Highly educated and successful people: what do they read in the morning? What millionaires and billionaires read Fiction about rich and successful people.

Who among us does not dream of a financial miracle: winning the lottery, finding a treasure, successfully investing in bitcoins? Alas, miracles do not happen very often. Although scientists recently gave an unexpected hint: it turns out that these books can help to make capital. In any case, it is them that most millionaires read in the evenings. Coincidence?

as show Scientific research and commonplace everyday experience, the rich and successful have a certain set of habits. And it's not about the quirks of outrageous millionaires. Everything is much simpler and more vital. For example, most of the participants in the Forbes list share a love of reading. But what kind of book do they spend the evenings Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey?

An unexpected answer Thomas Corely, professional sociologist, wealthy lifestyle researcher and website editor Rich Habits. For his recent study, Thomas interviewed 361 people with different levels income, including millionaire businessmen. The goal was to determine the relationship between daily habits (particularly reading) and well-being.

It turned out that among the 177 millionaires surveyed, 68% regularly read literary biographies prominent people . And among those surveyed with an annual income of less than $35,000 (which is quite modest by American standards), 91% never read biographies and are not interested in them.

According to the researcher, the relationship between success in business and literary preferences is quite reasonable. After all, the genre of biography allows you to analyze other people's schemes of achievements, way of thinking and literally learn from the mistakes of others. And the analytical mind can easily apply this knowledge in real life.

That's why reading the stories of the rich and successful can be the first small step towards net worth. Which you can do today.

Did you know? Be sure to try doing the same. Suddenly finances go up?

This is a very valuable collection. It presents seven books that make ordinary people successful: they change the way of thinking, habits, character traits. They show the right direction and provide the tools for quick, but at the same time qualitative changes. Do you want to give someone good luck? Tell me about these books.

Bodo Schäfer is a successful businessman, a sought-after financial consultant (in his homeland, Germany, he is called the “Financial Mozart”) and the author of a number of world bestsellers on financial management and motivation for life changes. At the age of 16, Bodo moved to the United States to get an education, and after his studies he went into business. However, the trading company he created went bankrupt, and at the age of 26 he was left with a bunch of debts and a complete lack of understanding of where and how to move on. At this difficult moment, he met a wise mentor who helped a young loser entrepreneur turn into a real winner. For 4 years, Bodo Schaefer not only got rid of debts, but also opened a new successful business, and also began to inspire others to win and achieve.

In this book, the financier collected 30 important rules that will make a winner out of any person - of course, provided that he is not lazy. After all, laziness is the only reason why there are still a minority of winners in life, the businessman is sure. Schaefer divides people into two categories: ducks - those who constantly quack and look for excuses, and eagles - those who act no matter what. The Laws of Winners is a set of simple and effective rules that will help you be an eagle in any situation. Thanks to them, you will learn to focus on the main thing, turn failures and criticism to your advantage, achieve incredible success in all areas of life and move forward. In this book, we briefly describe each of these laws.

We live in an era of global economic change. Working in a multi-million dollar corporation with its social guarantees and stability is no longer the ultimate dream of most people. In addition, in the next 10-15 years, more than 90% of the so-called "white-collar" positions will disappear or lose their prestigious status due to the fact that their functionality will change dramatically. A large number of people will be "overboard", not knowing where to go, where to apply their experience and skills. This opinion is shared by Tom Peters, who, with the light hand of The Economist magazine, received the honorary title of "superguru". Peters has written several business bestsellers and founded the Tom Peters Company, a consulting firm specializing in change preparation. Starbucks, Virgin Direct, Intel, Rolls-Royce and other well-known companies use its services.

What to do? How not only to survive in this difficult transitional period, but also to become stronger? To be confident in his future, Tom Peters calls now to start thinking not as an employee of the company, but as an “independent contractor”, that is, a person who does not fulfill his duties for a monthly salary, but relies only on himself. “If you don’t have a trust fund in your name on hand, this radical restructuring of yourself - becoming a self-brand - is simply necessary!” Peters says.

You will learn how to make people associate your name with the highest quality of work and inspire respect and trust, as well as how to stop being modest and make sure that as many potential clients as possible know about your talents.

Anthony Robbins is one of the founders of life coaching and an inspiring motivational speaker. His coaching costs $ 1 million, while the record is kept for 2 years in advance. His services were used by Bill Clinton, Mikhail Gorbachev, Andre Agassi, Oprah Winfrey and other celebrities. Anthony himself is one of those people who have achieved everything from scratch, so everything he writes about is passed through the prism of his personal life experience. Taking control of his emotions, he lost 20 kilograms and from a person living from paycheck to paycheck, he turned into a successful businessman whose income is estimated at billions of dollars a year.

Robbins believes that any person can awaken the energy dormant in him and realize all his dreams - even, at first glance, fantastic ones. Most people, according to Anthony, have very modest desires, while you should always strive for more and not stop there. The main thing is to be sure that you can handle it, and work hard on yourself day after day. With the help of a series of effective techniques and exercises given in n, you can get rid of bad habits and wrong beliefs, make emotions your allies, focus on the essentials, and finally move from dreaming to action.

If you are not doing well at the moment, or not doing as well as you would like, then it may be because of the wrong mindset. To embark on the path of success, John Maxwell offers to take a kind of journey with him, during which you will learn what the right, or as the author of the book calls it, fruitful thinking, and also assess how developed it is, and understand how to use it to its full potential.

John Maxwell is one of the leading thinkers, writers and lecturers on personal and corporate development. It is very popular not only in the USA, but also in other countries. He is the author of more than ten books, including: "Cultivate a leader in yourself", "Create a team of leaders", "Position of the winner", "Journey from success to success" and others.

We'll talk about Maxwell's bestselling book How Successful People Think, or Think to Change! In this book, he shows the difference between fruitful (correct) and mediocre (wrong) thinking. Mediocre people focus on daily activities and survival, while successful people focus on progress. Maxwell shows how, by changing our thinking, we can move from the level of survival to the level of real progress and completely turn our lives around.

Too many of us spend better days his life in a walking coma. We try to find greatness by chasing titles, flashy cars, and a hefty bank account, without fully realizing that what really matters in life is to realize our full potential by becoming a leader for ourselves. And then help others reach their full potential. Five teachers of the hero of Robin Sharma's book "Leader Without a Title" will help us to do this.

This book is the result of nearly fifteen years of Robin Sharma's work as a leadership and management advisor to many Fortune 500 companies including Microsoft, GE, Nike, FedEx, and IBM, as well as to organizations such as Yale, American Red The Cross and the Young Presidents' Organization.

To present his method of leadership, Robin Sharma chose the form of fictional storytelling. Characters- the main character Blake Davis, his mentor Tommy Flynn and four unusual teachers who completely change Blake's approach to work and life - they are all fictional characters.

But the leadership system itself, as well as the principles, tools and tactics on which it is based, is very real. It has helped hundreds of thousands of employees in many of the world's most successful businesses and organizations to win in business and lead in their field.

According to the authors of the book, a typical problem of "upper echelon" businessmen is extreme superstition. Successful people are afraid of change, and besides, they believe that there is nothing and there is no need to teach them. Entrepreneurs are wary of any kind of training and recommendations, although they themselves hire coaches. However, it is one thing to ask for advice, and quite another to follow it. In the book, Marshall Goldsmith lists 20 qualities that hinder further growth, both in business and in personal life. These qualities seem to us to be neutral traits, or even virtues. However, they can greatly irritate our environment and damage our business reputation. So the ability to keep your mouth shut may be regarded by others as stealth. And successful, in the opinion of the head, the delegation of authority will be perceived by employees as a departure from personal responsibility. You may not even be aware that you have the traits described in this book. But, as they say, "ignorance is no excuse." will help you discover these traits in yourself and work on eliminating them. Sberbank President German Gref recommends this book for mandatory reading.

Stephen R. Covey's book has been a super-bestseller for decades. She has influenced the lives of millions of people, including Bill Clinton, Larry King and Stephen Forbes. Half of the world's Fortune 500 corporations have taken it upon themselves to educate their employees on the philosophy of efficiency outlined in the Seven Habits. Sberbank President German Gref included this book in the bank's corporate library.

The Seven Habits are powerful tools for personal development. They help to move forward - from dependence to independence and then interdependence. Dependence is expressed by the you-paradigm: you care about me, you failed, I blame you for the failure. Independence is expressed by the self-paradigm: I can do it, I am responsible, I rely on myself. Interdependence is expressed by the we-paradigm: we can do it, we can interact, we can combine possibilities and create something significant together. Many associate the concept of “interdependence” with addiction. However, it is not. As an interdependent person, you can meaningfully share everything you own with others and gain access to other people's resources. Interdependence is a choice that only an independent person can make. It follows from this: before becoming interdependent, a person must acquire personal independence. A common victory is preceded by a personal victory.

Skills 1, 2 and 3 help to gain personal victory. Having mastered them, the dependent person becomes independent. This is an "inside-out" process. Having mastered the first three skills, a person can begin to work on "general victories." Habits 4, 5, and 6 lead to them. However, this does not mean that you need to master skills 1, 2, and 3 before working on skills 4, 5, and 6. Understanding their sequence will help you manage your development more effectively. Skill 7 is an upgrade skill that is required to have strength for the first six skills. In we will tell you what the essence of each skill is and how to master them.

All seven books are presented in the Library " the main idea» in the form of reviews. Read with benefit!

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Of course, successful, powerful and rich people will never say that they do not read. On the contrary, they will say that they read voraciously! Like it or not, it's hard to judge, but the American Business Guide found out which 9 books exactly all successful people read. Nine books isn't much, so why don't you lay the foundation for your future success by simply reading on your lunch break?

Great Getsby

Francis Scott Fitzgerald, Knowledge

This famous book is loved by many of the rich people of the world, including Bill Gates, Catherine Zeta-Jones and writer John Green. And we understand why. A book about capitalism and the ugly side of the wealthy families of the "American Dream" of the 1920s. This book is about how money can take over a person, and therefore the novel is a kind of warning.

How to get friends and pour on people

Dale Carnegie, Land of Dreams

This acclaimed bestseller talks about how building relationships affects your success. Networking helps a lot when looking for work and clients, all successful people know this.

purple cow

Seth Godin, "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber"

Are you producing a product that others have been successfully marketing for a long time? That's why Seth Godin recommends never putting a "me too" product on store shelves. There must be a unique product. If you create an innovative product, you don't even have to do much marketing. An excellent book for those who are going to implement a brilliant business idea.

Catcher of life

J. D. Salinger, The Folio

There aren't many people who haven't read this book. All successful people appreciated this story about youth, in which it is difficult to find yourself and your path, when there are so many people around telling you what to be and what to do.

How to work 4 hours a week

Tim Ferris, Good Book

Outsourcing and automation - says Tim Ferris, and you - happily and quietly work for yourself only 4 hours a week, continuing to be successful and rich. You know that the rich and successful don't do everything themselves. Why don't you do the same?

Think and get rich

Napoleon Hill, Potpourri

Thoughts affect what you do and what you achieve, according to Napoleon Hill. Therefore, if you think that you will become rich, then you will become rich, no matter how crazy it sounds. The main thing is to think right.

The innovator's dilemma

Clayton Christensen, Alpina Business Books

This book is appreciated by Steve Jobs and Malcolm Gladwell. It changes the vision of business once and for all and provides invaluable tips for the development of industrial trends.

I know why the caged bird sings

Maya Angelou

Quite unexpectedly, poetry appears among the classics or non-fiction. Oprah Winfrey, Bill Clinton, and writer Toni Morrison rated this book very highly. What does it mean to be of a different race, what does it mean to be a woman, but succeed and be in perfect harmony with yourself? Maya Angelou is the recipient of numerous awards and over thirty honorary doctorates. The book “I Know Why the Bird Sings in a Cage” is a chronicle of her life until the age of 16, brought her worldwide fame. For lack of a suitable translation, the editors (translated by Tatyana Gordienko, - ed.), here is a wonderful poem "What Every Woman Should Have" by Maya Angelou:

A woman should have

The past is so juicy to tell about it
in declining years.
A woman must have
a set of screwdrivers, a hand drill and a black lace bra.
A woman must have
An indispensable friend for laughter and another for crying.
A woman of furniture must have something
unused relatives.
A woman must have
Service for eight people, wine glasses, a recipe worthy of the admiration of guests.
A woman should have
a sense of control over one's own destiny.
Every woman needs to know
how to fall in love without losing yourself.
Every woman should be able
quit a job, break up with a lover, argue with a friend without destroying the friendship.
Every woman should be able to identify
when to try harder and when to quit.
Every woman should know that you can't lengthen your legs,
you won’t narrow your hips, just as you won’t change your parents.
Every woman should know
that her childhood might have been difficult, but it had passed.
Every woman should know
what she can and cannot do for love.
Every woman should know
how to live alone, even though she does not like it.
Every woman should know
who can she trust
and who doesn't
and why you should not be offended by all this.
Every woman should know
where to go,
to the kitchen of your best friend,
or to a magical hideout in the woods,
to calm the soul.
Every woman should know
what she can and cannot do in a day,
per month and per year.
Every woman should have
a youth that she will leave behind without regrets.

Source: americanbusinessguide.com

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Reading develops imagination, memory and expands your vocabulary. This is one of the reasons why many successful people tirelessly call for more reading. Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Richard Branson and others the richest people the planets talked about their favorite works, which should definitely be given time.

We are in website decided to compile a selection of books that billionaires advise everyone to read.

Bill Gates, former head of Microsoft

Gates periodically publishes selections of books that inspire him on his website. He explains that reading is a favorite way to indulge the imagination, despite a large number of meetings with interesting people. And here are the last 5 works that Gates recommends not shelving:

Richard Branson, head of Virgin

Branson has compiled a selection of books on World Book Day for several years in a row which, in his opinion, should be read during a lifetime. They include children's books, fiction and non-fiction. Here are 5 books that, according to the billionaire, everyone should read:

  • Mark Twain "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"
  • Douglas Adams "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"
  • Matthew Syed "The Black Core of Thinking"
  • Carl Sagan "Space"
  • Peter Diamandis Abundance: A Better Future Than You Think

Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tesla

When Elon Musk is asked how he learned to build rockets, he simply replies, "I read books." And we think this is the best way to prove the benefits of reading. Musk hasn't made lists of his favorite books on his own, but in various interviews and personal conversations, he gladly talks about them.

  • John R. R. Tolkien "The Lord of the Rings"
  • Walter Isaacson "Benjamin Franklin: An American Life"
  • Nick Bostrom "Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies"
  • Robert Heinlein "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress"
  • James Barratt "Mankind's Last Invention"

Jeff Bezos, head of Amazon

At the end of Brad Stone's Jeff Bezos and the Amazon Era, there is a list of books that Bezos has read and recommended to his employees. And here are 5 of them:

  • Kazuo Ishiguro "The Rest of the Day"
  • Sam Walton Made in America. How I Created Wal-Mart
  • Jim Collins Built to Last. The success of companies with vision"
  • Mark Jeffery "Data Driven Marketing"
  • Nassim Taleb Black Swan. Under the sign of unpredictability

Dorzhieva Chimita

Research work at the NPK "Step into the Future" 2017



MOU Nizhne-Ivolginskaya secondary school

Artist: Dorzhieva Chimita

Head:Balchinova Soelma Dorzhievna

teacher of Russian language and literature


Research work on the topic:What successful people of the world and our village read

Subject : Literature

Purpose of the study: find out what successful people read, what books help them achieve success in any business. Arouse interest in reading among students of our school.


  1. Determine who can be considered a successful person
  2. Learn what successful people read
  3. Based on the tasks above, make a list of books that help successful people achieve their goals.

Hypothesis: Books play a very important role in every person's life. From early childhood he got acquainted with books. They will accompany him throughout his life. They will be his constant companions, help to understand difficult issues, solve the most important life problems. It is the book that helps many people achieve their goals, become a successful person.

“I owe everything good to the book,” said Maxim Gorky.

Research methods and techniques:reading and analysis of scientific literature, interviews, questioning, analysis of questionnaires, listing.

Object of study: successful people of our village, school.


  1. Explanatory note
  1. Area of ​​study, object of study
  2. Relevance of the topic
  3. Formulation of goals and objectives
  4. Research stages. Research methods
  1. Theoretical part

2.1. What is success. What does it mean to be a successful person. Each person determines the criteria for success for himself.

3.Practical part

  1. Conducting a survey to determine who can be called a successful person
  2. Identification and compilation of a list of successful people of the school, village
  3. Interviews with successful people
  4. Compiling a list of the most popular books helping successful people
  5. Drawing up some recommendations for schoolchildren from successful people

4. List of references


AT modern society The word "success" is very common. At school, the expression “the success of a student depends on ...” has become popular, often in conversations between adults one hears: “he is a very successful person ...”, etc. etc.

So what is this criterion of "success" and how is it determined? What data do you need to have to be called a successful person? And, most importantly, where do they “educate” success, what books help in this? It's no secret that today's youth read little. So, in connection with this, the percentage of success of the younger generation is also decreasing? These and other questions prompted me to study and research my topic and determined the problem of my research.

  1. Explanatory note
  1. Field of study-books that help to achieve success in any business, in difficult life situations

Object of study -successful people of school and village

Research base-residents of the village of Nizhnyaya-Ivolga, students and graduates of the Nizhne-Ivolginskaya secondary school

  1. Relevance

The relevance of the topic I have chosen is due to the fact that today most of the young people have stopped reading books. There is a very widespread opinion that today young people read much less than their parents used to read, go to libraries and bookstores less often, have little interest in literature, both classical and modern - in general, they do not bother reading books. . And this problem is becoming more and more global and difficult to resolve every year.

In addition, not so long ago, the Ministry of Education published a list of 100 books recommended for schoolchildren for extracurricular reading. Which is not surprising: Vladimir Putin himself and officials of his administration had a hand in creating the "top 100"

1.3 . Purpose of the study:find out what books help people to succeed in any business. Arouse interest in reading among our students


2. Study what successful people read

3. Based on the tasks above, make a list of books that help successful people achieve their goals.

  1. Research stages:
  • Study of scientific literature
  • Conducting a survey, processing the results
  • Compilation of a list of successful people of the school, village
  • Interviews with successful people
  • Writing research work
  • Create a presentation

Research methods:

  • Information collection method (literature study, observation)
  • Questionnaire
  • Interview
  1. Theoretical part
  1. What is success. What does it mean to be a successful person.

First, you need to understand the concept of "success". To do this, I first turned to explanatory dictionaries. Here is the definition we find for the word "success" from Ozhegov S.I.

SUCCESS, -a, m. 1. Good luck in achieving something.Succeed. Develop at. (to maintain a high rate of advance; also trans.). 2.Public acceptance.

(p. 387 Dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, Onyx Publishing House LLC, 2012)

SUCCESS, success, m. 1. good luck in the conceived business, successful achievement of the goal.Our successes in the field of socialist construction are truly enormous. Stalin. Be successful. Succeed. The search was successful. Long sought, but without success. The attempt was not successful. I wish you complete success. || good luck in military operation, victory (military). Proper preparation of the operation is the key to success. Expand The first success achieved into the final defeat. Good luck building on success. Word of his success spread again. Pushkin. || only many. The same about school teaching, academic performance. 2. only units recognition of such good luck by others,public approval of something, someone's. achievements. The play was a well-deserved success. The exhibition is a huge success. The first success turned the young singer's head. Noisy success. Worldwide success. books. 3. whose.The attention of society to someone, the recognition of someone. virtues, as well as good luck in courtship, flirting, etc.My progress in the whirlwind of light, my fashion house and evenings. Pushkin. With (some) success - successfully, without difficulty, very easily. (http://ushakova-slovar.ru/description/uspeshnyi/81098)

Thus, having studied the most popular dictionaries (in my opinion), I came to the conclusion that the word success the following definition can be given:1. This is luck in some business, the achievement of a goal. 2 - public recognition.

The word is success defined as"containing success, constituting success(again by the definition of named dictionaries)

So, we found out the meanings of the words "success", "success".

Now let's turn to the opinions of my classmates, school friends, teachers. Unfortunately, many of my classmates and friends associate the concept of "success" with financial solvency. This is the presence of a “cool” phone, a car, again, a “cool” brand, the ability not to be dependent on parents and adults, etc. The opinions of adults (in particular, teachers) in the definition of the word "success" differ. School psychologist gave me the following psychological and pedagogical definition: a successful student is one who, in the process of learning, has managed to overcome fear, confusion, disorganization, and difficulties. He is satisfied with himself and his work. The success criteria for such a student are as follows:

Ability to assimilate educational programs offered by the school

The ability to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and abilities.

Summarizing the above,I highlighted the following points of the concept of "success": For everyone, success can mean completely different things. It's not just money. You can be rich, but still want something else: interesting work, recognition, a certain position in society ... Success is both moral and material satisfaction when you have achieved the position in life that you consider suitable for yourself.

The term "success" is more suitable for work, affairs, position in society, and if we talk about family and personal life, then it is better to use such a word as happiness.

For example, the ideal picture of success is to be the highest professional in your field, recognized by both management and colleagues, so that your mind, knowledge and experience are highly valued financially. A successful person is confident in himself and in his abilities, respects himself and is well versed in his favorite business, and also has good friends.

To be successful, one must possess such qualities as diligence, patience, determination, dedication, the ability to communicate with people, perseverance and much more ...
A successful person is one who knows how to turn a dream into a goal, that is, he has the courage not only to speak and dream, but also to take action to achieve his plan. In addition to all this, a successful person must educate himself, constantly engage in self-education. A successful person “forges” his own personality. This brings me to my main questions:What do you need to read to educate yourself? successful person What books lay the foundation for success?

To cover this part of my work, I turned to various information sites to ask about the reading needs of the powerful and this is what I found out.

Everyone is well aware that the path to success lies through overcoming many different difficulties. Oscar Wilde once said, “What sometimes seems like a severe test to us can turn into unexpected luck.” Hence the conclusion follows that, despite any difficulties, one should not give up. But how do you achieve this success? How not to lose strength and not move away from your goal? Think, great importance books take over. But books are different: some books describe some historical event, some contain only the author's own opinion (like a monograph), and some, for the most part, teach exactly something good, useful. That is why it is very important to know what books people who have achieved success were brought up on, what helps them in a difficult situation, what books inspire them to create new ideas.

First, consider what the country's first leader, the President, prefers to read.Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. The President of Russia has repeatedly shared his reading preferences in interviews. Among them, the works of Jack London, Jules Verne, Ernest Hemingway stood out, among the favorite works of the latter Putin attributed Farewell to Arms!, For Whom the Bell Tolls and The Old Man and the Sea, as well as Omar Khayyam, and Russian leader special treatment. In an interview, Vladimir Putin said that he not only often rereads the Persian writer's rubaiyat, but also writes out lines from them in a special notebook.

The President admitted that it is the works of Omar Khayyam that help him deal with stress. At one of the press conferences, the president said that he had received a collection of his poems as a gift from his wife, and recommended that those present refer to this book when bad mood. And it's not in vain, his works are rubais - quatrains, but so many thoughts are expressed in one small rubai.

Former President of RussiaDmitry Medvedev, like any St. Petersburg intellectual, also reads a lot. The list of his favorite authors opens with Chekhov, Bunin and Dostoyevsky. Not so long ago, the 25th anniversary of Rossiyskaya Gazeta took place. In this regard, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev gave a short interview in the project with the tag “I read. Dmitry Medvedev" for the Year of Literature 2015. There he admitted that he has a lot of different books, and sometimes he even refers to some. Constantly the president has some kind of Russian classic on the shelf. Chekhov's works occupy much of his attention. Dmitry Anatolyevich says in an interview that he loved Chekhov since childhood, and reads him quite regularly. He always finds something new in his works.

Reads Dmitry Anatolyevich and contemporary authors - Viktor Pelevin, Haruki Murakami and others. It is worth adding a little about Haruki Murakami, a Japanese writer. His works are very popular today, both among young people and among people of age. In Russia, he received particular popularity, the reason for such popularity is difficult to find out, most likely, it lies in the style of his presentation, together with the discovery for the West. new country rising sun.

But what about the former American leader Barack Obama , then he is in solidarity with Vladimir Putin regarding Hemingway. He then adds Mark Twain, Herman Melville, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln to his list of favorite authors. Special attention he borrows the work of Alexander Solzhenitsyn "Cancer Ward". But as a child, the President of the United States was very fond of reading Maurice Sendak's book "Where the Monsters Live."

It is also worth considering what one of the richest and most successful people in the world reads. Bill Gates. He, being an American entrepreneur, the head of Microsoft Corporation, went through a very difficult path to success. Just like many other millionaires, Bill was plagued by ups and downs, failures and ultimately success.

Not so long ago, Bill Gates shared in an interview which books he liked the most. Joshua Foer's Moonlight Walk with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything. The book gives several techniques to memorize things quickly and effectively. Foer found that people who win memory competitions use a set of specific techniques to visualize things—techniques that have been around since the dawn of time. Ancient Greece. People talk about how they work with their memory: for example, visualizing a house with many rooms and different people and the things in each of them and imagining what they are trying to remember. It should be noted that Foer himself was not sure that this technique would work, but he personally spent a year practicing it every day. After that, he took part in the American Memory Championship and won it.

The next book, "Beyond a Beautiful Eternity: Life, Death and Hope in the Slums of Mumbai," written by Katherine Boo, calls for more humanity. At the center of the story is the story of a family that was wrongly accused of a crime. Through their drama comes an understanding of how difficult conditions people live in the slums and the great injustice that exists there. This is a sad story that causes a desire to intervene, to help.

So, the second paragraph of the theoretical part of the research work is completed. Of course, there are a lot of successful people in the world and it will take a lot of time to look at all their tables with their favorite books. In this chapter, we have studied which books are read by the most famous people not only in our country, but throughout the world.

2.3. Books read by successful people in our village, school

So, above we examined what the main persons of this world prefer to read. In this part, the following research will be carried out: in particular, a survey will be conducted with successful people in our village about what books they read, which helps them to overcome difficulties and achieve their goals. Here I had a little difficulty in finding people who fall under the category of successful people. In the course of carefully clarifying this very sensitive issue, my supervisor and I settled on the following candidates (according to our parameters) of successful people:head of the municipality of the joint venture Nizhne-Ivolginskoe Dymbrynov G.B., veteran of pedagogical work Dugarova G.D., music teacher, mother of six children Mupkina S.V., head of the ODPR UVO Ulan-Ude Tsydypov Z.B. and director of our school Ochirov D.B.. There are, of course, successful people who come from our village, but we decided to focus on people who are more accessible to me. Next, I will present part of the interview I conducted.

So, an interview with the head of the MO JV Nizhne-Ivolginskoye Dymbrynov G.B.

Question - Garmazhap Bairovich, Do you think yourself as a successful person?

Answer -(laughs) Well, probably, since I'm sitting in this chair and you came to me to ask this question

AT What do you think helped you develop your personality?

O - I think that every person should have a goal and a great desire to achieve it. Man is responsible for his own life. So that this life does not sweep past you like an “empty engine”, you need to cultivate the best qualities in yourself. Moreover, all my life. As the saying goes "Live and learn"

AT - What books are you reading now?

O - The last time I read N. Nikulin's "Memories of the War." It contains the uncontrived, brutal truth about the war.

AT - And what did you read in your youth, what books did you use to develop your character, your personality?

O -First of all, this is the "Cruel Age" by Isai Kalashnikov. Then I will name L. Tolstoy "War and Peace", "Stolen Happiness" by Dr. Batozhabay.

Like V. Shukshin, V. Rasputin, D. London.

AT - What would you advise us, modern schoolchildren?

O - Of course, the classics: Russian, Buryat, foreign. Unfortunately, now they read little, more and more sit on the Internet. To educate yourself, you need to hold a book in your hands. The same questions were asked to my other, in my opinion, successful people of our village. Veteran of pedagogical work Dugarova G.D. called her best books a collection of poems by the Buryat poet B. Dugarov, F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin, which he likes to read to his grandchildren. She said that she re-read E.L. Voynich “The Gadfly”, “Les Misérables” by V. Hugo several times.

Of all the named persons, the youngest representative of a successful person is our director Ochirov D.B. In this matter, he turned out to be on a par with Vladimir Putin himself. He said that from time to time he turns to O. Khayyam's priceless ruby. In my youth, I read with pleasure A. Fadeev's "Young Guard". Now, when time allows, he reads E.M. Remarque.

Very interesting and instructive (probably even logical) was the list of favorite books of the mother of many children Mupkina S.V. For example, Sayana Vladimirovna from childhood loved to read various encyclopedias and taught her children to do this. To cope with the difficult task of a mother of many children, she often turns to the handbook that has become for her Benjamin Spock, a well-known American pediatrician, author of the book “The Child and Care for Him”. Pushkin was singled out from the classics by A.S. with his fairy tales and the story "The Captain's Daughter". This concludes my review of the reading preferences of successful people in our village and school.

Finally I want to draw a conclusion from the theoretical part: no matter what level of success you reach, one thing is clear: we are made individuals not only by education in the family, at school, but alsowell-chosen good books. It's no secret that the book market is now very diverse. There is the Internet, online books. Therefore, I think that the list of books by successful people will help you choose the right book and cultivate the best human qualities in yourself.

Practical part

3.1. Questioning to identify successful people

Questionnaire on the topic "Success and success"

  1. What does success mean to you personally?
  2. Has your idea of ​​success changed over time?
  3. Can you remember past successes?
  4. List them
  5. What kind of people do you consider successful?
  6. And why?
  7. Name ten people that you associate with the concept of "success"
  8. Do you have a role model in your aspirations for success?
  9. What qualities do you think distinguish successful people?
  10. What qualities of character that contribute to success do you possess?
  11. Do you help other people succeed? (To whom, how?)
  12. In addition to personal qualities, what helps a person become successful?
  13. In your opinion, does reading books affect the formation of success in a person? (If yes, which ones)?
  14. What are you reading?
  15. Do these books help you in shaping your success?

Survey results:

Based on the results of this survey, the following was revealed: 67% of the people I interviewed associate success with financial solvency. 98.5% consider success in any business as a success. Achievement of goals as one of the main criteria is named by 89% of respondents. Although most of the respondents find it difficult to name 10 successful people from the village, school. The list closes on 3-4 candidates. Purposefulness is called the main character trait of successful people.

3.2. Identification and compilation of a list of successful people of the school, village

In the course of considering this sensitive issue, my manager and I settled on the following candidates (according to our parameters) of successful people:head of the municipality of the joint venture Nizhne-Ivolginskoye Dymbrynov G.B., veteran of pedagogical work Dugarova G.D., music teacher, mother of six children Mupkina S.V., head of the ODPR UVO of Ulan-Ude Tsydypov Z.B. and director of our school Ochirov D.B.

3.3. Interviews with successful people(interviews with successful people from the village and school are reflected in the presentation and in part 2.3.)

3.4. List of the most popular books that help successful people

result my research work became book list and authors who were liked by successful people not only in Russia and Buryatia, but throughout the world. I think that books have had a huge impact on the development of the personality of these people, and books, in the opinion of many readers, are of excellent content.

  • Works by Omar Khayyam
  • Works by A.P. Chekhov
  • Works by Ernest Hemingway
  • Joshua Foer's Moonlight Walk with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything
  • Haruki Murakami
  • Katherine Boo Beyond a Beautiful Eternity: Life, Death and Hope in the Slums of Mumbai.
  • Roman Dr. Batozhabay. "Stolen Happiness"
  • "Cruel Age" Isai Kalashnikov.
  • "Young Guard" A. Fadeev
  • encyclopedias
  • Tales of A.S. Pushkin
  • "The Captain's Daughter" by A.S. Pushkin
  • Works by M.E. Remarque
  • Man alone is responsible for his actions.
  • Build the life you dream of, only you and no one else can do it.
  • Don't blame others for your failures
  • Don't be afraid to take risks
  • Turn your failures into invaluable experience
  • “Live a century, learn a century” (constantly engage in self-education)
  • Get as many friends as possible, meet good people
  • Read and read more good books


4. Literature:

1. Dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, M., Onyx Publishing House, 2012

2.Mendel David. Barack Obama: Biography / David Mendel. - Publisher: Amphora, 2008 - 512s.

3. Ovchinnikova, O.G. Putin, Blair, Bush. Biographies and analogies / O. G. Ovchinnikova, K. E. Khalin. - Moscow: Welby, 2004 - 288s.

4. Kuzicheva A.P. Chekhov. The life of an "individual person" / Alevtina Kuzicheva. - 2nd ed. - M.: Young Guard. 2012.- 847p.

Electronic resources:
