The problem of technologization in social work essay. The main problems of technologization of social work

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Relevance This work is due to the fact that in the conditions of modern Russian society one of the significant problems is the problem of effective social protection and support for various groups of the population. Its successful solution requires the joint efforts of specialists in various fields of activity, including professional social workers who own various technologies for solving social problems. At the same time, social workers can act as intermediaries between the individual and society (group, collective, state), and as assistants in overcoming certain social difficulties of the subject.

Social work is a multifunctional professional activity. According to its organizational and formal features, it can be represented as a system of procedures, techniques and methods implemented in the process of solving complex and poorly structured social problems. However, the possession of procedures and operations is not yet the possession of technology. The technology of social work is closely related to the art of problem solving. And this circumstance raises it to the level of creativity, since the template is not acceptable in working with people.

The information and technological revolution, covering all spheres of human activity, is turning into a powerful accelerator of social progress, raising the level and quality of people's lives. Social innovations sometimes have a greater impact than the introduction of technical innovations. One of the main types of social innovations that have a serious impact on the nature of social relations in society, on their harmonization, are social technologies.

Social technologies are of particular relevance in modern Russia, when fundamental changes are being made in politics, the economy, and in the social sphere. In public life, there is a process of rejecting many stereotypes that have been established during the years of Soviet power, a critical reassessment of social values ​​is underway, and a search is underway for a new model of social and state devices, sometimes accompanied by significant costs in the level and quality of life of people.

The organizers of political and economic reforms were not always able to adequately respond to the negative consequences of ongoing economic reforms. This is largely due to the underestimation of social technologies in management activities.

Meanwhile, it is in management activities at all levels that the effectiveness of technologization is most clearly manifested. That is why the development and skillful use of social technologies in relation to all levels of the management structure, including for the activities of social services, are of particular relevance. Equipping personnel with a set of methods and methods of social work makes it possible to optimally use the resources at their disposal and effectively organize work in the assigned area.

With the approval in society of such a branch of activity as social protection of the population, the infrastructure of social work is actively developing, the network of training specialists for its organization and implementation is expanding. This circumstance brings to life an urgent need for the technologization of social work, not only as the most important condition for high professionalism, but also as a condition for the systematization practical experience and its accelerated transfer to new generations of specialists who are still on the student bench.

TargetYu this course work is to study the problem of technologization in social work.


Consider the position of social work in the conditions of modern Russian society;

To reveal the content of the concept of technologization of social work;

Tell in detail about the essence, principles and content of goal-setting in social work.

To analyze the ratio of goals and ways to achieve them in the work of the social protection committee of the Novgorod region.

An objectohm studying are social technologies.

Subject are the technological processes of social work.

We used the following methods: study of scientific literature, regulatory documents and system analysis. The work consists of an introduction, where the relevance of the topic is indicated; degree of development in scientific literature; the object, subject and purpose are indicated. The content of the work is presented in three chapters. The first chapter describes the position of social work in the conditions of modern Russian society, as well as the essence and content of the technologization of social work. In the second chapter, the essence, principles and content of goal-setting in social work are revealed. The third chapter of the course work is practical part, which considers the ratio of goals and ways to achieve them in the work of the social protection committee of the Novgorod region. In conclusion, generalized conclusions and a list of references are presented.

Basic concepts and terms

Social work is a professional activity in organizing assistance and mutual assistance to people and groups in difficult life situations, their psychosocial rehabilitation and integration.

Technologization is a process, i.e. a stable, repetitive, time-sequential change in the content of an activity with a single plan.

Goal-setting is a practical understanding of one's activities by a person in terms of the formation (setting) of goals and their implementation (achievement) by the most economical (profitable) means.

social technologization goal-setting committee

1 . Essence, principles and content of technologization of processes in social protection

1.1 Sociali work in modern society

The term "social work" is the base for such concepts as social pedagogy and social work. Social work refers to a profession, discipline, practical science, education and research.

Social work as a discipline explores the relationship between the phenomena of the emergence and resolution of problems. Social work as a profession works to solve and possibly prevent these problems. Social work as an applied science explores new ways of solving problems that arise in practice. Social work as a field of study lays the foundation for future professional activity based on the accumulated experience. Social work as a field of research studies the various relationships of social work in its social, personal and community contexts.

Social work is a complex, multifaceted concept. Social work is an activity, the purpose of which is to optimize the implementation of the subjective role of people in all spheres of society in the process of life support and active existence of the individual, family, social and other groups and strata in society. This activity is professional and is aimed at helping, supporting, protecting all people, especially the so-called weak layers and groups (disabled people, large families, single-parent families, the elderly, migrant communities, etc.). It is clear that such activity has taken place from the very beginning of the emergence of human society, taking different forms at different stages of its development. Historically, social work grew out of philanthropic (charitable) activities, which were carried out by various religious, public, and later entrepreneurial organizations (Salvation Army, women's unions, etc.). Philanthropy was originally aimed at helping the poor, sick, homeless, orphans and other socially disadvantaged categories of the population.

It is important to note that today social work in Russia and abroad, as a kind of activity, is aimed not only at the implementation of social support measures for "weak" social groups, but also at the implementation of measures for the social protection of the entire population. In this broad sense, social work concerns every person, the entire population.

Today, targeted social assistance is actively developing in Russia, that is, a system of measures to provide assistance to individual really needy individuals or groups of the population in order to overcome or mitigate life's difficulties, maintain their social status and full-fledged life.

Social service centers - a new practice in the Russian system of social work with the population. The centers carry out organizational, practical and coordination activities to provide various types of social services. The activities of municipal social service centers are financed from the relevant budgets, targeted social funds, income from their economic activity and other sources not prohibited by law.

To date, the profession of a social worker has become an integral part of public life in countries that we call "civilized". Neither the implementation of social development programs nor the provision of the social policy of the state can do without the activities of social workers.

Specialists in the field of social work are widely used as experts in the preparation of legislation, decision-making by local governments and substantiation of the activities of public organizations.

The basis of social work is the desire to come to the realization of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which is currently the basis for legislative and law enforcement practice in many countries of the world, but not in one country is not fully observed.

To work in full accordance with the purpose and ethics of the profession, the social worker has the opportunity to take part in the development and use of social policies that are aimed at improving the social functional of the individual, group, society. Since social work seeks to achieve social justice, information about the injustice in the distribution of opportunities for resources and benefits that take place in society and information about the clash on this basis of national minorities and disadvantaged groups is important for the practice of social work.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the main goal of social work remains the provision of social assistance, understood as the formation of self-help skills under the guidance of a social worker and with the direct participation of the client. The strategy of a social worker is actions aimed at increasing the degree of independence of the client, his ability to control his life and solve problems himself.

1 .2 Social work technology

Social technologies are a system of knowledge about the best ways to transform and regulate social relations and processes in people's life, as well as the very practice of algorithmic application of the best ways to transform and regulate social relations and processes.

The technology of social work is one of the branches of social technologies focused on social services, assistance and support for citizens in difficult life situations.

The technology of social work can be considered in two aspects. Firstly, in a broad sense - as a system of theoretical knowledge and practice, which is an organization, algorithm and the totality of means, methods and techniques of influencing various objects of social work. Such an approach to technological problems is primarily characteristic of the administrative bodies and organizers of the implementation of social policy at the federal and regional levels. Secondly, as a set of private technologies, the specificity of which is determined by a specific subject and object of social work. This approach to the problems of social work technology is primarily inherent in the direct organizers of social work with clients. social institutions, with different categories of the population by place of residence or work.

The development of technology for solving social problems is a complex process that requires both scientific justification and practical testing of theoretical conclusions and recommendations. There are three main stages in the development of social work technology: theoretical, methodological and procedural. Their totality is a system.

The theoretical stage is associated with the formulation of the target setting, the definition of the subject of technologization, the allocation of structural elements and the identification of cause-and-effect relationships and relationships in which the object of social policy or the client of social work is included.

The methodological stage is characterized by solving the problems of choosing sources, ways and means of obtaining information about the state of an object of social policy or a client of social work, determining methods and means for processing and analyzing this information, and principles for transforming conclusions into specific recommendations for transformative activities.

The procedural stage involves solving problems related to the organization of practical activities to test and eliminate the shortcomings of the recommendations, and to draw up an algorithm of actions.

The content of the technology of social work is to substantiate the project, the program of activities, a certain algorithm and logical sequence of actions in the process of solving the tasks set, the standard or norm of the prescribed procedural actions, objective criteria for assessing the organization, the progress and results of activities. The technology of social work is characterized by:

Dynamism, consisting in a constant change in the content and forms of work of a specialist with a client and in the heuristic nature of the activity;

Continuity, due to the need to constantly maintain direct or indirect communication with the client and influence him;

Cyclicity, manifested in a stereotypical, steady repetition of stages, stages and procedures when working with clients;

The discreteness of the technological process, which consists in the uneven impact on customers from the moment the goal is determined to the execution of the solution.

Thus, the technology of social work reflects its applied, practical aspect. Deep penetration and assimilation of the essence, content and specifics of technological processes is the basis for the professionalism of personnel in the social sphere of activity and specialists in social services.

When defining technologies in social work, it is necessary to take into account the general interpretation of social technologies, the features of social work as one of the types of human activity, as well as the features of objects, subjects, content, means and other components (elements) of social work as a system. In domestic literature, social technologies in relation to social work are interpreted as a set of techniques, methods and influences used by social services, individual social service institutions and social workers to achieve goals in the process of social work, to solve various kinds of social problems, to ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of tasks. social protection of the population.

Social technologies in this area of ​​social life are based on the real experience of social work, principles and theoretical and methodological patterns discovered by the social sciences: sociology, social work theory, social engineering, management theory, law, social pedagogy, valueology, etc.

The classification of technologies in social work can be very rich. This is due to the fact that social work is a relatively independent system, an ordered set of interrelated elements that form a kind of integral unity. When analyzing technologies in social work, it should be remembered that social work is primarily a kind of social system that deals with people (in particular, clients and social workers) and emerging; relations between them.

If we consider social work as a science, then social technologies are ways to apply theoretical findings in solving practical problems of social work. In this regard, it is important to emphasize the organic unity of knowledge and skills of social work as a science.

When it comes to social work as an academic discipline, the essence of social technologies is a holistic view of the content of social work, its main directions, tools, methods and organization, i.e. these technologies are mainly educational, informational in nature. In this regard, it is important to see the general and the special in the technologies of education in the field of social work, when studying in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions(taking into account the levels of higher education: incomplete higher education, bachelor's degree, special education, magistracy), in postgraduate and doctoral studies, in the system of advanced training and in self-education.

The technologies of the educational process are determined by standards, programs, plans, the specifics of the studied academic disciplines (public, natural sciences, professional, special), including compulsory, optional, optional, as well as forms of education (full-time, evening, part-time, part-time) and types of classes (classroom, independent, with and without a teacher), etc.

The forms of education also act as technologies (lecture, seminar, laboratory lesson, workshop, educational game, excursion, conference, course and diploma design, film lecture, computer lesson, etc.), and forms of control (exam, test, test, interview, colloquium, various types of educational practice, test check, etc.). Considering social work as a special kind of practical activity, the essence of social technologies can be interpreted primarily as a set of techniques, methods and influences aimed at providing assistance, support, and protection to all people, especially the "weak" layers and groups of the population. It is in practical social work that social technologies act in a concentrated form as a generalization of the accumulated and systematized theoretical knowledge, experience, skills and practice of the subjects of social activity.

In accordance with this general approach, it is possible to further specify the technologies used in social work (meaning all three aspects of social work, in which technologies act mainly in the form of knowledge (science), knowledge and skills (training), as well as knowledge, skills, experience and practice (activity).

The classification of technologies in social work as a form of practical activity can be carried out for various reasons, since social work includes such components (elements) as objects, subjects, content, means, management, functions and goals. The main thing here is to take into account the specifics of objects and types of social work and their relationship. As you know, the objects of social work are quite diverse: the elderly and pensioners, the disabled and children, adolescents with deviant behavior, the homeless, migrants, single-parent families, large families, etc.

Theory and practice in Russia and abroad have revealed a number of areas (types) of social work with various groups of the population. These are social control and social prevention, social therapy and social rehabilitation, social assistance and protection, social insurance and social services in the sphere of everyday life, social guardianship and social mediation, etc. These types of social work are its main technologies. They are very closely related to each other and at the same time relatively autonomous, specific in purpose and functional content.

Despite the commonality of these technologies in working with different groups of the population, they differ significantly if we take into account the specifics of the objects of social work. Compare, for example, social supervision of children with deviant behavior and hardened criminals, guardianship of minor children and the elderly, and so on. That is why the integration of social activities, taking into account the specifics of objects and features of the types of social work, is of fundamental importance.

Types of work (technologies) are very diverse. Let us give one example - social services at home for pensioners. State-guaranteed home services include:

* Catering and food delivery at home;

* assistance in purchasing medicines, essential goods;

* assistance in obtaining medical care and accompaniment to medical institutions;

* assistance in maintaining living conditions in accordance with hygienic requirements;

* organization of various social services (housing repair, fuel supply, processing of personal plots, water delivery, payment of utilities, etc.);

* assistance in paperwork, including for the establishment of guardianship and guardianship, in the exchange of housing, placement in stationary institutions of the social protection of the population;

* Assistance in the organization of ritual services and in the burial of the lonely dead.

Since social work can be considered in a broad and narrow sense, technologies are also distinguished depending on this. If in the second case we are talking mainly about technologies for working with the "weak" segments of the population, then in the first - about technologies for social protection of all segments of the population, about creating such conditions (which is connected with the essence and content of social policy) that would contribute to a decrease in the number and the proportion of the population in need of assistance and support would help the population solve its own problems. This can also be achieved through the creation (implementation) of technologies of a more global nature, affecting the process of functioning and development of society.

Considering the integrated, universal nature of social work, it is possible to single out social technologies proper, socio-pedagogical, socio-psychological, socio-medical and other technologies.

Technologies in social work differ in their level: simple, accessible to non-specialists; complex, requiring the qualifications of one specialist; complex, requiring the qualifications of specialists in different fields. Distinguish social technologies and the complexity of the subject of social work, in particular, social services of various levels and directions.

Typology of social technologies is also possible according to other criteria. In particular, social technologies that are “external” in relation to the client can be distinguished - state intervention, assistance from public and other organizations, and individuals. Their main content is to create such conditions for a person (group, layer) to solve his own problems. An example of this is the creation of jobs in enterprises for people with disabilities. Social technologies (i.e., methods, actions) carried out by the clients themselves differ from “external” technologies. For example, organizing your own business, setting aside a certain share of income (interest) for social insurance, etc. These methods (self-development, self-defense, self-preservation, self-sufficiency, self-learning, self-organization, etc.) are sometimes called personal management.

In addition, they distinguish between technologies in social work with people living in the country and with the population, groups that find themselves outside its borders for one reason or another (Russian-speaking population, Russians in the CIS states), as well as social technologies used in Russia and abroad, which is due to different living conditions, the level of economic development, cultural traditions and other features.

In conclusion, we note the closest connection between the classification of technologies in social work and social technologies. Let us add to this that in social work one can also single out innovative and routine technologies. If the former are based on innovative approaches to solving social problems, then the latter are characterized, as a rule, by a set of already outdated methods and tools based on ordinary consciousness, practical ingenuity, and are not characterized by high science intensity. Their use is usually associated with the provision of basic assistance to people in need that does not require special training.

An example of innovative technologies can be, in particular, modern social technologies vocational training the unemployed, which is based on the active use of scientific achievements in order to obtain a new quality of knowledge of trainees, new properties and characteristics of learning.

Regional technologies are also used in social work, which is due to the specifics of individual territories. Technologies in social work largely determine its effectiveness.

Thus, the technologization of social work, like any other activity in the social sphere, is a reflection of the objective requirements imposed by scientific, technological and social progress. It is always innovative, creative in nature, being associated with the constant search for better, and therefore more efficient and economical ways of using human resources, his physical and intellectual potential. The introduction of a technological approach into the practice of organizing social services and social assistance to the most vulnerable segments of the population is a strategic direction towards refusing to work with people from the “trial and error” method and constantly focusing on a high end result with optimal expenditure of effort and money.

2. Goal-setting and its place in the technology of social work

2.1 Essence and content of celying in social work

The technology of social work as a process includes: a preparatory stage, goal setting, collection and analysis of information, formulation of an action program, practical actions to implement the program. It should be noted that in this process, which is closed, cycles can be repeated until the problem is solved.

Fundamental among all procedures is the goal-setting procedure. Goal-setting is a fundamental concept in activity theory and is widely used in the social sciences. Goal-setting is the process of choosing and actually defining a goal, which is an ideal image of the future result of an activity.

In this regard, goal-setting performs a number of important methodological and methodological tasks:

Acts as a real integrator of various actions in the system "goal - means to achieve the result of a particular type of activity";

It assumes the active functioning of all factors of activity determination: needs, interests, incentives, motives.

When forming a goal, it is important to determine which conditions and circumstances related to it are amenable to influence and control, and which are not. If the variables of a problem situation turn out to be uncontrollable, then it is simply dangerous to entertain yourself with illusions about your own capabilities.

The fundamental principle of the technologization of social action in managing processes and relationships is the promotion of a system of hypotheses and goals, their structuring, i.e. building a tree of goals. This is a way of forming the structure of the goals of social programs that ensure the interconnection of many goals of different content (economic, social, political, spiritual) and their coordination to achieve the main, common goal. The main goal determines the direction of social action. A tree of goals is formed according to the principle “from general to particular”. At the top is the main goal. It is divided into separate components (intermediate goals - means), on the implementation of which its achievement depends. Intermediate, in turn, are divided into more private.

2.2 Goal setting principles

In the technology of social work, the goal performs a number of functions:

Determines a rational option for collecting information and methods of action in solving the problem;

Limits the amount of information the social worker searches for;

Provides specification of the problem;

Helps determine the course of action.

Purpose and decision not identical concepts: the content of a correctly formulated goal includes options and logical principles for solving the problem. The principles include the following:

1. Accurate and clear formulation of your own goals, in relation to this particular situation.

2. Determining the goals of other persons and organizations on which the impact is supposed to be directed.

3. Determining the nature of the relationship between the goals of other individuals and organizations that are affected, as well as the relationship of emerging tasks.

4. Determining the likely consequences of achieving the formulated goals. Many goals may turn out to be, in fact, a means to achieve other, more distant or secondary goals. Therefore, if the possibility of side effects is not taken into account, it can lead to unforeseen consequences.

5. Determining the circumstances, both facilitating and hindering the achievement of the set goals, the reasons for their existence or appearance.

6. Identification of the variables of the problem situation - manageable and unmanaged. Most people approach problems with preconceived notions about the factors that affect them. This perception is due to education, life experience and awareness. As soon as these ideas are “canned”, they deprive us of a creative approach to posing and solving a problem.

The goal should be clearly and clearly articulated. The achievability of the goal must be objectively predetermined. You need to be ready for a difficult path to achieve the goal. The main principle of formation of the structure of goals of different levels and content is their consistency and interrelation. Goals must be commensurate. They must have deadlines. Constant reconciliation of their actions and results with the goal is the basic rule of technology.

Thus, goal-setting is the most important stage of the technological process in social work, which determines the content, tools and direction of actions of social work specialists.

2.3 Correlation of the goal and ways to achieve it in the practice of social work

The central problem of the goal-setting procedure is the formulation of the goal and the optimal means of achieving it. A goal without determining the means to achieve it is only a mental project, a dream that has no real support in reality itself. From the point of view of psychology, in the process of goal-setting, conditioned reflex connections of intellect with other factors arise: memory, emotional-volitional components, etc.

Goal-setting determines the algorithm that determines the order and basic requirements for the results of activities. A goal is a concept that expresses an ideal representation of the result of an activity. Any activity can be interpreted as a process of achieving a goal. When setting goals, keep the following in mind:

The goal must be justified and reflect the requirements of the laws of development of the object of influence;

The goal must be clear and achievable;

The main goal should be connected and correlated with the goal of a higher order.

The goal is formed by people, so there is always an element of the subjective in it. It is important that the subjective side does not prevail in the goal-setting process.

The main stages of goal formulation:

Identification of the necessary characteristics and states of the object and their inclusion in the target setting of a particular type of activity;

Identification of possible, but undesirable circumstances caused by a particular type of activity;

Restriction of the goal from desirable, but objectively unattainable results.

There are several types of goals: concrete and abstract; strategic and tactical; individual, group, public; set by the subject of activity and set from the outside. A specific goal is an ideal image of a product of direct activity. An abstract goal is a general idea of ​​some ideal, for the sake of which human activity is carried out. Strategic and tactical goals are determined and determined by the temporal factors of their implementation and are correlated as a whole and a part. The goal set by the subject of action is developed as a result of the internal development of his own activity, creative attitude and responsibility for the task assigned. An external goal can be defined as an objective requirement or a problem to be solved. A special place is occupied by goal-setting in the organization and implementation of social action. The technology of social work is a purposeful process of social influence of the subject on the object. Goal-setting in social work should be considered from the point of view of its methodology and organization. The methodological aspect of goal-setting is to ensure the continuity and connection of general and specific tasks in determining ways to solve social problems at various levels. The organizational aspect of goal-setting in social work is the implementation of specific ways and means of solving this problem. Goal-setting in the technology of social work can be represented as a selection process, separating the possible from the impossible, desirable from undesirable, regular from random in the interests of obtaining a certain result. Goal-setting, therefore, acts as an analytical activity. Such activity is possible when the subjects of goal-setting, and they can be social work specialists of various levels:

Are able to analyze the situation;

Know the legal space for solving a real problem;

They have practical experience.

The formulation and definition of the goal is an important orienting procedure in the technology of social work. It serves to determine the main direction of action. In the social sphere, the technological process is creative, it cannot be linear. A number of operations can be carried out in parallel or in reverse. Certain procedures may be interchanged.

When formulating a goal in social work, special attention is paid to moral aspects. At the same time, a social worker needs exceptional responsibility, a creative, unconventional approach, and initiative. The basic ethical rule of a social worker should be: “Do no harm!”. The solution of this issue depends on the personality of the subject of goal-setting, his professional and personal qualities.

The role and place of the goal in the process of implementing social impact depends on the level of social work at which it is carried out. We are talking about the managerial or organizational and contact, direct section of the activities of social services.

The organizational and managerial level determines the program of activities for solving social problems. At this level, based on the main directions of the social policy of the state, strategic goals are determined, tasks are set for the future, a long period of implementation.

At the contact level, the definition of goals should be considered as a specific guide to practical actions in connection with the problem posed. The goals formulated at this level assume a shorter period of implementation and achievement of results.

3 . The essence of goal setting in socialprotection of the Novgorod region

Social protection - guarantees of assistance provided by the state, as well as by private organizations to the entire population or, more often, categories in need of assistance: single mothers, families with many children, families at social risk, pensioners, the disabled, etc.

The state system of social protection of the population in the Novgorod region includes the regional committee of social protection of the population, social protection committees of the urban district, municipal districts and state social service institutions. In addition, other state bodies and institutions deal with social protection issues, in accordance with their powers.

The Committee for Social Protection of the Population of the Novgorod Region is a state executive body that implements functions in the field of social protection of the population in accordance with the current legislation and the Regulations on the Committee.

main goal The activity of the committee is the implementation on the territory of the region of state policy in the field of social protection of the population, the creation of a system of service and support for socially unprotected categories of citizens, as well as citizens in difficult life situations.

Based on the goals set for the committee and analysis of the state of the industry, the main tasks for 2009 were determined:

To prevent a decrease in indicators for social support for privileged categories and citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation;

When switching to the monetary form of providing benefits for paying for housing and utilities, avoid the emergence of social tension and maintain the existing level of social assistance to beneficiaries;

Ensure coordination of the work of various bodies and structures for the rehabilitation of disabled people and the creation of the necessary conditions for their life;

Improve the legal framework, continue developing social service standards and administrative regulations for the provision of public services;

Expand the network of social services for citizens by attracting non-profit structures;

To increase the efficiency of the work of social institutions by optimizing and transferring them to autonomous ones;

Continue work to strengthen the institution of the family, prevent family problems and child neglect;

Strengthen the staff and switch to a new system of remuneration in social institutions;

Continue to improve information support social sphere;

The work of the department of social protection of the population of the Novgorod region is carried out in 4 main areas:

provision of measures of social support for the population in accordance with the current legislation;

targeted support for citizens in difficult life situations;

· development of the system of social services, both in stationary institutions and at home;

social protection of children and families with children;

The most costly of these areas is the provision of social support measures for the population in accordance with applicable law. More than 200,000 citizens of preferential categories live in the Novgorod Region, who receive cash payments, allowances, compensations and benefits through social protection agencies. Also, citizens of privileged categories are provided with additional measures of social support. All payments are made in full and without violating the deadlines.

Since January 1, 2009, the committee has been given the authority to manage and finance all public institutions social service.

In total, 203 thousand citizens of privileged categories live in the subject, including 111 thousand people at the federal level, 92 thousand people at the regional level. The most numerous privileged groups are the disabled, labor veterans, and former minor prisoners. Every third resident of the region receives cash payments, allowances, compensations and benefits. Payments last year were made in full and practically without delay.

In 2008, 664 million rubles were spent to provide social support measures for citizens of preferential categories at the federal level, which is 25% more than last year. More than a billion rubles are provided for the current year.

In the reporting period, two new types of benefits were introduced for the families of military personnel undergoing military service on conscription: a one-time allowance for the pregnant wife of a serviceman and a monthly allowance for a child of a serviceman. These allowances were received by 38 people in the amount of 1.3 million rubles.

In 2008, 958 million rubles were spent for the implementation of social support measures for citizens of preferential categories at the regional level, which is 21% higher than in 2007. In 2009, 1.2 billion rubles are planned for these purposes. Monthly cash payments, which were indexed twice a year, were received by 74,000 regional beneficiaries.

Monthly allowance for a child was received by 18.5 thousand low-income families, for which 50 million rubles were allocated.

More than 2,000 large families received support measures in the amount of 17.5 million rubles.

Implementation of additional measures of social support was continued. Citizens of preferential categories of the federal level were provided with free travel in motor transport on intra-regional intercity, urban and suburban routes. Disabled people as a result of a military injury received in Afghanistan or the North Caucasus region were paid a monthly monetary compensation in the amount of 600 rubles. At the expense of the regional budget, the established measures of social support were provided to labor veterans of the Novgorod region and Heroes of Socialist Labor.

However, it is not yet possible to fully satisfy the need of citizens for preferential prosthetics. This problem remained unresolved last year. It cannot be solved this year without additional allocation of budgetary funds.

A lot of work has been done in connection with mass appeals to the judiciary of citizens affected by radiation exposure to index the amounts of compensation for harm to health. The reason for such appeals was the imperfection of federal legislation. During the year, payments were made on 140 court decisions totaling 72 million rubles. At present, regular and timely indexation of these payments is ensured. As a result, during the year, the average amount of compensation for harm to health increased by 2.5 times compared to 2007 and averaged about 11,000 rubles per recipient per month.

Last year, under the close attention of the public, as part of the implementation of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 685, work was carried out to provide cars or monetary compensation to disabled people who were registered with social security authorities as of January 1, 2005. A total of 265 cars were issued. 189 disabled people received monetary compensation in the amount of 100,000 rubles for a total of 18.9 million rubles instead of a car.

The queue for war invalids, combat invalids, former juvenile prisoners and rehabilitated persons has been completely closed. In the first half of the year, it is planned to complete work on the implementation of the Decree in relation to the 429 disabled people remaining in the queue due to a general illness, disabled since childhood and disabled children.

In accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation, in 2008, preparatory work was carried out to transfer to the provision of social support measures for paying for housing and utilities in cash. The necessary regulatory and legal framework has been formed, software and computer equipment have been purchased, and a staffing number of specialists has been provided for this work. Information interaction with organizations providing housing and communal services continues in order to form an up-to-date database, explanatory work is carried out among the population.

In order to minimize possible errors and information training of the population, the transition to the monetary form of providing benefits has been postponed until July 1 of this year. The task of the social protection authorities is to ensure the unconditional preservation of the existing level of this type of social support.

We already have some experience in this direction, since since January 1, 2008, the committee has been providing monetary benefits to citizens exposed to radiation. (In total, 6.2 million rubles were paid out in 2008)

One of the most effective measures of social support for the population is the provision of subsidies to pay for housing and utilities.

In 2008, about 8% or 15,000 families received subsidies in the amount of 143 million rubles. Despite the increase in the cost of housing and communal services, the number of recipients of subsidies, compared with 2007, decreased by 20%. This is directly related to the growth of monetary incomes of the population.

99 percent of recipients are calculated using the regional standard of 13 and 15 percent of gross household income, and only 1 percent of recipients are calculated using the standard of 22 percent.

The presence of three levels of the standard is an advantage of the Novgorod region over other regions of the North-West, this allows you to provide social support to a larger number of families with low incomes. In conditions of crisis phenomena in the economy, this type of social assistance will become more in demand by the inhabitants of our region. Therefore, the amount of budget expenditures for these purposes this year has been increased by 66% and will amount to 239 million rubles. In addition, the issue of the possibility of reducing the level of the regional standard is being worked out.

An important area in social protection is targeted social support for citizens in difficult life situations. First of all, families and citizens living alone are entitled to it, whose average per capita income is below the subsistence level established in the Novgorod region.

In 2008, the average monthly subsistence minimum, due to rising prices for goods and services, increased by 19% and amounted to 4,542 rubles - this almost corresponds to the average Russian level.

According to current statistics, the proportion of poor citizens in the region for 2008 is 19.9%, which is 0.4% better than in 2007, but worse than in other subjects of the North-West, except for the Republic of Karelia. At the same time, only 13.9% of citizens are registered with the social security authorities as low-income. Their number for the year decreased by 21 thousand.

The largest share of the poor is in Poddorsky, Kholmsky, Demyansky, Volotovsky and Marevsky districts. The smallest one is in Veliky Novgorod and the Borovichi region.

Since the beginning of this year, more than 65,000 citizens have received targeted social support. Of these, 69% are families with children, 18% are pensioners, and 10% are disabled. 47.4 million rubles were spent on this. More than half of this amount is charitable funds of organizations and citizens.

At the expense of subsidies from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, additional social assistance was provided to 1,700 non-working pensioners in the amount of 2 million rubles. In 2008, 356,000 rubles were allocated to provide one-time material assistance to poor families affected by fires. This year, payments to fire victims will increase by 2 times.

Local self-government bodies were allocated additional funds in the amount of 7 million rubles for the social support of low-income families to reduce the cost of bath services and 11 million rubles to assist in gasification of private households. At the same time, funds for gasification were not fully used. What should the social protection authorities of the urban district and municipal districts pay attention to, since this amount has been increased by almost a million rubles for the current year.

To solve the problems of citizens in need, a program-targeted approach is widely used and 4 regional targeted programs are being implemented: “Children of the Novgorod Region”, “Social Support for Low-Income Sectors of the Population”, “Social Support for the Disabled”, and a program to improve the status of women. In 2008, the financing of programs from the regional budget was carried out in a timely manner and in full.

Charitable events were of great importance for attracting additional funds for targeted support of citizens. Such as the decade of the elderly, the road train "Mercy", the marathon "Christmas Gift" and others. In almost all districts, these actions were organized and effective. I would especially like to mention the Borovichi, Starorussky, Valdai, Pestovsky districts and Veliky Novgorod.

In order to achieve the set goals and objectives, the social protection committee of the Novgorod region independently performed state functions during the year, provided organizational, methodological and advisory assistance to local governments, controlled the implementation of the social protection powers delegated to them, and also interacted with various bodies, organizations and institutions on areas of activity.


In the course work, a theoretical analysis of special literature on the topic of research was carried out, which allows you to make the following conclusions.

1. The technologization of social work, like any other activity in the social sphere, is a reflection of the objective requirements imposed by scientific, technological and social progress. It is always innovative, creative in nature, being associated with the constant search for better, and therefore more efficient and economical ways of using human resources, his physical and intellectual potential. The introduction of a technological approach into the practice of organizing social services and social assistance to the most vulnerable segments of the population is a strategic direction towards refusing to work with people from the “trial and error” method and constantly focusing on a high end result with optimal expenditure of effort and money. Consequently, the technologization of social work is impossible without the technologization of the system of social knowledge that substantiates rational methods of activity in the social sphere and organically combines theory and practice, fundamentality and applied orientation.

2. Only a high socio-technological culture of a social work specialist can serve as a criterion for his professionalism and readiness to work with such a delicate matter as human relations. The technologies used in the practice of social work represent a fixation in oral or written form of life-tested methods of applying a wide range of social and humanitarian knowledge to regulate social relations and processes at various levels. Thanks to this, knowledge and experience in the regulation of human relations in the form of a specific technology can be broadcast, passed on from generation to generation, and in a short time, equip staff with the art of working with people.

3. Goal-setting is the most important stage of the technological process in social work, which determines the content, tools and direction of actions of social work specialists. The goal should be clearly and clearly articulated. The achievability of the goal must be objectively predetermined. You need to be ready for a difficult path to achieve the goal. The main principle of formation of the structure of goals of different levels and content is their consistency and interrelation. Goals must be commensurate. They must have deadlines. Constant reconciliation of their actions and results with the goal is the basic rule of technology.

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In recent years, the problem of technologization of social space has become increasingly relevant. Like any social activity, social technologies are diverse in terms of target functions, nature of activity, specific implementation and result. As a rule, any social technology is a response to some urgent need.

Any technology of social work cannot be implemented without taking into account the characteristics of both objects and subjects of activity, their condition, resources and motives. In one case, for example, family psychotherapy is used, in another, visits to specialized centers, in the third, material assistance is provided.

One of the acute problems of the elderly, requiring the use of innovative social technologies, is loneliness.

Under the influence of psychological and social traumas, the possibility of manifestation of a person's communicative competence is blocked. Blocking violates the manifestation of the subjectivity of the individual in communication, leads to deformation of the relationship of an elderly person with other people, frustration. Elimination of destruction can be provided by complex social therapy, synthesizing all three main levels of communication:

Interpersonal, personal-group and personal-social. For this, it is necessary that the human psyche goes into the mode of reflexive functioning.

The transition to this mode is provided:

Intensification of efforts (which allows mobilizing the reserve capabilities of a person);

Replacing the means to achieve the goal (reassessment and selection of more acceptable ones);

Replacing the goals themselves;

Reassessment of the whole situation (intensification of efforts, use of new means to achieve goals and form a new look at the situation, at one's personal attitude towards it, which leads to reassessment).

This technology works if the mechanism of reflection is activated, but its input requires an affective discharge - catharsis. The method that forms the catharsis of the personality through the improvisational interaction of the personality with the group is psychodrama. The use of psychodrama corrects the communication disorders of an elderly person, making his life full.

One of the conditions that ensure the effectiveness of social work in various spheres of human life is the development and implementation of social work technologies, which ensure the achievement of certain goals of social work necessary social change in relation to a certain person or group of persons, it is possible to carry out a wide range of social, socio-economic, socio-psychological, medical-social and other measures to solve the problems of clients.

Possession of modern technologies of social work allows specialists to meet the vital needs of people in a timely manner, ensure their survival in times of crisis and directly influence the formation of the quality and standard of their life.

With the complication of the structure and functions of society, with the identification of various professions, it turned out that the creative activity of a person, the ultimate goal of which is the creation of a product, consists of a sequence of certain stages at which certain operations are performed. If the products of activity are similar to each other, then the stages of their creation and the operations used at these stages can also be close. This is how the concept arose technology, which was first justified and accepted in the sphere of industrial production, and then spread to other productive areas. In production, technology is understood as a strictly defined sequence of steps and operations leading to the creation of a final product from a specific raw material. Any change in the quality of raw materials, the conditions of its processing at any stage is presented as the use of a different technology. The extension of the concept of technology to the social sphere, the so-called technologization of the social sphere, - has become a kind of tribute to industrialization modern society. It met with a number of complications related to the fact that individuals and social groups, as a social phenomenon, are unique. Accordingly, social cases are also unique. For this reason, it is impossible for two or more similar social cases to apply the same sequence and content of standardized social techniques-operations. A flexible combination or modification of well-known techniques is needed, designed for the individuality of a given case. Therefore, you need creativity, similar to the combination of classical methods in their specific sequence and creativity in medicine. Nevertheless, it is possible to single out typical cases in certain areas of social activity, where typical general methods of setting and implementing goals and objectives are used. This makes it possible to classify social technologies and recommend typical methodological approaches according to the nature of the classification.

The emergence of technology in the social sphere is associated with the need for rapid and large-scale replication of new ideas, projects, and activities. It largely determines the effectiveness of modern social policy and social management.

Social work technologies are a type of social technologies.

The benefit of using the concept of technology for social work is that, in a generalized form, social work can be represented as a sequence of stages of activity, each of which has a specific purpose, and its results are used in the next stage. Actions at each stage ensure the fulfillment of its purpose and, thus, methods specific to this stage are applied.

Social work technologies are the process of managing people's actions using a special technique.

If the methodological approaches and methods of social work are known and described in the specialized literature, then technology, due to the uniqueness of each social case, is a product of the creativity of a specialist who modifies and combines individual methods at each stage of work into a unique sequence of actions in relation to the characteristics of this social case.

Social work is a process in time and space, therefore, in any of its methodological directions, it is a certain sequence of actions called technological chain or technological scheme.

General or general technological scheme consists of stages that are identical in name and essence, regardless of the direction and features of the work:

1. Analytical part (social diagnostics)- collection of information, its analysis and social diagnosis;

2. Implementation- establishing links with the object and the environment;

3. Social therapy (intervention)- drawing up and implementation of a therapeutic action plan;

4. Analysis of the results and correction of the plan- are carried out not only at the end of therapeutic actions, but also as they are carried out.

In recent years, the problem of technologization of social space has become increasingly relevant. Social technologies represent the most important component, a special type of the general technological system of society. Along with social technologies, this system at least includes biological or natural and industrial ones.

In the scientific literature, various types or types of social technologies are distinguished. So, according to the degree of novelty, fundamentally new (innovative) and traditional (technologies of past experience) technologies are distinguished. Various types of social technologies can also be distinguished depending on the nature of the object of technological impact. When it is determined by managerial and organizational aspects, then technologies for searching for a management strategy, personal management, social forecasting, etc. are singled out. Some researchers, along with organizational, activity and environmental technologies, single out subjective ones. In this case, the role of the subject of influence is the social subject itself, carrying out cognition or activity.

The specifics of the social impact on the object can also be determined by the level of social relations. In this regard, the typology proposed by Professor L.Ya. Diatchenko. He divides social technologies into three groups: macrosystem technology, or macrotechnologies including regional subsystems of society, classes, parties, large social groups; mesotechnologies- technologies of the level of the city, settlement, large labor collective; microtechnology, which are designed for a small association of people, social processes at the micro level, including technological procedures for self-organization, ensuring the rational use of personal potential.

rod component technologization ensuring the social functioning of society are socionomic technologies. They are designed to increase the effectiveness of social work, which is an activity not only to provide social assistance to those in need in order to restore, maintain or improve their ability to social functioning, but also to ensure the social rights of citizens, to regulate human relations in a team, with government agencies, to resolve social conflicts.

It is not enough while the methods and technologies of social work, focused on individual work with the client, group technologies still prevail. Russian specialists turned out to be unprepared for practical work with such social objects as the unemployed, refugees, homeless people. Therefore, it is very relevant: adaptation of previously used technologies to modern social conditions, to the needs of the organization of social work, taking into account the specifics of various population groups; development of new technologies; orientation of social work technologies to new priorities of social life: ensuring targeting, family interests, maximum use of local resources and opportunities for solving social problems of a person.

We are talking about standardized tests, systematic observations used in working with a specific person, family, group of people, etc. Such research helps to make the right decisions, master new technologies faster, and achieve the desired change in the object of research.

The importance of an interdisciplinary approach to the development and implementation of technologies, a combination of social, socio-technological, socio-medical methods, methods of action, and procedures is increasing. Only through the efforts of specialists from various branches of knowledge can highly effective scientifically based technological standards of social work with various categories of clients be developed, including effective techniques and methods of action and allowing to single out a specific person with his needs and interests, needs and problems, moods and concerns.

The most heated pedagogical disputes have long been conducted around the category "technology". They are due to the fact that this is a concept transferred to the school from production processes, and should give education and training the appearance of these processes. The presence of a personality formation methodology automatically required appropriate technologies. Thanks to them, the student-preparation at the beginning of the process of education acquires the form of a graduate-detail, brought to perfection by the efforts of the teacher-master and capable of taking the prescribed place in the general mechanism. The need to humanize education demanded other understandings of both the meaning and the design of this most important category.
As in the case of content, what is theoretically significant is a more correct, in comparison with the accepted, understanding of the technology of education and its role in educational process.
Technology is a certain sequence of procedures for achieving certain goals.
In relation to the educational process, it is important to correlate this concept with other pedagogical categories. On the one hand, the technology of education is opposed by the theory of education. The theory is more general, contains a system of justifications, etc. The latest technology is not required. The technology is more algorithmic and accurate; it contains, for example, a device for diagnosing, correcting, etc.
Education is one of the unreliable and imprecise processes. The challenge is to make it more reliable and accurate. This is possible only in the conditions of its scientific organization. Technology is an element of scientific organization and a guarantor of reliability and accuracy. Apparently, the question should be put like this: to bring the theory to the technical level, so that it contains the mechanism of self-realization in the form of technology.
On the other hand, technologies are opposed (in a certain sense) by the methodology of educational work and pedagogical skills. Craftsmanship is more subjective and intuitive, technology is more objective and independent. It is known that technology can, for example, be bought and sold. And this is an important circumstance. In the world educational process, there is a tendency to overcome intuitionism; they do not rely on the art of the teacher. In our understanding, there may not be a teacher in a lesson at all (for example, in conditions of computer training), and the question of his pedagogical skills, as we are used to understanding him, disappears. This does not mean that the question of the pedagogical creativity of the teacher is removed altogether. Educational work without creativity loses its meaning. This issue is shifting from the process to the design, technological part of education (development of programs, assignments, etc.). For Russian pedagogy, such a formulation of the problem is relatively new.
In all likelihood, the concept of "technology of education" is comparable with the concept of "pedagogical culture". The latter includes a number of components (conditions, content, scientific and pedagogical literacy, skill, etc.), including technology.
From the point of view of modern teachers, the technology of education is a model (algorithm) for the implementation of the pedagogical concept. Since in personality-oriented education we are talking about pedagogical support for the self-development of the individual, about creating conditions for the actualization of personal structures of consciousness, here we need the technology of "exit" to the personality. A technology that helps to see the personality in another and in oneself. In personal technology, manufacturability is possible at the level of an approach, a plan of action, and not a rigid distribution of steps and steps of a teacher.
We offer two tentative options for the teacher's general action plan in the development of pedagogical technology.
First option.
The concepts of self-organization (synergistic concepts) open up new prospects for the humanization of education in general. One of the private areas of humanization is the undeveloped pedagogical potentials of the organization and content of educational activities. The concept of "untapped" is one of the key concepts in the synergetic understanding of education. In terms of its semantic load, it focuses on some existing, but unclaimed by science and practice, reserve of possibilities. On the other hand, "unmastered" means the unconscious, misunderstood and, therefore, not accepted by the scientific and teacher communities, the meaning of this reserve. At the same time, the concept of pedagogical synergetics determines the presence of uncertainty as one of the main conditions for the development of any systems and structures. Uncertainty is the result of the action of contradictory processes, the meaning of which is understood partially, which prevents the elimination of contradictions.
The specified states of the system - undeveloped, uncertainty, inconsistency - also characterize the states of people placed in this system - teachers and students. Therefore, the appeal to synergetics was chosen by us as humanistic, i.e. a way of studying and transforming pedagogical reality consistent with human nature. In this regard, there is a need to clarify several positions.
1. The first step in building a truly personal education technology is to clarify the teacher's attitude to insufficiently mastered and ambiguously interpreted concepts: humanization, education, training, personality, personal values, self-organization of the personality, methods, etc. It is necessary to decide what meaning you personally put into these concepts, i.e. choose a formative or humanistic paradigm. We offer a variety of options for the basic concepts:
a) the personality of the student - the object of activity, experiencing a purposeful and concentrated influence on the part of the teacher in the formation of the necessary (missing) qualities;
b) the student's personality is the subject of interaction and creative self-development; the activity of the teacher is aimed only at the objects of the student's activity (the content of knowledge, values, relationships, psychological atmosphere, etc.), in the process of choosing, researching and transforming which self-determination and self-development of the teacher, the student, and the interacting group take place;
a) education is a specially organized activity of a teacher to form the foundations of self-organization of the personality of his students as a basis for the development of social and professional qualities (industriousness, patriotism, creativity, justice, decency, etc.) and;
b) education is a specially organized activity of a teacher to develop the foundations of self-organization and personality-colored, value attitude his students to diligence, patriotism, creativity, justice, decency, etc.;
a) the foundations of self-organization of the individual - a set of mental skills for the application of educational knowledge and behavioral skills formed in the process of training and education, the sufficient development of which ensures the "memory of action" in the performance of the main social and professional functions for the adaptation (adaptation) of the individual to external requirements; such foundations are orientation (interests, values, choices), social and professional experience of activity (skills of behavior and learning), abilities;
b) the foundations of self-organization of the personality - a complex of personal structures of consciousness, the sufficient development of which provides the personality system with the ability to self-develop through self-building, "growing out of itself" new, more resilient structures, the sufficient development of which will require the "memory of meaning"; the content of personal structures of consciousness acts as such foundations: motivation, criticality, self-actualization, self-affirmation, etc.; performing the functions corresponding to their designations, they act as an internal source and mechanism of the process of formation of a creative culture of consciousness;
a) the main means of education: a story, a conversation, an illustration, a demonstration, an exercise, a requirement, accustoming, an example, an explanation, persuasion, competition, encouragement, instruction, punishment, correction, etc. implemented in the process of transferring unambiguous knowledge and experience of behavior, which contributes to the development of skills and abilities to apply them in social and professional roles;
b) the main means of education: creating conditions for demanding a personal attitude to general and socio-professional values ​​by giving the content of education semantic meanings, which contributes to the promotion of students from the automatic fulfillment of the requirements for understanding and accepting the meaning of values ​​for the development of their personality and meaningful participation in social -professional roles;
a) education of the foundations of self-organization of the individual - a pedagogically organized process, the purpose of which is to teach the performance of socio-professional functions through the transfer of behavioral experience and the development of "action memory";
b) education of the foundations of self-organization of the individual - a pedagogically organized process, the purpose of which is not only teaching the performance of socio-professional functions, but also the development of their meanings by creating conditions for studying the "principles of life";
2. It is very difficult to determine one's paradigm affiliation. The most frequently occurring difficulty is the lack of ability to connect causes and effects generated by different meanings of pedagogical concepts, which entails a lot of problems in their practical application. Therefore, the second step is to understand theoretical foundations conflicting advice and guidance guidelines.
General contradictions are manifested in the ways of considering the problems of forming the culture of students. They are most clearly represented by the discrepancy between the legally formulated goal of education and the traditional means of achieving it. A more in-depth analysis will lead you to a paradoxical conclusion. In the existing order of the organization of education, the contradiction between theory and practice, in fact, does not exist. Both theory and practice are based on a single base.
All modern classifications of teaching and upbringing methods are built on the technocratic, i.e. on a functional-pragmatic basis. For Marx, it is represented by the logic of organizing efficient production. Its essence is to give education the main "keys to success" of the technological chain: organization, stimulation, control. Educational methods are classified on the basis of this premise, which inevitably puts the teacher in the position of a technologist who performs the function of external control of the student as a mechanism, and not as a living person. Thus, the pedagogical process acquires technocratic, i.e. inhumane components: constant external verbal-situational influence, demand, dictatorship, reward and punishment, strict control. Culture is seen as a developmental and adaptive tool, which is introduced by the teacher without orientation to the inner world of the student.
The predominance of technocratic tendencies is manifested in the one-sided orientation of teachers to equip students with the skills and abilities to fulfill the requirements of a culture of behavior without taking into account what happens to the individual, her inner world, what kind of motivational core, system of evaluative relations is formed in this case. Overcoming technocracy in pedagogical thinking brings education closer to the life of a child, forms his understanding as a subject of life, and not a means to achieve the goals of society and the state.
The scientific component of the formative (traditional) pedagogical activity teacher is determined by the justification of the need to perform certain teaching and educational actions in specific situations.
The humanistic scientific component of pedagogical activity changes its traditional content. From the supply of finite, closed and "absolute" knowledge about education and training, it is reoriented to the justification of open sense-generating guidelines for pedagogical activity of the humanistic type.
3. The next, third step is goal setting. This is the subject of the next section. Here we note that the goal must correspond to the chosen paradigm.
4. The logical continuation of goal setting is the fourth step - the definition of specific tasks, which is also devoted to one of the following sections.
5. The fifth step is the definition of principles that help translate the goal and objectives into very specific conditions necessary for working with the content of educational and educational material.
6. The sixth step - the conditions are concretized by the methods and techniques of working with the content, as with a specific nutrient medium for training and education.
Second option.
The algorithm for the implementation of the pedagogical concept should represent the specific stages of the specific actions of the teacher. The most specific categories of education are methods and forms. The harshness of methods gave way in humanistic education to the softness of conditions. The only category of the educational process that remained relatively unchanged and fairly rigid was its organizational forms. They establish a specific place and time for the implementation of pedagogical technologies, the most definite expression of which is possible in the form of algorithms and programs.
Educational technology (generally) can be represented as a three-stage process designed by the teacher: diagnostics, organization of communication, organization of interaction. Each stage has its own technology, which has common links and its own characteristics.
At the diagnostic stage, the establishment of the heterogeneity of children is achieved. The results of many studies prove that teachers perceive students "evaluatively", almost do not distinguish between their individual and personal characteristics. Simple, elementary schemes, tests effectively contribute to such comprehension-distinction. Identification by dominance-non-dominance, mobility-rigidity, extroversion-introversion, which are the most stable and common personality traits - everything can be used as a first step (V.I. Leshchinsky).
At the stage of organizing communication, situations are created that require students to make their own decisions about any organizational and educational activities. Stimulation of initiative, motivation, contact steps, the ability to listen, calm yourself and your partner - this is an incomplete list of techniques that are quite well described in the so-called personal management by Eric Bern, Werner Siegert, Lucia Lang, etc. The organization of communication implies that the teacher has a strategic plan to create such a student community, which would help the development of the individual, had characteristics (primarily emotional identification) that contribute to both self-realization and security of the child.
The organization of interaction involves the creation of situations in which interaction occurs not so much between the teacher and students, but between students. This stage can be called the "withdrawal stage", giving students maximum initiative. But it requires especially careful preparation and abilities for pedagogical skill.

1. Bondarevskaya E.V. Introduction to pedagogical culture: Proc. allowance. -Rostov n / D., 1995.
2. Kulnevich S.V. Pedagogy of personality: Proc. allowance. Part 1. - Rostov n / D, 1995.
3. Lavrikova T.V. Pedagogy of personality. Part III. Pedagogical practice of personal orientation: Proc. allowance. - Voronezh, 1998. -144 p.
4. Leshchinsky V.I. Pedtechnology of personal orientation. -Voronezh, 1998.
5. Leshchinsky V.I., Kulnevich S.V. Learning to manage ourselves and children: Pedagogich. workshop. -M.: Enlightenment: Vlados, 1995.-240 p.

1.2. Choice of pedagogical goal.

Since it makes sense to understand pedagogical technology as a specially organized approach, a general plan of action, there is a danger of "not seeing the forest for the trees", i.e. to approach education and training too generally. Therefore, goal setting and its accompanying conditions require increased attention.
In personality-oriented education, any pedagogical technology is considered as a combination of all its parts. Only as a set it can determine the integrity of the process of self-organization of the individual. Thus, the concept of a condition is the environment in which the technologies of education and training acquire a pedagogical, and not an industrial meaning. To set a goal, synergistic possibilities of known and unknown, general and particular pedagogical conditions can be used.
A goal is an indication of what the result of any action should be. The educational functions of the goal follow from its psychological and philosophical definition: the goal is a conscious image of the result anticipated in the mind, which determines the integrity and direction of behavior. As a direct motive, the goal directs and regulates behavior as an internal law to which a person subordinates his will. Goal-setting directs the teacher to create a motivated mode of action by appealing to the student's consciousness at the level of personal meaning.
The first condition is the clarification of the essence of the new goal. The program requirement acts as the expected "result" of education. AT modern conditions education of the foundations of the subjectivity of the individual is required. However, subjectivity is understood differently today.
The key concept of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" - "subjectivity" no longer fits into the framework of a materialistic interpretation. Main characteristic subject (or personality) - activity. But in Marxism, as the apotheosis of natural scientific knowledge, the subject is active only because he is subject to objective necessity and fulfills its prescriptions. The subject is secondary in relation to the object of his activity, everything subjective, personal is secondary: consciousness, conscience, soul. Consequently, education, being the sphere of the objective activity of the teacher in relation to the student, can and must successfully form all this secondary, i.e. make it right, as required by the rules and regulations.
For humanists, the subject is always primary, which is why it is valuable. It is not necessary to form it, it is only necessary to help in development. Therefore, the task of personality-oriented theories, understood from humanistic positions, is moving from a convenient and endless improvement of traditional content, methods and forms to the development of unusual conditions for the pedagogical demand for personal forces, providing pedagogical support for a developing personality. To do this, education must have content, which, as is known, in communist pedagogy was replaced by procedural areas of educational work: labor, aesthetic, physical, etc. In other words, the content of education should represent its moral values. Their search, discovery, comprehension and makes upbringing subjective, developing the activity of the individual at the level of its sense-creation.
The second condition is the clarification of the essence of the educational functions of the goal.
Educational functions of the goal in traditional pedagogy. Representatives of the formative approach in education (B.T. Likhachev, I.P. Podlasy, P.I. Pidkasisty and others) believe that the significance of goal setting in the process of self-organization of a person lies in the fact that the goal has already been set from the outside. For example, the formation of a harmonious and comprehensively developed personality. In this regard, self-organization is understood as a set of actions taken by a person to achieve this goal. External (objective) conditions are determined as the main source of actions. The personality cannot exist without a certain self-organization, this group of scientists believes, but its existence is possible only when a purposeful, correct pedagogical influence is exerted on the personality.
The correctness of this impact is determined in accordance with the criteria of the natural scientific method of cognition: accuracy, certainty, compliance with the laws of logic ("common sense"), completeness, universality of the foundations of transmitted knowledge and experience of behavior, the utmost completeness of description, etc. Thus, the personality of the student must experience constant organized external influences.
The target priorities of pedagogical influences are determined: the personality of the teacher, as the subject of education and training, the bearer and translator of the necessary amount of knowledge on the experience of behavior - the teacher determines what the student should be like; subject centrism - the predominance of subject training with a focus on memorization, training and reproduction; the independence of the criteria of upbringing from the subject of education - the student, who should be the subject, but cannot, because performs the role of an object of educational influences; ritual rigor in the performance of "methodical canons"; formation by instilling a "correct", the only way of perceiving the world in accordance with the action of only natural science laws, etc.
The educational functions of the goal in humanistic pedagogy are different. They are aimed at what manifests and claims the subjective foundations of the personality - consciousness, meaning, values, experiences, personal experience, etc. Therefore, education is considered here as teaching the principles of life. Appeal to the principles provides the teacher with the opportunity of soft and subtle, mostly imperceptible regulation of the processes of formation of all types of experience: from the experience of relationships to the experience of skills. It gives it the character of amateur performance, introducing a non-violent element of control into it. Education can also be considered as a joint activity of the teacher with the student, aimed at developing the ability to give and generate meaning. Thanks to this reorientation of the understanding of education, it becomes possible to refer to that in the personality that is of the greatest value to the student.
The third condition is the rethinking of tradition. In traditional pedagogy, the goal was set by "higher" authorities, who invested in its formulation a meaning that was far from always realized by teachers. At the same time, a significant part of modern teachers continue to focus in their educational activities precisely on the traditional goal - the formation of a comprehensively developed and harmonious personality.
In humanistic pedagogy, the teacher is directly involved in the development of the goal. Development does not mean reformulation, it is rather a rethinking of the traditional and new goal in accordance with the requirements of the new ideology of education. Clarification of the essence of the traditional goal allows you to discover its real meaning.
Thus, the undeveloped reserve of the traditional goal is revealed to the teacher, the viability of the ways of achieving it determined by it is manifested. The following parameters can be considered as benchmarks for analysis.
1. Idealization of the goal. Taking the goal for some abstract ideal, idealizing it, teachers involuntarily have a desire to bring up a complete set of "necessary" qualities. This led to the fragmentation of the integral process of personality development into formalized areas of educational work - the formation of a worldview, morality, aesthetic taste, physical, labor, environmental, etc. culture.
The phenomenon of a "mosaic" personality arose, possessing a diversity of qualities that are manifested not in essence, but purely outwardly. The vast majority of school graduates experienced an alienation of the social "I" from the real "I", destroying the integrity of the personality and its harmony with the surrounding life.
2. Ideologization of the goal. The traditional goal has become an object of manipulation due to its amorphousness and the possibility of applying any interpretations. In accordance with the main postulate of the totalitarian ideology, the designation of a phenomenon never reveals its true meaning. The falsification of concepts becomes the main rule of propaganda that replaces education. In Marxist philosophy, the ideal of all-round development is seen as a means of overcoming the class and professional limitations of the proletariat, which is necessary not so much for the person himself, but for constantly developing and becoming more complex production. In Lenin's interpretation, the victory of the socialist type of production and the abolition of the division of labor are regarded as the main means of transition "to the education of comprehensively developed and comprehensively prepared people, people who know how to do everything." This statement most fully explains the communist utopia about a cook capable of governing the state and the technocratic orientation of this goal-setting.
3. Technocracy of the goal. The idea of ​​rational expediency pushes aside the concepts of morality and morality, turning a person into an organic machine. It is no coincidence that in Marxist-Leninist philosophy the concept of "personality" is replaced by the concept of "individual", acting as an object of external influences. In the upbringing of an individual, the formation of technocratic thinking is possible, where the means are always higher than the goal, the goal is higher than universal interests, and the meaning rises above being, man and his values. For the formation of a personality, not only activity is required, but also an educated freedom of consciousness in relation to the possible space of activities. The hidden technocracy of the goal determines the need for the individual to submit to an external idea, a program of action. This leads to autonomy from conscience and the inevitable renunciation of one's own soul. A person turns into an automaton, executing a program laid down in him.
The priority of being over consciousness, established by K. Marx, determined it, consciousness, secondary and affirmed the belief in the ease of its formation. Through the efforts of the theorists of communist education, an absolute formula of unequivocal confidence was created that consciousness is devoid of its own logic, the inertia of internal movement and self-movement. The formation of consciousness was consciously replaced by the formation of a correct worldview, or rather, the speculation of life. Such an attitude did not lead to the development of consciousness, but to the so-called consciousness, for which it is not necessary to have one's own opinion, the acquisition of personal knowledge.
4. Purpose and means. The ideal goal of education is discredited by the methods used to achieve it and therefore becomes inhumane. All modern classifications of teaching and upbringing methods are built on a materialistic basis. According to Marx, it is represented by the logic of organizing efficient production. Its essence is to give education the main "keys to success" of the technological chain: organization, stimulation, control. Educational methods are classified on the basis of this premise, which inevitably puts the teacher in the position of a technologist who performs the function of external control of the student as a mechanism, and not as a living person. Thus, the pedagogical process acquires technocratic, i.e. inhumane components: constant external verbal-situational influence, demand, dictatorship, reward and punishment, strict control. The development of independence, initiative, creativity cannot take place in an atmosphere of only external control of the personality, which is what modern classifications are oriented towards.
Creative educators they try to concretize for themselves, to "ground" the idealized goal. In practice, it turns out that tactical and technical tasks are determined in this way. The pedagogical functions of the tasks consist in giving an educational orientation to rather narrow areas (segments) of the teacher's activity. But the types of activities indicated in the tasks - to study, develop, form - determine the set of attitudes for the teacher. Teachers are encouraged to use traditional methods of direct educational influence - persuasion, encouragement, punishment. With modern requirements for the humanization of education, the pedagogical nature of the attitudes that are put into consciousness only by an external source (instruction, standard, methodology) is very doubtful. Attitudes, if they are not accepted by the teacher's consciousness as personally significant for the student, leave the student in the position of the performer of the stages of the teacher's activity that are weakly interconnected. Segmentation, which occurs as a result of the transfer of tasks into the stages of the lesson, leads to a fragmentation of its perception, which leads to a violation of the principle of integrity.
The fourth condition is joint goal setting. In personality-oriented pedagogy, goal-setting is determined by three sources of humanistic requirements: emanating from the state, from the personality of the student, as a subject of a special social reality, and from the personality of the teacher, as the bearer of human essence.
Requirements to joint production goals:
1) obligatory participation in goal-setting of the teacher and students;
2) knowledge and understanding by the teacher of the interests, capabilities and moral needs of students located in the field of cultural content of academic subjects and extracurricular activities;
3) indirect participation of students in goal setting: students who perceive the teacher as a person who understands and helps, as a rule, always trust him with the right to concretize and voice their often implicitly, unconsciously felt, but always existing ideas about the ideal and about their place in achieving it;
4) independent setting by the teacher before himself of the task of the need for empathic participation in the interests of students.
The need for a common goal as a strategic guideline is determined by the need to choose a specific direction in education, which will ensure the subsequent instrumentation of the educational process with principles, content, and the development of specific conditions. It depends on the specifics of the goal whether it will be upbringing-development or upbringing-violence; education of creativity or performance.
V.I. Slutsky came closest to the problem under consideration, proposing an original and specific wording: the goal of education is the mental health of the pupil and his human happiness. According to the author, mental health is, first of all, mental health, which, in fact, determines the possibility of happiness. He gives a set of mental qualities that are normative for both adults and children. Their designation makes it possible to concretize the goal, i.e. to suggest to the teacher the guidelines for education. These include: altruism, stamina, ability to endure difficulties, intelligence, curiosity, activity, courage; decisiveness, willpower, sociability, interest in people, respect for them, observance of elementary ethical standards, the desire for creation, developed fantasy, imagination, love for creativity, freedom, desire to be independent.
Many of these qualities can be cultivated. Obviously, a special talent of a teacher is needed in order to educate a timid student - courage and determination, an introvert - sociability and interest in people, etc. But with all this, it can be argued that a person is initially predisposed to acquiring most of the qualities in question, but whether he will have them or not depends on education.
Another thing is important here: the student's personality unambiguously moves from the zone of pedagogical influence to the sphere of pedagogical interaction. This special sphere includes those specific conditions in which development and education take place, both in an abstract and in a concrete form.
Widespread guidelines are considered as false goals of education: the desire to make children obedient tools in the hands of adults; entertainment for children; career; virtue.
Modern researchers identify several grounds for setting the general goal of education.
1. Understanding a person as the main subject of education.
2. Orientation to universal human values, prescribing as the goal of education - a person capable of preserving and reproducing them.
3. Features of the modern socio-pedagogical situation, the relevance of the transition from the upbringing of a "partial" person to the upbringing of a holistic personality, an "internal" person capable of self-development and self-regulation.
4. The leading nature of the goal of education, the need to design those qualities that the pupil will need for life and life-creation in the future (Bondarevskaya E.V.).
In this regard, the overall goal is to educate a creative personality, showing its subjectivity at all stages of education. But in the process of education, the teacher's appeal to the aspect of the moral culture of consciousness is not traditionally used.
A private goal can be specified taking into account the explicit and implicit features of education. They are divided into external - features of the macro, meso and micro environment and internal - features of the teacher (learning) and features of teaching (student).
According to a number of researchers, at the ordinary level, a teacher, as a rule, is self-sufficient, since he is guided not by scientific, but by traditional, everyday and professional experience, in which most of the skills acquired at the university are occupied by the ability to perform certain actions - the use of methods of education and training. Self-sufficiency, i.e. the absence of the need for doubts, criticality and rethinking of the educational material, appropriate actions with it, leads the teacher to the need for closed educational activities. At the same time, the value of the teacher's work decreases, which automatically becomes a transmitter of his skills.
The peculiarities of the modern teacher include the phenomenon of the displacement of educational activities from the set of his professional duties. It manifests itself fully in high school. But its source is located in an elementary school. Here there is a kind of "bookmark" of both positive and negative consequences of the very first relationship between the teacher and the students.
Modern meaning acquire the features of an implicit, implicit influence on the formation of a person's general culture. Peculiarities of various ranks - external and internal - determine ethnocharacteristics, i.e. a kind of ethnic soul, otherwise called mentality. These are ethnic features, traditions, customs, etc., which form the basic image of an implicit (unorganized, unsystematic, out-of-school) ideal. With a certain negativism, this factor can also be used in setting private goals. In this case, the exact placement of moral accents becomes a particularly significant educational action of the teacher.
One of the most important characteristics of mentality is the unconscious assimilation by almost all representatives of a particular ethnic group of the basic canons of implicit concepts of personality and its upbringing. In this regard, the act of transferring educational values ​​at the sociogenetic level, carried out in accordance with the basic image and educational canon of a particular ethnic group, becomes obvious.
Each ethnic group, living in a certain territory, brings its own specifics to the interpretation of the basic image of education.
Derivatives from the original ethnocharacteristics, manifested in the personal characteristics of today's youth, unfortunately have a negative impact on their attitude to many educational values, primarily to the values ​​of culture. Representing a generally weak position in life, the regional ethno-cultural factor implicitly forms an ambiguous attitude towards education: in terms of underestimating or overestimating one's abilities. At the same time, both self-assessments have a pronounced radical character.
Low self-esteem automatically forms the motivation for rejecting educational activities. In this regard, a strictly negative attitude towards culture is developed among those students to whom the teacher could not find a personal approach at the level of referring to the activity of their personal structures of consciousness.
Inflated self-esteem (reassessment), occurs as a result of the first achievements. Extremely opposed to low self-esteem.
One of the indicators of the culture of consciousness is civilization. The most important function of civilization is accustoming a person to cultural actions in relation to himself and his kind. The culture of consciousness, as one of the manifestations of civilization, accustoms a person to humane, i.e. consistent with the concept of "man" attitude towards oneself and the use of one's advantages not to the detriment, but for the benefit of less powerful others.
This unused reserve of culture, according to psychologists (Zinchenko V.P., Morgunov E.B., Slobodchikov V.I.), has the potential for expansion, due to which the "worlds of consciousness" can expand, i.e. develop and educate in the mode of self-organization, as the most humane pedagogical means.

1. Bondarevskaya E.V. Value foundations of personality-oriented education of the humanistic type // Education in search of human meaning. - Rostov n / D., 1995. S. 11-26.
2. Bondarevskaya E.V. Humanistic paradigm of personality-oriented education. // Pedagogy. 1997. No. 4. S.11-17.
3. Gazman O.S. Education: goals, means, prospects // New pedagogical thinking. -M., 1989. S.221-237.
4. Zinchenko V.P. On the goals and values ​​of education // Pedagogy, 1997. No. 5.
5. Kulnevich S.V. Management of professional self-determination: Textbook - Voronezh, 1998. P.17-25.
6. Mudrik A.V. Introduction to social pedagogy: Textbook - M., 1997.
7. Education in search of human meanings.// Ed. E.V. Bondarevskaya. - Rostov n / a, 1995
8. Serikov V.V. Education and personality. Theory and practice of designing educational systems. - M.: IK "Logos", 1999. S. 42-63.
9. Slutsky V.I. Elementary Pedagogy. -M.: Enlightenment, 1992.

Chapter II. Pedagogical technologies of personality education

1.4. Principles - conditions of educational technology::::

1.3. Guideline principles of educational technology

Thus, education can be seen as teaching the principles of life. This learning differs from the traditional transmission (broadcasting) of knowledge about correct behavior. It has nothing in common with the formation of the skills of such behavior.
Appeal to the principles provides the teacher with the opportunity to flexibly and finely regulate the processes of development in the student of the experience of meaningful decision-making about his behavior. Such management gives the character of self-activity to personal behavior, introducing a non-violent element of regulation. In personality-oriented pedagogy, the main means of transition from goal-setting to educational technologies are principles-guidance. The turn to principles, as to the tactical basis of self-organized education, is due to their specificity.
The concept of "principle" has many meanings: the main starting position, the root cause; guidelines for the general orientation of relations between teacher and students and the private organization of these relations. The ambiguity also determines the situational nature of the use of principles depending on the nature of the teacher's activity: to select the content of educational work, to determine its values, meanings, conditions, means of implementation.
The peculiarity of the principles of personality-oriented pedagogy is that they do not prescribe, dictate or indicate. This is a kind of "launching pad" on which the "launching devices" necessary for successful progress towards the goal are located.
The humanistic basis of personality-oriented pedagogy makes it possible to use the principles as subtle and soft regulators that determine the content of the activity of both the teacher and the student. The principles acting as guidelines, conditions, means of claiming the personal potential of self-organization, non-violently initiate the activity of consciousness in search of meaning, building their own pedagogical picture and their actions in it.
The complexity of the transition from pedagogical theory to practice is due to the lack of a clear boundary between science, as an objective activity, and art, as a subjective, personal creativity, often mediated by an uncalculable intuitive activity of consciousness. In pedagogy, where a large share of success depends on the creative potential of the teacher, it is possible to draw this line and throw a "bridge" from science to practice with a high degree of conventionality. The role of this "bridge" is played by principles that express not only the idea, but also possible directions, guidelines, and sometimes options for its implementation.
Thus, the principles in personality-oriented pedagogy perform methodological (strategic) and operational (tactical) functions.
It should be noted that the absence of any classifications of upbringing and teaching methods in personality-oriented pedagogy is not an accidental phenomenon. Any methodology compiled on the basis of classification carries a charge of predetermination, a kind of doom to a strict procedure. The creativity of the teacher, limited by the prescriptive nature of the methods, is permitted only in this narrow space. The fundamental basis itself makes it possible to expand the zone of creative search, giving it the character of compliance with scientifically based humanistic guidelines.
Turning to consciousness, and not to thinking, as a result of the activity of consciousness, pedagogy establishes the order of this appeal. But consciousness is discontinuous, discrete, because it is "fueled" by the discrete energy of the unbalanced self-organizing "picture" of the universe. Therefore, the order of the teacher's appeal to the consciousness of students is rather arbitrary and is presented as two stages in the promotion of pedagogical consciousness: from the general (strategic) determination of one's place in relations with the student to the creation of direct, particular (tactical) conditions necessary to demand the creative potential of the student's personality.
The principle of natural education. It means the attitude to the child as a part of nature, which implies his upbringing in unity and harmony with nature. However, "unity and harmony" was understood differently by each of the great teachers.
Ya.A. Comenius believed that a person, as a part of nature, is subject to its universal laws, therefore, it is necessary to educate him in accordance with those approved in the 17th century. principles of natural-science (mechanistic) understanding of the universe: determinism, rationalism, reductionism. In accordance with this interpretation of the role of nature, from understanding oneself as a part of it, a person came to understanding oneself as its owner. Based on the same formulation, classical pedagogy considers the student as an object of external influence, which ultimately led to a crisis in education.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau developed the idea that the teacher should not impose his views on the child, but should provide an opportunity to grow and develop freely: "Nature wants children to be children before they become adults. Childhood has its own, peculiar ways to see, think and feel; there is nothing more absurd to replace them with ours. From this source originates conformity to nature as the basis of free education in accordance with free nature. However, such an interpretation of the meaning of education suited only experimental teachers.
K.D. Ushinsky understood conformity to nature as the correspondence of education to human nature, not limited by physiological characteristics, but also determined by belonging to a particular people. Thus, conformity to nature is the correspondence to the moral nature of the people, which, in turn, is determined by historical development, cultural and geographical conditions.
Studies of Russian scientists - ethnographers, culturologists, psychologists, teachers of the second half of the 20th century. (L.N. Gumilyov, I.S. Kon, A.V. Mudrik) correlate the effect of the principle of natural conformity with mega- and mesofactors, i.e. with the influence of subtle energies and landscape and climatic conditions on the emergence and course of value-oriented processes. The latest scientific data make it possible to establish the dependence of the formation of the spiritual and moral sphere of the individual on large and small cosmic cycles.
In connection with this understanding, the conformity of education to changes in nature associated with periods of energy reprogramming of mankind acquires particular relevance. According to the theory of V. Pravdivtsev, they occur during the change of small (500 year) and large (2,000 year) cosmic cycles.
Each time this event marks a turning point in human history. For a period of 30-40 years, under the increasing gravitational influence, the forces accumulated in humanity are released and the fate of our civilization receives a new energy program for five centuries.
The "big" (2,000-year-old) shift is determined by changes in spiritual and moral programs. For the past 2,000 years, the first such programming point was the alignment of the planets at the time of the birth of Jesus Christ. At that moment, the spiritual foundation was laid for the upcoming two thousand years: a new religion emerged - Christianity.
Both cycles end precisely at that unique moment that humanity began to experience since 1982, and it will end, according to scientists, at the end of 2012.
Each era is characterized not only by specific cosmic energies, but also by its own worldview. His formation on Earth, as the esoteric tradition says, goes with the help of the Higher Forces. Their "missionary" at the very beginning of the age of Pisces was Jesus Christ. The God-man came to help mankind overcome superficiality in understanding the world, primitivism and lack of spirituality in relations between people, break out of the vicious circle of heartlessness and cruelty into a world where tolerance and love are the highest principle.
Each era has either "female" or "male" characteristics. Epochs alternate. "Women's" - the epoch of synthesis. They are characterized by self-deepening and attempts to unite at different levels. During these periods, humanity feels the world as a given and tries not to remake it, but to comprehend and adapt. The first attempt to unify humanity - the "female" era of Gemini (VII-V millennium BC) - the emergence of writing, which allows you to save and combine knowledge, communicate at a distance; in the "female" era of Aries (III-I millennium BC), sciences appear, perceived as something whole, united by a single concept - philosophy.
The "female" epochs of synthesis are replaced by "male" epochs of analysis. They tend to actively influence the world: destroy, dismember, rebuild. The "male" era of Taurus (V-III millennium BC) - the end of the Stone Age, mastering the methods of destroying the integrity of nature (agriculture, extracting metals from the earth, production of equipment and weapons).
The ending two-thousand-year cycle, in accordance with the zodiac calendar familiar to us, had all the signs of the "male" era of Pisces. Its symbol is two fish swimming in different directions, personifying the energy of separation and opposition. Unlike animals, it is natural for a person to seek support for his behavior not in "natural" instincts, but in the moral (spiritual) layer of his consciousness. In this regard, scientists distinguish the phenomenon of "moral instinct of consciousness." It is determined by different levels of spirituality of the individual, which is associated with the cosmic energy changing by the end of the Pisces era (the end of the 20th - the beginning of the 21st centuries). Its presence determines the ability for intellectual growth of those people who meet their hidden spiritual needs, thereby enhancing the ability to overcome animal instincts. The absence of this instinct, characteristic of people who are poorly educated in the spiritual sense, under the influence of these energies, on the contrary, enhances such qualities of immature souls as irritability, intolerance, aggressiveness. Hence - the growth of crime, military conflicts. The internal imbalance and, as a result, serious illnesses, epidemics, mass psychoses are becoming more and more serious. Spiritual needs can be brought up, or rather, demanded and self-organized by the person himself. But more and more popular model of mass behavior are animals, not human instincts.
It is assumed that the gravitational change can directly affect the subconscious and the psyche of people, greatly enhancing those qualities that are dormant in each of us.
Depending on the level of spiritual and moral development, this influence manifests itself in different ways.
There is a hypothesis that a person's energy is directly related to his spiritual qualities. For many people, especially low-spiritual ones, the cosmic energies of Pisces, in which the tendencies of decay and destruction predominate, were the main source of life. But this source is gradually drying up. Hence the decrease in immunity and, as a result, illness, rapid physical and mental exhaustion of the body and premature death. Statistics show an increase in suicides not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Increasingly, suicides are also observed among animals (whales, dolphins, lemmings, etc.). Modern esotericists explain not only mental disorders, but also “diseases of the century” by the changed nature of subtle energies: cancer, AIDS, Ebola fever, “chronic fatigue syndrome”, etc.
At the same time, scientists argue that the "victorious march" of these diseases, which are gaining strength more and more, will not affect all of humanity. It is the low-spiritual people who are now sorely lacking in energy, the deficiency of which is compensated in attempts to aggressively subordinate to their influence people who are more developed in this regard. But many of these ailments are not terrible. They are protected by high spirituality. The energies of the new era of Aquarius are "native" to them, and it is with them that they are fueled now.
Obviously, the provision of nature-friendly pedagogical support for a developing personality is connected, first of all, with the development of nature-friendly spirituality. This process is much more complicated than introducing "simple and understandable" attitudes into consciousness. Opposing populist governments and parliaments that encourage the collective insanity of "ordinary people" in every possible way, supporting the animal instincts of the crowd by all means, directing the outbursts of aggressive energy of the "popular masses" to search for a common enemy, dissident "oligarchs" and "foreigners", can only be brought up moral, and therefore - natural, intellectually developed personality. Raised to the high rank of a principle, conformity to nature actually determines the entire process of education.
The principle of humanism determines the general nature of the relationship between teacher and students. Humanism (from lat. humanus - humane) implies normal, not official-official relations. A person, a student, is the main value with all his inner world, interests, needs, abilities, opportunities and features.
From the standpoint of the axiological (value) approach, humanity, as a manifestation of philanthropy, includes such values ​​as dignity, kindness, courtesy, education, spiritual culture, refined taste, sophistication of speech, courtesy, good breeding. The very word "humanitas" to a greater extent reflects the readiness to help other people, show respect, show care, complicity, without which the existence of the human race is impossible. "Humanity is considered not as a personality trait, but as its fundamental quality, expressing the relationship of a person to a person. Humane relations reflect the spiritual needs of the individual, the desire to see a friend, brother in a person, to live for the good of people, to be satisfied with life, happy. It is humane the attitude towards people determines the humanistic essence of the personality" (I.B. Kotova, E.N. Shiyanov).
In this regard, the implementation of the principle of humanism acquires new specific directions in the cultural concept of personality-oriented education: assistance in the development of the student as a subject of culture, the historical process, own life, self-realization, self-development. Thus, the relevance and prospects of education depend on how thoroughly it lays in the personality the mechanisms of self-realization, self-defense, self-regulation and survival in a changing society. In addition, the implementation of the principle of humanism consists in mitigating social tension, restoring the ecology of a person, his peace of mind, the meaning of life, gaining spirituality, determines the need for the humanization of education in general, a departure from technocratic models of imposing external personality management programs.
The principle of personal activity. Education, as a process in which a person is immersed from the moment of his birth until his death, has many types. Each of them has its own meaning. In general, education can be presented as spontaneous (education by the environment - social, economic, geographical, ecological, cultural, etc. environment) and organized (family, school, political, clan, mafia, etc.). The greatest scientific development, reflected in the textbooks of pedagogy, received education as a purposeful formative influence through the transfer of blanks-samples - consciousness, behavior, organization of activities.
Personal education contributes to the formation and manifestation of such personal structures of consciousness that embody the truly creative qualities of a person. In this regard, the complex of well-known personality structures can also be considered as a complex of types of personality activities. It acts as a set of fundamental guidelines for educational work.
The structures, the manifestation of which determines the concept of "creative personality", are: motivating, mediating, conflicting, reflective, critical, meaning-creating, orienting, creatively transforming, self-realizing, ensuring the level of spirituality of life, etc.
The completeness of these personal structures, their representation in the activities of students, as subjects of the educational process, is a kind of criterion, an indicator that this process has reached personal level. Thanks to this, it is possible to diagnose the levels of development of personally significant qualities of schoolchildren.
The principle of subjective control. The mechanism for the successful implementation of the previous principle depends on the level of subjective control at which the personality of one or another student is located.
The concept of "subject control" is used in the development of personality psychology to determine the ability of a person to realize and explain the extent of his participation in what is happening to him. In the context of the principle of personal activity, the degree of personality of each of the above functions depends on the level of awareness and understanding by the student himself of what constitutes the meaning of his life and activity, how external and internal influences are perceived.
There are two main ways in which people explain what is happening to them: 1) everything that happens is the result of external circumstances, accidents, the intervention of factors independent of the individual - an external, external level of subjective control (from Latin externus - external, extraneous); 2) everything that happens is the result of one's own efforts, if not all, then a lot depends on the person himself - the internal, internal level of subjective control (from lat. internus - internal).
For successful action mechanism of personal structures of consciousness highest value has a development of the internal level, as an indicator of the person's appeal to himself, as to the main character, the subject of his own life. The principle of subjective control focuses on the fact that the teacher should be well aware of how independent the decisions made by his students are, whether they are able or not able to perform conscious actions of motivation, mediation, reflection, etc. for the most complete self-realization.
The knowledge of what students place their hopes on - on the leader, teacher, elder, on submission to the opinion of the majority, on avoiding difficulties in human relations, on avoiding unpleasant contacts, or will rely on their own strength - is necessary for a modern teacher to choose individual educational tactics. In this he will be helped by the method of diagnosing the levels of subjective control, the results of which determine the internality according to five indicators: general, in the field of achievements, failures, labor and interpersonal relations.
The principle of cooperation between the teacher and children. Cooperation does not accept the usual models of education, determined by the old pedagogical faith and passion for education. Such models, in particular, include "rules of the road", "garden-garden", "carrot and stick".
In accordance with the first model, teachers believe that children are brought up in the same way as they are taught the rules of the street. The child must learn (under the guidance of the teacher) a set of rules of conduct - and he will never break them. This model is based on an unjustified belief in the power of the word, teaching, notation. And this faith has been going on since the time when the whole life was formed as a system of subordinations.
The second model - "garden-garden" is based on the general misconception that the educator treats the child like a garden bed - to weed out shortcomings, or, like a tree - to instill positive qualities. This model (like the previous one) is dangerous in that the teacher, following it with the best intentions, constantly quarrels with the children, breaks contacts, and all educational work becomes a hopeless concept.
Model "carrot and stick". It only seems to teachers that the world is based on fines and rewards. But there is no recompense for good manners, and no retribution follows a bad deed. Life is often wrong in the distribution of rewards and punishments. Education "directly" greatly facilitates the work of the educator, But at the same time, the image of the universal carrot and stick is introduced into the mind of the child.
The absence of strong incentives for self-education and learning, the rejection of coercion as a means that is contrary to humanistic pedagogy, the uncontrollable negative influence of life in the transitional period determines the need to involve children in the common work of teaching and upbringing, which causes them a joyful feeling of success, progress, development. All this is embedded in the pedagogy of cooperation, where the main thing is the interaction of the teacher and students in advancing with students towards certain goals that coincide with the means and allow education and training to coincide.
The principle of including the individual in significant activities. The key to educating a creative personality lies in the organization and change of such activities in which its self-development is carried out, as opposed to verbal moralizing and persuasion. The task of the teacher is to develop, together with the students, such types and forms of meaningful activity, in which each of the students feels that people need him in it as a unique personality.