part of Russia

From a geographical point of view, European part Russia belongs to the European continent - this is the most populated and economically well-developed part of the country, where Russian statehood was born. Today, about 78% of the population lives in these territories.

History of the development of the European part of Russia

The oldest human settlements in this area date back to the Paleolithic and are found on the territory of the Voronezh region in the village of Kostenki, on the territory of the Vladimir and Moscow regions.

During the V-lll millennia, people living in the European part of Russia, there is a slow transition to settled agriculture. The most striking examples of the cultures of that time are the Dnieper-Donetsk and the Comb Pottery Culture, as well as the later Maikop and Koban cultures that flourished in the North Caucasus in the lV-lll millennia.

Proto-Indo-European past

At the same time, the so-called Samara culture was formed on the territory of the southern Russian steppes, which is recognized by many researchers as Proto-Indo-European.

Summarizing, it is worth saying that the European part of Russia for many millennia was the scene of a clash of constantly moving human masses. Tribes of the Arkaim culture moved from the east to Europe, from the west Finno-Ugric tribes came to the territory of the East European Plain, who managed to achieve hegemony in a significant part of the European north.

The origin of Russian statehood

By 862, historians discover the first traces of Slavic statehood in the northwest modern Russia, numerous peoples have already passed through the territory of Eastern Europe, such as the Huns, Hittites and Alans, who left their mark on local cultures, which some peoples carry to this day.

However, it is worth noting that the Varangians did not come to an empty place, but to the already existing settlements in the south of Lake Ladoga and in the Upper Volga. It is reliably known that the so-called state of Rurik included the cities of Staraya Ladoga, Novgorod, Beloozero and Rostov.

The main part of the population consisted of various Slavic tribes, which were still in a state of decomposition of the communal-clan system, and Finno-Ugric tribes. The Varangians occupied the vacant place of the military aristocracy, but rather quickly assimilated by the local population, which is quite clearly seen in the evolution of the names of local rulers, who in the first centuries were exclusively Northern European, and later - Slavic.

Neighbors of medieval Russia

Of great importance for the formation of the statehood of a relatively young union of tribes, which was Russia, was the interaction with the Khazar Khaganate and the Byzantine Empire, which were important economic partners and political rivals of Ancient Russia.

An important historical event for the young Russian state was the invasion of the Mongols in 1237 and the ensuing yoke, which lasted until 1480 in some regions of North-Eastern Russia. Since that time, despite numerous changes in the borders and name of the state, the hegemony of the Russian people over the East European Plain has remained unchanged, although its statehood has experienced numerous crises and been tested by foreign interventions.

Geography of European Russia

Which part of Russia is European has been determined for a long time, despite the fact that in some geographical areas this presents some difficulties. It is generally accepted that the border with Asia runs along the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains, the Russian-Kazakhstan border, the coast of the Caspian Sea, along the channels of the Kuma and Manych rivers, the mouth of the Don River, and is further limited by the territories of other Eastern European states. It is worth considering that the islands of the seas washing the northern shores of the European part of Russia also belong to Europe.

From an administrative point of view, the considered part of the country is divided into the North-Western, Central, Volga and Southern federal districts. The Ural Federal District is also partly on European territory.

Among specialists, it is customary to consider this area as one of the large macro-regions, among which the European part, the Caucasus, the Urals and Siberia stand out with Far East. A significant part of the European territory is occupied by the East European or Russian Plain.

Administrative division

In the European part of Russia, regions, republics and territories are located both completely and partially. For example, the Republic of Bashkiria, the Krasnodar Territory, the Chelyabinsk and Orenburg regions are located simultaneously in Asia and Europe, while another forty-five subjects are located entirely in Europe.

The Central Federal District includes Moscow and the region, Belgorod, Bryansk, Vladimir, Voronezh, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Kostroma, Kursk, Lipetsk, Ryazan, Oryol, Smolensk, Tambov, Tver, Tula and Yaroslavl regions. That is, only eighteen regions.

The Northwestern District includes eleven regions, including such a city in the European part of Russia as St. Petersburg, as well as the Nenets Autonomous District, which is part of the Arkhangelsk Region. The largest cities in this federal district are St. Petersburg, whose population has recently reached five million, and Murmansk, which, with a population of 295,000, is the largest settlement beyond the Arctic Circle and an important commercial port.

The Southern Federal District includes the Astrakhan, Volgograd and Rostov Regions, as well as the Republic of Kalmykia. Since 2014, two more regions have been included in the district: the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol.

Largest cities

The largest concentration of cities with a population exceeding one million inhabitants is observed in the Volga Federal District. Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Perm and Ufa belong to that region of the European part of Russia where the paths of Western and Eastern civilizations traditionally crossed, therefore the Volga region is distinguished by diversity both nationally and culturally.

In the Central District are Voronezh and Moscow, which is also one of the most populated cities in Europe, second only to Istanbul in this indicator and ahead of London. It is worth saying that in terms of the number of millionaire cities, Russia is ahead of other European countries.

What part of Russia is European is most difficult to determine on its southern borders, where there are no pronounced geographical landmarks. Therefore, some scholars include or exclude the Caucasian steppes from Russian Europe. However, there is no doubt that Rostov-on-Don and Volgograd are the largest cultural, industrial and economic centers of the south of Russia.

Instead of a resume

Despite the fact that the European part of the territory of Russia is only 20% of the area of ​​the entire country, it is nevertheless larger than any of the foreign European states.

For example, it is six times larger than Ukraine, and it is the largest state in foreign Europe, and more than seven times the territory of the French Republic.

It is also worth mentioning that the geographical and climatic conditions in this part of the country are different, and include both polar tundra and alpine meadows, as well as dry steppes and semi-deserts. The central part of the region is famous for its fertile soils. On the same day in different regions of the European part of Russia, the temperature can vary by 20 degrees.

Hello! Please tell me which letter should be written in the first word of the phrase "European part of Russia" - lowercase or uppercase?

You wrote correctly: european part of Russia.

Question #283433

Hello! Please tell me which option is correct (uppercase/lowercase) and why. "She lived in Paris before the start of the E/European War." It means the First World War.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Combination european war is not a generally accepted (official) name for this historical event, therefore it is written in lowercase. But will it be clear to the reader that we are talking about the First World War?

Question #283402

Good afternoon, dear Diploma! Please tell me how to write correctly: Eastern Ukraine or Eastern Ukraine. And why. Thank you!

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Correctly: Eastern Ukraine. In the complete academic reference book "Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation" ed. V. V. Lopatina (M., 2006 and later editions) formulated the following rule: “The names of parts of states and continents that are terminological in nature are written with a capital letter, for example: European Russia, Western Belarus, Right-Bank Ukraine...».

Question #279192
Hello Once again I turn to you with questions about the use of uppercase / lowercase letters.
Maybe at least this time it will be more interesting for someone to think about writing organizations and states, and not for the 125th time to answer about not with verbs ...

1) (R) Roman republic and empire
2) Interparliamentary (A) Assembly of (P) Orthodoxy
3) European (M) Interparliamentary (A) Assembly of (P) Orthodoxy
4) All this led to the creation in 1997 of the Islamic Inter-Parliamentary Union within the framework of the Islamic (K) Conference ...

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Correctly: Roman republic and empire; Interparliamentary Assembly of Orthodoxy; European Interparliamentary Assembly of Orthodoxy; all this led to the creation in 1997 of the Islamic Inter-Parliamentary Union within the framework of the Islamic Conference.
Question #257395
How to write correctly: Western European music or Western European music

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Correctly: Western European music.

Question #257288
Dear colleagues,
tell me, please, the European Commission - so, with a lowercase second word. And the President of the European Commission - with lowercase? Not in an official document, but in a monograph on the European Union.
With gratitude for your work,
proofreader Z. Kolechenko.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Yes, that's right: European Commission, President of the European Commission.

Question No. 240621
Eastern European financial corporation - is it spelled correctly from lower case?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Correctly: Eastern European Financial Corporation.

Question #237971
Hello! Are commas placed (or not put) correctly in sentences:
...Uncertainty did not decrease, but rather acquired a new dimension...
... With t. sp. of Russian interests, the European perspective of Serbia means...

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

No extra commas are required.

Question #231678
Japanese and European cuisines (or cuisine?)

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Both options are possible.
Question #215769
Good afternoon! Please tell me the correct spelling (upper/lowercase): European part of Russia, Central Russia, Central Federal District. Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

You wrote correctly.
Question #207641
Russian and European cuisines. Tell me, please, is the ending AND in the word kitchen correct, or should it be I? Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Better: Russian and European cuisine.
Question No. 204032
Friends, a simple question: a European cafe-pastry shop or a European cafe-confectionery? With which of the nouns that form a compound word should the adjective agree? From "cafe" or from "confectionery"?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Simple answer: Preferably agree with the inflected word _confectionery: European cafe-confectionery_.
Question No. 200141
IS THE PUNCTUATION CORRECT: At the same time, every European country, both large and medium and very small, is unique and interesting in its own way. THANK.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Yes, the punctuation marks are correct.

From a geographical point of view, the European part of Russia belongs to the European continent - this is the most populated and economically well-developed part of the country, where Russian statehood was born. Today, about 78% of the population lives in these territories.

History of the development of the European part of Russia

The oldest human settlements in this area date back to the Paleolithic and are found on the territory of the Voronezh region in the village of Kostenki, on the territory of the Vladimir and Moscow regions.

During the V-lll millennia, people living in the European part of Russia, there is a slow transition to settled agriculture. The most striking examples of the cultures of that time are the Dnieper-Donetsk and the Comb Pottery Culture, as well as the later Maikop and Koban cultures that flourished in the North Caucasus in the lV-lll millennia.

Proto-Indo-European past

At the same time, the so-called Samara culture was formed on the territory of the southern Russian steppes, which is recognized by many researchers as Proto-Indo-European.

Summarizing, it is worth saying that the European part of Russia for many millennia was the scene of a clash of constantly moving human masses. Tribes of the Arkaim culture moved from the east to Europe, from the west Finno-Ugric tribes came to the territory of the East European Plain, who managed to achieve hegemony in a significant part of the European north.

The origin of Russian statehood

By 862, historians discover the first traces of Slavic statehood in the north-west of modern Russia, numerous peoples have already passed through the territory of Eastern Europe, such as the Huns, Hittites and Alans, who left their mark in local cultures, which some peoples bear to this day.

However, it is worth noting that the Varangians did not come to an empty place, but to the already existing settlements in the south of Lake Ladoga and in the Upper Volga. It is reliably known that the so-called state of Rurik included the cities of Staraya Ladoga, Novgorod, Beloozero and Rostov.

The main part of the population consisted of various Slavic tribes, which were still in a state of decomposition of the communal-clan system, and Finno-Ugric tribes. The Varangians occupied the vacant place of the military aristocracy, but rather quickly assimilated by the local population, which is quite clearly seen in the evolution of the names of local rulers, who in the first centuries were exclusively Northern European, and later - Slavic.

Neighbors of medieval Russia

Of great importance for the formation of the statehood of a relatively young union of tribes, which was Russia, was the interaction with the Khazar Khaganate and the Byzantine Empire, which were important economic partners and political rivals of Ancient Russia.

An important historical event for the young Russian state was the invasion of the Mongols in 1237 and the ensuing yoke, which lasted until 1480 in some regions of North-Eastern Russia. Since that time, despite numerous changes in the borders and name of the state, the hegemony of the Russian people over the East European Plain has remained unchanged, although its statehood has experienced numerous crises and been tested by foreign interventions.

Geography of European Russia

Which part of Russia is European has been determined for a long time, despite the fact that in some geographical areas this presents some difficulties. It is generally accepted that the border with Asia runs along the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains, the Russian-Kazakhstan border, the coast of the Caspian Sea, along the channels of the Kuma and Manych rivers, the mouth of the Don River, and is further limited by the territories of other Eastern European states. It is worth considering that the islands of the seas washing the northern shores of the European part of Russia also belong to Europe.

From an administrative point of view, the considered part of the country is divided into the North-Western, Central, Volga and Southern federal districts. The Ural Federal District is also partly on European territory.

Among specialists, it is customary to consider this area as one of the large macro-regions, among which the European part, the Caucasus, the Urals and Siberia with the Far East stand out. A significant part of the European territory is occupied by the East European or Russian Plain.

Administrative division

In the European part of Russia, regions, republics and territories are located both completely and partially. For example, the Republic of Bashkiria, the Krasnodar Territory, the Chelyabinsk and Orenburg regions are located simultaneously in Asia and Europe, while another forty-five subjects are located entirely in Europe.

The Central Federal District includes Moscow and the region, Belgorod, Bryansk, Vladimir, Voronezh, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Kostroma, Kursk, Lipetsk, Ryazan, Oryol, Smolensk, Tambov, Tver, Tula and Yaroslavl regions. That is, only eighteen regions.

The Northwestern District includes eleven regions, including such a city in the European part of Russia as St. Petersburg, as well as the Nenets Autonomous District, which is part of the Arkhangelsk Region. The largest cities in this federal district are St. Petersburg, whose population has recently reached five million, and Murmansk, which, with a population of 295,000, is the largest settlement beyond the Arctic Circle and an important commercial port.

The Southern Federal District includes the Astrakhan, Volgograd and Rostov Regions, as well as the Republic of Kalmykia. Since 2014, two more regions have been included in the district: the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol.

Largest cities

The largest concentration of cities with a population exceeding one million inhabitants is observed in the Volga Federal District. Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Perm and Ufa belong to that region of the European part of Russia where the paths of Western and Eastern civilizations traditionally crossed, therefore the Volga region is distinguished by diversity both nationally and culturally.

In the Central District are Voronezh and Moscow, which is also one of the most populated cities in Europe, second only to Istanbul in this indicator and ahead of London. It is worth saying that in terms of the number of millionaire cities, Russia is ahead of other European countries.

What part of Russia is European is most difficult to determine on its southern borders, where there are no pronounced geographical landmarks. Therefore, some scholars include or exclude the Caucasian steppes from Russian Europe. However, there is no doubt that Rostov-on-Don and Volgograd are the largest cultural, industrial and economic centers of the south of Russia.

Instead of a resume

Despite the fact that the European part of the territory of Russia is only 20% of the area of ​​the entire country, it is nevertheless larger than any of the foreign European states.

For example, it is six times larger than Ukraine, and it is the largest state in foreign Europe, and more than seven times the territory of the French Republic.

It is also worth mentioning that the geographical and climatic conditions in this part of the country are different, and include both polar tundra and alpine meadows, as well as dry steppes and semi-deserts. The central part of the region is famous for its fertile soils. On the same day in different regions of the European part of Russia, the temperature can vary by 20 degrees.

Europe is a part of the world, which is located in the northern hemisphere of our planet, it is washed by numerous seas and, together with Asia, forms Eurasia. In ancient Greek mythology, Europe is a Phoenician princess who was treacherously kidnapped by Zeus and taken to the island of Crete.

There is a hypothesis that this name comes from the Greek word, which the Greeks used to designate all territories located to the west of the Aegean Sea. There are other theories regarding the origin of this name.

General information

Today, more than 740 million people or 10% of the total population of the Earth live here. The total territory is more than 10 million square kilometers.

The shores of Europe are washed by two oceans: the Atlantic and the Arctic, as well as numerous seas. The coast is heavily indented large area occupy numerous peninsulas. Most of Europe is occupied by vast plains.

It flows here a large number of rivers and many large lakes. The climate is temperate, in the western part - oceanic, in the eastern part - continental. Europe is rich in minerals and other natural resources. It is here that the countries with the most developed economies are located.

This part of the world has played an important role in human history. It should be noted the great richness and diversity of European cultures.


The borders of Europe have changed in different periods of human history, the debate around them does not subside to this day. The ancient Greeks considered the northern part of their country to be Europe. Gradually, people got to know their world better, and the borders gradually moved further east.

However, people mastered more and more new territories, went further to the east. The famous Russian historian Tatishchev proposed to divide the mainland at the foot of the Ural Mountains. This point of view was first adopted in Russia, and then by foreign geographers.

However, even at the moment there are controversial points regarding the exact boundaries of this part of the world. They are not global. Now there are several options for drawing borders. This issue plays an important political role, because where the border of Europe passes depends on which countries are included in it.

The border in the north runs along the coast of the Arctic Ocean, the western border - along the Atlantic Ocean, the eastern border - along the foot of the Ural Mountains, along the Emba River to the Caspian Sea and along the Manych and Kuma rivers to the mouth of the Don. Then the border goes along the northern coast of the Black Sea and the Black Sea straits.

According to another opinion, the border runs along the Caucasus Range. There are other options for drawing the border, which transfer it to the south of the Caucasus Mountains.

Countries that are part of Europe

Europe is often divided into Eastern and Western, Southern and Northern, although such a division is somewhat arbitrary. It has more to do with political and cultural characteristics. On the European political map, you can find both large states (Russia, Ukraine, France) and very tiny ones. Several countries are only partially located in Europe.

In total, this part of the world includes (in whole or in part) 49 countries. Of these, several states are not always included in Europe. There are also several territories with undetermined status. They declared independence, but it was not recognized by the world community.

The borders of European states have changed over the centuries as a result of numerous wars and revolutions.

So, which countries are considered European today? We have prepared a list for you, dividing it into four parts: the states of Western Europe, the countries that are in its north, the countries of Southern and Eastern Europe. As well as those countries that are only partially located in this part of the world.

West Side:

  1. France
  2. United Kingdom
  3. Austria
  4. Belgium
  5. Germany
  6. Ireland
  7. Luxembourg
  8. Liechtenstein
  9. Monaco
  10. Switzerland
  11. Ireland

East End:

  1. Bulgaria
  2. Romania
  3. Ukraine
  4. Poland
  5. Slovakia
  6. Hungary
  7. Czech Republic
  8. Moldova
  9. Belarus

Europe- part of the Eurasian continent, washed by two oceans at once - the Arctic, as well as the Atlantic.

The area of ​​the EU is approximately 10 million square meters. The population accounts for approximately 10% of the total population of the planet, which is approximately 740 million people.

General information

How many parts in Europe:

  1. Northern Europe;
  2. Southern Europe;
  3. Eastern Europe;
  4. Central Europe.

Depending on the opinions available, European countries can be assigned to one part of it or to another.

The highest point in Europe is Mount Elbrus, whose height reaches 5642 m. The lowest point is the Caspian Sea, which at the moment is approximately 27 m high.

The main territory is dominated by flat terrain, and only 17% of all of Europe is mountains. The climate of most of Europe is temperate. But in the north of the territory there are glaciers, and in the Caspian lowland - desert.

Europe is the region with the greatest cultural diversity despite its small territory.

Eastern Europe

The European part of Eurasia, located within the borders of Central and Eastern Europe, is commonly referred to as Eastern Europe.

This territory is home to a larger number of people than in other European regions, and occupies about 2/3 of Europe.

The bulk of the population is represented by people of Slavic appearance. In connection with political actions, the territory is constantly amenable to change.

So, in Soviet times, the countries of the USSR were included in Eastern Europe, but after the collapse of the Soviet Union, some countries separated and began to be considered foreign.

The climate here is drier and less warm. However, the soils of this part of Europe are much more fertile than the soils of Western Europe. Eastern Europe has the largest amount of chernozem soils in the world.

Eastern Europe is the closest in spirit and territory to Russia part of the Old World. The flight by plane will not take more than two hours. You can even go on vacation to the nearest countries while driving your own car.

The familiar climate and native language will be a pleasant bonus for those who decide to spend their holidays in Eastern Europe.

Western Europe is the territory in which all the Western countries of Europe are located. Usually, this includes countries that are connected by cultural and geographical principles, and which were able to avoid Soviet influence during the Cold War.

The climate in Western Europe is mostly temperate, with mild winters and warm summers.

Western Europe is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. Urbanization here is at the level of 80%.

The largest agglomerations here are London and Paris.

Western Europe is considered the most popular for tourism. About 65% of tourists flock here.

In this area you can see everything from sandy beaches to mountain landscapes. The mosaic of landscapes is striking in its beauty.

A large flow of tourists has led to the formation of special tourist zones that specialize in providing tourist services to guests.

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Everyone will be able to accurately indicate on the map where Europe is located. However, it is not so easy to set clear boundaries.

The geographical boundaries of Europe on the northern, western and southern sides are the coastline of the seas of the Arctic Ocean, as well as Atlantic Ocean. These are the Baltic, Northern, Irish, Mediterranean, Black, Marmara and Azov seas.

The eastern border is usually drawn along the slope of the Ural Mountains to the Caspian Sea. Some sources also include the territory of the Caucasus in Europe.

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List of countries in Europe

Quantity European countries quite extensive.

Listed in alphabetical order, the list would look like this:

  • Austria;
  • Albania;
  • Andorra.
  • Belarus;
  • Belgium;
  • Bulgaria;
  • Bosnia.
  • Vatican;
  • United Kingdom;
  • Hungary.
  • Germany;
  • Holland;
  • Greece.
  • Denmark.
  • Ireland;
  • Spain;
  • Italy;
  • Iceland.
  • Latvia;
  • Lithuania;
  • Liechtenstein;
  • Luxembourg.
  • Malta;
  • Moldova;
  • Monaco.

  • Norway.
  • Poland;
  • Portugal.
  • Russia;
  • Romania.
  • San Morino;
  • Serbia;
  • Slovakia;
  • Slovenia.
  • Ukraine.
  • Finland;
  • Croatia.
  • Montenegro;

  • Switzerland;
  • Sweden.
  • Estonia.

This is a complete list of states that are European.

Number of European countries

The number of states that make up Europe today is 50 .

But based on the political and economic situations that are taking place in the world, it cannot be argued that this list will not change.

Can be taken as an example Soviet Union, which at one time broke up into 15 independent states. Whereas the GDR and the FRG, for example, on the contrary, united into a single whole, and today they are called Germany.

Currently, a difficult political situation is taking place in Spain. The Catalan part of it is trying to stand out as a state independent of Spain, and be called Catalonia.

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National symbols

The national symbols of the countries are their flags and coats of arms. As a rule, animalistic symbols are included in the basis of coats of arms. The image of a horse symbolizes speed, movement.

All European countries are familiar with the myths about the god of the sun, who moved in his carriage, which was drawn by horses.

And here, for example, the elephant represents reliability and strength. It is his image that can be found on the coat of arms of the city of Coventry in the UK.

The state symbols of England is the oldest of all European countries. The coat of arms, which is now official in Great Britain, originated in the 19th century.

looks like a shield

  • Top left and bottom right corners there are three golden leopards on a red background.
  • Top right- a fiery lion, located on a background of the color of gold - the Scottish coat of arms.
  • In the bottom left- a harp of gold on a blue field - Irish symbols.

This shield is held by a golden lion with a crown in its mane and a snow-white unicorn.

The symbolism of the Scandinavian countries reveals the history of the countries of the European North. The coat of arms of Denmark has been formed over several centuries. It is a shield, on top of which there is a crown, and inside the shield, four blue leopards are arranged in a row from top to bottom.

Divided by a red and white cross, in the center of which is just her coat of arms.

Until the 13th century, the state emblem of Sweden depicted three leopards in crowns standing one behind the other on the field, which was very reminiscent of the coat of arms of Denmark.

Only at the beginning of the 14th century did coat of arms depicting three golden crowns, which later became the state symbol.

primordial coat of arms of Iceland was presented in the form of a white falcon. But in 1944, a new symbolism was chosen: a shield held by a bull, a dragon, an eagle and an old man.

chief The symbol of Albania is a black eagle with two heads., which is the Albanian coat of arms.

The symbol of Bulgaria is the golden lion., located on a red shield, which is a symbol of masculinity.

Polish coat of arms It looks like a white eagle, whose head is decorated with a gilded crown.

Symbol of Serbia was created during the unification of the lands of Serbia. It depicts an eagle with two heads and a crown.

Macedonia became independent only in the second half of the 20th century. Therefore, until this period, symbolism was represented only by territorial symbols.

Now the coat of arms of Macedonia flaunts a golden crowned lion.

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Population and area of ​​countries

The main giant by all criteria among European countries is Russia.

Its area is approximately equal to 17 million square meters, which is almost equal to the area South America and a population of about 146 million.

However, the entry of Russia into Europe is considered controversial, because most of it is located in Asia, and only about 22% - in Europe.

The next in the list of the largest countries in Europe is Ukraine. It occupies an area of ​​almost 604 thousand square meters.

The population of Ukraine is about 42 million people.

France, Spain, Sweden, Germany, Finland, Norway, Poland and Italy present a list of the 10 largest European countries. However, in terms of the number of inhabitants of these countries, Germany is after Russia, the number of inhabitants of which is about 81 million people .

The population of France is in third place in terms of number. Within it, there are about 66 million people .

by the most major cities Europe are considered London, with its population of 7 million people, Berlin - 3.5 million people, followed by Madrid, Rome, Kyiv and Paris with a population of 3 million.

Which countries are in the European Union?

The Union of Europe was organized during the collapse of the USSR. The EU is united together for economic reasons and political views of the state. Most of these countries use one type of currency - the euro.

The Union is an international entity that includes the signs of a country and the signs of the international community, but in fact they are neither one nor the other.

In some cases, decisions are made by supranational institutions, and in others through negotiations between countries that are members of the European Union.

At the very beginning of its inception, only six countries were part of the European Union.– Belgium, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and France.

To date, thanks to the connection to the agreement, the number of countries within the European Union has increased to twenty-eight.

States give up their sovereignty, in return receive protection in various institutions of the union, which act for the common interests of all participants.

The Lisbon Treaty included rules for leaving the European Union. For the entire period of action, only Greenland left the European Union - in the late 1900s.

At the moment, five countries claim the opportunity to leave the Union. These are Albania, Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey and Montenegro.

List of EU countries:

  1. Austria;
  2. Belgium;
  3. Bulgaria;
  4. Hungary;
  5. United Kingdom;
  6. Greece;
  7. Germany;
  8. Denmark;
  9. Italy;
  10. Ireland;
  11. Spain;
  12. Republic of Cyprus;
  13. Luxembourg;
  14. Latvia;
  15. Lithuania;
  16. Malta;
  17. Netherlands;
  18. Portugal;
  19. Poland;
  20. Romania;
  21. Slovenia;
  22. Slovakia;
  23. Finland;
  24. Croatia;
  25. Sweden;
  26. Estonia.

Liechtenstein, the Norwegian and Swiss states have not agreed to become members of the European Union, but partly take part in the implementation of joint economic activities.

The population of the European Union as of 2009 exceeded five hundred million people.

Throughout the land of the European Union, people equally use twenty-four languages. But, as a rule, the most popular languages ​​in the European Union are English, German, and also French.

As for religious views, according to polls, about 18% of the population are atheists, 27% are not sure of their views, and 52% confidently believe in the existence of God.