Indian education system. The educational system of modern India Primary education in India

Contrary to popular belief that India is one of the developing countries, and therefore education there is in its infancy, the level of knowledge that can be obtained in Indian universities is not inferior to the educational level of European universities. Until recently, despite the rich historical heritage, where the country occupied one of the leading positions on the world stage in the field of education, and a highly developed culture, India was only on the threshold of economic development and was much inferior in this respect to other countries. As a result, the general level of education of the population was low. In recent decades, the situation has changed dramatically. India has become one of the rapidly developing countries and has taken an important position in the world economy. Now the country, more than ever, needs highly qualified personnel, so the support and development of the educational sphere and training is the most important task of the country's social policy.

History of Indian education

Since time immemorial, India has been the largest cultural and educational center in the world. It was in India in 700 BC. e. The first university in the world was founded in Taxila. Indian scientists gave life to such important sciences as algebra and trigonometry. The Indian scientist Shridharacharya introduced the concept quadratic equations. Do not forget that Sanskrit is an ancient Indian literary language- formed the basis of all Indo-European languages. Ayurvedic medical practices, which came to us from India, are used today throughout the world. Another interesting fact: the art of navigation also comes from India - it originated here as early as 4000 BC. e. It is noteworthy that in the modern word "navigation", which has a common root in many Slavic and European languages ​​​​(English, German, French navigation, Italian navigatione), there is an Indian etymology: it is based on the Sanskrit "navgatih" (shipmanship) . Concept modern education in India is aimed at educating a diversified person who knows how to appreciate the beauty, art and rich cultural heritage of the country. At the heart of the modern educational system are orientation to the needs of the people, the preservation of the native language and cultural traditions. One of the main directions of the country's social policy today is to increase the general level of education of the population, therefore schools are being built everywhere in the states, the education of children in schools is promoted as opposed to home education and work from an early age.

Preschool education

The system of preschool education in India as such does not exist. The country has traditionally developed domestic preschool education. Until the age of four, the child is at home under the supervision of the mother. If both parents are busy at work, they resort to the services of a nanny or relatives. Some schools have preparatory groups where you can still send the child if it is not possible to engage in his upbringing at home. In such groups, the baby spends most of the day and, in addition to being under constant supervision, goes through the stage of preparation for school and even begins to learn foreign languages ​​​​(mainly English).

Features of secondary education

Basic secondary education in India today is required to receive every citizen, regardless of gender and social status. This step is free. The minimum educational level is 10 classes. Here children study from 4 to 14 years old. Second stage: grades 11-12, the stage is preparatory for those students who decide to continue their education at the university and get a specialty. Despite the fact that every citizen of India has the right to receive a free complete secondary education, there is a system of private schools in the country where in-depth study of individual subjects can be conducted, increased attention is paid to foreign languages. All educational institutions use innovative teaching methods, but the quality of education in private schools is much higher than in many public schools. educational institutions. The average cost of education in private school is from 100 to 200 dollars a month, and sometimes more.

It is interesting:

  • all secondary schools provide students with free meals;
  • It is in India that the world's largest (!) school is located, in which more than 32 thousand students study.

Video: about the cost of studying in Indian schools

Russian schools in India

Today, there are only three full-fledged Russian-language schools in India: two elementary schools at the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Mumbai and Chennai and one secondary school at the Embassy Russian Federation located in New Delhi. Alternative ways of getting education for Russian-speaking children living with their parents in India are distance learning, family education or external studies. where he lives today the largest number Russian-speaking families, there is a practice of creating private preschool institutions with Russian-speaking teaching staff. But, as a rule, such children's institutions are created privately on the initiative of parents and do not work systematically.

Higher education system

System higher education India has a three-tiered structure:

  • undergraduate;
  • magistracy;
  • doctoral studies.

The duration of training directly depends on the chosen specialty. So, the period of study in the field of trade, arts is three years, and to get a specialty in the field agriculture, medicine, pharmacology or veterinary medicine, you need to study for four years.

Bachelor's studies require a mandatory document of complete secondary education (12 years). After completing a bachelor's degree, a graduate has the right to continue his studies in a master's program (2 years) or go to work. In view of the active development of the country's economy in recent decades, the main emphasis in the Indian higher education system is on technical specialties, while the humanities account for about 40% of the total. State and private enterprises are interested in obtaining highly qualified specialists, therefore they take an active part in the development of the educational structure of the country. The most popular majors in Indian higher education institutions are:

  • IT technologies;
  • engineering specialties;
  • management;
  • pharmacology;
  • jewelry business.

For citizens of India, education in public institutions of higher education can be free. Foreign citizens are admitted to state universities on a budgetary basis only if the university provides a grant for education. At the same time, the price in commercial Indian universities is quite low by European standards: the cost of two full semesters in the most prestigious higher education institution in India does not exceed $15,000 per year. When entering on a contract basis, the applicant is required to provide proof of solvency (this may be an extract from a bank card). Virtual and distance learning has become widespread in the system of Indian higher education. Many universities take part in international scientific programs, share their own courses in engineering, information technology and other fields for free. IT-specialists educated in one of the Indian universities are in demand all over the world today.

The system of higher education in neighboring China is somewhat different:

Indian women study at universities on an equal footing with men, but when applying for a specialty, preference is still given to male specialists

Popular universities in India

The higher education system in India is represented by more than 200 institutions of higher education with more than 6 million students from India and other countries of the world. Today, India ranks third in the world after China and the United States in terms of the number of institutions of higher education. Indian universities are divided into federal universities and universities offering education within the same state.

Table: the most popular and largest universities in India

University Description
One of the oldest universities in India. It has been operating since the middle of the 19th century. Today, more than 150 thousand students study at the university in various faculties and specialties: humanitarian, legal, organization and business management, art, science, pedagogy, journalism and librarianship, engineering, and agriculture.
Bombay (Mumbai) UniversityLocated in Mumbai and today has more than 150 thousand students. Included in the number of federal universities. Training is provided in the following specialties: management, chemistry, medicine, engineering, etc.
Rajasthan UniversityLocated in Jaipur. Specializes in agricultural areas.
The university is located in New Delhi and has been operating since the beginning of the 20th century. It has the status of a state university. Today, about 220 thousand students study here.
University. M.K.GandhiIt is one of the leading universities in the country. Founded in 1983. Offers training in the following programs: physics, chemistry, research in the field of nanotechnology, medicine, psychology, philosophy, public relations, environmental studies.
Hairagarh University Indira Kala SangeethSpecialized University. Students who have decided to devote themselves to Indian music study here.
Varanas University of HinduismFairly young higher educational institution(founded in 1916), however, it is one of the most popular universities in India today. The university has more than 15 thousand students studying Indian philosophy, Buddhism, culture and art, and many other areas.
Nalanda UniversityOne of the oldest universities in India - founded in the 5th century. n. e. on the basis of a Buddhist monastery and functioned for many centuries. The university recently received modern life - in 2012, the first admission was made to two faculties: historical sciences and the environment. Currently, the reconstruction of the historical building of the university is underway, which is planned to be completed by 2020. By this time, the university will have 7 faculties.

Photo Gallery: Top Indian Universities

Within the walls of the ancient Nalanda University, the first sprouts of Indian philosophical currents, medical, engineering and other knowledge were born Since 1996, the University of Bombay has been named Mumbai - after the name of the city in which it is located More than 150 thousand students study at 8 faculties of the University of Calcutta Over 100 years of its existence University of Varanas has become one of the leading universities in India Delhi University is one of the most prestigious institutions of higher education in the country

Features of the educational process

Teaching in universities in India is conducted, as a rule, on English language, so a good language base is one of the main requirements for applicants. There are no higher educational institutions where teaching in Russian would be conducted in India. At individual universities, teaching is conducted in the languages ​​of the respective states in which the university is located. However, even in such universities, English-language education is still preferable even among local residents. Unlike Russia and many other countries of the world, where the academic year begins in September, Indian schoolchildren and students begin their studies in July. It is curious that each educational institution sets the start date of the educational process independently, that is, studies can begin either on July 1 or on July 20. At the end of each semester, students take exams. As for schools, there is no system of ongoing assessment of knowledge. At the end of the school year, students take final exams orally or in the form of testing. The longest holidays in Indian educational institutions in May and June are the hottest months in the country. In Indian schools, it is customary to wear a school uniform. Girls wear elongated dresses here, boys wear shirts or T-shirts and shorts.

Admission to universities in India for foreigners

In order to enter a higher educational institution in India for a bachelor's degree, you must have a certificate of complete secondary education. Certificate confirmation is not required - a document received after graduating from a Russian school is equivalent to twelve years of education in India. It is only necessary to translate the certificate into English and certify it with a notary. For admission to the master's degree, you will need copies of a certificate of complete secondary education and a bachelor's degree, translated into English and certified by a notary. Another important requirement for admission is the presence of a certificate of completion of English language courses. Teaching in many universities is conducted in English, so language training is extremely important for subsequent education. There is no need to take entrance exams, only some universities use a pre-testing system. During their studies, foreign students, as a rule, live in hostels or hotels, which are provided to students free of charge. If for some reason there is no desire to use the free housing provided, you can rent an apartment. Renting an apartment will cost between $100 and $300 per month, depending on the city and state where the university is located. A big disadvantage for foreign students is the lack of opportunities to earn extra money while studying. The official employment of students during the period of study is prohibited by Indian law. If desired, it is possible to find illegal work (today the shadow labor market in India accounts for more than 80% of the total number of jobs), but it should be remembered that informal employment is strictly punished by Indian law.

Scholarships and grants

Indian universities are becoming increasingly popular among young people from many countries around the world. Despite the fact that state universities enroll only applicants with Indian citizenship for state-funded places, today foreign students have the opportunity to get higher education at one of the Indian universities for free. To do this, you must apply for a scholarship or grant and achieve its approval. The Indian Council for Cultural Relations is responsible for issuing scholarships and grants for studying at one of the universities in India. As a rule, leading federal universities allocate several grants annually for foreign students. Therefore, if you are interested in studying at a particular university, you should wait until the university allocates a grant for the specialty you are interested in (as a rule, information is posted on the website of the Embassy of India or on the website of the corresponding university), and apply.

In addition, there are a number of government funding programs through which citizens of Russia and other CIS countries can receive free education in India. One of the most popular is ITEC: the program offers students to get a free education in one of the federal Indian universities in the areas of banking, public relations, small business, and management. At the same time, students under the ITEC program are regularly paid a scholarship of about $ 100 per month, and a free hostel or hotel is also provided. A student has the right to study under the ITEC program only once. Another real opportunity to study at an Indian university is the internship and exchange programs in which Indian universities are actively involved.

Obtaining a student visa

Citizens planning a trip to India, as well as staying there for the purpose of studying, must apply for a student visa, which opens for a period of 1 to 5 years and can only be issued upon official enrollment in a higher educational institution. In addition, the institution must be accredited (especially for commercial universities). In addition to the standard package of documents (application form, original and copy of a foreign passport, copy of a civil passport, 3 photographs), a person applying for a student visa must provide:

  • acceptance letter from the university;
  • upon admission to study on a contract basis - confirmation of payment for the first two semesters, as well as confirmation of the student's solvency: a one-year stay - at least $ 1,000, a stay for a longer period - at least $ 2,000;
  • upon admission on a budgetary basis - confirmation that the inviting party bears all the costs associated with living and studying.

Employment prospects after graduation

In the matter of employment, one should face the truth: it is almost impossible for a university graduate who does not have Indian citizenship to get a vacancy. Today, about 500 specialists with higher education and excellent command of English and Hindi apply for one vacancy in a large company. A foreign student who hardly knows Hindi and in most cases studied in English is unlikely to be able to compete with the locals. The only chance to stay after studying in India, get a job and a residence permit is to prove yourself while studying. Indian manufacturing and other companies are actively cooperating with universities and betting on especially talented students, including those from other countries.

If you wish, you can use the chance and go to work in China:

Table: Pros and Cons of Pursuing Higher Education in India

pros Minuses
During the period of study, there is an opportunity to get to know the rich Indian culture, as well as improve the knowledge of the English language.A mandatory requirement for students of faculties of various fields is a good knowledge of the English language.
Low cost of education.Low standard of living.
Low cost of living.There is no way to work while studying.
Indian educational institutions give good level preparation. IT-specialists-graduates of Indian universities are in demand today in many countries of the world.After receiving a diploma, the chances of employment in one of the Indian companies are very small.
Scholarship and grant programs are actively developed, which means that there is a high probability of free education.
You don't need to take an entrance exam to enter a university.
Foreign students are provided with a free hostel or hotel room.

As a former colony of Great Britain, India inherited the English system of education. Children start school at the age of four. Education in India is often English-speaking. Compulsory secondary education takes place in two stages - the first stage lasts ten years, the second takes two years. Then they study for three years either at school, preparing to enter higher education. Educational establishment, or in a vocational college that provides secondary specialized education. Open in India special schools trades, where apprentices acquire a useful profession over the course of eight or ten years, such as a locksmith or mechanic, or a seamstress.

Higher education in India is conducted according to the Bologna system. Three to five years students study for a bachelor's degree, then another two years for a master's degree and three years for a doctoral degree. Indian universities are numerous, each with its own specialization and teaching methods. Some institutions of higher education offer subspecialties such as foreign language or music.

Foreigners who reside in India can enroll their children in either a public or commercial school. The educational process is in English. Children must pass an interview when they enter the school. Payment in a public school is low and amounts to about a hundred dollars a month. For-profit schools are more expensive, but also studying proccess they are more attractive and of high quality. Children's meals are included in the price.

It is not difficult for a foreign child to continue studying at an Indian university. Higher education institutions in India are accepted without entrance exams.

A large number of foreign youth come to Indian universities as part of a student exchange or for an internship. An applicant can come and receive higher education in India himself. Educational institutions in India are represented by private universities, local, which are under the leadership of the state, and centralized, which are subordinate to the state. There are no representative offices of foreign universities in India. Foreign citizens pay about fifteen thousand dollars a year for study.

Speaking about education in India, it should be noted that it is quite high level. The country produces high-class pharmacists and jewelers. Quite often, citizens of other countries come to India to learn English.

Hostels are provided for foreign students. But those who wish can also settle in an Indian family, which will allocate a separate room to the visitor. Such accommodation will help a foreigner to join the Indian culture and life, to quickly get used to the new environment. In general, the cost of living in India is much less than in the CIS countries. Given the various expenses, a student in India will need up to two hundred and fifty dollars a month. In addition, university students can receive state scholarships or grants. This is more likely for those whose specialty is in contact with Indian culture, art or religion.

As for getting a second higher education in India, this can be done completely free of charge. All you need is relevant work experience, as well as participation in a specific program of the Indian government. To learn more about the conditions for obtaining free education, you can refer to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Indian Ministry of Education.

Arriving to get an education in India, it will be quite difficult for a foreigner to get comfortable in an unusual environment. Firstly, the food in this country is quite different from what we are used to in our homeland. Of the meat products in India, only poultry is eaten. Instead of bread, which is an integral part of our diet, flatbread is accepted in India. There are no dairy products here. There are no common medicines for Europeans either. With regard to traffic, traffic lights in India are available only in large cities, but not everywhere. The Indian streets are full of poor people, often professional beggars work among them. As for hygiene standards, it should be said that lovers of cleanliness will have a hard time here.

Since there are a huge number of holidays in India, studies are often interrupted - the process of getting an education in India is not intense. As for the language barrier, visiting students will have to communicate in English. Learning Hindi is difficult, and by and large, does not make sense, since there are over eight hundred dialects of this language in the country. For convenience and mutual understanding, you can learn the most popular phrases in state language India.

Of course, we will not consider those very colorful and stereotypical educational institutions located in especially remote corners of the country, which are hard to look at without tears. The educational path that is open to every foreign child and to those whose parents are ready to spend a certain amount on the development of their child will be taken as the basis, because even in public schools and universities you will have to pay.

This cannot be denied, because this is not just an ingrained stereotype, but in India there are indeed quite big difficulties with education. This happens not only due to poverty and the difficult economic situation, but also, although only in part, the mentality of some residents.

While it is undeniable that, after a large-scale education reform, the primary level of education has become available to the vast majority of children, the quality of these schools leaves much to be desired. In addition, about 50% of children do not master the subsequent stages of education because of their high cost and the lack of time for children who are sometimes busy at work.

However, all these obvious shortcomings are not absolute, since in India you can find an educational institution that will give your child an education no worse than in the most successful European countries.

What should a preschooler do?

To begin with, it should be noted that there are no kindergartens in our and European understanding in India at all. This is the tradition of this country, which has developed over the millennia, where mothers are supposed to sit with their children until a certain age, teaching them through the efforts of the entire large family.

However, due to the fact that over the past decades it is not uncommon for both parents to work, and it is not at all possible to place a child with relatives, there have been special groups working at the pre-school. Here, children are separated by age and the time of the alleged stay away from their parents. As a rule, several hours with the teacher are spent in educational games, during which the kids learn not only the basics of the world, but also English and Indian languages.

It often happens that after parents choose a particular group for their child, they no longer think about choosing a school. This is because after completing the next age level in such "kindergartens", you can simply continue your child's education in the main school. However, it is not uncommon for parents to carefully consider the choice of a school educational institution in a separate order.

What are the features of the Indian school?

Despite the fact that primary education in India has recently become public, many advise focusing on choosing a school for a child at private schools or especially prestigious public schools (the cost of education in which is on average about $ 100 per month), which will have to be additionally searched. The thing is that not in all Indian educational institutions you can get a quality education in good conditions.
Private schools differ in that they very often emphasize the equally good mastering of not only the Indian language (Hindi) and the state language, but also English, which years later children consider almost their second native. Subsequently, children, depending on how diligently they studied, will be able to speak fluently in three languages ​​at once. Also, they use different approaches to raising children and presenting knowledge and material, which may be of interest to people who prefer innovative methods.

You will be pleasantly surprised, but in absolutely every school in India, regardless of its status and prestige, children are fed at school. The set of food is standard for everyone, it is rice with a bottle of water and masala. In some establishments, products may vary.

After you have chosen the school that suits your child, you will need to reserve a place in advance by paying an advance fee in the form of a reservation and start preparing all the necessary documents.

We go to higher or Indian institutions

In total, there are about 220 higher education institutions in the country, 16 of which are central. Of these, Nalanda University, established in the 5th century AD, stands out in particular. e., which has its own specific flavor and long history.

It is worth noting that in India you can find not simple profile universities, but those whose otherness and specificity are especially pronounced. For example, in Indira Kala Sangith, which is located in Hairagarh, they are introduced only to Indian music, and in Calcutta, Rabindra Bharati, students do not study anything other than the Bengali language and Tagore studies.

The largest and most prestigious universities in India are the Gandhi University, Rajasthan, Bombay, Mumbai and Calcutta. They continue for many years to remain quite popular not only for the local population, but also among some foreigners.

AT last years technical professions have become especially popular, as the growth of students and graduates of engineering specialties is especially noticeable. What is important, in a country with such a progression, the demand for specialists of this profile is growing, since they are simply necessary for the developing economy of the country.
The very system of Indian education, due to a long joint history, is completely identical to the British one. There are also three levels that are mastered by students in the learning process. On each of them (Bachelor, Master or Doctor of Science), you can complete your education with a corresponding diploma.

Despite the fact that India has a rather nasty reputation in European countries, which, unfortunately, is not only based on stereotypes, it is a developing country. Here, the economy and productivity are growing at a rapid pace, and every year people are increasingly striving for knowledge by any means. Yes, getting back on your feet at the moment here may not be easy, but it is possible, and especially for those children whose families have the finances to do so.

Most Russian students choose European or American universities for admission. But the inhabitants of America and Europe go to study in Asia. Every year, the largest flow of applicants rushes to India. The main goal of future students is to get a good education for little money, learn the language and stay abroad.

The duration of training depends on the chosen specialization:

  • For students who have chosen trade or art, this period will be three years;
  • For the faculties of agriculture, veterinary medicine, medicine and pharmacology - four years;
  • Students study at the Faculty of Law for five or six years;
  • It will take two more years to complete a master's degree;
  • The deadline for completing doctoral studies depends on the field of research and the success of the postgraduate student.

The academic year starts in August and ends in April. Previously, this period was not divided into separate semesters, but recently universities in India have switched to a two-semester scheme. Each lasts about five months.

The grading system depends on the university and can be:

  • Percentage;
  • Letter;
  • descriptive;
  • Point.

At the end of each semester, there is an assessment in four main disciplines. In the middle of the semester, a preliminary test is carried out. Progress in other subjects during the year is not checked. Exams are taken at the end of the year.

Education programs

Primary and secondary education in India is compulsory. Preschool education lasts 2 years. The school has been studying for 10 years. After graduation high school available professional education in college and prepare for university. Depending on the specialty, training there lasts from 6 months. up to 3 years.

The next step is higher education. India has over 700 universities. Depending on the type of funding, they are of three types.

  1. Private. Differ in independence from the state;
  2. Central. Subordinate to the Indian Department of Higher Education;
  3. Local. Operate in accordance with state law.

Indian universities include three levels:

  1. Undergraduate. The degree is awarded upon completion of the main program of study;
  2. Master's degree. To obtain, you must undergo in-depth training and write research work. The minimum age for admission is 21;
  3. Doctorate. Allows you to get a doctorate degree after 3-4 years of study and dissertation defense.

Distance learning is widespread. The opportunity to attend free lectures and get a higher education without leaving your native country is provided by the National open university Indira Gandhi (IGNOU).

Conditions for admission

In India, the system is widespread open education. Admission of applicants is carried out without entrance examinations. Training is often free. There is also the option to study remotely.

Education in universities is based on English traditions, so all subjects are taught in English. For those who do not speak the language well or have an initial level, the university provides the opportunity to complete language courses. Russian language is not used.

You can enter the university only after graduating from high school, so the average age of applicants is 17-18 years. For admission to the magistracy, you must provide a document on obtaining a bachelor's degree in your country or get an education in India.

List of required documents

Citizens of the Russian Federation and applicants from other countries for admission to an Indian university provide:

  • School certificate of complete secondary education;

  • International passport;
  • student visa;

  • Medical certificate;
  • A package of documents confirming the solvency of the applicant.

student visa

A student visa gives you the right to stay in the country while studying.

For registration, you will need to provide the Consulate General with:

  • Certificate of admission to the university;
  • International passport;
  • Completed application form;
  • Color photo.

Tuition fees in 2019

The cost of one year of study at a major Indian university does not exceed $15,000. The amount of payment depends on the prestige of the educational institution:

  • At popular universities, tuition fees for bachelors are around $4,000. per semester;
  • For masters - about 6 thousand per semester;
  • In a private university, the cost is often the same for bachelors and masters. On average, this is 5-10 thousand dollars. per semester.

Is it possible to get education for free

Education in India can be free at any level. To receive free higher education, the Indian government provides grants and scholarships.

Basic requirements for obtaining:

  • Good knowledge of English;
  • High School Diploma.

What are scholarships and grants for foreigners

The coordinator of programs for obtaining free education is Indian Council for Cultural Relations(Indian Council of Cultural Relations, ICCR). Scholarship applicants can choose 3 institutions for admission. Students entering the Faculty of Arts must provide an audio or video recording of their performance.

Future engineers provide the results of exams in physics, chemistry, mathematics. The amount of the scholarship is 160-180 USD/month. The minus of the program is long-term training (from 1 to 4 years) without the opportunity to go home.

Also available for foreigners technical and economic cooperation program(Technical and Economic Cooperation Program, ITEC). Fellows are paid for travel, accommodation and medical insurance. Some courses require a bachelor's degree. Monthly scholarship - 376 USD / month.

You must be under the age of 45 to qualify. Universities set their own requirements for academic achievement. The disadvantage of the program is the lack of classes in traditional Indian arts and the short duration of the program (from 3 weeks to 3 months).

Features for internship and exchange programs

Exchange studies and internship programs help to learn about foreign culture, way of life and traditions. In addition, this is an opportunity to make business acquaintances and find a job in the future. Students participating in the program receive education in the best educational institutions in the country.

Foreign nationals who have already received education in India cannot participate in the program. All training courses are conducted only in English. The Government of India allocates a monthly stipend and covers the cost of travel and accommodation. Visas for students of the program are issued at the embassy of the state.

Accommodation and food options for students

Accommodation and meals here are cheaper than in other Asian countries. Universities provide hostel for international students. Only indigenous people can get a room for free.

Approximate price values:

  • The cost of a room on campus for foreigners will be about 60-90 dollars / month;
  • Renting an apartment - about 160-220 dollars. months;
  • On average, 130-150 dollars are spent on food, travel and educational literature. months

The best universities in the country

  1. (Eng. Indian Institute of Science). It is one of the most famous and prestigious universities in the world. The most popular disciplines are chemistry and computer science. International students may receive additional funding. Link to official website - .
  2. University of Mumbai(English University of Mumbai). State University in Mumbai. Faculties of management, chemistry and medical affairs are popular. Education at the university can be obtained remotely. Link to the official site -.
  3. Rajasthan University(Eng. University of Rajasthan). The main specialization is agriculture. Official website - .
  4. Delhi University(English University of Delhi). The largest educational institution in the country. A high rating in disciplines - art, natural sciences, engineering, management. Official website - .
  5. (Eng. University of Calcutta). The university takes an active part in student exchange programs. Tuition fees depend on the chosen course. The most popular areas are social disciplines and management. Official website - .

Diversified reviews about studies

Natalia: I was in India under the ITEC program. Application for training was submitted three months before the start of the academic year. Before that, I also had to fill out a short questionnaire and tell in a letter why I should go. In principle, it is not difficult, the main thing is to thoroughly prepare.

Michael: The quality of education in India is really good. My son entered Delhi University last year. We studied the information for a long time, it’s scary to let a child go to an unfamiliar country. In fact, everything is much simpler. The university has a guarded campus with everything you need for life. You don't even have to leave the area. Although the city, of course, is released without problems.

Indian universities compete on an equal footing with developed countries world and provide their graduates with a good chance for employment. Ancient traditions are gradually giving way modern technologies. The most popular in India are technical universities. Universities specializing in information technology and jewelry are also popular.

UDC 316.43 DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL WORK AND SOCIOLOGY IN INDIA Pipnikov AA Student of the Department of General and Social Pedagogy of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Communication Science of the Kuban State University Volkodav TV Candidate Phil. in Psychology and Education, Associate Professor of the Department of English Philology and the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Kuban State University Annotation: this article discusses the specifics of social work in India, its geography, founders, history of development and status from the point of view of sociology. Despite the different objects of study, as well as theoretical and methodological tools, both disciplines act for the benefit of a common goal - enriching social science and helping to overcome social difficulties. Keywords: sociology of India; social work in India; development; local knowledge. THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL WORK AND SOCIOLOGY IN INDIA Pipnikov A. A. student of the Department of General and Social Pedagogy of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Communicative studies Kuban State University Volkodav T. V. Ph.D., full member of IAHE (Hildesheim, Germany), associate professor in the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology Kuban State University Abstract: the consider articles the peculiarities of social work in India, its scope, founders, history of development and status from a sociological perspective. Despite various objects of research, as well as theoretical and methodological tools, both disciplines are aimed at promoting social sciences and the ways of overcoming social difficulties. Key words: sociology of India; social work of India; development; indigenous knowledge. Social work covers almost all aspects of social life and is closely related to medicine, psychology, pedagogy, law and other social sciences. Consider the development and growth of Indian social work from a sociological point of view. First, both disciplines were created at about the same time; secondly, from the point of view of the epistemological approach, social work is in direct contact with sociology. Sociology in India is closely related to social anthropology and bears the imprint of Western sociology. Sociology as an academic discipline was introduced to Indian universities in 1917 when faculty were established in the departments of four universities, namely, in Bombay, Calcutta, Madras and Mysore. The first Department of Sociology and Civil Rights began at the University of Bombay in 1919 under Sir Patrick Geddes, when one of his students, G. S. Jury, was sent to study for a doctorate in the UK and, after receiving a Cambridge doctorate, returned to teach in India. , where he has since become regarded as the founding father of sociology. The first Indian sociologists trained in the West borrowed fundamental concepts and categories and applied them in an Indian way. Unlike their predecessors in the West, they did not have to struggle to prove the legitimacy of sociology as a serious intellectual discipline. The context in which sociology and anthropology grew in India is due to European colonial influence. The sociologist researcher Vasavi emphasized that Indian sociology is always silent about many acute social problems, which means that, as a science, it is doomed. Leaving unrevealed many topical topics, questions and problems, the discipline is hopeless and will not be able to produce new paradigms. Against the background of other social and human sciences, sociology stands out for its poverty and scarcity. In addition, "the poverty of the concepts of sociology is even more noticeable when compared with the literature produced by the" lower school "of historians and political theorists." Despite all the difficulties, sociology has created and defended its place in scientific world social sciences. Sociologists have been conservative in their choice of topics and areas for research. The history of social work in India as an academic discipline begins with the establishment of the School of Social Work in Bombay in 1936, which remained the only social work institution for ten years. Ten years later, in 1947 another school emerged which is today known as the Delhi School of Social Work (Department of Social Work, University of Delhi). In the period after independence, educational social work was equated with the training of employees of charitable institutions. Social work educators of the time were wary of criticizing the state because they thought their criticism would be labeled as unpatriotic. Consequently, "most social workers assumed the roles of 'co-producers' in the welfare project." Indian educational social work is a fairly accurate copy of the American and British schools of social work, which in fact are the source of many problems for the Indian system, since it does not take into account the fact that not all social problems are universal. Both sociology and social work as an academic discipline established themselves in pre-independence India, heavily influenced by Western influences and trends. However, if sociology was intensively formed, then social work received its development only after 17 years. Analysis modern history both disciplines in terms of their growth and development revealed interesting patterns: 1. Both disciplines bear the imprint of Western trends and both originate in Bombay. 2. Both began their existence under the leadership of Western thinkers - Sir Patrick Geddes in sociology and Sir Clifford Manshardt in social work. 3. Innovative teachers of both disciplines, educated in Western universities. 4. The conceptual apparatus of both sociology and social work was borrowed and applied taking into account the specifics of the region. 5. After independence, both disciplines spread throughout the country. Although sociology was more widespread, social work had yet to expand its influence. The sociologist Vasavi expressed fears that the base of sociological knowledge is showing signs of stagnation, and the sociologist Bodhi says that the production of terms in social work is reaching a dead end, there is an "almost complete intellectual impoverishment" of the conceptual and terminological apparatus. There is a serious problem of general disregard for the curtailment and decentralization of the curriculum in both disciplines. Vasavi emphasizes that with this approach to the curriculum, educators lose the opportunity to discuss important issues that could be reflected in the curriculum. This leads to a situation where students are forced to study from foreign textbooks that are out of touch with local realities. Meher Nanawatti, in relation to the social work curriculum, noted that the type of curriculum is determined by the time, place and the predominance of the social, political, economic or cultural context in a given country. There must be a continuous exercise of social work expertise in order to maximize the opportunities for its development and minimize the constraints it faces. Thus, in general, social work as an academic discipline and as a professional activity successfully deals with the same problems that exist in other disciplines. Therefore, it cannot be categorically stated that social work in India has the status quo. However, it is necessary to work more in depth in terms of the development of social work, taking into account the specifics of the region. References: 1. University Grants Commission. (1980). Review of Social Work Education in India: Retrospect and Prospect. New Delhi. 2. Bodhi, S. R. (2011). Professional social work education in India a critical view from the periphery. Indian Journal of Social Work, 72(2), 289-300. 3. Chandan Chaman. A comparative perspective on the development of social work and sociology in India. [Electronic resource] / Access mode: https://www.