The letter period is an abstract correctional lesson. Subject - Reading (letter period) Topic: Acquaintance with the sounds "B", "in," and the letter B

The pre-letter period is the most important in the system of teaching literacy to first-graders. We believe that this period is the main one for the assimilation of speech sounds, which is facilitated by work on the development auditory perception and speech hearing. There are several learning tasks in the pre-letter period:

  • 1. prepare students' auditory attention to the perception of speech sounds;
  • 2. to teach children the articulation of statements into words, to teach how to make a conditional graphic record of words;
  • 3. to acquaint children with the syllabic structure of a word, to teach them to distinguish a syllable, to make a conditional graphic record of a syllable;
  • 4. teach to highlight the sound in the word.

The purpose of the exercises on mastering the concepts of "word", "sentence" is a practical understanding of the nominative role of the word and the sentence as a means of expressing thoughts, comparing words and sentences, developing children's speech, enriching it with new words.

Consider a system of exercises that meets the requirements of tasks in the pre-letter period:

  • 1. Exercises to form a general idea of ​​the word:
    • - Now, children, I suggest you listen to riddles in which one word is missing. Whoever guesses which word should be added to the riddle will find an answer to it.

Holiday, holiday at the gate!

Who will meet him?

Me and my faithful friend

red small ... (check box)

Everyone rejoices today!

In the hands of a child

dancing with joy


That's such a miracle! He's tasteful

can eat dust and debris!

And it buzzes like a hundred wasps,

hard worker ... (vacuum cleaner)

- Well done boys! You managed to find the right words-guesses. Now, both at school and at home, every day you will learn more and more new words for you. All words should be pronounced clearly, expressively, correctly, so that they can be understood by those who listen to you.

Exercise number 7 "Name and Count"

Target: to form the ability to name objects in isolation and build a conditional-graphic record of words.

Equipment: school supplies, colored stripes.

Instructions for execution:

  • 1) The teacher lays out school supplies on the desk. Then he takes one object at a time, asking the question: “What is this?”, “How many objects are on the table?”, “Which is the first?”, “Which is the last?”.
  • 2) Make a conditional-graphic record of words according to the model.

Exercise number 8 "Write and count"

Target: development of the ability to make a conditionally graphic record.

Equipment: colored stripes.

Instructions for execution: The teacher names and shows the subject, the students make a conditional graphic record, then count how many words they wrote down.

2. Exercises to form a general idea of ​​the proposal:

Target: Give a practical idea of ​​a sentence as a way of expressing thoughts; learn to distinguish sentences from the text and a word from a sentence.

  • - When people talk to each other, talk about something, they say a few words that connect with each other so that it is clear what or who they are talking about. For example, if I say the word jumps, then you all understand what this word means. But will you understand from what I have said who exactly is jumping?
  • - Thus, the one who jumps should be called: The boy jumps. The girl is jumping. The goat is jumping. These are no longer single words, but sentences. Sentences are made up of words. They can be two, three, four or more words. There can be only one word in a sentence, for example: Evening.

Then the teacher says several sentences, and the children determine by ear the number of words in each of them. Using concrete examples, the teacher explains to the children that in order to make a sentence, one should name an object and say what it does or what it is, who it is. For example: The children came to school. They are all dressy. Now they are students.

- Now I will say the sentences not completely, but partially, and you will add the necessary words to complete them.

Shines brightly ... (sun). Shines on the grass ... (dew). The birds are loud ... (sing).

Game "Make No Mistake"

  • - I will tell you a story, and you will divide my speech into sentences. Clap after each sentence.
  • (The teacher reads the first time - the children listen, the second time - divide the text into sentences.)

Magpie and woodpecker live in the forest. Magpie chirps all day long. She is the first to hear forest news. The woodpecker is called the orderly of the forest. Once the Magpie and the Woodpecker met...

  • --Why is Woodpecker called the orderly of the forest?
  • --Do you think I have told the story of Woodpecker and Magpie to the end? Why?

Game "One more word"

Chicha offers you a game.

The squirrel gnaws.

Masha is coming.

4. Exercises for drawing up graphic diagrams for proposals.

Target: introduce the separating sign - a dot at the end of the sentence and the symbol of the first word in the sentence.

What do you see in the picture? Make a sentence about rain. (The rain watered the flowers.) Consider the diagrams on the board:

Which one is suitable for our proposal? Remember, for this you need to analyze each word in the sentence.

Repeat the offer. Say the first word. What does it name? How do we designate it? (And so on with the rest of the words)

Why doesn't the first scheme work? (The first word does not denote action; there are no sign words in our sentence.)

Try to make a sentence about rain according to the first scheme.

We received two letters from the Magpie and the woodpecker. Listen first:

  • * Hello dear! first graders from the forest! helmet hello! we live well! squirrel dries mushrooms! bear eats honey! an owl flies at night! goodbye*
  • - Strange letter. Do you understand what it is about?
  • - I will read the woodpecker's letter: Hello, dear first graders. Greetings from the forest. We live well. Squirrel dries mushrooms. Bear eats honey. An owl flies at night. Goodbye.

Now do you understand what the letter is about? Why was Magpie's letter so confusing? And what was the woodpecker's letter? Why did you understand it?

-What thought shall we call a sentence?

Working with visibility.

  • (A drawing of a hare is on the board.)
  • - Who is it? What does the word hare mean? How do we symbolize this word?
  • - What is the hare doing? The hare is jumping. Do you understand this idea? We made a proposal about a hare.
  • - What do you think the offer consists of? Say the first word. What does it mean? What scheme do we use to designate words-objects? Place the chart card in front of you. What is the second word in this sentence? What does it mean? How do we mark it on the diagram? How many words are in this sentence? To show that the sentence is complete, it is customary to put a separating mark on the letter - a period. Here's what you got:

But it's different for me. What's wrong?

  • - The first word in a sentence will always be spelled with capital letter. And schematically we will show the first word with an additional dash up.
  • - Until, children, you have learned to read and write, you do not know all the letters, we will write sentences like this: we will denote the beginning of the sentence with a vertical stick one cell high, and the words with horizontal dashes. We will put a dot at the end of the sentence. Only after a dot can you start writing a new sentence in a line. for example:

Kids are playing. They have a lot of fun.

Pay attention: how many words in a sentence, so many dashes in it.

5. Exercises aimed at mastering the general concept of sound

"Catch the right sound with a clap"

Target : training the auditory attention of students to the perception of speech sounds.

Equipment: subject pictures.

Instructions for execution: We tell the students that every time they hear the sound [K] - clap their hands.

"Guess what?"

Target: development of perception of non-speech sounds.

Equipment: screen, musical instruments.

Instructions for execution: The teacher makes sounds musical instruments children listen and remember. Then the teacher, being behind the screen, also alternately makes sounds, and the children independently determine what kind of instrument.

"Who hears what?"

Target: develop the ability to distinguish non-speech sounds.

Instructions for execution: The teacher offers students to close their eyes and listen to the sounds surrounding them for a minute. Then the children open their eyes, and alternately name the sounds they heard (for example: the noise of cars, the creaking of a door, the singing of birds, the rustle of leaves, etc.).

"Guess what the sound is like"

Target: development of phonemic hearing and visual perception.

Equipment: subject pictures.

Instructions for execution: The teacher makes sounds and the students

match them with the picture.


Target: develop attention to the sounds of the surrounding reality.

Equipment: subject pictures.

Instructions for execution: The teacher reads the riddles, the students guess. Then the teacher shows the picture with the answer.

"Guess the word"


Equipment: subject pictures.

Instructions for execution: The teacher pronounces the word with pauses between sounds, students must name the whole word. First, words of 3, 4 sounds are given, if students cope, then it can be more difficult - from 2-3 syllables, with a confluence of consonants.

"Find the Difference"

Target: development of phonemic awareness.

Equipment: subject pictures.

Instructions for execution: The teacher shows 2 pictures depicting paronymic words, the children clearly pronounce the name of the objects, and then answer the question: “What is the difference between these words?”

6. Exercises aimed at mastering the syllabic structure of words


- Slowly say the word fish. Tap it on the table with a pencil. Clap this word. Count the claps. How much did it turn out?

So the word fish has two parts.

Name the first part. Name the second one.

These parts are called syllables. How many syllables are in the word fish?

And the syllables in Cheech's words? Fluff? And in your names:

Anya, Gosha, Alina, Olya, Yaroslav, Vitya and others?

Schematically, we will depict them as rectangles, and separate them with a line:

  • - Let's make a sound model of the word Natasha. Difficult. The word is big. And if we work with parts-syllables, it will be easier. Let's try. What is the first syllable? What sound does this syllable begin with? How do we label it? We draw the first syllable. Which sound merged with the first? How do you know if it's a vowel or a consonant? How do we denote?(Similarly, work is carried out on the second and third syllables.)
  • - By syllables it is easier to learn to read and write words.

Help game»

Sobbing syllables not for fun:

But if you want, then help us

(They call the first syllable. Your task is to complete it with the missing syllable or syllables and show the corresponding chart card).

For example:


The game "Seat the Passengers"»

  • - Animals are in a hurry to disperse according to their fairy tales. But the strict controller ordered them to take places in the cars according to the number of syllables in the name of the animal. It is difficult for animals to do this. Help them.

Game "Loto"

- Everyone has a card on the table, I name a syllable, you look for a picture whose name has this syllable, and close it with a chip.

"Divide into syllables"

Target :

Equipment: subject pictures.

Instructions for execution: The teacher shows the pictures and pronounces the name of the subject syllable by syllable, then slams the number of syllables. Students repeat and follow the pattern.

"Say a word"

Target : learn to work with the syllabic structure of the word.

Instructions for execution: The teacher calls the first syllable in a word, the students must complete the name of the word.

  • 1. MA-ma; -sha; -slo; -rka;
  • 2. LI-sa; -pa; -Yes; -mon.


Target: to form the ability to correlate the scheme of the word with the subject.

Equipment: subject pictures, board, word schemes.

Instructions for execution: The teacher hangs pictures on the blackboard, the children select schemes for these words.

“Where is the sound [Z] hidden?”

Target : development of phonemic awareness.

Instructions for execution: The teacher calls the subject, the children determine by ear where the sound [З] is located at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word:

Teacher: - [Z]ont, [Z]erno, arbu[Z], mu[Z]yka, ku[Z]ov.

(Note: the teacher must emphasize the desired sound intonation).

"Let's build a house"

Target : development of phonemic hearing and perception, memory and thinking.

Equipment: board, chalk

Instructions for execution: The teacher says that he wants to draw a house, and draws only one wall on the board. Students should name the parts of the house that need to be completed. You can name only those words in which there is a sound [R]. Children name: roof, attic, porch, chimney, etc. The teacher draws a diagram on the blackboard.

"Find a brother"

Target : differentiation of hardness and softness of sounds.

Equipment: subject pictures.

Instructions for execution: The teacher distributes pictures that begin with a solid consonant sound. On the board, they must find a picture that begins with the same but soft consonant sound.

A total of 3 lessons were held on the topics: “ Offer”, “Syllabus. Dividing words into syllables « The final lesson of the pre-literal period. Consolidation of knowledge about the sentence, word, syllable, stress. Analysis of words that are simple in sound composition.

Lesson plans for mastering the basic concepts of the pre-literary period.


Give a practical idea of ​​a sentence as a way of expressing thoughts; learn to distinguish sentences from the text and a word from a sentence; introduce the separating sign - a dot at the end of the sentence and the symbol of the first word in the sentence.


Chart cards, subject pictures.


Chicha and Fluffy have prepared a surprise for you. Listen: house, sky, standing, on, in, round, bright, lawn, lake, shining, floating, book.

Did you understand what you wanted to tell Chicha and Fluffy? Why? And now my surprise:

In the open field of the teremok,

He is not low, not high.

There was a frog from the swamp,

He sees the gates are locked.

Hey lock, back off, back off!

Teremochek, open up, open up!

  • - What did I tell you about?
  • Why did you understand me? Right. We all know how to speak Russian, we speak Russian, we know how to listen and understand our speech.
  • - And what does our speech consist of?

You think with words. But Chicha and Fluff spoke words, but you did not understand them.


In the lesson, we will learn how our speech is built. Let's get acquainted with the new conventions.

III PRIMARY PERCEPTION AND Awareness of the New Material

1. Teacher's message with elements of conversation.

We received two letters from the Magpie and the woodpecker.

Listen first:

* Hello dear! first graders from the forest! helmet hello! we live well! squirrel dries mushrooms! bear eats honey! an owl flies at night! goodbye*

Strange letter. Do you understand what it is about?

I'll read the woodpecker's letter:

Hello dear first graders. Greetings from the forest. We live well. Squirrel dries mushrooms. Bear eats honey. An owl flies at night. Goodbye.

Now do you understand what the letter is about? Why was Magpie's letter so confusing? And what was the woodpecker's letter? Why did you understand it?

What thought shall we call a sentence?

  • 2. Work with visibility.
  • (A drawing of a hare is on the board.)
  • - Who is it? What does the word hare mean? How do we symbolize this word?
  • - What does the hare do? The hare is jumping. Do you understand this idea? We made a proposal about a hare.
  • - What do you think the offer consists of? Say the first word. What does it mean? What scheme do we use to designate words-objects? Place the chart card in front of you. What is the second word in this sentence? What does it mean? How do we mark it on the diagram? How many words are in this sentence? To show that the sentence is complete, it is customary to put a separating mark on the letter - a period. Here's what you got:

But it's different for me. What's wrong?

The first word in a sentence will always be capitalized. And schematically we will show the first word with an additional dash up.

3. Physical education.

One, two, three, four, five,

The hare began to jump.

Jump hare much

0n jumped ten times.

1. Game "Make No Mistake"

I will tell you a story, and you will divide my speech into sentences. Clap after each sentence.

(The teacher reads the first time - the children listen, the second time - divide the text into sentences.)

Magpie and woodpecker live in the forest. Magpie chirps all day long. She is the first to hear forest news. The woodpecker is called the orderly of the forest. Once the Magpie and the Woodpecker met...

  • - Why is Woodpecker called the orderly of the forest?
  • - Do you think I told the story about Woodpecker and Magpie to the end? Why?
  • 2. Listening to children's options for ending the story.

H. Working with the textbook

4. Physical education.

  • 1. Conversation.
  • - What is our speech? What about the offer?
  • How do we designate the first word in a sentence?
  • How to show the end of a sentence in a letter?
  • 2. Work with schemes.

What do you see in the picture? Make a sentence about rain. (The rain watered the flowers.) Consider the diagrams on the board:

Which one is suitable for our proposal? Remember, for this you need to analyze each word in the sentence.

Repeat the offer. Say the first word. What does it name? How do we designate it? (And so on with the rest of the words)

Why doesn't the first scheme work? (It consists of two words.)

Try to make a sentence about rain according to the first scheme.

3. Game “One more word”

Chicha offers you a game.

H and h a. I call an offer. Your task is to add one word.

Ira is reading. (Ira is reading a book.)

The squirrel gnaws.

Masha is coming.


  • - What did you learn in the lesson?
  • - What have you learned?

Subject:Syllable. Dividing words into syllables.


Give the concept of a syllable, teach to divide words into syllables, distinguish between one-, two- and three-syllable words; improve the articulation apparatus of students; develop thinking, speech.


Subject pictures, card diagrams, application of a steam locomotive with three wagons: in the first - one window, in the second - two, in the third - three; paper medals, cards for individual work.


  • 1. Conversation.

Chicha and Fluffy decided to hold a running competition. They invite you to cheer for them. What does it mean to "cheer" for athletes?

  • - Which of you was at the competition?
  • - Where do they go?
  • - What is the name of those who “cheer” for athletes? What are they doing?

You will be fans. The girls will "cheer" for Chicha, and the boys for Pushka. Remember that the fans chant the name of the runner loudly.

So, Chicha came to the start. (Chi-cha! Chi-cha!)

Fluff, let's go! Attention! March! (Poo-shock! Poo-shock!)

When you shouted out the names of the athletes, what was the word like? (In parts.)

We congratulate Chicha and Pushka. They have the same result. We give them medals.

2. Practical work.

Now imagine that you are rooting for a friend. Try to chant his name in a whisper. Now take turns listening. What did you notice?


In the lesson, we will learn what these parts of the word are called and why you need to be able to divide words into parts.


1. Practical work.

Say the word fish slowly. Tap it on the table with a pencil. Clap this word. Count the claps. How much did it turn out?

2. Teacher's message with elements of conversation.

So the word fish has two parts.

Name the first part. Name the second one.

These parts are called syllables. How many syllables are in the word fish?

And the syllables in Cheech's words? Fluff? And in your names:

Anya, Gosha, Alina, Olya, Yaroslav, Vitya and others?

Schematically, we will depict them as rectangles, and separate them with a line:

Let's make a sound model of the word Natasha. Difficult. The word is big. And if we work with parts-syllables, it will be easier. Let's try. What is the first syllable? What sound does this syllable begin with? How do we label it? We draw the first syllable. Which sound merged with the first? How do you know if it's a vowel or a consonant? How do we denote? (Similarly, work is carried out on the second and third syllables.)


  • 1. Working with the textbook
  • 2. Compilation of sound models of words.

Let's make sound models for the first words of each row (poppy, cancer, tank):

What did you notice? The sound models are the same. But how are these words different? Only the first sound changes, and the word gets a completely different meaning. Try and you substitute another sound in place of the first. (Luck like.)

3. The game "Help"

Sobbing syllables not for fun:

“From our words - only crumbs.

But if you want, then help us."

Name the first syllable. Your task is to complete it with the missing syllable or syllables and show the corresponding diagram card.

For example:


4. Physical education "Syllabic jumpers"

I call the words, and you must, pronouncing the words in syllables, jump the same number of times.

Words: mountain ash, table, balcony, raspberry, earth, drum, pancakes, students, plane.


  • 1. The game "Seat the Passengers"
  • (On the board is a locomotive with wagons and pictures of animals.)

Animals are in a hurry to disperse according to their fairy tales. But the strict controller ordered them to take places in the cars according to the number of syllables in the name of the animal. It is difficult for animals to do this. Help them.

2. Game "Lotto"

Everyone has a card on the table, I name a syllable, you look for a picture whose name has this syllable, and close it with a chip.

  • 3. Conversation.
  • How do you divide words into syllables?
  • How many syllables can there be in a word?
  • Can there be two vowels in a syllable?


  • - What did you learn in class?
  • - What have you learned?
  • Why do you need to be able to divide words into syllables?

Try at home to syllable the names of the parents, the names of the animals.

Subject: The final lesson of the pre-literal period. Consolidation of knowledge about the sentence, word, syllable, stress. Analysis of words that are simple in sound composition.

  • learn to retell what they heard;
  • predict the content of the part of the text that has not yet been heard and, after listening, make a conclusion about whether the assumption was correct;
  • to consolidate the ability to invent dialogues and act them out in front of the class;
  • Teaching children to determine the sound composition of words, consistently and correctly name sounds in a word based on a graphic diagram;
  • Under the guidance of a teacher, compose sound models of words;
  • Acquaintance with voiced and deaf consonants, developing the ability to pronounce them correctly in a word and separately from a word.

During the classes

  • What do we know about speech?
  • - What is our speech?
  • - What are the offers? the words?
  • What syllables do we pronounce with emphasis? (Drums.)
  • 1. Breathing exercises

Exercises "Candle-1", "Candle-2".

2. Articulation warm-up

Exercises "Cheeks", "Hamster".

3. Work on diction

Exercise "Chanting".

  • a) Work on the textbook.

Performing vocabulary and logical exercises according to the drawing on p. 22 -- 23. Definition thematic groups words (dishes, clothing, hygiene items), the addition of these groups of words.

Compilation by students of proposals according to the schemes on p. 22-23.

b) Work on riddles.

Not a lamb and not a cat,

He wears a fur coat all year round.

Gray coat for summer

For winter a different color. (Hare.)

Guess what kind of bird:

Afraid of the bright light

Crocheted beak, patchy eyes,

Eared head. Who is this? (Owl.)

c) Acquaintance with voiced and deaf consonants.

Observation of voiced and voiceless consonants. The teacher, followed by the students, pronounce the first sounds in the guess words . Next, the teacher suggests putting your fingers to your throat and energetically pronouncing the sound [h] - your fingers should feel a slight trembling of the throat (these are the vocal cords trembling - the sound is sonorous). After that, the teacher shows how to pronounce the sound [s] correctly, without the sound of a vowel - without a voice, in a whisper, but in such a way that it is quite audible. Children repeat, listen to the sound, make sure that the fingers on the throat do not feel trembling (since the sound [s] is pronounced without the participation of the vocal cords).

The teacher's story that both hard and soft consonants can be sonorous, voiced, and can be silent, quiet, deaf.

Children repeat pairs of consonants after the teacher: [b] - [p], [b "] - [p"], [d] - [t], [d "] - [t], etc. Then they listen to how he pronounces a couple of words house - tom and the first sounds of these words [d] and [t]. They repeat, pick up other words with these sounds.


And now a step is in place

And now a step is in place.

Higher legs! Stop, one, two! (Walking in place.)

Raise your shoulders higher

And then we drop them. (Raise and lower shoulders.)

Put your hands in front of your chest

And we do jerks. ( Hands in front of the chest, jerking hands.)

You need to jump ten times

Let's go higher, let's go together! (Jumping in place.)

We raise our knees

We take a step on the spot. (Walking in place.)

From the bottom of our hearts we stretched (Sipping - arms up and to the sides.)

And they returned to their place. (Children sit down.)

  • a) Work in pairs.

Examining tangled lines (p. 23); pronunciation after the teacher of words shorts, scarf, T-shirt so that the stressed vowel is clearly audible. Listening to a sample of the teacher's statement about which scheme one of the drawings is connected to and why; making similar statements about the other two figures.

b) The game "Lost sound"

... aichik, ... Isa, ... tin, ... shy, ... olk, ... games.


Independent work.

1. Draw up a proposal scheme:

The bear brought a large barrel.

The hedgehog carries scissors.

  • 2. Pictures are drawn on the cards, opposite them are syllabic models. The diagram has an accent mark. If you agree with the answer, put a + sign next to such a model, and if mistakes are made, correct it with a pencil.
  • (Keys, plane, phone, woodpecker. Giraffe, cup, car, tree.)
  • - What did you learn in class?
  • -- What have you learned?

We present a detailed analysis of our lessons.

Analysis of lessons aimed at mastering the basic concepts of the pre-letter period

Subject: " Offer"

We determined the purpose of the first lesson to give a practical idea of ​​a sentence as a way of expressing a thought; learn to distinguish sentences from the text and a word from a sentence; introduce the separating sign - a dot at the end of the sentence and the symbol of the first word in the sentence.

The beginning of the lesson was held in the form of a conversation aimed at updating basic knowledge. With the help of the introduction of the heroes Chichi and Pushka, the children were asked to determine what is a coherent speech, and what is separate words. As a result of this work, the children had an idea of ​​the sentences that make up a coherent speech.

At the stage of communicating new knowledge, the children were offered the exercise "Strange letter". Analyzing the letters of a magpie and a woodpecker, the guys found out what a sentence is and how a sentence differs from a set of words.

Further work was carried out with clarity, aimed at developing visual-figurative thinking, as a result of which the children learned how to build sentence schemes, and also learned that all sentences begin with a capital letter and a period is put at the end of the sentence.

At the stage of consolidating knowledge, the children were offered the exercise "Don't make a mistake" (with the help of claps, divide the teacher's speech into sentences).

The stage of generalization and systematization of knowledge began with a conversation about the correct design of sentences. Then the students were offered an exercise on working with sentence patterns. This stage was completed by the exercise “One more word” aimed at developing logical thinking.

During the summing up of the lesson, a conversation was held aimed at checking the assimilation of the material covered in the lesson.

Topic: “Syllabus. Dividing words into syllables

Achieving the goals of the next lesson, we gave the concept of a syllable, taught to divide words into syllables, distinguish between one-, two- and three-syllable words; improved the articulation apparatus of students; developed thinking, speech.

We started the next lesson with a conversation related directly to the topic of the lesson (the game "Fans"). This work allowed a smooth transition to the topic of the lesson.

At the stage of primary perception and comprehension, the children were offered practical work, the result of which was the awareness of the division of words into syllables. Then a conversation was held, as a result of which the children learned to schematically divide words into syllables.

The stage of consolidation of knowledge was aimed at the connection of sound and syllabic schemes of words. This work allowed the development logical thinking, phonemic hearing of students. Next, the game "Help" was held, aimed at mastering knowledge about the syllabic structure of the word.

At the stage of generalization and systematization of knowledge, the children were offered exercises in game form“Seat Passengers” and “Lotto”, aimed at consolidating knowledge about the syllabic structure of the word.

Summing up the lesson, a conversation was held aimed at checking the assimilation of the material covered in the lesson.

Subject: “The final lesson of the pre-literal period. Consolidation of knowledge about the sentence, word, syllable, stress. Analysis of words that are simple in sound composition.

The final lesson of the pre-letter period implied the solution of the following goals: to teach to retell what was heard; predict the content of the part of the text that has not yet been heard and, after listening, conclude whether the assumption was correct; to consolidate the ability to invent dialogues and act them out in front of the class; to teach children to determine the sound composition of words, to consistently and correctly name sounds in a word based on a graphic diagram; under the guidance of a teacher, compose sound models of words; familiarization with voiced and deaf consonants, development of the ability to pronounce them correctly in a word and separately from a word.

At the beginning of the lesson, the children were offered a conversation aimed at inclusion in educational activities. Then work on the development of the speech apparatus was proposed.

At the stage of learning new material, students were offered exercises aimed at enriching vocabulary and development of logical thinking. Then the first-graders got acquainted with voiced and deaf consonants.

Consolidating the learned, we offered work in pairs, aimed at the development of logical thinking, coherent and consistent speech, the development of phonemic hearing, fine motor skills of the hand, as well as the ability to compose dialogues. Then the game "Lost Sound" was proposed, which was aimed at developing phonemic hearing and developing logical thinking.

Summarizing what we have learned, we propose independent work aimed at repeating the material covered: drawing up sentence schemes, setting stresses. This work developed independence in children, allowed them to test their knowledge, developed fine motor skills of the hand, phonemic hearing.

Thus, it is worth noting that if you start developing and shaping phonemic hearing in time, develop fine motor skills of the hand, logical thinking, coherent, consistent speech and visual-figurative imagination in first graders in the pre-letter period, then this at the subsequent stages of learning will be the key to successful formation skills and abilities in teaching literacy.

Tatiana Vdovenko
Summary of the lesson of writing and reading on the study of sounds and letters in the alphabetical period of literacy

Subject: Letters"N", "n" denoting consonants sounds [n], [n].

Goals: introduce students to sounds [n], [n ]., s letters"N", "n"; develop the skills of continuous writing and fluent reading; develop speech, logical thinking of students.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

We start lesson,

Holding my breath.

Who will step on the threshold

We guess in anticipation. (S. Chizhova)

The Dunno doll appears.

What kind of guest came to us on lesson? (Dunno).

It's a shame Dunno for his name.

Dunno does not want to know nothing.

Let's help the poor become literate

And letters Let's start repeating with him. (S. Chizhova)

2. Repetition of previously covered material

Recall learned letters located in "Castle letters» .

Reading letters, letter combinations.

3. Definition of the topic lesson.

Name the guest who came to us on lesson.

Dunno - name the first sound.

Nosov - name the first sound.

With what sounds we will work on lesson? And we will meet new letters Let's learn how to write them.

You look where Dunno has climbed!

4. Book five minutes.

Doll Dunno: How did I appear, Dunno?

And why does Znaika know everything?

And who invented Pulka and Bulka?

And who is this chatty Gunka?

How many questions I hear!

Showing a portrait of N. N. Nosov (1908 – 1976) .

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov was born on November 23 in Kyiv in an acting family. In his youth, he was fond of theater, music, and was engaged in self-education.

N. N. Nosov - children's writer-humorist, film director.

As a child, Nosov read books by Palmer Cox "New Murzilka" about the adventures of little men. Among them were Znayka, Dunno and their funny friends. Nosov "took" Znaika and Dunno and "led" to new friends in another world - in the world of shorties from the Flower City. This is how the trilogy came about. Dunno: "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends", "Dunno in the Sunny City", "Dunno on the Moon".

Artworks: "Mishkina porridge", "Dreamers", "Telephone", "Entertainers", "Friend", "On the Hill" and etc.

5. Learning new material.

syllable- sound analysis of words.

Characteristic sounds n, n in the process of syllable- sound analysis of words"drum", "horse".

The teacher uses demonstration subject pictures and demonstration chips to compose syllables. sound schemes on a type-setting canvas located on the board. Students work with chips, laying out word schemes at their workplaces.

sound [n] - consonant(there is an obstacle during pronunciation, the air lingers, sonorous (during pronunciation, a voice is involved - when you put your hand to your throat, you feel a tremor, hard;

sound [n].– consonant, sonorous, soft;

both sound we will denote letter"n" ("en").

"Housewarming" letters in"Castle letters» (on tape letters) .

Let's settle a new letter"n" in "Lock letters» .

What place will she take and why? ( Letter"n" settle in blue-green "living room", because it denotes hard and soft consonants sounds; on the top floor, because they denote voiced consonants sounds).

From the history letters"n".

Now this the letter is called"en", and once called differently - "our", i.e. "our own, belonging to us". In the old days it was called letter, and now it is an independent word. With this word, there are many speech revolutions:

"know ours"- praising oneself;

"ours took"- we won;

"ours to you with a brush"- playful greeting.

Work with the textbook.

Making proposals for the picture (according to given schemes).

Who is in the picture?

vocabulary work:

hero - the hero of Russian epics, performing military feats; a man of very great strength, stamina, courage;

epic - Russian folk song, a legend about heroes.

What Russian heroes do you know?

Why does the Russian hero fight with the Serpent Gorynych?

Reading an excerpt from a poem by I. Nikitin by a teacher, proverbs by students reading, analysis of proverbs, emphasizing a new one in them letters"n".

Learning to write a lowercase letter"n".

Work in writing.

Writing letters"n", syllables and words with a new letter after syllable-sound analysis.

Finger gymnastics.

Two funny frogs

They don't sit for a minute.

Girlfriends deftly jump,

Only splashes fly upwards. (O. Uzorova)

Children clench their hands into fists and put them on the desk, tucking their fingers. Sharply straighten fingers (the hand seems to bounce over the desk) and put their palms on the desk. Then they immediately sharply clench their fists and again put them on the desk.


Pinocchio raced quickly

He climbed up the hill.

And then he rushed down -

Hardly, the poor fellow did not crash.

Left, right, he zigzag -

Still late for school.

But it was not in vain that he hurried to the class -

Learned to be cultured. (S. Chizhova)

Learning to write capital letter "N" (similar learning to write lowercase) .

Work in writing.

syllable- word sound analysis"Dunno".

Workout for the eyes.

7. Fixing material learned in class.

An exercise "Syllabic Reader".

Children read syllables from learned letter, work in pairs (signal) according to principle "teacher-student" changing roles.

An exercise "Flower meadow".

We already know a lot

And now we'll play

Let's remember the herbs and flowers

With letter"n"- me and you.

(Forget-me-not, daffodil, nasturtium, nymphea - lake water lily, non-lumbium - one of the types of lotus, etc.)

8. Summing up.

With what new met with sounds?

What did you learn about these sounds?

What was especially memorable for lesson?

- Lesson over. (Homework not given in first grade)

Related publications:

"Journey to the country of vowel sounds and letters" Purpose: to systematize children's knowledge of vowel sounds using the sounds [a], [y], [i], [o] as an example.

Synopsis of GCD with children of senior preschool age

MOU "Lyceum №37"

Lesson summary in alphabetical period

Sound [a]. The letters "A"


Shalimova N. M.



  1. Org.moment.

  2. The formation of the topic of the lesson, the definition of goals.
slide 1.

Game "What's my name"?

  1. Malvina's poodle from A. Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio". Artemon.

  2. Brother Ivanushka's sister from Russian folk tale. Alyonushka ("Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.
Slide 2.

  1. The name of the cunning fox from the raketi A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio." Alice.

  2. The owner of a magic lamp from an Arabian fairy tale.Aladdin ("Aladdin and the Magic Lamp" Arabic tale)
Slide 3.

How are all these words similar? (these are the names fairytale heroes, are written with a capital letter A, begin with the sound [a])

What do you think the topic of our lesson is? ("Sound [a], letters A, a")

- What are we going to do in class? (learn new things about the sound [a], find out what letter this sound denotes, learn how to read words and syllables with this sound (for reading children) )

3. Acquaintance with a new sound.

In this lesson, we will have a helper. And who, you guess. His name also begins with the sound[a].

- ^ A kind doctor who treated animals and birds in the fairy tales of K. Chukovsky. Aibolit ("Doctor Aibolit")

- Why does Aibolit present us with the sound [a]? (WITH this sound begins his name.)

slide 4.

Here is the first task from our doctor.

Name the pictures you see. (Fox, goat, apricots)

Find an extra word by several signs (You can exclude the word from these words apricots . Apricots are fruits, while fox and goat are animals. Word apricots means many things, and words a fox and goat - one item. In the word apricots the stress falls on the third syllable, and in words a fox and goat - On the second. In the word apricots eight sounds, but in words a fox and goat four sounds. In the word apricots four syllables, and in wordsa fox and goat by two).

- say the word apricots .

- What is the first sound in the word apricots .
- Say the sound [a] several times. Tell me how the organs of speech are located when pronouncing the sound [a]. (The mouth is wide open, the lips are rounded. The upper and lower teeth do not touch each other. The tongue slightly touches the lower teeth)

- ^ Extend the sound [a]. Sing the sound [a]. What can be the conclusion? (Sound [a] stretches and sings well)

Does the air encounter an obstacle when pronouncing the sound [a] or does it pass through the neck freely? (When pronouncing the sound [a], air passes through the neck freely)

- Describe the sound [a] and justify your answer. (The sound [a] is a vowel. It stretches and sings. When it is pronounced, the air passes through the neck freely.

What color in the diagram will we designate the sound [a]? (in red)

Give examples of words that begin with sound[a].

Slide 5.

- Here is another assignment from our doctor. Determine where the sound [a] is located: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word.

slide 6.

You probably all know what the letter A looks like. Find all the letters A.

4. Physical education "Live letters".

A is the beginning of the alphabet,

That's what she's famous for.

And it's easy to recognize

Legs set wide.

Draw the letter A

You portrayed the letter so well that she decided to show you a small cartoon.

Slide 7.

slide 8.

Today the letter A is the birthday girl. Let's give her a bow so that our letter is the most beautiful today.

Now let's help the letter A blow out the candle on the cake. (Breathing exercise: rise on toes - inhale through the nose, lower - exhale through the mouth)

4.Working with alphabet.

And now the letter A is calling us to visit. Where does our letter live? (In the Primer)

Open p.24.

In the primer, the letter "A, a" is printed, of two types: large and small. In copybooks, this letter is written and also of two types: large - capital, small - lowercase.

And here is our beloved Dr. Aibolit. He is busy with his very important business - he treats animals.

So, we are visiting the letter A. What will our birthday girl treat us to? (Pineapple, pear, banana)

How to call in one word? (fruits)

- ^ How many syllables are in each word?
Does every syllable have the sound [a]?
- In what words is it stressed?

- How are these diagrams different from those seen on the previous pages? ( Letter schemes joined the sound schemes of words. As we get to know the letters, these diagrams will be filled in more and more, and finally, we will be able to read the whole word written in letters, but for now there are dots instead of them.)

- ^ So, we got acquainted with the letter "a", which can be part of a word and even occur several times in a word.

Look at the letter A, not only we and Dr. Aibolit came, but also Barmaley.

Let's make sentences according to the diagrams in the textbook.^ Some of the words are depicted in a drawing, and some are written in words. What? However, some words are missing.

- Let's first select the words that characterize Barmaley and Aibolit. ( ^ Aibolit kind, sincere, good-natured, simple-minded, benevolent, sympathetic, cordial. Barmaley evil, vicious, ferocious, cruel, merciless, bloodthirsty, robber)

- Complete these sentences with the appropriate words and read the sentences. (Possible options: Aibolit is kind, and Barmaley is evil. Aibolit is old, and Barmaley is young. Aibolit is a doctor, and Barmaley is a robber)

- ^ How to make Barmaley kind?

Now let's work on the second suggestion.

- What role does the letter "a" play in these sentences? (She is the word.)

5. Work in pairs.

- Review the drawings. What is written under them?(Offers.)

- What do they have in common? (They consist of one word. And this word consists of one letter)

- ^ How are these proposals different? (Sentences end with different punctuation marks. Sentences should be pronounced with different intonation.)

- When do people say these sentences?

(^ Children act out these little scenes in pairs, having previously assigned roles)

6. Proverb work.

Today at the lesson you will get acquainted with the proverb. Proverbs are short folk sayings with an instructive meaning. They teach people to be wise. With some proverbYou are probably already familiar with us.

Proverbs were created many, many years ago, and they exist to this day. Proverbs will accompany us on our journey through the entire primer - we will be from them to gain intelligence. And at the same time we will observe how they wrote indistant times the letters we study.

(^ The proverb is read by the teacher or a well-read student).

How do you understand the meaning of this proverb?

7. Reading syllables and words with the letter A.

slide 9.

Dr. Aibolit offers those who can read to read syllables and words that contain the letter A.

slide 10.

We will give flowers to our birthday girl.

8. Work in a notebook

9. The result of the lesson.

10. D.z.

Take a green pencil and paint over those parts of the drawing in which you see the letter "A" and "a".

paint the letter. Cut out. Glue on the landscape sheet. Pick and paste or draw pictures that start with the letter A.

Summary of a literacy lesson in grade 1
Reading (literal period).
Subject: Sound [c], letters C, c.
Target. To acquaint students with the new sound [c] is always hard and deaf and the letters C, c.
Educational. To form the ability to read words with the letters C, c; observe the peculiarities of writing letters and, s after [c]; generalize knowledge about hard unpaired and soft unpaired consonants.
Developing. To promote the development of phonemic hearing; skills of correct, smooth, conscious, expressive reading; thinking.
Work on the development of coherent and competent speech.
Educational. To cultivate interest in reading, a culture of behavior when working in pairs.

Planned results
Personal Outcomes: positive attitude towards school and learning activities; interest in learning material; primary skills for evaluating work, classmates' answers based on the specified criteria for the success of educational activities; formation of an individual style of activity.

Subject Results: knows how to correlate sound and letter, distinguishes sounds from a word, characterizes sound, performs sound-letter and syllable-sound analyzes of words; reads syllables, words, poems, texts with the letters C, c, without errors ..
Metasubject Results:
- defines and formulates the purpose of the lesson with the help of the teacher;
- pronounces the sequence of actions in the lesson;
- works according to a collectively drawn up plan;
- fixes difficulties in the performance of tasks;
- evaluates the correctness of the actions;
- plans training activities in accordance with the task;
- expresses his assumptions;
- builds a short oral statement on the topic;
- listens and understands the speech of others;
- navigates with the help of a teacher in the knowledge system: distinguishes the new from the already known;
- participates in an organized search for new knowledge: finds answers to questions using a dictionary, additional literature, information obtained in the lesson.

Equipment: textbook ABC N.G. Agarkova, Yu.A.Agarkov, a tape of letters, a computer, a multimedia projector, an interactive whiteboard, an explanatory dictionary by S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.
Didactic materials: traffic signals: green, red, yellow circles, subject pictures, poetry texts, sound models of words, cards for individual work, letter templates.
During the classes
1. Organizational moment
Didactic task: Preparing students for work.
Indicators of the real result of solving the problem: Full readiness of the class and equipment, quick inclusion of students in the business rhythm.
Formed UUD:
(L.) Formation of personal interest
(R.) Formation of awareness of the stages of the lesson in order to teach children in the future to independently plan and organize activities in general and learning activities in the lesson, in particular.
Teacher. Children, smile at your neighbor, now smile at me, and I will smile at you.

2. Actualization of knowledge. phonetic charging.
Didactic task: Activation cognitive activity students. Updating of basic knowledge and skills.
Indicators of the real result of solving the problem: Activity cognitive activity, students' understanding of the practical significance of the material being studied.
Formed UUD.
(K.) Formation of skills to formulate one's thoughts orally.
(P.) The formation of skills to navigate in one's knowledge system: to distinguish the new from the already known with the help of a teacher.
(K.) Formation of skills to listen and understand the speech of others.
Teacher. How are chickens called? (chick-chick)
Teacher. What sound is heard at the beginning?
Student. Sound c.
Teacher. What can you tell about this sound? Describe it.
Student. c - consonant, deaf, hard, unpaired.
Teacher. What letters in the letter do we designate this sound?
Student. Letter C.
Teacher. What does the letter C look like?
Student. On a bench, a chair, a barrel faucet.
Teacher. Here is the letter C:
With a claw at the end.
Like a cat paw. (A. Shibaev)

3.Self-determination to activity
Didactic task: To organize and direct the activities of students towards the goal.
Indicators of the real result of solving the problem: Readiness of students for active cognitive activity based on basic knowledge. Formed UUD.
(K.) The formation of skills to formulate one's thoughts orally, to listen and understand the speech of others.
(P.) The formation of skills to navigate in one's knowledge system, to be able to transform information from one form to another.
(R.) Formation of skills to pronounce the sequence of actions, express one's own assumption, be able to determine and formulate the topic, the goal of the lesson with the help of a teacher.
Words with pictures appear on the interactive whiteboard. (Slide 1)
fox, frost, chicken, perch

Teacher. What do these words have in common?
Student. These are the words of the objects.
Teacher. Guess what word you get if you make the first sounds of each word.
Student. Face.
Teacher. Where do you hear the sound [c] in the word?
Make a sound model of the word. Put the stress on the diagram (sound-syllabic analysis of the word face).
Student. [l`] [i][c][o] □`○□○
Teacher. Guys, maybe someone has already guessed what the topic of our lesson will be called? What sound and letter will we meet today?
Student. Sound [c], letters C, c.
Teacher. Good. What are we going to study today?
Student. Isolate sounds from a word, perform a sound-letter analysis of words; read syllables, words, texts with the letters C, c.
Teacher. Yes, today we will get acquainted with the new sound [c], the letters C, c.

4. Application and acquisition of knowledge. Pair work
Didactic task: Ensuring the assimilation of knowledge and methods of action at the level of application in a changed situation, the formation of skills to work in pairs.
Indicators of the real result of solving the problem: Formation of practical skills, assertion in oneself, building human and business relationships, development of control and evaluation.
Formed UUD.
(R.) Formation of the ability to perform a sequence of actions, a position in relation to one's work in a group (L.).
(K.) Be a researcher, designer, organize joint work.
Teacher. Textbook work.
1. Reading sound-letter models, highlighting new sounds. Construction of new letters. Determination of the place of the letter C in the alphabet: before which familiar letter is the letter C? What letter comes after the letter C?
Student. Between X and C.
2. Reading syllables with new sounds under models (p. 110).
3. Reading words on a colored background (p. 111). Finding an extra pair of words (white whole). Drawing up models of words (work in pairs).
Teacher. What other task would you like to do with these words, working in pairs?
Student. Put stress in words, divide into syllables.
Teacher. Let's get to work.

5. Physical education.
Didactic task: Organize rest to relieve tension from the muscles of the body.
Indicators of the real result of solving the problem: Removal of fatigue and stress, introduction of an emotional charge.
Formed UUD. Formation of the development of intellectual functions, emotional-volitional sphere and gaming activity, traits of a harmonious and not complex personality, adherence to a healthy lifestyle (l).
Teacher. Guys, I will read words with the letter C. If the letter at the beginning of the word you squat, clap in the middle, go at the end. (Flowers, street, hare,
heron, messenger).

Teacher. How do you understand the word messenger? What can we turn to?
Student. To the explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov.
Teacher. A messenger is a person sent somewhere with urgent news.
(Dictionary Russian language S.I. Ozhegova, N.Yu. Shvedova).

An entry appears on the interactive whiteboard: (Slide 2)

And the teacher. - What did you notice?
Oh Student. I and Y are written together.

Qi qi qi
tsyts zinc singers
gypsy dial starlings
chicken chicory wells

Teacher. Read columns 2,3 with words, what do you notice?
Student. In the middle of words it is written and, at the end s
Teacher. Column 1 contains the words of the exception, they must be remembered, at the root of the word after c the letter and is written (column 2), at the end of the word after c the letter y is written (column 3).

6. Summary of the lesson
Didactic task: Analyze, evaluate the success of achieving the goal in the lesson.
Indicators of the real result of solving the problem: Clarity, conciseness, maximum participation of the student in the evaluation of his work. Formed UUD. Formation of the ability to trace the sequence of actions in the lesson (p), give self-assessment of educational activities (l).
Teacher. Remember, children, what did we learn at the lesson today?
Student. We got acquainted with the new sound [c], the letters C, c. They isolated sounds from the word, read syllables, words, texts with the letters C, c.
Teacher. Let's work with traffic lights. Remember that the green circle is clear, the yellow one is not entirely clear, the red one needs help.

Statements appear on the interactive board, children raise a circle that corresponds to each statement. (Slide 3)

I remembered that the sound [ts] is consonant, deaf, hard, unpaired.
I realized that in writing we designate this sound with the letters Ts,ts.
I remember that at the root of the word, after c, the letter is written and, at the end of the word, after c, the letter s is written.

Teacher. Well done! I am pleased. That you all memorized these rules.

7. Reflection of educational activity
Didactic task: Mobilizing students to reflect on their behavior and work in the classroom, assessing the success of achieving the goal.
Indicators of the real result of solving the problem: Openness of students in understanding their actions and self-assessment, predicting ways of self-regulation and cooperation.
Formed UUD. Formation of the ability to pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson, evaluate the correctness of the performance of the action at the level of an adequate assessment (p). Contribute to self-esteem based on the criterion of success in educational activities (k).
Teacher. Guys, which one of you was in the village?
Children. I. I..
Teacher. Oh, you were all there! And how beautiful it is, especially in the summer in the forest, in the meadow! Birds sing, butterflies fly, flowers bloom.
The teacher refers to the poster on the blackboard.
- And what is missing in the picture in the village to which we arrived?
Student. beauty.
Teacher. Let's try to picture it, shall we?
Children. Yes.
Teacher. Each of you has three flowers on your desk: red, yellow, green. If you liked the lesson, attach a red flower, if you didn’t like everything yellow, but if it was Bad mood green. The girls will attach the flowers first, and then the boys.
Teacher. Our village is full of red flowers. I'm glad you enjoyed the lesson!
Teacher. The lesson is over.


1. V. Volina Entertaining alphabet studies, M .: Education, 2000.

2. I am going to a lesson at an elementary school. Russian language: a book for teachers. M.: 2009

3. Ozhegov S. I., Shvedova N. Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Moscow: Azbukovnik,

4. Kovalko V. I. School of physical education. M: Wako, 2010.

5. Maksimuk N. N. Games for teaching literacy and reading.1 class. M.: Wako, 2010.

6. Magazines elementary School 2010 -2012.

7. Magazines Modern lesson 2010-2012.