French fairy tale beauty and the beast to print. Encyclopedia of fairy tale characters: "Beauty and the Beast"

(48 pages)
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Once upon a time, there lived a handsome prince in a luxurious castle. He had everything one could want, but he was selfish, capricious and rude.
The two servants, the tall Lumiere and the fat Clocksworth, did all they could to please their master. The prince was only concerned about his own reflection in the mirror.
Once, during a terrible thunderstorm, an old beggar woman asked to come to the castle. In return, she offered the prince a beautiful rose. But the rude prince listened to the old woman with disgust, ridiculed her gift and drove her away. “Remember, appearances are deceiving,” the old woman warned him, “beauty lives within us.”
The beggar woman turned out to be a magician. Seeing that there is no place for love in the prince's heart, she punished him by turning him into a terrible monster and bewitched the castle. The sorceress gave the prince a magical mirror, which became his only window to the outside world.
She also left an enchanted rose that should bloom until the prince is twenty-one years old. But the spell will only break if the prince learns to love and be loved before the rose loses its last petal. Otherwise, he will forever remain an ugly monster.
Several years have passed. And then one day, on the main square of the village, located near the castle, a charming girl named Belle and the smug, handsome Gaston met. Belle, fascinated by the book, did not see Gaston, but he noticed her. "This girl will be my wife!" he decided.
Upon returning home, Belle found that her father Maurice, an eccentric and inventor, had just completed his latest invention. “Oh, dad,” said Belle, “what a wonderful thing. I'm sure you'll take the first prize at the fair!"
The next morning, Belle's father loaded his invention onto a wagon and set off for Big city. But the weather suddenly turned bad, fog fell, and the old man lost his way. To top it all, wolves howled somewhere nearby, a frightened horse rushed away. Maurice could not keep himself in the wagon and ended up on the ground.
Fleeing from the wolves, he climbed deeper and deeper into the forest. Seeing the gloomy old castle, he went to the gate and knocked. Without waiting for an answer, Maurice pushed open the unlocked gate and stepped inside.
Imagine his surprise when he saw the candlestick, who bowed to him and said in a human voice: "Hello, good man."
Then a clock came out of the shadows and grumbled: “Lumière, you know that the owner ordered not to let anyone in!”
The teapot got into the argument: "Well, since this man came in anyway, Clocksworth, we must be polite to him." Strange creatures seated the old man in a chair, fed and watered him.
Suddenly, something huge and terrible burst into the room and loomed over Maurice.
"I don't want strangers in my castle!" growled the Beast, seizing Maurice and dragging him into the dungeon.
Meanwhile, Belle, left alone, had a hard time: the stupid and pompous Gaston burst into the house and tried to kiss her.
“Marry me, Belle, and you will be the happiest girl in the world,” he pressed.
But as soon as Gaston tried to kiss her, Belle jumped aside, and he flew out into the street, landing right in the dirt! Belle couldn't help but laugh. Gaston looked at her angrily and grumbled: “Just become my wife, then I won’t let you laugh at me!” Then he got up and walked away.
And then the girl saw that the horse had returned alone, without a father and a wagon. "Oh no! she cried. “Father must have fallen and broken his arm or leg!” Belle quickly threw on her cloak.
and climbed onto the horse's back. "Faster! Take me to my father,” the girl ordered. The horse understood what they wanted from her, and after a few hours they were at the mysterious castle.
- Dad, where are you? Belle screamed tirelessly.
She searched the whole castle, until at last she found her unfortunate father, locked in a dungeon.
But before her father could warn her of the danger, a huge, angry monster had already appeared behind her back.
Although the girl was very frightened, she pulled herself together and said:
- Release my father, he is an old man, take me instead of him.
- You must swear that you will stay here forever! roared the Beast.
- I swear! Belle answered, suppressing her fear.
- No, Belle! yelled my father, but it was too late.
The monster grabbed him and threw him out of the castle.
Belle's father hurried back to the village. Entering the tavern, he began to tell everyone that Belle was being held captive by a terrible monster, but people decided that he was just crazy and did not help him.
Meanwhile, the inhabitants of the castle: Mrs. Brew's teapot, her son, a teacup named Shard, Lumière's candlestick, and Clocksworth's mantel clock, consoled Belle with all their might.
They tried to talk the Beast into being more polite.
“Master,” said Lumiere, “maybe this girl can break the spell?”
“It’s useless,” the Beast replied, “no one will ever love a monster like me!”
But in the following days, the Beast nevertheless tried to become a hospitable host. He and Belle walked in the garden, toured the castle library. In gratitude, the girl began to teach the Beast good manners.
One evening, after a hearty dinner, during which Belle showed the Beast how to eat with a spoon, and then taught him how to dance, the Beast asked:
- Belle, tell me, are you okay with me?
“Ah, if only I could see my father, even for a moment! she replied.
- This can be arranged, - said the Beast and went behind the magic mirror.
Looking in the mirror, Belle was horrified: her father wandered through the dense forest, calling her.
- Dad! she screamed.
“He needs you,” the Beast said sadly. - I'm letting you go. Take the magic mirror with you so that you can see me from time to time and remember me.
With the help of a mirror, Belle found her father and brought him home. He was happy to see his daughter again. And suddenly there was a knock at the door. It was the peasants, led by Gaston, who came to take away poor old Maurice.
- This old man is completely off, he keeps talking about some huge monster, - Gaston urged everyone on.
- My father is not crazy, it really exists! Belle screamed and showed them the Beast in the mirror.
Then the peasants, led by Gaston, went in search of the Beast in order to kill him.
Belle was desperate to get to the Beast early and warn him.
Gaston climbed the castle wall to fight the Beast, while the others entered the castle. But there a sudden surprise awaited them: the servants met the enemy fully armed!
The peasants were so frightened that when the clock commanded: "Attack!" - they just fled wherever their eyes look, beside themselves with fear.
Meanwhile, Gaston finally found the Beast.
"So you're the monster that kidnapped Belle!" he shouted.
"If you're a friend of Belle, go away and I won't hurt you," the Beast replied.
But Gaston's heart was filled with hatred and malice, and he started the battle.
At that moment, Belle ran into the courtyard of the castle.
"Stop!" she screamed and rushed to the fortress wall. The monster turned to her.
Belle, you're back! - he said and hugged the girl.
But this angered Gaston even more, because he considered Belle almost his wife! He pulled out a dagger and stabbed the Beast in the back with all his might.
The bleeding Beast abruptly turned around to draw his dagger…
... but accidentally caught the villain Gaston with a powerful paw and threw him off the wall. Far below, Gaston slumped against the flagstones.
Belle ran up to the Beast and grabbed his massive head. "No, no, you can't die, I love you," she said through her tears and kissed him.
Belle's kiss and her words of love worked wonders: the dying Beast turned into a beautiful young prince, whole and unharmed!
After Belle broke the spell, all the inhabitants of the castle regained their human form. The prince told Belle about the sorceress and her curse. He vowed never to be cruel or vain again.
Belle's love forever transformed his soul. Soon, Beauty and the former Beast, who became a beautiful generous prince, played a wedding. They lived happily ever after!

Once upon a time there was a rich merchant who had three daughters and three sons. The youngest of the daughters was named Beauty. Her sisters did not like her because she was everyone's favorite. One day the merchant went bankrupt and said to his children:
“Now we have to live in the countryside and work on the farm to make ends meet.
Living on a farm, Beauty did everything around the house, and even helped her brothers in the field. The elder sisters were idle all day long. So they lived for a year.
Suddenly, the merchant was told good news. One of his missing ships has been found, and now he's rich again. He was about to go to the city to get his money and asked his daughters what to bring as a gift. The elders asked for dresses, and the younger asked for a rose.
In the city, having received money, the merchant distributed debts and became even poorer than he was.
On the way home, he got lost and ended up in a thicket of the forest, where it was very dark and hungry wolves were howling. It snowed and cold wind pierced to the bone.
Suddenly, lights appeared in the distance. Approaching, he saw an ancient castle. Entering its gate, he put his horse in the stable and entered the hall. There was a table set for one and a burning fireplace. He thought, "The master will probably come any minute." He waited an hour, two, three - no one appeared. He sat down at the table and ate deliciously. Then he went to see other rooms. Entering the bedroom, lay down on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.
Waking up in the morning, the merchant saw new clothes on a chair next to the bed. Going downstairs, he found a cup of coffee with warm rolls on the dining table.
- Good wizard! - he said. - Thank you for your concern.
Going out into the yard, he saw the already saddled horse and went home. Driving along the alley, the merchant saw a rose bush and remembered the request of his youngest daughter. He rode up to him and plucked the most beautiful rose.
Suddenly, there was a roar and a disgusting huge monster appeared before him.
“I saved your life, and this is how you repay me for it,” he growled. “For this you must die!”
“Your Majesty, please forgive me,” the merchant pleaded. - I picked a rose for one of my daughters, she really asked me about it.
“My name is not Your Majesty,” the monster growled. My name is Beast. Go home, ask your daughters if they want to die instead of you. If they refuse, then in three months you must return here yourself.
The merchant did not even think of sending his daughters to their deaths. He thought, "I'm going to say goodbye to my family and come back here in three months."
The monster said:
- Go home. When you get there, I will send you a chest full of gold.
“How strange he is,” thought the merchant. Kind and cruel at the same time. He got on his horse and went home. The horse quickly found the right path, and the merchant reached home before dark. Having met the children, he gave the youngest a rose and said:
“I paid a high price for her.
And he told about his misadventures.
The older sisters attacked the younger one:
- It's all your fault! they shouted. - I wanted originality and ordered a lousy flower, for which the father now has to pay with his life, and now you are standing and not even crying.
Why cry? Beauty answered them meekly. “The monster said that I could go to him instead of my father. And I will gladly do it.
“No,” the brothers objected to her, “we will go there and kill this monster.”
“It makes no sense,” said the merchant. - The monster has magic power. I will go to him myself. I'm old and I don't care to die soon. The only thing I grieve about is leaving you alone, my dear children.
But Beauty insisted on her own:
“I will never forgive myself,” she repeated, “if you, my dear father, die because of me.
The sisters, on the contrary, were very glad to be rid of her. Her father called her and showed her a chest full of gold.
— How good! said the good Beauty joyfully. - Suitors woo my sisters, and this will be their dowry.
The next day, Beauty set off. The brothers wept, and the sisters, rubbing their eyes with onions, sobbed too. The horse quickly found its way back to the castle on its own. Entering the hall, she found a table set for two people, with fine wines and food. Beauty tried not to be afraid. She thought, "The monster must want to eat me, so he's fattening me up."
After dinner, a snarling Beast appeared and asked her:
Did you come here of your own free will?
“Yes,” said Beauty in a low voice.
“You have a good heart, and I will be merciful to you,” the Beast said and disappeared.
Waking up in the morning, Beauty thought: “What will be - that cannot be avoided. So I won't worry. The monster probably won't eat me in the morning, so I'll take a walk in the park for now."
She enjoyed wandering around the castle and the park. Entering one of the rooms marked "Beauty's Room", she saw shelving full of books and a piano. She was terribly surprised: “Why did the Beast bring everything here if he is going to eat me at night?”
There was a mirror on the table, on the handle of which was written:
"Whatever Beauty wants, I will do."
“I wish,” said Beauty, “to know what my father is doing now.
She looked in the mirror and saw her father sitting on the doorstep of the house. He looked very sad.
“What a kind monster this is,” Beauty thought. “I’m less afraid of him now.”
In the evening, sitting at dinner, she heard the voice of the Beast:
“Beauty, let me watch you eat dinner.”
“You are the master here,” she replied.
“No, in this castle your wish is the law. Tell me am I very ugly?
- Yes! Beauty replied. - I can't lie. But, I think you are very kind.
“Your intelligence and mercy touch my heart and make my ugliness less painful for me,” said the Beast.
One day the monster said:
“Beauty, marry me!”
“No,” the girl answered after a pause, “I can’t.
The monster cried and disappeared.
Three months have passed. Every day the Beast would sit and watch Beauty eat her supper.
“You are my only joy,” it said, “without you I will die.” At least promise me that you will never leave me.
Beauty promised.
One day the mirror showed her that her father was ill. She really wanted to visit him. She told the Beast:
“I promised you never to leave you. But if I do not see my dying father, life will not be sweet to me.
“You can go home,” said the Beast, “and I will die here of boredom and loneliness.”
“No,” said Beauty. “I promise you I'll be back. The mirror told me that my sisters were married, my brothers were in the army, and my father was lying alone sick. Give me a week.
“Tomorrow you will wake up at home,” said the Beast. - When you want to go back, just put the ring on the nightstand next to the bed. Goodnight. Gorgeous.
And the Beast quickly left.
Waking up the next day, Beauty found herself in home. She dressed in her expensive clothes, put on a crown of diamonds and went to her father. He was incredibly happy to see his daughter safe and sound. Her sisters came running and saw that she had become even more beautiful, and in addition, dressed up like a queen. Their hatred for her increased with a vengeance.
The beauty told everything that had happened to her, and said that she must certainly return back.
A week has passed. Beauty gathered back to the castle. The insidious sisters began to cry and lament so much that she decided to stay another week. On the ninth day, she had a dream that the Beast was lying on the grass in the park and was dying. She woke up horrified and thought, “I need to get back quickly; and heal him."
She put the ring on the table and went to bed. The next day she woke up in the castle. Putting on her best clothes, she waited impatiently for the Beast, but it did not appear. Remembering her strange dream, she rushed into the garden. There on the grass lay a lifeless Beast. She rushed to the stream, drew water and splashed the Beast in the face. Her heart was bursting with pity. Suddenly it opened its eyes and whispered:
- I can not live without you. And now I'm dying happily knowing that you're by my side.
No, you must not die! Beauty cried. I love you and want to be your wife.
As soon as she uttered these words, the whole castle was lit up with a bright light and music began to play everywhere. The monster was gone, and in its place lay the most charming of princes on the grass.
But where is the Beast? Beauty screamed.
"That's me," said the prince. “The evil fairy bewitched me and turned me into a monster. I was to remain so until a beautiful young girl fell in love with me and wanted to marry me. I love you and ask you to be my wife.
Beauty gave him her hand, and they went to the castle. There, to their great joy, they found Beauty's father and sisters and brothers waiting for them. Just then, the good fairy appeared and said:
“Beauty, you are worthy of this honor and from now on you will be the queen of this castle.
Then, turning to her sisters, she said:
- And you will become stone statues at the doors of the castle for your anger and envy and will remain so until you realize your guilt and become kinder. But I suspect that such a day will never come.
The beauty and the prince got married and lived happily ever after.

Current page: 1 (total book has 23 pages)

Part 1. ==========

They say that when the Gods want to give you a gift, they wrap it up in a problem. And also, when making a wish, you should always remember that it can come true. The young boy sitting on the veranda of the large stone house chuckled as he recalled the chain of events that led to his current position.

If he knew exactly what some of his actions would entail, he would…surely did the same. Otherwise, he would not have what he has now, and his present life suited him more than ever.

It all started a few years ago. He has always been a favorite in the family. The eldest son, a very handsome boy, who does not know refusal and is accustomed to admiration and adoration. He grew up spoiled, but not stupid, so he got away with most of his antics.

At that time, my father was doing business with Dylan, a man from the north with a very dubious reputation, but with great connections. There have been rumors about this man since his appearance in the city. And there were reasons for this: the barbarians of the north always seemed to the southerners to be savages, Dylan, on top of everything, did not disdain communication with different segments of the population and achieved his goals by methods that were not always unambiguous. In addition, the appearance of the northerner was ... peculiar. Half of his face was disfigured by fire scars, blond hair and cold blue eyes, combined with a hard look, also did not inspire confidence.

But Mika's father for some reason respected the northerner very much and welcomed him. Mick himself, who appreciated beauty, categorically did not like this person, and he had a very vague idea about the affairs of his parent, and did not want to delve into the essence of the issues. Moreover, his sister was very afraid of being married to this savage, so Mick, not always able to restrain himself, decided to act.

All his antics, relatively harmless, were shattered by Dylan's icy calm and his constant readiness for anything. Only sometimes the guy noticed hostility in blue eyes. However, in order to see this, one had to try very hard, but somehow the northerner did not express his feelings for the son of a work partner in a different way.

For a long time, my father was unaware of the Cold War unfolding under his nose, until, in far from the most best moment, he did not become a victim of his son's joke.

– What else Kindergarten? Miklash paced the office irritably. - Mick, you're a grown man! So why the hell are you acting like a child?

“I don’t like this savage!” – stubbornly answered guy.

“You don’t look too good for him, either.” Besides, what do you care about the people I work with? I'm not forcing you...

Are you sure you can trust him? interrupted Mick. He is too often in our house. Rina is already beginning to think that this is her future fiance!

“It would be a good game,” Miklash nodded thoughtfully to himself.

- What? This freak and Rina? Mick was outraged.

“How naive you are, my dear boy,” sighed the father. - Someday you will understand that people should not be judged by their appearance ... However, back to your question. Yes, I think that this game would be the best for Rina, but… But he doesn't need it.

Yes, he is a tyrant! He does not need it, you might think she is delighted! ..

- He is an honest man and would not offend your sister, on the contrary, she would be safe with him ...

- With a hired killer! ..

“He solves delicate problems, not always with murder, and you know it. But in this situation, I would not want to spoil relations with him, especially since your sister, as you yourself tell me, does not want this, so there is no point. You can calm down, she is not in danger. And I hope you act like the mature, sensible person that you are, and not the bratty boy.

“All right, father,” Mick agreed reluctantly, making sure his sister was safe.

From that day on, Mick tried not to notice his familiar father, which was harder for him than he was ready to admit. For some reason, for Mick, the attitude of this barbarian - indifference and hostility, was very painful, although he could not even admit it to himself.

Rina also calmed down, even began to communicate with the northerner, and he politely answered her. Mick himself, along with friends like himself, conceived another scam-a joke on a young man who was not included in their company. It was not that he forgot about his dislike for the savage, rather, he tried not to notice the person annoying him.

His fate was decided during the spring ball. The joke on the loser turned out to be more evil and cruel than the company of young blockheads expected, and besides, it also attracted the attention of the whole court and the king himself. The king spoke very vaguely, but the older relatives of these blockheads realized that something had to be done with the youth. And the angry Miklash immediately answered his king:

“Excuse me, Your Majesty, my son. I know that sometimes he can be unbearable and irresponsible, but I think this will pass. Moreover, in two weeks he and her husband will leave the country.

Is your son getting married? the king was surprised.

And for good reason, such events were usually reported in advance, several months in advance, and Mick was an enviable groom for both sexes.

- I didn't say? Miklash was surprised. - My son will become the younger husband of Dylan Severyanin.

“A worthy match,” the monarch nodded approvingly. “If anyone can handle Mick, it's the Northerner. Congratulations to the newlyweds on the upcoming celebration.

"I don't think we should be in such a hurry," a third man broke in as the others digested what they'd heard.

The newly-appeared fiance smiled politely, nothing was said about his attitude to the possibility of acquiring a self-willed younger husband.

“You’re leaving in two weeks, I don’t see the point in wasting time.

– We could discuss the fate of your son on my next visit to your country. So that Mick himself was also present at this conversation, Dylan tried to get rid of an unwanted marriage. Mick was an enviable suitor for many, but the northerner clearly did not share this conviction.

“I don’t see the point, especially since your marriage is approved by the king himself,” Miklash shrugged.

Mick did not take his disbelieving gaze from his father. He knew he'd pissed him off, but to that extent...?

The monarch nodded sedately, confirming the words of the confidant, and Dylan stepped back, resigned. Apparently, Miklash really could somehow influence the decision of a specialist in solving delicate problems.

- Father! .. - Mick caught up with his parent in the garden.

- Enough! Miklash responded angrily. - I'm ready to forgive you a lot, but your latest trick goes beyond all limits! It's time to disperse your gang! And it seems to me that Dylan needs to be stricter with you so that all the nonsense comes out!

“I don't want to hear anything. The ritual will take place in ten days. And the Gods see, you better not even try to rip it off!

For Mick, it remained a mystery why his father had such authority for the northerner, but he no longer spoke about the abolition of the ritual. Mick would have decided that he didn't care, if not for the look of the man in response to his next attempt to somehow disrupt the preparations for the ritual. Dylan shared Mick's reluctance completely.

Despite all the tricks of the youngest of the suitors, the ritual nevertheless took place. Everything was done on highest level, and if another person was standing next to Mick, he would be happy. But there stood a savage who young man infuriated incredibly, so there was no thought of happiness.

“You're lucky,” his sister whispered as she escorted him to the carriage that was supposed to take the newlywed to Dylan's rented house.

- Lucky? her brother asked through clenched teeth. He never resigned himself to being forced to belong to whoever.

"He's good," Rina sighed. “It’s even a pity that I panicked then. Just... give him a chance, consider the one with whom fate has connected you. He is better than most of your environment. At least trust your father. He wouldn't give you bad person who will hurt you...

But Rina's words passed Mick's ears. He did not want to see anything good in what happened to him. And he considered his father almost a traitor.

In the house of the newly-born husband, Mick was expected by the elder husband himself. The northerner sat with his eyes closed and his head resting on the back of his chair. The servants tried to leave them alone as quickly as possible, so that after a couple of moments the silence was broken only by the crackling of burning wood in the fireplace. As the servants left, Dylan sighed and opened his eyes. For a moment he looked very tired, but it passed so quickly that Mick began to wonder if he was imagining it.

“Well, hello, hubby,” the elder turned mockingly to Miku standing at the door. “Why are you standing there like a stranger?” Come in, sit down, we need to discuss the situation.

Mick sat down in the chair next to him, keeping a watchful eye on his older husband. It still took some getting used to.

- Why were you silent before the ceremony? - Mick withstood the unpleasant, heavy look of her husband.

I have my reasons, you don't care about them. In our country, the attitude towards younger husbands is more condescending than yours. So as long as you keep quiet and don't attract public attention, we'll get along.

So you won't interfere in my life?

- Within acceptable limits. Rumors will not please me, - Dylan smiled unpleasantly. “Punishment will follow immediately. I'm not your father and I'm not going to forgive your antics. And to do business, you go to study.

- Where? And why are you telling me this now?

“I heard you have a gift, you will develop it,” Mick raised his eyebrows in surprise. “I told you that in our country they treat younger husbands a little differently,” Dylan explained to his surprise. - And now I'm talking about this, because I have a lot of important things to do and you will go home alone.

"Won't you even spend your wedding night with me, dear?" Mick said.

- Do you have a desire? The northerner smiled radiantly. This time Mick couldn't hold his gaze and looked down, slightly shaking his head. When Dylan wanted to, his eyes became very expressive. “Good night then, dear.

The man got up from his seat and walked out of the room.

– Will you stay here? Mick asked tensely. What are your business in this city? - the guy turned to the door when the husband did not answer him.

Dylan sighed heavily, but let go of the doorknob and turned to face him.

“That is, you immediately after the ceremony send me to your home, and you yourself stay here for an indefinite period,” Mick summed up. - You don't like me that much?

“I have a job,” Dylan said in a surprisingly normal tone. “I don’t know what the execution of this case may lead to, you may have to leave in a hurry, you may suffer if you don’t leave tomorrow.

- Not in this case. After that…” The boy looked away, shaking his head. “My reputation and that of my family will be…” Dylan looked blank. “Rina is not to blame for this, she should not be responsible for my misdeeds, but after that she will not marry a normal person, no one will simply take her, even if her father gives a decent dowry,” Mick stood up, took a few steps towards her husband , but stopped at a decent distance, not knowing how he would take his approach.

"Yeah," Dylan nodded vaguely. - I understood, it seems that I heard something like that, however, a very long time ago and I was not interested.

- Don't do that to her. It's my fault for this wedding, but not her, - Mick stumbled upon Dylan's strangely assessing look and fell silent.

Dylan chuckled.

- Interesting.

“I will do whatever you want,” Mick understood this pause and his look in his own way.

"Definitely," Dylan nodded. “Go to bed, tomorrow we have a long journey ahead of us.”

The man left the room, leaving the guy alone. Tom could only hope that he didn’t hear the word “us” and that the husband would not change his mind until tomorrow.

Miku had to have breakfast alone. Where his faithful wandered, he did not know. Dylan arrived in this city alone, but after learning about the upcoming wedding, he called several people who were supposed to take the younger spouse to his new home. Mick paid almost no attention to them, he had more important things to do, but if Dylan left him in their care, he apparently trusted them.

“Sir, we have to go,” the commander of Dylan's small detachment turned to Mick.

- Where is he? the guy asked nervously.

- Someone, my husband!

“He will be waiting for us at the gate,” the commander replied incomprehensibly. It seems that his name was Like, but Mick would not insist on this.

- Good, - the guy obediently followed into the yard to the harnessed horses.

Horses, by the way, turned out to be expensive, famous breed. Snow-white horses cost a lot of gold coins in this country, and they were very much appreciated in the north, so Mick obviously did not marry a poor man. One could only guess for what services clients paid so generously for. Although Mick already knew, but his father was right, the murder was the last resort to solve the problem.

On the way to the gate, Mick could only think of his husband. If Dylan lied to him yesterday, if he wasn't at the gate... Mick himself was not in danger, he was leaving this country, but he was very concerned about the fate of his sister. And the worst thing is that he could not influence the elder in any way.

Seeing a familiar figure at the gate, the guy breathed a sigh of relief. Dylan, noticing his husband, bowed his head slightly, greeting him. Mick bowed back, feeling as never before that they were being watched. Well, still, their hasty wedding was discussed not only in the highest aristocratic circles, but also ordinary people. Their family was known. And now this circumstance did not please Mick at all.

In addition, for some reason he did not doubt that the hubby would remember this favor for him. And what they will have to pay for is unknown, more precisely, it is known, but I didn’t want to think about it. But Mick couldn't do otherwise. Rina deserved all the best and certainly shouldn't have suffered from her brother's stupidity.

“Greetings, dear,” the voice of her husband interrupted his thoughts.

Mick looked up and saw the distant look of the elder. Thoughts northerner was not here.

Good morning darling," Mick replied sweetly, but Dylan didn't react.

The rest of the journey passed in silence. Only having driven a decent distance, Dylan called the commander of his people. Mick heard the conversation well, because he was riding next to her husband.

- What? Dylan asked abruptly as the man pulled up.

“Everything is as you expected,” Dylan nodded thoughtfully. - How did you guess?

“Paid the right people,” Dylan shrugged. “So we are going according to plan.

“Okay,” nodded Like, holding the horse.

- What's happening? Mick asked quietly, seeing Dylan's men dismount near the road. They themselves continued on their way.

- I'll explain it later. Follow me, - Dylan spurred his horse and Mick followed suit. The elder looked too thoughtful, and it will be possible to find out the details later.

The furious ride lasted for several hours. Dylan chose the path, so that Mick soon became completely confused and could not even go back. Then they drove to an abandoned highway, where Dylan reined in his horse.

We stopped for the night in the forest, although we passed the village where we can spend the night only recently. All this time the elder husband was silent. Mick tried to ask questions, but Dylan simply ignored him, and he fell silent, deciding to wait for a halt.

- So what's going on? - Mick asked his question again, watching Dylan build a fire. He did it professionally.

The man shrugged evasively.

– Minor problems due to work.

“Well, well,” Mick grunted skeptically, but decided not to insist. In his work, this northerner understood everything more than he did.

The night was cool for spring, so Mick was trying to stay close to the fire, watching the fire, when Dylan called him. The man himself was sitting nearby on a camping blanket.

- What? Mick asked, not even turning his head.

Dylan smiled nastily as he patted the blanket next to him. As much as Mick didn't want to say everything he thought, he obediently got up from his seat. After all, the northerner had been honest with him.

“Couldn’t you have spent your wedding night yesterday?” There was at least a bed, - Mick smiled sarcastically, trying to hide his feelings.

“Go silently,” came the calm reply.

Approaching, Mick stopped next to the sitting husband, doing nothing. Dylan looked up at him, smiled unpleasantly again, and ordered:

- Lie down.

Mick licked his lips nervously, but complied. After that, he was very surprised by the actions of the elder - he covered him with a warm cloak, lying down next to him.

“I could sleep there, too,” Mick muttered displeasedly.

“Shut up and sleep,” Dylan interrupted his monologue again, quite calmly.

Soon Mick warmed up - on the one hand there was a fire, on the other - the warm side of her husband. How he fell asleep, he himself did not notice, although the conditions were far from those to which he was accustomed. The next morning, Mick did not feel so well - nevertheless, it was necessary to get used to spending the night in the open air. Dylan was no longer around, he was sitting on the other side of the fire, looking for something in his bag. The horses were saddled and, apparently, the northerner was only waiting for the awakening of the younger.

“Eat and let’s go,” Dylan said, not looking up from his work. How he knew Mick was awake remained a mystery.

The boy rose to his feet, wincing.

“Hopefully we’ll spend the night under the roof tonight,” he remarked peevishly.

“As you say, dear,” Dylan said indifferently, finally closing the bag.

Mick refused to have breakfast, although the hubby looked at him with great doubt, but did not insist. The road passed in silence until Mick decided to break it. Before that, he watched her husband, but he did not pay attention to him, he thought about something of his own.

“Thanks,” Mick said softly, breaking the silence.

- For what? - Dylan turned to him, which clearly showed that he was not so busy with his thoughts, as it seemed to the younger.

- What went with me.

“It coincided with my plans,” the man shrugged indifferently.

- Yes? And I thought you wanted to stay. At work,” Mick chuckled.

“With other plans,” Dylan looked expressively, as if anticipating the rest of the questions and disapproving of them.

“Of course,” Mick nodded, smiling. So what are your problems now?

"I don't think you should know," Dylan shook his head doubtfully.

– Does it concern me? Mick immediately frowned. During his cold war he studied the northerner and his studies were not in vain.

- In a way.

“So what are the problems?” - Mick repeated the question with restraint, trying not to get angry. Dylan's way of answering questions took some getting used to and accepted.

- In terms of? Mick didn't understand.

- What do you know about Razhda? Dylan answered a question with a question.

“My father worked with him,” the guy answered with a pause, trying to understand what this translation of the topic was for.

– Do you know where he is from?

“Like you, from the north,” Mick shrugged. Seems to be from some noble family. He has long been living in the south, in our country. His father didn't like him, but they worked together. I don't know the details.

- Is that all? Dylan's eyes were very perceptive.

“No,” Mick answered quietly, lowering his head. - At the New Year's ball, he ... - the guy stuttered. Dylan didn't rush him. - I drank too much.

- Yeah, it was fun. Did you tell your father?

- He tried, but did not keep me, - Mick shook his head, denying her husband's version. “He didn't do anything to me. Everyone thought I was daddy's boy, but...

“But you learned,” the northerner finished. “Yes, I noticed,” he replied to the surprised look of her husband. You can't deal with a professional.

“Yes, but that was enough for him,” Mick chuckled. - I didn’t tell my father so as not to interfere with his work, especially since he didn’t do anything to me. Apparently, he also drank too much.

- Ruined all his plans.

- In what sense?

Why do you think he tried to seduce you? Dylan calmly looked at his husband, grinned, giving him a chance to answer his own question and sort out the situation.

"My father's money," Mick suggested uncertainly.

- As I said, you have a too strict attitude towards younger husbands, they are not forgiven very much that would be forgiven to wives. If he succeeded in his plan, Miklash would agree to your marriage to him. He would have no choice.

Mick shrugged. He did not take that case to heart, he decided that Razhd simply drank too much and was not happy with his act.

“I'm not worth all this. And my father doesn't have much money either.

“Oh, you underestimate Miklash,” Dylan snorted. “He will never let go. Besides, it's not just money. Among other things, the status of your husband and not just a husband, but the elder one, would finally make Razhd his own in this country. He lived here for many years, but he remained a stranger, a savage from the north. Your reputation as everyone's favorite, and your father's reputation as a serious man, would allow him to take his place in the court to which he so aspired. Yes, and you underestimate yourself, - Dylan suddenly smiled. Really smiled, something Mick had never seen before. “I think even if marriage with you would give him nothing but you, he would still come up with something.

He fell silent. Mick digested what he heard for a while. Razhd he did not like at first sight, as once Dylan. True, he did not like Dylan because of his appearance, to be honest, but Razhd because of his eyes. Painfully oily, he looked at him, spoke in hints ...

"You didn't like it either," Mick remarked peevishly. - You have so much in common!

“Less than you think,” Dylan laughed. - Over the past few years, the only thing we are in solidarity with is the attitude towards our wedding with you. I don’t know if your father knew about Razhd’s plans when he informed the entire royal court about our wedding, but he did it very timely.

- Why?

“Rajd has some information about your father's past that could affect you all. So if it weren't for that message about our wedding in front of the king, I think you would now be preparing to perform a ritual with Razhd. Knowing Miklash, I think he knew about the plans of his enemy, so he did not forgive that trick of yours. And then I got there at the wrong time.

Is my family in danger right now? Mick decided to clarify. He was afraid to hear the answer. If Razhd could blackmail his father...

– No, they don't have anything that would be interesting to Razhd. Now he will haunt me,” Dylan replied nonchalantly. - He needs you.

“It’s strange that you are against it,” Mick grunted sadly.

“It was necessary to be indignant before the wedding, and now you are my family, so Razhd will have to calm down. I can't operate openly on this earth, so he'll try his best to get you before we cross the border.

“They don’t like him at home?”

- Not really. That's why he left and can't come back. This is an intra-family showdown, he did something, and he was expelled, although this is all not official, but he will not go there.

And your people...

- They distract him a little. We need a couple more days to get to the port, and there he can't do anything.

- Understandably.

During this time, they managed to get to the nearest signpost, where Dylan even stopped by to buy groceries. While her husband was dealing with pressing issues, Mick pondered over the information received. Intrigues were woven around him, but he did not notice anything. His father was right in calling him an absurd boy. He was used to being admired and loved, but he never thought that this could bring trouble to his family.

And now a man unknown to him, who became his husband, is trying to save him from another stranger, who is also not averse to making him his own. He knew he was handsome, he saw it in people's eyes, but now for the first time he thought of it as a curse. Well, if Dylan is right and Razh will not touch his family, but if not? If he decides to take revenge? What if he catches up with them? It is unlikely that anyone will help Dylan then, but for some reason he continues to save the unloved younger.

Until the evening, Mick was not distinguished by talkativeness, and Dylan never suffered from it at all. Taking into account the wishes of the younger, they spent that night in an old hay barn on the edge of a huge field. This time, Dylan settled himself away from the younger for the night, as if not wanting to touch him. Mick didn't mind. And closer to noon the next day we saw the distant walls of the port city.

“Well, here comes the final part of this tragedy,” Dylan commented mockingly.

“You know, you have a peculiar sense of humor,” Mick muttered.

"Give it up," the elder snorted. “So, if you haven’t thought of changing your husband during this time ... and even if you have thought of it, then do what I tell you anyway.” Otherwise, this tragedy will not end in anything good.

“Is my family really not in danger?” Mick asked softly. This question haunted him from the moment he heard the story.

“I told you, you underestimate your father. All their troubles, forgive me, were because of you. If I couldn't protect you, he would never have agreed to the ritual. And he can protect your sister himself, she does not attract as much attention to herself as you do. Cute girl.

“You should have taken her as your wife,” Mick advised.

“Yes, I’m generally against marrying me as a husband,” Dylan told him confidentially. - Well, let's go.

Mick obediently followed her husband, trying to understand the course of his thoughts. Telling him the current situation, he was completely different, as if he let him in closer, removed the blocks. And now he was behaving like a stranger again, whom he did not like. Although Mick knew how her husband felt about him, for some reason this attitude hurt, even though he tried not to pay attention to it.

No one was waiting for them in the city. Apparently, Laik completed the task assigned to him, and his masters managed to get to the ship without problems, so that by evening they were already far out to sea, on their way to the cold and harsh northern country.

The fact that it is really cold there, Mick noticed when he got off the ship. There was snow everywhere. At home, snow also fell in winter, but not in such quantity, and such a cold never happened. Prudent Dylan, before sailing, got some warm clothes somewhere, so that they did not threaten to freeze.

Is it always this cold in here? - looking at the steam from the breath, asked Mick.

- Get used to it.

- Is it always true? - such a prospect horrified the heat-loving southerner.

"No," Dylan chuckled. - Only six months. The remaining six months are bearable. And now it's spring, not real winter cold.

- It is spring?

- Yeah, soon the snow will melt and it will be warmer. You'll see.

“Where am I going to go,” Mick answered without enthusiasm and fell silent.

They spent almost three days on the ship and during this time he hardly saw her husband. Dylan advised him to stay in the cabin, and Mick did just that. True, not because of obedience, but because of well-being. Mick did not like sea travel.

In this city they were expected - a covered carriage drawn by a pair of gray stallions. The driver, already a gray-haired, overweight man, greeted Dylan ceremoniously in the northern dialect. Mick did not know this language well, but he understood something. You also have to learn the language.

Is this your husband, sir?

“Yes, Mirit, his name is Miklash,” Dylan nodded.

- Zara will be glad that you finally settled down. We thought you'd never perform a ritual and be left alone.

- Fate, as always, decided everything for me. Let's go home.

“As you command, sir,” the pleased driver opened the door for them.

While they were talking, Mick caught the eyes of the local population, and he did not like them. He wouldn't like them if he were a free man here. Even more so now. He vaguely imagined his position in a foreign country. At home, he knew his place, even if he did not like it. Here, everything was different.

Before they could sit down, another man approached them. Like all northerners, fair-haired and light-eyed, he looked like one and a half times older than Dylan and looked around as if this city belonged to him.

“Dylan, you're back,” the man greeted the elder sedately, like an old acquaintance. - Is that your husband? Good, - Mick threw a hostile look at the stranger and again stared at the ground. They discuss him like a horse in a market. – So, for the sake of what treasure you refused our beauties, and I understand you. If I didn't have a wife, I would argue with you.

He'd be happy to get rid of me anyway, Mick thought grimly. Here he will be treated the way the elder treats him. When Dylan tried to explain it to him, he didn't understand until he saw the stranger's attitude. Now everything depended on Dylan, should he show neglect or indifference, life here would become hell for Mick.

“He really is a treasure,” Dylan agreed. “Like you said, he was worth the wait with the ritual. And no one will get it so easily, I do not intend to miss mine. Mick, get in the carriage, don't be cold, I'll be right back.

Mick nodded without raising his head, feeling grateful to the elder. The driver did not close the door behind him tightly, and therefore he heard the conversation.

You returned earlier than expected.

“Yes, I like to surprise those who try to plot me,” Dylan smiled unpleasantly. “I saw the way you looked at him. Don't even think about it and tell your crazy daughter to stay away. I will see next to you, one child will be less for you. I couldn’t stand her before, but now, don’t blame me, I have someone to protect.

- You are threatening me?

- Do I threaten? Who do you take me for? I don't use such words. I promise you, keep it under control, - Dylan, without saying goodbye, went to the carriage.

- Who is it? Mick asked warily.

"Don't worry," said the husband.

“Will they all…treat me this way?” the younger asked with ill-concealed disgust. At home, the younger ones were treated more strictly, but no one allowed such views on someone else's husband or wife.

No, only those who don't particularly like me.

“Consolation,” Mick muttered.

“It’s time to get used to being looked at like that.”

- Not this way. Houses…

“You were admired, but here you are a coveted trophy for many reasons, and your appearance is not the least of them. But the essence is the same - they want to possess you.

Mick didn't argue, he just made a notch on his memory to find out what kind of stranger it was and what Dylan had in mind when talking about his daughter.

“How… how should I behave here?” I don't know your rules.

"Since when do you care about propriety?" Dylan sounded mocking.

Mick slowly inhaled and exhaled and calmly replied:

“You promised to punish me for the rumors.

Once upon a time there was a rich merchant who had three daughters and three sons. The youngest of the daughters was named Beauty. Her sisters did not like her because she was everyone's favorite. One day the merchant went bankrupt and said to his children:

“Now we have to live in the countryside and work on the farm to make ends meet.

Living on a farm, Beauty did everything around the house, and even helped her brothers in the field. The elder sisters were idle all day long. So they lived for a year.

Suddenly, the merchant was told good news. One of his missing ships has been found, and now he's rich again. He was about to go to the city to get his money and asked his daughters what to bring as a gift. The elders asked for dresses, and the younger asked for a rose.

In the city, having received money, the merchant distributed debts and became even poorer than he was.

On the way home, he got lost and ended up in a thicket of the forest, where it was very dark and hungry wolves were howling. It began to snow, and the cold wind pierced to the bones.

Suddenly, lights appeared in the distance. Approaching, he saw an ancient castle. Entering its gate, he put his horse in the stable and entered the hall. There was a table set for one and a burning fireplace. He thought, "The master will probably come any minute." He waited an hour, two, three - no one appeared. He sat down at the table and ate deliciously. Then he went to see other rooms. Entering the bedroom, lay down on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

Waking up in the morning, the merchant saw new clothes on a chair next to the bed. Going downstairs, he found a cup of coffee with warm rolls on the dining table.

- Good wizard! - he said. - Thank you for your concern.

Going out into the yard, he saw the already saddled horse and went home. Driving along the alley, the merchant saw a rose bush and remembered the request of his youngest daughter. He rode up to him and plucked the most beautiful rose.

Suddenly, there was a roar and a disgusting huge monster appeared before him.

“I saved your life, and this is how you repay me for it,” he growled. “For this you must die!”

“Your Majesty, please forgive me,” the merchant pleaded. - I picked a rose for one of my daughters, she really asked me about it.

“My name is not Your Majesty,” the monster growled. My name is Beast. Go home, ask your daughters if they want to die instead of you. If they refuse, then in three months you must return here yourself.

The merchant did not even think of sending his daughters to their deaths. He thought, "I'm going to say goodbye to my family and come back here in three months."

The monster said:

- Go home. When you get there, I will send you a chest full of gold.

“How strange he is,” thought the merchant. Kind and cruel at the same time. He got on his horse and went home. The horse quickly found the right path, and the merchant reached home before dark. Having met the children, he gave the youngest a rose and said:

“I paid a high price for her.

And he told about his misadventures.

The older sisters attacked the younger one:

- It's all your fault! they shouted. - I wanted originality and ordered a lousy flower, for which the father now has to pay with his life, and now you are standing and not even crying.

Why cry? Beauty answered them meekly. “The monster said that I could go to him instead of my father. And I will gladly do it.

“No,” the brothers objected to her, “we will go there and kill this monster.”

“It makes no sense,” said the merchant. The monster has magical powers. I will go to him myself. I'm old and I don't care to die soon. The only thing I grieve about is leaving you alone, my dear children.

But Beauty insisted on her own:

“I will never forgive myself,” she repeated, “if you, my dear father, die because of me.

The sisters, on the contrary, were very glad to be rid of her. Her father called her and showed her a chest full of gold.

— How good! said the good Beauty joyfully. - Suitors woo my sisters, and this will be their dowry.

The next day, Beauty set off. The brothers wept, and the sisters, rubbing their eyes with onions, sobbed too. The horse quickly found its way back to the castle on its own. Entering the hall, she found a table set for two people, with fine wines and food. Beauty tried not to be afraid. She thought, "The monster must want to eat me, so he's fattening me up."

After dinner, a snarling Beast appeared and asked her:

Did you come here of your own free will?

“You have a good heart, and I will be merciful to you,” the Beast said and disappeared.

Waking up in the morning, Beauty thought: “What will be - that cannot be avoided. So I won't worry. The monster probably won't eat me in the morning, so I'll take a walk in the park for now."

She enjoyed wandering around the castle and the park. Entering one of the rooms marked "Beauty's Room", she saw shelving full of books and a piano. She was terribly surprised: “Why did the Beast bring everything here if he is going to eat me at night?”

There was a mirror on the table, on the handle of which was written:

"Whatever Beauty wants, I will do."

“I wish,” said Beauty, “to know what my father is doing now.

She looked in the mirror and saw her father sitting on the doorstep of the house. He looked very sad.

“What a kind monster this is,” Beauty thought. “I’m less afraid of him now.”

“Beauty, let me watch you eat dinner.”

“You are the master here,” she replied.

“No, in this castle your wish is the law. Tell me am I very ugly?

- Yes! Beauty replied. - I can't lie. But, I think you are very kind.

“Your intelligence and mercy touch my heart and make my ugliness less painful for me,” said the Beast.

One day the monster said:

“Beauty, marry me!”

“No,” the girl answered after a pause, “I can’t.

The monster cried and disappeared.

Three months have passed. Every day the Beast would sit and watch Beauty eat her supper.

“You are my only joy,” it said, “without you I will die.” At least promise me that you will never leave me.

Beauty promised.

One day the mirror showed her that her father was ill. She really wanted to visit him. She told the Beast:

“I promised you never to leave you. But if I do not see my dying father, life will not be sweet to me.

“You can go home,” said the Beast, “and I will die here of boredom and loneliness.”

“No,” said Beauty. “I promise you I'll be back. The mirror told me that my sisters were married, my brothers were in the army, and my father was lying alone sick. Give me a week.

“Tomorrow you will wake up at home,” said the Beast. - When you want to go back, just put the ring on the nightstand next to the bed. Goodnight. Gorgeous.

And the Beast quickly left. -

Waking up the next day, Beauty found herself in her own home. She dressed in her expensive clothes, put on a crown of diamonds and went to her father. He was incredibly happy to see his daughter safe and sound. Her sisters came running and saw that she had become even more beautiful, and in addition, dressed up like a queen. Their hatred for her increased with a vengeance.

The beauty told everything that had happened to her, and said that she must certainly return back.

A week has passed. Beauty gathered back to the castle. The insidious sisters began to cry and lament so much that she decided to stay another week. On the ninth day, she had a dream that the Beast was lying on the grass in the park and was dying. She woke up horrified and thought, “I need to get back quickly; and heal him."

She put the ring on the table and went to bed. The next day she woke up in the castle. Putting on her best clothes, she waited impatiently for the Beast, but it did not appear. Remembering her strange dream, she rushed into the garden. There on the grass lay a lifeless Beast. She rushed to the stream, drew water and splashed the Beast in the face. Her heart was bursting with pity. Suddenly it opened its eyes and whispered:

- I can not live without you. And now I'm dying happily knowing that you're by my side.

No, you must not die! Beauty cried. I love you and want to be your wife.

As soon as she uttered these words, the whole castle was lit up with a bright light and music began to play everywhere. The monster was gone, and in its place lay the most charming of princes on the grass.

But where is the Beast? Beauty screamed.

"That's me," said the prince. “The evil fairy bewitched me and turned me into a monster. I was to remain so until a beautiful young girl fell in love with me and wanted to marry me. I love you and ask you to be my wife.

Beauty gave him her hand, and they went to the castle. There, to their great joy, they found Beauty's father and sisters and brothers waiting for them. Just then, the good fairy appeared and said:

“Beauty, you are worthy of this honor and from now on you will be the queen of this castle.

Then, turning to her sisters, she said:

- And you will become stone statues at the doors of the castle for your anger and envy and will remain so until you realize your guilt and become kinder. But I suspect that such a day will never come.

The beauty and the prince got married and lived happily ever after.

"Beauty and the Beast", authored by Charles Perrault, is known throughout the world. And not in vain! A beautiful story about love, loyalty and devotion makes every reader dream that real feelings do exist. The tale carries a very important meaning, which contains the basic principles of morality necessary for every person associated with someone with a tender feeling.

The plot of the fairy tale

In the center of the plot of "Beauty and the Beast" is a girl named Belle, who, by chance, ended up in an enchanted castle. She was distinguished by her kindness and soft heart. Belle was the youngest of three sisters, but at the same time the most meek and affectionate. The older sisters of the girl measured everything in money, while not knowing their price. Belle's father was engaged in his business for a long time, and the family lived quite richly.

One day, the old father's enterprise failed, and the family had to leave their house in the city, exchanging it for a small but cozy one outside the city. My father earned his living exclusively by physical labor. None of the daughters, except for Belle, helped him. The younger girl understood how difficult it was for her father to feed his family on his own, so she supported him in the household.

Unexpected letter

The author of "Beauty and the Beast" continues his tale. Suddenly, the father of the main character receives a letter saying that perhaps the old businessman's enterprise can still be saved. The old man goes to the city to find out if there really is a chance to improve all the financial affairs of the family. As he leaves, he asks his children what they need to bring from the city. The older daughters, hoping that the father's fortune will still return, ask the old man for expensive jewelry. Belle says that she does not need any gifts, she will be glad if her father brings her a red rose, because roses do not grow in their area.

false hope

Upon reaching the city, an elderly man learns that part of his fortune, which could be saved, was withdrawn for debts. Realizing that he will not be able to fix family affairs, he is extremely upset. In addition, his daughters will be very sad that he could not purchase jewelry.

As a result of all these troubles, the old man simply falls into anguish and heads home. Choosing a path through the dark forest, he returns through the darkness, but loses his way and begins to wander through the forest. For a long time not finding the right path, the old man suddenly sees a huge old castle in the distance. It is there that he turns, hoping that there he will be offered an accommodation for the night, and he will be able to go home at dawn with new forces.

Mysterious castle in the forest

The author of "Beauty and the Beast" brings a little horror and mysticism to the fairy tale. Having reached the huge doors of the castle, the old man tries to knock several times, but no one opens the door for him. With surprise, the tired traveler notices that it is not locked. He enters the castle and sees that from the inside its architecture is very old and beautiful. At the same time, the castle is very dark and damp, as if no one has lived in it for a long time. Having called the owner several times, the old man realized that the castle was probably abandoned. He decides to walk on it to make sure of it. Entering one of the huge halls, he sees that it is completely filled with tables, and on the tables there is an unprecedented number of various treats. The old man is very surprised, but he is so hungry that he decides to take the opportunity and have dinner. Having eaten well, the weary traveler stays overnight in the castle with the firm intention of continuing the journey home in the morning.

Waking up at dawn, the man left the castle and saw that a huge bush was growing nearby, strewn with beautiful flowers. Coming closer, the old man saw that they were roses. He plucked one flower, the largest of all, thinking that at least his youngest daughter would receive the gift she asked for. Just before leaving, the traveler is suddenly attacked by a huge and terrible beast. The monster says that roses are the most valuable thing he has in the castle, and the old man will have to pay with his life for the plucked flower. The frightened man explains to the beast that these flowers are very beautiful, and one of his daughters really wanted to see a rose. Then the beast sets its own condition: after the old man gives his daughter a rose, he will be obliged to return to the castle himself or send the very girl who asked for the flower to the monster. The traveler has no choice but to agree to these conditions.

A Father's Promise

Upon returning home, the old man gives Belle that beautiful rose that he plucked from a mysterious castle owned by a terrible beast. The father did not want to tell his daughter about what had happened, but the young girl still elicits everything from her father. Having learned what promise he made to the monster, Belle sets off without hesitation.

New life in a magical castle

The author of Beauty and the Beast, Charles Perrault, continues his tale with the extraordinary, magical events that take place in main character. Having reached the castle, Belle meets the same monster. He informs the girl that now she is the mistress in his castle, and he is her obedient servant. The Beast offers Belle a huge variety of beautiful rich dresses, invites her to dinner every evening, to which the girl agrees.

In addition, the monster every day offers Belle to marry him, and every evening the girl refuses. At night, she dreams of a handsome prince who asks her why she does not marry the beast, and the girl meekly replies that she loves him only as a friend. Belle sees no connection between that terrible monster and the prince. The girl has only one thought: the beast somewhere keeps that prince locked up. She repeatedly tried to look for the protagonist of her dreams in the castle, but each time the search was fruitless.

Mutual agreement of the beast and the girl

Belle lives in the castle for several months. She misses her father and sisters very much. A yearning girl asks the monster to let her go home for a while so that she can see her loved ones. The Beast understands her sadness and gives her permission. But at the same time, he sets a condition: the girl must return to the castle exactly in a week. In addition, Belle receives a magic mirror and a ring from the beast. With the help of a mirror, she will be able to see what is happening in the castle in her absence, and with the help of the ring, she can return to the castle at any time if she twists it on her finger three times. Belle agrees to all terms and happily heads home.

Traveling home and returning to your loved one

Belle arrives home in a very beautiful and rich dress. She tells her father and sisters, who burn with envy, that the beast is actually very kind. Therefore, the day before her departure, the older sisters suddenly begin to ask Belle to stay one more day, explaining that they will miss her very much. Believing and moved by the words of the sisters, Belle decides to stay another day. In fact, envy pushed the sisters to such words. They really hoped that if their little sister, who managed to arrange her life so well, was late for the monster, then on her return he would eat her alive.

Waking up in the morning, Belle felt very guilty before the beast. She decided to take a look in the mirror to see how he reacted to her not returning by the due date. The girl saw that the monster was lying barely alive near the rose bushes. Belle immediately went to the beast with the help of the ring.

Seeing that the beast was barely breathing, Belle leaned over him, began to cry heavily and begged him not to die, saying that she loved him and could not bear such a loss. At the same moment, the monster turned into a handsome prince, who so often dreamed of a girl. The prince told Belle that once he was bewitched by an old witch, and only true love could remove this witchcraft. Since then, the prince and Belle lived a long and very happy life.

Fairy tale analysis

"Beauty and the Beast" is a fairy tale, which is one of many other similar works. To date, many variations of this story are known. Who wrote Beauty and the Beast? As mentioned above, the author of this masterpiece is Charles Perrault. Despite this, there are older works that convey the same idea. For example, one of the first versions of this story was a fairy tale published in 1740 by Madame Villeneuve. The most important thing to note when analyzing this work is how it is presented urban population in a fairy tale. The townspeople act as the protagonists of Beauty and the Beast. It usually happens that the main characters are representatives of the nobility and the peasantry.

Despite the fact that, as mentioned above, the fairy tale has a huge number of variations, we will still answer the question of who wrote Beauty and the Beast, that, of course, Charles Perrault. After all, it is his version that is considered the most interesting and famous today.

Screen adaptation of a fairy tale

"Beauty and the Beast" is a story that has been repeatedly filmed under the direction of various directors. You can find adaptations as films, cartoons, musicals and even theatrical productions. The very first film adaptation of the fairy tale was the film "Beauty and the Beast", which appeared on the screens in 1946. The director of this project was the French master Jean Cocteau. Perhaps the most famous film adaptation of the fairy tale was the cartoon of the same name by the Walt Disney film company, which was released in 1991. A well-drawn cartoon began to be a success not only among children, but also among adult viewers. A lot of people watch it multiple times.