Social institutions and cultural institutions. Social and cultural institutions Technologies of social and cultural activities of public organizations in Russia

The third group is social cultural institutions, predominantly manifesting themselves in the organization of various types of informal creative activities: family, club and garden and park institutions, folklore, folk art, folk customs, rituals, mass holidays, carnivals, festivities, initiative cultural protection societies and movements.

In theory and practice, many other grounds are often used for the typology of socio-cultural institutions: 1) according to the contingent of the population served: mass consumer (public), individual social groups(specialized), children, youth (children and youth); 2) by forms of ownership: state, public, joint-stock, private); 3) by economic status: non-profit (non-commercial), profitable (commercial or semi-commercial); 4) by the scale of action and audience coverage: international, national (federal), regional, local (local).

The structure of the socio-cultural sphere includes cultural entities that provide mass cultural activities: clubs, entertainment facilities, children's institutions, media, cinema, video rental, museums, libraries, parks, educational institutions and art entities: concert halls, theaters, circus, galleries and exhibition halls, film studios, folk arts and crafts, art groups, educational institutions.

Thus, in the socio-cultural sphere, there are: art, professional artistic creativity, education; cultural and leisure activities of the population, mass folk art, education and amateur performances; social protection and rehabilitation of certain categories of citizens by means of culture, art, leisure, sports; interethnic and interstate cultural exchanges and cooperation; production infrastructure for the creation and maintenance of the material and technical base of the industry.

It is quite obvious that each of these sub-sectors lends itself to further gradation and the allocation of narrower and more specific types of organizations and activities. This differentiation is embodied both at the level of adoption of legislative documents, and in the practice of managing industries (departments of museums, theaters, libraries, club activities, regional authorities for culture and art).

However, the level of interrelations of various socio-cultural institutions on the federal and regional scales is far from being the same. There are several most characteristic indicators of this level: connections are strong and permanent; connections are meaningful and substantive; contacts are episodic; partners hardly cooperate; partners work in isolation.

The reasons for the episodic contacts between the socio-cultural institutions of the region are, as a rule, the lack of a clear idea of ​​the content and forms of joint work, little experience in this cooperation, the lack of a clear program, inconsistency in plans, insufficient attention from municipal authorities, etc.

In the modern process of development and strengthening of cooperation between numerous communities and structures of the socio-cultural sphere, two trends can be distinguished. On the one hand, each socio-cultural institution, based on its profile and character, seeks to maximize its own potential, its own creative and commercial opportunities. On the other hand, it is quite natural for this group of subjects to strive for social partnership. Their joint, coordinated and coordinated actions are being strengthened on the basis of common, coinciding functions of socio-cultural activity.

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A social institution in the sociological interpretation is considered as historically established, stable forms of organization joint activities of people; in a narrower sense, it is organized system social ties and norms, designed to meet the basic needs of society, social groups and individuals.

Social institutions(insitutum - institution) - value-normative complexes(values, rules, norms, attitudes, patterns, standards of behavior in certain situations), as well as bodies and organizations that ensure their implementation and approval in the life of society.

All elements of society are interconnected public relations- connections that arise between social groups and within them in the process of material (economic) and spiritual (political, legal, cultural).

In the process, some connections may die, some may appear. Relationships that have proven to be beneficial to society are streamlined, become universally valid patterns, and are then repeated from generation to generation. The more stable these ties that are useful for society, the more stable the society itself.

Social institutions (from lat. institutum - device) are called elements of society, representing stable forms of organization and regulation of public life. Such institutions of society as the state, education, family, etc., streamline social relations, regulate the activities of people and their behavior in society.

Main goal social institutions - the achievement of stability in the course of the development of society. For this purpose, there are functions institutions:

  • meeting the needs of society;
  • regulation of social processes (during which these needs are usually satisfied).

Needs that are satisfied by social institutions are diverse. For example, society's need for security can be supported by the institution of defense, spiritual needs - by the church, needs for knowledge of the surrounding world - by science. Each institution can satisfy several needs (the church is able to satisfy its own religious, moral, cultural needs), and the same need can be satisfied by different institutions (spiritual needs can be satisfied by art, science, religion, etc.).

The process of satisfaction of needs (say, the consumption of goods) can be institutionally regulated. For example, there are legal restrictions on the purchase of a number of goods (weapons, alcohol, tobacco). The process of meeting the needs of society in education is regulated by the institutions of primary, secondary, higher education.

The structure of a social institution form:

  • and designed to meet the needs of groups, individuals;
  • a set of social values ​​and patterns of behavior that ensure the satisfaction of needs;
  • a system of symbols that regulate relations in the economic sphere of activity (trademark, flag, brand, etc.);
  • ideological substantiation of the activities of a social institution;
  • social resources used in the activities of the institute.

To signs of a social institution relate:

  • a set of institutions, social groups, the purpose of which is to satisfy certain needs of society;
  • a system of cultural patterns, norms, values, symbols;
  • a system of behavior in accordance with these norms and patterns;
  • material and human resources necessary to solve problems;
  • publicly recognized mission, goal, ideology.

Consider the characteristics of the institution on the example of secondary vocational education. It includes:

  • teachers, officials, administration of educational institutions, etc.;
  • norms of student behavior, society's attitude to the system of vocational education;
  • the established practice of relations between teachers and students;
  • buildings, classrooms, teaching aids;
  • mission - to meet the needs of society in good specialists with secondary vocational education.

In accordance with the spheres of public life, four main groups of institutions can be distinguished:

  • economic institutions- division of labor, stock exchange, etc.;
  • political institutions- state, army, militia, police, parliamentarism, presidency, monarchy, court, parties, civil society;
  • institutions of stratification and kinship- class, estate, caste, gender discrimination, racial segregation, nobility, social security, family, marriage, fatherhood, motherhood, adoption, twinning;
  • cultural institutions- school, higher school, secondary vocational education, theaters, museums, clubs, libraries, church, monasticism, confession.

The number of social institutions is not limited to the above list. The institutions are numerous and varied in their forms and manifestations. Large institutions may include institutions of a lower level. For example, the institution of education includes the institutions of primary, vocational and high school; court - the institutions of advocacy, prosecutor's office, refereeing; family - institutions of motherhood, adoption, etc.

Since society is a dynamic system, some institutions may disappear (for example, the institution of slavery), while others may appear (the institution of advertising or the institution of civil society). The formation of a social institution is called the process of institutionalization.

institutionalization- the process of streamlining social relations, the formation of stable patterns social interaction based on clear rules, laws, patterns and rituals. For example, the process of institutionalization of science is the transformation of science from the activity of individuals into an ordered system of relations, including a system of titles, degrees, research institutes, academies, etc.

Basic social institutions

To main social institutions traditionally include family, state, education, church, science, law. Below is given a brief description of of these institutions and their main functions are presented.

- the most important social institution of kinship, connecting individuals with a common life and mutual moral responsibility. The family performs a number of functions: economic (housekeeping), reproductive (childbirth), educational (transfer of values, norms, samples), etc.

- the main political institution that manages society and ensures its security. The state performs internal functions, including economic (regulation of the economy), stabilization (maintaining stability in society), coordination (ensuring public harmony), ensuring the protection of the population (protection of rights, legality, social security) and many others. There are also external functions: defense (in case of war) and international cooperation (to protect the country's interests in the international arena).

- a social institution of culture that ensures the reproduction and development of society through the organized transfer of social experience in the form of knowledge, skills and abilities. The main functions of education include adaptation (preparation for life and work in society), professional (training of specialists), civil (training of a citizen), general cultural (introduction to cultural values), humanistic (disclosure of personal potential), etc.

Church- a religious institution formed on the basis of a single religion. Church members share common norms, dogmas, rules of conduct and are divided into priesthood and laity. The Church performs the following functions: ideological (defines views on the world), compensatory (offers consolation and reconciliation), integrating (unites believers), general cultural (attaches to cultural values), and so on.

- a special socio-cultural institution for the production of objective knowledge. Among the functions of science are cognitive (contributes to the knowledge of the world), explanatory (interprets knowledge), ideological (defines views on the world), prognostic (builds forecasts), social (changes society) and productive (defines the production process).

- a social institution, a system of generally binding norms and relations protected by the state. The state, with the help of law, regulates the behavior of people and social groups, fixing certain relations as mandatory. The main functions of law are: regulatory (regulates social relations) and protective (protects those relations that are useful for society as a whole).

All the elements of social institutions discussed above are covered from the point of view of social institutions, but other approaches to them are also possible. For example, science can be considered not only as a social institution, but also as a special form of cognitive activity or as a system of knowledge; The family is not only an institution, but also a small social group.

Types of social institutions

Activity social institution is determined by:

  • firstly, a set of specific norms and regulations governing the relevant types of behavior;
  • secondly, the integration of a social institution into the socio-political, ideological and value structures of society;
  • thirdly, the availability of material resources and conditions that ensure the successful implementation of regulatory requirements and implementation.

The most important social institutions are:

  • state and family;
  • economics and politics;
  • media and;
  • law and education.

Social institutions contribute to the consolidation and reproduction certain things that are especially important for society social relations, as well as system sustainability in all the main spheres of its life - economic, political, spiritual and social.

Types of social institutions depending on their field of activity:

  • relational;
  • regulatory.

relational institutions (for example, insurance, labor, production) determine the role structure of society based on a certain set of features. The objects of these social institutions are role groups (insurers and insurers, manufacturers and employees, etc.).

Regulatory institutions define the boundaries of the independence of the individual (se independent actions) to achieve their own goals. This group includes institutions of the state, government, social protection, business, health care.

In the process of development, the social institution of the economy changes its form and can belong to the group of either endogenous or exogenous institutions.

Endogenous(or internal) social institutions characterize the state of moral obsolescence of the institution, requiring its reorganization or in-depth specialization of activities, for example, institutions of credit, money, which become obsolete over time and need to introduce new forms of development.

exogenous institutions reflect the impact on the social institution of external factors, elements of culture or the nature of the personality of the head (leader) of the organization, for example, changes occurring in the social institution of taxes under the influence of the level of tax culture of taxpayers, the level of business and professional culture of the leaders of this social institution.

Functions of social institutions

The purpose of social institutions is to to meet the most important needs and interests of society.

The economic needs in society are simultaneously satisfied by several social institutions, and each institution, through its activities, satisfies a variety of needs, among which stand out vital(physiological, material) and social(personal needs for work, self-realization, creative activity and social justice). A special place among social needs is occupied by the need of the individual to achieve - an attainable need. It is based on McLelland's concept, according to which each individual shows a desire to express, to manifest himself in specific social conditions.

In the course of their activities, social institutions perform both general and individual functions corresponding to the specifics of the institute.

General Features:

  • Fixation and reproduction function public relations. Any institution consolidates, standardizes the behavior of members of society through its rules, norms of behavior.
  • Regulatory function ensures the regulation of relationships between members of society by developing patterns of behavior, regulation of their actions.
  • Integrative function includes the process of interdependence and mutual responsibility of members of social groups.
  • Broadcasting function(socialization). Its content is the transfer of social experience, familiarization with the values, norms, roles of this society.

Individual functions:

  • The social institution of marriage and the family implements the function of reproducing members of society together with the relevant departments of the state and private enterprises (antenatal clinics, maternity hospitals, a network of children's medical institutions, family support and strengthening bodies, etc.).
  • The social institution of health is responsible for maintaining the health of the population (polyclinics, hospitals and other medical institutions, as well as state bodies organizing the process of maintaining and strengthening health).
  • A social institution for the production of means of subsistence, which performs the most important creative function.
  • Political institutions in charge of organizing political life.
  • The social institution of law, which performs the function of developing legal documents and is in charge of compliance with laws and legal norms.
  • Social institution of education and norms with the corresponding function of education, socialization of members of society, familiarization with its values, norms, laws.
  • A social institution of religion that helps people in solving spiritual problems.

Social institutions realize all their positive qualities only under the condition their legitimacy, i.e. recognition of the expediency of their actions by the majority of the population. Sharp shifts in class consciousness, reassessment of fundamental values ​​can seriously undermine the population's trust in the existing governing and managing bodies, disrupt the mechanism of regulatory influence on people.

In this case, instability increases sharply in society, the threat of chaos, entropy, the consequences of which can become catastrophic. So, intensified in the second half of the 80s. 20th century in the USSR, the erosion of socialist ideals, the reorientation of mass consciousness towards the ideology of individualism, seriously undermined the confidence of the Soviet people in the old public institutions. The latter failed to fulfill their stabilizing role and collapsed.

The inability of the leadership of Soviet society to bring the main structures in line with the updated system of values ​​predetermined the collapse of the USSR and the subsequent instability of Russian society, i.e., the stability of society is ensured only by those structures that enjoy the trust and support of its members.

In the course of development from the main social institutions can separate new institutional formations. Thus, at a certain stage, the institute of higher education is singled out from the social institution of education. From the public legal system, the Constitutional Court was created as an independent institution. Such differentiation is one of the most important signs of the development of society.

Social institutions can be called the central components of the structure of society, integrating and coordinating the many individual actions of people. The system of social institutions, relations between them is the framework that serves as the basis for the formation of society, with all the ensuing consequences. What are the foundation, construction, bearing components of society, such are its strength, fundamentality, solidity, stability.

The process of streamlining, formalization, standardization of social relations within the framework of the old structure and the creation of new social institutions is called institutionalization. The higher its level, the better the life of society.

Economy as a social institution

AT group fundamental economic social institutions includes: property, market, money, exchange, banks, finance, various types economic associations, which together form a complex system of production relations, connecting economic life with other areas of social life.

Thanks to the development of social institutions, the entire system of economic relations and society as a whole functions, the socialization of the individual in the social and labor sphere is carried out, and the norms of economic behavior and moral values ​​are transferred.

Let us single out four features common to all social institutions in the field of economics and finance:

  • interaction between participants in social ties and relationships;
  • the availability of trained professional personnel to ensure the activities of institutions;
  • determination of the rights, duties and functions of each participant in social interaction in economic life;
  • regulation and control of the effectiveness of the interaction process in the economy.

The development of the economy as a social institution is subject not only to economic laws, but also to sociological ones. The functioning of this institution, its integrity as a system is ensured by various social institutions and social organizations that monitor the work of social institutions in the field of economics and finance, and control the behavior of their members.

The basic institutions with which the economy interacts are politics, education, family, law, etc.

Activities and functions of the economy as a social institution

The main functions of the economy as a social institution are:

  • coordination of social interests of economic entities, producers and consumers;
  • meeting the needs of the individual, social groups, strata and organizations;
  • strengthening social ties within the economic system, as well as with external social organizations and institutions;
  • maintaining order and preventing uncontrolled competition between business entities in the process of satisfying needs.

The main goal of the social institution is achieving and maintaining stability.

The stability of the economy as a social institution is primarily due to such objective factors as territorial and climatic conditions, the availability of human resources, the level of development of material production, the state of the real sector of the economy, the social structure of society, legal conditions and the legislative framework for the functioning of the economy.

Economics and politics are most often considered as social institutions that have the greatest impact on the development of society and its stability as a social system.

As a social institution, it creates a material basis for the development of social relations, because an unstable and poor society is not able to support the normal reproduction of the population, the intellectual and educational base for the development of the system. All social institutions are connected with the institution of the economy, dependent on it, and by their condition largely determine the prospects for the development of Russian society, being powerful stimulators of its economic progress and the development of the political system.

How a social institution creates laws and implements power functions, which makes it possible to finance the development of priority areas of society's life as industries. As Russian social practice has convincingly shown, in the context of the transition to market relations, the influence of such social institutions as culture and education, which are directly involved in the creation and spiritual capital of the state, sharply increases.

The concept of a socio-cultural institution. Regulatory and institutional socio-cultural institutions. Socio-cultural institutions as a community and social organization. Grounds for the typology of socio-cultural institutions (functions, form of ownership, contingent served, economic status, scale-level of action).


Socio-cultural institutions- one of the key concepts of socio-cultural activities (SKD). Socio-cultural institutions are characterized by a certain direction of their social practice and social relations, a characteristic mutually agreed system of expediently oriented standards of activity, communication and behavior. Their emergence and grouping into a system depend on the content of the tasks solved by each individual socio-cultural institution.

Social institutions are historically established stable forms of organizing joint activities of people, designed to ensure reliability, regularity in meeting the needs of the individual, various social groups, and society as a whole. Education, upbringing, enlightenment, artistic life, scientific practice and many other cultural processes are activities and cultural forms with their corresponding social economic and other mechanisms, institutions, organizations.

From the point of view of the functional-target orientation, two levels of understanding the essence of socio-cultural institutions are distinguished.

First level - normative. In this case, a socio-cultural institution is considered as a set of certain cultural, moral, ethical, aesthetic, leisure and other norms, customs, traditions that have been historically established in society, uniting around some main, main goal, value, need.

Socio-cultural institutions of the normative type include the institution of the family, language, religion, education, folklore, science, literature, art and other institutions.

Their functions:

socializing (socialization of a child, teenager, adult),

orienting (assertion of imperative universal values ​​through special codes and ethics of behavior),

sanctioning (social regulation of behavior and protection of certain norms and values ​​on the basis of legal and administrative acts, rules and regulations),

ceremonial-situational (regulation of the order and methods of mutual behavior, transmission and exchange of information, greetings, appeals, regulation of meetings, meetings, conferences, activities of associations, etc.).

Second level - institutional. Socio-cultural institutions of an institutional type include a numerous network of services, departmental structures and organizations directly or indirectly involved in the socio-cultural sphere and having a specific administrative, social status and a certain public purpose in their industry. This group includes cultural and educational institutions directly , arts, leisure, sports (socio-cultural, leisure services for the population); industrial and economic enterprises and organizations (material and technical support of the socio-cultural sphere); administrative and management bodies and structures in the field of culture, including legislative and executive authorities; research and scientific-methodical institutions of the industry.

So, state and municipal (local), regional authorities occupy one of the leading places in the structure of socio-cultural institutions. They act as authorized subjects for the development and implementation of national and regional socio-cultural policies, effective programs for the socio-cultural development of individual republics, territories and regions.

Any socio-cultural institution should be considered from two sides - external (status) and internal (substantive).

From an external (status) point of view, each such institution is characterized as a subject of socio-cultural activity, possessing a set of legal, human, financial, and material resources necessary to perform the functions assigned to it by society.

From an internal (substantive) point of view, a socio-cultural institution is a set of expediently oriented standard patterns of activity, communication and behavior of specific individuals in specific socio-cultural situations.

Socio-cultural institutions have various forms of internal gradation.

Some of them are officially established and institutionalized (for example, the system general education, a system of special, vocational education, a network of clubs, libraries and other cultural and leisure institutions), are of social significance and perform their functions on a society-wide scale, in a broad socio-cultural context.

Others are not specially established, but are formed gradually in the process of long-term joint socio-cultural activity, often constituting a whole historical era. These include, for example, numerous informal associations and leisure communities, traditional holidays, ceremonies, rituals and other unique socio-cultural stereotypical forms. They are voluntarily elected by certain socio-cultural groups: children, adolescents, youth, residents of the microdistrict, students, military, etc.

In the theory and practice of SKD, many bases for the typology of socio-cultural institutions are often used:

1. by population served:

a. mass consumer (publicly available);

b. separate social groups (specialized);

c. children, youth (children and youth);

2. by type of ownership:

a. state;

b. public;

c. joint-stock;

d. private;

3. by economic status:

a. non-commercial;

b. semi-commercial;

c. commercial;

4. in terms of scope and audience coverage:

a. international;

b. national (federal);

c. regional;

d. local (local).

SCS includes creative, communicative, service subsystems in its structure.

SCI is a kind of social institutions, SCI is the subject of sociology and in sociology SCI is understood in two ways: (family institute, natural language, folklore, art, literature). 2. Institutional SCI - a social institution appears as a formally organized set of institutions and professional groups that have self-reproduction and a certain social purpose. Institutional SCI grew out of normative institutions. SCI are those formal or informal institutions that provide for the implementation of professional or non-professional cultural activities. The definition of SCI is made difficult by the fact that all SCI are related to culture. SCI will be considered those social institutions that create, preserve, assimilate spiritual and cultural values. The criteria for recognizing SCI follow from the definition of SCI - social institutions that ensure the implementation of cultural activities. The first criterion for recognizing the SCI is by the subject of the SCI, by the composition of employees:

1. Socio-cultural workers who are engaged in the storage and dissemination of spiritual and cultural values

2. Creative workers who create spiritual values

In addition, anonymous creators of folk cultural values ​​and morality were represented among the subjects. As a result, 3 SQI groups are found that intersect

SKI- those formal and informal institutions that ensure the implementation of professional or non-professional cultural activities.

SKI classification:

Spiritual and industrial social institutions, in which professional creative workers are employed:

Social and communication institutions in which professional SC workers are employed.

These SQIs are considered formal, because they have a certain material and technical base, are regulated by legislatively adopted legal regulations(for example, "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on culture 1992").

in number cultural and leisure institutions type includes objects: functioning on an administrative-territorial basis, with a universally complex nature of activity: centers of culture and leisure, cultural-sports and socio-cultural complexes; rural

focused on the cultural interests of certain professional, national, cultural and other socio-demographic categories of the population (for example, clubs, centers and houses of the intelligentsia, books, cinema, aesthetic education of children, women, youth, pensioners; folklore, musical culture, technical creativity; national cultural centers

Cultural and leisure institutions: theaters, museums, cinemas, exhibition halls, concert halls, conservatories, discos, parks of culture and recreation, a park at the place of residence, a palace and a house of culture, clubs of interest.

SC centers can be: social and humanitarian (including rehabilitation and corrective); artistic and aesthetic; sports and recreation; scientific and technical.

In my work leisure centers should aim to achieve the following goals:- meeting the needs of all socio-demographic groups of the population, regardless of the level of their preparedness for active leisure activities; - providing a set of activities that provides each of the visitors of the center with a full opportunity to implement leisure activities; - ensuring the progressive process of including the population in the modern sphere of leisure, cultivating culture rational use free time;

Activation of the activities of all existing public service institutions by developing and setting on their basis high-quality, modern leisure programs that are in demand among the population.

SKI functions:

Creative, individualization function, socialization function (dissemination of cultural values, providing access to them), social memory function (ensuring the preservation of cultural values).

SKD Decembrists

In the case of the Decembrists, 579 people were involved in the investigation and trial. 121 Decembrists were exiled to Siberia, five were executed. The word "Decembrist" comes either from the fact that the events took place in December (December 14, 1825) and this is official slang, or this term was invented and written by Herzen A.I.

The Decembrists believed that Russia could be changed for the better by: the abolition of serfdom, the introduction of a constitutional monarchy, freedom of speech. This can be achieved by enlightening Russian society (it was assumed that the situation could be corrected in 20 years of enlightenment).

The victory of the Russian people in the Fatherland War of 1812 had not only military significance, but had a huge impact on all aspects of the social, political and cultural life countries, contributed to the growth of national self-consciousness, gave a powerful impetus to the development of advanced social thought in Russia. The Decembrists believed (content of ideas): “ by the gradual improvement of morality and the spread of enlightenment ... society hoped to achieve a quiet and inconspicuous revolution in the government of the state».

The main means of disseminating advanced social ideas the Decembrists believed education and printing. The Decembrists sought to educate the people in the spirit of high morality, true patriotism, and love for freedom. In Russia, the system developed by the English teachers A. Bell and J. Lancaster, the system of mutual education (the elders help the younger ones), for the first time, since 1818, was used by the Decembrists in soldier's schools. Petersburg, the Decembrists founded Free society - establishment of schools according to the method of mutual education, which was led by the active figure of the Union of Welfare F.N. Glinka. This society coordinated the work of other "Lancaster schools" that arose in different cities of the country. The Decembrists always gave great importance public education of children.(home schooling does not temper). The views of the Decembrists on education and pedagogy received
the most vivid reflection in the “Russian Truth” by P.I. Pestel
, which was, as it were, a project for the state transformation of Russia. According to the Decembrists, in the future state education should be public, universal and accessible to all citizens. Along with education Russkaya Pravda also speaks of other means of educating the people: mass holidays and educational events.

The condemned Decembrists tried by all available means to make their contribution to the education of the people, to the study of the region where they lived.
turned out to be, and the lives of the people inhabiting Siberia. The Decembrists proposed to use the desire of Siberians for education and allow the opening of schools everywhere primary education on the
donations from the people.
The Decembrists proposed to open a museum in Irkutsk natural history for a wide review and organize a scientific committee to collect scientific information about Siberia. Special meaning in the field of raising culture, the Decembrists proposed
education of the aboriginal peoples of Siberia.
Thus: They were "enlightened" by: joining in secret unions and societies. They began to conduct agitation and propaganda, based on the system of Lancaster education: a system of mutual education. They launched agitation work in the regiments. (PR. Semenovsky).

They tried to propagandize by means of the press, periodicals (did not work out).

They created the Union of Salvation, the Union of Welfare, the Northern Society, the Order of Russian Knights (based on the model of a Masonic organization).

Conclusion: The main SKD of the Decembrists was already carried out in Siberia. Engaged in the creation of schools, libraries.

Spread economic knowledge among the people.

They acted as researchers of Siberia: they wrote popular science works.

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