Synopsis of GCD “Journey to the planetarium. solar system

CONSPECT of directly educational activities in the preparatory school group "Planets solar system»

Program tasks:
Educational area "Cognition"
To consolidate the knowledge of children about space, the solar system, about space exploration.
To acquaint with the sequence of the arrangement of the planets of the solar system in their orbits, to generalize and expand the knowledge of children about the features of the planets.
Develop cognitive activity, attention, memory, fine motor skills;
Educational area "Communication"
Continue to learn to answer in full common sentences, develop coherent speech.
Educational area "Socialization"
To cultivate the ability to communicate in the process of work, play, to be kind to a friend, to provide him with all possible assistance.
Educational area "Health"
Ensure optimal physical activity of children during the GCD
Preliminary work: lesson “Space exploration”, conversation “Blue planet Earth, looking at illustrations on the theme “Space”.
Solar system with planets for each child.
Presentation of the "planet of the solar system".
Envelopes with tasks.
Envelopes with items needed in space, 1 envelope for two children.
Stars are medals. Introduction
Since ancient times, people have dreamed of flying like birds, on which the heroes of fairy tales and ancient legends did not go to heaven: on golden chariots, and on fast arrows, and even on bats.
- What did the heroes of your favorite fairy tales fly on?
Correctly. This is a carpet plane, and a stupa with Baba Yaga, and even geese - swans.
Centuries passed, and people managed to conquer the airspace of the earth, but they always wanted to rise higher, conquer outer space, fly to the stars. (slide 1) But people were able to go to the stars only 50 years ago.
Let's remember how it was.
What animal was the first to fly into space? (dogs Squirrel and arrow)
(slide 2)
- Who was the first astronaut on the planet? (children's answers) (slide 3)
- What was the name of the ship on which Yu.A. Gagarin went into space? ("East") (Slide 3)
What was the name of the first woman to go into space? (To Tereshkova) (slide 4)
- You know so much about space. Would you like to take a space trip yourself?
Main part.
I suggest you go on a space trip.
- How are we going to space? (on a rocket) (slide 5)
- Why can we go into space on a rocket? (only a rocket can overcome gravity)
Do you know that astronauts in space do not rest, but do work, conduct research. And for our journey, we received assignments in envelopes from the mission control center. The first task we must complete in preparation for the flight. You are ready?
So, I open the first envelope. Here is the assignment:
"select items that we need or may need in space"
Take the envelopes and start the task, you are doing the task together, together.
(The teacher checks the correctness of the assignment.)
So, we have collected everything you need, (Slide 5,)
please check, and now we can go on a space trip.

Put on spacesuits (children imitate movements), fasten your seat belts. Attention attention!!! Our crew is taking off. (slide 6)
5- 4-3-2-1-Let's go!
Here we are in space! How beautiful it is here! (slide 7)
Look out the windows, what do you see in space? (slide 8)
But we don't just travel. It's time for us to open the second task from the mission control center.
So, I open the second envelope. Here is our assignment.
"Visit all the planets and map the solar system"
- Look, you have cards on the tables.
- What do you see on the maps? (stars, orbits)
- What is an orbit? (the way the planets revolve around the sun)
Why don't the planets collide with each other as they revolve around the sun? (planets revolve in their orbits)
- What is missing on your maps? (salt and planets)
- What is the sun? (huge hot star)
All planets in the solar system rotate strictly in their orbit. Among the planets there are big ones and small ones. Some of them are closer to the Sun, others are farther from it.
So, we start the task. We will travel around the planets of the solar system and make maps.

Attention! We are approaching the first planet.
Do you know the name of the planet closest to the sun? (Mercury.)
(Slide 9)

Read a poem about her.
Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun
It is flooded with rays of hot light,
He gets so many rays
That this planet of others is hot!
So fast Mercury runs in orbit
As if in a hurry: "Catch up with me!"

Why do you think this planet is very hot? (because it is next to the Sun). Mercury hurries after the Sun, as if afraid to fall behind him. During the Earth year, Mercury has time to run around the Sun 4 times. The ancient Greeks said that "Those who need to hurry somewhere, let them learn from
Complete the task, place Mercury on the map. What orbit is Mercury in?
“Attention, attention, we are approaching the most beautiful planet in the solar system. (slide 10)
- What is it called? (This is Venus)
In honor of the goddess of beauty, Venus is named, you!
In the dark skies you shine, you illuminate us with beauty!

What do you know about this planet?
Venus glows like a crystal of rock crystal and seems very beautiful! Therefore, she was named after the goddess of beauty Venus.
The surface of Venus is rocky, so it is yellow-brown in color. This planet has an atmosphere, but it is made of carbon dioxide, so people and animals cannot live there. Find Venus and place it on the map. (children do the task)
What orbit is Venus in? (On the second)
Get ready….Our journey continues.
- Did you recognize this planet? (slide 11) (Earth)
- Why is it blue? (this air is blue)
- Can our planet be called alive? Why?
Read a poem about our planet.
Third planet from the Sun
Our Earth is smaller than a star,
But she lacks warmth and light,
Clean air and water.
Do not forget to complete the task, place our planet on the map. In what orbit does our planet rotate?
We admired our planet a little, and spaceship already approaching the next planet planet. (Slide 12)
What an unusual planet! Did you recognize her?
Mars is a mysterious planet. It is slightly larger than the moon,
Because of the blood red color They named the planet after the god of war
Mars is a desert covered in orange-red sand.
- Place mars on our maps.
What orbit is Mars in?
Our journey is very long. And what a trip without spacewalk. Do you want to visit outer space? Check your suits. Remember that all movements in space are smooth, a person does not walk there, but swims, flies, moves very slowly. (children move to the music)
Attention, attention, back to the ship. Take your seats.
Our crew is approaching the largest planet. (slide 14)
What is it called? (Jupiter)
What do you know about this planet?
Jupiter is the largest of all planets.
But there is no land on the planet,
liquid hydrogen everywhere
And bitter cold all year round.
Jupiter is 11 times the size of the earth - it's just a giant.
Find this planet.
What orbit is Jupiter in?

Attention, we are approaching the next planet, which interesting planet? (Slide 15)
– What is it called?
How is it different from other planets?
What are the rings of Saturn made of? (ice blocks and stones)
Saturn is a beautiful planet
And rings of stones and ice
She is always surrounded.
Find Saturn.
- In what orbit will you place it?
Crew, attention, we're approaching the next planet! (slide 16)
Are you familiar with that planet?
This planet is called Uranus.
What do you know about him?
Uranus is the only planet that spins on its side. Such a couch potato! Therefore, one side of it, then the other, is turned to the Sun. Each hemisphere is illuminated by the Sun for exactly 40 years, and then night and fog reign there for 40 years.
Uranus is a couch potato, and he is too lazy to get up, The planet can not rise, Forty years last there for a day, And forty years is night.
Find uranium and place it on the map.
Do not forget in what orbit is his place? (on the seventh)
Attention astronauts! We continue the journey.
We arrived at the eighth planet of the solar system. (slide 17) it seems blue because methane gas surrounds it.
What do you know about this planet?
The planet Neptune is far from Earth,
It's hard to see it through a telescope
The eighth planet from the Sun
An icy winter reigns on it forever.
Place the planet Neptune in the eighth orbit.
Attention all crew members, our journey is coming to an end and we are approaching the last planet. (slide 18)
What is it called.? (Pluto)
What do you know about this planet? (children's answers)
Pluto is the planet farthest from the Sun. It is the smallest and coldest planet in the solar system. Locate the last planet on your map.
Look, we have completed the task of the mission control center. Compare your maps to the solar system. (slide 19)
Final part
Now the crew of our spacecraft must return to Earth, but our way home is not close.
And while we will fly to our planet. I suggest you complete the last task. Ready?
Mission Control wants to test what you've learned and memorized from today's interplanetary journey. Answer our questions.
How many planets are in the solar system?
What is the name of the planet closest to the sun?
Which planet is the smallest?
What is the biggest?
Which planet is the coldest?
Which planet is called red?
Which planet has rings?
Which planets are Earth's closest neighbors?
What is the name of the habitable planet in the solar system?
Well done, you answered all the questions, completed all the tasks, made wonderful maps that other astronauts can travel on
Attention, astronauts, we are approaching planet Earth!
Here we are at home, how beautiful it is on our planet. Unfasten your seat belts.
Our space journey has come to an end. to all the astronauts who have been in space, I want to give a star in memory of our unusual journey


1. Envelopes with tasks.
Didactic task: to consolidate children's knowledge about space, about the features of the life and work of astronauts in connection with being in an airless space.
Equipment: cards with images of various objects, arranged in envelopes
Game rule: correctly select cards with images of objects that can or cannot be taken into space.
Game action: select and lay out cards with the image of objects that can or cannot be taken into space.
Game progress:
Option 1. Envelopes with cards for each child. The teacher offers to choose items that can be taken into space and lay them out on the table, and put the rest of the cards in an envelope.
Option 2. An envelope with cards from two or three children, the children together select cards with objects that can be taken into space.
Option 3. Envelopes with cards for each child. Children select items that cannot be taken into space. Each child shows the selected card and explains their choice.

Didactic task: to consolidate children's knowledge about space, the structure of the solar system, about the planets of the solar system and their features.
Equipment: 20 cards of the solar system - starry sky with orbits, envelopes with the sun and planets for each child.
Game rule: place everything correctly celestial bodies into their places on the solar system.
Game action: children lay out celestial bodies on maps of the solar system.
Game progress:
Option 1. The teacher names the celestial body (the sun or the planet and its characteristic features: a huge red-hot star, a red planet, etc.) the children find this body in their envelopes, the teacher explains (or asks the children) where exactly this celestial body is located.
Option 2. Children independently lay out celestial bodies on a map of the solar system, the teacher checks the correctness of the map.

Target: formation of interest in the study of space



Continue to enrich knowledge and expand children's ideas about space, about the planets;


Develop creative thinking, imagination, cognitive activity


Arouse the desire in children to explore and explore space;

Raise interest, desire to learn more about space;

To form the skills of correct behavior in the classroom; ability to work in a team;

To cultivate curiosity, creative activity, attention, a sense of emotional satisfaction, independence.

Material: Diagram of the solar system, a screen with a projector or a laptop, a large sheet of whatman paper, white sheets of paper, felt-tip pens, wax crayons, scissors

Children go about their business (playing board games, drawing…). The teacher brings in a poster depicting the planets of the solar system.

Educator: Guys, look what poster I brought for you. What do you see on this poster?

Children: Planets.

Educator: What planet do we live on?

Children: Planet Earth.

Educator: What other planets do you know?

Children's answers.

Educator: Well done, they named all the planets of the solar system (if not all were named, then the educator supplements).

Guys, do you think there is life on other planets? Do you want to know? To answer this question, you need to go into space. Are you ready to go on a trip? Then we need to get ready.

What do you need to fly?

Children's answers (rocket, spacesuits, map of the solar system, food)

Children arrange chairs, take their places.

In front of the children is a map of the solar system (slide 2).

Educator: Before setting out on a journey, let's remember what conditions are necessary for life on earth.

Children: Light, heat, water, oxygen.

Educator: Our spaceship is called Vostok. I take command of the ship. You are just astronauts. Attention! Five-minute readiness announced! Put on your spacesuits, checked your helmets! Straps fastened. We start counting. Five, four, three, two, one. Start! (The sound background of the operation of engines sounds)

The first stage of our flight has been completed. We have left the Earth and are flying into space! You can relax and unfasten the belts, take off the helmets. Look out the window! What outer space is before us! (Slide 3 starry sky)

We are flying to the planet Mercury, which is closest to the Sun.

Attention! Our ship is approaching the planet Mercury. (Slide 4)

Ship Commander: What do you guys think, is it possible to land on a planet without knowing anything about it. Let's query our computer for this planet's data.

A computer: Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. She is bigger than the moon. During the day it is very hot, at night it is very cold. There is no atmosphere on this planet, which means there is nothing to breathe. The surface of this planet is covered with craters. (slide 4). No man has set foot on the planet Mercury.

Commander: Do you think there is life on this planet? Why?

We are heading for the next planet - Venus. Ancient astronomers, observing the morning and evening dawn, noticed the most bright star. In honor of the goddess of beauty and love, they named this star Venus. Later it turned out that Venus is not a star, but a planet.

A computer: Attention! We are approaching the planet Venus. (Slide 5)

Ship Commander: On Venus, probably, a strong thunderstorm: flashes of lightning are visible. This means that we cannot descend to Venus, our ship may crash. What will the computer tell us about this inhospitable planet?

A computer: Venus is closer to the Sun than the Earth, and therefore there is a terrible heat on its surface, about 500 degrees. The relief of Venus consists of vast plains, crossed by mountain ranges and hills, and on the mountain peaks there are traces of lava. Venus is surrounded by a thick layer of clouds and a very dense atmosphere, in which the content of carbon dioxide is several times higher than its content in the earth's atmosphere. Methane, ammonia, chlorine and fluorine compounds, and sulfuric acid, dangerous to humans, have also been found in the atmosphere of Venus. Anxiety! The air is poisonous, it is dangerous to breathe it! Don't get down! Don't get down!

Commander: Yes, it is better to say goodbye to the planet of storms and thunderstorms as soon as possible. Where will we fly next? We send our ship to Mars!

Even in ancient times, people noticed a bright orange star in the sky. And they named it in honor of the god of war - Mars. On Mars, as on Earth, one can observe such a phenomenon as the change of seasons, and the Martian day is not much different from the earth's: it lasts 24 hours and 37 minutes. And here is the planet Mars in front of us (slide 6)

Let's query the computer for this planet's data.

A computer: Mars is a planet half the size of Earth. Martian soil is red-brown in color. The sky is not blue, but a dull pink due to reddish dust particles that are constantly in the atmosphere of Mars. Oxygen and water vapor in its atmosphere is only 1%, and the average temperature is about -40 degrees. The strongest winds often blow over Mars - their speed is up to 100 m / s.

Commander: From the information of the computer, we learned that it is possible to walk on the planet Mars, but only by putting on spacesuits and turning on the heater. Check your helmets. When leaving the ship, do not go far so that everyone has enough air. Look how huge the mountains are, they have snow and ice (slide 7). But the ice is not like our earth. This is dry ice. When carbon dioxide freezes, dry ice forms. We use such ice, for example, in refrigerators. And there is a gorge over the abyss, and then deserts. We will not go there, it is not known what awaits us there. Can you tell me how to grow a plant?

We don't have a lot of oxygen we breathe, so it's time for us to get back to the ship. In the ship you can take off space suits, helmets. Take your seats. Get ready for takeoff. Let's start the countdown: five, four, three, two, one, start!

The next planet is Jupiter. In the meantime, we are flying to him, we will listen to the computer about the planet Jupiter (slide 8).

A computer: Jupiter is a giant planet, it is 1300 times larger than the Earth. Landing on this planet is impossible. The giant planet does not have a solid surface, as on Earth, the Moon or Mars. Jupiter consists of a small, solid core surrounded by dense layers of liquid and gas.

Well, we have food, air, and we can fly further to Saturn. (slide 9).

If you look at Saturn from Earth through a telescope, you can see glowing rings around it. Thanks to the mysterious bright rings, Saturn is considered the most beautiful and unusual planet. Numerous rings of Saturn are made up of countless glacial and rocky debris, the largest of them reaching the size of a six-story building. Saturn itself is a gas planet, the lightest in the solar system. Saturn has moons. There are twenty two of them. Soon we will approach the planet. But what is it? Danger alert! Look at us meteorites are flying (slide 10). So we got into the orbit of Saturn with its satellites. We must change course immediately. Saturn does not let us close to its surface.

Interestingly, it turns out that this planet is considered the coldest in the entire solar system. Uranus is the seventh planet in order from the Sun. Unlike other planets in the solar system, Uranus releases much less heat than it receives from the Sun. For example, other planets have incandescent, hot cores inside and emit infrared radiation. Apparently, some reasons made his “heart” cool down. Uranus - an interesting planet Uranus - the summer period lasts 1 very long day for 42 years! And the period of revolution around the Sun is 84 years, and on Earth, respectively, 365 days. That's where you have to wait a long time for the New Year! Daylight hours last 17 hours, faster than ours. Officially recorded 15 satellites. Another interesting fact, Uranus has its own rings, like those of Saturn, only they are smaller and not as dense. It is curious, but although it is far from us, but after the opening of the first telescope, it was discovered first!

We are heading for the last planet in the solar system. It's called Neptune. Did you know that this planet was discovered by the French astronomer Urbain Le Verrier, not by observing the sky, but by mathematical calculations. And only then was it discovered in the sky. That's Neptune! (slide)

Even from afar it seems cold.

A computer: On Neptune, the temperature is minus 195 degrees!

Commander: In such a frost, even special space suits will not save us! Do you guys think anything can grow there?

We are returning to Earth. So what conclusion have we come to? Why didn't we stay on any planet? (None of them have conditions for life) Why did we return to Earth? (On Earth there are all conditions for the life of living organisms, including plants)

We circled the entire solar system and found no life anywhere. Only on our planet is clean air, green trees grow, birds sing. And we must not only love our planet, but also take care of it. How can we take care of you? (do not break trees, do not kill insects, do not destroy bird nests, etc.) If we do not do this, then our Earth will become as dead and inhospitable as other planets in the solar system.

And now I suggest that you team up in pairs and draw and cut out the planet that you remember the most. At the end of the work, we will create a map of the solar system, which will hang in our group.

Independent activity of children.

At the end of the work, together with the teacher, the children create a map of the solar system.

Educator: Did you enjoy today's trip? What do you remember? What planet can we live on? Why?

List of used literature:

  • Big encyclopedia of a preschooler.
  • Almanac "I want to know everything."

Sections: Working with preschoolers


  • Educational: expand children's knowledge about the Sun, like a star, about the planets, the structure of the solar system; to teach to conceive the content and fulfill your plan in the drawing, to improve the technique of drawing fantasy images.
  • Educational: develop logical and associative thinking, visual, auditory memory, attention, curiosity, productive imagination; fine motor skills of the hands; activate dictionary.
  • Educational: ability to work together; cultivate diligence, accuracy, independence; aesthetic attitude to nature through the drawing of the planets.


  • Demo: parcel, letter, video materials about the solar system; images of the planets; cards with the names of the planets of the solar system; pictures depicting planets by size; table with an entertaining crossword puzzle; musical accompaniment.
  • Dispensing: paper plates of different sizes, wax crayons, watercolors, a palette, brushes, foam pads, jars of water, napkins, sheets of paper for each child.

Preliminary work:

  • Conversations and reading informative and fiction about space;
  • viewing illustrations and videos;
  • didactic games;
  • experiments and observations;
  • mastering the technique of watercolor.

Lesson progress

caregiver: Guys, do you like to travel? (children's answers).

Then where will we go today, fly or swim? (Answers of children).

You know, I was even confused, what will be the course of our journey?

The teacher tells the children that when she came to the group in the morning, the postman brought a strange package (shows to the children), which says: “For children preparatory group, open on Tuesday morning”.

What day of the week is today? What time of day is it now?

(Answers of children).

All right, then you can open.

Guys, here is the letter!

The teacher reads the letter.

"Dear friends!

I have compiled an entertaining crossword puzzle for you.

I am sure that you will quickly and easily solve it.

And the word highlighted vertically will help determine the purpose of your trip. Good luck. Znayka.”

The teacher attaches a crossword puzzle to the board, offers to solve it. Reading the tasks, asks the children to enter the correct answers in the table.

After completing all the tasks, the children read the keyword - “SPACE”.

caregiver: And so, our today's journey will be... space.

Guys, why do you think Znayka encrypted this word?

(Answers of children).

Of course, today, April 12, is Cosmonautics Day. More than 50 years ago on this day, our cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin made his first flight into space.

There are many secrets and mysteries in space. Are you good at solving riddles?

(Answers of children).

The teacher gives the children a riddle:

"Blue, round,
Floats in the sky
We all live on it
What is her name?

This is ... our planet Earth. But she is not alone in the universe.

The teacher, together with the children, watches videos about

Solar system, talking about it.

caregiver: Guys, look closely at the Sun. This is a huge star, consisting of hot gases. The sun is so far away that its rays reach the Earth only after 8 minutes. It is so big that it can contain over a million Earths. Near the Sun, you can see a few tiny stars, they accompany it from all sides. But for this you need to arm yourself with telescopes. Let's make them from sheets of paper by twisting them into a tube.

Children make telescopes and look through them.

caregiver: It turns out that these are not fireballs, like all stars, but dark solid stone balls illuminated by the sun - planets.

The planets themselves do not glow. They "shine" only because the sun is burning. If the Sun goes out, all the planets will go out immediately.

Planet in Greek means “wandering star”.

How do you think planets differ from stars? (children's answers).

Stars are made of hot gases, and planets are made of solid, liquid particles and gases.

The Sun has a close-knit family in which it is the head. These are 9 planets revolving around the sun. Together they form a system called the solar system. The planets do not go in a round dance, but each has its own path, its own circle, and not one planet will ever leave the Sun, they are held by the force of solar attraction. The planets move at different speeds. Most of them have moons. The moon is a solid ball that revolves around the planet, shining not with its own, but with reflected sunlight.

Now people are exploring the entire solar system: launching spacecraft to the planets, preparing rockets and astronauts to travel to them, and here many amazing discoveries await them.

Let's take a closer look at these planets. To do this, I suggest you go on an imaginary space journey on a rocket. We pronounce magic words: “One, two, three - take the rocket into space!”

(Children say the words).

caregiver: And now we are already in the vast expanses of space.

To soft music, the guys perform various exercises, imitating the movements of astronauts in weightlessness.

caregiver: Let's land on our native Earth and look at other planets from it.

(Children sit on the carpet).

Now we will try to find the planets and lay out the solar system.

In front of the children on the easels there are cards with the image of the Sun and the planets of the solar system, their names.

The teacher asks the children to listen and look carefully: according to the description given to her, try to find each of the planets of the solar system, pick up a card with its name, and place it correctly.

The planet is solid, rocky, very similar to the Moon, but the fastest and most agile (Mercury).

A very bright planet, it reflects sunlight, so it appears as a luminous ball. Its surface is hidden by white, dense, poisonous clouds. Named after the goddess (Venus).

Beautiful blue ball with white spots. This is the only inhabited planet known to us that has water and air (Earth).

It is similar in color to fire, to the flame of a fire. Sometimes called the Red Planet, it consists of red stone (Mars).

A solid hot ocean, there is no land on the planet, but there are moons - 4 tiny stars (Jupiter).

The most beautiful planet, visible as a bright white star. Around there are huge rings of pieces of stone and ice. It has 10 moons, and one is almost the same size as Mercury (Saturn).

Consists of gases. The blue planet is named after the ancient Greek god of the seas (Neptune).

The planet is surrounded by 9 rings, the core consists mainly of ice and rocks (Uranus).

Consists of rock and ice, it was discovered last (Pluto).

There are still many undiscovered minor planets in the solar system, they are called asteroids.

The teacher provides assistance as needed.

caregiver: Well done! You did a good job.

After all the planets are laid out, the children examine them and answer the teacher's questions:

  • How are planets different from each other?
  • What do they have in common?
  • The sun heats the planets with its rays. Some planets are closer to the Sun, others are further away. This means that all the planets have different weather.
  • Find the planets closest to the Sun.
  • On which planet will more light and heat - on the closest to the Sun or the farthest from it?
  • Name the coldest planet.
  • Which planet will be neither hot nor cold?
  • What can be said about planet Earth?

The game “Living Solar System” is being organized.

Children take cards with the image of the planets of the solar system, line up around the Sun, each start moving in their own circle, saying a counting rhyme:

  • One is Mercury.
  • Two is Venus.
  • Three is Earth.
  • Four is Mars.
  • Five is Jupiter.
  • Six is ​​Saturn.
  • Seven is Uranus.
  • Eight is Neptune.
  • Nine is a small Pluto.
  • The sun is the main champion.

(Alternately, the children raise a card with the image of the corresponding planet).

(Children sit down).

caregiver: All planets are different sizes. The video “Comparison of planets by size” is shown to children.

Let's see if you remember everything so well. Children are invited to lay out cards with the image of the planets:

In one line from largest to smallest.

  • Find the largest planets
  • Find a giant planet.
  • Find the smallest planet.

Divide the planets into three groups: small, medium, giants.

caregiver: Very good guys! Thank you for this wonderful journey, in which we learned a lot of new, interesting and useful things about the solar system. But it's time for us to get back to the group. We take places in the rocket, we say the magic words: “One, two, three - return the rocket to the group!”.

(Children say the words).

caregiver: Now I invite you to take your seats in the art studio and reflect your impressions of the journey in a drawing.

The teacher offers to dream up: what color will their planet be, what is it covered with, who can inhabit it and turn a paper plate into their unusual planet. In order for the planets to glow in space, they need to be made in bright and pure colors.

The teacher reminds the children about the technique of drawing “on raw”. This method allows you to get interesting colors and original shades, as well as a smooth flow of one tone into another.

Children choose materials and begin to draw fantastic pictures of the planets according to their ideas. While drawing, soft, light instrumental music sounds.

If necessary, the teacher provides children with individual assistance, encourages those who work faster to make additions to the drawing.

Lesson Analysis

The educator, collecting the works, approves them, especially noting the originality and creativity shown. Children look at each other's work, talk about their planets, give them names. A large panel “To the planets of the solar system” is laid out from the completed children's works.

Children put their jobs in order, wash their hands.

Synopsis of directly educational activities with preschoolers of the preparatory group
Theme: planets of the solar system
Integration educational areas: "Cognition", "Socialization", "Communication"
- expand children's understanding of space, planets (cognition);
- to form the skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, individuality (communication);
- encourage children to join in a game situation with adults (socialization)
Methods and techniques:
- practical (experiments, observation)
- visual (showing presentations, solar system)
- verbal (questions, explanations)
Materials and equipment: globe, illustrations on the theme "Space", multimedia installation, computer, plasticine, model of the solar system.
Lesson progress
Children play, the teacher enters, and in his hand is a magic box, in this box there is a globe.
Educator: Guys, look what I brought you, what do you think is in the box? Children offer options.
Educator: Oh, let's see what is there!? What is it?!
Children offer options (globe, ball, earth)
Educator: this is a model of the earth - a globe. Do you know that we live on one of the planets called Earth, but do you want to know what planets exist in space?
The teacher offers to sit down at the chairs and turns on the presentation.
All outer space is infinite. There are many different galaxies there. Our galaxy is called Milky Way and she looks like this. (slide show)
At the center of our galaxy is the solar system (slide show)
Educator: the most big star this is the Sun. (Slide show) 9 planets revolve around the sun.
Now consider the sun. What gives us the sun?
Children: warmth, light.
Educator: The sun radiates light and heat like a light bulb.
(The teacher turns on the lamp - “The Sun”, asks the children to take turns bringing their hand closer and removing it.)
– What can you say about it?
Children's answers
The teacher will consider all the planets in order.
(Slide show.)
The first planet, the smallest in the entire solar system. This is Mercury, it is located closest to the sun, which means it is the hottest and hottest.
The second planet, completely covered with clouds, is Venus. She is also very hot.
What do you think this planet is? Children's answers (earth)
The next planet looks red and is visible in the sky as a reddish star. Previously, people thought that there were living beings on this planet, but they were wrong. This is the planet Mars.
The fifth largest planet is Jupiter. It consists of liquid and gas.
On the next planet, the rings that surround it are visible. This is Saturn. Rings are icy particles of dust and gases.
And these are the most distant planets from the Sun, which means that they are very cold. People know very little about these planets. Uranus is the seventh from the Sun and the coldest planet. This is the first planet to be found with a telescope, as well as the only planet in the solar system that wraps around the Sun, "lying on its side."
Neptune is the eighth and most distant planet from the center of the solar system. Neptune is dark blue because it is surrounded by a gas - methane. And white clouds float above the planet, and the most distant Pluto. Pluto is not a full-fledged planet, but belongs to the group of dwarf planets. There is practically no sunlight there, so it is very cold on Pluto.
Now we have considered the structure of the solar system. Think and say what is the solar system
Children's answers.
Educator: The solar system is our home, in which the planets are located.
Let's play the solar system, repeat with me ...
The teacher takes hats made in the form of planets and distributes them to the children.
All the planets in order
Call any of us:
Once - Mercury, puts on a hat.
Two - Venus, puts on a hat.
Three - Earth, puts on a hat.
Four - Mars, puts on a hat.
Five - Jupiter, wears a hat.
Six - Saturn, puts on a hat.
Seven-Uranus, puts on a hat. Behind him - Neptune, puts on a hat.
He is eighth in a row.
And after him already, then,
And the ninth planet
Under the name Pluto puts on a hat.
Educator I will be the Sun and you will be the planets, respectively. Let's build the solar system at one, two, three. These lines will be your orbits on which you will move, if you do not follow these lines, you can collide with each other. Begin! children take their places to the music.
Well, here we have played, and now we will fix the idea of ​​​​the solar system. See what disk I have. What does he look like? The kids are in charge
Educator: To the solar system, I was the sun. I'll take the ball, put a flag on top and I'll put it ... Where should I put it? To the center ... And now you yourself ... Children arrange the planets.
Educator: What is the name of a person flying into space?
Children: Cosmonaut
Educator: Okay, but in April, what will be the holiday?
April 12 is Cosmonautics Day. For the first time in the world, cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin successfully flew around the Earth on the Vostok spacecraft (portrait display). We will consider more about Cosmonautics Day next week, but for now you can ask moms, dads, look in books about this holiday.

Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group on the topic:

"Solar system"

Purpose: revealing the knowledge, skills and abilities of pupils of the preparatory group.


Develop grammatical structure speech: exercise in the formation of related words to the words "Space" and "Planet", enrich the children's vocabulary.

develop coherent speech, consolidate the ability to correctly build a sentence.

* consolidate the ability to distinguish between "sound", "syllable", "word", "sentence";

*name in sequence words in a sentence, sounds and syllables in words.

* consolidate the ability to determine the place of sound in a word.

* exercise in compiling a sound scheme of a word, a sound analysis of a word, a sentence scheme;

* consolidate the ability to analyze the shape of the object as a whole, its parts.


consolidate children's knowledge about space, astronauts.

* consolidate the ability to make words from letters,

* consolidate the skills of direct, reverse counting within 20, the ability to solve simple arithmetic problems for subtraction, addition;

*when deciding to use the action signs plus (+, minus (-) and the ratio sign equals (=);

*Clarify knowledge of known geometric shapes.

Cultivate independence, interest in the solar system.

Equipment: blue cardboard, circles of yellow, red, orange, black purple, brown, green, white; soft modules; a set of pictures "Nature", a proposal scheme for each child, images on the screen, recording on a voice recorder, space music.

Lesson progress:

Hello, friend, (offer a hand to the child on the right)

Hello friend! (offer your hand to the child on the left)

Get in a circle with me!

Let's smile and say "Hi!"

Sun: Hello!

To all guests: "Hi!"

Guys, you hear some strange sound. This is an SOS signal. Someone is asking for help. Let's listen carefully.

Before the New Year holidays, an SOS message arrived that the Galaxy was in danger. Space pirates want to capture all the planets of the solar system. An incredible thing happened in space: all the planets of the solar system left their orbits and huddled together. I'm off course and can't get back to Earth. Your help is urgently needed: it is necessary to put the planets in their places in order to restore order in the solar system. If you are not afraid of difficulties, then rush to help. A lost astronaut asks you for help.

“Guys, what are we going to do? Can we help?"

Children: "Yes! Let's help!"

How many planets are in the solar system? (nine)

Name them? (children call).

Guys, how can you fly into outer space?

And let's build a spaceship ourselves. To do this, you need to correctly position the number series. Let's start building the ship. (We build a ship from soft modules).

The game "Assemble the whole from parts." (rocket)

Guys, to become an astronaut, you have to be a very educated and healthy person. You need to undergo special training.

You are ready? (Yes).

Raise your right hand up; squat 4 times, and jump 1 time less; make 3 claps more than the number 5 you see.

I propose to take seats in the spaceship.

Attention, we announce readiness No. 1.

Are all systems working properly? (Yes)

Start counting from 10 to 0. (children count)

Start! Our rocket rises high up (space music sounds, 1 slide on the screen).

In order to quickly be in space, we need to pass the password. If you answer all the questions correctly, we will be in space almost immediately.”

The game "The Fourth Extra"

1. Sun, Venus, Earth, Africa.

2. Rocket, satellite, moon rover, boat.

3. Comet, meteorite, star, globe.

4. Astronaut, astronomer, astrologer, cosmonaut.

5. Star, planet, galaxy, telescope.

6. Sea, river, lake, desert.

7. Start, launch, takeoff, space suit.

8. Bold, resolute, angry, courageous.

9. Rocket, satellite, moon rover, bus.

10. Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Moscow.

You have successfully passed the first test.

Here we are in space. Guys, the path to the stray planets will not be easy. We face many obstacles. To overcome them, we must be extremely attentive and quick-witted. And here is the first obstacle.

Game "Nature or not?"

Guys, there are pictures and envelopes in front of you. Take the pictures and look at them carefully. Select those pictures that are related to nature and put them in an envelope, and leave the rest on the tables. (Children distribute pictures)

And now I propose to check how you did it. Why do you think these pictures refer to nature? What is nature like? What is wildlife and why?

Generalization: nature is that which is not created by man.

Well done boys! You were extremely attentive and quickly coped with the first obstacle.

Here comes the next hurdle. We need to come up with related words for the words "Space" and "Planet".

Game "Family" (With a ball)

Children select related words for the word "Space" - astronaut, space, cosmodrome, astronautics. By the word "Planet" - an alien, planetarium, interplanetary.

Well done guys, they coped well with the second obstacle. And now a more difficult obstacle awaits you.

Game "Make a proposal"

The teacher offers the children sentences in which all the words have changed places, and build the correct sentences. Offer scheme.

Words: in, astronaut, rocket, flies; stars, on, shine, sky; in, ship, flight, departs, space; falls, from, comet, sky, tailed.

Well done boys! And now another, more difficult obstacle: we need to help populate the numbers in their houses. Fix the composition of the number.

Educator: "Well done, guys! Now you can relax and have some fun!

Mobile game "Stargazer"

An astrologer lived on the moon - (“Look” through a telescope)

He kept records of the planets: (Pointing to the sky with your hand)

Mercury - one, (Describe a circle with hands)

Venus-two-s, (Cotton)

Three is earth, four is Mars, (Sit down)

Five - Jupiter, six - Saturn, (Tilt right-left)

Seven - Uranus, eight - Neptune, (Bend forward, bend back)

Who does not see - get out! The stargazer walks inside the circle, the children holding hands go in the opposite direction. The stargazer stops between the children takes off his hat and says "1.2.3. run ”the children run in opposite directions, whoever puts on a hat first becomes an astrologer. (2-3 r)

Well done boys! You have completed a very difficult task! And here are the stray planets!

Guys, it's time to complete our main task. Let's arrange the planets, each in its place.

Didactic exercise "Let's arrange the planets of the solar system"

In the center is the Sun, mark it with a yellow circle. To the left of it is the planet Mercury, mark it with a green circle, to the right is Uranus - it is black, above the Sun is Jupiter - an orange circle, under the Sun is Saturn-purple circle, in the upper right corner is Neptune-brown circle, in the lower right corner we see the Earth - a blue circle, in the upper left corner is the planet Venus - a white circle, in the lower left corner is the planet Mars - a red circle.

Well done! All the planets have been returned to the solar system

Well, that's all, guys, it's time for us to return home to Earth. But in order to quickly return to Earth, we must complete the last task: pass the password to exit the Cosmos.

Passing the password to return from space

The stars scattered in the sky and got mixed up, you need to quickly collect them and return them to outer space. And now turning them over, let's see what happened. Who can read? The children alternately lay out the cards in reverse order, from 12 to 1, the teacher asks them to close their eyes and count aloud from 12 to 1. While they are counting with their eyes closed, change the slide with the letters to the letter side. Children open their eyes and read the password "Cosmonautics".

What a long word and how unusually written! Some of the letters are red, some are blue, and one is green!

What would that mean? (Vowels are always indicated in red, hard consonants in blue, and soft consonants in green.)

And how many syllables are in the word "cosmonautics"? (Five syllables).

And how did you guess? (How many vowels in a word, so many syllables).

Quite right! You have given the correct answer.

The phonogram of space music sounds, the children are “returning” from space.

Here we are again at home, on Earth, in our favorite kindergarten.


Tell me, guys, was it difficult for you in space? (No, not at all difficult, but interesting)

Why are we flying into space?

What interesting things do you remember?

Footsteps are heard in the corridor

Employee: "I'm sorry, you were asked to pass."

He holds out a telegram and a small parcel. In the parcel "Decree of the President", medals "Young Cosmonaut".

Telegram? I wonder from whom?

Reads aloud: “Dear children! A lost astronaut is writing to you. Thank you very much for your help! You have committed a heroic deed: now there is complete order in space - all the planets are in their places, and I have safely returned to my native Earth. Your friend, the Lost Astronaut.

You see guys? So, we did not try in vain! Ouch! What is it? Looks like a presidential order!

He reads: “For the courage shown, heroism, ingenuity, the ability to come to the rescue, the children of the preparatory group MBDOU No. 112 are awarded with the medals “Young Cosmonaut”.

Well, that's it, my young astronauts, our space journey is over! Thank you all for participating."