Lesson development beginning of World War II. Fifteen lessons of World War II

Lesson Plan 1. Beginning of World War II. 2. The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. 3. Military operations in other theaters of the world war. 4. A radical change in the course of the war. 5. The end of World War II. Results of the war.

The scale of the Second World War 61 states took part 80% of the world's population was engulfed in war 110 million people were drafted into the army 65 million people died Duration - 6 years

THIS IS WAR: Many blitzkriegs Distant fronts Technological innovations Mobilized economies Different ideological systems Huge losses (61 million dead) 12 times more in damage than the First World War

Periodization of the Second World War I Expanding scale September 1, 1939 - war while maintaining the June 1942 superiority of the aggressor forces. Turning point in the course of the war, June 1942 - the initiative and superiority in January 1944 in forces pass into the hands of the II countries of the anti-Hitler coalition. The superiority of the countries January 1944 - the anti-Hitler coalition. III September 2, 1945 The defeat of the enemy armies. Crisis and collapse of the ruling regimes of the aggressor state.

USSR at the beginning of World War II On September 16, the Germans occupied Warsaw. September 17 Soviet troops entered the western regions of Poland

USSR at the beginning of World War II, Soviet troops returned the lands of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus.

USSR at the beginning of World War II On September 28, the USSR and Germany signed the Treaty of Friendship and Border. The Polish state was liquidated. Western Ukraine and Western Belarus were ceded to the USSR, and the Polish lands bordering on Germany were declared a German general government ruled from Berlin. English caricature of Hitler and Stalin

The USSR at the beginning of the Second World War, the USSR demanded that Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania conclude agreements on mutual assistance and agree to the deployment of Soviet garrisons on its territory. These requirements have been accepted. Signing of the Soviet-Lithuanian treaty

September 3, 1939 - May 1940 - "sitting war" French fortifications on the Maginot Line

Defeat of the Allies In the spring of 1940, Hitler launched an offensive against Western front. In April, German troops invaded Denmark and Norway. Denmark capitulated without a fight, in Norway the leader of the local fascists, Quisling, came to power. In May, the Germans invaded the Low Countries and bypassed the Maginot Line on the French border. The Allies were trapped on the coast at Dunkirk.

The fight against England Hitler was going to land troops on the British Isles. The English fleet prevented this attempt. Germany unleashed the full power of the Luftwaffe on England. The British Air Force and Air Defense gave the Germans a rebuff. German bomber over London W. Churchill on the ruins after the bombing The stubborn resistance of England prompted Hitler to begin preparations for war with the USSR.

The USSR at the Beginning of World War II In August 1940, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia officially joined the USSR as union republics. The Moldavian USSR was formed on Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina, which had passed from Romania.

USSR at the start of World War II At the same time, the USSR demanded that the Finnish border be moved away from Leningrad, offering a large but sparsely populated territory in Soviet Karelia. Finland refused. November 30, 1939 - March 12, 1940 - Soviet-Finnish War Breakthrough of the Mannerheim Line by the Red Army The Red Army met stubborn resistance, especially on the Mannerheim Line. Combat operations were accompanied by heavy losses of the Red Army (95 thousand killed and died of wounds against 23 thousand from the Finnish side). December 1939 - expulsion of the USSR from the League of Nations

USSR at the beginning of the Second World War Peace treaty of March 12, 1940. The USSR withdrew: the Karelian Isthmus with Vyborg Part of the Rybachy Peninsula Rent about. Hanko for 30 years Formed by Karelo. Finnish SSR

Italian action in East Africa Summer 1940 Italian troops stationed in Italian Somalia launched an offensive against the neighboring British colony of Somalia and against British troops stationed in Egypt. Spring 1941 In the spring of 1941, the British, with the support of Ethiopian partisans, expelled the Italians from British Somalia and Ethiopia, occupying all of East Africa.

Capture of the Balkans Autumn 1940 October 28, 1940 Italy attacked Greece. The Italian troops faced stubborn resistance from the Greek army. At the request of Mussolini, Germany came to the rescue. Spring 1941 On April 6, 1941, German troops attacked Greece and Yugoslavia. They quickly broke the resistance of the Greek and Yugoslav armies.

Growth of Soviet-German contradictions In September 1940, Germany, Italy and Japan signed the Tripartite Pact, which provided for the division of the world. Stalin was also ready to join the Tripartite Pact, claiming the Black Sea straits, but Germany was also striving for this. Relations between the two countries began to deteriorate rapidly. "Moscow Buddha". English caricature of Stalin

Fascist occupation regime liquidated democratic freedoms disbanded political parties, trade unions banned strikes and demonstrations the economy worked for the needs of the occupiers the program of extermination of millions of people

Holocaust The policy of extermination by the Hitler regime in 1933-1945 of over 16 million civilians and prisoners of war in concentration camps.

Destroyed: § 35% Jews 6 million people § 30% Gypsies 200 thousand people § § Belarusians Ukrainians Russian Poles) 16 million people

Germany's preparations for war with the USSR The Barbarossa plan, drawn up taking into account the experience of the war in Europe, provided for a "blitzkrieg". 3 groups: "North" - to Leningrad, "Center" - to Moscow, "South" - to Ukraine. In 6 weeks, defeat the Red Army and reach the line Arkhangelsk - Astrakhan.

The forces of the parties on the eve of the war Germany Divisions The number of troops Guns and mortars Tanks Aircraft of the USSR 190 170 is approximately equal, in total about 6 million 48 thousand 47 thousand 4.3 thousand 9.2 thousand 5 thousand 8.5 thousand

USSR in the first days of the war, V. M. Molotov ended his speech on June 22, 1941 with the words: “Our cause is just. Victory will be ours!" . At loudspeakers on the streets of Moscow. June 22, 1941 I. Toidze. Motherland is calling! Poster. 1941

German attack on the USSR General mobilization was announced in the country. On June 23, the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command is created. On June 30, in accordance with the Constitution, the State Defense Committee was created, which received full power in the country. Both bodies were headed by I. Stalin. Registration of volunteers in the first days of the war To the front ...

The failures of the Red Army in the summer - autumn of 1941. Periodization of the Great Patriotic War I period (June 22, 1941 - November 18, 1942) July - Powerful offensive of the German fascist November troops, occupation of the Baltic states, Belarus, 1941 of Ukraine, Moldova, attack on the Donbass. Captured Soviet soldiers drag their wounded comrades

Failures of the Red Army in the summer - autumn of 1941 Periodization of the Great Patriotic War I period (June 22, 1941 - November 18, 1942) July - September Heroic defense of Smolensk. July - August Heroic defense of Kyiv.

Failures of the Red Army in the summer - autumn of 1941 Periodization of the Great Patriotic War I period (June 22, 1941 - November 18, 1942) July - September Beginning of the blockade of Leningrad.

Failures of the Red Army in the summer - autumn of 1941 Periodization of the Great Patriotic War I period (June 22, 1941 - November 18, 1942) August - October Heroic defense of Odessa. November Beginning of the defense of Sevastopol. A. Deineka. Defense of Sevastopol

Battle for Moscow Periodization of the Great Patriotic War I period (June 22, 1941 - November 18, 1942) September-November 1941 The offensive of the Nazi troops on Moscow. Soviet poster 1941

Defense of Moscow Workers of "Tryokhgornaya manufactory" dig anti-tank ditches near Moscow. Autumn 1941 Moscow militia go to the front. 1941

Battle for Moscow Periodization of the Great Patriotic War I period (June 22, 1941 - November 18, 1942) December 5 - 6 Counteroffensive of Soviet troops near Moscow. Liberation of Kaluga, Orel, 1941 Kalinin. The Germans lost 38 divisions and were thrown back from Moscow by 250 km. Blitzkrieg failed.

German offensive of 1942. Periodization of the Great Patriotic War I period (June 22, 1941 - November 18, 1942) Spring - Defeats of Soviet troops in the south of the country in autumn (near Kharkov and in the Crimea), due to 1942 strategic miscalculations of the Headquarters. The Wehrmacht went to the North Caucasus and the Volga. The direction of German attacks in the summer and autumn of 1942. Hitler and Manstein at the map

Japan's advance on pacific ocean The victory of the Red Army near Moscow forced Japan to refuse to enter the war against the USSR. On December 7, 1941, a squadron of 6 Japanese aircraft carriers with 441 aircraft on board, secretly approaching Pearl Harbor, attacked American ships from the air. Pacific Fleet The USA was neutralized for 6 months. The battleship Arizona burns after an explosion caused by a Japanese bomb

Japan's offensive in East Asia By the summer of 1942, Indochina, the Philippines, Thailand, Burma, Malaya, and Indonesia, where about 150 million people lived, were under Japanese rule. Japanese air force kamikaze pilots

Stages of the formation of the anti-Hitler coalition The Soviet-British agreement on joint actions in the war against Germany July 12, 1941 Moscow The Atlantic Charter of the USA and Great Britain on August 14, 1941, which was joined by the USSR on September 24, 1941 Moscow Conference of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, England, USA September 29 - October 1, 1941 Beginning of deliveries to the USSR under lend-lease from the USA Signing of the Washington Declaration of 26 states on the aims of the war against fascism January 1, 1942 The Soviet-British Treaty of Alliance in the war against Germany May 26, 1942 London Soviet -American agreement on the principles of mutual assistance in the conduct of war against aggression June 11, 1942 Washington

The anti-Hitler coalition is an association of states and peoples who fought in the Second World War of 1939-1945 against the block of the Axis countries of Germany, Italy, Japan and their satellites. Change in territory controlled by the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition (green) and the Axis (red) during the Second World War.

The development of the war economy During 1942, the forces of the anti-fascist coalition increased. The USSR restored a significant part of the enterprises taken out of the occupied regions. New factories, mines, railways were built. Evacuated factory in a new location

The development of the military economy The slogan "Everything for the front, everything for the Victory" became the motto of life. Women replaced husbands who had gone to the front at the machine A tank column built with the money of collective farmers

The Development of the War Economy The Soviet Army adopted new models of tanks, aircraft, and artillery pieces that were not inferior to or superior to the German ones. Assembly of KV tanks in the workshop of the Kirov plant In the workshop of the aviation plant

The development of the war economy British industry was able to meet the needs of the armed forces. The US economy grew even faster. At the expense of state funds, military factories were built, entire industries were created. By the autumn of 1942, the USSR, USA, Great Britain produced 5 times more artillery pieces and mortars, 3 times more aircraft and almost 10 times more tanks than Germany, Italy and Japan combined. American women at an aircraft factory

The Development of the War Economy Some of the weapons and equipment produced in America and England were sent under Lend-Lease to the USSR. The main directions of lend-lease 400 thousand vehicles 18.7 thousand aircraft over 10 thousand tanks industrial equipment

A radical turning point in the war Periodization of the Great Patriotic War II period (from November 19, 1942 to the end of 1943) November 19, 1942 - February 2, 1943 The counteroffensive of the Soviet troops near Stalingrad.

A radical turning point in the war On November 19, 1942, Soviet troops went on the offensive and surrounded the 330 thousand German group. On February 2, 1943, the Germans, led by Field Marshal Paulus, capitulated. Stalingrad. Fights for every house Columns of captured Germans on the streets of Stalingrad. February 1943

A radical turning point in the war Periodization of the Great Patriotic War II period (from November 19, 1942 to the end of 1943) July 5 - Battle of Kursk. On August 23, the strategic initiative was taken by the Soviet army. Advance along the entire front. 1943 Battle of Prokhorovka 12 July 1943

A radical change in the war Periodization of the Great Patriotic War II period (from November 19, 1942 to the end of 1943) Summer - autumn Liberation of Orel, Belgorod, Kharkov, Smolensk, Kyiv. 1943 Soviet offensive in July–December 1943

A radical turning point in the war Simultaneously with the Soviet troops went on the offensive military establishment England and USA. On November 8, 1942, American troops under the command of D. Eisenhower landed in North Africa, in the French possessions of Morocco and Algeria. Interacting with the British troops of General B. Montgomery, advancing from Egypt, the Americans in November 1942 defeated the Italo-German group near El Alamein in North Africa.

A radical turning point in the war March-May 1943 - the offensive of the Anglo-American troops in Tunisia The mastery of North Africa provided the allies with control over the Mediterranean and opened the way for the invasion of Italy.

The turning point in the war on July 10, 1943 was the landing of Anglo-American troops in southern Italy. Some of the leaders of the fascist party and the army, with the support of the king, organized a conspiracy to eliminate Mussolini, break with Germany and go over to the side of England and the United States. By order of King Mussolini was arrested. The king appointed Marshal Badoglio as head of government, who entered into secret negotiations with England and the United States. September 8, 1943 - signing of an armistice agreement by Italy and withdrawal from the war.

A turning point in the war In response, German troops occupied northern and central Italy and blocked the path of the Anglo-American troops moving north from southern Italy. A front arose that divided Italy into two parts.

The Second Front in Europe The victories of the Red Army and the rise of the resistance movement in the occupied countries changed the attitude of Britain and the United States to the problem of the second front. November - December 1943 - Tehran Conference Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill in Tehran Decisions: opening a second front in France by the summer of 1944, Stalin's promise after the end of the war in Europe to enter the war with Japan.

Second front in Europe June 6, 1944 - landing of Anglo-American troops in Normandy in northern France.

Plot against Hitler July 20, 1944 - assassination attempt on Hitler Colonel Stauffenberg Hitler's Headquarters July 20, 1944

The second front in Europe August 15, 1944 - the landing of the American and French armies in the south of France. Charles de Gaulle in liberated Paris. November 1944

The USSR at the final stage of the Second World War The superiority of the Soviet Red Army by the beginning of 1944

USSR at the final stage of the war Periodization of the Great Patriotic War War III period (from January 1944 to May 9, 1945) January Lifting of the blockade of Leningrad. German troops in 1944 were driven back to Narva and Pskov. V. Perov. Breakthrough of the blockade of Leningrad

USSR at the final stage of the war Periodization of the Great Patriotic War III period (from January 1944 to May 9, 1945) February - Korsun-Shevchenko operation. March 1944 Liberation of Right-Bank Ukraine and Crimea

USSR at the final stage of the war Periodization of the Great Patriotic War III period (from January 1944 to May 9, 1945) April - May 1944 Defeat of German troops in the Crimea. Liberation of Right-Bank Ukraine and Crimea

USSR at the final stage of the war Periodization of the Great Patriotic War III period (from January 1944 to May 9, 1945) June 1944 Offensive on the Karelian Isthmus. Capture of Vyborg, Petrozavodsk. Peace talks with Finland. Soviet poster

Lesson on the topic "World War II" (Grade 9). Lesson lecture.

Lesson Objectives:

    on the basis of events and documents, deepen students' knowledge about the Second World War, its causes, stages and results; find out the role of the anti-Hitler coalition in World War II in 1941–1945; to promote understanding of the need to unite efforts in the fight against a dangerous enemy. continue the development of students' analytical abilities through work with a historical document. patriotic and moral education.


    Map "Second World War". Use of ICT: CD-ROM, “History of Russia” (part IV) Presentation for the lesson

Basic concepts: anti-Hitler coalition, Lend-Lease, Atlantic Charter, United Nations Declaration, Pearl Harbor.

In 1941 - the first half of 1942 in the Pacific Ocean, in South-East Asia and North Africa, the allies of the USSR retreated. Japan captured part of China, French Indo-China, Malaya, Burma, Singapore, Thailand, present-day Indonesia and the Philippines, Hong Kong, and entered the approaches to Australia and India.

Taking advantage of the absence of a second front in Western Europe and concentrating maximum forces against the USSR, the fascist German troops went on the offensive in the summer of 1942 with the aim of capturing the Caucasus and Stalingrad and thereby depriving the USSR of the resources necessary for waging war. The heroic defense of Stalingrad frustrated the plans of the Nazi command. On November 19, 1942, Soviet troops launched a counteroffensive, which ended by February 1943 with the encirclement and complete liquidation of more than 330,000 enemy forces near Stalingrad. The Red Army, seizing the strategic initiative, launched a general offensive.

In the autumn of 1942 the Western allies stopped the advance of the enemy in North Africa and near the borders of India. The victory of General B. Montgomery's 8th British Army near El Alamein (October 1942) and the landing of Anglo-American troops in North Africa (November 1942) turned the tide in favor of the Allies in this theater of operations. The success of the US Navy in the Battle of Midway Atoll (June 1942) improved their position in the Pacific.

One of the main military events of 1943 was the victory of the Red Army in the Battle of Kursk. Only in the Prokhorovka area (south of Kursk), where on July 12 the largest oncoming tank battle of the Second World War took place, the enemy lost 400 tanks and more than 10 thousand killed. Nazi Germany and its allies were forced to go on the defensive on all fronts. In the autumn of 1943, Soviet troops managed to cross the Dnieper. The liberation of the right-bank Ukraine began. In the same year, the troops of the Western Allies landed in Italy. In 1943 - on sea lanes in Atlantic Ocean, where the US and British navies gradually gained the upper hand in the fight against German submarines. There was a radical turning point in World War II as a whole.

In 1944, the Byelorussian strategic operation became the largest on the Soviet-German front, as a result of which Soviet troops reached the border of Poland. The Red Army began the liberation of the countries of Eastern and Central Europe captured by the aggressors. One of the tasks of the Belarusian operation was to assist the Normandy landing operation.

Opening of a second front in Europe. End of World War II

On June 6, the largest amphibious operation of the Allied forces in World War II began - the landing in Normandy (in northern France). It marked the opening of a second front in Europe, which the USSR counted on back in 1942. However, even after its opening, the Soviet-German front remained the main front of the war, where 1.8 - 2.8 times more troops of the countries of the fascist bloc operated than on other fronts. . In 1944 the USA and Great Britain launched an offensive in the Pacific Ocean and the Sino-Burmese theater of operations. In Europe in the winter of 1944 - 1945, during the Ardennes operation, the Germans inflicted a serious defeat on the allied forces. The winter offensive of the Red Army, launched at the request of the allies ahead of schedule, helped them get out of a difficult situation. In Italy, the allied troops slowly moved north, and with the help of the partisans, they captured the entire territory of the country in early May. In the Pacific, US military forces, defeating the Japanese Navy approached directly to Japan.

In April - May 1945, during the Berlin and Prague operations, Soviet troops defeated the last groupings of the German army and met with the Western allies. US and British troops, which included fighting military units of the "Fighting France", liberated a number of Western European countries, partly Austria and Czechoslovakia. The German armed forces surrendered unconditionally. May 8 in most European countries and May 9 in the Soviet Union became Victory Day.

Fulfilling allied obligations, as well as in order to ensure the security of its Far Eastern borders, the USSR entered the war against Japan on the night of August 9, 1945. The offensive of the Red Army forced the Japanese government to admit final defeat. Atomic bombings US aviation of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima (August 6) and Nagasaki (August 9), subsequently condemned by the world community, also played a role in this. On September 2, 1945, the Second World War ended with the signing of Japan's surrender. November 20, 1945 began Nuremberg Trials over a group of major German Nazi war criminals.

The cost of victory was extremely high. Soviet Union, bearing the brunt of the war, lost St. 27 million people. The national wealth of the country decreased by almost 30% (in the UK - by 0.8%, in the USA - by 0.4%). The results of the Second World War led to major political changes in the international arena, the gradual development of a trend towards cooperation between states with different social systems. In order to prevent new world conflicts, create in the post-war period a security system and cooperation between countries at the end of the war, the United Nations (UN) was created, the Charter of which was signed on June 26, 1945 in San Francisco by 50 states (USSR, USA, Great Britain, China and others).

Homework: prepare reports on major battles of World War II

Lesson topic:World War II (1939-1945) .

The purpose of the lesson: To reveal the causes and nature of the Second World War, to tell about its results and consequences,

emphasize that in its origin it was imperialist, and from the side

fascist states - an unjust, predatory war.

Tell about the main stages, major battles, achievements military equipment.

invert Special attention students on the formation of the anti-fascist coalition and its actions,

emphasizing that its main tasks were the opening of a second front in Europe.

To instill in students a dislike for any military action.

Lesson type: Classical.

Lesson method: Story, questions and answers.

Equipment: World map, illustration.

Lesson plan: 1. Org. moment.

2. D/Z check.

3. Explanation new topic.

a) Causes and nature of the war.

B) The beginning of the war, stages and battles.

D) Anti-Hitler coalition.

D) The scale and results of the war.

4. Fixing a new topic.

5. Homework.

D/Z check :

1. What contradictions determined the course international relations after the end of World War I

2. What is the essence of the Dawes Plan?

3. What policy did the League of Nations pursue?

4. Describe the "era of pacifism."

5. What policy did Germany, Italy and Japan pursue?

Causes and nature of the war .

World War II lasted 6 years: 01.09.1939 G. - 02.09.1945 d. Covered all continents and oceans. participated in the war 61 state.

Character- from Germany, Italy and Japan - predatory. On the part of England, France, the USSR and other countries - liberation.

The beginning of the war, stages and battles .

01.09.1939 - Germany attacked Poland. 57 German divisions opposed 33 Polish divisions. Within two weeks, the capture of Poland was completed.

1939-12.03.1940 G. - Soviet-Finnish War. --- The USSR is expelled from the League of Nations. Ended with a truce.

England and France were inactive, hoping for the defense of the Maginot Line.

10.06.1940 Italy declared war on France and England. --- 22.06.1940 d. - France and Germany signed a peace agreement, and 25.06.1940 g. - in Rome with Italy. --- France ceased hostilities, + 2/3 of the territory retreated to Germany. The army was disarmed, and the former French Prime Minister Charles de Gaulle moved to England and called on all the French to war, founding the movement " Free France».

Germany was joined by Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Spain and Finland. Complete neutrality was maintained by Sweden, Switzerland and Ireland.

1940 - hostilities swept East and North Africa.

06.04.1941 d. - German troops captured Greece and Yugoslavia.

At the end of the summer 1941 Germany occupied 12 states of Europe. In these countries, a "new order" was established that violated democratic freedoms.

The entire economy of the occupied countries served Germany.


18.12.1940 g. - Hitler signed the plan " Barbarossa”, aimed at capturing the USSR. The troops of Romania, Hungary, Finland, Italy, Slovakia, Croatia and Spain participated in this war on the side of Germany. = 190 divisions + 153 German divisions. = 80% of the German armed forces.

Germany was planning blitzkrieg» - « lightning war”, i.e. the capture of the USSR in 8-10 weeks.

22.06.1941 - Germany attacked the USSR.

As a result, by autumn 1941 Germany captured: the Baltic states, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, prepared the blockade of Leningrad and an attack on Moscow.

Only a courageous defense did not allow the fascist troops to carry out their plans.

16.11.1941 g. - in the battle under Dubosekovo 28 soldiers from the 316th division of General Panfilov I. took battle against 50 German tanks and stopped them. And in the battle near Moscow, officer B. Momysh-uly distinguished himself.

By the beginning of the Second World War, Germany concentrated 5.5 million people, 4300 tanks and 5000 aircraft on the border with the USSR.

Army of the USSR = 2.7 million people, 1475 tanks, 1540 aircraft.

1 war period = 1941-November 1942 gg. = the beginning of the blockade of Leningrad, the defense of the Brest Fortress, the Moscow battle with September on november 1941 g. - defense, s 5th of December- attack.

Defense of Stalingrad July 1942 G.

2 period war = November 1942 - late 1943 gg. = counteroffensive near Stalingrad, breakthrough in 1943 the blockade of Leningrad, the Battle of Kursk, the Tehran Conference of the Heads of the USSR, the USA and Great Britain.

3 war period = January 1944 - May 8, 1945 d. = opening of a second front, liberation.

Anti-Hitler coalition .

1939 g. - Japan entered the war at the river. Khalkin-Gol (Mongolia). The US Pacific Fleet was stationed at Pearl Harbor.

07.12.1941 - Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.

August 1941 Roosevelt and Churchill signed Atlantic charter where the aims of the war were determined. + supported the USSR.

11.12.1941 Germany and Italy declared war on the United States. It strengthened anti-Hitler coalition.

1944 g. - SA liberated the territory of the USSR.

Start 1945 g. - the fascist bloc completely disintegrated. According to the Crimean (Yalta) conference in February 1945 Germany was divided into 4 occupation zones: Soviet, American, British and French.

30.04.1945 - Hitler shot himself. May 7 General Eisenhower, Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces, in the French city of Reims, signed the preliminary terms for the surrender of Germany. May 8- in Berlin under the chairmanship of Marshal Zhukov G.K. signed an act of unconditional surrender Germany.

July-August 1945 d. - Potsdam Conference.

August 6, 1945 g. - American planes dropped atomic bomb to the Japanese city of Hiroshima, and 8 August to the city of Nagasaki, August 9 The USSR declared war on Japan and liberated part of China and Korea, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.

September 2, 1945 d. - On board the battleship Missouri, the Act of Unconditional Surrender of Japan was signed.

The scale and outcome of the war .

Social development accelerated during and after the war. This led to great achievements in the field of science and technology, the development of atomic energy.

In the countries participating in the war, 110 million people were mobilized, up to 55 million people died (over 20 million Soviet citizens).

Anchoring :

1. What are the causes of WWII?

2. What was the nature of WWII?

3. WWII years?

4. Years of the Second World War?

5. What made the Panfilov division famous?

6. Which battle was the turning point in the war?

7. What cities did the US drop atomic warheads on?

8. What is the significance and outcome of WWII?

The Second World War, which began on September 1, 1939, was the most terrible military conflict in the history of mankind. The initial stage of the war was tragic for the countries of Europe and successful for the Nazi coalition. In a short period of time, the German army defeated most of the countries of Europe and their armies. The events of the initial stage of the war will be discussed in this lesson.

Subject:World War II 1939-1945

Lesson:World War II: fighting in 1939-1941

On September 1, 1939, Germany attacked Poland using a pre-planned war plan codenamed Weiss. This event is considered to be the beginning of World War II.

On September 3, England and France declared war on Germany, since they were connected with Poland by an agreement on mutual assistance, but in fact did not take any hostilities. Such actions have gone down in history as the "Strange War". German troops, using the tactics of "blitzkrieg" - lightning war - already on September 16 broke through the Polish fortifications and reached Warsaw. September 28, the capital of Poland fell.

On September 17, 1939, units of the Red Army, following the secret additions to the Non-Aggression Pact with Germany on the division of spheres of influence in Eastern Europe, crossed the Soviet-Polish border and began the so-called. "Liberation Campaign" to Western Belarus and Western Ukraine to protect the Belarusian and Ukrainian population (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. "The Red Army liberates Western Belarus and Western Ukraine" ()

After conquering its eastern neighbor, Nazi Germany turned its eyes to the north and west. Bound with the USSR by a non-aggression pact, it could not develop an offensive against Soviet lands. In April 1940, Germany captures Denmark and lands in Norway, annexing these countries to the Reich. After the defeat of the British troops in Norway, Winston Churchill, a supporter of a decisive struggle against Germany, becomes Prime Minister of Great Britain.

Without fear for his rear, Hitler deploys his troops to the west in order to conquer France (Fig. 2). Throughout the 1930s. on the eastern border France created a fortified line - the Maginot Line, which the French considered impregnable. Considering that Hitler would attack "on the forehead", it was here that the main forces of the French and the British who arrived to help them were concentrated. To the north of the line were the independent countries of the Benelux. The German command, regardless of the sovereignty of the countries, delivers the main blow with its tank forces from the north, bypassing the Maginot Line, and simultaneously capturing Belgium, Holland (Netherlands) and Luxembourg goes to the rear of the French troops.

Rice. 2. The beginning of the war with France ()

In June 1940, German troops entered Paris. The government of Marshal Pétain was forced to sign a peace treaty with Hitler, according to which the entire north and west of France passed to Germany, and the French government itself was obliged to cooperate with Germany. It is noteworthy that the signing of the peace took place in the same trailer in the Compiègne Forest, in which Germany signed the peace treaty that completed the First world war. The French government, collaborating with Hitler, became collaborative, that is, voluntarily helping Germany. The national struggle was led by General Charles de Gaulle, who did not admit defeat and became the head of the Free French anti-fascist committee that had been created.

The year 1940 is marked in the history of the Second World War as the year of the most brutal bombing of English cities and industrial facilities, called the "Battle of England". Lacking sufficient naval forces to invade Great Britain, Germany decides on daily bombardments, which should reduce English cities to ruins. The city of Coventry, whose name has become synonymous with merciless air attacks - bombings, received the most severe destruction (Fig. 3).

In 1940, the United States began to help England with weapons and volunteers. The United States did not want to strengthen Hitler and gradually began to withdraw from their policy of "non-intervention" in world affairs. In fact, only US help saved England from defeat.

Rice. 3. Bombing of English Coventry ()

Hitler's ally, the Italian dictator Mussolini, guided by his idea of ​​restoring the Roman Empire, launched military operations against Greece, but got stuck in the fighting there. Germany, to which he turned for help, after a short time occupied all of Greece and the islands, annexing them to itself (Fig. 4).

In May 1941, Yugoslavia fell, which Hitler also decided to annex to his empire.

At the same time, starting from the middle of 1940, there was an increase in tension in relations between Germany and the USSR, which eventually turned into a war between these countries.

Rice. 4. German troops on the Acropolis. Greece ()

Thus, by June 22, 1941, at the time of the German attack on the Soviet Union, Europe was conquered by Hitler. The “appeasement policy” has completely failed.

1. Aleksashkina L.N. General history. XX - beginning of the XXI century. - M.: Mnemosyne, 2011.

2. Zagladin N.V. General history. XX century. Textbook for grade 11. - M.: Russian word, 2009.

3. Plenkov O.Yu., Andreevskaya T.P., Shevchenko S.V. General history. Grade 11 / Ed. Myasnikova V.S. - M., 2011.

1. Read Chapter 12 pp. 126-130 of the textbook by Aleksashkina L.N. General history. XX - beginning of the XXI century and give answers to questions 1-3 on p. 139.

2. How can one explain such a rapid conquest of the majority European countries by the German army?

3. Explain why the so-called failed. "policy of appeasement"?

In the winter of 1942, the Soviet army carried out a general offensive in the western direction with the participation of 9 fronts and in four months pushed the enemy back 150,400 km. This was another major German defeat. The blitzkrieg strategy has failed.

Student's report on the main events of 1942

During 1942, the Soviet Union restored a significant part of the industrial enterprises evacuated from the occupied regions.

New factories and railways were built in the east of the country. The economy of the USSR was reorganized to produce military products. The working day was 11-12 hours. Women and teenagers replaced the men who had gone to the front. The Red Army adopted new models of tanks (KV, T-34), aircraft (), artillery pieces: Katyusha rocket launchers, 76-mm guns, 57-mm anti-tank guns, self-propelled artillery mounts (ACS), not inferior to German or superior to them.

Some of the weapons and food produced in America and England were sent under Lend-Lease to the Soviet Union.

Side plans.

THE USSR. The headquarters decided to advance in all directions. The victory near Moscow gave rise to the hopes of the Soviet leadership for the possibility of an early defeat of the enemy and the end of the war.

This decision was opposed by General G.K. Zhukov, because. there are no prepared reserves for this. Stalin believed that in the spring-summer of 1942 the Germans would launch a new offensive against Moscow, and ordered significant reserves to be concentrated in the western direction.

Germany. Hitler believed that the strategic goal was a large-scale attack on southbound with the aim of mastering the Lower Volga and the Caucasus.

To hide their true intentions, the Germans developed a special disinformation plan, codenamed "Kremlin".

By the spring of 1942, the superiority of forces was still on the side of the German troops.

1) In May, the Germans launched an offensive in the Crimea. In 1941, they captured almost the entire territory of the peninsula, except for Sevastopol and the Kerch Peninsula. Bloody battles ensued for Sevastopol and Kerch. The blockade of Sevastopol lasted 250 days from October 30, 1941 to July 4, 1942. Kerch and Sevastopol were captured by the Nazis.

2) In May, Soviet troops went on the offensive in the Kharkov region, but suffered a severe defeat: the troops of two Soviet armies were surrounded and destroyed. Losses amounted to 230 thousand people, more than 5 thousand guns and mortars, 755 tanks. The strategic initiative again turned out to be with the German command.

In the summer of 1942, the German


command went on the offensive.

3) At the end of June, German troops rushed to the southeast: they occupied the Donbass, went to the Don. There was a direct threat to Stalingrad.

On July 24, Rostov-on-Don, the gates of the Caucasus, fell. Only now did Stalin understand the true purpose of the German summer offensive. But it was too late to change anything.

4) Fearing the rapid loss of the entire Soviet South, Stalin issued order No. 227 on July 28, 1942, which went down in history as the order “Not a step back!”.

5) The battle for the Caucasus began at the end of July 1942 and for five months the Soviet troops held back the onslaught of the enemy.

6) Battle for Stalingrad.

From the beginning of September 1942, street battles began in Stalingrad, destroyed to the ground.

By mid-November, the offensive capabilities of the Germans finally dried up and they went on the defensive.

The defense of the city was entrusted to the 62nd (commander - Lieutenant General V.I. Chuikov) and 64th (commander - Major General M.S. Shumilov) armies. Fierce fighting broke out in the city. Repeatedly, Mamaev Kurgan, the territories of the tractor factory, the Barrikady and Krasny Oktyabr factories passed from hand to hand.

The plan to defeat the Germans near Stalingrad was called "Uranus". He proposed using the forces of the Southwestern, Don and Stalingrad fronts to strike at the Germans in converging directions with the aim of encircling them in the interfluve of the Volga and Don and completely defeating them.

To ensure this plan, a double superiority over the enemy was ensured.

On the fifth day of fierce fighting, Soviet troops united in the area of ​​​​the city of Kalach. As a result, the 6th Army and partly the 4th Panzer Army of the Germans were surrounded. The total number of surrounded soldiers and officers amounted to 330 thousand people.

6) The Nazis captured a significant part of the North Caucasus. They were stopped in November 1942 on the outskirts of Ordzhonikidze, at the passes of the Main Caucasian Range, on the Black Sea coast - near Novorossiysk.

7) Anti-fascist coalition.

On May 26, 1942, an Anglo-Soviet treaty "On an alliance in the war against Nazi Germany and its accomplices in Europe and on cooperation and mutual assistance after the war" was concluded in London for a period of 20 years. On July 11, 1942, the Soviet-American agreement on mutual assistance took place.

A military-political union of three great powers was formed: the USSR, Great Britain and the USA.