Notable chemists of the 20th century. Famous Russian chemists: list, achievements, discoveries and interesting facts

Robert BOYLE

He was born on January 25, 1627 in Lismore (Ireland), and was educated at Eton College (1635-1638) and at the Geneva Academy (1639-1644). After that, he lived almost without a break at his estate in Stallbridge, where he conducted his chemical research for 12 years. In 1656 Boyle moved to Oxford, and in 1668 moved to London.

The scientific activity of Robert Boyle was based on the experimental method in both physics and chemistry, and developed the atomistic theory. In 1660, he discovered the law of change in the volume of gases (in particular, air) with a change in pressure. He later received the name Boyle-Mariotte law: independently of Boyle, this law was formulated by the French physicist Edm Mariotte.

Boyle studied a lot of chemical processes - for example, those that occur during the roasting of metals, the dry distillation of wood, the transformations of salts, acids and alkalis. In 1654 he introduced the concept of body composition analysis. One of Boyle's books was called The Skeptic Chemist. It defined elements as " primitive and simple, not completely mixed bodies, which are not composed of each other, but are those constituent parts of which all so-called mixed bodies are composed and into which the latter can finally be resolved".

And in 1661, Boyle formulates the concept of " primary corpuscles " both elements and " secondary corpuscles like complex bodies.

He was also the first to give an explanation for differences in the aggregate state of bodies. In 1660 Boyle received acetone, distilling potassium acetate, in 1663 he discovered and applied in research an acid-base indicator litmus in a litmus lichen growing in the mountains of Scotland. In 1680 he developed a new method for obtaining phosphorus made of bones phosphoric acid and phosphine...

At Oxford, Boyle took an active part in the founding of a scientific society, which in 1662 was transformed into Royal Society of London(in fact, this is the English Academy of Sciences).

Robert Boyle died on December 30, 1691, leaving future generations with a rich scientific legacy. Boyle wrote many books, some of them were published after the death of the scientist: some of the manuscripts were found in the archives of the Royal Society ...


(1776 – 1856)

Italian physicist and chemist, member of the Turin Academy of Sciences (since 1819). Born in Turin. He graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Turin (1792). Since 1800, he independently studied mathematics and physics. In 1809 - 1819. taught physics at the Vercelli Lyceum. In 1820 - 1822 and 1834 - 1850. Professor of Physics at the University of Turin. Scientific works relate to various fields of physics and chemistry. In 1811, he laid the foundations of molecular theory, generalized the experimental material accumulated by that time on the composition of substances, and brought into a single system the experimental data of J. Gay-Lussac and the basic provisions of J. Dalton's atomistics that contradicted each other.

He discovered (1811) the law according to which the same volumes of gases at the same temperatures and pressures contain the same number of molecules ( Avogadro's law). named after Avogadro universal constant is the number of molecules in 1 mole of an ideal gas.

He created (1811) a method for determining molecular weights, by means of which, according to the experimental data of other researchers, he was the first to correctly calculate (1811-1820) the atomic masses of oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, chlorine and a number of other elements. He established the quantitative atomic composition of the molecules of many substances (in particular, water, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, ammonia, nitrogen oxides, chlorine, phosphorus, arsenic, antimony), for which he had previously been determined incorrectly. Indicated (1814) the composition of many compounds of alkali and alkaline earth metals, methane, ethyl alcohol, ethylene. He was the first to draw attention to the analogy in the properties of nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic and antimony - chemical elements that later formed the VA group of the Periodic Table. The results of Avogadro's work on molecular theory were recognized only in 1860 at the First International Congress of Chemists in Karlsruhe.

In 1820-1840. studied electrochemistry, studied the thermal expansion of bodies, heat capacities and atomic volumes; at the same time, he obtained conclusions that are coordinated with the results of later studies by D.I. Mendeleev on the specific volumes of bodies and modern ideas about the structure of matter. He published the work "Physics of Weighted Bodies, or a Treatise on the General Construction of Bodies" (vols. 1-4, 1837 - 1841), in which, in particular, paths were outlined for ideas about the nonstoichiometric nature of solids and about the dependence of the properties of crystals on their geometry.

Jens Jakob Berzelius


Swedish chemist Jens Jakob Berzelius was born into the family of a school principal. The father died shortly after his birth. Jacob's mother remarried, but after the birth of her second child, she fell ill and died. The stepfather did everything to ensure that Jacob and his younger brother received a good education.

Jacob Berzelius became interested in chemistry only at the age of twenty, but already at the age of 29 he was elected a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and two years later - its president.

Berzelius experimentally confirmed many chemical laws known by that time. The efficiency of Berzelius is amazing: he spent 12-14 hours a day in the laboratory. During his twenty years of scientific activity, he investigated more than two thousand substances and accurately determined their composition. He discovered three new chemical elements (cerium Ce, thorium Th and selenium Se), and for the first time isolated silicon Si, titanium Ti, tantalum Ta and zirconium Zr in the free state. Berzelius did a lot of theoretical chemistry, compiled annual reviews of the progress of the physical and chemical sciences, and was the author of the most popular chemistry textbook in those years. Perhaps this was what made him introduce convenient modern designations of elements and chemical formulas into chemical use.

Berzelius married only at the age of 55 the twenty-four-year-old Johanna Elisabeth, the daughter of his old friend Poppius, the State Chancellor of Sweden. Their marriage was happy, but there were no children. In 1845, Berzelius' health deteriorated. After one particularly severe attack of gout, he was paralyzed in both legs. In August 1848, at the age of 70, Berzelius died. He is buried in a small cemetery near Stockholm.

Vladimir Ivanovich VERNADSKY

Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky, while studying at St. Petersburg University, listened to the lectures of D.I. Mendeleev, A.M. Butlerov and other famous Russian chemists.

Over time, he himself became a strict and attentive teacher. Almost all mineralogists and geochemists of our country are his students or students of his students.

The outstanding naturalist did not share the point of view that minerals are something immutable, part of the established "system of nature." He believed that in nature there is a gradual interconversion of minerals. Vernadsky created a new science - geochemistry. Vladimir Ivanovich was the first to note the enormous role living matter- all plant and animal organisms and microorganisms on Earth - in the history of movement, concentration and dispersion of chemical elements. The scientist drew attention to the fact that some organisms are able to accumulate iron, silicon, calcium and other chemical elements and can participate in the formation of deposits of their minerals, that microorganisms play a huge role in the destruction of rocks. Vernadsky argued that " the key to life cannot be obtained by studying the living organism alone. To resolve it, one must also turn to its primary source - to the earth's crust.".

Studying the role of living organisms in the life of our planet, Vernadsky came to the conclusion that all atmospheric oxygen is a product of the vital activity of green plants. Vladimir Ivanovich paid special attention environmental issues. He considered global environmental issues affecting the biosphere as a whole. Moreover, he created the very doctrine of biosphere– areas of active life, covering lower part atmosphere, hydrosphere and the upper part of the lithosphere, in which the activity of living organisms (including humans) is a factor on a planetary scale. He believed that the biosphere, under the influence of scientific and industrial achievements, is gradually moving into a new state - the sphere of reason, or noosphere. The decisive factor in the development of this state of the biosphere should be the rational activity of man, harmonious interaction of nature and society. This is possible only if the close relationship between the laws of nature and the laws of thought and socio-economic laws is taken into account.


(Dalton J.)

John Dalton born into a poor family, possessed great modesty and an extraordinary thirst for knowledge. He did not hold any important university position, he was a simple teacher of mathematics and physics at school and college.

Basic scientific research before 1800-1803. relate to physics, later - to chemistry. Conducted (since 1787) meteorological observations, investigated the color of the sky, the nature of heat, refraction and reflection of light. As a result, he created the theory of evaporation and mixing of gases. Described (1794) a visual defect called color blind.

opened three laws, which constituted the essence of his physical atomistics of gas mixtures: partial pressures gases (1801), dependencies volume of gases at constant pressure temperature(1802, independently of J.L. Gay-Lussac) and dependencies solubility gases from their partial pressures(1803). These works led him to solve the chemical problem of the relationship between the composition and structure of substances.

Put forward and substantiated (1803-1804) atomic theory, or chemical atomism, which explained the empirical law of the constancy of composition. Theoretically predicted and discovered (1803) law of multiple ratios: if two elements form several compounds, then the masses of one element falling on the same mass of the other are related as integers.

Compiled (1803) the first table of relative atomic masses hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, sulfur and phosphorus, taking the atomic mass of hydrogen as a unit. Proposed (1804) chemical sign system for "simple" and "complex" atoms. Carried out (since 1808) work aimed at clarifying certain provisions and explaining the essence of atomistic theory. Author of the work "The New System of Chemical Philosophy" (1808-1810), which is world famous.

Member of many academies of sciences and scientific societies.


(b. 1859)

Svante-August Arrhenius was born in the ancient Swedish city of Uppsala. In the gymnasium, he was one of the best students; it was especially easy for him to study physics and mathematics. In 1876, the young man was admitted to Uppsala University. And two years later (six months ahead of schedule) he passed the exam for the degree of candidate of philosophy. However, later he complained that the university education was conducted according to outdated schemes: for example, "one could not hear a single word about the Mendeleev system, and yet it was already more than ten years old" ...

In 1881, Arrhenius moved to Stockholm and joined the Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences. There he began to study the electrical conductivity of highly dilute aqueous solutions of electrolytes. Although Svante Arrhenius is a physicist by training, he is famous for his chemical research and became one of the founders of new science- physical chemistry. Most of all, he studied the behavior of electrolytes in solutions, as well as the study of the rate chemical reactions. Arrhenius' work was not recognized by his compatriots for a long time, and only when his conclusions were highly appreciated in Germany and France, he was elected to the Swedish Academy of Sciences. For development theories of electrolytic dissociation Arrhenius was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1903.

Cheerful and good-natured giant Svante Arrhenius, a true "son of the Swedish countryside", has always been the soul of society, endearing himself to colleagues and just acquaintances. He was married twice; his two sons were named Olaf and Sven. He became widely known not only as a physical chemist, but also the author of many textbooks, popular science and simply popular articles and books on geophysics, astronomy, biology and medicine.

But the path to world recognition for Arrhenius the chemist was not at all easy. The theory of electrolytic dissociation in the scientific world had very serious opponents. So, D.I. Mendeleev sharply criticized not only the very idea of ​​Arrhenius about dissociation, but also a purely "physical" approach to understanding the nature of solutions, which does not take into account chemical interactions between a solute and a solvent.

Subsequently, it turned out that both Arrhenius and Mendeleev were each right in their own way, and their views, complementing each other, formed the basis of a new - proton- Theories of acids and bases.

Cavendish Henry

English physicist and chemist, member of the Royal Society of London (since 1760). Born in Nice (France). Graduated from the University of Cambridge (1753). Scientific research was carried out in his own laboratory.

Works in the field of chemistry relate to pneumatic (gas) chemistry, one of the founders of which he is. He isolated (1766) carbon dioxide and hydrogen in pure form, mistaking the latter for phlogiston, and established the basic composition of air as a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen. Received nitrogen oxides. By burning hydrogen, he obtained (1784) water by determining the ratio of the volumes of gases interacting in this reaction (100:202). The accuracy of his research was so great that, when receiving (1785) oxides of nitrogen, by passing an electric spark through humidified air, he allowed him to observe the presence of "dephlogisticated air", which is no more than 1/20 of the total volume of gases. This observation helped W. Ramsay and J. Rayleigh discover (1894) the noble gas argon. He explained his discoveries from the standpoint of the theory of phlogiston.

In the field of physics, in many cases he anticipated later discoveries. The law according to which the forces of electrical interaction are inversely proportional to the square of the distance between charges was discovered by him (1767) ten years earlier than the French physicist C. Coulomb. Experimentally established (1771) the influence of the environment on the capacitance of capacitors and determined (1771) the value of the dielectric constants of a number of substances. He determined (1798) the forces of mutual attraction of bodies under the influence of gravity and calculated at the same time the average density of the Earth. Cavendish's work in the field of physics became known only in 1879, after the English physicist J. Maxwell published his manuscripts, which had been in the archives until that time.

The physical laboratory organized in 1871 at the University of Cambridge is named after Cavendish.

KEKULE Friedrich August

(Kekule F.A.)

German organic chemist. Born in Darmstadt. Graduated from Giessen University (1852). He listened to the lectures of J. Dumas, C. Wurtz, C. Gerapa in Paris. In 1856-1858. taught at the University of Heidelberg, in 1858-1865. - professor at the University of Ghent (Belgium), since 1865 - at the University of Bonn (in 1877-1878 - rector). Scientific interests were mainly concentrated in the field of theoretical organic chemistry and organic synthesis. got thio acetic acid and other sulfur compounds (1854), glycolic acid (1856). For the first time, by analogy with the type of water, he introduced (1854) the type of hydrogen sulfide. Expressed (1857) the idea of ​​valence as an integer number of units of affinity that an atom has. Pointed to the "bibasic" (bivalent) sulfur and oxygen. Divided (1857) all elements, with the exception of carbon, into one-, two- and three-basic ones; carbon was classified as a four-basic element (simultaneously with L.V.G. Kolbe).

Put forward (1858) the position that the constitution of compounds is determined by "basicity", that is valence, elements. For the first time (1858) showed that the number of hydrogen atoms associated with n carbon atoms, equal to 2 n+ 2. Based on the theory of types, he formulated the initial provisions of the theory of valency. Considering the mechanism of double exchange reactions, he expressed the idea of ​​a gradual weakening of the initial bonds and presented (1858) a scheme, which is the first model of the activated state. He proposed (1865) a cyclic structural formula of benzene, thereby extending Butlerov's theory of chemical structure to aromatic compounds. Kekule's experimental work is closely related to his theoretical research. In order to test the hypothesis of the equivalence of all six hydrogen atoms in benzene, he obtained its halogen, nitro, amino and carboxy derivatives. Carried out (1864) a cycle of transformations of acids: natural malic - bromine - optically inactive malic. He discovered (1866) the rearrangement of diazoamino- to aminoazobenzene. Synthesized triphenylmethane (1872) and anthraquinone (1878). To prove the structure of camphor, he undertook work to convert it into oxycymol, and then into thiocymol. He studied the crotonic condensation of acetaldehyde and the reaction for obtaining carboxytartronic acid. He proposed methods for the synthesis of thiophene based on diethyl sulfide and succinic anhydride.

President of the German Chemical Society (1878, 1886, 1891). One of the organizers of the I International Congress of Chemists in Karlsruhe (1860). Foreign Corresponding Member Petersburg Academy of Sciences (since 1887).

Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier


French chemist Antoine Laurent Lavoisier A lawyer by training, he was a very wealthy man. He was a member of the Farming Company, an organization of financiers that farmed state taxes. From these financial transactions, Lavoisier acquired a huge fortune. The political events that took place in France had sad consequences for Lavoisier: he was executed for working in the "General Farm" (a joint-stock company for collecting taxes). In May 1794, among other accused tax-farmers, Lavoisier appeared before a revolutionary tribunal and was sentenced to death the next day "as an instigator or accomplice in a conspiracy, seeking to promote the success of the enemies of France by extortion and illegal requisitions from the French people." On the evening of May 8, the sentence was carried out, and France lost one of its most brilliant heads ... Two years later, Lavoisier was found unfairly convicted, however, this could no longer return the remarkable scientist to France. While still studying at the Faculty of Law at the University of Paris, the future general farmer and an outstanding chemist simultaneously studied the natural sciences. Part of his fortune Lavoisier invested in the arrangement of a chemical laboratory, equipped with excellent equipment for those times, which became the scientific center of Paris. In his laboratory, Lavoisier conducted numerous experiments in which he determined changes in the masses of substances during their calcination and combustion.

Lavoisier was the first to show that the mass of the combustion products of sulfur and phosphorus is greater than the mass of the burned substances, and that the volume of air in which phosphorus burned decreased by 1/5 part. By heating mercury with a certain volume of air, Lavoisier obtained "mercury scale" (mercury oxide) and "suffocating air" (nitrogen), unsuitable for combustion and breathing. Calcining mercury scale, he decomposed it into mercury and "vital air" (oxygen). With these and many other experiments, Lavoisier showed the complexity of the composition atmospheric air and for the first time correctly interpreted the phenomena of combustion and roasting as the process of combining substances with oxygen. This could not be done by the English chemist and philosopher Joseph Priestley and the Swedish chemist Karl-Wilhelm Scheele, as well as other naturalists who reported the discovery of oxygen earlier. Lavoisier proved that carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide) is a combination of oxygen with "coal" (carbon), and water is a combination of oxygen with hydrogen. He experimentally showed that when breathing, oxygen is absorbed and carbon dioxide is formed, that is, the breathing process is similar to the combustion process. Moreover, the French chemist established that the formation of carbon dioxide during respiration is the main source of "animal heat". Lavoisier was one of the first to try to explain the complex physiological processes occurring in a living organism in terms of chemistry.

Lavoisier became one of the founders of classical chemistry. He discovered the law of conservation of matter, introduced the concept of " chemical element" and "chemical compound", proved that breathing is like a combustion process and is a source of heat in the body. Lavoisier was the author of the first classification of chemicals and the textbook "Elementary Chemistry Course". At 29, he was elected a full member of the Paris Academy of Sciences.

(Le Chatelier H.L.)

Henri-Louis Le Chatelier was born on October 8, 1850 in Paris. After graduating from the Polytechnic School in 1869, he entered the Higher National Mining School. The future discoverer of the famous principle was a widely educated and erudite person. He was interested in technology, natural sciences, and social life. He devoted a lot of time to the study of religion and ancient languages. At the age of 27, Le Chatelier became a professor at the Higher Mining School, and thirty years later, at the University of Paris. Then he was elected a full member of the Paris Academy of Sciences.

The most important contribution of the French scientist to science was associated with the study chemical equilibrium, research balance shift under the influence of temperature and pressure. The students of the Sorbonne, who listened to Le Chatelier's lectures in 1907-1908, wrote in their notes in the following way: " A change in any factor that can affect the state of chemical equilibrium of a system of substances causes a reaction in it that tends to counteract the change being made. An increase in temperature causes a reaction that tends to lower the temperature, that is, going with the absorption of heat. An increase in pressure causes a reaction that tends to cause a decrease in pressure, that is, accompanied by a decrease in volume...".

Unfortunately, Le Chatelier was not awarded the Nobel Prize. The reason was that this prize was awarded only to the authors of works performed or recognized in the year of receipt of the prize. The most important works of Le Chatelier were completed long before 1901, when the first Nobel Prizes were awarded.

LOMONOSOV Mikhail Vasilievich

Russian scientist, academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (since 1745). Born in the village of Denisovka (now the village of Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk region). In 1731-1735. studied at the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy in Moscow. In 1735 he was sent to St. Petersburg to an academic university, and in 1736 to Germany, where he studied at the University of Marburg (1736-1739) and in Freiberg at the School of Mining (1739-1741). In 1741-1745. - Adjunct of the Physical class of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, since 1745 - professor of chemistry of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, since 1748 he worked in the Chemical Laboratory of the Academy of Sciences established on his initiative. Simultaneously, from 1756, he conducted research at the glass factory he founded in Ust-Ruditsy (near St. Petersburg) and in his home laboratory.

Lomonosov's creative activity is distinguished both by the exceptional breadth of interests and the depth of penetration into the secrets of nature. His research relates to mathematics, physics, chemistry, earth sciences, astronomy. The results of these studies laid the foundations of modern natural science. Lomonosov drew attention (1756) to the fundamental importance of the law of conservation of the mass of matter in chemical reactions; outlined (1741-1750) the foundations of his corpuscular (atomic-molecular) doctrine, which was developed only a century later; put forward (1744-1748) the kinetic theory of heat; substantiated (1747-1752) the need to involve physics to explain chemical phenomena and proposed the name "physical chemistry" for the theoretical part of chemistry, and for the practical part - " technical chemistry". His works became a frontier in the development of science, delimiting natural philosophy from experimental natural science.

Until 1748, Lomonosov was engaged mainly in physical research, and in the period 1748-1757. his works are devoted mainly to the solution of theoretical and experimental problems of chemistry. Developing atomistic ideas, he was the first to express the opinion that bodies consist of "corpuscles", and those, in turn, of "elements"; this corresponds to modern concepts of molecules and atoms.

He was the initiator of the application of mathematical and physical research methods in chemistry and was the first to begin teaching an independent "course of true physical chemistry" at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. An extensive program of experimental research was carried out in the Chemical Laboratory of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences headed by him. Developed accurate weighing methods, applied volumetric methods of quantitative analysis. Conducting experiments on firing metals in sealed vessels, he showed (1756) that their weight does not change after heating and that R. Boyle's opinion about the addition of thermal matter to metals is erroneous.

Studied liquid, gaseous and solid states of bodies. He determined the expansion coefficients of gases quite accurately. Studied the solubility of salts at different temperatures. He studied the effect of electric current on salt solutions, established the facts of a decrease in temperature during the dissolution of salts and a decrease in the freezing point of a solution compared to a pure solvent. He distinguished between the process of dissolving metals in acid, accompanied by chemical changes, and the process of dissolving salts in water, which occurs without chemical changes in the solutes. He created various instruments (a viscometer, a device for filtering under vacuum, a device for determining hardness, a gas barometer, a pyrometer, a boiler for studying substances at low and high pressures), calibrated thermometers quite accurately.

He was the creator of many chemical industries (inorganic pigments, glazes, glass, porcelain). He developed the technology and formulation of colored glass, which he used to create mosaic paintings. Invented porcelain mass. He was engaged in the analysis of ores, salts and other products.

In the work "The first foundations of metallurgy, or ore affairs" (1763), he considered the properties of various metals, gave their classification and described methods of obtaining. Along with other works on chemistry, this work laid the foundations of the Russian chemical language. Considered the formation of various minerals and non-metallic bodies in nature. He expressed the idea of ​​the biogenic origin of soil humus. He proved the organic origin of oils, coal, peat and amber. He described the processes of obtaining iron sulphate, copper from copper sulphate, sulfur from sulfur ores, alum, sulfuric, nitric and hydrochloric acids.

He was the first Russian academician to start preparing textbooks on chemistry and metallurgy (Course of Physical Chemistry, 1754; The First Foundations of Metallurgy, or Mining, 1763). He is credited with the creation of Moscow University (1755), the project and training program which he personally compiled. According to his project, in 1748 the construction of the Chemical Laboratory of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences was completed. From 1760 he was a trustee of the gymnasium and university at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Created the foundations of modern Russian literary language. He was a poet and an artist. Wrote a number of works on history, economics, philology. Member of a number of academies of sciences. The Moscow University (1940), the Moscow Academy of Fine Chemical Technology (1940), the city of Lomonosov (former Oranienbaum) are named after Lomonosov. The Academy of Sciences of the USSR established (1956) gold medal them. M.V. Lomonosov for outstanding work in the field of chemistry and other natural sciences.

Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev


Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev- the great Russian scientist-encyclopedist, chemist, physicist, technologist, geologist and even a meteorologist. Mendeleev possessed surprisingly clear chemical thinking, he always clearly understood the ultimate goals of his creative work: foresight and benefit. He wrote: "The closest subject of chemistry is the study of homogeneous substances, from the addition of which all the bodies of the world are composed, their transformations into each other and the phenomena accompanying such transformations."

Mendeleev created the modern hydrate theory of solutions, the ideal gas equation of state, developed the technology for producing smokeless powder, discovered the Periodic Law and proposed the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements, and wrote the best chemistry textbook of its time.

He was born in 1834 in Tobolsk and was the last, seventeenth child in the family of the director of the Tobolsk gymnasium, Ivan Pavlovich Mendeleev, and his wife, Maria Dmitrievna. By the time of his birth, two brothers and five sisters survived in the Mendeleev family. Nine children died in infancy, and three of them did not even have time to give names to their parents.

The study of Dmitri Mendeleev in St. Petersburg at the Pedagogical Institute was not easy at first. In his first year, he managed to get unsatisfactory grades in all subjects except mathematics. But in senior years, things went differently - Mendeleev's average annual score was four and a half (out of five possible). He graduated from the institute in 1855 with a gold medal, having received a diploma of a senior teacher.

Life was not always favorable to Mendeleev: there was a break with the bride, and the malevolence of colleagues, an unsuccessful marriage and then a divorce ... Two years (1880 and 1881) were very difficult in Mendeleev's life. In December 1880, the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences refused to elect him as an academician: nine academicians voted in favor, and ten academicians voted against. A certain Veselovsky, the secretary of the academy, played a particularly unseemly role in this. He frankly declared: "We do not want university students. If they are better than us, then we still do not need them."

In 1881, with great difficulty, Mendeleev's marriage to his first wife was annulled, who did not understand her husband at all and reproached him for his lack of attention.

In 1895, Mendeleev went blind, but continued to lead the Chamber of Weights and Measures. Business papers were read aloud to him, he dictated orders to the secretary, and blindly continued to glue the suitcases at home. Professor I.V. Kostenich removed the cataract in two operations, and soon his vision returned ...

In the winter of 1867-68, Mendeleev began to write the textbook "Fundamentals of Chemistry" and immediately encountered difficulties in systematizing the factual material. By mid-February 1869, while pondering the structure of the textbook, he gradually came to the conclusion that the properties of simple substances (and this is the form of the existence of chemical elements in a free state) and the atomic masses of elements are connected by a certain pattern.

Mendeleev did not know much about the attempts of his predecessors to arrange the chemical elements in order of increasing their atomic masses and about the incidents that arose in this case. For example, he had almost no information about the work of Chancourtois, Newlands, and Meyer.

Mendeleev came up with an unexpected idea: to compare close atomic masses of various chemical elements and their chemical properties.

Without thinking twice, on the reverse side of Khodnev's letter, he wrote down the symbols chlorine Cl and potassium K with fairly similar atomic masses, equal to 35.5 and 39, respectively (the difference is only 3.5 units). On the same letter, Mendeleev sketched symbols of other elements, looking for similar "paradoxical" pairs among them: fluorine F and sodium Na, bromine Br and rubidium rb, iodine I and cesium Cs, for which the mass difference increases from 4.0 to 5.0, and then to 6.0. Mendeleev then could not know that the "indefinite zone" between the obvious non-metals and metals contains elements - noble gases, the discovery of which in the future will significantly modify the Periodic Table. Gradually, the appearance of the future Periodic Table of chemical elements began to take shape.

So, first he put a card with the element beryllium Be (atomic mass 14) next to the element card aluminum Al (atomic mass 27.4), according to the then tradition, taking beryllium for an analog of aluminum. However, then, comparing the chemical properties, he placed beryllium over magnesium mg. Having doubted the then generally accepted value of the atomic mass of beryllium, he changed it to 9.4, and changed the formula of beryllium oxide from Be 2 O 3 to BeO (like magnesium oxide MgO). By the way, the "corrected" value of the atomic mass of beryllium was confirmed only ten years later. He acted just as boldly on other occasions.

Gradually, Dmitry Ivanovich came to the final conclusion that the elements, arranged in ascending order of their atomic masses, show a clear periodicity in physical and chemical properties.

Throughout the day, Mendeleev worked on the system of elements, taking short breaks to play with his daughter Olga, have lunch and dinner.

On the evening of March 1, 1869, he whitewashed the table he had compiled and, under the title "Experiment of a system of elements based on their atomic weight and chemical similarity," sent it to the printer, making notes for typesetters and putting the date "February 17, 1869" (this is according to the old style). So it was opened Periodic Law...

Russia is a country with a rich history. Many noble personalities-discoverers glorified a great power with their achievements. One of these are the great Russian chemists.

Chemistry today is called one of the sciences of natural science, which studies internal compositions and the structure of matter, the decomposition and changes of substances, the regularity of the formation of new particles and their changes.

Russian chemists who glorified the country

If we talk about the history of chemical science, it is impossible not to recall the greatest people definitely deserving of everyone's attention. The list of famous personalities is headed by the great Russian chemists:

  1. Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov.
  2. Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev.
  3. Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov.
  4. Sergei Vasilievich Lebedev.
  5. Vladimir Vasilievich Markovnikov
  6. Nikolai Nikolaevich Semyonov.
  7. Igor Vasilievich Kurchatov.
  8. Nikolai Nikolaevich Zinin.
  9. Alexander Nikolaevich Nesmiyanov.

And many others.

Lomonosov Mikhail Vasilievich

Russian scientists and chemists would not have been able to work in the absence of Lomonosov's work. Mikhail Vasilievich was from the village of Mishaninskaya (St. Petersburg). The future scientist was born in November 1711. Lomonosov is a founding chemist who gave chemistry the right definition, a natural scientist with a capital letter, a world physicist and a famous encyclopedist.

The scientific work of Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov in the middle of the 17th century was close to the modern program of chemical and physical research. The scientist deduced the theory of molecular-kinetic heat, which in many respects surpassed the then ideas about the structure of matter. Lomonosov formulated many fundamental laws, among which was the law of thermodynamics. The scientist founded the science of glass. Mikhail Vasilyevich was the first to discover the fact that the planet Venus has an atmosphere. He became professor of chemistry in 1745, three years after he had received an analogous title in physical science.

Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev

An outstanding chemist and physicist, Russian scientist Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev was born at the end of February 1834 in the city of Tobolsk. The first Russian chemist was the seventeenth child in the family of Ivan Pavlovich Mendeleev, the director of schools and gymnasiums in the Tobolsk Territory. Until now, the parish book with a record of the birth of Dmitry Mendeleev has been preserved, where the names of the scientist and his parents appear on the old page.

Mendeleev was called the most brilliant chemist of the 19th century, and this was the right definition. Dmitry Ivanovich is the author of important discoveries in chemistry, meteorology, metrology, and physics. Mendeleev was engaged in research of isomorphism. In 1860, the scientist discovered the critical temperature (boiling point) for all types of liquids.

In 1861, the scientist published the book Organic Chemistry. He studied gases and deduced the correct formulas. Mendeleev designed the pycnometer. The great chemist became the author of many works on metrology. He was engaged in research of coal, oil, developed systems for irrigation of land.

It was Mendeleev who discovered one of the main natural axioms - the periodic law of chemical elements. We use them even now. He gave characteristics to all chemical elements, theoretically determining their properties, composition, size and weight.

Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov

A. M. Butlerov was born in September 1828 in the city of Chistopol (Kazan province). In 1844 he became a student at Kazan University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, after which he was left there to receive a professorship. Butlerov was interested in chemistry and created a theory of the chemical structure of organic substances. Founder of the School of Russian Chemists.

Markovnikov Vladimir Vasilievich

The list of “Russian chemists” undoubtedly includes another well-known scientist. Vladimir Vasilyevich Markovnikov, a native of the Nizhny Novgorod province, was born on December 25, 1837. A scientist-chemist in the field of organic compounds and the author of the theory of the structure of oil and the chemical structure of matter in general. His works played an important role in the development of science. Markovnikov laid down the principles of organic chemistry. He did a lot of research on molecular level establishing certain patterns. Subsequently, these rules were named after their author.

In the late 60s of the 18th century, Vladimir Vasilievich defended his thesis on the mutual action of atoms in chemical compounds. Shortly thereafter, the scientist synthesized all the isomers of glutaric acid, and then - cyclobutane dicarboxylic acid. Markovnikov discovered naphthenes (a class of organic compounds) in 1883.

For his discoveries he was awarded a gold medal in Paris.

Sergei Vasilievich Lebedev

SV Lebedev was born in November 1902 in Nizhny Novgorod. The future chemist was educated at the Warsaw Gymnasium. In 1895 he entered the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of St. Petersburg University.

In the early 20s of the 19th century, the Council of the National Economy announced an international competition for the production of synthetic rubber. It was proposed not only to find an alternative method of its manufacture, but also to provide the result of the work - 2 kg of finished synthetic material. The raw materials for the manufacturing process also had to be cheap. Rubber was required to be of high quality, not worse than natural, but cheaper than the latter.

Needless to say, Lebedev took part in the competition, in which he became the winner? He developed a special chemical composition of rubber, accessible and cheap to everyone, having won the title of a great scientist.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Semyonov

Nikolai Semenov was born in 1896 in Saratov in the family of Elena and Nikolai Semenov. In 1913, Nikolai entered the Physics and Mathematics Department of St. Petersburg University, where, under the guidance of the famous Russian physicist Ioffe Abram, he became the best student in the class.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Semenov studied electric fields. He conducted research on the passage of electric current through gases, on the basis of which the theory of thermal breakdown of a dielectric was developed. Later, he put forward the theory of thermal explosion and combustion of gas mixtures. According to this rule, the heat released during a chemical reaction, under certain conditions, can lead to an explosion.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Zinin

Nikolai Zinin, the future organic chemist, was born on August 25, 1812 in the city of Shushi (Nagorno-Karabakh). Nikolai Nikolayevich graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at St. Petersburg University. He became the first president of the Russian Chemical Society. which was blown up on August 12, 1953. This was followed by the development of the RDS-202 thermonuclear explosive, the power of which was 52,000 kt.

Kurchatov was one of the founders of the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

Famous Russian chemists then and now

Modern chemistry does not stand still. Scientists from all over the world are working on new discoveries every day. But do not forget that the important foundations of this science were laid back in the 17th-19th centuries. Outstanding Russian chemists became important links in the subsequent chain of development of the chemical sciences. Not all contemporaries use in their research, for example, Markovnikov's regularities. But we still use the long-discovered periodic table, the principles of organic chemistry, the conditions for the critical temperature of liquids, and so on. Russian chemists of past years have left an important mark on world history, and this fact is indisputable.

Almost everyone who is interested in the history of the development of science, engineering and technology has at least once in his life thought about how the development of mankind could go without knowledge of mathematics or, for example, if we didn’t have such a necessary item as a wheel, which became almost basis for human development. However, only key discoveries are often considered and paid attention to, while less known and widespread discoveries are sometimes simply not mentioned, which, however, does not make them insignificant, because each new knowledge gives humanity the opportunity to climb a step higher in its development.

The 20th century and its scientific discoveries have turned into a real Rubicon, crossing which progress has accelerated its pace several times, identifying itself with a sports car that is impossible to keep up with. In order to stay on the crest of the scientific and technological wave now, not hefty skills are needed. Of course, you can read scientific journals, various kinds of articles and works of scientists who are struggling to solve a particular problem, but even in this case, it will not be possible to keep up with progress, and therefore it remains to catch up and observe.

As you know, in order to look into the future, you need to know the past. Therefore, today we will talk about the 20th century, the century of discoveries, which changed the way of life and the world around us. It should be noted right away that this will not be a list of the best discoveries of the century or any other top, it will be a brief overview of some of those discoveries that have changed, and possibly are changing the world.

In order to talk about discoveries, it is necessary to characterize the concept itself. We take the following definition as a basis:

Discovery - a new achievement made in the process of scientific knowledge of nature and society; the establishment of previously unknown, objectively existing patterns, properties and phenomena of the material world.

Top 25 Great Scientific Discoveries of the 20th Century

  1. Planck's quantum theory. He derived a formula that determines the shape of the spectral radiation curve and the universal constant. He discovered the smallest particles - quanta and photons, with the help of which Einstein explained the nature of light. In the 1920s, quantum theory developed into quantum mechanics.
  2. Opening x-ray radiation– electromagnetic radiation with a wide range of wavelengths. The discovery of X-rays by Wilhelm Roentgen greatly influenced human life, and today it is impossible to imagine modern medicine without them.
  3. Einstein's theory of relativity. In 1915, Einstein introduced the concept of relativity and derived an important formula relating energy and mass. The theory of relativity explained the essence of gravity - it arises due to the curvature of four-dimensional space, and not as a result of the interaction of bodies in space.
  4. Discovery of penicillin. The fungus Penicillium notatum, getting into the culture of bacteria, causes their complete death - this was proved by Alexander Flemming. In the 40s, a production was developed, which later began to be produced on an industrial scale.
  5. De Broglie waves. In 1924, it was found that wave-particle duality is inherent in all particles, not just photons. Broglie presented their wave properties in a mathematical form. The theory made it possible to develop the concept of quantum mechanics, explained the diffraction of electrons and neutrons.
  6. Discovery of the structure of the new DNA helix. In 1953, a new model of the structure of the molecule was obtained by combining the X-ray diffraction information of Rosalyn Franklin and Maurice Wilkins and the theoretical developments of Chargaff. She was brought out by Francis Crick and James Watson.
  7. Rutherford's planetary model of the atom. He deduced a hypothesis about the structure of the atom and extracted energy from atomic nuclei. The model explains the fundamentals of the laws of charged particles.
  8. Ziegler-Nath catalysts. In 1953 they carried out the polarization of ethylene and propylene.
  9. Discovery of transistors. Device consisting of 2 p-n junctions that are directed towards each other. Thanks to his invention by Julius Lilienfeld, the technique began to shrink in size. The first working bipolar transistor was introduced in 1947 by John Bardeen, William Shockley and Walter Brattain.
  10. Creation of a radiotelegraph. Alexander Popov's invention, using Morse code and radio signals, first saved a ship at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. But the first to patent a similar invention was Gulielmo Marcone.
  11. Discovery of neutrons. These uncharged particles with a mass slightly larger than that of protons made it possible to penetrate the nucleus without obstacles and destabilize it. Later it was proved that under the influence of these particles, the nuclei are divided, but even more neutrons are produced. So the artificial one was discovered.
  12. Method of in vitro fertilization (IVF). Edwards and Steptoe figured out how to extract an intact egg from a woman, created optimal conditions for her life and growth in a test tube, figured out how to fertilize her and at what time to return her back to her mother's body.
  13. The first manned flight into space. In 1961, it was Yuri Gagarin who was the first to realize this, which became the real embodiment of the dream of the stars. Mankind has learned that the space between the planets is surmountable, and bacteria, animals, and even humans can easily live in space.
  14. Discovery of fullerene. In 1985, scientists discovered a new kind of carbon - fullerene. Now, due to its unique properties, it is used in many devices. Based on this technique, carbon nanotubes were created - twisted and cross-linked layers of graphite. They show a wide variety of properties: from metallic to semiconductor.
  15. Cloning. In 1996, scientists succeeded in obtaining the first clone of a sheep, named Dolly. The egg was gutted, the nucleus of an adult sheep was inserted into it and planted in the uterus. Dolly was the first animal that managed to survive, the rest of the embryos of different animals died.
  16. Discovery of black holes. In 1915, Karl Schwarzschild put forward a hypothesis about the existence of a black hole whose gravity is so great that even objects moving at the speed of light - black holes - cannot leave it.
  17. Theory. This is a generally accepted cosmological model, which previously described the development of the Universe, which was in a singular state, characterized by infinite temperature and matter density. The model was started by Einstein in 1916.
  18. Discovery of relic radiation. This is the cosmic microwave background radiation, which has been preserved since the beginning of the formation of the Universe and fills it evenly. In 1965, its existence was experimentally confirmed, and it serves as one of the main confirmations of the Big Bang theory.
  19. Approaching the creation of artificial intelligence. It is a technology for building intelligent machines, first defined in 1956 by John McCarthy. According to him, researchers to solve specific problems can use methods of understanding a person that may not be biologically observed in humans.
  20. The invention of holography. This special photographic method was proposed in 1947 by Dennis Gabor, in which, with the help of a laser, three-dimensional images of objects close to real are recorded and restored.
  21. Discovery of insulin. In 1922, the pancreatic hormone was obtained by Frederick Banting, and diabetes mellitus ceased to be a fatal disease.
  22. Blood groups. This discovery in 1900-1901 divided the blood into 4 groups: O, A, B and AB. It became possible to properly transfuse blood to a person, which would not end tragically.
  23. Mathematical information theory. Claude Shannon's theory made it possible to determine the capacity of a communication channel.
  24. Invention of Nylon. Chemist Wallace Carothers in 1935 discovered a method for obtaining this polymeric material. He discovered some of its varieties with high viscosity even at high temperatures.
  25. Discovery of stem cells. They are the progenitors of all existing cells in the human body and have the ability to self-renew. Their possibilities are great and are just beginning to be explored by science.

There is no doubt that all these discoveries are only a small part of what the 20th century showed to society, and it cannot be said that only these discoveries were significant, and all the rest became just a background, this is not at all the case.

It was the last century that showed us the new boundaries of the Universe, saw the light, quasars (superpowerful sources of radiation in our Galaxy) were discovered, the first carbon nanotubes with unique superconductivity and strength were discovered and created.

All these discoveries, one way or another, are just the tip of the iceberg, which includes more than a hundred significant discoveries over the past century. Naturally, all of them have become a catalyst for changes in the world in which we now live, and the fact remains undeniable that the changes do not end there.

The 20th century can be safely called, if not the “golden”, then certainly the “silver” age of discoveries, but looking back and comparing new achievements with the past, it seems that in the future we will have quite a few interesting great discoveries, in fact, the successor of the last century, the current XXI only confirms these views.

In the 20th century, the chemical industry has become a powerful scientific and technical industry, which occupies one of the leading places in the economy of industrialized countries. This transformation is largely due to the development of the scientific foundations of chemistry, which allowed it to become the scientific base of production from the second half of the last century.

Characterizing modern chemistry, it is necessary to note its fundamental difference from the science of previous periods, due to the qualitative leap that occurred in it at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. It was based on events in physics that had a huge impact on natural science as a whole, primarily the discovery of the electron and the phenomenon of radioactivity, which led to a certain revision of the physical picture of the world, in particular the creation and development of quantum, and then quantum mechanical models of the atom.

In other words, if in the last third of the XIX and at the very beginning of the XX century. the development of chemistry was guided mainly by such important scientific achievements as the structure of organic compounds, the theory of periodicity, the theory of electrolytic dissociation, the theory of solutions, chemical thermodynamics, kinetic concepts, stereochemistry, coordination theory, then later the foundation of this science was the doctrine of the structure of the atom. This doctrine formed the basis of the theory of the periodic system of elements, made it possible to raise the theory of the structure of organic compounds to a new qualitative level, to develop and develop modern ideas about the chemical bond and reactivity of elements and compounds.

From these positions, it is legitimate to speak about the fundamental features of chemistry in the 20th century. The first of them is the blurring of the boundaries between the main branches of chemistry.

19th century characterized by a clear distinction between organic and inorganic chemistry. At the turn of the century, new chemical directions were determined and began to develop rapidly, which gradually brought two of its main branches closer together - organometallic (organoelement) chemistry and the chemistry of coordination compounds.

The second example of the blurring of boundaries is the interaction of chemistry with other natural science disciplines: physics, mathematics, biology, which contributed to the transformation of chemistry into an exact scientific discipline, led to the formation of a large number of new scientific disciplines.

The most striking example of such a borderline discipline is physical chemistry. Throughout the 20th century the share of physical and chemical research has been continuously increasing, which eventually led to the formation of independent scientific disciplines: thermochemistry, electrochemistry, radiochemistry, chemistry of surface phenomena, physicochemistry of solutions, chemistry of high pressures and temperatures, etc. Finally, classic examples of the physicochemical community are such extensive areas of research as the doctrine of catalysis and the doctrine of kinetics.

Second characteristic Chemistry of the 20th century lies in the differentiation of chemistry into separate disciplines based on the methods and objects of research, which was largely the result of the process of integration of sciences, characteristic of the science of the 20th century. generally.

For chemistry, partners were biology, geology, cosmogony, which led to the emergence of biochemistry, geochemistry, cosmochemistry, which in their formation and development are associated with the use of concepts and concepts of chemistry (and physics) in relation to objects of biology, geology, cosmogony. Thus, the third characteristic feature of modern chemistry is a clearly expressed tendency towards its "hybridization" with other sciences.

The fourth characteristic feature of chemistry of the XX century. - improvement of old and the emergence of a huge number of new methods of analysis: chemical, physico-chemical and purely physical. We can say that it was analysis in the broad sense of the word that became the decisive stimulus for the evolution of scientific chemistry.

The fifth feature is the creation of deep theoretical foundations of chemistry, which is primarily associated with the development of the theory of the structure of the atom. This contributed to the physical explanation of the causes of periodicity and the formation of the modern theory of the periodic system of elements, the development of ideas about the chemical bond of the quantum mechanical level, the emergence of opportunities to quantitatively characterize various chemical processes and influence their course in the right direction.

The modern theoretical foundation of chemistry to a large extent stimulates its practical possibilities.

The prognostic task of chemistry today is to predict the conditions for the synthesis of substances with predetermined properties and to determine their most important chemical and physical parameters. Therefore, the sixth feature of the chemistry of the XX century. can be formulated as a statement and attempts to solve the problem of obtaining substances and materials with the necessary set of specified properties.

Significant changes during the 20th century have undergone the nature of the interaction and mutual influence of science and production. From this point of view, two main periods can be distinguished: the first - 1900-1940; the second is from the 50s. The first period is characterized by features of classical chemistry with traditional methods and objects of study; for the second - the birth of new industries (atomic, semiconductor) and new technology that needs special materials, the emergence of new sections of applied chemistry, the study of objects using new physical methods.

The verge of two centuries - 1900 - became the boundary between two periods in the development of chemical science: classical organic chemistry and modern chemistry, which is rightly called the chemistry of extreme states.

Classical organic chemistry was undoubtedly a grandiose achievement. Armed with Butlerov's theory of chemical structure, she revealed the deep essence of matter - the structure of molecules. Chemists have learned to plan syntheses and put them into practice. However, classical organic synthesis was very laborious and required scarce raw materials. In addition, not all of his methods led to acceptable yields of target products.

Early 20th century was marked by outstanding events for organic chemistry. Traditionally carried out under normal conditions, chemical transformations began to be carried out under extreme conditions in closed apparatus using solid catalysts. The pioneers of this transformation of methods were Vladimir Nikolaevich Ipatiev (1867-1952) and Paul Sabatier.

As a scientist V.N. Ipatiev was formed in the Butler school: his first mentor was A.E. Favorsky. The very first works of Ipatiev belonged to the classical direction of research. But already in 1900, for the first time, he began to use high pressures (up to 1000 atm.) to control processes. For this, he designed a special apparatus - the "Ipatiev bomb". In essence, it was the first example of a modern autoclave. Already in the first works in the new direction, Ipatiev showed the possibility of controlling the course of the decomposition reactions of alcohols by varying the temperature and pressure. For the first time, he succeeded in differentially decomposing ethyl alcohol in four directions and discovering the reaction of simultaneous dehydrogenation and dehydration of alcohol to obtain divinyl.

Further progress in engineering and technology showed that the development of industrial methods of hydrogenation could not do without the Ipatiev method. Therefore, hydrogenation catalysis at atmospheric pressure has given way to catalytic hydrogenation by the Ipatiev method since the 1920s and 1930s.

In 1901-1905. Ipatiev discovered the catalytic action of zinc, aluminum, iron and other metals in hydro- and dehydrogenation reactions. In 1909, he first established the fundamental possibility of obtaining divinyl from ethyl alcohol in one stage. And in 1911, he discovered the principle of the combined action of two- and multi-component catalysts capable of combining redox and acid-base functions. The practical consequence of these discoveries was the synthesis known in the history of chemistry and the chemical industry by S.V. Lebedev divinyl and brilliant for that time (1928) solution to the problem of rubber synthesis.

In 1913, Ipatiev for the first time - after many failed attempts by A.M. Butlerov and foreign chemists - carried out the synthesis of polyethylene. He then carried out a series of studies on the use of high pressures in reactions with inorganic substances. With these studies, Ipatieva N.D. Zelinsky connects the successes in the synthesis of ammonia from elements, i.e., the solution of one of the main problems in the production of mineral fertilizers. All these works laid the foundations for heterogeneous catalytic synthesis at high temperatures and pressures.

World recognition and authority of Russian chemical science in the first decades of the 20th century. are also connected with deep researches of other scientists. It is necessary to point to the creation by Nikolai Semenovich Kurnakov (1860-1941) of physico-chemical analysis. Back at the end of the 19th century, being an employee of the St. Petersburg Mining Institute, Kurnakov conducted research in the field of metallography and thermographic analysis. They began a new branch of chemistry - physicochemical analysis, which for the first time opened up the possibility of a systematic study of complex multicomponent systems: metal alloys, silicates, salt solutions. The development of a method for the geometric representation of these systems (composition-property diagrams) made it possible to predict the nature of the course of chemical processes. Physical and chemical analysis made it possible to create materials with desired properties. Thanks to its widespread use, successes have been achieved in metallurgy, the development of salt deposits and the production of fertilizers.

The development of the chromatography method was of great importance for the formation of the chemical-analytical base of industry. The origins of chromatography are associated with the name of Mikhail Semenovich Tsvet (1872-1919), who in 1903 proposed a method for separating and analyzing a mixture of substances based on different sorption of mixture components by certain sorbents. Continuing research in this area already in the second half of the 1940s, A.V. Kiselev, K.V. Chmutov and A.A. Zhukhovitsky did a lot to improve and introduce methods of chromatographic analysis in the scientific and technical field. Chromatography made it possible to separate and analyze substances very similar in properties, for example, lanthanides, actinides, isotopes, amino acids, etc.

An important role in the development of Russian chemical science was played by the studies of Lev Alexandrovich Chugaev (1873-1922) on the chemistry of complex compounds, the petrochemical studies of Vladimir Vasilyevich Markovnikov (1838-1904), the work of Grigory Semenovich Petrov (1886-1957) on the synthesis of carbolite, etc.

However, all these brilliant achievements can only be regarded as the successes of talented individuals. In pre-revolutionary Russia, there was almost no chemical industry that would have stimulated the development of chemical science with its demands. The Russian Academy of Sciences had only one research institution - a chemical laboratory, created by M.V. Lomonosov in 1748, in which three or four people could work. Chemical science developed mainly in university laboratories. The Russian Physico-Chemical Society had about four hundred members, of whom there were no more than three hundred chemists. In 1913, the total number of chemists with higher education in Russia was about 500; thus, there was one chemist for every 340,000 inhabitants. According to the figurative expression of Academician P.I. Walden, "every chemist in Russia had something rarer than the rare element neon".

It is necessary to note the insufficient development of the theoretical foundations of chemical technology, which at the beginning of the century were already based on the foundation of physical chemistry.

First World War consolidated the efforts of domestic scientists and engineers in solving scientific and technical problems of wartime. Mobilization of labor and material resources in 1914-1917. within the framework of Academician V.N. Ipatiev of the Chemical Committee under the Main Artillery Directorate, chemical departments of military-industrial committees and other structures was not only a prerequisite for the development of chemical technology in the country, but also a powerful incentive for a radical revision of the relationship between science and production.

To provide the army with weapons and ammunition, it was necessary to solve a whole range of chemical and technological problems. This was made possible through the cooperation of a wide range of chemists and industrialists. So, research in the field of chemistry and technology of oil was carried out by S.S. Nametkin, benzene and toluene technologies - I.N. Ackerman, N.D. Zelinsky, S.V. Lebedev, A.E. Poray-Koshits, Yu.I. Augshkap, Yu.A. Grosjean, N.D. Natov, O.A. Gukasov and others.

From February 1915 to February 1916, to increase the production of explosives by almost 15 times and to establish domestic production of benzene at the 20 established plants. Problems similar in volume and complexity were solved with the organization of the production of sulfuric and nitric acids, saltpeter, ammonia and other starting materials for the production of ammunition and combat agents. Along with the creation of new plants, measures were taken to develop domestic deposits of pyrite, lead, sulfur, and saltpeter.

A major role in uniting the scientific forces of the country, creating the first blocks of a modern system of organizing scientific research was played by the permanent Commission for the Study of the Natural Productive Forces of Russia (KEPS), created in 1915 by decision of the General Meeting of the Academy of Sciences, and the mineralogist and geochemist Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky was elected chairman. (1863-1945). Already the first composition of KEPS included scientists representing almost all branches of the natural sciences, including chemists P.I. Walden and N.S. Kurnakov. Although the immediate reason for the formation of the commission was the need to search for strategic raw materials for defense needs and information about its proven reserves, in fact its tasks were much broader - a comprehensive study of Russia's natural resources and the consolidation of its scientific forces for this purpose.

In December 1916 V.I. Vernadsky, speaking at a CEPS meeting, outlined as one of its top priorities the preparation of a plan for the creation in Russia of a nationwide network of research institutes. He believed that "along with the possible - without harm to teaching - the tension of scientific thought higher schools it is necessary to widely develop in the country special research institutes of an applied, theoretical or special nature” (Quoted from: [Koltsov A.V. Activities of the Commission for the Study of the Natural Productive Forces of Russia: 1914-1918]). Three weeks later, on January 10, 1917, at a joint meeting of the KEPS and the Military Chemical Committee with the participation of more than 90 scientists, the main ways of practical implementation of the idea of ​​research institutes in the field of chemistry were discussed, in particular, the need to organize a Research Institute for Physical and Chemical Analysis (N S. Kurnakov), the Institute for the Study of Platinum, Gold and Other Precious Metals (L.A. Chugaev), the Institute of Applied Chemistry (A.P. Pospelov), the Oil Institute in Baku, a laboratory for the study of products of dry distillation of wood (N. D. Zelinsky), Institute of Essential Oils (V.E. Tishchenko). In addition, the focus of scientists was the coordination of research, increasing the role of universities in the scientific potential of the country, ensuring the correct relationship between science, technology and industry, the rational placement of institutions on the territory of Russia. The reports and speeches emphasized the growing importance of science in the life of the state, it was noted that science needs constant support from the state and society. The meeting participants insisted on increasing funding for research, encouraging the creative work of Russian professors. Most of these proposals in one form or another have already been implemented in the coming years.

In 1917, the KEPS included 139 prominent scientists and specialists in various fields of science and practice, ten scientific and scientific-technical societies, five ministries, a number of universities and departments. The Commission was the largest scientific institution in Russia in the first third of the 20th century.

Thus, already at the beginning of the century, problems began to stand out, the development of which required permanent, more stable organizational forms. The achievements of chemical science and the logic of its development increasingly came into conflict with the small community of chemists and the individual nature of research activities. It was impossible to move forward in the development of major scientific problems without collective labor and intelligence. The understanding by the chemical community of the need to organize scientific research in specialized institutes completely coincided with the course of the Soviet state towards the accelerated development of science, providing it with young talented personnel, and creating numerous research institutes, including the chemical profile.

At the end of 1917, under the leadership of L.Ya. Karpov, the Department of Chemical Production was created under the Supreme Council of National Economy, which was renamed in June 1918 into the Department of the Chemical Industry. The basis for its creation was a huge material, in which information was summarized on the state of the domestic chemical industry and priority measures were proposed to transfer it to a peaceful track. V.N. Ipatiev wrote about this: “To solve a number of issues on the demobilization of industry and the organization of new industries for peacetime life at factories that previously worked for defense, it was established under the V.S.N.Kh. at the Chemical Department, the Commission chaired by the former Chairman of the Chemical Committee Academician V.N. Ipatiev and employees of Khim. Committee L.F. Fokina, M.M. Filatov and representatives of V.S.N.Kh. During the course of the year, this commission helped the Chemical Department in many ways to understand the activities of chemical plants created in wartime, and to point out those industries that now seem to be an urgent need to establish in Russia. In addition to all the materials of the Chemical Committee ... The Chemical Department of V.S.N.Kh. received all the rest of the material, as well as all the work of the Preparatory Commissions and the Central Organ for the Demobilization of Industry ... " [ , p.79].

In January 1918, on the initiative of V.I. Lenin, the government raised the question of involving scientists from the Academy of Sciences in scientific and technical work. August 16, 1918 V.I. Lenin signed a decree "On the Establishment of the Scientific and Technical Department" (STO) under the Supreme Economic Council, which was created in order to centralize the entire scientific and technical experimental work of the republic, to bring science closer to production. One of the main tasks of the Scientific and Technical Department was the organization of a network of research institutes, the need for which was already in 1915-1917. said such eminent scientists as IN AND. Vernadsky, N.K. Koltsov and A.E. Fersman.

In the difficult period for the Soviet government of 1918-1920. many institutes were created that formed the basis of the chemical branch of science. So, in 1918, the Central Chemical Laboratory was organized at the Supreme Council of National Economy - "to meet the scientific and technical needs of the chemical industry" (in 1921 it was transformed into the Chemical Institute, and in 1931 it was transformed into the Research Institute of Physics and Chemistry named after A.I. L.Ya. Karpova); Institute of Physical and Chemical Analysis, headed by N.S. Kurnakov; Institute for the Study of Platinum and Other Precious Metals under the direction of L.A. Chugaev; Research Institute of Pure Chemical Reagents; in 1919 - Scientific Institute for Fertilizers (later Scientific Research Institute for Fertilizers and Insectofungicides), Institute of Hydrolysis Industry, Institute of Silicates, Russian Institute of Applied Chemistry (since January 1924 - State Institute of Applied Chemistry); in 1920 - the Research Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute, etc. At the beginning of 1922, the State Radium Institute was established, the director of which was V.I. Vernadsky. This institute became the third (after Paris and Vienna) special center for the study of the phenomena of radioactivity and radiochemistry.

In the early years of Soviet power, priority was given to applied research. So, thanks to the study of the salt lakes of the Crimea, the Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay, the Volga delta, the regions of Western and Eastern Siberia, Central Asia and the discovery of potassium-magnesium deposits in the Solikamsk region under the guidance of N.S. Kurnakov began extensive laboratory and field research in the field of chemistry and technology of natural salts, which led to the development of new areas of general and inorganic chemistry, as well as physicochemical analysis. These studies, carried out at the Institute of Physical and Chemical Analysis, contributed to the creation of the potash and magnesium industries.

The Scientific Institute for Fertilizers began field testing of liquid fertilizers, the development of ammonium and potassium phosphate technology, calcium metaphosphates and triple fertilizers.

The receipt in December 1921 of highly active preparations of radium was the first step towards the creation of a radium and uranium industry.

In 1922-1923. in Petrograd and Izyum, work interrupted by the Civil War to organize the domestic production of optical glass was resumed.

In the same period, the development of the theory of heterogeneous catalysis began in a number of institutes, in the development of which the electronic theory of catalysis played an important role. An important role in the development of this area of ​​physical chemistry was played by the studies of Lev Vladimirovich Pisarzhevsky (1874-1938) and his school, conducted at the Ukrainian Institute of Physical Chemistry (since 1934 - the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences).

The first successes of Soviet organic chemistry are associated with the development of the chemistry of hydrocarbons, the raw material base for which was oil and coal. In 1918, in connection with the country's need for liquid fuel, research was begun in the field of oil cracking, dehydrogenation catalysis, etc. .BUT. Kazansky and I.A. Annenkov.

In order to study the composition and improve the methods of oil refining, in 1920, the Central Chemical Laboratory of the Azneft trust was organized in Baku, on the basis of which the Azerbaijan Research Oil Institute was subsequently created. In subsequent years, the State Oil Research Institute, the Russian Food Science and Technology Institute were organized, which began to produce hydrolytic alcohol and sugar, and others.

A new impetus to the development of applied chemical science was given by the III Congress of Soviets (1925), at which it was decided to accelerate the pace of development of the main industries, primarily agricultural engineering, metal, textile, electrical engineering, sugar, basic chemical, aniline-dye and construction.

A major role in the development of chemical science was played by the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of April 28, 1928 "On measures for the chemicalization of the national economy of the USSR", initiated by the appeal to the government of the country by leading chemists A.N. Bach, E.V. Britske, N.D. Zelinsky, V.N. Ipatiev, N.S. Kurnakova, D.N. Pryanishnikova, A.E. Favorsky, A.S. Fersman, N.F. Yushkevich with a special note on the ways of developing the national economy, and above all its widespread chemicalization. The resolution for the first time defined the role of chemical science and industry as one of the decisive factors in the industrialization of the country, set the tasks of detailed scientific and technical development of the most important problems in the field of chemical production: the organization of the fertilizer and insecticide industry, the potash industry, the further development of the industry of organic dyes, rare elements; solution of the main problems of synthetic chemistry (artificial rubber, gasoline and liquid fuels, synthetic fats, etc.). Particular attention was paid to solving immediate practical problems: gasification, research and enrichment of phosphorites, etc.

The note noted that the draft of the first five-year plan does not sufficiently take into account the achievements of chemical science, while a new era begins in the world, associated with unlimited possibilities for the use of catalysis, radioactivity and intra-atomic energy, and pointed to the growing role of chemistry in the creation of synthetic materials, the possibility of replacing mechanical processes with chemical-technological ones, using industrial waste and combining various industries with maximum economic benefits [ Journal of the Chemical Industry. 1928. No. 3-4. pp.226-228].

The great role of chemistry in the industrialization of the USSR was noted at the 15th, 16th, and 17th Party Congresses. The 18th Congress called the Third Five-Year Plan the "Five-Year Plan of Chemistry."

A distinctive feature of chemical research in the first post-war decades was the transition from individual laboratory research to the development by teams of newly created research institutes of extensive fundamental and applied programs.

During the years of the first five-year plan, a number of institutes for applied purposes were organized: the Research Institute of Plastics (NIIPlastmass), the Research Institute of Intermediate Products and Dyes; a number of institutes in the Urals: the Ural Research Chemical Institute (UNIKHIM), the Ural Physico-Chemical Research Institute, etc.

One of the main products of the chemical industry is sulfuric acid. In the 19th century it was obtained by the nitrous method. However, the main direction in the production of sulfuric acid is the contact method, in which the oxidation of sulfur dioxide takes place on solid catalysts.

The domestic school of specialists in the field of sulfuric acid technology has made a significant contribution to the development of this production. Thanks to the work of Nikolai Fedorovich Yushkevich (1884-1937) and Georgy Konstantinovich Boreskov (1907-1984), in 1929, a calcium-vanadium catalyst began to be used in industry instead of a platinum catalyst that was expensive and unstable to contact poisons. In 1932 N.F. Yushkevich created and used in the contact apparatuses of the Vladimir and Dorogomilovsky plants in Moscow an industrial vanadium catalyst for the oxidation of sulfur dioxide to trioxide. Around the same time, at the Odessa Chemical and Radiological Institute under the leadership of G.K. Boreskov developed new highly efficient catalysts of complex composition - BOV (barium-tin-vanadium) and BAV (barium-aluminum-vanadium). In September 1932, at the Konstantinovsky Chemical Plant in Donbass, an industrial contact apparatus was launched on a BAS catalyst. At the end of the 1930s, all plants in the country that produced sulfuric acid by the contact method switched to the BAS catalyst.

N.F. Yushkevich and G.K. Boreskov is credited with creating national school sulfuric acid workers, who studied the kinetics and thermodynamics of chemical reactions in the process of obtaining sulfuric acid, created and introduced into industry various types of contact apparatus. In 1932, based on the scientific developments of N.F. Yushkevich, the production of sulfur from sulfur dioxide was established using a number of catalytic processes. For these works, N.F. Yushkevich and V.A. Korzhavin was one of the first in our country to be awarded the Orders of Lenin. N.F. Yushkevich also developed catalysts for the nitrogen industry.

In 1931 G.K. Boreskov was the first to propose a method for implementing contact technological processes in a fluidized bed, which has found wide application in the chemical industry.

The product around which the domestic nitrogen industry was created was ammonia. At the origins of the industry was I.I. Andreev, who in 1915 developed a method for producing nitric acid by oxidizing ammonia in the presence of a platinum catalyst. In 1916, a pilot plant was built at the coking plant in Makeevka, and in 1917, the first plant in Russia using this technology was built.

The main achievements in the production of nitric acid can be schematically represented as follows: in 1943-1945. in GIAP, a triple platinum-rhodium-palladium catalyst was developed, which provided a higher yield of nitric oxide compared to a binary platinum-rhodium catalyst; in 1950-1955 at NIFHI them. L.Ya. Karpova M.I. Temkin created a catalyst based on cobalt oxide, which also provides a high yield of nitrogen oxide; in 1956, a two-stage ammonia oxidation process was introduced into industry using a combined catalyst consisting of three platinum gauzes (first stage) and a non-platinum part (second stage).

The intensive development of the nitrogen industry required the creation of research and design centers. In 1931, on the basis of the Laboratory of Basic Chemistry of the Institute of Applied Mineralogy, the State Institute of Nitrogen (GIA) was established, and in 1932 the State Institute for the Design of New Nitrogen-Fertilizer Plants (GIPROazot) was organized. In 1943, these institutes were merged into the State Research and Design Institute of the Nitrogen Industry (GIAP).

In 1938, after the commissioning of the Kemerovo and Dneprodzerzhinsky nitrogen-fertilizer plants based on coke gas, the nitrogen sub-sector took a leading place in the country's chemical industry.

During the years of the first five-year plan, the industrial production of plastics and synthetic resins began. A significant achievement in this area was the organization of the production of a low-solubility resin (copal).

In the Institute of Artificial Fiber, organized in 1931, methods were intensively developed to increase the volume of production. Achievements in the technology of artificial fiber and the construction of the Klin, Mogilev, Leningrad and other large specialized factories led to the creation in December 1935 of the State Institute for the Design of Artificial Fiber Enterprises (GIPROIV). The most significant result of the institute's activities in the second half of the 1930s was the construction project of the Kyiv viscose silk factory. In October 1937, this enterprise produced the first batch of products.

During the years of the first five-year plan, the electrochemical industry, the production of mineral salts, chemical engineering, and a number of other industries were developed. A significant achievement was the development of the design of filter-press electrolyzers for the electrolysis of water, which were installed at a number of plants in the third five-year plan.

During the period of industrialization of the country, the development of the coke industry played an exceptionally important role. Scientific support The industry was entrusted to the Ural Coal Chemical Research Institute, established in September 1931, which in 1938 was renamed the Eastern Coal Chemical Research Institute (VUHIN).

The first works of the institute were devoted to determining the coking capacity of coals from the Kuznetsk basin in order to develop the compositions of coal charges for new coke-chemical enterprises. Subsequently, the institute carried out all studies of coal from deposits in the east of the country in order to expand and improve the raw material base for coking, including coal from the Kizel basin for the Gubakhinsky coke plant under construction and the Karaganda basin, whose coals were commercially used first at Magnitogorsk, and then at Orsko-Khalilovsky metallurgical plants. I.Ya. Postovsky, A.V. Kirsanov, L.M. Sapozhnikov, N.N. Rogatkin (first director) and others.

At the beginning of the 1930s, the most relevant direction of the institute's work was the minimization of losses in the main workshops of coke-chemical enterprises. The institute was given the task of developing and implementing new methods for absorbing benzene, eliminating phenol losses, trapping anthracene oil vapors, etc. With this in mind, increased attention was paid to studying the quality and composition of coking products of industrial shops being commissioned: coal tar, pitch, crude benzene.

During the war years, VUHIN, being in fact the only research organization in the field of coke chemistry, solved complex problems related to the expansion of the raw material base for coke production, carried out the operational orders of the State Defense Committee. Thus, the developed technology for the pyrolysis of petroleum products in coke ovens made it possible to significantly increase the production of toluene for the defense industry. For the first time in the USSR, a technology was developed, installations were built and mastered for the production of pyridine bases used for the production of medicinal substances. A method was developed for obtaining lubricating oils from coke-chemical raw materials, which were used at many enterprises, including rolling mills of the Ural plants; a technology and recipe for obtaining drying oils and varnishes from by-products of coke chemistry have been created; the technology of capturing coking chemical products has been improved.

An exceptionally important achievement was research in the field of obtaining artificial rubber. The industrial production of synthetic sodium butadiene rubber was mastered according to the method of S.V. Lebedev (1874-1934). At the end of the second five-year plan, the State Institute of Applied Chemistry developed a method for the synthesis of chloroprene rubber from acetylene, which differs from sodium butadiene in its oil resistance. The plant for its manufacture was put into operation in the third five-year plan. This enterprise was designed by the State Institute for the Design of Basic Chemical Industry Plants (Giprokhim), established in 1931. The Yaroslavl Synthetic Rubber Plant mastered the production of synthetic latexes - liquid rubbers with various properties based on butadiene according to the method of B.A. Dogadkin and B.A. Dolgoploska (1905-1994).

For the design of synthetic rubber plants in 1936, the State Institute for the Design of Rubber Industry Objects (Giprokauchuk) was established. Yaroslavl, Voronezh, Efremov and Kazan were the first plants built according to the Institute's designs. The main product produced by these enterprises was sodium butadiene rubber, which was obtained by liquid-phase and then gas-phase polymerization of butadiene using metallic sodium as a catalyst. In 1940, under the Giprorubber project, the world's first plant for the production of chloroprene rubber based on acetylene, obtained from calcium carbide and chlorine, was built in Yerevan.

During the war years, the Giprokauchuk team developed design documentation for the construction of two new plants in Karaganda and Krasnoyarsk, a plant in Sumgait was being designed; design work was started to restore synthetic rubber plants in Efremov and Voronezh.

A great contribution to the development of the country's industrial potential during the years of the pre-war five-year plans was made by the Ukrainian State Institute of Applied Chemistry (UkrGIPH), established in September 1923 by decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR, and which became the scientific center of the chemical industry of Ukraine. The most important areas of research of the institute were the technology of production of sulfuric acid, mineral fertilizers, electrochemistry of aqueous solutions, molten salts and alkali metals. In the future, the orientation of his work changed towards increasing research in the field of soda ash production.

In 1938-1941. UkrGIPH acquired the status of the All-Union branch scientific and technical center of the soda industry, and in 1944 it was transformed into the All-Union Institute of the Soda Industry (VISP). The main task of the institute was the restoration of soda plants, the improvement of production technology and the increase in the production of soda and alkalis. With the participation of scientists from the institute, the first stage of the Sterlitamak soda-cement plant and two new workshops at the Berezniki soda plant were put into operation.

The development of applied areas of chemical research proceeded in parallel with the intensification of research in the field of fundamental sciences. Within the system of the Academy of Sciences, the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry (IGIC), the Institute of Organic Chemistry (IOC), the Colloid Electrochemical Institute (CEIN), etc. were formed. They became the basis for the formation of large scientific schools.

In the field of inorganic chemistry, scientific schools were created under the leadership of E.V. Britske (1877-1953), I.V. Grebenshchikov (1887-1953), N.S. Kurnakova, G.G. Urazova (1884-1957), I.I. Chernyaev: A.A. Balandina (1898-1967), N.D. Zelinsky, A.N. Nesmeyanov (1899-1980), A.E. Favorsky (1860-1945); in the field of physical chemistry - the schools of N.N. Semenov (1896-1986), A.N. Terenina (1896-1967), A.N. Frumkin (1895-1976) and others.

In the field of inorganic chemistry, the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, formed in 1934 by combining the established N.S. Kurnakov of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Analysis and created by L.A. Chugaev of the Institute for the Study of Platinum and Other Noble Metals, the Laboratory of General Chemistry and headed by N.S. Kurnakov of the Physicochemical Department of the High Pressure Laboratory (founded in 1927 by V.N. Ipatiev).

The research areas of the institute covered such topical issues as the development of general issues of the methodology of physicochemical analysis; application of physico-chemical analysis to the study of metal systems and metallurgical processes, to the study of salt equilibria and natural salt deposits; study of complex compounds with a view to their use in the technology and analysis of precious metals; study of trans-influence and directed synthesis of complex compounds of a given composition and structure; development of methods for physical and chemical study of aqueous and non-aqueous systems; analytical research.

The studies carried out at IONKh made it possible to give recommendations on the industrial production of potash and magnesium fertilizers on the basis of the Solikamsk deposits, the processing of apatites and nephelines of the Kola Peninsula into phosphate and mixed fertilizers, the production of alkalis and alumina for aluminum smelting. The data necessary for the creation of technological schemes for the processing of brines of the Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay in order to obtain sodium sulfate, Crimean lakes for the production of common salt and bromine, Inder salt deposits for the production of boric salts, etc. were obtained. The Kurnakov school of metallurgists and metallurgists solved urgent problems related to the production of light aviation, heavy-duty, heat-resistant and other special alloys necessary for the defense industry.

The scientific school of Chugaev-Chernyaev developed the scientific and technological foundations for the organization of the domestic platinum industry, as well as the most complete use and protection of deposits of platinum and platinum group metals. The establishment of I.I. Chernyaev (1926) opened a new page in the study and synthesis of compounds of platinum and other noble metals. The institute developed new methods for the industrial production of pure metals: platinum, iridium, rhodium, osmium and ruthenium.

In Russia, since the 19th century, the school in the field of organic chemistry, created by A.A. Voskresensky, N.N. Zinin, A.M. Butlerov and V.V. Markovnikov.

In the XX century. The leader of research in this area was the Institute of Organic Chemistry (IOC), founded in February 1934 by merging several laboratories of the leading national scientific schools of academicians A.E. Favorsky, N.D. Zelinsky, V.N. Ipatiev, A.E. Chichibabina. In addition, already in the first years of work, the laboratories of N.Ya. Demyanova, M.A. Ilyinsky, N.M. Kizhner and a number of P.P. Shorygin.

The institute was given the task of developing the theoretical foundations of organic chemistry, organizing research in the field of organic synthesis in order to obtain substances that play an important role in the national economy of the country, as well as new substances that can replace natural products.

Together with scientists from Moscow State University and other organizations, IOC developed methods for separating oil, low-temperature processes for producing acetylene based on methane, dehydrogenating butane and pentanes, respectively, to butadiene and isoprene, ethylbenzene and isopropylbenzene to aromatic hydrocarbons. N.D. Zelinsky, B.A. Kazansky, B.L. Moldavsky, A.F. Plate and others discovered and studied in detail the reactions of C 5 - and C 6 -dehydrocyclization of alkanes to the corresponding cyclopentane and aromatic hydrocarbons. These reactions, along with dehydrogenation catalysis by N.D. Zelinsky became the most important link in reforming processes, in the industrial synthesis of benzene and other individual aromatic hydrocarbons. S.V. Lebedev and B.A. Kazansky in the 20-30s conducted research on the hydrogenation of hydrocarbons. HELL. Petrov, R.Ya. Levina and others in the 1940s synthesized model hydrocarbons according to the scheme: alcohols-olefins-paraffins. The works of the school of A.E. Favorsky in the field of isomeric transformations of acetylenic hydrocarbons, which began as early as the 1880s and lasted more than 50 years, made it possible to establish mutual transitions between acetylenic, allene and diene compounds, determine the conditions for their stability, study the mechanism of isomerization and polymerization of dienes, find structural patterns related to to intramolecular rearrangements. Russian chemists studied the reactions of liquid-phase oxidation of paraffinic hydrocarbons with the production of fatty acids, alcohols and aldehydes.

Already in the modern period, scientists of the Institute obtained a number of major scientific results. Opened new physical phenomenon- resonant Raman scattering of light, which is currently successfully used in various fields of science and technology. Methods have been developed for the synthesis of practically important organic compounds of various classes, including natural substances. Works in the field of chemistry of unsaturated compounds, heterocycles, carbenes and their analogues, small cycles, organic boron compounds have received world recognition. The world's largest school on the chemistry of nitro compounds, including high-energy ones, has been created at the Institute of Chemistry and has been successfully developing for half a century. Research in the field of electroorganic synthesis has received wide recognition. Works on the synthesis of heterochain polymers are being successfully developed.

Fundamental studies of the structure of microbial and viral carbohydrate-containing biopolymers made it possible for the first time in the world to synthesize artificial antigens based on complex oligo- and polysaccharides, opening up a fundamentally new way to obtain vaccines and sera. Original studies on the synthesis of steroids led to the creation of the first domestic hormonal preparations with separated biological functions.

The Institute carried out fundamental research in the field of the theory of organic catalysis, studied the elementary acts of a number of catalytic reactions, as well as the structure and physics of the surface of a number of catalysts. Priority studies have been carried out in the field of catalytic transformations of hydrocarbons, synthesis based on carbon monoxide and other one-carbon molecules, asymmetric catalysis, and scientific foundations preparation of new catalysts based on domestic zeolites, kinetic, physical and mathematical models for the calculation of industrial processes and reactors have been created.

With the start of the industrialization program, the industry of the USSR faced a number of serious problems, including a sharp increase in the accident rate in production. One of its main causes was the corrosion of metals. The country's government set the task of studying the nature of corrosion and developing effective methods to combat it.

The well-known scientists, academician V.A. Kistyakovsky, corresponding member. Academy of Sciences of the USSR G.V. Akimov and others V.A. Kistyakovsky, in his report at the emergency session of the Academy of Sciences, held on June 21-23, 1931 in Moscow, emphasized that the fight against corrosion can only be based on planned research work. This led to the creation at the end of 1934 under his leadership of the Colloid Electrochemical Institute (KEIN).

The Institute worked in two main directions. The first is the study of corrosion and electrocrystallization of metals. Particularly relevant was the fight against underground corrosion, against corrosion in the oil and chemical industries. In this regard, such methods of protecting the surface of products as the application of metal and paint coatings, the formation of protective films, etc., were developed.

The second is the study of corrosion of metals and electrocrystallization of metals; study of the physical chemistry of dispersed systems and surface layers in order to study the properties of adsorption layers of oriented molecules in connection with their importance in various fields (flotation theory, friction and lubrication, washing action, the role of adsorption layers in dispersed systems and heterogeneous processes).

Under the leadership of P.A. Rebinder and B.V. Deryagin at the institute, work was carried out to study the processes of dispersion (mechanical destruction) of rocks and minerals in order to accelerate the drilling of hard rocks, in particular when drilling for oil. The process of penetration of surfactants, which are part of lubricating fluids, into the outer layers of the metal during pressure treatment and cutting was studied.

The rapid development of biochemical science and the growth of its role in building up the economic potential of the country led to the adoption by the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences in January 1935 of a resolution on the organization of the Institute of Biochemistry. It was formed on the basis of the Laboratory of Plant Biochemistry and Physiology and the Laboratory of Animal Physiology and Biochemistry. The Institute was headed by Academician A.N. Bach, whose name was given to the institute in 1944.

For a number of years, the Institute was mainly engaged in the study of those biocatalysts that determine the course of chemical reactions in living organisms, the study of the mechanism of enzymatic synthesis. The doctrine of enzymes has been widely used to solve numerous practical issues National economy. The organization of the vitamin industry was largely associated with the scientific research of the institute.

A.I. Oparin (director of the institute in 1946-1980) performed numerous studies on the biochemistry of processing plant materials. V.A. Engelhardt came to the Institute, being the author of the discovery of respiratory (oxidative) phosphorylation, which marked the beginning of bioenergetics. In 1939, together with M.N. Lyubimova discovered the enzymatic activity of myosin and thereby laid the foundation for the mechanochemistry of muscle contraction. A.L. Kursanov published fundamental works on the problems of carbon dioxide assimilation, chemistry and metabolism of tannins, plant cell enzymology. A.A. Krasnovsky discovered the reaction of reversible photochemical reduction of chlorophyll (Krasnovsky reaction). The main works of N.M. Sissakian are devoted to the study of plant enzymes, chloroplast biochemistry, and technical biochemistry. V.L. Kretovich is the author of works on plant biochemistry, enzymology of the process of molecular nitrogen fixation, biochemistry of grain and products of its processing.

A characteristic feature of the convergence of science and production during the period of industrialization was the introduction scientific theories and methods in the national economy. This is what led to the creation in Leningrad on October 1, 1931 in the system of the central research sector of the People's Commissariat for Heavy Industry on the basis of the State Institute of Physics and Technology Institute of Chemical Physics, USSR Academy of Sciences. The main task assigned to him was the introduction of physical theories and methods in chemical science and industry, as well as in other branches of the national economy.

Research was carried out in two main directions. The first is the study of the kinetics of chemical reactions. The solution of this problem was dealt with by the laboratories of general kinetics and gas reactions, gas explosions, the study of hydrocarbon oxidation reactions, combustion propagation, explosives, solutions. The second direction - the study of elementary processes - was carried out by the laboratories of elementary processes, catalysis, molecular physics, and reactions in a discharge. The heads of the laboratories were the future famous scientists V.N. Kondratiev, A.V. Zagulin, M.B. Neiman, A.S. Sokolik, Yu.B. Khariton, S.Z. Roginsky and others.

“Most of the works of LIHF,” noted its director, Academician N.N. Semenov in 1934, is devoted to the development of the key problems of modern theoretical chemistry and the study of such processes, which in the future could serve as the basis for new chemical industries, as well as the study of processes that radically change the technologies of existing industries.

Starting from 1934, a large series of works was carried out at the institute, the purpose of which was to substantiate and develop the N.N. Semenov theory of branched chain reactions. Of great theoretical and practical importance was the study of the processes of thermal explosion, flame propagation, rapid combustion and detonation of fuel in the engine and explosives.

In 1943, the institute moved to Moscow, where the large scientific school of N.N. Semenova continued to develop the theory of branched chain reactions in various directions. Yu.B. Khariton and Z.S. Valta studied their mechanisms using the example of phosphorus oxidation, Semenov, V.N. Kondratiev, A.B. Nalbandyan and V.V. Voevodsky - hydrogen, N.M. Emmanuel - carbon disulfide. I WOULD. Zeldovich, D.A. Frank-Kamenetsky and Semenov developed the thermal theory of flame propagation, and Zel'dovich developed the theory of detonation. Then A.R. Belyaev extended this theory to condensed systems. Russian physical chemists have created the foundations of the theory of turbulent combustion. New types of chain reactions in various media and conditions were studied by A.E. Shilov, F.F. Volkenstein, S.M. Kogarko, A.D. Abkin, V.I. Gol'danskii and N.M. Emanuel.

Based on the theoretical concepts developed by the Semenov school, many technological processes were first carried out, in particular, nuclear reactions, the oxidation of methane to formaldehyde, the decomposition of explosives, etc. In 1956, Emanuel proposed a new method for producing acetic acid by oxidizing butane, which was further developed under his leadership by the staff of the laboratory of the Institute of Chemical Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

In 1956, N.N. Semenov, together with the English physical chemist S. Hinshelwood, was awarded the Nobel Prize.

Much attention in the second half of the 1930s, along with the development of fundamental chemical science, was given to the development of applied problems. This was dictated by the most important role of the chemical industry both in ensuring the rapid growth of the socialist economy and in strengthening the defense capability of the country, which was solving difficult military-strategic tasks in the conditions of a rapidly deteriorating international situation.

In solving the tasks set, the most important role was assigned to chemical science. By the end of the 1930s, there were more than 30 research institutes in the chemical industry. In addition, the research bureau for the complex use of the Khibiny apatite-nepheline rock was engaged in developments for the chemical industry, applied work was carried out at institutes of the USSR Academy of Sciences and universities.

The work of the Scientific Institute for Fertilizers and Insectofungicides (NIUIF) on the study of the raw material base of the main chemical industry, the development and implementation of new and improvement of existing methods for the production of fertilizers, sulfuric acid and poisons for pest control, as well as methods of their application among the most important works of the institute - development of technologies for processing apatites into fertilizers, methods for obtaining highly concentrated phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium fertilizers (E.V. Britske, S.I. Volfkovich, M.L. Chepelevetsky, N.N. Postnikov), sulfuric acid by tower and contact methods (K.M. Malin, V.N. Shults, G.K. Boreskov, M.N. Vtorov, S.D. Stupnikov and others), soda, various mineral salts (A.P. Belopolsky and others. ), insectofungicides (A.N. Nesmeyanov, N.N. Melnikov, etc.), extensive agrochemical studies (D.N. Pryanishnikov, A.N. Lebedyantsev, A.V. Sokolov, etc.).

The Ural Scientific Research Institute of Chemistry and the Ukrainian Research Institute of Chemistry developed new methods for obtaining mineral salts, intensified the nitrous method for producing sulfuric acid, etc. organic synthesis at high pressures.

The Research Institute of Organic Intermediates and Dyes (NIOPiK) has developed more than 100 recipes for the preparation of compounds of the benzene, naphthalene and anthracene series and created methods for the synthesis of various types of dyes. At the Research Institute of Varnishes and Paints (NIILK), work was carried out in the production of drying oils and paints: methods were proposed for obtaining asphalt varnish from Ukhta oil, glyphthalic resin from the waste of the cellulose industry (tal oil), titanium white from perovskite, etc.

The State Research Institute of Plastics has done a lot of work to find substitutes for scarce raw materials for the production of plastics and has developed methods for obtaining a thermoplastic material - a copolymer of chlorovinyl acetate, styrene - and its polymerization, etc.

In the late 30s, K.A. Andrianov suggested general method obtaining organosilicon polymers, thus laying the foundation for the creation of a new branch of the chemical industry, producing heat-resistant oils, rubbers, adhesives and electrical insulating materials used in various areas of the national economy.

Speaking about the development of chemical science in the 1920s and 1930s, it is necessary to emphasize the exceptionally great role of intersectoral chemical research institutes. The most important place among them belongs to A.N. Bach Research Institute of Physics and Chemistry. L.Ya. Karpov (NIFHI). The institute was faced with the task of providing scientific and technical services to the chemical industry by developing new and improving existing methods of production. For this purpose, laboratories of surface phenomena, colloid chemistry, inorganic and organic chemistry were created at NIFHI under the direction of A.N. Frumkina, A.N. Rabinovich, I.A. Kazarnovsky, S.S. Medvedev.

Of the works that came out of the walls of the institute, Petrov's work on the production of carbolite, which he invented - a product of the condensation of formaldehyde with creosol in an acidic medium, was of great practical importance. In addition, G.S. Petrov proposed new types of raw materials for the production of plastics and electrical insulating products - furfural, acetone and petroleum sulfonic acids. Factory experiments at the factories "Karbolit" and "Izolit" confirmed the possibility of introducing these materials to replace scarce formaldehyde.

Based on the works of G.S. Petrov for the catalytic oxidation of petroleum oils to produce fatty acids, two plants were built for 1000 tons of fatty acids each.

The development of the production of plastics required a large number of solvents. Contact oxidation methods developed under the guidance of M.Ya. Kagan, acetone, ethyl ether and acetaldehyde were obtained from ethyl alcohol. The presence of acetaldehyde in sufficient quantities made it possible to obtain acetic acid, acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate and butanol. In 1936, a large plant for the production of synthetic acetic acid went into operation.

The method developed at the institute for producing shatterproof triplex glass for the needs of the aviation and automotive industry has received industrial use. In 1935, a plant for the production of this product was launched in Konstantinovka, equipped with domestic equipment.

In the laboratory of organic catalysis under the direction of S.S. Medvedev developed a new original method for converting methane into formaldehyde, the essence of which was the contact oxidation of methane of natural and industrial gases with oxygen or air in the presence of a catalyst at a temperature of 600 o. The NIFHI successfully solved the problem of developing an industrial method for the production of formalin, a compound that is widely used in the leather and textile industries, agriculture, the pharmaceutical industry, and the plastics industry.

The kinetics of polymerization processes has been successfully studied. Based on the created by S.S. Medvedev's theory of polymerization processes found a solution to a number of problems in the production of elastomers and plastics, which was important in the development of industrial methods for the synthesis of numerous polymers.

The institute developed a number of methods for applying anti-corrosion electrochemical coatings: zinc plating, tinning, lead plating, chromium plating, nickel plating, alloy coating, etc. Using these technologies, galvanizing shops were built at Beloretsk, Zaporozhye and other plants for the production of galvanized wire and sheets. The Revdinsky and Pyzhvensky plants worked on the basis of the technology of copper plating of wire and sheets developed at the institute.

The method of chemical soil stabilization developed at the Institute has found application in the construction of the Moscow Metro, the sinking of mines and boreholes.

In 1932-1935. I.A. Kazarnovsky developed a combined method for using aluminum chloride obtained from clays. Initially, aluminum chloride was used as a catalyst for cracking oil, and then it was processed into pure aluminum oxide, which was used to produce aluminum metal. Based on the method developed at the institute, an aluminum chloride plant was built as part of the Ugresh chemical plant.

Thus, the scientists of the Institute successfully developed most of the most important problems of physical chemistry: electrochemistry and chemistry of colloids, gas adsorption, catalysis, theory of polymer structure, theory of acids and bases, kinetics of oxidation, cracking and polymerization.

The main task of the Institute of Pure Chemical Reagents (IREA) established in Moscow in 1918 was “assistance in organizing the production of reagents in the republic by studying the methods of their manufacture, searching for intermediates and starting materials, analytical study of domestic and foreign reagents, experimental production of the purest preparations.” The Institute was headed by MSU scientists A.V. Rakovsky, V.V. Longinov, E.S. Przhevalsky.

The activities of the institute were carried out both in the analytical and preparative areas, i.e., not only the tasks of creating methods for obtaining various drugs, but also their industrial implementation were solved. Although technological developments gradually became decisive, parallel intensive work was carried out in the field of physicochemical research and the continuous improvement of analytical control.

During the years of industrialization, the institute laid the foundation for a broad scientific research in the field of chemistry and related sciences. Research in the field of analytical chemistry contributed in every possible way to the development of the leading branches of science and technology: metallurgy, electrical engineering, geochemistry, physics, etc. At the same time, the requirements for the assortment and quality of chemical reagents increased. In the plan for the development of the national economy for the first five-year period, in the section devoted to chemical reagents, for the first time the main attention was paid to the production of organic reagents. During the second five-year plan Special attention was given to the production of organic reagents with a more sophisticated technology than traditional inorganic reagents. Among the works carried out by the institute during the years of the third five-year plan are the development of methods for obtaining high-purity bromine preparations, methods for the synthesis of high-purity chlorides of lithium, potassium and strontium, as well as lead-free salts and acids, original methods for obtaining sodium hypophosphite, uranium oxide and cesium salts.

Research in the field of preparative organic chemistry was devoted to the synthesis of redox indicators of the indophenol series, organic analytical reagents: cupron, guanidine carbonate, dithizone - pure organic preparations for scientific purposes: palmitic acid, isopropyl alcohol. A cycle of works on the use of waste from the wood chemical industry made it possible to organize the industrial production of methylethylene ketone and methylpropyl ketone, develop a method for obtaining high-purity mesityl, and isolate allyl and propyl alcohols from fusel oils.

The studies of S.A. Voznesensky in the field of intercomplex compounds and the work of V.I. Kuznetsov, who is credited with the development of the concept of functional-analytical groupings and the analogy of inorganic and organic reagents.

During the period of industrialization, IREA played a decisive role in the development of the production of chemical reagents. During the years of the first five-year plan alone, he transferred to industries and organizations methods and technologies for the production of more than 250 chemical reagents. In the period from 1933 to 1937, the institute developed methods for obtaining such reagents as sodium rhodisonate for the colorimetric determination of sulfate ion, dimedone for the quantitative precipitation of aldehydes in the presence of ketones, as well as new analytical reagents: magnesone, phloroglucinum, semicarbazide, barium diphenylaminosulfonate and others, new indicators: cresolphthalein, xylenol blue, alkaline blue, etc.

A large amount of work was devoted to the study of the limits of sensitivity of analytical reactions in the determination of small amounts of impurities in reagents, as well as to the chemistry of pure substances and the purification of preparations. A series of studies was carried out to develop methods for obtaining "ultimately" pure substances, identical to international standards, on the basis of which the first reference samples of a number of substances were created. Especially for bacteriological studies, chemically pure sugars were obtained. In addition, more than 100 methods for obtaining new reagents were created, including those not previously produced in the USSR.

During the Great Patriotic War the institute gave the country a whole range of reagents intended for defense purposes. During these years, methods were developed here for obtaining oxides of beryllium, zinc, magnesium and silicic acid for the manufacture of phosphors, a range of reagents for the determination of sodium, zinc, cobalt and aluminum was created, methods for obtaining a number of new analytical reagents were proposed: b-naphthoflavone, naphthyl red, anthrazo , titanium yellow, about 30 high-purity solvents for microbiology, spectroscopy and other purposes have been obtained.

Of great importance for the development of industry and, above all, its petrochemical sector was initiated by Academician V.N. Ipatiev, the creation in 1929 of the State Institute of High Pressures (GIVD). In addition to fundamental research on reactions occurring at high pressures, the institute carried out extensive technological, design, materials science research, which made it possible to lay the foundations for the design and manufacture of industrial apparatuses and high-pressure machines. The first works on the technology of catalyst synthesis appeared at the GIVD.

In the initial period of the institute's existence, prerequisites were created for the development of oil refining and petrochemistry, in subsequent years the theoretical and technological foundations of industrial processes under high and ultrahigh pressure were laid, a large set of works was carried out to study the physicochemical properties of many substances in wide pressure and temperature ranges. Studies of the effect of hydrogen on steel at high pressures and temperatures were of great theoretical and extremely important practical importance for the creation of processes under hydrogen pressure.

Under the guidance of a student Ipatiev A.V. Frost studied kinetics, thermodynamics, phase equilibrium of organic reactions in wide ranges of pressure and temperature. Subsequently, on the basis of these works, technologies for the synthesis of ammonia, methanol, urea, and polyethylene were created. Domestic catalysts for the synthesis of ammonia were introduced into industry as early as 1935.

Brilliant work on organic catalysis and the chemistry of organosilicon compounds was carried out by B.N. Dolgov. In 1934, under the guidance of a scientist, an industrial technology for the synthesis of methanol was developed. V.A. Bolotov created and implemented the technology for obtaining urea. A.A. Vanshade, E.M. Kagan and A.A. Vvedensky created the process of direct hydration of ethylene.

Practically the first research in the field of the oil industry was the work of V.N. Ipatiev and M.S. Nemtsov on transformation unsaturated hydrocarbons obtained by cracking into gasoline.

In the 1930s, the Institute studied in depth the processes of destructive hydrogenation, the use of which provided ample opportunities for the effective use of heavy oil residues and tars to produce high-quality motor fuels.

In 1931, the first attempt was made to create a generalized theory of hydrocarbon transformations under hydrogen pressure. The development of these classical works led to very important results. In 1934 V.L. Moldavsky together with G.D. Kamoucher discovered the aromatization reaction of alkanes, which served as the basis for the creation under the leadership of G.N. Maslyansky domestic technology of catalytic reforming. In 1936 M.S. Nemtsov and his collaborators were the first to discover the splitting reaction of individual hydrocarbons under hydrogen pressure. Thus, the foundations were laid for the further development of hydrodestructive processes in oil refining.

The first oxide and sulfide catalysts were created at the GIVD, the foundations of bifunctional catalysts were laid, the principles of applying active elements, selecting carriers, and carrier synthesis were studied.

In a special design bureau under the leadership of A.V. Babushkin, work was launched on the design and testing of high-pressure apparatuses. It should be noted that the first high-pressure apparatuses were made according to the drawings of V.N. Ipatiev in Germany at the expense of his personal funds, but two years later exactly the same installations began to be manufactured at the GIVD.

The uniqueness of the GIVD lay in the fact that deep theoretical research was carried out within its walls in many areas of science, which were necessary to create completed works in the field of reactions occurring under extreme conditions. Subsequently, after the war, the development of processes for the synthesis of methanol, the production of ammonia, and others passed into the jurisdiction of applied institutes created specifically for these purposes.

In parallel with the GIVD, the Khimgaz State Experimental Plant was developing in Leningrad, which in 1946 received the status of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Chemical Gas Processing. Already in 1931, a semi-factory steam-phase cracking unit and a number of units for the chemical processing of unsaturated gases were built here. At the same time, research began in the field of high-temperature cracking of hydrocarbon raw materials, which laid the first blocks in the creation of an industrial pyrolysis process. And in 1932-1933. A.F. Dobryansky, M.B. Markovich and A.V. Frost completed the study of integrated oil refining schemes.

The second line of research was the use of cracking gases. Works on dimerization, oligomerization, isomerization of hydrocarbons, as well as the production of isooctane from isobutylene were carried out under the direction of D.M. Rudkovsky. The possibility of processing cracking gases with the production of aliphatic alcohols, glycols, alkyl chlorides, and aldehydes was also studied.

During the war years, the GIVD and Khimgaz carried out hard work to intensify the production of motor fuel, aromatic hydrocarbons, and naphtha. The defensive value of this plant during the war years was enormous. Employees of the institute carried out a number of works on cracking units, polymerization and gas fractionation units, which made it possible to significantly increase the production of high-octane fuels.

In 1950, the GIVD and Khimgaz were merged into the Leningrad Research Institute for Oil Refining and Production of Artificial Liquid Fuel, which in 1958 was renamed the All-Union Research Institute of Petrochemical Processes (VNIINEftekhim).

The rapid development of the chemical industry required equipping its enterprises with modern equipment, installations, production lines, which, in turn, implied the creation of a design center for the development of chemical engineering. In 1928, at the Moscow Chemical-Technological Institute. DI. Mendeleev, a laboratory for chemical equipment was created, which took on the role of a scientific center for chemical engineering. The scientists of the institute had to study special materials for chemical engineering, processes and apparatuses of chemical technology; determine the economic coefficients that characterize the cost of the same process in apparatuses of various designs, the optimal operating conditions for chemical machines and apparatuses; test new designs; standardize equipment and unify methods of its calculation.

Engineers for the industry were trained by the Department of Chemical Engineering of the MKhTI. DI. Mendeleev, which then grew into the Faculty of Mechanics, which was transformed in 1930 into the State Research Institute of Chemical Engineering. Subsequently, this institute became an integral part of the State Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Metalworking at the All-Union Association of Heavy Engineering, and later was reorganized into the Experimental Design Institute of Chemical Engineering (EKIkhimmash). In February 1937, the Main Directorate of Chemical Engineering (Glavkhimmash) was created, which included EKIkhimmash.

The institute developed projects for the manufacture of such complex apparatuses as columns for the synthesis of ammonia, high-pressure compressors, turbocompressors for contact sulfuric acid systems, large centrifuges, vacuum apparatus for concentrating caustic soda and other solutions.

The main research load on the problems of increasing yields fell on the Institute for Fertilizers (NIU), created in May 1919 in Moscow under the NTO VSNKh. Its tasks included the study of methods for processing agronomic ores to obtain fertilizers, as well as a comprehensive test of semi-finished products and finished products of various fertilizers in terms of their agronomic applicability.

The work of the institute was based on a complex principle: the study of raw materials, the development of a technological process and the use of fertilizers in agriculture. Accordingly, the mining and geological (headed by Ya.V. Samoilov, who was also the director of the institute in 1919-1923), technological (headed by E.V. Britske, then S.I. Volfkovich) and agronomic (headed by D. .N. Pryanishnikov) departments. NRU researchers actively participated in the construction of such large enterprises as the Khibiny apatite plant, Solikamsk potash plant, Voskresenskoye, Chernorechenskoye, Aktobe fertilizer enterprises, as well as many other mines and plants.

The development of the chemical-pharmaceutical industry is connected with the activities of the All-Union Scientific Research Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute (VNIHFI). Already in the first years of existence at the institute under the leadership of A.E. Chichibabin developed methods for the synthesis of alkaloids, which laid the foundation for the domestic alkaloid industry, a method for obtaining benzoic acid and benzaldehyde from toluene, oxidized amide to saccharin, and a method for obtaining pantopon and atropine sulfate.

In 1925, the institute was given tasks related to the creation and development of the domestic chemical and pharmaceutical industry, including the development of methods for obtaining chemical-pharmaceutical, fragrant and other drugs not produced in the USSR, improving existing technologies, finding domestic raw materials to replace imported, as well as the development of scientific issues in the field of pharmaceutical chemistry.

A.P. Orekhov. In 1929, he isolated the alkaloid anabasine, which acquired economic importance as an excellent insecticide.

The era of industrialization of the Soviet Union was characterized by accelerated development modern technologies used in the latest industries, and above all the military-industrial complex. In order to provide strategic industries with raw materials in 1931 in Moscow, on the initiative and under the leadership of V.I. Glebova created the State Research Institute of Rare Metals (Giredmet). The Institute was supposed to ensure the development of original technological methods for obtaining rare elements and introducing them into industry. With the participation of Giredmet, the reconstruction was completed and the first plant in our country for the extraction of vanadium from Kerch ores was put into operation. Under the leadership of V.I. Spitsyn, a method was developed for obtaining beryllium from domestic beryllium concentrates, and in 1932 an experimental semi-factory bath was launched for the electrodeposition of this metal.

A significant proportion of practically important works of the Institute is associated with the name of Academician N.P. Sazhin. Under his leadership in the USSR, on the basis of domestic deposits, the production of metallic antimony was organized for the first time, the first batch of which was smelted at the end of 1935 at the Giredmet plant. The methods developed by him and his collaborators (1936-1941) for the extraction of bismuth and mercury from concentrates of non-ferrous metal ores made it possible already in 1939 to completely abandon the import of these metals. In the post-war period, the scientist led research on the problems of germanium raw materials and germanium, on the basis of which the USSR created its own germanium industry, which ensured the rapid growth in the production of semiconductor devices for radio engineering; in 1954-1957 he headed the work on obtaining ultra-pure rare and small metals for semiconductor technology, which was the basis for organizing the production of indium, gallium, thallium, bismuth and antimony of a special degree of purity in the USSR. Under the guidance of the scientist, a series of studies was carried out to obtain pure zirconium for the needs of the nuclear industry. Thanks to these researches, a number of methods were introduced into the practice of our factories, new not only for our industry, but also for the industry of foreign countries.

Problems of obtaining rare elements were also developed at other institutes. So, back in the early 1920s, a number of methods for refining platinum metals were created by V.V. Lebedinsky. Since 1926, all rhodium received in the country, which had defense value, was produced according to the method developed by him.

Since the 40s, thanks to the works of N.P. Sazhina, D.A. Petrova, I.P. Alimarina, A.V. Novoselova, Ya.I. Gerasimov and other scientists, the chemistry of semiconductors received a great impetus in its development. They solved the problems of deep purification of germanium, silicon, selenium and tellurium, synthesized and studied nitrides, phosphides, arsenides, sulfides and selenides, chalcogenides and other compounds, introduced methods for the production of semiconductor materials, created methods for the production of materials for lasers.

In 2004, 80 years have passed since the founding of the State Research Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology (GosNIIOKhT). From the very beginning of the institute's activity, its main research direction was chemistry and technology of organic synthesis. According to the developments of the institute, production of such important products as acetic anhydride, acetylcellulose, ethylene oxide, hydrocyanic acid, caprolactam, acrylonitrile, phenol and acetone, adipodinitrile, etc. was created in our country.

The technology for obtaining phenol and acetone through cumene, created at the institute, has spread all over the world, and at present, hundreds of thousands of tons of phenol and acetone are produced using this technology. The creation of the production of ethylene oxide made it possible to launch the production of a large number of products, including antifreeze. A large cycle of work was carried out by the Institute for the development of technology for the industrial synthesis of pesticides, especially those of the organophosphorus and triazine series (chlorophos, thiophos, karbofos, simazine, etc.).

The role of the institute in ensuring the country's defense capability is exceptionally great. On the eve of the Great Patriotic War, NIIOKhT scientists developed incendiary self-igniting liquids, on the basis of which anti-tank defenses were created, which were successfully used by the Red Army in the fight against the fascist military equipment. In the same period, the technology for obtaining organic glass was developed. The large-scale production created on the basis of this development met the needs of aircraft and tank building.

The Institute carried out a wide range of research in the field of special applications of chemistry to the needs of the country's defense. One of their results was the development in the field of creation, and later the destruction of chemical weapons and the conversion of former facilities for their production.

Assessing the development of chemical science in the period of post-revolutionary restoration of the destroyed national economy and the subsequent industrialization of the country, it can be stated that through the efforts of the newly formed numerous fundamental, applied and interdisciplinary institutions, a powerful framework of theoretical knowledge was created and extensive empirical research and development were carried out. Thanks to scientific research and the results obtained, nitrogen, aniline, petrochemical, rubber and other industries, the industry of basic organic synthesis, plastics, fertilizers, etc., were formed, which played a huge role in the development of the entire national economy and strengthening the country's defense capability.

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In the 19th century there were several schools of chemistry known far beyond the borders of Russia and having a significant impact on the development of Russian pharmacy.

First, the Kazan school had the championship (Zinin, Butlerov, Markovnikov, Zaitsev).

Petersburg was the second and most important center of chemical thought, which soon attracted the main forces from Kazan. Voskresensky, Sokolov, Mendeleev, Menshutkin worked here; in Kharkov - Beketov worked, in Kyiv - Abashev.

At Moscow University, the teaching of chemistry was not put on a modern basis almost until the end of the period under review, and only with the appearance of Markovnikov in Moscow did Moscow University become the second center of chemical activity after St. Petersburg.

Great Russian chemist Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov(1828-1886) creator of the theory of chemical structure, head of the largest Kazan school of Russian organic chemists, public figure. A.M. Butlerov created a school of Russian chemists, which included V.V. Markovnikov, A.M. Zaitsev, E.E. Wagner, A.E. Favorsky, I.L. Kondakov. Butlerov was the chairman of the Department of Chemistry of the Russian Physical and Chemical Society from 1878 to 1886.

Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834-1907) -“A brilliant chemist, a first-class physicist, a fruitful researcher in the field of hydrodynamics, meteorology, geology, in various departments of chemical technology ... and other disciplines related to chemistry and physics, a deep connoisseur of the chemical industry in general, especially Russian, an original thinker in the field of the doctrine of folk economy” – this is how Professor L.A. Chugaev.

The significance of the works of D.I. Mendeleev for pharmacy can hardly be overestimated. In 1869-1871. he first laid out the foundations of the doctrine of periodicity, discovered the periodic law and developed the periodic system of chemical elements. The law and the system of Mendeleev underlie the modern theory of the structure of matter, play a leading role in the study of the whole variety of chemicals and chemical reactions, including in pharmacy.

In his works, Mendeleev repeatedly advocated the development of pharmaceutical science. So, in 1890, he spoke out in support of the development of organotherapy. Presiding at the First Scientific Congress on Pharmacy in March 1902 in St. Petersburg, he delivered a speech that pharmacists should strengthen the chemical quality control of medicines coming from factories. In this regard, he emphasized the importance of knowledge of chemistry for the development of pharmaceutical science. Working in the Main Chamber of Weights and Measures, Mendeleev significantly contributed to the development of metrics in pharmacies. He said: “For my part, I consider it my duty to express, firstly, that in a hostel it is customary to call pharmacy weighings a model of accuracy (it is often said: “It’s true, like in a pharmacy”), and therefore the regulation of pharmacy weighings should put one of the first plans for the unification of weights and measures.

DI. Mendeleev was a member and an honorary member of more than 90 academies of sciences, scientific societies (including the St. Petersburg Pharmaceutical Society), universities and institutes around the world. He was one of the founders (1868) of the Russian Chemical Society and its president (1883-1884, 1891, 1892, 1894). Name D.I. Mendeleev wear the chemical element No. 101, a mineral, a crater on the far side of the moon, one of the underwater mountain ranges. In 1962, the Academy of Sciences of the USSR established the Prize and the Gold Medal. DI. Mendeleev for best work in the field of chemistry and chemical technology.

In February 1869, a department of chemistry was created at Kazan University, headed by Alexander Mikhailovich Zaitsev(1841-1910), creator of a universal method for obtaining tertiary alcohols with an allyl radical. With the help of this synthesis, chemists obtained a large number of organic compounds, including terpenes, vitamins, hormones, and other complex physiologically active compounds. In 1879, Zaitsev discovered a new important class of compounds, which was named lactones. In 1885 Academician Zaitsev obtained dihydroxystearic acids for the first time. This was followed by a number of other works on the oxidation of unsaturated acids, which led to the development of syntheses of the most complex in structure and most interesting in practical terms representatives of organic compounds. Zaitsev created his own school of chemists, and their number is enormous. In this regard, Zaitsev occupied one of the first places in the history of Russian chemistry (S.N. and A.N. Reformatsky, A.A. Albitsky, A.E. Arbuzov, E.E. Wagner, etc.).

We list the most significant names in the history of the development of pharmacy in the 19th and early 20th centuries: E.E. Wagner V.V. Shkatelov, L.A. Chugaev, P.G. Golubev, L.Ya. Karpov, N.I. Kursanov, S.P. Langovoy, N.N. Lyubavin, N.D. Zelinsky AND I. Danilevsky , AND I. Gorbachevsky, A.I. Khodnev, K.G. Schmidt.