A short story about May 9th. Victory Day

Date in 2019: May 9, Thursday.

Victory Day! So much in these words. They contain the bitterness of tears and losses, they contain the joy of meetings and achievements. After all, the events of those terrible years touched every family, every person. And let from that Great Victory many years separate us, every year at the beginning of May all Russians with respect and awe remember the feat of their fathers and grandfathers. Let's remember how it all began and how the traditions of celebrating May 9 have changed over half a century.

For all residents of Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union, one of the most important holidays is May 9 - Victory Day is celebrated by everyone, regardless of age and social status. Fortunately, many of us do not know the horrors of war, the hardships and troubles that people who went through the nightmare of the war years had to endure. But we are well aware that this happiness is due precisely to those fighters who did not return from the battlefield, as well as to the heroes who worthily reached the glorious Victory Day.

History of Victory

To the day of victory over fascism Soviet troops went four years. Four years that went down in history as the greatest feat of ordinary soldiers and officers, children and teenagers, old people and women who literally pulled out their right to a happy peaceful life with their teeth. And not only your life, but also your children, grandchildren, that is, our peaceful life with you. And it is impossible to forget this feat.

Raising the flag over the Reichstag

And the most joyful, unforgettable event, of course, was and always will be Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War.

It was Victory Day that marked the complete surrender of the Nazi troops. But this event was preceded by other equally important stages of surrender.

By the end of April, Soviet troops came close to Berlin, where they met with fierce resistance. Preliminary negotiations on May 1 on complete surrender did not produce results, which led to the assault on the central part of the city and the battles for the main office. Despite heavy fighting, on May 2, the flag was raised over the Reichstag by Soviet soldiers. By 3 p.m. after the German propaganda deputy spoke on the radio, the remnants of the German garrison laid down their arms and surrendered. This is how Berlin capitulated, but it was not yet a Victory.

The act of complete surrender was signed only five days later, which the German command agreed to because of the senselessness of continuing hostilities. Early in the morning of May 7, the document is signed by all parties to the military conflict. But General Ivan Susloparov, speaking on behalf of the Soviet command, did not have Moscow's permission to approve such historical documents.

Therefore, it was decided to sign the second act, but already by authorized persons of all parties. The document, which has all legal rights, is signed at Central European Time on May 8 at 22:43, which corresponds to 0:43 on May 9, Moscow time.

It was this document that proclaimed the complete surrender of Germany.

history of the holiday

On the morning of May 9, Stalin signs the Decree of the Commander-in-Chief, in which May 9 is proclaimed Victory Day.

The first celebration in 1945 was remembered for the grandiose salute. And the Victory Parade in honor of the end of the war was held in Moscow on June 24.

However, the solemn celebration of May 9 lasted only three years. In 1948, the holiday was abolished. Either in this way they wanted to heal the wounds of the terrible war years, or Stalin did not like it that the people associated the holiday with Marshal of Victory Zhukov.

Nevertheless, the holiday has lost that solemnity and loftiness that was originally invested in it.

Literally before the beginning of Brezhnev's rule, Victory Day was a working day and was marked by salutes and the standard 30 volleys from artillery pieces.

Under Brezhnev, the approach to celebrating Victory Day changed dramatically. Since 1965, the holiday has been declared a day off again and the tradition of holding military parades has returned. The scale of solemnity of the events held increased every year.

After the collapse of the Union, against the backdrop of political instability, the holiday was simply ignored for several years in terms of holding festive and traditional events. And only in 1995, the tradition of holding parades and processions on Victory Day was revived again. But literally until 2008, she did not participate in such parades military equipment.

One holiday - different dates

If in Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union Victory Day is unconditionally perceived as May 9, then in European countries The holiday is celebrated on May 8th. This is due not so much to the confusion of dates as to the time difference when the German Surrender Act was signed. According to the time in Europe, the event happened on the night of May 8th.

Signing the act of surrender

The UN also made its contribution, which, by its resolution adopted in 2004, recommended that the participating countries celebrate the Day of Remembrance for the victims of the Second World War.

Therefore, in Europe, the holiday is celebrated in many countries on May 8, and it has a more tragic than joyful coloring.

Unfortunately, in the Baltic countries, in Ukraine, where the vision of many historical events has radically changed recently, decisions were made at the government level to postpone and rename the holiday. But, as life shows, folk traditions and memory are much stronger, and many people, as before, try to celebrate Victory Day according to the date set by their ancestors.

Celebration traditions

Today May 9 is one of the brightest and largest holidays in Russia. The celebration is held in all major cities and small settlements countries. Music of the war years and military themes plays everywhere, people take to the streets to lay flowers at monuments, graves, and also congratulate veterans. But for the front-line soldiers, of whom there are only a few, it is also a day of bitterness, a day of remembrance of the horrors suffered and the dead comrades.

Parade in honor of Victory Day

Various units of the army, as well as modern military equipment, walk along the main square of the country and in large hero cities. Be sure to take part in the parade and aviation. War veterans, representatives of the government of the state, as well as guests of the country are present at the parade as guests of honor.

Laying flowers and a moment of silence

Each city has its own places of military glory.

It is to such memorials and monuments, monuments and burials, monuments to the Unknown Soldier and the Eternal Flame, other historical and memorable places that people go all day long to bow and lay flowers, wreaths, baskets. During the solemn laying ceremony, the event is accompanied by a minute of silence. This is a tribute and honor to those heroes who laid down their lives for the sake of peace, for the sake of Victory.

This is a young tradition, which in just a couple of years has spread not only to all cities of Russia, but has also gained recognition in many countries of the world.

Millions of children and grandchildren take to the streets of cities with portraits of their fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, who were directly involved in the approach of the Great Victory. A real “immortal regiment” passes through the streets, as these heroes will always be alive in our memory.

Action on Victory Day “I remember! I'm proud!" appeared back in 2005. This motto does not require any special explanation, and the St. George or Guards Ribbon became the symbol of the action.

To remind the younger generation of the valiant feat of our ancestors, this tradition appeared to tie a ribbon on Victory Day. But attacks by some states on this harmless attribute unwittingly made the St. George ribbon a real symbol of victory.


In the evening, after the main festive events in large cities, a large-scale festive fireworks display is mandatory.

Hundreds, thousands of balls are raised up, which crumble into millions of sparks, illuminating the sky above the cities and creating an unforgettable sight. Volleys are fired from special artillery pieces. It is this event that creates a genuinely unique feeling of unity, a feeling of gratitude that inevitably awakens in the hearts of people during the Volleys of Victory.


Dear veterans, all our words and congratulations on Victory Day are intended for you. We bow at your feet and thank you for our peaceful sky. We wish you good health and peace of mind. And we promise that we will do everything so that our children and grandchildren remember this day and never know the horrors of war.

May 9 is a day of sorrow and a day of joy. We mourn for the dead, for those who sacrificed their lives for our well-being. We rejoice in the Victory, the greatest victory of good over evil, faith in life over fascism, good over the "black plague". Indeed, on that distant spring day, something happened that millions of people went to for four years, suffering losses, suffering from grief. And today we rejoice in our victory, we are proud that we are followers of the great winners.

Tears and joy in our eyes

There is simply no more joyful holiday.

Flowers for veterans in our hands,

Thank you for a trouble free life.

There will be fireworks today

With victory, - everyone repeats,

With pride in the eternal regiment we go,

The pain will not subside, but our memory is alive,

She gets stronger with age.

How much trouble that war brought

What a blessing that the victory was ours.

Many days, minutes, years.

Victory was brought as close as possible.

And now the trouble has receded forever,

Everyone rejoiced and rejoiced.

Congratulations today to those who survived

We bow our knees before you

And remember the dead, and be silent,

Swallowing tears of bitterness.

We will say thank you for a world without war,

Thank you all for the victory

Thanks to all those who did not return from the war,

Thank you father and grandfather.

Larisa, April 27, 2017.

May 9 is not just a holiday, it is one of the great days, revered not only in Russia, but also in many other countries of the world affected by the invaders. Victory Day is a holiday that is important for every family and every citizen. It is difficult to find a person who would not be touched in any way by a terrible war that claimed the lives of millions of soldiers and civilians. This date will never be erased from history, it will remain forever in the calendar, and will always remind you of those terrible events and the great defeat of the fascist troops, which ended hell.

History of May 9 in the USSR

The first ever Victory Day was celebrated in 1945. Exactly at 6 am, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on designating May 9 as Victory Day and assigning it the status of a day off was solemnly read out over all loudspeakers of the country.

That evening, the Victory Salute was given in Moscow - a grandiose spectacle for those times - thousands of anti-aircraft guns fired 30 victorious volleys. The streets of the cities on the day the war ended were filled with jubilant people. They had fun, sang songs, embraced each other, kissed and cried with happiness and pain for those who did not live to see this long-awaited event.

The first Victory Day passed without a military parade, for the first time this solemn procession took place on Red Square only on June 24th. They prepared for it carefully and for a long time - for a month and a half. On the next year the parade has become an integral attribute of the celebration.

However, the magnificent celebration of Victory Day lasted only for three years. Since 1948, in the country destroyed by the Nazi troops, the authorities considered it necessary to put the restoration of cities, factories, roads, educational institutions and agriculture in the first place. They refused to allocate considerable funds from the budget for a magnificent celebration of the most important historical event and to provide an additional day off for workers.

L. I. Brezhnev made his contribution to the return of Victory Day - in 1965, on the twentieth anniversary of the Great Victory, May 9 was again painted red in the USSR calendar. This important memorable day was declared a holiday. Military parades and fireworks resumed in all hero cities. Veterans - those who forged victory on the battlefield and behind enemy lines - enjoyed special honor and respect on the holiday. Participants in the war were invited to schools, to higher educational establishments, they organized meetings with them at the factories and sincerely congratulated them on the streets with words, flowers and warm hugs.

Victory Day in modern Russia

In the new Russia, Victory Day remained a great holiday. On this day, citizens of all ages, without compulsion, go to monuments and memorials in an endless stream, laying flowers and wreaths on them. The squares and concert venues host performances by famous and amateur artists, mass festivities last from morning until late at night.

By tradition, military parades are held in hero cities. And in the evenings, the sky lights up with festive fireworks and modern fireworks. A new attribute on May 9 was the St. George ribbon - a symbol of heroism, courage and courage. Ribbons were distributed for the first time in 2005. Since then, on the eve of the holiday, they have been distributed free of charge in public places, shops, educational institutions. Each participant proudly wears a striped ribbon on his chest, paying tribute to the memory of those who died for the Victory and peace on earth.

Victory Day is celebrated on May 9 - in 2019 they will celebrate the 74th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Victory Day is a holiday that marks the end of a murderous war that claimed the lives of millions of soldiers and civilians.

The Victory Day will forever remain in history and will always remind of those bloody events and the great defeat of the Nazi troops.

Victory Day

The Great Patriotic War - component World War II (1939-1945) began at dawn on June 22, 1941. On this day, Nazi Germany treacherously attacked the Soviet Union, violating the Soviet-German treaties concluded in 1939.

In the hostilities, which lasted almost four years and became the largest armed clash in the history of mankind, during various periods of the war, from eight to 13 million people fought simultaneously on both sides, from seven to 19 thousand aircraft, from six to 20 thousand tanks and assault guns, from 85 to 165 thousand guns and mortars.

The invaders planned to win a quick victory, but they miscalculated - the Soviet troops exhausted the enemy in bloody battles, forced him to go on the defensive on the entire German-Soviet front, and then inflicted a number of major defeats on the enemy.

Nazi Germany signed an act of unconditional surrender May 8, 1945 at 22:43 CET (at 00:43, May 9, Moscow time) in the suburbs of Berlin - it entered into force on the same day at 23:01.

The ninth of May, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, was declared the Day of Victory over Nazi Germany and "the day of national triumph."

The first Victory Day was celebrated like no other holiday in modern history. Popular festivities and crowded rallies took place everywhere. Orchestras played in parks and squares of cities and villages, popular theater and film artists, as well as amateur art groups performed.

On this historic day, Joseph Stalin, Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, addressed the Soviet people. Late evening

Moscow was lit up by the Victory salute - 30 victorious volleys fired thousands of anti-aircraft guns, which at that time was a grandiose spectacle.

After the Victory salute, dozens of planes over the capital dropped garlands of multi-colored rockets, numerous sparklers flashed on the squares.

Brief history of the holiday

The first Victory Day in history was celebrated in 1945 - on Red Square in Moscow in honor of the victory in the Great Patriotic War on June 24, a military parade was held, hosted by Marshal Georgy Zhukov.

An event that is forever included in world history- the deposition of Nazi banners and standards - they were thrown onto the platform near the Mausoleum, happened precisely at this parade.

Victory Day on May 9 was an official holiday until 1948, then it was abolished for many years, although celebrations dedicated to the victory were held in all settlements of the vast country.

The Victory Day holiday became a non-working day again only in 1965.

The holiday, in the period between 1965-1990, was celebrated on May 9 very widely - the military parades that took place on Victory Day clearly demonstrated the full power Soviet army and recent advances in the development of military technology.

Many countries after the collapse of the USSR, including Georgia, continue to celebrate Victory Day on May 9th.

The Victory Day holiday in Russia for several years, after the collapse of the Union, lost its solemn status. Military parades on Victory Day with the participation of military equipment and military aviation on Red Square in Moscow traditionally began to be held on May 9, 1995.

The geography of cities where the holiday is celebrated is gradually becoming wider and wider. Victory Day on May 9 is celebrated especially solemnly in the hero cities of Russia.

European countries celebrate the Victory Day in World War II on May 8, the day on which, according to Central European time, Germany signed the act of surrender.

Joy with tears in your eyes

World War II and the Great Patriotic War are the largest battles in terms of scale and fierceness. It became a tragedy for the inhabitants of many countries of the world, brought human losses unprecedented in history, countless suffering to millions of people.

During the hostilities, which lasted almost four years, 1,710 cities, more than 70,000 villages, 32,000 factories and factories were destroyed in the USSR alone, 98,000 collective farms were looted - the total cost of these destructions was 128 billion dollars.

We know about the war from the stories of the older generation and from history books, but these terrible events were a reality for millions of people. The war brought a lot of grief - millions of soldiers and civilians died.

The Soviet Union lost a total of 25.6 million citizens, according to other sources 29.6 million people. At least 13.7 million people among the victims of the war are civilians.

On Victory Day, wreaths are laid at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, near the Eternal Flame - it burns in memory of the fallen heroes.

According to tradition, on the Victory Day they visit places where battles took place, monuments military glory, the graves of fallen soldiers, where they lay flowers, as well as hold rallies and solemn passage of military units.

On Victory Day, veterans, who are becoming less and less every year, gather in the central squares of cities, meet with fellow soldiers, commemorate their fallen comrades.

The memory of the dead, respect for the fearless veterans and pride in their unbearable feat will live in our hearts forever.

Every fifth soldier who fought in the Great Patriotic War was awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union 11,681 soldiers were awarded, and 2,532 people are full cavaliers of the Order of Glory.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

Interesting and useful information for schoolchildren about the Victory Day holiday.

On May 9, Victory Day is celebrated in Russia. Day of Victory over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War. The war began on June 22, 1941. All our people rose up to fight the Nazi invaders: queues lined up at the military registration and enlistment offices, sometimes they went to the front straight from school. Only women, children and the elderly remained behind. They worked in factories, dug trenches, built fortifications, extinguished incendiary bombs on the roofs. And also - raised children, saved the future of the country. The main motto of the whole people was: "Everything for the front, everything for victory!"

But despite the heroic resistance, the enemy was irresistibly approaching Moscow. To deceive the German pilots who bombed Moscow, houses and trees were painted on the Kremlin wall. The domes of the Kremlin cathedrals did not shine with gold: they were painted with black paint, and the walls were smeared with green and black stripes. Our fighters also blocked the way for enemy aircraft. A division under the command of General Panfilov fought on the outskirts of Moscow. At the Dubosekovo railway junction, twenty-eight of our soldiers with political instructor Vasily Klochkov stopped a fascist tank column. Klochkov, before the start of a fierce battle, uttered a phrase that became historic: "Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind." Almost all Panfilov's heroes died, but they did not let the enemy tanks to Moscow.

As the Nazi army moved east, partisan detachments began to appear in the territories occupied by the Germans. The partisans blew up fascist trains, organized ambushes and surprise raids.

Berlin has fallen. The war of the Soviet and other peoples against German fascism ended in complete victory. But the price of this victory was great and bitter. Our country lost about 27 million people in this terrible war.

On May 9, 1945, Moscow was lit up with a salute to the long-awaited victory. Our entire country celebrated the first day of peace with jubilation. Muscovites, leaving their homes, hurried to Red Square. On the streets, the military were hugged, kissed, grabbed in an armful and rocked, tossing the seething sea of ​​people over their heads. At midnight, fireworks never seen before struck. Thirty volleys from a thousand guns were fired.

May 9 holiday has become sacred for each of us. We should all remember the past and thank the older generation for the Great Victory.

How to celebrate May 9th with your family

On this holiday, you should definitely congratulate all the veterans you know. A terrible fate was prepared for many peoples by fascist fanatics. They wanted to wipe entire nations off the face of the earth, leaving them without a future - without children. There was not a single family in our country that this war did not bring grief. And all of us, born after this terrible war, should be grateful for our lives to veterans of the Great Patriotic War! Buy a few carnations with mom or dad that day, go to the city park. You will surely see people there with orders and medals on their chests. There are fewer and fewer heroes of that war every year. Come and congratulate such a person on the holiday, give him a flower or just a postcard. He will be very pleased that even the smallest Russians remember his feat.

And in the evening, when the whole family is together, ask your parents to show you the family album. Surely there will be photos of the war years of your great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. These photographs are black and white, sometimes reddened from time to time. Let adults remember the names and surnames of those who look at you from the album pages, remember where your great-grandfathers worked and served during and after the war. If the photos are not signed, sign them with mom and dad. Then you can flip through and sign dad's army photos or student photos of mom and dad. And now your childhood photos are smiling from the album. They are bright, elegant, colorful. This is what those who will forever remain “black and white” dreamed about and fought for. All photographs must be signed. Because memory is short-lived. And “what is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe.” Someday you yourself will leaf through this album with your son or daughter and tell them the story of your family. In Russia, people who do not remember family traditions have long been dismissively said: "Ivan, who does not remember kinship." Let's cherish, preserve and increase the history and traditions of our family!

You can finish this slightly sad holiday with songs of the war years. They are known and loved in every Russian family. And, of course, the main song of this holiday is “Victory Day”. Before you sing it all together, you need to stand up and honor the memory of all the dead soldiers of the front and rear with a minute of silence.

Song "Victory Day"

Music: David Tukhmanov

The words: Vladimir Kharitonov

Victory Day,

how far he was from us,

Like in an extinct fire

coal melted.

There were miles

burnt, covered in dust,

We have approached this day

as they could.


This Victory Day

smell of gunpowder

This is a holiday

with gray hair at the temples.

It's joy

with tears in his eyes.

Victory Day!

Victory Day!

Victory Day!

Days and nights

at open-hearth furnaces

Our Motherland did not close

Days and nights

fought a hard battle -

We have approached this day

as they could.


Hello mother,

We didn't all return...

Barefoot to run

Half of Europe walked

half of the earth,

We have approached this day

as they could.


On May 9, our country celebrates the day of the victory of the USSR over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War, which lasted four long years from June 1941 to May 1945.

On May 9, 1945, at 0:43 Moscow time, an act of unconditional surrender of Germany was signed in the French city of Reims.

Thus ended the most terrible war in the history of our country. For this day to come, blood was shed for four years, soldiers died on the front line, and their mothers, wives and children, forgetting about hunger and fatigue, worked in the rear, supplying the front with weapons and bread.

Victory in this long and cruel war was given to our country at the cost of huge losses and the daily feat of everyone - from very young boys who fled to the front, and young female nurses who carried the wounded out of the shelling, and women exhausted by endless shifts at factories and collective farms. fields, malnutrition and the constant expectation of letters from the front. They won the world for us, and in gratitude for this, we should always remember that war and try to find out the whole truth about it, no matter how bitter and cruel it may be, because lies and oblivion are worse than death. Of all the official holidays, May 9 remains the warmest and most unofficial in our country. On this day, everyone in their own way tries to express their personal gratitude to the few surviving veterans: someone gives carnations to unfamiliar gray-haired people with orders on their chests, someone presents them with homemade cards and gifts, someone just comes up and thanks. And recently, a good tradition has appeared to tie St. George ribbons on clothes, bags and even cars as a symbol of memory and deep respect for all the fallen and survivors of that terrible and now so distant war. May 9 is one of the few Soviet holidays that is still celebrated in many countries of the former Soviet Union.

You can also read poems for children and play mind games

Mind games. Pillar Checkers

Number of players: two.

You will need: chessboard and checkers.

If you are tired of playing regular checkers and giveaways, you can master their rather funny variety -

Russian pole checkers! This is not at all difficult to do, given that they play pillar checkers according to the usual checkers rules with some additions. All checkers remain on the field until the very end of the game.

1. The beaten checker of the opponent is not removed from the board, but gets under the attacking checker.

2. When a tower made of checkers is under attack, then only the top checker is removed from it, and the checker that was under it comes into play

according to your color.

3. When capturing several of your opponent's checkers, you do not remove them from the field, but take them one by one under the attacking piece in order and build a pillar or tower out of them on the final field.

4. Such towers move as a whole and move according to the rules of their top checker, like the most ordinary checker or king.

5. The tower, like a single checker, can go to the kings, but only the top checker becomes a king.

It turns out that in the course of the game you can free your checkers captured by the opponent in the towers, and the king captured and then released retains its “lady” status. The best pillar checkers strategists act like this: they capture as many of the opponent's checkers as possible under their checkers and at the same time a. take the towers with a large number of captured checkers into the depths of their position. At the same time, they try to attack the opponent with the heaviest towers, trying to exchange the weakest of his towers in order to free their captives.