The formation of the anti-Hitler coalition began with the signing of what. Creation and activities of the anti-Hitler coalition

The outbreak of the war required the USSR to seek support from other countries. It was necessary to look for allies for the joint struggle against fascism, the creation of an anti-Hitler coalition.

Anti-Hitler coalition- an alliance of countries that have joined their efforts to fight Nazi Germany and its allies.

Creation prerequisites:

1. The general threat of fascist enslavement.

2. Sympathy for the just liberation struggle of the peoples of the USSR and the desire to provide support. June 22, 1941 - British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, in an address to the British on the radio, declared his readiness to support the Soviet Union. June 23 - US President Roosevelt made the same statement.

The creation of the anti-Hitler coalition was not easy, as there were difficulties:


Different social systems (socialism and capitalism, democracy and totalitarianism).

Different goals of the war (for the USSR - the defeat of Germany, and England and the USA - to weaken both Germany and the USSR).

The desire of the United States to play a leading role in world politics and economics.

The economic difficulties of England, which entered the war on September 3, 1939 and suffered economic losses due to the bombing.


Until June 1941, the USSR was an ally of Germany, an aggressor country. This caused concern.

Stages of creating an anti-Hitler coalition:

I. England and the USSR are taking the first steps towards rapprochement (the danger is more real for England). July 12, 1941 - a cooperation agreement is signed, according to which the countries undertake to help each other and not to conduct separate negotiations with Germany. England is giving us a loan of 20 million pounds. The United States also announced its readiness to provide economic assistance in early August.

II. September 1941 - an international conference in England in London adopted the "Atlantic Charter" on the goals of the joint struggle against fascist aggression. First it was signed by England and the USA, later the USSR joined.

III. September 29 - October 1, 1941 - a conference of 3 countries - England, the USSR and the USA was held in Moscow, where a decision was made on the Anglo - American supplies of weapons and strategic materials to the USSR, and the USSR - raw materials for military production. These deliveries began on November 7, 1941, went through Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, the Far East, Iran. The US gives us a loan of 1 billion dollars and includes us in the Lend-Lease Act. Lend-lease - lease or loan of military equipment, food, medicine, weapons of the United States to allies, countries within their sphere of interest. During the war years, we were supplied with 22,000 aircraft, 13,000 tanks, 427,000 trucks, 4.3 million tons of food, etc. - worth 14 billion dollars. These deliveries accounted for 10-12% of military production and were very timely.

IV. December 7, 1941- The United States enters the war after the Japanese attack on the naval base of Pearl Harbor. Now they are also interested in military cooperation. January 1, 1942- in Washington, 26 states (England, the USSR, the USA, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, China, etc.) signed the Declaration of the United Nations, according to which the participants pledged to use all means to fight the enemy, to cooperate with each other and not to conclude a truce and a separate peace with hostile countries.

V. May - June 1942 - bilateral treaties were signed on the war against Germany and its allies in Europe and on cooperation and mutual assistance after the war.

Thus, the anti-Hitler coalition was basically created. By the end of the war, it included about 50 states. For us, the main task is to achieve the opening of a second front in Europe.

“Anti-Hitler Coalition” in 1942 for the first time became the official name for the association of countries that were allies in World War II against the Nazi bloc. It included 26 states.

How the alliance against the Axis countries was formed

The creation of the anti-Hitler coalition began in 1941, when on July 12 an agreement was signed between the Soviet Union and Britain to fight Germany. A month later, on August 14, another historic document was signed - the Atlantic Charter. It was signed by British Prime Minister W. Churchill on the one hand and US President F. Roosevelt on the other.

Rice. 1. Franklin Roosevelt.

Finally, on January 1, 1942, the signing of the anti-Hitler coalition with its official composition of 26 countries took place. After that there were several more important events, to present which in chronological order table will help.

the date


Soviet-British agreement on war with Germany signed in London

Signed the Soviet-American agreement on the principles of mutual assistance during the war

Tehran conference dedicated to the development of a strategy for the war against Germany

Signed the Soviet-French agreement on mutual assistance

Potsdam Conference where Stalin, Churchill and Truman met

Moscow conference

Rice. 2. Joseph Stalin.

Ideological and target differences

During the Second World War, the anti-Hitler coalition proved to be effective, since one of the common goals of the allies was the liberation of the states captured by Nazi Germany and the overthrow of the Hitler regime. At the same time, each pursued its own goals: the USSR sought to increase its influence in Eastern Europe by establishing a communist regime there, while Britain and the United States sought to get rid of such rivals on the world stage as Germany and Japan.

At the same time, the principles of the coalition during the war were intended to unite the states in the fight against Hitler: the allies exchanged information and technical means on equal terms.

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Opening a second front

Also, the formation of the anti-Hitler coalition contributed to another important process - the opening of a second front. It opened in Western Europe in 1944 when Anglo-American forces landed in Normandy on 6 June.

The second front played a very important role in the liberation of the countries of Western Europe.

End of the anti-Hitler coalition

The participating countries of this anti-Hitler alliance considered it as a promising basis for international relations, but ideological differences, objective and subjective circumstances put an end to this idea. Cooperation gave way to bitter confrontation, and the Cold War policy proclaimed by the British Prime Minister in 1946 effectively put an end to the anti-Hitler coalition.

Rice. 3. Winston Churchill.

Allied countries took part in the Moscow Victory Parade for the first time only in 2010.

What have we learned?

We briefly reviewed the goals of the anti-Hitler coalition, learned what events preceded its formation and what important documents were signed during its existence. One of the important consequences of the signing of the international treaty of alliance against Hitler was the folding of military and economic forces, as well as the opening of a second front. The 9th grade textbook notes that the coalition lasted only a year after the end of the war before the Cold War was declared.

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At this meeting, representatives of three countries - the USSR, the USA and Great Britain - signed a protocol on mutual deliveries for the period October 1, 1941 - June 30, 1942. The USA and Great Britain pledged to supply the USSR with 400 aircraft, 500 tanks, anti-aircraft and anti-tank guns, vehicles, as well as aluminum and other metals. The Soviet Union assumed an obligation to supply the Anglo-American side with large quantities of raw materials for the needs of military production. However, delivery times were often missed (Figure 9.1).

Signed on January 1 in Washington by the representatives of Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Haiti, Guatemala, Honduras, Greece, the Dominican Republic, India, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Cuba, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Nicaragua, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Poland, El Salvador, USSR, USA, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and the Union of South Africa. These states pledged to cooperate in the struggle against the fascist states, using all their resources for this purpose. The declaration of 26 states could be joined by other countries that provided or could provide material assistance and assistance in the struggle for victory over Nazism.

Subsequently, the states that signed the declaration and acceded to it were transformed into the United Nations (UN).

3. Anglo-Soviet and Soviet-American negotiations in 1942

An important step towards rallying the anti-Hitler coalition was the signing of the Anglo-Soviet Treaty on May 26, 1942, and the Soviet-American Treaty on June 11, 1942, on alliance in the war against Nazi Germany, cooperation and mutual assistance.

At the talks between the USSR, the USA and Great Britain, an agreement was reached on the creation of a second front in Western Europe in 1942. Its timely opening could significantly speed up the defeat of the fascist bloc, reduce the duration of the war, and the number of its losses. However, the ruling circles of the United States and Great Britain shied away from fulfilling their obligations. Soon after the negotiations, they made a unilateral decision to postpone the opening of a second front to 1943. Instead of creating a second front, Anglo-American troops landed in North Africa in 1942, and in 1943 in Sicily and Southern Italy, where they diverted only a small part of the forces of the Nazi Wehrmacht (about 6-7%).

Rice. 9.1.

It worked out a Four-State Declaration (USSR, USA, Great Britain and China) on the issue of universal security. The determination of these countries to wage war until unconditional surrender enemy and establish an international organization. The question of measures to reduce the duration of the war was also considered. The “Declaration on the responsibility of the Nazis for the committed atrocities” signed by I. V. Stalin, F. Roosevelt and W. Churchill was published. This Declaration subsequently became the basis for the prosecution and punishment of war criminals.

It was attended by the leaders of the three allied powers - the USSR, the USA, Great Britain. At the insistence of the Soviet delegation, the main focus was on military issues, primarily the opening of a second front in Europe. The United States and Great Britain pledged to open a second front in France by May 1, 1944 (opened June 6, 1944). The Soviet Union stated that the Red Army would launch an offensive around the same time. The conference confirmed the possibility of cooperation between states with different social systems in solving international problems and frustrated the calculations of fascist diplomacy for a split between the allies.

The Soviet delegation, meeting the wishes of the allied governments, and also taking into account Japan's repeated violations of the Soviet-Japanese neutrality treaty of 1941, declared that the Soviet Union would enter the war against Japan when the German army was finally defeated.

Questions of the post-war order of the world and the security of peoples were also discussed at the conference.

In the "Declaration of the Three Powers" adopted on December 1, 1943, the conference participants declared full agreement "... regarding the scale and timing of the operations that will be undertaken from the east, west and south." The leaders of the three powers exchanged views on the establishment of an international security organization after the war.

6. Crimean Conference 1945

It took place on February 4-11 in Livadia (near Yalta). It is also known in history as the Yalta Conference. It agreed on the military plans of the allies for the final defeat of fascist Germany, determined their relationship to Germany after its unconditional surrender. The leaders of the three great powers I. Stalin, F. Roosevelt, W. Churchill agreed to convene a conference in the United States on April 25, 1945, with the aim of establishing the United Nations Organization and a permanent body under it, the Security Council, to maintain peace and security.

Agreement of the three great powers on Far East provided for the entry Soviet Union into the war against Japan two to three months after the surrender of Germany and the end of the war in Europe. (Under the conditions of maintaining the status of the MPR, the return of the USSR of South Sakhalin with the adjacent islands, the transfer of the Kuril Islands.)

The Conference of 50 founding states of the United Nations was convened in pursuance of the decision of the Crimean Conference (1945). It went down in history as the founding conference of the United Nations. It considered the draft UN Charter. Its discussion proceeded in an atmosphere of acute struggle between the USSR on the one hand, and the USA and Britain on the other. As a result of the persistent efforts of the Soviet delegation, a number of fundamental questions were positively resolved. The UN Charter, in particular, reflects the basic principles of peaceful coexistence and cooperation between states with different economic and social systems. As a result of the work of the conference of the founding states of the UN, their intention was proclaimed to save future generations from the scourge of war.

Thus, during the years of the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet Union pursued an active foreign policy course, persistently fought for the expansion of the collective struggle against fascism and militarism. The authority of our country in the international arena has grown significantly. If before the Great Patriotic War the USSR had diplomatic relations (with the exception of those interrupted after the outbreak of World War II) with 26 states, then at the end of 1945 - already from 52. Governments and peoples listened to the voice of the Soviet Union, without its participation, in essence, not a single problem affecting the fundamental interests of the world was solved.

  • On December 7, 1941, the United States declared war on Japan and entered World War II. The reason was a sudden combined attack by Japanese carrier-based aircraft and midget submarines on American naval and air bases in the Hawaiian Islands in the Pearl Harbor area in order to prevent the intervention of the US Pacific Fleet in Japanese operations in the south. Air raids by the Japanese practically destroyed warships and aircraft at the bases.

Great Patriotic War 1941-1945

Germany's goals in the war were:
1. Liquidation of the USSR and socialism as a state, system and ideology. colonization of the country. Destruction of 140 million “superfluous people and peoples.
2. Liquidation of the democratic states of Western Europe, deprivation of their national independence and subjugation of Germany.
3. The conquest of world domination. The pretext for aggression is the imminent threat of attack from the USSR.
The goals of the USSR were determined during the war. This is:
1. Defense of the freedom and independence of the country and socialist ideas.
2. The liberation of the peoples of Europe enslaved by fascism.
3. Creation of democratic or socialist governments in neighboring countries.
4. Liquidation of German fascism, Prussian and Japanese militarism.

Character: predatory, unfair, inhumane on the part of the aggressor states.

In the first period of the war, Soviet troops suffered heavy defeats in border battles. The Nazi armies managed to encircle and destroy a significant part of the forces of the Western, as well as the North-Western and South-Western fronts.

In October 1941, the fascist German command, having regrouped its forces in the western direction, launched the first, and in November 1941, the second decisive offensive against Moscow (Operation Typhoon). The battle for Moscow began.

The second period of the war began on November 19, 1942 with a counteroffensive of the Soviet troops near Stalingrad. It went down in history as a turning point in the war. In the course of it, the Soviet Army again seized the strategic initiative, surrounded and destroyed the 330,000-strong enemy grouping that broke through to the Volga (Operations Uranus, Little Saturn, and Ring), then inflicted a crushing defeat on the German, Romanian, Italian and Hungarian troops on the Middle and Upper Don, liberated most of the North Caucasus, Donbass, a number of central regions of Russia, broke through the blockade of Leningrad (Operation Iskra). The enemy was pushed back 500-600 km. Only after the transfer of significant forces from the west did the German command manage to stabilize the front with a counterattack in the Donbass and near Kharkov.
The victory at Stalingrad marked the beginning of a radical turning point in the war.

The third period of the war lasted from January 1, 1944 to May 9, 1945. During this period, the Soviet armed forces dealt increasing blows to the enemy. In 1944, the largest strategic offensive operations were carried out, as a result of which the Soviet troops finally lifted the blockade of Leningrad, liberated the Leningrad and Novgorod regions, Crimea, Belarus and most of the right-bank Ukraine, reached the state border to the foothills of the Carpathians and the territory of Romania.
In the summer of 1944, after the Western powers opened a second front in Europe, during Operation Bagration and a number of other major operations in the northwestern, western, southwestern directions, most of the Baltic states were liberated, all of Belarus, Western Ukraine, were withdrawn from the war Romania, Finland, the liberation of Hungary began. Germany lost all its allies in Europe. The war came close to the eastern borders of Germany, and in East Prussia stepped over them.
In the winter and spring of 1945, the Soviet Army, together with the armies of its Western allies, carried out the final strategic operations on the territory of Germany, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Austria. The fascist German armies were completely routed. Germany capitulated. May 9, 1945 was the day of Victory over Nazi Germany and the end of the war in Europe.
59. Creation of the anti-Hitler coalition. Development by allies of global strategic decisions on the post-war reorganization of the world (Tehran, Yalta, Potsdam conferences). Anti-Hitler coalition

Start creating Anti-Hitler coalition was laid down by the statements of mutual support made by the governments of the USSR, the USA and England after the attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR, the Anglo-Soviet and Soviet-American negotiations in the summer of 1941, the signing on July 12, 1941 of the Soviet-English agreement on joint actions in the war against Germany, the Moscow Conference 1941 of the three powers, as well as a number of other agreements between the allies in the war against the fascist bloc. On January 1, 1942, a Declaration was signed in Washington by 26 states that by that time were at war with Germany, Italy, Japan and their allies; the Declaration contained the obligation of the countries Anti-Hitler coalition to use all the military and economic resources at their disposal for the struggle against the fascist states and not to conclude a separate peace with them. In the future, allied relations between the participants Anti-Hitler coalition were sealed by a number of new documents: the Soviet-British Treaty of 1942 on an alliance in the war against Nazi Germany and its accomplices in Europe and on cooperation and mutual assistance after the war (signed on May 26), an agreement between the USSR and the USA on the principles applicable to mutual assistance in waging war against aggression (June 11, 1942), the 1944 Soviet-French Treaty of Alliance and Mutual Assistance (signed on December 10), the decrees of the Tehran (November-December 1943), Crimean (February 1945) and Potsdam (July-August 1945) conferences of the heads governments of the USSR, USA and Great Britain.

Tehran conference

Declarations on joint action against Germany were adopted

Decisions on the post-war borders of Poland

On the opening of the 2nd front in Europe in 1944.

Stalin announced the readiness of the USSR to enter the war against Japan immediately after the surrender of Germany

Yalta Conference (February 4-11, 1945)

(Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill)

Bili agreed on the plans of the parties to finish. Defeat the Wehrmacht

Conditional surrender of Germany

Post-war transformations of the 3rd Reich based on democratization

It was decided to create zones of occupation in Germany, to collect reparations from the aggressor countries in favor of the affected peoples

Establish a founding conference of the UN to prepare the UN charter

The USSR announced its entry into the war with Japan in 2-3 months. After the end of the war

Problems of the post-war reconstruction of the world and Europe

Demilitarization of Germany

Punished. Nazi war criminals

The introduction of a 4-sided occupation of Germany by the troops of the USSR, USA, England and France

Joint administration of Berlin

Establishment of the western borders of Poland

Resist the fascists

Already during the battle near Moscow, about 2 thousand partisan and underground groups were operating in the occupied territory of our country. Throughout the territory occupied by the Nazis, the partisans disrupted enemy communications, prepared sabotage, attacked the rear facilities of the German army and military administration, cracked down on traitors, and disrupted the sending of Soviet people to Germany. Created in May 1942, the partisan movement covered all the land occupied by the Nazis, especially the forest regions of Bryansk region (there arose the Partizan region, which was not subject to the invaders), Smolensk region, Oryol region, Belarus, Ukrainian Polissya, Crimea.

More than 400 partisan detachments numbering up to 50 thousand people operated in Belarus. A brigade fought near Orsha, the commander of which was K.S. Zaslonov. The Komsomol underground organization "Young Guard" originated in Krasnodon. Famous was the raid of cavalry partisan formations (3 thousand people) under the command of S.A. Kovpak and A.N. Saburov, undertaken in the autumn of 1942 in the Bryansk region. The actions of partisans under the command of D.N. Medvedev in the Orel, Smolensk, Mogilev, Rivne and Lvov regions, P.M. Masherov - in Belarus, and others became widely known.

The invaders severely punished the armed resistance of Soviet citizens. Tens of thousands of partisans and those whom the Nazis suspected of having links with them died. The Germans ruthlessly burned entire villages for their connection with the partisans.

Social origins of the victory of the USSR

Mobilization of millions of people. General military training. Labor mobilization of the population. Use of female and adolescent labor. Card power system. Payment in kind for labor. Possibility to sell products on collective farm markets. Strengthening patriotism, glorifying the heroic past. Call for the unity of peoples. Reconciliation with the Orthodox Church. Anti-fascist literature, cinema. Concerts of artists at the front. Artists who painted posters and caricatures. In science: new hard alloys and steels for the tank industry. Radio wave research. The theory of quantum fluid motion - Landau. The struggle in the occupied territory, the movement of partisans.