Why do men need an army? - What gives the army to a young man.

February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Once called day Soviet army, now this holiday has acquired a completely majestic sound. It's worth thinking about. The Defender of the Fatherland is a person without whom his (our) country may simply not exist. Defender of the Fatherland is the defender of that kid who is now playing snowballs, that pretty, happily smiling girl with flowers in her hands, that elderly couple who is so touching, arm in arm, walks along the alley of the park. Defender of the Fatherland is the defender of our cities, villages, streets, houses.

His Fatherland needs a defender not only in case of war - he is needed no less so that the war does not happen, because he is, he is smart, strong and courageous, he knows and knows a lot - so is it worth attacking something what is precious to him?

How to become a real defender of the Fatherland? We asked people about this, who answered this question based on personal experience.

Archpriest Alexander Dubasov, Vice-Rector for educational work Yekaterinburg Theological Seminary, father of five children. Served in the army as part of a contingent Soviet troops in Germany (Air Force troops, flight support service, 80s).

- Gives you the opportunity to go through a school of nurturing courage, honesty, honor, overcoming difficulties, educating yourself in difficult conditions of limitations and deprivation. Today we have no cold, hunger, devastation, war. But the formation of a person, especially a man, should not be without difficulties. Many are tempted to spend the time that needs to be given to the service, to spend it with some benefit - to study, to settle in life. But all this is incomparable with the benefits that a young man will receive in a year of service.

How would you recommend preparing for military service?

- External training consists in physical education. The term of service in the army is now short, only a year, so there is no time to build up, you have to come already prepared. It so happened in my life that during my studies in grades 9-10, the guys and I constantly worked on the horizontal bars. Therefore, I came to the army in this sense, well prepared, for me the army standards were not difficult. Therefore, I would recommend such physical exercises - running and exercising on the horizontal bar.

Internally, one must remember that everything that is given to a person in life is given for his benefit. Therefore, it is wrong to look for an easier place, to evade, to be lazy. It is necessary to serve, honestly fulfill the assigned duties. Bosses must be treated with respect. To the old-timers - also with respect, but not with subservience. A believer who goes into the army should remember that they are praying for him, that it would be good for him to make some effort for this. Today it is probably not so difficult. Maybe not from the first day, but you need to find an opportunity to go to the temple and pray.

What would you say to the parents of recruits?

- Remember that this is service to the Fatherland, the Motherland, that this service is necessary. In addition, such conditions cannot be created at home for the education of a male character. The young man will soon become the head of the family, bear responsibility, raise children, and military service is the school that prepares well for this.

Oleg Olegovich Savin, head of the children's Sunday school of the church of St. vmch. Panteleimon, father of two children. In 1991 he graduated from the Simferopol Higher Military-Political Construction School. Geography of service in the army - Far East, Tula region, Yekaterinburg. Since 2008 - retired lieutenant colonel.

Why do you need to serve in the army?

- First of all, it good school life. When a young man leaves his family to serve in the army, he acquires independence, patience, endurance, even humility to some extent. This gives good skills for further independent living, for creating a family.

- And if a guy for some reason does not go to the army, he cannot acquire these skills without her?

– You can’t say that only in the army you can become a real person, a real man. But the army, especially in our time, is the institution that allows you to perfectly acquire these qualities necessary for life, develop the ability to make decisions, and behave correctly in stressful conditions. It is very important for a man to be able to make decisions and take responsibility for them.

Now, in my opinion, the authority of the army by the media is lowered "below the plinth." Nowadays, young people are afraid of the army, because the media has made a monster out of them, which only maims and kills. But the army is a mirror of the people.

If there is a place for violence, bribery, hazing in society, then in the army all this manifests itself in an aggravated form. And, of course, that young people are afraid of this. Of course, there are excesses, but these are isolated cases, and this has always been the case. Now it’s been blown up – supposedly, it’s everywhere and everywhere. No, it's not everywhere, the whole army can't be bad.

- How should a young man prepare himself for the new conditions of service in the army?

- I believe that it is necessary to prepare both physically and mentally from the school bench. Because there is no easy service, because any work is work, and work implies the application of efforts, overcoming some kind of load. In the same way, the army for a young man is hard work, it is a duty to the Motherland, to his loved ones. After all, he not only serves the state, he also serves his relatives.

A soldier needs to be able to endure heavy loads, endure hunger and thirst. If a person is not physically ready for this, and cannot complete some task in the army, then in real combat conditions he is threatened with death. If a person is not ready for service either physically or mentally, it will be extremely difficult for him.

- What would you like to say to parents who turn their children against military service?

“Our mothers and fathers are trying their best to keep their children from serving in the army. But they forget that if we do not want to serve and feed our army, then others will simply come and conquer us, and then we will have to feed foreign soldiers and serve in a foreign army of a foreign country. If we do not pay due attention to our army, then we are worthless as a state.

Priest Vladimir Pervushin, head of the Orthodox Homeless Assistance Service, father of four children. Served in airborne troops in 1994-1996. The geography of the service is from Omsk to the Moscow District.

- What does the army give to a young man?

- Just as repentance makes a person different, so the army promotes repentance, although during the service you do not understand this. A person does not realize this, he feels bad, hard, difficult, a great temptation to avoid service. Only years later, a different understanding comes, if, of course, a person has drawn some conclusions and appreciated the gift that the Lord gave him. Drawing conclusions, now, having returned back, I would have served in a different way, more seriously, I would have treated the service as a sacred duty. Apparently, some kind of adulthood was lacking, and he served somehow.

Does everyone need to serve in the military?

- Yes, because a man is, first of all, a defender of his city, his Fatherland. Reading Holy Bible, you can see that it is not women who brandish a sword, they are not "carrying a sword at the hip." And to be a defender, you need to be able to defend, be able to use weapons - and where can you learn this, except in the army?

– What would you advise the guys on how to prepare internally and externally?

- One of the most important aspects is to prepare a physical form, not only in terms of muscle development, but also in terms of weapons, especially since now there are many different military-patriotic clubs where you can do this. Most of today's kids know weapons only as toys, plastic, and they don't understand the simple thing that you can't point a weapon - even a toy, even joking or playing - in the direction of a person. Because guns need to be taken seriously. If the poker shoots once a year, then what can we say about weapons. If a boy has seen only toys since childhood, and he hasn’t developed a real idea about a weapon, how will he then take it in his hands? Like something unknown. It may happen that after six months of service he will be assigned to perform precisely combat missions, where he will risk his life. And he, as he was a boy with a plastic pistol, so he remained. You need to at least shoot from the pneumatics.

On the other hand, one must prepare spiritually. There must be a spiritual basis. I am talking about the Orthodox, but it will be difficult for the godless, because a warrior without a spiritual foundation is just a killer. After the Great Patriotic War, there was no such thing as the “Great Patriotic War syndrome”, but there is a syndrome of the Afghan, Chechen war. And this is for the simple reason that people still brought up on Orthodox values ​​participated in the Great Patriotic War. Therefore, they spiritually withstood, spiritually not damaged. Because it is really a terrible sacrifice when you are forced to commit a sin - to kill other people. But you do it for the sake of your neighbors and the Fatherland. You need to be ready for this feat. You need to perceive such a warlike feat as a cross that the Lord gives you. If you go to serve in the army with such an attitude, then our army will be a holy army, as it has always been since the time of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir.

– What would you say to those parents who do not want to let their children go to serve?

“Look at the Mother of God, at Her icon, at the Child She holds in her hands. From the very beginning, She knew what would happen to Her Son, and all her life She carried and raised Him with this pain in her heart. This should be remembered by our Orthodox mothers. It will not work to keep the son near the skirt all his life. What will grow out of him if he does not become a man? An egoist and an alcoholic will grow up who does not know what sacrifice is, does not know such a thing as “giving up one's life for one's friends”, which should be natural for an Orthodox warrior, for a man.

Vladimir Kolesnikov, 28 years old. Works in the field of communications construction. He served in the army in 2008 in the signal troops. Service geography - Moscow region.

- Are you preparing to serve in the army?

- When I received a summons from the military registration and enlistment office, I was frightened of the service and squinted. A few years later, I began to go to church, and one experienced priest advised me to go to serve. So, without unnecessary worries and preparation, having received a blessing, I went to serve in the army. When I got into the unit, at first it was very difficult. And so I call this priest and say: “Batiushka, it’s bad for me here, I hope for your prayers.” And he answers me: “Trust in God ...” But, in general, in the army there is definitely no one else to rely on, only God.

How did your family react to this decision?

They didn't understand why I needed it. But now I can answer why. Firstly, military service is the duty of every healthy man. The army develops courage, self-confidence, understanding that you are able to do more than you think. The army is a constant overcoming of yourself, your weaknesses and your fears, and when you return home, you understand that you have become stronger, you have become better.

Secondly, it was in the army that I realized how dependent my attitude towards relatives was. I realized how dear they are to me and what they mean to me. Relatives came to me from many kilometers, they were very supportive in the first, most difficult, period.

- What, first of all, helps to cope with the difficulties that arise in the course of service?

- Faith in God, patience and a sense of humor helped. Of course, anything can happen, but this does not mean that you always need to throw your fists in defense, you need to endure, wait it out. At the same time, there are times when you need to stand up for yourself. It's a kind of science. In the army, as in civilian life, one must try to be a decent person, not to betray comrades, to sacrifice one's interests for the good of friends. It is appreciated everywhere.

In the army team, you should not be arrogant, no matter how old you are, what education you have, how much money you have. It's all left at home. And here everyone is equal. Therefore, you need to force yourself, calmly fulfill all your duties, endure and move forward gradually. Of course, it's not easy.

- Your wish to young people of military age.

“First of all, you should never be afraid of anything. For the most part, what they say about the army, how hard and bad it is, is an exaggeration. There is more order in the army than on the streets of the city.

A man will never regret that he has done his duty. He will remember this all his life. Military service- an invaluable experience of communicating with people. This will help and inspire a person to new achievements. And the last day in the army is the biggest holiday that has been in my entire life. But a little sad because of parting with his comrades. No matter how hard it is in the army, there are always many moments that you later remember with a smile.

Igor Vladimirovich Pyzhyanov, master of sports, 12-time absolute champion of the Urals in arm wrestling, winner of the Russian championships, head of the Sports and Patriotic Department of the Yekaterinburg diocese. He served in the army as part of a group of Soviet troops in Czechoslovakia ( rocket troops, 1988-1990)

- What gives a young man service in the army?

– In practice, he studies those simple truths that, in theory, perhaps, did not reach him before. In the army, a soldier must endure and not complain. You can’t steal, there is something “quietly” - otherwise you degrade. Whatever difficulties you experience, endure! When you endure all this, learn how to solve your problems, then in your future non-army life you will have an order of magnitude fewer of them (both in the family, and at work, and at home), difficulties will no longer break you.

But first you need to humble yourself, that is, to show one of the Christian virtues. If a young man does not have humility, then the army is the best means for acquiring it, however, as well as long-suffering, and meekness, and love.

How can young people prepare for military service?

- Firstly, we need a system to prepare a young man for the army. Moreover, he must think over the system for himself in the senior classes and methodically implement it with the help of adults. For example, if a young person is physically undeveloped, then you need to enroll in a boxing, wrestling or martial arts section. Even if you do not achieve Olympic results, then in the army you can protect yourself and others, repel aggression, and then teach this to recruits.

In an agrarian country, young people from childhood plowed, mowed, knew how to ride horses and fight, that is, they were physically developed. Today, a young man sits at the computer or lies on the couch. He has not only a body, but also a relaxed brain. We can say that he is not only not adapted to the army, but also to life in general is not adapted. A young man must understand that mom and dad are not eternal, they cannot feed and take care of him for life. After all, the time will come when he will have to take care of himself, and even about his family. You need to start taking care of yourself not at the age of forty, after the first heart attack, but at adolescence.

Secondly, you need to go to the army with the first draft. And this is not only because a person must do his duty. When a young man runs away from the army for several years, and then they still find him, he ends up in a team where grandfathers are younger than him. In such a situation, it is much harder to serve. Therefore, you are 18 years old - immediately go to serve.

- You spoke on a "sore" topic - hazing ...

– Today, people are intimidated by media reports about hazing in the army, and it seems that the entire army is “so scary”. Mothers are afraid to let their sons serve, and their sons hide from the military registration and enlistment offices. In the army, in which I myself served in the early 90s, there was terrible hazing, but I am still convinced that it is possible and necessary to serve and survive hazing. Where men are gathered in one place, where they are around the clock next to each other, there will always be bruises and scars, because such is the fallen nature of man.

And the fear of hazing ... It seems that in the army a little boy is afraid of the master of sports - and why? Because he is a grandfather. But doesn't he look like the famous hero of Chukovsky's fairy tale "Cockroach", who intimidated all the hippos and elephants? And run from the army because you are afraid of this cockroach?

Who are grandfathers? These are young people who have served half their term; these are former conscripts who were also afraid or did not want to join the army. But they came there, suffered bullying from the old-timers and became grandfathers themselves. It turns out that the experience of violence is passed on from generation to generation, and there is a kind of continuity.

When did this experience of violence arise? From books, articles, memoirs, we know that hazing was an extremely rare occurrence in the tsarist army; a different system of relationships was built there between old-timers and new recruits. When a young man got into the army, the old-timer taught him both military affairs, and soldier's life, and how to build relationships with colleagues. In addition, it must be remembered that people were mostly Orthodox in their upbringing, therefore, they were aware of the responsibility for each other before God. It was a good educational system that conveyed the experience of survival.

But in the 20-30s of the 20th century, people with a camp, hard labor past come to power. This power forms a team and transfers to it its camp system of values ​​and norms of behavior. The army is changing: the former officers have been destroyed or are in exile, the army is called upon not so much to defend the Motherland as to suppress internal discontent, to destroy those who disagree, and so on. So the experience of violence was introduced into the army and is transmitted to this day.

And anyone who, having become a grandfather, will not continue it, but will try to teach something to the young, can stop it. I have a friend who recalls his service in the army like this: when he became a grandfather, he gathered the young and warned that he would not beat or mock them. But they must abide by the principle of "do as I do!". And every morning he ran 10 km in full uniform, after that he went to the crossbar and pulled himself up 40 times. And they, willy-nilly, also had to do it.

Good hazing is needed. I am convinced of this. After all, it is known that the best factory director is the one who started with a simple locksmith, who knows the working life from the inside and in all details, who feels responsible for the workers, as he himself was. Such a director or foreman can really help solve some problems of workers. But first, you need to grow up to the foreman or director, honestly working as a mechanic.

So it is in the army: when a young man begins to serve, he needs to show obedience and patience, otherwise he will not learn anything, he will be useless, and even crippled. Who will help him adapt to the new conditions of life and master military art? Only an old man. But for this hazing in the army must be healthy.

The survey was prepared by Evgeny Alabushev, Oleg Vasyunin,
Svetlana Kislova, Ksenia Kabanova

Russia is among the countries that are considered leaders in terms of military power. The combat readiness of the army is facilitated both by the constant improvement of the technical capabilities of Russian weapons, and high qualification of personnel. All this is necessary for the country in order not to be afraid to implement an independent policy.


Why does Russia need a powerful army, given that the country is not going to take part in armed confrontations, Deputy Defense Minister Ruslan Tsalikov explained at the Army-2015 forum. "We as we were, and remain peaceful people. Our rhetoric today is absolutely correct and peaceful. We need strength in order to have the right to defend this rhetoric," RIA Novosti quoted him as saying.

At the same time, the attitude of Russians to their own Armed Forces has also changed. "I will immediately state my position: image of the army Russian society per last years fortunately has changed. We really feel the support of our society today," added Ruslan Tsalikov.

As a vivid example characterizing the past changes, the deputy minister cited a life story: in the 90s, he asked a general to support him at a meeting of the Ministry of Finance, and he came to the ministry in a civilian suit, since shy military uniform . Now it is an honor to wear military insignia.

“I can’t call the state of our society otherwise than the edge of some kind of madness. Today we see a completely different picture. We really not only feel, but also We appreciate the attitude of our society towards the Russian Armed Forces", - said Tsalikov.

He expressed hope that during the round table "Army and Society", held within the framework of the military forum, it would be possible to determine the tools with which it would be possible to further strengthen the positive image of the Russian serviceman in the eyes of ordinary citizens. Experts note that significant progress in this area is already noticeable.

The name "urgent" itself comes from the word "term". This is the time of service that the state has established for conscripts at the moment. Today, the term of service in the army in the Russian Federation is twelve months. And all males, without exception, who are over eighteen years old and who do not have the right to deferment are subject to conscription.


Protecting the Motherland is the sacred duty of every man who has reached the age specified by law. Accordingly, the main task is to learn how to protect the Fatherland, their relatives and citizens of the state from possible encroachments on sovereignty and from internal enemies. The drafted young man, who swore allegiance to the Fatherland, undertakes to overcome all the difficulties and hardships of army life, obey the orders of commanders, and serve faithfully for the benefit of peace and justice.

To walk or not to walk?

What gives a man an army?

  • In addition, for those who want to make it their profession, as the first step, military service is simply necessary. Here you learn skills that will be useful for the rest of your life. With this, you can start your army path. As a continuation - contract service or a military school.
  • And the army is also a good way to put an end to bad habits and slovenliness once and for all, to leave a bad company, to systematize your life and learn to overcome the difficulties of life.
  • Important in this regard is the daily routine that you get used to observing, and the diet and physical activity that turn yellow-mouthed youths into courageous representatives of the human race.

For information about other issues of the service, see the articles in the section

- “If you want peace, prepare for war” - I once heard such a strange phrase and did not understand at all what it meant, - says Almaz Aksanovich. - these words a very long time ago, more than two thousand years ago, said one ancient Roman historian named Cornelius Nepos. Similar words were used by the Roman military writer Flavius ​​Vegetius in the book “ Summary military affairs." Here is what he wrote: “Whoever wants peace, let him prepare for war; whoever wants victory, let him diligently train warriors ... ".

Why prepare for war if you want to decide everything peacefully, to negotiate, and not to fight? And why do we need an army, and even a strong one, if we don’t have a war in Russia? Wars bring terrible suffering. The terrible Great Patriotic War. She did not pass by a single family in our country. Who won this war? - People! Everyone rose up for the defense of the Motherland: not only the army, but also civilians. They forged victory at the front and in the rear. Why do you need an army? Why do men need an army?

After serving in the army for a year, a person receives knowledge about military affairs. If the state needed help in the future, already grown boys understood what was needed now. Men are not forced to serve Russia forever. Perhaps military conflicts are not expected in their existence, and everyone will live in peace. But you need to give a word, learn something, so that those who cannot fight for the country know that people live nearby who can be relied upon in case of trouble.

It turns out that strong army as if it will scare away enemies - those who want to conquer the country and take possession of its wealth. No one will mess with a strong army.

As a boy, I saw the movie "Officers", which turned my life in a completely different direction. I find it difficult to say what would have happened to me if not for this film. Last words: “By order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR, for the exemplary performance of official duties and the courage shown at the same time, and heroism, skillful education and training of the personnel of the unit, Captain Trofimy Ivan Georgievich was awarded military rank"major" ahead of schedule. And then the bewitching shots about the paratroopers. Then I thought: “What is the Airborne Forces in general?”.

Please watch a short video:

“I decided to enter the Suvorov School,” the major continued his story of the Guards, “in order to learn to be a soldier, so that, in which case, be able to protectMotherland, and therefore their relatives. And in order to enter the Suvorov School, one had to work on oneself. My school teachers, it was they who made a man out of me.

A real defender can only be a healthy, courageous, strong man, a reliable comrade, not afraid of difficulties. And in order to serve, you need to develop the best masculine qualities in yourself - courage, strength, endurance, ingenuity, mutual assistance, and for this you need to go in for sports and take care of your health right now. I appeal especially to girls, we need healthy children - do not drink, do not smoke: female alcoholism is practically not cured! I tell you from my own experience that bad habits take away 20-30 years of our life, you start to think about it when you are taken to the operating room on a gurney, and you don’t know if you will survive or not.

Boys and girls work on yourself. No words I can't, no words I can't. Being an invalid, receiving a small pension, I found a way to earn extra money by knitting, sewing Cossack dads and making whips, woodcarving. And by the way, I also sew bags myself.

No less interesting was the story of a real participant in the military events Nazarov Artur Akhmarovich.He told how, from a simple hobby for a reel-to-reel tape recorder, he became a master of his craft, received several military professions: a radar operator, a tablet operator, a radio operator for ultra-wave telephone communications and a gunner, how difficult it was in the war, how you had to be malnourished, for days, or even weeks to do without water, as they wanted to go home, to their homeland.

Real defense of the Motherland starts small. Serving in the army is the duty of every young person. Defender of the motherland - it sounds proud. Russia is a very rich country, we have a large territory, a lot of minerals and energy resources, which have attracted and continue to attract many abroad for many centuries. And this someone - some other state - may one day try to seize our lands and wealth. To prevent this from happening, we need a strong army, ready at any moment to repel the attack of the enemy.

Now, when there is no war, the military helps civilians in their country, for example, victims of natural disasters, catastrophes or terrorism. They provide assistance to other countries. For example, they accompany convoys with humanitarian aid for civilians in Ukraine and Syria, where the war is now going on. In peacetime, the military participate in the aftermath of natural disasters, catastrophes

A strong army is needed so that our country will always be free. To let us decide how we live. Our army has never attacked anyone. Our army only carried out and continues to carry out the protection of the civilian population. It exists in order to repel the blow of the enemy in the event of an attack, it does not attack itself.

The Russian army is a school of Courage.

At first glance it may seem that the question is: Why do you need army to the state?», — is obvious and simple - it is the protection of the country in the event of hostilities. In general, this is really true: the main function of the armed forces Russian Federation advocates the creation of conditions for the security of the state from the attack of aggressors.

In this case, why do we need an army in peacetime, does it need to be modernized and financially provided? Let's look at these questions in more detail.

The main tasks of the Russian army during a peaceful situation in the country are conditionally divided into 3 components: ensuring the preservation of the military-political interests of the Russian Federation, maintaining the interests of Russia of an economic nature and performing military operations aimed at ensuring peace.

Any of the above sub-clauses implies the implementation a large number events of various specifics with the participation of military personnel, therefore it is worth considering each direct component, in particular.

The concept of observance of the interests of the Russian Federation by the VP contains the deterrence of the threat and manifestations of aggression on the part of a potential enemy.

Such a set of security measures contains a number of measures:

  • an early procedure for identifying factors that threaten an attack on the territory of the Russian Federation or the territory of allied countries;
  • maintaining soldiers, equipment and weapons in readiness, which is as close as possible to combat;
  • the state of constant readiness of armed groups to mobilize, capable of resolving local conflicts and stopping mass riots;
  • the presence of a strategic potential, taking into account technical equipment and means or control methods, in such a state that under any conditions with a guarantee to launch missiles to cause damage to a potential enemy;
  • preparation for the transfer of the country to a military regime with strategic deployment;
  • defense of the territory of the state.

So, the priority is to ensure the combat readiness of subsections and intelligence in order to detect potential aggression from other countries.

Regarding the protection of the interests of the Russian Federation from the side of economics and politics, the functions of the army are given below:

  • ensuring the safety of civilians in the Russian Federation who live in areas with political instability, in addition, near "hot spots", zones of clashes with the use of firearms;
  • maintenance of conditions of a certain kind under which the Russian Federation can develop economically;
  • guaranteed protection of the interests of the Russian Federation on a national scale in the territory of the World Ocean;
  • performing operations using military equipment and personnel of the army of the Russian Federation on the territory of regions that are of great importance from an economic point of view (carried out by personal order of the first person), and the like.

Among the above tasks, there are measures to ensure the safety of civilians and the conduct of economic activity of the Russian Federation outside the country.

Finally, the performance of operations with the use of military potential in times of a non-military nature implies the following parameters for the work of the army:

  • guaranteed fulfillment by Russia of all obligations stipulated by international agreements and treaties;
  • suppression of the organized activities of terrorists, extremists and separatists, including the prevention of terrorist acts;
  • the use of nuclear power to deter the aggression of a potential adversary;
  • carrying out operations aimed at supporting peaceful existence, within the direct framework of agreements between the Russian Federation and international organizations;
  • introduction and observance of the VP on the territory of any kind of subject of the Russian Federation;
  • forceful preservation of the sanctions regime;
  • implementation of comprehensive measures in order to prevent environmental and man-made disasters, as well as the participation of soldiers and technical equipment in removing the consequences.

Why does the state need an army
people understand best during hostilities. The functionality of the army largely depends on the size and specific features of the military conflict, where it will participate. Let's take a look at the theoretical variations in which the military of the Russian Federation will participate in real battles.

A conflict of a local type is the most insignificant event. This concept can include any armed action, or a clash in the country with the use of weapons. In other words, small aggressive manifestations not related to military operations. At the same time, troops are required in order to intimidate a potential aggressor and show power, with the help of which local conflicts can be ended peacefully, or with a minimum number of victims.

A larger version of the conflict is a local war. Here, usually, on the border of two countries located in the neighborhood, there are armed groups that can be reinforced by troops from another region. As a rule, in local wars, with the help of weapons, the political or economic interests of the two states directly are pursued.

And yet, with a certain development of events, local wars can develop into more significant conflicts. We are talking about a regional war, where the number of participants is more than two, but fighting are held strictly in the zone of a certain region, which includes the territories of the seas and airspace. At the beginning of hostilities between regions, the potential of the economy, strategy, and weapons are deployed.

Important! States possessing nuclear warheads will lay down their terms of engagement by threatening to use this type of weapon.

Finally, the most significant conflict is large-scale military action. Any world countries can take part here for military purposes using a number of radical measures. In such a situation, the countries participating in the conflict are required to use all the military resources available in the reserve.