The program at the school is an elementary school perspective. "Perspective"

working on UMK "Perspektiva"

The main educational program of primary general education for educational institutions working on the teaching materials "Perspektiva" (Scientific adviser, Ph.D., director of the Center for system-activity pedagogy "School 2000 ..." AIC and PPRO, laureate of the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education), has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State educational standard elementary general education to the structure of the main educational program (approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009 No. 000); based on analysis activities of an educational institution taking into account the capabilities of the educational and methodological complex "Perspektiva".

The educational program "Perspective" is a system of interrelated programs, each of which is an independent link, providing a certain direction of activity of an educational institution. The unity of these programs forms a complete system for ensuring the life, functioning and development of a particular educational institution.

Educational program "Perspective" in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard contains the following sections:

    explanatory note; the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education by students on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard and taking into account the teaching materials "Perspektiva"; an exemplary curriculum of the UMK "Perspektiva"; a program for the formation of universal educational activities for students at the stage of primary general education on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard and taking into account the teaching materials "Perspektiva"; programs of individual subjects, courses included in the EMC "Perspektiva"; a program of spiritual and moral development, education of students at the stage of primary general education on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard and taking into account the teaching materials "Perspektiva"; a program for the formation of a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle based on the Federal State Educational Standard and taking into account the teaching materials "Perspektiva" *; a program of corrective work based on the principles of activity in the UMC "Perspektiva"**; a system for assessing the achievement of the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education.

The program corresponds to the main principles of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education set out in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. It:

    the humanistic nature of education, the priority of universal human values, human life and health, the free development of the individual; education of citizenship, diligence, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for nature, Motherland, family; the unity of the federal cultural and educational space, the protection and development by the education system of national cultures, regional cultural traditions and characteristics in a multinational state; general accessibility of education, adaptability of the education system to the levels and characteristics of the development and training of students and pupils; ensuring self-determination of the individual, creating conditions for its self-realization, creative development; the formation of a student's picture of the world adequate to the modern level of knowledge and level of education; the formation of a person and a citizen integrated into the society of his day and aimed at improving this society; promotion of mutual understanding and cooperation between people, peoples, regardless of national, religious and social affiliation.

The purpose of the implementation of the educational program "Perspective" is:

    creation of conditions for the development and education of the personality of a younger student in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of primary general education; achievement of the planned results in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard and on the basis of the Perspektiva UMC.

The objectives of the implementation of the educational program "Perspective":

    Achievement personal results students:
      readiness and ability of students to self-development; the formation of motivation for learning and cognition; comprehension and acceptance of the main basic values.
    Achievement meta subject results students: Mastering universal educational actions (regulatory, cognitive, communicative). Achievement of substantive results: Mastering the experience of substantive activity in obtaining new knowledge, its transformation and application based on the elements of scientific knowledge, the modern scientific picture of the world.

Based on the general requirements for programs, each EI contributes to Explanatory note individual characteristics due to the specifics of this particular institution. These features are reflected in the following provisions of the activity analysis:

    Full name of the educational institution in accordance with the Charter; the time of its creation; registration as a legal entity
    ; terms of passing of licensing and certification; obtaining a Certificate of State Accreditation and the status of an institution (gymnasium, lyceum, school with in-depth study ... etc.). Structure educational environment: interaction of this particular institution with institutions of basic and additional education : network interaction. Characteristics of the contingent of students: the number of classes, groups extended day. Characteristic educational needs parents. Shelter operating mode: number of shifts, duration training sessions. Characteristics of the staff: the total number of teachers. The average age of teachers, their educational qualifications, the availability of academic degrees, titles, categories, etc.) Creative achievements of students and teachers: participation in competitions, seminars, conferences. Material and technical base of OS. OU traditions: memory watch, alumni congress, honoring veterans, etc.

UMK "Perspective" represents a holistic information and educational environment for elementary school, constructed on the basis of unified ideological, didactic and methodological principles that are adequate to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education. This approach makes it possible to put into practice the key provision of the Federal State Educational Standard: “The effectiveness of the educational process should be ensured by the information and educational environment? a system of information and educational resources and tools that provide conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of an educational institution.

ideological basis UMC "Perspektiva" is a "Concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia", aimed at forming in the younger generation a system of values ​​of humanism, creation, self-development, morality as the basis for successful self-realization of the student in life and work and as a condition for the security and prosperity of the country.

Didactic basis UMK "Perspektiva" is a didactic system of the activity method (), synthesizing, on the basis of a methodological system-activity approach, non-conflicting ideas from modern concepts of developing education from the standpoint of the continuity of scientific views with traditional school(Conclusion of the Russian Academy of Education of 01.01.2001, Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education for 2002).

Methodological basis is the totality modern methods and methods of training and education implemented in the Perspektiva UMC (project activities, work with information, the world of activity, etc.). Textbooks effectively complement workbooks and creative notebooks, dictionaries, books for reading, methodological recommendations for teachers, didactic materials, multimedia applications (DVD-video; DVDs with lesson scripts that implement the activity method of teaching; CD-ROMs; presentation materials for multimedia projectors; interactive whiteboard software, etc.), Internet support and other resources in all subject areas of the GEF curriculum (FSES, section III, p. 19.3.).

Municipal educational institution "Secondary School No. 27"

Department of Education of the local administration of the city of. Nalchik

Educational program


Accepted at the pedagogical council


The importance and urgency of the problem methodological support educational process in primary school in connection with the transition to the FGOS.

Primary school is the most important stage in the process of general education of a student. In four years, he needs not only to master the program material subject disciplines, but also to learn to learn - to become a "professional student".

As an organizational form of learning; all cognitive and educational tasks are solved by students in the conditions of joint activity, cooperation and cooperation with the teacher and peers.

4. The principle of creative activity involves:

Stimulating and encouraging the creative activity of students, initiating the setting of new cognitive and artistic and creative tasks;

Participation in project collective forms of work;

Creation of a favorable atmosphere for the disclosure of the creative potential of each child based on interpersonal relationships built on a model of equality, respect and recognition of the self-worth of each student.

Activity paradigm of education

as an essential condition for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Speaking about the activity paradigm, it should be noted that its implementation depends to a greater extent on the teacher. The textbooks of the EMC "Perspektiva", methodological recommendations and "Technological maps" (a new innovative methodological manual) offer materials, methods and techniques that will help the teacher organize educational process in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The system-activity approach, which is the basis of the UMC "Perspektiva" assumes:

Education and development of personality traits that meet the requirements of the information society, innovative economy, the tasks of building a democratic, civil society based on tolerance, dialogue of cultures and respect for the multinational, multicultural and multi-confessional composition of Russian society;

Transition to the strategy of social design and construction in the education system based on the development of the content and technologies of education that determine the ways and means of achieving the socially desired level (result) of the personal and cognitive development of students;

Orientation to the results of education as a system-forming component of the Federal State Educational Standard, where the development of the student's personality on the basis of the assimilation of universal educational activities, knowledge and development of the world is the goal and main result of education;

Recognition of the decisive role of the content of education and methods of organization educational activities and educational cooperation in achieving the goals of personal, social and cognitive development of students;

Accounting for the individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students, the role and significance of activities and forms of communication to determine the goals of education and upbringing and ways to achieve them;

Ensuring the continuity of preschool, primary general, basic and secondary (complete) general education;

A variety of individual educational trajectories and individual development of each student (including gifted children and children with disabilities), ensuring the growth of creativity, cognitive motives, enrichment of forms of educational cooperation and expansion of the zone of proximal development.

All these areas are reflected in the content of the "Technological maps". They can be found on the website of the Prosveshcheniye Publishing House at the link: http://www. *****/umk/perspektiva heading "Perspective" for the teacher.

Routing allows:

· to implement the standard of education;

understand and apply in the system the proposed technology for the formation of universal learning activities among students;

· to form a holistic picture of the world through the real use of "intersubject communications";

· to fully use the educational potential of UMK "Perspektiva";

determine the level of disclosure of the material and correlate it with the material being studied in subsequent classes;

· to implement regional and school material, based on the material of the teaching materials "Perspective"

realize your creative potential (in the technological map, ready-made developments of all topics of the subjects of the curriculum are given,

the teacher is released from routine unproductive work in preparation for lessons);

individualize and differentiate the educational process.

For the full and effective use of technological maps, it is necessary to know a number of principles and provisions that are mandatory for working with it. "Technological map" is a new type of methodological product that provides the teacher with effective and high-quality development of a new training course by moving from lesson planning to designing the educational process by topic. The technological map describes the learning process in a certain structure and in a given sequence.

The design of a universal toolkit (technological map) is aimed at achieving the results stated in the standards second generation. Standards answer the question: “What to teach?”, Technological map - “How to teach how to help the child to effectively master the content of education, to achieve the required results.

Compared to traditional “manuals”, the technological map reveals the topic of studying the material, and not just one lesson, which makes it possible to systematically master the content from the goal to the result, set and solve the tasks of achieving not only substantive results, but also personal and metasubject results.

The technological map includes:

the title of the topic;

The number of hours allotted for its study;

the purpose of mastering the educational content;

Planned results (personal, subject, meta-subject);

basic concepts of the topic;

· interdisciplinary connections and organization of space (forms of work and resources);

The technology of studying the specified topic;

a system of diagnostic tasks that determine the level of assimilation of the material at each stage of its study;

control tasks on the topic, which determine the achievement of the planned results in the framework of the study of the stated topic

The section "Technology of study" is divided into stages of training. At each stage of the work, the goal and the predicted result are determined, practical tasks are given for working out the material and diagnostic tasks to check its understanding and assimilation, at the end of the topic - control task, which checks the achievement of the planned results. The description of each stage indicates the goal learning activities and study assignments.

At the first stage of training "Self-determination in activity", the stimulation of students' interest in the study of a particular topic is organized through a situational task. The stage involves the following steps:

Motivation as stimulation of interest;

Determination of needs as a personally significant component of the study of this topic;

Revealing what is missing in knowledge and skills to solve a situational task and determining the purpose of educational activity at the next stage.

At the stage of "Educational and cognitive activity" the development of meaningful blocks of the topic is organized. To master the educational content, training tasks for "knowledge", "understanding", "skill" are offered.

At the stage of "Intellectual and transformative activity" students are invited to complete practical tasks:

Informative, where students work using the pattern on the board;

improvisational, where students use a task that differs from the sample in content or form;

heuristic, where students complete their version of the task.

The fulfillment of the task involves the self-organization of schoolchildren, which includes: preparation for the implementation (planning) of activities, performance and presentation of work.

The result of this step is:

Student orientation in different types tasks (cognitive action);

Self-organization of the student when performing the task (regulatory action);

The use by the student of adequate speech statements to present the result (cognitive, communicative action);

The manifestation of one's attitude (gratitude) to the heroes of the textbook and the teacher (personal action);

The ability of the student to solve the task (cognitive, regulatory action), that is, to use the acquired knowledge and skills in specific practical activities.

At the stage of reflective activity of students, the result obtained is correlated with the set goal (introspection - regulative action) and the activity (self-assessment - personal action) is evaluated for mastering the topic.

Unlike other teaching aids, when using a map at each stage of training, the teacher can confidently say whether he achieved the result or not. And if, in accordance with the result predicted by the teacher, more than 60% of the students in the class performed diagnostic work at a particular stage, then we can say with confidence that the material is understood, mastered, and you can move on. If the task is correctly completed by less than 60% of the students, then the teacher needs to return to the material covered and complete its full development. Only then can you move on to the next step.

A few simple rules for working with a technological map.

1. Use flow charts to work on a topic or course section.

2. Carefully read the topic on which you will work.

3. Find it in the textbook of the subject you are studying, and prepare the textbooks that are marked in the "intersubject communications" section.

4. Get acquainted with the goals of studying the topic, correlate with the planned results, determine the tasks that will help achieve the goal, (Relate the goals with the previously covered material).

5. Read the highlighted basic concepts of the topic being studied, see in which subjects they are still being studied (intersubject communications).

6. Analyze the meaning of the planned results, especially in terms of universal learning activities

7. Choose “your” forms of work in accordance with the goals and conditions of training: for mobile work or quiet activities, for searching for information or demonstrating achievements, etc. This will help expand the boundaries of the use of resources, which include EMC “Perspective”, available at school, visual aids, interactive or just additional work boards, exhibitions, stands, and so on.

8. In the "Learning Technology" section, follow the algorithm proposed in the map. This will help not to miss a single element in achieving the goal set at the stage, and most importantly, to achieve effective and high-quality development of the topic.

9. At the first stage, motivating students to study the topic, you can use the task given in the map, take it from the textbook, or offer your own.

10. Fix in the map the changes that you make and correlate with the further algorithm for passing the topic.

11. Make sure that it is the student who knows, understands, knows how to study the material, in what way he performs, i.e. complete the task proposed in the column of the same name, and only after that proceed to the next stage.

12. Try to complete all the proposed diagnostic and control tasks. Then you can say with confidence: “This topic has been completed, the planned results have been achieved. We're moving on."

Compare the stages, steps of the technological map with lesson plan that you use and choose the best way to organize your work.

When using a technological map, lesson planning may not be necessary.

The structure of the "Technological map":

Technological map of the study of the topic (topic name)

Purpose of the topic

Planned result:

Item Skills, UUD

Personal UUD:

Cognitive UUD:

Regulatory UUD:

Communicative UUD:

Space organization

Intersubject communications

Forms of work

I stage. Motivation for activity

Problematic situation.

II stage. Educational and cognitive activity

Sequence of study

Diagnostic task

III stage. Intellectual and transformative activity

reproductive task

Improvisation task

Heuristic task

Self-organization in activity

VI stage. Monitoring and evaluation of performance results.

Forms of control; control task.

Performance evaluation

If it is difficult or unusual to design a topic, then you can limit yourself to designing one lesson. This structure is subject to change or additions.

"Perspective"- this is an educational and methodological complex (EMC) for primary classes in general educational institutions, which is a holistic information and educational environment that implements unified ideological, didactic and methodological principles that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES).

Textbooks for studying the subject area "Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and secular ethics» (ORKSE) in 4th grade (can be used as part of the textbook systems "School of Russia" and "Perspective"):

ORKSE. Fundamentals of Orthodox culture. Kuraev A.V.
- ORKSE. Fundamentals of Islamic culture. The authors: Latyshina D.I., Murtazin M.F.
- ORKSE. Fundamentals of Jewish culture. The authors: Chlenov M.A., Mindrina G.A., Glotser A.V.
- ORKSE. Fundamentals of Buddhist culture. Chimitdorzhiev V.L.
- ORKSE. Fundamentals of world religious cultures. The authors: Beglov A.L., Saplina E.V., Tokareva E.S. and etc.
- ORKSE. Fundamentals of secular ethics. Shemshurina A.I.

Learning foreign languages ​​according to the following teaching materials of the Prosveshchenie publishing house:

Is your child studying under the UMK Perspective program? We are ready to provide you with a complete set of textbooks and workbooks from grades 1 to 4, corresponding to this system. It doesn't matter which city in Russia you live in - your set of textbooks will be delivered to you in the fastest and most convenient way!

Stores where textbooks UMK Perspective you can buy at retail, they raise the price quite a lot compared to the original one. But if you buy or order textbooks and workbooks as a set, it costs a lot less! But we do not just offer you a set of textbooks - we offer you textbooks and workbooks under the Perspective program for the whole class at a discount, which will have a wholesale price that is 10-15% lower than the market price!

You can look at the list and compare the prices shown in it with those offered in the store. We are sure the difference will amaze you! Add to that the time saved you would have spent searching for every textbook and workbook.

The work program "Perspective" is quite popular in schools today. All textbooks are included in the Federal State Educational Standard. In this section of the site, you can download and print textbooks, workbooks on a printed basis for free, teaching aids under the program "Perspective" for elementary grades (grades 1,2,3,4).

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  • GDZ Russian language textbook grade 4 part 1 Klimanov, Babushkin. Answers to tasks

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  • GDZ Russian language workbook Grade 3 Part 1 Klimanov, Babushkin

    I’ll start again and again with the fact that even though these printed Russian language notebooks are provided for by the Perspektiva program, the school does not allocate money for them and parents are forced to buy notebooks at their own expense. They cost a lot, 250-300 rubles for 1 part, but there is not much sense in them. Therefore, parents, together with the teacher, often decide not to buy the workbooks of the authors Klimanova and Babushkina. In this case, the teacher

  • GDZ Mathematics Grade 4 textbook part 1. Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Ready-made answers to tasks, a solution book 📚

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  • GDZ Mathematics grade 4 workbook part 1. Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Ready-made answers to tasks, a solution book 📚✍

    Answers to the 7th edition. If you continue to study under the "Perspective" program in the current academic year, then we have a joyful prospect for you: check your homework with our correct GDZ. Dear parents, this is for you if you are still checking your child's lessons, and for you, fourth grade students, if you are already so independent that you do it yourself homework and check

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  • GDZ Russian language grade 2 textbook part 2. Klimanov, Babushkina. Answers to tasks ✍

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  • GDZ Russian language workbook Grade 4 Part 1 Klimanov, Babushkina ✍

    Many words have already been written by us about workbooks in the Russian language on a printed basis of the program "Perspective", the authors of Klimanov, Babushkina, we do not get tired of repeating that another workbook, now for the fourth grade, is a waste of time for the student and parents. It would be nice if they were given out at school for free, but you still need to buy them, but they don’t cost a penny. The tasks are simple, but, as usual, there are some

  • GDZ Mathematics textbook grade 1 part 1 Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Reshebnik, ready-made answers to tasks 📚✍

    Let's make a reservation right away that this textbook is suitable for children who are completely unfamiliar with numbers and poorly familiar with counting, and such children are, to be honest, a rarity in our time. Of course, those parents who are for "the very Soviet education system" that gave everything from scratch and at school the child really learned to read will be delighted,

  • GDZ Mathematics textbook grade 2 part 1 Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Reshebnik, ready-made answers to tasks 📚

    Here we are, finally, and finished our studies safely up to the second grade. The lessons started again and again they are homework. To make doing homework with your child and checking answers much easier, you can use our ready-made math homework assignments in the form of a solution book. GDZ in this section of the site

  • GDZ Mathematics grade 3 workbook part 1. Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Ready-made answers to tasks, a solution book 📚

    At the request of many students and their parents, we are publishing a mathematics solution book for the Perspektiva program for grade 3. These are ready-made homework assignments in mathematics for a workbook for grade 3, or rather the first part of it, the authors of which are G.V. Dorofeev, T.N. Mirakova, T.B. Buka. Workbook for the current academic year. All answers are checked and approved

  • GDZ Russian language Grade 2 workbook part 1. Klimanov, Babushkina. Answers to tasks

    Ready-made homework assignments on the subject of the Russian language for grade 2 for the first part of the workbook under the perspective program, authors L.F. Klimanov, T.V. Babushkina for the current academic year will help check the child’s answers without spending a lot of time for busy parents.

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  • GDZ Mathematics Grade 2 workbook part 1. Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Ready-made answers to tasks, a solution book 📚

    So our students moved to the second grade. We continue to study the mathematics course under the Perspective program, textbooks and workbooks by the authors Dorofeev, Mirakov, Buka, and those who suddenly switched to this program for some reason will get acquainted with them. Assignments are fairly simple, except for a few inadequate ones.

  • This is a rather stupid creative notebook in the opinion of many elementary school teachers, and therefore most do not even buy them for textbooks. Absolutely the same material and almost the same questions are in the textbook, and therefore we will also go over this creative notebook briefly, without stops and special explanations. Let us clarify that this creative notebook is for a textbook on

  • GDZ "World around 4th grade". Workbook 1 part. Pleshakov, Novitskaya. Answers to tasks, solution book

    Answers to the 5th edition. By tradition, we continue to publish a series of high-quality finished homework assignments under the Perspektiva program. This time in the field of view there will be a solution book on the subject of the world around us for grade 4.

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  • GDZ Mathematics textbook grade 2 part 2 Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Reshebnik, ready-made answers to tasks

  • Examinations were compiled for the textbook by G.V. Dorofeeva, T.N. Mirakova "Mathematics Grade 2" UMK "Perspective". At the beginning of the page, there are options for tests compiled by primary school teachers, at the end - options for tests from the compiler of the mathematics textbook

  • Variants of test papers on literary reading for grade 2, UMK Perspektiva. Partly on the knowledge of the program, partly on logic and attentiveness. Tests will help in preparing for a unified test in grade 4, since it is also given in the form

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    Ready-made homework for a workbook on the subject of the Russian language "Write beautifully" for grade 1. Authors L.F. Klimanova, A.V. Abramov. It is well known how difficult it is for children to write. So, the children have already studied the alphabet, the notebooks "My alphabet" have finished. Interesting and

  • GDZ "World around 3rd class". Workbook part 2. Pleshakov, Novitskaya. Answers to tasks, solution book

    Ready-made homework with answers to the second part of the workbook on the subject of the World around, Grade 3. The authors of the notebook are Pleshakov, Novitskaya. Perspective program. The handbook will be useful to every student

  • GDZ "World around 3rd class". Workbook 1 part. Pleshakov, Novitskaya. Answers to tasks, solution book

    Answers to tasks in the workbook on the subject of the world around for grade 3, part 1 of the workbook, authors Pleshakov and Novitskaya, program Perspective. The guide will help you with your homework.

For the orientation of educational institutions and teachers in the existing variety of educational and methodological complexes, we present their brief description.

Currently, in the Russian Federation there are traditional and developing systems of education.
Traditional programs include:"School of Russia", "Primary School of the XXI century", "School2000", "School 2100", "Harmony", "Perspective Primary School", "Classical Primary School", "Planet of Knowledge", "Perspective". Development systems include two programs: L.V. Zankov and D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydov.

Below is a brief description of the above educational and methodological complexes (TMC). More detailed information on each EMC can be found on the indicated sites.

Educational and methodological complex "School of Russia"

(under the editorship of A. Pleshakov)

Publishing house "Enlightenment".

The traditional program "School of Russia" has existed for decades. The author himself emphasizes that this set was created in Russia and for Russia. The main goal of the program is to "develop a child's interest in learning about their country and its spiritual greatness, its significance on a global scale." The traditional program allows you to carefully practice the skills of learning activities (reading, writing, counting) that are necessary for successful education in high school.

The educational and methodological course "Literacy and speech development" by the authors V. G. Goretsky, V. A. Kiryushkin, L. A. Vinogradskaya answers all modern requirements teaching children in elementary school.

During the period of literacy, work is being done to develop the phonetic hearing of children, teaching initial reading and writing, expanding and clarifying children's ideas about the surrounding reality, enriching the vocabulary and developing speech.

In addition to the "Russian alphabet", the set includes two types of copy-books: the copy-books of the authors V. G. Goretsky, N. A. Fedosova and the "Miracle-copy" of the author V. A. Ilyukhina. Their distinctive feature is that they not only form the skills of literate, calligraphic writing, but also provide an opportunity to correct handwriting at different stages of learning and in different age groups.

For the development of the cognitive abilities of each child in the course "Mathematics" the subject of tasks has been updated, a variety of geometric material has been introduced, entertaining tasks developing logical thinking and imagination of children. Great importance is attached to comparison, comparison, opposition of interconnected concepts, tasks, clarification of similarities and differences in the facts under consideration.
The set includes textbooks and teaching aids of a new generation that meet all the requirements for a modern educational book.
Produces textbooks and teaching aids UMK "School of Russia" publishing house "Prosveshchenie".

The system of textbooks "School of Russia":
1. ABC - V. G. Goretsky, V. A. Kiryushkin, L. A. Vinogradskaya and others.
2. Russian language - V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky.
3. Russian language - L.M. Zelenina and others.
4. Literary reading - L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky, M.V. Golovanova and others.
5. English language - V.P. Kuzovlev, E.Sh. Peregudova, S.A. Pastukhova and others.
6. English (extended content of teaching a foreign language) - I.N. Vereshchagina, K.A. Bondarenko, T.A. Pritykina.
7. German- .I.L.Bim, L.I.Ryzhova, L.M.Fomicheva.
8. French- A.S. Kuligina, M.G. Kiryanov.
9. Spanish - A.A. Voinova, Yu.A. Bukharova, K.V. Moreno.
10. Mathematics - M.I.Moro, S.V. Stepanova, S.I. Volkova.
11. Informatics - A.L. Semyonov, T.A. Rudnichenko.
12. The world around - A.A. Pleshakov and others.
13. Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral cultures of the peoples of Russia - A.V. Kuraev, D.I. Latyshina, M.F. Murtazin and others.
14. Music - E.D. Kritskaya, G.P. Sergeeva, T.S. Shmagin.
15. Visual arts - L.A. Nemenskaya, E.I. Koroteeva, N.A. Goryaev.
16. Technology - N.I. Rogovtseva, N.V. Bogdanova and others.
17. Physical Culture- V.I. Lyakh.

Educational and methodical complex "Perspective"

(under the editorship of L.F. Klimanova)

Publishing house "Enlightenment".

The educational and methodical complex "Perspektiva" has been produced since 2006. The composition of the teaching materials includes lines of textbooks in the following subjects: "Literacy", "Russian language", "Literary reading", "Mathematics", "The world around us", "Technology".

The educational and methodological complex "Perspektiva" was created on a conceptual basis that reflects modern achievements in the field of psychology and pedagogy, while maintaining a close connection with the best traditions of classical Russian school education.

EMC ensures the availability of knowledge and high-quality assimilation of program material, the comprehensive development of the personality of a younger student, taking into account his age characteristics, interests and needs. A special place in the UMC "Perspektiva" is given to the formation of spiritual and moral values, acquaintance with the cultural and historical heritage of the world and Russia, with the traditions and customs of the peoples inhabiting the Russian Federation. The textbooks include tasks for independent, pair and group work, project activities, as well as materials that can be used in extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

The EMC uses a unified navigation system for teachers, students and parents, which helps to work with information, organize and structure educational material, plan the student's activities in the lesson, organize homework, and form the skill of independent work.

The literacy course is distinguished by a communicative-cognitive and spiritual-moral orientation. The main goal of the course is active formation all types of speech activity: the ability to write, read, listen and speak, the development of speech thinking in first graders, the ability to communicate and understand themselves and others. The effectiveness of the new system is ensured by educational material selected in accordance with the level of development of the child's cognitive interests, game and entertaining exercises, structural-figurative models of words that are inscribed in various communicative speech situations. In this regard, the word is presented in a different way, namely, not only as a sound-letter complex, but as a unity of meaning, meaning and its sound-letter form.

All the conditions for a differentiated approach to students with different levels of preparation for school have been created on the pages of the TMC "Teaching Literacy".
Teaching the Russian language is organically linked with literacy and has a common focus. The peculiarity of the course is a holistic view of the language, which provides the study of the language (its phonetic, lexical and grammatical aspects), speech activity and text as a speech work.

The main objective of the course "Literary Reading" is the formation of the personality of a younger student, acquaintance with the cultural and historical heritage and the formation of reading competence. To do this, the textbook uses highly artistic texts, folklore works of different peoples. The system of questions and tasks contributes to the formation of a culture of speech communication, the development of students' creative abilities, introduces them to spiritual and moral values, introduces them to ethical and aesthetic norms, develops figurative and logical thinking of students and forms an interest in younger students in work of art like the art of the word. The headings “Independent reading”, “Family reading”, “Going to the library”, “Our theater”, “Reader-educator”, “Little and big secrets of the country of Literature”, “My favorite writers” offer various forms of work with a literary work, systematize knowledge and enrich the practical experience of the child, they present a system of working with a book both in class and in extracurricular activities.

"Teaching not only mathematics, but also mathematics" is the leading idea of ​​the TMC line in mathematics, aimed at strengthening the general cultural sound of mathematical education and increasing its significance for the formation of a child's personality. The content of the material is focused on the formation in younger students of the ability to observe, compare, generalize, find the simplest patterns, which allows them to master the heuristic methods of reasoning, their logic, develops the divergence of thinking as an essential component of mental activity, speech culture and allows them to expand their understanding of the world around them by means of mathematics. Much attention is paid to the development of numerical literacy of students, the formation of computational skills based on rational methods of action.

The textbooks have the same structure and consist of 3 sections: numbers and actions with them, geometric figures and their properties, quantities and their measurement.

The leading idea of ​​the course "The World Around" is the idea of ​​the unity of the world of nature and the world of culture. The surrounding world is considered as a natural and cultural whole, man - as a part of nature, the creator of culture and its product.

The course reveals the structure of the concept of "world around" in the unity of its three components: nature, culture, man. These three components are consistently considered at different socio-cultural levels of society (family, school, small homeland, native country, etc.), due to which the main pedagogical approaches to mastering the subject are determined: communicative-activity, cultural-historical, spiritually-oriented.

The main objective of the subject "Technology" is to create conditions for students to gain experience in project activities from conception to product presentation. Younger students master the techniques of working with paper, plasticine and natural materials, constructor, study the properties of various materials and the rules for working with them. This approach creates conditions for the formation of regulative universal educational activities in younger students, allows the formation of specific personal qualities (accuracy, attentiveness, willingness to help, etc.), communication skills (work in pairs, groups), the ability to work with information and learn basic computer skills.

The material in the textbooks is built in the form of a journey that introduces students to human activities in various areas: Man and Earth, Man and Water, Man and Air, Man and Information Space.

In the textbook "Technology" introduced sign system evaluating the quality and complexity of the product, which allows you to form the motivation for success and self-esteem of the student.

The composition of the UMC "Perspective" includes:
Textbooks in subjects (grades 1-4)
Creative notebooks
Didactic materials for the student: "Reader", "Magic power of words", "Mathematics and Informatics", "Fundamentals of life safety".
Methodological aids for teachers: lesson developments in subjects, additional teaching materials, calendar and thematic planning, technological maps.

Calendar-thematic planning and technological maps that provide the teacher with effective and high-quality teaching by moving from lesson planning to designing the study of the topic are posted on the pages of the Internet site of the UMC "Perspektiva".

Textbooks included in the UMK "Perspektiva":

1. Alphabet - L.F. Klimanov, S.G. Makeeva.
2. Russian language - L. F. Klimanova, S. G. Makeeva.
3. Literary reading - L.F. Klimanova, L.A. Vinogradskaya, V.G. Goretsky.
4. Mathematics - G.V. Dorofeev, T.N. Mirakova.
5. The world around - A.A. Pleshakov, M.Yu. Novitskaya.
6. Technology - N.I. Rogovtseva, N.V. Bogdanova, N.V. Dobromyslova

Educational and methodological complex "School 2000 ..."

Publishing house "Juventa"

The didactic system of the activity method "School 2000 ..." offers a solution to urgent educational problems in the system of continuous education (DOE - school - university). It is based on a continuous course of mathematics for preschoolers, primary and secondary schools, focused on the development of thinking, the creative powers of children, their interest in mathematics, the formation of strong mathematical knowledge and skills, readiness for self-development. The program "Learn to learn" takes into account the possibility of working on this program in the conditions of various options for the educational plan of the educational institution (4 hours or 5 hours per week).

The main goal of the program "School 2000 ..." is the comprehensive development of the child, the formation of his abilities for self-change and self-development, a picture of the world and moral qualities that create conditions for successful entry into the culture and creative life of society, self-determination and self-realization of the individual.

The selection of content and the sequence of studying the main mathematical concepts was carried out in the program "Learn to learn" on the basis of systems approach. Built by N.Ya. Vilenkin and his students, the multi-level system of initial mathematical concepts (SNMP, 1980) made it possible to establish the order of introduction of fundamental concepts in school mathematical education, ensuring successive links between them and the continuous development of all the content-methodological lines of the mathematics course 0-9.

The basis for organizing the educational process in the program "Learn to learn" is the didactic system of the activity method of teaching "School 2000", which can be used at two levels: basic and technological.

The course of mathematics "Learning to learn" for elementary school can be used in conjunction with courses in other academic subjects included in the Federal lists of textbooks of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, based on the teachers' own choice. In this case, the technology of the activity method at the basic level can be used as a didactic basis that streamlines the work of teachers in the context of the variability of education.

Teaching materials for mathematics for elementary school of the program "Learning to learn" ("School 2000 ..."

1. Mathematics - L.G. Peterson

Textbooks are equipped with teaching aids, didactic materials and a computer program for monitoring progress.

additional literature
2. Peterson L.G., Kubysheva M.A., Mazurina S.E. What does it mean to learn. Teaching aid.-M.: UMC "School 2000 ...", 2006.
3. Peterson L.G. Activity method of teaching: the educational system "School 2000 ..." // Building a continuous sphere of education.- M .: APK and PPRO, UMC "School 2000 ...", 2007.

Educational and methodical complex "School 2100"

(supervisor - L.G. Peterson)

Balass Publishing House

In the process of learning according to the EMC, in accordance with the activity approach, the task of forming a functionally literate personality is realized. On different subject content, the student learns to acquire new knowledge, to look for answers to his questions. All textbooks of the program are built taking into account the psychological specifics of age. A characteristic feature of this educational program is the minimax principle. He assumes that the authors of textbooks and the teacher enable the student (if he wants) to take the material to the maximum. In textbooks for this there is redundant information that allows the student to make a personal choice. At the same time, the most important facts, concepts and connections included in the minimum content (FSES and program requirements) must be learned by each student. The minimum is presented to the student at the lessons of the discovery of new knowledge, fixed and submitted for control. The maximum allows the student to satisfy their personal needs and interests.

Thus, each child has the opportunity to take as much as he can.

With the help of problematic dialogue technology used in educational system"School 2100" students at each lesson learn to set a goal, draw up a plan to achieve it, search for a solution, and reflect on the results of working with a text. For the formation of communicative general educational skills, the technology of working with text is used. Thus, a teacher who works according to the textbooks of the School 2100 educational system has the opportunity to achieve new educational goals simply by conducting quality lessons using the technologies adopted in this system.

List of textbooks for teaching materials "School 2100"
1. Primer - R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, O.V. Pronin.
2. Russian language - R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, O.V. Pronin.
3. Literary reading - R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva.
4. English - M.Z. Biboletova and others.
5. Mathematics - T.E. Demidova, S.A. Kozlova, A.P. Thin.
6. The world around - A.A. Vakhrushev, O.B. Bursky, A.S. Rautin.
7. Visual arts - O.A. Kurevina, E.D. Kovalevskaya.
8. Music - L.V. Shkolyar, V.O. Usacheva.
9. Technology - O.A. Kurevina, E.L. Lutzev
10. Physical culture - B.B. Egorov, Yu.E. transplant.

Educational and methodological complex "Perspective elementary school"

(supervisor - N.A. Churakova)

Publishing house "Akademkniga/textbook"

The concept of WCU is based on the humanistic belief that all children are capable of successful learning if the necessary conditions are created for them. Taking into account the age of students makes the learning process successful. All textbooks of the set provide teachers with opportunities to implement the regional component.

When selecting educational material, developing the language of presentation of the material, developing the methodological apparatus of the set, the following components were taken into account.

The age of the student. A first grader can be either six or seven or eight years old. And this is not a problem of lowering the age of a first-grader, but the problem of the simultaneous presence of children of different ages in the lesson, which required a combination of play and learning activities throughout the first year of study.

Different levels of student development. The student who did not attend Kindergarten, often comes to school with unformed sensory standards. This required solving the problem of forming sensory standards during the adaptation period of training.

Topographic affiliation of the student. The selection of material takes into account the experience of a student living in both urban and rural areas.

Different class content. Detailed wording of tasks along with instructions organizational forms their implementation (in a group, in pairs) allows schoolchildren to study independently for a sufficiently long time, which is important for a small and small school. A similar structure of textbooks within each subject area and a common external intrigue for all textbooks of the set help students of different age groups who are in the same room to be in a single educational space.

Different levels of Russian language proficiency. When developing the teaching materials "Promising Primary School", it was taken into account that not all students have Russian as their native language and that today's student has a large number of speech problems. The search for a solution to this set of problems required a revision of some important theoretical positions of the Russian language, the development of special lines of orthoepic work and work with a reverse dictionary.

As a result of mastering the subject content included in the set, each student gets the opportunity to acquire general educational skills and abilities. Master those methods of activity that meet the requirements of the state educational standard. These are, first of all, the initial skills of searching for the necessary information in dictionaries, reference books, the library catalog. A system of mutual cross-references between textbooks, each of which has its own specific educational field dictionaries, gives the student the opportunity in the process of four years of study to acquire skills in working with spelling, orthoepic, reverse, explanatory, phraseological, etymological and encyclopedic dictionaries.

The placement of a methodological apparatus for organizing children's activities in the classroom in the body of each textbook allows the set to fulfill such a requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard as the formation of educational cooperation activities - the ability to negotiate, distribute work, evaluate your contribution to the overall result of educational activities.

A unified system of symbols in all textbooks is designed to organize individual, pair, group and collective work.

List of textbooks of the TMC "Promising Primary School"

1. Alphabet - N.G. Agarkova, Yu.A. Agarkov
2. Russian language - Kalenchuk M.L., Churakova N.A., Baikova T.A., Malakhovskaya O.V., Erysheva E.R.
3. Literary reading - Churakova N.A., Malakhovskaya O.V.
4. Mathematics - A.L. Chekin, O.A. Zakharova, E.P. Yudin.
5. The world around - O.N. Fedotova, G.V. Trafimova, S.A. Trafimov, L.A. Tsareva, L.G. Kudrova.
6. Informatics - E.N. Benenson, A.G. Pautova.
7. Technology - T.M. Ragozina, A.A. Grinev.

additional literature
1) Churakova R.G. Technology and aspect analysis of the modern lesson
Churakova N.A., Malakhovskaya O.V. Museum in your class.

Educational-methodical complex “Development. Individuality. Creation. Thinking" (RITM)

(EMC "Classical Primary School")

Publishing house "Drofa"

Educational-methodical complex “Development. Individuality. Creation. Thinking (RITM) was created on the basis of the Classical Primary School teaching materials, the main feature of which is the combination modern approaches to the solution of methodological problems and the principles of didactics tested by practice, which allows students to achieve consistently high educational results.

Educational-methodical complex “Development. Individuality. Creation. Thinking” (RITM) was revised in accordance with the Federal state standard and supplemented with new textbooks (foreign language, the world around, physical education). The composition of the teaching materials includes programs, teaching aids, workbooks. Educational lines in the main subjects are provided with didactic materials, tests and sets of visual aids. All components of the teaching materials are integrated into a single methodological system, they have a modern layout, a voluminous methodological apparatus, and professionally executed illustrations.

In the subject line on the Russian language and literary reading, the native language is considered not only as an object of study, but also as a means of teaching children other disciplines, which contributes to the formation of meta-subject skills. The texts and exercises contained in the textbooks expand knowledge about the native country, its nature, contribute to the education of patriotism, the development of norms and rules of behavior, traditional moral values, tolerance, and hence the formation of the necessary personal qualities, which is the most important result of education.

In the course of studying the course of mathematics, textbooks are included in active independent and group activities, the most important result of which is the development of flexibility, criticality and variability of their thinking. The methodological apparatus of the subject line is aimed at developing logical skills: understanding the educational task, independent planning of one's actions to solve it, choosing the best ways for this.

The methodology underlying the subject lines in a foreign language is designed to form elementary foreign language communicative competence in younger students. The principle of the dialogue of cultures, implemented in the course of the English language, allows the child to smoothly enter the foreign language communicative space. The German language course is aimed at the interconnected formation of all types of communication skills- listening, speaking, reading and writing. The content of foreign language courses contributes to the formation in the child of a sense of belonging to a certain linguistic and cultural community - Russian civil identity.

In the subject line around the world, the integration of natural-science and social-humanitarian knowledge is carried out, which lays the foundations for the formation of a holistic picture of the world, solves the problems of forming ecological thinking, a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle, a system national values, ideals of mutual respect, patriotism, based on the ethno-cultural diversity and general cultural unity of Russian society.

The subject line in fine arts is focused on the aesthetic development of the individual based on mastering the best examples of the artistic heritage of the peoples of Russia and the world. It is built on the principles of a system-activity approach to learning and reflects the communicative and moral essence of art education.

The aesthetic and spiritual and moral development of students when using the subject line in music is carried out through familiarization with musical culture as the most important component of a harmoniously developed personality. The course of music is built on a broad integrative basis with subjects of the humanitarian and aesthetic cycle. It is based on the principle of forming universal educational actions - personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative.

The subject line on technology and physical culture contains extraordinary methodological methods for the formation of the necessary subject and meta-subject skills, as well as personality traits of a primary school graduate. The lines are practice-oriented and provide ample opportunities for organizing educational and extracurricular activities of younger students.

UMC “Development. Individuality. Creativity, Thinking” (RITM) is aimed at achieving the results of education defined by the Federal State Standard and the implementation of the “Concept of Spiritual and Moral Development and Education of a Russian Citizen”.

Textbooks that are part of the EMC "Classical Primary School":
1. Alphabet - O.V. Jezhel.
2. Russian language - T.G. Ramzaev.
3. Literary reading. - O.V. Dzhezheley.
4. English language - V.V. Buzhinsky, S.V. Pavlova, R.A. Starikov.
5. German language - N.D. Galsakova, N.I. Gez.
6. Mathematics - E.I. Aleksandrova.
7. The world around - E.V. Saplin, A.I. Saplin, V.I. Sivoglazov.
8. Visual arts - V.S. Kuzin, E.I. Kubyshkin.
9. Technology.- N.A. Malysheva, O.N. Maslenikov.
10. Music - V.V. Aleev, T.N. Kichak.
11. Physical culture - G.I. Pogadaev.

Educational and methodological complex "Primary school of the XXI century"

(supervisor - N.F. Vinogradova)

Publishing house "Ventana - Graf"

The set is based on the theory of A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin and V.V. Davydov. The overall goal of training is the formation of a leading activity for this age. The goal of elementary school teachers is not just to teach the student, but to teach him to teach himself, i.e. educational activities; The aim of the student is to acquire the ability to learn. Educational subjects and their content act as a means to achieve this goal.

The forms, means and methods of teaching are aimed at forming the prerequisites for the younger student (in the 1st half of the first grade), and then the skills of educational activity. In the course of primary education, a junior schoolchild develops the skills of learning activities that allow him to successfully adapt in the main school and continue subject education according to any educational and methodological set.

The leading characteristics of a primary school graduate are his ability to think independently, analyze any issue; the ability to build statements, put forward hypotheses, defend the chosen point of view; the presence of ideas about one's own knowledge and ignorance on the issue under discussion. Hence the two methodological UMK features. So, working with the educational and methodological kit "Elementary School of the XXI century", the student masters a fundamentally different role - "researcher". This position determines his interest in the process of cognition. As well as increasing attention to creative activity students, based on the initiative and independence of each student.

List of textbooks of the teaching materials "Primary school of the XXI century"

1. Primer - L.E. Zhurova.
2. Russian language - S.V. Ivanov, A.O. Evdokimova, M.I. Kuznetsova.
3. Literary reading - L.A. Efrosinina.
4. English language - UMK "FORWARD", M.V. Verbitskaya, O.V. Oralova, B.Ebbs, E.Worell, E.Ward.
5. Mathematics - E.E. Kochurina, V.N. Rudnitskaya, O.A. Rydze.
6. The world around - N.F. Vinogradov.
7. Music - O.V. Usacheva, L.V. Schoolboy.
8. Visual arts - L.G. Savenkova, E.A. Ermolinskaya
9. Technology - E.A. Lutsev.
10. Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia (Grade 4) - N.F. Vinogradova, V.I. Vlasenko, A.V. Polyakov.

The content of the educational subjects of the EMC is focused on stimulating and supporting the emotional, spiritual, moral and intellectual development and self-development of the child; to create conditions for the manifestation of independence, initiative, creative abilities of the child in various activities. At the same time, the importance of children's assimilation of knowledge and mastery of skills and abilities as a means of development remains, but they are not considered as an end in itself of primary education.

In the subjects of the EMC, the humanitarian orientation and its influence on the emotional and social and personal development of the child are strengthened. The EMC presents content that helps the child to maintain and recreate the integrity of the picture of the world, provides him with an awareness of the various connections between objects and phenomena and, at the same time, forms the ability to see the same object from different angles. The main feature of this set is its integrity: the unity of the structure of textbooks and workbooks for all classes and subjects; the unity of the through lines of standard tasks, the unity of approaches to the organization of educational activities.

They publish textbooks and teaching aids for the "Planet of Knowledge" teaching materials of the "Astrel" and "AST" publishing houses.
The UMC includes:

1. Primer - author T.M. Andrianova.
2. Russian language - author T.M. Andrianova, V.A. Ilyukhin.
3. Literary reading - E.E. Katz
4. English language - N.Yu. Goryacheva, S.V. Larkina, E.V. Nasonovskaya.
5. Mathematics - M.I. Bashmakov, M.G. Nefedova.
6. The world around - G.G. Ivchenkova, I.V. Potapova, A.I. Saplin, E.V. Saplin.
7. Music - T.I. Balanova.

Educational and methodical set "Harmony"

(supervisor - N.B. Istomina)

Publishing house "Association of the XXI century".

AT educational kit"Harmony" implemented: ways of organizing the educational activities of students related to the formulation of the educational task, with its solution, self-control and self-esteem; ways of organizing productive communication, which is a necessary condition for the formation of educational activities; ways of forming concepts that provide in an accessible way for the younger school age level of awareness of cause-and-effect relationships, patterns and dependencies.

The course is based on the methodological concept of purposeful and systematic work on the formation of mental activity techniques in younger students: analysis and synthesis, comparison, classification, analogy and generalization in the process of mastering the mathematical content provided by the program.

Primer "My first textbook", designed for the course "Literacy", provides not only the development of elementary reading and writing by first graders, but also the development of their thinking, cognitive interests, sense of language, the formation of phonetic hearing, spelling vigilance, speech and reading skills, introduction into the world of children's books, as well as the accumulation of experience in working with an educational book.

The primer involves the active promotion of both children who are just starting to learn to read, and those who are already at different stages of mastering the reading technique.

In general, this primer creates the conditions for the successful continuation of learning to read and the Russian language within the framework of individual subjects.
The Russian language course, presented in the textbooks "To the Secrets of Our Language", ensures the formation of language and speech skills in junior schoolchildren, their functional literacy simultaneously with the formation of the whole complex of universal educational activities.

This is facilitated by the implementation of an activity approach to the organization of learning, in which the development of language and speech concepts, rules, work on skills goes from motivation and setting a learning task - to its solution and through understanding the necessary mode of action - to the use of acquired knowledge, to the ability to control the implementation actions and their results.

Language learning has a communicative orientation, as it is subordinated to the development of students' speech, the improvement of all forms of their speech activity.

Formation of literacy schoolchildren is carried out on the basis of the purposeful development of their spelling vigilance and spelling self-control.

Course "Literary Reading" involves the formation of the reader's competence of a younger student, which is determined by the possession of reading technique and methods of mastering a literary work, the ability to navigate in books and the acquisition of experience in independent reading activity.

Teaching literary reading is also aimed at:
enrichment of the spiritual and moral sphere of junior schoolchildren, the formation of ideas about good and evil, justice and honesty, respect for the culture of the peoples of multinational Russia;
mastering universal educational activities
improvement of all types of speech activity, the ability to build a monologue and conduct a dialogue;
development of creative abilities;
upbringing aesthetic attitude to the art of the word, interest in reading and books, the need to communicate with the world of fiction;
broadening the reader's horizons.

Mathematics course, presented in the textbook, in the process of assimilation of the program material purposefully forms all types of universal learning activities (UUD) for students. This is facilitated by: the logic of constructing the course content, various methodological techniques organization of educational activities of younger schoolchildren, a system of educational tasks aimed at the implementation of various types of actions by students.

In the process of studying the course, children master: mathematical knowledge, skills and abilities provided for by the course program, and learn how to use them to describe the surrounding objects, processes, phenomena, assess quantitative and spatial relationships; master the skills: to build reasoning; to argue and correct statements to distinguish between reasonable and unreasonable judgments; identify patterns; establish causal relationships; to analyze various mathematical objects, highlighting their essential and non-essential features, which will ensure their successful continuation of mathematical education in basic school.

Features of the content of the course "The world around" are: the integrative nature of the presentation of natural science, social science and historical knowledge; purposeful formation of UUD in the development of subject knowledge and skills.

The study of the surrounding world is aimed at:
formation of a holistic picture of the world of the natural and socio-cultural world, environmental and cultural literacy, moral, ethical and safe norms of interaction with nature and people among younger schoolchildren;
mastering a complex of subject knowledge, skills and universal educational activities for the successful continuation of education in the main school;
development of skills to observe, analyze, generalize, characterize objects of the surrounding world, reason, solve creative problems;
upbringing of a citizen who loves his Fatherland, who is aware of his belonging to it, who respects the way of life, customs and traditions of the peoples who inhabit, who strive to participate in environmental and creative activities.

The main course presented in the textbooks "Technology", is an objective transforming activity that allows you to integrate the conceptual (speculative), visual-figurative, visual-effective components of cognitive activity.

The main features of the course "Fine Arts":
acquaintance of schoolchildren with the figurative language of fine arts as the basis for the emotional and ethical development of the surrounding world;
communicative orientation of training, providing the education of the basic visual culture of the individual and primary development visual means visual communication;
activity approach to the study and further practical development of fine, design and decorative art activities;
problem-based learning, when the teacher, without suggesting a final answer, poses questions that help students themselves come to the right solution;
the formation of methods of cognitive activity and the development of interest in the field of artistic development of the world, the enrichment of the sensory and practical creative experience of the child.

Music course, presented in the textbooks "To the heights of musical art", has the following features:
development of musical thinking of schoolchildren through the development of various genres of music;
selection of musical material with a focus on the masterpieces of world musical art, which helps the child to form a holistic view of musical culture according to its reference samples;
formation along with the song type of musical thinking at the symphonic level;
the methodological principle of “recreating” the masterpieces of the world musical art, which consists in the fact that the holistic perception of a work is preceded by the stage of “creation” by a child through the passage of the main stages of the composer’s path;
the creation by schoolchildren of the independence of music as an art form capable of conveying the feelings and thoughts of people by its own means as a result of acquaintance with the musical images of various genres of music and the disclosure of the many-sided connections between music and life.

The purpose of the textbooks "Physical culture" is the formation of the basics of a healthy lifestyle among students, the ability to communicate and interact with peers, plan their own activities, distribute the load and rest in the process of its implementation, analyze and objectively evaluate the results of their own work, evaluate the beauty of the physique and posture, technically correctly perform motor actions.

The publishing house "Association of the 21st Century" publishes textbooks and teaching aids for UMK "Harmony".
To communicate with colleagues and exchange experience in the educational system "Harmony" created social network-

The UMC includes:
1. Primer - author M.S. Soloveichik, N.S. Kuzmenko, N.M. Betenkova, O.E. Kurlygina.
2. Russian language - author M.S. Soloveichik, N.S. Kuzmenko.
3. Literary reading - author O.V. Kubasov.
4. Mathematics - author N.B. Istomin.
5. The world around - author O.V. Poglazova, N.I. Vorozheikin, V.D. Shilin.
6. Technology - author N.M.Konysheva.
7. Visual arts - (publishing house "Yakhont"), author: T.A. Koptseva, V.P. Koptsev, E.V. Koptsev.
8. Music - (publishing house "Yakhont"), author: M.S.Krasilnikova, O.N.Yashmolkina, O.I.Nekhaeva.
9. Physical culture - (publishing house "Yakhont"), author: R.I.Tarnopolskaya, B.I.Mishina.