The most incredible coincidences in world history. The strangest historical coincidences (7 photos) The name that began and ended the history of Rome

Our history is rich in history. Something in it is clear and crystal clear. Something is hidden behind a veil of secrecy and leaves the consciousness of generations. Now we will tell you only a small fraction of the coincidences in history that seem impossible. No one can explain these incredible events.

Number 1

People around the world know and fear Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose powerful image influences people's minds so much that some of them consider him immortal.

This is a series of photographs of Putin or a person like him, captured over the course of a century. Young people have a similar physique and almost identical face, which is simply unbelievable.

Number 2

The film "The Omen" of the 70s, scared the death of many people and made them afraid for own lives. Ominous passages, as if descended from the screen.

The main actor's son committed suicide, just like in the movie. The two planes carrying the film crew were struck by lightning. A crew member was beheaded after being shot in the film.

Number 3

The man came to England in search of his daughter, with whom he had long lost contact. To find her, he asked for help from an English newspaper, where he posted a photo with two other daughters so that the girl could recognize him. She saw the ad and the family reunited again.

However, later she looked at the photo again and saw herself walking behind with her mother. They were so close and at the same time so far from a happy reunion.

Number 4

Porsche James Dean became famous because of a series of sad passages.

In the garage where the Porsche was being repaired, the car fell on the mechanic's feet. Another man who received the motor crashed and his car caught fire. Later, the car fell off the stands more than once during inspections or repairs.

Number 5

In the late 19th century, a rape and murder took place in a small town in England. 157 years later, the same event happened in the same place.

Both girls were born on the same day and month. Both went to friends to change outfit for a party. Also in both cases the suspect had the same last name and was acquitted twice.

Number 6

A 17 year old boy was driving down the road on his scooter and was hit and killed by a taxi.

What is most surprising is that it was also a taxi, the same driver, the same passenger inside and the same road on which the guy's brother was hit to death. My brother also died at the age of 17.

Number 7

Adriana and Leander fall in love at first sight. They planned to love each other forever, raise a daughter and live happily, because they have so much in common. They were both abandoned by their mothers and searched for them for a long time.

Adriana ended up on a show in Brazil that helps find family members and they found her mother. After the reunion, her mother told her the shocking news. The girl has a brother named Leander, whom she married without knowing it. The couple decided that they would still stay together.

Number 8

The young man and the girl fell in love and got married, despite the boundaries separating them. Alex and Dana met at work and did not think that they could have anything in common in the past, given that Alex is from Canada and Dana is from the States.

However, when Alex was flipping through Dana's photo album, he found his father in one of the photos. As it turns out, they met many years ago when their families went to Disneyland.

Number 9

In Germany, a young mother took a picture of her young son and sent the film to be developed. Without having time to get a photo, the First broke out in the world World War and people were not up to personal photos.

When the war ended, the woman decided to take a photo of her newborn daughter. She bought a photographic plate, took a photo and sent it for verification. Upon receipt, she saw two images in the photograph: her daughter and her son.

Number 10

In 1989, a Canadian actor living in Texas fell ill and died. Since between Texas and his homeland, Fr. Prince Edward was a long distance, the man was buried in a local cemetery in Texas.

The body lay there for a year until a hurricane came and swept it into the Gulf of Mexico. The coffin floated with the flow for 8 whole years, until it was seen and lifted onto a fishing boat, which was from the homeland of the deceased. The actor was buried next to the church in which he was baptized.

Do you believe in coincidences? Or is everything that happens in the world for you quite natural and amenable to explanation? Do you believe that there is some mysterious mechanism that allows events to happen in this way? We publish a collection of amazing coincidences in recent history, which show how amazing and inexplicable way events can take shape.

Double death

2002, Finland. A man on a bicycle tries to cross a highway and is hit by a car and dies. Two hours later, his twin brother, also on a bicycle, tries to cross the highway and is killed in exactly the same way - he is hit by a car. The time interval between deaths is 2 hours.

patient bullet

One girl committed suicide as a result of unhappy love. Her brother swore he would kill the culprit, Henry Siegland. He shot at him, but missed: the fired bullet got stuck in a tree for neighboring area. A few years later, Henry was clearing the area, and in order to get rid of the tree, he decided to use dynamite. As a result of the explosion, the bullet hit Siegland and still killed him. True, this had to wait a bit.

musical neighbors

Jimi Hendrix and George Handel were neighbors, albeit with a time difference of 200 years. They lived at 23 and 25 Brook Street respectively in London.

Mr. Bryson checks in twice

When Mr. George D. Bryson checked into the Brown Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky, he discovered that the hotel's previous occupant was also Mr. George D. Bryson.

The first and last victims of the Hoover Dam

The first worker to die during the construction of the dam was J. G. Tierney. This happened on December 20, 1922. The last person to die during construction was the son of J. G. Tierney. It was December 20, 1935.

He didn't joke

Legend has it that on June 20, 1941, Soviet archaeologists opened the grave of Tamerlane, a descendant of Genghis Khan. The inscription on the grave was a warning: “Whoever opens the grave of Tamerlane will release the spirit of war. And there will be a slaughter so bloody and terrible, which the world has not seen forever and ever. They opened it, 2 days later Germany invaded the Soviet Union.

A license plate that said a lot more than anyone thought

The license plate number of the car of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in which he was killed was III118. The official end of World War I was Armistice Day, 11/11/18

Do not take cruises!

Violet Jessup is like a walking bad omen. She served on all the Olympic-class liners and was an eyewitness to incidents with them. She was on board the Olympic that collided with the cruiser Hawk, on board the Titanic that collided with an iceberg, she served as a nurse aboard the ship Britannic that sank after a mine explosion.

dangerous taxi

In 1975, a taxi driver killed a man in Bermuda. A taxi passenger witnessed the death. A year later, the same taxi driver was carrying the same passenger as a year ago. This time, the taxi driver knocked to death a man who was ... the brother of that very first victim. It happens!

Keep children away from windows!

In the 1930s, a child who fell out of a window fell on one Joseph Figlock. AT next year, on the same day, the same child fell out of the window again and again ... on Joseph Figlock. Neither the child nor Feeglock were harmed, but the parents would clearly benefit from installing a window screen.

Mark Twain and Halley's Comet

Halley's comet flies by us once every 76 years, a segment almost the length of a human life. Mark Twain was born in 1835, on the day the comet flew past the Earth, and died in 1910, during its next return.

Would like to see their insurance

In 1895, two cars collided in Ohio. And everything would be fine, but in the entire state of Ohio at that time there were only ... 2 cars.

Death of the twins

On May 22, 1975, twins John and Arthur Moufort were hospitalized with a heart attack. The twins soon died. At that moment they were far apart and did not know anything about each other. There were 120 km between them.

Incredible facts - history repeats itself

Hitler was born 129 years after Napoleon. He also came to power 129 years after Napoleon came to power, invaded Russia 129 years after Napoleon attacked Russia, and was defeated 129 years after Napoleon lost.

A time to listen to yourself

South African astronomer Danny du Tua, aged 49, was giving a lecture about the possibility of death at any time. At the end of the lecture, he vigorously stuffed a menthol candy into his mouth, choked and died.

Non-Random Chance

Stalin, Hitler and Emperor Franz Joseph at the same time lived in Vienna on neighboring streets. It was 1913.

Gemini are strange people

The Ohio twins were separated as children and each grew up knowing nothing of the other's existence. Both were named James, both worked as police officers and married women named Linda. They each had one son, who were named James Alan and James Allan. Everyone had a dog named Toy. They were both divorced, but later each of them remarried women named Betty.

Neighbors forever

The first British soldier killed in World War II is buried a few meters from the last British soldier killed in World War II. This was not done on purpose.

The name that began and ended the history of Rome

Rome, according to legend, was founded by Romulus, who was said to have been raised by a wolf along with his brother, Remus. The last emperor of Rome was Romulus Augustus.

Fatal error

When designing landscapes for the Deus Ex games, one of the artists made a mistake: he forgot to put the twin towers on the scheme. In order to hide this mistake, they composed something like a terrorist attack. The real attack followed 1 year after the release of the games.

hello from childhood

American writer Ann Parrish found her favorite book of fairy tales in a second-hand bookstore. She was very happy and told her husband how much she loved the book when she was a child. When she opened it, title page found: "Anne Parrish, 209 N Weber Street, Colorado."

Three fellow travelers

1920, three men are riding in a compartment. As it turned out later, the surname of one of them was Binkham, the second - Powell, the third - Binkham-Powell. It's amazing that they weren't even related.

They weren't even twins

King Umberto I of Italy somehow wandered into a restaurant, the owner of which was also Umberto. He was like two drops of water like a king. Moreover, it turned out that the king and the restaurateur were born on the same day - March 14, 1844. The restaurant was opened on the day of the king's coronation. In 1900, the king was informed that the restaurant owner had died from a gunshot. King Umberto I was also shot dead.

Fortune teller book

One story by the writer Edgar Allan Poe tells of a shipwreck in which four people survived. They were carried around the ocean for a long time, hunger tormented them, and in the end they ate a young boy, Richard Parker. A few years later, a ship with three wrecks was found on the high seas. In general, there were four survivors, but hunger forced them to eat the cabin boy - the youngest of them. His name was Richard Parker.

Two close friends, US presidents and drafters of the Declaration of Independence, died on the 50th anniversary of independence, a few hours apart ... The son of a president who witnessed the murder of three heads of his state ... A woman who worked on board three wrecked Olympic-class liners and survived their ... Mysticism or just a coincidence? History knows many such interesting twists and turns. Below are these and other incredible historical coincidences.

1. The death of two founding fathers

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were among the five main drafters of the Declaration of Independence. They had been close friends and associates since 1775, despite partisan differences. Jefferson served as counselor and vice president during Adams's presidency. After Jefferson succeeded Adams in the White House, their relationship soured, and the Founding Fathers stopped talking until 1812, when they resumed frequent correspondence.

On the anniversary of US independence, July 4, 1826, 90-year-old John Adams said on his deathbed: "Thomas Jefferson lives." The second President of the United States did not know that a few hours before, his longtime friend and successor had died at the age of 83. Interestingly, not only these two presidents passed away on July 4 - their total number reached five.

2. Assassination of Lincoln and saving his son

A year before Confederate John Wilkes Booth killed Abraham Lincoln in a theater box, his brother, Edwin Booth, saved the life of the president's eldest son, Robert Todd Lincoln. Also an actor, but an ardent supporter of the national union, Edwin ran into the president's son at a train station in New Jersey. Robert Lincoln was letting passengers get off the train. He stood with his back against the stopped train, but when it suddenly moved forward, the young man lost his balance and fell on the track. Fortunately, Booth, who was passing by, grabbed Lincoln by the collar and dragged him onto the platform before the moving train could cause harm. young man. Robert Lincoln immediately recognized his savior, but Booth did not immediately understand whom he had saved from certain death.

3. Witness to three presidential assassinations

And to continue the theme of Robert Lincoln - in his life he witnessed not one, not two, but three presidential assassinations. A month after the tragic assassination of his father, President Abraham Lincoln, Robert and his mother moved to Chicago, where he started a family and a successful career as a lawyer. Robert Lincoln remained active in political life country and during the presidency of Garfield in 1881 served as secretary of war. During Garfield and Lincoln's trip to New Jersey, the offended administration official shot the president in the back.

In 1901, President William McKinley invited Robert Lincoln to the All-American Exhibition in New York. Almost immediately after Lincoln arrived at the exhibition, the anarchist Leon Frank Czolgosz shot the president, inflicting a mortal wound on him. Robert Lincoln is credited with the phrase about the fatality of his presence next to the presidents.

4. Beginning and end of the Civil War

The civil war between the National Union and the Confederacy began in 1861 in the yard of a farmer and wholesaler named Wilmer McLean, and ended with the surrender of General Lee's army, the documents of which were signed in the same merchant's living room.

In the summer of 1861, the merchant's family lived on his wife's plantation in Manassas, General Beauregard demanded that the house be provided as the headquarters of the Confederate army. The first battle between the armies of the North and the South took place practically in the courtyard of the McLean house, by the Bull Run stream. In 1863 McLean moved the family to a small house in Appomattox, a town south of Manassas. On April 9, 1865, his new home became the meeting place for General Lee and his opponent Ulysses Grant, at which the Confederate surrender papers were signed.

5 Halley's Comet

Halley's short-period comet returns to earth every 75 years. On November 30, 1835, her appearance coincided with the birth of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, known to the whole world under the pseudonym Mark Twain. By 1909, 74 years had passed since then, and Mark Twain remarked that it would be nice to leave this world with the same celestial body with which he came. According to him, it would be the deepest regret if this did not happen. As the writer predicted, he died a day after Halley's comet approached the sun again - on April 21, 1910.

6. Miss "Unsinkable"

Violet Jessop worked as a flight attendant aboard WhiteStarLine airliners and not only witnessed the crash of all three giant Olympic-class liners: Titanic, Britannic and Olympic, but also survived them all, continuing to work as a flight attendant until the end of her career.

After the death of her mother, Violet was forced to quit her studies and start working to provide for her family. She took her mother's place as a royal stewardess before moving to WhiteStar. In 1911, the company launched a trio of huge, luxurious brother liners: the Olympic, Titanic, and Britannic. In September 1911, Violet Jessop was working aboard the Olympic, which collided with a small cruiser in southern England. After the crash, a flight attendant boarded the Titanic just in time for her first and last transatlantic voyage in 1912. During World War I, Violet was a Red Cross nurse working on the Britannica, which had been converted into a hospital. In 1916, the Britannic struck a German mine and sank in less than an hour. Despite the damage, only 30 people died in the shipwreck, and Violet Jessop's career by the day of her retirement amounted to 42 years as a flight attendant.

In the history of mankind, there are cases of such strange and amazing coincidences that even convinced skeptics have to wonder if these are mystical fates. Samogo.Net portal, based on historical facts, made his own version of the TOP 10 most incredible coincidences in life famous people or associated with significant historical events.

The novel that predicted the death of the Titanic
This is one of the most mystical and most famous coincidences in history. In 1898, a novel by Morgan Robertson called The Abyss was published, the plot of which was invented by the writer. It told the story of the death of a large liner "Titan" from a collision with an iceberg. According to the novel, none of the 3,000 passengers on the liner escaped, despite the fact that the ship had 24 lifeboats. Morgan Robertson turned out to be a visionary - the transatlantic superliner Titanic sank, crashing into an iceberg at full speed, 14 years later. The real Titanic had 2,207 passengers and 20 lifeboats. A phenomenal coincidence - if you can call it a coincidence.

The Phenomenon of American Presidents

This historical phenomenon is difficult to explain by mere coincidence. Virtually all American presidents who were elected in a year ending in zero suffered tragic fate. Here is their list:

Abraham Lincoln - elected in 1860, assassinated;

James Garfield - elected 1880, mortally wounded;

William McKinley - elected 1900, assassinated;

John Kennedy - elected in 1960, mortally wounded;

William Harrison - Elected 1840, died of pneumonia;

Franklin Roosevelt - elected in 1940, died of a stroke caused by polio;

Warren Harding - Elected 1920, suffered a severe heart attack;

Ronald Reagan - Elected in 1980, survived an assassination attempt.

Unlucky number for Louis XVI

The French king Louis XVI, as a child, received a warning from his personal astrologer that the 21st was an unlucky day for him. Louis took the prediction so seriously that when he became king, he never planned any important things on the 21st. But that didn't help him. In 1791, on June 21, he was arrested by the revolutionary government of France, and in September, on the 21st, a republic was proclaimed in France. Louis XVI was executed in 1793, in January, on the same 21st.

Full counterpart of King Umberto I
Umberto I, King of Italy, one day decided to have dinner in a small restaurant in Monza. Looking at the owner of the restaurant, the king was amazed - in front of him was his exact copy. The name of the owner of the restaurant was Umberto, his wife's name was the same as the king's wife. Moreover, the restaurant was opened on the day when the coronation of Umberto I took place. Surprised by such an incredible coincidence, the king began to often go to a cozy restaurant. One day he was informed that the owner of the restaurant had died from an accidental shot. The king did not have time to express his condolences - he was shot by an anarchist from the crowd that surrounded the carriage.

Mark Twain and Halley's Comet

The great writer Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) was born on November 30, 1835. It was on this day that Halley's comet flew past the Earth. Of course, many other people were born on the same day. But for some reason the writer seriously believed that his fate was connected with the comet. His notes say: "I came into this world with Halley's comet, probably the next time it appears, I will disappear with it." Incredibly, the writer died in 1910 on the day when Halley's comet again approached the Earth.

"Spy" crossword
In 1944, a crossword puzzle was published in the popular Daily Telegraph newspaper, which shocked the military. It contained all the code names for the Normandy landing operation of the allied forces: "Neptune", "Omaha", "Jupiter", "Utah". The Intelligence Directorate rushed to look for the source of the leak of classified information, and found it very quickly. The compiler of the "spy" crossword was an elderly school teacher, who was puzzled by this coincidence no less than the military.

Based on the novel by Edgar Allan Poe

Among the works of the American writer Edgar Allan Poe, known for his "gloomy" stories, there is a story about several travelers who survived a shipwreck. In order not to starve to death on the high seas, they were forced to eat one of their comrades. The victim of cannibalism in the story was named Richard Parker. The story itself is terrible, but by the most incredible coincidence, a few years later it came true. In 1884, a sailing ship found a skiff in the open sea, in which there were three wrecked sailors. They said that at first there were four of them, but they had already eaten the cabin boy. Jung's name was Richard Parker. None of the sailors had ever heard of Poe's story.

Painting by Rene Charbonneau as a destiny
In 1992, by order of the mayor of the French city of Rouen, the famous artist Rene Charbonneau painted a picture, the model for which was a university student Jeanne Lenoy. The painting was called Joan of Arc at the stake. The canvas was placed in the exhibition hall, and the next day there was an explosion in the university laboratory. Jeanne Lenoy, who was there at the time, burned to death.

Forgotten song - a messenger of trouble

The great Marcello Mastroianni was once invited to a friendly party. In the midst of the fun, the actor unexpectedly jumped up and sang the long-forgotten song “The house where I was so happy burned down”. He had not yet had time to sing the song to the end when he was informed that there was a fire in his villa in Menton. According to Marcello himself, he sang this song for the last time when he was still a schoolboy.

"I wish you success, Mr. Gorsky!"

When Neil Armstrong, an American astronaut, set foot on the lunar surface, this wish was his first phrase. The fact is that even in his youth, Armstrong accidentally heard his neighbor angrily scold her husband: “It’s more likely that a neighbor’s boy flies to the moon than you satisfy a woman!” The surname of the neighbors, as you might guess, was Gorski. Neil Armstrong had to fly to the moon out of male solidarity!

Green, Bury and Hill

And the last of the dozens of the most incredible coincidences, which can hardly be called otherwise than a destiny. In 1911, in the London area of ​​Greenberry Hill, three people were executed for the murder of a certain Edmund Berry. Their last names were Green, Berry and Hill.

: Tatyana Kondratyuk, Samogo.Net
The most incredible coincidences © 2012

Modernity does not believe in coincidences, does not believe in God and in general in miracles. This entry is intended to interrupt the path of pragmatism and prove to even the most inveterate realists that accidents are not accidental!

1. Business as usual for The Simpsons

The creators of The Simpsons are real prophets. For example, Lady Gaga's Super Bowl performance on February 2, 2017 was built around aerial acrobatics - but we first saw it five years earlier in the 2012 episode "Lisaey Gaga."

2. The crash of the Titanic

In 1898, 14 years before the sinking of the Titanic, science fiction writer Morgan Robertson wrote the story "Futility", which told about a shipwreck. The fictional ship was called the Titan.

3. Zubaida Tarwat is indistinguishable from Jennifer Lawrence

The combination of beauty, some shyness and rare talent make actress Jennifer Lawrence unique and inimitable. But if you take away her character and Oscar-winningness, only her appearance remains ... and it turns out that she does not have such a unique face!
Now you can never unsee it!

4. Tragedy at the Hoover Dam

112 people died during the construction of the Hoover Dam. The first was surveyor George Tierney, who died in an accident on December 20, 1922, during preparatory work. The last person to die during construction was Patrick Tierney, George's son. He died on December 20, 1935.

5. Two presidents

Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy were elected to Congress exactly 100 years apart. They both died from gunshot wounds to the back of the head, both on the Friday before the holiday (Kennedy was killed on the eve of Thanksgiving, and Lincoln on the eve of Easter), and both were accompanied on the day of the murder by their wives and another married couple.

6. Enzo Ferrari and his reincarnation

The famous Italian racing driver Enzo Ferrari died on August 14, 1988. Two months later, on October 15, soccer player Mesut Ozil was born.

7. Unlucky Brothers

In 1975, a 17-year-old Bermudian boy died in a motorcycle accident. Exactly one year before, his 17-year-old brother died on the same moped at the same intersection - he was hit by the same taxi with the same driver and the same passenger!

8. Terrible accident

When developing the game Deus Ex, released in 2000, the artist forgot to draw the Twin Towers in the outlines of New York. An explanation was invented in the game: they say that they were destroyed as a result of a terrorist attack ...

9. Curse of Tamerlane

Tamerlane, the heir of Genghis Khan, lived in the XIV century and continued the family business: he conquered Asia. When Soviet archaeologists opened his tomb, they found an inscription:
“Whoever opens my tomb will release the spirit of war. And there will be a slaughter so bloody and terrible, which the world has not seen forever and ever. It was June 20, 1941. Two days later, Hitler attacked the Soviet Union.

10. Roman passion

The legendary founder of Rome was called Romulus. The first ruler of the Roman Empire took the name Augustus.
And what was the name of the ruler of the Western Roman Empire, overthrown by the German barbarians, which led to the end of the Roman Empire? Romulus August!

11. Royal fate

On July 28, 1900, King Umberto I of Italy went to dine at a restaurant in Monza. When the restaurateur, also named Umberto, went out to take the order, the monarch noticed that they were like two peas in a pod.
After talking, the men found out many other oddities. It turned out that both were born on March 14, 1844 in Turin; both married on the same day to women named Margarita; the restaurant opened on the day of Umberto's coronation.
The next day, the king learned that the restaurateur had been shot dead by an unknown assassin. Before the king had time to express his condolences, an anarchist stepped out of the crowd and shot him.

12. Horror film invades reality

In 1976, the famous horror film The Omen was released about terrible predictions and coincidences that led to the death of characters.
But the worst is left behind the scenes. A private jet was chartered for the filming of the film, but the flight was canceled at the last moment.
On the same day, the plane crashed on the road, crashing into a passing car.
The pilot's wife and children were in the car. No one survived.

13. Divided by War

The graves of the first and last British soldiers who died in the First World War are just 6 meters opposite each other. And this is pure coincidence!

14. First accident?

In 1895, there were only two automobiles in the entire state of Ohio. They collided.

15. And this is our favorite - Memento mori!

South African astronomer Daniel du Toit lectured on the unpredictability of life. Death, he warned the audience, could come at any moment! After the lecture, he sat down, put a lollipop in his mouth, choked, and died of suffocation.

16. Patient Bullet

Henry Siegland was sure that he could circle fate around his finger. In 1883, he broke with his beloved, who, unable to bear the separation, committed suicide.
The girl's brother, beside himself with grief, grabbed a gun, tried to kill Henry and, deciding that the bullet had reached the target, shot himself. However, Henry survived: the bullet only slightly grazed his face and entered the trunk of a tree.
A few years later, Henry decided to cut down the ill-fated tree, but the trunk was too large, and the task seemed impossible. Then Siegland decided to blow up the tree with a few sticks of dynamite.
From the explosion, the bullet, which was still sitting in the trunk of the tree, broke free and hit Henry directly in the head, killing him on the spot.

17. Twins forever

In 2002, 70-year-old twin brothers died an hour apart in two unrelated crashes on the same highway in northern Finland. Police representatives claim that there have been no accidents on this section of the road for a long time (Finland has almost the lowest percentage of accidents in the world), so the message of two accidents on the same day with an hour difference has already become a shock for them! And when it turned out that the victims were twin brothers ...

18. Decent plot

In 1920, the American writer Anne Parrish, while in Paris, came across her favorite children's book, Jack Frost and Other Stories, in a second-hand bookshop. Ann bought the book and showed it to her husband, talking about how she loved her as a child.
The husband took the book from Ann, opened it and found on the title page the inscription: "Anne Parrish, 209H Webber Street, Colorado Springs."
It was the same copy that had once belonged to Ann herself!

19. And one more royal fate

When the future King of France, Louis XVI, was still a child, his personal astrologer warned him that the 21st of each month was his unlucky day. The king was so shocked by this prediction that he never planned anything important for the 21st.
However, not everything depended on him. On June 21, 1791, the king and queen were arrested while trying to leave revolutionary France. That same year, on September 21, France declared itself a republic. And on January 21, 1793, Louis XVI was beheaded.

20. Incredible records

In 2006, while on board the Abundant fishing boat, fisherman Mark Anderson fished out a bottle with a 92-year-old message from the sea, for which he was awarded a place in the Guinness Book of Records - as the man who discovered the oldest letter in a bottle in history. He constantly bragged about this to his friend Andrew Leeper, who was pretty annoyed by this.
In late 2012, skipper Andrew Leaper was on the same longboat off the coast of Scotland when a bottle containing a 98-year-old message was leaked.
Leeper was included in the Guinness Book of Records, displacing Anderson from there!

21. The strangest naval battle in history

At the beginning of the First World War, the British passenger liner Carmania was converted into an auxiliary cruiser for the needs of the fleet. To protect it from attack, the cunning British disguised it as the German passenger liner Cape Trafalgar.
Their plan worked: on September 14, 1914, the Carmania ambushed and sank a German ship off the coast of Brazil. By pure chance, a German ship sunk on the other side of the world was the real Cape Trafalgar ... which the cunning Germans disguised as the British passenger liner Carmania!