Umk is promising. Features of UMC "promising elementary school"

Office of Education Executive Committee

Chistopolsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan

MOU "Secondary school No. 4"


at the zonal seminar on the topic

"Organizational and methodological aspects of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education in General Educational Institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan"

"Analysis of UMC "Perspektiva" and results

its use in grade 1 studying

according to the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation "

Prepared by Kuznetsova L.Yu.

primary school teacher

1 qualification category

The main tasks of the UMC "Perspektiva" reflect the modern requirements of society for education. Comprehensive harmonious development of the personality involves the formation of oral-moral foundations that determine the attitude towards other people, nature and oneself; familiarization with cultural values. The development of the ability to communicate involves the formation of the ability to organize and carry out joint activities.

In addition, each of the subjects of EMC "Perspektiva", in addition to acquiring general educational knowledge, skills and abilities, contributes to the formation of universal learning activities: communicative, the ability to learn, put forward and test hypotheses, consider different ways to solve a problem, justify your choice. Consider the example of the textbook L.F. Klimanova, S.G. Makeeva "ABC" how the communicative principle of building the educational process is implemented.

Our first lesson was called the same as the first section of the textbook "Let's get to know each other." Children in game form enter the world of communication. The subject of the conversation in the lesson, the task from the textbook reflect the needs of the first grader, resolve his doubts and anxieties: “Who do you like to communicate with? Get to know your new friends. Tell us about yourself...” From the first lesson, the child comes to the idea that the basis of life in society is communication in all its diversity. And learning is necessary in order to be able to competently communicate with the outside world. Thus, the child is motivated to learn. Already at the first lesson, the student receives the knowledge that it is possible to solve the problem, find the answer to the question posed in joint work, in close cooperation with the teacher and classmates.

Learning on a communicative basis is used in many programs and systems, but in the EMC "Perspektiva" the communicative principle suggests that "the process of communication should act as a subject of special study."The child at a practical level gets an idea about the types of speech activity.

In literacy classes, children get ideas about various communication partners: these are parents, classmates, friends, a teacher, animals, books, nature, and even household items; decide speech tasks: “Advise how the boys make up? What words should they say to each other? (ABC, part 1, p. 6); “Help Whototam calm down the monkey. What words of comfort should be said to her? (ibid.). Students gain an understanding of the goals of communication and its results, which depend on which method of communication is chosen..The child gets acquainted with the word as a two-way unit of the language. The child learns the lexical meaning of words based on literary works and his own experience.

When studying a subject, a child develops skills: to observe, compare, analyze, model, classify. The child is introduced to different ways of obtaining information.

The culture of communication and relationships between children, speech etiquette in detail

are considered in the workbook on the development of speech by L.F. Klimanova and T.Yu. Coty " Magic power words." Children learn to behave in various situations of communication: “My phone rang ...”, “I wanted to have a ball, and I invited guests to my place ...”, they analyze problem situations with enthusiasm, carefully listen to “candy tips”.

Textbook L.F. Klimanova, S.G. Makeeva "Russian language" has a common communicative and cognitive basis with the "ABC". Language learning is based on the fact that mastering the language, spelling is necessary for successful communication with others, for mutual understanding. Therefore, the introduction and study of new concepts and rules is carried out on the basis of the communicative and speech skills of younger students.

The communicative orientation of the textbook promotes interest in learning the language, fostering attention and respect for the word. Work on vocabulary is not limited to the study of individual topics. It goes in parallel with the study of topics in other sections of linguistics, runs like a red thread through the entire textbook and unites the educational material with one idea.

At the lessons of literacy and at the lessons of the Russian language, very important work is carried out on orthoepic norms: the topic “Speak Correctly” has been introduced, where attention is paid to the correct placement of stress, pronunciation of words, their correct use in speech.

The communicative-cognitive line can be traced to the end of the textbook. Text writing assignments are offered in accordance with the communication needs of younger students. For example, tasks for writing the text of a letter, notes to parents, birthday invitations, the ability to conduct a dialogue on a given topic, apply the rules of speech etiquette.

The child learns to compose and write down simple texts with the help of a teacher and independently.

A distinctive feature of the UMC "Perspektiva" is the study subject disciplines in a cultural and historical context. The textbooks of L.F. Klimanova, S.G. Makeeva "ABC" and "Russian language" contain the richest material. Education is conducted on the best examples of the classics of children's fiction. Here are the works of K. Ushinsky, L. Tolstoy, B. Zakhoder, A. Barto, N. Sweet, V. Bianchi and others; genres of oral folk art: nursery rhymes, rhymes, riddles, sayings.

The child learns to comprehend literary works. Get acquainted with literary works of various genres.

Children receive information about the ancient alphabets, about how they used to learn to read. The authors successfully use material from the ABC of Karion Istomin. The teacher had a great opportunity to draw a parallel between the moral values ​​of different generations. “Speak a little and get used to listening more. Do not tell everything that comes to mind, but always think about what you intend to talk about. What you borrowed, give back; what you promised, fulfill; that I received as a gift, give thanks. Rubric

"Family Reading" includes works from ancient alphabets and books for reading. These are short stories by K. Ushinsky and L. Tolstoy, the educational value of which is undeniable even now. L. Tolstoy's appeal to the students of the Yasnaya Polyana school can also be addressed to modern children.

In all textbooks of UMK "Perspektiva" the implementation of communicative, historical, humanistic principles and the principle of creative activity.

The structure of textbooks, the selection of content, illustrative material and the organization of educational activities are aimed at solving the identified problems.

The textbooks of the "Perspective" set create all the conditions for the development and education of the child, allow the teacher to rationally organize the work in the lesson. The teaching materials correspond to the curriculum, the primary school program, the main pedagogical purpose - to educate the child, to create conditions for the comprehensive development of the individual. This is an integral system, united by a single method of presenting material, a single language of authors, a single system of notation. EMC contributes to the successful self-realization of the teacher in pedagogical activity. The components of the WMC are closely related to each other. The set is very beautiful, thoughtful; convenient to work.

The set provides for purposeful work on the formation of junior schoolchildren's ideas about project activities, which is a successful innovation that contributes to the development of universal learning activities (ULA). To teach a child to identify his own goals, to correlate the goal with the conditions for achieving it, to participate in a collective discussion, to reflect on collective and own activities, to adjust the program of his own actions - this and much more is provided by the authors in the educational content of the program material and contributes to the implementation of the new requirements of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standards.

The most important condition for the acquisition of knowledge by younger students who are just beginning their systematic education is visibility. In the textbooks included in the "Perspective" set, it is presented very widely. Moreover, the drawings occupy the main place in the workbooks, in them: you can color the finished drawings and draw your own, as well as combine the drawings with natural concepts. In the textbook, preference is no longer given to drawings, but to photographs that more fully, in detail, with important details represent the subject being studied, the place.

Thus, the main way of presenting educational material in the 1st grade is visual or pictographic (using drawings and symbols). The content of the educational material is based on a small but very valuable experience of a first grader. What the student already knows is studied, close and understandable, so that he can, based on his experience, gain advanced knowledge in this area, make a discovery for himself. The main task is not to communicate more or less significant information to students, but to learn freely.

to operate with acquired, albeit insignificant so far, knowledge. This approach is designed to develop the student's ability to consciously navigate the various phenomena of nature around him and their connection with human life, to cultivate observation and curiosity, thereby accustoming him to a systematic independent replenishment of his life experience. At the present stage of development of society, education is required to form not only an integral system of universal knowledge, skills and abilities in subject areas, but also the formation of key competencies of students - the development of personal responsibility and their independent activity. The student must become a person capable of self-improvement and self-development, possessing a historical culture and a culture of interpersonal communication. UMK "Perspektiva" is aimed at solving these problems. The set combines modern requirements for teaching materials with the best traditions and prospects for the development of Russian education.

The selection of tasks in the EMC is aimed at different levels of development and the type of perception of students, the study of the world around them and their role in it, helps to take into account the individual characteristics of children. For example, "Solve the pattern and draw the next figure" - high level generalizations. "Restore the records of examples by points" - a task for the development of kinesthetics. How are the drawings similar? Fill in the gaps with numbers ”- a task for the development of abstract thinking based on visual-figurative (Workbook No. 1 in mathematics, pp. 62-63) A mathematics textbook is a developing textbook. It contains the basic set of information on mathematics necessary for the full assimilation of the course and the development of the intellectual and creative abilities of the child's personality. In terms of structure, presentation style, and methodological approaches, the textbook differs in many respects from current textbooks in mathematics for elementary school. Let's point out the most significant differences.

1. The textbook consistently implements a multiple-theoretic approach to the introduction of the basic concepts: "number", "figure", "value". For this purpose, already at the beginning of grade 1, after the preparatory lessons, the concepts of “set”, “element of the set” are introduced, the relation of equality between sets is established, tasks for comparing the numbers of sets, actions with sets are considered.

2. A special approach to the study of methods of addition and subtraction within 10 is proposed. The essence of the proposed method is that children almost immediately solve examples in several actions using a numerical segment. At the same time, not only the result is demonstrated, but also the calculation algorithm itself. “Walking” along the numerical segment and moving the chips, in accordance with a given route (this is an arrow letter, or a set of faces of playing dice - red and blue), the child begins to objectively feel the method of action. The student easily understands which method of calculation is more convenient (add 5 times 1 or add 3, and then 2), whether it is possible to subtract 4 from 3, how many steps between the numbers 8 and 10.

3. A complete system for working with a text problem is proposed, which includes a lot of preparatory work. The very concept of "task" is not introduced immediately, but after a long period of preparation. First, children learn to make up stories from pictures. At first, these are paired pictures with a quite obvious plot: “What happened first”, “What changed and became then.” When the children learn to see actions and numerical data, and also get acquainted with the signs + - and the first digits, the first group of triple pictures appears that the keywords point to. It was. They put it. It became, or It flew away. Left

4. For the development of spatial representations of students, special application tasks have been introduced for compiling pictures from the figures of the Application. These tasks permeate the entire course, from drawing plot pictures to working with geometric lotto.

A large number of developmental tasks are presented in the EMC (“Compare, prove why it is so, what do you know, think, remember, find ...”), which allows you to build the educational process in a problematic and research way. In the lessons on the world around and at home, each student will be able to generalize and supplement their knowledge using the “Beyond the pages of the textbook” section, the Atlas-determinant “From Earth to Sky”, two reading books “The Giant in the Glade” and “Green Pages”.

The special focus of textbooks on the development of a communicative culture and acquaintance with the history of Russia makes it possible to strengthen the moral aspect of education. This is implemented at the content level: the use of photographs of museums, cities, modern and ancient streets, the use of reproductions of paintings by famous artists, works of classical literature and folklore; selection of texts in textbooks. At the methodological level: a large number of tasks in all textbooks are aimed at observing, comparing, generalizing objects and phenomena of the surrounding world (family, school, street, house, nature) and the features of constructing oral and writing. It is this selection of tasks that allows the child to realize his personal significance in the world and at the same time increase knowledge about his environment and the general interconnection of objects and phenomena.

The presence of workbooks in mathematics, the world around us, the Russian language, technology allows you to increase the pace of the lesson and its productivity.

New ideology textbooks:

  1. Create conditions for the comprehensive development of the child's personality
  2. They allow the teacher to rationally and conveniently organize work for the effective solution of educational problems, using both traditional methods and forms of teaching, and innovative technologies.

Interest in lessons using textbooks Pleshakova A.A., Dorofeeva G.V. and other authors of the UMC "Perspectiva" due to many factors, these are modern design, excellent quality of printing, "warm" and "smiling" illustration: "magic ball", "multi-colored pages", "Znayka-Neznayka" .; up-to-date, corresponding to modern standards, the content of teaching aids, systematically and easily presented material

This is a variety of interesting activities, both for independent search work: “quizzes”, riddles, logical tasks with the participation of cartoon characters, fairy tales, the use of geometric and graphic material, tables, and for cooperation with classmates (“do work in pairs”) , with the family (“find out from your grandmother, “tell your parents”).

What is especially valuable is what unites each textbook of the Perspektiva UMC - the desire of the authors not only to give a sum of knowledge, to develop this or that ability, but also to teach them to interact positively with the world, educate a citizen, and help students to discover their creative potential.

Through acquaintance with the world of people, numbers, nature, UMC "Perspektiva" gradually, kindly form a tolerant personality, Through self-acceptance, awareness of unity with the family, with the team of the class, school, with the citizens of their country.

Consistently high level of psychological comfort, working capacity during the school day, emotionally positive perception of teaching materials "Perspektiva" by students indicate that this teaching materials meet the requirements of health care. The richness of educational and visual material, the variety of types of tasks, sources of information, their developmental focus, age-related conditionality enable the teacher to widely use communication, dialogue, health-saving and other student-centered technologies in the classroom, which is the key to positive trends in all areas in the future. educational process.

It is already obvious that by choosing the Perspektiva teaching materials for elementary school, we have chosen the modern level of basic education, launched a mechanism for improving the professional competencies of teachers, and made a new step towards humanization schools.

Conceptual provisions of the developing personality-oriented learning system "Promising Elementary School" correlated with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (hereinafter referred to as the Standard).

All of the following provisions have found their development in the didactic principles of the developing student-oriented education system "Perspective Primary School" and in the typical properties of the educational and methodological kit (EMC) that implements this system.

The Standard is based on a system-activity approach, which involves:

  • education of personality traits that meet the requirements of the information society based on respect for the multinational, multicultural and multi-confessional composition of Russian society;
  • orientation to the results of education as a system-forming component of the Standard, where the development of the student's personality on the basis of the assimilation of universal educational activities (UUD), knowledge and development of the world around is the goal and main result of education;
  • guaranteed achievement of the planned results of mastering the main educational program primary education;
  • recognition of the decisive role of the content of education, ways of organizing the educational process and the interaction of participants in the educational process in achieving the goals of personal, social and cognitive development of students;
  • ensuring the continuity of preschool, primary general, basic and secondary (complete) general education;
  • taking into account the individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students, the role and significance of activities and forms of communication to determine the goals of education and upbringing and ways to achieve them;
  • a variety of organizational forms and taking into account the individual characteristics of each student (including gifted children and children with disabilities), ensuring the growth of creative potential, cognitive motives, enrichment of forms of interaction with peers and adults in cognitive activity (see Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education. - M.: Enlightenment, 2010, p. 4).

The main tasks of primary general education: the development of the student's personality, his creative abilities, interest in learning, the formation of the desire and ability to learn; education of moral and aesthetic feelings, emotional and valuable positive attitude towards oneself and others.

The solution to these problems is possible if we proceed from a humanistic conviction based on the data of educational psychology: all children are able to successfully study in primary school, if the necessary conditions are created for them. And one of these conditions is a personality-oriented approach to the child based on his life experience.

The proposed educational and methodological package (EMC) "Perspective Primary School" proceeds from the fact that the EXPERIENCE of the child is not only his age, but also the image of the world, which is determined by his rootedness in the natural-subject environment. The experience of the child (the addressee of the EMC), which is important to take into account, is not only the experience of urban life with a developed infrastructure, various sources of information, but also the experience of rural life - with a natural rhythm of life, preservation of a holistic picture of the world, remoteness from large cultural objects.

A junior schoolboy living in a village should feel that the world that surrounds him is taken into account by the authors of the teaching materials, that each manual of this set is addressed to him personally.

The concept that underlies the creation of a set of textbooks for grades 1-4, of course, could not have appeared without generalizing the experience of functioning of those sets that are popular and effective in primary school today. These are, first of all, sets of textbooks on developing learning systems by L.V. Zankova, D.B. Elkonina-V.V. Davydov, a set of textbooks "School of the XXI century" edited by Academician N.F. Vinogradova, a set of textbooks "Harmony". Only taking into account the strengths of all areas, it became possible to develop the concept of the TMC "Promising Primary School" and create a new educational and methodological package.

The main idea of ​​the EMC "Promising Primary School" is the optimal development of each child on the basis of pedagogical support for his individuality (age, abilities, interests, inclinations, development) in the conditions of specially organized educational activities, where the student acts either as a student, or as a teacher, then in the role of the organizer of the educational situation.

Pedagogical support of the child's individuality during learning brings to the fore the problem of the relationship between learning and development. The system of tasks of different levels of difficulty, the combination of the child's individual educational activities with his work in small groups and participation in club work make it possible to provide conditions under which learning goes ahead of development, i.e. in the zone of proximal development of each student based on the level of his actual development and personal interests. What the student cannot do individually, he can do with the help of a classmate or in a small group. And what is difficult for a particular small group becomes understandable in the process of collective activity.

A high degree of differentiation of questions and tasks and their number allow the younger student to work in the conditions of his current development and create opportunities for his individual advancement.
  • formation cognitive interests schoolchildren and their readiness for self-educational activity based on taking into account individual inclinations to study a particular subject area; development of mental abilities, creative thinking; fostering a sense of respect for erudition and subject competence;
  • education of socio-psychological adaptation to the educational process and to life in a team: readiness to take responsibility, make decisions and act, work in a team as a follower and leader, communicate both in a team of peers and with elders, criticize and not be offended by criticism, helping others, explaining and proving one's own opinion;
  • education of physical culture of a younger student: awareness of the value of a healthy lifestyle, understanding the harm of alcohol and drugs, raising awareness in various areas of physical culture, ensuring life safety;
  • the formation of the aesthetic consciousness of younger students and artistic taste: the aesthetic ability to feel the beauty of the world and understand the meaning and beauty of works of artistic culture; education of aesthetic feeling;
  • social and moral education of schoolchildren: the development of natural inclinations to sympathize and empathize with one's neighbor, the formation of the ability to distinguish and analyze one's own emotional experiences and the states and experiences of other people; fostering respect for other people's opinions, developing the ability to communicate in society and the family, getting to know ethical norms and their cultural and historical conditionality, understanding their value and necessity.

Main content EMC "Promising Primary School" consists of such educational areas as philology, mathematics, computer science, natural science and social science, art, music education.

The curriculum of each subject is based on an integrated basis, reflecting the unity and integrity of the scientific picture of the world.

The authors of the project have set themselves the task of creating such a teaching method that systematically takes into account the modern DIFFICULTIES and ADVANTAGES OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS in PRIMARY SCHOOL. Moreover, as mentioned above, it means that this is not only a city school, but also a school located in a rural area.

When selecting educational material, developing the language of presentation of the material, developing the methodological apparatus of the kit, the following were taken into account provisions:

  1. the age of the student (a first-grader can be either six or seven or eight years old);
  2. different levels of his development (a schoolchild who did not attend kindergarten often comes to school with unformed sensory standards);
  3. topographic affiliation of the student. This is not only an urban, but also a rural student. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the life experience of a student living in both urban and rural areas. It is advisable to select material that takes into account not only what a rural student is deprived of compared to an urban one, but also the advantages that life in a rural area gives: the richest natural environment, a holistic image of the world, rooted in a natural-subject environment, a natural-natural rhythm of life, folk traditions and family way of life, as well as a high degree of social control;
  4. different levels of Russian language proficiency. This is not always a schoolboy who is the bearer of the Moscow norm of pronunciation and not always a schoolboy whose only language of communication is Russian. This is, as a rule, a student with a large number of speech therapy problems;
  5. features of the worldview of a schoolchild who often communicates with one carrier of knowledge - his teacher. The class size was also taken into account. This educational and methodical set is intended not only for a student studying in a class with full occupancy, but also for a student of a small and small school.

Basic principles of the concept of "promising elementary school"

The principle of continuous overall development of each child involves the orientation of the content of primary education on the emotional, spiritual, moral and intellectual development and self-development of each child.

It is necessary to create such learning conditions that will provide a “chance” for each child to show independence and initiative in various types of educational or club activities.

The principle of the integrity of the picture of the world involves the selection of such content of education that will help the student to maintain and recreate the integrity of the picture of the world, will ensure the child's awareness of the various connections between its objects and phenomena.

One of the main ways to implement this principle is to take into account interdisciplinary connections and develop integrated courses in the Russian language and literary reading, the world around us and technology.

The principle of taking into account the individual capabilities and abilities of schoolchildren focused on permanent pedagogical support all students (including those who, for one reason or another, cannot master all the presented content of education). Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a multi-level representation of knowledge throughout all the years primary education. Fulfillment of this requirement became possible in the context of the introduction of the Federal component of the state standard of general education.

The standard provides every child with the opportunity to master the entire content of education at the level of the mandatory minimum. At the same time, “Requirements for the level of preparation of students graduating from primary school” are defined, which fix a satisfactory level of education.

Principles of strength and visibility. These principles, on which the traditional school has been based for centuries, implement the leading idea of ​​the educational and methodological set: THROUGH consideration of the PARTICULAR (concrete observation) to understanding the GENERAL (comprehension of the pattern), from the GENERAL, i.e. from the comprehended pattern, to the PARTICULAR, i.e. to the method of solving a specific educational problem. The very reproduction of this two-stage nature, its transformation into a mechanism of learning activity under the conditions of OBSERVATION training is the basis for the implementation of the principle of STRENGTH.

The principle of strength presupposes a rigidly thought-out system of repetition, i.e., repeated return to the material already covered. However, the implementation of this provision on the basis of the constant development of the student leads to a fundamentally new special structure of textbooks for teaching materials.

The implementation of the principles of strength and developmental learning requires a well-thought-out mechanism that meets the leading idea: each next return to the particular is productive only if the stage of generalization has been passed, which gave schoolchildren a tool for the next return to the particular.

For example, algorithms for subtraction, addition, multiplication, division by a column are first “opened” by schoolchildren based on the corresponding actions with numbers in a line. Then they are formulated as patterns and, finally, are used as mechanisms for the corresponding mathematical operations. In the "World around": from a variety of animals (plants), for one reason or another, separate groups are distinguished, then each newly studied animal (plant) is correlated with known groups. In “Literary Reading”: one or another literary genre is singled out, and then, when reading each new text, its belonging to one of the genres of literature is determined, etc.

The principle of protecting and strengthening the mental and physical health of children. The implementation of this principle is associated with the formation of habits for cleanliness, order, accuracy, observance of the daily routine, and the creation of conditions for the active participation of children in recreational activities (morning exercises, dynamic pauses during school hours, nature excursions, etc.).

The practical implementation of the principles of DEVELOPING EDUCATION and the principles of STRENGTH and VISIBILITY becomes possible through a methodological system, which is a unity of typical properties inherent in both the methodology of teaching literacy, the Russian language, literary reading, mathematics, and all other subjects. These typical properties, in turn, determine the special structure of the textbook, which is the same for the entire set.

Typical properties of a methodological system: completeness, instrumentality, interactivity and integration

COMPLETENESS as a typical property of the teaching materials, it provides, first of all, the unity of the installation for the formation of such general educational skills as the ability to work with a textbook and with several sources of information (textbook, reference books, simple equipment), the ability to communicate business (work in pairs, small and large teams). In addition, the methodological apparatus of all textbooks meets the system of uniform requirements. This is the exchange of information between textbooks. Demonstration of at least two points of view when explaining new material. Going beyond the textbook into the zone of dictionaries. The presence of external intrigue, the heroes of which are often brother and sister (Misha and Masha). General Method PROJECTS.

INSTRUMENTATION- these are subject-methodological mechanisms that contribute to the practical application of the knowledge gained. This is not only the inclusion of dictionaries for various purposes in all textbooks, but also the creation of conditions for the need for their use in solving specific educational problems or as an additional source of information. This is a constant organization of special work to search for information inside the textbook, the set as a whole and beyond.

In addition, instrumentality is also the requirement to use the simplest tools in the educational process (magnifiers, frames, rulers, compass, thermometer, colored pencils as markers, etc.) to solve specific educational problems. Instrumentality is not only the organization of the student's use of various tools in all lessons, but also the preparation of "tools" in technology lessons for others.

Instrumentality is also a tool for perceiving reality (creating conditions for children to express two equal points of view, for working with several sources of information).

Instrumentality is also the maximum placement of the methodological apparatus in the body of the textbook, designed both for individual assignments, and for pair or group work; differentiation of educational tasks oriented to the different levels of development of schoolchildren. This is a unified system of special allocation of educational material in all textbooks.

INTERACTIVITY- a new requirement of the methodological system of modern training kit. Interactivity is understood as a direct dialogue interaction between a student and a textbook outside the lesson by accessing a computer or through correspondence. The Internet addresses in the textbooks of the set are designed for the future development of the conditions for using a computer in all schools and the opportunities for schoolchildren to access these modern sources of information. However, since the use of Internet addresses is a prospect for many schools, the UMK is building a system of interactive communication with schoolchildren through a systematic exchange of letters between textbook characters and schoolchildren.

Psychological characteristics, which distinguish the heroes of textbooks, are so convincing that they inspire the confidence of students and the desire to communicate (correspond) with them. Those students who experience a lack of impressions and communication who join the club and conduct active correspondence with the heroes of the textbooks need additional emotional support. This, as the experiment showed, is every fourth student in the class.

Interactivity is also a requirement for the implementation of interactive projects within such educational areas as “Language and Literary Reading” and “Natural Science. Social Science" and "Technology".

INTEGRATION- the most important basis for the unity of the methodological system. First of all, this is an understanding of the conditionality of a strict division of natural science and humanitarian knowledge into separate educational areas, the desire to create synthetic, integrated courses that give students an idea of ​​a holistic picture of the world. It is this typical pedagogical property that became the basis for the development of the integrated course "The World Around", in which representations and concepts from such educational areas as natural science, social science, geography, astronomy, life safety coexist organically and are mutually linked. The modern course of literary reading is subject to the same requirement, where such educational areas as language, literature and art are integrated. The course "Literary Reading" is built as a synthetic one: it involves acquaintance with literature as the art of the word, as one of the art forms among others (painting, graphics, music), as a phenomenon of artistic culture that has grown out of myth and folklore.

Integration is the principle of deploying subject material within each subject area. Each textbook creates not only its own, but also a general "picture of the world" - a picture of mathematical or linguistic patterns that are accessible to the understanding of a younger student; a picture of the relationship and interdependence of animate and inanimate nature, nature and culture; a picture of coexistence and mutual influence of different genres of folklore; a picture of the relationship between different techniques and technologies of applied art, etc.

Integration affects the methodology of each subject, which solves, both by general and by its own means, general subject tasks for the assimilation of sensory standards by younger students and the formation of intellectual skills (observation activities, mental activity, learning activities, joint collective activity).

So, for example, intrigue in a textbook on the world around us is a way of integrating material on biology, geography and history. The heroes - brother and sister - are specific children with specific parents and a specific place of residence. As the characters grow older, they go beyond the boundaries of a particular place of residence into a larger natural, social and historical environment. The intrigue in the textbooks of the Russian language and literary reading makes it possible to practically master the plot and compositional features of the fairy tale genre; encourages students to constantly keep in mind two plans - a plan of intrigue and a plan for solving a learning problem, which is an important and useful psychological training. Integration allows you to establish a connection between the acquired knowledge about the world and the specific practical activities of students in the application of this knowledge. That is, to practically implement one of the requirements of the primary education standard (section “Use of acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and Everyday life”) to all items.

The distinctive features of the teaching materials should also include the maximum placement of the methodological apparatus, including organizational forms of work, in the body of the textbook itself; the use of a unified system of symbols throughout the teaching materials; a system of cross-references between textbooks; the use of single cross-cutting heroes (brother and sister); step-by-step introduction of terminology and its motivated use.

Taking into account the fact that in our country there are a large number of ungraded schools, it required the maximum placement of the methodological apparatus on the pages of the textbook. Detailed wording of tasks, together with an indication of the organizational forms of work (independently, in pairs, etc.), allow the student to not distract the teacher for a sufficiently long time, who may be busy with a different age group of students. An ungraded school necessitated the creation of a unified educational field for students in grades 2-4.

In our set, this problem is solved by an external intrigue common to all textbooks in the set. This allows schoolchildren of different educational ages, sitting in the same room, to be in the same field of intrigue (common heroes who communicate with them for 4 years) and engage in similar types of educational activities (using the vocabulary part of the textbook in each class for solving various educational problems).

A small and small school has the opportunity to use the heroes of the textbooks to "replenish the class", since they represent several more points of view.

It was the focus on students of an ungraded primary school that prompted the developers of the kit to focus on enhancing the role and status of students' independent work. Throughout the 4 years of study in all basic subjects (Russian language, literary reading, mathematics, the world around) students are provided with work in "Notebooks for independent work" on a printed basis.

The main methodological features of the teaching materials

The teaching materials for each subject, as a rule, include a textbook, an anthology, a notebook for independent work, a methodological guide for a teacher (methodist).

Each manual consists of two parts:

  1. Theoretical, which can be used by the teacher as a theoretical basis for improving his qualifications.
  2. Directly lesson-thematic planning, where the course of each lesson is outlined, its goals and objectives are formulated, and it also contains ideas for answers to ALL the questions asked in the textbook.
  1. Considered Agreed Approved by SHMO teachers Deputy. dir. for OIA Principal of the primary school "30" August 2016 ______ ____________ Protocol No. 1 _______ ____________ Order No. 167 dated August 29, 2016 dated August 31, 2016

Working programm

1 class

The program is based on the fine arts program of B.M. Nemensky, V.G. Goryaeva, G.E. Gurova

"Enlightenment"; 2016

Program compiler

Primary school teacher

I qualification category

Nikolaeva Tamara Alexandrovna

Working programm

in fine arts

1 class


The work program of the subject "Fine Arts" was compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State General Educational Standard of Primary General Education, the Concept of Spiritual and Moral Development and Education of the Personality of a Russian Citizen, an exemplary program in fine arts and on the basis of the author's program "Fine Arts" B.M. Nemensky, V.G. Goryaeva, G.E. Gurova and others.

General characteristics of the subject

The purpose of the subject "Fine Arts" is the formation of the artistic culture of students as an integral part of the spiritual culture, that is, the culture of world relations developed by generations. These values, as the highest values ​​of human civilization, accumulated by art, should be a means of humanization, the formation of moral and aesthetic responsiveness to the beautiful and the ugly in life and art, that is, the vigilance of the child's soul.

The course is designed as an integral system of introduction to artistic culture and includes, on a single basis, the study of all the main types of spatial (plastic) arts. They are studied in the context of interaction with other arts, as well as in the context of specific connections with the life of society and the individual.

The systematizing method is to identify three main types of artistic activity for visual spatial arts:

Visual art activity;

Decorative artistic activity;

Constructive artistic activity.

Three ways of artistic assimilation of reality in elementary school act as accessible types of artistic activity for children: image, decoration, construction. The constant practical participation of schoolchildren in these three activities allows them to systematically introduce them to the world of art.

The subject "Fine Arts" involves the co-creation of a teacher and a student; dialogue; clarity of tasks and variability of their solution; mastering the traditions of artistic culture and improvisational search for personally significant meanings.

The main types of educational activities are the practical artistic and creative activities of the student and the perception of the beauty of the world and works of art.

Practical artistic and creative activity (the child acts as an artist) and art perception (the child acts as a spectator, mastering the experience of artistic culture) are creative in nature. Students master various art materials, as well as artistic techniques (appliqué, collage, monotype, modeling, paper plastic, etc.).

One of the tasks is the constant change of artistic materials, mastering their expressive possibilities. The variety of activities stimulates the interest of students in the subject and is a necessary condition for the formation of the personality of each.

The perception of works of art involves the development of special skills, the development of feelings, as well as mastering the figurative language of art. Only in the unity of the perception of works of art and one's own creative practical work there is a formation of figurative artistic thinking of children.

A special activity of students is the implementation of creative projects and presentations.

The development of artistic and figurative thinking of students is based on the unity of its two foundations: the development of observation, i.e. the ability to peer into the phenomena of life, and the development of fantasy, that is, the ability, on the basis of developed observation, to build an artistic image, expressing one's attitude to reality.

The program "Fine Arts" provides for the alternation of lessons of individual practical creativity of students and lessons of collective creative activity.

Collective forms of work: work in groups; individual-collective work (each performs his part for a common panel or building).

Artistic activity: image on a plane and in volume (from life, from memory, from imagination); decorative and constructive work; perception of the phenomena of reality and works of art; discussion of the work of comrades, the results of collective creativity and individual work in the classroom; study of artistic heritage; selection of illustrative material for the topics studied; listening to musical and literary works (folk, classical, modern).

Discussion of children's works in terms of their content, expressiveness, originality activates the attention of children, forms the experience of creative communication.

The periodic organization of exhibitions gives children the opportunity to see and evaluate their work again, to feel the joy of success. The work of students completed in the classroom can be used as gifts for relatives and friends, can be used in the design of the school.

The place of the subject in the curriculum

1 hour per week is allotted for studying the subject, in total for the course - 135 hours. The subject is studied: in grade 1 - 33 hours per year, in grades 2-4 - 34 hours per year (with 1 hour per week).

Value orientations of the content of the subject

The priority goal of art education at school is the spiritual and moral development of the child.

The cultural-creating role of the program consists in the education of citizenship and patriotism: the child comprehends the art of his homeland, and then gets acquainted with the art of other peoples.

The program is based on the principle “from the native threshold to the world of universal culture”. Nature and life are the basis of the formed world relation.

The connections of art with human life, the role of art in its daily existence, in the life of society, the importance of art in the development of each child is the main semantic core of the course.

The program is designed to give students a clear understanding of the system of interaction between art and life. A wide involvement of children's life experience, examples from the surrounding reality is envisaged. Work based on observation and aesthetic experience of the surrounding reality is an important condition for children to master the program material. The desire to express one's attitude to reality should serve as a source of development of figurative thinking.

One of the main objectives of the course is to develop a child's interest in the inner world of a person, the ability to deepen oneself, to become aware of one's inner experiences. This is the key to developing empathy.

Any topic on art should not just be studied, but lived in an active form, in the form of personal creative experience. For this, it is necessary to master the artistic-figurative language, the means of artistic expression. A developed ability for emotional assimilation is the basis of aesthetic responsiveness. On this basis, the development of feelings, the development of the artistic experience of generations and the emotional and value criteria of life take place.

Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering a subject

As a result of studying the course "Fine Arts" in elementary school, certain results should be achieved.

Personal results are reflected in the individual qualitative properties of students, which they must acquire in the process of mastering the subject under the program "Fine Arts":

  1. a sense of pride in the culture and art of the Motherland, its people;
  2. respect for the culture and art of other peoples of our country and the world as a whole;
  3. understanding of the special role of culture and art in the life of society and each individual;
  4. the formation of aesthetic feelings, artistic and creative thinking, observation and fantasy;
  5. the formation of aesthetic needs - the needs for communication with art, nature, the needs for a creative attitude to the world, the needs for independent practical creative activity;
  6. mastering the skills of collective activity in the process of joint creative work in a team of classmates under the guidance of a teacher;
  7. the ability to cooperate with comrades in the process of joint activities, to correlate their part of the work with a common idea;
  8. the ability to discuss and analyze one's own artistic activity and the work of classmates from the standpoint of the creative tasks of this topic, from the point of view of the content and means of its expression.

Meta-subject results characterize the level of formation of the universal abilities of students, manifested in cognitive and practical creative activity:

  • mastering the skill of creative vision from the standpoint of the artist, i.e. the ability to compare, analyze, highlight the main thing, generalize;
  • mastering the ability to conduct a dialogue, distribute functions and roles in the process of performing collective creative work;
  • the use of information technology tools to solve various educational and creative tasks in the process of searching for additional visual material, the implementation of creative projects of individual exercises in painting, graphics, modeling, etc.;
  • the ability to plan and competently carry out educational activities in accordance with the task, to find options for solving various artistic and creative tasks;
  • the ability to rationally build independent creative activity, the ability to organize a place of employment;
  • a conscious desire to master new knowledge and skills, to achieve higher and more original creative results.

Subject results characterize the experience of students in artistic and creative activities, which is acquired and consolidated in the process of mastering the subject:

  • knowledge of the types of artistic activity: visual (painting, graphics, sculpture), constructive (design and architecture), decorative (folk and applied arts);
  • knowledge of the main types and genres of spatial visual arts;
  • understanding the figurative nature of art;
  • aesthetic assessment of natural phenomena, events of the surrounding world;
  • application of artistic skills, knowledge and ideas in the process of performing artistic and creative work;
  • the ability to recognize, perceive, describe and emotionally evaluate several great works of Russian and world art;
  • the ability to discuss and analyze works of art, expressing judgments about the content, plots and means of expression;
  • assimilation of the names of the leading art museums in Russia and art museums in their region;
  • the ability to see manifestations of visual-spatial arts in the surrounding life: in the house, on the street, in the theater, at a holiday;
  • the ability to use various artistic materials and artistic techniques in artistic and creative activities;
  • the ability to convey character, emotional states and one's attitude to nature, man, society in artistic and creative activity;
  • the ability to arrange on the plane of the sheet and in volume the conceived artistic image;
  • mastering the skills to apply in artistic and creative activities the basics of color science, the basics of graphic literacy;
  • mastering the skills of modeling from paper, modeling from plasticine, image skills by means of appliqué and collage;
  • the ability to characterize and aesthetically evaluate the diversity and beauty of nature in various regions of our country;
  • the ability to talk about the diversity of ideas about beauty among the peoples of the world, the ability of a person in a variety of natural conditions to create their own original artistic culture;
  • depiction in creative works of the features of the artistic culture of different (familiar from the lessons) peoples, the transfer of features of their understanding of the beauty of nature, man, folk traditions;
  • the ability to recognize and name which artistic cultures the proposed (familiar from the lessons) works of fine art and traditional culture belong to;
  • the ability to aesthetically, emotionally perceive the beauty of cities that have preserved their historical appearance - witnesses of our history;
  • the ability to explain the significance of monuments and the architectural environment of ancient architecture for modern society;
  • expression in the visual activity of one's attitude to the architectural and historical ensembles of ancient Russian cities;
  • the ability to give examples of works of art that express the beauty of wisdom and a rich spiritual life, the beauty of the inner world of a person.

As a result of studying fine arts in elementary school, graduates will form the foundations of artistic culture: ideas about the specifics of fine arts, the need for artistic creativity and communication with art, the initial concepts of the expressive possibilities of the language of art. Figurative thinking and imagination, educational and creative abilities will begin to develop, the foundations of the analysis of a work of art will be formed; emotional and valuable attitude to the world and artistic taste will be manifested. Students will acquire practical skills in the perception of works of plastic arts and in various types of artistic activity: drawing, painting, sculpture, artistic design, decorative and applied arts.

Graduates will be able to understand the figurative nature of art; give an aesthetic assessment and express their attitude to the events and phenomena of the surrounding world, to nature, man and society; embody artistic images in various forms of artistic and creative activity. They will learn to apply artistic skills, knowledge and ideas about the plastic arts to perform educational and artistic and practical tasks.

Section "Perception of art and types of artistic activity."

The graduate will learn:

Distinguish between types of artistic activity (drawing, painting, sculpture, artistic design and design, arts and crafts) and participate in artistic and creative activities, using various artistic materials and methods of working with them to convey their own idea;

Distinguish the main types and genres of plastic arts, understand their specifics;

Emotionally-valuable attitude to nature, man, society; to distinguish and convey in artistic and creative activity character, emotional states and one's attitude towards them by means of artistic language;

Recognize, perceive, describe and emotionally evaluate the masterpieces of Russian and world art depicting nature, man, various aspects (diversity, beauty, tragedy, etc.) of the surrounding world and life phenomena;

Name the leading art museums in Russia and art museums in your region.

Perceive works of fine art, participate in the discussion of their content and expressive means, explain the plots and content of familiar works;

See the manifestations of artistic culture around: art museums, architecture, sculpture, design, decorative arts in the house, on the street, in the theater;

Express a judgment about works of art depicting nature and man in various emotional states.

Section “The ABC of Art. What does art say?

The graduate will learn:

Create simple compositions on a given topic on a plane and in space;

Use means of expression fine arts: composition, form, rhythm, line, color, volume, texture; various art materials for the realization of one's own artistic and creative idea;

Distinguish between primary and secondary, warm and cold colors; change their emotional intensity by mixing with white and black paints; use them to convey artistic intent in their own educational and creative activities;

To create the image of a person by means of painting, graphics, sculpture, arts and crafts: to convey on the plane and in volume the proportions of the face, figure; convey the characteristic features of the appearance, clothing, jewelry of a person;

Observe, compare, contrast and analyze the geometric shape of an object; depict objects of various shapes; use simple forms to create expressive images in painting, sculpture, graphics, artistic design;

Use decorative elements, geometric, floral patterns to decorate your products and household items; use rhythm and stylization of forms to create an ornament; to convey in their own artistic and creative activity the specifics of the style of works of folk art crafts in Russia (taking into account local conditions).

The graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

Use the means of expressiveness of the language of painting, graphics, sculpture, arts and crafts, artistic design in their own artistic and creative activities; convey a variety of emotional states using different shades of color when creating pictorial compositions on given topics;

Model new forms, different situations, by transforming the known to create new images of nature, man, fantastic creatures by means of fine art and computer graphics;

Perform simple drawings and ornamental compositions using the computer graphics language in the Paint program.

Section “Significant themes of art. What does art say?

The graduate will learn:

Recognize the main themes of art and reflect them in their own artistic and creative activities;

Choose art materials, means of artistic expression to create images of nature, man, phenomena and convey your attitude towards them; solve artistic problems based on the rules of perspective, color science, learned methods of action;

To convey the character and intentions of an object (nature, human, fairy tale hero, object, phenomenon, etc.) in painting, graphics and sculpture, expressing their attitude to the qualities of a given object.

The graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

See, feel and depict the beauty and diversity of nature, man, buildings, objects;

Understand and convey in artistic work the difference in ideas about human beauty in different cultures of the world, show tolerance for other tastes and opinions;

Depict landscapes, still lifes, portraits, expressing their emotional attitude towards them;

Depict multi-figure compositions on significant life topics and participate in collective work on these topics.

Requirements for the planned results of mastering the subject in grade 1:

Personal results” is the formation of the following skills:

Educational and cognitive interest in new educational material and ways to solve a new problem;

Basics ecological culture: acceptance of the value of the natural world.

Focus on understanding the reasons for success in educational activities, including self-analysis and self-control of the result, on the analysis of the compliance of the results with the requirements of a specific task.

The ability to self-assessment based on the criteria for the success of educational activities;

Metasubject results:

Regulatory UUD:

Take into account the guidelines for action identified by the teacher in the new educational material in cooperation with the teacher;

Plan your actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, including in the internal plan;

Adequately perceive the proposals and assessment of teachers, comrades, parents and other people;

Cognitive UUD:

Build messages in oral and written form;

Focus on a variety of ways to solve problems;

Build reasoning in the form of a connection of simple judgments about an object, its structure, properties and relationships;

Communicative UUD:

Allow for the possibility of people having different points of view, including those that do not coincide with his own, and focus on the position of a partner in communication and interaction;

Formulate your own opinion and position; ·to ask questions;

use speech to regulate their actions.

The subject results of studying fine arts are the formation of the following skills:

The student will learn:

Distinguish the main types of artistic activity (drawing, painting, sculpture, artistic design and design, arts and crafts) and participate in artistic and creative activities, using various artistic materials and methods of working with them to convey their own ideas;

Learns the meaning of words: artist, palette, composition, illustration, appliqué, collage, floristry, potter;

Recognize individual works of outstanding artists and craftsmen;

Distinguish between primary and secondary, warm and cold colors; change their emotional intensity by mixing with white and black paints; use them to convey artistic intent in their own educational and creative activities;

basic and mixed colors, elementary rules for their mixing;

Emotional meaning of warm and cold tones;

Features of the construction of the ornament and its significance in the image of an artistic thing;

Know the safety rules when working with cutting and stabbing tools;

Methods and techniques for processing various materials;

Organize your workplace, use a brush, paints, palette; scissors;

To convey in the drawing the simplest form, the main color of objects;

Compose compositions taking into account the plan;

Design from paper based on the origami technique, corrugation, creasing, bending;

Construct from fabric based on twisting and binding;

Design from natural materials;

Use simple sculpting techniques.

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

Learn the basics of three types of artistic activity: the image on the plane and in volume; construction or artistic design on a plane, in volume and space; decoration or decorative activity using various art materials;

Participate in artistic and creative activities, using various artistic materials and methods of working with them to convey their own ideas;

Acquire primary art skills in the following arts: painting, graphics, sculpture, design, arts and crafts and folk art forms;

Develop fantasy, imagination;

Acquire the skills of artistic perception of various types of art;

Learn to analyze works of art;

Acquire primary skills in depicting the objective world, depicting plants and animals;

Acquire communication skills through the expression of artistic meaning, expression of the emotional state, one's attitude in creative artistic activity and in the perception of works of art and creativity of one's comrades.

The theme of the first year of study is "YOU DRAW, DECORATE AND BUILD".

Section 1: You are portraying. Acquaintance with the Image Master - 8 hours.

You can depict a spot.

You can depict in volume.

It can be shown as a line.

Multicolored paints.

You can depict what is invisible.

Section 2: You decorate. Acquaintance with the Master of Decoration - 5 hours.

The world is full of decorations.

Beauty must be seen.

Patterns created by people.

How a person decorates himself.

Master of Decoration helps to make a holiday (generalization of the theme).

Section 3: You are building. Acquaintance with the Builder – 8 hours

buildings in our lives.

Houses are different.

House outside and inside.

We are building a city.

Everything has its own structure.

We build things.

The city in which we live (generalization of the topic).

Section 4: Image, decoration, construction always help each other - 5 hours.

The Three Master Brothers always work together.

"Spring Festival". Paper construction.

A lesson in love. The ability to see.

Hello summer! (generalization of the topic).

Educational and practical equipment.

1. Watercolor, gouache paints.

2. Mascara.

3. A4 paper.

4. Colored paper.

5. Markers.

6. Wax crayons.

7. Squirrel brushes, bristle brushes.

8. Water tanks.

9. Plasticine.

10. Glue.

11. Scissors.

Models and nature fund.

1. Models of fruits and vegetables.

2. Herbariums.

3. Products of arts and crafts and folk crafts.

4. Geometric bodies.

Class equipment.

1. Student tables for two with a set of chairs.

2. Teacher's table with a pedestal.

3. Cabinets for storing textbooks, didactic materials, manuals, etc.

4. Stands for hanging illustrative material.

Calendar-thematic planning in fine arts


the date

Lesson topic

Number of hours

In fact

Content elements


metasubject UUD



You are portraying. Acquaintance with the Image Master (9 hours).


Images are all around us.

Images in human life. Subject "Fine Arts".

What will we learn in art classes?

The art room is an art workshop. Image Master. Subject "Fine Arts". Art workshop

Learn to: compose a descriptive story; find in the surrounding reality images made by artists



Use information technology tools to solve various educational and creative tasks in the process of searching for additional visual material, performing creative projects of individual exercises in painting, drawing, modeling, etc.;




The Image Master teaches you to see.

The beauty and diversity of the natural world.

Introduction to the concept of form. The shape of the subject. Herbarium

Will learn: to see the differences in the structure of trees, the shape of leaves, color; collect material for the herbarium

col. paper, glue, scissors or color pencils, felt-tip pens, slides depicting drawings of animals or live animals.

lesson game

You can depict a spot.

A spot as a way of depicting on a plane. The image on the plane.

The role of imagination and fantasy in the image based on the spot.

Metaphorical image of a spot in real life(moss on a stone, scree on a wall, patterns on marble in the subway, etc.).

Blot, illustration.

Learn to: determine the horizon line; identify the color ratio of the sky, earth; observe objects of animate and inanimate nature

presentation, one-color paint, brush, water, black felt-tip pen presentation of illustrations for books about animals (E. Charushina, V. Lebedeva, etc.)


You can depict in volume.

Volumetric images.

The difference between an image in space and an image on a plane. Volume, image in three-dimensional space.

Expressive, voluminous objects in nature. Proportion

Will learn: to determine the main proportions, characteristic forms of trees, residential buildings; generalize observations

slides of natural objects of expressive forms or real pebbles, potatoes, roots, the shape of which resembles something, plasticine, stacks, plank


lesson game

It can be shown as a line.

Familiarization with the concepts of "line" and "plane". Lines in nature. Linear images on a plane. Narrative possibilities of the line (the line is the narrator). Line.

Linear illustrations. Graphic arts. Photo

Learn how to turn a randomly made line with paint and brush into an image of an animal

slides of linear illustrations for books by S. Marshak, a. Barto, black felt-tip pen or pencil, paper.


Excursion to the park.

Multicolored paints.

Introduction to color. Gouache paints.

Color. Emotional and associative sounding of color (what does the color of each paint resemble?). Paints.

Gouache. Color

Learn how to turn a lump of plasticine into a bird or an animal by pulling and pressing (working with plasticine)


Find and observe lines and their rhythm in nature;

Compare color with the subject associations it causes (what happens is red, yellow, etc.),

give examples,


the possibilities of paint in the process of creating various color spots, mixing and overlaying color spots when creating colorful rugs; objectively evaluate the exhibition of creative works of classmates.Communicative:

consistently and fully transmit information to partners using linear images;

reflection of their actions; to formulate their own opinion and position when depicting joy and sadness; take into account different opinions when discussing the exhibition, ask questions about the content of the works of artists (V. Vasnetsov, M. Vrubel, N. Roerich, V. Van Gogh, etc.).


independently adequately assess the correctness of the performance of actions;

orientation to the sample and the rule of the task; formulate and maintain a learning task.

Adequate motivation for learning activities.

gouache, wide or thin brushes, paper

lesson game

You can depict what is invisible (mood)

Expression of mood in the image.

Emotional and associative sounding of color.

Color and paints

in the works of artists

Learn to draw a line drawing on the topic "Tell us about yourself"

The ability to use adequate expressions. means of communication.

scheme, gouache, brushes, paper


multicolored paints

The initial experience of artistic creativity and the experience of perceiving art. Perception of children's visual activity.

Color and paint in the paintings of artists.

Art Museum. Piece of art. Painting. Sculpture.

Learn to: draw what each paint resembles; enjoy the company
with paints

Adequate motivation for learning activities. The ability to use adequate expressions. means of communication.

The ability to participate in a dialogue, to communicate with works of art, to adequately perceive the works of artists.

watercolor, album presentation of works by artists V. Vasnetsov, M. Vrubel, N. Roerich, V. Van Gogh and others.

Quiz Lesson

Artists and viewers (generalization of the topic).

Learn to: perceive works of art; evaluate the work of comrades

You decorate. Acquaintance with the Master of Decoration (8 hours)

The world is full of decorations. Flowers.

Decorations in the surrounding reality. Variety of decorations (decor). The Master of Jewelry teaches to admire beauty, to develop observation skills; it helps to make life more beautiful; he learns from nature.

Flowers are the decoration of the Earth. A variety of colors, their shapes, coloring, patterned details.

Learn to: see decorations in surrounding objects; decorate - paint blank flowers


To master the skill of creative vision from the standpoint of an artist, i.е. the ability to compare, analyze, highlight the main thing, generalize;

Strive to master new knowledge and skills, to achieve higher and original creative results.


To master the ability to conduct a dialogue, distribute functions and roles in the process of performing collective creative work;

Possess the skills of collective activity in the process of joint creative work in a team of classmates under the guidance of a teacher;


Be able to plan and competently carry out training activities in accordance with the task,

Find solutions to various artistic and creative tasks;

Be able to rationally build independent creative activity,

Know how to organize the place of employment.

Understand the role of culture and art in human life;

To be able to observe and fantasize when creating figurative forms;

To have an aesthetic need for communication with nature, for a creative attitude to the world around, for independent practical creative activity;

To be able to cooperate with comrades in the process of joint activities, to correlate their part of the work with the general idea;

To be able to discuss and analyze their own artistic activity and the work of classmates from the standpoint of the creative tasks of this topic, in terms of content and means of its expression.

presentation about decor, gouache, brushes, col. paper

Beauty must be seen

Will learn: to see the beauty of nature, the variety of patterns in nature; use new art techniques and materials

slides of various surfaces6 bark, moss, ripples on the water, etc.

Wing patterns.

(decoration of butterfly wings)

The Master of Decoration learns from nature and helps us to see its beauty. Bright and discreet, quiet and unexpected beauty in nature.

The variety and beauty of shapes, patterns, colors and textures in nature.

Symmetry, fantasy pattern.

Graphic materials, fantasy graphic pattern (on butterfly wings, fish scales, etc.).

The expressiveness of the texture. Spot to line ratio.

Learn to: draw a butterfly large, on the whole sheet; make a symmetrical pattern on the wings, conveying patterned beauty

presentation, gouache, large or thin brushes, col. or white paper.

Beautiful fish.

Learn to: see the beauty of various surfaces; decorate fish with scale patterns using the monotype technique Material of different textures. Collage

presentation, gouache, wand, paper, ink or felt-tip pen

Bird decoration.

presentation, multi-colored or diversified paper, scissors, glue

Patterns created by people.

The beauty of patterns (ornaments) created by man. A variety of ornaments and their application in the subject environment of a person.

Natural and pictorial motifs in the ornament.

Figurative and emotional impressions from ornaments.

Learn to: invent your own ornament; figuratively, freely write with paints and a brush a sketch on a sheet of paper

gouache, brushes, sheets paper

How a person decorates himself.

A person's jewelry tells about their owner.

Jewelry can tell others who you are, what your intentions are.

Learn to recognize and portray fairy-tale characters by their characteristic decorations


selection and preservation of the goal set in the form of a sample, the transformation of a practical task into a cognitive one, in cooperation with the teacher, set educational tasks.


reasoning and

searching for the necessary information when creating simple

New Year's

colored paper decorations (garlands, Christmas decorations, carnival hats);

highlight and

highlight and correlate activities in the image and decoration, determine their role in the creation of New Year's decorations.


adequately use speech to plan their activities.

Development of ethical feelings.

Ability to participate in dialogue.

slides with characters of famous fairy tales, gouache, brushes, color. paper

Master of Decoration helps to make a holiday (generalization of the topic)

Without holiday decorations, there is no holiday. Preparing for the New Year.

New paper skills and generalization of the material of the whole topic.

Learn how to create festive decorations from colored paper for the Christmas tree

exhibition of children's works made earlier, tsv. paper, serpentine, foil, scissors, glue

You're Building Meet the Builder (11 hours)


buildings in our lives.

An introduction to architecture and design. Buildings in the life around us.

Buildings made by man. They build not only houses, but also things, creating the right shape for them - comfortable and beautiful

Learn to invent and portray a fabulous house for yourself

and your friends or the fabulous houses of children's book characters

Cognitive UUD:

To master the skill of creative vision from the standpoint of an artist, i.е. the ability to compare, analyze, highlight the main thing, generalize;

Strive to master new knowledge and skills, to achieve higher and original creative results.

Communicative UUD:

To master the ability to conduct a dialogue, distribute functions and roles in the process of performing collective creative work;

Use information technology tools to solve various educational and creative tasks in the process of searching for additional visual material, performing creative projects of individual exercises in painting, drawing, modeling, etc.;

Possess the skills of collective activity in the process of joint creative work in a team of classmates under the guidance of a teacher;

Regulatory UUD:

Be able to plan and competently carry out training activities in accordance with the task,

Find solutions to various artistic and creative tasks;

Be able to rationally build independent creative activity,

Know how to organize the place of employment.


determine the sequence of actions.


use sign-symbolic means to solve the problem.Communicative:

for help to the teacher, classmates


concentrate the will.


Use common problem solving techniques.


ask questions necessary to organize their own activities


choose actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation; use speech to regulate their actions.


to search and highlight the necessary information.


form one's own opinion

Respect the culture and art of other peoples of our country and the world as a whole;

Understand the role of culture and art in human life;

To be able to observe and fantasize when creating figurative forms;

To have an aesthetic need for communication with nature, for a creative attitude to the world around, for independent practical creative activity;

To be able to cooperate with comrades in the process of joint activities, to correlate their part of the work with the general idea;

To be able to discuss and analyze their own artistic activity and the work of classmates from the standpoint of the creative tasks of this topic, in terms of content and means of its expression.


Houses are different

Variety of architectural structures and their purpose.

The ratio of the appearance of the building and its purpose. Components of the house and the variety of their forms.

Learn to: see houses in any object; depict fairy tale houses
in the form of various objects

illustrations from children's books depicting dwellings, gouache, col. crayons. paper

Houses built by nature.

Natural buildings and structures.

The variety of natural buildings, their shapes and designs.

The Master of Construction learns from nature, comprehending the forms and constructions of natural houses.

The ratio of forms and their proportions.

Learn to depict fantasy houses (in the form of letters of the alphabet, household items, etc.), their appearance outside and inside

presentation, plasticine, stacks, rag, planks, gouache

What can you think of at home.

illustrations for the fairy tales "Winnie the Pooh ...", "Cipollino", etc., color. crayons or felt-tip pens, paper

House outside and inside.

The relationship and relationship between the appearance and internal structure of the house.

Purpose of the house and its appearance.

The internal structure of the house, its content. Beauty and comfort at home.

Students will learn to understand the relationship between the exterior and interior design of a home.

presentation with illustrations for children's books, col. paper, scissors, glue

Building a city

Construction of a game city.

The Build Master helps to design the city. Architect.

The role of constructive fantasy and observation in the work of an architect. Architecture. Architect. Artist-architect

Learn how to build a house by folding a paper cylinder, bending it and adding the necessary parts

presentation, color or white paper, scissors, glue

Everything has its own structure.

The structure of the object.

Any image is an interaction of several simple geometric shapes. Design

(construction) of the subject

Learn how to create images of animals from simple geometric shapes

in application technique.

col. paper, scissors, glue

We build things.

Construction of household items.

How do our things become beautiful and comfortable? Designer. Design items

Learn to design paper packaging
and decorate them by performing the correct order of training actions

Respect for other opinions

presentation, color paper, scissors, glue



The city we live in (generalization of the topic)

Architectural monuments. The image of the city

Creation of the image of the city. Variety of city buildings. Small architectural forms, trees in the city.

Initial skills of collective work on panels.

Will learn: to create a work on the impression after the tour; describe architectural impressions

Respect for other opinions

Respectful attitude to culture, benevolence

Whatman, tsv. paper, gouache, scissors, glue, presentation of architectural monuments

Image, decoration, building always help each other (5 hours)

The Three Master Brothers always work together for the Spring Festival."

Image. Decoration. building

The interaction of three types of artistic activity: participate in the process of creating practical work and in the analysis of works of art; as stages, the sequence of creating a work; each has its own social function.

In a specific work, one of the Masters is always the main one, he determines the purpose of the work.

They will learn to look at and discuss drawings, sculptures, highlighting the work of each of the Masters in them

Cognitive UUD:

To master the skill of creative vision from the standpoint of an artist, i.е. the ability to compare, analyze, highlight the main thing, generalize;

Strive to master new knowledge and skills, to achieve higher and original creative results.

Communicative UUD:

To master the ability to conduct a dialogue, distribute functions and roles in the process of performing collective creative work;

Use information technology tools to solve various educational and creative tasks in the process of searching for additional visual material, performing creative projects of individual exercises in painting, drawing, modeling, etc.;

Possess the skills of collective activity in the process of joint creative work in a team of classmates under the guidance of a teacher;

Regulatory UUD:

Be able to plan and competently carry out training activities in accordance with the task,

Find solutions to various artistic and creative tasks;

Be able to rationally build independent creative activity,

Know how to organize the place of employment.

Respect the culture and art of other peoples of our country and the world as a whole;

Understand the role of culture and art in human life;

To be able to observe and fantasize when creating figurative forms;

To have an aesthetic need for communication with nature, for a creative attitude to the world around, for independent practical creative activity;

To be able to cooperate with comrades in the process of joint activities, to correlate their part of the work with the general idea;

To be able to discuss and analyze their own artistic activity and the work of classmates from the standpoint of the creative tasks of this topic, in terms of content and means of its expression.

presentation about different types arts

"Dreamland". Creation of a panel.

Image of a fairy world. Masters help to see the world of a fairy tale and recreate it.

The expressiveness of the placement of elements of the collective panel.

Learn to: create an image on a given topic; choose your own material for work

col. paper, scissors, glue, foil, gouache, brushes

colorful beetles

beetle varieties

Learn to: create teamwork; determine what in the work was a building, decoration, image

presentation, color paper, scissors, glue, thread

Seasons. Spring landscape. Landscape. Mood

in the figure

Seasons. How do they look. The artists are landscape painters.

Learn to: identify changes in nature with the advent of spring; depict a landscape on a given theme

Learn to: independently highlight the stages of work; define artistic tasks and artistic means

presentation, gouache, paper, brushes

Hello summer! (generalization of the topic)

The beauty of nature delights people, artists sing about it in their works.

The image of summer in the work of Russian artists.

Painting and sculpture. Reproduction.

Will learn: to consider the works of famous artists: paintings and sculptures; create a composition based on the impressions of summer nature

Paper, gouache, brushes

For the orientation of educational institutions and teachers in the existing variety of educational and methodological complexes, we present their brief description.

Currently, in the Russian Federation there are traditional and developing systems of education.
Traditional programs include:"School of Russia", "Primary School of the XXI century", "School2000", "School 2100", "Harmony", "Perspective Primary School", "Classical Primary School", "Planet of Knowledge", "Perspective". Development systems include two programs: L.V. Zankov and D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydov.

Below is a brief description of the above educational and methodological complexes (TMC). More detailed information on each EMC can be found on the indicated sites.

Educational and methodological complex "School of Russia"

(under the editorship of A. Pleshakov)

Publishing house "Enlightenment".

The traditional program "School of Russia" has existed for decades. The author himself emphasizes that this set was created in Russia and for Russia. The main goal of the program is to "develop a child's interest in learning about their country and its spiritual greatness, its significance on a global scale." The traditional program allows you to carefully practice the skills of learning activities (reading, writing, counting) that are necessary for successful education in high school.

The educational and methodological course "Literacy and speech development" by the authors V. G. Goretsky, V. A. Kiryushkin, L. A. Vinogradskaya meets all modern requirements for teaching children in primary school.

During the period of literacy, work is being done to develop the phonetic hearing of children, teaching initial reading and writing, expanding and clarifying children's ideas about the surrounding reality, enriching the vocabulary and developing speech.

In addition to the "Russian alphabet", the set includes two types of copy-books: the copy-books of the authors V. G. Goretsky, N. A. Fedosova and the "Miracle-copy" of the author V. A. Ilyukhina. Their distinctive feature is that they not only form the skills of literate, calligraphic writing, but also provide an opportunity to correct handwriting at different stages of learning and in different age groups.

For the development of the cognitive abilities of each child in the course "Mathematics" the subject of tasks has been updated, a variety of geometric material has been introduced, entertaining tasks developing logical thinking and imagination of children. Great importance is attached to comparison, comparison, opposition of interconnected concepts, tasks, clarification of similarities and differences in the facts under consideration.
The set includes textbooks and teaching aids of a new generation that meet all the requirements for a modern educational book.
Produces textbooks and teaching aids UMK "School of Russia" publishing house "Prosveshchenie".

The system of textbooks "School of Russia":
1. ABC - V. G. Goretsky, V. A. Kiryushkin, L. A. Vinogradskaya and others.
2. Russian language - V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky.
3. Russian language - L.M. Zelenina and others.
4. Literary reading - L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky, M.V. Golovanova and others.
5. English language- V.P. Kuzovlev, E.Sh. Peregudova, S.A. Pastukhova and others.
6. English (extended content of teaching a foreign language) - I.N. Vereshchagina, K.A. Bondarenko, T.A. Pritykina.
7. German language - .I.L.Bim, L.I.Ryzhova, L.M.Fomicheva.
8. French - A.S. Kuligina, M.G. Kiryanov.
9. Spanish - A.A. Voinova, Yu.A. Bukharova, K.V. Moreno.
10. Mathematics - M.I.Moro, S.V. Stepanova, S.I. Volkova.
11. Informatics - A.L. Semyonov, T.A. Rudnichenko.
12. The world around - A.A. Pleshakov and others.
13. Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral cultures of the peoples of Russia - A.V. Kuraev, D.I. Latyshina, M.F. Murtazin and others.
14. Music - E.D. Kritskaya, G.P. Sergeeva, T.S. Shmagin.
15. Visual arts - L.A. Nemenskaya, E.I. Koroteeva, N.A. Goryaev.
16. Technology - N.I. Rogovtseva, N.V. Bogdanova and others.
17. Physical culture - V.I. Lyakh.

Educational and methodical complex "Perspective"

(under the editorship of L.F. Klimanova)

Publishing house "Enlightenment".

The educational and methodical complex "Perspektiva" has been produced since 2006. The composition of the teaching materials includes lines of textbooks in the following subjects: "Literacy", "Russian language", "Literary reading", "Mathematics", "The world around us", "Technology".

The educational and methodological complex "Perspektiva" was created on a conceptual basis that reflects modern achievements in the field of psychology and pedagogy, while maintaining a close connection with the best traditions of classical Russian school education.

EMC ensures the availability of knowledge and high-quality assimilation of program material, the comprehensive development of the personality of a younger student, taking into account his age characteristics, interests and needs. A special place in the Perspektiva UMC is given to the formation of spiritual and moral values, acquaintance with the cultural and historical heritage of the world and Russia, with the traditions and customs of the peoples inhabiting the Russian Federation. The textbooks include tasks for independent, pair and group work, project activities, as well as materials that can be used in extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

The EMC uses a unified navigation system for teachers, students and parents, which helps to work with information, organize and structure educational material, plan the student's activities in the lesson, organize homework, and form the skill of independent work.

The literacy course is distinguished by a communicative-cognitive and spiritual-moral orientation. The main goal of the course is active formation all types of speech activity: the ability to write, read, listen and speak, the development of speech thinking in first graders, the ability to communicate and understand themselves and others. The effectiveness of the new system is ensured by educational material selected in accordance with the level of development of the child's cognitive interests, game and entertaining exercises, structural-figurative models of words that are inscribed in various communicative speech situations. In this regard, the word is presented in a different way, namely, not only as a sound-letter complex, but as a unity of meaning, meaning and its sound-letter form.

All the conditions for a differentiated approach to students with different levels of preparation for school have been created on the pages of the TMC "Teaching Literacy".
Teaching the Russian language is organically linked with literacy and has a common focus. The peculiarity of the course is a holistic view of the language, which provides the study of the language (its phonetic, lexical and grammatical aspects), speech activity and text as a speech work.

The main objective of the course "Literary Reading" is the formation of the personality of a younger student, acquaintance with the cultural and historical heritage and the formation of reading competence. To do this, the textbook uses highly artistic texts, folklore works of different peoples. The system of questions and tasks contributes to the formation of a culture of speech communication, the development of students' creative abilities, introduces them to spiritual and moral values, introduces them to ethical and aesthetic norms, develops figurative and logical thinking of students and forms in younger students an interest in a work of art as the art of the word. The headings “Independent reading”, “Family reading”, “Going to the library”, “Our theater”, “Reader-educator”, “Little and big secrets of the country of Literature”, “My favorite writers” offer various forms of work with a literary work, systematize knowledge and enrich the practical experience of the child, they present a system of working with a book both in class and in extracurricular activities.

"Teaching not only mathematics, but also mathematics" is the leading idea of ​​the TMC line in mathematics, aimed at strengthening the general cultural sound of mathematical education and increasing its significance for the formation of a child's personality. The content of the material is focused on the formation in younger students of the ability to observe, compare, generalize, find the simplest patterns, which allows them to master the heuristic methods of reasoning, their logic, develops the divergence of thinking as an essential component of mental activity, speech culture and allows them to expand their understanding of the world around them by means of mathematics. Much attention is paid to the development of numerical literacy of students, the formation of computational skills based on rational methods of action.

The textbooks have the same structure and consist of 3 sections: numbers and actions with them, geometric shapes and their properties, quantities and their measurement.

The leading idea of ​​the course "The World Around" is the idea of ​​the unity of the world of nature and the world of culture. The surrounding world is considered as a natural and cultural whole, man - as a part of nature, the creator of culture and its product.

The course reveals the structure of the concept of "world around" in the unity of its three components: nature, culture, man. These three components are consistently considered at different socio-cultural levels of society (family, school, small homeland, native country, etc.), due to which the main pedagogical approaches to mastering the subject are determined: communicative-activity, cultural-historical, spiritually-oriented.

The main objective of the subject "Technology" is to create conditions for students to gain experience in project activities from conception to product presentation. Younger students master the techniques of working with paper, plasticine and natural materials, designer, study the properties of various materials and the rules for working with them. This approach creates conditions for the formation of regulative universal educational activities in younger students, allows the formation of specific personal qualities (accuracy, attentiveness, willingness to help, etc.), communication skills (work in pairs, groups), the ability to work with information and learn basic computer skills.

The material in the textbooks is built in the form of a journey that introduces students to human activities in various areas: Man and Earth, Man and Water, Man and Air, Man and Information Space.

In the textbook "Technology" introduced sign system evaluating the quality and complexity of the product, which allows you to form the motivation for success and self-esteem of the student.

The composition of the UMC "Perspective" includes:
Textbooks in subjects (grades 1-4)
Creative notebooks
Didactic materials for the student: "Reader", "Magic power of words", "Mathematics and Informatics", "Fundamentals of life safety".
Methodological manuals for teachers: lesson developments in subjects, additional teaching materials, calendar-thematic planning, technological maps.

Calendar-thematic planning and technological maps that provide the teacher with effective and high-quality teaching by moving from lesson planning to designing the study of the topic are posted on the pages of the Internet site of the UMC "Perspektiva".

Textbooks included in the UMK "Perspektiva":

1. Alphabet - L.F. Klimanov, S.G. Makeeva.
2. Russian language - L. F. Klimanova, S. G. Makeeva.
3. Literary reading - L.F. Klimanova, L.A. Vinogradskaya, V.G. Goretsky.
4. Mathematics - G.V. Dorofeev, T.N. Mirakova.
5. The world around - A.A. Pleshakov, M.Yu. Novitskaya.
6. Technology - N.I. Rogovtseva, N.V. Bogdanova, N.V. Dobromyslova

Educational and methodological complex "School 2000 ..."

Publishing house "Juventa"

The didactic system of the activity method "School 2000 ..." offers a solution to urgent educational problems in the system of continuous education (DOE - school - university). It is based on a continuous course of mathematics for preschoolers, primary and secondary schools, focused on the development of thinking, the creative powers of children, their interest in mathematics, the formation of strong mathematical knowledge and skills, readiness for self-development. The "Learn to Learn" program takes into account the possibility of working under this program in conditions various options OU curriculum (4h or 5h per week).

The main goal of the program "School 2000 ..." is the comprehensive development of the child, the formation of his abilities for self-change and self-development, a picture of the world and moral qualities that create conditions for successful entry into the culture and creative life of society, self-determination and self-realization of the individual.

The selection of content and the sequence of studying the basic mathematical concepts was carried out in the program "Learn to learn" on the basis of a systematic approach. Built by N.Ya. Vilenkin and his students, the multi-level system of initial mathematical concepts (SNMP, 1980) made it possible to establish the order of introduction of fundamental concepts in school mathematical education, ensuring successive links between them and the continuous development of all the content-methodological lines of the mathematics course 0-9.

The basis for the organization of the educational process in the program "Learn to learn" is the didactic system of the activity method of teaching "School 2000", which can be used at two levels: basic and technological.

The course of mathematics "Learning to learn" for elementary school can be used in conjunction with courses in other academic subjects included in the Federal lists of textbooks of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, based on the teachers' own choice. In this case, the technology of the activity method at the basic level can be used as a didactic basis that streamlines the work of teachers in the context of the variability of education.

Teaching materials for mathematics for elementary school of the program "Learning to learn" ("School 2000 ..."

1. Mathematics - L.G. Peterson

Textbooks are equipped with teaching aids, didactic materials and a computer program for monitoring progress.

additional literature
2. Peterson L.G., Kubysheva M.A., Mazurina S.E. What does it mean to learn. Teaching aid.-M.: UMC "School 2000 ...", 2006.
3. Peterson L.G. Activity method of teaching: the educational system "School 2000 ..." // Building a continuous sphere of education.- M .: APK and PPRO, UMC "School 2000 ...", 2007.

Educational and methodical complex "School 2100"

(supervisor - L.G. Peterson)

Balass Publishing House

In the process of learning according to the EMC, in accordance with the activity approach, the task of forming a functionally literate personality is realized. On different subject content, the student learns to acquire new knowledge, to look for answers to his questions. All textbooks of the program are built taking into account the psychological specifics of age. A characteristic feature of this educational program is the minimax principle. He assumes that the authors of textbooks and the teacher enable the student (if he wants) to take the material to the maximum. In textbooks for this there is redundant information that allows the student to make a personal choice. At the same time, the most important facts, concepts and connections included in the minimum content (FSES and program requirements) must be learned by each student. The minimum is presented to the student at the lessons of the discovery of new knowledge, fixed and submitted for control. The maximum allows the student to satisfy their personal needs and interests.

Thus, each child has the opportunity to take as much as he can.

With the help of the technology of problematic dialogue used in the educational system "School 2100", students at each lesson learn to set a goal, draw up a plan to achieve it, search for a solution, and reflect on the results of working with a text. For the formation of communicative general educational skills, the technology of working with text is used. Thus, a teacher who works according to the textbooks of the School 2100 educational system has the opportunity to achieve new educational goals simply by delivering quality lessons using the technologies adopted in this system.

List of textbooks for teaching materials "School 2100"
1. Primer - R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, O.V. Pronin.
2. Russian language - R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, O.V. Pronin.
3. Literary reading - R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva.
4. English - M.Z. Biboletova and others.
5. Mathematics - T.E. Demidova, S.A. Kozlova, A.P. Thin.
6. The world around - A.A. Vakhrushev, O.B. Bursky, A.S. Rautin.
7. Visual arts - O.A. Kurevina, E.D. Kovalevskaya.
8. Music - L.V. Shkolyar, V.O. Usacheva.
9. Technology - O.A. Kurevina, E.L. Lutzev
10. Physical culture - B.B. Egorov, Yu.E. transplant.

Educational and methodological complex "Perspective elementary school"

(supervisor - N.A. Churakova)

Publishing house "Akademkniga/textbook"

The concept of WCU is based on the humanistic belief that all children are capable of successful learning if the necessary conditions are created for them. Taking into account the age of students makes the learning process successful. All textbooks of the set provide teachers with opportunities to implement the regional component.

When selecting educational material, developing the language of presentation of the material, developing the methodological apparatus of the set, the following components were taken into account.

The age of the student. A first grader can be either six or seven or eight years old. And this is not a problem of lowering the age of a first-grader, but the problem of the simultaneous presence of children of different ages in the lesson, which required a combination of gaming and educational types activities throughout the first year of study.

Different levels of student development. A schoolchild who has not attended kindergarten often comes to school with unformed sensory standards. This required solving the problem of forming sensory standards during the adaptation period of training.

Topographic affiliation of the student. The selection of material takes into account the experience of a student living in both urban and rural areas.

Different class content. The detailed wording of tasks, along with indications of the organizational forms of their implementation (in a group, in pairs), allows schoolchildren to study independently for a sufficiently long time, which is important for a small and small school. A similar structure of textbooks within each subject area and a common external intrigue for all textbooks of the set help students of different age groups located in the same room to be in a single educational space.

Different levels of Russian language proficiency. When developing the “Promising Primary School” teaching materials, it was taken into account that not all students have Russian as their native language and that today's student has a large number of speech therapy problems. The search for a solution to this set of problems required a revision of some important theoretical positions of the Russian language, the development of special lines of orthoepic work and work with a reverse dictionary.

As a result of mastering the subject content included in the set, each student gets the opportunity to acquire general educational skills and abilities. Master those methods of activity that meet the requirements of the state educational standard. These are, first of all, the initial skills of searching for the necessary information in dictionaries, reference books, the library catalog. A system of mutual cross-references between textbooks, each of which has its own specific educational field dictionaries, gives the student the opportunity in the process of four years of study to acquire skills in working with spelling, orthoepic, reverse, explanatory, phraseological, etymological and encyclopedic dictionaries.

The placement of a methodological apparatus for organizing children's activities in the classroom in the body of each textbook allows the set to fulfill such a requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard as the formation of educational cooperation activities - the ability to negotiate, distribute work, evaluate your contribution to the overall result of educational activities.

A unified system of symbols in all textbooks is designed to organize individual, pair, group and collective work.

List of textbooks of the TMC "Promising Primary School"

1. Alphabet - N.G. Agarkova, Yu.A. Agarkov
2. Russian language - Kalenchuk M.L., Churakova N.A., Baikova T.A., Malakhovskaya O.V., Erysheva E.R.
3. Literary reading - Churakova N.A., Malakhovskaya O.V.
4. Mathematics - A.L. Chekin, O.A. Zakharova, E.P. Yudin.
5. The world around - O.N. Fedotova, G.V. Trafimova, S.A. Trafimov, L.A. Tsareva, L.G. Kudrova.
6. Informatics - E.N. Benenson, A.G. Pautova.
7. Technology - T.M. Ragozina, A.A. Grinev.

additional literature
1) Churakova R.G. Technology and aspect analysis of the modern lesson
Churakova N.A., Malakhovskaya O.V. Museum in your class.

Educational-methodical complex “Development. Individuality. Creation. Thinking" (RITM)

(EMC "Classical Primary School")

Publishing house "Drofa"

Educational-methodical complex “Development. Individuality. Creation. Thinking” (RITM) was created on the basis of the WMC"Classic elementary school", the main feature of which is a combination of modern approaches to solving methodological problems and proven principles of didactics, which allows students to achieve consistently high educational results.

Educational-methodical complex “Development. Individuality. Creation. Thinking” (RITM) was revised in accordance with the Federal state standard and supplemented with new textbooks (foreign language, the world around, physical education). The CMC includes programs teaching aids, workbooks. Educational lines in the main subjects are provided with didactic materials, tests and sets of visual aids. All components of the teaching materials are integrated into a single methodological system, they have a modern layout, a voluminous methodological apparatus, and professionally executed illustrations.

In the subject line on the Russian language and literary reading, the native language is considered not only as an object of study, but also as a means of teaching children other disciplines, which contributes to the formation of meta-subject skills. The texts and exercises contained in the textbooks expand knowledge about the native country, its nature, contribute to the education of patriotism, the development of norms and rules of behavior, traditional moral values, tolerance, and hence the formation of the necessary personal qualities, which is the most important result of education.

In the course of studying the course of mathematics, textbooks are included in active independent and group activities, the most important result of which is the development of flexibility, criticality and variability of their thinking. The methodological apparatus of the subject line is aimed at developing logical skills: understanding the educational task, independent planning of one's actions to solve it, choosing the best ways for this.

The methodology underlying the subject lines in a foreign language is designed to form elementary foreign language communicative competence in younger students. The principle of the dialogue of cultures, implemented in the course of the English language, allows the child to smoothly enter the foreign language communicative space. The German language course is aimed at the interconnected formation of all types of communication skills- listening, speaking, reading and writing. Course content foreign language contributes to the formation in the child of a sense of belonging to a certain linguistic and cultural community - Russian civil identity.

In the subject line around the world, the integration of natural-science and social-humanitarian knowledge is carried out, which lays the foundations for the formation of a holistic picture of the world, solves the problems of forming ecological thinking, a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle, a system of national values, ideals of mutual respect, patriotism, based on ethnocultural diversity and general cultural unity of Russian society.

The subject line in fine arts is focused on the aesthetic development of the individual on the basis of mastering the best examples of the artistic heritage of the peoples of Russia and the world. It is built on the principles of a system-activity approach to learning and reflects the communicative and moral essence of art education.

The aesthetic and spiritual and moral development of students when using the subject line in music is carried out through familiarization with musical culture as the most important component of a harmoniously developed personality. The music course is built on a broad integrative basis with subjects of the humanitarian and aesthetic cycle. It is based on the principle of forming universal educational actions - personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative.

The subject line on technology and physical culture contains extraordinary methodological methods for the formation of the necessary subject and meta-subject skills, as well as personality traits of a primary school graduate. The lines are practice-oriented and provide ample opportunities for organizing educational and extracurricular activities of younger students.

UMC “Development. Individuality. Creativity, Thinking” (RITM) is aimed at achieving the results of education defined by the Federal State Standard and the implementation of the “Concept of Spiritual and Moral Development and Education of a Russian Citizen”.

Textbooks that are part of the EMC "Classical Primary School":
1. Alphabet - O.V. Jezhel.
2. Russian language - T.G. Ramzaev.
3. Literary reading. - O.V. Dzhezheley.
4. English language - V.V. Buzhinsky, S.V. Pavlova, R.A. Starikov.
5. German language - N.D. Galsakova, N.I. Gez.
6. Mathematics - E.I. Aleksandrova.
7. The world around - E.V. Saplin, A.I. Saplin, V.I. Sivoglazov.
8. Visual arts - V.S. Kuzin, E.I. Kubyshkin.
9. Technology.- N.A. Malysheva, O.N. Maslenikov.
10. Music - V.V. Aleev, T.N. Kichak.
11. Physical culture - G.I. Pogadaev.

Educational and methodological complex "Primary school of the XXI century"

(supervisor - N.F. Vinogradova)

Publishing house "Ventana - Graf"

The set is based on the theory of A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin and V.V. Davydov. The overall goal of training is the formation of a leading activity for this age. The goal of elementary school teachers is not just to teach the student, but to teach him to teach himself, i.e. educational activities; The aim of the student is to acquire the ability to learn. Educational subjects and their content act as a means to achieve this goal.

The forms, means and methods of teaching are aimed at forming the prerequisites for the younger student (in the 1st half of the first grade), and then the skills of educational activity. In the course of primary education, a junior schoolchild develops the skills of learning activities that allow him to successfully adapt in the main school and continue subject education according to any educational and methodological set.

The leading characteristics of a primary school graduate are his ability to think independently, analyze any issue; the ability to build statements, put forward hypotheses, defend the chosen point of view; the presence of ideas about one's own knowledge and ignorance on the issue under discussion. Hence, there are two methodological features of the UMK. So, working with the educational and methodological kit "Elementary School of the XXI century", the student masters a fundamentally different role - "researcher". This position determines his interest in the process of cognition. As well as increasing attention to the creative activity of students, based on the initiative and independence of each student.

List of textbooks of the teaching materials "Primary school of the XXI century"

1. Primer - L.E. Zhurova.
2. Russian language - S.V. Ivanov, A.O. Evdokimova, M.I. Kuznetsova.
3. Literary reading - L.A. Efrosinina.
4. English language - UMK "FORWARD", M.V. Verbitskaya, O.V. Oralova, B.Ebbs, E.Worell, E.Ward.
5. Mathematics - E.E. Kochurina, V.N. Rudnitskaya, O.A. Rydze.
6. The world around - N.F. Vinogradov.
7. Music - O.V. Usacheva, L.V. Schoolboy.
8. Visual arts - L.G. Savenkova, E.A. Ermolinskaya
9. Technology - E.A. Lutsev.
10. Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia (Grade 4) - N.F. Vinogradova, V.I. Vlasenko, A.V. Polyakov.

Content subjects EMC is focused on stimulating and supporting the emotional, spiritual, moral and intellectual development and self-development of the child; to create conditions for the manifestation of independence, initiative, creative abilities of the child in various activities. At the same time, the importance of children's assimilation of knowledge and mastery of skills and abilities as a means of development remains, but they are not considered as an end in itself of primary education.

In the subjects of the EMC, the humanitarian orientation and its influence on the emotional and social and personal development of the child are strengthened. The EMC presents content that helps the child to maintain and recreate the integrity of the picture of the world, provides him with an awareness of the various connections between objects and phenomena and, at the same time, forms the ability to see the same object from different angles. The main feature of this set is its integrity: the unity of the structure of textbooks and workbooks for all classes and subjects; the unity of the through lines of standard tasks, the unity of approaches to the organization of educational activities.

They publish textbooks and teaching aids for the "Planet of Knowledge" teaching materials of the "Astrel" and "AST" publishing houses.
The UMC includes:

1. Primer - author T.M. Andrianova.
2. Russian language - author T.M. Andrianova, V.A. Ilyukhin.
3. Literary reading - E.E. Katz
4. English language - N.Yu. Goryacheva, S.V. Larkina, E.V. Nasonovskaya.
5. Mathematics - M.I. Bashmakov, M.G. Nefedova.
6. The world around - G.G. Ivchenkova, I.V. Potapova, A.I. Saplin, E.V. Saplin.
7. Music - T.I. Balanova.

Educational and methodical set "Harmony"

(supervisor - N.B. Istomina)

Publishing house "Association of the XXI century".

The educational-methodical set "Harmony" implements: ways of organizing the educational activities of students related to the formulation of a learning task, its solution, self-control and self-assessment; ways of organizing productive communication, which is a necessary condition for the formation of educational activities; ways of forming concepts that provide awareness of cause-and-effect relationships, patterns and dependencies at a level accessible to primary school age.

The course is based on the methodological concept of purposeful and systematic work on the formation of mental activity techniques in younger students: analysis and synthesis, comparison, classification, analogy and generalization in the process of mastering the mathematical content provided by the program.

Primer "My first textbook", designed for the course "Literacy", provides not only the development of elementary reading and writing by first graders, but also the development of their thinking, cognitive interests, sense of language, the formation of phonetic hearing, spelling vigilance, speech and reading skills, introduction into the world of children's books, as well as the accumulation of experience in working with an educational book.

The primer involves the active promotion of both children who are just starting to learn to read, and those who are already at different stages of mastering the reading technique.

In general, this primer creates the conditions for the successful continuation of learning to read and the Russian language within the framework of individual subjects.
The Russian language course presented in the textbooks "To the secrets of our language" ensures the formation of language and speech skills in younger students, their functional literacy simultaneously with the formation of the whole complex of universal educational activities.

This is facilitated by the implementation of an activity approach to the organization of learning, in which the development of language and speech concepts, rules, work on skills goes from motivation and setting a learning task - to its solution and through understanding the necessary mode of action - to the use of acquired knowledge, to the ability to control the implementation actions and their results.

Language learning has a communicative orientation, as it is subordinated to the development of students' speech, the improvement of all forms of their speech activity.

Formation of literacy schoolchildren is carried out on the basis of the purposeful development of their spelling vigilance and spelling self-control.

Course "Literary Reading" involves the formation of the reader's competence of a younger student, which is determined by the possession of reading technique and methods of mastering a literary work, the ability to navigate in books and the acquisition of experience in independent reading activity.

Teaching literary reading is also aimed at:
enrichment of the spiritual and moral sphere of younger schoolchildren, the formation of ideas about good and evil, justice and honesty, respect for the culture of the peoples of multinational Russia;
mastering universal educational activities
improvement of all types of speech activity, the ability to build a monologue and conduct a dialogue;
development of creative abilities;
education of an aesthetic attitude to the art of the word, interest in reading and books, the need to communicate with the world of fiction;
broadening the reader's horizons.

Mathematics course, presented in the textbook, in the process of assimilation of the program material purposefully forms all types of universal learning activities (UUD) for students. This is facilitated by: the logic of constructing the course content, various methodological techniques organization of educational activities of younger schoolchildren, a system of educational tasks aimed at the implementation of various types of actions by students.

In the process of studying the course, children master: mathematical knowledge, skills and abilities provided for by the course program, and learn how to use them to describe the surrounding objects, processes, phenomena, assess quantitative and spatial relationships; master the skills: to build reasoning; to argue and correct statements to distinguish between reasonable and unreasonable judgments; identify patterns; establish causal relationships; to analyze various mathematical objects, highlighting their essential and non-essential features, which will ensure their successful continuation of mathematical education in basic school.

Features of the content of the course "The world around" are: the integrative nature of the presentation of natural science, social science and historical knowledge; purposeful formation of UUD in the development of subject knowledge and skills.

The study of the surrounding world is aimed at:
formation of a holistic picture of the world of the natural and socio-cultural world, environmental and cultural literacy, moral, ethical and safe norms of interaction with nature and people among younger schoolchildren;
mastering a complex of subject knowledge, skills and universal educational activities for the successful continuation of education in the main school;
development of skills to observe, analyze, generalize, characterize objects of the surrounding world, reason, solve creative problems;
upbringing of a citizen who loves his Fatherland, who is aware of his belonging to it, who respects the way of life, customs and traditions of the inhabiting peoples, who strive to participate in environmental and creative activities.

The main course presented in the textbooks "Technology", is an objective transforming activity that allows you to integrate the conceptual (speculative), visual-figurative, visual-effective components of cognitive activity.

The main features of the course "Fine Arts":
acquaintance of schoolchildren with the figurative language of fine arts as the basis for the emotional and ethical development of the surrounding world;
communicative orientation of training, which ensures the education of the basic visual culture of the individual and the primary development of visual means of visual communication;
activity approach to the study and further practical development of fine, design and decorative art activities;
problem-based learning, when the teacher, without suggesting a final answer, poses questions that help students themselves come to the right solution;
the formation of methods of cognitive activity and the development of interest in the field of artistic development of the world, the enrichment of the sensory and practical creative experience of the child.

Music course, presented in the textbooks "To the heights of musical art", has the following features:
development of musical thinking of schoolchildren through the development of various genres of music;
selection of musical material with a focus on the masterpieces of world musical art, which helps the child to form a holistic view of musical culture according to its reference samples;
formation along with the song type of musical thinking at the symphonic level;
the methodological principle of “recreating” the masterpieces of the world musical art, which consists in the fact that the holistic perception of a work is preceded by the stage of “creation” by a child through the passage of the main stages of the composer’s path;
the creation by schoolchildren of the independence of music as an art form capable of conveying the feelings and thoughts of people by its own means as a result of acquaintance with the musical images of various genres of music and the disclosure of the many-sided connections between music and life.

The purpose of the textbooks "Physical culture" is the formation of the basics of a healthy lifestyle among students, the ability to communicate and interact with peers, plan their own activities, distribute the load and rest in the process of its implementation, analyze and objectively evaluate the results of their own work, evaluate the beauty of the physique and posture, technically correctly perform motor actions.

The publishing house "Association of the 21st Century" publishes textbooks and teaching aids for UMK "Harmony".
To communicate with colleagues and exchange experience in the educational system "Harmony" created social network-

The UMC includes:
1. Primer - author M.S. Soloveichik, N.S. Kuzmenko, N.M. Betenkova, O.E. Kurlygina.
2. Russian language - author M.S. Soloveichik, N.S. Kuzmenko.
3. Literary reading - author O.V. Kubasov.
4. Mathematics - author N.B. Istomin.
5. The world around - author O.V. Poglazova, N.I. Vorozheikin, V.D. Shilin.
6. Technology - author N.M.Konysheva.
7. Visual arts - (publishing house "Yakhont"), author: T.A. Koptseva, V.P. Koptsev, E.V. Koptsev.
8. Music - (publishing house "Yakhont"), author: M.S.Krasilnikova, O.N.Yashmolkina, O.I.Nekhaeva.
9. Physical culture - (publishing house "Yakhont"), author: R.I.Tarnopolskaya, B.I.Mishina.