Speech games with preschoolers. Speech games: play with multiple meanings Speech games for kids 6 7

"What is a sound, a word, a sentence?"

Target: clarify children's ideas about the sound and semantic side of the word.


the adult asks: “What sounds do you know? (Vowels - consonants, hard - soft, voiced - deaf.) What is the name of the part of the word? (Syllable.) What does the word ... table mean? (A piece of furniture.)".
Everything that surrounds us has its own name and means something. That's why we say: "What does (or means) the word mean?" The word sounds and names all objects around, names, animals, plants.
- What is the name? How do we distinguish each other? By names. Name your parents, relatives and friends. We have a cat and a dog in our house. What are their names? People have names, and animals have ... (nicknames).
Each thing has its own name, name. Let's look around and say: what can move? what can sound? what can you sit on? sleep? ride?
- Think about why they call it that: “vacuum cleaner”, “jump rope”, “airplane”, “scooter”, “meat grinder”? From these words it is clear what they are for.
- Each letter also has its own name. What letters do you know? How is a letter different from a sound? (The letter is written and read, the sound is pronounced.) From letters we add syllables and words.
- What are the names of children that begin with the vowel sound “a” (Anya, Andrey, Anton, Alyosha). And with what sound do the names Ira, Igor, Inna begin? Pick up the names that start with a hard consonant (Roma, Natasha, Raya, Stas, Volodya), with a soft consonant (Liza, Kirill, Lenya, Lena, Mitya, Lyuba).
- We will play with words and find out what they mean, how they sound, what sound they begin with.

"Tell me more"

Target: to develop the accuracy of word usage in coherent narrative stories.

- Listen to what I'll tell. Where I stop, you will help me: choose words and make sentences.

Once upon a time there were three brothers: the wind, the breeze and the wind. The wind says: “I am the most important!” What could be the wind? (Strong, sharp, impetuous, cold ...) The windmill did not agree with his brother: “No, I am the most important, my name is the windfall!” What kind of wind? (Mighty, evil, harsh, icy.) The breeze listened to them and thought: “What am I?” (Light, gentle, pleasant, affectionate ...) The brothers argued for a long time, but they did not find out anything. They decided to measure their strength. Wind started to blow. What happened? (The trees swayed, the grass bent down to the ground.) What was the wind doing? (He blew, rushed, buzzed, grumbled.) The wind blew. What did he do? (He blew strongly, howled, howled, rushed swiftly.) What happened after that? (The branches near the trees broke, the grass died, the clouds came running, the birds and animals hid.) And then a breeze blew. What did he do (blew gently and gently, rustled leaves, played pranks, swayed twigs). What happened in nature? (The leaves rustled, the birds sang, it became cool and pleasant.)

-Come up with a fairy tale about the wind, breeze or wind. It is possible about all at once. Who can they be in a fairy tale? (Brothers, rivals, friends, comrades.) What can they do? (Be friends, measure strength, argue, talk.)

"Find the Sound"

Target: find words with one and two syllables.

- Find words with one and two syllables. How many syllables are in the word chicken? (The word "beetle" consists of one syllable, "fur coat", "hat", "toad", "fence", "heron" - from two, "chicken" - from three.)
What words start with the same sound? Name these sounds.
(The words "hat" and "fur coat" begin with the sound "Sh", the words "beetle" and "toad" - with the sound "F", the words "fence", "castle" - with the sound "Z", the words "chicken" , "heron" - from the sound "C".)
- Name vegetables, fruits and berries with the sounds "P" (carrots, grapes, pear, peach, pomegranate, currant), "Pb" (pepper, turnip, radish, tangerine, cherry, apricot), "L" (eggplant, apple , dogwood), "L" (raspberry, lemon, orange, plum).

"Picture - basket"

Target: find words with three syllables, select words that sound similar.

Together with the child, an adult examines the drawing, which depicts: a picture, a rocket, a frog.
- How many syllables are in the words "picture", "frog", "rocket"? (Three.)
- Choose words similar in sound to these words: “picture” (basket, car), “frog” (pillow, tub), “rocket” (candy, cutlet), “helicopter” (airplane), “birch” (mimosa) ).
- What does a frog do (jumps, swims), a rocket (flies, rushes), a picture (hangs)?
The child pronounces all the words and says that each of these words has three syllables.

"Let's go, fly, swim"

Target: teach children to find a given sound at the beginning, middle and end of a word.

There are six pictures in the figure depicting transport: a helicopter, an airplane, a bus, a trolleybus, a motor ship, a tram (Fig. 4).
- Name all the objects in one word. (Transport.)
- How many syllables are in these words? (All words, except for the word "tram", have three syllables.) What sound occurs in all these words (at the beginning, middle, end of the word)? (The sound "T" is found at the beginning of the words "trolleybus", "motor ship", "tram", in the middle of the words "helicopter", "bus", at the end of the words "helicopter", "airplane".)
- Make a sentence with any word ("The plane flies fast").
- Tell me, what flies? (Airplane, helicopter.) What is going? (Bus, trolleybus, tram.) What floats? (Motor ship.)
- Guess by the first and last sound what type of transport I have in mind: T-C (trolleybus), A-C (bus), C-T (airplane), B-T (helicopter), M-O (metro), T -I (taxi).

"What do you see around?"

Target: clarify children's ideas about the name of objects.

- Name the things you see around you. How do we distinguish one item from another? (They sit at the table, study, eat, sit on a chair.)
- If two girls stand in front of you, both in red dresses, with white bows. How do we distinguish them? (By name.)
- What do the words ... "ball", "doll", "pen" mean?
- I have in my hand ... a pen. What are they doing to her? (They write.) The door also has a handle. Why are these objects called by the same word? (They are held by hands.) What does the word "pen" mean for this object? (They write with it.) And what does the word “handle” mean (we point to the doorknob)? (“They open and close the door.”)
- Can you name words that do not mean anything? Listen to Irina Tokmakova's poem "Plym":

L a spoon is a spoon. And I came up with a word.
They eat soup with a spoon. Funny word - plim.
A cat is a cat. I repeat again -
The cat has seven kittens. Plym, plym, plym.
A rag is a rag. Here he jumps and jumps -
Wipe the table with a rag. Plym, plym, plym.
A hat is a hat. And don't mean a thing
I got dressed and went. Plym, plym, plym.

- Come up with words that don't mean anything (tram-tatam, tuturu).

"Tell me what"

Target: name the signs of the object and action; enrich speech with adjectives and verbs; choose words that are close in meaning.

- When we want to talk about an object, what is it, what words do we call it?
- Listen to M. Shchelovanova's poem "Morning":

What is this morning? Today there will be no sun
Today is a bad morning, today there will be no sun,
Today is a boring morning, today will be gloomy,
And it looks like it's going to rain. Grey, cloudy day.
- Why bad morning? Why won't there be sun?
Today good morning There will probably be sun
Today is a fun morning, there will definitely be sun
And the clouds go away. And a cool blue shadow.

-What is this poem talking about? (About a sunny and cloudy morning.) As it is said about the first day in the poem, what is it like? (Gloomy, gray.) How to say in other words about this day? Choose words that are close in meaning (rainy, sad, boring, unfriendly). And if the morning is sunny, how else can you say what it is? Choose words that are close in meaning (cheerful, joyful, blue,
cloudless). What else can be gloomy? (Mood, weather, sky, person.) What can be sunny?
- There are also words that call what a person does, what can be done with this or that object. If a person frowns, how to say it differently? (Sad, sad, upset, offended.)
- And there are such words and expressions that express the meaning not quite accurately. I heard other children say: “Dad, go in a whisper”, “I woke up my sister”, “I put on my shoes inside out”. Is it possible to say so? How to say it right?

"Find the exact word"

Target: teach children to accurately name the object, its qualities and actions.

- Find out what subject I'm talking about: "Round, sweet, ruddy - what is it?" Items can differ from each other not only in taste, but also in size, color, shape.
- Supplement in other words what I will start: the snow is white, cold ... (what else?). Sugar is sweet, and lemon ... (sour). In spring, the weather is warm, and in winter ... (cold).
- Name what things in the room are round, high, low.
- Remember which of the animals moves. Crow ... (flies), fish ... (swims), grasshopper ... (jumps), already ... (crawls). Which animal gives a voice? A rooster... (crowing), a tiger... (roaring), a mouse... (squeaking), a cow... (mooing).
- Help me find words that are opposite in meaning in D. Ciardi's poem "The Farewell Game":

With I say the word high, I'll tell you the word coward,
And you will answer ... (low). You will answer ... (brave).
I will say a word far, Now I will say the beginning -
And you will answer ... (close). Well, answer ... (end).

- Now you can think of words that are opposite in meaning.

"High Low"

Target: learn to compare objects and find words that are opposite in meaning.

To In this game, you need to pick up pictures: a tall Christmas tree, a long pencil, a wide ribbon, a deep bowl of soup, a cheerful face of a girl (laughs or smiles), a boy in soiled clothes, as well as: a small Christmas tree, a short pencil, a narrow ribbon, a sad face of a girl, a boy in clean clothes, a small plate (Fig. 5).
- Look at the pictures. Name words that are opposite in meaning. Say the difference between similar faces and objects.
High - low (Christmas tree - Christmas tree), long - short (pencil), wide - narrow (ribbon), sad - cheerful (girl's face), deep - shallow (plate), clean - dirty (boy).
In the next picture: a big house and a small house, a river - a stream, strawberries - strawberries.
- What do you see in these pictures? Make sentences with words that are opposite in meaning. (“I drew a big house and a small house.” “The river is deep, but the stream is shallow.” “The strawberries have large berries, and the strawberries have small ones.”)
- Listen to an excerpt from Silva Kaputikyan's poem "Masha is having lunch":

... There is no refusal to anyone,
Dinner served to everyone:
Doggy - in a bowl,
In a saucer - pussy,
Laying hen -
Millet in a skull
And Masha - in a plate,
Deep, not shallow.

- What is deep and shallow? How do you understand the expression: a deep river (has great depth); deep secret (hidden); deep feeling (strong).

"Is this true or not?"

Target: find inaccuracies in the text.

- Listen to L. Stanchev's poem "Is it true or not?". You need to listen carefully, then you can notice what does not happen in the world.

Warm spring now
Our grapes are ripe.
Horned horse in the meadow
Jumping in the snow in summer.
Late autumn bear
Likes to sit in the river.
And in winter among the branches
"Ha-ha-ha!" - sang the nightingale.

-Quickly give me an answer: is it true or not?
- Listen to what other children said, think about whether it is possible to say so, and tell me how to say it correctly:
“Aunt, look: the horse has two tails - one on the head, the other on the back”; “Daddy, it’s the horse’s soles that are knocked out”; “Dad, they sawed firewood here recently: there are sawmills lying around in the snow”; “I opened my eyes a little and looked in a whisper”; "Mommy, I love you loudly, loudly."
- Can you come up with fables or confusions for other children or adults to unravel.

"Find another word"

Target: describe the situation accurately; choose synonyms and antonyms.

-Dad decided to make a swing for the children, Misha brought him a rope. "No, this rope is no good, it will break." Misha brought him another one. “But this one won’t break for anything.” What rope did Misha bring first? (Thin, dilapidated.) And then? (Strong, strong.)
- Dad did the swing in the summer. But then came ... winter. Misha grew up as a strong boy (healthy, strong). He went out to skate and felt hard ice under his feet. How to say differently? (Strong, not fragile.) The frost grew stronger (became stronger).
- How do you understand the expression "hard nut"? (It is difficult to break it, to break it.) So they say not only about nuts, but also about people who cannot be broken by any adversity. They say about them: “strong in spirit” (meaning a strong, persistent person).
- Explain what the words mean: “strong fabric” (strong), “strong sleep” (deep), “strong tea” (very strong, not diluted with boiling water). What expressions with the word "strong" did you meet in fairy tales and in which ones? (In the fairy tale “Kids and the Wolf”, the goat tightly (very strictly) ordered the children to firmly (very tightly) lock the door.)
- Think of sentences with the word "strong".
- I will call you words, and you will tell me words with the opposite meaning: long, deep, soft, light, thin, thick, strong; talk, laugh, fall, laugh, run.
Think of a story that contains words that are opposite in meaning. You can take the words that we just called.

"Say one word"

Target: find words that accurately assess the situation.

- The student solved the problem and could not solve it in any way. He thought for a long time, but still decided it! What task did he get? (Difficult, difficult, difficult.) Which of these words is the most accurate? (Difficult.) What are we talking about heavy, heavy, heavy? Replace the expressions: heavy load (having a lot of weight), heavy sleep (restless), heavy air (unpleasant), severe wound (dangerous, serious), heavy feeling (painful, sorrowful), heavy on the rise (hard to decide on something ), severe punishment (severe).
- How do you understand the expressions “hard work” (it requires a lot of work), “hard day” (not easy), “difficult child” (hard to educate). What other expressions with this word have you heard?
- Listen to E. Serova's poem "Tell me a word." You will tell me the right words.

The verse flowed smoothly, smoothly, I say to my brother: “Oh!
Suddenly he stumbled and fell silent. Peas are falling from the sky!”
He waits and sighs: “Here’s an eccentric,” the brother laughs,
Words are missing. Your peas - after all, this is ... (hail) ".
To go on a good journey again From whom, my friends,
The verse flowed like a river, Can't you run away?
Help him just a little, Persistent on a clear day
Suggest a word. Wandering next to us ... (shadow).

-Come up with a story so that it contains such words: “big”, “huge”, “huge”; "small", "tiny", "tiny"; "runs", "rushes", "rushes"; "goes", "weaves", "drags".
Developing children's understanding of the meanings of polysemantic words of different parts of speech ("lightning", "faucet", "leaf"; "pour", "swim"; "full", "sharp", "heavy"), we teach them to combine words by meaning according to the context.

"Who's Who"

Target: correlate the name of animals and their cubs, select actions for the name of animals.

R the child examines the drawings - animals with cubs: a chicken and a chicken peck grains (or drink water), a cat and a kitten lap milk (option - play with a ball), a dog and a puppy gnaw a bone (option - bark), a cow and a calf nibble grass (option - lowing), a horse and a foal chew hay (option - they jump), a duck and a duckling swim (quack).
- Name the animals and their babies.
- Pick up definitions for the names of animal cubs: tell me which chicken (cat, dog, cow, duck, horse), which chicken (kitten, puppy, calf, foal, duckling)?

"One is Many"

Target: exercise in the formation of the plural and the correct use of words in the genitive case; select definitions and actions for words; find the first sound in words, determine the number of syllables, select words that are similar in sound.

-This is a ball, and this is ... (balls). There are many ... (balls). What balls? (Red, blue, green.) How can one say in one word that all the balls are of different colors? (Multicolored.)
- This is a poppy, and this is ... (poppies). There are a lot of ... (poppies) in the bouquet. What are they? (Red.) What else is red? How do you understand the expression "red girl"? Where is this expression found? What fairy tales?
- Guess the riddle: “Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats. Whoever undresses him sheds tears.” This is ... (bow). What is he? (Yellow, juicy, bitter, healthy.) Is there a lot in the basket? (Luke.)
- What is it? What is there a lot?
- And if all the objects disappear, how do we say what is gone? (Eagle, saws, bears, mice, cones, spoons, legs, cats.)

"Make a Description"

Target: to teach children to describe an object, naming its signs, qualities, actions.

- Describe the berry or fruit that you love the most, and we will guess. ("It's round, red, juicy, delicious - it's my favorite ... tomato"; "It's maroon in color, and inside it has many, many different grains, sweet and ripe, this is my favorite fruit ... pomegranate" .)
Here is an example of classes where everything is closely intertwined speech tasks: upbringing sound culture speech, vocabulary work, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech and the development of coherent speech.

"Make up a story"

Target: to teach children to understand the figurative meaning of words and expressions, which, depending on phrases, change their meaning, and to transfer them into a coherent statement.- Finish the sentence:

1. The pillow is soft, and the bench ... (hard).
Plasticine is soft, and the stone ... (hard).

2. The stream is shallow, and the river ... (deep).
Currant berries are small, and strawberries ... (large).

3. Porridge is boiled thick, and soup ... (liquid).
The forest is dense, and sometimes ... (rare).

4. After the rain, the earth is damp, and in sunny weather ... (dry).
We buy raw potatoes, and eat ... (boiled).

5. We bought fresh bread, and the next day it became ... (stale).
In the summer we ate fresh cucumbers, and in the winter ... (salted).
Now the collar is fresh, and tomorrow it will be ... (dirty).

-Explain how you understand these expressions: the rain was mischievous; the forest is dormant; the house is growing; streams run; the song flows.
- How to say in another way: evil winter (very cold); prickly wind (harsh); light breeze (cool); golden hands (everyone knows how to do beautifully); golden hair (beautiful, shiny)?
- Where did you meet the expression "evil winter"? (In fairy tales.) To whom does the word "evil" refer? (Evil stepmother, evil witch, evil Baba Yaga.)
- Come up with a folding ending to the phrases: “Teddy bear, where did you walk? (I was looking for honey on a tree.) Bear cubs, where have you been? (We went to the forest for raspberries, we wandered in the clearing.) The teddy bear was looking for honey (and lost his brother).
- Come up with a story about two cubs, and I will write it down, then we will read it to dad (grandmother, sister).

The main task of working with children of older preschool age in mastering the phonetic side of speech and the correct pronunciation of all the sounds of the native language is to further improve speech hearing, to consolidate the skills of a clear, correct, expressive speech. Children can already clearly differentiate what a sound, word, sentence is. To work out diction, voice power, tempo of speech, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, riddles, nursery rhymes, poems are used.

"What is a sound, a word, a sentence?"

Target: clarify children's ideas about the sound and semantic side of the word.

The adult asks: “What sounds do you know? (Vowels - consonants, hard - soft, voiced - deaf.) What is the name of the part of the word? (Syllable.) What does the word ... table mean? (A piece of furniture.)". Everything that surrounds us has its own name and means something. That's why we say: "What does (or means) the word mean?" The word sounds and names all objects around, names, animals, plants. - What is a name? How do we distinguish each other? By names. Name your parents, relatives and friends. We have a cat and a dog in our house. What are their names? People have names, and animals have ... (nicknames). Each thing has its own name, name. Let's look around and say: what can move? what can sound? what can you sit on? sleep? ride? - Think about why they call it that: “vacuum cleaner”, “jump rope”, “airplane”, “scooter”, “meat grinder”? From these words it is clear what they are for. Each letter also has its own name. What letters do you know? How is a letter different from a sound? (The letter is written and read, the sound is pronounced.) From letters we add syllables and words. - What are the names of children that begin with the vowel sound "a" (Anya, Andrey, Anton, Alyosha). And with what sound do the names Ira, Igor, Inna begin? Pick up the names that start with a hard consonant (Roma, Natasha, Raya, Stas, Volodya), with a soft consonant (Liza, Kirill, Lenya, Lena, Mitya, Lyuba). - We will play with words and find out what they mean, how they sound, what sound they begin with.

"Find the Sound"

Target: find words with one and two syllables.

Find words with one and two syllables. How many syllables are in the word chicken? (The word "beetle" consists of one syllable, "fur coat", "hat", "toad", "fence", "heron" - of two, "chicken" - of three.) - What words begin with the same sound? Name these sounds. (The words "hat" and "fur coat" begin with the sound "Sh", the words "beetle" and "toad" - with the sound "Zh", the words "fence", "castle" - with the sound "Z", the words "chicken" , "heron" - with the sound "C".) - Name vegetables, fruits and berries with the sounds "P" (carrots, grapes, pears, peach, pomegranate, currants), "Pb" (pepper, turnip, radish, tangerine, cherry, apricot), "L" (eggplant, apple, dogwood), "L" (raspberry, lemon, orange, plum).

"Picture - basket"

Target: find words with three syllables, select words that sound similar.

Together with the child, an adult examines the drawing, which depicts: a picture, a rocket, a frog. - How many syllables are in the words "picture", "frog", "rocket"? (Three.) - Pick up words similar in sound to these words: “picture” (basket, car), “frog” (pillow, tub), “rocket” (candy, cutlet), “helicopter” (airplane), “ birch" (mimosa). - What does the frog do (jumps, swims), the rocket (flies, rushes), the picture (hangs)? The child pronounces all the words and says that each of these words has three syllables.

"Let's go, fly, swim"

Target: teach children to find a given sound at the beginning, middle and end of a word.

There are six pictures in the figure depicting transport: a helicopter, an airplane, a bus, a trolleybus, a motor ship, a tram (Fig. 4). Name all the objects in one word. (Transport.) - Tell me, how many syllables are in these words? (All words, except for the word "tram", have three syllables.) What sound occurs in all these words (at the beginning, middle, end of the word)? (The sound "T" is found at the beginning of the words "trolleybus", "motor ship", "tram", in the middle of the words "helicopter", "bus", at the end of the words "helicopter", "airplane".) - Make a sentence with any word ("The plane is flying fast"). - Tell me, what flies? (Airplane, helicopter.) What is going? (Bus, trolleybus, tram.) What floats? (Motor ship.) - Guess by the first and last sound what type of transport I have in mind: T - C (trolleybus), A - C (bus), C - T (airplane), B - T (helicopter), M - O ( metro), T-I (taxi).

Older preschoolers learn to select not only words that are similar in sound, but also whole phrases that rhythmically and intonationally continue the given sentence: “Bunny, bunny, where did you walk?” (He danced in the clearing.) “Where did you jump, squirrel?” (I was picking nuts.) “Hey, animals, where have you been?” (We carried mushrooms to hedgehogs.) They learn to change the volume of their voice, the pace of speech, depending on the conditions of communication, on the content of the statement. Children are offered to pronounce tongue twisters or couplets invented by themselves, not only clearly and distinctly, but also with varying degrees of volume (whisper, in an undertone, loudly) and speed (slowly, moderately, quickly). These tasks can be performed in parallel and vary (for example, say a phrase loudly and slowly, in a whisper and quickly). Special tasks encourage children to use interrogative, exclamatory and narrative intonation, and this skill is necessary for them when building a coherent statement. Work continues with older preschoolers to enrich, clarify and activate the dictionary. Much attention is paid to the development of children's skills to generalize, compare, contrast. The dictionary introduces words denoting the material from which the object is made (“wood”, “metal”, “plastic”, “glass”), riddles and descriptions of objects, their properties, qualities and actions are widely used. Special attention is given to work on the semantic side of the word, to expand the stock of synonyms and antonyms, polysemantic words, the ability to use words that most accurately fit the situation is formed.

"What do you see around?"

Target: clarify children's ideas about the name of objects.

Name the things you see around you. How do we distinguish one item from another? (They sit at the table, study, eat, sit on a chair.) - If two girls stand in front of you, both in red dresses, with white bows. How do we distinguish them? (By name.) - What do the words ... "ball", "doll", "pen" mean? — I have in my hand... a pen. What are they doing to her? (They write.) The door also has a handle. Why are these objects called by the same word? (They are held by hands.) What does the word "pen" mean for this object? (They write with it.) And what does the word “handle” mean (we point to the doorknob)? (“They open and close the door with it.”) - Can you name words that do not mean anything? Listen to Irina Tokmakova's poem "Plym":

A spoon is a spoon. And I came up with a word. They eat soup with a spoon. A funny word is plim. A cat is a cat. I repeat again - The cat has seven kittens. Plim, plim, plim. A rag is a rag. Here he jumps and jumps - Wipe the table with a rag. Plim, plim, plim. A hat is a hat. And nothing means I got dressed and went. Plym, plym, plym.

- Come up with words that don’t mean anything (tram-tatam, tuturu).

Working with synonyms helps children understand the possibility of choosing different words with a similar meaning and the formation of skills to use them in their speech. Choosing words that are close in meaning to the phrase (cheerful boy - joyful; the train is coming - moving; Masha and Sasha are children, friends), to a certain situation (at a birthday party they are having fun, rejoice), to an isolated word (smart - sensible; old - dilapidated), children learn the accuracy of word usage, depending on the context. When composing sentences with words of a synonymous series, denoting an increase in actions (whispers, speaks, shouts), children are aware of the shades of the meanings of verbs.

"Tell me what"

Target: name the signs of the object and action; enrich speech with adjectives and verbs; choose words that are close in meaning.

- When we want to talk about an object, what is it, what words do we call it? - Listen to M. Shchelovanova's poem "Morning":

What is this morning? Today there will be no sun, Today is a bad morning, Today there will be no sun, Today is a boring morning. Today it will be gloomy, And it seems to be raining. Grey, cloudy day. Why bad morning? Why won't there be sun? Today is a good morning, There will probably be sun, Today is a cheerful morning There will definitely be sun And the clouds go away. And a cool blue shadow.

- What is this poem about? (About a sunny and cloudy morning.) As it is said about the first day in the poem, what is it like? (Gloomy, gray.) How to say in other words about this day? Choose words that are close in meaning (rainy, sad, boring, unfriendly). And if the morning is sunny, how else can you say what it is? Choose words that are close in meaning (cheerful, joyful, blue, cloudless). What else can be gloomy? (Mood, weather, sky, person.) What can be sunny? - There are also words that call what a person does, what can be done with this or that object. If a person frowns, how to say it differently? (He is sad, sad, upset, offended.) - But there are such words and expressions that express the meaning not quite accurately. I heard other children say: “Dad, go in a whisper”, “I woke up my sister”, “I put on my shoes inside out”. Is it possible to say so? How to say it right?

"Find the exact word"

Target: teach children to accurately name the object, its qualities and actions.

- Find out what subject I'm talking about: "Round, sweet, ruddy - what is it?" Items can differ from each other not only in taste, but also in size, color, shape. - Supplement in other words what I will start: the snow is white, cold ... (what else?). Sugar is sweet, and lemon ... (sour). In spring, the weather is warm, and in winter ... (cold). - Name what things in the room are round, high, low. - Remember which of the animals moves. Crow ... (flies), fish ... (swims), grasshopper ... (jumps), already ... (crawls). Which animal gives a voice? A rooster... (crowing), a tiger... (roaring), a mouse... (squeaking), a cow... (mooing). - Help me find words that are opposite in meaning in D. Ciardi's poem "The Farewell Game":

I will say the word high, I will tell you the word coward, And you will answer ... (low). You will answer ... (brave). I will say a word far, Now I will say the beginning - And you will answer ... (close). Well, answer ... (end).

Now you can think of words that are opposite in meaning.

Older preschoolers can distinguish between words that reflect the nature of the movement (run - rush; came - dragged along) or the meaning of adjectives of an evaluative nature (smart - reasonable; old - decrepit; timid - cowardly). An important place in the development of the dictionary is occupied by work on antonyms, as a result of which children learn to compare objects and phenomena according to temporal and spatial relationships (in size, color, weight, quality). They select words that are opposite in meaning to phrases (old house - new, old person - young), to isolated words (light - heavy), or finish the sentence started by the teacher: "One loses, the other ... (finds)".

"High Low"

Target: learn to compare objects and find words that are opposite in meaning.

For this game, you need to pick up pictures: a tall Christmas tree, a long pencil, a wide ribbon, a deep bowl of soup, a cheerful face of a girl (laughs or smiles), a boy in soiled clothes, as well as: a small Christmas tree, a short pencil, a narrow ribbon, a sad face of a girl , a boy in clean clothes, a small plate (Fig. 5). - Look at the pictures. Name words that are opposite in meaning. Say the difference between similar faces and objects. High - low (Christmas tree - Christmas tree), long - short (pencil), wide - narrow (tape), sad - cheerful (girl's face), deep - shallow (plate), clean - dirty (boy). In the next picture: a big house and a small house, a river - a stream, strawberries - strawberries. - What do you see in these pictures? Make sentences with words that are opposite in meaning. (“I drew a big house and a small house.” “The river is deep, but the stream is shallow.” “The berries of strawberries are large, and those of strawberries are small.”) - Listen to an excerpt from Silva Kaputikyan’s poem “Masha is having lunch”:

... There is no refusal to anyone, Dinner is served to everyone: To a dog - in a bowl, In a saucer - to a pussy, To a laying hen - Millet in a skull, And Masha - in a plate, In a deep, not in a shallow one.

What is deep and shallow? How do you understand the expression: a deep river (has great depth); deep secret (hidden); deep feeling (strong); shallow river (has a shallow depth); light rain (mild); fine sand (medium-sized).

"Is this true or not?"

Target: find inaccuracies in the text.

- Listen to L. Stanchev's poem "Is it true or not?". You need to listen carefully, then you can notice what does not happen in the world.

Warm spring now, Grapes are ripe with us. A horned horse in the meadow Jumps in the snow in summer. In late autumn, the bear loves to sit in the river. And in winter among the branches "Ha-ha-ha!" sang the nightingale.

- Quickly give me the answer: is it true or not? - Listen to what other children said, think about whether it is possible to say so, and say how to say it correctly: “Aunt, look: the horse has two tails - one on the head, the other on the back”; “Daddy, it’s the horse’s soles that are knocked out”; “Dad, they sawed firewood here recently: there are sawmills lying around in the snow”; “I opened my eyes a little and looked in a whisper”; "Mommy, I love you loudly, loudly." - Can you think of tall tales or confusions for other children or adults to unravel.

"Find another word"

Target: describe the situation accurately; choose synonyms and antonyms.

- Dad decided to make a swing for the children, Misha brought him a rope. "No, this rope is no good, it will break." Misha brought him another one. “But this one won’t break for anything.” What rope did Misha bring first? (Thin, dilapidated.) And then? (Strong, durable.) - Dad made the swing in the summer. But then came ... winter. Misha grew up as a strong boy (healthy, strong). He went out to skate and felt hard ice under his feet. How to say differently? (Strong, not fragile.) The frost grew stronger (became stronger). - How do you understand the expression "hard nut"? (It is difficult to break it, to break it.) So they say not only about nuts, but also about people who cannot be broken by any adversity. They say about them: “strong in spirit” (meaning a strong, persistent person). - Explain what the words mean: “strong fabric” (strong), “strong sleep” (deep), “strong tea” (very strong, not diluted with boiling water). What expressions with the word "strong" did you meet in fairy tales and in which ones? (In the fairy tale “Kids and the Wolf”, the goat tightly (very strictly) ordered the children to lock the door tightly (very tightly).) - Make up sentences with the word “strong”. - I will call you words, and you say words to me with the opposite meaning: long, deep, soft, light, thin, thick, strong; talk, laugh, fall, laugh, run. Think of a story that contains words that are opposite in meaning. You can take the words that we just called.

"Say one word"

Target: find words that accurately assess the situation.

The student solved the problem and could not solve it in any way. He thought for a long time, but still decided it! What task did he get? (Difficult, difficult, difficult.) Which of these words is the most accurate? (Difficult.) What are we talking about heavy, heavy, heavy? Replace the expressions: heavy load (having a lot of weight), heavy sleep (restless), heavy air (unpleasant), severe wound (dangerous, serious), heavy feeling (painful, sorrowful), heavy on the rise (hard to decide on something ), severe punishment (severe). - How do you understand the expressions “hard work” (it requires a lot of work), “hard day” (not easy), “difficult child” (hard to educate). What other expressions with this word have you heard? - Listen to the poem by E. Serova "Tell me a word." You will tell me the right words.

The verse flowed smoothly, smoothly, I say to my brother: “Oh! Suddenly he stumbled and fell silent. Peas are falling from the sky!” He waits and sighs: “Here is an eccentric,” the brother laughs, “The words are not enough. Your peas - after all, this is ... (hail). So that again on a good journey From whom, my friends, The verse flowed like a river, It's impossible to run away? Help him a little, Relentlessly on a clear day Give me a word. Wandering next to us ... (shadow).

- Think up a story so that it contains such words: “big”, “huge”, “huge”; "small", "tiny", "tiny"; "runs", "rushes", "rushes"; "goes", "weaves", "drags". Developing children's understanding of the meanings of polysemantic words of different parts of speech ("lightning", "faucet", "leaf"; "pour", "swim"; "full", "sharp", "heavy"), we teach them to combine words by meaning according to the context.

Older preschoolers continue to be taught those grammatical forms, the assimilation of which causes them difficulties: the agreement of adjectives and nouns (especially in the middle gender), the formation of difficult forms of the verb (in the imperative and subjunctive mood). It is necessary to give the child a complete orientation in the typical ways of inflection and word formation, to cultivate a linguistic flair, an attentive attitude to the language, its grammatical structure, a critical attitude to one's own and other people's speech, and the desire to speak correctly. Children develop the ability to choose a word-formation pair from a number of words (those words that have general part, - “teaches”, “book”, “pen”, “teacher”; “story”, “interesting”, “tell”) or form a word according to the model: cheerful - fun; fast... (quick), loud... (loud). Children find related words in context. For example, with the word “yellow”: “There are (yellow) flowers growing in the garden. Grass begins in autumn ... (turn yellow). The leaves on the trees... (turn yellow)." Children develop the ability to form nouns with magnifying, diminutive, affectionate suffixes and understand the difference in the semantic shades of the word: birch - birch - birch; book - booklet - booklet. Distinguishing the semantic shades of verbs (ran - ran - ran) and adjectives (smart - smartest, bad - inferior, full - plump) develops the ability to accurately and appropriately use these words in different types of statements.

"Who's Who"

Target: correlate the name of animals and their cubs, select actions for the name of animals.

The child examines the drawings (Fig. 6) - animals with cubs: a chicken and a chicken peck grains (or drink water), a cat and a kitten lap milk (option - play with a ball), a dog and a puppy gnaw a bone (option - bark), a cow and a calf they nibble grass (option - lowing), the horse and foal chew hay (option - jump), duck and duckling swim (quack). Name the animals and their babies. - Pick up definitions for the names of baby animals: tell me which chicken (cat, dog, cow, duck, horse), which chicken (kitten, puppy, calf, foal, duckling)?

"One - many"

Target: exercise in the formation of the plural and the correct use of words in the genitive case; select definitions and actions for words; find the first sound in words, determine the number of syllables, select words that are similar in sound.

- This is a ball, and this is ... (balls). There are many ... (balls). What balls? (Red, blue, green.) How can one say in one word that all the balls are of different colors? (Multi-colored.) - This is a poppy, and this is ... (poppies). There are a lot of ... (poppies) in the bouquet. What are they? (Red.) What else is red? How do you understand the expression "red girl"? Where is this expression found? What fairy tales? - Guess the riddle: “Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats. Whoever undresses him sheds tears.” This is ... (bow). What is he? (Yellow, juicy, bitter, healthy.) Is there a lot in the basket? (Luke.) — What is it? What is there a lot? “And if all the objects disappear, how do we say what is gone?” (Eagle, saws, bears, mice, cones, spoons, legs, cats.)

Particular attention is paid to the syntactic side of speech - the ability to build not only simple common, but also complex sentences of various types. For this, exercises are carried out to distribute and supplement the sentences started by the teacher (“The children went to the forest so that ... They ended up where ...”). The formation of the syntactic side of the speech of children, various syntactic constructions necessary for the development of coherent speech. In retelling literary works (a fairy tale or a story), children learn to coherently, consistently and expressively convey the finished text without the help of an adult, conveying the dialogue intonation actors and characteristics of the characters. In storytelling based on a picture, the ability to independently compose a descriptive or narrative story based on its content involves indicating the place and time of the action, inventing events that precede and follow the depicted one. Storytelling through a series of plot pictures forms in children the ability to develop a storyline, come up with a name for a story in accordance with the content, combine individual sentences and parts of a statement into a narrative text. In talking about toys (or a set of toys), children are taught to compose stories and fairy tales, observing the composition and expressive presentation of the text. Choosing the appropriate characters for storytelling, children give their description and characteristics. With children of older preschool age, learning to tell from personal experience continues, and these can be statements of various types - descriptions, narratives, reasoning.

"Make a Description"

Target: to teach children to describe an object, naming its signs, qualities, actions.

- Describe the berry or fruit that you love the most, and we will guess. ("It's round, red, juicy, delicious - it's my favorite ... tomato"; "It's maroon in color, and inside it has many, many different grains, sweet and ripe, this is my favorite fruit ... pomegranate" .) Let us give an example of classes where all speech tasks are closely intertwined: the education of a sound culture of speech, vocabulary work, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech and the development of coherent speech.

"Make up a story"

Target: to teach children to understand the figurative meaning of words and expressions, which, depending on phrases, change their meaning, and to transfer them into a coherent statement.

- Finish the sentence:

1. The pillow is soft, and the bench ... (hard). Plasticine is soft, and the stone ... (hard).

2. The stream is shallow, and the river ... (deep). Currant berries are small, and strawberries ... (large).

3. Porridge is boiled thick, and soup ... (liquid). The forest is dense, and sometimes ... (rare).

4. After the rain, the earth is damp, and in sunny weather ... (dry). We buy raw potatoes, and eat ... (boiled).

5. We bought fresh bread, and the next day it became ... (stale). In the summer we ate fresh cucumbers, and in the winter ... (salted). Now the collar is fresh, and tomorrow it will be ... (dirty).

- Explain how you understand these expressions: the rain was mischievous; the forest is dormant; the house is growing; streams run; the song flows. - How to say in another way: an evil winter (very cold); prickly wind (harsh); light breeze (cool); golden hands (everyone knows how to do beautifully); golden hair (beautiful, shiny)? - Where did you meet the expression "evil winter"? (In fairy tales.) To whom does the word "evil" refer? (Evil stepmother, evil witch, evil Baba Yaga.) - Come up with a folding ending to the phrases: “Teddy bear, where did you walk? (I was looking for honey on a tree.) Bear cubs, where have you been? (We went to the forest for raspberries, we wandered in the clearing.) The teddy bear was looking for honey (and lost his brother). - Come up with a story about two cubs, and I will write it down, then we will read it to dad (grandmother, sister).

"Tell me more"

Target: to develop the accuracy of word usage in coherent narrative stories.

“Listen to what I will tell you. Where I stop, you will help me: choose words and make sentences.

Once upon a time there were three brothers: the wind, the breeze and the wind. The wind says: “I am the most important!” What could be the wind? (Strong, sharp, impetuous, cold ...) The windmill did not agree with his brother: “No, I am the most important, my name is the windfall!” What kind of wind? (Mighty, evil, harsh, icy.) The breeze listened to them and thought: “What am I?” (Light, gentle, pleasant, affectionate ...) The brothers argued for a long time, but they did not find out anything. They decided to measure their strength. Wind started to blow. What happened? (The trees swayed, the grass bent down to the ground.) What was the wind doing? (He blew, rushed, buzzed, grumbled.) The wind blew. What did he do? (He blew strongly, howled, howled, rushed swiftly.) What happened after that? (The branches near the trees broke, the grass died, the clouds came running, the birds and animals hid.) And then a breeze blew. What did he do (blew gently and gently, rustled leaves, played pranks, swayed twigs). What happened in nature? (The leaves rustled, the birds sang, it became cool and pleasant.)

- Think of a fairy tale about the wind, a breeze or a windmill. It is possible about all at once. Who can they be in a fairy tale? (Brothers, rivals, friends, comrades.) What can they do? (Be friends, measure strength, argue, talk.)

All these exercises, games, activities can be repeated so that children learn that words matter, can change. They sound different. If the child completes all the tasks correctly, then he has high level speech development and he is well prepared for school.

Irina Rumyantseva
Card file "Speech games and exercises for children 5-6 years old"

1. "Can you name it?"

Target: select words for a given vowel sound, which is at the beginning of a word.

Game progress.

The teacher sets any vowel sound out of four ([a], [o], [y], [and], children select words. The game is accompanied by words from a poem by L. Kuklin.

That's how many words on [a] we can say!

(Children list words for a given sound.)

Oh, that's enough! And the sound can get tired too!

But what can we call on [o]?

(Children list words for another given sound, etc.).

2. "Guess the word"


Game progress.

Howls, blows, hums. Who is it?

3. "Falling, Falling Leaves"(using leaves - blower)

Target: exercise children in the use of spatial prepositions on, under, in, for.

The progress of the exercise.

1st option. The teacher (without children) puts the blowers in different places in the group room. He draws the attention of the children that while they were gone, autumn leaves scattered around the group. Suggests to name where each leaf is located. The child, who correctly named the location of the leaf, picks it up and hangs it on a tree.

Sample statements from children:

- “One (yellow, orange) leaf flew (fell) onto (under) a table (chair, sofa, pillow, shelf, book, etc.)”,

- “One (yellow, orange) leaf flew behind the curtain (toy, shelf, etc.).”

2nd option. Children with leaflets in their hands calmly run, circle around the group to the words of the teacher:

Silently the leaves flew

The leaves are very tired.

They want to rest.

4. "On the contrary"

Target: to activate the dictionary of antonyms in the speech of children.

Game progress.

Pictures are stacked inside the three-dimensional screen, which depict opposite characteristics of objects and objects.

Children take turns lowering a magnet (attached to a stick with a thread). They take out a picture and name what is shown in the picture (preferably in the form of a compound sentence with the union a). For example: “A balloon is light, but a kettlebell is heavy. The grandfather is old and the boy is young. Etc.

5. “What is this? Who is it?"

Target: to consolidate children's ideas about generic relationships.

Game progress.

The teacher takes turns throwing the ball to the children, while he pronounces one of the generic concepts. The child, having caught the ball, must pick up the species concept. Generic concepts can be repeated. For example:

Fish - carp

Bird - jackdaw

The animal is a fox

Flower - carnation


Wood - maple

Clothes - jacket

Furniture - bed

Dishes - saucepan

Vegetables - cabbage

Fruits - pear, etc.

6. "Wonderful bag"

Target: exercise in the use of words denoting the material from which objects are made (wooden, glass, plastic, metal); develop tactile sensations.

Game progress.

Children examine, pick up selected items made from different materials (5-7 items). Children pay special attention to their own tactile sensations. Then all the items are put in a bag, and the children perform the tasks of the teacher:

Take out an object made of wood. How else can you say about this subject? What is he? (Wooden). Etc.

7. "Finish the phrase"

Target: to exercise children in compiling complex sentences.

Game progress.

The teacher starts the sentence and the child finishes.

I love candy because they...

I'm worried about grandma because...

I want to be friends with because...

We love listening because...

8. "Draw a rhythmic pattern" (hand preparation for writing)

Target: develop a sense of rhythm in children; show how to represent the rhythm.

Game progress.

The teacher invites the children to clap a familiar rhythm according to the model, for example: clap - pause - two claps - pause, etc.

Next, the teacher tells the children that the rhythm can be sketched, for example, in the form of sticks. Asks one of the children (someone who can clearly clap the rhythm) to clap a simple rhythm. The child claps, the teacher (in parallel) draws a rhythmic pattern with chalk on the blackboard.

In conclusion, the children are invited (in turn) to clap, at their request, a certain rhythm; The teacher draws it on the blackboard.

9. "Graphic drawings"

Target: develop the ability of children to analyze the image, repeat the contour of the picture using a colored thread or rope.

Game progress.

The teacher offers the children sheets of white cardboard with various graphic images of objects and objects: a Christmas tree, a little man, a tumbler, a house, etc. Children analyze the images (what elements and how many of them, then recreate the image drawn on the sheets - with the help of a thread, rope.

10. "Drops are falling, drops are falling"

Target: develop spatial awareness in children.

Game progress. It is carried out by analogy with “Leaves are falling, falling” (now using drops - a blower)

11. "Bouquet"

Target: develop phonemic awareness in children; practice the correct conjugation of the verb want.

Game progress.

The teacher invites children to make a bouquet of flowers, the names of which begin with the sounds [k], [g], [x].

Suggested flower names: lily of the valley, bluebell, gladiolus, rose, chrysanthemum, tulip.

Complete the sentences with the word want:

I (want) to give this bouquet ... (the name is called).

He (wants) to give this bouquet ... .

She (wants) to give this bouquet ... .

They (want) to give this bouquet ... .

You (want) to give this bouquet ... .

We (want) to give this bouquet ... .

12. "In the forest"

Target: exercise children in the ability to divide words into syllables.

Game progress.

The teacher invites the children to imagine that they are walking in the forest (children walk in a group). Everyone dispersed in different directions, and then they began to call each other, call to each other. The children stop and take turns calling each other. At the same time, they pronounce the name in syllables: Ma - sha, Ni - ki - that,

Li - for, etc. In the future, children can name the number of syllables in the named name: Yes - sha (two syllables).

13. "Falling, falling snowflakes"

Target: develop spatial orientation in children, exercise in the use of spatial prepositions (include prepositions due to, from under).

Game progress.

It is carried out by analogy with the game "Falling, falling leaves"

14. "The word got lost"

Target: exercise children in working with polysemantic words (leg); clarify children's ideas about objects and their parts.

Game progress.

The teacher says:

Lived - there was a word leg in the world. Once the word got lost and began to look for the owner. Help the word leg find those to whom it refers.

Children select objects and objects that have legs (table, chair, armchair, etc.; mushroom, person, animal).

For example: a table - one, two, three or four legs, a tabletop; chair - four legs, seat, back; man - two legs (legs, arms, head, torso; mushroom - leg, hat).

15. "Soft - hard"

Target: to exercise children in the ability to highlight the first sound in a word and distinguish consonant sounds by hardness - softness.

Game progress.

On a separate table are various toys (or pictures). The teacher invites the children to choose for themselves (optional) any toy (picture). Then the teacher explains the task:

Today we will explore the words in the game "Soft - hard". You name your toy (picture). Identify the first sound in a word. If this sound is soft, then you put your toy (picture) on this soft pillow. If the first sound in your word is hard, then you refer your toy (picture) to this hard cube.

Children are offered a set of toys or other objects (pictures): a doll, a whale, a tank, a telephone, an alarm clock, a squirrel, a pipe, a sofa, a newspaper, a weight.

16. "I know five names"

Target: continue to work on the generalized meaning of words.

Game progress.

Children stand in a circle and begin to pass a handkerchief to each other. At the signal of the teacher (cotton), the child, who has a handkerchief in his hands, answers the teacher’s question “Who knows the five names of items of clothing (trees, berries, fruits, vegetables, birds, pets, wild animals, dishes, furniture, etc. . ?

17. "Rhythmic pattern"

Target: exercise children in the sound design (clapping, tapping) of rhythmic patterns.

Game progress.

Our animals came to visit Dunno and sat down to drink tea, But behind the doors some of them left traces. (show cards). Whose footprints are these? (Hare).

Here jumping on the page

Birds roamed on a clear day

Leaving behind a cross.

(S. Marshak)

Whose footprints are these? (Birds: sparrow, parrot)

Traces are like rhythmic patterns. If we read them, we will find out how merrily a bunny, a parrot, a sparrow jumped.

Children slap (tap on the table) rhythmic patterns.

18. "Search"

Target: continue to teach children to find in the immediate environment and correctly name objects that have named sounds in their names.

Game progress.

The teacher invites the children to travel around the group and look for objects whose names contain the sounds [c], [z], [c].

You can complicate the task: divide the children into a shooting gallery of subgroups, each of which is looking for objects in the name of which a certain sound is heard (or the sound [s], or the sound [z], or the sound [c]).

The children, having found the object, politely invite the Dunno to themselves: “Dunno, please come to me. I found an object with the sound [c] - a flower.

Dunno may ask individual children where the sound is in the word (at the beginning, middle or end of the word).

19. "Say the other way around"

Target: exercise children in the selection of antonyms represented by different parts of speech (nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs).

Game progress.

The teacher pronounces a phrase with one meaning, and the child with the opposite. The teacher can give an example: I am standing near a tall tree. - And I'm standing near a low tree.

I dug a hole. - I dug a hole.

The soil in my garden is damp. - The soil in my garden is dry.

Plants are useful. - And there are harmful plants.

I love sweet apples. - I like sour apples.

I drink hot tea. – I drink cold tea.

I left the park. - I came to the park.

I like winter. - I love summer.

I sleep at night. - I sleep during the day. Etc.

20. "Such different houses"

Target: continue to work on the lexical meaning of words.

Game progress.

The teacher shows the children slides with reproductions of illustrations by Yu. Vasnetsov: “On the street”, for the book “Ladushki”; "Three Bears" to L. N. Tolstoy's fairy tale "Hare Tears"; illustrations from other books depicting various houses.

Children are invited to consider the pictures that appear and give the appropriate names (hut, hut, tower, tower, castle, palace). Through short descriptions children prove why they assigned specific images of houses to a specific word.

21. "Words - actions"

Target: to exercise children in the ability to form verbs from nouns.

Game progress.

The teacher calls the noun (object, the child - the verb (action with the object). The first phrase is given by the teacher as a model: Riddles are guessed.

Approximate set of words: bookmark ... lay; a hairpin ... is stabbed; orders … order; task ... set; casserole ... baked; blanks ... are harvested; tea leaves ... brew, etc.

22. "What's extra?"

Target: to exercise children in the ability to isolate an extra object from a group of homogeneous objects (objects generalized by generic connections.

Game progress.

The exercise is used by ear. Pictures are used as needed.

The teacher calls a chain of words consisting of four words. There is one extra word in the chain. At the same time, at first, an extra word is placed at the end of the chain. Gradually, as the children master the exercise, the place of the extra word in the chain may change. The child defines this word and explains why he considers it superfluous.

For example: maple - birch - oak - table. (Maple - birch - oak - these are trees. The table is furniture. So, the extra word is the table.)

23. "Let's play - count"

Target: exercise children in agreeing numerals with nouns; exercise in spatial orientation; learn to coordinate movements with words.

Game progress.

The teacher asks the children to perform different movements. Children aloud count the number (up to 10) of the movements performed (steps, jumps, squats, waving their arms).

For example: "One step, two steps ... five steps" and so on up to 10.

The task can be complicated by adding spatial landmarks. For example: one step to the right, two steps to the right, etc.; one jump to the window, two jumps to the window, etc.

24. "Who moves how?"

Target: activate children's vocabulary.

Game progress.

The exercise can be carried out both orally and with the help of pictures.

Name those who crawl. And who is jumping? Who is swimming? Who is jumping? Who is flying?

25. "Pick up similar words"

Target: exercise children in the selection of synonyms.

Game progress.

The ground is wet (damp, damp).

The collar is fresh (clean).

Stale bread (hard, old, dry).

The water is cloudy (dirty). Etc.

26. "Syllables"

Target: to exercise children in the ability to conduct syllabic analysis of words.

Game progress.

Children take one picture from those laid out on the table, stand in a circle. The teacher tells the rules: “The one who has one syllable in a word jumps; the one with two syllables goes to the center; the one with three syllables squats.

The job is checked.

27. "What happens?"

Target: exercise children in matching adjectives with nouns.

Game progress.

The teacher invites the children to answer the questions: what is hard? What is soft? What is sweet? What is sharp? What gets cold? What is white? What gets cold?

28. "Learn by the contour"

Target: develop analytical activities (in preparation for writing).

Game progress.

Children are offered a picture with an outline of a rocket. In boxes are geometric figures(rectangles - 1 pc., isosceles large triangles - 1 pc., small right triangles- 2 pcs., for each child). Children analyze the image: they suggest what shapes such a rocket can be made of and how many shapes will be needed. The teacher invites each child to select the necessary figures in the right quantity and fold the rocket.

In the future, the children glue the details on a sheet of paper, cut out the resulting rocket, attach it to a thread and use it to develop speech breathing (like a blower) and spatial orientation.

29. "Colorful rhythms"

Target: to develop a sense of rhythm in children, to exercise the ability to correlate a rhythmic pattern with an image.

Game progress.

The teacher shows the children conditional grids with one and two rows of cells. They are glued (drawn, inserted) circles and squares (of the same color).

The teacher explains that children will depict these rhythmic patterns as follows: a circle - clap your hands, stomp your foot.

a) for grids in one row:

red circles and squares: circle - square - circle - square, etc.

blue circles and squares: circle - circle - square - circle - circle - square - etc.

b) for a grid in two rows:

green circles and squares: circle - square - circle, circle - square - circle, etc.

red circles and squares: square - square - square, circle - circle - circle, etc.

30. "Guess the word"

Target: develop vocabulary of nouns and verbs.

Game progress.

The teacher invites the children to guess who is talking about by a set of words. An example set of words:

Meows, jumps, sneaks. Who is it?

Jumps, flies, pecks, chirps. Who is it?

Howls, blows, hums. Who is it?

Barks, bites, gnaws. Who is it?

Mooing, chewing, grazing. Who is it?

Jumping, swimming, croaking. Who is it? Etc.

Authors-compilers: teacher-speech therapist Elizaveta Anatolyevna Savilova, teacher-speech therapist Irina Nikolaevna Gorokhova. We bring to your attention, from the experience of our speech therapy work, several exercises from the “Homework Notebook for Children 6-7 Years Old with general underdevelopment speech." The effectiveness of the tasks presented in our notebook is confirmed by many years of practice. Exercises are accessible, entertaining, discipline, accustom the child to their independent implementation. After all, it is important for parents to provide assistance to the child in a timely manner to consolidate the results of the work done by teachers.

Working with parents is the most important link in correctional work.

An important role in the appearance of speech development disorders and neurotic speech disorders in children is played by such negative factors as the passivity of parents, their psychological and pedagogical incompetence. According to M.F. Fomicheva I.V. Rozhdestvenskaya N.S. Zhukova and other authors, parents often do not understand, do not know or underestimate the importance and significance of the development of all aspects of the child's speech, while ... "the skill of correct speeches, like good habits, are acquired in the family. Systematic, skillful education of speech not only ensures mastering, but also prevents, in most cases, the occurrence of speech defects, and the help of parents working under the guidance of a speech therapist is especially important here.

There are several tasks in working with parents: to form their readiness for effective pedagogical work with children - to correct the sensorimotor and speech processes of the child, to develop fine motor skills, to help master the correct pronunciation of the sounds of native speech, to work on the lexical and grammatical structure of speech and coherent speech, also Prepare your child for learning to read, write and write. These tasks are implemented in the course of various activities.

Getting acquainted with the family, it is necessary to explain the importance of doing practical homework. First, parents are invited to talks, consultations and learn how to work on individual assignments. Attention is drawn to the behavior of parents when doing homework, the features of their speech, methods of conducting at home.

Parents aim at long-term work with the child, which can take place not only at the table, but also on the way home, on a walk, in various domestic situations.

Homework notebook

Dear parents!

In front of you is a notebook for homework with a child of a speech therapy group.

By working with your child, you contribute to:

The development of his attention, memory, thinking;

Development of the child's visual and auditory attention;

The development of his ability to navigate in space;

Preparing the child's hand for writing;

Replenishment and expansion of the child's vocabulary;

Formation of coherent speech in him, teaching the child to read, read, write;

The development of the child's ability to communicate with peers and adults.

A kindergarten graduate should have an idea about himself and the world around him; able to solve intellectual and personal problems; manage your behavior; observe the rules of communication and behavior in society; be emotionally responsive, inquisitive, active, and ready for learning activities based on acquired skills and knowledge.

It is better to perform each task in 2-3 doses lasting no more than 15-20 minutes in the proposed sequence.

The child should hear only the correct speech in the family. Instilling the right speech skills, emphasizing successes, praising when he deserves it - this will help strengthen your child's self-confidence.

We wish you success!


for children 6-7 years old with general underdevelopment of speech.

Topic: "Mushrooms and berries"

1 Learn the rhyme.

I'm carrying a box

There is a fungus in the box,

And blueberries


And cranberries

Stone berry,

And hazelnut -

Run away, don't stop!

2 Game "Explain the word."

Example. Boletus - grows under the aspen

Boletus ___

Russula ___ Boletus ___

Boletus ___

Fly agaric ___

Butter dish___

Wave ___

Chanterelle ___

3 What is more in the forest? Berries or cranberries?

4 What mushrooms are hidden in the picture? Consider, name the mushrooms, count.

5 The game "The fourth extra". What is superfluous? Why?

Cranberry, swamp, lingonberry, blueberry. ___

Raspberries, basket, gooseberries, currants. ___

6 Game “What juice? What kind of jam? »

Example. From strawberries - strawberry juice, strawberry jam.

Raspberry - ___

From blueberries - ___

From rowan - ___

From cranberries - ___

Blackberry - ___

Currant - ___

7 Color Carlson and two identical jars of jam. *What kind of jam do you like? **Tell me how to make jam.

The letter K and the sounds K, Kb.

1 Shade the letter K in the pattern. 2 Find and color the letter K.

What color will you paint? Why?

3 Color the pictures that have the sound K in their names.

4 Type the letters Kk according to the pattern.

5 Read the encrypted word by the first sounds of the words that name the drawn objects.

Theme: "Wintering Birds"

1 Learn the riddle, draw the answer.

I knock on wood, I want to find a worm. Although he disappeared under the bark, He will still be mine.

2 Count from 1 to 10.

One dove, two doves, ___

One crow, two ___

One sparrow, two ___

3 Find the similarities and differences between the crow and the titmouse.

4 Game “Why is it called that? » Explain the meanings of compound words:

Example. Long-tailed - the bird has a long tail.

Grey-eyed ___

Red-breasted ___

Black-eyed ___

Spotted ___

Hardworking ___

Migratory ___

Swiftwing ___

Thermophilic ___ Insectivorous ___

Fleet ___

Razorbeak ___

5 Game “For what? »

Tell me, what is the bird's beak for? ___

Why do birds have wings? ___

Why do birds have feathers? ___

What is a bird's tail for? ___

Why do birds have claws? ___

What are bird eyes for? ___

6 Game “What can birds do? » Name words-actions.

Birds can fly, ___

Vocabulary: fly, arrive, fly away, fly in, sing, chirp, scream, wave, twist, lay, hatch, nurse, destroy harmful insects.

7 Find and color a magpie, a sparrow, a titmouse.

* Name all the wintering birds of our region.

**What birds come to us in winter? Why?

*The task corresponds to the program content

** Task of increased complexity

Letter M and sounds M, M

1 Color the big letter blue, 2 Dot the letter

and the small one is green.

M is a consonant.

3 Connect with the letter M only those objects whose names begin with the sounds M or M.

4 Make the shapes the same.

5 Cross out the letter that is different from the rest.

6 Write according to the model.

Topic: “Christmas tree holiday. Winter fun»

1. Learn the poems of S. Ya. Marshak

In December, in December

All trees are in silver.

Our river, as if in a fairy tale,

Frost paved the night

Updated skates, sleds,

I brought a Christmas tree from the forest.

The tree cried at first

From home warmth.

Stop crying in the morning

She breathed, she came alive.

Her needles tremble a little,

The branches are on fire,

Like a ladder, a Christmas tree,

The fires fly up.

2. The game "One - many."

The boy is skating. Boys ___

The boy is skiing. Boys ___

The girl is sledding. Girls ___

The girl is rolling down the hill. Girls ___

3. Please draw the gifts that you want to find under the tree on New Year's Eve.

4. Pick up words-signs.

Christmas tree (what) ___

Holiday (what) ___

Christmas decorations (what) ___

Santa Claus (what) ___

Snow Maiden (what) ___

Gifts (what) ___

5. Draw and color the second picture.

* Do you decorate the Christmas tree at home? What is the Christmas tree decorated with?

** Which Christmas tree is better to decorate at home for the holiday, live or

artificial? Why?

*The task corresponds to the program content

** Task of increased complexity

Sound and letter O

1 Color in red 2 Shade. 3 Find and color

remember both letters. the letter O.

Oh is a vowel.

4 Connect with the letter O only those objects whose names begin with the sound O.

5 Write the letter O.

6 Cross out the letter that is different from the rest.

7 Write according to the model.


1. Agranovich Z. E. Logopedic work to overcome violations of the syllabic structure of words in children. SPb. : Detvo-Press, 2000.

2. Vasilyeva L. A. Grammar and vocabulary in new poems for children aged 5-7 years. SPb. : Karo, 2008.

3. Epifanova O. V. Development of speech. The world. Volgograd: Teacher, 2007

4. Karpova S. I., Mamaeva V. V. Development of speech and cognitive abilities of preschool children aged 6-7. SPb. : Speech 2007.

5. Krupenchuk OI Teach me to speak correctly. SPb. : Litera, 2001.

6. Konovalenko V. V. Frontal speech therapy classes in preparatory group for children with FFN. M. : GNOM i D, 2003.

7. Lopukhina I. S. Speech therapy: exercises for the development of speech. SPb. : Detstvo-Press, 1997.

8. Smirnova L. N. Speech therapy in kindergarten. M. : Mosaic-Sintez, 2004.

9. Teremkova N. E. Logopedic homework for children aged 5-7 years. M. : GNOM i D, 2005.

10. Yakimovich O. A. Notebook for a preschooler 6-7 years old. Speech therapy games and exercises: homework. Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.



Children of the seventh year of life clearly capture the shades of the mood of adults.

By the tone of your voice, by intonation, the baby can easily determine your attitude towards him, to what is happening, feel tension, joy, grief. Naturally, the child understands and distinguishes well when you are talking to him with interest, and when you are talking formally. The reaction of the child to your words will also be either sincere or formal. If you only pretend that you are listening to some story, description, impressions of the baby, then the child will try to finish quickly, mumble what he was going to tell, and close up.

Communicate with your child more often, show that you empathize with him, want to understand him - and then he will fully open up to you, you will find out how your baby feels, what he thinks about, why he decided to trust you.

The quality of the baby’s speech depends on how you talk to the child, how expressive intonation, melodic, emotionally colored your speech will be. Normally, a child of the sixth year of life distinguishes between interrogative, motivating, narrative intonations, can convey shades of feelings and emotions with his voice.

Children with speech disorders have violations of the intonational expressiveness of speech, the processes of perception and reproduction of the intonation structures of the sentence.

However, at this age, children may stutter, repeat words, and speak very quickly. In order for the hesitation not to become permanent, the fast pace of speech is not fixed, adults should not rush the baby, speed up his speech, you need to let him calmly express his thought. The following exercises will help to make the child's speech more expressive, emotionally rich.

Read to the child with expression a poem that contains the "statements" of various animals that spoke in different voices:

Who broke raspberries in the forest? - - Who dragged our honey from the hive? -

The hare squeaked thinly. The bees buzzed together.

The ears of the hare moved, What should the poor bees think -

He was trembling all over with fear. Honey is eaten, but they don’t know by whom.

Who stirred up the swamp? The frog croaked loudly.

From muddy swamp water. Her crown is barely visible.

Who is dissatisfied here? A terrible roar resounded in the forest.

I ate plenty of raspberries! In the clearing I stomped!

Invite the child to insert the same repeated phrase into the poem using different intonations:

Vadik woke up in the morning When they ate,

And he hurried to find out that Vadik began to play.

Looking at my mother slyly: He said, having finished the job:

Shall we go for a walk with you? - Let's go for a walk with you!

Well, let's not wait. If you promised

Let's go for a walk with you!

(didactic games for the development of speech)

"Finish the sentence" (use of complex sentences)

Mom put the bread... where? (to the breadbasket)

Brother poured sugar ... where? (to the sugar bowl)

Grandma made a delicious salad and put it... where? (in a salad bowl)

Dad brought sweets and put them... where? (in candy box)

Marina didn't go to school today because... (fell ill)

We turned on the heaters because... (it got cold)

I don't want to sleep because... (it's still early)

We will go to the forest tomorrow if... (weather is good)

Mom went to the market to ... (buy groceries)

The cat climbed a tree to ... (to save the dog)

"Who's a treat?" (use of difficult forms of nouns)

The teacher says that there are gifts for animals in the basket, but he is afraid to confuse someone with what. Asks for help. Pictures depicting a bear, birds - geese, chickens, swans, horses, wolves, foxes, lynxes, monkeys, kangaroos, giraffes, elephants are offered. Who wants honey? Who is the grain for?

Who needs meat? Who wants fruit?

"Name three words" (activation of the dictionary)

The children line up. Each participant is asked a question in turn. It is necessary, taking three steps forward, to give three words-answers with each step, without slowing down the pace of walking.

What can be bought? (dress, suit, trousers)

What (who) can jump? Etc.

"Who wants to be who?" (use of difficult forms of the verb)

Children are offered plot pictures depicting labor actions. What are the boys doing? (The boys want to make a mock-up airplane) What do they want to be? (They want to become pilots). Children are invited to come up with a sentence with the word want or want.

"Zoo" (development of coherent speech).

Children sit in a circle, receiving a picture without showing them to each other. Everyone should describe their animal, without naming it, according to this plan:

1. Appearance;

2. What does it eat.

The "game clock" is used for the game. Turn the arrow first. Whom she points to, he begins the story.

Then, by rotating the arrows, it is determined who should guess the described animal.

"Daily regime"

8-10 plot or schematic pictures about the daily routine. Offer to consider, and then arrange in a certain sequence and explain.

"Who was who or what was what"

(activation of the dictionary and expansion of knowledge about the environment).

Who or what before was a chicken (egg), horse (foal), frog (tadpole), butterfly (caterpillar), shoes (leather), shirt (cloth), fish (egg), cupboard (board), bread (flour), bike (iron), sweater (wool), etc.?

"Name as many items as you can"

(activation of the dictionary, development of attention).

Children stand in a row, they are invited to take turns naming the objects that surround them. Named the word - takes a step forward. The winner is the one who correctly and clearly pronounces the words and named more objects without repeating, and thus was ahead of everyone.

"Pick up a rhyme" (develops phonemic hearing).

The teacher explains that all words sound different, but among them there are those that sound a little similar. Offers help to find a word.

There was a bug on the way

He sang a song in the grass ... (cricket).

You can use any verses or individual rhymes.


The mass phenomenon associated with the low level of speech development of children is due to serious reasons. The computer has become a part of our everyday life. Children communicate little, their speech experience is limited, language means are imperfect.

The need for verbal communication is not satisfied enough. Spoken language is poor, laconic. Children's interest in reading has sharply decreased.

The social problems of society do not allow parents to pay enough attention to the comprehensive development of their children.

One of the most important tasks of teaching preschoolers is the development of coherent speech. Each child should be able to meaningfully, grammatically correct, coherently and consistently express their thoughts.

This will help him overcome silence and shyness, be sociable, self-confident. At the same time, the child's speech should be lively, direct, expressive.

After six years, when a child has a sufficiently large stock of knowledge about the world around him, he begins to invent, compose with pleasure, showing creativity. There are many ways to help your child come up with stories and stories:

  • add a word denoting an object to the name of a well-known fairy tale. For example, "Wolf, seven kids and a computer", "Thumb boy and a steam locomotive", etc.;
  • move the plot of a familiar fairy tale to another time and space. For example, “Once upon a time there was an old man with an old woman in our days”, “Little Red Riding Hood on a desert island”, etc .;
  • invite the child to change the ending of the tale, using the technique of introducing any object or phenomenon into the plot narrative. For example, the cubs from the fairy tale "Two Greedy Bears" instead of cheese eat a pill for greed;
  • offer a look into the past or future of fairy-tale characters: what happened before with this or that hero, what can happen later;
  • write a letter to your favorite hero or author of a fairy tale;
  • make up a conversation fairy tale characters by phone (on any topic);
  • invent a fairy tale based on the key words. For example, swallow, girl, cat;
  • tell a story on behalf of any character or object;
  • describe the same event from different points of view. For example, on behalf of a cheerful person and a sad person, etc.

It is very good to make an album of children's stories, give it an interesting name, invite the child to draw illustrations for each story. This will be an impetus for the development of children's creativity.


The world of childhood is impossible to imagine without a fairy tale. Often in fairy tales there are proverbs and sayings, the meaning of which is not always clear to preschoolers.

Proverbs and sayings are treasures of Russian folk speech and folk wisdom: they are full of vivid images, often built on original consonances and rhymes. The experience of generations is concentrated and generalized in them, the cultural heritage of the people is laid down.

A proverb is a short saying with an edifying meaning; proverb - an expression, mostly figurative, which, unlike a proverb, does not constitute a complete statement and is not an aphorism. It must be remembered: proverbs are built on antithesis, most often they have a direct and figurative meaning.

Syntactically, they are divided into two parts, and the second part contains a conclusion, a moral, sometimes an instructive meaning, for example, "Do not recognize a friend in three days - recognize in three years." The saying does not have a moralizing, instructive meaning, however, it is characterized by metaphor: “I killed two birds with one stone.

Seven Fridays in a week. Lost in three pines. The child must not only understand these capacious, well-aimed expressions, but also be able to use them in life.

To this end, we suggest you play these games with your child.

Didactic game"I will start and you continue"

Tasks: to teach to understand figurative words in proverbs and sayings;

Strong friendship with water - (you won’t spill it).

Alone in the field - (not a warrior).

The stupid ones quarrel, and the smart ones - (agree).

A rolling stone gathers no moss) .

Measure seven times - (cut one).

What goes around comes around) .

Didactic game "Guess".

Tasks: to teach to understand figurative words in proverbs, phraseological units.

What do they hang when they get discouraged? (Hang your nose.)

Not flowers, but wither? (Ears wilt.)

What can be heard in complete silence? (Like a fly flies by.)

What can you drown in sadness? (In tears.)

What part of the face is inflated when offended? (Pout lips.)

What can be found in the field? (Look for the wind in the field.)

Didactic game "In a word".

Tasks: to teach to explain the meaning of proverbs, sayings, phraseological units.

Pout your lips. (Get offended.)

Like snow on your head. (Suddenly.)

It flew out of my head. (Forget.)

Material nsportal.ru

There are many problems in the speech of children.

Monosyllabic speech consisting of only simple sentences. Inability to construct a common sentence grammatically correctly.

Poverty of speech. Inadequate vocabulary.

The use of non-literary words and expressions.

Poor dialogic speech: the inability to correctly and clearly formulate a question, build a short or detailed answer.

Inability to build a monologue: for example, a plot or descriptive story on a proposed topic, retelling the text in your own words.

Lack of logical substantiation of their statements and conclusions.

Lack of speech culture skills: inability to use intonation, adjust the volume of the voice and the pace of speech, etc.

Bad diction.

Therefore, the pedagogical influence in the development of the speech of preschoolers is a very difficult matter. It is necessary to teach children to coherently, consistently, grammatically correctly express their thoughts, talk about various events from the life around them.

Considering that at this time children are oversaturated with information, it is necessary that the learning process be interesting, entertaining, and developing for them.

K. D. Ushinsky wrote: “Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but connect twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn them on the fly.”

In order for the word to be used as an independent means of thinking that allows solving mental problems without the use of images, the child must learn the concepts developed by mankind. Knowledge about the general and essential features of objects and phenomena of reality, fixed in words, is easier for a preschooler to learn with the help of diagrams, models, mnemotables and mnemonic techniques.


The words "mnemonics" and "mnemonics" mean the same thing - the technique of memorization. They come from the Greek "mnemonikon" - the art of memorization. It is believed that this word was coined by Pythagoras of Samos (6th century BC).

The art of memorization is called the word "mnemonikon" after the ancient Greek goddess of memory Mnemosyne - the mother of the nine muses.

The first surviving works on mnemonics date back to about 86-82. BC e., and belong to the pen of Cicero and Quintilian. Mnemotechnics in preschool pedagogy is called differently: Vorobyova Valentina Konstantinovna calls this technique sensor-graphic schemes, Tkachenko Tatyana Alexandrovna - object-schematic models, Glukhov V.P. - blocks-squares, Bolsheva T. V. - a collage, Efimenkova L. N - a scheme for compiling a story.

Mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that ensure the successful development of knowledge by children about the features of natural objects, about the world around them, effective memorization of the structure of the story, the preservation and reproduction of information, and of course the development of speech. Like any work, mnemonics is built from simple to complex. It is necessary to start work with the simplest mnemonic squares, successively move on to mnemonic tracks, and later - to mnemonic tables.

Based on the analysis of scientific literature, we have identified the following

approaches to working with mnemonics technology:

Systemic - mnemonics technology is used in the system of education and upbringing;

Personal – taking into account the capabilities and needs of each child;

Activity-development of the child occurs in activity, he reads the schemes and tables proposed by the educator and makes his own;

Dialogical - the learning process takes place in the form of a dialogue;

Culturological - the child expands vocabulary, develops coherent speech, learns to speak grammatically correctly;

Information-child, through diagrams and tables, perceives, processes and reproduces information about the world around him;

Axiological-educational activity is based on the ideas of humanistic pedagogy, subject-subjective interaction with children.

Working with mnemonics technology is based on the following principles:

1. The principle of developing education, according to which the main goal is the development of the child;

2. The principle of scientific validity and practical applicability - the content of the work corresponds to the main provisions developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy, and has the possibility of implementing preschool education in mass practice.

There are three types of models in didactics:

1. Subject model in the form of a physical structure of objects, naturally connected. In this case, the model is similar to the object, reproduces its main parts, design features, proportions and ratios. For example, a building plan.

2. Subject-schematic model. Here, the essential components identified in the object of cognition and the connections between them are indicated using substitute objects and graphic signs. An example of a simple object-schematic model can be a model for revealing to children the concept of protective coloration, as a manifestation of the connection of an animal with its environment (a sheet of cardboard of a certain color and a figure of an animal; if their colors match, then the animal is not visible).

3. Graphic models - generalized transmission different types relations (graphs, formulas, diagrams). This type of model is used in schools, although recent studies indicate their availability in kindergarten.

In order for the model as a visual and practical means of cognition to fulfill its function, it must meet a number of requirements:

Clearly reflect the basic properties and relationships that are the object of knowledge, be similar in structure to the object under study;

Brightly and clearly convey those properties and relationships that must be mastered with its help;

To be easy to understand and accessible for creation and action with it;

An atmosphere must be created, freedom of creativity, each child can have his own model - the one he thinks and imagines;

No need to abuse this method, use it unnecessarily when the properties and relationships of objects lie on the surface;

It is necessary to create a situation in which children would feel the need to create a model, understand that without a model it will be difficult for them.

Work on the development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age by means of mnemonics is included in all types of educational and gaming activities, as well as regime moments.

The technology of the project includes the development of a long-term plan, summaries of the specially organized activities of the work of a teacher, a speech therapist with children, parents of pupils and teachers of the institution.

The relevance of this project is determined by the role played by mnemonics in the development of speech and thinking of the child.

Problem: consist in substantiating the pedagogical methodology and searching for pedagogical conditions development of speech and thinking of children of senior preschool age by means of mnemonics.

The novelty of the project lies in the fact that the joint activities of the teacher with children are carried out according to the following principles:

  1. The principle of integration: integration at the level of content and tasks of psychological and pedagogical work; integration by means of organization and optimization educational process; integration of children's activities.

2. Complex-thematic principle: combining a complex of various types of specific children's activities around a single "theme"; types of "themes": "organizing moments", "thematic weeks", "events", "implementation of projects", "seasonal phenomena in nature", "holidays", "traditions"; close relationship and interdependence with the integration of children's activities.

The method of organizing work with children is different:


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Games for the development of speech 6-7 years


Games aimed at the development of speech in children 6-7 years old

Very soon your son or daughter will go to school. This important stage, for which you have been preparing for so long, will not become difficult and uninteresting for the child. After all, he already knows how to draw conclusions, compose fairy tales, highlight different sounds in words.

Speech is rich in adjectives, verbs, the child easily forms new words with the help of suffixes, builds his statements grammatically correctly. Fine! After all, we still have a whole year ahead of us to bring joy to our child from joint games.

"Chest" Prepare a box and chips. The box is a chest, and the chips are different words that you will put in the chest. Invite the child to add words that end in "yok", "chka". Or words should begin with the sound "m", the syllable "by", etc.

Vary the tasks depending on the level of development of the child.

"Who was who?" Purpose: development of thinking, expansion of the dictionary, consolidation of case endings. Move: the teacher, throwing the ball to one of the children, calls the object or animal, and the child, returning the ball to the speech therapist, answers the question of who (what) the previously named object was: Chicken - an egg

Material detky.info

Speech development at 6-7 years old

Annotation: This article is more relevant for parents. The proposed material briefly reflects the standards for the general development of the speech of children 6-7 years old.

Speech development at 6-7 years old:

Normally, by the age of five to six years, the formation of the correct sound pronunciation ends. At 6-7 years old, in conditions of proper speech education and in the absence of organic disorders of the central and peripheral speech apparatus, children correctly use all the sounds of their native language.

The pronunciation of six-year-old children is not much different from the speech of adults, difficulties are noted only in cases where new words or phrases are difficult for the child, saturated with combinations of sounds that the child does not yet differentiate (S - W): "Sasha walked along the highway."

At 6-7 years old, children should:

  • Correctly distinguish sounds by ear, invent words for a given sound, or with a given sound. Isolate sounds from words, from a number of syllables and sounds.
  • Pronounce complex words with a confluence of consonants consisting of three or more syllables (defender, motorcyclist), determine the number of syllables in a word.
  • Pronounce long and complex sentences (Apple trees grow in the garden behind a high fence, and wild roses grow in the bushes).
  • Use simple prepositions in speech (in, on, from), and complex (because of, from under, around, near).
  • Correctly coordinate in the part of speech (nouns with adjectives, verbs, singular and plural numerals) (For example: Masha and Sasha do not have two ripe apples. The children ate them for lunch.)
  • Form words with the help of prefixes and suffixes, as well as adverbs from adjectives (quick - quickly), form comparative degrees of adjectives (long - longer - longest), form verbs of movement with prefixes (bypassed, went in, came).
  • Understand speech addressed to them in full.
  • Understand complex ambiguous texts.
  • The active dictionary is rapidly replenished. Children actively use both specific and generic concepts, antonyms, synonyms. Classify items.
  • Children 6-7 years old can independently compose descriptive stories, detailed and logical in content, retell fairy tales.
  • It is logical to express your thoughts using complex sentences with the union "A".
  • Understand logical and grammatical constructions (Petya was hit by Vanya. Who is the fighter?).

By the age of 7, subject to systematic work, all these indicators correspond to the speech of children.

Speech development of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard (6-7 years old)

The correct formation of the child's personality is not only the task of parents. Educators should also take an active part in its decision.

Introduction of new learning standards

In 2013/14 all preschool institutions switched to work according to new standards (FSES). The reason for this step was the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (No. 1155, 2013) on the need to make adjustments to the work of preschool educational institutions in the field of cognitive and speech development of children.

What is the purpose of GEF in kindergarten?

The speech development of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard is recognized as a means for mastering the basics of communication as part of the cultural heritage of the nation, as well as a constant replenishment of vocabulary, the formation of a competent, coherent monologue and dialogic conversation. To achieve it, you will need creativity, the formation of intonation and sound culture of dialogue, competent phonetic hearing, the study of children's literature, the child's ability to distinguish between different genres. The speech development of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard (6-7 years old) forms the prerequisites for further learning to read and write.

Tasks of preschool education

The speech development of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard sets the following tasks: the formation of not only the correct conversation, but also the thinking of the baby. The monitoring results show that the number of preschool children with significant impairments in the ability to speak correctly has recently increased.

It is important to form the speech of preschoolers in a timely manner, take care of its purity, prevent and correct problems that are considered deviations from the generally accepted rules and norms of the Russian language.

Tasks of preschool education (FSES)

The speech development of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard (the goals and objectives are briefly discussed above) is carried out in several directions:

  • enrichment of the cognitive sphere of preschoolers with the necessary information through classes, observations, experimental activities;
  • filling emotional and sensory experience in the course of communication with phenomena, objects, different people;
  • systematization of information about the surrounding events, the formation of an idea of ​​the unity of the material world;
  • education of respect for nature, consolidation of positive emotions;
  • creation of conditions that will contribute to the identification and support of the interests of a preschooler, the possibility of his independence in speech activity;
  • support for the development of cognitive processes in children.

The work of the educator according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The main task of any educator is speech development preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Thanks to him, the initial formation takes place communication skills child.

The full realization of this goal is the formation by the end of the preschool age of the universal communication of the baby with the people who surround him. An older preschooler should easily talk with representatives of society of different age, social status, gender.

The speech development of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard (6-7 years old) involves the knowledge of oral Russian, orientation in the course of communication to the interlocutor, the ability to select different forms and perceive the content of the conversation.

Directions for the development of a preschooler according to GEF

According to the new standards, kindergartens are required to provide preschoolers with the following areas of development:

  • cognitive;

About the features of cognitive development

GEF assumes the division of cognitive-speech development into two separate areas.

Cognitive development refers to the formation of curiosity, the development of interest, activity in learning in preschoolers. The task is to form the consciousness of a preschooler, develop initial ideas about other people, about oneself, about different objects around, relationships, properties of objects (color, shape, rhythm, sound, material, part, quantity, whole, time, peace, space, movement, effects, causes).

cognitive development preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard helps to form in kids a love for their Motherland. Classes form an idea of ​​the cultural values ​​of the people, traditions, as well as national holidays, help to improve the idea of ​​the planet Earth, natural processes, phenomena, the diversity of peoples and countries.

The specifics of the speech development of preschoolers

The speech development of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard in the 1st junior group sets the task of mastering speech as a necessary means for culture and communication. Also, classes help kids to enrich vocabulary, form phonetic hearing.

What points should be taken into account by educators planning the speech development of preschoolers?

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, in the preschool period, with the help of cognitive culture, the child develops primary ideas about the world around him. As children grow, their worldview changes.

Do not forget that the path of cognition and development in a small person differs significantly from the ideas of adults who are able to perceive the surrounding phenomena and objects with their own intellect, while children get acquainted with various phenomena with the help of emotions. Adults prefer to process information without paying due attention to human relationships. Preschoolers cannot process a large flow of knowledge efficiently and quickly, so relationships between people play a very important role for them.

Features of the development of a three-year-old baby

For a three-year-old child, the detailed content of reality acts as the basis of world perception. The world of children of this age is specific individual objects, objects, phenomena. Cognition of the world is carried out according to the principle: what I see, I use it, I know it.

The child looks at objects from different angles. He is interested in external (Who? What?), internal (Why?

How?) characteristics of the subject. At this age, he is not able to independently comprehend various hidden parameters. The speech development of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard in the first junior group is aimed at helping in the process of learning new things, phenomena, searching for the relationship between individual natural processes.

Features of the development of the baby of the second younger group

Toddlers of the second younger group are able to establish dependencies and the first connections between phenomena and objects, correlate the internal and external characteristics of things, and analyze the significance of some of them for human life. The full speech development of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard in the second younger group allows the kids of this group to communicate with each other, learn to talk with adults.

Features of the development of a four-year-old baby

At the age of four, the formation of personality undergoes significant changes caused by physiological processes occurring in the cerebral cortex, modifications of mental reactions, as well as an increased degree of mastery of speech. There is an accumulation of a full-fledged stock of information about the phenomena that happen around the child.

The speech development of preschool children is very important. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, middle group- this is the period when the perception of information at the verbal level is activated. Children begin to assimilate, understand different interesting information about the world around.

This age implies the formation of electoral interests among preschoolers, and therefore it is necessary special program development.

Features of the development of a five-year-old baby

At this age, the child already has an accumulated amount of information about objects, phenomena, the world around him, it is important to replenish it in a timely manner. The constant speech development of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard at this age makes it possible to move on to an elementary primary acquaintance with such concepts as "symbol", "time", "sign". They will be very important in further preparation for school.

The educator introduces such concepts, carrying out the speech development of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Its task is to interest the baby.

For example, to form certain symbols, children work with a globe, traffic signs, months, climate zones, group icons. “Time” is considered a serious topic at this age.

While the child has no idea what this term means. He is poorly oriented what day it is today, and also when this or that event occurred. It is important for him to correctly and intelligibly explain what tomorrow, today and yesterday are.

The speech development of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard is aimed at compiling stories about time and the calendar. The teacher, introducing these concepts to the kids, creates a real “corner of the past” in the group.

As a result, preschoolers deepen and expand their ideas about inanimate, living nature, the relationship between them. It is important that educators help their wards, guide them in the complex process of learning, establish cause-and-effect relationships together, and promote a positive attitude towards the world around them.

An important point influencing the formation of the child's cognitive characteristics is the presence of motivation. The development of a preschooler's ability to learn directly depends on the ability to quickly assimilate the information received.

This is the speech development of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard. The program "From Birth to School" is the key to the successful formation of the baby. The child's speech preschool age develops very quickly - for a six-year-old, a “bank” of 4000 words is considered normal.

Ways to create a developing environment for preschoolers

To ensure the formation of the personality of preschoolers, it is important to create a developing object-spatial environment in all age groups.

The GEF DO has clear requirements that contribute to increased interest among preschoolers. According to the standards, the developing object-spatial environment should be multifunctional, transformable, rich, accessible, variable, and also safe. In terms of saturation, it fully corresponds to the age characteristics of children, as well as the content of the educational program.

One of the main conditions in the process of creating a developing spatial-subject environment is considered to be the full compliance of the material with the age of the kids. It is important and difficult to accomplish. Federal State Educational Standards presuppose an individual approach to each child, which only the most experienced teacher with significant experience in working with young children is fully capable of providing.

It is important to realize that in each subsequent group the child must develop the skills acquired earlier, this is what modern educational programs for preschoolers are based on.

Summing up

Children aged 3-5 who are at the stage of transition from play activities should receive chances to develop basic skills from the environment. The patterns of development of memory, thinking, speech, attention involve the creation of an environment for objective activity (game situations), as well as conditions for the development and education of the individual.

In the younger group, preschoolers should have a variety of activities, there should be a connection between play and learning. Educators of younger groups are required to use game, group, subject classes in their work.

The middle group assumes a smooth transition from gaming activities to academic studies.

AT senior group great importance has a role-playing game, which has special requirements. The teacher is obliged to form a subject-developing environment, to motivate preschoolers for cognitive activity.

The preparatory group uses teaching methods that comply with the Federal State Educational Standard, helping to prepare children for school. Success in further education will depend on the level of preparation of preschoolers.

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Games for the development of speech of children 6-7 years old.

Games for the development of phonemic analysis and synthesis, the formation of phonemic hearing.

1 ) The game "Collect a chain of words"

Task: to teach children to distinguish initial and final sounds in words, expand their vocabulary, develop auditory attention.

Description. You can play alone or with a group of children and adults. One of the players calls any word - a noun in the singular and nominative case, the second - comes up with a word for its last sound, the third - for the last sound of this word, etc., as if building a chain of words. For example: Alya - apples - turkey - whale - torso - bag, etc.

2) The game "Live words"

Task: to consolidate the skills of sound-letter analysis.

Equipment: cards with letters, pictures.

Description. An adult shows a picture and calls the word that the children will compose. The role of each of the letters will be played by children who have cards with letters attached to the front. Children are built in a row so that you can read the given word. It is better to choose simple words. For example, poppy, whale, smoke, mouse, table, etc.

3) The game "Find pictures"

Task: to teach children to choose a picture with a word that begins with a given sound, expand their vocabulary, develop visual attention.

Equipment: subject pictures with words starting with a given sound, several pictures starting with other sounds.

Description. An adult lays out the pictures on the table, instructs the child that he should choose those pictures that show words with a certain sound, for example, the sound [t]. Then the adult clearly names all the pictures, and the child chooses the appropriate ones from them (cake, whale, bridge, water, etc.)

4) The game "Raise your right hand - raise your left hand"

Task: to teach the child to distinguish between similar sounds.

Description. The game is played by ear. The adult informs the child: “Today we will learn to hear sounds and distinguish them from each other. For the task, sounds are selected that are somehow similar to each other: for example, O-U, Y-I, M-N, K-T, P-T, etc. - for children 5 years old, pairs of consonants for deafness - voicedness (V-P, D-T, G-K, V-F) and hardness-softness (M-M", T-T", K-K, etc.) - for children 6-7 years old .

First, the game is played on individual sounds, then on syllables and words. adult picks up speech material and clearly pronounces it, and the child, following the instructions of an adult, raises his right hand to one of the sounds, and raises his left hand to the other.

For example, the sounds [Д-Т] differ.

Sounds: O, D, N, D, O, S, T, U, A, M, U, T, O, etc.

Syllables: OH, UD, PO, UT, KO, NU, MO, UP, MU, etc.

Words: House, tank, bush, salt, bridge, etc.

5) The game "Find a house for words"

Task: to teach children to highlight the initial sound in a word.

Equipment: subject pictures with words starting with different sounds, several pictures for each of them, 2 houses.

Description. The adult lays out the pictures on the table, names them, then gives the instruction to the child that he should populate the pictures in different houses according to the initial sound.

For example:

[M] - bridge, bears, lighthouse, etc. [N] - nose, sock, rhinoceros.

6) The game "Find tricky words"

Task: to train children in sound analysis, to teach them to distinguish given sounds in words.

Equipment: rows of words prepared by an adult, most of which contain a given sound in their composition, while the rest do not. The game uses words with vowels (A, O, U, I, S) and consonants that the child can pronounce correctly ([M-N], [D-T], [G-K], [B-P] , [V-F], [X]). For voiced consonants [D], [B], [G], [C] it is not allowed to use words in which these sounds end and are deafened. Hard and soft pairs of sounds are analyzed separately from each other. The vowel sound [O] can be distinguished only in those words in which it is under stress, since in other cases it turns into the sound [A]. The vowel sound [Ы] stands out only in the middle and at the end of the word.

Description. An adult pronounces a series of first 5 ^ 6, then 8-10 words and gives the child the task of remembering and repeating only those words that have a certain sound, for example, the sound [Н]. The following series of words is given: nose, Nastya, knife, wagon, lemon, bag.

7) The game "Find a tricky sound"

Task: to teach children to hear the initial and final sounds in words, to develop their auditory attention.

Equipment: pictures for a certain sound.

Description. The game can be played with one child or with a group of children.

The adult says: “Now I will show the pictures and name the objects depicted on them, and you listen carefully and guess what sound is in all these words.” Then the adult shows and names a series of pictures that begin, for example, with the sound [B]: water, enemies, wolf, and the children must answer with a full answer: “All these words have a sound [B]”. Next, they must remember the words named by adults with the sound [B], come up with a few of their own words with this sound.

8) The game "Sound Lotto"

Task: to train children in determining the location of a given sound in a word: at the beginning, middle or end.

Equipment; stripes divided into 3 parts, indicating the beginning, middle and end of the word; subject pictures with words for certain sounds: vowels and deaf consonants - beginning, middle, end; sound [s] - middle, end of a word; voiced consonants - the beginning and middle of a word.

Description. The child examines and names a picture with a given sound, then puts it on the first, second or third square in the strip, depending on its location in this word. For example, a child is given pictures with sound [k]. On the strip, they are arranged in squares in the following sequence: cat - bag - trick.

9) The game "Find all the words for a tricky sound?"

Task: to teach children to find in the picture or invent words with a given sound. Equipment:

Option 1 - a picture that contains a lot of objects with a given sound.

Option 2 - subject pictures with words in which there is a given sound; chips.

Description. You can play with one child or with a group of children.

1 option. An adult shows a plot picture and invites the child to find as many words with a given sound on it as possible.

For each word, the child receives a token. The one with the most chips wins.

Option 2. An adult calls the sound to the children and shows pictures with words that contain this sound.

Then the pictures are removed, and the children must name as many words as possible from memory. For each word, the child also receives a chip. As you practice, you can play without pictures, throwing the ball between the players and naming words with the agreed sound.

10) The game "Name the vowels"

Task: to train children in isolating vowel sounds from a word.

Description. An adult pronounces words syllable by syllable, highlighting and holding out vowels. Then he pronounces only the vowels in the order they were in the word.

For example, fish-ba - s-a; ba-ran-ah; kash-ka-a-a; etc. Next, the child tries to independently stretch the vowels in syllables and name them in order.

If necessary, an adult helps him in the correct division of words into syllables. First, two-syllable words with direct syllables are selected for the game, in which vowel sounds do not change depending on the stress or spelling rule, i.e. words are written and pronounced the same way (words like osa, road are excluded), then one- and three-syllable words and containing a confluence of consonants.