Tasks for children prepositions in on under. Prepositions in poems, pictures, tasks and games for children

Summer is a convenient time to work on orientation in space. Orientation in space is a basic skill (I emphasize!) for any training. This means: no matter what the child learns, the skill of orientation in space will help him.

That is why it deserves great and special attention.

Spatial orientation in preschoolers

The sequence of orientation formation in preschool age is as follows.

  1. the baby masters his own body (body scheme);
  2. then he moves on to the surrounding objects - he learns to distinguish their various sides: front, back, top, bottom, side;
  3. further learns to determine the spatial arrangement of objects relative to themselves;
  4. By school, he masters orientation on the plane, in other words, a notebook sheet.

All these skills must be accompanied by the appearance and use in speech of verbal definitions of spatial relations: forward-backward, up-down, right-left, and so on.

Helpful to start schooling in the speech of children, 2 more groups of words appeared and were correctly used, denoting orientation in space:

  1. prepositions,
  2. adverbs.

Prepositions in pictures

Preschool education (and junior schoolchildren) should be visible. There are many different options for graphic representation of spatial relationships. They are shown in the form of chart cards.

There are many prepositions in Russian.

Not all of them are available to preschoolers. It is useful to learn two groups for school.

  1. Prepositions reflecting the diverse static spatial relationships of objects (including a person).
  2. Prepositions that convey the direction of movement or indicate the location of an object during movement.

Prepositions in Russian of the first group (static)

Prepositions in Russian of the second group (for movement)

When working with prepositions, it is useful to correlate chart cards with pictures.

Preposition games

The ability to navigate most effectively develops in the game.

Pick a couple

Print the proposed or make your own sets. Consider. Find out what is happening in the pictures, why such a diagram card is drawn next to the picture. Cut, mix. Invite the child to lay out the diagram cards in a column (few people know how it is) and pick up a card with a plot for each of them.

Action - Card Scheme

Take a book and a pen. Perform the following manipulations, and the child names the action and selects a diagram card. Every time we ask questions: "Where is the pen?" and (if appropriate) "Where do we get the pen from?"

  1. Pen on a book
  2. pen under book
  3. Pen in a book
  4. Pen behind the book (we put the book vertically)
  5. Pen over book
  6. Pen to the right of the book. We move through the book to the left side.
  7. Pen between books

Game "Do it on command"

An adult gives a command, a child performs: hands behind his back (where do we get our hands from?), On the head, above our heads, behind our heads (where do we get our hands from?), Under the chin, in front of the chest. Head between palms. Get your ear over your head.

It will be great if the children themselves draw simple plots for a given pretext.

The kids will love watching the video.

Orientation in space: adverbs

Everyone is afraid of this word, except for speech therapists, because no one remembers what it is. And in fact, everything is very simple.

Adverbs that are useful to enter into the vocabulary of preparatory students are words that answer questions:

  1. Where?
  2. Where?

"Spatial" terminology surrounds us everywhere. Therefore, it is not required to look for some special material for classes with children. It is only important to teach children to use prepositions and adverbs until they begin to use them in spontaneous speech. The Non-Standard Children website wishes success to its readers.

Didactic aids for the formation of prepositional case constructions in older preschoolers with OHP.

Bolshakova Lidia Mikhailovna

Teacher speech therapist

MDOU " Kindergarten"Fairy tale" of Nadym

Games with prepositions

When forming grammatical structure the speech of children with speech disorders plays an important role in the study and consolidation of prepositions. Significant assistance to the speech therapist teacher in teaching children to use prepositions in oral, and subsequently in writing in accordance with the laws of grammar, have a variety of didactic games.

Didactic game "Throw"

Purpose: to consolidate the understanding and correct use of various prepositions.

The speech therapist invites the children to roll a die with preposition schemes on the faces and come up with a sentence (or choose a suitable picture) with a “little word”, the scheme of which turned out to be on the top face of the game die.

Didactic game "Train"

Purpose: consolidation of prepositional-case constructions, differentiation of prepositions IN, ON, UNDER.

The layout of the train is displayed on the board. speech therapist says:

Passengers carry different things on the train. In the first car they carry things about which you can make a sentence with the word B. In the second car - things about which you can make up a sentence with the word ON, and in the third - with the word UNDER.

The speech therapist shows pictures. Children come up with a sentence and put the pictures in the corresponding "cars". For example, the picture "The ball lies on a chair"

Didactic game "Come up with a proposal"

Target: activate the dictionary on lexical topics: “Furniture”, “Mushrooms”, “Clothes”, “Dishes”, “Food”, correlate the preposition with the scheme, make a sentence with a given preposition using two reference pictures:

Before a child or a group of children, cards with three windows and with a moving insert are laid out on the example of a mathematical Abacus, which shows a preposition scheme, two windows with reference pictures and one empty window, children are invited to choose a pretext and come up with a sentence.It is necessary to control that the child's sentence contains both supporting words, as well as a preposition.

Didactic game "Merry meadow"

Target: activation of the dictionary lexical topic"Insects", consolidating the skills of using prepositions in speech.

Guys, look carefully at the clearing and make a sentence with a preposition. The speech therapist manipulates insects (which are attached with Velcro), thereby simulating various situations: a butterfly sat on a bell, a ladybug crawled into a flower, etc.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Didactic game to familiarize children with the spatial meaning of the prepositions "Visiting Smeshariki"

Children preschool age with a diagnosis of general speech underdevelopment, they very rarely use prepositional constructions, they hardly understand the meaning of prepositions. Experience in preschool showed better...

Didactic games and exercises for the formation of skills for the correct use of prepositions.

The proposed didactic games and exercises help children with OHP learn the rules for using prepositions....

Didactic game "Find an excuse"

Purpose: To clarify the ability of children to distinguish between spatial relationships expressed by the prepositions IN, ON, UNDER, OVER, FOR. Highlight these prepositions in a riddle. Develop dialogic speech. Form phonemic pre...

games card file, game exercises for teaching children

preschool age correct use of prepositions.

    "Little Word"

Target: give children an idea of ​​the meaning of the prepositionon the in speech.

Equipment. Cubes, chair, table.

Game Description . The speech therapist calls one of the children and gives him the task: “Put the cube on the table. (The child completes the task.) Put the cube ... a chair. (The child did not complete the task). Why didn't you put down the cube? You don't know where to put it because I missed a small but very important word. Children, guess what word I lost. -"On the". Then instructions are given to another child. The concepts of other prepositions are given similarly.

    "Who's going to ride what?"

Target: "On the"


Game Description . The speech therapist gives the children pictures of different types of transport. Children pick up pictures and answer the questions of a speech therapist: “What will you ride”, highlighting “on” with your voice.

Sample response: I'll go by car. etc

    "What grows where?"

Target: teach children to use prepositions in speech"On the"

Equipment. Object pictures from the lotto "Transport"

Game Description . The speech therapist starts the phrase, the children finish it and repeat it in its entirety.

Daisies grow on ... .. (meadow)

Nuts grow on... (tree)

Apples grow on ... ..) (flower bed).

Carrots grow on ... (bed).

    "Who sits where?"

Target: teach children to use prepositions in speech"On the"

Equipment. Story pictures.

Game Description . The speech therapist distributes plot pictures to the children and gives the task to come up with a sentence and answer the question: “Who is sitting on what?” , highlighting the preposition "on the"

The squirrel sits on a branch.

The bunny is sitting on the grass.

The bird sits on a pine tree.

Butterfly sits on a flower.

Nina is sitting on a chair.

Nina is sitting on a chair.

Kolya is sitting on a bench.

The bug sits on the rug.

    "Where's the pencil?"

Target: teach children to use prepositions in speech"AT" and "On the"

Equipment. Pencil.

Game Description . The speech therapist tells the children: “I will remove the pencil, and you will answer me with one word -in or on the.

The speech therapist puts the pencil in his pocket. The children look and say:"AT ". The speech therapist puts a pencil on the table. The kids are talking: "on" Etc.

    "Playing with Petrushka"

Target: teach children to use prepositions in speech"AT" and "On the"

Equipment. Parsley

Game Description . The speech therapist informs the children: “Petrushka came to visit us. He wants to play with you. Parsley will hide, and you are looking for him.

The speech therapist hides Petrushka. The children look for him and say: “Parsley is on the chair. Parsley on the floor. Parsley in the cupboard, etc.

    "Help the Dunno"

Target: teach children to use prepositions in speech"AT" and "On the in a sentence"

Equipment. Dunno

Game Description . The speech therapist addresses the children: “Guys, Dunno came to visit us. He made up different offers. Listen carefully to see if he's right. And if it's wrong, then find the mistake. The speech therapist reads the sentences compiled by Dunno: Flowers are on a vase. - "Not right! Flowers are in a vase. - “What words did Dunno mix up?” -"On the" and "AT".

"Masha and her mother go to the cinema." - "Not right! Masha and her mother are going to the cinema.” - What words did Dunno mix up?- "AT" and "On the". Similarly, work is carried out with other proposals.

    "Perform an action"

Target: on, in

Equipment. Toys

Game Description . The speech therapist quietly, so that the others do not hear, gives a task to one child. Children build their answer in the form of a common sentence, for example: “What did Sasha do?” - "Sasha put the cubes in the basket." "What did Sonya do?" - "Sonya put the doll on the bed." Etc.

    Where have we been, what have we seen?

Target: teach children to make common sentences using prepositionson, in

Equipment. 5 pictures depicting a forest, a field, a river, a zoo, a village, a city; 20 subject pictures depicting mushrooms, berries, squirrels, hedgehogs, boats, water lilies, fish, cancer, cornflowers, chamomile, grasshopper, camel, elephant, monkey, crocodile, cow, horse, tractor, goat.

Game Description . The speech therapist distributes pictures and invites children to complete the following tasks:

    Pick four matching pictures. For example, for a forest picture, children select subject pictures: a mushroom, a hedgehog, a berry, a squirrel, a hedgehog.

    Answer the questions: Where have you been? What you see?"

Sample response: I was in the forest. I saw a squirrel, mushrooms, a hedgehog, berries.

    "Sunny Bunny"

Target: teach children to use prepositions in speech"AT" and "On the.

Equipment. Mirror

Game Description . The speech therapist shows the children a sunbeam and reads a poem-a counting rhyme about a sunbeam.

Bunny jumping on the wall

And winks at me.

Jumped to the picture

Lingered on a shoe

Danced on the ceiling

Lurked in a corner.

Here he is hiding in the bed,

He plays hide and seek with us.

One, two, three, four, five.

We're going to look for him.

The speech therapist tells the children: "Look for a bunny, and if you find it - answer where he hid."

Answer Sample : “Bunny on the ceiling. Bunny in the corner.

    "What lies where?"

Target: teach children to use prepositions in speech"AT" .

Equipment. subject pictures.

Game Description . The speech therapist distributes pictures and asks them to come up with sentences, answer the question: “Where is it?”

The bread lies ... (in the breadbasket).

The scarf lies .... (in the pocket)

Books are ... (in the closet)

The pencil lies... (in the pencil case).

The shovel lies ... (in a bucket).

Vegetables lie ... (in a vase).

    "Guess what's changed?"

Target: "In", "On", "Under" .

Equipment. Toys

Game Description .

The teacher appoints a child who must determine changes in the arrangement of toys placed on the table. It is important that the children first carefully look at how the toys are placed: the cube was on the table, and now under the table: the house was in the middle of the table, and now under the table, etc. The number, composition, position of objects should be varied.

Sample response: The cube is on the table. The cube is under the table. You can play without objects: the children will change their places in the room.


Target: teach children to use prepositions in speech"in" , "on the".

Equipment. Lotto "Transport".

Game Description . The speech therapist talks about how people use different means of transportation, and distributes large maps: on one, the sea is drawn, on the other, the street, on the third, the sky, on the fourth, the rails, on the fifth, the highway. Small cards depict: an airplane, a helicopter, a car, a bicycle, etc. The players take turns choosing vehicles in accordance with the content of the card.

Sample response: I need a boat. He swims in the sea.

    "Who lives where?""

Target: teach children to use prepositions in speech"in".

Equipment. Object pictures depicting animals.

Game Description . The speech therapist shows the pictures to the children one by one and asks: “Who is this?” - "Dog". - "Where does the dog live?" - The dog lives in a kennel. - "Where does the squirrel live?" _ “The squirrel lives in a hollow”, etc.

    "The bird sat on the window"

Target: teach children to use prepositions in speech"on the".

Equipment. Bird cut out of cardboard.

Game Description . Children sit on chairs. The teacher holds a bird by the window and pronounces the familiar quatrain:

The bird sat on the window.

Sit with us for a while

Sit down, don't fly away

The bird flies away ..., Ay!

Children are closely watching the bird. The speech therapist asks: “Where did the bird sit?” Children in a full sentence: “The bird sat on the table” (on the floor, on the closet, etc.)

    "What changed?"

Target: teach children to use prepositions in speech"in" "on the".

Equipment. Pyramids, nesting dolls and other toys.

Game Description . Toys are placed on the table. The teacher suggests memorizing their location. One of the players leaves the room. At this time, the teacher changes the arrangement of objects and calls the departed (driver), offering to carefully look at the toys. Then he asks: "What has changed?" The child shows where the toy stood before, and determines the movement of objects in words, emphasizing: “Matryoshka was sitting in the corner, and now she is in the middle between the doll and the car”

If the child does not notice the changes or answers incorrectly, then he is given another attempt to guess.

    "Tell me where we put"

Target: teach children to use prepositions in speech"on", "for", "under"

Equipment. Toys, small items.

Game Description . One child leaves the room. The rest of the children hide toys (objects). On a signal, the child returns to the room and looks for the object. When he finds the item, he says where it was. The players agree that they will first suggest where they put the object, for example: The ball is under .... , ball for…., etc.


Target: teach children to use the preposition in speech "in », "on", "from", "from", "under" and distinguish them.

Equipment. Hut, tree. Bench, bird, cat, kindergarten, grandfather, grandmother) props and toys of the puppet theater)

Game Description . Children first name objects. The teacher places them on the table: there is a hut in the middle, a garden in front of it, a tree in the garden, a bench under the tree. He tells a short story, while the children complete the sentences started by the teacher with the help of questions: “Grandfather came out (from where?) From the hut and sat (where?) On a bench (under what?) under a tree. A bird was sitting on a tree. The bird sang. The cat heard her, jumped (for whom?) after the bird (where? On the tree. But the bird flew away and sat (where?) on the roof of the hut. The cat climbed after her, but the bird flew away. Did she leave from where?) from the hut grandmother and grandfather told her everything. Grandmother got angry (at whom?) with the cat, drove her (where?) to the attic to catch mice. Then grandma (with whom?) and grandpa went (where?) to the hut for dinner.”

    "Who with whom?"

Target: teach children to use prepositions in speech"with"

Equipment. Pictures depicting adult animals and their cubs

Game Description . The speech therapist lays out pictures depicting animals and their cubs and says: “Different animals came out into the clearing (selects pictures depicting adult animals and lays them out on the table). Each mother called her cub to her. Find the cubs and put them with their mother." Children select pictures with the image of cubs of animals. The speech therapist makes sure that the children choose the right pictures, and asks them the question: “Who went out with whom?”

Sample response: Fox with a fox.

    "What's the basket with?"

Target: teach children to make common sentences with a preposition"with"

Equipment. A basket or picture depicting a basket filled with mushrooms, nuts, berries.

Game Description . The speech therapist, addressing the children, says: “The children went to the forest. There are a lot of mushrooms, berries, nuts in the forest. The children were delighted, filled their baskets and came home. Look what they have baskets with. Children open the baskets and answer the speech therapist's question, for example: "I have a basket of mushrooms," etc.

    "What do you like?"

Target: teach children to make common sentences, use a preposition"WITH"

Equipment. subject pictures.

Game Description . The speech therapist turns to the children and says: “I love bread with jam, and you? Children alternately call: "I love bread with butter", "I love bread with cheese." Etc.

    "Which word is missing?"

Target: teach children to use prepositions in speech"with"

Equipment. Pictures .

Game Description . The speech therapist asks the children to listen to the sentence and guess which word is missing. For example: “The bear went out into the clearing .... cubs (s). What is the right way to say it?" - a bear with cubs went out into the clearing.

“Masha brought a basket ... with apples (s). What is the right way to say it?" . "Masha brought a basket of apples."

    "Hide and Seek"

Target: teach children to use prepositions in speech"behind".

Game Description . The children hide in the room. The driver is looking for, and when he finds the child, he says: "Olya hid behind a chair", "Vitya hid behind a closet."

    "When does it happen?"

Target: teach children to use prepositions in speech"behind"

Equipment. Paper circles cut into four parts, each representing one season.

Game Description . Children put the parts of the circle in the order in which the seasons go. They apply each part, tell its content from the picture: spring, after spring - summer, after summer - autumn, after autumn - winter.

    "Who is behind whom?"

Target: teach children to use prepositions in speech"behind"

Equipment. Chips or flags

Game Description . The participants of the game are divided into two teams. From each team, a leader is appointed in turn. Children are built in two columns. One child - the driver - stands with his back to his team. The teacher gives a signal by which the driver quickly turns to face his team and tries to remember who is behind whom. After 10 seconds, the teacher gives a signal again, and the driver, turning away, must say who is behind whom. The representatives of the second team do the same. The speech therapist gives the team chips (flags) for the correct answers. After the end of the game, the number of chips for each team is counted and the winning team is determined.

    "Find such a tree"

Target: teach children to use prepositions in speech"s", "y"

Equipment. Leaves of 3-4 familiar tree species.

Game Description . Option 1. The teacher shows the children the leaves of the trees and asks from which tree they are plucked. Children say: “birches”, “From the maple”, etc. Then, together, they look for the named tree in the area through the leaves.

Option 2 The teacher distributes different leaves to the children and suggests that they run up to the tree on which the leaves are the same as they have in their hand, and call it “The same leaves are on the birch, on the maple”, etc.

    "Where does it grow?"

Target: teach children to use prepositions correctly"in" with nouns in prepositional singular and plural

Equipment. subject pictures

Game Description The teacher shows pictures of vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms. To the question: "Where does it grow?" - children should indicate: in the forest, in the garden, in the garden, etc. For the correct answer, children receive pictures or chips. The winner is the one who collects the most pictures (or chips)

Speech sample: Pear (pears) grow (grow) in the garden. And so on


Target: Teaching children to use prepositions in speech"at"

Description of the game. Children become in a circle. The driver comes to one of the children standing in a circle and asks: “Where are the keys?” He replies: “Petya is in the circle of children and asks:“ Where are the keys? He replies: “Petya (Vanya). When the driver goes to the specified child, the children behind him change places. At this time, the driver should try to take the place of one of the neglecting ones. After that, the game resumes.

    "Determine the place of the toy"

Target: teach children to use prepositions correctly"with", "for".

Equipment. Toys, household items.

Description of the game. The teacher arranges toys on the table in such a way that several toys stand in a row, and some are behind. Calling one child, he asks: “What is the car next to?” - "The car is next to the doll." Then the teacher asks the following question: “Which toy is the pyramid behind?” - "The pyramid stands behind the bear."

    "Who without what?"

Target: teach children to use prepositions in speech"without" with nouns in gender. case.

Equipment. Broken toys..

Description of the game. The speech therapist addresses the children: “Guys, look, “sick” toys have come to us and ask you to help them. Let's see what happens to them?

A hare without anything (a hare without an ear)

A bear without anything (A bear without a paw.)

Doll without what? (doll without hair)

Fox without what? (A fox without a tail.)

    "Who without what?"

Target: teach children to use prepositions in speech"without" with nouns in the genitive case.

Equipment. Rubber, wooden, plastic, metal, glass toys.

Description of the game. The speech therapist demonstrates the ball and asks the children: “What is the ball made of?” - “The ball is made of rubber. The ball is rubber. Next, the children themselves determine what the toys are made of and make up sentences.

    "Who has what cubs?"

Target: To teach children to use the preposition y with nouns in the genitive case in speech.

Equipment. Pictures depicting animals, birds and their cubs.

Description of the game. The speech therapist distributes pictures of cubs to children, and leaves adult animals and birds at home. The speech therapist asks: “Who has a foal?” A child who has a picture of a foal on a horse. For the correct answer, the speech therapist gives a picture of an adult animal. At the end of the game, the results are summed up and the winner is determined.

    "Where is what?"

Target: teach children to use prepositions in speech"on the"

Description of the game. The speech therapist calls the children items that should be stored in certain places (dresses, cups, spoons, shoes, pots, toys). And the children should answer: “Dresses hang on a hanger,” etc.

    "Caring Children"

Target: teach children to use prepositions in speech"about" with nouns in the prepositional case.

Equipment. Plot pictures, which depict children caring for plants, animals.

Description of the game. The speech therapist distributes pictures to the children, offers to carefully examine them and answer the questions: “What do children care about? Who do the kids care about?

Sample response: Children take care of flowers. The children take care of the trees. Children take care of rabbits.

    "Fix the mistake"

Target: teach children to understand the meaning of the sentence.

Equipment. Chips.

Description of the game. The speech therapist says to the children: “I will read sentences to you. But there are mistakes in these sentences, you must correct them. Listen carefully. The goat brought food to the girl.

The ball plays with Sasha.

The road goes by car.

Gena broke the ball with glass.

Olya with a picture is drawing a dad.

Masha carries a bag in cabbage.

For each corrected mistake, children receive chips. The one with the most chips wins.

Natalya Mokeeva
Speech games and exercises for mastering prepositions by children with OHP (from work experience)

Of particular relevance in correctional work with children with OHP in the formation of the grammatical structure of speech and, in particular, prepositional case constructions, are speech games and exercise. It is well known that the leading activity of a preschooler is the game. The game has a great influence on the development of the child's speech. In a speech game, the child is required to use previously acquired knowledge in new circumstances and connections. While playing, the child independently solves various mental problems. Describes objects, finds signs of similarities and differences, guesses according to the description, groups objects. Speech games help to consolidate and enrich the acquired knowledge, on the basis of which the child's speech abilities develop.

Holding remedial classes to improve the grammatical structure of speech in the form of speech games, entertaining tasks, the use of elements of competition, physical activity, makes classes more interesting and productive.

I bring to your attention speech games and exercises that will help children learn to hear prepositions in the speech of others, correctly understand their meaning, use them in their own speech ...


Playing field. With a chip, walk around the field according to the instructions of the speech therapist “2 cells to the left, 3 cells down, 5 to the right, 4 cells up ... that is. d.

"What's extra?"

Select an extra image:

“An apple on a tree; a cup on the table; butterfly on a flower; kitten under the chair.

“A caterpillar under a leaf; mouse under the table; beetle under the basket; butterfly over flower...


Compose a sentence with the dropped preposition (according to the preposition scheme).

"A train"

In different cars - different prepositions, you can make sentences with prepositions: IN ON UNDER ...

Making sentences with prepositions based on reference pictures.

Drawing up sentences on plot pictures.

"Fix the mistake"

Grandfather in the oven, firewood on the stove.

Boots on the table, cakes under the table.

Sheep in the river, carp by the stove.

Under the table is a portrait, above the table is a stool.

"Be careful!"

The speech therapist pronounces a sentence, the children name only a small word.

Misha puts the spoon into the glass.

Misha takes a spoon from a glass.

Dishes are on a tray.

Butterfly flew off the chamomile.

Work with signal cards.

Raise the card if you hear the preposition PO:

We walked around the zoo

There they fed the watchman

Crocodile, antelope and walrus

We returned by tram

Brought home lilac

We walked up the stairs limping

So tired that day.

S. Marshak "Good day"


Complete the sentence with pictures.

Cars are driving ... (on the road)

Buyers left ... (from the store)

The sun hid ... (behind the clouds).

The boy enters ... (into the bus).

Mom put the books (on the shelf).

"Say the opposite"

The adult calls the sentence and invites the children to say the opposite.

The boy put the ball in the box. The boy took the ball from the box.

The girl poured water into the decanter. - ...

Mom put the apples on the table. - ...

The car drove up to the house. - ...

"Words messed up"

Make up sentences from the given words:

Potato, grow, vegetable garden, c.

Strawberries, plate, lie, on.

Bus, stop, drive up, to.

Apple, lie, apple tree, under.

Related publications:

Advice for parents "Play speech games with children" By the age of five, it becomes possible to recognize the sound in a word, as well as the selection of words with a given sound, that is, the simplest forms of sound develop.

"Working in compensatory groups with children with OHP" (from work experience) I work in 2 compensatory groups with children aged 5-7 with general underdevelopment of speech. And the backlog speech development often.

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Dear colleagues! preschool childhood- a short but important period of formation and development of the child. Primary occupation.

Features of working with children with speech disorders in a general education class (consultation for teachers) Children with speech disorders are children who have deviations in the development of speech with normal hearing and intact intelligence. There are many types of speech disorders.

The game is easy to make and allows you to diversify the pedagogical piggy bank of the educator. Objectives of the game: continue to teach children connected.

"House for the word" Purpose of the game: to teach the child to identify the first and last sounds of the word and the number of syllables in the word. Equipment: laminated.

City of Nizhny Novgorod MBDOU No. 2 "Birch"

The vast majority of children with OHP have an extremely low level of development in the perception of space and orientation in it. They have difficulty in determining the sides of space (especially right and left); there is a lack of formation of elementary levels of mastery of space, a misunderstanding of spatial relationships between objects.

The lack of formation of spatial representations directly affects the level of intellectual development of the child, which leads to the appearance of violations of play, constructive, graphic activity and counting.

Development cognitive activity, overcoming spatial disturbances and preparing children for such a complex activity as writing is facilitated by corrective and educational games.

"Miracle Day"


  1. Learn to reflect in speech the spatial relationships between objects using the words: right, left, up, down, above, below, closer, further;
  2. Use prepositions in speech to make sentences: over, under, on, in.

Equipment: wall panel - tree; figurines of caterpillars, apples with Velcro.

The teacher offers to listen to a story about funny caterpillars that live on an unusual tree and love to hide very much. Children name the location of apples, caterpillars, clouds, mushrooms, flowers, using spatial prepositions and adverbs.


  • How many caterpillars are on the left side of the tree, how many are on the right?
  • How many caterpillars crawl up and how many down?
  • Where are the cloud, the flower in relation to the tree?
  • Complication. What has changed on the tree? Do it the way it was.



  1. Learn to distinguish between prepositions over and under, use them correctly with nouns in the instrumental case;
  2. Reflect the spatial relationships between objects using the words: left, right, top, bottom.

Equipment: a picture with a house; in the windows of the house - tenants.

The teacher offers to consider a new house in which the tenants have settled. Finding out the location of the tenants, the children determine: who is above whom or under whom settled in the new house, they call the neighbor on the left or on the right.

For example: "Who lives under the squirrel?"

"Place the houses"


  1. Clarify and differentiate the meanings of the prepositions on, in, over, under, from.

Equipment: houses with windows for cards with plot pictures (using this preposition in the plot); card symbolizing the preposition on the roof of the house.

The teacher proposes to populate the apartments in the new houses with tenants, fulfilling one condition: pick up and arrange the cards in the windows of the houses, determining the meaning of the preposition. Cards with the symbol of the preposition is located on the roof of the house.

"Little words visiting Amanita"


  1. Learn to read graphic diagrams with prepositions, use these prepositions in speech when making sentences;
  2. Develop the ability to verbally designate spatial relationships between objects using prepositions over, under;

Equipment: cards with prepositions; pictures of fly agaric, butterflies, beetles, caterpillars, flowers on magnets.

The teacher offers to play hide and seek. Insects gathered in a wonderful clearing to admire the handsome fly agaric. But there are "little words" that are hidden in the schemes.

Children list prepositions that will help you find out who came to admire the miracle mushroom. Make up sentences using diagrams. They call what and who is to the left, to the right of the fly agaric.

"Hide and Seek"


  1. Learn to read graphic diagrams with prepositions, use the latter in speech when making sentences;
  2. Develop the ability to verbally designate spatial relationships between prepositions using prepositions: for, on, because of;
  3. Fix and expand spatial adverbs: left, right, top, bottom, above, below.

Equipment: a picture depicting animals that hid in a snowy clearing; suggestion schemes.

The teacher hangs up a picture in which wild animals invite children to play hide and seek with them. Children look up the location of the animals using the "little words" that are also hidden in the picture. List prepositions that will help you find out who hid where. Make sentences with these prepositions.


  • Who hid above all?
  • Who is closer to us?

"Encrypted Letter"

Equipment: cards on which two objects are depicted, and a diagram of a preposition between them.

The teacher invites the children to "read" the message. For example, a card (mouse - preposition scheme due to - closet); the child makes a sentence: "The mouse looks out from behind the closet." You can invite the child to come up with and “write” similar messages with pretexts known to him.

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