Tasks for the attention of the scenarios of entertaining games. Entertaining game library.docx - Entertaining game library for young children

A smart dwarf walked through the forest,
He carried a thick volume in his hands.
But the smart dwarf stumbled,
That volume slipped out of my hands.
“The house is in danger, friends!
We are all saved, trouble!” -
The letters started to run
The dwarf cannot hold them.
The gnome is very upset
Do not read that volume without letters.
Help the gnome urgently
Return all letters to the book.
(E. Arsenina)
Task: find the missing letters and return them to their place, arranging them according to their meaning.
Having coped with the task, you will find out the name of the smart gnome's book.
Answer: The Golden Book of Fairy Tales
Task: replace the letter in the word with another in such a way that
the original meaning of the word has changed.

For example:
mouth - sweat;
shock - juice;
nora - leg;
the world is fat;
house - catfish;
goat - rose;
raspberries - Marina, etc.
Task: the task is somewhat more complicated: we select a word that
when replacing one syllable with another, it acquires a completely different meaning.
For example:
the baby is naked;
tub - pillow;
cuckoo - crown, etc.
Task: replace the letter in the words so that they answer the question "who?":
mouth - ... (mole);
count - ... (ox);
drop - ... (heron);
door - ... (beast);
trouble - ... (magpie);
poppy - ... (cancer);
crown - ... (crow);
house - ... (som);
rose - ... (goat);
crust - ... (mink);
dew - ... (wasp);
stanza - ... (bustard), etc.
Task: what semantic meaning will the word acquire if it suddenly
one of the letters will disappear. Remember the plot of one animated film, in
which there was a terrible confusion and confusion with the meaning of words. And all of
for the fact that one boy could not make friends with letters and words, for which
they decided to teach him a little.
Remember: "The door to the kindergarten was closed, and now it is buried." Or: "Boy
was once Kolya, and now is called Olya.
Think of your own examples:
mole - mouth;

grocery store - astronomer;
spy - peony;
small - scarlet, etc.
Task: putting the letters in the correct order, try to guess
encrypted message. What bequeathed the great Russian poet Alexander
Sergeevich Pushkin to his descendants?
Answer: "Reading is the best teaching"
Task: It is well known that the East is famous not only for its sweets,
beautiful fabrics and amazing fairy tales, but also wise sayings and
proverbs, the content of which is accessible to understanding and interpretation only
"the wisest of the wisest", "the most worthy of the most worthy".
Try your hand - explain the meaning of these oriental sayings and
proverbs. Having successfully completed the task, you can be proud of yourself - you
became one of the most worthy sages:
Good parents have good children.
Making new friends
Be true to your old friendship.
Teaching, knowledge and work
They walk side by side through life.
The gardener is beautiful with his work,
The nightingale is beautiful in song in the garden.
It doesn't matter what you have
It's more important that you can.
The Russian people have no less wise proverbs and sayings, some
of them are similar in meaning to the eastern ones. Remember them. (Apple from apple tree
falls not far; an old friend is better than two new ones, etc.)
Task: verbal duel. Two rivals begin their intellectual
duel: they “shoot” with words starting with a certain letter. For example: one
says “pistol”, the other says “parquet”, etc.

He is considered defeated, whose vocabulary runs out. Right First
to start a “duel” and which letter to “shoot” is decided by a draw.
Task: test for attentiveness and ingenuity. Read the passage
a short story that has a hidden meaning. Try to guess
“…Today all the students had to stay at home. It was broadcast on the radio that
due to severe frost, school is canceled for three whole days.
- Hooray! I exclaimed and immediately called my friend Vaska. But to the phone
his mother came up
- Roma, Vasilek is ill. He has a bad cough.
All clear, I thought, it's all because of the ice cream. Oh, if only you knew what classes
will be canceled! The fact is that today there should be a decisive control
mathematics. And Vaska already has a deuce and a triple arguing, not a mathematical warehouse
he's crazy, what can you do! But try to explain it to our mathematician.
Lilia Petrovna is a stern person. Not at odds with mathematics, then a person
you are a goner - a loafer and a lazybones. "Two" to the magazine, and mom to school. Here is Vaska
and decided to play it safe, yesterday after school he ate three popsicles and two ice creams.
What will you take from the patient? He needs peace and positive emotions.
Well, you need to morally support a friend. With a bag of his favorite toffees and
I went up to Vaska with a book about spies. He lived in my house, on two floors
higher. The door was opened for me by Vaska's younger sister, by the way, extremely
bad girl. She was wearing one shoe.
“Hi,” I said, and asked, nodding at her feet. - And where is the second one, lost that
And she didn't lose anything! I didn’t have time to put on the second one, I opened the door for you! Mum
went to work. Vaska is sick. Having blurted out all this in one breath and having managed to
this show me the tongue, Ritka immediately galloped off to her room.
Vaska met me with a forced smile, lying on the bed. Silently nodding to
a sign of welcome, I put toffees and a book on his bed.
- Vaska, it's time to take your medicine! - With adult intonations in the voice
Rita said importantly. She had already put on her shoes and was now holding in her hands
a glass with a decoction of wild rose. - You must drink this drink, otherwise you will not
you'll get well, so my mother said. And grandmother Lyuba told my mother, she is in our
Astrakhan lives, - these words were already intended for me. - Mom called
grandmother and said that Vaska was ill, and grandmother told her mother ...
- Listen, Rita, go away, huh? - suddenly croaked Vaska - Let me at least get sick
calmly…." (E. Arsenina, excerpt from the story "Unlucky")

Question: how many colors can be found in sentences? headline
story. Come up with your own version of the end of the story.
Answer: seven flowers are mentioned in the story: cornflower, lily, iris, peony,
poppy, wild rose, aster.
Task: Let's play with words. Choose words that are easy
rhyme with each other and sound almost the same, but ... should be removed from the word
just one letter or replace it with another - it turns out ... What can
turn out, you will now hear for yourself:
GOAT nibbles grass,
Next to the oak, on it the bark.
A wasp crawls along the bark,
DEW glitters in the meadow.
And in the hands of a man
KOSA rings merrily.
Try to continue by rhyming, for example, words such as nora
nogaroga, etc.
Task: words separated by commas. Sort them according to meaning
in order to form a tongue twister.
Crows, izza, two, early in the morning, bagels, had a fight.
Answer: Two crows early in the morning
They fought over a lamb.
found during archaeological excavations
parchment, which, according to historians, is more than three hundred years old, has undergone
careful and thorough study and analysis. "The mysterious scroll could
belong to one of the wizards, ”the scientists unanimously declared:
archaeologists, historians and philologists.
Try to read what is written and answer the question: what do you think
Why did pundits come to this conclusion?

yuvt swar dz
Answer: in an ancient document such "magic" words are inscribed, such as:
"please", "thank you", "sorry", "sorry", "hello" - read
from right to left.
Task: Read the beginning of the poem.
"Ridiculous Story"
E. Arsenina
Outside the window, on the glass
The midge stuck.
Fly away quickly
I'll crush it, baby!
Try to continue the poem by replacing the word "stuck" with
"feared", adding "I'm knocking."
The author came up with this:
I knock on the glass
"Fly away - I'll crush you!"
The little one got scared
The midge flew away.
It would seem that the story with the midge is over - it flew away, a poem
ended. However, let's try to imagine what consequences could have
for the author of this poem, a meeting with a small harmless midge.
The task is quite difficult, so here's a little hint for you: in a cozy
kitchen in front of the window, on the table a delicious breakfast. The author, having prepared
pick up a plump fragrant sausage with a fork, suddenly notices on the glass
open window a small booger scurrying back and forth.
And since our author, as all authors in the world are supposed to be, is very
nervous (although very kind) person, yet terribly dislikes when
while eating, something flickers before his eyes. Agree it's strong

distracts from the delicious, juicy sausages, just spoils the appetite! So, the author
with a sigh puts his sausage back on the plate and tries to
"peace talks" to convince the midge to leave his window.
As you already understood, the midge turned out to be a rather stubborn insect. For
in order for it to fly away, the author had to persistently and continuously knock
on window glass. Breathing a sigh of relief that the conflict with the stubborn cost
without assault (our author has not offended a fly in his long life,
therefore, he never forgave himself the death of a small defenseless booger),
the author returns to his untouched and slightly chilled breakfast with
the goal to continue the meal ... but ... it was not tutto .... Only left on the table
empty plates and fork. Delicious, juicy and so appetizing sausage, and together
with it, cheese and sausage disappeared without a trace! Evaporated! Why do you think?
What happened next? Try to think and develop on your own
Now listen as he describes the further events of the ill-fated morning
the author himself:
... While I was standing at the window
And watched the midge -
Breakfast suddenly disappeared without a trace
In my cat's stomach!!!
My breakfast!
Was eaten!
And by whom?!
Insidious fat cat!
Sausage, cheese and sausage
Disappeared instantly and without a trace!
I grabbed the slippers in a hurry,
To punish the thief.
But the cat, purring happily,
Gave such a shooter ...
There is nothing to look for,
I'm ready to tell you honestly:
I'm not carried away by the midge,
Wouldn't have been robbed by a cat.
Agree, than not a detective story: Moshka - as a distraction
accomplice in the crime, in the role - the victim of the unfortunate Author, left without
his breakfast, and the insidious adventurer - Cat. The latter is clearly lucky: not

only had breakfast for herself and for her master, but at the same time avoided
good spanking.
Guys, who do you think is really to blame for all this
stories: circumstances, author, midge or cat? What kind
educational measures, in your opinion, must be applied to thieving

201 3 year

Competitive play


Teacher's work primary school

MOU "Secondary school No. 26"

Snyatkova Natalya Valerievna.

Target: promote mental and physical development students.


    To teach children to find signs of objects - to guess riddles.

    Cultivate a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance, helping each other.

    To cultivate love for the native language, oral folk art.

    Develop coordination of movements through participation in sports competitions.


    Pencils, felt-tip pens, album sheets.

    Dry horns, long strong threads.

    Toy cars, 1 per team, skittles.

    Rings or hoops, ring throw.

    2 paper circles for each team.

The game can be played between teams or individually, each participant accumulates certain tokens. When summing up the results, prizes are received by those who have more of them. Or the team with the most points.

Friends! Reliable friends!

Nothing else can be said here.

They are welcome here, they are welcome here

They are called everywhere and everywhere

They will give you their warmth

now they are waiting in this room!

    Warm up.

Guess what I am?

    On a tree in the breeze we rustle.

The time will come - let's fly together

And quietly rustle under our feet ... (leaves)

    Where there are shores

I flow ... (river)

    I'm going to my friend Ninochka

Along a narrow ... (path)

    Day and night hard worker - mole

I dug myself underground ... (move)

    I'm standing in front of you

But you don't see me.

I am only

Reflection of you (mirror).

    Up - down goes,

Carries people (elevator).

    It will smooth out all the wrinkles

On a diaper and a sheet (iron).

    I'm sharp and sharp

Spoons younger sister (fork).

    "What's true and what's not?" - I'm waiting for your answer to my question ...

Is it true that:

Does the grasshopper hear with its feet?


Do cuckoos hatch their own chicks?


Can a person live in the world for as long as 300 years?


Is it bad for your health to sleep at lunchtime?


Does vinaigrette grow on trees?


Is it hot in Australia?


Snow, blizzard, blizzard suddenly hit Africa?


Are there birds in the world that can't fly?


Do some birds like to steal?


Is there a breadfruit in the world somewhere?


Are the stars almost uncountable in the sky?


Is a computer game very harmful for a child?

Does a heron have only one leg?


Do you have an answer for every question?


Well, it's time to say goodbye, are you tired, children?


    The game "trees, bushes, paths, bumps"

We develop attention, concentration. We perform movements on the words:

"tree" - players raise their hands up

"Shrub" - put your hands on your belt

"bump" - bow low

"path" - put their hands on each other's shoulders

"hazel" - clap your hands

The task of the players is to be extremely attentive and quickly orient themselves in the situation. The winners receive the honorary title of the most attentive.

    Connoisseurs of nature .

    • Not fire, but burning zealously, what is my name ... (nettle)

      On the nose, the beast wears a horn and is called ... (rhinoceros)

      It’s not easy to carry your own house on yourself ... (snail)

      Like a whirlwind, it flies, escaping, shy from the enemy ... (hare)

      Lives calmly, not in a hurry,

He carries a shield just in case.

Under it, not knowing fear,

Walking ... (turtle)

    In autumn, the first leaves are like tears.

Quietly they drop to the ground ... (birches)

    In the field, the garden - just a disaster!

Weed crops are suppressed ... (quinoa)

    A log floats on the river -

Oh, it's sinister!

For those who fell into the river

Bite off the nose ... (crocodile)

    I dig a hole day and night,

I don't know about the sun.

Who will find my long move

    He will immediately say - this is ... (mole)

    Can swim all day in icy water ... (seal)

    Here's salt for you, here's bread and a spoon, cooked for dinner ... (potatoes)

    Mysterious game of artists.


The teacher makes a riddle, the players must draw a riddle in 1 minute. The one who managed to draw correctly first gets additional points.

    Under the pine along the path

Who is standing among the grass?

There is a leg, but no boots,

There is a hat - no head (mushroom)

    What is in front of us:

Two shafts behind the ears

In front of the wheel

And a nurse on the nose (glasses)

    round, ruddy

I grow on a branch

Adults love me

And little kids (apple)

    An asterisk circled

A little in the air.

Sat and melted

On my palm (snowflake)

    Cold, cold

Let me lick you once (ice cream).

    Helpers game.

1 person is called from the team. Whose participant will put more dry horns on a thread in 1 minute.

    Fortunetellers - thinkers .

The game is aimed at finding an extraordinary, original answer to the question asked.

    Can a penguin call himself a bird? (no, he doesn't speak)

    What is lighter than 1 kg of iron or 1 kg of cotton? (same)

    What dishes can not be drunk? (from empty)

    What stingy tree of berries regrets, and therefore blushes with shame? (Rowan)

    Which wheel is missing on the car? (spare)

    Why does a tourist wear a backpack? (behind)

    Why do birds fly? (across the sky)

    What goes forward and never back? (age)

    What is the tongue in the mouth for? (behind teeth)

    What can be heard but never seen? (song)

    What kind of comb do not comb? (rooster)

    Why do birds fly south? (can't walk)

    Who has a hat without a head, a leg without a boot? (at mushroom)

    When does a heron stand on one leg? (when the second one is raised)

    The game "Military drivers".

The team is given a toy car. Skittles are placed along the route - obstacles. The task of the players: rolling a car behind them on a string, drive through an obstacle course. The second player repeats the route of the first. Whose team does not knock down the pins and comes first is considered the winner.

    The game "Fly - Tsokotuha".

Each team player is given a piece of money (a ring or a hoop), which they must throw on the ring throw. Whose team will quickly and correctly cope, she won. 1 point for each hit.

    The game "Kochki".

Each participant is given 2 circles - bumps. On which he must cross to the other side, shifting circles. Passes the baton to the next participant.

Summing up the game.

How good it is to eat

Among other planets

This planet,

It's good to be here

So many good people

So much light.

Everyone must be somewhere

Miracle to meet once

Childhood is not given in vain,

It's waiting for the magic.

The development of attention, unfortunately, is not an easy task, primarily because it requires high self-organization, and primarily from adults who conduct classes with the child. The fact is that you need to practice every day, with the rarest exception (for example, if you or your child get sick), but the lesson should not be long - only 15-20 minutes. In tasks of this type, the motivation of the baby, his focus on results, is very important.

It is important for your child to choose the “magic key”, why he needs to be attentive, and in general to understand what attention is, and what “benefits” can be gained by becoming more attentive. Of course, there is no “general recipe” for choosing a motive, because each person has his own interests and you can’t comb everyone one size fits all, so think about what is important and interesting for your baby.

Performing tasks, the child will develop attentiveness, train observation and perseverance, and all this should take place in game form. Do not overwork the child in the classroom, let it be an exciting and joyful daily game of mother and child or psychologist and child.

"Correction test"

On the form, in 2 minutes, looking through all the lines in order, find and cross out all the signs specified in the sample, for example, all black triangles and white rhombuses. Please note that the task runs exactly 2 minutes. It is necessary to complete the task strictly in order in order to consolidate the skill of scanning space, that is, to view the lines from left to right. The main goal of this task is to teach the child to gather as much as possible, to concentrate for a relatively short period of time. At each lesson, the tables and icons change. Next time it can be letters, numbers, other shapes.

"Find the hidden object"

In all the variety of lines, the child needs to find the depicted object and color it. You can draw any object yourself, and then hide it under chaotic lines.

"Don't Miss the Cotton"

The child is given a task: when he hears words belonging to a certain category, he must somehow show this, for example, by clapping his hands. The child is read a set of thematically selected words or a pre-prepared text, listening to which the child must perform this exercise.

Instructions: "Clap your hands when you hear any man's name: Masha, Tanya, Kolya, Nikolai, Christina, Alexandra, Semyon, Stepan, Sergey, Olga, Ira, Irina, Innokenty, Kesha, Sharik, Shurik, Lenya, Lena, Nikita, Vera, Murka, Bobik, dad, kitten, Seryozha , Andryushka, Dimochka, Larisa, Ulyana, Kuzma, Zoya, Evgeny.

Instruction 2: “Jump once in place when you hear the color name. Brilliant, blue, red, beautiful, green, purple, brown, light, white, gloomy, dull, green, blue, black, dark, yellow, matte, rough, multi-colored, gray, bright, smooth, extinct, salad, pink " .

Instruction 3: “When you hear the name of a wild animal, sit down. Duck, swan, wolf, cow, dog, wild dog dingo, elephant, tiger, horse, rooster, cat, giraffe, leopard, monkey, hedgehog, squirrel, owl, crow, elk, deer, turkey, ground squirrel.

Instruction 4: “When you hear the name of a vegetable, jump up. Tomato, strawberry, apple, cucumber, pumpkin, peach, onion, plum, potato, zucchini, radish, cranberry, cloudberry, cabbage, turnip, lingonberry, beet, garlic, pear, currant.


In this exercise, the child needs to fill in the empty shapes with icons according to the model, as shown in the sample. and each lesson the tables and icons change.


Invite the child to carefully consider the drawing in which any objects or characters are hidden. They can be barely noticeable or be in the most unexpected parts of the picture. The main thing is to be careful and find all the items that you agreed to look for.
Instructions: “Find and color all the birds in the picture. How many? Now color the whole drawing to the end.

"Princess Nesmeyana"

The child turns into Princess Nesmeyana for the duration of the game. At the command “freeze”, he freezes, and no matter what happens around him, in no case should he laugh. The task of an adult is to try to make the child laugh or make him move, observing only one condition: you must not touch the frozen one.


Ask the child to close his eyes or tie them up, and like this, suggest sculpting a figure by touch. If your child copes well with plasticine, then you can sculpt something more complex; if it doesn’t work out very well, then you can do the simplest thing - a ball or a cube. You can sculpt anything - it's better to start with simple forms, gradually moving to more complex ones.

"Yes" and "no" do not say

Do not call black and white. The game consists in the fact that the child is forbidden to use certain words. From the name it is clear that a ban is introduced on the pronunciation of the words "yes", "no", "black", "white". You can ask about anything - about books, toys, flowers, entertainment. The respondent must remember that forbidden words should not be spoken under any circumstances. In addition to the rule on forbidden words, it is worth agreeing that pauses between a question and an answer cannot be delayed and that a long silence can also lead to a loss. In order for the game not to continue indefinitely, the time of the game dialogue is limited, for example, three minutes. If the person answering the questions does not make mistakes during this time, then he wins. Both an adult and, subsequently, a child can play the role of asking questions.


Depending on the plot of the drawing, a story is created that is told to the child. The main thing in this task is that which remains unchanged in any storyline - a web of mixed up lines, the interweaving of which the child needs to figure out.
Instruction: "Find which kitten is playing with a ball."

"Quiet Relay"

Give the baby a bell. Let him hold it by the ribbon. Ask the child, holding the bell in his hands, to perform various movements. At the same time, he needs to try so that the bell does not ring.

"Don't ring, my bell"

Put a few items on the table - plates, spoons, bells, rattles - anything that can tinkle. Ask the child to shift several objects from place to place so that not a sound is made.

Ball game "Alive - inanimate"

Introduce the child to the concepts of “animate” and “inanimate”, explain that all animate, living objects are “who”, and inanimate, inanimate objects are “what”. Give some examples. Explain the rules of the game: when you, throwing the ball, call something alive - the ball must be caught, inanimate - the ball cannot be caught.


To play, you will need counting sticks or matches. Let's say you took matches. Take ten matches, mix them in your hands and pour them on the table so that they do not scatter too widely, but touch each other. Players pull out one match at a time so that no other lying match moves. The player, under whose hand more than one match moved at the same time, passes the move to another player. The one who pulls out the most matches wins.


There are errors in the figure. Ask your child to find them and show you. Then offer to color in a funny picture.


The child takes a handful of tokens or coins. He needs to, holding the coins in his palm, put them in a pile on the table, adding one at a time from above. It is important that all folded coins are initially in the hand, and that the child lays them out, taking them out with his fingers from the middle of the palm. And, of course, he must do all this with only one hand.


An adult “draws” or “writes” certain symbols on the child’s back with his finger. You can depict objects, letters, numbers - depending on the level general development your child. It is better to start with the use of simple drawings - the sun, the Christmas tree, the house. The first few times you can draw on those areas of the skin where the child can see, so that he can correlate what he feels and what he sees into a single whole. With more developed bodily sensitivity, you can use more complex images or write whole examples or words. Everything will depend on your imagination and the level of development of your child.

"What did the artist forget?"

The child, examining the images in which something is missing, completes the missing details. The main goal of the game is to teach the child to find features, to see the details. In the course of this task, the ability to see errors and inaccuracies develops, the preschooler learns to control the correctness of the execution.


You need to sit or stand opposite each other and intently, without looking up, look into each other's eyes, while blinking is allowed. The one who first looks away loses. If you are starting this game with a very young child, it seems to me that the main thing in this case will be to motivate him, give in in time, praise, emotionally respond to his successes and failures.


For this task, you will need cards on which drawings are drawn, only half open. These may be the upper or lower halves of the pictures, or maybe the left or right, or maybe some other hidden particles. The meaning of the task is to restore the missing elements.

"Find the differences between the pictures"

A sheet is placed in front of the child, on which two similar drawings are drawn. Together with an adult, he examines what is drawn and looks for differences between the images. After that, the child paints one of the drawings.

"Look closely"

In my opinion, this is the most difficult task of all presented here, since it requires an absolute accountability to oneself, what is being done and why, and this is not always possible, because one thing is what an adult wants, and another thing is what a child wants and how much he realizes the necessity of what is happening.

Invite your child to sit comfortably, relax, and look at an object very closely for a certain amount of time. It is better to choose a small time interval, from 1 to 5 minutes. An adult can offer an object for contemplation, or the person performing the task himself can choose. It is worth warning in advance that attention will be scattered, there will be a desire to look away, but you need to restrain yourself from this and continue to consider the subject. By an effort of will, you need to return to the subject under consideration again and again, examine it up and down, find all the new smallest details and details. You can blink, the main thing is to keep your gaze. If you can motivate the child, you can complicate this exercise. Invite the child to close his eyes, imagine an object, let's say an apple, and "examine" it in as much detail as possible, imagining how it turns from one side to the other. The exercise is very difficult on the one hand, but very effective on the other. It is important to resolve the issue with the motivation and willpower of the performer.

"Smart Tables"

The questions and tasks offered to the child are quite simple and practically do not require any special knowledge from him. The main difficulty for the performer is to limit the amount of time - for each task 2-5 seconds. In addition to the time limit, a prerequisite is the one-time presentation of the task, that is, each task is read out only once, otherwise it simply loses its developmental meaning. The child is informed about the rules for performing the exercise in advance so that he knows and is ready for these restrictions. When dictating tasks, you need to pronounce the words clearly and clearly so that the child understands you.

1. “If you are a boy, draw a sun, if a girl, then a flower.
2. Put a dot in the circle.
3. Draw three circles, paint over any not the first circle.
4. Color in the shape that has three corners.
5. Fill in the arrow pointing down.
6. Draw a circle under the line.
7. Fill in the first square and the last one,
8. Draw any round object.
9. Circle the number that is greater.
10. If the trees are green, then draw a circle, if blue, then a square.
11. Draw a triangle inside the circle.
12. If dogs can meow, then put a plus sign.
13. Divide the circle in half.
14. Underline all triangles.
15. Write any number.

"Smart Tables". 2nd option

1. “If it is winter, draw a circle, if not, a square.
2. Fill in the third circle and cross out the first one.
3. If the dogs are barking, put a plus sign in the triangle, if not - a minus sign.
4. Draw as many squares as there are bears in the Three Bears fairy tale.
5. If you are a girl, then you need to draw a bow, and if a boy, then a ball.
6. Put a dot above the line, and draw an oval below it.
7. If there are 5 fingers on the hand, cross out all ones, if another number - all deuces.
8. Divide the second line from the top in half.
9. Paint over the figure without corners.
10. Put a point in each triangle.
11. If Rita is the name of a boy, write any letter, if the name of a girl, then any number.
12. Draw three triangles, and cross out the middle one.
13. Draw a fish.
14. Draw as many sticks as there are seasons.
15. Put three dots not in a circle.

"Smart Tables". 3rd option

1. “If an apple is a fruit, write how much it will be to add 1 to 2, if a vegetable, then subtract 1 from 2.
2. Draw as many squares as the cat's paws.
3. Draw as many circles as there are tails on a cow.
4. Draw any green vegetable.
5. Draw what is higher - a bush or a tree.
6. Put 5 dots in the square and connect them with a line.
7. If today is a clear day, draw the sun, if cloudy - a cloud.
8. If fish can swim, then draw a wave.
9. If a pear is a vegetable, write the sum of the numbers 1 and 1.
10. Draw a triangle in a square and a square in a circle.
11. Color in the smaller shape, and circle the larger one.
12. Shade the square.
13. Draw a circle inside the triangle, and put three dots in the square.
14. If the cat is an animal, draw a triangle, if not, then a circle.
15. Draw three plus signs and one equal sign, cross out those signs that are less.

"Smart Tables". 4th option
1. “Trace all the shapes that don't have corners.
2. Put one dot in each corner of the square.
3. Draw as many circles as there are piglets in the Three Little Pigs.
4. Cross out all the circles.
5. Put a plus in the square, and a minus in the triangle.
6. Choose an extra shape, and paint over it.
7. Connect the lower end of the fourth line with the upper end of the fifth.
8. Cross out all the shapes without corners.
9. Solve only the third example.
10. Put a plus under each minus.
11. Put a plus in the smaller triangle.
12. Solve any one not the third example.
13. Draw a circle inside the triangle.
14. Fill in all the triangles.
15. Underline the largest number.

"Smart Tables". 5th option

1. “Connect the top end of the third line with the top end of the first.
2. Draw a circle above the bar and a check mark below it.
3. Put one in the circle.
4. Fill in all the circles.
5. If the written numbers are equal, circle them.
6. If it's winter, draw a triangle, if not - a square.
7. If you can walk on the ceiling, put a plus, if not - a dash.
8. Divide in half all sides of the square.
9. Underline the third word with one line, the second with two, cross out the first.
10. Put three points in the square so that they are outside the triangle,
11. If it's morning, put a plus in a triangle, if not - in a square.
12. Cross out the figure with the largest number corners.
13. Circle the longer word.
14. Draw a line and put four dots on it.
15. Paint over the second circle, put a dot in the third, and cross out the last two.

You can also buy board games for children, they will help to spend time usefully and develop the thinking, logic and memory of the child.

School of Yuri Okunev

Hi friends! With you Yuri Okunev.

Is it necessary to train attention - it sounds like “should I brush my teeth in the morning?”. The answer is beyond doubt. Today we will talk about tasks for the development of attention. Performing these exercises every day, you will enjoy the results after 2 weeks.

In previous articles, we discussed in detail how to conduct, and also dwelled on each age category in detail:

In this article, I would like to summarize and introduce you to universal exercises for training attention, which will be equally interesting to perform for both adults and children.

Attention is present where consciousness is directed. The degree of concentration depends on the ability and willpower.
The following recommendations are intended to help you in the process of working on yourself and your attention.

  1. Solve puzzles more often: puzzles, charades, crosswords, sudoku. The constant load on the brain contributes to the development of mindfulness;
  2. Go in for sports, play outdoor games: tennis, badminton, volleyball. Walk long distances. By moving, we make our brain work. All thought processes improve, including attention;
  3. Do not strive to do two things at the same time, do one thing;
  4. When reading a book, turn on your imagination, imagine each literary hero before your inner eye: how he is dressed, what he said, with what intonation;
  5. Allocate time for attention development classes: do at least 10 minutes, but every day.


The exercises below are arranged in order of increasing difficulty, although this division is arbitrary. Preschoolers are encouraged to take tasks from the first half of the list, adults can choose towards the end.

Let's get started.

  • Bell The child picks up a bell hanging on a ribbon, and, at the request of an adult, tries to perform movements: squats, bends, jumps. Everything must be done so that the bell does not ring.
  • peepersAn adult and a child sit opposite each other and look into the eyes. You can blink. The one who looks away first loses.
  • Sculptor. This task improves tactile perception. Blindfold the child's eyes with a scarf and ask them to mold something from plasticine. Let at first it will be a very simple element - a ball, a sausage. Gradually, the figures can be complicated, sculpting entire sculptures.

  • Notice everything. Put 8 items in a row on the table. Let the child look at them for 5-10 seconds, then cover the objects with an opaque cape. The child remembers and says what was on the table.Now we open the cape again for 10 seconds, close it and ask the child to tell in what order the objects were, what color each of them was.We swap 2 or 3 items in places. Open the cape, the child looks for 5-10 seconds. We close. The child must say from memory what has changed.
  • Correction test. We take any text for 8-10 lines. It is necessary to cross out one letter in the text (let's say “a”), circle the other (“o”) and place the third (“k”) in a box. 1.5 minutes for the whole task.
  • Repeat after me. This method helps to increase the amount of attention and memory.
    We lay out a composition of 6-8 matches on the table, close it. The child must look at the matches for 10 seconds, remember how they lie, then lay out the same design from their matches. Gradually, the task becomes more difficult, an increasing number of matches are introduced, bringing up to 15.
  • Countdown. Ask your child to count objects, such as cars, while walking outside, using descending counting: 20, 19, 18, etc. If it fails, let it start over. When improving the performance of the task, you can complicate the task: count from 30, 50 and even from 100.
  • Indian. Invite the child to play "Indians". You need to freeze in place and listen. Who will hear more sounds and noises? It is necessary not only to catch sounds, but to say from what they arose. The one who hears the most wins.

  • Read and listen. A task that develops the ability to distribute attention between different types of activities.
    Turn on the recording of an interesting fairy tale. While listening, let the child read a book, it is better short story. At the end, we ask you to retell the content of the story, and then ask what the child remembers from the fairy tale. Ideally, the content of both the fairy tale and the story should be well conveyed.
  • Rainbow. Close your eyes and try to imagine with your inner eye all the colors of the rainbow in turn: red, orange, yellow, etc. Colors must be presented quite clearly, it can be in the form of a colored circle or a solid background, hold each image for at least 2 seconds. If you cannot see any color, repeat the task again.

  • Hand. Highly good job to the development of voluntary attention. It is carried out in the form of a competition-game.
    Participants take a sheet of paper, circle their palm on it, each finger. Then numbers from 1 to 100 are entered inside the image. Numbers can be depicted in different sizes, larger, smaller, stretched and scattered on different sides of the picture. The harder it is to find these numbers, the better. The players change sheets. Now you need to find all numbers from 1 to 100 for speed. Whoever is faster - he won.
  • Player. We turn on the music and adjust the volume so that the music sounds very quiet, at the limit of hearing, but the sounds are clearly distinguished. We listen to music. The exercise is performed no more than 3 minutes.
  • Sequence of numbers. Write a sequence of 25 digits. Now find all pairs of adjacent numbers that add up to the number 12. Try to complete the task in a minute.

Simulator Wikium

There are other ways to train. You can develop all the properties of your attention using an electronic simulator Wikium. Quite simple and attractive flash games of this service will not leave you indifferent.

The Wikium technique, thanks to many years of scientific research its creators, allows you to achieve significant improvements in attention in a short time, of course, subject to regular training.

Practice and share your experiences. Subscribe to blog news, invite friends.
Good luck! And see you soon! Sincerely, Yuri Okunev.

onyanova julia

In the course of modern transformations of the economy and culture, the improvement of social and political relations, the mental education of a person as the highest value of society is extraordinarily actualized. Along with the general education school, which has a leading role in the development of students, increasing importance in the implementation of these tasks is becoming preschool institutions. Implementation pedagogical system stimulation cognitive activity in teaching is of decisive importance, since training and development are of an activity nature, and the result of training, development and education of preschool children depends on the quality of teaching as an activity.

Meanwhile, stimulation of cognitive activity in the process of teaching older children preschool age still remains fully uncertain:

First, because she is not integral part theories preschool education, and, therefore, is not embodied in literature itself;

Secondly, in private methods, as well as in didactics, these means of stimulating cognitive activity in learning are not considered as playing a special role in the learning system.

An analysis of the existing practice of work made it possible to establish that in the process of teaching children only occasionally pedagogical task aimed at stimulating cognitive activity, at the formation of independence, initiative and purposefulness in cognitive activity.

In this regard, there is a need to build a pedagogical system for stimulating the cognitive activity of preschool children and the conditions for its implementation.

The cognitive activity of children is realized in activities. One of the forms of organizing the cognitive activity of preschoolers is « Mathematical game library» . Exactly game, search activity is able to mobilize the forces of preschoolers in the knowledge of reality, the independent disclosure of its connections, relationships, patterns, in the transformation of experience.

For this reason, the greatest attention in the organization « Mathematical game library» is given to training and development of attention, memory, thinking, imagination, speech.

Usage game libraries in pedagogical process allows you to expand game activity with children, organized by an adult or independently, removes unnecessary didactics of teaching, arouses interest in children, the desire to engage in games.

Target: Activation of independent cognitive activity of children, consolidation, concretization and expansion mathematical knowledge, the development of the arbitrariness of mental processes through didactic games and exercises.


1. The development in preschool children of the prerequisites for dialectical thinking, that is, the ability to see the diversity of the world in a system of interconnections and interdependencies, which, in turn, contributes to the manifestation of creative abilities.

2. Development of one's own cognitive experience in a generalized form with the help of visual aids (standards, symbols, conditional substitutes, models).

3. Expanding the prospects of cognitive activity by including children in thinking, modeling, transforming actions.

4. Maintaining initiative, ingenuity, inquisitiveness, independence, evaluative and critical attitude towards the world in children.

Purposeful use mathematical game library in the pedagogical process promote:

Development of intelligence in preschool age,

Faster memorization material,

Developing self-confidence,

Easy adaptation to a new environment.

AT game library planned different types children's activities. Here conditions are created for working with cognitive literature, for productive activities, didactic and board games and outdoor activities.

Cognitive literature.

This section includes books, encyclopedias, printed notebooks, posters, collages, numerical friezes.

Didactic games.

This section includes didactic and board games gaming panels(magnetic, paper, etc., equipment for experimental and practical activities.

Outdoor games.

This section includes various sports equipment and equipment for outdoor games (balls, hoops, jump ropes, games "Towns", "Ring toss", "Darts").

There is equipment for productive species activities: pencils, paints, plasticine, felt-tip pens, junk material. All materials equipped explanatory notes that guide the activities of children. The explanatory notes give descriptions of the rules of the games, concise cognitive information, tasks and exercises; questions. Notes are attached next to the exhibits, invested in games, etc. Tasks are presented in the form of symbols and printed text, oriented to different levels of development of children. The typeface must be at least 6 mm high.

When organizing game libraries thought out different types of activities for children. Conditions for developing didactic games , for working with a book, for practical activities of preschoolers (materials for art) ; motor activity.

Main operating principle game library is that presented in it materials are at the disposal of the children. The adult acts as an observer and "scientific consultant".

For the effective development of the cognitive activity of pupils, the entire didactic material corresponds to the following conditions:

didactic games reflect the main content educational process, contribute to the acquisition and development of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities by children;

Games are aimed at the development of mental activity, have a problem orientation, are based on the free creativity and amateur performance of children;

In the games there is an element of competition between teams or individual participants, the accounting and control of the results of the competition, their openness, clarity, objectivity and fairness are thought out.

Toy library material located in a place accessible to children. It is best to put each game in a box. Along with external aesthetics when creating didactic games are respected principles:

1. Accounting for age characteristics.

2. Feasibility and accessibility.

3. Multifunctionality.

Didactic aids in the game library selected in accordance with topics:

1. In the world of numbers and figures.

2. Geometric shapes.

3. Time travel.

4. In the world of measurements.

Organization of work with children mathematical game library is divided into three stages.

Stage I - getting to know game library. This includes introducing children to game library, with its exhibits (books, games, various materials and tools, with the rules of visiting and working (visit game library can be alone or with 1 - 4 comrades, training in working with cards and symbols (all game library materials provided with explanatory notes that guide the activities of children).

Stage II - independent activity in game library. Coming in game library, the children themselves determine who will do what, the teacher acts as an observer and "scientific consultant".

gaming content has different levels difficulties:

a) work according to a ready-made model and clear rules

b) conditional work (collect a human figure, a girl in a dress)

c) self-imposed work (just human).

Stage III - visiting games with parents. To do this, you need to allocate certain days and times. Such visits are special meaning in the development of the child, in the formation of positive relationships between the child and his loved ones. Children act as consultants, they explain, comment, demonstrate their knowledge to close people. And parents have the opportunity to assess the knowledge of their child, see his preferences and interests. Work on each topic takes up to three months.

Analysis of the results at the beginning and end of the work was carried out according to the method "Selection of educational tasks" N. V. Prophet from the book of E. A. Baranov "Diagnostics of cognitive interest".

Data materials can be used:

Teachers working on any program, as they do not affect the educational process;

In working with unorganized children;


Teachers of additional education.

In the future, the content can be expanded by means of other topics, other areas of development of preschool children.

Didactic material



1. Consolidate, expand and concretize the existing and received by children mathematical knowledge.

2. Improve counting skills, computational skills; the ability to compare; consolidate knowledge of arithmetic action: addition and subtraction.



1. Educational literature:

"Primer" G. Yudin;

encyclopedias: « Mathematics» , « Math for toddlers» , "Logics".

2. Didactic allowances for strengthening counting skills that:

"Funny Numbers", « Math lotto» , "Number Houses",

"Fold the Pattern", mosaics, magnetic numbers, numerical friezes.

3. Didactic allowances for improving computing skills:

"Computing puzzles", "Smart Numbers", "Counter", "Calculating machine", abacus, calculator.

4. materials for practical activities:

Counting sticks, pebbles, shells, plasticine, colored paper, glue, scissors, cardboard, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, printed notebooks, cards with entertaining material, coloring books, pens.


1. Examination of collections of numbers and numerical friezes.

Explanatory note: “You already know all the numbers from 1 to 9 and know how to count. Look at all the numbers and put them in order. Count forward and backward." “You already know how to count and know all the numbers from 1 to 9. Count the objects in the pictures, name how many of them.”

2. Didactic game"Number Houses".

Explanatory note: “You already know how to compare numbers, you know that small numbers can be combined together and turn into big numbers. With this game you can learn the composition of the numbers 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, and it will also help you to recognize signs: <, >, =».

3. Didactic games"Computing puzzles".

Explanatory note: “You already know how to solve addition and subtraction problems. These games will help you learn to solve examples even better. Help Ilya Muromets to count apples, and 10 Negritians get together. ”

4. Didactic guide"Fold the Pattern".

Explanatory note: "These fun cubes will help you develop your attention, imagination, quick wits and logical thinking. Choose a pattern on the card and try to fold it out of the cubes. You can also compete with someone. You can come up with your own pattern and draw it on the card.

5. Didactic guide"Guess it".

Explanatory note: "This is fun game -"Guess it". It contains different cards with tasks. Look at the cards one at a time and do what is written on them. This game will help you develop your attention, memory and logical thinking.

6. Educational literature:

"Primer" G. Yudin, encyclopedias: "Logics", « Mathematics» .

Explanatory note: “People have needed the ability to count for a very long time. What did ancient people think? How did the first numbers appear? What numbers did different nations use? All this and much more you can find in these books. You can even find different games in them and play.”

7. Practical activities with pebbles, shells, ropes with knots.

Explanatory note: “You already know how the ancient people thought. Imagine yourself as an ancient person who does not know how to write numbers and count on these pebbles, shells or strings.

8. Practical activity with accounts.

Explanatory note: “These are the scores. You can use them to solve addition and subtraction problems.

Decide: 2 + 1 = 3 + 1 = 4 – 1 = 5 – 1 =

2 + 2 = 3 + 3 = 4 – 2 = 5 – 3 =

2 + 3 = 3 + 4 = 6 – 3 = 7 – 2 =

9. Practical activity with a calculator.

Explanatory note: “People tried to make life easier for themselves and came up with a calculator. This small computing machine helps people perform computational activities. You too can use it and decide with it examples:

2 + 2 = 4 + 2 = 6 + 1 = 8 + 1 =

3 + 3 = 5 + 2 = 7 + 1 = 9 + 1 =

10. Game "Mosaic".

Explanatory note: “The game is a mosaic. Use it to repeat the numbers mathematical signs remember forward and backward counting.

11. Didactic guide"Counting Sticks".

Explanatory note: “These are counting sticks. They are called counting because they help us count. They can also teach us to think and reason. Do the following with chopsticks tasks:

12. materials for practical activities

Explanatory notes: “Numbers can not only be written, they can be drawn, decorated, sculpted, cut out of paper. Trace the stencil with any number and color it however you want.

“Numbers can not only be written, they can be drawn, decorated, sculpted, cut out of paper. Take plasticine and mold your favorite number.

“Numbers can not only be written, they can be drawn, decorated, sculpted, cut out of paper. Circle the stencil of any number, color it as you like, cut it out and paste it.

13. Entertaining print material"Color by numbers", "Put the numbers in order" and etc.

Explanatory note

“If you connect the numbers in order, you will see who came to visit you.”

14. Game "I will not say!"

Explanatory note: “Take a few friends, sit in a circle and, throwing the ball to each other, name the numbers in order, but instead of even numbers they say “I won’t tell! for example: I won’t say, 2, I won’t say, 4, I won’t say, 6 ... Who made a mistake, skips the move.

15. Game "Get your seats quickly!"

Explanatory note: “You take a few friends, choose a driver, scatter all over the site, collecting tokens with numbers on the floor. The driver pronounces command: "Get your seats quickly!" Everyone is in a hurry to take their places, according to the numbers that are on their tokens, in order.

Complication: Ascending Descending; left are even, right are odd.

16. Game "Pass the Cube"

Explanatory note: “You take several friends, choose the driver, at the signal of the driver, the cube is passed to each participant in turn, naming the numbers in order, until it returns back to the first participant. Then, in the same way, they pass a cube with naming numbers in descending order, naming each previous number.

17. Game "How many of us are without one?"

Explanatory note: “Count how many of you are playing in total. There are seven of us, says the last one. "One left (leaves). How much is left?" All children must reply: "Six". Sixth He speaks: There are six of us. One is gone (leaves)».



1. Contribute to the development of generalizations by children.

2. Establish links and dependencies of groups of figures; communications of transformation, modification; relations of equality and inequality, orderliness.

3. Operate sign systems and schematic drawings.

4. To contribute to the systematization of children's ideas in the process of exercises for classification, seriation in the practical manufacture of geometric shapes.

5. To develop the ability to make creative expositions, reflecting in their own way the harmony of the world in color, variety of forms, spatial arrangement, combination and proportions.


1. Educational literature: encyclopedias: « Mathematics» , « Math for toddlers» , "Logics". "Geometry for kids", "Logics", « Mathematics» .

2. Didactic manuals for consolidating knowledge of geometric figures: "Tangram", "Magnetic Mosaic", "Geometric mazayka", "Fold the Pattern", puzzle "Triangle", "Cube". mosaics, magnetic numbers, numerical friezes.

3. materials for practical activities entertaining material, coloring books, pens.


1. Practical activity with geometric shapes. planar geometric figures and three-dimensional geometric bodies.

Explanatory note: “Take geometric figures and geometric bodies. Consider them. Remember their names. What items do they look like? How do they differ in figures and bodies.

2. Game "Tangram".

Explanatory note: This is a puzzle game. It consists of a square cut into several geometric figures: triangles, squares, rectangles, quadrilaterals. If you lay them out according to samples, you can get images of different objects or animals. You can even come up with an image yourself and draw it on a piece of paper for other children.

3. Practical activity. "Counting Sticks".

Explanatory note: “You are already familiar with counting sticks. They are called counting because they help us count. They can also teach us to think and reason. Do the following with chopsticks tasks:

Make 2 equal triangles from 5 sticks

Make 2 equal squares from 7 sticks

Make 3 equal triangles from 7 sticks

From 5 sticks make a square and 2 equal triangles.

4. Game "Magnetic Mosaic".

Explanatory note: “All the details of this mosaic are small multi-colored squares with magnets. If you lay them out according to samples, you can get images of different objects or animals. You can even come up with an image yourself and draw it on a piece of paper for other children.

5. Game "Geometric Lotto".

Explanatory note: “To play geometric loto, invite a friend. Take cards with geometric shapes. Choose a leader. The leader shows the figure. The one who has this figure on the card calls it and puts it on his card. Whoever collects all the pieces on his card first wins.

6. Practical activities "Geometric constructor".

Explanatory note: “This constructor consists of multi-colored circles, triangles and rhombuses. If you connect them together, you get different interesting shapes. Try it, and what will you get?

7. Game "Fold the Pattern".

Explanatory note: “These fun cubes will help you develop your attention, imagination, quick wits and logical thinking. Choose a pattern on the card and try to fold it out of the cubes.

You can also compete with someone.

You can come up with your own pattern and draw it on the card.

8. Puzzle "Triangle", "Cube".

Explanatory note: "This is a puzzle, from words "puzzle over" means to think about something difficult. It is necessary to rotate the parts of a cube or pyramid so that the entire face becomes the same color. This is a very difficult task, but you will definitely cope with it.

9. Educational literature:

"Geometry for kids", "Logics", « Mathematics» .

Explanatory note: “In these interesting and clever books you will find different stories about geometric shapes and solids. You will find out where their names come from, and you can even read poems about them.”

10. Sports game "Towns".

Explanatory note: “This is a very old and interesting game. It consists in the fact that from several small cylinders you need to build a figure. Then you need to take a bat and knock down this figure from a distance. To each The player is given two attempts.».

11. Outdoor game "1,2,3, run to the named figure".

Explanatory note: “To play this game, invite your comrades. Choose according to the leader's counting rhyme. The facilitator lays out geometric shapes of different colors on the floor. On signal leading: "1, 2, 3, run to the green circle!", all players run to the named figure, etc.

12. Games-tasks with physical education equipment.

Explanatory note: “Find an object that looks like a ball. Throw it up 6 times. Find an object that looks like a circle. Spin it 10 times. Make a triangle out of the rope and jump in and out 5 times.

13. materials for practical activities: plasticine, colored pencils, colored paper, cardboard, scissors, etc.

Explanatory notes: “Figures can be drawn, decorated, sculpted, cut out of paper. Draw a stencil of any shape and color it however you want, or make a pattern of the shapes and color it."

“Figures can be drawn, decorated, sculpted, cut out of paper. Take plasticine and mold your favorite figure.

“Figures can be drawn, decorated, sculpted, cut out of paper.

Circle the stencil of any figure, color it as you like, cut it out and paste it.

14. Practical activities "Little Designer"

Explanatory note:

“Make a parquet ornament only from triangles”

"Make an ornament from circles"

“Make a parquet ornament only from quadrangles”

15. Practical activities "Geometry around us"

Explanatory note:

"Find geometric shapes in the picture"

"Make a picture of the figures"

"Draw a Picture of Shapes"

16. Practical activities "What happened?"

Explanatory note: “Fold a paper napkin in half (four times, cut off the corner, what happened?



1. Develop the ability to understand the relationship of time sequences.

2. Improve the skills of establishing time sequences.

3. Develop the ability to establish the relationship of objects and phenomena of the world.


1. Educational literature: V.I. Dal "Old man-year-old", G. Yudin "Primer", E. Praty "Seasons", Kozhevnikov A. Yu. Tikhonova T. B. Zhukova O. S. "The Book of Time"

2. Didactic aids: calendars, calculus, season model, hourglasses with different duration of time, electronic, water, mechanical, watch models, sequence models,

3. materials for practical activities: counting sticks, pebbles, shells, plasticine, colored paper, glue, scissors, cardboard, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, printed notebooks, cards with entertaining material, coloring books, pens


1. Practical activities "Experiencing Time"

Explanatory note: "Take hourglass lasting 1 minute, turn them over. While the sand is pouring, try to make a building out of the constructor. Take an hourglass with a duration of 3 minutes, turn it over. While the sand is pouring, make another building from the constructor. What did you notice?

2. Practical activities "What can you do in one minute?"

Explanatory note: “Take an hourglass with a duration of 1 minute, turn it over. See how many things you can do in one minute."

3. Game "When does it happen?"

Explanatory note: “Image data from different seasons is mixed up. Determine their order and name the time of the year.

4. Game "Time Sequence"

Explanatory note: “The sequence defines a strict order one after the other and it cannot be violated. Reproduce the growth of the plant with the help of symbols.

"Find the mistake in the sequence of growth and maturation of the child"

5. Practical activities "My day"

Explanatory note: "Via visual means and symbols make a daily routine for tomorrow "

6. Productive activity "Magic Picture"

Explanatory note: "If you take colored pencils and color the pictures with the color that is next to the number, you will see something interesting."

7. Educational literature

G. Yudin "Primer"

Explanatory note: “People have needed the ability to measure time for a very long time. How did ancient people know the time? What were the first hours? All this and much more you can find in these books. You can even find different games in them and play.”

8. Outdoor game "Catch-name"

Explanatory note: "Tossing the ball to each other, talking: "Winter, and after it?", "Tossing the ball, to each other, talking: "January, and after him?".

9. Outdoor game "Relay race"

Explanatory note: "Passing the wand from hand to hand, quickly name the signs of winter, spring, summer, autumn."

10. Practical activities "Photos in Order"

Explanatory note: “Consider photographs of one person taken in different years. Now he is a grandfather. Which photo was taken first? Number these photographs in the order in which they were taken.

“Find in the family archive photographs of your relatives in infancy,

childhood, youth, adulthood, old age. Arrange a family

album - arrange photos in order

11. Logic tasks "Answer the questions"

Explanatory note:

“Anna is 5 years old, and Tim is 4 years younger than her. How old is Tim?

“This is Vasya and Natasha. Vasya is 15 years old. And Natasha is 4 years old. Who is younger? Who is older? How old was Natasha last year? How old will Vasya be next year?

“Dasha is 5 years old, and Nadia is 5 years older than her. How old is Nadia?



1. Consolidate, expand and concretize the knowledge available and received by children about the procedures for measuring different quantities: length, weight, volume, temperature.

2. Improve ideas about instruments and tools for measuring different quantities; about different units of measurement and the quantities that are measured in them; to consolidate the ability to determine by measuring the length, weight, volume, temperature.

3. Develop the arbitrariness of mental processes: attention, memory, perception, etc.

4. Organize the interaction of teachers, children and parents.


1. Educational literature: "Primer" G. Yudin; encyclopedias: « Mathematics» , « Math in pictures» , "Logics", "We develop thinking".

2. Didactic aids: "Opposites", "My mathematics» , scales, steelyard, height meter, centimeter tape, water thermometer, thermometer model, measuring cups for 1l, 250ml, rulers for 15cm, 20cm, 30cm.

3. materials for practical activities: counting sticks, pebbles, shells, plasticine, colored paper, glue, scissors, cardboard, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, printed notebooks, cards with entertaining material, coloring books, pens.


1. Cognitive literature.

encyclopedias: « Mathematics» , « Math in pictures» , "Logics", "We develop thinking".

Explanatory note: “In these interesting and smart books you will find different stories about how you can measure different objects. How can they compare: length, mass, volume. What special instruments should be used to measure length, mass, volume.

2. Practical activities "Length measurement"

Explanatory note: “You can measure the length with a ruler. On the ruler there are divisions with numbers - this is a scale. All measuring instruments have a scale. The basic unit of measurement for length is the centimeter. The numbers on the ruler show how many centimeters. Measure with a ruler

pencil, marker, pen. Compare which object is longer.

3. Practical activities "Length measurement"

Explanatory note: “To measure the length along a curve - for example, the circumference of the waist or head, you can use a centimeter tape. On this tape there are divisions with numbers - this is a scale. All measuring instruments have a scale. The basic unit of measurement for length is the centimeter. The numbers on the tape show how many centimeters. Measure your waist circumference and head circumference with a centimeter tape, compare which is larger, where we can apply it.

4. Practical activities "Measuring Growth"

Explanatory note: “You can measure height with a stadiometer. On the stadiometer there are divisions with numbers - this is a scale. All measuring instruments have a scale. The basic unit of measurement for length is the centimeter. The numbers on the stadiometer show how many centimeters you are tall. Measure your height with a stadiometer. Invite 2 comrades, and compare whose height is greater.

5. Practical activities "Weight measurement"

Explanatory note: “To measure weight, they use a special device called scales. The unit of measurement for weight is 1 kilogram. Scales come with bowls that have an arrow with a scale, a steelyard, floor electronic scales. Consider them and think:

on what scales it is better to measure the weight of the cube;

What scale is better to measure the weight of the bag;

What is the best scale to measure your weight on?

6. Practical activities "Volume measurement"

Explanatory note: “Liquid and bulk products cannot be measured in length. But you can find out their volume. Volume is how much space they take up in space. The basic unit of measurement for volume in ordinary life is a liter. To measure volumes, special measuring cups and circles with a scale are used. Pour into a bucket 2l; 3 liters of water; compare the volume of a can of a bucket.

7. Practical activities "Temperature measurement"

Explanatory note: “To find out whether it is cold or warm, whether we are sick or healthy, we measure the temperature. To measure temperature, a special device is used, which is called a thermometer or thermometer. The basic unit of temperature is the degree.

How many degrees is it outside today?

How many degrees are in the room? Where is warmer? Colder?

Measure the temperature of the water in the aquarium.

8. Didactic guide: "Opposites"

Explanatory note: “This game will help you remember opposite meanings. Take the pictures and sort them into pairs. for example: dirty - clean, cold - hot, high - low. Can you invite a friend

and you two will play.

9. materials for practical activities: plasticine, colored pencils, colored paper, cardboard, scissors, etc.

Explanatory note:

“Cut strips of colored paper or cardboard of various lengths and measure their length with a ruler. Find the longest one and decorate it."

“Make sausages of different lengths from plasticine. Measure their length with a ruler. Find out with the help of scales what is heavier than plasticine sausages or strips of paper.

“With scissors, cardboard and pencils, make your own ruler”.

"Use scissors, cardboard and pencils to make your own thermometer".

10. Sports game "Towns".

Explanatory note: “This is a very old and interesting game. It consists in the fact that from several small cylinders you need to build a figure. Then you need to take a centimeter tape and measure a distance of 100cm (1 meter). Take a bat and knock down this figure from a distance. To each The player is given two attempts.».

11. Games-tasks with physical education equipment.

Explanatory note:

“Take 2 skittles. Using a measuring tape, measure a distance of 100 cm (1 meter) from one pin to another. Stand near the first and try to jump to the second.

“Take 2 skittles. Use a measuring tape to measure the distance

150cm. Mark this distance with a string. Take the ball and try to knock down the pins."

"Measure a distance of 150cm, put down the basket and try to hit the basket with the ball."

“Weigh the ball and the bag of sand on the scales. What's harder? What is easier?

Weigh the ball and skittle on the scales. What's harder? What is easier?

"Measure the rope with a measuring tape and jump over it 10 times."