Speech development lesson for preschoolers with a presentation. "Features of the development of coherent speech of preschoolers"

Plan: 1. Coherent speech. 2. The meaning of coherent speech. 3. Indicators of a connected statement. 4. Features of the development of coherent speech in preschool age. 5. Lines of development of coherent speech. 6. Means of development of coherent speech. 7. Compliance with the principle of integration of educational areas in the development of coherent speech. 8. Working with parents. 9. Individual work.

1 - children learn to think, learning to speak and improve speech, learning to think (F. A. Sokhin). 2 - a sense of the beauty of the language develops (expressiveness, figurativeness). 3 - performs the most important social functions, helps to establish connections with people around, determines and regulates the norms of behavior in society, which is a decisive condition for the development of the child's personality. 4 - Mastering coherent oral speech is the most important condition for successful preparation for schooling.

Junior preschool age: 1 - Speech is colloquial, a simple form of dialogical speech 2 - Speech is structural, unformed, nouns are replaced by pronouns, verbs are used. 3 - Short sentences are used more often, inversions are characteristic (violation of the order of words in a sentence). 4 - Speech is situational, speech expresses more than it expresses. 5 - Speech is more emotional, emotionality is manifested in relation to the subject, and not to the content of speech. The presentation is expressive, expresses not the content, but the impression.

1 - Speech is more monologue, children answer questions briefly or in detail. 2 - Structurally, different types of coherent statements can be made out. 3- Use all types of sentences. 4 - Contextual speech (understandable for everyone around, determined by the tasks and nature of the child's communication with children). 5 - Speech is more expressive. Transitions from the use of non-verbal means to speech, but is not yet sufficiently developed to convey an emotional attitude to the objects and phenomena described.

Meaningfulness, i.e. full understanding of what they are talking about; - Completeness of transmission, i.e. the absence of significant omissions that violate the logic of presentation; Subsequence; - Wide use of vocabulary, phrases, synonyms, antonyms, etc.; - The correct rhythm, the absence of long pauses; - Culture of presentation in the broadest sense of the word: - correct, calm posture when speaking, addressing the audience, - intonational expressiveness of speech, - sufficient loudness, distinctness of pronunciation.

Conversation (intentional and unintentional), - conversation (targeted discussion of something, prepared dialogue), - teaching storytelling classes, - retelling of literary works, - storytelling from a toy, - storytelling from a picture, - telling their experiences, - creative storytelling, reasoning.

According to the federal state requirements for the structure of the main general education program preschool education content educational field"Communication" is aimed at achieving the goals of mastering constructive ways and means of interaction with other people through the solution of the following tasks: development of free communication with adults and children; development of all components oral speech children (lexical side, grammatical structure speech, pronunciation side of speech; coherent speech - dialogic and monologic forms) in various forms and types of children's activities; practical mastering of the norms of speech by pupils.

Integration in the system of specially organized classes is very relevant, because: It contributes to the formation of an emotionally valuable aesthetic attitude to the world among preschoolers; Develops the emotional and sensual sphere of the child and his artistic creative thinking as the basis for the development creative personality; Promotes the development of children's ability to perceive works of art. The advantages of integrated classes: they contribute to increasing the motivation for learning, the formation cognitive interest pupils, a holistic picture of the world and consideration of the phenomenon from several sides; to a greater extent than ordinary classes, they contribute to the development of speech, the formation of the ability to compare, such classes relieve overstrain, overload of the baby's body. children's ideas about various concepts and patterns deepen, their horizons expand;

The main forms of development of coherent speech: * 1. Organization of educational situations. 2. Communication situations. The development of speech in the process of organizing regime moments includes: telling children what they will do now (for example, dressing) - commenting on the actions of children; an offer to one of the pupils to tell about what he is doing (here the commenting speech of the child is formed); an invitation to the child to independently tell how he will fulfill this or that regime moment; the use of an artistic word (rhymes, short poems) to discuss sensitive moments. 3. Classes.

The main form of work on the development of coherent speech is classes where knowledge on the topic is generalized and systematized, where the child is taught to reason and draw independent conclusions. In the classes on retelling literary works, learning to talk about a toy and a picture, everything is solved in a complex speech tasks. However, the main task is teaching storytelling. Realizing this task, already from the 2nd junior group in the classroom, teachers need to actively use various game methods and techniques. *(subgroups)

Individual work: An important role in the development of the prerequisites for coherent speech is played by individual work with children. Individual work with children includes description of toys, pictures, compilation of joint stories with an adult, then independently. This work is carried out not only with children who have missed a number of classes in the development of speech, lagging behind other children in the formation communication skills but also with children who have high level speech development.

Work with parents: (in accordance with the program of education and training in kindergarten N.E.Veraksa) The study of the features of communication between adults and children in the family. Recommendations to parents to use every opportunity to communicate with the child, the reason for which may be any events and related to them emotional states. Show parents the value of dialogic communication with the child. Encourage parents to help their child establish relationships with peers. Involve parents in a variety of content and forms of cooperation.

The richer and more correct the child's speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his ability to know reality, the more complete future relationships with children and adults, his behavior, and, consequently, his personality as a whole. Conversely, a child's unclear speech will greatly complicate his relationships with people and often leaves a heavy imprint on his character.

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“Speech games and exercises for preschoolers” (according to age) Completed by: teacher Averkina E.F.

Good speech is an important condition for the development of a child's personality. The richer and more correct the child's speech is, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts. But the child's speech is not an innate function. It develops gradually, along with its growth and development. Speech must be formed and developed in conjunction with the overall development of the child.

It is much more successful to do this using games. Since in preschool age, play activity is leading.

Speech games play a significant role in the enrichment and development of the vocabulary. It is in the speech game that the child gets the opportunity to improve, enrich, consolidate, activate the dictionary. They also form auditory attention, the ability to repeat sound combinations and words. The importance of speech games for the development of children cannot be overestimated. During such games, important tasks are solved: education sound culture speech; formation of the grammatical structure of speech; enrichment vocabulary; development of connected speech.

Speech games can be combined into four main groups: 1. group - this group includes games that form the ability to highlight the essential features of objects and phenomena: "Shop", "Radio", "Yes - no", etc. 2. group - and games used to develop in children the ability to compare, compare, notice differences, make the right conclusions: “Looks like - does not look like”, “Who will notice fables more?” and others. 3. group - games that help develop the ability to generalize and classify objects according to various criteria: “Who needs what?”, “Name three words”, “Name it in one word”, etc. 4 group - here are games for development attention, ingenuity, quickness of thinking, endurance, sense of humor: “Spoiled phone”, “Paints”, “Flies - does not fly”, “Do not call white and black”, etc.

From an early age, children learn to perceive works of oral folk art: nursery rhymes, jokes, fairy tales, in which even the smallest feel rhyme and rhythm. Works with young children are also used by contemporary authors (A. Barto). Poems attract with their dynamism and content. They are easy to illustrate with toys.

Speech games and exercises with young children Games to clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sounds “Show how Lyalya cries”, “Airplane”, “Horse”, “Lalya’s teeth hurt”, etc. Use onomatopoeia: the mouse squeaks - pee -pi; the car is buzzing - beep-beep-beep; the frog croaks - kva-kva-kva; the hammer knocks - knock-knock-knock; the pipe blows - doo-doo-doo; ride a horse - but-but-but; the baby laughs - ha-ha-ha; the bell rings - ding-ding.

"Who is longer?" This game has very simple rules. For example, who will stretch the sound "a", "y" or any other vowel longer. You can also draw some consonants. All children love to play this game.

Exercise for the language "Horse" ◈ How we play; invite the child to click like a horse. You need to click with the tongue, pressing it against the alveoli of the upper teeth.

Speech games for younger and middle children preschool age are mainly aimed at the development of speech, clarification and consolidation of the dictionary, education of the correct sound pronunciation, the ability to count, navigate in space. Playing with the word, children learn to understand their native language, master colloquial speech.

"In the poultry yard" Remember how geese, chickens, ducks, etc. scream. Our ducks in the morning - "quack - quack - quack"! Our geese by the pond - "ha - ha - ha - ha"! And the turkey in the middle of the yard - "ball - ball - ball"! Our gulenki above - "gru - gru - gru"! And how Petya is a cockerel Early - early in the morning He will sing to us - "ku - ka - re - ku"! Then the children are divided into groups "ducks", "geese", etc. The teacher says the words, and the children respond with onomatopoeia.

"Voices of animals" Promotes the development of speech, articulation apparatus, introduces the animal world. Show your child pictures of animals, look at them carefully. Tell the baby where this or that animal lives, what it eats. At the same time, introduce your child to the voices and sounds of animals. Show the child pictures and ask them to name the depicted animals and remember who makes what sounds.

"Bees" Purpose: to exercise children in dialogical speech, in the correct pronunciation of the sound Zh, to learn to act on a verbal signal. The teacher with the children remembers the bees, looks at the pictures, offers to play. One child is a bear, the rest are bees, the teacher is a mother bee. The bees flew to collect honey from the flowers. The bear-bear is coming, it will take the honey from the bees, Bees, home! Children run around the room waving their arms. Then they run to the corner of the room, the bear goes there too. Words of bees-children This hive is our house, go bear away from us: w-w-w-w-w-w! They flap their wings, drive away the bear, fly away. The bear catches the bees.

"Storytelling" The game helps to teach the child to pronounce the word, develops visual-figurative thinking ◈ How to play: say with the child: Ko-ko-ko - young people escaped on the stove ... (ko). Scha-scha-scha - green grove ... (scha). Choo-choo-well - pedal cru ... (choo).

"At the bear in the forest" The purpose of the game. To develop the speech activity of children, the ability to correlate their actions with the word, quickly respond to a verbal signal, exercise in the pronunciation of the sound r. Let's play. Now we will choose a bear. The teacher puts a hat-mask on the bear child.) That's what kind of bear we have! Can he growl?" “Rrrrr,” the bear growls. “Children, the bear will live here in the forest (takes the driver aside). We will go to the forest and pick mushrooms and berries. As soon as the bear roars, we will immediately run home, ”the teacher explains the rules of the game.

Words: In the bear's forest, I take mushrooms, I take berries, And the bear sits And growls at us: “Rrr!” Movements: Children and the teacher imitate picking mushrooms and berries, slowly approaching the forest where the bear lives. The children and the teacher run away, the bear catches up with them.

Speech games for children "One - many" about one leaflet - a lot of leaflets

“Call it affectionately” mushroom - mushroom berry - berry

Speech games for children "Who moves how?" "Who gives what voice?" "Who lives where?"

Middle preschool age What is it? What for? Where? Where?

AT middle group the educator conducts speech games and exercises based on the children's ideas about the environment. At first, the teacher can use word games that are already familiar to children in the younger group, the purpose of which was to develop speech, mental and motor activity, and then proceed to games with a more complex task. Games are held both with the whole group and with small groups of players. The teacher encourages independent word games of children.

Speech games for children of middle preschool age “Sparrows and a car”, “Who lives in the house”, “Geese-geese”, “It happens or not”, “Loaf”, “Bunny”, “Add a word”.

Mirror Purpose of the game: to develop speech and motor activity. Game progress. Children become in a circle. The child chosen with the help of a counter becomes the center of the circle. Everyone else says: In an even circle, One after another, Hey, guys, don't yawn! What Vovochka will show us, We will carry out together. The child in the center of the circle shows a variety of movements, the rest of the children repeat

“What is wide, long, high, low, narrow? Purpose: to clarify children's ideas about the size of objects, to learn to find similarities in objects. Children sit in a circle, the teacher calls the words and ask them to list what objects can be called with this one word. - long (day, train), wide (road, river), etc.

Mouse The aim of the game. To develop the speech and motor activity of children, to develop a reaction to a verbal signal. Game progress. The teacher becomes a circle with the children and explains the rules of the game: “Now we will play the Mice game. Let's choose mice (choose 3-4 children), they will run in a circle, run away from the circle and run into it again. And you and I will be a mousetrap." Children with a teacher walk in a circle and say these words: Oh, how tired the mice are! Everyone ate, everyone ate. Everywhere they climb - that's the attack! We will get to you. Beware you cheaters! As we put the mousetraps, Let's catch everyone now! The children and the teacher hold hands, raise them high, letting the mice pass. When the teacher says the word "clap", the children lower their hands, not letting the mice out of the circle. Whoever remains inside is considered caught and becomes a common circle.

"Does it happen or not?" Purpose of the game: develop logical thinking, the ability to notice inconsistency in judgments. Game progress. Turning to the children, the teacher explains the rules of the game: “Now I will tell you something. In my story, you should notice something that does not happen. Whoever notices, let him, after I finish, say why it cannot be so. Sample stories: “In the summer, when the sun was shining brightly, the guys and I went for a walk. They made a hill out of snow and started sledding from it. “Viti has a birthday today. He brought treats to kindergarten for his friends: apples, salty candies, sweet lemons, pears and cookies. The children ate and wondered. Why were they surprised? Note. At first, the story should include only one fable, when the game is repeated, the number of fables is increased, but there should not be more than three.

"Say one word"

Preparing for school is one of the most important stages in the life of a future first grader. At the age of 5-7 years, a preschooler rapidly develops the main cognitive processes - attention, memory, thinking, speech. At the older preschool age, it is necessary to use more speech games for a different purpose, namely: to develop independent thinking, to form the mental activity of children. speech game accessible, useful effective method education of independent thinking in children.

Games for older children and preparatory groups: “Guess it”, “Shop”, “Radio”, “What kind of bird? ”, “Yes - no”, “Come up with a fable”, “Who needs what? ”, “Animals, birds, fish”, “Paints”, “Flies - does not fly”, “Where we were, we will not say”, “On the contrary”, “Say differently”, “Complete the sentence”, “Recognize by voice ".

Flies, swims, runs Material: ball. Game progress: the driver takes turns throwing the ball to the children, naming the wildlife object. The child catches the ball and throws it to the driver, naming the method of movement of this object. For example: a bunny - runs, a crow - flies, a crucian - swims. Complication - not only natural, but also man-made objects are called. Then the child must name the origin: pike - the natural world, swims; airplane - man-made world, flies.

"The fourth extra" Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to highlight a common feature in words, to develop the ability to generalize. Move: the teacher, throwing the ball to the child, calls four words and asks to determine which word is superfluous. For example: blue, red, green, ripe. Zucchini, cucumber, pumpkin, lemon. Cloudy, cloudy, gloomy, clear.

“Catch and throw - name colors” Purpose: selection of nouns for an adjective denoting color. Fixing the names of primary colors, the development of imagination in children. Move: the teacher, throwing the ball to the child, calls the adjective denoting the color, and the child, returning the ball, names the noun that matches this adjective. teacher:-Children: Red - poppy, fire, flag Orange - orange, carrot, dawn Yellow - chicken, sun, turnip Green - cucumber, grass, forest Blue - sky, ice, forget-me-nots Blue - bell, sea, sky Purple - plum , lilac, dusk

Game "Say the other way around"

"Find differences"

Look carefully at the drawings. Tell me what happened first and what happened next.

Name - the first sound in the word DUCK - (U) - the first sound in the word STICK - (P) - the last sound in the word SOUP - (P)

"Similar words" Purpose: expansion of the dictionary of synonyms, development of the ability to identify words similar in meaning. We call the child a series of words, and ask them to determine which two of them are similar in meaning and why. We explain to the child that similar words are friend words. And they are called so because they are similar in meaning. Friend - friend - enemy; Sadness - joy - sadness; Food - cleaning - food; Labor - plant - work; Dance - dance - song; Run - race - go; Think - want - think; Walk - sit - step; Listen - look - look; Cowardly - quiet - shy; Old - wise - smart; Clueless - small - stupid; Funny - big - huge.

"Shop of utensils" Purpose: expansion of the dictionary, development of the ability to select a generalizing word, development of speech attention. For this game, it is better to use real dishes. Let's play shop. I will be the buyer and you will be the seller. I need dishes for soup - a tureen. Dishes for salad - salad bowl; dishes for bread - a bread box; dishes for milk - milkman; dishes for oil - butter dish; dishes for sweets - a candy bowl; dishes for crackers - a cracker; dishes for salt - salt shaker; dishes for sugar - sugar bowl. After pronouncing all the available dishes, you can switch roles. Our task is to encourage the child to pronounce the names of dishes on their own.

"Find by color" Purpose: fixing the agreement of the adjective with the noun in gender and number. For this game, we need pictures of objects of different colors. We name the color using the adjective in a certain form (gender, number), and the child finds objects of a given color that fit this form of the adjective. For example: Red - an apple, an armchair, a dress. Yellow - turnip, paint, bag. Blue - cornflower, eggplant, pencil

Come up with a fiction Purpose of the game. To teach children to invent fables on their own, including them in their story, to develop the imagination of children. Game progress. The following conversation of the educator serves as an introduction to the game: “Writers, poets have created many interesting funny poems, fairy tales, stories. We have read a lot of them. But we can try to come up with a funny story ourselves. Here, listen to what a story-fiction I came up with ... "An approximate story of the educator:" In the morning, when the sun set, I got up and went to work. I went to the kindergarten and saw children there. I said goodbye to them. Everyone cheerfully answered me: "Goodbye." We went to the kindergarten, went into the room, dried our feet and immediately sat down at the table for breakfast.

Children listen carefully, and then they name fables. “Now try to come up with a story with fables yourself. We will listen and notice fables,” the educator suggests.

"Shop" Purpose of the game. To teach children to describe an object, to find its essential features, to recognize an object by description. Game progress. Children sit in a semicircle in front of a table and a shelf with various toys. The teacher, turning to them, says: “We have opened a new store. Look how many beautiful toys it has! You can buy them. But in order to buy a toy, one condition must be met: do not name it, but describe it, while you cannot look at the toy. According to your description, the seller will recognize it and sell it to you. A seller is chosen with a short rhyme. The teacher buys the toy first, showing how to follow the rules of the game. Educator: “Comrade seller, I want to buy a toy. She is round, rubbery, can jump, all children love to play with her. The seller hands the ball to the buyer. “Thank you, what a beautiful ball!” - the teacher says and sits on a chair with the ball.

The seller calls the name of any of the players. He comes up and describes the toy he chose to buy: “And please sell me such a toy: it is fluffy, orange, it has a long beautiful tail, a narrow muzzle and sly eyes.” The seller gives the toy to the fox. The buyer thanks and sits down. The game continues until all the children have bought toys. The role of the seller can be performed by several guys in turn.

"Correct the mistake" Tasks: Learn to coordinate words according to gender (male, female, medium). Reveal the ability to raise a question, find the main word in a sentence. Description: Angry crocodile, slow turtle, striped zebra, green parrot.

Purpose: to reinforce the idea that words are made up of sounds. Learn to recognize words that lack the last sound. Game progress: 1 . The teacher reads the words, but in some the last sound is lost. This sound should be called by children. 2. Children should not pronounce the whole word, but add only the sound. 3 . At the beginning of the game, the sound is prompted in chorus, and then individually. You need to prompt the sound quickly so that the word sounds completely. "Prompt Sound"

For example: A black-eared kitten was basking in the sun ... A white-legged puppy was looking at him ... The hunters bred a bone in the forest ... The student held a pencil in his hand ... The kid asked his mother to buy a sha ... A hare ran into a forest clearing ... In the zoo they lived: slo .., behemoth .., crocodile... A motley woodpecker was pounding on the tree trunk... The squirrel hid the nuts in the hollow... A pet..., hens..., ducklings wandered around the yard...

"Word Chain (City)" All players on their turn come up with words that begin with the last letter of the previous word. It turns out a chain of words: Watermelon - zebra - artist - theater - robot - telephone - nose - elephant - sky - window - ocean

"Radio" The leader is chosen as the announcer for the role of the announcer. He describes in detail the appearance, the characteristic features of one of the players. An adult can give an example of such a description: - Attention! Attention! The girl is lost. She is wearing a red sweater, a black skirt, red shoes, she sings well, she is friends with Vera. If the announcer gave such a description that the children could not recognize their comrade, everyone answers in unison: "We don't have such a girl (boy)!" Rules. Tell in detail about the most characteristic features in the behavior and clothing of the players.

"Wand stop" Purpose: to develop phonemic hearing, to enrich the vocabulary of children. Rule: 1. Children stand in a circle, the teacher is in the center. 2. Children name words and pass the stick at the same time. 3. The participants in the game agree in advance who will be discussed. For example, about a kitten: pick up words about how he is - fluffy, affectionate, mustachioed, green-eyed ... Pick up words about what he can do - laps, meows ... If the child cannot immediately say the word or repeats what has already been named, then he goes out from the circle.

Thank you for your attention!!!

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Speech development of preschoolers MBDOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 12" Voronezh 2016 Prepared by: speech therapist teacher Borushevskaya L.I.

« native word- the basis of all mental development and the treasury of all knowledge. Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky

Speech is a specific human function that can be defined as the process of communicating through language. An indispensable condition for the comprehensive development of the child is his communication with adults. Language is the most important means of human communication. Children of early age, assimilating their native language, master the most important form of verbal communication - oral speech.

Types of speech

Functions of the speech of preschoolers Communicative (the function of the child's communication with the outside world). Cognitive (cognitive function) - the function of transferring and receiving knowledge, experience of previous generations. Regulatory - a function that regulates the behavior of the child (occurs by 4-5 years).

Targets for a young child in terms of speech development Speaks active speech included in communication; can handle questions and requests; understands the speech of adults; learns the names of surrounding objects and toys; seeks to communicate with adults; shows interest in peers; Shows interest in poetry and fairy tales.

Targets at the stage of completion of preschool education in speech development The child takes the initiative in the game, communication, cognitive research activities; actively interacts with peers and adults; able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others; the child is fluent in oral speech, can express his thoughts and desires, use speech to express his thoughts, build a speech statement in a communication situation, can distinguish sounds in words; the child develops the prerequisites for literacy.

GEF DO defines targets - social and psychological characteristics the personality of the child at the stage of completion of preschool education, among which speech occupies one of the central places as an independently formed function, namely: by the end of preschool education, the child understands spoken language well and can express his thoughts.

Purpose: to ensure the interconnection of all participants educational process in creating a single speech space in the preschool educational institution. Tasks: 1. Raising the professional level of teachers. 2. Creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for expanding the speech practice of children, the development of their speech activity in all types of children's activities, the need for speech communication. 3. Creation of an enriched subject-spatial speech environment in accordance with age characteristics and educational needs children. 4. Formation of uniform requirements for the speech of children based on their age and individual speech capabilities. 5. Implementation of a comprehensive preventive and correctional developmental impact on the speech development of preschoolers. 6. Organization of work with parents aimed at the formation of the correct speech education of the child in the family.

Tasks for the formation of oral speech of preschoolers: vocabulary development; education of sound culture of speech; formation of the grammatical side of speech; the formation of colloquial (dialogical) speech; about learning to tell (monologic speech); acquaintance with fiction; preparing children for literacy.

The most important prerequisite for solving speech problems in kindergarten is the correct organization of the environment in which children would have a desire to speak, name the environment, and engage in verbal communication.

Means of speech development Game activity; research activities; joint activities of a teacher with a child; organized educational activities; individual work; h shadow fiction; to the cultural language environment.

Methods and techniques for the development of speech

Theory and methods of speech development K. D. Ushinsky (1824-1870) E. I. Tikheeva (1867-1943) E.A. Flerina (1889 - 1952)

A.N. Gvozdev (1892-1959) A. P. Usova (1898 - 1965) D. B. Elkonin (1904-1984) A. A. Leontiev (1936-2004)

Educational program "Development of speech" O.S. Ushakova E.M. Strunina

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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MBDOU No. 2 "Kindergarten" Swallow "

The presentation was prepared by the teacher Mandzhieva G.Z.

Connected speech - semantic detailed statement (a number of logically combined sentences), providing communication and mutual understanding.

Connected speech performs the most important social functions - being a means of communication, it helps the child to establish contact with other people and, importantly, regulates the child's behavior in society, which is a decisive condition for the formation of his personality.

Learning coherent speech has an impact on aesthetic education: retellings of literary works, independent children's compositions develop the figurativeness and expressiveness of speech, enrich the artistic and speech experience of children.

The main characteristic of connected speech is its intelligibility for the interlocutor.

The main function of connected speech is communicative, which is carried out in two main forms: monologue and dialog.

Dialogic speech (dialogue)

the process of direct verbal communication,

characterized by alternately replacing one

the other by replicas of two or more persons.

  • Own speech skills
  • Speech etiquette skills .
  • Ability to communicate in pairs, a group of 3-5 people, in a team
  • Ability to communicate in joint actions, achieve results and discuss them, discuss a specific topic .
  • Non-verbal (non-verbal) skills .

Monologue speech (monologue) - process

direct communication, characterized

speech of one person addressed to the audience

or to yourself

  • logically consistent statement
  • Expresses the thought of one person
  • Complete formulation and expansion.
  • Literary vocabulary .
  • Prolonged and preliminary deliberation.
  • Stimulated by intrinsic motives

Description is a characteristic of an object in statics

Narration is a connected story about some events

reasoning - this is a logical presentation of the material in the form of evidence

retelling - meaningful reproduction of literary

sample in oral speech

Story - an independent detailed presentation of a certain content

« Kitty »

Katya had a kitten.


loved the kitten.

She watered the kitten


The kitten loved to play

with Katya.

« Fishing »

Ilyusha is going fishing.

He dug up worms and

went to the river. Ilyusha sat on

shore and threw a fishing rod.

Soon he got a bream

and then perch. Mum


Ilyusha delicious ear.

For example, in the didactic game "Put the doll to sleep", the teacher teaches children the sequence of actions in the process of undressing the doll - neatly fold clothes on a standing chair, take care of the doll, put it to sleep, sing lullabies. According to the rules of the game, children must select from lying objects only those that are needed for sleep.

Story-didactic games

Games with objects

Drama games

word games

Drama games help to clarify ideas about various everyday situations, literary works "Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales", about the norms of behavior "What is good and what is bad?".

Object games use toys and real objects

In the plot-didactic game, children perform certain roles, the seller, the buyer in games like "Shop", bakers in games "Bakery", etc.

Games with which

form the ability to distinguish

essential features of objects

phenomena: "Guess?", "Yes - no"

Games with which

develop the ability to generalize

and classify

items for various

signs: “Who needs what?”,

"Can you name three things?"

"Say one word"

Games used for

skill development in children

compare, contrast,

do right

inferences: "Like - not similar",

“Who will notice the tales more?”

Development games

attention, intelligence,

speed of thought,

excerpts, sense of humor:

"Broken phone",

"Paints", "Flies - does not fly"

Selection of images by common feature .

In the game "What grows in the garden (forest, city)?" children select pictures with the corresponding images of plants, correlate with their place of growth, combine pictures according to one sign. Or the game "What happened next?" children select illustrations for any fairy tale, taking into account the sequence of the plot.

Matching pictures in pairs. - finding exactly the same among different pictures: two hats that are the same in color, style, etc. Then the task becomes more complicated: the child combines the pictures not only in appearance, but also in meaning: find two planes among all the pictures. The planes shown in the picture may be different in shape and color, but they are united, making them look like belonging to the same type of object.

Remember the case

Choose an event with your child that you recently participated in together. For example, how you walked along the embankment and watched the fireworks, met your grandmother at the station, celebrated your birthday ... Take turns telling each other what you saw, what you did. Remember as many details as possible - until you can no longer add anything to what has been said.

Travel agency

Every day you and your child go on the usual route - to the store or kindergarten. But what if you try to diversify your everyday life? Imagine that you are departing on an exciting journey. Discuss with your child what type of transport you will use, what you need to take with you, what dangers you will meet along the way, what sights you will see ... Share your impressions while traveling.

My report

You and your child went on some kind of trip just the two of you, without other family members. Invite him to write a report about his journey. Use photos or videos as illustrations. Give the child the opportunity to choose what to talk about, without leading questions. And you observe what exactly was deposited in his memory, what turned out to be interesting and important for him. If you start fantasizing, don't stop. The speech of the baby develops regardless of what events - real or fictional - are reproduced by him.

stories from pictures

Well, if you can pick up a few pictures related to a common plot. For example, from a children's magazine (like "Funny Pictures"). First, mix these pictures and invite the baby to restore order so that you can make up a story from them. If the child is having difficulty at first, ask a few questions. Such a set of plot pictures will not be at hand - just take a postcard. Ask the child what is depicted on it, what is happening now, what could have happened before, and what will happen next.

What ended?

One of the ways to develop coherent speech can be watching cartoons. Start watching with your baby interesting cartoon, and at the most exciting place, "remember" the urgent business that you must do right now, but ask the child to tell you later what will happen next in the cartoon and how it will end. Don't forget to thank your storyteller!

Criteria for determining the level of development of coherent speech:

Relevance of the statement to the topic. Topic disclosure.

The presence of a clear structure of the statement - the beginning, middle, end.

The use of various means of communication between sentences and parts of the statement.

Use of expressive means: in descriptions - definitions, comparisons, metaphors; in narratives - the dialogue of characters, elements of description, etc.

Individuality in the choice of language means (lack of speech stamps and patterns).

Teacher speech rules:

The teacher must adhere to the literary norms of pronunciation, eliminate various accents in his speech, the influence of local dialects, correctly emphasize the words (port - ports, cake - cakes, cream - creams, engineer - engineers);

Remember the content of your speech (what and how much he says, what is communicated to children);

Remember the age-related pedagogical orientation of speech (can he speak with preschoolers, can he confidently and intelligibly present information on pedagogy to adults - parents, colleagues).

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Good speech is an important condition for the development of a child's personality. The richer and more correct a child’s speech is, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his possibilities of knowing the world around him, the more actively his mental development. But a child's speech is not an innate function. It develops gradually, along with its growth and development. Speech must be formed and developed in conjunction with the overall development of the child. It is much more successful to do this using games. Since at preschool age, gaming activity is leading.

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The game teaching method contributes to the creation of an interested, relaxed environment; increases speech motivation; encourages children to communicate with each other; the process of thinking is faster, new skills are acquired more firmly. A didactic game is an excellent tool for learning and development, used in the assimilation of any program material. Specially selected games and exercises make it possible to favorably influence all components of speech. In the game, the child gets the opportunity to enrich and consolidate the vocabulary, form grammatical categories, develop coherent speech, expand knowledge about the world around him, develop verbal creativity, and develop communication skills.

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The main tasks of speech development

Development of sound culture of speech; Formation of the grammatical structure of speech; Enrichment of vocabulary; The development of connected speech. The speech of the child is formed in stages and at each age stage, their own tasks of the speech development of the child are solved.

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Games and exercises for the development of speech of younger preschoolers

The leading line in the development of the speech of children aged 3-4 years is the upbringing of the sound culture of speech, teaching the correct pronunciation of sounds, and the formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

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The leading line of development of children of this age is the enrichment of vocabulary. Work continues on the education of the sound culture of speech (the formation of the correct sound pronunciation, the development of phonemic perception, the vocal apparatus, speech breathing, the ability to use a moderate rate of speech and intonation means of expression). Children get acquainted with the new terms "sound", "word".

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Games and exercises for the development of speech for children of senior preschool age (6-7 years old)

The main task of working with children of older preschool age is the development of coherent speech, the assimilation of the phonetic side of speech. Work is underway to further improve speech hearing, to consolidate the skills of clear, correct, expressive speech. Children differentiate what a sound, word, sentence is.

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The use of mnemonics for the development of coherent speech of preschoolers

Mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that ensure the effective memorization, storage and reproduction of information. The use of mnemonics reduces learning time and at the same time solves the following speech tasks: enriching vocabulary, compiling stories, retelling thin. literature, guessing and guessing riddles, memorizing poetry.

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Work sequence:

1.Mnemosquares 2.Mnemonic tracks 3.Mnemonic tables

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Theatrical activity as a means of developing the speech of preschool children

Theatrical games contribute to the assimilation of the elements of verbal communication (facial expressions, gesture, posture, intonation, voice modulation). Theatrical activity is not just a game, but also an excellent tool for the intensive development of children's speech, vocabulary enrichment, as well as the development of thinking, imagination, attention and memory, which is the psychological basis of correct speech.

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Music lessons and speech development

Musical education in kindergarten great importance for the development of children's speech. The fundamental principle of conducting music classes is the relationship of speech, music and movement. A clear pronunciation of rhythmic text and verses to music develops an ear for music, imagination, feelings of the word. Every word, syllable, sound is pronounced meaningfully, with a sincere attitude.

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Artistic creativity and speech development

Artistic creativity is a unique means for the development of fine motor skills and speech in their unity and interconnection. Children learn to analyze forms, observe, compare, highlight the similarities and differences of objects.

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The influence of origami on the development of speech of preschoolers

Origami (“ori” - to bend, “gami” - paper) is the Japanese art of paper folding, which is very popular due to its entertaining and educational possibilities. In the process of folding origami figures, children get acquainted with the basic geometric concepts, while the dictionary is enriched with special terms. Origami promotes concentration of attention, is of great importance in the development of constructive thinking of children, their creative imagination. Origami stimulates the development of speech, memory and activates thought processes.

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The main types of didactic games

Board and printed games Games with objects (toys, natural material etc.) Word games

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Finger games as a way to develop the speech of children of primary preschool age

“The mind of a child is at the tips of his fingers” V.A. Sukhomlinsky The child's verbal speech begins when the movements of his fingers reach sufficient accuracy. The child's hands, as it were, prepare the ground for the subsequent development of speech. Finger games develop the child's brain, creativity, and baby's imagination. This is not only a stimulus for the development of speech and fine motor skills, but also one of the options for joyful communication.

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The role-playing game has a positive effect on the development of speech. During the game, the child speaks aloud with the toy, speaks both for himself and for it, imitates the hum of an airplane, the voices of animals, etc. Dialogic speech develops.

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Outdoor games in speech development

During the game, the teacher seeks to encourage imitative speech activity in children, to expand the volume of speech understanding and vocabulary. This is achieved by speaking together with the teacher nursery rhymes, poems, verbal accompaniment of outdoor games.

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Subject-developing environment in the group

“A child will not speak in empty walls ...” E.I. Tikheeva By saturating the group space, educators primarily take care that children in the group can satisfy their important vital needs for knowledge, movement and communication. Groups should be equipped with modern gaming equipment, which includes visual, game and demonstration material that provides a higher level of cognitive development children and provoking speech activity.

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