Spiritual life 20. Cultural and spiritual life in the late XIX - early XX century

Question 01. What importance did the Soviet government attach to the eradication of illiteracy?

Answer. The Soviet government attached great importance to the eradication of illiteracy. Firstly, it was initially focused on the growth of the number of the proletariat, and the development of technology at that time had long reached a stage where at least a minimum level of education was required to work in an enterprise. Secondly, education was organized absolutely differently from pre-revolutionary standards, and through it the communist party rooted its ideals among the masses.

Question 02. What were the negative and positive sides of the new Soviet school?

Answer. Positive sides:

1) access to education was given to groups of the population that previously, due to property and national characteristics, had almost no access to it;

2) education became completely free;

3) elements of self-government were introduced into education;

4) new pedagogical methods were introduced, including more time for students to work independently in groups;

5) a large-scale and rather effective system of work with homeless children has emerged;

6) an effective system for the elimination of adult illiteracy has appeared.

Negative sides:

1) many received places in universities not on the basis of knowledge, but on the basis of class affiliation and loyalty to the party;

2) many teachers died or immigrated, new ones were also recruited on the principle of loyalty to the new regime, because of which the level of education fell.

Question 03. Why did a significant part of the Russian intelligentsia not accept the Bolshevik regime? What are the motives of those who recognized Soviet power?

Answer. Firstly, before the revolution, a significant part of the intelligentsia occupied an active political position, it was not monarchist, but the majority of the intelligentsia did not have communist views either. Most importantly, during the Civil War, the power of the communists showed its face. The intellectuals did not belong to the proletariat, whose dictatorship was proclaimed by the authorities, many went through prisons and concentration camps, where they got only because of their class affiliation. Many were shocked by the rejection by the new government of any alternative opinion. It is not surprising that such a number of intellectuals did not accept Soviet power, it is more surprising that part of the pre-revolutionary intelligentsia accepted it. The latter really believed that the new government would be able to create a new person and build a real paradise on earth.

Question 04. What role did the collection "Change of milestones" play?

Answer. The “change of milestones” convinced many intellectuals both inside the country and in immigration that by serving the Soviet government, they are serving the cause of the restoration and revival of Russia, and the Soviet government is not as “red” as it wants to seem. This collection of articles influenced many famous cultural figures who later returned from immigration to the USSR.

Question 05. What are the reasons for the persecution directed against the Orthodox Church and its ministers?

Answer. The socialist revolutionary movement was originally atheistic (this applied to representatives of all parties, not only the Bolsheviks). But it was not only that. After the seizure of power, the Bolsheviks wanted to remain the only ones who determine the spiritual life of the country.

Question 06. What are the main features of the "new Soviet art"?

Answer. Main features:

1) the new art "thrown into the dustbin" the achievements of the old;

2) it was required to evaluate the works in terms of not their artistic merit, but the class affiliation and political preferences of the author;

3) art has not only new ideas, but also new expressive forms;

4) art was supposed to serve the construction of a new society, therefore, for example, serious artists and poets began to create posters.


  • 1. The fight against illiteracy.
  • 2. Power and intelligentsia.
  • 3. Party control.
  • 4. "Smenovehovstvo".
  • 5. Bolsheviks and the Church.
  • Pavlova Anelya Vasilievna
  • History teacher
  • MOU secondary school No. 12 of Vyshny Volochyok
The main tasks of the cultural revolution:
  • the task was to overcome cultural inequality, to make the treasures of culture accessible to the working people.
  • elimination of illiteracy: in 1919, the Council of People's Commissars adopted a decree "On the elimination of illiteracy among the population of the RSFSR", according to which the entire population from 8 to 50 years old was obliged to learn to read and write in their native or Russian language.
  • In 1923, the voluntary society "Down with illiteracy" was established under the chairmanship of M.I. Kalinin.
"Down with illiteracy!"
  • In 1923, the voluntary society "Down with illiteracy" was established under the chairmanship of M.I. Kalinin. Howled opened thousands of points for the elimination of illiteracy educational program.
Public education.
  • On September 30, 1918, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee approved the "Regulations on the unified labor school of the RSFSR."
  • It is based on the principle of free education.
  • By the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of August 2, 1918, workers and peasants received the preferential right to enter universities
  • The next important milestone was the adoption in 1930 of the resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks "On universal compulsory primary education."
  • By the end of the 1930s, mass illiteracy in our country had largely been overcome.
Power and intelligence: the question of the attitude towards the revolution.
  • S. V. Rakhmaninov, K. A. Korovin, A. N. Tolstoy, M. I. Tsvetaeva, E. I. Zamyatin, F. I. Chaliapin, A. P. Pavlova, I. A. Bunin, A. I. Kuprin and others.
  • 500 prominent scientists who headed departments and entire scientific areas: P.A. Sorokin, K.N. Davydov, V.K. Agafonov, S.N. Vinogradsky and others
  • Abroad were:
  • Lowering the spiritual and intellectual level
  • Can the intelligentsia work with the Bolsheviks? - Maybe I should. (A.A. Blok)
Stayed at home
  • V.I.Vernadsky
  • K.E. Tsiolkovsky
  • N.E. Zhukovsky
  • I.P. Pavlov
  • N.I.Vavilov
  • V.M. Bekhterev
  • K.A. Timiryazev
  • N.D.Zelinsky
Stayed at home
  • M. Voloshin
  • A. Akhmatova
  • N. Gumilyov
  • V. Mayakovsky
  • M. Bulgakov
  • W. Meyerhold
  • and etc.
  • ideological, political and social movement that arose in the early 1920s. among the Russian foreign liberal-minded intelligentsia. It got its name from the collection "Change of milestones", published in Prague in July 1921.
  • The Smenovekhovites set themselves the task of reconsidering the position of the intelligentsia in relation to post-revolutionary Russia.
  • The essence of this revision was the rejection of armed struggle with the new government, the recognition of the need to cooperate with it in the name of the well-being of the Fatherland.
"Smenovekhovstvo" (results)
  • A.N. Tolstoy
  • S.S. Prokofiev
  • M. Gorky
  • M. Tsvetaeva
  • A.I. Kuprin
  • The movement suited the leaders of the Bolsheviks, because it made it possible to split the emigration and achieve recognition of the new government.
  • Returned to their homeland:
  • The attitude of the Bolsheviks:
Class approach to culture
  • The party and the state have established complete control over the spiritual life of society.
  • 1921 - trial of the Petrograd military organization (famous scientists and cultural figures).
  • 1922 - expulsion from the country of 160 prominent scientists and philosophers.
  • 1922 - Establishment of Glavlit, and then Glavrepertkom (censorship).
From the Resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) "On the policy of the party in the field fiction" June 18, 1925
  • Thus, just as the class struggle does not stop in our country in general, so it does not stop on the literary front either. In a class society there is not and cannot be a neutral art.
  • The Party must emphasize the necessity of creating fiction designed for a truly mass reader, both worker and peasant; it is necessary to break bolder and more decisively with the prejudices of the nobility in literature
Bolsheviks and the Church.
  • On December 11 (24), 1917, a decree appeared on the transfer of all church schools to the Commissariat of Education.
  • On December 18 (31), the effectiveness of church marriage is annulled in the eyes of the state and civil marriage is introduced.
  • January 21, 1918 - a decree was published on the complete separation of church and state and on the confiscation of all church property.
  • The decree provided for specific measures to ensure that religious organizations carry out their functions.
  • The free performance of rituals that did not violate public order and was not accompanied by infringement on the rights of citizens was guaranteed, religious societies were given the right to free use of buildings and objects for worship.
More and more bans fell upon the Church
  • Widespread closure of temples;
  • Confiscation of church property for revolutionary needs;
  • Arrests of clerics;
  • Deprivation of their voting rights;
  • Children from families of the clergy were deprived of the opportunity to receive a special or higher education.
  • http://www.pugoviza.ru/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1220371796
  • http://alkir.narod.ru/rh-book/l-kap9/l-09-03-3.html
  • http://www.uralligaculture.ru/index.php?main=library&id=100007
  • http://www.xumuk.ru/bse/993.html
  • http://literra.ru/2006/10/
  • http://mp3slovo.com/list2_13_5.html
  • http://russianway.rhga.ru/catalogue-books/index.php?SECTION_ID=326&ELEMENT_ID=23253
  • http://dugward.ru/library/blok/blok_mojet_li.html
  • Sources: A.A. Danilov, History of Russia in the 20th - early 21st centuries
  • M., "Enlightenment", 2008.
  • Internet resources:

Entering the 20th century, Russia was changing. The world was also changing. The industrial age dictated its own conditions and norms of life. Under their onslaught, traditional values ​​and ideas of people collapsed. Russian culture experienced an amazing flourishing. He embraced all kinds of creative activity, gave rise to outstanding works of art and scientific discoveries, new directions of creative search, discovered brilliant names that have become the pride of not only Russian, but also world culture, science and technology. Early 20th century called the Silver Age of Russian culture. The Silver Age is historical time since the 90s

19th century to 1922.

However, one of the main contradictions was not overcome Russian life- the inaccessibility of high achievements of culture to the broad masses and isolation from them.

Spiritual life in the 20s.

In 1919 the government of the RSFSR adopted a decree "On the elimination of illiteracy among the population of Russia", according to which all citizens aged 8 to 50 were required to learn to read and write in their native or Russian language. However, the conditions of the Civil War and devastation prevented the solution of the task. In the mid 1920s. only about half of the population of the USSR over the age of 9 were literate.

Figures of the artistic culture of the Silver Age met the proletarian revolution in different ways. Some of them believed that domestic cultural traditions would either be trampled underfoot or brought under the control of the new government. Valued above all the freedom of creativity, they chose the lot of emigrants. By the mid-20s. writers, poets, composers, singers, musicians, artists found themselves abroad: I.A. Bunin, A.I. Kuprin, A.K. Glazunov, S.S. Prokofiev, S.V. Rakhmaninov, F.I. Chaliapin , I.E. Repin, V.V. Kandinsky, M.Z. Chagall and others.

Other prominent cultural figures did not choose the fate of emigrants. Such as A. A. Akhmatova, M. A. Voloshin, M. M. Prishvin, M. A. Bulgakov, went into deep spiritual opposition, continued the traditions of Russian dissent.

It seemed to many that the revolution, like a cleansing thunderstorm, would rejuvenate the country and awaken the creative forces. They went towards a new life, considering themselves the successors of the revolutionary traditions of Russian culture.

The October Revolution was already for the first time sung in the verses of V.V. Mayakovsky and A.A. Blok, depicted in the paintings of K.S. Petrov-Vodkin and B.M. Mayakovsky's play directed by V.E. Meyerhold and designed by K.S. Malevich.

With the end of the Civil War, the Bolsheviks began to actively control the spiritual life in the country. In August 1921 some scientists and cultural figures of a certain Petrograd military organization were shot, including the chemist M.M. Tikhvinsky and the poet N.S. Gumilyov.

At the end of August 1922 the Soviet government expelled from the country 160 scientists and cultural figures who did not share the ideological principles of Bolshevism, but were not active fighters against it.

In 1922 Glavlit was established, which controlled all printed products. A year later, the Main Repertoire Committee joined him, he controlled the repertoire of theaters and other entertainment events. Their task was to prevent materials objectionable to the authorities from leaking into public life.

The Bolsheviks set themselves the goal of educating a "new man" worthy of living in a communist society. For the Bolsheviks, religion was a dangerous competitor in the spiritual life of the country. April - May 1922. in Moscow and in July in Petrograd, trials were organized, a number of major church hierarchs were sentenced to death on charges of counter-revolutionary activities. Patriarch Tikhon was arrested and transferred to prison. In 1925, after the death of Patriarch Tikhon, the authorities did not allow the election of a new patriarch, and Metropolitan Peter, who assumed patriarchal duties, was exiled to Solovki.

The Bolsheviks needed new artistic forms of influence on feelings, agitation for a communist future. The art of the poster flourished, the masters of this genre - V.N. Denis (“Gang”), D.S. Moor (“Have you signed up as a volunteer?”, “Help!”). "Windows of satire ROSTA" (Russian Telegraph Agency) - new form propaganda art. Sharp satirical posters with brief poetic texts covered topical events, illustrated telegrams that were transmitted by the agency to newspapers.

The spiritual life of Soviet society in the first years of Soviet power was characterized by relative freedom, but as Stalin's position strengthened, a party attack on culture began.

Culture of Russia Late XIX - early XX century. became an extremely fruitful period in the development national culture. The spiritual life of society, reflecting the rapid changes that took place in the face of the country at the turn of the two centuries, the turbulent political history of Russia in this era, was distinguished by exceptional wealth and diversity. “In Russia at the beginning of the century there was a real cultural renaissance,” wrote N.A. Berdyaev. “Only those who lived at that time know what a creative upsurge we experienced, what a breath of spirit captured the Russian souls.” The creativity of Russian scientists, figures of literature and art has made a huge contribution to the treasury of world civilization.

Science and natural science In the second half of the XIX century. Science is moving forward as one of the most important areas social activities. Discoveries of world importance were made in the field of chemistry. Professor of St. Petersburg University Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev () formulated in 1869 the periodic law chemical elements, which has become one of the most important in natural science. D. I. Mendeleev

Naturalist Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov () a student of G. Helmholtz and teacher of I.P. Pavlov, was an innovator in the field of physiology. The result of his studies of higher nervous activity was the work "Reflexes of the Brain" (1866), which proved the unity and interaction of mental and physical processes in the body. The works of the founder of soil science Vasily Vasilyevich Dokuchaev () and the main one of them "Russian Chernozem" (1883) are associated with the successes of natural science. The scientist argued that the soil is a special natural organism with its own laws of formation, development and impoverishment. Dokuchaev compiled a map of soil features European Russia and gave a classification of soils in the country (1886). I. M. Sechenov

Geography Russian geographers and naturalists have significantly enriched their ideas not only about their own country, but also about the Earth, its continents and continents. In the 6090s. a brilliant galaxy of indefatigable travelers is advancing, exploring the little-studied edges of the Earth. The Russian Geographical Society, headed by P.P. Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky, who replaced its founder F.P. Litke in 1873, played an important role in organizing the expeditions. P.P. Semenov was the first European to travel through the Tien Shan mountains (). Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky () after an expedition to the Ussuri Territory () carried out four expeditions to Central Asia(), having visited Tibet, Mongolia, China. He discovered many previously unknown mountain ranges, rivers and lakes, for the first time described unknown breeds of animals (Tibetan bear, Przewalski's horse, etc.), collected a valuable collection of plants. Przhevalsky N. M.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Miklukho-Maclay () traveled outside of Russia, having visited the years. Madeira, Morocco, New Guinea. In the years for scientific purposes was in the Malay Islands of Polynesia. Close friendly contacts of the Russian scientist with the local population gave him the opportunity to conduct serious anthropological and ethnographic research, capable of resisting racist theories. N. N. Miklukho-Maclay

Art In Russian culture of the second half of the XIX century. literature prevailed. The ideological and aesthetic principles of critical realism that dominated it had a powerful impact on all areas of art. Determining here are the demands of closeness to life, to the people, the desire to respond to the demands of society, to satisfy its needs for truth, for beauty, which art is already looking for in reality itself.

Painting The process of renewal in painting began with a "riot" at the Academy of Fine Arts of Young Artists in 1863. Refusing to write competition works on traditional subjects from mythology, they demanded a free choice of topics. Having been refused, 14 painters, headed by I. N. Kramskoy, left the academy and founded the Artel of Artists. It served as a stepping stone to a new association in 1870 of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions, which finally took shape with the adoption of the charter in 1876. Over the two decades of its existence, the Wanderers showed exhibitions of their paintings in more than 20 cities. Their union was both professional, and ideological, and commercial, uniting almost all talented artists who asserted the principles of realism and nationality.

To the fore in the 6070s. genre painting with its pronounced social motives came to the fore. Here, Vasily Grigorievich Perov () achieved serious success with his paintings of district and rural post-reform Russia (“Tea drinking in Mytishchi”, “Arrival of the police officer for investigation”, “Rural religious procession at Easter”), The artist rises to genuine tragedy, painting the funeral of an orphaned peasant the family of his breadwinner (“Seeing the Dead Man”), Grigory Grigorievich Myasoedov () managed to convey the poetry of peasant labor (“Mowers”), the close connection of the rural world with nature, dependence on it (“Drought”), showed the relationship of peasants with zemstvo institutions (“ Zemstvo is having lunch). The heyday of the work of Ilya Efimovich Repin () falls at the beginning of the 20th century, but already in the 1870s. showed his great talent. An event in art and in public life was the painting "Barge Haulers on the Volga" (1872). In the faces of barge haulers, sharply individual and at the same time forming a single whole, patience and suffering, humility and readiness for protest. Responding to the painful questions of the time, Repin creates a kind of triptych about the Raznochinsk intelligentsia: "The Arrest of a Propaganda", "Refusal of Confession", "They Didn't Wait".

The paintings of Nikolai Aleksandrovich Yaroshenko () “Student”, “Cursist”, “Stoker” are devoted to new types of post-reform Russia. From the thick of everyday city life, plots of paintings by Vladimir Egorovich Makovsky () “On the Boulevard”, “Bank Collapse”, “Date”, “Party”, “I won’t let you go!” are snatched out. In the historical genre of this time, artists depart from the traditional source of ancient history, turning to the past of the fatherland, trying to recreate its events and images with all authenticity. On the canvas of Vasily Ivanovich Surikov "Morning of the Streltsy Execution" there is no image of the execution of the opponents of Peter's reforms. But the mortal combat of Russia, leaving and renewing, is conveyed with great force. The rich coloring of the picture, the complex, original composition contribute to conveying the author's intention.

The same conflict of the old and the new, as the basis of the family drama, is embodied in the painting by Nikolai Nikolaevich Ge () "Peter I interrogates Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich in Peterhof." There are no external manifestations of this drama here, and the poses of its participants are also calm. Only Peter's look speaks of the depth of the conflict: there is no hatred in him for the son who betrayed him, only bitterness and torment, the consciousness that the work of his life will not be continued by those who should have inherited it. Battle painting of the 6090s closely related to history. Here is the same departure from academic conventions, decorativeness, splendor. V.I. Surikov-batalist ("Suvorov's Crossing the Alps", "The Conquest of Siberia by Yermak") acts as a kind of director of the mise-en-scene, which he builds in strict accordance with the course of hostilities, with historical truth, without sacrificing it for the sake of greater effect. "Peter I interrogates Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich in Peterhof"

Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin () did not formally belong to the Wanderers, but shared their ideological and aesthetic preferences. Under the artist's brush, war appears as an unnatural state for a person. His painting "The Apotheosis of War", depicting a hot desert with a ruined city in the distance and a pyramid of human skulls in the foreground, was perceived as an anti-war symbol. "Apotheosis of War"

Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky () x years. a mature master, recognized as the best marine painter not only in Russia, but also in Europe. He captured the sea element in a very different state from calm to storm (“The Ninth Wave”, “Black Sea”, “Among the Waves”). One of his best paintings is "The Sea". On the canvas there is nothing but the harsh boundless sea and the endless sky. Aivazovsky's "Sea" can be attributed to the most grandiose works of the world landscape. "The Ninth Wave"

The heyday of landscape painting is associated with the work of Isaac Ilyich Levitan (). In the paintings “Autumn Day. Sokolniki", "Evening. Golden reach”, “Quiet abode”, “At the whirlpool”, “Hacks. Twilight ”and the aching music of Russian nature and its special silence are heard. They evoke bright sadness and thoughts about life, in which there is no harmony and beauty inherent in nature. Despite the outward unpretentiousness, Levitan's landscapes are the result of the highest skill and innovation of the artist, who largely foresaw the development of painting in the 20th century. "Gold autumn"

Architecture Rapid growth after the reforms of the 60s. cities, railway networks, industrial enterprises, a sharp increase in the number of banks and joint-stock companies, educational and cultural institutions - all this led to the colossal scope of construction. The architects were confronted with new diverse tasks, which brought to the fore the need for their functional solution corresponding to the type of building. Church of the Resurrection

Opera In the opera genre, the national opera based on plots Russian history. In "The Maid of Pskov" by Rimsky-Korsakov, "Prince Igor" by Borodin, not only folk motifs sound, the people are a participant in the stage musical performance. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin

Theater In the post-reform era, many private theaters and entreprises arose, but the imperial theaters remained the centers of theatrical culture. They are financed by the government, the best acting forces are drawn here, directing and scenography were staged here at the modern European level. In the theatrical life of the two capitals, the tone was set by the Maly Theater with its stable traditions of stage realism, coming from the great Shchepkin and Mochalov. The Maly Theater was called "Ostrovsky's House": all the plays of the outstanding playwright were replayed here. The acute social problems of his works made it possible to bring to the stage a gallery of Russian social types, to show the life and customs of the urban strata, the complex relations in the post-reform society between its estates. P. M. Sadovsky, G. N. Fedotova, M. N. Ermolova shone on the stage of the Maly Theater. The theater was not limited to realistic art: from the mid-70s. here, as in other theaters in Russia, romanticism, with its pathos and pathos, is increasingly gaining ground. Maria Nikolaevna Ermolova Painting by V. Serov

17. 02.2017
Spiritual life

in the 1920s-1930s
1918 -
Overcome shortcomings
cultural development
period of tsarist Russia:
estate restrictions;
low level
education, etc.
put her to work
Soviet state
and Bolshevik
bring up a new
A.V. Lunacharsky
person" -
first people's commissar of education

The main tasks of the cultural revolution:

overcome cultural inequalities
make available to workers
cultural treasures;
eradication of illiteracy: in 1919
The Council of People's Commissars adopted a decree "On the liquidation
RSFSR", according to which the entire population from
8 to 50 years old had to study
literacy in the native or Russian language;
It was
"Down with
illiteracy” chaired by
M.I. Kalinina.

1. Fight against illiteracy
(page 159)
and answer
to questions
to the document.
The starting point for literacy rates across
country at the beginning of the century, data are received on
1897, recognized as domestic and
foreign scientists: total - 21.1%, including
including 29.3% of men and 13.1% of women.
In Siberia, literacy was
respectively 12% (excluding children under 9
years - 16%), in Central Asia - 5 and 6%
respectively from the entire population.
And although in subsequent years, until 1914, the level
literacy increased (according to various estimates
up to 30-45% in industrialized
provinces), but “after the wars and generally reinforced
Educational program courses
sets, the percentage of literacy is falling.”
Educational program courses
Lenin one of the main tasks of building socialism
in the country considered the fight against illiteracy.

"Down with illiteracy!"

In 1923, the voluntary society "Down with
illiteracy” under the chairmanship of M.I. Kalinin.
Were open
thousand points
to liquidate

1. Fight against illiteracy
Total in 1917-1927
was literate
up to 10 million adults,
including in the RSFSR
5.5 million
Soviet propaganda
posters from the 1920s

In 1918 it was
approved "Regulation
about the unified labor school
RSFSR "- school
free, she
managed on the basis
innovation, respect
to the personality of the child.
lesson at school
con. 1920s - early. 1930s
But some experiments
had a negative
side - canceled
lessons, desks, homework
assignments, grades,

public education

September 30, 1918 Next
approved milestone - adoption in 1930
"Regulations on a single year of the decision of the Central Committee
school of the CPSU / b "On the universal
RSFSR". The mandatory
principle of primary education.
free education.
By the end of the 30s
Decree of the Council of People's Commissars dated 2 mass
illiteracy in our
country mainly
entitlement to enrollment has been overcome
universities received workers
and peasants

2. Construction of the Soviet school
Upon admission to universities
used by workers
and peasants sent
to study on the party
and Komsomol vouchers.
In order for workers
and the peasants could learn
in universities, with them
workers were created
The state provided
graduates of workers' schools
and hostels. Rabfak goes (universities)
(B. Johanson. 1928)

2. Construction of the Soviet school
By 1927 the network of higher educational institutions and technical schools of the RSFSR
numbered 90 universities (in 1914 - 72 universities) and 672 technical schools
(in 1914 - 297 technical schools).

2. Construction of the Soviet school
N.K. Krupskaya -
A.V. Lunacharsky -
A.S. Makarenko -
since 1929 deputy
people's commissar of education
first people's commissar of education
Soviet teacher
and writer
Great contribution to the organization of public education and enlightenment,
N.K. contributed to the development of pedagogy. Krupskaya, A.V. Lunacharsky,
talented teachers A.S. Makarenko, P.P. Blonsky, S.T. Shatsky.

3. Reform of the Russian language
December 1917 -
reform of Russian spelling:
were excluded from the Russian alphabet
obsolete letters Ѣ (yat), Ѳ (fita), І (“and
decimal"), solid sign (Ъ) on
end of words and parts of compound words, but
kept as separator
sign (rise, adjutant);
in the parent and
accusative adjectives
and participle endings -ago, -yago
was replaced by -th, his (for example, new → new, better
→ better, early → early), in
nominative and accusative cases
plural of feminine and
middle genders -yya, -іya - on -th, ie (new (books, editions) → new)
The title page of the novel "War and Peace" with the old spelling.
I.D. Sytin's publication for the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino, Moscow, 1912.

4. Power and intelligentsia
M. Gorky,
I. Bunin,
A. Kuprin,
F. Chaliapin,
S. Prokofiev,
S. Rachmaninov,
I. Repin,
and etc.
(B. Kustodiev. 1920)
A. Akhmatova,
M. Bulgakov,
M. Voloshin,
M. Prishvin
and etc.
V. Mayakovsky,
A. Block,
B. Kustodiev
K. Petrov-Vodkin
and etc.

Stayed at home

V.M. Bekhterev
N.E. Zhukovsky
K.A. Timiryazev
I.P. Pavlov
K.E. Tsiolkovsky

M. Voloshin
A. Akhmatova
N. Gumilyov
V. Mayakovsky
M. Bulgakov
W. Meyerhold

4. Power and intelligentsia
... So they go with a sovereign step -
Behind is a hungry dog,
Ahead - with a bloody flag,
And invisible behind the blizzard
And unharmed by a bullet
With a gentle step over the wind,
Snowy scattering of pearls,
In a white corolla of roses -
In front is Jesus Christ.

4. Power and intelligentsia
In the history of Russian culture, the revolution came to its heyday
"Silver Age". Many masters of culture appreciating the freedom of creativity
were abroad.
"Change of milestones" - collection
to Russia
political science
(in 1920-1930s
published in Prague in 1921
A. Tolstoy,
S. Prokofiev,
M. Tsvetaeva,
M. Gorky
public A. Kuprin
Russian thoughts
The participants of "Change of milestones" made an attempt to comprehend the role of the Russian
intelligentsia in the new political and economic conditions. general idea
collection was the idea of ​​the possibility of accepting the Bolshevik1909
reconciliation with its results for the sake of preserving the unity and power of the Russian
states. Professor N. V. Ustryalov was the first ideologist of Smenovekhovism.

4. Power and intelligentsia
The Bolsheviks sought to attract famous scientists to cooperate. From them
activities depended on the defense of the country. These people created
conditions for normal life and research. Many scientists believed that
it is necessary to work for the good of the Motherland, although they did not accept the ideology of the Bolsheviks.
I.P. Pavlov
In the 20s. scientific activity of I. Pavlov, N. Zhukovsky continued,
K. Tsiolkovsky, N. Zelinsky, I. Michurin, V. Vernadsky and others.

4. Power and intelligentsia
After the Kronstadt rebellion, the Bolsheviks tightened control over the spiritual
sphere of social life. In August 1921, the Petrogradskaya
military organization.
On charge
in accessories
to her were
N. Gumilyov,
M. Tikhvinsky
and other figures
science and culture.
Cover of volume 177 of the "case" of N. S. Gumilyov.

4. Power and intelligentsia
"Philosophical ship" - the campaign of the government of the RSFSR for the expulsion
people objectionable to the authorities abroad in September and November 1922.
P. A. Sorokin
N. A. Berdyaev
S. N. Bulgakov
I. A. Ilyin
In 1922, 160 scientists were expelled from the country.
"We sent these people
Among those expelled are Russian philosophers and thinkers: because they cannot be shot
I. Yu. Bakkal, N. A. Berdyaev, V. F. Bulgakov, S. N. Bulgakov,
V. V. Zworykin,
I. A. Ilyin,
reason to endure
It was
L.P. Karsavin, A.A. Kizevetter, N.A. Kotlyarevsky, D.V. Kuzmin-Karavaev, I. I. Lapshin,
N. O. Lossky, V. A. Myakotin, M. M. Novikov, M. A. Osorgin, P. A. Sorokin, S. E. Trubetskoy,
L.D. Trotsky
A. I. Ugrimov, S. L. Frank, N. N. Tsvetkov, V. I. Yasinsky and others.

4. Power and intelligentsia
Scientists worked in exile
with worldwide names:
microbiologist S.N. Vinogradsky,
geologist N.I. Andrusov,
soil scientist V.K.Agafonov,
chemists V.N. Ipatiev
and A.E. Chichibabin,
aircraft designer I.I. Sikorsky,
one of the creators
television V.K. Zvorykin,
historian N.P. Kondakov and others.
I.I. Sikorsky - Russian and American aircraft designer,
scientist, inventor, philosopher. Creator of the first in the world:
four-engine aircraft "Russian Knight" (1913),
passenger plane "Ilya Muromets" (1914),
transatlantic seaplane, serial helicopter
single screw circuit.

4. Power and intelligentsia
Established in 1922
Glavlit, who carried out
censorship of all printed
Created in 1923
Glavrepetkom with the same
But until 1925 in culture
spiritual freedom.
Party leaders fighting each other
with a friend, could not
agree on a single line.
With the rise of Stalin
the situation has changed,
ideologization began
artistic creativity.

5. State and Church
At the end of October 1917
restored in Russia
Activities of Patriarch Tikhon:
condemned the execution of the royal
condemned the persecution of the church;
fought against the confiscation
church values
tried to establish a dialogue and
state cooperation
and churches.
Patriarch Tikhon

5. State and Church
Reasons for the fight
with church and religion:
atheistic views
party leaders;
desire to remove
spiritual competitor
Fragment of the Decree on freedom of conscience,
church and religious communities.
At the beginning of 1918
the church was separated
from the state
and the school from the church.

5. State and Church
Church cartoons

5. State and Church
1922 - the seizure of church
“We cannot approve withdrawals from temples,
albeit through voluntary
donation, sacred objects,
the use of which is not for liturgical
purposes is prohibited by the canons of the Ecumenical
Church and is punished by Her as sacrilege -
the laity by excommunication from Her,
clerics - eruption out
From the Appeal of Patriarch Tikhon.
Poster to help the starving regions of the RSFSR "Hunger spider strangles
peasantry of Russia.
Black marks the most starving regions (Lower Urals,
Volga region, Crimea, south of Ukraine). Allegorical flows emanating from
various religious institutions (Orthodox, Catholic and
Muslim), affect the body of the "starvation spider"

Seizure of church property
Opening of the relics of Alexander
Nevsky and the removal of the precious shrine.
May 1922.

5. State and Church
Church property
requisitioned in the struggle fund
with hunger. This led to
performances of believers.
In response, power shifted to
offensive. Spring 1922
in Moscow and Petrograd
lawsuits over
church leaders.
Several people were
executed, and Patriarch Tikhon
arrested. In 1925 after
Tikhon's death elections
patriarch were banned (until
Simonov Monastery. The destruction of the temple.

Literary currents
XX century in Russia

Symbolists (French symbolisme from Greek
symbolon - sign, symbol).
Z. N. Gippius,
V. Ya. Bryusov,
K. D. Balmont,
F. K. Sologub,
A. A. Blok,
S.. Solovyov,
K. Balmont,
V. Ivanov,
I.F. Annensky
A. Blok
A. Bely
K. Balmont
on the
interpretation of the concept of a symbol as the fundamental principle
connections of being, thinking, personality and culture.

Acmeists (from the Greek akme` - a point, the highest
degree of something, blossoming power).
N. S. Gumilyov
A. A. Akhmatova
O. E. Mandelstam
G. V. Ivanov
V. I. Narbut
O. Mandelstam
on the
materiality, objectivity of themes and images,
word accuracy.

Futurists (from the Latin futurum - future).
V. Khlebnikov
V. V. Mayakovsky
D. D. Burliuk
I. Severyanin
Futurism was based on speed, movement,
energies that
tried to convey enough
simple tricks.

Imagists (from French image - image)
S. A. Yesenin
S. Yesenin
A. B. Mariengof
V. G. Shershenevich
Imagism characterizes
anarchist motives.

Class approach to culture

The party and the state have established a complete
control over the spiritual life of society.
1921 - the trial of the Petrograd battle
organization (famous scientists and figures
1922 – expulsion from the country of 160 large
scientists and philosophers.

(Main Department for Literature and Publishing
elstvo), and then Glavrepertkom (organ
accepting censorship).

From the Resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) "On the policy of the party in the field of fiction" - June 18, 1925

Thus, as it does not stop with us
class struggle in general, so it is definitely not
stops on the literary front. AT
class society is not and cannot be
neutral art.
The party must stress the need
designed for really mass
reader, worker and peasant; need
more resolutely
the prejudices of the nobility in literature

6. New art
cultural and educational
and literary and artistic
organization of the proletarian
amateur performances under the People's Commissariat
education that existed
from 1917 to 1932.
The ideologists of Proletkult proceeded from
definitions of "class culture"
formulated by Plekhanov.
According to them, any work
art reflects the interests and
world view of only one class
and therefore unsuitable for the other.
Therefore, the proletariat
you need to create your own
own culture from scratch.

6. New art
First working theater
Proletcult in 1924-32
located in
Cinema "Coliseum"
on Chistoprudny
boulevard (now building
Theater "Sovremennik").
He put in front of
campaign missions,
contributed to the development
and statement on stage
Soviet dramaturgy.
Worked in the theatre:
G.V. Alexandrov,
E.P. Garin, I.A. Pyryev,
MM. Strauch;
CM. Eisenstein and others.
Theater of Working Youth (TRAM).

6. New art
S. M. Eisenstein.
"Battleship Potemkin" is a silent feature film,
filmed by director Sergei Eisenstein at the Mosfilm studio
in 1925 (to the 20th anniversary of the revolution of 1905). Many times over the years
recognized as the best or one of the best films of all time and peoples
according to the results of polls of critics, filmmakers and the public.

6. New art
In 1921 he left
first number
first Soviet
thick magazine
"Red New".
Editor from 1921 - 1927
was A.K. Voronsky.

6. New art
"Quiet Flows the Don" - epic novel
Mikhail Sholokhov in four
volumes, written from 1925 to 1940.
One of the most significant
works of Russian
literature of the 20th century, drawing
a wide panorama of the life of the Don
Cossacks during the First
world war, revolutionary
events of 1917 and civil
wars in Russia.
For this novel in 1965
Sholokhov was awarded
Nobel Prize for
literature with the wording "For
artistic power and integrity
epic about the Don Cossacks in
a turning point for Russia."
Magazine "Roman-gazeta", 1928.
(one of the first publications of the novel
and portrait of the author)

6. New art

6. New art
And I,
and now
like the spring of mankind,
more than alive.
Our Knowledge
- and in battle,
in writings
my fatherland
and weapons.
my republic!
From the poemFrom the poem "Good"
"Vladimir Ilyich Lenin"

6. New art
"Windows of satire ROSTA" -
series of posters created
in 1919-1921
Soviet poets
and artists working
in the Russian
agency (ROSTA).
"ROSTA Windows" -
specific form
mass agitation
art that emerged
during the Civil
wars and interventions
A big role in the creation of "Windows
ROSTA" was played by V. Mayakovsky.

6. New art
D. Moor.
Campaign posters.
V. Denis.
Campaign posters.

6. New art
V.E. Meyerhold
E.B. Vakhtangov
In the theater, in addition to the system of K.S. Stanislavsky, they are looking for new forms
artistic expression (revolutionary romance, grotesque,
satire, biomechanics, etc.)

7. Communal life
Communal apartment -
apartment where he lives
several families
who are not
Appeared after the revolution
1917 during
"seals" when
Bolsheviks forced
took away property from the wealthy
townspeople and sat down with them in
apartment of new people,
active supporters
Soviet power
(communists, military,
employees of the Cheka).
Most utilities
apartments appeared
in Leningrad (Petersburg).

8. Satire
M.A. Bulgakov
The story was written in 1925, for the first time
published in 1968 simultaneously
in the magazine "Frontiers" (Frankfurt) and
Alec Flegon's Student magazine
In the USSR in the 1960s it was distributed in
samizdat. For the first time officially
published in the USSR in 1987 in the 6th
issue of Znamya magazine.
Since then it has been reprinted several times.

8. Satire
I. Ilf and E. Petrov

8. Satire
In the background "ROSTA Windows"

significantly raised the level
culture has become mass
still maintained in the 1920s
relative freedom
creativity, no rigid
Poster. 1920
Author: A. Radakov.

end of the silver age
multiple development paths
culture begins gradually
liquidated by the Soviet government
as the dictatorship was formed
Stalin began the party
attack on culture
limitation of creative freedom,
development of "socialist
activities of the intelligentsia
will gradually be brought under
party control (especially
emerge in the 1930s)
Poster. 1930
Authors: I.Lebedev, N.Krasilnikov.