Avatar - the legend of aang - appa. The animated series "Avatar: The Last Airbender": characters, characteristics and interesting facts Characters of the cartoon "Avatar: The Last Airbender": Appa and Momo

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  • The animated series "Avatar: The Last Airbender", the characters of which will be discussed by us in this article, was first released in 2005. The animated television series combines American animation and the culture of the East.

    The action of the animated series takes place in a fictional universe where some people are able to control one of the four natural elements (fire, air, water, earth). Directly in the center of the plot is a 12-year-old airbender and his friends.

    The animated series was an incredible success and was nominated for many awards, including: Annie, Emmy, Genesis Awards, etc.


    It's better to start talking with the main character, although the list of characters ("Avatar: The Last Airbender") is quite impressive. Aang is the last airbender and representative of the Air Nomad people. His nation was destroyed 100 years ago by the Fire Nation. Aang is the Avatar - a magician who is able to use all four elements of the elements and who must maintain peace among all nations. The Fire Nation wanted to destroy the Avatar, so they attacked the airbenders, among whom he was supposed to be born. Fortunately, shortly before this, Aang escaped from his mentors and accidentally froze in the ice of an iceberg, where he spent 100 years. All these years, the world has not stopped the war of conquest of the Fire Nation, who want to subjugate all the lands around.

    Aang was accidentally found in the ice of Katara and Sokka, children from the Water Tribe. After awakening, the young Avatar realized that he had to fulfill his duty - to stop the war, but first he needed to master all types of magic. About how Aang's training took place, and whether he was able to stop the Fire Nation, is described in the animated series.


    Katara is one of the key characters in the animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender (whose characters are discussed here). At the time of the beginning of the cartoon, the girl turns 14 years old. She is from the Southern Water Tribe, the daughter of Chief Hakoda. Katara is the last waterbender in the entire South Pole, the rest were taken away and imprisoned by the soldiers of the Fire Nation. Her mother also died at the hands of the invaders when Katara was only 8 years old. Then the soldiers of the Fire Nation learned that a waterbender had appeared in the Southern Tribe, and they came for him. But Katara's mother protected her daughter, calling herself the last waterbender, for which she was killed.

    Due to the fact that the war between the Water Tribe and the Fire Nation did not stop, the men of the tribe often went to fight, and then the children of the leader, Katara and her brother Sokka, were responsible for the well-being of the tribe.

    During one of their walks, Katara and Sokka found an icy sphere in which Avatar Aang was imprisoned. This event radically changes the life of a brother and sister.


    Sokka is Katara's older brother and one of Aang's companions, the main character in the animated television series Avatar: The Last Airbender.

    "How to draw characters?" - if you are asking this question, then you first need to find out about the character of the hero, and then proceed directly to the image. So, to draw Sokka, you must remember that he is a big joker and very often finds himself in stupid situations, although he is endowed with a good tactical mind. Therefore, you can depict him behind the preparation of a plan of attack.

    So, Sokka is a warrior of the Southern Water Tribe. At the beginning of the animated series, he lives with his younger sister Katara and grandmother Kanna. When the leader of the tribe and the father of Sokka led the warriors against the fiery invaders, he left his son in charge. Thus, Sokka was responsible not only for providing the tribe with food, but also for teaching children the art of war.

    When Katara and Sokka found Aang, Sokka didn't immediately believe the airbender. At first, he was sure that this was a spy for the Fire Nation.


    Toph Beifong continues the list of characters in the animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender. She is the only child of a noble family in the Earth Kingdom. Toph was born blind, so she was always considered helpless, surrounded by attention and care. But the independent character of the girl was disgusted by such guardianship. Toph independently learned earthbending, thanks to which she was able to see the world. Later, she began to secretly run away from home and participate in the battles of the earthbenders. In the arena, she bore the nickname "Blind Bandit". It was at these fights that Aang and his friends first saw her.

    When Toph met the Avatar and decided to become his teacher, she ran away from home. The Beifongs sent earthbenders after their daughter, who managed to capture her and lock her in a metal box where she could not use her powers. However, once locked up, Toph was able to subjugate the metal and free herself. So she became the world's first metal magician.

    Characters from Avatar: The Last Airbender: Appa and Momo

    Appa and Momo are constant companions of the Avatar and his friends. They deserve special mention.

    Appa is a flying bison and Aang's guardian beast. When the airbender reaches the age of 6, he goes to the Eastern Air Temple, where he finds a bison, which will become his companion and friend. So Appa became Aang's friend, and when the Avatar was frozen, the bison was with him. Appa is not only a companion of Aang and his friends, but also the main means of transportation, as he is endowed with air magic and can fly.

    Momo is a winged lemur that Aang found in the Southern Air Temple. From that time on, Momo became the companion of the Avatar. He is the only lemur in the animated series, so there is a perception that he is the last of his kind. Unlike Appa, who always understands human speech, Momo hears only unintelligible muttering when cartoonists depict the world through his eyes. Because of this, he often gets into various troubles. Nevertheless, the lemur is very devoted to Aang and is ready to help him even in battles.


    There are also controversial characters in the cartoon Avatar: The Last Airbender. The characters of the series are not all divided into positive and negative. So the Fire Nation, first acts as an enemy of the Avatar, and then joins him and becomes his teacher of fire magic.

    Zuko is easily recognizable by the scar surrounding his left eye, which was left behind by the burn. The boy received this mark after he refused to fight with his father in the Angi Kai ritual duel. After this event, Zuko was banished from the Fire Nation by his father, Fire Lord Ozai.

    In order to restore his honor and return, Zuko decides to find the Avatar, who disappeared a hundred years ago. For the crown prince, this journey will change his entire life and lead him to turn against his family by siding with Aang.


    The scriptwriters of the animated series "Avatar: The Last Airbender" approached the creation of heroes seriously. The biography of the characters, not even the main ones, is written very well. So, for example, Iroh, Zuko's uncle and Ozai's brother, has a very interesting and even tragic past.

    Initially, Iroh was the heir of the Fire Lord by birthright. He had an only son, Lu Teng, who died quite young. A little later than this event, Iroh's father also died. And then Ozai ascended the throne, since Iroh refused to fight for the throne. In addition, Iroh failed in his mission as a general to take Ba Sing Se, the capital of the Earth Kingdom. Iroh was besieging the city when the news came of the death of his son, then the heir to the throne left his post.

    Iroh is very different from his relatives. He is kind, gentle, and very wise. When Zuko was banished, Iroh decided to accompany his nephew.


    Now let's move on to the uniquely negative characters of the animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender. Characters that can be classified as negative are led by Azula, Zuko's younger sister. She was her father's favorite from childhood, despite her cruelty. The girl is the best firebender after her father, besides she is prudent, cold-blooded and smart. Its main goal has always been power.

    However, despite her strong qualities, by the end of season 3, when she received her father's throne, she was overcome by madness.

    Ty Lee and Mei

    Many interesting characters can be found by watching the series "Avatar: The Last Airbender". The characters Ty Lee and Mei are Azula's henchmen. They help the princess in her search for the Avatar and in her battles with him and his friends.

    Ty Lee was Azula's friend since childhood. She does not possess magic, but she has acrobatic abilities and fighting techniques that can block the opponent's qi, thereby depriving him of the ability to use magic.

    Mei is also Azula's friend and Zuko's girlfriend. The only child in a high-ranking official's family, Mei has been used to holding back her emotions since childhood. She is fluent in throwing and melee weapons.

    List of minor characters ("Avatar: The Last Airbender")

    In addition, the following minor characters appear in the animated series:

    • Ozai is a tyrant and ruler of the Fire Nation.
    • Sozin is the child of Ozai and Iroh, a Fire Lord and a friend of Avatar Roku.
    • Ursa is the mother of Zuko and Azula and the wife of Ozai.
    • Admiral Chang is the head of the eastern part of the Fire Nation's fleet.
    • Bujing is one of the generals of the Fire Nation.
    • Admiral Zhao is the main antagonist in the first season, commanding the Fire Nation's fleet.
    • Jong Jong - the fire that became the first deserter.
    • Avatar Roku is Aang's previous incarnation.
    • Avatar Kuruk is from the Water Tribe, one of the previous incarnations of the Avatar.
    • Hakoda is the head of the Southern Water Tribe and the father of Katara and Sokka.
    • Kaya is Hakoda's wife.
    • Kanna is Katara and Sokka's grandmother.
    • Bato is a friend of the father of Cora and Sokka Hakoda.
    • Kyoshi's avatar is one of Aang's previous incarnations.
    • Bumi is the king of Omashu, the moment of the earth.
    • King Kuei is the head of the Earth Kingdom.
    • Long Feng is Kuei's former adviser.
    • Jet is the leader of the Earth Kingdom children's gang.
    • Lao Beifong is the head of the Beifong family and Toph's father.
    • Suyuki is the leader of the Kyoshi warriors and Sokka's girlfriend
    • Tyro is the head of the resistance against the Fire Nation and an earthbender.
    • Gyatso is a monk, a member of the Council of Elders of the Southern Air Temple, and a friend of Aang.

    Thanks to the incredible success of the animated series was continued. The next part of it was called "Avatar: The Legend of Korra" and was released in 2012.

    Possibly the last of its kind.


    Appa and Aang The very first moment in Appa's life shown in the series is his meeting with Aang. When an airbender reaches the age of six, he is sent to the Eastern Air Temple, where Sister Io introduces him to a bison, who becomes his friend and companion for the rest of his life. Little is known about the nature and history of the relationship between air nomads and flying bison. Appa's mother appears to have entrusted her calves to the young monks without coercion. Aang steps forward and offers Appa an apple. Almost immediately they become friends and from now on will be together for life.

    Appa and Aang hibernated inside an iceberg for 100 years until they were freed by Katara and Sokka. Since then, it has been Aang's and his friends' primary means of transportation on their journey to mastering all four elements. Appa was an integral part of the team throughout the series, until he was kidnapped by sandbenders.

    In the Earth Kingdom in the middle of the Shi Wong Desert, while Aang, Katara, Sokka and Momo were in the underground library, Appu It's a shame for Appa to have been kidnapped by sandbenders. Subsequently, he was sold to the Fire Nation circus, where the trainer tried to force him to participate in the performance. Appa escaped and wandered throughout the Earth realm until he met Kyoshi's warriors, who attempted to heal his wounds and bring him back to Aang. However, Appa was forced to flee when the Kyoshi warriors were attacked by Azula and her friends. Suyuki drove off the aurochs, and the warriors did their best to delay Azula. Soon, at the Eastern Air Temple, Appa met Guru Patik. Guru was able to say to earn the trust of the bison and heal spiritual wounds. He tells him where Aang is, using the spiritual link between the Avatar and the bison. Appa made his way to Ba Sing Se, where he was caught by Long Feng.

    Appu was kept in a secret dungeon near Lake Laogai, from where he was subsequently released by Zuko, who initially wanted to use him to capture the Avatar. Appa returns to her friends at the end of the episode "Laogai Lake", much to Aang's delight.

    Don't hurt Appa! While traveling through the Land of Fire, Appu is kept secret. When he flies, Aang and Katara create a cloud of fog around him. Leaving him alone, the guys also have to come up with some kind of disguise. Even the typography draws better Sokki Appa also helps Aang and Zuko get to the Sun Warrior Temple. And then - Katare and Zuko, in their search for the southern invader Yang Ro.

    In the series finale, Appa helps the Avatar Team (in Aang's absence) get to the Earth Realm, where they find Jun and her shirsha Nyla, and ask her for help in finding Aang. He then takes them to Ba Sing Se when Aang's search fails and the friends decide to find Iroh. After meeting with Iroh, Appa takes Katara and Zuko to the Fire Nation.

    After the end of the war, Appa waits in Ba Sing Se for friends celebrating their victory at Iroh's tea shop, "Jasmine Dragon".


    Despite the fact that Appa cannot speak, he understands people's speech, which has been shown several times in the series. He is also afraid of tunnels, dungeons, and fire. The fear of fire, perhaps, is a consequence of being in the circus, or maybe feature his kind. It's safe to say that prior to the events of Appa's Lost Days, the bison was trusting of humans. He accepted Aang's apple without hesitation and took an immediate liking to Sokka in the first episode of the series. However, what happened to him in the circus changed his character. Appa also shows a certain level of intelligence in the episode "Runaway", where he "reprimands" the noisy Falcon and Momo, apparently following Sokka's instructions, leaving Appa "in charge".


    Appa can fly, hence the name "flying bison". To do this, he uses air magic and it seems that the main driving force his magic is the tail, A fight between Kyoshi's warriors and Azula's team, although in some cases he used his mouth. Its size and mass require enormous energy expenditure, as a result it cannot fly for very long and often needs time to rest. However, there have been instances where Appa has shown amazing stamina, as in the episode "Waterbending Master" when Katara states that they flew for two days non-stop, and in the episode "The Chase" where Appa had to fly for hours to escape Azula, Tai Lee and Mei, stopping to rest for only a few minutes. He is also a fairly good swimmer, although he flies and walks more frequently. Despite his inherent calm, Appa skillfully enters into battle if necessary. With the help of magic, the movement of the tail, he can create powerful currents of air, and the ability to fly gives him an advantage over his opponent. By nature, he also possesses great strength and stamina, which was especially seen in the episodes "Bato of the Water Tribe" and "Appa's Lost Days".

    In "The Great Divide (episode)", Aang notes that Appa has five stomachs, which may be due to his size and the amount of energy he needs to fly. It may also be a reference to a real bison, which has four stomachs.

    • "Appa" in Korean sounds similar to the word meaning "father", and is also an anagram of the word "dad". Perhaps the name was chosen this way on purpose, as Aang and his friends rely on Appa a lot. This is especially seen in the episode "Laogai Lake" when Appa helps them fight off an overwhelming Dai Li attack.
    • Ironically, the kidnapping of Appa by the sandbenders contributed to the conquest of Ba Sing Se by the Fire Nation. The Kyoshi Warriors who helped Appa were captured by the Fire Nation. Afterwards, Azula used the outfit of the Kyoshi warriors to seize power in Ba Sing Se.
    • In Indonesian, "appa" is pronounced "apa", which has the same meaning as "what" in English language. The phrase "It's Appa!" translated as "Itu Appa!" can also be read as "apa Itu!" , which means "What is this!" in English. This leads to some confusion among viewers.
    • The name Appa (Appa) is very similar to the first syllable in the word "apple" (apple). This is interesting to note, since the apple was the first food that young airbenders were attracted to choose their bison.
    • Appa is a herbivore. This is evidenced by his flat teeth and what he eats - as far as one can tell, these are mainly fruits and plants. Appa also ate honey and once tried to steal an egg when he was hungry (episode "Appa's Lost Days").
    • Appa is pronounced "APA" which means "water", "Appa weighs ten tons.
    • Appu is voiced by the same actor as in the film.

    Avatar: The Last Airbender (Avatar: The Tale of Aang) is a popular American animated television series that aired on Nickelodeon from 2005 to 2008. The project was created by director Michael Dante DiMartino and animator Brian Konietzko. The image of the main character of the future animated series - a boy named Aang - was invented by Konietzko, who worked at that time as a storyboard artist.

    He drew a boy with a tattoo on his head of an arrow and a six-legged buffalo, and then showed the sketch to his friend Michael DiMartino. Together they came up with the plot of the future animated series, which the producers of the Nickelodeon channel liked, and the project was given the green light. According to the idea of ​​Dimartino and Konietzko, the Asian theme in the cartoon should be dominant. Thus, the cartoon Avatar Aang was created in the genre of the so-called "amerim" - animation that copies the style of "anime", but produced outside of Japan.

    Immediately after the release of the series "Avatar: The Last Airbender" became very popular, especially among children and teenagers. The cartoon received high ratings and several prestigious awards, including the Annie Award.

    The cartoon "Avatar: The Last Airbender" included three seasons. The first two consisted of 20 episodes, the last - from the 21st episode. Some viewers mistakenly believe that there is a 4th season of Avatar: The Last Airbender. But after the completion of this story, Dimartino and Konietzko presented to the attention of the audience new project- Avatar: The Legend of Korra. The action of the cartoon takes place in the same world several decades later. The heroes of the new project are the descendants of the characters from the animated series The Legend of Aang.

    Avatar: The Last Airbender: Season 1

    Season 1 of The Legend of Aang introduces the viewer to the world where the animated series takes place. All mankind is divided into four nations associated with the elements - fire, water, earth and air. In addition to ordinary people, magicians live in the tribes, possessing the power of one of the elements. Also in the world there is an avatar - a magician who is subject to all four elements. When dying, the avatar is reborn as a new person. Now they are a boy named Aang from a tribe of air nomads. Having learned about his destiny, Aang does not dare to take responsibility and at the age of 12, along with his buffalo named Appa, freezes himself in the ice. He has been in this state for 100 years, during which a war is unfolding in the world, started by the race of fire.

    Season 1 of The Last Airbender begins with the avatar being found by a girl, a Katara waterbender, and freed from the ice. Aang has only air magic so far, now he has to learn the magic of water, earth and fire in order to gain strength and prevent war. According to the idea of ​​the creators of the series, in each season, Aang masters the magic of one element.

    Avatar - a creature that is subject to all the elements

    Season 1 of the series Avatar: The Last Airbender tells how the main character, with the help of Katara, gains power over the magic of water. The Avatar has to confront the son of the master of fire - Zuko, who is hunting for Aang. If he kills the avatar, he will regain his honor and glory. Season 1 of Aang's Avatar ends with Ozai, the master of fire, being dissatisfied with his son Zuko and sending his daughter Azula for the avatar.

    Avatar: The Last Airbender: Season 2

    Season 2 of The Last Airbender begins with the avatar and his friends going in search of a master who will teach him earthbending. It turns out to be a blind girl named Toph Beifong. Aang learns that a solar eclipse is approaching, which can temporarily deprive the firebenders of their power. If we take the opportunity, it will be possible to end the Hundred Years' War. The Avatar turns to the people of the elements of the earth for help, but his plans are foiled by Azula. She stages a coup in the capital of the kingdom of the land of Ba-Sing-Se and captures it. Teaming up with Zuko, Azula kills Aang. Katara revives the avatar with magical water obtained from the Northern Water Tribe.

    Avatar: The Last Airbender: Season 3

    Taking advantage solar eclipse, Aang and his friends invade the Fire Realm to defeat Ozai, but they are forced to retreat in an uphill battle. After that, Ozai, who destroyed the people of the air during the Hundred Years' War, decides to do the same with the people of the earth. He chooses a time for this, when Sozin's comet flies in the sky, increasing fire magic. At this time, Zuko decides to rethink his life path and from an enemy Aang becomes his friend. He teaches the avatar the magic of the fourth element - fire. Afterwards, Aang and his followers fight the Fire Nation. The Avatar will have a duel with Ozai. Since Aang gained the power of the four elements, he manages to defeat Ozai and deprive him of his strength. Season 3 of Aang's Avatar ends with the end of the war - peacetime finally begins. Aang and Katara, who have come a long way together, confess their love to each other.

    Aang and Katara bond in love

    In the wake of the popularity of the series "Avatar: The Last Airbender" in 2010, the full-length film "The Last Airbender" was released. The film is based on the 1st season of the cartoon "Avatar: The Last Airbender". In a magical world where peoples belonging to the four elements live - water, earth, air and fire - a war breaks out, unleashed by the people of fire. The avatar, designed to keep harmony in the world, disappears into the ice, where a girl, a water magician named Katara, finds him a hundred years later.

    An avatar belonging to the people of the air, who was exterminated during the war, begins his journey through the world. He learns the magic of other elements and gradually frees the captured settlements. Meanwhile, the Fire Nation, led by Admiral Zhao, attacks the Water Tribe's city at the North Pole. Jao kills the spirit of the moon, and all the waterbenders lose their power. In order to bring the spirit of the moon back to life, the princess of the northern Water Tribe, Yui, sacrifices herself. Aang, with the help of waterbenders and his friends, drives the people of fire from foreign territories and declares himself an avatar.

    This is what Aang's avatar looks like in the movie version

    As conceived by the creators, the movie "Avatar: The Last Airbender" was supposed to consist of three parts. However, the first film directed by M. Night Shyamalan (The Sixth Sense, The Secret Forest) failed at the box office. The picture was negatively perceived by the audience and film critics and even received five Golden Raspberry anti-awards at once. Thus, the project was put on hold, and Avatar: The Last Airbender 2 and its sequel never saw the light of day.

    Avatar Aang

    Avatar Aang (Avatar Ang) is an airbender, the last representative of his people. He looks like a 12-year-old boy, but his real age is 112 years, since Aang spent 100 years in the ice. Initially wants to avoid the burden of the avatar, but since he is entrusted with the mission of ending the war, he resigns himself. For the invention of a special magical technique of the elements of air, he received tattoos on his body in the form of arrows. Aang has an easy friendly character, often fooling around, and at the beginning of the series behaves like a simple restless boy. At the same time, at a crucial moment, he can become serious, show fortitude and fearlessness. Aang loves animals very much, among the animals he has friends - the six-legged buffalo Appa and the winged lemur Momo.

    All four types of magic are available to the avatar: magic of air, water, earth and fire


    Katara is a 14-year-old girl from the Southern Water Tribe. In his tribe, he is the only magician, and since he does not have a teacher, he cannot handle his abilities. But, having met Aang and embarking on a journey with him, he finally masters his magic. The abilities she acquired are healing and the ability to control the fluid inside the bodies of living organisms (blood magic). In one of the episodes, he saves Aang from death by using magic. After the end of the war, she becomes the wife of Aang's avatar. Katara has a brother, Sokku. He does not possess magical powers, but is also in Aang's squad.

    Katara brought Aang back to life multiple times

    Toph Beifong

    Toph Beifong is a representative of the tribe of the earth, a blind girl from birth. At the same time, he has acute hearing, can feel the slightest vibrations. As a child, she learned about her abilities, which she adopted from blind mole badgers. After that, she became one of the most powerful magicians of the earth. After meeting the avatar and his friends, at the age of 12, she ran away from home to join Aang's team. She became his mentor in mastering the magic of the earth. After the end of the war, she became chief of police. She lived to a ripe old age and was even able to meet Korra, who became the next avatar. Toph is the inventor of metal magic.

    Toph found herself in the magic of the earth and thanks to her she learned to see the world around her.


    Zuko is the son of Ozai, leader of the Fire Nation. For his unworthy behavior at the military council, he was called to a duel by his own father. But seeing that the forces were unequal, he began to beg Ozai for mercy. For this, his father left a scar on Zuko's eye and expelled him from the country. He can only restore his honor by capturing and killing the avatar. Zuko goes looking for Aang with his uncle Iroh. He teaches his nephew the magic of fire. Using it, Zuko and Azula kill the avatar, who is then revived by Katara. In the future, Zuko becomes a supporter of Aang and helps to end the hundred year war launched by his ancestors.

    Zuko eventually becomes Aang's teacher.


    Azula is the beloved daughter of Ozai, who also has magical powers. More powerful and capable than Zuko, at the same time more cruel and unscrupulous. It is she who causes the death of the avatar. But when the moment comes for the final showdown, Azula loses to Zuko and Katara. As a result, Azula goes crazy, her magic becomes uncontrollable.

    Azula is the princess of the Fire Nation: fierce, beautiful, purposeful and calculating

    Avatar: The Legend of Korra is a 2012 animated television series that is the sequel to the Aang series. The creators of The Legend of Korra were also Michael DiMartino and Brian Konietzko. The action of the cartoon takes place in the same fictional world as in the prequel. After the end of the war, 70 years have already passed, a Republican city was formed in the world, where representatives of the peoples of all elements can peacefully coexist. main character, Korra's girlfriend, is the new incarnation of the avatar after Aang's death. She belongs to the people of the elements of water and from childhood begins to master the magic of other elements. Unlike Avatar: The Last Airbender, Korra's story spanned four seasons. The sequel was also favorably received by viewers and critics and received high ratings.

    Korra is the new incarnation of the avatar

    Avatar: The Legend of Korra: Season 1

    17-year-old Korra, who has become a new avatar, has difficulty mastering airbending. She has to turn to Tenzin, Aang's son, for help. Training is not easy for Korra, she comes into constant conflict with Tenzin. At this time, the community of Equalists, led by a certain Amon, makes itself felt. Their goal is to take power from magicians and thereby equalize them with ordinary people. Korra fights the Equalists and defeats Amon.

    Avatar: The Legend of Korra: Season 2

    Korra goes to the Ice Spirit Festival held in the territory of the Southern Water Tribe. During the event, an unknown dark spirit suddenly appears and Korra fights. However, with all her unique abilities, she cannot defeat him, and the leader of the Northern and Southern Water Tribes, Unalak, drives away the spirit. Then Korra realizes that she has not yet mastered airbending enough to become a powerful avatar. Meanwhile, Unalaq decides to reunite the two Water Tribes, but the people resist it. Season 2 of The Legend of Korra ends with the avatar acting as an intermediary for this association, after which it incurs the discontent of some of the tribesmen.

    Korra has to overcome as many obstacles as Aang

    Avatar: The Legend of Korra: Season 3

    The city of the Republic begins to be flooded with spirits that have appeared from somewhere. City President Raiko blames the avatar for not stopping the threat and banishes her. Suddenly, long-vanished airbenders begin to appear in the world. Korra, along with Tenzin, decide to find them and revive the destroyed Air Nation. At this time, members of another mysterious organization, the Order of the Red Lotus, make themselves felt. Korra fights and defeats their leader, the outlaw Zaheer, but loses her power in the process.

    Avatar: The Legend of Korra: Season 4

    For two years, Korra, having lost the power of an avatar, wanders the world and one day meets Toph Beifong in the swamps. Korra learns from her that her powers were blocked by the metal left in her body after the fight with Zaheer. The girl frees herself from the metal by an effort of will and regains strength.

    During the disappearance of the avatar, the metal mage Kuvira begins to conduct his destructive activities. To begin with, it unites all the territories of the Earth Kingdom. Kuvira's future plans are the creation of the Empire of the Earth, which she will rule with absolute power. Korra gets into a fight with Kuvira, during which the latter loses control of her power and is hit by a devastating beam. However, the avatar saves Kuvira from death, and she surrenders, ordering her army to retreat.

    Thus, season 4 of The Legend of Korra ends with the fact that peace and order are again established in the world, and a portal of spirits appears in the center of the City of the Republic, connecting the earthly and otherworldly worlds.


    Korra is the new incarnation of the avatar after Aang. She was born in the Southern Water Tribe, where she mastered the magic of her native element, as well as the magic of earth and fire. The most difficult thing for Korra was air magic: in order to master it perfectly, the girl had to turn to Aang's son Tenzin for help. Unlike his predecessor, he relies on physical abilities, and not on spirituality. Korra has a short temper and quickly gets into fights. Her friend and faithful assistant is the polar bear dog Naga.

    Korra and her faithful friend - the dog Naga

    Asami Sato

    Asami Sato is a racing driver and friend of Korra. The daughter of a wealthy industrialist who later establishes her own company, Industry of the Future. With outward calmness and politeness, he has a tough character. Like Korra, she is in love with Mako, who loves her back. However, in the last episode of the animated series, a hint is made of the emergence of tender feelings between Asami and Korra.

    Asami Sato is an excellent driver and often races


    Mako is a firebender and friend of Korra. From the age of 8 he was an orphan, grew up on the streets of the City of the Republic with his brother Bolin. Thanks to his exceptional abilities, he successfully takes part in the tournament of magicians. Subsequently, he becomes a police officer of the City of Republic. For some time, Korra and Mako are a couple, but then they break up.

    Mako was also Asami Sato's lover for some time.


    Bolin is Mako's brother, but, unlike him, is an earthbender. Has a cheerful and pleasant personality. Participates in the tournament of magicians, has a fiery ferret named Pabu.


    Tenzin is the youngest of Aang's three children and is a powerful airbender. Serves in the Consulate of the Republic and is the mentor of Korra's avatar. He subsequently led the resurgent Air Nation. Has a serious and calm personality.


    Unalaq is Korra's uncle and leader of the Northern Water Tribe. Trying to unite the Northern and Southern Water Tribes and lead them, Unalak enters into a relationship with the spirit of chaos and darkness Vatu. However, Korra ruins Unalaq's plans and defeats him.


    Kuvira is one of the guardians of the Earth Kingdom. Subsequently, she decided to form a great Earth Empire. Possesses the magic of metal. She turns out to be defeated by Korra and goes to jail.

    Avatar: The Last Airbender: Music and Songs

    The soundtracks and sound effects for Avatar: The Last Airbender were composed by Jeremy Zuckerman and Benjamin Wynn. According to the idea of ​​Dimartino and Konietzko, the music should be as unusual as the whole world of Aang. Therefore, when creating soundtracks, horns, duduk, flute, trombone, Japanese taiko drums and other national instruments were used. The authors of the idea wanted the music written for the series not to be electronic, since there is no electricity in Aang's universe. The same team worked on the soundtracks for the sequel, The Legend of Korra.

    The first three Aang avatar video games were developed by THQ and released at the end of each season. And the video game Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Burning Earth, which appeared in 2007, was even nominated for an Annie Award in the Best Animated Video Game category. In 2008, the online video game Avatar: Legends of the Arena was released and was available in 81 countries. In 2014, two games dedicated to the Legends of Korra were released. The first one was named The Legend of Korra and was available for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 platforms. The second - The Legend of Korra: A New Era Begins - was developed only for the Nintendo 3DS.

    Video games about Aang's avatar are very popular

    Avatar: The Last Airbender: Comics

    The first Aang avatar comic was released in 2011 by Dark Horse Comics. A year earlier, the same publisher released a voluminous 184-page graphic album, consisting of many illustrations and sketches drawn during the creation of the animated series. In 2012, a trilogy of comics was released that tells about the avatar of Aang and his friends after the events that occurred in the animated series. In 2013, another trilogy of comics was released - a continuation of the events of the previous series.

    At the moment, Michael DiMartino and Brian Konietzko are developing comics dedicated to the continuation of Korra's adventures. According to the story, Korra's avatar will travel through the spirit world with Asami, with whom she will become romantically involved. It is known that a total of three volumes of 80 pages will be released. The comic is scheduled for release in 2016. It is believed that he will become the basis of the plot for the 5th season of the TV series Avatar: The Legend of Korra.

    Criticism and public perception

    Cartoon "Avatar: The Last Airbender" made a positive impression on the audience. The first thing that critics noted was an unusual and very interesting plot, which is a rarity for modern animated series. Hayden Childs from The A.V. Club notes that Avatar Aang, unlike many similar projects, is consistent and interesting from start to finish. The end of the story is not far-fetched, but excellent verified and logical. This happened due to the fact that the creators of the project Dimartino and Konietzko initially thought out the entire storyline. Thus, they knew at the beginning of the story how it would end. This is a huge plus over many other series when the writers have a good idea, but the end of the story is blurry.

    Also, many critics speak admiringly of the detailed and beautiful universe created by Dimartino and Konietzko. The world in which the events of Aang's Avatar take place refers the viewer to Asian culture, which in itself is very curious. The second point, which appealed to film critics and viewers, is that the animated series raises serious issues of moral choice, and the story of Aang's avatar implies an educational function.

    Susan Stewart of The New York Times noted that the animated series discusses the issues of reconciliation of religion and violence in a way that even a small child can perceive them. Some critics were dissatisfied with the fact that there is still violence in the cartoon, despite the fact that Avatar Aang is designed for an audience of 2 years and older. Markus Yoars from Plugged In magazine felt that the animated series has a theme of tribal genocide (the destruction of the people of air nomads), and also contains quite a lot of violence and fights. All this is unacceptable for a children's audience. Some critics do not agree with this point of view. Thus, one of the reviewers of the MovieWeb portal believes that the theme of genocide and violence in the cartoon is shown very delicately and is balanced by wonderful and kind humor.

    As for the sequel, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, according to critics and viewers, the sequel is in no way inferior to the cartoon Avatar Aang. Some believe that The Legend of Korra is a more complex and deep story, designed for teenage rather than children's audiences. This is also indicated by the fact that the main character of this story is 17 years old, and not 12, as was the avatar of Aang. Brian Lowry of Variety notes that The Legend of Korra is an ambitious project aimed at an older audience than Avatar Aang, and will even be of interest to some adults.

    However, even in such a serious and detailed project as The Legend of Korra, there were some ambiguous moments. For example, the kiss of two heroines - Korra and Asami in the final episode of the series - has come to be seen as a manifestation of same-sex relationships. Mike Hoffman of Escapist magazine counters that the scene is not intended to be a bombshell, as the teen audience is mature enough to be comfortable with the topic of same-sex relationships.

    The scene between Korra and Asami that caused so much gossip from the audience

    As in Avatar Aang, so in The Legend of Korra, many viewers and critics note the excellent visual component. Both animated series are drawn very high quality, which only enhances the favorable effect of viewing.