Soviet-Finnish war photos. Photographs taken by Finns during World War II

The word "Talvisota" in Finnish means "Winter War" - an armed conflict between the USSR and Finland in the period November 30, 1939 to March 13, 1940. As a result of the war, the territory of the Karelian Isthmus, with the cities of Vyborg and Sortavala, a number of islands in the Gulf of Finland, and part of the Finnish territory with the city of Kuolajärvi were ceded to the Soviet Union. Due to territorial changes, the state border of the USSR was established 160 kilometers from Leningrad, which subsequently played an important role in the Great Patriotic War. The war with the Finns turned out to be heavy losses for the USSR, despite the superior forces of the Red Army. The general course of hostilities showed the low level of preparedness of the command staff of the Red Army. This material presents photo moments of "Talvisota" - the most unpopular war Soviet Union and the "Pyrrhic" victory of the Red Army.

1) Soviet soldiers dig out a border post on the border with Finland.

2) November 30, 1939. Red Army soldiers cross state border Finland.


4) Wire fences on the defensive positions of the Finns.

5) Having crossed the state border, the Red Army went on the offensive.

6) Finnish arrows "cuckoo". The term "Kukushki" is found in Soviet military literature (link) in editions of 1941. "Cuckoo" is a sniper or a soldier armed with a submachine gun, who chose tree branches as a combat position. Shooting in the trees took place in the Soviet-Finnish war, but was not a mass phenomenon. Often there were cases when the sniper had to change position, and, sitting on the branches, he was deprived of maneuver and freedom of movement. Also, the term "cuckoo" was used by Finnish military propaganda to suppress the morale of the Red Army.

7) Finnish arrows. Immediately striking is the difference in the uniforms of the Finns and Soviet soldiers. If the representatives of the Suomi country were equipped in white camouflage suits, which allowed them to completely dissolve in the local landscapes, then the Red Army soldiers were dressed in overcoats, earflaps, "Buddenovkas", which made them vulnerable to Finnish snipers, especially against the backdrop of white snow.

8) The defeated convoy of the Red Army.

9) The President of Finland, Kyösti Kallio, at the position of the machine-gun crew of the 7.62-mm anti-aircraft machine gun ITKK 31 VKT.

10) Another feature of the organization of the formations of the Finnish army is mobile units of skiers. In the prevailing weather conditions, ski training played a decisive role in maneuvering and moving troops.


12) The defensive positions of the Finns.


14) Finnish soldier with a Lahti-Saloranta M-26 light machine gun. Subsequently, the Finns preferred to use the Soviet Degtyarev machine gun.

15) Finnish calculation of the Austro-Hungarian machine gun Schwarzlose.

16) Swedish volunteer in the Finnish army in a combat position. Wearing a balaclava was distinguished by a dual phenomenon - on the one hand, it saved from the cold, on the other hand, when it was worn for a long time, ice crusts formed on the woolen surface due to the air exhaled by the soldier in conditions of thirty degrees of frost.

17) Red Army men are preparing to go on the attack in the Vyborg region.

18) Finns at the captured Soviet flamethrower tank KhT-26.

19) A Finnish soldier inspects a defeated convoy of Red Army vehicles.

20) Soviet prisoners of war captured at Suomussalmi in December 1939. The 44th and 163rd divisions of the Red Army were surrounded by Finnish units in the area of ​​​​the Raaten road and the village of Suomussalmi.

21) Captured Red Army soldiers.

22) Looking at the photographs of the suppressed Soviet soldiers, you begin to understand why the topic of the Finnish war was unpopular in the USSR.



25) The stiff bodies of the Red Army. In January 1940, the temperature dropped to -35 degrees Celsius.





30) The Finns put a wounded colleague on a dog sled.

31) For a long time in the spring of 1940, when the snow began to melt, local residents found the decomposing bodies of Soviet soldiers.

32) It is difficult to say something in this particular case. In war, a priori, there is no morality and no values. That's why she and the war ... The Finns used the frozen corpse of a Soviet soldier as a road sign.

33) The Finns inspect the dead Red Army soldiers.

34) Suomussalmi. The harsh irony of war... Finnish servicemen pose next to the body of a frozen Red Army soldier.

35) The Finns lift the stiff body of a Soviet officer.

36) Finnish propaganda and ideological structures did not miss the opportunity to use moral and psychological pressure on the suppressed Red Army soldiers as a result of the defeat of two Soviet divisions near Suomussalmi. On the front line, similar leaflets were thrown towards the Soviet positions.


38) Symbol of the Finnish "cuckoos" Simo "Valkoinen Kuolema" (white death) Häyhä.

39) Simo Häyhä is one of the most productive snipers - aces. He shot 542 Red Army soldiers with an M/28 rifle (“Pyustukorva”). About 200 more soldiers and officers were shot by Hyayhya with a submachine gun. Simo was short (meter fifty-two). This allowed him to disguise himself well. A hallmark of his sniper tactics was the use of open sights. He rejected the optical sight due to the glare in the sun from the glasses, which could give away his location. In March 1940, Häyhä was wounded by a bullet in the cheekbone and finished military service. At home, he was a cult historical figure with the status of a national hero.

40) Simo Häyhä after being wounded.

41) Nevertheless, despite significant losses, the Red Army broke through the famous "Mannerheim Line" and launched an offensive on February 11, 1940 along the entire front.

42) Height taken by units of the Red Army.

43) Finnish prisoners of war.

44) Killed Finns in the area of ​​the Karelian Isthmus.

45) The Red Army captured the battle flag of Shutskor - the Finnish security corps.

46) Red Army soldiers with a flag on a pillbox taken in the area of ​​the Karelian Isthmus. The war with Finland ended on March 12, 1940.

The Soviet-Finnish war is one of the most closed topics in Soviet history. Since the announcement
Finland independence in December 1917, territorial claims constantly arose between it and the USSR. But they often became the subject of negotiations. The situation changed in the late 30s, when it became clear that the second World War. The USSR demanded from Finland non-participation in the war against the USSR, permission to build Soviet military bases on Finnish territory. Finland hesitated and played for time.

The situation escalated with the signing of the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, according to which Finland belonged to the sphere of interests of the USSR. The Soviet Union began to insist on its terms, although it offered certain territorial concessions in Karelia. But the Finnish government rejected all proposals. Then, on November 30, 1939, the invasion began. Soviet troops to the territory of Finland. The offensive was not successful at first.

The coming winter, wooded and swampy terrain and the desperate resistance of the Finns interfered. In addition, on the line of the main attack - the Karelian Isthmus, there was a line of field fortifications, which was called the "Mannerheim Line". The Soviet troops were not ready for battles with powerful fortifications and first retreated. And only in March 1940 they managed to break through this line and capture the city of Vyborg.

The Finnish government, seeing that there were no hopes left, went to negotiations and on March 12 a peace treaty was concluded. According to the results of the war, 26,000 servicemen died on the Finnish side, and 126,000 on the Soviet side. The USSR received new territories and moved the border away from Leningrad. Finland later sided with Germany. The USSR was excluded from the League of Nations.

Finns with a captured Soviet banner.

On the second day of the war with Finland, the USSR recognizes the government of the Finnish Democratic Republic, headed by the Finnish communist Kuusinen. However, in the future, the USSR sat down at the negotiating table with the Finnish government and this project was curtailed.

Vyacheslav Molotov signs an agreement on mutual assistance and friendship with the government of Kuusinen.
Behind him are (from left to right): A.A. Zhdanov, K.E. Voroshilov, I.V. Stalin, O.V. Kuusinen (head of the puppet government "Democratic Republic of Finland").

Hero of the Soviet Union Lieutenant M.I. Sipovich and Captain Korovin on the captured Finnish bunker.

Soviet soldiers inspect the observation cap of a captured Finnish bunker.

A Soviet officer examines Finnish handcuffs found in the Vyborg Castle.

Soviet soldiers are preparing a Maxim machine gun for anti-aircraft fire.

Burning after the bombing of the house in the Finnish city of Turku.

A Soviet sentry next to a Soviet quad anti-aircraft machine gun mount based on the Maxim machine gun.

Soviet soldiers dig a Finnish border post near the Mainil frontier post.

Soviet military dog ​​breeders of a separate communications battalion with liaison dogs.

Soviet border guards inspect captured Finnish weapons.

A Finnish soldier next to a downed Soviet I-15 bis fighter.

The formation of soldiers and commanders of the 123rd Infantry Division on the march after the fighting on the Karelian Isthmus.

Finnish soldiers in the trenches near Suomussalmi during the Winter War.

Captured Red Army soldiers captured by the Finns in the winter of 1940.

Finnish soldiers in the forest are trying to disperse, noticing the approach of Soviet aircraft.

A frozen Red Army soldier of the 44th Infantry Division.

Frozen in the trenches, the Red Army soldiers of the 44th Infantry Division.

A Soviet wounded man lies on a plaster cast table made from improvised means.

Finnish fire brigade during training in Helsinki.

Three Corners Park in Helsinki with open slits dug out to shelter the population in the event of an air raid.

Blood transfusion before surgery in a Soviet military hospital.

Finnish women sew winter camouflage at the factory

A Finnish soldier walks past a broken Soviet tank column/

A Finnish soldier fires from a Lahti-Saloranta M-26 light machine gun /

Residents of Leningrad greet tankers of the 20th tank brigade on T-28 tanks returning from the Karelian Isthmus /

Finnish soldier with machine gun Lahti-Saloranta M-26/

Finnish soldiers with a machine gun "Maxim" M / 32-33 in the forest.

Finnish calculation of anti-aircraft machine gun "Maxim".

Finnish Vickers tanks, shot down near Pero station.

Finnish soldiers at the 152 mm Kane gun.

Finnish civilians who fled their homes during the Winter War.

Broken column of the Soviet 44th division.

Soviet SB-2 bombers over Helsinki.

Three Finnish skiers on the march.

Two Soviet soldiers with a Maxim machine gun in the forest on the Mannerheim Line.

A burning house in the Finnish city of Vaasa (Vaasa) after a Soviet air raid.

View of the streets of Helsinki after the Soviet air raid.

A house in the center of Helsinki, damaged after a Soviet air raid.

Finnish soldiers raise the frozen body of a Soviet officer.

A Finnish soldier looks at the changing clothes of captured Red Army soldiers.

A Soviet prisoner captured by the Finns sits on a box.

Captured Red Army soldiers enter the house under the escort of Finnish soldiers.

Finnish soldiers are carrying a wounded comrade in a dog sled.

Finnish orderlies carry a stretcher with a wounded man near the tent of a field hospital.

Finnish doctors load a stretcher with a wounded man into an ambulance bus manufactured by AUTOKORI OY.

Finnish skiers with reindeer and drags at a halt during the retreat.

Finnish soldiers disassemble the captured Soviet military equipment.

Sandbags covering the windows of a house on Sofiankatu Street in Helsinki.

T-28 tanks of the 20th heavy tank brigade before going on a combat operation.

Soviet tank T-28, shot down on the Karelian Isthmus at a height of 65.5.

A Finnish tanker next to a captured Soviet T-28 tank.

Residents of Leningrad welcome the tankers of the 20th Heavy Tank Brigade.

Soviet officers in front of the Vyborg Castle.

A Finnish air defense soldier looks at the sky through a rangefinder.

Finnish ski battalion with deer and drags.

Swedish volunteer in position during the Soviet-Finnish war.

Calculation of the Soviet 122-mm howitzer in position during the Winter War.

The orderly on a motorcycle transmits a message to the crew of the Soviet BA-10 armored car.

Pilots Heroes of the Soviet Union - Ivan Pyatykhin, Alexander Flying and Alexander Kostylev.

Parade of Finnish troops in Vyborg on August 31, 1941

Vyborg became part of the USSR in 1940 as a result of the Soviet-Finnish war. Under the terms of the Moscow Peace Treaty, most of the Vyborg province of Finland, including Vyborg and the entire Karelian Isthmus, as well as a number of other territories, were ceded to the USSR. The Finnish units left the city on March 14, 1940. The Finnish population of the city was evacuated to Finland. On March 31, 1940, the Law of the USSR was adopted on the transfer of most of the territories received from Finland to the Karelian-Finnish SSR. As part of this republic, on July 9, 1940, Vyborg was determined to be the center of the Vyborg (Viipur) district.

On August 29, 1941, under the onslaught of the advancing 4th Army Corps of Finland, units of the Red Army left the city of Vyborg, retreating to Leningrad, having mined a large number of buildings with BEMI radio explosives. Fortunately for urban architecture, only a few of them managed to explode, while most of them were cleared of mines.

Three years later, the Finnish army retreated from the Karelian Isthmus, Finnish citizens were again evacuated to the hinterland of Finland, on June 20, 1944, units of the Soviet 21st Army of the Leningrad Front entered Vyborg.


Parade in Vyborg in front of the monument to Thorgils Knutsson, he is considered the founder of the city. In the middle is Lieutenant General Lennart Karl Ash. Helmeted on the left is Colonel Aladar Paasonen.

At the end of August 1941, the IV Corps of the Finnish Defense Forces, under the command of Lieutenant General Lennart Esch, surrounded parts of three Soviet rifle divisions (43rd, 115th and 123rd) south of Vyborg. Part of the troops managed to get out of the ring, leaving heavy equipment, and the rest began to surrender on September 1, 1941. The Finns took 9,325 prisoners. About 7,500 Soviet soldiers died on the battlefields then, the Finns lost about 3,000 people during this operation.

In 1927 construction began on the first hydroelectric power station in the Svir cascade, the Nizhnesvirskaya. In 1936, the Nizhnesvirskaya HPP was put into commercial operation with a capacity of 96 MW. During the Great Patriotic War the dam of the Nizhnesvirskaya hydroelectric power station was blown up by the retreating Soviet troops. On September 13, 1941, Finnish troops reached the HPP. They did not have time to evacuate the equipment of the hydroelectric power station, then it was restored. For more than 2 years, the Nizhnesvirskaya HPP was on the front line between the Soviet and Finnish troops and was badly damaged. In 1944, the restoration of the station began, ending in 1948.

After the completion of the construction of the Nizhnesvirskaya hydroelectric power station, in 1938, the construction of the Verkhnesvirskaya hydroelectric power station began - the last hydroelectric power station provided for by the GOELRO plan. The construction was carried out by the forces of prisoners under the control of the NKVD. By 1941, a foundation pit was dug for the building of the hydroelectric power station, and concrete work began. During the war, the territory of the HPP was occupied and the foundation pit was flooded. In 1948, the construction of the Verkhnesvirskaya hydroelectric power station was resumed. In 1952 the station was put into commercial operation.

Soviet tank T-28 from the 91st tank battalion of the 20th heavy tank brigade, shot down during the December battles of 1939 on the Karelian Isthmus in the region of height 65.5. A column of Soviet trucks is moving in the background. February 1940.

A captured Soviet T-28 tank repaired by the Finns is sent to the rear, January 1940.

A vehicle from the 20th Kirov Heavy Tank Brigade. According to information about the losses of T-28 tanks of the 20th heavy tank brigade, during the Soviet-Finnish war, 2 T-28 tanks were captured by the enemy. By characteristics in the photo is a T-28 tank with an L-10 cannon, produced in the first half of 1939.

Finnish tank crews bring a captured Soviet T-28 tank to the rear. A vehicle from the 20th Kirov Heavy Tank Brigade, January 1940.

According to information about the losses of T-28 tanks of the 20th heavy tank brigade, during the Soviet-Finnish war, 2 T-28 tanks were captured by the enemy. According to the characteristic features in the photo, the T-28 tank with the L-10 cannon, produced in the first half of 1939.

A Finnish tanker is photographed standing next to a captured Soviet T-28 tank. The car was assigned the number R-48. This vehicle is one of two Soviet T-28 tanks captured by Finnish troops in December 1939 from the 20th Kirov Heavy Tank Brigade. According to the characteristic features in the photo, the T-28 tank, produced in 1939, with the L-10 gun and brackets for the handrail antenna. Varkaus, Finland, March 1940.

A burning house after the bombing of the Finnish port city of Turku by Soviet aircraft in southwestern Finland on December 27, 1939.

Medium tanks T-28 from the 20th heavy tank brigade before entering a combat operation. Karelian Isthmus, February 1940.

In the presence of the 20th heavy tank brigade at the beginning of the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940, there were 105 T-28 tanks.

A column of T-28 tanks from the 90th tank battalion of the 20th heavy tank brigade are advancing to the line of attack. Height 65.5 area on the Karelian Isthmus, February 1940.

The lead vehicle (manufactured in the second half of 1939) has a whip antenna, improved periscope armor and a smoke outlet box with sloping sides.

Captured Red Army soldiers captured by the Finns in the winter of 1940. Finland, January 16, 1940.

Tank T-26 dragging a sled with troops.

Soviet commanders near the tent.

A captured wounded Red Army soldier is awaiting delivery to the hospital. Sortavala, Finland, December 1939.

A group of captured Red Army soldiers of the 44th Infantry Division. Finland, December 1939.

Frozen in the trenches, the Red Army soldiers of the 44th Infantry Division. Finland, December 1939.

The formation of soldiers and commanders of the 123rd Infantry Division on the march after the fighting on the Karelian Isthmus. 1940

The division participated in the Soviet-Finnish War, operating on the Karelian Isthmus as part of the 7th Army. She especially distinguished herself on February 11, 1940, when she broke through the Mannerheim Line, for which she was awarded the Order of Lenin. 26 fighters and division commanders received the title of Heroes of the Soviet Union.

Finnish artillerymen of the coastal battery at Cape Mustaniemi (translated from Finnish as "Black Cape") in Lake Ladoga near the 152-mm Kane gun. 1939

antiaircraft gun

A Soviet wounded man in the hospital lies on a plastering table made from improvised means. 1940

Light tank T-26 in the classroom to overcome anti-tank obstacles. Fascines are laid out on the wing to overcome the ditches. By characteristic features, the car was produced in 1935. Karelian Isthmus, February 1940.

View of the ruined street in Vyborg. 1940

Building in the foreground - St. Vyborgskaya, 15.

A Finnish skier is carrying a Schwarzlose machine gun on a sleigh.

The bodies of Soviet soldiers near the road on the Karelian Isthmus.

Two Finns near a destroyed house in the town of Rovaniemi. 1940

Finnish skier accompanies a dog team.

Finnish calculation of the machine gun Schwarzlose (Schwarzlose) at a position in the vicinity of the town of Salla. 1939

A Finnish soldier sits by a dog sled.

Four Finns on the roof of a hospital damaged by a Soviet air raid. 1940

Sculpture by Finnish writer Aleksis Kivi in ​​Helsinki with an unfinished shrapnel box, February 1940.

Commander of the Soviet submarine S-1 Hero of the Soviet Union Lieutenant Commander Alexander Vladimirovich Tripolsky (1902-1949) at the periscope, February 1940.

Soviet submarine S-1 moored in the port of Libava. 1940

Commander of the Finnish Army of the Karelian Isthmus (Kannaksen Armeija) Lieutenant General Hugo Osterman (Hugo Viktor Österman, 1892-1975, sitting at the table) and Chief of Staff Major General Kustaa Tapola (Kustaa Anders Tapola, 1895 - 1971) at the headquarters. 1939.

The Army of the Karelian Isthmus is a unit of Finnish troops located on the Karelian Isthmus during the Soviet-Finnish War and consisting of the II Corps (4 divisions and a cavalry brigade) and the III Corps (2 divisions).

Hugo Osterman in the Finnish army served as chief inspector of infantry (1928-1933) and commander-in-chief (1933-1939). After the Red Army broke through the Mannerheim Line, he was removed from his post as commander of the army of the Karelian Isthmus (February 10, 1940) and returned to work as an inspector of the Finnish army. Since February 1944 - a representative of the Finnish army at the headquarters of the Wehrmacht. He retired in December 1945. From 1946 to 1960 he was the managing director of one of the Finnish energy companies.

Kustaa Anders Tapola later commanded the 5th division of the Finnish army (1942-1944), was the chief of staff of the VI Corps (1944). Retired in 1955.

Finnish President Kyösti Kallio (Kyösti Kallio, 1873-1940) with a coaxial 7.62-mm anti-aircraft machine gun ITKK 31 VKT 1939.

Finnish hospital ward after a Soviet air raid. 1940

Finnish fire brigade during training in Helsinki, autumn 1939.

Talvisota. 10/28/1939. Palokunnan uusia laitteita Helsingissd.

Finnish pilots and aircraft technicians near the French-made Moran-Saulnier MS.406 fighter. Finland, Hollola, 1940.

Shortly after the start of the Soviet-Finnish war, the French government handed over 30 Moran-Saulnier MS.406 fighters to the Finns. The photo shows one of these fighters from the composition of 1 / LLv-28. The aircraft still has the standard French summer camouflage.

Finnish soldiers are carrying a wounded comrade in a dog sled. 1940

View of a Helsinki street after a Soviet air raid. November 30, 1939.

A house in the center of Helsinki, damaged after a Soviet air raid. November 30, 1939.

Finnish orderlies carry a stretcher with a wounded man near the tent of a field hospital. 1940

Finnish soldiers disassemble the captured Soviet military equipment. 1940

Two Soviet soldiers with a Maxim machine gun in the forest on the Mannerheim Line. 1940

Captured Red Army soldiers enter the house under the escort of Finnish soldiers.

Three Finnish skiers on the march. 1940

Finnish doctors load a stretcher with a wounded man into an ambulance bus manufactured by AUTOKORI OY (on a Volvo LV83/84 chassis). 1940

A Soviet prisoner captured by the Finns sits on a box. 1939

Finnish medics treat a wounded knee in a field hospital. 1940

Soviet SB-2 bombers over Helsinki during one of the air raids on the city, carried out on the first day of the Soviet-Finnish war. November 30, 1939.

Finnish skiers with reindeer and drags at a halt during the retreat. 1940

A burning house in the Finnish city of Vaasa after a Soviet air raid. 1939

Finnish soldiers raise the frozen body of a Soviet officer. 1940

Three Corners Park (Kolmikulman puisto) in Helsinki with open slits dug to shelter the population in the event of an air raid. On the right side of the park, a sculpture of the goddess "Diana" is visible. In this regard, the second name of the park is "Diana Park" ("Dianapuisto"). October 24, 1939.

Sandbags covering the windows of a house on Sofiankatu (Sofijska Street) in Helsinki. Senate Square and Helsinki Cathedral are visible in the background. Autumn 1939.

Helsinki, lokakuussa 1939.

Squadron commander of the 7th Fighter Aviation Regiment Fyodor Ivanovich Shinkarenko (1913-1994, third from right) with his comrades at the I-16 (type 10) at the airfield. December 23, 1939.

In the photo from left to right: junior lieutenant B. S. Kulbatsky, lieutenant P. A. Pokryshev, captain M. M. Kidalinsky, senior lieutenant F. I. Shinkarenko and junior lieutenant M. V. Borisov.

Finnish soldiers lead a horse into a railroad car, October-November 1939.

According to the characteristic features in the photo, the T-28 tank with the L-10 cannon, produced in the first half of 1939. This vehicle is one of two Soviet T-28 tanks captured by Finnish troops in December 1939 from the 20th Kirov Heavy Tank Brigade. The car has the number R-48. The insignia in the form of a swastika began to be applied to Finnish tanks from January 1941.

A Finnish soldier looks at the changing clothes of captured Red Army soldiers.

Captured Red Army soldiers at the door of a Finnish house after changing clothes (on the previous photo).

Technicians and pilots of the 13th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the Air Force Baltic Fleet. Below: aircraft technicians - Fedorovs and B. Lisichkin, second row: pilots - Gennady Dmitrievich Tsokolaev, Anatoly Ivanovich Kuznetsov, D. Sharov. Kingisepp, Kotly airfield, 1939-1940

The crew of the light tank T-26 before the battle.

Nurses tend to wounded Finnish soldiers.

Three Finnish skiers on vacation in a copse.

Captured Finnish dugout. .

Red Army soldiers at the grave of a comrade.

Artillery crew at the 203 mm B-4 gun.

The command staff of the headquarters battery.

Artillery crew at their guns at a firing position near the village of Muola.

Finnish fortification.

Destroyed Finnish bunker with an armored dome.

Destroyed Finnish fortifications of the Mutorant UR.

Red Army soldiers near GAZ AA trucks.

Finnish soldiers and officers at the captured Soviet flamethrower tank KhT-26.
Finnish soldiers and officers at the captured Soviet chemical (flamethrower) tank KhT-26. January 17, 1940.
On December 20, 1939, the advanced units of the 44th division, reinforced by the 312th separate tank battalion, entered the Raat road and began to advance in the direction of Suomussalmi to the rescue of the encircled 163rd rifle division. On a road 3.5 meters wide, the column stretched for 20 km, on January 7, the division's advance was stopped, its main forces were surrounded.
For the defeat of the division, its commander Vinogradov and chief of staff Volkov were court martialed and shot in front of the ranks.

A disguised Finnish Dutch-made Fokker D.XXI fighter from Lentolaivue-24 (24th Squadron) at Utti airfield on the second day of the Soviet-Finnish war. December 1, 1939.
The photo was taken before all D.XXI squadrons were re-equipped with ski chassis.

A destroyed Soviet truck and a dead horse from a defeated column of the 44th Infantry Division. Finland, January 17, 1940.
On December 20, 1939, the advanced units of the 44th Infantry Division, reinforced by the 312th Separate Tank Battalion, entered the Raat road and began to advance in the direction of Suomussalmi to the rescue of the encircled 163rd Infantry Division. On a road 3.5 meters wide, the column stretched for 20 km, on January 7, the division's advance was stopped, its main forces were surrounded.
For the defeat of the division, its commander Vinogradov and chief of staff Volkov were court martialed and shot in front of the ranks.
The picture shows a burned-out Soviet GAZ-AA truck.

A Finnish soldier reads a newspaper, standing next to captured Soviet 122mm howitzers of the 1910/30 model after the defeat of a column of the 44th Infantry Division. January 17, 1940.
On December 20, 1939, the advanced units of the 44th Infantry Division, reinforced by the 312th Separate Tank Battalion, entered the Raat road and began to advance in the direction of Suomussalmi to the rescue of the encircled 163rd Infantry Division. On a road 3.5 meters wide, the column stretched for 20 km, on January 7, the division's advance was stopped, its main forces were surrounded.
For the defeat of the division, its commander Vinogradov and chief of staff Volkov were given under

A Finnish soldier is watching from a trench. 1939

The Soviet light tank T-26 is advancing to the battlefield. Fascines are laid out on the wing to overcome the ditches. By characteristic features, the car was produced in 1939. Karelian Isthmus, February 1940.

A Finnish air defense soldier dressed in insulated winter camouflage looks at the sky through a rangefinder. December 28, 1939.

Finnish soldier next to a captured Soviet medium tank T-28, winter 1939-40.
This is one of the T-28 tanks captured by the Finnish troops, which belonged to the 20th heavy tank brigade named after Kirov.
The first tank was captured on December 17, 1939, near the road to Lyakhda, after it fell into a deep Finnish trench and got stuck. Attempts by the crew to pull the tank were unsuccessful, after which the crew left the tank. Five out of nine tankers were killed by Finnish soldiers, and the rest were captured. The second car was captured on February 6, 1940 in the same area.
According to the characteristic features in the picture, the T-28 tank with the L-10 cannon, produced in the first half of 1939.

A Soviet light tank T-26 crosses a bridge built by sappers. Karelian Isthmus, December 1939.

A whip antenna is installed on the roof of the tower, and mounts for a handrail antenna are visible on the sides of the tower. By characteristic features, the car was produced in 1936.

A Finnish soldier and a woman near a building damaged by a Soviet air raid. 1940

A Finnish soldier stands at the entrance to the bunker on the Mannerheim Line. 1939

Finnish soldiers at the wrecked T-26 tank with a mine sweep.

A Finnish photojournalist examines a film near the remnants of a broken Soviet column. 1940

Finns at the wrecked Soviet heavy tank SMK.

Finnish tankers next to Vickers Mk. E, summer 1939.
The picture shows Vickers Mk. E model B. These modifications of the tanks in service with Finland were armed with 37-mm SA-17 cannons and 8-mm Hotchkiss machine guns taken from Renault FT-17 tanks (Renault FT-17).
At the end of 1939, this armament was removed and returned to the Renault tanks, in their place they installed 37-mm Bofors guns of the 1936 model of the year.

A Finnish soldier walks past Soviet trucks in a defeated column of Soviet troops, January 1940.

Finnish soldiers examine a captured Soviet 7.62 mm M4 anti-aircraft machine gun mount of the 1931 model on the chassis of a GAZ-AA truck, January 1940.

Residents of Helsinki inspect a car destroyed during a Soviet air raid. 1939

Finnish gunners next to the 37 mm Bofors anti-tank gun (37 PstK/36 Bofors). These artillery pieces were purchased in England for the Finnish army. 1939

Finnish soldiers inspect Soviet BT-5 light tanks from a broken column in the Oulu region. January 1, 1940.

View of a broken Soviet convoy near the Finnish village of Suomussalmi, January-February 1940.

Hero of the Soviet Union Senior Lieutenant Vladimir Mikhailovich Kurochkin (1913-1941) at the I-16 fighter. 1940
Vladimir Mikhailovich Kurochkin was drafted into the Red Army in 1935, in 1937 he graduated from the 2nd military school pilots in the city of Borisoglebsk. Member of the fighting near Lake Khasan. Since January 1940, he participated in the Soviet-Finnish War, made 60 sorties as part of the 7th Fighter Aviation Regiment, shot down three Finnish aircraft. For the exemplary performance of the combat missions of the command, courage, courage and heroism shown in the fight against the White Finns, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 21, 1940, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.
Did not return from a combat mission on July 26, 1941.

Soviet light tank T-26 in a ravine near the Kollaanjoki River. December 17, 1939.
Before the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940, the Kollasjoki River was on Finnish territory. Currently in the Suoyarvsky district of Karelia.

Employees of the Finnish paramilitary organization of the security corps (Suojeluskunta) clearing rubble in Helsinki after a Soviet air raid, November 30, 1939.

Correspondent Pekka Tiilikainen interviews Finnish soldiers at the front during the Soviet-Finnish War.

Finnish war correspondent Pekka Tiilikainen interviews soldiers at the front.

The Finnish engineering unit is sent to build anti-tank barriers on the Karelian Isthmus (section of one of the defense lines of the Mannerheim Line), autumn 1939.
In the foreground on the cart is a granite block, which will be installed as an anti-tank gouge.

Rows of Finnish granite anti-tank gouges on the Karelian Isthmus (section of one of the defense lines of the Mannerheim Line) in the autumn of 1939.

In the foreground, on stands, are two blocks of granite prepared for installation.

Evacuation of Finnish children from the city of Viipuri (currently the city of Vyborg in the Leningrad region) to the central regions of the country. Autumn 1939.

Red Army commanders examining a captured Finnish Vickers Mk.E tank (model F Vickers Mk.E), March 1940.
Machine from the 4th armored company, which was founded on 10/12/1939.
On the turret of the tank there is a blue stripe - the original version of the identification marks of Finnish armored vehicles.

The calculation of the Soviet 203-mm howitzer B-4 fires at the Finnish fortifications. December 2, 1939.

A Finnish tanker next to a captured Soviet A-20 Komsomolets artillery tractor in Varkaus, March 1940.
Registration number R-437. Machine of early construction in 1937 with a faceted protrusion of the rifle installation. The Central Armored Vehicle Repair Shop (Panssarikeskuskorjaamo) was located in Varkaus.
On captured T-20 tractors (about 200 units were captured), the Finns cut the front end of the fenders at an angle. Probably, in order to reduce the possibility of its deformation against obstacles. Two tractors with similar modifications are now in Finland, in the Suomenlinna War Museum in Helsinki and the Armor Museum in Parola.

Hero of the Soviet Union, platoon commander of the 7th pontoon-bridge battalion of the 7th Army, Junior Lieutenant Pavel Vasilyevich Usov (right) unloads a mine.
Pavel Usov - the first Hero of the Soviet Union from the pontoon units. He was awarded the title of Hero for crossing his troops across the Taipalen-Yoki River on December 6, 1939 - on a pontoon for three flights, he ferried an infantry landing, which allowed him to capture a bridgehead.
He died on November 25, 1942, near the village of Khlepen, Kalinin Region, while on a mission.

A unit of Finnish skiers moves on the ice of a frozen lake.

Finnish fighter French-made Moran-Saulnier MS.406 takes off from the Hollola airfield. The picture was taken on the last day of the Soviet-Finnish war - 03/13/1940.

The fighter is still wearing the standard French camouflage.

In the Photo Fund section, Bird In Flight talks about interesting photo archives on the Web. Today's issue contains military photographs of Finland from 1939-1945.

Last year, on the eve of Veterans Day, the Finnish military published over 160,000 photographs from the Winter War of 1939-1940, the Soviet-Finnish War of 1941-1944 and the Lapland War (between Finland and Germany, September 1944 - April 1945).

The photographs capture the life of a soldier, the destruction after the bombing, the military industry, as well as life in the rear - in particular, harvesting, family portraits, boxing matches and football matches, wedding celebrations.

In 1941, the Finnish General Staff established nine news agencies, which were subordinate to about 150 photographers working at the front. Many of their pictures appeared in the press, but most were never published. It took three and a half years for the photographic department of the Finnish military department to digitize the films. In 2014, the archive was updated - about 800 additional photos and videos appeared, including news stories from 1940-1944.

Site visitors can edit descriptions for photos and leave comments (now there are more than 10,000 of them). Some, for example, try to identify places, equipment and people in the pictures. In August, the site became part of the national service, a project of the National electronic library created at the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland.

The archive is searched only in Finnish, so for convenience it is better to use sorting by dates or categories (Winter War, Continuation War, Lapland War). The oldest photographs in the archive are dated January 1939, the latest - November 1945.

("img": "/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/fin_03.jpg", "alt": "The SA Photo Archive 03", "text": "Anti-aircraft fire, 1943.")

("img": "/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/fin_02.jpg", "alt": "The SA Photo Archive 02", "text": "Crossing the Simo River, 1944. Photo: Kim Borg .")

("img": "/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/fin_04.jpg", "alt": "The SA Photo Archive 04", "text": "Aerial surveillance of the Lotta River, 1942. Photo: Karl Rosenquist. ")

("img": "/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/fin_05.jpg", "alt": "The SA Photo Archive 05", "text": "Nurmoila Airport, 1943. Photo: Niilo Helander." )

("img": "/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/fin_06.jpg", "alt": "The SA Photo Archive 06", "text": "Parade in Vyborg, 1941. Photo: Erki Biver. ")

("img": "/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/fin_07.jpg", "alt": "The SA Photo Archive 07", "text": "Skiing, 1942.")

("img": "/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/fin_08.jpg", "alt": "The SA Photo Archive 08", "text": "Raysala, 1939.")

("img": "/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/fin_09.jpg", "alt": "The SA Photo Archive 09", "text": "Sum, 1939.")

("img": "/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/fin_10.jpg", "alt": "The SA Photo Archive 10", "text": "The Isthmus, 1939.")

("img": "/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/fin_11.jpg", "alt": "The SA Photo Archive 11", "text": "Watchman Sum, 1939.")

("img": "/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/fin_12.jpg", "alt": "The SA Photo Archive 12", "text": "Seven Island, 1940.")

("img": "/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/fin_13.jpg", "alt": "The SA Photo Archive 13", "text": "Vyborg, 1939.")

("img": "/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/fin_14.jpg", "alt": "The SA Photo Archive 14", "text": "Helsinki, 1939.")

("img": "/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/fin_15.jpg", "alt": "The SA Photo Archive 15", "text": "Kuolemajärvi (now the village of Pionerskoye, Leningrad Region), 1939.")

("img": "/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/fin_16.jpg", "alt": "The SA Photo Archive 16", "text": "February 1940.")

("img": "/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/fin_17.jpg", "alt": "The SA Photo Archive 17", "text": "Hein-yoki (now Veshchevo village, Leningrad region) ), 1939.")

("img": "/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/fin_18.jpg", "alt": "The SA Photo Archive 18", "text": "Cannus, 1939.")

("img": "/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/fin_19.jpg", "alt": "The SA Photo Archive 19", "text": "Tour of the Isthmus. Kannus, 1939.")

("img": "/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/fin_20.jpg", "alt": "The SA Photo Archive 20", "text": "October 1939.")

("img": "/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/fin_21.jpg", "alt": "The SA Photo Archive 21", "text": "Evacuees in Kotka and Heinol, 1939.")

("img": "/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/fin_22.jpg", "alt": "The SA Photo Archive 22", "text": "Vyborg, 1939.")