The structure of the academy. Structure — Baltic State Academy of Fishing Fleet Baltic Maritime Academy


Passing score

The "Passing Score" column shows the average passing score for one exam (the minimum total passing score divided by the number of exams).

What is it and why is it important?

Enrollment in a university is based on the results of three or four USE (for each exam, you can score a maximum of 100 points). In addition, some universities (Moscow State University named after Lomonosov, St. Petersburg State University, MGIMO) are allowed to take an additional exam in a specialized subject for the chosen specialty. For some specialties, it is also required to pass a professional or creative exam. For each additional exam, you can score a maximum of 100 points. When enrolling, individual achievements (portfolio) are also taken into account, such as the final school essay, an excellent student's certificate, a TRP badge, and volunteer activities. A maximum of 10 points can be awarded for an applicant's portfolio.

Passing score for any specialty at a particular university is the minimum total score with which an applicant was enrolled during the last admission campaign.

In fact, we know with what points it was possible to enter last year. But, unfortunately, no one knows with what score you can enter this or next year. This will depend on how many applicants and with what scores they will apply for this specialty, as well as on how many budget places will be allocated. Nevertheless, knowing the passing scores allows you to estimate your chances of admission with a high degree of probability, so it is worth focusing on them, this is important.

BSARF main building

Baltic State Fishing Fleet Academy
Year of foundation

Volkogon Vladimir Alekseevich

Legal address

236029, Kaliningrad, Molodezhnaya st., 6


Baltic State Fishing Fleet Academy (BSARF)- a higher educational institution in Kaliningrad, one of the largest higher educational institutions in the fish industry in Russia.

General information

The Kaliningrad Higher Nautical School was established in 1966 on the basis of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on April 30, 1966 No. 330. The purpose of creating the Kaliningrad Higher Nautical School (KVIMU) was to train seafarers for the developing fishery industry of the country. Yuri Polikarpovich Kletnov became the first rector of KVMU. In 1985, Alexander Petrovich Pimoshenko was appointed Rector of KVIMU.

In 1991, by order of the Ministry of Fisheries of the Russian Federation, KVIMU was transformed into the Baltic State Academy of the Fishing Fleet.

In June 2008, Vladimir Alekseevich Volkogon was elected rector of the academy.

Currently, the BSARF is an academic complex of multi-level training for the fishing industry, which allows you to go through a continuous educational path from secondary vocational education to the highest level of postgraduate training - postgraduate and doctoral studies. The structure of the Baltic State Academy includes the Marine Lyceum and preparatory courses, the Kaliningrad Marine Fishery College, the academy itself, the Institute for Advanced Studies and the Institute of Professional Pedagogy. On the basis of the university, specialized Academic Councils for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations successfully work.

The academy trains specialists in 15 specialties, 4 areas of bachelor's degree and one direction of master's degree. Education is conducted at 5 faculties (navigation, ship mechanics, radio engineering, transport, correspondence), at the Institute of Applied Economics and Management. The system is being improved educational work in Academy. Members of the BSARF-KVIMU Alumni Union, established in 2008, are actively involved in its implementation.

Since 1991, the Baltic State Fishing Fleet Academy has owned the legendary Russian sailing ship"Kruzenshtern". On board the vessel, cadets of maritime educational institutions of the Federal Agency for Fisheries annually pass their first swimming practice.


  • Ship mechanical
  • Navigator's
  • Radio engineering
  • Transport
  • correspondence

Ship Mechanical Faculty

The faculty was founded in 1966. Faculty Dean: Igor Dmitriev

Departments of the faculty: Ship power plants. Head of the Department Professor Odintsov Viktor Ivanovich; Refrigeration, cryogenic technology and air conditioning. Head of the Department Professor Slastikhin Yury Nikolaevich; Electrical equipment and automation of ships. Head of the Department Professor Viktor Konstantinovich Barannikov; Technology of materials and ship repair. Head of the Department Professor Verevkin V.I.; Engineering mechanics. Head of the Department Associate Professor Osnyach Andrey Anatolyevich

The Faculty of Ship Engineering trains engineers in the following specialties:

180405 "Operation of ship power plants" Qualification: specialist Form of study: full-time, part-time, part-time Training period full-time 5 years

Fields of professional activity of the graduate: - ships of the sea, river and fishing fleet - power plants of ships, development of shelves and drilling platforms, floating diesel power plants - ship repair enterprises - scientific, design and engineering firms

140504 "Refrigeration, cryogenic equipment and life support systems" Qualification: bachelor Form of education: full-time, part-time, part-time. Duration of study: 4 years. In this area of ​​training, training in an abbreviated form is possible. Duration of study: full-time - 3 years, full-time and part-time - 4 years.

Navigation faculty

The Faculty of Navigation was formed in 1966 as part of the Kaliningrad Higher Marine Engineering School (since 1992 the Baltic State Academy of the Fishing Fleet). Dean of the Faculty: Associate Professor, sea captain Vitaly Alexandrovich Bondarev.

Graduating departments: navigation, organization of transportation, theory of ship operation.

The Faculty of Navigation trains engineers in the following specialties:

180403 Navigation Qualification: Engineer Form of study: Full-time, part-time, reduced Full-time study period 3.5 and 5.5 years

180500 "Management of water transport and hydrographic support of navigation" Qualification: bachelor Form of education: full-time, part-time, part-time. The term of full-time study is 4 years

190602 "Operation of handling equipment of ports and transport terminals" Qualification: bachelor Form of study: full-time Study period: 4 years

Faculty of Radio Engineering

The faculty begins its history in 1965. Dean of the RTF - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Vetrov Igor Anatolyevich.

The Faculty of Radio Engineering trains engineers in the following specialties:

1. 162107 "Technical operation of transport radio equipment" (specializations: 1. "Technical operation and repair of radio equipment of the fishing fleet"; 2. "International information and telecommunication systems in transport") Qualification: specialist Form of education: full-time, part-time, reduced Training period: 5 years 6 months

2. 090303 "Information security of automated systems" (specialization: "Ensuring information security of distributed information systems") Qualification: specialist Form of study: full-time Study period: 5 years

3. Direction of training 230100 "Computer science and computer technology" (bachelor's degree) (training profile: "Automated information processing and control systems") Qualification (degree): "bachelor" Form of study: full-time, part-time, part-time Course duration: 4 years

Transport faculty

The faculty was established in 2006. Faculty Dean: Sobolin Vladimir Nikolaevich

The Faculty of Transport prepares in the following areas:

190600 "Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes" Qualification: bachelor profile of training: cars and automotive industry, automotive service Form of study: full-time, part-time, part-time Course duration: 4 years

190700 "Technology of transport processes" Qualification: bachelor Profile of training: organization of transportation and management in road transport. Form of study: full-time, part-time, part-time Study period: 4 years

280700 "Technosphere safety" Qualification: bachelor Profile of training: protection in emergency situations Form of study: full-time, part-time Course duration: 4 years

Institute of Applied Economics and Management

The Institute of Applied Economics and Management (IPEM) was established in April 2007 through the reorganization of the Faculty of Economics of the Baltic State Fishing Fleet Academy. The Institute included the departments: "Management", "Marketing and Logistics", "Commerce and Entrepreneurship", "Economic Theory and Regional Economics", "Philosophy, History and Social Sciences".

For more than 10 years of its activity as an educational division of the Academy, the Institute has ensured a high rating for training specialists in the business environment of the Kaliningrad region, among the heads of commercial structures and territorial governments.

The Institute has formed a sufficiently qualified teaching staff that meets the requirements of the State educational standards. Students are taught by 8 doctors of sciences, professors, 62% of teachers are candidates of sciences, associate professors. Leading specialists of the region are invited to conduct classes in special disciplines, which ensures a continuous connection between theoretical training and practice.

Since 2009, the Institute of Applied Economics and Management of the BSARF has been opening training under the master's program in the direction 080500.68 "Management" (annotated program "Financial Management").

The Institute provides basic higher education in the direction 080500 "Management" with the qualification "Bachelor of Management" and provides training in the specialty "Organization Management" (qualification: manager - 5 years of study) with specializations: transport management; financial management.

The received specialty allows graduates to work at enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership in the transport, fishing and other sectors of the economy, as well as in regional and municipal governments, financial structures as managers - managers and heads of departments.

The specialty “Marketing” is widely demanded in a market economy (qualification: marketer - 5 years of study).

Graduates are prepared to work at enterprises, in commercial structures as marketers - specialists in the field of market research, ensuring the competitiveness of goods and services and marketing products.

Another specialty of market orientation is the specialty 080301 "Commerce (trading business)" (qualification: specialist in commerce - 5 years of study).

The professional activity of a commerce specialist is carried out in the sphere of commodity circulation, both tangible and intangible goods and services subject to sale and exchange. Graduates are prepared to work as commercial directors and heads of commercial divisions at enterprises of all organizational and legal forms of ownership. Implementing a two-level training program in accordance with the Bologna agreements, since 2003 the Institute has been training bachelors in the areas of "Management" and "Commerce". Currently, organizational work is being carried out to open master's training.

Education is carried out on a budgetary and paid basis for full-time, part-time (evening) and correspondence forms of education. It is possible to reduce the terms of study for persons with basic secondary vocational education in economics.

Currently, the number of IPEM students is about one and a half thousand people, including 60% of full-time students.

The Institute is locally located in a separate building, equipped with modern technical teaching aids, computer classes with access to the local network of the Academy and the Internet. The academic building is equipped with a reading room for economic literature, a student cafe, a conference room and other infrastructure elements. Nonresident students are provided with a comfortable hostel.

The Institute was the first in the region to begin training in the specialty "Marketing" and "Commerce", as well as managers for work at the enterprises of the transport complex of the region.

The demand for our graduates and their professional growth speaks about the level of training of specialists at the faculty. Many of them work as managers in well-known Kaliningrad companies, banks, representative offices of foreign firms, and territorial management structures. A number of graduates have created and led their own businesses. The Institute has a student government, an association of business cooperation, a regional branch of the international student association AIESEC.

Students have all the conditions for realizing their potential in the socio-cultural sphere (student club, dance group, KVN team, sports sections).

For those wishing to subsequently engage in scientific work, postgraduate studies in the specialty "Economics and Management of the National Economy" are open. It should be noted that for last years 3 graduates of the Institute defended dissertations in dissertation councils in economics. In total, 26 full-time and part-time graduate students, as well as 6 applicants are currently studying in graduate school degree candidate of economic sciences.

About the university

The Baltic State Academy is an academic complex of multi-level training of specialists and includes: the Maritime Lyceum, the Academy itself and the Institute for Advanced Studies. On the basis of the university, specialized Academic Councils for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations successfully work.

The Maritime Lyceum, being the first stage in the system of continuous education, in unity with in-depth general scientific training within the framework of the program for grades 10-11, has been providing early professional orientation to the specialties for which training is conducted at the academy for more than ten years.

Seven faculties and twenty-three departments train command personnel in 13 specialties to work on ships of the fishing fleet, in the transport industry, in the fields of communications and communications, in structures that ensure life safety.

The Institute for Advanced Studies includes: the Baltic Sea Training Center, the Faculty of Retraining and Additional Training of Seafarers, the International Logistics Center, the Center for Engineering Pedagogics, and the Center for Automotive Electronics.
The Academy has created the best training base in Russia for the implementation of the "International Convention for the Training, Certification of Seafarers and Watchkeeping (STCW-78/95)", including:

* Simulator of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) with classes of preliminary training and electronic equipment, a radio communication laboratory;
* a class for testing the knowledge of command crew;
* class of medical training;
* radar simulator;
* complex fishing simulator;
* water rescue simulator;
* Cabinet of life-saving equipment and damage control of the vessel;
* simulator for combating water;
* fire fighting simulator;
* training class in fire safety and fire fighting.

The training base has International Certificate ISO-9001 quality.

The presence of such a training base made it possible to timely retrain and simulator training of sailors of the fishing, transport sea and river fleets.

The academy operates an industry training and methodological center for the implementation of the requirements of the International Convention STCW-78/95. For maritime specialties, the academy is accredited by the London Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology. For specialties in the automotive profile, two training and service centers equipped with the most modern equipment have been built and are successfully operating.

The university trains reserve officers. In 1966, the Department of Naval Training was established. The greatest contribution to the formation and development of the department was made by: the first head of the department, captain 2nd rank Yuri Krylov, teachers - captains 2nd rank Vladimir Vasilyev and Alexei Semenochkin, captains 3rd rank Gennady Leskov and Gianit Kraskin, others. In 1998, the department was transformed into the Faculty of Military Education. Now the training of reserve officers is carried out in 11 military specialties.

Over the years, the university has trained more than 8 thousand reserve officers for the Navy. Some of the graduates, after receiving diplomas of graduation from the university and conferring the rank of “lieutenant”, expressed a desire to link their lives with service in the Armed Forces of the country, in other power structures. More than 70 graduates are currently serving in the Baltic Fleet alone. Thanks to the efforts of the leadership of the academy and support from the former governor of the region Vladimir Yegorov and the commander of the Baltic Fleet, Admiral Vladimir Valuev, it was possible to save the naval department during the reorganization of military departments in Russian universities.
The BGA will continue to train reserve officers.

The pride of the Academy is its world-famous one of the world's largest four-masted sailing ship "Kruzenshtern", which was transferred to the university in 1991. Built in 1926, it is rightfully “the hallmark of the Russian sailing training fleet. Despite its considerable age, the barque is in good technical condition, equipped with the most modern navigational equipment and instruments, and has excellent living conditions for the crew.

On the Kruzenshtern, under the guidance of qualified mentors, cadets of the Academy and other maritime educational institutions of Russia receive initial maritime knowledge and skills, pass exams for the first maritime professions. During training voyages, the barque visits the ports of many countries of the world, is a regular participant in international sailing regattas, taking prizes in them, as a rule. So, participating in the "Regatta of the Century" (2000), "Kruzenshtern" won 46 prizes, he was awarded the "World Cup".

In 1995-1996 the barque circumnavigated the world. This expedition has acquired the character of a nationwide action - the main event of the State Program for celebrating the 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet.

The academy has a qualified teaching staff (more than 200 people), including: 18 academicians and corresponding members of public academies of sciences, more than 20 doctors of sciences and professors, about 140 candidates of sciences. Training of scientific and pedagogical personnel is carried out in postgraduate and doctoral studies in 11 specialties. There are specialized academic councils for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations.

The only doctoral dissertation council in the specialty "Theory and Methods of Vocational Education" in the North-West region of Russia, which is headed by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Bokareva G.A., successfully operates at the Academy. For 7 years, 56 dissertations have been successfully defended in the council, 16 of them are doctoral.

Academy scientists are constantly involved in research on industry programs for the development of fisheries in Russia and the regional development program for the Kaliningrad region. They carry out scientific research under the intergovernmental integrated program "Integration", grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, and the international program "TACIS".

Since 2001, the Academy has been working on the creation and implementation of a quality management system in accordance with the International Standard "ISO-9001:2000". A department for managing the quality of training of specialists has been created, goals and policies in the field of quality have been defined, a manual on the quality of training of specialists and a number of regulatory documents describing the processes of an educational institution have been developed.

Kaliningrad branches of the Academy of Transport of Russia and the International Academy of Sciences operate on the basis of the Academy teacher education, Kaliningrad Regional Center of the Association for Engineering Education.

The university has wide international relations with related educational institutions of a number of foreign countries.

The educational and laboratory base is constantly being improved, equipped with the best samples of domestic, foreign training and computer equipment. A complex of modern educational buildings has been created. The available libraries provide cadets and students with the necessary educational and methodical literature, their funds are constantly updated and replenished with the latest textbooks and manuals. Cadets and students are accommodated in comfortable hostels. All conditions for sports have been created. The academy club hosts various educational events, evenings of rest and discos.

Over the years of its existence, the university has given a start in life to more than one generation. Entire dynasties have been formed when the older generation is replaced by the cadets and the sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters of those who graduated from KVIMU-BGA in different years join the student ranks.

The undeniable truth is that the glory of the university is brought by its graduates. Thousands of those who in different years received a diploma of graduation from KVIMU - BGA and today ply the seas and oceans, stand on the captain's bridges, ensure the life of the ship, work in various institutions, ministries and representative offices, conduct scientific and pedagogical activities, someone is already on a well-deserved rest.

Among them: V. Belyaev, Head of the Kaliningrad Seaport Administration; V. Bondarev, Dean of the SVF Academy; A.Valishin, acting rector of BGA; V. Vlasenko, Minister of Industry of the Kaliningrad Region; V. Volodin, Deputy Director for Research at TsNIIMF; O. Gazmanov, People's Artist of Russia; K.Davydov, Head of the Department of Budgetary Financing of the Federal Agency for Fisheries; S. Katerborg, General Director of CJSC Magellan; A. Kuznetsov, former head of the Baltic City District, deputy of the Kaliningrad Regional Duma of two convocations; P. Makarov, head of the administration of the KMRP; N. Paletsky, Vice-Rector for EV BHA; V. Pirogov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Media Holding NTRK "Kaskad"; O. Sedov, captain of the Kruzenshtern UPS and others. Celebrating the 40th anniversary of the university, the staff of the Baltic State Academy is looking to the future with optimism, with confidence that highly qualified and in-demand personnel will continue to emerge from its walls, who will continue to worthily bear the proud name of a BGA graduate.