Russian spy Yuri Drozdov. Biography

The most striking milestones in his biography are the storming of Berlin in the spring of 1945 and the leadership of groups of state security special forces in the Kabul operation on December 27, 1979 in Afghanistan. Other pages of his life are slightly less known - work as a KGB resident in Beijing and New York. Even less is known about his service in the most mysterious division of the State Security Committee, the First Main Directorate - Directorate "C", which he headed in 1979-1991. It's easier to understand what the name hides if you say that it was an illegal intelligence service.

Looking back at your life, do you feel disappointed? So much effort was devoted to ensuring the security of the country, which was so mediocrely destroyed in a matter of years.

Similar questions have already been asked to me, including by former Chekists. In the 1990s, our leaders got confused in their approaches and strongly deviated from the course of construction and state administration. Thus, they enabled our adversaries to partially carry out their plans to weaken our country. However, this work never stopped. But having received such a "handicap", it was a sin for them not to take advantage of the chance.

However, it would be wrong to say that they only sought to weaken our country, their task is much more serious - the destruction of Russia as a state with a thousand-year history. Of course, they understood the full scale of such a task, taking into account both the power of the state and the strength of the people who could stop them. Knowing the ability to revive the Russian people, they were afraid of it and planted everything with all their might that could weaken the ethnic historical and evolutionary ability of the population that is part of Russia, depriving us of the opportunity to revive a strong state.

If we look deep into history, we will definitely remember Yegor Klassen and his well-known essay "New Materials for the Ancient History of the Slavs in General and Slavic Russians before the Birth of Christ." This is an interesting book, published, by the way, by a Russified German who waged a serious fight against the supporters of the Norman school, which claimed that Russia was created by the Vikings. When an immature leader comes, who does not know, does not respect his history, who was largely brought up on the fact that ill-wishers from abroad, and sometimes internal ones, throw him up, unrest and cataclysms begin, which we are currently witnessing. A Chinese proverb is very appropriate here: "So that you have to live in an era of change."

About three thousand years ago, Chinese sages, for example Xun Tzu, wrote that it is better to conquer a country without fighting (that means working with the population, fighting for the population). Hence the notorious memo by CIA third director Alain Dulles, outlining general principles subjugation of the USSR through the ideological corruption of the population. It frankly stated that we would be driven to the point that we would gnaw at each other. This is a policy aimed at substituting ethnic character.

The former head of the German military counterintelligence, Gerd-Helmut Komossa, in his book “The German Map. The Closed Game of the Secret Services revealed the shocking details of the secret treaty signed during the founding of the FRG in 1949. I note that the appearance of such a book, in which the former head of the secret services of the German military department reveals the secret drive belts of the political regime of the FRG, is an extremely rare phenomenon.

Raising the most painful questions for the Germans, this book appeals to the depths of the German identity, which for decades has been painstakingly trampled on by the United States and its Western allies. The "German Map" tells about the hidden, but extremely acute contradictions between the United States and Germany - contradictions that are not yet customary to speak out loud.

The book was published in July 2007 in Austria. The very fact of the publication of such a book testifies that the German public is uncomfortable with the humiliating role of a US vassal assigned to it after the 45th year and is ripe for the perception of the truth about the conditions in which the German people were placed by the Western victors in World War II. This is exactly what Komossa is talking about.

The state treaty of May 21, 1949, to which the BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst - federal intelligence) assigned the highest degree of secrecy, stipulates restrictions on the state sovereignty of the Federal Republic of Germany until 2099. The treaty states that the Allied countries exercise full control over the German media and communications. Every Federal Chancellor of Germany must sign the so-called chancellor act before taking office. In addition, the entire gold reserve of Germany is under arrest imposed by the Allies. Indeed, all German chancellors, including the current one, Angela Merkel, paid their first state visit to the United States. The US administration continues to interfere in internal processes in Germany.

All political parties in Germany are led by a special control body from Washington, and the licensed press created by the Americans in Germany is an even more unified brainwashing tool than under the Nazi regime. The territory of Germany remains occupied by American troops. All this might seem like a picture generated by someone's sick fantasy, if not for the authoritative figure of the author - the former head of counterintelligence of the Bundeswehr.

After the book was published, everyone wondered whether the German general was aware of which bomb he lit the fuse on. It turns out that the US is going to manipulate the German people for a long 150 years. Will a German remain a German after this? This is an American political game. Russia is one of the most powerful states in the world. And the United States understands that it is necessary to work on the implementation of the policy of enslavement of our state through third countries. And it directly talks about how the European Union is being used, internal contradictions, and also what measures the United States is taking to increase its influence within Russia and, in particular, through influence in countries such as Germany. What is most interesting, Gerd Komossa's book has not been translated into Russian.

The events of 1991, accompanied by the destruction of the state structures of the former USSR, caused confusion among many in Russia, including individual officers working in the intelligence and counterintelligence agencies. There was a single structure for the entire Soviet Union. It didn't just fall apart - there was a betrayal. Thousands of classified materials were made public. state secret countries. They were especially sophisticated in the former Soviet republics of the USSR. Under these conditions, some officers found it possible for themselves to emigrate to the West.

People came to me who are now working in NATO countries, former Chekists, they do business there and even have branches in Russia. They also asked this question: does your soul not hurt? Did I have a desire to break with all this after what was done to our country?

- And what did you answer?

Maybe it will sound strange, but now I am driven by interest - to find out what will come out of all this "sabantuy". So far, unfortunately, nothing good has come of it, or very little has come of it. When I retired, according to tradition, there was a send-off, and, speaking to the intelligence team, I remembered the words of the Russian general Alexei Alekseevich Brusilov. This man, truly devoted to the Motherland, in the difficult post-revolutionary years found the strength to decide that the true prospect is in the new Russia under construction. Addressing the Russian officers, he said: “The government comes and goes, but Russia remains. And it must be served honestly, faithfully, regardless of what is happening in the political struggle. What was the way out for our officers then? According to recently published data, somewhere around 570 thousand of them were on the side of the Whites and the same group in terms of numbers on the side of the Reds. People were looking for ways to save the state, the people, to prevent it from being pulled apart into different corners, circles, to prevent the destruction of Russia as a powerful state on the Eurasian continent planned far from the outside. This fight continues to this day.

If we take the structure of our society, then the same situation can be seen today. If we systematically analyze the actions of business representatives, executives, and the speeches of our intelligentsia, it will become noticeable that the struggle is taking place at a specific diplomatic, governmental and ideological level. Although it is argued that we do not have an ideology. But lack of ideas is the strongest ideology that can be.

This is my personal attitude, but my wife is experiencing everything that happens with great pain. She comes from a poor family and went through the war. In a word, I've seen everything. But when we visit her homeland in the city of Nelidovo, Tver Region, and see how everything is ruined and plundered there, it is difficult to refrain from emotions. In our country, a wall has grown between the people who are content with the smallest, and those who live in big cities and own most of Russia's wealth. And through the press, by the way, we are alienating the people from governing the country. He becomes indifferent and infantile.

- You spoke about those who went to the West. So you justify them?

Those in the West, they didn't run away - they were pushed out of modern history, out of reality. Of course, if I begin to justify them, I will be wrong. But at the same time, you need to understand that they needed to look for themselves. And they found a haven with the enemy. We must agree that on the eve of 1991 the Soviet leadership made serious miscalculations. The position was very difficult. The people who ruled the country decided many challenging tasks and made one mistake after another.

I remember how I argued with Vladimir Alexandrovich Kryuchkov about the need to rebuild the country, but how to do it? In Afghanistan, we had a conversation in which he said that Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov had the following views: give trade, the service sector into private hands, leave his backbone - heavy industry, the entire group A in the hands of the state. But before rebuilding, you need to rebuilt site to put a strong fence in order to retain the right and opportunity to do so. And we did the opposite - turned the country into a passage yard. It is known who needed it and how it was prepared - there is documentary evidence of this, enshrined in American documents with reference to our leaders.

- You were born in Minsk, your youth was spent in Kharkov, you live in Russia. Do you have to visit your home country?

The last time I was in Minsk was in the mid-eighties. Everything is close to me there, and there are many acquaintances. We are in touch with many. I was elected an honorary member of the Belarusian community. That it was possible to preserve in Belarus and, first of all, the former order and civil responsibility, is pleasant. There are people there who experience the complications that arise with pain - this is also nice. The experience of Belarus would do well to study our leaders. I would not say that the creation of a powerful private industry is beneficial to the state. Minsk acts as they prefer to do in England and the USA. There, the government has not given the management of the development of the state, especially in its main directions, into private hands, this is only an appearance. Same Silicon Valley, I know it from practical experience, is in the hands of the state, and until you pass the Pentagon check, you will not enter or settle there.

- Do you think that the USA is one of the most totalitarian states in the world?

Of course. Israel, for example, has more democracy than America. The United States has not handed over to private capital what constitutes the core of the state. What we call innovation, as it was in the hands of the state, has remained. Projects of the latest helicopters that take off from a submarine are developed by students at special universities and institutes, but under the control of the Pentagon. Nothing is out of control there, because all forces are aimed at protecting the state.

Their thoroughness in protecting the interests and positions of the state can be envied. I read about the latest developments in the USA, learned about the existence of flying tanks. By the way, we recently showed dancing tanks - ballet. And their tanks fly, during street battles they fly at an altitude of 15 to 300 meters. Agree, for a fight this is more important than dancing. They even launched the development of helicopters taking off from submarine missile silos. We don't have anything like that.

Let's take a break from politics. Let's talk about Kharkov.

My family and I moved to Kharkov in 1937. For me, it was already the age when a more or less active life begins. I started learning Ukrainian at the 95th school and for the first time I made 32 mistakes on one page. My father worked as the chief of staff of a military school. This is probably why I was drawn to the House of the Soviet Red Army, located next to the university. There I studied in various circles: zoological, Arctic researchers, drama, where our leader was Viktor Ivanovich Khokhryakov, later a People's Artist. Then he was an ordinary artist of the Kharkov Theater of Russian Drama. Then I entered the 14th special artillery school, it was on Feuerbach Street, 8. Kharkov - interesting city with the richest culture, history, active internal political life, where interesting educational tasks were solved, including on the basis of the Palace of Pioneers, the House of the Army.

And the beginning of the Great Patriotic War For me it was an unexpected, but still expected event. I remembered a lecture by Major General Mikhail Pavlovich Milovsky, he told how he went with an inspection to the Brest region. He talked about how the Germans behaved. Even then, a lot for a person who knows how to think and analyze became obvious. In June 1941, I was resting in a summer camp from the military school where my father served. On the 22nd, early in the morning, the guys and I went fishing. We returned and felt a strange silence. We saw that the entire staff was lined up on the parade ground near the headquarters of the school. They came closer, listened, learned that the war had begun. We were 15 at the time. So Minsk and Kharkov are two milestone cities in my life, where everything was laid.

Illegals often travel abroad with their wives. As far as I know, your wife is not just a second half, she happened to perform your special tasks.

I will tell you such a case. When we worked in China, I was under serious surveillance. And I myself could not extract the message from the cache. My wife went for groceries, then to the tailor. And along the route of her movement was a cache. She, returning, went to the right place, pulled out a bookmark and brought it home. She was silent for a while and then said: “Now I understand why you end up with heart attacks.” It was.

- Your wife also has a very interesting biography.

We met at the end of the war. After the liberation of Warsaw, during one of the pauses in the Vistula-Oder operation of 1945, I ended up in the field hospital of the 3rd Shock Army for a couple of weeks, where we met each other. Lyudmila Alexandrovna Drozdova (nee Yudenich), my age. She comes from the village of Zhikharevo, Belsky district, Nelidovskaya volost, Western (Kalinin) region. Mother, Maria Mikhailovna Kachanovskaya, raised her direct, honest, a little harsh, sympathetic, but adamant. Everything that she told about herself, everything that I saw myself when I was in her small homeland, everything is really worthy of a separate book.

In the early hungry spring of 1943, she came to the village of Zaimishche, Kalinin Region, and entered the field army hospital. With him, she went to Berlin, doing everything she could for our common Victory. At the end of October 1993, she was awarded the Order of the Great Patriotic War II degree, which had been looking for her since 1985. In our turbulent times, it is not so easy to find a person even in Moscow...

Your biography is well known, to the extent permitted, given your past work and life. Is it possible in the future interesting discoveries about which you are forced to remain silent today due to the fact that the work and confrontation between the two systems continues?

Many things will never be revealed, I think. You are right, the work continues. The activity of illegal intelligence is a long process in time, stretched out for many years, decades. One clings to the other, and the publication of years later, even seemingly insignificant details, can reveal working intelligence officers.

I already think that today we allow ourselves sometimes unjustified frankness. Let's be reasonable. And there will be discoveries. But probably not in this life. The security of the state and the people who provide it is above all. This is the meaning of the life of intelligence and scout.

You have many books in your office. When talking with you, I constantly hear quotes. One gets the impression that you have mastered all this mountain of printed matter.

Of course, you can't read everything. To be honest, I couldn't read the whole thing. Many topics are repeated, the authors operate with facts known to me. In such cases, it may be sufficient to simply skim through the main chapters.

By the way, when I was preparing for illegal work in Germany in the fifties, I was helped to get used to the image fiction in German. There were many small details, nuances, subtleties of behavior necessary for getting used to the territory of the country. I repeat, there are a lot of books, I can’t read everything, but I read some things with pleasure and interest. Some books get to my desktop in very interesting ways. One of them, for example, was brought by a stranger. He came to the presentation of our book “Operation President”. And, taking this opportunity, he presented a book that also worries him on the topic under discussion. It is devoted to an overview of the historical positions that the British, Americans, Japanese, Germans occupied, preventing our conquest of Siberia and advancement to the East. After reading it, I remembered the Russian-American campaign. There is one amazing book "Great or Quiet" about how Russia mastered Alaska, the Aleutian Islands, and what a struggle unfolded around this. A school was established in Alaska, cadet corps. The Shelikhov detachment of the merchant Alexander Andreevich Baranov worked there and explored America, going down, they reached San Francisco. By the way, we could also present an invoice to the French for Madagascar. The Decembrists who fled were the first to land there and develop the territory, creating a republic.

- But you not only read, but also write a lot yourself. What is your next book about?

It is not always a rewarding task to voice the topic of a new book. There will be a book - there will be a topic for conversation. And today, given the current situation in the world, there are plenty.

Dossier HB:

Yuri Ivanovich Drozdov Born September 19, 1925 in Minsk in the family of a military man. Father is an officer tsarist army, in the revolution sided with the Bolsheviks. In 1944 he graduated from the 1st Leningrad Artillery School, evacuated to the city of Engels. Member of the Great Patriotic War. Member of the storming of Berlin in the spring of 1945. Finished the war with the rank of lieutenant. In 1956 he graduated from the Military Institute foreign languages and was transferred to the State Security Committee. He began his operational career in the official representation of the KGB of the USSR at the Stasi - the MGB of the GDR in Berlin (since August 1957). Under the pseudonym Jurgen Drivs, he participated in the operation to release from prison in the United States and return to his homeland the legendary illegal intelligence officer Rudolf Abel (Yuri Ivanovich played the role of Abel's German "cousin"). In 1963, after completing a business trip to Germany, he was sent to advanced courses for operational personnel. From August 1964 to 1968 he was a resident of the foreign intelligence service of the KGB of the USSR in China. After working at the Center in 1975, he was appointed a foreign intelligence resident in the United States, lived in New York, where he was until 1979 under the cover of the Deputy Permanent Representative of the USSR to the UN. From November 1979 to 1991, he served as deputy head of the PGU of the KGB of the USSR (First Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR) and headed the department of illegal intelligence of the PGU of the KGB of the USSR (Department "C"). Member of the Afghan war. The initiator of the creation and the superior head of the Vympel special forces unit. He is fluent in German. Retired since June 1991. Major General. Head of the analytical center "NAMACON". He is the Honorary President of the Vympel-Soyuz Association of Veterans of Special Forces and Intelligence Services.

A family

Father - Drozdov Ivan Dmitrievich (1894-1978), officer of the Russian army, participated in the First World War, fought on the South-Western Front, received the St. George Cross for courage.

Mother - Drozdova (Pankevich) Anastasia Kuzminichna (1898-1987) was born near Lepel in Belarus. Her father worked as a gardener in the landowner's garden, and the widower-landowner helped her finish high school, secretarial courses, and later got a job as a typist at an English paper factory in Pereslavl-Zalessky.

The grandfather of Yuri Ivanovich Drozdov on his mother's side, Kuzma Pankevich, after the revolution served as a watchman at the Lepel cemetery, lived for more than 90 years - during the Great Patriotic War he went to a partisan detachment, and in the winter of 1943 he fell ill and died not far from his hut.

Wife - Drozdova (Yudenich) Lyudmila Alexandrovna.

Sons: Drozdov Yuri Yuryevich (1946) and Alexander Yuryevich (1950).

Yuri Ivanovich Drozdov has one grandson, two granddaughters, three great-grandchildren.

Awards: Order of the October Revolution, Red Banner, Red Banner of Labor, World War I degree, Red Star, Lenin; badges "Honorary State Security Officer", "For Service in Intelligence", medals. Has government awards of the GDR, Poland, Cuba, Afghanistan.

Bakhtiyor Abdullayev

Photo: personal archive of Yuri Drozdov

In the circles of the Russian special services, retired KGB Major General Yuri Ivanovich Drozdov is a well-known and respected person. Today he is 89 years old.

The most striking milestones in his biography are the storming of Berlin in the spring of 1945 and the leadership of groups of state security special forces in the Kabul operation on December 27, 1979 in Afghanistan. Other pages of his life are slightly less known - work as a KGB resident in Beijing and New York. Even less is known about his service in the most mysterious division of the KGB, the First Main Directorate - Directorate "C", which he headed in 1979-1991. It's easier to understand what the name hides if you say that it was an illegal intelligence service.

Looking back at your life, don't you feel disappointed? So much effort was devoted to ensuring the security of the country, which was so mediocrely destroyed in a matter of years.

- Similar questions have already been asked to me, including by former Chekists. In the 1990s, our leaders got confused in their approaches and strongly deviated from the course of construction and state administration. Thus, they enabled our adversaries to partially carry out their plans to weaken our country. However, this work never stopped. But having received such a "handicap", it was a sin for them not to take advantage of the chance. However, it would be wrong to say that they only sought to weaken our country, their task is much more serious - the destruction of Russia as a state with a thousand-year history. Of course, they understood the full scale of such a task, taking into account both the power of the state and the strength of the people who could stop them. Knowing the ability to revive the Russian people, they were afraid of it and planted everything with all their might that could weaken the ethnic historical and evolutionary ability of the population that is part of Russia, depriving us of the opportunity to revive a strong state.

If we look deep into history, we will definitely remember Yegor Klassen and his well-known essay "New Materials for the Ancient History of the Slavs in General and Slavic Russians before the Birth of Christ." This is an interesting book, published, by the way, by a Russified German who waged a serious fight against the supporters of the Norman school, which claimed that Russia was created by the Vikings. When an immature leader comes, who does not know, does not respect his history, who was largely brought up on the fact that ill-wishers from abroad, and sometimes internal ones, throw him up, unrest and cataclysms begin, which we are currently witnessing. A Chinese proverb is very appropriate here: "So that you have to live in an era of change."

About three thousand years ago, Chinese sages, for example Xun Tzu, wrote that it is better to conquer a country without fighting (that means working with the population, fighting for the population). Hence the notorious note by the third director of the CIA, Alain Dulles, outlining the general principles of subordinating the USSR through the ideological corruption of the population. It frankly stated that we would be driven to the point that we would gnaw at each other. This is a policy aimed at substituting ethnic character. The former head of the German military counterintelligence, Gerd-Helmut Komossa, in his book “The German Map. The Closed Game of the Secret Services revealed the shocking details of the secret treaty signed during the founding of the FRG in 1949. I note that the appearance of such a book, in which the former head of the secret services of the German military department reveals the secret drive belts of the political regime of the FRG, is an extremely rare phenomenon.

Raising the most painful questions for the Germans, this book appeals to the depths of the German identity, which for decades has been painstakingly trampled on by the United States and its Western allies. The "German Map" tells about the hidden, but extremely acute contradictions between the United States and Germany - contradictions that are not yet customary to speak out loud. The book was published in July 2007 in Austria. The very fact of the publication of such a book testifies that the German public is uncomfortable with the humiliating role of a US vassal assigned to it after the 45th year and is ripe for the perception of the truth about the conditions in which the German people were placed by the Western victors in World War II. This is exactly what Komossa is talking about. In the state treaty of May 21, 1949, which the BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst - federal intelligence) assigned the highest degree of secrecy, limits on the state sovereignty of the Federal Republic of Germany until 2099 are prescribed. The treaty states that the Allied countries exercise full control over the German media and communications. Every Federal Chancellor of Germany must sign the so-called chancellor act before taking office. In addition, the entire gold reserve of Germany is under arrest imposed by the Allies. Indeed, all German chancellors, including the current one, Angela Merkel, paid their first state visit to the United States. The US administration continues to interfere in internal processes in Germany.

All political parties in Germany are led by a special control body from Washington, and the licensed press created by the Americans in Germany is an even more unified brainwashing tool than under the Nazi regime. The territory of Germany remains occupied by American troops. All this might seem like a picture generated by someone's sick fantasy, if not for the authoritative figure of the author, the former head of counterintelligence of the Bundeswehr.

After the book was published, everyone wondered whether the German general was aware of which bomb he lit the fuse on. It turns out that the US is going to manipulate the German people for a long 150 years. Will a German remain a German after this? This is an American political game. Russia is one of the most powerful states in the world. And the United States understands that it is necessary to work on the implementation of the policy of enslavement of our state through third countries. And it directly talks about how the European Union is being used, internal contradictions, and also what measures the United States is taking to increase its influence within Russia and, in particular, through influence in countries such as Germany. What is most interesting, Gerd Komossa's book has not been translated into Russian.

The events of 1991, accompanied by the destruction of the state structures of the former USSR, caused confusion among many in Russia, including individual officers working in the intelligence and counterintelligence agencies. There was a single structure for the entire Soviet Union. It didn’t just fall apart – there was a betrayal. Thousands of secret materials that constituted the state secret of the country were made public. They were especially sophisticated in the former Soviet republics of the USSR. Under these conditions, some officers found it possible for themselves to emigrate to the West.

People came to me who are now working in NATO countries, former Chekists, they do business there and even have branches in Russia. They also asked this question: does your soul not hurt? Did I have a desire to break with all this after what was done to our country?

- And what did you answer?

- Maybe it will sound strange, but now I am driven by interest - to find out what will come out of all this "sabantuy". So far, unfortunately, nothing good has come of it, or very little has come of it. When I retired, according to tradition, there was a send-off, and, speaking to the intelligence team, I remembered the words of the Russian general Alexei Alekseevich Brusilov. This man, truly devoted to the Motherland, in the difficult post-revolutionary years found the strength to decide that the true prospect is in the new Russia under construction. Addressing the Russian officers, he said: “The government comes and goes, but Russia remains. And it must be served honestly, faithfully, regardless of what is happening in the political struggle. What was the way out for our officers then? According to recently published data, somewhere around 570 thousand of them were on the side of the Whites and the same group in terms of numbers on the side of the Reds. People were looking for ways to save the state, the people, to prevent it from being pulled apart into different corners, circles, to prevent the destruction of Russia as a powerful state on the Eurasian continent planned far from the outside. This fight continues to this day.

If we take the structure of our society, then the same situation can be seen today. If we systematically analyze the actions of business representatives, executives, and the speeches of our intelligentsia, it will become noticeable that the struggle is taking place at a specific diplomatic, governmental and ideological level. Although it is argued that we do not have an ideology. But lack of ideas is the strongest ideology that can be.

This is my personal attitude, but my wife is experiencing everything that happens with great pain. She comes from a poor family and went through the war. In a word, I've seen everything. But when we visit her homeland in the city of Nelidovo, Tver Region, and see how everything is ruined and plundered there, it is difficult to refrain from emotions. In our country, a wall has grown between the people who are content with the smallest, and those who live in big cities and own most of Russia's wealth. And through the press, by the way, we are alienating the people from governing the country. He becomes indifferent and infantile.

– You spoke about those who went to the West. So you justify them?

- Those who are in the West, they did not run away - they were pushed out of modern history, out of reality. Of course, if I begin to justify them, I will be wrong. But at the same time, you need to understand that they needed to look for themselves. And they found a haven with the enemy. We must agree that on the eve of 1991 the Soviet leadership made serious miscalculations. The position was very difficult. The people who ruled the country solved many complex problems and made one mistake after another.

I remember how I argued with Vladimir Alexandrovich Kryuchkov about the need to rebuild the country, but how to do it? In Afghanistan, we had a conversation in which he said that Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov had the following views: give trade, the service sector into private hands, leave his backbone - heavy industry, the entire group A in the hands of the state. But before rebuilding, you need to rebuilt site to put a strong fence in order to retain the right and opportunity to do so. And we did the opposite - turned the country into a passage yard. It is known who needed it and how it was prepared - there is documentary evidence of this, enshrined in American documents with reference to our leaders.

– You were born in Minsk, your youth was spent in Kharkov, you live in Russia. Do you have to visit your home country?

– The last time I was in Minsk was in the mid-eighties. Everything is close to me there, and there are many acquaintances. We are in touch with many. I was elected an honorary member of the Belarusian community. The fact that we managed to preserve in Belarus and, first of all, the old order and civic responsibility is nice. There are people who experience the complications that arise with pain - this is also nice. The experience of Belarus would do well to study our leaders. I would not say that the creation of a powerful private industry is beneficial to the state. Minsk acts as they prefer to do in England and the USA. There, the government has not given the management of the development of the state, especially in its main directions, into private hands, this is only an appearance. The same Silicon Valley, I know this from practical experience, is in the hands of the state, and until you pass the Pentagon check, you will not enter or settle there.

– Do you think that the USA is one of the most totalitarian states in the world?

- Of course. Israel, for example, has more democracy than America. The United States has not handed over to private capital what constitutes the core of the state. What we call innovation, as it was in the hands of the state, has remained. Projects of the latest helicopters that take off from a submarine are developed by students at special universities and institutes, but under the control of the Pentagon. Nothing is out of control there, because all forces are aimed at protecting the state.

Their thoroughness in protecting the interests and positions of the state can be envied. I read about the latest developments in the USA, learned about the existence of flying tanks. By the way, we recently showed dancing tanks - ballet. And their tanks fly, during street battles they fly at an altitude of 15 to 300 meters. Agree, for a fight this is more important than dancing. They even launched the development of helicopters taking off from submarine missile silos. We don't have anything like that.

Let's take a break from politics. Let's talk about Kharkov.

– My family and I moved to Kharkov in 1937. For me, it was already the age when a more or less active life begins. I started learning Ukrainian at the 95th school and for the first time I made 32 mistakes on one page. My father worked as the chief of staff of a military school. This is probably why I was drawn to the House of the Soviet Red Army, located next to the university. There I studied in various circles: zoological, Arctic researchers, drama, where our leader was Viktor Ivanovich Khokhryakov, later a People's Artist. Then he was an ordinary artist of the Kharkov Theater of Russian Drama. Then I entered the 14th Special Artillery School, it was on Feuerbach Street, 8. Kharkov is an interesting city with a rich culture, history, an active internal political life, where, among other things, interesting educational tasks.

And the beginning of the Great Patriotic War for me was, although unexpected, but still an expected event. I remembered a lecture by Major General Mikhail Pavlovich Milovsky, he told how he went with an inspection to the Brest region. He talked about how the Germans behaved. Even then, a lot for a person who knows how to think and analyze became obvious. In June 1941, I was resting in a summer camp from the military school where my father served. On the 22nd, early in the morning, the guys and I went fishing. We returned and felt a strange silence. We saw that the entire staff was lined up on the parade ground near the headquarters of the school. They came closer, listened, learned that the war had begun. We were 15 at the time. So Minsk and Kharkov are two milestone cities in my life, where everything was laid.

- Illegals often go abroad with their wives. As far as I know, your wife is not just a second half, she happened to perform your special tasks.

- Let me tell you a story. When we worked in China, I was under serious surveillance. And I myself could not extract the message from the cache. My wife went for groceries, then to the tailor. And along the route of her movement was a cache. She, returning, went to the right place, pulled out a bookmark and brought it home. She was silent for a while and then said: “Now I understand why you end up with heart attacks.” It was.

– Your wife also has a very interesting biography.

We met at the end of the war. After the liberation of Warsaw, during one of the pauses in the Vistula-Oder operation of 1945, I ended up in the field hospital of the 3rd Shock Army for a couple of weeks, where we met each other. Lyudmila Alexandrovna Drozdova (nee Yudenich), my age. She comes from the village of Zhikharevo, Belsky district, Nelidovskaya volost, Western (Kalinin) region. Mother, Maria Mikhailovna Kachanovskaya, raised her direct, honest, a little harsh, sympathetic, but adamant. Everything that she told about herself, everything that I saw myself when I was in her small homeland, everything is really worthy of a separate book.

In the early hungry spring of 1943, she came to the village of Zaimishche, Kalinin Region, and entered the field army hospital. With him, she went to Berlin, doing everything she could for our common Victory. At the end of October 1993, she was awarded the Order of the Great Patriotic War II degree, which had been looking for her since 1985. In our turbulent times, it is not so easy to find a person even in Moscow...

– Your biography is well known within the limits that are allowed, given your past work and life. Are interesting discoveries possible in the future, which you are forced to keep silent about today due to the fact that the work and confrontation of the two systems continues?

- Many things will never be revealed, I think. You are right, the work continues. The activity of illegal intelligence is a long process in time, stretched over many years, decades. One clings to the other, and the publication of years later, even seemingly insignificant details, can reveal working intelligence officers.

I already think that today we allow ourselves sometimes unjustified frankness. Let's be reasonable. And there will be discoveries. But probably not in this life. The security of the state and the people who provide it is above all. This is the meaning of the life of intelligence and scout.

- You have a lot of books in your office. When talking with you, I constantly hear quotes. One gets the impression that this whole mountain of printed

products you have mastered.

- Reading, of course, is not possible. To be honest, I couldn't read the whole thing. Many topics are repeated, the authors operate with facts known to me. In such cases, it may be sufficient to simply skim through the main chapters.

By the way, when I was preparing for illegal work in Germany in the fifties, fiction in German helped me get used to the image. There were many small details, nuances, subtleties of behavior necessary for getting used to the territory of the country. I repeat, there are a lot of books, I can’t read everything, but I read some things with pleasure and interest. Some books get to my desktop in very interesting ways. One of them, for example, was brought by a stranger. He came to the presentation of our book “Operation President”. And, taking this opportunity, he presented a book that also worries him on the topic under discussion. It is devoted to an overview of the historical positions that the British, Americans, Japanese, Germans occupied, preventing our conquest of Siberia and advancement to the East. After reading it, I remembered the Russian-American campaign. There is one amazing book "Great or Quiet" about how Russia mastered Alaska, the Aleutian Islands, and what a struggle unfolded around this. A school and a cadet corps were created in Alaska. The Shelikhov detachment of the merchant Alexander Andreevich Baranov worked there and explored America, going down, they reached San Francisco. By the way, we could also present an invoice to the French for Madagascar. The Decembrists who fled were the first to land there and develop the territory, creating a republic.

– But you not only read, but also write a lot yourself. What is your next book about?

- It is not always a rewarding task to voice the topic of a new book. There will be a book - there will be a topic for conversation. And today, given the current situation in the world, there are plenty.

Dossier HB:

Yuri Ivanovich Drozdov Born September 19, 1925 in Minsk in the family of a military man. Father - an officer in the tsarist army, sided with the Bolsheviks during the revolution. In 1944 he graduated from the 1st Leningrad Artillery School, evacuated to the city of Engels. Member of the Great Patriotic War. Member of the storming of Berlin in the spring of 1945. Finished the war with the rank of lieutenant. In 1956 he graduated from the Military Institute of Foreign Languages ​​and was transferred to the State Security Committee. He began his operational career in the official representation of the KGB of the USSR at the Stasi - the MGB of the GDR in Berlin (since August 1957). Under the pseudonym Jurgen Drivs, he participated in the operation to release from prison in the United States and return to his homeland the legendary illegal intelligence officer Rudolf Abel (Yuri Ivanovich played the role of Abel's German "cousin"). In 1963, after completing a business trip to Germany, he was sent to advanced courses for operational personnel. From August 1964 to 1968 he was a resident of the foreign intelligence service of the KGB of the USSR in China. After working at the Center in 1975, he was appointed a foreign intelligence resident in the United States, lived in New York, where he was until 1979 under the cover of the Deputy Permanent Representative of the USSR to the UN. From November 1979 to 1991, he served as deputy head of the PGU of the KGB of the USSR (First Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR) and headed the department of illegal intelligence of the PGU of the KGB of the USSR (Department "C"). Member of the Afghan war. The initiator of the creation and the superior head of the Vympel special forces unit. He is fluent in German. Retired since June 1991. Major General. Head of the analytical center "NAMACON". He is the Honorary President of the Vympel-Soyuz Association of Veterans of Special Forces and Intelligence Services.

A family

Father - Drozdov Ivan Dmitrievich (1894-1978), officer of the Russian army, participated in the First World War, fought on the South-Western Front, received the St. George Cross for courage.

Mother - Drozdova (Pankevich) Anastasia Kuzminichna (1898-1987) was born near Lepel in Belarus. Her father worked as a gardener in the landowner's garden, and the widower-landowner helped her finish high school, secretarial courses, and later got a job as a typist at an English paper factory in Pereslavl-Zalessky.

The grandfather of Yuri Ivanovich Drozdov on his mother's side, Kuzma Pankevich, after the revolution served as a watchman at the Lepel cemetery, lived for more than 90 years - during the Great Patriotic War he went to a partisan detachment, and in the winter of 1943 he fell ill and died not far from his hut.

Wife - Drozdova (Yudenich) Lyudmila Alexandrovna.

Sons: Drozdov Yuri Yuryevich (1946) and Alexander Yuryevich (1950).

Yuri Ivanovich Drozdov has one grandson, two granddaughters, three great-grandchildren.

Awards: Order of the October Revolution, Red Banner, Red Banner of Labor, World War I degree, Red Star, Lenin; badges "Honorary State Security Officer", "For Service in Intelligence", medals. Has government awards of the GDR, Poland, Cuba, Afghanistan.

Bakhtiyor Abdullayev

| 07/27/2013 at 19:11

The founder of Vympel, Major General of the KGB Drozdov Yu.I.
Born on September 19, 1925 in Minsk, in the family of a military man. Father - Drozdov Ivan Dmitrievich (1894-1978). Mother - Drozdova (Pankevich) Anastasia Kuzminichna (1898-1987). Wife - Drozdova (Yudenich) Lyudmila Alexandrovna (born in 1925). Sons: Drozdov Yuri Yurievich (born in 1946); Drozdov Alexander Yurievich (born in 1950). He has one grandson, two granddaughters and three great-grandchildren.

Yu.I. Drozdov devoted 35 years of his life to serving in illegal intelligence, was a Soviet resident in the United States and China, went from an operational commissioner to the head of department "C" of the First Main Directorate of the KGB (illegal intelligence). For 12 years, he led the illegal intelligence of the USSR, created the Vympel special forces group, led the Storm-333 operation to take Amin's palace in Kabul, and took part in the events of the post-war period of the state.

Parents: The father of the future intelligence general, Ivan Dmitrievich Drozdov, was an officer in the Russian army, participated in the First World War - fought on the South-Western Front, received the St. George Cross for courage. After 1917 he served in the Red Army, spent all the years of the Civil War on the fronts, then held various positions in Belarus and Ukraine. In the early days of the Great Patriotic War, he went to the front and was seriously wounded near Staraya Russa - an explosive bullet tore out one lung. Ivan Dmitrievich spent a year and a half in the hospital, and after discharge he served as chief of staff of one of the military schools and at the military department of Kazan University.

Anastasia Kuzminichna Pankevich was born near Lepel in Belarus. Her father worked as a gardener in the landowner's garden, and the widower landowner helped her finish high school, secretarial courses, and later got a job as a typist at an English paper factory in Pereslavl-Zalessky.

In the early 1930s, the Drozdov family lived in Minsk. In 1937, Ivan Dmitrievich was transferred from Minsk to one of the military schools in Kharkov. Yuriy started studying at the Ukrainian school and fell in love with this lively and interesting language. He also began to engage in various circles of the Kharkov House of the Red Army (in zoological, Arctic researchers), where he got acquainted with the harsh history of the development of the northern expanses. Before the start of the Great Patriotic War, he played in a children's drama studio, which was directed by the actor of the Kharkov Theater of Russian Drama V.I.Khokhryakov. The legendary scout always remembers Viktor Ivanovich with gratitude - the knowledge gained in the studio helped him a lot in his subsequent work. For the first 12-13 years of his life, Yuri grew up as a sickly boy - he was plagued by pneumonia and all sorts of complications. This overflowed the patience of the parents, and they decided to "throw him to survive" in the harsh camp conditions of the military unit. These changes gave a positive result - a pine forest and simple soldier's food put an end to all ailments. When Yuri Drozdov was 14 years old, his father put the book "Artillery" in front of him and said that this was his future profession. Drozdov immediately delved into its study and in the fall next year he was enrolled in the 14th special artillery school of the city of Kharkov. With the outbreak of hostilities, the cadets of the special school were withdrawn from summer camps and sent to a tank repair plant to help repair tanks arriving from the front - this was Yuri's first acquaintance with the consequences of a brutal war. In 1942, in Aktyubinsk, at the art school, Drozdov was almost expelled from the Komsomol for trying to escape with his comrades to Stalingrad, to a tank school.

In 1944, after training at the 1st Leningrad Artillery School in the city of Engels, Yuri went to the front as a platoon commander in the anti-tank artillery battalion of one of the guards divisions of the 1st Belorussian Front, refusing the offer to remain at the school as a training platoon commander. Then he realized that war is a terrible bloody work, hard and ruthless. Yuri Drozdov tried to do it conscientiously, as far as it was possible for a junior lieutenant at less than 19 years old. Yuri met his future wife at the end of the war - after the liberation of Warsaw. During one of the pauses in the Vistula-Oder operation of 1945, he ended up in a field hospital of the 3rd shock army, where he met with Lyudmila Yudenich. She was born in the village of Zhikharevo, Velsky district, Nelidovskaya volost, Western (Kalinin) region.

All the years that Yuri Ivanovich gave to intelligence, his wife was nearby - she knew how to be silent, live and wait tensely, largely limiting herself because of his work. Yu. I. Drozdov is grateful to her for her ability to stay close to a man of anxious fate. He ended the war in Berlin, then from 1945 to 1952 he served in Germany and the Baltic Military District as assistant chief of staff of an artillery regiment.

In 1952, Yuri Drozdov entered the 4th faculty in Moscow (special propaganda - the decomposition of the troops and the population of the enemy) of the Military Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of the Red Army, where he studied German and German with great interest. English languages, as well as other special disciplines. The years spent at the institute enriched Drozdov with knowledge that was useful in his subsequent work. He feels a great sense of gratitude to the teachers of the Military Institute of Foreign Languages: K.V. Kotova (Shuleshkina), V.I. Chuvaeva, A.M. Semina, E.V. Ivanova, N.I. Ishkanyants, R.G. Lepkovskaya, Basargin, Parparov. In 1956, when Yuri Ivanovich was in his fourth year, the Military Institute was disbanded. Drozdov was offered to continue his studies at the Leningrad Institute of the KGB. He was transferred from the frame Soviet army to the Committee of State Security, and further long-term service in the First Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR allowed him to use the knowledge gained at VIFL.

Yuri Ivanovich never regretted decision , although it changed his whole future life. From that moment on, everything was subject to other laws, duties, restrictions, and the content of life was the diverse and diverse field of intelligence work. At the end of 1956 Yu.I. Drozdov continued his studies at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of the KGB of the USSR. In the spring of 1957, they offered to become an illegal intelligence officer. He did not refuse the offer made to him. In August of the same year, Yuri Drozdov and his family went to Berlin - to the Office of the Commissioner of the KGB of the USSR under the Ministry of State Security of the GDR, to the department that supervised the work of illegal immigrants. Yuri Ivanovich warmly recalls his first leaders: A.M. Korotkova, T.N. Beskrovny, N.M. Gorshkova, N.A. Korznikova, B.Ya. Nalivaiko, V.I. Kiryukhina, S.I. Buyanova, A.A. Koreshkov, to whom I am grateful for participating in my development as a scout in combat conditions. Drozdov began his work as an ordinary operative in the illegal intelligence department under the leadership of Colonel N.M. Gorshkov. Already 10 days after his arrival in Berlin, he plunged into intelligence work, got acquainted with the intelligence officers of the GDR, communication with which helped him in studying Germany and improving the German language. In order to overcome himself, he traveled for hours around West Berlin, listened to the speech of the Germans, absorbed its emotional coloring, tried to adopt a manner of behavior, read various literature. Great benefit to Yuri Drozdov was brought by lectures on the art of imitation, which he listened to at the West Berlin theater school "Max Reinhardttheaterschule". The nature of the tasks gradually became more acute, the use of foreign documents was longer. This allowed Yuri Drozdov to feel the complexity and seriousness of the work of an illegal intelligence agent, acting for a long time in a foreign country. In addition to a number of various operational tasks that he had to perform together with other employees, a lot of time was taken up by participation in long-term operations. For various reasons, his role as Jurgen Drivs in the operational game with the Americans to free R.I. received publicity. Abel - by decision of the intelligence leadership, he participated in the activities for his release. Drozdov was Abel's main correspondent in the US during his five years in prison. Fate decreed that Yuri Drozdov visited R.I. Abel in 1972, on the anniversary of his death. Abel's daughter Evelyn presented him with a copper engraving "A house in the forest" made by her father, which reminds Yuri Ivanovich of the case that left a special imprint on his life. Drozdov cherishes the memory of this scout - they valued something of their own in each other, mutually binding, unspoken. Abel's arrest in New York to a certain extent affected the work of Soviet intelligence in the United States - agents were temporarily withdrawn or mothballed, and replacements were being prepared taking into account the consequences of failure. There was a need to interest Western employers in a particular specialist (illegal), to create conditions for monitoring the progress of his verification. A. Koreshkov came up with the idea to penetrate the special communications point, which is under the control of special services, through which all official mail passes. Yuri Ivanovich's immediate supervisors picked up the idea, and for almost two months he turned into "inspector Kleinert." This role made Drozdov remember the words of a French commander before the battle: "You are trembling, skeleton. You are trembling. You will tremble even more when you find out where I will take you." But he went and survived, having fulfilled his inspector function - having intercepted the documents of the check, Inspector Kleinert returned to East Berlin. The reconnaissance officer "George", brought to replace R. Abel, successfully worked in the USA for 15 years and returned home. This role also led to changes in the work of Yuri Ivanovich - he had to take on a number of other operational functions, recruit agents to support the activities of illegal intelligence. Carrying out various assignments, he traveled all over the country, carefully looking at people, their customs, habits. With former employees of the Ministry of Security of the GDR Yu.I. Drozdov is bound by years joint work- many of these people remember Drivs, and Kleinert, and Dragov (under this name he was known by the employees of the Ministry of State Security of the GDR), and he is grateful to all for friendship and help.

At the end of the summer of 1963 Yu.I. Drozdov returned to Moscow and was sent to advanced training courses for operational staff (USO). In December 1963, in the intelligence staff, Yuri Ivanovich was offered to interrupt his studies and begin preparations for a business trip to the PRC. Drozdov was given a difficult task - back in 1952, the Chinese leadership launched deeply secret intelligence work on the USSR, preparing a package of territorial claims against Soviet Union. Added to this were sharp differences over the leadership and tasks of the international communist movement, burdened by relations between the leaders of both countries.

At the end of August 1964, Yuri Drozdov flew to Beijing and stayed in China until 1968. This time became tense in all respects, but work in China allowed Drozdov to understand and love this country for its originality. Years later, Yuri Ivanovich recalls with great gratitude the ambassadors S.V. Chervonenko, S.G. Lapin, diplomats F.V. Mochulsky, Yu.I. Razdukhova, A.A. Brezhnev - people who helped him get comfortable in a country where it is impossible for a European to dissolve. At the end of the business trip, at the request of Yu.V. Andropov, Yuri Drozdov wrote down his impressions of the work - for a month he worked on the notes "Four Years in China". Yuri Ivanovich still has a red enameled metal plate with the number of the building of the USSR Embassy in Beijing and the inscription: "Street of Soviet Revisionists, 1".

Yu.I. Drozdov had to meet and work with many leaders of the Soviet state: Yu.V. Andropov, A.A. Gromyko, B.N. Ponomarev, V.M. Chebrikov, V.A. Kryuchkov. Notes "Four Years in China" prompted Yu.V. Andropov to send Drozdov for a short period of time to the Chinese department of the PSU, and then in 1970 to return to the "C" department, which was supposed to find its place. This is how Yuri Drozdov returned to illegal intelligence, where, along with solving issues of managing units, he had to visit almost all continents with various tasks.

In the 1970s, Yuri Ivanovich took part in activities to use the "legendary" neo-Nazi cell in Germany, he himself acted as a former SS officer who took the Nazi oath from a recruited employee of the BND ("D-104"). At the very beginning of 1974, a huge management job fell on the shoulders of Yuri Ivanovich, and after a while he was relieved to learn that V.A. was appointed to his place. Kirpichenko. They worked well together - arguing, solving difficult issues, sharing troubles, supporting and encouraging each other.

At the beginning of 1975, Drozdov learned about the decision of Yu.V. Andropov to appoint him head of residency in New York due to the need to move to more active forms of work. Yuri Ivanovich spent 4 years in the United States, starting his career at a time when America was preparing for the upcoming 1976 presidential election. With the leadership of the USSR Mission to the UN and other Soviet institutions, Yu.I. Drozdov, good relations were established, which contributed to the organization of work. A positive attitude towards the work of intelligence was also observed on the part of the Minister of Foreign Affairs A.A. Gromyko, USSR representative to the UN Ya.A. Malik, USSR Ambassador in Washington A.F. Dobrynin, who always assisted him in solving problems that arose. During the first 6 months, the residency re-evaluated the activities of the CIA and the FBI, critically reviewed their actions, made adjustments to the organization and security of intelligence activities. The intelligence team worked at risk - boldly, inventively and effectively. One of the most important laws of intelligence warfare is the art of detecting counterintelligence covert surveillance, diverting its attention to a false direction, and providing the safest conditions for one's own intelligence work. This is an eternal search, taking into account all the little things, checking them, modeling fantastic situations and guessing almost "on the coffee grounds". There is always risk in intelligence work - its degree increases when conducting acute and complex operations, especially in a country like the United States, with well-functioning local counterintelligence and a difficult political situation.

In the fall of 1979, Yuri Drozdov received a telegram from the Center instructing him to return to work in Moscow as the head of department "C". November 14, 1979 he was approved in new position, and for the whole 12 years, Yuri Ivanovich connected his life with the tense and restless life of illegal intelligence. A month later, he flew to Afghanistan, where some of his employees were on a short-term business trip. It is known that from mid-December 1979, the transfer of small special forces to Afghanistan began. On December 14, two special groups The KGB of the USSR, 30 people each (in Afghanistan they were called "Thunder", which included excellent athletes, and "Zenith", which included intelligence special forces from the Balashikha school). On the morning of December 17, the "Muslim" battalion located in Bagram also began advancing towards the Afghan capital, concentrating in the Dar-ul-Aman region. The next evening in Moscow, Colonel V.V. Kolesnik received an order from the chief of the GRU of the General Staff to fly to Afghanistan to carry out a special government assignment. Lieutenant Colonel Oleg Shvets was sent along with him - they arrived at their destination with employees of the State Security Committee, "Colonel" Yu.I. Drozdov and lieutenant colonel E.G. Kozlov.

On December 20, 1979, an embassy security officer came to Bagram for Drozdov and Kozlov, who took them to Kabul. V. Kolesnik was appointed head of the operation, which received the code name "Storm-333". December 24, 1979 with one of the generals of the Soviet apparatus Yu.I. Drozdov visited the facility, in the mastery of which he planned to take a direct part. This was one of the most difficult moments of the upcoming operation, which required a personal and detailed reconnaissance. Yuri Ivanovich was in the group of General S.K. Magometov and took part in the discussion.

The relief of the area was the shape of a bottle, the neck of which was closed by a height with the Taj Beck Palace. Yuri Drozdov suggested "entering the bottle" and starting from there. By the end of the day, it was announced that the Center had decided to transfer it to the Taj-Bek facility - so Yuri Ivanovich became one of the leaders of the Storm-333 operation. The security system of the Taj Beck Palace was organized

Major General of the KGB of the USSR, retired, participant in the Great Patriotic War


Born September 19, 1925 in Minsk in the family of a military man. Father - an officer in the tsarist army, sided with the Bolsheviks during the revolution.

In 1944 he graduated from the 1st Leningrad Artillery School, evacuated to Engels. Member of the Great Patriotic War. Member of the storming of Berlin in the spring of 1945. Finished the war with the rank of lieutenant.

In 1956 he graduated from the Military Institute of Foreign Languages ​​and was transferred to the State Security Committee (KGB). He began his operational career in the official representation of the KGB of the USSR at the Stasi - the MGB of the GDR in Berlin (since August 1957). Participated in an exchange operation Soviet spy-illegal Rudolf Abel (under the pseudonym "Jürgen Drivs" played the role of Abel's German cousin) to the American spy pilot Powers.

In 1963, after completing a business trip to Germany, he was sent to advanced courses for operational personnel.

From August 1964 to 1968 he was a resident of the foreign intelligence service of the KGB of the USSR in China. After working at the Center in 1975, he was appointed a foreign intelligence resident in the United States, New York, where he was until 1979 under the cover of the Deputy Permanent Representative of the USSR to the UN.

From November 1979 to 1991, he served as deputy head of the PGU of the KGB of the USSR and headed the illegal intelligence department of the PGU of the KGB of the USSR (Department "C").

One of the leaders of the assault on Amin's palace on December 27, 1979, a participant in the Afghan war. The initiator of the creation and the superior head of the Vympel special forces unit.

He is fluent in German.

Retired since June 1991. Major General. Heads the analytical center "NAMA-CON". He is the Honorary President of the Vympel-Soyuz Association of Veterans of Special Forces and Intelligence Services.

A family

Father - Drozdov Ivan Dmitrievich (1894-1978), officer of the Russian army, participated in the First World War, fought on the South-Western Front, received the St. George Cross for courage.

Mother - Drozdova (Pankevich) Anastasia Kuzminichna (1898-1987), was born near Lepel in Belarus. Her father worked as a gardener in the landowner's garden, and the widower-landowner helped her finish high school, secretarial courses, and later got a job as a typist at an English paper factory in Pereslavl-Zalessky.

Yuri's grandfather, Kuzma Pankevich, after the revolution served as a watchman at the Lepel cemetery, lived for more than 90 years - during the war he joined a partisan detachment, and in the winter of 1943 he fell ill and died not far from his hut.

Wife - Drozdova (Yudenich) Lyudmila Alexandrovna (born in 1925).

Sons: Drozdov Yuri Yurievich (born in 1946); Drozdov Alexander Yurievich (born in 1950). He has one grandson, two granddaughters and three great-grandchildren.



  • Order of the October Revolution
  • Order of the Red Banner
  • Order of the Red Banner of Labor
  • Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class
  • Order of the Red Star
  • badges "Honorary State Security Officer" and "For Service in Intelligence"
  • as well as many medals

This legendary man would have turned 92 today. Yuri Drozdov is a scout who could die many times and overwhelm secret operations, but amazing composure and, of course, luck saved him. He loved life, and he had someone to live for. He met his first and only love - nurse Lyudmila Alexandrovna - while still at the front. With her, he lived in a happy marriage for 70 years.

Life-hold on

This man devoted his entire life to illegal intelligence. He lived away from home for many years, living other people's lives just like in a movie. Either he was a vicious and treacherous fascist baron, who exposed many enemies of the USSR, or a cousin of Colonel Abel, rescuing his “relative” from captivity, or a postal worker at a West German facility, then moved to the United States.

Drozdov created the Vympel unit, with which he stormed Amin's Kabul palace. He commanded all the illegal intelligence of the Soviet Union. And today Yuri Drozdov is the best and unsurpassed scout - the illustrious head of the closed Directorate "C".

It seemed that time had no power over him, he heroically and in a front-line manner endured illnesses and difficult operations. It was very pleasant to communicate with him, his stories about the experiences are simply fantastically interesting. He revealed to us only small secrets of his work, and already from what we know, we understand which intelligence is the strongest in the world.

The funeral of Yuri Ivanovich Drozdov was held in Moscow at the Troekurovsky cemetery with all honors. He made a huge contribution to the development of the intelligence department.

Yuri Drozdov: biography

He was born in Minsk on September 19, 1925, and died quite recently in Moscow on June 21, 2017. Although the funeral of Yuri Ivanovich Drozdov took place with all due honors, there is no information about this in the media - and here everything was professionally classified.

It is impossible to remain indifferent to this person, so I want to at least slightly open the world in which he lived. Drozdov rose to the rank of major general and served as head of illegal intelligence of the First Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR (from 1979 to 1991).

Yuri Drozdov was born into the family of a white officer of the tsarist army, Drozdov Ivan Dmitrievich (1894-1978), a participant in the First World War, awarded medals and orders, among which was the St. George Cross. After the revolution, he took the side of the Bolsheviks and fought alongside Chapaev. His mother's name was Drozdova Anastasia Kuzminichna (1898-1987). She was born in Belarus near Lepel. Her father was a landowner's gardener, who helped her study at the gymnasium, complete secretarial courses and get a job in Pereyaslavl-Zalessky at an English paper factory.


Drozdov Yuri Ivanovich graduated from Kharkov special school No. 14 and in 1943 went to serve in the Red Army. In 1944 he graduated from the First Leningrad Artillery School and immediately became a participant in the Great Patriotic War. When it started, he worked at a tank repair plant. He was once almost expelled from the school, as he wanted to escape to Stalingrad to the front. In January of the 45th, he was already the commander of a fire platoon of the 57th separate anti-tank battalion of the 52nd rifle division. In April 1945, the losses of his platoon were heavy, but junior lieutenant Drozdov, with the remnants of his people, was able to put out of action on the Berlin Schifelbein Strasse enemy guns, machine guns and eighty soldiers. For this operation he was awarded the Order of the Red Star. Then he was only 19 years old.

In the spring of 1945 Drozdov Yuri Ivanovich participated in the storming of Berlin. Then the peaceful life began.

In 1956, he studied at the Military Institute of Foreign Languages ​​and was hired by the KGB. Drozdov knew perfectly well German. He began his operational career with the Stasi of the GDR MGB in Berlin. He participated in the exchange of Soviet intelligence officer Rudolf Abel for the American spy pilot Powers.

Yuri Drozdov - head of illegal intelligence

After a business trip in Germany in 1963, he was sent to advanced training courses. Then Drozdov Yuri Ivanovich works in China as a resident of the foreign intelligence of the KGB of the USSR. And then he was waiting for work in illegal intelligence as deputy head of Department "C" in the central office of PSU.

In 1975, he was transferred to the United States (New York) as a foreign intelligence resident. He stayed there until October 1979. Then he served as deputy head of the PGU of the KGB of the USSR and headed the illegal intelligence department of the Office "C".

In the topic "Yuri Drozdov: biography" there are many unique facts. On December 27, 1979, Yuri Drozdov was sent to Afghan war where he led the assault on Amin's palace. It was he who created the Vympel special forces unit.

In 1991, he retired as a major general, headed the NAMAKON analytical center, the Association of Veterans of Special Forces Units and the Vympel-Soyuz special service. Yuri Drozdov was awarded many government orders and medals.

The wife of this outstanding intelligence officer is Drozdova (Yudenich) Lyudmila Aleksandrovna (1925). She bore him sons Yuri (1946) and Alexander (1950). now he has one grandson, two granddaughters and three great-grandchildren.

The collapse of the USSR

Conversations with Yuri Drozdov are so interesting that you can't help but listen. In particular, he said about the collapse of the USSR that by 1991 the Americans had carried out in-depth studies on the economic, political and moral state of the Soviet people. Then the US Congress passed law number 102 of 1992, which sounded insulting to Russia - "The Law on Freedom for Russia and the Creation of New Independent States." Even then, in 1992, when Russian leaders began reforming the military and law enforcement agencies, Russia has always been America's number one adversary.

A few years ago, the Norwegian Institute for Strategic Studies published information about a former Soviet officer who, most likely, "left" to the West. In it, he, based on his own experience, clearly prescribes how the Russians will meet NATO in the event of an attack, where they will shoot, where they will throw stones, and where they will greet.

Conversations with Drozdov

Russian intelligence managed to understand that this work was studied for a very long time in the United States. In their opinion, in 1991, the enemy was not completely defeated, and therefore, to this day, close attention of US foreign intelligence is riveted to Russia.

After the Second World War, the Americans were not afraid of the revival of Germany, just as now they are not afraid of its strengthening, since in 1949 it was allowed to form the Bundeswehr and bound by agreements with the United States and NATO.

In his book Secret Games of the Secret Services, former Bundeswehr counterintelligence general Camos writes that under these agreements, each “newly minted” German chancellor must visit the United States and sign the Chancellor Act, and it ends in 2099. The question immediately arises as to what the Russian leaders signed after the war? One of the political observers - Faenko - wrote in his article that many major political figures and businessmen are allegedly dissatisfied with the fact that Russia does not comply with the tacit agreements signed by its rulers.


It turns out that the USSR never had a theoretical opportunity to create a trusting partnership with the United States, and even in the Second World War. Today they do not remember that in 1941 the Germans attacked the USSR, including through the fault of the United States. There is one document - a letter from Churchill to Roosevelt, where he asks to speed up the process of taking measures in relation to the Soviet Union and encourage Adolf Hitler to leave the Balkans alone. Many years passed, and the letter was supposedly forgotten.

Today, it is also not remembered how the preparations for the Second World War, which began in 1939, were actually carried out. Then US President Hoover and the largest US entrepreneurs from secret society Russell, who stated that a crisis would soon begin and an urgent need to change the balance of power in world domination. To do this, we need to help Russia recover from the devastation civil war, and help Germany get rid of the Treaty of Versailles. Then they need to push foreheads.

Cold-blooded calculation

When the crisis in the US is over, they will go head-to-head with the remaining weakened enemy. But this required billions, and they were found. American concerns began to build factories, took part in the creation of the DneproGES. And then after the war, for several decades, the United States carried out very competent and consistent work to destroy one of the most dangerous opponents - the USSR.

Yuri Drozdov believes interesting fact that after the explosion of the twin towers in New York, the Americans did a very painstaking and serious work. They began to study the experience of the struggle of the Red Army with the Basmachi. Terrorism in Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Russia is no accident. Mujahideen and Wahhabis were trained in special schools in the USA and Great Britain for their subversive activities. It should also be noted that the West is using the territories of the Central Asian republics and Afghanistan to penetrate into Russia. This is how people who create tension in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, etc., are preparing, so that, tearing former republics from the USSR, immediately pick them up.


Books by Yuri Drozdov can tell a lot about what an ordinary person cannot even guess. In particular, in his famous book Operation President, he writes that the most dangerous things for Russia are just beginning. Books by Yuri Drozdov predict that the world has entered into the most terrible confrontation, and the price of it will be the complete disappearance of one of the civilizations from the Earth.

This word refers to a system of values ​​that unites people living in different countries and professing different religions. The transnational oligarchic clans themselves determined the future of mankind, and the Western academic circles, for the sake of persuasiveness, gave this a scientific and theoretical form. And now every year the process of globalization is steadily approaching a new world order. The struggle for resources has been going on for a long time, and Russia has been chosen for the slaughter, like a calf, supposedly for the benefit of all mankind. Major General Yuri Drozdov, as always, turned out to be right...