Navy when they celebrate. Founding Day of the Navy (Founding Day of the Navy)

The Japanese name for Japan Nihon (日本) is made up of two parts, ni (日) and hon (本), both of which are Sinic. The first word (日) in modern Chinese is pronounced rì and means, as in Japanese, "sun" (transmitted in writing by its ideogram). The second word (本) in modern Chinese is pronounced bӗn. Its original meaning is "root", and the ideogram that conveys it is the tree ideogram mù (木) with a dash added below to indicate the root. From the meaning "root" the meaning "origin" developed, and it was in this meaning that it entered the name of Japan Nihon (日本) - "origin of the sun" > "land of the rising sun" (modern Chinese rì bӗn). In ancient Chinese, the word bӗn (本) also had the meaning of "scroll, book". In modern Chinese it has been superseded in this sense by the word shū (書), but remains in it as a counter for books. The Chinese word bӗn (本) was borrowed into Japanese both in the meaning of "root, origin" and in the meaning of "scroll, book", and in the form hon (本) means book in modern Japanese. The same Chinese word bӗn (本) in the meaning of "scroll, book" was also borrowed into the ancient Turkic language, where, after adding the Turkic suffix -ig to it, it acquired the form *küjnig. The Turks brought this word to Europe, where it from the language of the Danube Turkic-speaking Bulgars in the form of a book got into the language of the Slavic-speaking Bulgarians and spread through Church Slavonic to others. Slavic languages, including Russian.

Thus, Russian word book and the Japanese word hon "book" have a common root of Chinese origin, and the same root is included as the second component in the Japanese name for Japan Nihon.

I hope everything is clear?)))

On October 30, Russia celebrates the Day of the Foundation of the Russian Navy. This date was not chosen by chance - (20) October 30, 1696, the Boyar Duma, at the insistence of Peter I, decided to create a regular navy.

In fact, the fleet in Russia existed many centuries before Peter I. Without the fleet, he would not have reached his position Velikiy Novgorod, Russian warriors on boats went on campaigns in the Black Sea. But that old Russian fleet was not regular in the conventional sense. Peter borrowed the idea of ​​creating a centralized navy in Europe. He himself was very interested in shipbuilding and, as in the case of regular army, began to create a Russian fleet with amusing troops. The famous little boat of Peter I "Saint Nicholas" is not in vain called the "grandfather of the Russian fleet" - it was acquired by the cousin of Peter's grandfather, boyar Nikita Ivanovich Romanov, for river walks, and in 1688 Peter discovered the boat in Izmailovo.

Peter personally laid down several ships - in Pereyaslavl, on Lake Pleshcheyevo. Then, for some time, ships were built in Arkhangelsk, but soon Peter came to the conclusion that the White Sea was completely unsuitable for marine experiments. It was this circumstance that made him pay increased attention to the possibility of Russia's access to other seas - the Baltic, Azov and Black. However, the solution of this problem required Russia to enter the war with neighboring states. After all, the access to the Azov and Black Seas was blocked by the Ottoman Empire, the Baltic was controlled by Sweden.

The decision to create a regular fleet was made just against the backdrop of turbulent events on the southern borders of the Russian state. The first assault on Azov, then still an Ottoman fortress, ended unsuccessfully, which forced Peter to intensify work on creating a fleet. The Azov fortress actually blocked the exit from the Don to the Sea of ​​Azov, therefore, in order to ensure free exit for Russian ships, the fortress had to be liberated from the Turks. In the spring of 1696, two ships, two galleys, 23 galleys and 4 fireships were built. They were built on the Voronezh River, with an eye to the fact that the ships would then enter the Don and go down to Azov. Franz Lefort, a native of Switzerland, was appointed admiral of the fleet, by the time of the events described, he had been in the Russian service for more than twenty years.

The Azov fleet was built by Peter I from 1695 to 1711. Supervision of the construction of ships in the late 1690s. Vice-Admiral Cornelius Kruys, a Norwegian by birth, who in 1705 became the first commander of the Baltic Fleet, was in charge. For the construction of the Azov Fleet, additional shipyards were created in Tavrov and Novo-Pavlovsk, as well as in the area of ​​the Ikorts River. In total, from 1695 to 1710, 67 ships, prams and frigates were built, the same number of bomber ships, fire ships, galleys, about a thousand brigantines and other ships. However, the haste in the construction of ships played a role - the first Russian fleet very quickly fell into disrepair. When the war with the Ottoman Empire began in 1710, only 5 ships, 1 frigate, 2 shnyavs and 1 tyalka were in service. With such forces, it was premature to count on victory in the war with the Turks. As a result of the Treaty of Prut, Russia was forced to return Azov to the Turks, to remove the shipyards in Taganrog.

After the Northern War, construction began Baltic Fleet Russian Empire. Its bases were located in St. Petersburg, then in Kronstadt, Vyborg, Helsingfors, Reval and Abo. It was with the creation of the Baltic Fleet that the victorious Russian naval forces actually began. By 1725, Russia already had 130 sailing ships, including 36 battleships, 9 frigates, 3 shnyavs. In addition, the empire also had a powerful rowing fleet of 396 ships. The construction of ships was carried out at numerous shipyards, the largest of which were located in Voronezh, Kazan, Arkhangelsk, Pereyaslavl, Olonets, Astrakhan, and then St. Petersburg. In 1718, the Admiralty Board was created to manage the fleet and solve all the most important issues of its construction.

At the beginning of the existence of the Russian fleet, an important role in its formation and development was played by foreign military specialists, primarily people from Scandinavia, the Netherlands, and England. Many of them made a successful career, first in European states, and then in the service of the Russian Tsar. Examples include the same Franz Lefort, Cornelius Kruys, Thomas Gordon and many other high-ranking officers. However, it was during the Petrine era that domestic naval commanders also appeared, quite quickly catching up with foreign specialists and even surpassing them in their commanding talents, and most importantly, in courage and courage. Fyodor Apraksin, Naum Senyavin, Alexei Senyavin, Mikhail Golitsyn can be attributed to the "golden galaxy" of Peter's naval commanders. It was these people who formed the face of the Russian fleet at the beginning of the 18th century.

The death of Peter I was a huge blow to the Russian fleet. Shipbuilding has slowed down. The situation was corrected only after the accession to the throne of Anna Ioannovna, under whose authority the Military Naval Commission was established under the chairmanship of Vice-Chancellor Count Andrei Osterman. The commission included well-known naval commanders Vice Admiral Count Nikolai Golovin, Vice Admiral Naum Senyavin, Vice Admiral Thomas Sanders, Rear Admiral Pyotr Bredal and Rear Admiral Vasily Dmitriev-Mamonov.

The second half of the 18th century was the time of the true heyday of the Russian navy. Russian-Turkish wars, the accession to Russia of the lands of the Crimean Khanate contributed to the development of the Black Sea Fleet. Russian ships began to enter the Mediterranean Sea, where they successfully acted against the Turks. It was at this time that the star of the Russian naval genius Fedor Ushakov rose - one of the brightest defenders of the Russian Empire, whose name is on a par with the name of Generalissimo Alexander Suvorov.

At the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries. The Russian Empire already had one of the most powerful fleets in the world - the third largest in terms of the number of ships after the fleets of Great Britain and France. AT early XIX centuries, Russian sailors took an active part in geographical discoveries making expeditions in the Arctic and Antarctic.

Another turning point in the history of the Russian fleet was the Crimean War. She demonstrated to the whole world the courage of Russian sailors, including admirals who died heroically in the defense of Sevastopol. But it was the war in Crimea that revealed numerous shortcomings of the Russian fleet, miscalculations in the organizational structure, in management and manning. It became clear that Russia is seriously lagging behind the advanced countries of the world in the field of shipbuilding.

According to the results Crimean War the obsolete sailing fleet was replaced by a steam-powered fleet. The construction of armadillos, monitors and floating batteries began, which, however, due to gravity were not able to walk long distances. The end of the 19th century became for Russia the era of the ongoing technical improvement of the fleet. The fleet developed at a particularly rapid pace after the accession to the throne of Emperor Nicholas II. However, the Russo-Japanese War rather quickly revealed certain miscalculations, related not so much to the quality of the personnel, but to the confusion in management, high level corruption. But the situation, as always, was corrected by the Russian sailors themselves - from sailors to admirals. They showed miracles of courage. Thus, the feat of the sailors of the Varyag cruiser entered the history of the world fleet.

On March 19, 1906, submarine forces were created as part of the Russian imperial fleet. Since that time, the development of the submarine fleet has become one of the most important areas, especially since submarines have shown increasing efficiency.

First World War became the last test of the Russian imperial fleet. As always, the sailors demonstrated heroism and high combat skills. In the Black Sea, the Russian fleet managed to achieve superiority over the opposing fleet of the Ottoman Empire. The Bosphorus operation was being prepared. However, the revolutionary events of 1917 led to the collapse of the Russian fleet. It is worth noting that one of the key roles in the revolution was played by the sailors of the Baltic and Black Sea fleets. This was due to the fact that among the sailors, skilled workers called up for naval service prevailed, many of whom even before mobilization had connections with revolutionary organizations. "Red Sailors" became one of the symbols of the October Revolution.

According to the results civil war most of the ships of the Russian imperial fleet were withdrawn by the Whites and the interventionists. Soviet Russia had to create its fleet practically from scratch and, I must say, new government coped with this task admirably. During the 1920s - 1930s. a well-armed and trained Soviet fleet was created. It was during these years that the foundation was laid for the organizational structure, the system of training and education of the navy, which is still used by post-Soviet Russia.

The Great Patriotic War is a tragedy for the country, but also a heroic page in the history of our fleet. Since the fate of the country was decided on the land front, a significant part of the sailors were transferred to land, where they fought as ordinary infantry units. The Nazis were afraid of the Soviet sailors like fire, calling them "black devils." In just the years of the Great Patriotic War fleet sent to help ground forces more than 400 thousand sailors and officers. Many of them were awarded high government awards for their valor.

The post-war period - the era of the Cold War, a long confrontation Soviet Union and the United States of America. The navy of the USSR did not stop its improvement and development, at the same time continuing to solve a variety of problems. combat missions already around the world. Soviet sailors visited Angola and Yemen, Egypt and Somalia, Mozambique and Bangladesh. By the end of the 1980s. The USSR Navy included more than 100 squadrons and divisions, the number of personnel reached 450 thousand people. In the Soviet Union, there were numerous naval educational establishments, which have become a real forge of highly qualified officers for the USSR Navy, as well as the fleets of the allied states.

Of course, the collapse of the Soviet Union could not help but have a corresponding impact on the situation in the fleet. The Black Sea Fleet, which was divided between Russia and Ukraine, suffered the most. Not all sailors agreed to go to serve in the Ukrainian fleet, which led to large reductions in personnel.

At present, the Navy of the Russian Federation consists of the Baltic Fleet, the Northern Fleet, Pacific Fleet, the Black Sea Fleet and the Caspian Flotilla. The Russian Navy includes surface and submarine forces, coastal and carrier-based naval aviation, coastal fleet troops as part of coastal defense troops and marines. In the context of the aggravated military-political situation, including in the Mediterranean, the Russian fleet is solving the most important political tasks, including those related to maintaining the combat capability of the grouping of Russian troops in Syria.

AT last years The Russian government pays special attention to the development and improvement of the Navy. New ships and submarines are supplied to the fleet, service conditions and maintenance of personnel are being improved. Return of prestige military service in the navy - today many conscripts dream of getting to serve on the ships of the Russian Navy. How can you not remember famous words that only the army and navy are the only true allies of Russia.

On the Day of the Foundation of the Russian Navy, Voyennoye Obozreniye congratulates on this holiday date all those who serve, served or are otherwise involved in the Navy of the USSR and Russia.

Although Russia is the largest of the land countries, it is also one of the most powerful maritime powers. The traditions of navigation in our country go back to ancient times. Millions of Russian men dressed in the past or are now wearing the most beautiful Russian naval uniform in the world. The sailors of our country have always courageously and staunchly defended it from foreign invaders, many of them gave their lives for Russia. Is it any wonder that Navy Day is one of the most beloved holidays by the citizens of our country.


It is believed that the history of the domestic navy began under Peter the Great, although in fact our ancestors traveled with military purposes across the seas a thousand years ago - it is enough to recall the campaign of Prince Oleg of Kyiv against Constantinople - the then capital of the world. However, the navy acquired its own holiday only in Soviet times - in 1939, on June 22, a corresponding decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR was issued.

The holiday was postponed to the last July Sunday already in 1980 by the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces. And finally the status of this day was established by President Putin in 2006, who issued a Decree of the corresponding content on May 31.


It can be said without any exaggeration that the whole country celebrates Navy Day in our country:

  1. Naval parades are held in the home ports, with the solemn hoisting of the ship's St. Andrew's flags and flags of coloring, and various performances on naval themes.
  2. Sports and military competitions for sailors are held en masse. St. Petersburg, Kronstadt, Vladivostok, and now Sevastopol are especially distinguished in this part;
  3. The personnel of the fleet are congratulated by commanders of all ranks, up to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief - the President of the Russian Federation.
  4. Traditionally, it is on the last Sunday of July that officers, foremen and sailors are assigned regular titles, present state awards, insignia, gifts and certificates.

And at home, everyone who had the chance to go ashore on the holiday will have festive tables and joyful faces of relatives and friends who are ready to vigorously congratulate the “culprit” on the solemn date.

Do not forget, dear readers, if you live in a seaside city with a naval base, or in your locality at least the coastal part of the Navy is based, come to congratulate the glorious sailors on their professional holiday.

One of the main holidays in July is the Day of the Russian Navy. It has become the only professional holiday celebrated throughout the country.

What date is Navy Day celebrated

Like most professional holidays, Navy Day does not have a fixed date and is celebrated on the last Sunday of July. This year the festival will take place on July 29th. This date was approved by the President of Russia in 2006.

However, the holiday of the Russian Navy was not always celebrated on this day. Starting from the year 39 and until the year 80 of the twentieth century, this holiday was celebrated on July 24. And in Russian Empire Navy Day was celebrated at the end of October. First of all, this is due to the huge history of this holiday.

history of the holiday

According to many historians, the tradition of celebrating Navy Day dates back to the creation of the first warship called the Eagle. It was built in 1667 by order of the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich to protect merchant ships. And already in 1668 he was launched. As for the military parade on this day, historians say that the first review of warships was under Peter 1. The tradition of celebrating this holiday on October 30 has been preserved for three centuries.

But after the fall of the Russian Empire, this tradition was interrupted. Realizing the importance and complexity of the profession of a military sailor, in the Soviet Union it was decided to resume the tradition of celebrating the Day of the Navy.

The initiator of the creation of the holiday, in order to attract recruits to serve in the ranks of the naval forces, is the mountain of the USSR, Fleet Admiral Nikolai Kuznetsov. For the first time in the USSR, this holiday was celebrated on July 24, 1939. And until the 80s of the last century, this holiday had a clear date - July 24th. After the decree of the government of the Soviet Union in 1980 on professional holidays, the date of the Navy Day became transient.

The tradition of celebrating Navy Day on the last Sunday of July has been preserved in modern Russia. This date was finally approved by presidential decree on May 31, 2006.

How to celebrate Navy Day

The Navy Day is celebrated not only in the cities where the Russian Navy is based, but throughout Russia. special attention this day deserves the northern capital of Russia, which is the birthplace of shipbuilding in the Russian Empire.

Residents and guests of St. Petersburg on this day will be pleased with an exciting program of events and the Main Naval Parade. The entire naval power of Russia will be demonstrated at the parade. In addition to warships and submarines, naval aviation will take part in it, training flights of which could be observed today by residents and guests of the city.

The festive program of events will last all day - from morning to evening. Traditionally, the program of events will be held in two stages and will be held in two different places. Some of the events will take place in Kronstadt, and some on Palace Square. After the parade, everyone will be able to feel like a military sailor, boarding one of the ships for a more detailed study of its structure.

The founding day of the Russian Navy is a memorable date celebrated annually on October 30th. Today Russia is one of the world's leading naval powers. But this was far from always the case: before the reforms of Peter the Great, Russia did not have any warships, and the fleet consisted mainly of merchant boats and longboats sailing off the coastline.

At the end of September 1696, under the pressure of Peter I, the Boyar Duma issued a decree on the construction of the first five military courts. Their laying at the Arkhangelsk shipyard October 30, 1696 and became the official day of the founding of the Russian Navy.

History reference

Before the conquests of Peter the Great, Russia was a major continental power that exercised foreign trade mainly by land caravans or on small launches, which were dragged by barge haulers from river to river. Arkhangelsk was the only major port in the country. But because of him northern position, harsh climate and a freezing bay, it was possible to use the sea only 6-7 months a year.

With access to the Baltic Sea and the laying of St. Petersburg, Russia urgently needed its own navy, which was hastily laid down under the personal control of Peter. Subsequently, at the shipyards of Ladoga and Arkhangelsk, first the Baltic, and then the Azov, Black Sea, Northern and Caspian fleets were formed.

In the first half of the 18th century, the country intensively developed northern Siberia and Far East. In 1740, travelers Bering and Chirikov first discovered and mapped the coast Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Kamchatka Peninsula, and then founded Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, which became the first base for the Far Eastern Navy.

By the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries, the Russian armada confidently entered the top three most powerful and combat-ready military fleets on the planet. During the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet fleet, due to objective historical reasons, could not boast of a special large number. But this did not prevent Soviet sailors and submariners from showing miracles of heroism and smashing superior enemy forces in the waters of the Black, Azov, Baltic and Barents Seas.

Today, the domestic navy is a global force capable of solving problems of any complexity in all the seas and oceans of the planet. Every year, the country's naval forces are replenished with modern ships capable of quickly deterring and simultaneously conducting a successful offensive against a superior enemy, both individually and as part of various formations.

Who notes and how

The founding day of the Russian Navy is not only a professional holiday for all military sailors, but also a significant date for all people directly connected with the sea. On this day, solemn parades and reviews of military equipment are held in all fleets of the country. Military sailors conduct demonstration firing, and also show various scenarios of actions at sea - landing, boarding an enemy ship, rescue operation from a sinking ship.

Interesting facts

Today, the Russian fleet has more than two hundred warships of various types, mainly frigates and corvettes. In addition, 69 nuclear and diesel submarines are in service, some of which are equipped with ballistic nuclear weapons. There is also 1 Soviet-built aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov.